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  • What about household chemicals. What role does chemistry play in human life and why is it needed. Phosphates and other harmful chemicals

    What about household chemicals.  What role does chemistry play in human life and why is it needed.  Phosphates and other harmful chemicals

    Air pollution has already reached a critical level, so it is very important to reduce the impact of toxic substances on the body. This is especially true for indoor air. Household chemicals, although an indispensable assistant in household chores, also belong to strong air pollutants. Cleaning, washing, laundry detergents make life easier, but at the same time they negatively affect human health and cause diseases such as cancer, hypertension, allergies, nervous disorders, etc.

    Cheap detergents are especially harmful, they contain phosphorus additives that cause dermatitis, and harmful surfactants that disrupt metabolism.

    Fans of cleanliness risk earning themselves chronic diseases and a general decrease in immunity if they wash the house several times a day.

    The following detergents cause the greatest harm:

    - Washing powders

    There is not much difference, pour the powder into the washing machine or wash it by hand. One way or another, we inhale the microparticles of the powder, they penetrate into the respiratory system, upon contact with the skin of the hands through the pores immediately into the blood. Laundry also will not save you from the harm of household chemicals, because it is impossible to completely wash the fabrics from the powder, its particles are firmly held in the fibers.

    We do not call for the use of ash for washing, like our ancestors, we recommend trying, if possible, to reduce the negative impact of household chemicals on human health. It is worth paying special attention to the content of surfactants and phosphates in the washing powder - the maximum "dose" of 5%. You can determine the quality of washing powder at home: fill a glass with ordinary water and add three drops of brilliant green there. After that, put some powder into the glass and stir. After a good powder, the water will turn white.

    - Detergents for dishes.

    Detergents are good because they do not have as many volatile substances as washing powders, which means that there is no danger of inhaling harmful components. Here lies another problem. A detergent oversaturated with surfactants easily penetrates through the pores on the skin of the hands into the bloodstream and can cause allergies and a general decrease in immunity. The detergent is washed off very poorly from the dishes - you need to rinse the plates for at least 15 seconds or use the dishwasher. When hand washing, you should use soda or detergents with natural fat-dissolving oils.

    -Cleaning agents with aggressive chemical additives

    Usually these are cleaning products for plumbing, stoves, various kinds of surfaces. Since they contain acids, phenols and many other toxic substances, it is simply unacceptable for health to use such products. They depress the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, nervous system. After using a cleaning agent, the air in a residential area becomes several times dirtier and more harmful than outdoor air. Breathing them is extremely dangerous!

    What can replace poisonous detergents? An excellent alternative is clay, sand, vinegar, borax, citric, citrus acid, aloe juice. Of course, cleaning with these products will take longer than with newfangled cleaning agents, but it will be absolutely safe for health.

    - Aerosols for glasses

    At first glance, cleaning aerosols are harmless, but when they are sprayed, poisonous isopropanol enters the respiratory system. If you really cannot do without chemicals when washing glass, then at least you need to use liquid substances that do not evaporate so intensively. There is a safer remedy - a solution of vinegar or a solution of soda. For greasy stains, ordinary soap is suitable, for rust - citric acid, for plumbing, vinegar and soda.

    How to reduce the harm from household chemicals?

    After cleaning, ventilate the room well, since the cleaned surface, no matter how much you wipe it, always leaves a layer of chemicals that continue to evaporate and enter the body. Chemicals (chlorine, ammonia, formaldehyde, phenol, etc.) accumulate in the joints, muscles and destroy human health. Low immunity, respiratory diseases, allergies, dermatitis - this is the "gentleman's set" of every lover of cleanliness. In addition, sterility is not a guarantee of health, on the contrary, the microflora and immunity we need are destroyed, and a person becomes a victim of many diseases.

    It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person in everyday life without the use of a mass of household chemicals:

    • washing powder that effectively launders things - most families use Myth, Sort, Tide, Ariel, Denis, Persil, Pemos, Dosya, Lotus, Stork, Eared Nanny
    • various types of cleaners and detergents in the kitchen or in the bathroom: Pemoxol, Biolan, Pemolux, Domestos, Ac.
    • for washing dishes: Sort, Feri, Myth, Biolan, etc.
    • window and mirror cleaners, air fresheners, carpet cleaners, insect control products.

    The composition of household chemicals includes many harmful substances that not only harm the fragile ecosystem, but also have a very detrimental effect on human health, leading sooner or later to chronic human diseases. Manufacturers claim that the amount of harmful substances in household chemicals is minimal, but they “forget” to mention such a fact as the cumulative effect of all components, which causes real harm to health:

    • Only 3% of the population carefully study the composition of purchased household chemicals, buy hypoallergenic products
    • 50% know that these products are harmful to health, but because of their effectiveness and time savings, they choose them
    • 50% don't think on this occasion and trust the ubiquitous advertising of manufacturers.

    If you take care of your health and want to minimize the impact of hazardous chemical compounds, buy the safest household chemicals, carefully read the composition and instructions. The most hazardous chemical compounds commonly used in household products are:

    • Chlorine, organochlorine compounds - in cleaning products, detergents
    • Phosphates and phosphonates- in washing powders
    • Surfactants - in detergents and cleaners
    • Formaldehyde - in dishwashing detergents, carpet cleaners (formaldehyd or methanal, methylene oxide, oxymethylene)
    • Hydrochloric acid (hydrochloric acid) - in cleaning products

    Also in cosmetics - shampoos, creams, decorative cosmetics, there are a lot of substances that adversely affect health, which manufacturers are silent about (see). One of the studies by American scientists found that the abuse of household chemicals and cosmetics affects women's reproductive health, disrupting the functions of the endocrine system and bringing menopause closer (see)

    Chlorine and organochlorine compounds - hypochlorite (hypochlorite) or sodium hypochlorite (sodium hypochlorite)

    Chlorine and its compounds are found in many products:

    • bleaches - ACE (chlorine bleaches)
    • detergents for dishwashers and hand washing (Prill)
    • disinfectants - Whiteness, Comet (gel or powder with chlorinol), Domestos (a very highly concentrated agent, practically a "poison" for the respiratory system, you can not use it in everyday life)
    • mold control products

    Since 1987, certain chlorinated compounds have been banned or restricted in the European Union since 1987 because they can cause:

    Chlorine has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes, leading to primary inflammatory changes, which are easily joined by a secondary infection. At low and medium concentrations of chlorine, poisoning is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    Light household poisoning occurs when using detergents and cleaning products and recovery occurs within 3-7 days. However, with a low concentration of chlorine and its compounds, acute poisoning does not occur, the negative impact on health is not noticeable to a person, but if contact occurs regularly, changes in the respiratory tract occur and the person does not understand why he suddenly developed hoarseness, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, develops chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma or pulmonary tuberculosis (note that by the age of 30, almost the entire population of Russia is considered infected with Koch's bacillus, and such slow poisoning can contribute to the provoking factor in the development of the disease).

    Not all housewives know that sulfur dioxide, ethylene glycol and chlorine, which are part of household disinfectants, are chemical warfare agents in the military industry. At the enterprises producing these detergents, workers wear protective clothing and respirators!!! The packaging of products usually indicates not just chlorine, but chlorine-containing compounds that are the active ingredient, for example, sodium hypochlorite (sodium hypochlorite) or simply hypochlorite (hypochlorite), and chlorine is also released when using these household chemicals.

    The risk of irritation of the mucous membranes and the development of diseases of the respiratory system increases when using chlorine-containing products in winter in small (bathroom, toilet), poorly ventilated rooms, as well as in winter water parks, swimming pools.


    Surfactants (surfactants) are found in all cleaning products today - soaps, washing powders, dish and room cleaners, etc. Why do they clean surfaces so well? They contribute to the combination of water molecules with fat molecules, so these substances also break down the protective human sebum. According to the standards established by GOST, the protective layer of the skin after using such products should independently recover up to 60% within 4 hours after the use of surfactants, but this does not happen.

    All surfactants are divided into:

    • Anionic surfactants (a-surfactants) are the most readily soluble in water, cheap, effective and most harmful to nature and the human body. They are able to accumulate in a significant concentration in the body.
    • Cationic surfactants - they are less harmful and have bactericidal properties.
    • Nonionic surfactants- 100% biodegradable

    Anionic surfactants are often contaminated with nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic and are not listed on the label. Most modern household chemicals have a high concentration of anionic surfactants, with their frequent and abundant use in everyday life, this leads to:

    • severe degreasing, dehydration of the skin, which leads to premature aging
    • in combination with phosphates, which contribute to a more intense penetration of a-surfactants through the skin, they are absorbed into the bloodstream, reducing immunity.
    • anionic surfactants accumulate in organs: in the liver - 0.6%, in the brain - 1.9% of the total amount of surfactants that have got on the skin and other organs.
    • these substances have a toxic effect: they disrupt the functions of liver cells, which leads to an increase in cholesterol levels and, as a result, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases, in the lungs they can cause emphysema, hyperemia, and disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system and peripheral nervous systems.
    • the risk of developing allergic reactions increases.

    When using any detergents (both for washing dishes and for washing clothes), surfactants penetrate and accumulate in the body. Even 10-fold rinsing of dishes with hot water does not free them from chemical compounds. In order to at least somehow reduce their harmful effects, you should purchase funds with an amount of a-surfactant no more than 5%.

    Modern packaging of washing powders - gel capsules - are so bright and pleasant to the touch packages that attract small children, resembling a toy, candy, juice bag. In the United States, 1 child is hospitalized every day with poisoning after contact, inhalation and ingestion of such drugs (see). Splashing and swallowing the gel laundry capsule causes coughing, choking, conjunctivitis, eye burns, and vomiting in children.


    • eared babysitter— phosphates 15-30%, silicates (5-15%), non-ionic surfactants, defoamer (less than 5%), oxygenated bleaches, perfume, enzymes, optical brighteners
    • Amway(contains phosphonates and optical brightener)
    • stork(if there are phosphates in the composition)
    • company "Edelstar" washing powder AMELY (a-surfactant, contains phosphates)
    • pemos,drift,nanny baby, ariel, myth,tide, etc.


    • Garden kids (baby soap 30%, soda ash 60%, sodium citrate 0.3% and silver ions, without fragrance), pour directly into the drum, it is better to pre-soak or pre-stark, because. strong pollution weakly washes)
    • Frau Schmidt (contain anionic surfactants, but not more than 15%, zeolites and anionic tensides, without fragrance)
    • Bio Mio (15% zeolites, less than 5% anionic surfactants, nonionic surfactants, polycarboxylates, enzymes, cotton extract soap) Denmark
    • soap nuts (and products based on them)
    • Sonett
    • Almawin
    • Japanese and Korean means (not all)
    • EcoLife (washing probiotics)
    • ECODOO
    • Ecover
    • Nordland Eco

    Phosphates and phosphonates

    In the former USSR, back in the 60s, the influence of SMS (synthetic detergents) on human health and the environment was studied, and the results coincided with the conclusions of similar studies by European specialists.

    However, the conclusions were different:

    • European countries have banned PART of harmful substances altogether, and some have sharply limited their permissible content in washing powders.
    • in our country, these alarming facts were hushed up and hidden not only from society, but also from specialists, and to this day there is no control and prohibition on the inclusion of harmful substances in goods not only for adults, but also for children.

    It was found that phosphorus compounds (phosphates) violate the acid-base balance of skin cells, that is, they destroy the natural defenses, they interact with lipid-protein membranes, penetrating into the structural elements of the cell and causing deep, subtle changes in biophysical and biochemical processes, which leads to not only to:

    • dermatological diseases ( , )
    • allergic reactions, respiratory tract damage, but also
    • penetrating the skin, phosphates partially penetrate the bloodstream and affect the content of hemoglobin, protein, blood serum density, which in turn leads to
    • dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, skeletal muscles, and
    • metabolic disorders, severe poisoning, exacerbation of chronic diseases
    sodium phosphate
    calcium phosphate potassium phosphate
    • Household chemicals
    • food industry
    • in the food industry - baking powder
    • household chemicals
    • in the food industry - preservative
    • household chemicals
    What is it for
    • Softens water, so it is used in laundry detergents
    • As a baking powder (food additive E339, not sodium phosphate, but dihydrogen phosphate is used) not only for dough, but also for condensed milk, sausages, cheeses
    It cleans teeth more effectively, therefore it is included in toothpastes For softening water in shampoos, liquid soaps, etc.
    Interesting Facts
    • used in laxatives
    • building material for teeth and bones
    • if you apply it on a slice of an apple, it will not darken

    In addition, getting into natural water bodies, phosphates cause water blooms, since they serve as fertilizer for algae, and this leads to the death of living organisms in rivers and lakes. Today, many manufacturers refuse to add phosphates to household chemicals, and polycarboxylates and zeolites are introduced into the composition, as more environmentally friendly substances.

    The content of phosphates in our usual washing powders

    In all popular and advertised brands of washing powders sold in Russian supermarkets, the phosphate content is indicated as 15-30%, but often their level is more than 40%. Why is it dangerous for human health with regular use for washing linen, clothes?

    Phosphates in such quantities are practically not rinsed out of synthetic, cotton and woolen fabrics - that is, of all that modern man wears. To rinse them, you need to rinse the fabric 8-10 times in HOT water, and modern programs of automatic washing machines rinse mainly in cold water and no more than 2-4 times!!!

    As mentioned above, the presence of phosphate additives in washing powders enhances the toxic effects of a-surfactants, causing a slow destruction of the fragile chemical balance of the human body, causing at first minor changes, subtle or even not noticeable, then more significant.

    And the saddest thing is that none of us associates the deterioration of the general state of health, the emergence of chronic diseases by the age of 40-50 with the impact of household chemicals. And the manufacturers of these products are not interested in disseminating negative information about the dangers of their product to the health of the nation, for the same reason there are no reliable studies over a long period of time on a large group of people about the dangers of using such products in everyday life.

    In order to somehow protect yourself and your loved ones from the influence of phosphates, you should:

    • Rinse clothes and linen more than 8 times in hot water.
    • Wear gloves on your hands not only to protect delicate skin, but also to protect the body from harmful substances.
    • During washing, try not to be in the same room and ventilate the apartment at the same time.
    • After washing, be sure to wet clean the apartment.
    • Choose detergents with surfactants and phosphates not more than 5%, certified, without a strong odor, hermetically packed
    • Use the minimum amount of any disinfectant
    • Never mix different disinfectants
    • Wear a mask and gloves when cleaning and doing laundry.

    Other harmful compounds hazardous to health

    • sodium hypochlorite - sodium hypochlorite, used in bleach. Since this substance is not very stable, it easily releases chlorine, the dangers of which are described above.
    • Petroleum distillates- are used in polishes for metal surfaces, even short-term exposure leads to, and frequent and prolonged exposure to skin diseases, disruption of the nervous system, organs of vision, kidneys.
    • Nitrobenzolum, nitrobenzine, nitrobenzene, nitrobenzene Used in furniture and floor polishes. It causes birth defects in children, causes cancer, vomiting, shortness of breath, skin discoloration, and even death.
    • Ammonia- liquid ammonia, used in glass cleaners. Causes headaches, irritation of the respiratory tract and eyes.
    • Formaldehyde as a preservative in food is a carcinogen that irritates the respiratory tract, skin, eyes, and throat.
    • Phenols and cresols- as bactericidal additives, they are very toxic, cause dizziness, diarrhea, impaired liver and kidney function, loss of consciousness.

    Before buying household chemicals, you should familiarize yourself with the composition indicated on the package and read the instructions. Try to avoid using chemical products with the following icons:

    • Annoying

    All cleaners and detergents, their fumes cause coughing, inflammation of the respiratory tract, and redness if it comes into contact with it. inflammation.

    • Harmful

    On solvents, paints, varnishes - these are very caustic and toxic substances.

    • caustic

    On means for eliminating blockages and cleaning sewer pipes, these are acids, alkalis. Causes burns on contact with skin. Work only with gloves.

    • Dangerous

    For the environment - terrestrial and aquatic animals, vegetation.

    How to make your own safe detergents

    For dish washing

    A bag of soap - We all have a lot of leftover remnants if 2-3 remnants are placed in a bag made from an old microfiber cloth (take a piece of fabric, measuring 10x10 cm and sew it by putting remnants in it). It is very convenient and the dishcloth is self-soaping.

    Dishwashing gel- you can make it yourself, it will be much cheaper and less harmful than using industrial tools. You will need:

    • half a liter of hot water
    • laundry soap - 25 gr.
    • vodka - 1 tbsp. a spoon
    • glycerin - 4 tbsp. spoons

    Grate soap, add hot water, stir well, let cool. Then add vodka and glycerin, mix thoroughly. It turns out a homogeneous liquid with foam, which must be removed. Then pour the liquid into a container from under the same Fairy (any bottle of dishwashing gels with a dispenser). At first, the product will be liquid, then it will thicken a little and its consumption will be somewhat higher than that of industrial gels, but this is a safer and cheaper dishwashing detergent.

    For cleaning surfaces in the kitchen, bathroom and washing dishes

    You can make this pasta yourself with some effort. You will need:

    • soap (preferably 72% household soap, but you can also use it for children) - 100 gr
    • hot water - 200 ml
    • mixer
    • baking soda - 250 gr
    • essential oil for fragrance (optional)
    • mustard can be added to the finished pasta, but only directly when washing greasy frying pans, braziers, pots.

    First - grate the soap
    The second is to add hot water and beat with a mixer until a thick foam, it will be sticky and stick to the mixer (no problem), beat for 10-15 minutes.
    The third is to add baking soda to the mass, it will break the sticky mass and give it a pleasant consistency. It is better to store the cleaning mass in a glass jar with a lid so that it does not dry out (photo 1).

    • If you want the mass to be more liquid, then
    • Add more water to whipped soap (1.5-2 cups)
    • A whole pack of baking soda (500g.)
    • As a result, the mass will be like this (photo 2).

    Since the smell of laundry soap is not very pleasant, if you wish, if you are not allergic to essential oils, you can add any favorite smell. As for washing greasy kitchen utensils, the addition of mustard helps to eliminate grease, but it should not be added to the bulk container, as it quickly deteriorates, it should be used directly.

    soda ash

    It's an effective, economical, natural, safe cleaner! Its difference from baking soda is in varying degrees of alkaline activity. Soda ash is a stronger alkali (pH = 11), while baking soda is a weak alkali (pH 8.1). Soda is a universal washing, cleaning, grease-removing and water softening agent. Can be safely used for:

    • mopping
    • cleaning bathtubs, sinks, tiles
    • hand, machine wash (soaking linen and cotton fabrics)
    • cleaning enameled, ceramic, earthenware dishes
    • to prevent scale and soften hard water

    But this soda, unlike food, is more aggressive, therefore, in its pure form, it can only be stored in places inaccessible to children, away from food, and when using, be sure to wear rubber gloves.

    Just baking soda or laundry soap forgotten by everyone

    As for the laundry soap we have forgotten, this is the most natural product of modern household chemicals, you just need to get used to the not very pleasant smell. And baking soda is a truly natural remedy that copes with any dirt on any surface, it cleans perfectly:

    Laundry gel

    You will need for the gel:

    • laundry soap (or baby) - 50 gr
    • 1 liter of water
    • soda ash 45 gr.
    • optional essential oil

    For conditioner: If you add wine vinegar to the rinse (125-250 ml), you can soften the fabric and get rid of soap residue. You can make such an air conditioner: for 1 liter of vinegar, 5 drops of essential oil (lavender, mint).

    Grate the soap, add boiling water to the soap shavings, mix thoroughly. Then add soda ash, it is very important to mix well, after cooling you will get a thick gel. Soda will give the liquid a jelly-like state and a pearly sheen. After cooling, you can add (optionally) a little essential oil of your choice. Pour into any container or canister. If the gel is too thick, dilute it with boiling water before use. If the smell of laundry soap is completely unacceptable, you can replace laundry soap with baby soap.

    This tool is suitable for automatic washing machines at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons of thick gel for 5 kg of laundry. Linen washes well and becomes soft. This is an excellent remedy for allergy sufferers, since it does not contain any phosphates or harmful surfactants, it is ideal for white linen, children's things. Since the gel contains soda ash, gloves should be worn when using the product, especially if there are damage to the skin or hypersensitivity.

    The disadvantage of this tool is:

    • do not wash black, dark fabrics
    • clothes with membrane and special coating, woolen and silk fabrics
    • it is better to lay the gel directly into the drum

    Amazing properties of toothpaste

    Regular toothpaste can be used for more than just brushing your teeth, as teeth whitening ingredients can help clean many things around the house, such as:

    • taps, sinks
    • glass shower doors
    • Jewelry
    • chrome products
    • smartphone surface, save DVDs from damage
    • you can remove black scuff marks on white shoes or the soles of sports shoes
    • deposits on the surface of the iron
    • eliminates the smell of fish from your hands - wash your hands not with soap, but with toothpaste and the smell will go away
    • toothpaste with a whitening effect can remove stains from juice and other food, lipstick on white fabrics, without a whitening effect - on colored fabrics. You should apply the paste, rub it in the area of ​​​​contamination and wash the item in the machine.

    Mold control

    The ingredients listed below should be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the surface with mold. Would need:

    • half a liter of water
    • 2 teaspoons tea tree essential oil
    • Alcohol - 1 teaspoon

    Vinegar is also effective in fighting mold, it destroys up to 80% of fungal foci. You can also add a little table vinegar to the water in a spray bottle, spray on the problem surface.

    Vinegar and lemon juice

    Lemon juice is good for cleaning glass, removing rust from dishes, polishing silverware, and removing stains from clothes and china; exposure to sunlight increases its whitening effect.

    Vinegar is an excellent tool for treating toilets, cleaning tiles, tiles, removes mold, scale (boil a kettle with water and vinegar), effectively removes tar and wax stains, cleans brick, stone surfaces. For cleaning mirrors and glasses, housewives have long used vinegar in the proportion of 2 teaspoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water.

    Essential oils and essences

    Spruce, lemon, orange, lavender - wonderful air fresheners. It is enough to add a few drops to a special aromatic lamp and turn it on for 20 minutes.

    Modern chemistry has stepped far forward - now we are surrounded everywhere mainly not by natural materials, but by materials synthesized by man. The euphoria of humanity on this occasion has passed quite recently. A sharp increase in the number of allergy sufferers, the emergence of various new diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome began to be associated precisely with the fact that a person in the house is surrounded by things that emit harmful substances. Where is the enemy based and what materials should be feared?

    The most dangerous poisons

    Organic chemistry experienced a real take-off in the twentieth century - a huge number of various new substances were synthesized, which immediately found application for the manufacture of various materials. And the era of wood for furniture and cotton with flax for fabrics has irretrievably sunk into oblivion. However, artificial substances were not all harmless. Let's try to figure it out on our website.

    The most toxic substances are now recognized as benzene, ethylbenzene, formaldehyde, phenol, xylene, toluene. And all of them in one concentration or another are in almost every home, as they are part of a number of finishing materials and wood substitutes. But we all remember that much depends on the concentration of the substance. And therefore, the use of finishing materials containing the same formaldehyde is far from always causing health problems. In order to cause damage to the skin, lungs, large concentrations of substances are needed.

    Where to look for phenol and formaldehyde

    Phenol is used to make synthetic resins. Accordingly, in any materials where resin is used, there is also phenol. Such finishing materials include linoleum, varnishes, paints, roofing material, bitumen. Similarly, it is used to make fiberboard and chipboard, which are used to make inexpensive furniture.

    Phenol is able to accumulate in the liver and kidneys and disrupt their work.

    Formaldehyde can be found in large quantities in chipboard, fiberboard, foam, plastics. Unfortunately, formaldehyde is found in most of the materials that have become common in our homes.

    It is considered carcinogenic: its chronic exposure for a long time can provoke the growth of cancer cells. In addition, it causes disruption of the upper respiratory tract, headaches, allergies, and nausea. Symptoms of permanent poisoning with small doses of formaldehyde are pallor, not associated with anemia and skin type features; loss of strength and weakness, decreased mood to persistent depression, difficulty breathing, sore throat, nighttime muscle cramps. It is believed that long-term exposure to formaldehyde disrupts the reproductive system and even leads to gene breakdown. And if formaldehyde is inhaled in large doses, then you can die from Quincke's edema and spasm of the glottis.

    Formaldehyde has a characteristic smell that many today associate with new things. It's simple - new things made of chipboard and fiberboard, linoleum, cheap Chinese shoes from an unknown material - they actively emit formaldehyde into the atmosphere and smell strongly.

    Many people air out things so that the smell disappears, and then consider them completely harmless. In fact, they simply become less harmful, but with any increase in ambient temperature, the amount of formaldehyde emitted by them increases. And therefore, even a few months after their production, things remain hazardous to health. Toys and children's things made of low-quality materials are especially harmful, since children are especially sensitive to harmful substances. And it can be long and unsuccessful, and the things from his room will be to blame.

    How to reduce risks

    Linoleum is appropriate in the hallway, hall, balcony, kitchen. But in the nursery and bedroom it is best not to put it. And ideally, it is better to abandon the use of linoleum altogether in favor of laminate, parquet or wood. Harmless materials are welcome in nurseries and bedrooms - cork and parquet.

    You should carefully approach the choice of paintwork products. Water-based, alkyd, polyester and latex paints are considered the safest for health.

    Do not buy too cheap things made in China. This means that they are made from the cheapest non-certified hazardous materials. Things made in large Chinese factories are of better quality and more expensive.

    Danger from wallpaper

    Another harmful substance for humans is styrene and polystyrene. Styrene vapors can cause chronic intoxication, which is expressed in headaches, nausea, dizziness, and a tendency to spasms.

    Styrene is contained in plastic, moisture-resistant wallpaper, heat-insulating materials based on polystyrene.

    Unfortunately, polystyrene panels emit styrene fractions all the time.

    In the same way, chlorylvinyl vapors are not useful, which adversely affect the nervous system. Irritability, depression, nervousness can be caused by it. Releases vinyl chloride polyvinyl chloride when heated.

    How to reduce risks

    Loved by all resistant and beautiful vinyl wallpaper can emit hazardous substances, and primarily vinyl chloride. Therefore, it is better to use them in those rooms where a person does not spend much time. But in the bedroom and in the nursery they should not be used. It is better to limit yourself to paper wallpapers, which are considered the most environmentally friendly and harmless. In addition to paper wallpapers, glass wallpapers, wall coverings made from plants such as jute, reed, and bamboo are considered safe for health. And the safest wallpaper glue is starch or casein.

    Styrofoam insulation materials are not the best option for health. To reduce the amount of harmful substances in the house, you can abandon their use and replace them with mineral wool. It contains much less harmful substances.

    It is also worth bearing in mind that polystyrene manufacturers have reduced the styrene content in the material to a low figure of 0.01-0.5%, which is no longer so dangerous to health. And if polystyrene is used for external insulation, then there will be no harm to health from it at all. At least the harm from it, when used correctly, is even less than from plastic windows, the frames of which are made of polyvinyl chloride.

    Diseases from a cup

    Bright and beautiful plates and cups can also become a source of health problems if they contain melamine. Melamine is a high-impact plastic in bright, cheerful colors.

    In 2007, the then state sanitary doctor of Russia, Gennady Onishchenko, declared melamine tableware harmful and hazardous to health. And the blame for everything is the same formaldehyde, which is contained in melamine. Moreover, if it is used for cold foods, then it is almost harmless. But as soon as hot food gets into it, formaldehyde is released from it in huge quantities. Examinations show that its concentration at the same time exceeds the permissible norm by 65 times.

    Crystal contains lead oxide. Lead is considered a harmful substance. Scientists have even found out that diseases and deaths among the soldiers in the army of Alexander the Great arose precisely because they ate from lead utensils.

    To prevent harm from crystal dishes, drinks and food should not be in it for long.

    Today, more and more often they say that the most common aluminum pan was unhealthy. And there is a very understandable explanation for this. Aluminum is a fairly active metal. Its activity is reduced by a thin film of aluminum oxide, which forms on the surface when it comes into contact with air. But cutlery easily removes the layer of this inert oxide and aluminum gets into food from scratches. Today it has been proven that aluminum is deposited in the body, especially in the nervous tissue, and can be the cause of the development of Alzheimer's disease - dementia in old age. In patients with Alzheimer's disease, an increased content of aluminum in the medulla was found. Aluminum is also harmful to the kidneys.

    So our favorite Teflon coating also turned out to be unsafe. The substances they release can cause oncological diseases, as well. Any scratch on the coating means that the cookware is no longer safe.

    How to reduce risks

    Instead of plastic dishes, it is better to use good old porcelain. Let it beat and have to be replaced more often, but it is absolutely safe for health.

    Teflon pans can be replaced with ceramic coated pans. They are more expensive, but harmless. From inexpensive pans fit cast iron. By the way, the dishes cooked in them have the best taste.

    Harmful chemistry

    We have a lot of household chemicals in our homes. We wash with washing powder, wash dishes with dishwashing detergents, and clean surfaces with various means. The only harm we think they bring is dry skin. But you can protect yourself from this with rubber gloves.

    It turns out that everything is not so simple. Modern household chemicals turned out to be the strongest allergen. It causes completely different allergic reactions - from skin dermatitis to coughing fits and even asthmatic attacks. All this is due to the content of aggressive substances in it.

    Chlorine in household chemicals can provoke the development of atherosclerosis, allergies, and cancer. Phosphates are banned in a number of countries, as they are carcinogens and reduce life expectancy if ingested regularly. Phenols are harmful to the kidneys and liver. Surfactants - surfactants - can accumulate in the body and adversely affect the immune system, kidneys, liver, brain. They are not completely removed from things when rinsing. Lauryl sulfate, which is part of all detergents, is also considered hazardous to health.

    Some adherents of a healthy lifestyle believe that dishwashing detergents and various gels and shampoos containing lauryl sulfate bring the greatest harm.

    How to reduce risks

    Instead of chemical dishwashing detergents, you can successfully use products that are absolutely harmless to humans - mustard powder and baking soda.

    Of course, one cannot abandon the achievements of modern chemistry and return to prehistoric times. However, it is quite possible to choose from the achievements of civilization all the safest for health and surround yourself with means in which the content of harmful substances is extremely small in order to somehow affect health. It is worth remembering that in large quantities they are added to reduce the cost of production. Therefore, one of the easiest and most effective ways to protect yourself is not to use too cheap goods.

    Household chemicals have firmly entered the life of every person. Of course, household chemicals used in the household are an achievement of scientific and technological progress, they greatly facilitate everyday life. However, recently they began to talk a lot about the dangers of household chemicals, its negative impact on human health.

    The mechanism of action of drugs

    Indeed, there are serious grounds for such fears. After a thorough chemical cleaning, a very thin film remains on the cleaned surface. It gradually evaporates and enters the air that adults and children breathe. Having penetrated into the respiratory tract, dangerous chemical compounds, at best, are excreted after a certain time. But some dangerous chemicals are not excreted from the human body at all, gradually accumulating in soft tissues and joints.

    The chemical composition of household chemicals

    In household chemicals, substances such as phenol, ammonia, chlorine, carbon dioxide, and formaldehyde are most often used. The destructive properties of these chemical compounds for human health do not require confirmation. For example, a large number of modern washing powders and various detergents belong to the surfactant type. In turn, according to their chemical composition, these substances are divided into cationic, anionic and neutral groups.

    Surfactant anions

    The most dangerous type of chemical compounds are anionic surfactants (surfactant anions). Unfortunately, when purchasing disinfectants for washing dishes, cleaning residential premises, washing clothes, such names say little to an ignorant person. Meanwhile, their dangerous effect on the human body is beyond doubt. Surfactant anions significantly reduce immunity, affect vital organs, and cause allergic reactions. In order to slightly reduce the terrifying effect on the body of these chemicals, they must be diluted with water, lowering the concentration.


    The basis of many detergents, laundry detergents are phosphates, which are recognized as the main substances polluting the environment. Phosphates have been shown to contribute to the risk of cancer.


    Of course, various chlorine bleaches, the active component of which is sodium hypochlorite, are harmful. When this chemical compound decomposes, chlorine is released - a very poisonous gas. - a generally recognized cause of diseases of the lungs, heart, blood vessels, hair loss, allergic reactions, oncological diseases.

    Chloramine, ammonia

    It should be noted that even such a common remedy as ammonia is by no means harmless. In combination with chlorine bleaches, ammonia is one of the components of various glass cleaners. Their combination releases another dangerous gas called chloramine. Even with a slight concentration of chloramine, a severe asthmatic attack can occur. Yes, and ammonia itself can lead to a serious burn of the eyes, mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and cause headaches.

    Nitrobenzene, cresol and phenol

    The harm of household chemicals is also manifested in a variety of means for polishing furniture or rubbing parquet, which people often use in the household. The composition of such funds includes nitrobenzene, which contributes to the appearance of shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting. And polishes for cleaning metal surfaces contain cresol and phenol, which lead to a breakdown of the nervous system, liver, kidneys, and vision.

    Security measures

    All neat housewives should remember that when working at home with modern detergents, the use of rubber gloves is a necessary measure for the prevention of dangerous diseases, sometimes leading to death.

    To reduce harm to your own body, to ensure cleanliness in your own home, you should try to use detergents of natural origin. These include soap solutions, citric acid, vinegar, soda. For example, ordinary vinegar is an excellent disinfectant for plumbing, and a solution of citric acid removes plaque on the enamel surface.

    The products used by our grandmothers will help keep the house clean and protect family members from the negative effects of household chemicals. Take care of yourself!

    Household chemicals occupy an important place in our lives - washing dishes and floors, washing and cleaning the apartment, air fresheners, etc. From the TV screen, in stores and when communicating with friends, we often hear which tool does a better job of cleaning the apartment, and which one is worth buying. But in few places we will hear about the composition of household chemicals, about the quality of these products, and what effect household chemicals will have on us and our loved ones.

    Often people do not even suspect what a huge amount of dangerous toxins ever created are located directly in our homes: in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the rooms. The purpose of this article is not to scare you, but to make you aware of the harmful effects of household chemicals and create a clean and healthy home for you, your family and your pets.

    Safety and quality of household chemicals

    When buying household chemicals, first of all, you should pay attention to the manufacturer himself. It is better to buy products from companies whose products have been certified, approved by organizations responsible for health and the environment. Also, the company must be on the market for more than a year to testify to the quality of its products. It is good if cleaning products have natural ingredients. Try not to buy products from your hands, which will significantly protect yourself from fakes.

    As for the safety of household chemicals, companies that call their products environmentally friendly, non-toxic, safe and harmless are more responsible for this. This is mostly true, since companies that produce such products are liable under the law if any of the buyers are harmed by their use.

    It is advisable to read the composition of purchased household chemicals. The composition may contain chemical elements that can cause great harm to the body. Most of these substances have long been banned in European countries, but on our shelves these substances are still in the composition of products.

    Avoid products that contain:


    It has long been known that chlorine is dangerous. It leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system, contributes to the occurrence of atherosclerosis, hypertension, various allergic reactions. Chlorine destroys proteins in the human body, adversely affects human hair and skin, and increases the risk of cancer. Although chlorine is found in household chemicals in small quantities, it still causes harm every time products with it are used, and even when these products are not used, chlorine disappears, and everyone who is nearby constantly inhales it.


    Phosphates also cause great harm to the human body, over time it can lead to various diseases and the development of cancer cells. They have been banned in many countries around the world for over 10 years. Currently, in Germany, Italy, Austria, Norway, Switzerland and the Netherlands, only phosphate-free powders are washed. In Belgium, more than 80% of powders are phosphate-free, in Denmark - 54%, Finland and Sweden - 40%, France - 30%, Great Britain and Spain - 25%, Greece and Portugal - 15%. In Japan, by 1986, there were no phosphates in washing powders at all. Laws to ban phosphates in detergents are in place in the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand and South Africa. In the US, such bans cover more than a third of all states.

    Anionic surfactants

    They are also referred to as A-surfactants. These are the most aggressive of the surfactants. They cause immune disorders, allergies, damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs. The worst thing is that surfactants are able to accumulate in organs and this is facilitated by phosphates, because they increase the penetration of surfactants through the skin and contribute to the accumulation of these substances on tissue fibers. Even 10 rinses in hot water are not completely free of chemicals. Woolen, semi-woolen and cotton fabrics (children's!) retain substances most strongly. Unsafe concentrations of surfactants persist for up to four days. This creates a focus of constant intoxication within the body itself.

    Dishwashing liquids

    One of the most dangerous types of household chemicals is dishwashing detergents. They are not particularly toxic, but constantly get into food from "clean" plates. It has long been proven that they are difficult to wash when washing dishes, even if we wash the dishes several times with running water. The next time we eat from this dish, the food, along with the chemicals on the dishes, enters our body directly.

    Try to use less chemicals, and more natural means - soda, mustard and other means that do not harm the body. And if you really have to, then dilute the detergent with water in a ratio of one to two. Pour half of the detergent from another container, and feel free to dilute the remaining half with water. This is both savings (the consumption is half as much) and less harm, and the dishes are also washed well. In addition, wash more thoroughly, rather than rinsing, the dishes under the tap. This will help you and your family eat less chemicals.

    Air fresheners

    This type of household chemicals is ineffective, since it does not remove the cause of the bad smell, but only hides it for a while, replacing the unpleasant smell with harmful air. Often it is necessary to remove the cause of the smell - to keep the apartment clean or to ventilate the room, and then there is no need to use air fresheners. You can also use more natural products to create a pleasant smell in the apartment - flowers, fragrance sticks, essential oils, orange peels, coniferous branches, etc.

    Air freshener manufacturers struggle to keep the air freshener scent in the air for as long as possible. This causes great harm to the body, since all this time we breathe this air freshener and poison our body through the lungs.

    The harmful effects of aerosols are well known to people with allergic diseases, as well as to children. But even if your body does not give signals that you are breathing contaminated air, this does not mean that they do not harm you. It’s just that you won’t know about the result immediately, but over time, through headaches, dry throat, dry cough, redness and various allergic reactions of the body are also possible.

    In order to get rid of the cause of unpleasant odors, first of all, you need to regularly clean the apartment, air it regularly, close the door to the toilet tightly and establish ventilation there. Usually this is enough to always have clean and fresh air in the apartment.

    Washing powders

    All washing powders are very active detergents. Even children's and hypoallergenic powders are hazardous to health. Any detergent should be handled with extreme care.

    No matter how carefully you rinse your clothes, some of the powder still remains in the fabric and, putting on fresh clothes, the body contacts the powder, which enters our body through the pores of the skin. Sensitive people, and especially children, immediately feel itching or redness on the skin. Therefore, with each wash, you should set the washing machine to the mode with an extra rinse.

    Washing powder should be stored away from food, dishes, children's toys. Pour the powder should be very careful, otherwise the dust of the powder can get into your lungs.

    It is advisable to open the door to the bathroom during machine washing, and go out into another room yourself, so that as little as possible of the harmful substances contained in the powder enters the lungs. It is advisable to ventilate the apartment after washing.

    To avoid contact with washing powders, hand washing should be avoided. If you still have to wash your hands, then you should do it in special gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after washing.

    Insect control products

    People use pesticides because they effectively kill unwanted insects in the apartment. But the problem is that after their use, harmful substances remain in the apartment, from which children and pets especially suffer.

    As with other chemicals, there are many non-toxic solutions for almost every pesticide application. Keep food in resealable containers. Mousetraps, flytraps (adhesive paper) and cockroach traps are all effective for indoor pests. Boric acid and pepper scattered in strategic places (near the wall behind the kitchen furniture, along the walls) are also effective. Pieces of cedar and bags of herbs (such as wormwood) repel moths in cabinets.

    Lastly, about the impact of household chemicals on the world around us

    Almost all household chemicals used today do not break down in nature. This means that laundry detergent or dishwashing detergent washed down the drain today will likely be present in our rivers, seas and oceans for many years to come. For this reason, the quality of drinking water is deteriorating, the aquatic inhabitants of our planet are suffering, the number of beaches safe for swimming is decreasing, and seafood is becoming more dangerous when consumed.

    For the sake of your health, your loved ones and our entire planet, it is better, if possible, to replace household chemicals with less dangerous analogues - laundry soap, soda, vinegar, water, in the end. Alternatives to household chemicals exist in large numbers for all occasions, and if you have a desire, you can learn about them through other articles on this and other sites on the Internet. If you can’t switch to alternatives to household chemicals, then at least be aware that you are not using harmless powders or liquids, but potentially dangerous chemicals. Therefore, be careful with them and try to use them in smaller quantities.