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  • Presentation “For children about the types of troops in Russia. Types of armed forces Presentation of types of troops for elementary school

    Presentation “For children about the types of troops in Russia.  Types of armed forces Presentation of types of troops for elementary school

    “History of the Russian Army” - The general leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. After the division of the Soviet Union into independent states, a new stage in the history of our army began. GROUND FORCES: motorized rifle troops, tank troops, missile troops and artillery, air defense troops, special troops (reconnaissance, communications, electronic warfare (EW), engineering, radiation, chemical and biological protection (RCBD), technical support, rear security, units and logistics organizations).

    "Military conflicts" - the USSR joined the conventions in 1954. IHL rules. Why does a reasonable person kill his own kind? Man and war... This is how the Maltese Order of the Hospitallers arose. International Humanitarian Law. It is a branch of international law. international armed conflict. Topic study plan. Wounded and sick Shipwrecked Prisoners of war Civilians.

    “Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” - Ground forces are the main branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The basis of the Ground Forces is motorized rifle troops. 2. Control system. The RF Armed Forces is a law enforcement agency. 2 Component (Connections and parts of the reduced composition and frame). 3. Status. The special role of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The President of the Russian Federation is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. TYPES OF ARMED FORCES, BRANDS OF TROOPS.

    “Military training” - Young men teaching at military departments undergo training camps or internships, which are equivalent to military training. Reserve officer training programs may include training for women. 2. Training in additional educational programs is carried out by educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education with additional educational programs.

    “Military service” - Citizens are exempt from conscription for military service: On conscription for alternative civilian service. Reduction in military rank by one step with transfer to a lower position. Possible conclusions of the draft commission. For military personnel, military uniforms and insignia are established. On exemption from conscription for military service.

    There are a total of 36 presentations in the topic

    We offer you an educational presentation for children in the preparatory group. The presentation “For children about the branches of the Russian military” is aimed at introducing the branches of the military of our homeland and developing moral and patriotic feelings among preschoolers.

    Educational presentation “For children about the branches of the Russian military” for older preschoolers

    Progress of the presentation

    Slide 2, 3.

    Our Army is strong and invincible because it protects our homeland on land, in the sea and in the sky. Types of armed forces of the Russian Federation: ground forces, navy and aerospace forces.

    Slide 4.

    Ground forces repel enemy attacks from the ground. These include: infantry, tank troops, artillery (rocket troops).

    Slide 5.

    Infantry is the most ancient and massive branch of the military; it is designed to conduct combat operations on foot. Today, infantry can use motorized vehicles and modern weapons: rifles, machine guns, anti-tank grenade launchers, armored vehicles with automatic guns.

    Slide 6.

    The basis of the tank forces are tank brigades and tank battalions of motorized rifle brigades. They are very mobile and powerful, their main task is active combat operations day and night, in a significant separation from other troops, defeating the enemy in oncoming battles and battles, and shooting at long distances.

    Slide 7.

    The missile forces are armed with modern missiles that fire very far and accurately. They are located on mobile platforms, so they can fly from any part of the country. Mobile platforms also house cannons or cannon systems to protect ground forces from air attack. Russian artillery stands reliably in defense of the Motherland.

    Slide 8.

    The Navy repels the enemy from the sea and protects the maritime borders of our state. It includes: submarine forces, naval aviation, marines and surface forces.

    Slide 9.

    While underwater, missile and torpedo submarines are able to strike the enemy unnoticed. Captains, sailors and divers serve on the submarine, and meals are prepared for them by cooks (cooks in the navy).

    Slide 10.

    These are huge platforms (aircraft carriers) in the ocean, on which several military aircraft can be located at once. Aircraft of naval forces are used to destroy the enemy's surface fleet, as well as to collect intelligence information. Being on the water, they boldly stand guard over Russia.

    Slide 11.

    The Russian Navy has many large, modern ships at its disposal. Their tasks include the destruction of enemy forces on the high seas and on the coast. Marines land on the beach and fight on land. Victory over the enemy depends on their preparedness and strength.

    slide 12.

    The task of the air force (aerospace forces) is to ensure the security and protection of the country's territorial interests in the air. In addition, they are designed to protect the administrative, industrial and economic centers of Russia. Their purpose is to protect other troops and ensure the success of operations. With their help, aerial reconnaissance, landing and destruction of enemy positions are carried out. They include: aviation, space forces, radio engineering and special forces.

    Slide 13.

    The purpose of military transport aviation is to deliver cargo and troops to the landing site. Moreover, food and medicines and military equipment can act as cargo. Provides air support to ground forces during any combat operations and destroys enemy aircraft in the air.

    Slide 14.

    Even in space there are Russian troops capable of ensuring the security of our country. Spaceships can prevent missile attacks and monitor important objects. Space defense forces are located throughout Russia at modern cosmodromes.

    Slide 15.

    Without them, it is impossible to collect enough information about the enemy. Radio technical troops conduct reconnaissance and monitor the movement of all aircraft in the skies over Russia. They use large radars to determine where the enemy is, how fast they are, and where they are going.

    slide 16.

    Let's remember which troops defend our homeland on land? In the sea? In outer space?

    What do the military use for reconnaissance? What weapons do infantrymen use? Why can we be proud of the Russian army?

    Slide 17.

    A lot of people work in the armed forces of the Russian Federation to ensure peace and order in our country.



    After watching the presentation, you can invite the children to make.

    Presentation on the topic of: “What types and branches of troops are there today in the Russian Armed Forces”

    Made by 3rd grade student

    MKOU secondary school in Sozimsky village

    Krasnikov Denis

    Types of Russian armed forces

    Russian military branches

    Ground troops

    Strategic Rocket Forces

    Aerospace Forces

    Airborne troops


    Ground troops - a type of armed forces designed to conduct combat operations primarily on land. Most countries form the basis of their military power. The ground forces of the Russian Federation include types of troops: motorized rifle, tank, missile troops and artillery, army aviation; special troops, military units and logistics institutions.

    Tank forces They constitute the main striking force of the Ground Forces and powerful means of armed warfare, designed to solve the most important tasks in various types of military operations.

    Motorized rifle troops - a branch of troops in the ground forces of the armed forces of a state, which is infantry, equipped with combat, transport vehicles and mechanical propulsion. They perform the bulk of combat missions in any major armed conflict.

    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN) - branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Designed for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction of strategic targets. The Strategic Missile Forces consist of missile armies and special troops.

    Air defense troops designed to cover troop groups and rear facilities from enemy air strikes. They are capable of destroying aircraft and unmanned aerial weapons. Resist enemy landings. Conduct radar reconnaissance and alert troops about enemy air.

    Airborne Forces (VDV) - a branch of ground forces designed to drop (land) from the air behind enemy lines and conduct combat operations. The Airborne Forces consist of parachute, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other units and subunits. The Airborne Forces are the real combat power of our Great Motherland. The actions of the landing force are fast, precise and deadly for the enemy.

    Corps of Engineers carry out tasks of installing mine-explosive barriers, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle and anti-tank mines, creating non-explosive barriers, making passages in enemy mine-explosive barriers, neutralizing and destroying mines and landmines, participate in the construction of bridges, crossings, fortified positions, pillboxes, bunkers, construction of rolling roads, laying paths for equipment and personnel in hard-to-reach places.

    Air Force (VVS) - a type of armed forces intended to conduct reconnaissance of enemy groups. The main strike force of the Russian Air Force is combat aircraft, bombers, fighters and attack aircraft, capable of launching missile and bomb attacks on ground targets and effectively conducting air battles. In peacetime, the Air Force guards the state border of the Russian Federation in the airspace.

    Troops of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

    Troops of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information (FAPSI)

    Railway troops.

    Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs

    A presentation dedicated to the “Defender of the Fatherland Day” was held in the senior group of the MADOU MO G. Krasnodar “Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 182 f “Emerald City” Project topic: “Types of the Armed Forces and branches of the Russian Federation.” Project goal: 1 . To form in children ideas about the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day” 2. To form patriotic feelings in children 3. To foster respect for people who served in the army Objectives: 1. To systematize, expand and generalize children’s knowledge about the Russian army, branches of the military, military equipment. 2. Strengthen children's knowledge about military professions. 3. Develop children's interest in the history of their native Fatherland, in the history of the formation and formation of the Russian army from Ancient Russia to the present. 4. Foster a sense of pride in their Motherland, respect for the soldiers who defended it Project participants: children of the senior group, teachers Expected result: 1. Showing interest in the army, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland 2. Children distinguish and name representatives of different branches of the military; know about the benefits that people in military professions bring. 3. Children strive to be like the brave and courageous warriors of their country.



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    MUNICIPAL AUTONOMOUS PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF THE MUNICIPAL FORMATION CITY OF KRASNODAR "CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER - KINDERGARTEN No. 182 f "EMERALD CITY" Legal address DS No. 182: 350028, Russia, Krasnodar region, Krasno dar, st. Heroev Razvedchikov, 2, tel. / fax 992-28-83 e-mail detsad1 82

    PRESENTS A PRESENTATION ON THE TOPIC: Types of the Armed Forces and branches of the Russian Federation

    Branches of the RF Armed Forces Ground Forces Air Force Navy

    PUTIN VLADIMIR VLADIMIROVICH President of the Russian Federation - Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation SHOIGU SERGEY KUZHUGETOVICH Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General

    The Ground Forces are the main fighting force in the structure of the Armed Forces. They are capable of capturing and holding the indicated areas for a long time in order to consolidate the achieved success and subsequent defeat of the enemy, and conduct both defensive and offensive combat operations in any conditions. Motorized rifle troops Tank troops Missile troops and artillery Air defense troops Army aviation Ground forces with combat arms Special troops Signal troops Electronic warfare troops Engineering troops Radiation, chemical and biological defense Automotive troops Rear security troops

    Motorized rifle troops

    Tank forces

    Rocket troops and artillery

    Air defense troops

    Army aviation

    The Air Force is designed to protect Russia's infrastructure from attacks from aerospace, as well as to provide air support for the Ground Forces in all types of military operations. Long-range aviation Front-line aviation Military transport aviation Anti-aircraft missile forces Radio-technical troops Air force with military branches Branches of aviation Bomber aviation Attack aviation Fighter aviation Reconnaissance aviation Transport aviation Special aviation

    Long-range aviation

    Frontline aviation

    Military transport aviation

    Anti-aircraft missile forces

    Radio technical troops

    The Navy is designed to maintain strategic stability, ensure Russia's national interests in the World Ocean and the country's reliable security in maritime and ocean areas. Surface forces Submarine forces Naval aviation Ground and coastal forces Navy

    Surface forces

    Submarine forces

    Naval aviation

    Ground and coastal forces

    Strategic Missile Forces Airborne Forces Military Space Forces Branch of the Air Force of the Russian Federation

    The Strategic Missile Forces are the main component of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, troops of constant combat readiness. Designed for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction of enemy strategic targets.

    Airborne troops are a highly mobile branch of troops designed to reach the enemy by air and conduct combat operations in his rear. The Russian Airborne Forces are a means of the Supreme Command and can form the basis of mobile forces.

    The military space forces are designed to warn the country's top military-political leadership about a missile attack, missile defense, deployment, maintenance and control of the orbital constellation of spacecraft.


    Currently, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of three branches of the Armed Forces, three branches of the armed forces, the Logistics Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Cantonment and Arrangement Service of the Ministry of Defense, railway troops and other troops not included in the branches of the Armed Forces.

    Ground forces are a type of armed forces designed to conduct combat operations primarily on land. In most countries they form the basis of their military power. The ground forces of the Russian Federation are capable, in cooperation with other types of forces, of conducting an offensive in order to defeat the enemy group and seize its territory, deliver fire strikes to great depths, repel the enemy’s invasion, its large airborne assault forces, and hold occupied territories, areas and lines. The ground forces of the Russian Federation include types of troops: motorized rifle, tank, missile troops and artillery, military air defense, army aviation; special troops, military units and logistics institutions. Ground troops.

    The most numerous branch of the military, forming the basis of the Ground Forces, the core of their combat formations. They are equipped with powerful weapons to destroy ground and air targets, missile systems, tanks, artillery and mortars, anti-tank guided missiles, anti-aircraft missile systems and installations, and effective reconnaissance and control equipment. Motorized rifle troops

    Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) are a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Designed for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction of strategic targets that form the basis of the enemy’s military and military-economic potential. Created in They are armed with intercontinental combat missile systems of various types, equipped with nuclear weapons. The Strategic Missile Forces include stationary and mobile missile forces, as well as special troops (units and units of missile technology, nuclear technology, engineering, radiation, chemical and biological protection, communications, electronic warfare, geodetic, meteorological, security and reconnaissance), units and transport aviation and logistics units. The Strategic Missile Forces consist of missile armies and special forces. Strategic Missile Forces.

    Corps of Engineers. Engineering troops carry out tasks of installing mine-explosive barriers, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle and anti-tank mines, creating non-explosive barriers, making passages in enemy mine-explosive barriers, neutralizing and destroying mines and landmines, participate in the construction of bridges, crossings, fortified positions, pillboxes, bunkers, construction of rock roads, laying paths for equipment and personnel in hard-to-reach places. In reconnaissance and sabotage groups, sappers may be tasked with mining or blowing up bridges, crossings, railways, missile launchers, communications facilities, as well as laying mines and land mines on the approach routes of enemy reserves and other tasks.

    The Air Force (VVS) is a branch of the armed forces designed to conduct reconnaissance of enemy groups; ensuring the conquest of supremacy (in the air; protection from air strikes of important military-economic areas (objectives) and groupings of forces; warning of an air attack; destruction of objects that form the basis of the enemy’s military potential; air support for ground forces and naval forces; airborne landings ; transportation of troops and materiel by air. The main striking force of the Russian Air Force is combat aircraft, bombers, fighters and attack aircraft, capable of delivering missile and bomb attacks on ground targets and effectively conducting air battles. After unification with the troops. In peacetime, the Air Force provides security state border of the Russian Federation in the airspace. Air Force.

    Space Forces are a branch of the military designed to warn of a nuclear missile attack, provide communications, and monitor the state of the space group. Created in 2001 by decision of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on the basis of formations and units for launching and controlling spacecraft of the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as missile and space defense troops. The tasks of the space forces include visual and electronic reconnaissance (in particular, early receipt of data on the preparation of the armed forces of foreign states for an attack), providing space information to all branches of the military and the country's leadership. Space Forces.

    Airborne troops (Airborne Forces) are a branch of ground forces designed to drop (land) from the air behind enemy lines and conduct combat operations. The Airborne Forces consist of parachute, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other units and subunits. The Airborne Forces are the real combat power of our Great Motherland. The actions of the landing force are fast, precise and deadly for the enemy. The Airborne Forces have repeatedly proven their strength and their heroism in military conflicts in all parts of the world, including in our homeland. Airborne Troops (VDV).

    Navy - naval forces (Navy), a type of armed forces designed to conduct combat operations in various areas of the World Ocean. Includes types of forces: surface and submarine forces, naval aviation, coastal missile and artillery troops, marine infantry, air defense forces (air defense), logistics troops, etc. The Russian Navy is designed to destroy enemy fleet groups at sea and at coastal bases, for launching nuclear strikes on its ground targets, to combat maritime communications, to assist ground forces in operations in continental theaters of military operations, to land amphibious assault forces, as well as to repel enemy landings. The Russian Navy is divided into strategic nuclear forces and general purpose forces. Organizationally, the Navy includes: the Northern, Baltic, Black Sea, Pacific fleets, and the Caspian flotilla. Navy