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  • E in english transcription. How to read and pronounce English transcription. The letters of the English alphabet and their transcription in Russian and English

    E in english transcription. How to read and pronounce English transcription. The letters of the English alphabet and their transcription in Russian and English

    English is known frequent discrepancies in writing and pronunciation of words. Therefore, the beginners sometimes it is very difficult to navigate how correctly is pronounced, or another expression from the text. Today's material will give some support for beginners in this matter. Here we collected basic English vocabulary with transcription and Russian translation, as well as described the pronunciation of English words by Russian letters. Thus, you will not be confused in transcriptional signs and reading rules, and you will easily understand how the correct pronunciation sounds.

    Before proceeding to the study of vocabulary, I would like to mention several important points.

    The phonetic English system has 48 sounds. And this is just 26 letters! Writeness is played a huge role, thanks to which a new sound is formed. In detail about this phenomenon, the reading rules given in the neighboring material are told. With them it is necessary to get acquainted, because Pronunciation in Russian is only an auxiliary element that does not transmit all the subtleties of the British accent.

    In addition, to properly express sounds in English, it is necessary to develop appropriate articulation. How to make you tell you about the features and rules for the pronunciation of English words. We also recommend familiarizing yourself with this material. Since Russian transcription will definitely facilitate the perception of words for children and beginners, but it will contribute little in the formulation of pure English "speaking."

    Thus, of course, it is convenient to be able to a prompt with a pronunciation in Russian, but it is impossible to use it all the time. Try to gradually master the transcriptional rules and try to pronounce new words on your own, and the Russian option is used solely for reference purposes. With this instruction, we turn to our list and find out how popular English words are pronounced.

    English words pronunciation by Russian letters - phrasebook

    The above expressions will help to make a small English text about themselves, maintain a light conversation at the first acquaintance, and understand most of the standard phrases. In addition, you don't have to constantly need a translator, because knowing the correct pronunciation of words, you can independently perceive on the rumor and translate the expressions spoken by foreigners.


    Word Transcription Pronunciation Transfer
    Hello! [Halo] Hello!
    Good Morning! [ɡʊD mɔːnɪŋ] [Gud Mioning] Good morning!
    GOOD AFTERNOON! [ɡʊd ˌɑːftənuːn] [Gud Aftenun] Good day!
    Good evering! [ɡʊd iːvnɪŋ] [Good Ivning] Good evening!
    What is your name? [Wat from Ela Name] What is your name?
    My Name IS ... [May Name from] My name is…
    Where are you your? [UE ARU FROOM] Where are you from?
    I am from ... [Ai Em Frome] I'm from…
    I SPEAK ... [Ay Speaker] I speak…
    How Old Are you? [howy Old Aru] How old are you?
    I am 20. [ah uh twenty] I am 20 years old.
    Nice To Meet You! [Nake Tu Mit Ye] Nice to meet you!
    How Are you you? [howe ar] How are you?
    I am Very Well, Thanks. [Ai Em Warie Wel Sanks] All is well, thanks.
    Good bye! [ɡʊd baɪ] [Gud Bai] Bye!
    All The Best! [ɔːL ðə BEST] [Ol ZE BEST] All the best!

    Appeals and questions

    Mister. [MISTE] Mr.
    Madam [Mæd.əm] [Madame] Madam
    Young Man. [Yang Meng] Girl
    YOUNG LADY (MISS) [Young Ladi] Girl, Young Lady, Miss
    Ladies and Gentlemen. [Leɪ.dis ənd dʒ̩.mən] [Laides & Gentleman] Ladies and Gentlemen
    I am a tourist. [Ai Em Eh Torist] I'm a tourist.
    Excuse Me, Can You Help Me, Please? [ɪKSKJUːS MIː KæN Ju Help Miː Pliːz] [Ikskusius Mi, Keno Help Mi Pliz] Sorry, can you help me?
    Could You Spare Me A Moment? [Kudu SPEE MIMENT] Could you give me a minute of your time?
    Do You Speak Russia? [DOO SPIC RASHN] Do you speak Russian?
    Where Is the Bus Stop? [UER from ze bass stop] Where is the bus-stop?
    Where I CAN TAKE A TAXI? [Waer Ai Ken Take Egy Taxi] Where can I take a taxi?
    I'm Lost. I'm Seeking The Hotel Riga. Where is IT? [Ime Lost. Ime Singing Ze Houghler Riga. WER from IT] I'm lost. I'm looking for Hotel Riga. Where is it?
    WHEN DOES THE BUS LEAVE? [UEN DAZ ZE BAS LIV] When does the bus go?
    Could You Do Me A Favor? [Kud Yu Du Mi E Faevor] Would you assist me?

    Other English topics: Dialogues in English for beginners

    Conversation and mutual understanding

    Do You Understand Me? [Du Yu Andestand Mi] Do you understand me?
    Yes [YES] Yes
    No. [know] Not
    What do you mean? [Wat Do M Min] What do you have in mind?
    SPEAK SLOWER, PLEASE. [Sword Sleep, pliz] Please talk slower.
    SPEAK LOUDER, PLEASE. [Speaker Laude, pliz] Please speak louder.
    Write It Down, Please. [Wright IT Down, pliz] Write please.
    I Think You Misunderstood Me. [Ai Synku Mesandestudi] I think you misunderstood me.
    Please, Say It Again. [pliz, Say IT EGEN] Please tell me again.
    Please, Accept My Apologies. [Pliz Exept May Epolodzhis] Please accept my apologies.
    Sorry for ... [SɒRI Fə (R)] [Sori Form] I apologize for ...
    I Beg Your Pardon ... [Ay Baga ё hay] Can I contact you?
    IT's All Right. [ɪts ɔːL RAɪT] [ITS Ol Wright] Everything is fine!
    You are Welcome! [Yu AR Welcom] You are welcome.
    No Harm Done. [But Ham Dan] Do not stand apologies.
    Could You ... [Kud Yu ...] Could you…


    May i ask you? [Mei A ASK U] Can I ask you?
    Do You Like ....? [Du Like] You like…?
    I DON'T LIKE IT. [Ay Donge Like IT] I do not like this.
    I Prefer ... [Ay Podfo] I prefer…
    Would You please Give Me ...? [Wood u pliz gyvi] Could you give me ...?
    Do You Mind ...? [Du Mindd] Do not you mind?
    I DON'T MIND ... [Ay Donate Mind] I'm not against…
    I Forbid You To ... [Ai Fobidu Tu] I forbid you ...
    By No Means! [Bai NOU MINZ] In no case!
    May i invite you to ... [May ah invite yu] I can invite you ...
    Let's Go To ... [LATTS GOU TU] Come on ....
    With Pleasure! [UAS PRESHE] With pleasure!
    Unfortunately, I Can't ... [ʌnfɔːtʃʃnətli aɪ kænt] [Anfochenatei Ai Kat] Unfortunately I can not


    Entrance. [Entrans] entrance
    EXIT [Eksɪt] [Excit] Output
    Pull [pool] To myself
    Push. [Push] Push
    Open. [Ʊʊpən] [Open] Open
    Closed [CloezD] Closed
    Caution [Kɔː.ʃʃn] [Koshan] Caution
    Do not enter. [do notot inter] Do not enter
    Do Not Disturb [Du Music DistoB] Do not disturb
    WET PAINT. [Umet Paint] Painted
    KEEP OF THE GRASS [KIE HE GRS] Passage on the lawn is prohibited
    No admission [NOU ADMISHN] Entrance is prohibited
    No Parking [NOU PAKING] No Parking
    No Smoking [Know the tuxedo] Do not smoke
    Beware Of Cars. [BEVE OF KAA (P)] watch out for the car
    Chemist's [Camist] Pharmacy
    GROCERY STORE. [Ɡrʊʊsəri STɔː (R)] [Groseri Sto (P)] Grocery store
    Bakery. [Bakery] Bakery
    Car Hire [kaa kaee] Car rental
    Currency Exchange. [Kʌr (ə) NSI ɪKSTʃEɪNDʒ] [Karency Ikscheignj] Currency exchange
    First Aid. [FÖST EID] Ambulance
    ON SALE [ɒN SEɪL] [He Sail] Available for sale
    Sold Out. [SOULD OUT] Sold
    Reserved [Rizöevd] Booked
    Smoking Area. [SMʊʊKɪŋ Eəriə] [SMOKING ERIA] Smoking area
    Taken. [Teɪ.kən] [Taken] Busy
    STAFF ONLY. [Staff Doli] Only for staff

    Important verbs

    do. [do] do, engage
    write [Wright] write
    watch. [Watch] look
    see [C] see
    go. [ɡəʊ] [GOU] go to go
    bUY. [Bai] buy
    pay. [Pey] to pay
    cost. [COOL] cost
    drive. [drive] drive a car
    know [know] know
    say. [Say] speak
    sPEAK. [Speaker] talk (in language)
    lose. [Luz] lose, lose
    look For [Bow FD] search
    open. [Ʊʊpən] [Open] open
    close. [clowz] close
    stay. [Stay] stop
    keep. [kip] keep storing
    want. [WONT] to want
    visit. [Vɪzɪt] [visit] visit
    dRINK. [Drink] drink
    eAT. [IT] there is
    need [NID] to need
    san. [ən] [CEN] be able to be able

    Frequently used adjectives

    good. [ɡʊd] [Hood] good
    bad. [BAD] bad
    black. [Black] the black
    white [White] white
    gOLD. [ɡɡʊld] [Gold] gold
    red [RED] red
    blue [Blue] blue
    green. [ɡriːn] [Green] green
    expensive [ɪkspanesɪv] [suprevision] expensive
    cheap [chip] cheap
    cOMFORTABLE [Kʌmftəbl] [Camfel] comfortable
    private ['Praɪvət] [PRIVET] private
    touristic [Tourishment] tourist
    beautiful. [Bjuːtɪfl] [BTUTIFL] beautiful
    big [Big] large
    small [resin] small
    short [ʃɔːt] [Shot] short
    long. [Long] a long
    cold [COOL] cold
    warm. [OUT] warm
    hot. [although] hot
    old. [ʊʊld] [Old] old
    new [New] new
    yOUNG. [Young] young
    interesting [Ɪntrəstɪŋ] [intiresting] interesting
    fine [Fine] beautiful
    wonderful. [Wʌndəfl] [Ondeful] great

    Popular nains

    left. [Lef] left
    right [Wright] on right
    more [Moor] more
    less [LES] less
    a Little. [E Little] little
    well [WELL] oK
    badly [Bædli] [Badley] badly
    late. [Late] late
    early. [ꞫːLi] [Joli] early
    already [ɔːLredi] [Olrident] already
    also. [Ɔːlsʊʊ] [Olsou] also
    often. [ɒfn] [OFN] often
    pROBABLY [samples] possibly
    everywhere. [Euryer] everywhere
    sOON. [Sun] soon

    This set of phrases you will be enough to master the first skills of communication with foreigners. But, finally, I want to recall once again that the pronunciation of English words written by Russian letters does not convey the characteristics of English phonetics! Therefore, as soon as you get used to English speech, take on the rules of reading and English articulation. Only they will be able to put truly British pronunciation.

    The British are often joking about the pronunciation of words of their native language, as there are cases when a person who does not know any term, will not read it for anything. For example, Choir. No matter how much a Russian-speaking student was affected, but he turns out that "Choir", then "CHOEE", then Coe. And when a person finds out that the word is actually read as "quail", it causes astonishment.

    To solve the problem of reading the words, as well as memorizing pronunciation and invented English transcription. Although in English "Total" 26 letters, some of them are read completely differently. In addition, some clusters of two, three and even four characters are read as one sound. He blows the confusion that in the initial and final position, the letters are not read at all, and sometimes it happens inside the word.

    About the transcription of sounds

    Thus, linguists simply needed to find a way out of the position, and they decided to assign their own sign to each sound. Such symbols got "already" 44, but they significantly simplified the problem of learning English by foreigners.

    The question of how to read transcription in English is not so simple, and therefore linguists offer various methods grouping sounds. We offer you the following classification, which is accompanied by examples of words that we hope you already know. English sound transcription looks like this:


    1. Couple "Deaf-ringing":

    2. "Unpaired" consonants:
    1. Single brief: [ʌ] But (but); [E] Bet (bet); [æ] Cat (Cat); [ʊ] PUT (clash); [ɪ] SIT (Sitting); [ɒ] DOG (dog); [ə] Teacher (Teacher)
    2. Single long: [ɑː] PARK (Park); MEET (meet); shoe (shoe) [ɜː] Girl (girl); [ɔː] Ball (ball)
    3. Diffong BUY (Buy); [ɔɪ] Boy (boy); Day (day); How (as); [ʊʊ] go (go); [ʊʊ] sure (confident); there (there); [ɪɪ] Hear (hear)

    The transcription of the English alphabet is of great importance. And in order to successfully learn the language. You just need to know the alphabet of nazubok. It is quite possible to the situation when you took the word on the rumor, but do not know how to write it. In this case, Spelling comes to the rescue, that is, pronouncing it by letters. It is enough for you to ask Teachers: "Spell It, Please" (please contact it, by letters), and he will gladly fulfill a request.

    Transcription of english letters

    The transcription of English letters sometimes coincides with the sounds, and more often requires two transcriptional sign, one of which is consonant, and the second is long vowel. The vowels coincide either with difongs, or with long monophthongami: a -; E -; I -; o - [ʊʊ]; U -; y - (two sounds are used in the last two cases).

    The transcription of consonants usually combines the consonant and long-term vowel or sound [E], followed by consonant: 1) B -; C -; D -; G - [ʤiː]; P -; T -; V - 2) F -; L -; m -; n -; s -

    Transcription of English words

    Transcription of English words consists of all the sounds of the word grouped into one square brackets [TEɪBL] - Table (table, table); - Know (know); - Great (Great). If in the word two syllables, then the icon resembling an apostrophe is put before the drums. Unlike Russian, in English in the word can be two stresses - weak and strong. The weak is placed in front of the syllable, and the strong - before the syllable from above. With double accent, you can meet in multi-line words, such as [ˌrɛvəluːʃn] - revolution; [ˌKɒmpəzɪʃɪʃn] - an essay, composition.

    On the LIM English website you will learn all the rules for using transcription, learn how to read any, even the most difficult word. You will learn that reading many words in English is subject to certain rules. You will also meet with such speech units that do not obey any rules, and their pronunciation can only be caught using transcription or live English speech.

    Sounds that represent - 44 English phonemes that share in two categories: consonants and vowels. Because the sounds cannot be recorded, then grafts (letters or combination of letters) are used to transmit sounds on the letter).

    English Alphabet

    In English, 26 letters. Standard begins with the letter A and ends with the letter Z.

    When classifying alphabetic symbols, highlight:

    • 5 clean vowels: a, e, i, o, u;
    • 19 pure consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, x, z;
    • 2 semi-voiced: y, w.

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    Features of English consonant sounds

    The combination of consonants is a set of two or three consonant letters, which, when pronouncing, retain the original sound. Such sets are found either at the beginning or in the end of the word. For example, the word brave in which the "B" and "R" is pronounced - the initial combination. In the word bank "-NK" - the final combination.


    1. The initial combinations are classified into kits with "L", "R", and "S". In "L", the combination ends on "L". An example is the letters "BL" in the word Blind. Similarly, the final sound in "R" in combination with "R", when "Br" and "CR", for example, in the words Bridge, Crane. On the contrary, in "S" begins with S, "ST" and "SN" - Stap, Snail.
    2. Finite combinations are grouped into kits with "S", "L" and "N": -st, -sk, -LD, -ND, -NK. Examples, FIRST, Desk, Gold, Sand, Sink.


    The consonants are related to the set of consonants forming one sound. Some digraphs are both at the beginning and in the end of the word - "sh", "ch" and "th". There are also strict initial and final digraphs - "KN-" and "-KK".

    Examples of diges:

    CH- - CH.
    KN- - CK.
    PH- -sh.
    SH- -ss.
    That -th.
    Wh- -tch


    English consonant sound pronunciation table

    b. b. bag, Band, Cab bEG, Band, Ceb
    d. d. dad, Did, Lady, ODD [ɒD] ded, Did, Leidi, Od
    f. f, pH, sometimes GH fable, Fact, if [ɪF], OFF [ɒF], photo, glyph faba, Face, IF, OF, FOUTOU, GLIF
    g. give, Flag gIV, FLAG
    h. hold, Ham. holed, Ham.
    j. usually represented y, but sometimes by other vowels yellow, Yes, Young, Neuron, Cube ielou, Ies, Iyang, N (b) Jueron, K (b) Yu: B - sound J look like a vowel sound I :.
    k. k, C, Q, QUE, CK, Sometimes CH cat, Kill, Queen, Skin, Thick [ɪɪk], chaos kat, Kil, KVI: N, Sik, Keyios
    l. l. lane, Clip, Bell, Milk, Sould lane, clip, Bel, Milk, Sould - has two sound options: pure / l / in front of the vowel, "darkened" / ɫ / before consonant or in the end of the word
    m. m. man, Them [ððm], Moon maine, Zem, Mu: N
    n. n. nest, Sun. nest, San.
    ŋ nG. ring, Sing, Finger

    For [ŋ], sometimes the sound of [G]. [ŋ], if "NG" is in the end of the word or related word (Sing, Singer, Thing), in "-ing", which carries out the translation of verbs into communion or gerundia. [ŋG], if "NG" is not at the end of the word or in related words, also in comparative degrees (Longer, longst).

    / Ring /, / Sing /, / Finghe /
    p. p. pen, Spin, Tip, Happy pen, Spin, Type, Hope
    r. r. rat, Reply, Rainbow, rat, Riplay, Reine -

    the movement of the language is close to the alveolar ridge, but without touching it

    s. s, sometimes c see, City, Pass, Lesson c: PA: C, Lesn
    ʃ sh, si, ti, sometimes s sHE [ʃI:], crash, sheep [ʃi: p], sure [ʃʊʃʊ], session, emotion [ɪmʊʃʊʃn], Leash shi: Krasch, Shi: P, Shue, Seshen, Imshn, Lee: Sh
    t. T. taste, Sting. taist, Sting
    tʃ. cH, sometimes t chair [ʧɛʧɛ], Nature Teach Beach T CE E, HE T CE, TI: T H, BB: T
    θ tH. thing [ɪŋɪŋ], Teeth, Athens [æɪɪnz [ T Sing, Ti: T C, ET SIN - Deep Grounding
    ð tH. this [ɪɪs], Mother d zh, ma d ze - ringing frkin
    v. v, sometimes f voice, Five, of [ɔv] wORK, FIQ, OV
    w. w, sometimes u wET, WINDOW, QUEEN u is, in Indea, Ku B and: H - [W] looks like
    z. z. zoo, Lazy Herage:, Leji.
    ʒ g, si, z, sometimes s genre [ʒɑːŋR], Pleasure, Beige, Seizure, Vision genre E, Plezhe, Bezh, C: HE, Vizhen
    j, sometimes g, dg, d gin [ʤɪn], joy [ʤɔɪ], edge jean, Joy, Already

    English vowels

    Each English vowel is pronounced in three ways:

    1. as a long sound;
    2. as a short sound;
    3. like neutral vowel sound (SCHWA).

    In the English alphabet, there are 5 vowels, but sometimes y becomes vowels and pronounced as I, and W replaces U, for example, in the Digraph OW.

    Reading rules of vowels

    Short vowels, for which the "short" sound is characterized, when one vowel is present in the Word or at the beginning of the word, or between two consonants. For example, if, ELK, HOP, FAN. Typical short vowels template - consonant + vowel + consonant (SGS).

    Words are taught in the form of families that represent groups of words with a common pattern, for example, in the "-AG template" - Bag, Wag, Tag or "-at" - Cat, Bat, Hat.


    Sound Letter Examples
    [æ] a. rag, Sag, Ram, Jam, Gap, SAP Mat
    [ɛ] e. hen, Pen, Wet, Bet, Let
    [ɪ] i. pig, Wig, Dig, Pin, Win, Tin, Tin, Bit
    [ɒ] o. hop, Pop, Top, Hot, Pot, Lot
    [ʌ] u. bUG, LUG, TUG, HUT, BUT, CUT


    Sound Writing Examples
    A. ai, ay, a + consonant + e name, Mail, Gray, Ace
    E. e, EE, EA, Y, IE, EI, I + Consult + E he, Deep, Beast, Dandy, Thief, Receive, Elite
    I. i, I + GN, IGH, Y, I + LD, I + ND mINE, SIGN, HIGH, SKY, WILD, KIND
    O. o + consonant + E, OA, OW, O + LL, LD tone, Road, Note, Know, Roll, Bold
    U. eW, UE, U + Consult + E fEW, DUE, TUNE

    The vowel sound in unstressed syllables is expressed by the abbreviated neutral sound ("SCHWA"), a phoned symbol / ə /, especially if the sound consonants are not used.

    For example:

    • a in ABOUT, Around, Approve, Above [ə Bʌv];
    • e in Accident, Mother, Taken, Camera;
    • i B, Family, Lentil, Officer Pencil;
    • o in Memory, Common, Freedom, Purpose, London;
    • u in Supply, Industry, Suggest, DiffiCult, Succeed, Minimum;
    • and even y in sibyl;
    • sCHWA appears in functional words: To, From, Are.

    Features of vowels in English

    The vowels are divided into monophrals, difthongs or trifonggi. Monofong, when in a syllable one vowel sound, difthong, when in the syllable two vowels.

    Consider a Read more:

    1. Monofong - clean and stable vowels, acoustic characteristic (timbre) of which does not change during the time being pronounced.
    2. - sound formed by a combination of two adjacent vowels in one syllable. Technically, the language (or other parts of the speech apparatus) moves during the pronunciation of the voice - the first position is stronger than the second. In the difthong transcription, the first character is an initial point of the body of the language, the second symbol is the direction of movement. For example, you should know that in the lettering / AJ / body of the language is in the lower central position, represented by the / A / /, and immediately begins to move upwards and forward to the position for / I /.
    3. Difthongs are often formed when individual vowels work together with a rapid conversation. Usually (in speech speaking) the body of the tongue does not have time to get to the position / I /. Therefore, Difthong often ends closer to / ɪ / or even to / E /. In Diftong / AW / language body moves from the lower central position / a /, then moved up and forth to position / u /. Although single diephongs are isolated, which are heard as separate vowel sounds (phonemes).
    4. In English there are trifonggi (Combinations of three adjacent vowels), including three sounds, for example, Fire / Fʌɪʌɪ /, Flower / Flaʊʊr /. But in any case, all difthongs and trifongics are formed from Monofong.

    Pronunciation of pronunciation of simple English vowels

    All vowel sounds are formed only from 12 monofthongs. Each, regardless of spelling, is pronounced using some combination of these sounds.

    The table shows examples of simple English vowels with pronunciation in Russian:

    [ɪ] pit, Kiss, Busy pete, Kis, Biz
    [E] egg, Let, Red eg, years old
    [æ] apple Travel, Mad ePL, TRAVL, MAD
    [ɒ] nOT, ROCK, COPY music, rock, copy
    [ʌ] cup, Son, Money cap, San, Mani
    [ʊ] look, Foot, Could onions, foot, kold
    [ə] ago, Away. eGU, Eway
    bE, MEET, READ bI: MI: T, Ri: D
    [ɑ:] arm, Car, Father a: m, ka :, Fa: d ze
    [ɔ:] door, Saw, Pause to:, CA:, by: s
    [ɜ:] turn, Girl, Learn ty: N, Gone: L, Le: N
    blue, Food, Tooo blue: Fu: D, TU:

    Diffton pronunciation table

    day, Pain, Rein dei, Pein, Rein
    cow, Know couva, noou
    wise, Island vaza, Ayyend.
    now, Trout nah, Trut
    [ɔɪ] noise, Coin. noiz, Koen
    [ɪə] near, Hear nie, Hie
    [ɛə] where, Air. wE E, Uh
    [ʊə] pure, Tourist. p (b) yue, that e rist

    Learn the transcription of English words

    Consider some features of English transcription:

    Online online there is a large number of video to listen, and you can also take off using exercises.

    Transcription and reference rules in English are two closely related concepts. The reading rules explain how letters and combinations are pronounced in different cases, and with the help of transcription we write and read speech sounds.

    Reading rules can put a beginner in a dead end. There are many of them, they are confused, and exceptions are more than the rules themselves. In fact, these rules are so terrible, only if they are deeply understood and try to learn by heart with exceptions. In fact, everything is much simpler: Reading rules do not need to remember by heart.

    By englishing English, you will constantly beat something, and soon learn how to relate alphabetic designations and sounds without praying, automatically. At the expense of exceptions to worry too. Usually pronunciation, writing and the meaning of the word is remembered as one whole - you just know that such a word is pronounced so.

    Feature of English phonetics: We write "Manchester" - read "Liverpool"

    In English phonetics there is a noticeable feature: words are often read not as they are written, that is, the word writing is not always possible to guess how pronounced it. As linguists are joking: "We write" Manchester ", and read" Liverpool "."

    In the history of many languages, such a pattern is traced: the phonetic system is complicated, and letters and spells remain the same or change with much receipt. English is no exception. At the dawn of his development, the words were read and uttered more or less like, but over time, this discrepancy became more and more, the situation was aggravated by the dilapidation of dialects, and now we are already in words though, Thought. and through. We read the combination of letters - ough. Completely differently, although the words themselves differ on one letter.

    Nobody hurry to reform English spelling, there are many reasons for it. For example, the English language has no single "control center" for a long time. The reforms initiated in London can be cooled in Sydney and rejected in Washington. And in general, the reform of spelling is always a painful process that meets the resistant among a significant part of the native speakers. It is much easier to leave as it is.

    What is transcription and why is it needed?

    Transcription in English is a recording of speech sounds using special characters. It should not be afraid or avoid, because it is a very good assistant in learning a language that will be great to save time and help avoid mistakes. You have enough one look at the transcription of the English word to understand how it is correctly read.

    When you remember or write out a new word that happened in the text, you must see its transcription and \\ or listen to pronunciation (for example, c), otherwise you can remember it wrong, and then you will not understand.

    Is it possible to record English words by Russian letters?

    Sometimes on sites or even in books you can see "English transcription in Russian" or "the pronunciation of English words by Russian letters" - that is, the entry of English words by Russian letters. They say why teach wisen badges if can Transfer sounds with Russian letters? Then, that it is impossible. The phonetics of the Russian language differs from English phonetics so much that the sound can be conveyed only very, very approximately. Some sounds of English speech we simply do not have, as well as the opposite.

    Transcription and pronunciation of all English sounds separately (video)

    With this interesting video table, you can listen to the sound of all sounds individually and see how written by transcription. Click on playback and wait when the video is loaded completely, then click on the desired sound.

    Note, in transcription, in addition to the characters themselves, indicating sounds are used:

    • Square brackets - Traditionally, transcription is always written in [square brackets]. For example: [z].
    • Longitude vowels icon - In English, vowels may be long and briefs, the longitude is denoted by the colon after the vowel. For example: .
    • Struming icon - If a word is turned off, in which more than one syllable is necessarily indicated by the emphasis using the apostrophe (comma at the top). It is placed before the shock syllable. For example: - Decision.

    In total, 44 sounds are allocated in English, which, as in Russian, are divided into consonants and vowels. Among them, there are sounds similar to Russians, for example: [b] - [b], [n] - [n] and sounds that do not have analogues in Russian: [ ð ], [θ ].

    In the English phonetics there are no such concepts as softness \\ hardness of consonants, but there is a longitude of vowels (not peculiar to the Russian language) - vowels may be brief [a] and long. It should also be noted that vowel sounds in English can be:

    • Single (Monofong): [ i: ], [ e. ],
    • Consisting of two sounds (DIFTOGNI): [ aI ], [ ɔi. ],
    • Consisting of three sounds (trifonggi): [ aiə. ].

    Diffents and trifogni are read and perceived as whole sounds.

    English Sound Table with Examples and Cards

    Having studied how the English sounds are pronounced separately, be sure to listen, as read whole words. Often, students are easier to understand and hear the pronunciation of English sounds when they sound as part of the word, and not separately.

    In the tables below, all sounds are shown with examples. With the help of electronic cards you can listen to pronunciation.

    Consonant sounds in english
    [ f. ] FOX. [ d. ] Date. [ v. ] VASE. [ k. ] Cat.
    [ θ ] Think [ g. ] Go. [ ð ] Father [ tʃ. ] Change.
    [ s. ] Say. [ ] Age. [ z. ] Zoo [ m. ] MOM.
    [ ʃ ] Ship. [ n. ] Nose. [ ʒ ] Pleasure. [ ŋ ] Sing.
    [ h. ] Hound [ l. ] Lazy [ p. ] Pen. [ r. ] Red
    [ b. ] BRO. [ j. ] Yes [ t. ] Today. [ w. ] Wine
    Vowels in English
    [ i: ] He, She [ eI ] Name. [ i. ] his, it [ aI ] Line
    [ e. ] TEN. [ aU. ] TOWN. [ æ ] Hat. [ ɔi. ] Toy
    [ a: ] Car [ ou. ] Go Home. [ ɔ ] Not. [ iə. ] Here
    [ ʌ ] Nut. [ ɛə ] Dare. [ u. ] good [ uə. ] poor
    [ u: ] FOOD. [ juə. ] EUROPE [ jU: ] TUNE. [ aiə. ] Fire
    [ ɜ: ] Turn [ auə ] OUR [ ə ] Paper. [ ɔ: ] All.

    How to learn to pronounce English sounds?

    There are two approaches:

    1. Theoretical - There are usually a detailed description in the textbooks, as you need to press the tongue to the sky to form a certain sound. With an illustration where a person's head is shown in a context. The method is scientifically correct, but it is difficult to use it yourself: not everyone will understand what it means to "slide the upper teeth on the bottom lip" and will be able to test this action.
    2. Practical - Listen, watch and repeat. It seems to me so much easier. You just repeat over the speaker, trying to imitate the sound as closely as possible. Pay attention to the articulation, try to repeat all the movements of the lips, language. Ideally, of course, someone must control, but you can simply record yourself on the webcam and look from the part.

    If you want to repeat by the speaker, imitating his speech, I recommend to use the materials on Puzzle English, namely the exercises "video addiction", which are aimed at developing an understanding of the rumor. In the video packages, you can slow down and, like in Lingvaleo, watch the translation of words by clicking on them right in subtitles.

    In the video packages you need to first watch the video, and then collect offers from words.

    Detailed overview of this service:

    In addition, a lot of rollers available on YouTube have been filmed for practical sessions with various good people. For example, in these two rollers, the sounds of English speech in American and British versions are detailed:

    British pronunciation

    American pronunciation

    Do not, starting to english English, strive to achieve the "ideal" pronunciation. Firstly, pronunciation species are very much (above are "generalized" British and American options), and secondly, even native speakers who professionally own speech (for example, actors) are often taking lessons from special coaches to master the features of Or another variant of pronunciation - the work of speech is not easy.

    Just try to speak so that 1) It was clear, 2) not much cut the hearing.

    Reading rules in English: Table and Cards

    The reading rules in English are rather not even rules, but generalized recommendations that are not particularly accuracy. Not only can, let's say, the letter "O" in different combinations and types of the syllable can be read by nine in different ways, and there are exceptions. For example, in the words Food, Too, it is read as, and in the words Good, Look - as [u]. There are no patterns here, it is just necessary to remember.

    If you search in different books, it turns out that the reading rules, and indeed the phonetics, different authors can tell in different ways with a different degree of immersion in the details. I think it makes no sense to delve into the debris of phonetic science (it can be immersed indefinitely), and the easiest way to take the most simplified version of the rules of reading, that is rules of reading in English for children.

    For this article, I took the rules given in the textbook "English. 1 - 4 classes in schemes and tables "N. Vakulentko. Believe it, it is more than enough for children, and for adults!

    What is an open and closed syllable?

    In English, it allocate an open syllable and closed, it also matters if it ends with the letter "R" and is shock.

    The syllable is called open, if:

    • The syllable ends with a vowel and is the last in the word,
    • For the vowels there is another vowel
    • For vowels there is a consonant, and behind it is one or more vowels.

    The syllable is closed if:

    • He is the last in the Word, at the same time ends on the consonant
    • After the vowel, there are two or more consonants.

    In these cards and the table under them you can see how different letters are pronounced in different combinations and types of the syllable.

    Reading rules
    Reading the letter "A"
    A - in an open syllable name, Face, Cake
    A [æ] - in a closed syllable hat, Cat, Man
    A - in the closed syllable on R fAR, CAR, PARK
    A [εə] - at the end of the word vowel + re dare, Care, Stare
    A [ɔ:] - Combines ALL, AU all, Wall, Fall, Autumn
    Reading the letter "O"
    O [əu] - in the open syllable no, go, home
    O [ɒ] - in a closed shock syllable nOT, BOX, HOT
    O [ɜ:] - in some words with "WOR" world, Word.
    O [ɔ:] - in the closed syllable on R fORM, FORK, HORSE, DOOR, FLOOR
    O - in combination "oo" tooo, Food.
    O [u] - in combination "oo" book, Look, Good
    O - in combination "OW" town, DowN.
    O [ɔɪ] - in combination "OY" toy, Boy, Enjoy
    O [ʊʊ] - in combination "oo" poor.
    Reading the letter "U"
    U, - in the open syllable pupil, Blue, Student
    U [ʌ] - in a closed syllable nUT, BUS, CUP
    U [U] - in a closed syllable put, Full.
    U [ɜ:] - in combination "UR" tURN, HURT, BURN
    Reading the letter "E"
    E - in an open syllable, combination "EE", "EA" he, She, See, Street, Meat, SEA
    E [E] - in a closed syllable, combination "EA" hen, Ten, Bed, Head, Bread
    E [ɜ:] - in combinations "ER", "Ear" her, Heard
    E [ɪɪ] - in combinations "Ear" hear, Near.
    Reading letters "I"
    i - in an open syllable five, Line, Night, Light
    i [ɪ] - in the closed syllable hIS, IT, PIG
    i [ɜ:] - in combination "IR" fIRST, GIRL, BIRD
    i - in combination "Ire" fire, Tired.
    Reading the letter "Y"
    Y - in the end of the word try, My, Cry
    Y [ɪ] - In the end of the word family, Happy, Lucky
    Y [j] - at the beginning or middle of the word yES, YEAR, YELLOW
    Reading the letter "C"
    C [S] - Before I, E, Y pencil, Bicycle
    C [k] - In addition to combinations CH, TCH and not before I, E, Y cat, Come
    C - in combinations CH, TCH cHAIR, CHANGE, MATCH, CATCH
    Read letter "s"
    S [s] - except: at the end of words after ch. and smoke Sughdle. say, Books, Six
    S [z] - at the end of words after ch. and smoke Sughdle. days, Beds.
    S [ʃ] - in combination sh ship
    Read letter "T"
    T [T] - except for combinations TH ten, Teacher, Today
    T [ð] - in combination th then, Mother, there
    T [θ] - in combination th thin, Sixth, Thick
    Reading the letter "P"
    P [p] - In addition to the combination of pH pen, Penalty, Powder
    P [F] - in combination pH photo.
    Reading the letter "G"
    G [G] - In addition to the combinations of NG, not before E, I, Y go, Big, Dog
    G - before E, I, age, Engineer
    G [ŋ] - in combination NG in the end of the word sing, Bring, King
    G [ŋG] - in combination NG in the middle of the word strongest.

    The most important reading rules

    The table above looks very loaded, even frightening. It is possible to allocate several of the most important rules that almost do not have exceptions.

    The basic rules of reading consonants

    • The pH combination is read as [F]: Photo, Morpheus.
    • The combination th is read as [ð] or [θ]: Think there. These sounds are not in Russian, their pronunciation requires some training. Do not confuse them with the sounds [S], [z].
    • The combination of NG at the end of the word is read as [ŋ] is a nose (that is, it seems to be in the nose) the sound option [n]. A common mistake is to read it like. No "g" in this sound is not. Examples: Strong, King Kong, Wrong.
    • The combination of S is read as [ʃ]: Ship, Show, Shop.
    • The letter "C" before I, E, Y is read as [S]: Celebrity, Cent, Pencil.
    • The letter "G" before I, E, Y is read as: Age, Magic, Gym.
    • The combination of CH is read as: Match, Catch.

    The main rules of reading vowels

    • In the open shock syllable, vowels are usually read as in: No, Go, Name, Face, Pupil, He, Five. It can be monophthongs and difthongs.
    • In the closed syllable, vowels are read as short monofthongs: Nut, Got, Ten.

    How to remember reading rules?

    Most people who speak English people as a foreign language will not be able to immediately name even a few basic reading rules. rules Reading No need to remember by heart, they need to be able to use.But can you use what you do not know? Still as possible! Thanks to frequent practice, knowledge goes into skills and steps begin to be executed automatically, unconsciously.

    So that the rules of reading quickly reached the automatic stage, I recommend:

    • Examine itself the rules themselves - read, comprehend, speak out loud examples.
    • Exercise in reading out loud - will help develop the skills of pronunciation, at the same time and reading rules will be enshrined. Take the text from audio, video with subtitles to be with what to check.
    • Perform small written work - written practice is useful for the development of the vocabulary stock, consolidating the knowledge of grammar and, of course, to improve spelling.

    Friends! Now I'm not engaged in tutoring, but if you need a teacher, I recommend this wonderful website - There is a teacher of carriers (and not carriers) of the language on all occasions and on any pocket 🙂 I myself passed more than 80 lessons with teachers who found there! I advise you to try and you!

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    How to read consonants?

    A large number of consonant English sounds is practically no different from the pronunciation of consonant Russian sounds, but the difference is present.

    There are several special characteristics to pay attention to. It should be remembered that all the consonants of English sounds are pronounced only firmly, and ringing consonants at the end of the word are not pronounced deaf.

    Also, features are present when pronuncified by individual sounds:

    • The sound W is different from V. Sound (W) you need to talk two lips, and (v) only by the bottom lip.
    • Sounds P, T, K - are pronounced followed by silence.
    • About half of the sounds need to be pronounced by touching the tongue to the upper sky.

    How to read vowels: 4 types of syllable

    When reading vowels there are also several specific rules. In English there are 4 main types of reading vowels (E, A, Y, U, O, I). The sound pronunciation in the word or phrase depends on each type.


    An open syllable is a syllable ending with a vowel, even in the absence of its pronunciation.

    Reading vowels in such a syllable can be called alphabetical, as often pronunciation is practically no different from what it is in the alphabet:

    • A - (EI) - Lake, Take, Care, Safe, Late;
    • O - (OU) - POSE, ROSE, NOTE, NO, JOKE;
    • E - (I) - Me, She, Creepy, Delete;
    • I (Y under the stress) - (AI) - DENY, DISLIKE, NICE, SUNSHINE;
    • U - (U :) - Purple, Pupil, AutoTune, YouTube.

    But there are also exceptions that in English is full. Some words want to pronounce the main rules, but in fact they have another pronunciation. DOVE, LOVE, NONE, DONE, SOME - in these words to read the letter (o) you need as a brief (a).


    The closed syllable is significantly different from the open. The closed syllable is a syllable ending on one and several consonant letters. In words with a closed syllable, letters read differently than in the alphabet. It all depends on how consonants go for vowels.

    If the letter y is unstressed at the end of the word, then you need to read as sound (i): Truly, Ugly, Spicy.

    Vowel + R.

    Consider examples:

    • A - (A :) - Farmer, Park;
    • E - (E :) - Service, Perfect;
    • I - (E :) - First, Bird;
    • O - (C :) - Fork, Morning;
    • U - (E :) - Church, Turn;
    • Y - (E :) - Myrtle.

    Vowel + R + vowel

    The fourth type of reading is the combination of two vowel letters in the Word, between which R consistent is located, for example:

    • A- (EA :) - Parents, Careful;
    • E - (IE :) - CEREAL, HERE;
    • I - (AIE :) - DIRE, TIRE;
    • O - (C :) - Snore, Bore;
    • U - (Jue :) - DURING, PURE;
    • Y - (Aie :) - Ture, Byre.

    How to read letters and difthongs?

    Many vowel sounds in English depend on the consonants standing together, consider in more detail:

    a + s + consonant -;

    ear - under the emphasis, if after it is not necessary -;

    ear - before consonant - [ə:];

    eER - under the stress -;

    eW - if not standing after l, r, j -;

    eW after L, R, J -;

    oo + consonant -;

    u - after R, L, J, as well as before vowel -;

    uI after R, L, J -;

    Start studying and possible at different ages. That is why the understanding and explanation of the basic concepts of adults or children will differ.

    Children remember and apply the received information presented in the form of the game or similar format. And the benefits should choose bright, colorful, with all sorts of gaming or cloth elements. Do not try to and how to read with standard textbooks for schoolchildren, as it will be bored and learning will not give results.

    In a more mature age, study the language and read on it is more difficult. You should choose a unified program on which throughout the study. Practice how to read and pronunciation is needed with the help of English-language books, movies and videos.

    How to learn to read in elementary school?

    In elementary school, mainly consists of a gaming and fabulous format. It is easier to be the children who, in kindergarten, were or those who were engaged in their parents.

    Important! Parents need to take note of what to start reading English with a child is better before the start of the school. Of course, in many Sunday schools, English is provided as a separate lesson, but still better trace the study.

    Often, young schoolchildren as homework sets the repetition of transcriptions. During the fulfillment of homework, the parent needs to be engaged and read along with the child!

    A few more useful tips are shown below.

    Learn English patters

    - This is an excellent way to memorize and pronouncing new English words. Species are useful because most of them are well remembered and allow you to learn slangie, or. They are useful to learn both adults and children.

    Each patter is aimed at improving certain sound pronunciation or writing words. Each patter has a feature associated with the pronunciation of one sound. It follows a few days to pronounce the patter and then the problem of pronunciation will disappear, and the sound will sound clean.

    Here are some useful patter with translation:

    Learn to hear English

    Many people studying language have a problem with understanding speech. The problem is related to the fact that the study takes place not in English-speaking space or country. It is important to learn to hear and understand a foreign speech.

    To do this, you need to constantly train:Find a person with whom you can jointly study the language and conduct dialogues, so you both travelery your speech.

    Work on pronunciation

    It is necessary to work on pronunciation, because many English words are similar to sound, and with incorrect articulation you can simply correct them. To do this, you need to train the speech apparatus and get rid of the accent.

    Learn the perfect and pronunciation of each letter. Training to pronounce transcription letters, words and phrases. Pay attention to how the British are talking on the features of their speech.

    Learn to pronounce phrases in English correctly

    English is different from Russian because the many offers do not have intonationally separated proposals, most of them sound like a single phrase. This also applies to individual independent phrases. To learn how to correctly pronounce phrases in English, you need to learn the transcription and correct it.

    With an incorrect pronunciation during a conversation, you can incorrectly use the desired word, losing the meaning of the said.


    In order to learn how to read in English, it is necessary to follow the Tips for studying it. It is necessary to constantly practice writing words, learn grammatical, punctuation and phonetic rules. It is important not to forget about transcription.

    These rules must be learned both children and adults studying a foreign language. Parents should be practiced with children in learning a language to elementary school so that they do not have problems in the lessons and when performing their homework.

    Observing all the rules and advice, learn to the right reading will not be difficult!