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  • Serbia and Montenegro on the map of Europe. Serbia card in Russian. Capital of Serbia, flag, country history. Detailed map of Serbia with cities and roads

    Serbia and Montenegro on the map of Europe. Serbia card in Russian. Capital of Serbia, flag, country history. Detailed map of Serbia with cities and roads

    The state of Serbia is located in the southeastern part of Europe in the center of the Balkan Peninsula. A small territory, about 20% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe country, spread out on the Middlenaya Plain.

    A detailed map of Serbia gives an idea of \u200b\u200badministrative division, landscape, roads, neighboring states. Northern neighbor is Hungary, Northeast - Romania, in the east of Serbia bordered by Bulgaria, in the south - with Macedonia, in the southwest - with Montenegro and Albania, and the Western borders run near Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    The modern territorial appearance of the state acquired in 2006 after the collapse of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro. To date, Serbia is 88,361 square meters. km.

    Serbia on the World Map: Geography, Nature and Climate

    Serbia in the area occupies a twentieth place among Europe.

    About 80% of the republic is located in the Balkan Peninsula. Serbia on the world map occupies a central position in the southeastern part of Europe, without having to go to the sea.

    Of the total length of borders, component of 2.364 thousand.

    Map of Serbia

    km, on rivers and lakes takes 0,794 thousand km. Home Shipping River Serbia - Danube, the pool of which is 588 km. For shipping available:

    Partially shipping includes: Big Morava and Tamis. In total, the state of more than 100 km long flows over the state of the state, 7 more than 200 km long and about 7 are less than 100 km.

    All natural water artery of Serbia, which can be seen on the map of Serbia in Russian, belong to the pools of the three seas:

    • Aegean (2.2%);
    • Adriatic (5.3%);
    • Black (92.5%).

    The world's largest reclamation system of Serbia Danube - Tisa - Danube Combines large and small Bach Channels.

    The largest lakes of the country include artificial Jerdapskoye On the Danube and Natural White, located in the Banat region. In total, the state has more than 100 different lakes.

    Geographic characteristic

    Serbia is distinguished by a variety of relief characterized by fertile plains of voivodna, mountains in the south-east and hilly terrain with small mountains in the central part. Multiple mining systems covering most of the Central Serbia and Kosovo:

    • Dinar Highlands in the west of the country, divided into 7 mountain systems;
    • Rhodopes - the oldest mountains in the Balkans, the surrounding rivers of Morava and South Morava;
    • Carpathian Balkan Hillsextending in the east of Serbia to borders with Bulgaria.

    Supreme Points of Serbia:

    • Javeritsa (2656 m above sea level), located in Kosovo;
    • Panchica peak (2017 m), mountain peak located in the central part of the country.

    Natural vegetation is represented by deciduous and coniferous forests in mountainous areas and Panneon steppes on the middlenayan plain.

    Animal world is represented by deer, roots, boars, hares, European gopters, bears and roasons. The obsened slopes of Frusk Mountains serve in the nesting places of many feathery, among which is black Korean, the eagle the burial ground, the storks are white and black, Balban.

    Climate of the country

    Important factors that define the climate of the country serve as a geographical position and terrain. For most of the territory of Serbia, the continental type of climate is dominated, characterized in the northern regions of hot summer and long in winter with low temperatures. A moderately continental climate prevails in the south, and the mountain climate is characteristic of mountain areas. The coldest month of the year is January, with an average temperature of -1-20 s, and the warmest - July (23-25 \u200b\u200b° C). The minimum temperature in January -250 s, the maximum temperature in July 500 C.

    Map of Serbia with cities. Administrative division of the country

    On the map of Serbia with cities in Russian, the names of the administrative units of the state are given.

    Administrative-territorial division

    The territory of the Republic of Serbia is divided into administratively territorial units, including 2 autonomous edges, 29 districts and 211 communities. In the districts, with the exception of the districts of Belgrade, there is no local government, and the city meetings are served by representative bodies in cities, in communities - community meetings.

    Autonomous edges are:

    • Voivodina, consisting of 7 districts;
    • Kosovo and Metokhia, including 5 districts.

    The remaining 17 districts are located in Central Serbia.

    The counties are divided into communities: 45 in the composition of Voivodina, 29 - on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug Kosovo and Metokhia and 137 - in the central part of the Republic of Serbia.

    There are 6158 small settlements in the state, 195 urban-type settlements and 27 cities.


    The capital of the Serbian Republic of Belgrade is located in the central part of the country. Height above sea level - 116.75 meters. The city is built on the shores of the two rivers, at the place of Sava's sign in Danube and occupies the territory of the Balkans and Central Europe at the same time.

    Belgrade is distinguished by a hilly terrain and a wet subtropical climate with soft and warm winters.

    Novi Sad.

    The city is located in the northern part of Serbia, is the administrative center of Voivodina. Multinational Novi-Garden, founded in 1694, spread out on the shores of the Danube. On the territory of the city extends the famous Meliorative Canal Danube - Tisa - Danube.


    The capital of Kosovo Pristina is located west of the Mountain Massif Golyany in the Interior Basin of the Kosol field in the south of the Republic of Serbia. This is the largest city of the autonomous region and a partially recognized Republic of Kosovo. The climate is continental, it is distinguished by warm summer and cool snowy winter.

    Are you going to rest in Serbia, and with the cultural program have not yet decided? Agree, it is difficult. An amazing miniature country with success will give odds any other in terms of attractions. There are so many of them here that make a certain top list simply unreal. Therefore, we might "gallop in Europe" (i.e. in Serbia). Here is just a small tolik of all the sights of Serbia, bypass which is simply impossible.

    Kusturica village - Drevengrad or Kustendorf

    Emir Kusturica loves to show Serbia in his paintings. In his image, this is a phantasmagoric country, full of surrealism and a special color. Moreover, it is worth looking into the village of Seaverniki or Dwwegerad or Kustendorf, all this names of the same place that specially rebuilt for the film "Life as a miracle". By passing the vintage wooden gate, you get into the real medieval village. There is a temple and art gallery here, near recovered wooden houses stand rare cars. And guests will always be offered a glass of corporate currant juice.

    Jerdap National Park

    When the mother-nature was assured each country a portion of natural wonders, Serbia got the most picturesque corner in the Balkans - the Jerdap Gorge. There, the Great Danube, the raised millions of splashes, the river flows among the tall cliffs. The unique National Park of Jerdap is in some distance from the tourist trail, so here is usually low. And in addition to the beauty of nature in the park, a lot of historical monuments: the ancient fortress in Meddavo, the majestic fortress Blue and a whole scattering of the ancient monasteries.

    Royal Chic Serbia

    Palaces in Serbia abuse - for every taste and size. So it is quite realistic to arrange a palace tour, choosing an exclusively royal chambers for visiting. From the most beautiful we note the following.

    Royal and White Palaces in Belgrade - Residence of a young royal family.

    These are monuments of the beginning of the last century, the facade and the interior of which resembling the rest of the Moscow Kremlin. It must be because Architect N. Krasnov, which has planned this magnificence, was Russian.

    Where is Serbia? - Country on the world map

    It is worth visiting here to admire French tapestries, Bruegel and Poussa canvas, a collection of Chinese porcelain and see an old globe.

    Palace of Princess Lovers in Belgrade Invites all visitors a trip to the past.

    In this, on the view not an attractive building, on an interactive tour you will be told about the life of members of the former royal dynasty. You can see furniture and paintings, household items and a luxurious royal wardrobe.

    Bishop Palace in Novi Garden - One of the most beautiful castles of Serbia.

    The palace was erected in 1901. Arched window openings, high-aligned spiers and luxurious decoration of rooms - a vivid example of the combination of the East and West.

    Reichly Palace in Subotica - not royal chambers, but a wonderful object in the style of ar-nouveau. It is said that the architect F. Reichl was so carried away by the decoration of her palace, which went bankrupt and the palace sold. But the painted facade and carved balconies of the palace are one of the most recognizable views of submarine.

    City of Devol

    Serbia is rich in mysticism. What is only the city of the devil! This is an unusual accumulation of earthlings, which outlines are surprisingly remind of frozen people in the headers. The location is located in the vicinity of Kurschumia. For the adrenaline, you can choose a night excursion to the city of Devil. There are enough impressions for a long time.

    Tower skulls

    Another gloomy place is in the vicinity of Niche. This is a Chela Coula, the famous skull tower - an ominous reminder of the age-old opposition of Serbs and Turks. At the beginning of the XIX century, Serbian Voivod Stefan Singelich fought here. But his army was broken by the Turks. From the skulls of the defenders of the Turks folded the walls of the tower. You will be in niche - do not miss a tour of the chel-kule.

    Memorial Cherns Cherry

    This memorial is the pain of Serbia, the gloomy echo of the exhausted war. CERVERS KRST is the first concentration camp in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Old barracks still keep the memory of tears and moans of prisoners, and the guard towers are still gloomy look at the world. Pictures, photos and personal belongings of the former prisoners are preserved. Memorial is open to visit from Tuesday to Sunday.

    Church of Saint Sava - One of the largest Orthodox churches in the world.

    The Church of St. Savva divides the title of the largest operating Orthodox church in the world with the Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow. It began to build it in the year before last, but finishing works are still underway. One of the limits of the temple is open to visitors, and even the unfinished interior is simply amazing.

    Most excursions in Belgrade starts precisely from here. Calemnel - The main historical monument of the Serbian capital.

    The ancient gate is preserved, the sliding bridge, erected in the middle ages, and the towers themselves. One of them is equipped with an observation deck, where the place of the merger of two rivers is visible - Danube and Savva. You can watch this infinitely. On you can also see the photo of the night backlight of Calembal.

    Scandarlia - Bohemian place in Belgrade. Something resembles Paris Montmartre.

    Skardarlia is a pedestrian zone, completely built up with restaurants, taverns and pubs, art galleries and antique shops. It is worthwhile to visit in the evening when numerous lanterns are lit and street musicians begin concert.

    Staying in Belgrade, be sure to get to Zemna.

    Zemun is the most authentic area of \u200b\u200bBelgrade with its own characteristics or even more correctly, traditions. More about Zemun in Article Zymun is the most authentic area of \u200b\u200bBelgrade.

    As for the rest of the attractions of Belgrade, then their more detailed description can be found on the website - Online Travel Guide for Belgrade.

    The main attraction of Novi Garden is the fortress Petrovardin. The construction of the fortress was completed in 1780. The name comes from Greek Peter (Rock), Hungarian Var (city) and Turkish Dean (place of battles).

    Also in Novi Garden it is worth visiting square of Freedom With the Catholic Cathedral, 76 height.

    This is just an approximate list of Serbian attractions that you should visit. Serbia Multicolia and multifaceted, with richest culture and history, with unique nature and such familiar broad Slavic soul traditions. So each of the tourists will definitely complement a list of many more points.

    Also read Article Natural Attractions of Serbia and a photo trip to Serbia in 60 seconds.

    Records B.

    Map of Serbia

    Detailed map of Serbia in Russian online. Satellite map of Serbia with cities and resorts, roads, streets and houses. Serbia on the world map - European country, which is located in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula. The capital of Serbia is the city of Belgrade, the official language is Serbian. On the territory of Serbia there are two autonomous districts - Kosovo and Voevodina.

    Where is Serbia?

    Despite the fact that Serbia is a country that does not have access to the sea, it is very successful on the Danube River.

    Climate Serbia varies depending on the region. In the north is a continental moderate climate, in the south and east - Mediterranean. In the summer, it is usually hot and dry throughout Serbia, and in the winter cool. The average summer temperatures - + 24 ... + 26 C. Winter is much colder - + 3 .... -7 S.

    Coming B. Serbia First of all, it is necessary to go to the capital Belgrade - one of the oldest cities in Europe, whose history has started to our era. The main sights of Belgrade are Cableleughn - the oldest part of the city, where an ancient fortress and excavation is located. Another interesting place in the capital is the Quarter Chapecarlia, which is considered the place of Belgrade Bohemia. In Belgrade, there are also many museums of monuments, various galleries and art exhibitions and even a military island.

    In the territory Serbia Many historical and religious monuments that are about a thousand years. For example, numerous monasteries, some of which were built back in the 11th century.

    Much in the country and national parks. The most famous and visited - Frusk Mountain, Kopaonik, Jerdap and others.
    Though Tourism in Serbia - This is a slightening sector, this country visits quite a few travelers. Serbia is a lot of mud and mineral healing sources. In total, they are about 1000, near which boarding and medical centers are built. The most famous of them are Zlatatatary, Divcibar and others.

    2008 - 2018 © - detailed maps of countries in the world in Russian with cities.

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    The Republic of Serbia is located on the Balkan Peninsula. Part of the country's territory (20%) is located on Pannon lowland. There are no exits to the seas and oceans.

    Administratively Serbia is divided into 3 regions, which in turn are divided into district and community.

    Largest cities: Belgrade, Novi Garden, Pristina and Niche.

    Capital of Serbia - City of Belgrade.

    Borders and Square

    Land borders with Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Serbia covers an area of \u200b\u200b88,361 square kilometers (the country takes 111th place in the world in size).

    Map of Serbia



    7 243,000 people, which puts the country to the 98th place in the population in the world.


    The overwhelming majority of the rheric population of the country are Orthodox (85%). About 5.5% of residents - Catholics, and 3.2% - Muslims.


    The official monetary unit is Serbian Dinar.

    Medical care and insurance

    The first and emergency medical care is free. All further medical care will be free only in the event of medical insurance for the international sample and addressing it in special clinics.

    Voltage in the network

    220 volt. Frequency - 50 hertz.

    International Area Code

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    In the heart of the Balkan Peninsula, the Republic of Serbia is located - a country with Slavic soul and Turkish traditions. The kindness and guilty serbov is one of the main attractions of Serbia. The delayed military conflict of the late XX century taught the Serbian people to love and respect all the living, with optimism to look into the future. European tourists entails this amazing country not chic and luxury tourist services, but the purest air, the virgin nature and human (and not commercial) relationships between people.

    Due to the geographical position of Serbia, her story "Pepit" with all sorts of conquests and seizures (Illyrian and Celtic tribes, the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, etc.). At this day, this is reflected in the wealth of national customs and traditions, as well as the multinationality of the country's inhabitants.

    Modern Serbia has a rich tourist potential: ski and medical and health resorts, hunting and fisheries, incredible national parks, etc.


    Number of population

    7 120.7 thousand people

    Population density

    80 people / km²

    serbian, among national minorities are common, Hungarian, Albanian, Romanian, Slovak, Croatian


    orthodoxy, a slight share of the Catholics, Muslim and Protestants

    Form of government

    parliamentary republic

    serbian dinar (RSD) \u003d 100 pairs


    UTC + 1, summer UTC + 2

    International Area Code

    Domain zone on the Internet


    Climate and weather

    The climate of Serbia was formed under the influence of the relief features. In the north of the country, the middlenaya lowland spread with huge fertile plains, the central part is characterized by a hilly relief, and the ancient mountains in the southeast are elevated. Huge influence on weather in Serbia have warm seas ( Black, Aegean and Adriatic), Washing the shores of the Balkan Peninsula. As a result, a continental climate prevails in the north of the country, in the center and in the south - moderately continental, and in the mountains - the mountain climate.

    Winter in Serbia, as a rule, short (no more than 2 months) and soft but rather snowy. The average air temperature is approximately 0 ... + 5 ° C. Summer - long and roast (+ 28 ... + 30 ° C). Most precipitation falls in May and June.

    Soft Serbian winters often darken piercing cold winds, which even got their own names:

    • Koshava - a cold wind blowing from October to April in the north of the country and bringing with me ice rains and blizzards;
    • Severians - North Wind by Hungary;
    • Moravac - Cold North Wind in the Morava River Valley.


    In the north of the country in the territory of the middlenay lowland (or Panneon Plain, as it is called in Hungary) there is an autonomous district of Voivodina. Today there are almost no forests here. Earth Voivodina is very fertile and is actively used under agricultural crops of corn, wheat, vegetables and, of course, sunflower. The flowering field of sunflower in beauty can compete with the most unprecedented landscapes that are on the planet Earth.

    Serbia belongs to second place in Europe (after Hungary) by the number of rivers and lakes. The largest and majestic among Serbian rivers, of course, is the Danube, forming many bays, old men, swamps and great Jerdap GorgeThe very narrow part of which is often called the "iron gates". The Jerdap Gorge consists of four gorges and three Kotlovin. In some places, the cliffs rise above the water of the Danube by 300 meters. Here the river is replete with numerous pools with a depth of 90 meters. On the territory of the Jerdap Gorge, the National Park is spread, the pride of which is numerous relict plants that have long disappeared on the larger territory of Europe.

    The southern part of Western and East Serbia occupy the mountains. On the territory of the country 4 mountain systems are distinguished: Dinar Highlands, Balkan Mountains, East Serbian Mountains and part of the Rylo-Rhodopskaya System. The height of 15 mountains in Serbia exceeds the mark in 2000 meters. In the mountains of Serbia, the refinery endlessly dubbing, beech and lime forests found themselves.


    A kind of goal that opens an unforgettable path of the traveler in Serbia is the capital of the state Belgrade, located on the confluence of two beautiful rivers - Danubeand Sava. In the heart of the city there is an ancient fortress Calemnel (XII-XVII century). Today, there is a number of interesting attractions on the territory of the historic complex: Orthodox Churches, Muslim graves, Turkish baths, military museum. Near the fortress is the oldest part of the city, Stari Grad, on the winding streets of which numerous museums, palaces and the best restaurants of the capital.

    The second largest city of Serbia is Novi Sad.which is famous for a saturated cultural life. For this new garden call "Serbian Athens". In this city you can visit various museums and art galleries, as well as all sorts of international festivals and exhibitions.

    The story has scattered many defensive fortresses throughout the country: the biggest fortress of Europe, which occupies 11 hectares is in SMEDEREVO; In the town Bach located the medieval fortress, the oldest in Voivodina; Golubatskaya Fortress - Medieval city near the Jerdap Gorge; The Smederev Fortress is the largest medieval city on the Danube. During numerous invasions of invaders, the defensive functions were also performed by Orthodox monasteries in which locals were hiding to avoid the bloody massacre. Monasteries Zhich, Mileshyev, copies And the student is the UNESCO World Heritage Site.


    In the original Serbian cuisine, culinary traditions of different peoples were mixed: Slavic, Turkish, Mediterranean, Hungarian. The main ingredients of Serbian cuisine include meat, vegetables and spices. The main meat products are lamb and pork. Traditional meat serbous dishes are considered chevapchichi"- sausages from chopped meat, "Leshalitsa" - chops with spice stuffing, "Gaiduk" - grilled meat fried, " karajordjevy Schnitzel"- Roasted thin steak, and so on. They all differ simplicity of cooking and an unforgettable taste. Meat in this country is always served with all sorts of greens, vegetables and corn bread "Study".

    Bread from Serbs, like all Slavs, is a symbol of wealth. On the table there is always a white bread "Rogach", as well as "Popp", cooked from milk, cheese and white bread.

    Special component of the Serbian table are vegetables. Of the vegetables in Serbia are preparing large salads sliced \u200b\u200band fastened with olive oil, as well as delicious hot dishes: " punya Tsvitsa"- stuffed with meat and pumpkin rice," moussaka»- Eggplants and tomatoes with layers of meat, vegetable dumplings, goulash from the bean in Serbian, the cabbage" sarma" and many many others.

    Various wicked baking is popular: " burek»- Puff pastry with cheese and meat filling," zelenitsa»- Pie with cheese and greens, etc.

    Serb's favorite non-alcoholic drink is coffee consumed here in incredible quantities, the historical Turkish influence affects.

    There are in Serbia and its high quality wines: "SHEMERVKA", "PERSONAL", "ZHUBO" and others. Among the strong drinks deserves the attention of the grapemogon " rakia"And" lozovat"And strong local beer "Niksichko".


    Numerous hotels and hotels are offered their services for living in the largest cities of Serbia and in the resorts. The cost of accommodation in the double room ranges from 40 to 400 €. Serbian hostels are the most cheap in Europe, the price for the place in them varies from 7 to 15 €.

    Entertainment and recreation

    Thanks to its medical and wellness resorts, Serbia was called "Oasis of Europe's Health". More than 20 health centers are operating in the country offering services for the prevention, rehabilitation and treatment of various diseases with the help of mud, mineral waters and clean air.

    • Vnigno Banya specializes in the treatment and rehabilitation of diabetes, as well as diseases of the digestive organs;
    • Soko Banya - on the fight against nonspecific diseases of the lungs;
    • Nishka Banya Created for the treatment of cardiac and rheumatic diseases.

    Many mountain areas in Serbia are climatic centers: Zlatatar, Zlatastor and Divchibar.

    Among the lovers of winter sports are popular ski resorts located on the longest mountain range in Serbia - Coponica, as well as the resort Brezowitsalocated on the highest in Serbia Mountain Arrays Shar-Planna.

    The best holiday in nature can offer unique National Parks of Serbia:

    • Jerdap;
    • Packaging;
    • Fruck Mountain;
    • Golia.

    The real rarity of nature having a world value is Javol-Varosh ("Damn city"), consisting of earthen pyramids of bizarre forms.

    Fans of creativity of the famous director Emir Kusturica should be visited by the ethnographic village created by him on top of the mountain Summer.All local streets are named in honor of cinema figures, such as Federico Phillini Square. Emir Kusturica also became founder of the international copyright festival Küstendorf Film Festival in Dwwegerad.


    Souvenirs that are sold in Serbian specialty stores, as well as during all sorts of folklore festivals, are often handmade products, i.e. Each unit is unique and represents a kind of artwork. Such products include figurines, dishes, decorations, etc., made from ceramics, wood and copper, as well as objects of woolen or linen clothing, made in both national and modern styles. Among the tourists are very popular Serbian embroidery and products from the finest lace. An excellent gift brought from Serbia will also be tastefully made by "Puzzled" bottle of strong Rakia.


    Thanks to its geographical position, Serbia became the shortest transport corridor between the countries of Western Europe and the Middle East, Africa and Central Europe.

    Air transport links in Serbia is provided by 4 airports (near the cities of Belgrade, Novi Garden, Luxury and Niche), of which the international can only airport.

    Of great importance for the country's economy has river transport. Shipping are the Rivers of Danube and Sava. The largest river ports are located in cities such as Belgrade, Novi Garden, Smederevo, Panchevo and Shabat. Tourists are offered the most interesting excursions on the largest rivers flowing through the territory of Serbia, on ships departing from the Belgrade River Port on the Sava River.

    The main railway network of the country stretches in the valleys of rivers from the North-West to the southeast. Traveling with the help of railway transport to foreign tourists is very difficult, as the trains go with a huge delay (up to 2-3 hours), they are sent not from those platforms, which are indicated on the information board (even in Belgrade), and the quality of rolling stock is very low.

    The network of roads in the country is well developed and the quality of the coating is also quite good (except mountain areas), despite the fact that during recent military hostilities were very damaged. Tourists traveling by car will need to pay the road collection for the use of the motorway (on the road), the size of which depends on the distance. The rest are free.


    Mobile phone relations in Serbia provide 4 operators: Mobilna Telefonija Srbije, Vala-900, Monaco Telecom and Mobtel. The coverage area of \u200b\u200bthese companies includes the entire territory of Serbia and Kosovo. Connect to the mobile operator is very simple, it is enough to buy a SIM card at the cellular office, numerous stores, printed and tobacco products kiosks or in post office. To call abroad, you can also use a street telephone machine working on a card and providing good communication quality.

    Internet access is provided in numerous Internet cafes that are in all cities of Serbia. Free Wi-Fi to its customers are offered only the most expensive hotels and hotels. In Internet hostels, as a rule, there is, but from a stationary computer.


    The crime rate in Serbia is at a fairly high level. There is a certain category of criminals, "specializing" in tourists - pocket thefts, illegal currency operations and all sorts of fraud, including assistance in the storage of property, operations with an ATM, etc. Being in Serbia, tourists should closely monitor their valuable things, try not to be in remote desert areas of cities in the dark.

    In all settlements, including Belgrade, it is almost impossible to find a garbage urno, so the locals used to throw garbage under the legs, as well as from the windows of moving transport, including cars and trains. This behavior led to the fact that the outskirts of many cities turned into trash dumps, where they can scour in search of food hungry wild and homeless animals.

    Traveling through the mountainous regions of the country, should be extremely careful, since there are often landslides caused by strong rain rains. In many places, the protective grid, which enhances the roads from falling stones, is damaged and does not perform its function.

    Business climate

    The regenerating economy of Serbia is interested in an active influx of foreign investment. The following factors contribute to the stimulation of financial revenues: the favorable geographical position of Serbia, relatively inexpensive highly qualified workforce, existing free trade agreements, including Russia, which ensures the presence of huge sales markets, favorable tax regime (tax rate on wages, The constituent of only 12% is the lowest in Europe; income tax - 10%; value added tax is 18%), the enormous probability of the inclusion of Serbia into the European Union in the coming years.

    A negative impact on the development of a business climate attractive to investors has the existence of a huge bureaucratic apparatus and, accordingly, the excessive duration of administrative procedures.

    The property

    Foreigners are allowed to acquire real estate in Serbia. An exception is the land that can be leased for a period of 5 to 30 years.

    By purchasing real estate in Serbia, all the documents should be checked thoroughly, since as a result of long-term armed conflicts, many real estate facilities were illegally built or illegally acquired in property. If the documentation is in order, the parties are the contract of purchase / sale and the following payments: real estate agent - 3% of real estate cost, notary - about 1%, state duty - 0.01-0.05%, Title Transfer Tax - 5 % (according to the law must pay the seller, but in the contract it may be agreed, which pays the buyer). The process of buying real estate in Serbia is quite long and takes from 2 to 6 months.

    Small cottages in the countryside, in the mountains, on the banks of the rivers and lakes are from 25,000 to 85,000 €. The cost of 1 square meter in the capital is 1,000-1,800 €, in large cities - 600-800 €.

    In Serbia, there is a list of places that cannot be photographed for republican security purposes. These objects include ports, bridges, power plants and military facilities.

    Water water in Serbia is unsuitable for drinking, it can be either highly chlorinated or contaminated due to the strong wear of the water supply in the country. To avoid intestinal disorders, it is better to drink bottled water.

    Traditional 95th gasoline in Serbia is indicated as " 95 Bezolovni », 92th - "95".

    Smoking among the population is very common in Serbia, down to smoking at playgrounds, so non-smoking tourists should be very closely watching the tickets for non-smoking trains, in restaurants to order tables in non-smoking rooms, etc.

    Where is Serbia on the world map. Detailed map of Serbia in Russian online. Satellite map of Serbia with cities and resorts, roads, streets and houses. Serbia on the world map - European country, which is located in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula.

    The capital of Serbia is the city of Belgrade, the official language is Serbian. On the territory of Serbia there are two autonomous districts - Kosovo and Voevodina. Despite the fact that Serbia is a country that does not have access to the sea, it is very successful on the Danube River.

    Map of Serbia in Russian with cities detailed:

    Serbia - Wikipedia:

    Population of Serbia - 7 001 444 people. (2017)
    Capital of Serbia - Belgrade
    The largest cities of Serbia - Belgrade, Novi Garden, Pristina, Niche, Kraguevac
    Serbia phone code - 381
    Used language in Serbia - Serbian language

    Climate Serbia varies depending on the region. In the north is a continental moderate climate, in the south and east - Mediterranean. In the summer, it is usually hot and dry throughout Serbia, and in the winter cool. The average summer temperatures - +24 ... + 26 C. Winter is much colder - +3 ....- 7 C.

    Coming B. Serbia First of all, it is necessary to go to the capital Belgrade - one of the oldest cities in Europe, whose history has started to our era. The main sights of Belgrade are Cableleughn - the oldest part of the city, where an ancient fortress and excavation is located. Another interesting place in the capital is the Quarter Chapecarlia, which is considered the place of Belgrade Bohemia. In Belgrade, there are also many museums of monuments, various galleries and art exhibitions and even a military island.

    In the territory Serbia Many historical and religious monuments that are about a thousand years. For example, numerous monasteries, some of which were built back in the 11th century.

    Much in the country and national parks. The most famous and visited - Frusk Mountain, Kopaonik, Jerdap and others. Though Tourism in Serbia - This is a slightening sector, this country visits quite a few travelers. Serbia is a lot of mud and mineral healing sources. In total, they are about 1000, near which boarding and medical centers are built. The most famous of them are Zlatatatu, Divcibar and others.

    What to see in Serbia:

    Belgrade Fortress, Saint Sava Temple in Belgrade, Petrovaradinskaya Fortress, Belgrade Zoo, National Park "Mount Fruck", Sava River, Palace of Princess Lovers, Cathedral of the Virgin Mary, Church of Ruzhitsa, Aval Television, National Museum of Serbia, Jerdap National Park, Museum of Nikola Tesla National Park , Devil city, Kusturica village, Tara National Park, Ravannitsa Monastery, Mileshevo Monastery.