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  • Game what where when in kindergarten. Intellectual game - lesson in the preparatory group "What? Where? When?". Round of General Questions

    Game what where when in kindergarten.  Intellectual game - lesson in the preparatory group

    Intellectual quiz "What? Where? When?" for older preschoolers.

    1. To bring joy and pleasure to children from educational games. 2. Maintain interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games, showing perseverance, purposefulness, mutual assistance. 3. Teach children to work in subgroups. 4 Be able to listen to someone else's opinion, defend your answer and justify it. 5. Develop logical thinking. 6. Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and perseverance.
    A table with a playing field divided into 8 sectors. Puzzles, road signs, pictures with syllables, cards with numbers, cards with traffic light colors, audio recordings, chips.

    The screen saver of the program "What? Where? When?" 4 teams of children enter / 5-6 people each / Each team takes a place at its table.
    Educator: We are glad to welcome you, dear participants of the game, spectators and guests! Today we will have an entertaining - educational game "What? Where? When?" During the game, our children will show their knowledge and skills acquired in kindergarten. Each team for the correct answer will receive chips in the form of strawberries, because our kindergarten is called?

    Children: Strawberry!
    Educator: At the end of the game we will summarize. Whoever collects the most chips will be the winner of the game. We have a playing field. There are numbers along the edges. I will turn the arrow, and what task it will indicate, then you will perform. Ready to play?

    Children: Yes!
    Educator: So let's say hello to the four teams! Team number one!
    1 team:"Knowledges"!
    Educator: Motto!
    1 team: We are strong and brave, dexterous, skillful. Our motto: Don't give up! Go through everything and find out everything!
    Educator: Team number two!
    2 team:"Why"!
    Educator: Motto!
    2 team: We are inquisitive minds. We are with questions on "you". "Why?" is a favorite question! Helps us grow!
    Educator: Team number three!
    3 team:"Sages"!
    Educator: Motto!
    3 team: We are almost wise men, we read a lot. Clever and clever - we want to know a lot!
    Educator: Team number four!
    4 team:"Fireflies"!
    Educator: Motto!
    4 team: Let our light be weak and we are small, but we are friendly and therefore strong!
    Sounds like music from the program "What? Where? When?". The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at the number 8.

    Educator: And so task number 8, these are "fun puzzles". Now I will read out the puzzles, you solve them together and they should show me the correct answer .. Cards with numbers are in front of you. You are given 15 seconds per puzzle.
    1 task: The apples are ripe in the forest. We got to taste them. Five ruddy poured, three with sourness. How many? (8)
    Educator: Consult. Time has gone.
    Sounds music from the program What? Where? When?. Children confer and count. Each team raises a card with an answer.

    Educator: Okay next task.
    2 task: Three lambs lived together, and four more kids. Count everyone quickly, how many are there in my family? (7)
    Educator: Consult. You must show me the correct answer.

    Educator: And the last task. Subtraction task.
    3 task: Four hares were walking from school and suddenly they were attacked by bees, Two bunnies were saved from evil, but how many did not have time? (2)
    Educator: Be careful, consult.

    Children must consult among themselves and come to the correct answer. Let's summarize the first task. Teams with correct answers receive chips for each answer.
    Educator: We continue the game.
    Sounds like music from the program "What? Where? When?". The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at the number 7.
    Educator: Task number 7-blitz 10 seconds are given for discussion and answer. . These are fairy tale questions. Do you guys like fairy tales?
    Children: Yes!
    Educator: Then you should know the answers to these questions:
    1 question: How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor? (jam).
    2 question: What did the Good Fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (into the carriage).
    3 question: On what did the absent-minded person from Basseynaya Street go to Leningrad? (by train).
    After each question, music from the program "What? Where? When?" sounds. Teams discuss and appoint their representative to answer. A representative of each team is responsible. The teacher then reads the correct answer. At the end, each team receives chips for the correct answers.

    Educator: We continue the game.
    Sounds like music from the program "What? Where? When?". The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at number 3.
    Educator: Look at this picture. Petya thought. He has to go to school soon. Tell me in one sentence what is a school?

    Children: This is where they study, write, think, make friends, learn, etc.
    Educator: Fine. But Petya does not know what to take with him to school. You have envelopes on the tables. And there are pictures in the envelopes, take them out. What subjects are superfluous here and you will not need them at school? And why? Minute for discussion. Time has gone.
    Sounds like music from the program "What? Where? When?". Children discuss and choose pictures of items that will not be needed at school. After that, a representative of each team answers the question and explains why this or that subject will not be needed at school. At the end of the team, those who answered correctly receive chips.

    Educator: We continue the game.
    Sounds like music from the program "What? Where? When?". The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at the number 6.
    Educator: Task number 6. These are the rules of the road. You have traffic signs on your tables. I read a poem, and you find a suitable sign for it, show it to me and name it. Attention! Listen!
    Educator: The boy and the girl were walking, They ran into the triangle. All drivers in the world Understand - these are children. ("Careful, children.") What is this sign?
    Educator: What does this sign mean?
    Children: Caution children!

    Educator: Well done! The next poem, listen!
    This sign is of this kind: He is on guard of the pedestrian. Let's move with the doll together We're on the road in this place! ("Pedestrian crossing.") What sign is this?
    Children raise a picture with a road sign.
    Educator: What does this sign mean?
    Children: Crosswalk!

    Educator: Well done! Right. Next Poem If such a sign hangs, It means that the passage is closed here. Maybe they're laying asphalt Or they're digging a hole. Maybe they are transporting bricks, they are building a tall house. ("No entry allowed.") What is this sign?
    Children raise a picture with a road sign
    Children: Road up!

    Educator: Fine! And the last verse, be careful! Look, the sign is dangerous: A little man in a red circle Crossed in half. ... Here the cars rush quickly, There may even be misfortune. ("Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.")
    Children raise a picture with a road sign.
    Educator: What does this sign mean?
    Children: No Pedestrians!

    Educator: Well done all answered correctly. All teams receive a chip. Teacher with children: You don't just walk down the street in the city. When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble. Be careful all the time and remember in advance "The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules."
    Educator: We continue the game. I twist-twirl I want to rest already!
    Sounds like music from the program "What? Where? When?". The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at the number 5.
    Educator: Guys, and just at number 5 we have the game "traffic light". We all go out.
    The song "Traffic light" / Jasmine / sounds. Children are dancing.
    1 couplet:
    Each of us knows very well
    That it is very dangerous to break
    If sometimes you go to red
    You do it in vain
    Don't go to the intersection
    The red light is on

    Yellow flashes with a ray of light
    Set the speed right
    You will fly like winged
    Soon it will turn green
    You really believe here is not in vain
    traffic light stands

    Red, yellow and green
    Stop, ready, go
    We know for a long time
    We need a traffic light
    Red, yellow and green
    Stop, ready, go
    my song
    Let everyone sing

    verse 2:
    Are you going home or to the sea
    Sing a song about traffic lights
    Let him know by heart from the cradle
    That song every child
    Don't go to the intersection
    The red light is on

    Red, yellow and green
    Stop, ready, go
    We know for a long time
    We need a traffic light
    Red, yellow and green
    Stop, ready, go
    my song
    Let everyone sing

    At the same time, the teacher shows the colors of the traffic light. Children are standing on red. On yellow - jump. On the green, they walk. At the end of the song, the teams take their places.

    Educator: We continue the game.
    Sounds like music from the program "What? Where? When?". The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at number 4.
    Educator: Task number 4. In front of you lies a syllabic caterpillar. Syllables are written on this caterpillar. You must now make words from these syllables in one minute and write them down on a piece of paper. Let's see which team gets more words. And so the time went, began!

    The music from the program "What? Where? When?" sounded. The children discuss and write down the words. At the end, the teams read out the words and count the number of words.
    Educator: You guys have done a very good job. And they came up with a lot of words. All teams get chips. Well done! The applause of the guests.

    Educator: We continue the game.
    Sounds like music from the program "What? Where? When?". The teacher turns the arrow. The arrow stops at number 2.
    Educator: Task number 2 - puzzles. I will now give you 2 puzzles and you will have to solve them in one minute.

    Target: To give children ideas about the game “What? Where? When?”, introduce the rules of the game.

    - continue to form the ability to listen to someone else's opinion, defend your answer, justifying it;
    - expand and deepen children's ideas about the state;
    - to consolidate knowledge about state symbols;
    - develop logical thinking, intelligence, the ability to solve simple mathematical problems, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, the ability to build a sentence correctly, expressively tell a poem, know the names and its author;
    - develop cognitive interest in children;
    - to cultivate feelings of mutual assistance, perseverance;
    - evoke joyful emotions in children, bring a holiday into everyday life;
    - educate goodwill and contact in relationships with peers.
    Vocabulary work: connoisseurs, symbol, hero,

    Preliminary work:

    Examining illustrations for the game
    - learning poetry

    Methodical methods:

    1. Conversation.
    2. Creating a situation of success.
    3. Search questions.
    4. “Name the superfluous”, “Opposite words”, “Correct the mistake”.
    5. Physical education minute - musical break "If you have fun, do it."
    6. Mathematical problems.
    7. Logical reasoning.
    8. Physical education - musical break "Spring Song".
    9. Graphic exercise.
    10. Speech dialogue. Poems about spring. Black box.
    11. Summing up the game.

    Lesson progress

    Educator: Guys, today I invite you to play a game with me: “What? Where? When?". Maybe one of you saw her on TV? (SLIDE 1)
    children's answers. Do you know which bird is the symbol of the game What? Where? When? (owl symbol). Why do you think this particular bird? (SLIDE 2)

    The owl is considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Then I will tell you about the rules of the game: pay attention, there are envelopes on the table with questions that you will need to answer. A point is scored for each correct answer. I wish you success and hope that you will cope with all the tasks. So let's start.

    (music START)
    - Good afternoon, dear guests! We are in the intellectual club “What? Where? When?" Today, the team of viewers is playing against the team of experts in the preparatory "b" group of the kindergarten "Teremok".
    1. First round (Music, spinning top)(Adult spins the drum).

    Leading: Sector number 1 fell out. This blitz was sent to us by the head of the kindergarten Yudina Marina Vladimirovna.

    1. Name the colors of the national flag (what do they mean?) Who will be responsible?
    2. What is the name of the President of Russia.
    3. How many days in a week?
    4. How was the "warrior" called in Rus' before?
    5. Which flower blooms first in a forest clearing in spring?

    (I give you a point for the correct answer.) And now attention, the correct answer (repeat the answers). A point is earned by a team of experts. (put a card with the number 1 on the board)

    2. Leading. Round 2 (drum roll) Music)

    Leading: Dropped sector number 2. This question was sent to us by the senior teacher Nevteeva Svetlana Vladimirovna.
    « Name the extra»
    1. Winter, Wednesday, spring, summer. (explain)
    2. One, two, circle, four.
    3. Plus, minus, Friday, equal.
    4. Circle, square, March, triangle.

    "Name opposite words»
    1. The ice on the river is thick in winter, and (thin) in spring

    2. High - (low)

    3. Long - (short)

    4. Deep - (shallow)

    5. Heavy - (light)

    6. Cheerful - (sad)

    7. thick - liquid

    "Correct the mistake"

    1. The worm pecked at the starling.

    2. The nightingale sang the song.

    3. A furry caterpillar ate a titmouse.
    4. There was a vase in the flower.

    5. Children collected children in a basket.

    6. A fluffy mouse caught a cat.

    A point is earned by a team of experts. (For the correct completed task, get a point.)
    treble clef h I will put, we have a musical break, friends.

    Musical pause

    3. presenter: We continue the game. Round 3. (spinning the drum Music.)

    Presenter: Sector number 3 fell out. This question will be asked by the teacher of the preparatory "a" group Maryavina L.N. Attention!
    1. The apples in the garden are ripe, we managed to taste them. Five ruddy, liquid, three with sourness. How many? (8)

    2. The hedgehog gave eight leather boots to the hedgehogs. Who will answer from the guys - how many were all hedgehogs? (2)

    3. There are tubs near the wall, in each tub there is one frog. If there were five tubs, how many frogs would there be? (5)

    4. Name the previous and subsequent numbers (5,8,11,).

    presenter: Experts answered correctly. The expert team earns a point.

    4. Host: We continue the game. Round 4. (spinning the drum Music.)
    Presenter: Sector number 4 fell out. This question will be asked by the teacher of the preparatory "in" group Gashchuk T.I. Attention! Solve problems:

    1. What do a polar bear and a goose have in common?

    1. Under which bush did the hare sit during the rain?
    2. What do crocodiles eat at the North Pole? (crocodiles don't live there)
    3. What utensils can not be eaten from? (from empty)
    4. The duck laid an egg. Who will hatch from it, a hen or a cockerel? (duckling)

    A point is earned by a team of experts.

    5. Host: Round 5. Music Dropped sector number 5
    Attention connoisseurs! This question will require a lot of perseverance from you. accuracy. It is necessary to finish the pattern, for this, sit at the tables, take pencils.

    Intellectual game "What? Where? When?" on the topic: “In the footsteps of Soyuzmultfilm heroes” for children of the preparatory group.

    Kuzmina Natalya Nikolaevna, educator of the 1st qualification category, GBOU "Lyceum No. 1571", department of preschool education "Luchiki".
    Description: Today, the Federal State Educational Standards are calling for the development of various joint forms of interaction between children and adults. The project method is one of the effective and fruitful forms of cooperation between children and adults.
    Therefore, the project of our group had the name: "Soyuzmultfilm for children."
    In this regard, an unconventional form of educational activity was organized in the form of an intellectual game: “What? Where? When?" on the topic: “In the footsteps of the heroes of Sozmultfilm”. This is a kind of consolidation of the knowledge and skills that children have mastered during the project. The material will be useful for educators, primary school teachers.
    Target: Generalize, systematize, consolidate the knowledge gained by children, within the framework of the project of the Soyuzmultfilm for children group.
    - continue to teach children to play intellectual games, follow the rules of the game, be able to listen to the teacher, answer questions;
    - generalize and activate the vocabulary of children with words: intellectual game, spinning top, sector, hourglass, treble clef, video question, projector;
    - to give pupils pleasure from the intellectual game;
    - continue to develop curiosity, communicative qualities, speech activity and mental abilities in preschoolers;
    - encourage children to express an emotional response to completed tasks (delight, joy, satisfaction);
    - continue to educate children's interest in intellectual games;
    - to form the personal qualities of children: a sense of camaraderie, responsibility, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team;
    - to educate in children love for the motherland, for the people around them, for nature; courage, kindness, decency;
    - create conditions for fruitful and effective cooperation between children and adults;
    Educational area:"Cognitive Development".
    Integration of educational areas:
    - "Speech development" (coherent speech, generalization of the dictionary with new words, communication skills);
    - "Social and communicative development" (game, moral education);
    - "Artistic and aesthetic development" (musical dance - warm-up, aesthetic design of the group);
    Equipment and materials:
    a drum table, a top with an arrow, envelopes with assignments, a “magic house” with a mirror, a TV with the image of Soyuzcartoon characters, a treble clef (for a musical break), toys-cartoon characters, children's drawings, an hourglass; musical screensavers for the game from the program: “What? Where? When? ”, musical backing track from the cartoon“ The Bremen Town Musicians ”“ There is nothing better in the world ... ”to introduce the participants in the game; scoreboard, computer, projector, screen; chocolate medals and incentive prizes for game participants; medals with images of Soyuzmultfilm characters (photocopied and laminated) for spectators.
    Preliminary work:
    Conversation-presentation: "The history of the creation of domestic cartoons", questioning parents: "The influence of cartoons on the behavior of children aged 6-7", questioning children: "What cartoons do I like?", organizing a museum and an exhibition of drawings: "Heroes of cartoon films", guessing crossword puzzles , watching domestic cartoons, listening to songs from cartoons, holding a master class with parents “Heroes of Soyuzmultfilm” (paper-plastic), watching the program “What? Where? When?".
    Game progress:
    - Today is December 23rd and we start the live broadcast of the first game of the 2016 winter series.
    (music from the program sounds: “What? Where? When?” The beginning of “That our life is a game!”)
    - Today the team of the intellectual club "Know-it-alls" is playing against the "Toons". And I introduce the participants of today's game:
    (musical backing track sounds from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians" "There is nothing better in the world ...")
    - The future performer of folk songs - Maria B.
    - The future champion of the Russian national football team - Kirill.
    - Erudite, resourceful, comprehensively developed - Victoria.
    - The most kind, sympathetic, courageous - Michael.
    - The future theater and film actor and just a good man - Artem.
    - The most active, positive - Maria N.
    - The most mysterious, romantic, tender - Daria.
    - Athlete, activist - Daniil.
    - And the team captain, a leading specialist in working with paper in the origami technique - Alexander.
    (participants sit around the table)

    - And now, I will introduce you to the rules of the game.
    Dear Know-It-Alls, here is the gaming table. In the middle of the table there is a top with an arrow, and envelopes lie. Each participant will rotate the spinning top in turn, which envelope the arrow will point to, we open that envelope and read for you a question sent by one of the Toons. After listening to the question, the team can answer immediately by ringing the bell, thereby notifying us that the answer is ready, or take 1 minute to think. Your team must answer all the questions that are in the envelopes. In addition, the envelopes contain Blitz - questions that participants must answer quickly, without hesitation; "magic house"; questions to the audience in the hall; video question from the viewer; musical pause; commercial break. If the team does not answer any question, then the question goes to the audience in the hall. And one point is awarded to "Toons". The score is displayed on the scoreboard.
    So, we start the game “What? Where? When?"
    (music from the program sounds: “What? Where? When?” “Spinning top”). The player spins the top.
    The host, after pointing the arrow, opens the envelopes with questions.
    - (opening the envelope) Dear Know-It-Alls, the Snow Queen is playing against you:
    - Attention to the question: “What pierced the very heart of the hero of the cartoon The Snow Queen? What was the hero's name?

    - Attention, the correct answer is: “A fragment of the“ magic mirror of the troll ”penetrated into Kai’s heart, and everything around appears before him in a distorted form ...”
    - (opening the envelope) Dear Know-It-Alls, Golden Antelope is playing against you:
    - Attention to the question: “Where does the Golden Antelope live?
    (the question is being discussed, the participants give an answer)
    - Attention, the correct answer is: "I live far away, in the jungle, near a humpbacked mountain, where green bamboo rustles"
    -(opening the envelope) Dear "Know-it-alls", the heroes of the cartoon The Wolf and the Calf are playing against you:
    - Attention to the question: “What did the wolf help the peasant in the village to do to get food for the calf?”
    (the question is being discussed, the participants give an answer)
    - Attention, the correct answer is: "The wolf chopped wood for the peasant."
    -(opening the envelope) Dear Know-It-Alls, characters from the Monkey cartoon are playing against you:
    - Attention, the question is: "Where do the monkeys live?"
    (the question is discussed, the participants give an answer)
    - Attention, the correct answer is: "Do monkeys live in the zoo?"
    - (opening the envelope) Dear Know-It-Alls, heroes from Prostokvashino are playing against you.
    - Attention, the question is: "Where does the acquaintance of Uncle Fyodor and the cat Matroskin take place?"
    (the question is being discussed, the participants give an answer)
    - Attention, the correct answer is: "Cat Matroskin and Uncle Fyodor met at the entrance of the house on the landing"

    -(opening the envelope) Dear "Know-it-alls", Woof the kitten is playing against you.
    - Attention, the question is: "Where is the kitten Woof hiding, along with the puppy, during a thunderstorm?"
    (the question is being discussed, the participants give an answer)
    - Attention, the correct answer is: "Kitten Woof, together with the puppy, were hiding in the attic."
    Envelope "Blitz - Questions":
    - Kitten Woof from the cartoon barks or yips? (meows)
    - Whom did the old woman Shapoklyak lead on a string? Cat or dog? (Rat Lariska)
    - From which cartoon the words: "Guys, let's live together!" (Cat Leopold)
    - Fairy-tale hero with three heads? (Dragon).
    Envelope "Questions for the audience in the hall":
    - Carlson's favorite dish? (jam and buns)
    - What is the name of the fairy tale, the main character of which is made of flour? (Kolobok)
    - Baba Yaga's means of transportation? (mortar)
    - In this cartoon, the main character is a doctor. He treated animals, got to the sick on an eagle, on a whale? (Aibolit)
    - A fairy tale hero with a propeller behind his back? (Carlson)
    - What is the name of the cat from Prostokvashino? (cat Matroskin)
    - What was the name of the wooden boy that Papa Carlo carved?

    Envelope "Magic House"
    (there is a small mirror inside the house)
    Question: “The heroes entered the hall and immediately saw this item. The princess looked at him and said: “What a beauty!”, Baba Yaga looked at him and said: “What a monster!”, Kolobok looked at him and said: “I want the same for myself, only round!”. This item is in a magic box. What is this? (Mirror).
    Envelope with video question:
    (screen with a projector, the question is asked by the child of the younger group)
    Dear Know-It-Alls, answer the question: This insect is a girl. She walked around the field and found some money, bought a samovar for it and arranged a tea party. One of the guests, a mosquito, saved her from a spider. Who is it about and what is the name of the cartoon? (The main character is a fly, the cartoon is “The Tsokotukha Fly”).
    Envelope with ad break:
    On the screen of the picture of the heroes of soyuzmultfilms, parents in poetic form advertise:

    "From a smile, kind, pure
    Life becomes hassle-free!
    Friendship grows stronger with every smile
    Little Raccoon will convince you of this!

    “He calls on everyone to live together,
    Evil, gloomy, does not happen.
    I am very proud of this fact
    A cat named Leopold!

    "Dog Sharik advises,
    Cat Matroskin recommends:
    "Drink, children, cow's milk,
    You will be full of strength and health!”

    “Carlson is an ardent sweet-lover!
    Surely he loves all of you?
    He wants peace
    So that everyone can enjoy life!”

    IN: You always need a warm-up before a difficult task.

    You have to answer 6 questions correctly in one minute. Ruslan S.'s team will be the first to answer. Time has come. (clock)

    1. How many floors does a 5-storey building have?(5)

    2. What is longer week or month? (month)

    3. Which figure has neither beginning nor end? (circle)

    4. How many strawberries are in an empty glass? (empty)

    5. Little girl living in a flower? (Thumbelina)

    The team of Ulyana N. The time has come.

    1. Why can't you drink sea water? (She's salty.)

    2. After what does a rainbow usually happen? (After the rain)

    3.Where does the kangaroo carry its cubs? (In the bag)

    4. What gift did the fleas bring to the Fly-Tsokotukha? (boots)

    5. Who collects pollen from flowers? (Bee)

    6. Which animal does not like the sun? (Mole)

    Today they play against teams: heroes from fairy tales and cartoons:

    (divide the envelopes into sectors)

    1 Cheburashka and crocodile Gena

    2. Vasilisa the Wise

    3. Sector Blitz from Znayka

    4. Captain Vrungel

    5. Question from parents

    6. Leopold

    So, the game "What? Where? When?”, Ruslan S.’s team against Uliana N.’s team game up to 6 points, score

    (the top spins the presenter) music sounds

    A letter with a task from Cheburashka and Gena. They need urgent help to build a new school. On-Screen Commands "School Project", you need to calculate what and how many building materials are needed, fill out order forms

    As soon as the teams calculate, you need to get building materials (geometric shapes) and all team members start building the school (according to the model).

    The team that completes the task correctly and accurately wins.


    Attention to the monitor, the next task was sent to us by Vasilisa the Wise

    "Unscramble the word"

    It is necessary to decipher the word that is hidden here by the first letters of the pictures.

    Place these letters on the tables correctly and read the word.

    Dear computer, show the correct answer. Answer slide.

    (leader spins the top) music sounds

    Sector BLIC from Znaika.

    1. What season comes after summer? (Autumn)

    2. Which flower has thorns? (Rose)

    3. When do the birds return from the south? (Spring)

    4. Which bird does not build a nest? (Cuckoo)

    6. A relative of the Christmas tree. (Pine)

    7. Can an ostrich fly? (No)

    8. With her help, the old man Hottabych worked wonders. (Beard)

    9. What makes trees sway? (Wind)

    10. What are the neighbors of the number 7? (6 and 8)

    1. What type of transport did the bears ride in the fairy tale "Cockroach"? (By bike)

    2. They show the time. (Watch)

    3. What object lies on the floor at home, and in fairy tales - flies? (Carpet plane)

    4. Glass shoe. (Cinderella)

    5. What is the name of a large dark cloud? (Cloud)

    6. What is the name of the bird house? (Nest)

    7. What tree is considered slender? (Birch)

    8. She can make everything invisible. (Invisible hat)

    9. Black wild berry. (Blueberry)

    10. Which bird has the most beautiful tail? (At the peacock)

    1. What comes after winter? (Spring)

    2. Where are the eyes of the snail? (on horns)

    3. The hottest time of the year. (Summer)

    4. The shortest month of the year. (February)

    5. Snow season. (Winter)

    6. What month do children go to school? (In September)

    7. Which snake has a hood? (Cobra)

    8. When do leaves on trees change color? (in autumn)

    9. What needs to be broken in order to defeat Koshchei the Deathless? (needle)

    10. When does the water in rivers become solid? (in winter)

    11. Who owns the words "If I only want, and I will swallow the moon!" (to the crocodile)

    12. The very first month of the year. (January)

    "Giraffes have spots, spots, spots everywhere..."

    (leader spins the top)

    "Fruit Arithmetic" from Leopold.

    Pay attention guys to the next slide. In these examples, some numbers are encrypted, hidden behind fruits. You need to guess which numbers are encrypted and solve examples. (write answers on paper)

    Slide with correct answers.

    (leader spins the top)

    Task from Captain Vrungel.

    Attention to the screen. Before you is a huge ocean and small islands, we need to get to the island with treasures, and what we will get on, you will find out for yourself by doing it correctly graphic dictation. (according to the instructions of the team, draw a ship). Well done, now we can get to the treasure island on the ship.

    (leader spins the top)

    Task from parents:

    Commands you want to know what's in it black box?

    Listen to an excerpt from tales of dead and living water. So, Baba Yaga asked Ilya Muromets to bring her living water in order to save those who are in trouble, and then living water will help. Ilya Muromets went for living water, and Baba Yaga gave him this device, which will determine where the living water is, and where the dead one, because you can’t touch the water - it’s magical!

    So Ilya Muromets came to a big rock, and there was a cave in the rock. He went into the cave and sees two large lakes - one with dead water, the other with living water. In a dead lake, the water is cold, but in a living lake, the water is warm. And Ilya Muromets does not know where the water is. How can you find out where the water is? (thermometer)

    Experimenting with water(slide)

    Each team of connoisseurs has two glasses of water (hot and cold) and a spoon each;

    “One glass with “living” water is hot, and the other glass with “dead” water is cold. How many of you can determine without touching the glasses with your hands which of them is hot and which is cold? (You need to lower the spoon into one and the other glasses and feel it.)

    Purpose: Activation of the cognitive activity of children, the formation of a sense of partnership and a sense of individualism. Expand your horizons, the ability to use your knowledge. The development of figurative and logical thinking, the ability to build the simplest conclusions, to justify one's beliefs.

    Preliminary work: reading fiction, guessing riddles, projects on fairy tales, exhibition of books on fairy tales, dramatization games, didactic games "Wonder Beast" , "Guess the fairy tale by the heroes of the characters" , "Make a Story" .

    Material: envelopes with questions (on each envelope the person from whom the question is depicted), audio recordings with music from the game "What? Where? When?" , black box, apple, treble clef - for a musical break, a drum with an arrow, an hourglass, a stopwatch, a scoreboard where the score is set for each round.

    Game progress.

    Hello dear guys. Let's start the mind game "What? Where? When?" (music playing at the beginning of the game). There are 6 people in the team.

    Today our game is played... (listing players F.I.) and team captain (F.I.). Players sit down at a round table, where the drum with an arrow is located, the table is divided into 12 sectors. Helps me today (F.I. of the child).

    Rules of the game: The facilitator reads out the question and is given 1 minute to discuss the team, after which one of the players answers. Blitz tournament - only one player answers and 20 seconds to think.

    If the players do not answer the question, the question is passed to the spectators.

    Team playing today:

    1. sector - a blitz tournament from Mashenka.
    2. sector - question from A.N. Tolstoy.
    3. sector - question from K.I. Chukovsky
    4. sector-blitz-question
    5. sector - a question from A.S. Pushkin
    6. sector - a question from an Unknown storyteller
    7. sector - a question from the owner of the bucket
    8. sector - a question from K.I. Chukovsky
    9. sector - a question from Baba Yaga
    10. sector - a question from Chanterelle-sister
    11. sector - a question from the Artist.
    12. sector - Treble clef (music. Pause)

    Music sounds. The drum with the arrow spins and the game begins.

    11 Questions:

    1 sector. Blitz tournament.

    Masha is playing against you. The team chooses a player who will answer questions. You have 20 seconds to think.

    Question: Guess from the 4 lines what kind of fairy-tale character we are talking about.

    1. Grandma knows the whole world,

    She is only 300 years old.

    There, on unknown paths

    Her house is on chicken legs.

    2. Alyonushka has sisters

    They took away the little brother of the bird.

    They fly high

    Far they fly.

    3. Near the forest at the edge

    Three of them live in a hut

    Guess without a clue

    Who are the heroes of this tale?

    Attention - the correct answer: Baba - Yaga, geese - swans, three bears.

    The host announces the score. (in case of an incorrect answer, the question is transferred to the audience)

    Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy is playing against you.

    As you know, Pinocchio was a very trusting boy. He believed the fox Alice and the cat Basilio, and parted with his money, he buried it.

    Question: Where did he bury them? And in what country?

    Time has gone (an hourglass is set for 1 minute).

    Team response.

    Attention - the correct answer: the field of miracles, the country of Fools.

    Account announcements.

    Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky is playing against you.

    As you know, the heroes of my fairy tales are animals, insects.

    And now the question is: What is the smallest hero? Remember the lines from the fairy tale.


    Attention - the correct answer is: “... Suddenly, out of nowhere, a small mosquito, and in his hands it burns, a small flashlight” .

    Fairy tale "Fly Tsokotukha" .

    "Blitz is a question" . It has 3 questions, you need to answer quickly.

    Time for each question 20 seconds (stopwatch).

    1. How many wishes are usually made in fairy tales?

    Attention - the correct answer is three

    2. How many good deeds did Dunno need to do to get a magic wand?

    Attention - the correct answer is three

    3. How many times did the old man ask for a goldfish?

    Attention - the correct answer is five

    An account is announced.

    5th sector. (a black box is drawn on the envelope). Music sounds.

    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is playing against you.

    In one of my fairy tales, the main character falls asleep "dead sleep" . The reason for this was what is in the black box.

    Question: What is in the black box?

    Discussion - 1 minute. Player response.

    Attention - the correct answer is an apple.

    An Unknown Storyteller is playing against you.

    Question: Complete the sentence you started.

    1. Along the path, walking briskly,

    They carry water... (buckets)

    2. I did not tremble before the wolf,

    Run away from the bear

    And the fox on the tooth

    Got it anyway... (kolobok)

    3. He is a funny boy

    He's a bit of a bully

    The key was pulled out of the mire

    Wood … (Pinocchio)

    20 seconds for each question.

    Attention - the correct answer is: buckets, bun, Pinocchio.

    Assistant presenter brings a bucket. The players inspect the bucket.

    With the help of this bucket, the owner married the princess.

    Question: What is the name of the owner of the bucket and the tale.

    1 minute for discussion.

    Attention - the correct answer: Emelya from a fairy tale "By the Pike's Command"

    Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky is playing against you again.

    During a walk through the field, a treasure was found and goods were purchased, a holiday was held on this occasion.

    Question: What treasure and goods, and who found it?

    Discussion 1 minute. Player response.

    Attention is the correct answer: “A fly went across the field,

    The fly found the money. Mukha went to the market and bought a samovar.

    Baba Yaga is playing against you.

    A long time ago, there was no modern miracle technology, but in fairy tales it’s all the same, the heroes flew, watched TV, cooked food without fire.

    Question: What was in the fairy tales instead of a TV set, what replaced the plane, what made the porridge itself?

    Discussion 1 minute. Player response.

    Attention - the correct answer is: a mirror or a saucer with an apple, a carpet - an airplane or a broom, a pot.

    The host announces the score.

    10 sector.

    This is an easy question. Chanterelle plays against you - sister.

    As you know, a lot of fairy tales have been written about the Fox.

    Question: Can you remember the names of the three fairy tales, where the heroine Fox is in the title role?

    Discussion 1 minute. Player response.

    Attention - the correct answer is: "Zayushkina's hut" , "Kolobok" , "The Fox and the Wolf" .

    11 sector.

    The Artist is playing against you.

    An artist's painting is brought in.

    Question: Consider the image of a fantastic animal and say how many real animals it is depicted.

    Discussion 1 minute. Player response.

    Attention - the correct answer is: out of six.

    12 sector. This is a treble clef - music. Pause (music is turned on at the choice of the teacher)

    At the end of the game, sweet prizes are awarded to children for participation.

    Spectators choose the best player. He is awarded a special prize. Music sounds (end of the game).