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  • Presentation on the topic of child safety at school. Safety rules at school, presentation for a lesson on the topic. During excursions

    Presentation on the topic of child safety at school.  Safety rules at school, presentation for a lesson on the topic.  During excursions

    Often, being drawn into the cycle of everyday life, we forget about how many unexpected dangers lie in wait for a person on the path of life. Our carelessness and indifference to our health often lead to tragedy. But we can prevent trouble if we adhere to the elementary rules of behavior, which are not so difficult to remember.
    1. Go to school and return from it in the company of school friends or choose such a path to be in front of people all the time.
    2. Never accept offers from strangers to give you a ride. Do not agree to this, even if the person claims to have been asked to do so by your parents, unless they warned you in advance.
    3. Be always close to your teachers, classmates (friends). Do not go alone to deserted school premises, especially attics, basements, bushes. Do not linger alone on the sports or playground. 4. Report all possible troubles that may happen to you to your teacher, director, or security guard.
    5. Do not be friends with those who bring weapons (knives, pistols, grenades, smoke bombs, explosive packages) or drugs to school. Do not try drugs under any circumstances, even if they were offered to you just like that. Tell your parents about this.
    6. Try not to take sides in ongoing fights.
    7. Go to the toilet only during recess or with a friend. If you see an unfamiliar adult in the toilet, get out immediately. Know that in the vast majority of schools, adults go to the toilets intended only for them.
    8.Keep a close eye on your belongings. Don't leave them unattended, even for just a minute. Do not forget money, a cell phone and other things that are significant to you in your pockets in the locker room.

    Basic rules for safe behavior during breaks and after classes:
    . Do not run through corridors, stairs, offices and any other school premises not intended for this;
    . Don't push, don't fight, don't shout. Do not play active games in rooms not directly intended for this;
    . Any conflicts that arise between students should be resolved peacefully or through the teacher;
    . Be careful when moving through potentially dangerous places: stairs, slopes, icy surfaces, etc.;
    . In winter, do not come close to the walls of the school to eliminate the risk of injury from falling snow or icicles;
    . Do not throw or use hard objects in games that can cause injury: stones, sticks, pieces of ice, etc.;
    . Do not bring dangerous objects or substances that may harm others to school without permission: pyrotechnic or explosive devices, sharp, cutting objects, any type of small arms (including pneumatic ones);
    . Do not climb trees, roofs, fences, greenhouses or any other high-rise structures;
    . Do not attempt to unauthorizedly enter the territory of utility and technical premises. Do not climb into attics, basements and other places not intended for direct education or recreation of schoolchildren;
    . Do not approach places of increased danger: pits, trenches, pits, nearby roads, etc.;
    . Do not tease, chase away or feed animals (usually dogs) that are on campus. Report cases of the appearance of such animals to the teacher;
    . Do not leave the school grounds without the appropriate permission of the teacher;
    . Do not behave aggressively, do not provoke conflicts and do not take part in them. Report any conflicts to the teacher.

    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

    1 slide

    Slide description:

    2 slide

    Slide description:

    3 slide

    Slide description:

    Rules of behavior in the locker room Rules of behavior in the dining room. Rules of behavior in the library. Rules of behavior in the assembly hall and on the sports field.

    4 slide

    Slide description:

    Rules of conduct in the locker room 1. When you arrive at school, be sure to change your shoes and take off your hat. 2. Hang your shoes and clothes in a certain (your) place. 3. Put mittens and gloves in your pocket, and a hat in your sleeve. 4. Hang your clothes neatly. 5. When undressing, do not talk, undress quickly, do not disturb others. 6. If you see fallen clothes, pick them up. 7.Be polite to your comrades, help others. 8. DON’T FORGET YOUR STUFF!

    5 slide

    Slide description:

    Rules of behavior in the library. 1.Keep order in the library and be QUIET. Don't talk loudly. 2. When you enter, say hello to the librarian (Elena Stepanovna), and when you receive the book, be sure to say THANK YOU. 3. Take the book only with clean hands. 4. In a book, do not bend the corners, do not write with a pen, only use a bookmark. 5. If the book is damaged, “HEAL IT.” Seal it up. 6. TAKE CARE OF library books ESPECIALLY! KNOW that they are not just for you, but for many other children.

    6 slide

    Slide description:

    Rules of behavior in the dining room. You must enter the nightingale in an orderly manner. Don't push, don't shout. KEEP IN ORDER. Always wash your hands before eating. Don't talk while eating. At the table, don’t indulge in bread, don’t move around, don’t disturb your neighbor. TRY TO EAT EVERYTHING! Do not take buns, sweets, yogurt, or fruit out of the dining room. Eat everything at the table. Don't push your dirty plate towards your neighbor. After eating, move your chair under the table. Clear the table if you are ON DUTY. When you leave, say thank you to those who fed you.

    7 slide

    Slide description:

    Rules of behavior in the assembly hall. 1. Come to the holiday in HOLIDAY clothes, smart, combed, and with polished shoes. 2. Calmly, without disturbing others, take your place. 3. In the hall, do not shout, do not run, do not push, do not try to get ahead of your neighbor. 4. While waiting for the start of a holiday or concert, be PATIENT. 5. As soon as the start of the performance is announced, stop talking, WATCH and LISTEN CAREFULLY. 6. Do not move from place to place until the end of the event. 7. Don’t laugh if something doesn’t go well on stage or some awkwardness arises (for example, if the speaker forgot the text or fell while dancing) 8. Don’t forget to APPLAUSE! 9. After finishing, don’t push, leave the hall CALMLY!

    8 slide

    Slide description:

    Rules of conduct in the school yard. 1. See if there are activities in the schoolyard during your walk, whether you will disturb the children with your presence. 2. Be careful on the sports ground: swings, sports equipment (ladders, horizontal bar...) can be dangerous if handled incorrectly. 3. Do not go near dangerous structures (transformer boxes...) 4. Play safe games with friends. DO NOT CLIMB on rooftops, trees, fences. 5. Be FRIENDLY with your friends. It's more fun to play together! 6. Green spaces decorate the school yard. DO NOT PICK FLOWERS, DO NOT BREAK TREES! 7. If you ran to play in another yard, DON'T FORGET TO WARN YOUR PARENTS.

    Slide 9

    Slide description:

    10 slide

    Slide description:

    Rules of conduct at school 1. All school things must be in order and neatly placed in a briefcase. 2. We ALWAYS arrive at school ON TIME, WITHOUT LATE. 3. When you enter school, do not push. Dry your feet thoroughly before entering. 4. When you enter a school or class, you need to say hello first to the teacher, then to your friends. 5. If you are late for class and enter the classroom after the bell rings, you must ask the teacher for permission. 6. If an ADULT (teacher, director, parent...) enters the class, they should stand up in a friendly manner, but QUIETLY and CALMLY, greeting the newcomer. You can sit down only after permission. 7. If the teacher asks a question to the class and you want to answer, do not shout, but RAISE YOUR HAND. You must also raise your hand when you want to ask the teacher something.

    11 slide

    Never talk to strangers. If they talk to you, then don’t agree to anything. Don’t take anything from them and don’t go anywhere under any pretext. Remember, a good adult will not ask a child for help. If they try to take you away by force, then shout “Help! This is not my dad, he wants to steal me!”; If you are being chased (by an adult or a teenager), then never run away to deserted places, on the contrary, go to the bus stop, to the store, to the post office. Ask for help from a policeman, security guard, seller, or just passers-by on the street. Always explain that these are not your parents, this is not your brother, but someone else is pursuing you; Don’t talk to drunk people, it’s better to quickly leave that place; Don’t go with strangers to deserted places; If you see a package, bag or box on the street, do not touch anything, there may be a real bomb there; Don't go for a walk without permission. If you go somewhere, always tell your parents the exact place and address. Don't go out on your own in the evening; If you are lost in a crowded place, stop and wait for your parents; if they are gone for a long time, then go and ask adults for help. Always try to contact a policeman, station duty officer, salesperson, dispatcher or security guard. Do not ask for help from suspicious adults with strange appearance and behavior;

    Target: discuss with students dangerous situations in which a child may find himself; teach how to act correctly in a dangerous situation.

    Equipment: Presentation , reminders, telephone.

    Form: group work.

    1. Goal setting.

    – Today we will spend our class hour (Slide 1) at the “Safety School” and learn (Slide 2) how to behave in dangerous situations.
    -What is danger? (Slide 3)
    Danger is a situation when a person is threatened by something or someone.

    2. Introduction to the topic

    – In the old days, when there were no textbooks yet, children learned how to behave in a dangerous situation from fairy tales. Let's remember some of them:

    "The wolf and the seven Young goats"(Slide 4)

    – Why did the kids get into trouble?
    – What should have been done?

    "Three piglets"(Slide 5)

    – What lesson can be learned from this fairy tale?

    A sweet girl was walking through the forest. (Slide 6)
    Nice, kind, brave.
    And towards her there is a dark personality,
    Gray in every way.

    - Who is that girl? Who did she meet?
    Why did Little Red Riding Hood get into trouble?

    Take a lesson here: (Slide 7)
    And don’t talk to strangers at all.

    3. Work on the topic

    – Let’s remember the rules of behavior with strangers: Which ones do you know? (Slide 8)

    Never talk to a stranger.
    Never get into a stranger's car.
    Don't play on the way home from school.
    Don't play after dark.

    – What can happen if you don’t follow these rules? (Slide 9)
    - Now imagine what you will do if a stranger rings the bell at the door of your apartment?
    “Even an adult should make sure it’s not an intruder.”
    - What do I need to do? (Look through the peephole or ask “Who’s there?”)
    For some reason, some people are embarrassed to ask: “Who’s there?” and even look through the door peephole. And it's a shame. Because there is no point in putting up locks and iron doors if you yourself open them for just anyone.

    Therefore, remember the rules: (Slide 10)

    But there are times when a stranger introduces himself and says that he is on behalf of his mother. Remember! Do not let strangers in under any pretext.
    Well, in order not to make it easier for thieves to commit their dark deeds -
    2. Do not leave the key to the apartment in a "safe place" (somewhere under the rug or in another secluded place).

    – Why do you think this shouldn’t be done?

    4. Discussion of situations in groups(Slide 11)

    Target: now we will check in practice how you will act in a given situation.
    Each group is given a situation. You read it, discuss it. Let everyone express their opinion. But before making decisions in a dangerous situation, follow these steps: (Slide 12)

    1. Stop
    2. Think
    3. Choose
    4. Praise yourself

    Situation 1.(Slide 13)

    A friend or girlfriend has come to your house and you are watching TV together. There is no one in the apartment except you. But then your doorbell rang. Describe what you will do?

    Situation 2.

    You are playing outside. Suddenly, a well-dressed man approached you and offered to drive his car. What will you answer him?

    Situation 3.

    You hid the key to the apartment in a “safe place” - and quickly went outside to play. When I returned, I did not find the key in place. How will you act and what should adults do after this?

    Situation 4.

    Mom and dad are at work, and you are alone in the house. Doorbell. You looked through the peephole and asked: “Who’s there?” The man introduced himself as a family friend and said that he forgot an umbrella at your house, asking you to return it. Your actions?

    Conclusion(slide 14)

    1. Only someone you know well can open the door.
    2. Don’t leave your apartment key in a “safe place”
    3. And if you have lost your key, immediately tell your parents about it.
    4. Never brag about new things or the wealth of your family, either in the yard or at school.

    5. You and the phone.(Slide 15)

    - Let's talk about whether you know how to talk on the phone if adults are not at home. It's very easy to talk on the phone, everyone knows that. But here there is an important rule: you should only talk to someone you know. And whoever you don’t know, apologize, say goodbye and hang up. No matter who the person calling is, remember: (Slide 16)

    1. Do not give the address or apartment number.
    2. Never give out your phone number.
    3. Don't engage in conversations with strangers.

    – And now we will conduct a master class on how to talk on the phone correctly (two students act out a conversation on the phone). (Appendix, slide 17)

    1st conversation

    - Hello.
    -Who is speaking?
    - Who do you need?

    2nd conversation

    - What kind of apartment is this?
    - This is my apartment. Which one do you need?

    3rd conversation

    - What number is this?
    - Tell me which one you need. I'll tell you this one or not.

    4th conversation

    – Are there any adults at home?
    - No one can come now. Call back later.

    5th conversation

    - A police officer will come now, open the door for him.
    - I can not open. Reach out to your neighbors.

    A telephone (slide 18) is a good thing if you know how to use it. And if you are left alone in the house, a telephone is simply necessary. You can always call and ask your grandmother, mother, father about something, call neighbors or the police for help. Or maybe even call the fire department. But to do this you need to know the numbers:

    If we call 01, we will get to... (slide 19)

    You can't handle the fire on your own,
    This work is not for children.
    Without wasting time,
    “01” call quickly.

    If we call 02, we will get to... (slide 20)

    I was left alone at home.
    Someone tried to open the door
    Then I dialed “02”
    And he called the police.

    If we call 03, we will get to... (slide 21)

    If mom gets sick,
    Don't worry and don't cry.
    Dial "03" quickly
    And the doctor will come to mom.
    If anything happens
    The ambulance will come.

    If we call 04, we will get to... (slide 22)

    If you come from a walk,
    He took off his hat and suddenly in the apartment
    I noticed the smell of gas
    Dial 04 –
    And they will help you right away.

    6. Summary

    – Our lesson at the “Security School” is over. We have learned some rules of conduct that will help you avoid dangerous situations. (Slide 23). Dangerous situations can be prevented! I hope this lesson will be of benefit to you. And now you can sum it up yourself, continuing my phrases with rhyme:

    If we are called to swim, to appear on TV, (Slide 24)
    They promise to give you candy, answer firmly... (No).

    If you are on the phone
    Someone unknown is calling...
    Having listened silently, restrain yourself,
    Having said goodbye... (apologize).

    Of course, this happens in fairy tales (Slide 25)
    That everything ends well for them,
    And so that we can live in peace,
    With safety rules... (be friends)

    MKOU "Secondary school

    With. Bijan"




    Instruction No. 1



    1. To a museum, to an exhibition:

    • Be calm, restrained.
    • Look carefully, listen, do not run randomly from one to another.
    • Don't touch anything without permission.
    • Don't talk loudly.
    • Don't forget to thank the tour guide.

    2. Out into nature:

    • Take clean water for drinking and washing your hands.
    • Do not drink raw water from natural reservoirs.
    • Do not collect plants unknown to you, and do not put them in your mouth under any circumstances.
    • Don't pollute nature.
    • Don't light a fire.
    • Don't break trees.
    • After the event, go straight home.
    • Follow the traffic rules.

    1 . Walk along the sidewalk only on the right side. If there is no sidewalk, walk along the left edge of the road, facing traffic.

    2. Cross the road at the place where a footpath is indicated or a traffic light is installed. Cross the road at the green light.

    3. When crossing the road, look first to the left, then to the right.

    4. If there is no traffic light, cross the road at the crossroads. You need to cross the street straight, not diagonally.

    5. Do not cross the road in front of nearby vehicles.

    6. On the roadway, games are strictly prohibited.

    7. Do not ride on the roadway on a bicycle.

    Instruction No. 3




    - when working with a needle -

    1. Keep the needle always in the needle case.

    2. Do not leave the needle in the workplace without a thread.

    3. Pass the needle in a pincushion and with thread.

    4. Do not put the needle in your mouth or play with it.

    5. Don't stick a needle into your clothing.

    6. Before and after work, check the number of needles.

    7. Always keep your pincushion in one place.

    8. Don't be distracted while working with the needle.

    - when working with scissors -

    9. Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

    10. Scissors should have blunt, rounded ends.

    11. Don't leave scissors open.

    12. Pass the scissors rings first.

    13. Do not play with scissors, do not bring it to your face.

    14. Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

    Instruction No. 4



    1. It is indecent to talk loudly, shout, laugh on the street.

    2. You can not litter on the street: gnaw seeds, throw papers, candy wrappers, apple cores.

    3. While visiting the cinema, do not make noise, run, start games.

    4. While watching a movie, it is indecent to disturb the audience, slam chairs, whistle, stomp.

    5. When entering the hall and when leaving, do not rush, push.

    6. Be polite.

    Instruction No. 5



    1. If someone walks on the street and runs after you, but it’s far from home, run to the nearest crowded place: to the store, bus stop.

    2. If unfamiliar adults try to take you away by force, resist, scream, call for help: "Help! A stranger is taking me away!"

    3. Do not agree to any proposals of unfamiliar adults.

    4. Do not go anywhere with unfamiliar adults and do not get into a car with them.

    5. Never boast that your adults have a lot of money.

    6. Do not invite strangers home if there are no adults at home.

    5. 7. Don't play after dark.

    Instruction No. 6





    1. Throw burning matches and cigarette butts indoors.

    2. Carelessly and carelessly handle fire.

    3. Throw away burning ash near buildings.

    4. Leave the doors of stoves and fireplaces open.

    5. Connect a large number of current consumers to one outlet.

    6. Use faulty equipment and instruments.

    7. Use damaged sockets. Use electric irons, stoves, kettles without stands made of fireproof materials.

    8. Use electrical cords and wires with damaged insulation.

    9. Leave burning stoves unattended.

    10. Do not pick the socket with your finger or other objects.

    11. Repair and disassemble electrical appliances ourselves.


    1. Protect the house from fire.

    2. In the event of a fire, call the fire brigade.

    3. Use all available means to extinguish the fire.

    4. Sound an alarm.

    5. Meet firefighters and inform them about the fire.

    6. Know the evacuation plan in case of fire.

    7. Shout and call for help from adults.

    8. Move crawling or crouching if the room is heavily smoky.

    9. Take people and children out of the burning room.

    10. Throw the blanket over the victim.

    Instruction No. 7


    ON ICE

    • Before moving on ice, you need to make sure its strength has been tested by adults.

    2. You should follow the already paved path.

    3. You should not ski or sled in an unfamiliar place with a cliff.

    4. You should be especially careful near bushes and grass protruding to the surface; in places where there is a fast current, where wastewater from industrial enterprises flows in.

    5. Don’t forget that the ice is thin in autumn and spring.

    Instruction No. 8



    1. You can swim only in places permitted and in the presence of adults.

    2. You cannot dive in unfamiliar places - there may be submerged logs, stones, and snags at the bottom.

    3. You should not swim in wetlands and where there are algae and mud.

    4. You should not start a game where you have to "drown" each arc as a joke.

    5. Do not raise false alarms.

    Instruction No. 9



    2. Do not stare into the dog's eyes and smile. Translated from "dog" it means "show teeth", or say that you are stronger.

    3. You can not show your fear and excitement. The dog may sense this and act aggressively.

    4. You cannot run away from the dog. By doing this you invite the dog to hunt for the fleeing game.

    5. Do not feed other people's dogs or touch the dog while eating or sleeping.

    6. Avoid approaching large guard dogs. Some of them are trained to rush at people approaching a certain distance.

    7. Do not make sudden movements when handling the dog or the dog's owner. She may think that you are threatening him.

    8. Don't touch puppies or take anything your dog plays with.

    9. If in a narrow place (for example, at the entrance) the dog comes towards you on a leash, it is better to stop and let its owner pass.

    10. Animals can spread diseases such as rabies, lichen, plague, typhoid, etc.

    Instruction No. 10



    • You can open the door only to a well-known person.

    2. Do not leave the key to the apartment in a "safe place"

    3. Do not hang the key on a string around your neck.

    4. If you have lost your key, tell your parents immediately.

    Instruction No. 11



    • Do not give an address or apartment number.

    2. Never give your phone number (you can only answer "yes" or "no")

    3. Don't get into conversations with strangers.

    Instruction No. 12



    1. The attendants go to the dining room 10 minutes earlier for table setting.

    2. Walk only in order.

    3. Be sure to wash and dry your hands before eating.

    4. Take your seat.

    5. Don't talk while eating.

    6. Keep cleanliness and order on the table.

    7. After eating, clean up your dishes.

    8. I ate before - wait for your comrades.

    9. Return to class in the ranks.

    Instruction No. 13



    1. Go for a walk in the ranks.

    2. Play on the sports ground.

    3. Do not play with piercing or massive objects.

    4. Don't push, don't trip.

    5. Do not throw snowballs, stones, or various objects.

    6. Go to the toilet only with the permission of the teacher or educator.

    7. Enter from the street in formation.

    Instruction No. 14



    1. Follow traffic rules (No. 2)

    5. Follow the rules of behavior near water bodies during their pre-winter freezing, ice safety rules (No. 7).

    10. Beware of ice to avoid falls and injuries.

    Instruction No. 15



    1 . Follow traffic rules (No. 2)

    2. Follow the rules of fire safety and handling of electrical appliances (No. 6).

    3. Follow the rules of behavior in public places (No. 4).

    4. Follow the rules of personal safety on the street (No. 5).

    6. Follow the rules of behavior when you are alone at home (No. 10).

    7. Follow safety rules when handling animals (No. 9).

    8. Do not play with sharp, piercing and cutting, flammable and explosive objects, firearms and edged weapons, ammunition.

    9. Do not use drugs without a doctor's prescription, drugs, alcohol, do not smoke or sniff toxic substances.

    Instruction No. 16



    1. Follow traffic rules (No. 2)

    2. Follow the rules of fire safety and handling of electrical appliances (No. 6).

    3. Follow the rules of behavior in public places (No. 4).

    4. Follow the rules of personal safety on the street (No. 5).

    5. Follow ice safety rules (No. 7).

    6. Follow the rules of behavior when you are alone at home (No. 10).

    7. Follow safety rules when handling animals (No. 9).

    8. Do not play with sharp, piercing and cutting, flammable and explosive objects, firearms and edged weapons, ammunition.

    9. Do not use drugs without a doctor's prescription, drugs, alcohol, do not smoke or sniff toxic substances.

    10. Beware of ice to avoid falls and injuries.

    11. Do not play near buildings with snow and ice hanging from the roofs.

    Instruction No. 17



    1. Follow traffic rules (No. 2)

    2. Follow the rules of fire safety and handling of electrical appliances (No. 6).

    3. Follow the rules of behavior in public places (No. 4).

    4. Follow the rules of personal safety on the street (No. 5).

    5. Follow the rules of safe behavior on water in summer (No. 8).

    6. Follow the rules of behavior when you are alone at home (No. 10).

    7. Follow safety rules when handling animals (No. 9).

    8. Do not play with sharp, piercing and cutting, flammable and explosive objects, firearms and edged weapons, ammunition.

    9. Do not use drugs without a doctor's prescription, drugs, alcohol, do not smoke or sniff toxic substances.