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  • Fortune telling without maps. "The condition of your life is nothing but a reflection of the state of your mind," - Wayne Dyer. "A person is actually free, but he is not aware of this," Bardo Thatedol. Tibetan book of the dead

    Fortune telling without maps.

    Determine the most important tasks for you and take on to their solution. Do not spray forces. During this period, your own interests should be determining for you. As in your everyday and love affairs, luck awaits you. You will have a chance to become a leader - do not miss it. Perhaps you have a big journey ahead.

    your wish

    Regarding your desire, you should say the following: His execution will not like not everyone, you will be interfered with all possible ways. Do not devote outsiders in your plans, even if you trust them all. Than less people Will be aware of your intentions, the greater the chances that the desire will be fulfilled.

    Explanation of hexagramma

    full explanation of the 59th hexagram → Huan: fragmentation

    Explanation of each trait

    explanation of the features of hexagram from the bottom up

    To understand this hexagram, it is necessary to remember what has already been specified in the 31st hexagram, the fact that the subject of the first part of the "Book of Change" and the second part of it differ somewhat. In the first part, we saw the creation of a figure emanating from the cosmic forces. The second part is rather practical human activity in its environment. In addition, in the second part it is planned to create a person, the emergence of individual. And it is here, after the entire epic, the development of the forces, their accumulation, their smelting, their identification, reintegration in each of the people surrounding people, after this complex path, which was outlined in previous hexagrams, comes, finally, that hexagram, which speaks of individualization, On the manifestation of the completeness of self-consciousness in each individual. It is called a fragmentation. The fragmentation here indicates the occurrence of individuality in private. So, one here turns into a single. The image that the authors of the "Change Books" chose for the image of this fragmentation, deserve our attention. The upper trigram here is the wind, the lower is water. This image indicates that if the water surface is not acting, it seems to us some unity, then with the first impact of the wind, a variety of separate fragmented sparkles appear on it. And every person, each person perceives here as something independent. During this process, the development and accomplishment of this development should occur. This process arises because the joy, formerly the property of a person who has achieved the goal, is common and everyone who has perceived this joy, aware of it, aware of himself and himself as worried about this joy. Thus, the man who gave joy can feel that he fulfilled everything that his being obligated him. He can feel that he has fulfilled his duty to people who gave him that being, before his ancestors. The process of individualization that goes here is an important and serious process, and therefore it is necessary to take large and responsible actions here, in which, by itself, it is necessary to maintain complete durability, understood in this case as genuine rightness in thoughts, in action, in words. In this sense, the text should be understood: fragmentation. Across The king approaches the owners of the temple (to the spirits of ancestors). Favorable former through the Great River. Favorable resistance.

    The first position characterizes the stay in itself, misappropriate; Therefore, the necessary individualization and fragmentation has not yet been reached by the forces of one first position. Here you need help running out. And she notes "Book of Change". This help should be strong. If the image of a horse is chosen here, then, first, because the trigram cany, standing below, in the symbolism of animals belongs to the horse, and, secondly, because the help here comes even from the second position, which is engaged in a strong feature, Also symbolizing a horse. Therefore, we read here in the text: at the beginning of a weak line. Assistance is needed. Horse strong. Happiness.

    During the process of individualization, the most important thing is to find your own place. It must be exactly and durable, in which from the point of view of feudal authors "Book of Change" prestrol was presented. Therefore, in the process of individualization, each person should strive for his throne. We would say, everyone should take a place-like place. If this is done, errors performed in the past are smoothed, and repentance will disappear. Thus, the text says here like this: a strong trait in second place. When griming, running to your throne. Reels will disappear.

    In the process of fragmentation and individualization, the oversight of this process represents the greatest danger. When even the individuality itself is exposed during the fragmentation process, i.e. Something indivisible, then the favorable outcome can not come. A person will be forced to bitterly repent of the fact that he did not stop the crushing process on time. However, since the third position on its own sense itself is aspiration internally, the disintegration of the internal one, in this case, the person does not have repentance, because, by spending further and continue to decay, it acts only in the spirit of the position that it takes place within this situation. Therefore, here in the text we read: a weak feature in third place. We cut your body. Repentance will not.

    The process of fragmentation, individualization can be considered as a bilateral process also on the other. If in a certain sense of the word it is a fragmentation of some whole and thereby destruction of it as a whole, then, on the other hand, many people arise instead of a lot. Their set in a certain sense of the word represents again some unity, unity in which they are represented by a whole hill. Therefore, if a single "flock" is broken into separate individuals, then, on the other hand, the team of these individuals is a large hill. Apparently, the authors of the "Book of Change" realized that such a thought was essentially dialectical, difficult to perceive, if a person is not developed in culturally. Conscious of the difficulty of this thought, the text states: a weak feature in the fourth place. We cut your flock. Initial happiness. In the crushing there will be a hill. This is not what the barbarians think about.

    The process of individualization, fragmentation comes from a certain center and rushes to the periphery, and on the periphery there are separate individuals. To express this process figuratively, the text speaks here about how individual droplets of sweat perform on the periphery of the skin due to the fact that inside a person feels a heat. This process of individualization should be distributed everywhere as a loud voice. But on the fifth position, which should be a guideline, you need to put yourself in the center, which is expressed in the language of "Book of Change" in the image of the king living in the center. This is because it is necessary to internally resist the process of fragmentation and to keep in it, without fragrating. Only then the outcome can be favorable. In this sense, the text says: a strong trait in fifth place. During fragmentation, sweat comes from loud screams. When griming, like the king, live. Hula will not.

    The excessive development of the crushing process, when the identity gives itself to this in order to arise in surrounded by independent individuals, leads to the full return of their forces to the surrounding. But it should be so. Here you need to go beyond yourself. In this sacrificial dedication, it may be possible to straighten the failure of the sixth position, about which it says in the text: at the top there is a strong trait. When you crush your blood leaves. Succeeded. Get out. And the bully will not be.

    Canonical Text

    Across The king is approaching the owners of the temple. Favorable former through the Great River. Favorable resistance.

    1. It is necessary to save. Horse strong. - Happiness.
    2. When griming, running to your support. - repentance will disappear.
    3. We cut your body. - repentance will not.
    4. We cut your flock. - initial happiness. We cut your hill. (This) is not what the barbarians think about.
    5. During a fragmentation, sweat (from) of his loud screams will perform. When fragments, (as) king, live. - Hula will not.
    6. When you crush your blood leaves. They succeeded, go out - and the bully will not be.

    To understand this hexagram, it is necessary to recall that we have already been specified in the 31st hexagram, the fact that the topic of the first part of the "Book of Change" and the second part of it differ somewhat. In the first part, we saw the creation of a figure emanating from the cosmic forces. The second part is more likely the practical activity of a person in its environment. In addition, in the second part it is planned to create a person, the emergence of individual. And it is here, after the entire epic, the development of the forces, their accumulation, their smelting, their identification, reintegration in each of the people surrounding people, after this complex path, which was outlined in previous hexagrams, comes, finally, that hexagram, which speaks of individualization, On the manifestation of the completeness of self-consciousness in each individual. It is called a fragmentation. The fragmentation here indicates the occurrence of individuality in private. So, one here turns into a single. The image that the authors of the "Book of Changes" chose for the image of this fragmentation, deserve our attention. The upper trigram here is the wind, the lower is water. This image indicates that if the water surface is not acting, it seems to us some unity, then with the first impact of the wind, a variety of separate fragmented sparkles appear on it. And every person, each person perceives here as something independent. During this process, the development and accomplishment of this development should occur. This process arises because the joy, formerly the property of a person who has achieved the goal, is common and everyone who has perceived this joy, aware of it, aware of himself and himself as worried about this joy. Thus, the man who gave joy can feel that he fulfilled everything that his being obligated him. He can feel that he has fulfilled his duty to people who gave him that being, before his ancestors. The process of individualization that goes here is an important and serious process, and therefore it is necessary to take large and responsible actions here, in which, by itself, it is necessary to maintain complete durability, understood in this case as genuine rightness in thoughts, in action, in words. In this sense, the text should be understood: fragmentation. Across The king approaches the owners of the temple (to the spirits of ancestors). Favorable former through the Great River. Favorable resistance.


    The first position characterizes the stay in itself, misappropriate; Therefore, the necessary individualization and fragmentation has not yet been reached by the forces of one first position. Here you need help running out. And it marks the "Book of Changes". This help should be strong. If the image of a horse is chosen here, then, first, because the trigram cany, standing below, in the symbolism of animals belongs to the horse, and, secondly, because the help here comes even from the second position, which is engaged in a strong feature, Also symbolizing a horse. Therefore, we read here in the text: at the beginning of a weak line. Assistance is needed. Horse strong. Happiness.


    During the process of individualization, the most important thing is to find your own place. It must be exactly and durable, in which from the point of view of the feudal authors of the "Book of Changes" was preposition. Therefore, in the process of individualization, each person should strive for his throne. We would say, everyone should take a place-like place. If this is done, errors performed in the past are smoothed, and repentance will disappear. Thus, the text says here like this: a strong trait in second place. When griming, running to your throne. Reels will disappear.


    In the process of fragmentation and individualization, the oversight of this process represents the greatest danger. When even the individuality itself is exposed during the fragmentation process, i.e. Something indivisible, then the favorable outcome can not come. A person will be forced to bitterly repent of the fact that he did not stop the crushing process on time. However, since the third position on its own sense itself is aspiration internally, the disintegration of the internal one, in this case, the person does not have repentance, because, by spending further and continue to decay, it acts only in the spirit of the position that it takes place within this situation. Therefore, here in the text we read: a weak feature in third place. We cut your body. Repentance will not.


    The process of fragmentation, individualization can be considered as a bilateral process also on the other. If in a certain sense of the word it is a fragmentation of some whole and thereby destruction of it as a whole, then, on the other hand, many people arise instead of a lot. Their set in a certain sense of the word represents again some unity, unity in which they are represented by a whole hill. Therefore, if a single "flock" is broken into individual individuals, then, on the other hand, the team of these individuals is a large hill. Apparently, the authors of the "Book of Change" realized that such a thought was essentially dialectical, difficult to perceive, if a person is not developed in culturally. Conscious of the difficulty of this thought, the text states: a weak feature in the fourth place. We cut your flock. Initial happiness. In the crushing there will be a hill. This is not what the barbarians think about.


    The process of individualization, fragmentation comes from a certain center and rushes to the periphery, and on the periphery there are separate individuals. To express this process figuratively, the text speaks here about how individual droplets of sweat perform on the periphery of the skin due to the fact that inside a person feels a heat. This process of individualization should be distributed everywhere as a loud voice. But on the fifth position, which should be a guideline, it is necessary to put itself in the center, which is expressed in the language of "Book of Change" in the image of the king living in the center. This is because it is necessary to internally resist the process of fragmentation and to keep in it, without fragrating. Only then the outcome can be favorable. In this sense, the text says: a strong trait in fifth place. During fragmentation, sweat comes from loud screams. When griming, like the king, live. Hula will not.


    The excessive development of the crushing process, when the identity gives itself to this in order to arise in surrounded by independent individuals, leads to the full return of their forces to the surrounding. But it should be so. Here you need to go beyond yourself. In this sacrificial dedication, it may be possible to straighten the failure of the sixth position, about which it says in the text: at the top there is a strong trait. When you crush your blood leaves. Succeeded. Get out. And the bully will not be.

    In external - thinning and penetration, in the internal - immersion and danger. The thinning associated with the appearance of smaller independent objects with a concomitant sensation of danger is fragmentation.

    Interpretation of Haislip.

    The bright sun of success rises again after a long period of failure. All you have sought, will be possible. It may very much that long-term journey awaits you. Try not to spend a lot of money. Your business will go well in all respects, and in the near future you will have an unexpected chance to become a leader. Your desire is now being executed. And if you are persistent and targeted in their efforts - it will be fulfilled entirely.

    Choose the hexagram number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 And see its interpretation below

    Book of Changes - Interpretation of Hexagram No. 59

    Huan. Split

    To understand this hexagram, it is necessary to remember that we have already specified in the hexagram number 31, the fact that the subject of the first part of the "book of change" and the second part of it differ somewhat. In the first part, we saw the creation of a figure emanating from the cosmic forces. The second part is rather practical human activity in its environment. In addition, in the second part it is planned to create a person, the emergence of individual. And it is here, after the entire epic of the development of forces, their accumulation, mockery, revealing, reintegration in each of the people around people, after all this complex path, which was outlined in previous hexagrams, is finally the hexagram, which speaks of individualization, On the manifestation of the completeness of self-consciousness in each individual. It is called a fragmentation. The fragmentation here indicates the occurrence of individuality in private. So, one here turns into a single. The image that the authors of the "Change books" chose for the image of this fragmentation, deserves our attention. Top trigram Xun - "Wind", Lower canan - "Water". This image indicates that if the water surface does not work until the wind, it seems to us by some unity, then with the first impact of the wind, ripples appears on it, many separate fragmented sparkles appear. And every person, each person perceives here as something independent. During this process, the development and accomplishment of this development should occur. This process arises because the joy, formerly the property of the human goal, is common and everyone who perceived this joy, realizing her, aware of himself and himself as worried about this joy. Thus, the man who gave joy can feel that he fulfilled everything to what his being obligated him. He can feel that he has fulfilled his duty to people who gave him that being, before his ancestors. The process of individualization, outlining here, is an important and serious process, and therefore it is necessary to take large and responsible actions in which it is necessary to maintain complete durability, understood in this case as genuine rightness in thoughts, actions, words. In this sense, you should understand the text:

    The king approaches the owners of the temple (to the spirits of ancestors).
    Favorable former through the Great River.
    Favorable resistance.

    1. The first position characterizes the stay in itself, misappropriate; Therefore, the forces of one first position have not yet been reached by the necessary individualization and fragmentation. Here you need help running out. And she notes "Book of Change". This help should be strong. If the image of a horse is selected here, first, because the trigram cany, standing below, in the symbolism of animals refers to a horse, and, secondly, because help proceeds even from the second position, which is engaged in a strong feature, also symbolizing a horse. Therefore, we read in the text:

    At the beginning of a weak line.
    Assistance is needed.
    Horse strong.

    2. During the process of individualization, the most important thing to find its own place. It must be equal and durable, with the fact that, from the point of view of the feudal authors of "Book of Change", the throne was presented. Therefore, in the process of individualization, each person should strive for his throne. We would say, everyone should take a place-like place. If this is done, errors performed in the past are smoothed, and repentance will disappear. Thus, the text says:

    Strong feature on the second [place].
    When griming, running to your throne.
    Reels will disappear.

    3. In the process of fragmentation and individualization, the oversight of this process represents the greatest danger. When even the individuality itself is exposed during the fragmentation process, i.e. Something indivisible, then a favorable outcome can not come. The person will be forced to bitterly repent of the fact that he did not leave the crushing process on time. However, since the third position on its meaning itself is aspiration internally, the disintegration of the internal one, in this case, the person does not have repentant, because, by spending farther and further, it acts only in the spirit of the position that takes up within this situation. Therefore, we read in the text:

    Weak feature on the third [place].
    We cut your body.
    Repentance will not.

    4. The process of fragmentation, individualization can be considered as a two-way process also on the other. If, in a certain sense of the word, it is a fragmentation of some whole and thereby destruction of it as a whole, then, on the other hand, many people arise instead of a lot. Their set, in a certain sense of the word, represents again some unity, unity in which they are represented by a whole hill. Therefore, if a single "flock" is broken into individual individuals, then, on the other hand, the team of these individuals is a big hill. Apparently, the authors of the "Book of Change" realized that such a thought was essentially dialectical, difficult to perceive, if a person is not developed in culturally. Conscious of the difficulty of this thought, the text states:

    Weak feature on the fourth [place].
    We cut your flock.
    Initial happiness.
    In the crushing there will be a hill.
    [This] Not what the barbarians think about.

    5. The process of individualization, fragmentation comes from a certain center and rushes to the periphery, and on the periphery there are separate individuals. To express this process figuratively, the text speaks here about how individual droplets of sweat perform on the periphery of the skin due to the fact that inside a person feels a heat. This process of individualization should cover more space in this situation, it must be distributed everywhere as a loud voice. But on the fifth position, which should be a guideline, you need to put yourself in the center, which is expressed in the language of "Book of Change" in the image of the king living in the center. It is necessary to internally confront the process of fragmentation and to keep in it, without splitting. Only then the outcome can be favorable. In this sense, the text says:

    Strong feature on the fifth [place].
    During fragmentation, sweat [from] loud screams.
    When fragments, [as] the king, live.
    Hula will not.

    6. The excessive development of the crushing process, when the identity gives itself to this in order to arise in surrounded by independent individuals, leads to the full return of their forces to the surrounding. But it should be so. Here you need to go beyond yourself. In this sacrificial dedication, it is possible to correct the failedness of the sixth position, which is said in the text:

    Upstairs a strong trait.
    When you crush your blood leaves.
    Succeeded. Get out.
    And the bully will not be.


    As the rain jets are broken by the wind on the droplets, so the power of your intentions disperses. Not the wind is strong, and not the rain is weak. This you too broke away from reality. And the reality is as follows: you have where to attach your strength and you feel that they are capable of greater.

    But for some reason, send your energy outwardly, from myself, looking for another thing, other people. Therefore, not everything is smooth in your life of a fragmentation period that you are distracted by the urgent.


    For two hares, chase?

    "Skinny" hexagram

    Do not disperse your attention. Not all wheels can spin independently.

    Lower line.

    Your case needs help, not a new thing.

    Second line.

    If you understand that the forces have become less, why continue to go somewhere? Houses and walls help.

    Third line.

    There is a possibility of applying to you irreparable damage ... and time to get up.

    Fourth line.

    Already only depends on you further development events. The "flock" should have a strong shepherd.

    Fifth line.

    It is important to keep the event around the famous center. If you are this center, you will have to be disadvantaged - "Pot from loud screams." If you are on the periphery, do not give the center. There will be the same with the opposite sign.

    Top line.

    Reformation of "fragmentation" led you to complete exhaustion. Now you have to leave almost everything.

    Andrei Khramov, Andrei Tsumanov. I-Jing - the alphabet of fate

    Name of this hexagrams - "Huan - fragmentation". Let's try to look at what trigrams this symbol is. Upstairs we have a trigram "Wind", below - "Water". Commentators "Books" offer to consider these images in the following order: if there are calm in nature, if there is no wind, then water is an even, single surface.
    But if the wind suddenly rises, then, touching the water, he turns it into the milk ripples, in separate waves and splashes. Thus, the fragmentation of the whole on the set of individual particles occurs. And it is this sense that invests the divination of the Chinese classical "book of change" to the text
    hexagram "Huan - fragmentation".
    More recently, your life was inextricably linked with the life of others. You had common goals, common interests and largely joint plans for further life. But this situation, having achieved at some point his heyday, inevitably began to decline.
    It is unlikely that your tasks come in and continue to continue the situation that has already fully exhausted itself. All you need at this stage is to determine the most promising direction for yourself and boldly go to the "way".
    You want or not, but you need to create a new appearance (or a new image). Recently, you have achieved very significant results in self-development and are now ready to appear in front of Ma ROM as a more serious and magic and vital experience of the person.

    Your relationship with others also must be somewhat modified. Now your behavior will be determined by no common interests, but the fact that you yourself are honored for yourself. Remember only that such a transition requires caution and tact.
    Even by creating your own individuality, you should not forget that your life is surrounded by other people. And this, in turn, imposes well-known obligations on you. Try to compromise between your personal interests and concerns around us. Such behavior will avoid many troubles on the way.

    Based on the foregoing, you will select for yourself and possible options. Work . Constantly consider that this work should be not just an interesting and profitable: doing it, you will be improved as a person.
    And this approach will inevitably make you more legible and picky. Therefore, it is possible that for some time you will spend in a "suspended state": between the stage that has already ended, and the one that has not yet begun. But in the end, your intelligibility should go for good!

    Seeking fulfillment of their desireYou must show great care, because there are people interested in the fact that your activities turn into failure. Do not talk about your plans outsiders, even if you consider that they can help you. Believe me: the fewer people will know about your intentions, the greater the likelihood of your dreams!