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  • Rocket cruiser "Glory". Soviet rocket cruiser "Glory" raid from Tuapse

    Rocket cruiser

    Rocket cruiser 1164.

    Project Rocket Cruiser 1164 (Atlant Cipher, NATO - Slava Class designation) In total, 3 units were introduced. The missile cruiser "Moscow" is the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the "Varyag" flagship of the Pacific Fleet.

    Head ship - "Glory".

    Rocket cruiser Slava .

    Rocket cruiser Slava - Built in the framework of the project 1164, CIFR "Atlant". Successful on July 27, 1979. and entered into operation on December 30, 1982, and January 10, 1983. It was included in the Black Sea Fleet (CCF).

    January-February 1986 - Combat service in the Mediterranean Sea.

    In September 1986 A business visit was visited by Port Tartus (Syria), in November Piraeus (Greece).

    In early December 1989 He took part in ensuring the first meeting of the Community General of the Communist Party of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev with President George Bush on O. Malta.

    In August 1990. Take part in the Yalta International Conference.

    From March 1991 to August 1998 He was repaired, in connection with the collapse of the USSR, money was not allocated for repair, but in 1995. Mayor of Moscow, Y. Luzhkov found financial resources for the end of repair. May 16, 1995 The cruiser was renamed RKR "Moscow".

    June 12, 1997 The Andreevsky Naval Flag of the Russian Federation was raised on the ship.

    May 13, 1998. The ship transferred the flag and the guards ranging from the delayed from the Black Sea Fleet BOD "Red Caucasus".

    From August to September 2001. - Participation in the days of Russian culture on the azure coast with a delegation of the government of the city of Moscow on board, visits to the ports of France, Tunisia, Italy.

    In 2002 Combat service in the Mediterranean Sea.

    In 2003 Take part in the joint teachings of "Indra" with the Pacific Fleet and the Navy of India in the Indian Ocean.

    In September 2004 As part of the Martial Ships, the EMPs participated in the joint naval exercises "Ionieks - 2004" of the Navy of Russia and the Navy Italy in the Mediterranean.

    January 12, 2008 Combat service in the Mediterranean Sea with ships of the Northern Fleet - Tactop "Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" and providing its warships and auxiliary ships.

    From 9 to 12 August 2008 Participated in armed conflict with Georgia in the waters of Abkhazia.

    From July 4 to July 12, 2013 Performed a combat challenge to the Mediterranean Sea, and then follows to the Atlantic Ocean, to make a business entry into Lisbon.

    From August 5 to 28, 2013 With a friendly visit, I visited Havana, Nicaragua, Venezuela.

    From September to November 2013 Performed combat missions off the coast of Syria.

    On-board numbers: 126 (1983), 108 (1983), 103 (1984), 106 (1987), 121 (1990).

    Rocket cruiser Admiral Fleet Lobov.

    Rocket Cruiser Admiral Fleet Lobov

    Successful on February 25, 1982, and on March 23, 1985 was renamed B. "Marshal Ustinov". Entered the rank of September 15, 1986, and on November 5, 1986. It was included in the Northern Fleet (KSF).

    In the period 1987-1989 Made two hikes to the Mediterranean Sea for combat service.

    from July 21 to July 25, 1989 together with Em "Excellent", Made a business approach to the Norfolk naval database.

    In 1993 Visited the Canadian port of Halifax on a visit.

    From 1994 to 1997. He was repaired on "Northern Verfi".

    In 1996 Take part in the naval parade in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet in St. Petersburg as a flagship ship.

    In 2003 Take part in the Navy teachings in the Baltic. From the board of the ship, the presidents of the Russian Federation V. Putin and Poland A. Kvasnevsky observed the progress of operations.

    In 2004 Participated in the far campaign of the aircraft carrier group of the Northern Fleet to the Northeast Atlantic.

    In 2008 changed BOD "Severomorsk" On the watch in the Spitzbard Archipelago to ensure the safety of the Russian shipping in the Arctic.

    Since June 2011 It is on major repairs, to finish which is promised in 2015.

    On-board numbers: 118 (1986), 088 (1987), 070 (1990), 055 (1993).

    Rocket cruiser Chervona Ukraine.

    Cruiser Chervona Ukraine - Built in the framework of the project 1164, CIFR "Atlant".

    Sounded on the water on August 28, 1983. and entered into operation on December 25, 1989, and already on February 28, 1990. It was included in the Pacific Fleet (someone).

    September 4, 1995 Translated to the 36 division of rocket ships 10 operational squadron.

    From 09 to February 13, 1997 I visited Korea with a visit, to the port of Incheon - the site of the battle of the armored cruiser "Varyag" with a Japanese squadron.

    From 02 to October 6, 1999 He participated in conjunction with EM "Stormy" in the official visit of the PRC, to the Shanghai port, in connection with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the PRC formation.

    From 10 to 15 October 2002. I visited Japan on an official visit, to the port of Yokosuka, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Navy Self-defense of Japan, participated in the naval parade in the Tokyo Gulf.

    From 10 to 15 February 2004 The official visit is made in the composition of the OBC: together with BOD "Admiral Tributz", IPC "Korean") In Korea, Port Incheon, on the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Varyag Armade Cruiser. During the visit, joint exercises with the ships of the Navy of the Republic of Korea were held.

    In September-December 2005 At the head of the OBC TFR performed a combat service in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, with the ports in the ports: Vishapatnam (India), Tanjung Prioca (Indonesia), Sattahip (Thailand), Changi (Singapore), Danang (Vietnam). The cruiser took part in international exercises "Indra-2005".

    From 2006 to 2008 Passed repair on the "Dalzavoda".

    In October 2008 As part of a detachment of ships, a unofficial visit to Korea made a port of Busan and took part in the International Sea Parade.

    In April 2009 "Varyag" As part of a detachment of ships, who made an unofficial visit to the Cindao PRC port in connection with the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the PRC formation.

    In October - December 2009 Making a business entry in VBM Changi of the Republic of Singapore in order to ensure the security of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev participated in the summit of APEC-2009.

    In June 2010 I visited the port of San Francisco USA with an unofficial visit.

    In November 2010 I visited Korea, Port Incheon. The crew of the cruiser took part in the transmission ceremony for rent from the Russian Federation of Gyus armored cruiser "Varyag", as well as to ensure the stay in South Korea of \u200b\u200bthe President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev during the G20 Summit (G20), which took place in Seoul 10-12 November 2010

    In April-May 2011 He participated in the Russian-Chinese teachings "Peaceful Mission-2011" in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Yellow Sea with an occasion to the port of Qingdao.

    In September - December 2011 At the head of the Tor's ships, it was fulfilled the tasks of combat service in the Pacific Ocean with attendance to the Maizuru's naval base (Japan) - here participated in joint exercise with the seaside forces of the Self-defense of Japan on the search and salvation of the ship's disaster, APRA (GUAM, USA) - It was attended here in Russian-American anti-terrorism exercises "Pacific Eagle-2011" well, and further an unofficial visit to Vancouver (Canada).

    From April 23 to April 27, 2012 together with BOD "Admiral Vinogradov", "Marshal Shaposhnikov", "Admiral Tributz" and supply ships participated in the Russian-Chinese teachings "Peaceful Mission-2012" in the yellow sea.

    In early 2013 Passed planned repairs on the "Dalzavoda".

    From July 5 to July 12, 2013 Participated in the joint Russian-Chinese teachings "Peaceful Mission-2013" in the Japanese Sea.

    November 4, 2013 Performs a combat challenge in the Mediterranean Sea, and comes with a friendly visit to Egypt, Port Alexandria.

    In the period from May 20 to 26, 2014. He took part in the Russian-Chinese teachings "Marine Interaction - 2014". During the teachings, the Russian squadron visited Shanghai.

    From July 15 to July 19, 2014. The ship took part in the Russian-Indian exercises "Indra-2014" in the Japanese Sea.

    In September 2014 Take part in large-scale exercises "East-2014".

    In November 2014, on the eve of the Australian Summit "G20" to the shores of Australia, two detachments of the Pacific Fleet ships arrived at the Varyag cruiser, to ensure the security of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

    On-board numbers: 119 (1989), 031 (09.1990), 011 (1994)

    The glorious name "Glory".

    The Black Sea Fleet includes a missile cruiser "Moscow". Previously, he wore a nice name "Glory" in the literal sense. With the history of this ship, we will meet.

    The first name "Glory" received a 16-gun three-volume frigate, bought in 1770 in the archipelago (so called from the 13th century a group of the islands of the Aegean Sea) to participate in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. Among the heroic pages of the walway path of the ship are allocated landing of the landing in the town of Levis in the Gulf of Makri in the part of the Count F.G. Orlova and Operation in the Gulf of Lagos to destroy the Turkish transport ships there. The landing captured the Turkish battery and burned warehouses. And in the Gulf of Lagos from 14 vessels 4 was captured, 4 was burned and 2 sharpened, a Turkish battery was destroyed on the shore. However, the main feat of the ship made the ship in the Ionian Sea in the Patrasochy Gulf. 25.10.1772 Russian courts found a Turkish squadron-Pasha squadron at the Fortress and 26.10 attacked her.

    Having lost the frigate and 2 Shebeci, the Turks moved to protect the batteries of the fortress. 27.10, wavying under the sail, the Russian squadron fired Turkish ships and fortress. 28.10 During the Patrassky battle, approaching Turkish ships, the squadron opened fire with nuclei and firecakels. All Turkish ships were destroyed, the Fregat "Glory" burned the frigate and 2 Shebeci. And in the future, the frigate unsuccessfully participated in combat operations and in 1776 of the archipelago moved to Livorno where it was sold, and the crew went to Russia.
    Commander: Graph M.I. Winovich (177 1-1776).

    He was replaced by 38 cannon four-matt frigate "Glory". Laid 27.8.1778 on the Arkhangelsk Ferphic. Builder MD Portnors. 22.5.1781 launched, entered the Baltic Fleet. He participated in the "armed neutrality", then moved to the Mediterranean Sea to Livorno, and in 1784 he returned to Kronstadt. Participated in the war with Sweden 1788-1790. 30.6.1788 As part of the Escord Admiral S.K. Greya came out of Kronstadt, 6.7 At Gotland Island participated in the battle with the Swedish fleet. After the fight was accompanied by damaged trials in Kronstadt. From 5.8 to 16.11, the Gangeut and Svetaborg Peninsula and Svetaborg are cruised as part of the detachment. From 5 to 6.1789, the detachment was cruised in Finnish Bay 2.7 as part of the fleet came out of a roar in the sea and 15.7 at Eland Island participated in the battle with the Swedish fleet, and then cruised by Borgonolm and Gotland's islands. 2.5.1790 During the Rhovel battle, 300 shots on the enemy ships were produced; The losses were: 1 killed and 2 wounded.

    As part of the squadron entered the sea for the search for Swedish ships and from 29.5 carved the blockade of the opponent's fleet in Vyborg Gulf: on the disposition stood in the second line of the main forces. 22.6 During the Vyborg battle, the Swedish rowing flotilla attacked 2 galleys. From 25.6 to 5.8.1790, in the part of the detachment, Krused by Sveaburg, blocking the Swedish ships. Participated in wars with France 1792-1797 and 1798-1800. In 1793 and 1797, as part of the squadr, he went to cruise to the shores of Denmark and Sweden. 1799 Re-equipped into the port ship in Kronstadt.

    Commanders: PI Shishkin (1781), A.M. Kireevsky (1 782-1784), S.N. Telepnev (1785), N.I. Sheshukov (1787-1788), K.P. Billows (Billow) (1789), R.F. Svitin (1790-1791) A.S. Smirnov (1792-1793), D.T. Varaksin (1796), P.G. Baranov (1797).

    The next relay was accepted by the squadron battleship "Glory". On March 22, 1901, he was listed on the lists of Ships of the Baltic Flotia on October 19, 1902, it was laid on the Baltic Plant in St. Petersburg, launched on August 16, 1903, entered into force in October 1905.

    September 27, 1907 is reclassified into a linear ship.
    From 1906 to 1910, as part of a special (since 1908 - Baltic), the detachment of the "Glory" courts made a number of curriculum in the Northern Arctic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. In December 1908, the crew of the ship under the command of the captain of the 1st rank A.A. Bazhenova participated in rescue work in the Sicilian city of Messina after a catastrophic earthquake. In 1909, the ship engineer V.P. Kostenko compiled a project to modernize "glory" with a replacement of 75-mm and 152-mm guns per 8,120-mm and 8,203 mm (4 towers, including 2 in the diametral plane). However, with overhaul in 1910-1911. In Toulon (France), at the factory of the company "Fore Eh Shanther", they were limited only to the replacement of boilers.

    During World War I, the battleship distinguished himself in hostilities in the Gulf Riga. In July-August 1915, he, under the command of the captain of the 1st rank S.S. Vyazemsky, repeatedly entered the battle with the German linear ships. In the autumn of 1915, "Glory" under the command of the captain of the 1st Rank V.V. Kovalevsky repeatedly supported the ground forces on the coast of the Gulf of Riga Bay, and on October 22, she provided a landing of the landing at Cape Deszness. Similar tasks of the battlefield solved in the Gulf of Riga and in the 1916 campaign, after which she passed a question in Kronstadt and modernization of artillery in Helsingfors. The angle of elevation of 305-mm guns increased to 25 degrees, which corresponded to the 55 cable shooting range. By the beginning of 1917, the composition of the weapons "Glory", except for 305-mm and 152-mm, included 12,75-mm guns, 4,76.2-mm anti-aircraft guns and 2 underwater torpedo tubes. September 8, 1917 "Glory", under the command of the captain of the 1st Rank V.G. Antonova, Moonzund Strait moved to Kuyvast and soon took part in the Moonzund battle.

    October 4, 1917 Russian ships under the command of Vice-Admiral M.K. Bakhirava on the raid Kuivast entered into battle with the German squad of Vice Admiral Benke. The German dieders achieved 7 hits in "glory", at which the nasal 305-mm tower was faced by this time. The ship accepted 1127 tons of water, and his nose sediment reached 10 meters. Since the shallow water monezund became for "glory", MK Bakhiyev ordered during the retreat to flood the battleship at the entrance to the canal, blow up the melor of the ammunition and additionally undermine the ship to the torpedo from the Squaded Municipality "Turkmen-Stavropol".
    On May 29, 1918, "Glory" was excluded from the lists of ships of the Baltic Fleet.
    The ship is disassembled by the Estonians for Metal in 1935-1936.

    Especially I would like to note the heroism of Russian sailors from the crew of Lincher "Glory". This ship is morally outdated during the construction (he was the eighth in the series), had mediocre TTX, and the range of German ships significantly exceeded his capabilities. However, he became a personal enemy of Kaiser Wilhelm II!

    The first fight of "Glory" with the German fleet took place on August 8, 1915, the Germans began to carry out a breakthrough through the Irbensky Strait.

    With the German armadors "Alsace" and "Braunschweig", which were shelling Russian canoners and the destroyers, noticed smoke owned by a large ship. It was "glory", which went down with raised steady flags, accompanied by the destroyer. "Alsace" and "Braunschweig" opened fire on it.

    "Glory" was difficult to fight the German armor in view of the greater halt of their artillery. Because of minecraft, it was impossible to get close to the enemy. Russian sailors led by the commander of "glory" by captain 1 rank S. S. Vyazemsky applied to the Svekalka. For the introduction of the main artillery, Vyazemsky found the next way out. Flooding with water three side compartments, reached the roll 3 °, which corresponded to an increase in range of 8 cable. Flooding of compartments (100 tons of water) and pumping the water in the compartments of another side when turning to the return gallee was produced in 10-16 minutes. (!!)
    The fight of "Glory" and two German armadors lasted 1 hour and 48 minutes, during which the Russians were given on the enemy of 16 salts.
    During the breakthrough through the Irbensky Strait, the Germans suffered significant losses on mines. The trawls "T-52 and" T-58 "were killed, the cruiser" Tethis "was injured," then the Martyr "S-144". In the evening of the same day, Vice Admiral Schmidt, who commanded the German forces of the breakthrough, interrupted the operation, motivating it to failure.

    In his order for re-operation, the commander of the Baltic Sea, Prince Heinrich, in particular, wrote: "The destruction of" glory "I attribute moral significance."

    For the second breakthrough, the Germans pulled even more strength.
    To combat "glory", two dreadnights were included in the detrimental forces.
    Around noon "Glory" began shelling German travelers. German dreadnights "Posen" and "Nassau" entered into battle with "glory". She, skillfully maneuvering, did not stop the shelling of German travelers with auxiliary caliber. Reapplying the flooding of on-board compartments, "Glory" led the head of the main caliber in German dreadnights. By 16 o'clock, German travelers moved away.
    By 17 o'clock the battle ended, but "Glory" was still 18 hours to stay at his position. Then Admiral Schmidt decided to send her newest destroyers "V-99" and "V-100" at night.

    The result was sad for the Germans. First, the German destroyers met the old Russian police officers from the help of "Glory". Then the Russian destroyer "Novik" joined them at dawn. After 10 minutes the fight "Novik" achieved three hits in "V-99". It began fires. The Germans turned and began to leave.

    At dawn on October 22, under the cover of the fire "Glory" and other ships, Russians landed the landing of Domesnie and achieved success. In addition, "Glory" shelated Roen (Ruene) and Messarago prices (Mermsrags). "Glory" participated in the reflection of the German offensive in Riga, which began on October 31. The Germans wrote: "By November 10, the Russians managed mainly with the help of the fire of heavy guns" Glory "to force the German troops to clear Kermene and move away to the previous position. The fleet could not ease the provisions. "

    So, the German offensive in Riga and the attempts of the fleet to take the Riga Bay ended in failure. And in this important role they played the fighting of the cornight crew.
    On October 16, 1917, with the fall of Russian batteries on the Peninsula, the German ships forced the Irbensky Strait and entered the Riga Bay. Despite the overwhelming superiority of the Germans, Admiral Bakharev decided to take a fight.
    Pay attention to the date of the last battle of the ship. While their colleagues were famously died with a "apple" and prepared to attack bridges, telephone, telegraph ... There were sailors who simply performed their military debt and fought with the enemy. Nobody canceled the war. The Brest world, as you know, was concluded slightly later.

    The German ships were suitable in two columns: in one large ships - battleships and cruisers with the destroyers; In the other - the uterus of trashmen and the travelers themselves. German aviation made about 9 hours 30 minutes an attack on Russian ships. In the meantime, German travelers began the trawling of barriers before entering Moison between Ezel Island and the mainland. First, the battery island island (fly), and then at 10 o'clock 05 minutes "Citizen" and "Glory" opened fire on German travelers. "Glory" in view of the larger range of her guns (116 cable versus 88 at the "citizen") was north of the Farvater, but a "citizen" and "bayan" south, closer to the enemy. The first volley of the Russians gave a launch, the second flight, and the third trawl was covered,
    "Glory" postponed fire on German Linkar, who kept south of the travelers. Here, with "Glory", they noticed several destroyers who went the front of the front to the north, and gave them a volley from the nasal tower. The policeman in disorder moved to the south, and all other vessels behind them. The German battleships were departed.

    Thus, this attempt of the Germans to break into moonzund failed.
    Before the end of the shooting at "glory", the nasal 12-inch tower was due to the malfunction of the mechanisms of locks, due to the negligence of their highlight at the factory, when artillery was changed on the armadapor in the autumn of 1916. (That's where there was a really complete disgrace with Matchasty!). But, having lost half of his heavy guns, "Glory" did not come out of the battle.
    Meanwhile, the German ships, rebuilding, went back to the attack, now the Eastern Farvater. "Citizen" after 12 hours of 04 minutes began to fill the travelers with both calibers, and then opened fire and "fame" of the fodder. "König" and "Kronprintz" have become a big move, confidently unfolded and, having reduced the move, after 12 hours opened fire five guns. The Russian battleships were just walked to the south, the distance was quickly reduced, and everything decided in a few minutes. "Glory" received three hitting from König, and "Kronprintz" has achieved two in the "citizen", one shell struck "glory" below Waterlinia, the other also did a huge underwater hole.

    From the damage of "glory" so raised the nose that the moonzund-sky channel became for her impass. The commander decided to flood the ship on the fairway, thereby closing the German passage to the north. It was ordered to cook the ship to the explosion.
    At 13 o'clock 20 minutes, the "Glory" commander stroked the car and ordered the grip of the subversive charges. By walking the deck and making sure that none of the lives on the ship remained, the commander of Antonov's ship was the last to go to the Watchtail destroyer. At 13 o'clock 58 minutes there was an explosion.
    The rest of Russian ships were held north, and two more transport were flooded on the fairway. The passage to the Gulf of Finland for the German fleet was closed.

    Displacement 14415 t. Dimmission 121.31 × 23.17 × 8.48 m
    Warning 4 - 305/40, 12 - 152/45, 20 - 75/50, 4 - 47 mm, 8 machine guns, 2 - 64 mm (Des), 2 - 457 mm PTA
    Booking - Chief Armored Armored Belt of Krupovskaya Bronet Bronet 102 to 194 mm, Casemates Anti-Mine (75 mm) Artillery - 76 mm,
    Anti-repellent protection - 43 mm, main caliber towers from 63 to 254 mm, Barbages of the main caliber towers from 102 to 254 mm,
    Middle Caliber Towers - 127 mm, combat cut from 51 to 203 mm, lower armored deck from 25 to 43 mm, main deck from 32 to 51 mm
    Mechanisms 2 Vertical steam machines of triple expansion of the production of the Baltic plant with a capacity of 16365 hp,
    20 water-tube boilers of the Belleville system, 2 screws
    Speed \u200b\u200bof 17.64 node. Sailing range 1970 miles. Crew 25, 17 Conductors, 780 lower ranks

    Behind him, the cruiser "Glory" joined the battle. True, his first name was "Molotov". It was laid on January 14, 1937 at the factory No. 198 by Marti in Nikolaev (factory number 329), launched on May 7, 1939, entered service on June 14, 1941 participated in the defense of Sevastopol. Torpedized on August 3, 1942. For repair used aft part of the unfinished cruiser "Frunze".
    Returned to service at the end of 1943, but no longer participated in the hostilities.
    From 1952 to January 28, 1955, the cruiser at the plant No. 497 (Sevmorzavod) passed overhaul and modernization with the updating of anti-aircraft and radar weapons. In 1955, Molotov - the flagship ship of the 50th division of Craisers ChF, held his flag to the commander of the Division Division counter-admiral S.M.lobov.
    On August 3, 1957, due to the "exposure of the anti-party group of Molotov, Kaganovich, Malenkov" the ship was renamed "Glory".

    On January 14, 1959, the cruiser brought out of combat composition and was molded, and on July 14, they revealed the next on July 14 and put into operation. In 1967, he carried a combat service in the war zone at the Mediterranean Sea, fulfilling the task of assisting the armed forces of Syria. In September - December 1970, the cruiser under the command of Captain 2 rank G.A. Basco was on combat service at the Mediterranean Sea, and on November 9, he assisted the creation of the Esmina "Brave" after his collision with the English aircraft carrier "Ark Royl". On April 4, 1972, the cruiser was excluded from the Navy and subsequently disassembled metal in Inkerman.

    The project that received number 26 was based on the theoretical drawing of the Cruiser "Eudzhienio Di Savoy" the Italian company Ansaldo. For "Eujenio di Savoy", the main energy installation was originally intended, which the Italians now decided to sell the USSR. The pret turned out to be successful and the ship turned out to be survivors. In the torpedo attack on August 3, 42, Torpeda fell into the spline and the ship torn off 20 meters of the stern part. Together with the wheel and steering machine. Rowing shafts and screws remained, though one shaft was very mad. In addition, the rejuvenated fragment of the feedstone worked as a steering wheel, introducing a ship into circulation. 18 people died in feed compartments. However, in the GCP, these damage noted did not immediately and the ship reached its move to the dock under the incessant attacks of the torpedo-bias and the enemy torpedo boats.

    Commanders during the war: Captain 1 rank Yu.K.zinoviev, from March 7, 1942 - Captain 1 rank M.F.romanov, from March 7, 1943 - Captain 2 rank F.V.zhirov, from December 28, 1944 - Captain 2 rank V. A.Parohomenko.

    On October 5, 1946, at Molotov, when performing the shooting at the Tenndrovsky raid in the transshipment of the second tower of the main caliber, the charge was inflamed. Fasting the tower, the sailors prevented the explosion of the ship. At the same time, the foreman and 22 sailors were killed, 20 got burns and injury. The commander of the fleet F.S. Soktyabrsky, the commander of the squadron S.G. Gorshkov, later the commander of the NG Kuznetsov commander of the National Security Committee, arrived on the ship. The Commission established: Personal Composition, Observing all the established rules and instructions, acted correctly and blocked the path of fire. The fire in the tower was due to the constructive flaw of the elevator.

    On August 19, 1947, the cruiser (commander captain 2 rank B.F.Petrov) delivered from Yalta (Livadia) to Sochi I.V. Stalin and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A.N. Koshagin. Molotov walked under the flag of the Commander Navy I.S. Yumashev, accompanied by the Esminians "Fire" and "Loi". During swimming, Stalin with a retinue passed through the ship and examined the first tower of the main caliber.
    During the world, the cruiser delivered goods to Sevastopol and parts, assisted with the fire of ground troops with all three sturches of Sevastopol, participated in the Kerch-Feodosian landing operation.

    At the beginning of the Gossi Molotov - the only ship equipped with the latest RLS "Redu-K" and a seaplane starting with a catapult. RLS allowed the opponent's aircraft in advance. The data was transmitted to the command of the air defense of Sevastopol

    Displacement Standard 8200 tons, full of 9780 tons. Dimmission 191.2 × 17.54 × 7.2 m
    Warning: 9 (3x3) - 180/57, 6 - 100/58 B34, 10 - 45 mm 21K, 13 - 37mm 70K,
    and 8 DSHK machine guns. 2x3 NTU 530 mm, 150/96 min Broke, 2 bomb-1 bomb
    Booking: belt 70 mm, deck 50 mm, traverse 70 mm, cutting 150/100 mm, Tower of main caliber 70/50 mm
    Mechanisms 2 Steam turbine installations of the Kharkov plant 137000 hp, 2 screws
    Speed \u200b\u200b36 nodes Sailing range 3860 miles. Crew 862 people

    On May 20, 1973, he was listed in the lists of the VF campaigns and on November 5, 1976, it was laid at the 61 Communar plant in Nikolaev (factory No. 2008), launched on July 27, 1979, entered into operation on December 30, 1982 and February 7, 1983 included in the CCF .
    March 21, 1991 was delivered in Nikolaev for overhaul.
    On May 16, 1996, the cruiser was renamed. In August 1999, again entered into operation.
    Currently flagship ChF.

    January 30, 1983 The Naval Flag of the USSR was raised on the missile cruiser "Glory" (now "Moscow"), which became the fifth ship in the history of the Russian fleet, wearing this name ... The fighting flag of the previous cruiser "Glory" was transferred to a new ship and raised the last His commander - counter-admiral N. B. Myasoyedov.
    The fifth "glory" was designed by the Northern Production Design Bureau, headed by the chief designer of the Valentin Ivanovich State Prize Laureate. Rocket cruiser "Glory" referred to third-generation ships. The appearance of the Soviet missile cruiser and the power hidden in him was so impressed with even visiting the types of military seafarers, which, when "glory", for example, met the English aircraft carrier "Invinsbel", semaphore was transferred from the latter: "delight. Commander."

    The cruiser is a sufficiently serious combat enemy, as it was equipped at the moment of entering the most modern weapons. On the level of the weapon installed on its board, at least the fact that 30 years ago, this ship was already equipped with three (!) Space systems of communication, exploration and target designation, navigation, than even on
    For incomplete seven years, that the ship was located in the combat forces of the Black Sea Fleet until it was putting it in the plant, the crew spent a long 20 months in long-haired campaigns. Beyond years, such as, for example, 1986, when the officers of the ship spent the night on the shore of just 18 times!

    But, perhaps, the most honorary and historical mission, which I had to fulfill the rocket cruiser "Glory", was his participation in ensuring the meeting of the presidents - USA D. Bush and the USSR M. Gorbachev - on about. Malta. Upon her end, George Bush expressed his admiration for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the telegram to the telegram in Moscow. Successful implementation of this task brought cruiser world fame.

    In August 1990, the missile cruiser "Glory" took part in the Yalta International Conference on Identifying and Control over Nuclear Weapons, which is on board the warships on the personal indication of M. S. Gorbachev. These days on cruiser visited many scientists with world names, as well as US defense ministers, China, Cuba, Syria, Finland, Commander-in-Chief of NATO United Armed Forces in Europe, Commander-in-Chief of India Navy.

    On December 17, 1990, the cruiser "Glory" was entered into the waters of the native factory in Nikolaev for planned repairs. Thousands of factory workers solemnly met the ship - the pride of the plant. And no one then suggested that the USSR collapse soon, the long-term uncertainty of the Black Sea Fleet, chronic defaults could put a cross on the fate of "glory", and the repair of the ship will delay in long eleven years ... and only in June 1997 on the ship was raised Andreevsky Naval Flag of the Russian Federation. All previous years, the cruiser service under the flag of the Navy of the USSR! Although the Ukrainian admirals tried to incline the crew to rewrite Ukraine and raise the yellow-blue flag, but the crew members always remembered that they were "Slavs."

    But back to the repair of the cruiser at the factory. There was not enough money to end the repair, and this problem was decided to decide the mayor of Moscow Yu. M. Luzhkov. On May 16, 1995, the cruiser "Glory" was assigned a new name - "Moscow". And soon 14.5 billion rubles were allocated for the repair of Moscow. Further support has become constant and increasing.
    In 2001, the rocket cruiser, who became the Guards, reiterated by the Guards, reiterated by the Sevastopol Bay. In the summer of 2002, he reached the Water of the Mediterranean Sea ...

    Displacement: Full 11 280, standard 9,500 tons; Length 187 m, width 20.8 m.
    Power supply 2x40 450 hp; Stroke speed: Maximum 32.5, Economic 18 UZ; Saving range with an economic stroke of 8070 miles.
    Armament: 16 × 1 PKRK "Basalt" (16 rockets), 8x1 PU SPC "Fort" (64 rockets),
    2 × 2 PU SPC "OSA" (40 rockets), | 1x2 130 mm A-218 and 6 × 6 30 mm AK-630 guns, 2 × 5 533-mm
    2x12 RBU-6000 (144 RGB-60), 1 Ka-25 C-25 helicopter. Crew 610 people.

    Honor I have! Yurasha. 2010,

    Rocket cruiser "Glory" is known to the world ...

    (Dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the rise of the USSR naval flag on the rocket cruiser "Glory")

    January 30, 1983 in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Nikolaev shipbuilding plant. 61 Communar solemnly raised the Naval Flag of the USSR on the missile cruiser "Glory", which became the fifth ship in the history of the Russian fleet, wearing this name ... The combat flag of the previous cruiser "Glory" was transferred to a new ship and raised his last commander - counter-admiral N. B. Myasedov.

    Ships with the name "Glory" entered a lot of bright pages in the history of the Russian fleet.

    In June 1770, when Russia led the struggle for the exit to the southern seas, in the combat composition of the Russian squadron forces in the Mediterranean, there was a 16-cannon frigate "Glory". During the famous Chesme battle, the Fregat "Glory" met a detachment of Turkish vessels from 13 units. Having entered them into battle, the frigate sank two ships, four burned, three took the prize, and then the crew as the crew as the crew and captured the enemy battery. This was the beginning of the heroic pedigree ships with this title.

    After 18 years, during the Russian war with Sweden (1788-1790), in Eland, and then another - 38-cannon frigate "Glory" of the Baltic Fleet, distinguished in the Revel-Sea Battles.

    In 1917, during the Moonzund surgery in the battle with the superior enemy's forces, breaking into the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Fleet armor battleship was damaged and was flooded with a team right at the entrance to the Moonzund Channel. Thus, the path to the revolutionary Petrograd for the enemy was closed. It was a feat of akin to the legendary "Varana". The battle of Lincora "Glory" with German ships is remarkably outlined in the book "Moison" writer V. S. Pikule.

    A week before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a cruiser appeared as part of the Black Sea Fleet, who also subsequently received the name "Glory". In his dimensions, he was the longest ship on the Black Sea Fleet. During the fighting, he torpedoed to him ... 27 meters of the stern. However, the ship did not lose the survivability and his move was able to reach Novorossiysk. After some time, "Glory" was again in the fighting and finished the cruiser his fighting path in 1967.

    The fifth "glory" is designed by the Northern Production Design Bureau, headed by the chief designer by the Valentin Ivanovich State Prize Winner. Rocket cruiser "Glory" referred to third-generation ships. It was laid on a stapel of the shipbuilding plant in Nikolaev on November 5, 1976, and launched on July 27, 1979. At this year, I was already commanded by the Guards big anti-sidelum ship "Sophisticated", which was repaired in the factory, and I was directly together with the crew I had to ensure the descent of "glory" on the water. I then did not assume that my fate for many years will be connected with this cruiser. In December 1982, the factory and government tests of the ship were successfully passed. At the time of lifting on it of the Naval Flag, he was not just a flagship, but also the best cruiser of the world in his combat capabilities and by the number of weapons per ton of displacement. Interest in "Glory" was so large that at the very first exit to the Mediterranean Sea in 1983 over him constantly "hung" aviation of various states. For incomplete three months of swimming, foreigners committed 930 ship rates.

    The appearance of the Soviet missile cruiser and the power hidden in him was so impressed with even those who saw the views of the Military seafarers, which, when "glory", for example, met the English aircraft carrier "Invinsis", semaphore was transferred from the latter: "admired. Commander".

    However, the new ship was admired not only abroad. Already in the first campaign, they were able to appreciate the seafarers who served on it first. The first such opportunity was introduced during the ship transition to the Northern Fleet. In the Biscay bay, the ship group fell into a strip of a cruel storm. None of the accompanying ships could confront him, so they were forced to go closer to the shore. "Glory" as a head ship, continued his way as if nothing had happened.

    High running quality This ship has demonstrated and three years later, in 1986, when the alarm was sent to the Libya area, where an unstable military-political situation was established. 37 days The cruiser was continuously on the go in the most difficult weather conditions, fulfilling the tasks of simultaneous tracking over the two aircraft shock groups of the US Navy.

    The cruiser was a fairly serious fighting opponent, as it was equipped with the most modern types of weapons at that time. On the level of the weapon installed on its board, at least the fact that another 30 years ago, this ship was already equipped with three (!) Space systems: communication, exploration and target designation, navigation, than even today it can boast not every more modern ship.

    As part of its crew consisting, by the way, no one of 550 people, every fourth, is a representative of the officers of the Michmantic composition. Urgent service sailors performed in most part operating work, and about every fifth of them in order to cope with the task assigned to him, should have undergone a special course of study.

    In the same 1983, when the naval flag was raised over "glory", this ship, together with the atomic cruiser Kirov and the heavy aircraft cruiser "Kiev" for the first time in the history of the Soviet Navy, took part in the exercises in the Northern Fleet Reflecting the attack of five winged missiles at the same time. At the same time, the crew of the rocket cruiser "Glory" managed not to hit air targets, but it was also better than others.

    Already in 1984, "Glory" becomes an excellent ship in the USSR naval fleet. And a year later, the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Admiral Fleet V.N. Chernavin prevailed to me personally, then the captain of the 2nd rank, pennant of the Minister of Defense of the USSR "For the courage and military valor, shown in marine campaigns and exercises in 1985." At the end of 1985, by order of the USSR Defense Minister, Glory's missile cruiser was entered on the board of honor of the USSR Ministry of Defense, which was located in Moscow at the Central Museum of the USSR Sun. In addition, the cruiser in 1984-1985. He was the initiator of the Socialist Competition in the USSR Navy, and this was very honorable at that time.

    For incomplete seven years, that the ship was located in the combat forces of the Black Sea Fleet until it was putting it in the plant, the crew spent a long 20 months in long-haired campaigns. Beyond years, such as, for example, 1986, when the officers of the ship spent the night on the shore of just 18 times!

    But, perhaps, the most honorary and historical mission, which I had to fulfill the rocket cruiser "Glory", was his participation in ensuring the meeting of the Presidents - USA D. Bush and the USSR M. Gorbachev - on about. Malta. Upon her end, George Bush expressed the telegram in the name of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow his admiration for "glory". Successful implementation of this task brought cruiser world fame.

    In August 1990, the glory rocket cruiser took part in the Yalta International Conference on Identifying and Control over Nuclear Weapons, which are on board the warships on the personal indication of M. S. Gorbachev. These days on the cruiser visited many scientists with world names, as well as representatives of the naval forces of many countries.

    On December 17, 1990, the cruiser "Glory" was entered into the waters of the native factory in Nikolaev for planned repairs. Thousands of factory workers solemnly met the ship - the pride of the plant. And no one then suggested that the collapse of the USSR soon, the long-term uncertainty of the Black Sea Fleet, chronic defaults could put a cross on the fate of "glory", and the repair of the ship will delay the long ten years ... and only on June 12, 1997 on the ship was raised Andreevsky Naval Flag of the Russian Federation. All previous years, the cruiser service in the factory. 61 Communar in Nikolaev under the flag of the Navy of the USSR! Although the Ukrainian admirals tried to incline the crew to rewrite Ukraine and raise the yellow-blue flag, but the crew members always remembered that they were "Slavs."

    So I remembered the words of our ship poet, Michman Vasily Kravchenko:

    Yes, there were distant trips,
    No days passed, the years were rushed,
    Stayed behind the feed.
    And now I went ashore.
    But for a long time? I do not believe -
    I already feel loss
    Where is my glorious cruiser?
    We at the pier can not rot.
    In the trails of the distant, we all know the lot.
    We have one harsh path - go to the sea
    And fulfill your duty.
    Almost three centuries fleet Russians,
    No one will erase these centuries.
    We are waiting for another Great Ocean.
    You will be eternal you, the Russian fleet!

    But back to the repair of the cruiser at the factory. There was not enough money to end the repair, and this problem was decided to decide the mayor of Moscow Yu. M. Luzhkov. On May 16, 1995, the cruiser "Glory" was assigned a new name - "Moscow". And soon on the repair of Moscow, the necessary significant funds were allocated. Further support has become constant and increasing.

    On June 19, 1999, the cruiser left, finally, the water management in Nikolaev and on June 21 arrived in Sevastopol. In April 2000, the Guards RCR "Moscow" came out to the sea on the running tests. So began a new stage of the combat life of the ship. Over the past years, the cruiser performed the tasks of combat service in the waters of the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific Oceans, visited the ports of many countries. On board the Guards RKR "Moscow" visited the Presidents of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev. And today, on the outcome of 2012, the cruiser "Moscow" is located off the coast of Syria, where a new aggravation of the military-political situation in the Middle East ...

    In the life of "Glory" there was a wonderful long-term period of the packs and bright friendship with the Arzamasian instrument-making association, which played a large role in the patriotic education of the crew. CEO of the plant - Pavel Ivanovich Taddin and its beautiful assistants V. P. Puchkov, N. M. Akutin, N. A. Zhirov, S. T. Bear, V. V. Sevirin made our garlic relations with indicative in the USSR, and sailors who came to Arzamas after dismissal, still live there, work and call them "Slavs". The organizer of these chefs was Admiral Sorokin Alexey Ivanovich - Deputy Head of the Main Political Plating SA and the Navy of the USSR. He was from Arzamas and a large friend of Platin P.I.

    Much has changed over the years, but I have an unforgettable picture in my memory - in November 1986 "Glory" at the pier in Pirae in Greece, and his deck is covered with red cloves ... It was the triumph of our country, navy, worship of the genius of designers , scientists, engineers, workers - all those whose hands and the mind created "glory". And the characters were officers, Michmans, sailors who mastered the newest combat technique and brought the cruiser in the world ocean. Recall their names. This is: Chief Designer, Hero of Socialist Labor V. I. Mutichin; Responsible serve Cruiser M. G. Jelly; commander of the electromechanical combat part of the captain of the 2nd rank V. Fenenko; Commander of the rocket-artillery combat part of the captain of the 2nd rank N. Manchevsky; Commander Cruiser Captain 1st Rank V. O. Moskalenko (for the development of a new cruiser, he was awarded the title of laureate of the State Prize); Deputy Polytechast Captain 2nd Rank A. K. Chebykin; Captain 2nd Rank V. Konoval, Senior Lieutenant V. Makeev, Lieutenant Captain Yu. Nesterov, Captain-Lieutenant Tumanov S.L., Senior Lieutenant V. Climen, Senior Lieutenant V. Sergeev, Captain Lieutenant B. Bayshukanov; Michmans M. Tsyganyuk, P. Vlas, R. Ostrovsky, M. Geplyuk; Farming of the 1st article K. Genzdilov; Germans of the 2nd article V. Usovich, A. Lyalin; Sailors A. Ivanov, S. Pastukhov, E. Lesnikov ... They, and all those who served on this cruiser, unites one name - "Glory". Thirty years have passed, but the "glory" veterans remember this birthday of the cruiser, and I sincerely want to say a lot thank you for all officers, Michmanam, sailors, builders and a worker for their selfless work and service, thanks to which our famous rocket cruiser was created "Glory - Moscow"!

    The fate scattered "Slavs" throughout Russia. And yet, in spite of everything, I want to believe that nothing passes with nothing, and the steering wheel of the Russian statehood will again appear people who are fully responsible and the reason to declare that, as Peter the Great Wanted: "Where the Russian flag is raised, He will never be launched! ".

    Honor I have!

    Captain 1st Rank Victor Krikunov,
    commander of the RKR "Glory" from 1984 to 1988,
    Honored Specialist of the USSR

    Rocket cruiser type "Glory"( project 1164)

    In 1969, the RU-Ko-Division of the Navy, Da-Lo, Dae-Dae-Ver-Mu PKB (Under Rou-Co-inland, V.D. Rub-Tso-VA) On the pro-Ra-Bot-Ku Va-Ri-An-Tov BOD Pro-Ek-Ta 1134b, which-ry-it-it-it-it-smta. The idea of \u200b\u200bpro-ra-bo-current would be the Ta-Ko-Va - IS-Paul-Zo-Va-Ant in Ka-Che-art of platforms, on which - Creating a SIS-Te-Mu from the mutual-Mo-Der-Der-Town Ko-Rake Lei: Pro-Ti-Lo-Lo-Lo, shock (with pro-ti -The-co-ray-mi ra-ke-ta-mi) and ko-slave kol-lektiv-noye air defense (with the Ze-Nito-Mi Ra-Ke-Mi ). Cor-Pusa and Energy-Us-Ta-Nov-Ka-Key-Tea-tisted on the pro-Ek-Tu, from me-non-Ka-Sa-tol-to Ko-Moy Hour -ti-slave, over-block-ki and military-ri-either on the impact-nya-r-an-th-metous 12 PUS-KO-MI sucker -On-ka-ka-ka-zalt, which was recreated in Kor-Mu. On Va-Ri-Angels WHERE WITH WHERE WITH TA-NIT-LIA-YOU VERT-CAL-BUT-KU PUS-KA "KVANT "(VPO-trail-st-vius" Fort "). Pro-Ra-Ba-you-Wasted Va-Ri-An-You are with faith-le-volume without.

    Pro-Ra-Bot-Ki would be u ut-ver-wait and on-cha - once-ra-bot tete neither-ta-go Pro-Ek-Ta - Pre-La -Good that on-chi-naya from the construction-tel-ny-me-ra C-2007 already understand the children of the Ra-Ketnya Va-Ri-Ant. Because of this, in order to-treasure, BPK "Tal Lin" per der-La-Vasha, Eki-Page is not-some times for-Mi-Ro-Wa-Lee, in the one -for-my-ro-you-vashe, on the flora-those of it already on-chai on-school-to "le-Tu-Chim-Land-Tsem" in ITO-Ge Co-Rabl was for - wives and up-buildings according to the per-in-on-chal-no-mu pro-ek, in the pro-Ti-Lo-Lo-Mr. Va-Ri-An-Th.

    On-chav-shey, suddenly ko-le-bahi and in-destroy, would be connected to Os-Nov-noma with the fact that Paralel-Lelle Ra-Ket-ny-robel OK-RA-NIA PROD-EK-TA 1165 "Fu-Gas", Wa-Rou-Women's Kry-La-Mi Ra-Ke MI and NO-NIT-NIT KOM-PLEK SOM "FORT" C-300F WASH-LENNE KOM-PLEK-TAZATION FOR YOU-CO-EF-FEK-NUE COL-LEK -No-nyu-us and the soup-you from the bottom-co-le-ka-keet. Due to him, but in the AV-GU-STE 1971 go-da-bo-you on Fu-Ga-Su Pre-Krai, because of Du-city visa (Crei-Serred Pred-La-Xia atoms).

    In this, Mu, re-shi Verkhutu-Xia to the pro-Ra-Bot-Kams of the SE-Verbow PKB, on the Bas-Zoi would be-Lo POW-MAKE ABOUT ABOUT BEA-POST AND ME-PO-RO-GOOTH RA-KET-NIE CRIE-SERIES FIRST TEM County re-neck 1134b. In OK-TEB-RE 1972, the CE-Ver-No-MU PKB would be - yes, but also a T-co-Teh-either-chest in the Es-Kizhny PRO-ECT 1164 (SIFR "AT-LANT"), the heads of the Kon-stage hand-rum on-si-Chi-Lee A.K. Pen-Ko-Ba, the head of the Blue Grant from the Navy - Ka-Pi-Ta-for 2 Ran-hectare A.N. Bli-no-va. With a half-dom-up-to-met of 10,000 tons of car-serving, the co-slave of the CO-Rod-Lu, from the Pro-Ti-Co-Ra -Bel-no-go-ket-but-th compex-sa "Ba-Salt" (12 PUS-KOV-SOC-WO-WOB for two 6 Ra-ketto-novels), Ze-thieves "Fort" (8x8 PU Ver Ti-Cal-But-th Star-Ta) and "OSA" (2 spa-ren -You), two 100-mm Pu-shek AK-100, Av-Ma-Tov Sa-Mo-Es-Ros-630, BOM-BO-MU-TOV RBU-6000, two 5 pipes Tor-ped-ped-ped-ped-ped-ped-ped-tov, the vern-le-ta-ra-bel-but-th Ba-zi-ro-va. There was Va-Ri-Ant (VPO-Ticket-St-Vius from Clo-Nenny) with the UTO-P-Len-G. in the Cor-Pust Pu for the heads-but-go-ket-but-go Complex-SA, with two-term 130 mm of one-but-barbell-diy-mi, that you-Wa-Lu-Li-non-Nie Co-slave Ti up to 200 meters and non-at-lemth growth of in-up-of-me. I would need to learn whether the WHO-LA in-and-yes-la, in the middle of the "horror", part of Mesh and Ra-Ke-Whether as it were, as it were, "you, giving-les" on-top.

    In 1972 de Cuba, 1972, SO--RIA-Losi-Rea-Ria-Lov Es-Kiz-But-Go Pro-Ek-Ta, according to re-Zul-Ta-there Chief-Rich Lich, but the chapter gave an account of the pre-Ba-Visible to-new Us-Ta-Nov-ki for the OSO-ST-in -Lexual two-mi-Mi-kett-nic-levels, and two AR-Tu-hundred-new AK-100 per-thread on one-well two-trunks -130. Everything would be a floor-not-half-floor. Austy-les-nyo-novel of the Ros-Tom is - pre-from-met, Ski-Ni-Rike Ho-yes (from 34 to 32.5 Uz-Lov), OG-RO-Ni-Nights of Uber Lyubo-Stre-Laho-Co-Oro-Diya.

    Kon-St-Hand-Naya Bro-Ni-Po-Wa-Nay-Sut-Tu on Crea-Sea-Da-Sut-St-Va-La, as for its wasp -In-lesya in three-bo-walo would uve-threaded in-free 1000 tons of Mu-Ni-Mum. It was Mi-Nus, on which-ry-kaz-chik in the wing champion. It was believed that Ko-Rabl Dol-Women was about-la-giving only a SPO-no-stunt of the pro-Ti-in-one-plow "non-might" ex-plow-ta-qi -On Ava-Riy, in the time of the time, and for Ni-yam, M. Ram and Oh-P-Le Ni-Yam, and on-Mu and Zhi His honor should be on Oce-Ni-Sia without teaching WHO-DAY-ST-VIA. At the Tre-Bo-Va Na-Blue Ga-Gas-Ly-Ni-Mal Tol-Plisters of the Obiv-Ki Crei-Sea would be a certain-na-you She is 8 mm, which is a shit-lo where the co-slave services and uve-chi-va-lo is a common one.

    Pro-Ti-Lo-Lo-Daughter WHO WHOO CRI-CE-CE-RA You-Glya de Li, OSO-Ben - but on Fo not pro-Ek Ti-Rue Dal-Neu-Dae-St-Viya, Dos-Ta-point - but, but, but the pro-Ra-Bot-Ka-Ri-An-Ta-Nov-Key Avt-Ma-Ti-Zo-Wan-Na-Guo-Ro-Aku-Socy-Che-go Complex-Ca "in Li-Nom" in Ka-Za-la that the growth of in-up-of-Mesh co-sta-wit to the di-La-Ra-Ra-Xyach Tonn, in the case and re-shi-lee og-ra Oh, no-wait "Plat-on", which is already a pro-Ho-Dil IP-Pya-Tasy. Daluity of the OB-Rou-Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Li-La-Li-Ni-Momme-La-La-Li-Ni-Mum With a non-blah-th-yat-niche, it is not 1 km away. TA-KIM ON RAZE, the idea of \u200b\u200bCOP-DEIs as it were, as if Lee de Ra for the pro-Ti-Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo-Cha-La Umi-Raint, not sta-ku-yas According to the Complex, the Wow-Os-Os-Osha, without having the WHO-NO-Essential of the half-price-native Flag-man-ski co-slave of Ta-Co-Co-Soft-Union, Crei-Seri-Si-Na-Na-Na-Valent Ko-slave, which ry "Gu-Laa himself for se-bes." But the order of his SDE-Li is the pro-ty-re-chief tre-bo-va-Kaz-Chi.

    The USSR then did not feel about the influence of the Mi-RO-ENER-SE-SK-CRA -t-hand-ray would be-la-le-on-da-chai to-beaten eco-no-mii TO-P-Li-Wa due to eco-no-mich-eco-ta-new, which would be the Lu Oshe-St-in-Le, but out-of-da-ours te-p-lo-utes C-qi-but-th con-tu-ra.

    TEM-NI-CHEK PRO-ECT 1164 was UT-Ver-Zhede 21 AV-GU-A hundred 1974 goa. Until 1979 Go-yes, the heads of the Kon-Art - Rom was A.K. Pen-Cove, as well as his Siberian Nile V.I. Mu-Ti-Hin.

    Go-Lov Kray-Soon Pro-Ek-Tu "Sla-Va" was in numb-of-linen in the spit-ski Navy on May 20, 1973 Go-yes Koh Rabl, 6 No-Yab-Rya 1976 Lo-wives on the presence of 61 kom-Mu-Ra in Ni-Co-Lae-ve (building-tel-nyu 2008), July 27, 1979, SPU-PUT -We, with 10 de-Kab-Rya, 1981, on-eki, in 1982, in Saint-Tyab-December, in 1982 - Out of Isa-Pyu-Ta-Nia, 3 but-yab-ya 1982. The first-run in Mo-re, 30 de-Kab-Rya 1982, sub-Pi-San at the age of 30 Yang-Vasha, 1983. The flag and 7 Feb-ra la in 1983, Kray-si-sowed in CO-Bow-al-Ski Flo-Ta (150 brie ha Yes, the Ra-kett co-slave 30 di Vi-Zii). On May 16, 1995, there was a new name - "Mo-SK-VA".

    The second Crei-Serie-Rii is "hell-Mi-Ral Flo Ta Lo-bov." 17 Sep-Tyab-Rya 1977 in the number of Len in Ski Ski Navy, 5 OK-TYAB-RAM 1979. In-Lo-Lo-de-Dem. 61 com-mu-ra in Ni-Co-Lae-ce (Building-Tel-Tel No. 2009), 25 Feb-ra la in 1982, SPU-PHUN, from May 1985 Chi-on-smi-seed Eki-Paas, with 11 AP-READ 12 AV-GU-STOW 1986 in-home and GO-SIS-Pyu-Tasy , 15 Saint-Tyab-series 1986, Under-Pi-San at the age of 1986, the flag and 5 new but-yabs of 1986. Kray-Ser She walked into co-becoming se-faithful flora (120 brie-ga-da-kett ko-slave 43 di Vi-Zii). In 1986, the 5th-na-ya-na-van was in the "Mar-Sha-La La Ti-Ba".

    Three crime-gray pro-Ek-Ta - "Cher-in-on UK-Rai-on". On 31 July, 1979, in Lo-wives on the z-de name. 61 com-Mu-Ra in NI-Ko-La-ve (p. No. 2010), 5 No-Yab-Ri 1982 in the number of Len in Spe - Ski-River-Lei Navy, July 26 - Little 1983, SPU-PUT for in-Doo. EKI-PAZ SFOR-MI-WAN 1 DE CA-BACK-RAM 1986, from 15 AV-GU-STO, 1 de Cuba-Rya 1989. In-diet Ho-Dae Tasia, 25 de-Kab-Ri 1989 under-Pi-San at the age. On January 7, 1990, under-nim the flag. 10 AV-GU-STOW 1990 Kray-Serge-Den in co-becoming forces in a hundred-ydi-good-tov-no-st. With 21 de Cabers of 1995 - Va-Ryag.

    Ra-kett Crei-CE-SE-TE-EK-TA 1164 pre-on-ours for on-non-sequence of booths on the large-wing co-slaz and shock-nym-ni-ni-ni-ka-kami-kama, for the ensuer-edition of the ka-ray-lover Was-Lo-don-priest groups, for re-seam-Dach, Kol-Lekov-Noi Pro-Ti-Waiter -Rot co-e-units and con-events in the Uda-Lena Paradise-oni Mo Rei and the Ocea-New. Po-Mo-Ma-Tel-Da-Da-Cha Mi-Ta-ET-XIA Anti-Ba with Under-Water Lod-Ka-Mi, OG-non-Vaja -You de-san, about-arrows, in advance, in-re-a-ny-com.

    According to the con-hand-up-hand-driven, the length of the length of the length of the three-east, one-time-koy, Bash-non-V- The Pi-Mi-Dahl-Mi Fock and Gro-T-Mach-Ta-Mi. For the improvement of the OS-Toy-Chi-Poi and the Mo-re-edition of the ScPP-go-coat, the Cor-Pu-Cause has a strong one-shaft, and the fort Venya strong on-clone. In Per-B. Ot-Ke, according to a new-co-wound, the beginning of the Pef-ku Ras-La-Gas-Sia Vos-Mo-Ga-Tel Measure and clan-up. In the WTO-ROM, from the CE, any of the Va Ter-Lii you-rod-ka-RO-Aku-Socy-Che-Skoy Station "Plat-on", you - Has - a challenge box, spa les-vaja and clan-up. Three from-s-second-Ti-Che-Ski Paul - Nu-Na-Ma is a sub-ba-chen-s-de leu and in Ga Ba 130 mm Diya, Ven-Ti-Thai and Fight Stos. Even-s-s-s-ve-den under the Cuba Ri-ki and Kayu-you, with the Ag-Re-Gat-Gat-Mi-Mesh-Mi in Thj. In P POV-Tom, in the Mi-Mi-Lia, Ras-Lo-Wives in the row-pa-sa for the depth-bin bomb. In Shes Tom, the once-met of the Afro-Ma-Ma-on-Maja Center, Bi-Us, which co-uh-uni-we - While Rub-Ko-Man-Dir-Skim Lifts. In the seventh-om, from-o-ke, Ras-Lo-Lo-Mo-Ma-Tel-Ma-Halah, in the number of but - Military pa-ry wings-e-out-ko-te-koi-te-lei kat-ki. EIGH-MY OT-SE-SO-SO-BEA-TIN-DE-DE-DE-NEA with Mar She-You Tour Bi-Mi, Re-Duk-Ra-Mi, Tuk and Para-Mi-Mi-Mo-Ga Tel-Tel-Bi-na-Mi on the Oblast, de Vytya Mesh-low-mows and the second pa-r-ko-ko-te-lei kach-ki. In the fact, the C-Ma-Ma-tire-de-les with the form-soot-go-b-na-mi. One-on-grand-s-s-s-ox-Mo-Ma-Ma-Ma-Halah, in the following - sub-parada in Ga Ba "With PUS-Ko-Mi Ba-Ra-Ba-na, as well as in Ga Ba and at-si-dy-te-we are a hundred-new PC fur -2 (Borf - BUT), GRU-ZO-ZWA LIFT. In the three-on-grandfather and the Cher-on-day-Tom of Once-of-Kah, a member cubic member of Eki-Pashe, Mo-ga-tel and rabbu-nya-nia, Tor-ped-ped-ped-pages, and in Rai-One 300-310 SPAP-go-beats -Be and Pu Ze-thieves of Ra-Ket "OSA". Cor-Mr. from-s, in Os-Nov-Nom, Sailing for the time of the Beech-Si-Rohe-Mo-th An-Ten-But-Kle-Roy And the SIS-themes for him in a hundred-new and pod-e-ma, as well as in the corne of you-ro-wives ah ter-peak. On all the pro-set-and-level co-slave, it has a double bottom (where Ras-La-ga-Xia T-P-Liv's Cis-Teres), Once-Ra-Ba-Ta-on Sis-Te-Ma Platforms. OS-NE-NE-NE-NA-BA-PA-SA-CA-SA-SE-SE-SOB-RESER, ONE-DE-LE-RUB-KA-MI and SUPP Sis-Te-Ma-Oro-necks and in-p-les. All these membranes of the Kon-St-hand-tiv - but dismissed and non-ours, and the ne-the-p-lady of Crei-CE-RA with P-les of the Lyu-Four-Covers, Cro-Ma-tire-de-les.

    In the constituent hand-of-man, youth-RO-dock is the internal cord-by-ka-ka-dock-du-du-du-du with a hundred Alya-Mi Out of Spla do you. Over-Pa-Lubniy-Stroy ki in Paradasy WHO ADI-ST-VIA POL-ME-NEVE, HORME OF KON-STR-HRATED FOR OB-LEAM FROM TOV-LEZZ from ALLA-Mi-Out of Splagogo. On the bottom of them, the flag-Man-sky co-mandy point, kayu-you old-teachiii, kayu-t-com-par. Blo-ki over-building-ki have the tech-but-lo-people of times-re-sons for something that it does not include C-las in the under-the -A-SA and not Tres-Ka-las because of the on-straight sieves. Once-type-Mo-Ho-dwi with SIS-TE-MIA-Du-Ho-in-Bo-Ra Mesh-Mesh-PE-ROM-RAK-LA. Sagli Zoi-Mo-M. Tru-Ba-Mi Us-Ta-Nov-Lena Crane Gruz-Zo-Poda-no-Stew 8.5 tons.

    In the Kor-Moch, the head of the main pa-li would be in the Vi-de-Del-na-rod-va-va-scan of the Verd-Yeh-Gar, -To-ry vein-tea 30 tone An-Ten-on "Fore-Ta", yes to the Cor-Mebi-Yelah-Naya Plug-Ka with Sis-Te-Ma Mi lifestyle and garden-ki. Has-Sia, in Mi-Mo-Bo-Ra Spa Spa-Tel, Connectress-Riding Ko-Man-Deer-Sky Ka-Ter Pro-Ek-Ta 1404 and Ra-Bo - Which ka-ter pro-EK-TA 1402.

    The time of the ex-Tren-No-go-th-Tov-lespie co-slave to battle and in Ho-Du - 12 Mi-Nut, Av-Lost Ko-Slave 30 Su-Tok, Mo-Rosta Na-OG-Ra-Ni-Chen-Naya. Upon-non-NE-NE-NOM-Plek-owl WHO-LOW WHO WHO WHO WHO UPE OF BOR-THAT-B Cre - not up to 15 gra-Du-owls, ki-le-howl kach Gra-Du-owls, vet-re up to 20 m / s. The CIR-KI-LA-BAST-BAST-LA-LA-La is 655 meters. SIS-TE-MA Us-in-Complex Code of Code 134-6, has something-you-re avto-ma-Ti-zo-Wa - Dew for 6 square meters. Meth-ditch, with a s-chen-s-ro-stew of PE-RE-TRADE-KI.

    OS-NE-NE-NI-CHAY HA-RAK-TE-ROM-KI-RAK-NO CRIE-CE-RA PRO-EK-TA 1164 FIRST FEED: - BIM-MEK-DART-NEE 9380 T, POLUME 11490 T, POST-PAIN 11,720 tons. The main once-re-repetition of the Cor-Pu-Sa: 10,8 m, Shi-Ri-by 20.8 m, Opp-ka, according to Mi-de-Li at the floor - Ice-ICI 6.28 m, oziam according to a but-co-vehicle boulev-bu 8.4 meth-ditch. Once-resistant on the con-hand-handa-noya va ter Liya: 170x19.5 meth-ditch.


    OS-NE-NE-RU-SAM-NEA CERE-CE-RA - KOM-PLEX OF THE BUY-NO RA-KET-NO-GO ORA LIA "BA-SALT" with SIS-th my "Argon-1164" (An-shaped post of Ras-lo-wives on a but-co-co-moss). The com-plex pre-on-know-chen for the previously important single-night and group of over-the-water tse-lei. Mozh is the weight of the same-night and the hall-in-eyed fit. Was-seven DDVO-EN-BUDS-KOV-KOV-KO-KOV-KM-248 Ras-Lo-Bourge-Bow-buttons on-klo-on - 30 gra-doides). Common-pass - 16 PCR. You-yes-chai-les-osniya for a fit of the UP-PA-Tu-Ma Ap-Pa-Tu-Roy Form-Ma "Corvette-5", as well as an UP-Pa-Tuy-Ma in-form-math, both from SA-Mo La Tu-95pc and From the S-St-Woo-na-Ko-Ra-Bel-Nost Veros-les-Tom-Veda and Tse-le-De-Zasy. Mac-Si Malia Daluity is 550 km. The waga part is Fu-Gus-Nai-Ku-Mu-Tiv-Naya or Nuclear.

    On a third of the Crei-se-re-ek-ta 1164 "Cher-in-on UK-Rai-on", together a hundred Ba-Zal-Ta, was the Us-Ta-Nov-Len Complex "Vul-Kan "With the Mac-Si-Mal Dal-No-Stew, 700 km forth.

    PE-RA-QU-QAT "BA-SALT" and "VUL-KAN" PRO-DI-DIT-SA Tol-Co in Ba-Ze, when TO-loading sets

    Os-new zenith arms-and-na-na-nap-kett-ny complex of the number of "Fort". "Fort" pre-on-know-chen for the debris-co-co-co-round, ma-co-rhythous and Ma Lo-Mer - in all the dia-pa-zo-non-cells, up to super-mile, and the same Moshsky Tse-lei environments. In co-becoming kom-plex-si, under-paradraw, Pus-Ko-Ko-Ku-Ku-Ba-Ra Ban-Ban, B-204 with - Money Ba-Ra-Ban-Ban-Poi-St-Va-8 TPK. Start of Ra-Ke-you - Para-Lubni, Ver Ti-Calc - Kon-Tay-Neu-Ra with Pros-Kom Mar -Sho-in-go-ga-ala in the next time you are-well-yes, Ra-Ke-you, that we have a launch-in-section-in-bibe-zo -Pasy in Ga Ba. Start of Ra-Ke-You pro-from-Dit-Xia from Kon-Tay-non-RA under PUS-co-nym. In the case of the SHO-yes, Ra-You are Ras-You Ba-Ra-Ban in-Ra-Chi-Vasy, you are-in-Dia on the Lita Star Little Ra-Tu in TPK. Surrend by-pass 64 - Ra-Ke-you. In Co-becoming PUS-Ko-Ko-Ta-Nov-Ki B-204 EXT-SEM-CHAIR-ST-VA, Us-Ta-Na-Vayu- Trans-Port-No-Pus-Co-Tay-Tay-Neu-Pus-Ke-Tai-Mi with Pa-Lu-Ruba-La in Boot on on-Rule-Lying Ba-raba-new.

    Daluity forth - 5-75 km. The time of the re-Acts of the Complex-SA in the re-jeau de-journal from 16 to 19 CE-Kund, the nestless-Sia An-Ten-on RLS - -Be is the one-but-time-month-old co-pro-fourth of 6 tse-lei and on them on them two times Country-central countries in 90x90 gra-doots.

    SPC near-non-Dae-St-Viya Pre-Stae-les B-M. One-But-Ka-Nal-Complex 4K33 "Osa-M" (later - 4k33a " OSA-MA), which pre-on-know-chen for sa-mono-rho from the bottom-co-le-ko-ta-rail Ra-Ket, Sa-Mo-les, Ver-Le-Tov, as well as for the ray-buttons of the Water Tse-lei on the distance from 1 to 10, and by you-co-same up to 5 km. SPK "OSA-M" Us-Ta-Nov-les in Bort-butt: Ka-Ji-Dime Complex has a two-Ba-Lok-Basy on-Bait-Sia in both -Ih flat-co-co-ko-ko-Ku-Ku-Nov-KuiF-122, in baking on 20 Ra-Ket and the SIS-ST-vehicle Oblu-boui. Surrent Common-Pass - 40 Ra-Ket.

    Ar-Tyl-le-Riy-La-Rou-Outstroy-les-a two-wea-diy-ya 130-mm Avt-Ma Ti-Che New AK-130 with the Ra-Dio-Lo-Ka-Osh Sis-th-my led MR-184 Lev. SIS-TE-MA control-le-na-na-dia-pa-zone, with the Ra-Dio-Lo-Ka-Ohh and Te-Le-Vi-Ny on la-vi-zi-ro-via tse-lei. Mac-Si-Mal-Nai Ski-RO-shooting - 85 Yours Stre-Likes in Mi-Out. In pre-de la to-Sia-GaE-MO-SII, the BO-E-PA-CA Com-Plexa - PE-SIM-ET-UP-Code Zheya, Porosh, and other be-re-throat co-arms, UK-RE-P-Lena Penu-Tov with de Sant-No-You-Sa-Daughter Ope-ray-qi Flo-Tu-Ga forces; The weight of the AR-Tyl-le-Riy-Sky Sea Fight with Over-Water Co-Slave-Mi and Obra-Li of them and large-time metals; In-ray once-personal Ti-Pya-Blow-lei, including the number and low-ko-les-ka-you. The tempo of the re-gu-li-li-Xia would be from one-night you strand or the level-level, until very, re-dei. Daluity Agro is 24.1 km, Li-Wo-Honor of the Svy-Li-neck 1500 youret-lots, Commier-pass 360 Sleep-rip-off on the trunk.

    For the rayan-ko-le-levy-ko-leu-lei on the Ru-Be-St-St-La, the fight would be with Ma Lo -The-of-the-water tse-la-mi, the Lea-Co-Bro-Ni-Van-Mi Bee-re-nom-ek-ta-mi, -This-Ski-Ma-Ma-Ma-you AK-630M - Three ba-ta-rexy in co-hundred-ves of two AR-Tu-hundred-wok and one su. Gloss-lesion fighter from radar MR-123 "Vym-sang" or from Vi-Zir-Nou-Lon-ki. The tempo of the 5000 Y-Stre-Likes in the Mi-OU, the Dalue of the In-Ra and SO-Those 5 km, the Mac-Si-Malia Daluity up to 8 km. Obno-pass-pass - 48000 you strings.

    The pro-Ti-Lo-Lo-Ra-Ra and Rye of Crea-CE-RA includes the PLA-NU-B gas (MG-335). The distance of the OB-A-RU-ON-WATE LO-Doc with the Uchar-at-yat-ry-ry-lo-lobs It becomes 15 km, when I include the Beech-Si-Rue-my An-Ten, Pere -na-Ya-Xia, Wen But the "Pro-Schi-Watch" of the Go-Ri-Zone-You're the same layer of the ne-la-round-tour. In the Mi-MO Oba-Au-Eya, CO-PRO-Ja-Jere, Clas-Si-F-Kohn and OP-DE-DE-LEA Ko-Or- Di-Nat Obu-Ru-Women Tse-Lei, "Plat-on" can you - let-bring a given in the co-ray-lover - on-one SIS-Te-Mu, or straight-moke on the booms of a fit of the pro-Ti-Lo-Bow-Guo-Go-Wife Es two-hundred-ron-nude bond with sub-water-nod-ka-ki, opo-value, as well as Tre-Ni-Ki Ope-Rhunt Guide -O-aku-stupid on the built-en-enem tre-on-and-re. An Thoms Mo-Gut Ra-Bo-Tatt in the Ak-Nom and Pass-Siva Roma Mah Mahn, in Mija, and Dal Is-Ke.

    OS-new pro-Ti-Lo-Lo-Roma-Ryou - Two Pharmaceutical Pipes In-Rota-Ped-Ped-Peda That PTA-53-1134 Ka Lib-rum is 533 mm. Strel-Ba pro-from-diet-smh-dor-thro-you lac. Pro-Ti-Lo-Lo-Lo-65 Ti-PA-PA-PA-65 have a speed of up to 40 UZ-FALS, Dalicity of Ho-yes to 16 km. The weight of the BC is 205 kg. Coy-com-plect - 10 tor ped.

    It is possible to be at least the com-plex of the Ca-Mo-Holy Guide-Ro-Aku-Che-S.Im-Thai-MOV, which is also the same as Kas-Xia from the torp-ped-but-go ap-pa-rane. WHO WHO WHO WHO MODE FIGHT-LOO-LOO-DAY-LOO-LOO-ROMA-PET-PE-DAYA-MA POM PLEKS-CA "WITH DO PAD-NK "

    Uni-Sal-Naya Re-Activ-Naya Bom-Meth-Naya Sis-Te-Ma "Tornado-2" Single Life for the Ra and Railway Going to Ko-Rabl Tor -Well, for the fighting with under-water di-ver-san, in the edge of the case with under-water, Lod-ka-ki (on Dis-Tang -ti-à-on-line-and-the-butter-it is 6 km) and for a fit for the be-re-gym. In the SIS-Te-Mu, two 12 trunks of the UK-6000 with Si-Lo-Vym-House and the Cast-St-P-Masha ; re-ak tiva depth bin-60 bin-60; At-bole control-lesion fighters "bu-rod". Bom would be from the GA BA in the Specialty Pod-Em-Ni-Ki, in the next time, in the next -Ho-la was-ta-new Avt-Ma-Ti-Che-Ski Per-Ho-Dit in the render of on-ve-de-de-dec. In the next, it is a stra-li-vya, it is Av-Ma-Ti-Che-Ski WHO-SKHA-Xia in the render of abyss. Pre-Du-Reen Ree-Merry Handling Us-Ta-Nov-Ki.

    Fal view of a fit to 6 km, the depth-to-on-ok-ok-ta-one up to 500 meters, explosion-va-tel or shock-na de dei-st-via, or dis-tan-ombi-on (for op-re-len-noy depth). All of these Data-Dyat-Xia are on M-Boots of the leather-fighting control, non-mediocre-based vessels, but rest-scrap. Something-pass-pass 144 bomb (on 6 levels for ka-jd RBU) together a hundred rgb-60 can be at least bo-neck Sleep-oux 90-p (RPK-8).

    The Ra-Dio-Electro-Roma-Le - But Three-Co-Or-Di-Nate RLK MR-800 "Flag" (MR-700 Station -Gat-M and MR-600 "Breed-proof" with the SIS-TE-MY OR-RO-BOT-KI of Dan-Kal-F (Powered - "Sau-Ma") and -Not opo-value), SPO-NY OB-NA-Rou-Wash in San Ti-Po-Po and De-Met-Ro-B dia-Pa -Hahno-na-soul to-whether on ras-standing up to 480 km, and over-water up to 40 km (without a ve-le-ta). From the third co-slave radar "Fre-Gat" in the middle-no-on-bit "Fre-Ga-T-Ma". It has two an-shaped re-seins in Vi de Lo-Ten "SPE-TO KI-NOT", for co-mouth-co-ox-but- GO DIA-PA-ZO-O (MEASURES 3.4х3.3 M) and LOG-WHO-WHO-TO-GI-PA-ZOO-ON HOTEL ONE (OPTION-MEES 3,54х2,42 m), with a SID-level SIS-TE-MY OR-RA-BOT-KI IN-FORM-MET. "Merrt-Waa Zo-on" - 2 km, Du-PUS-MY US-LOO-VIA WHE-NA-NIR-Du-owls under the boron-in-womb - not and 10 gras owls at ki-le-howl kach keach. Os-vessels of the distance over-water o'-hundred-new and tse-les-osni (che-les-ni-ki) wasp La is the C-Vet. A na-Wi-qi-on-born Complex "Sal-Gir-y" includes three radars Ti-Pa Mr-212 "Wai-Gach". The medium of communication of the volume of the O-di-rom in the Complex "Typhoon-2", having-smi-ki-syk-c-Mi-Che-Square "TsU- Na-mi-bm "and" Cree-steel ". Contract-based sub-SIS-TE-MI-ESA-ST-in-Laa-Xia Bi-Us "Lesorb-1164".

    On Crei-se-re had a 12x10 PU in the CIS-Te-TE-10 PK-10 and 2x2 PU (ZIF-121) in the Fur PC-2, as well as the half-boron -dio-lo-ka-one-but-go-and-a-and-the-co-ca-CA MP-152 "Kol-Tso" on the Obra-Ra-Bas-Tay of the Ra-Dio and Lo-Ka-Osh Stan-Qii, the Ca-Mo-Mo-De-De-Qet-Na-Ni-Ni-ka, their Go-Va Naia, in Del-les, Tov-Tov on-ce-de-Ket and the other pro-Ti-Vi-Da-St-Via (MRP-3, MP 150, MP-152 "GUR-ZUF", etc.).

    On Crei-Sea, the Ba-Zi-Ro-Wa-Sia is one faith-year-old Ti-Pa Ka-27.

    ENERG-GE T-Che-Skya Us-Ta-New

    In the Ka-Che-Art of the heads of the mainly engagement of the Ust-Zoo-vas-two, the e-di-nhenous avt-ma-ti-zo-van Ag-re-ga-ta M-21 third-go-co-les, which - rye are included in the CE-BA two march eco-but-mid re-ver-silent tour-bies M-70 to 10,000 hp, Che-you-re-soap-ny-koy-bogy bones (as well as Ver-Sivny) Ti-PA M-8KF on 22500 hp And two in a hundred-yan-actions, a tri-stubbling pa-ours Tour Bi-Tuk at 1500 hp (with the includely of all IS-Cop-Ni-Thu-Thieh-th-ra-bo-tan-but-th gay, for their power, you are-chan 2500 hp). TA-CIM OB-ZOMA, MAC-SI-MALA-MAIL TELL-TELLY POWER OF GEU CERE-CE-RA SO-POST-LA - ET 113000 LS (115000 hp).

    POL-NAKOVOST OF HO-DA KOBABLE-LA - 32.5 UZ-FALS. The Mac-Si-Malia Dalway of Plat-Viya Eco-No-Mich-House Co-Later is more than 8000 miles.

    Mar-neck Tour Beans, Ras-Lo-Women in Bow-co-in Ma-Shin-Mr.-de Le-Nii, have two-CAS-Kadnoy Amor -Te-nation and the two-speed two-speed re-duk-ry. FOR-SAZH TUR-BYES (in the Ki-Ma-Ma-Shin-Mr.-de le-NII) Us-Ta-Nov-Low on the OD-KAS-KAD -Te-ration and co-unit-e-we-rum-nas-k-iso-luy-silence of the Muf-Ta-Mi, Che-spa Spa-Ri-Vayy --RO-stroy re-oak-t-ry, which - rye are 300 overs on the wine-you. The control system of Energy-Us-Ta-Nov-Koya OSA from the price-trawl-na is a hundred in the middle of the TRO-SI - What-howl sis-te-we.

    On Crei-se-re-lane te-p-lo-utsi-or-a-ny-ny con tour, in which-rum IS-Paul-Zo-Vie BY-NA Gas-PE-PE-Tuyu up to 400 grams of Ehho-dyat in Pao-Ko-Ko-Tel Speci-alone con-order hands. In it, in it, it is pre-erased into a couple, which is in his whole-edge, and goes like on, well, well - and in the tour-bosh, who "in-mo-gay" to rotate the Win-You, in the case of such a circuit of the Obb ENERGY-GU-TA-NOD-KI by 20%, on the 18 Uz-Lo-B of the Ho-DB by 12%, and in the one-butth and decreased by the ne-pe-ra exhaust gases.

    For you, rabid-ki electric TRO-ENERGY, SID-ZAT three electric TRO-centions of the overall capacity of 8250 kW, in which Ras-La-ha -t-smiling two Ga-Zo-Tour-Bo-Ge-Na-Ra-Ra, the power of 1,500 and 1250 kW, you-ray-you-vyasy three-phases 380 volts (50 hertz). It has one Ava-Riy-Tel-Tel-Tel-Tel-Tel-Tel-Tor.

    Number of Eki-Pasy from 485 Che Lo-century (including 66 officials, 64 MIC-MA-on and 355 mat-owls on "Slame") up to 476 Chered-century (62 of thei-tse-ra) on the following). Lyome block of inheritance for office-ration has pre-Krasny-ku and Dos-Ta-point-point. Kayu-T-Com-Pa-Nii-de-lane de re-Vyan-Na-Mi-La-Mi with In-Cro-Stubii, Kar-Ti-Mi and Kov-Ro-Mi in Kry-Tiya. Mo-Rya-Kov, South Co-Ra-Bel-Bel-Lau-Lau-Taja, are here and the com-form-ta-fable bass-seine with Ma-Du-Du-du-Paja Du-Shi, Les-Nai Du-Shi, A-Shir-Naya Pa-Rile, Roshi Ban Nick - On Crea-Sea-Rakh Pro-Far The SAU-on-half-one is the role of the OZ-Du-Rh-Vi-Tel-Tel-Tel-Turn in the distance in Ho-dah. Non-bad Os-Osha-at AM-Bou-La Troji. Mick-Kli-Mat in the inherited ni-yakh co-slave COP-DAY-XIA with Mo-soup of Che-Lo-Lo-Diel - Wok BM-600.

    Displacement, T:



    Main dimension, m:

    length (by kv)

    width (by kv)

    middle sediment with full displacement

    nasal bulb

    Total power GEU, hp

    Total power of the electric power system, kW

    Maximum speed, knot

    Travel distance in economical move, miles

    Project creation

    Raid from Tuapse

    Accident at Neftephers No. 4 and repair

    And on June 13, the enemy aviation sank the transports "Abkhazia" and "Georgia", who went to Sevastopol with ammunition. The defenders of the city remained almost without shells, and the commander of the Sevastopol defensive region and the fleet F. S. Oktyabrsky ordered to repeat the cruiser "Molotov" with troops and possibly a large number of guests. This risky decision was based on the fact that the cruiser managed in the dark day to break into Sevastopol, unload and get out of the dangerous area. June 14 at 8:21 am Molotov left Tuapse and, having developed a 30-nodal speed, at 11:15 arrived in Novorossiysk. Looking at the imported pier, he took on board 373 tons of ammunition, 45 tons of products, 60 tons of various properties and 24 mortars, and then moved to the pier No. 5 for making fuel oil and landing of the troops (3175 people). On June 15 at 2:20 pm, the cruiser came out in the sea, when accompanied by the destroyer "impeccable" at a speed of 20 to 29 knots. In the way, the enemy aerial intelligence did not appear, and at 0:06 June 16, the ships were safely entered into the main base. Mooring was hampered by the 6-point southern wind and the lack of mooring panels destroyed by projectiles and bombs, but the cruiser still stood up to the coal margin and began to quickly unload. The wall feed "Molotova" all the time kept tug, but the wind was distilled off twice the ship from the coast. From a 100-mm gun, the cruiser opened fire on the village of Kamyshal, spending 84 projectiles. In response, German artillery was opened in the place of his parking, and heavy shells ripped on the pier and in water. From the headquarters, the base received an order to return immediately. At 1:55, the ship with 1625 wounded and 382 were evacuated without the help of tugs only with the help of their machines who worked savings, that is, in opposite directions, it turned out at the output and at 2:40 pushed bons (62 ammunition box remained). At 3:11, the ship lay down on the course 137 ° and at a speed of 20 knots from 3:17 to 3:34 he fired at the main caliber of Kamyshal and Alsu, spending 113 shells. Increasing the course, the cruiser, together with "impeccable", left the zone of the blockade forces of the enemy and on June 17 at 1:25 pm arrived in Novorossiysk, where he worked out on June 18 he went to Poti.

    During the defense of Sevastopol, they were delivered to the main base of 9440 fighters and commanders, the Katyusch division, 560 guns, 45 mortars, 16,800 rifles, 3680 automata and machine guns, 10 avia bombs and 145 ammunition cars. More than 6,000 wounded fighters, women and children were taken out of the besieged city. Sometimes the overload was 1000 tons, and the premises of the Kubinkov were so clogged with ammunition boxes, which in case of combat damage, the work of emergency parties in some places would be impossible. Due to the placement of goods above the Waterlin, the meticenter height decreased from 1.2 m to 0.75 m, and with this position when the steering wheel, at the time of evasion of air attacks, the ship roll reached 10 °, which made it difficult to conduct a zenith fire.

    Shelling of Feodosia and Rock Air Attack

    During the preparation of the enemy to forcing the Kerch Strait and landing on the Taman Peninsula, the commander of the Squado Vice-Admiral L. A. Vladimirsky received from the Military Council of the Black Sea Fleet task: on the night of August 3, shelled Feodosia, her port and berths of the bike bay for the destruction of concentrated there ( According to intelligence) ships and floating funds. To carry out this operation was prescribed by the Craceser "Molotov" and the leader Kharkov. According to the plan, on August 2, at 17:20, the ships from Tuapse were to enter the sea and to the dark to follow the West, and then turn to the appointed area and the firing position to the beginning of the next day. To ensure orientation and a reliable observation of ships at night to the shooting area, a submarine M-62 was directed, which was supposed to designate their place with white fire. "Molotov" defended the Feodosia (for this, 180 caliber shells were issued 180 mm), and Kharkov attack the bay. Simultaneous fire raids should be held for 15 minutes. It was believed that the enemy because of the suddenness of the attack would not be able to assume.

    On the evening of August 1, "Molotov" and "Kharkov" came out of the Poti and at 5:03 am, arrived in Tuapse, where German intelligence aircraft discovered them twice. August 2 at 16:00 on the cruiser raised the flag of the commander of the brigade cruisers counter-admiral bass, Nikolai Efremovich and ordered to be filmed from anchor and follow the Feodosia. The ships left the port at 17:12 (the leader followed, behind him the cruiser) during the course of 26 knots: they were protected by four torpedo boats, two marine bombers MBR-2 and two Lagg-3 fighters. Soon, the German intelligence aircraft HE-111 noticed the outlet of the ships in the sea and at 17:59 at an altitude of 7000 m flew over the "Molotov". It became clear that the stealth was disturbed. To confuse the Germans, the ships at 18:05 lay down for a false course towards Novorossiysk, and when HE-111 disappeared, they turned to the West. But at 18:50, the enemy intelligence plane appeared again over the detachment, and by this time the accompaniment airplanes returned to the base. The ships fired the aircraft and recently turned to Novorossiysk, but he did not fall behind them and remained on the radar screens until 21:00. With the onset of darkness at 20:30, the ships lay down on the course 270 ° and increased the speed of up to 28 nodes.

    At 23:15 climbed the moon, and visibility improved significantly. After 10 minutes, "Molotov" and "Kharkov" turned to the area where M-62 had to be located, but it was not possible to detect the light signal supplied from the boat, and it was necessary to clarify its place on coastal orientations. By midnight, the outlines of Masov Megan, Kiik-Atlama and the top of the Mount Kara-Dag began to pay directly at the rate. It turned out that due to frequent changes of the course, the ships were on 12 cable west of the meeting. Observation on the shore at 100-130 cable at night did not provide the accuracy of firing on an invisible object area near a square kilometer, but the cruiser commander still decided to open fire. At 0:53, when the ships were already lying on a combat course 65 °, the Italian MAS-568 and MAS-573 and MAS-573 appeared on the left of the nose. The cruiser turned sharply to the right and increased the move to the full, faithful to avoid attack boats. But the initial data for firing had to recalculate again.

    At 0:59, the leader opened fire on a bouquoon bay, and at the same time the German coastal batteries located on the capes of Ilya and Kiik Atlama, opened fire on Molotov. Seven three-Russian volunteers lay with great accuracy, several of them were covered with a cruiser - Nazis, apparently used radar. At 1:05 at the release of "Molotov" to the point of the volley, on the second calculation of the initial data, its signals were revealed to the left at the rate of 20 ° to the torpedo boat, and the cruiser immediately increased the move, turned away and opened the fire on the cater from the machine gun. Save the sustainable maneuvering of the cruiser necessary for the accuracy of firing, and the brigade commander ordered to move to the south 28-noded speed. At 1:19, the ships removed from the Crimean shore attacked the aircraft-torpedo (from the traverse of the left side he approached "Molotov"). The commander of the cruiser M. F. Romanov turned on time to the right, and Torpeda passed along the right side. After 5 minutes, the simultaneous attack of two torpedoes was followed. One walked to the cruiser from the right traverse, the other - from the left coupier 110 °. Due to the observation of the lunar light, the second aircraft was found late. From the distance of 3-6 cable "Molotov" opened an intense fire and began circulating to the left, evading the right torpedo to the bottom of 150 ° at the rate of 150 ° and reset two torpedoes. The second torpedo stage dropped two torpedoes also from the right side. Two torpedoes passed behind the feed, the third along the left side, and the fourth at 1:27 fell into the stern tip of the ship on the right. One of the torpedoes was still shot down by the forage machines of the cruiser.

    The burst of the torpedo torn off the 20 m of the feed tip of the cruiser up to the 262th splint set with a wheel, a tiered compartment with a steering machine and a chemical compartment. 18 people died. All the premises in the area of \u200b\u200bthe explosion were destroyed, the bracket of the right groping was also deformed and the cone of the rowing shaft was strongly wounded. The ship lost control. Damage to the screws and the right rowing shaft caused a strong vibration of the body, and the move dropped to 10 nodes, which is why the pressure in the boilers rose above the critical, the safety valves worked, and the pair pillar broke out with a deafening whistle into the atmosphere, forming a white cloud over the ship . The cruiser began to describe the circulation to the left, since the bent cuffed by an explosion acted as laid on board the steering wheel. According to the testimony of the senior assistant S. V. Domnin, originally nobody heard the explosion of torpedoes because of the firing of the guns, and did not feel damaged. But only then the Watching Steeringman reported on problems with the wheel, and the commander saw that the cruiser circulates to the left. On the phone, it was not possible to transfer the order to transfer control of the steering into the manner, and the sailor sent to there, reported that the feed was divorced by feed knechta. Specifying the degree of damage, M. F. Romanov gave the Radiogram to the Commander Fleet and received a response in several minutes by open text:

    Bassist, Romanov. The cruiser will save by all means. I send all assistance in my disposal. October.

    Around 1:30, the damaged cruiser was attacked by a torpedo boat, but his torpedoes passed by. Meanwhile, the crew began to conduct emergency work, and soon they managed to ensure a direct course movement. For this, the left car was included on the "Full Forward" (240 rpm), and the right on the "smallest back" (30-50 rpm). At 2 o'clock in the morning, they began to prepare a tug to submit it to the leader, but permanent airlinople and attacks of boats did not allow the ships to slow down the speed and close. Controlled by the machines, Molotov continued to retrieve a 14-noded move. At 5:10, our airplanes appeared above the ships, and after 30 minutes, 6 torpedo boats entered the cruiser and leader. But the Germans, despite the barragging fighters, did not stop the attacks: on Traversage Anapa at 7:17 pm four torpedoes (two on board) came from feed coursework. The cruiser opened a dense barrage fire with all the calibers, including the main, and one aircraft caught fire and just miraculously disappeared behind the horizon, and the second was attacked by MBR-2. The two remaining dropped torpedoes from a long distance, but did not fall. For 6 o'clock (from 1:35 to 7:31), the fascist troops 12 times attacked the cruiser and lost two aircraft. August 3 at 22:14 the cruiser led an anchor at the external raid of Poti, and in the morning of the next day he was introduced into the harbor and put at the pier No. 12.

    According to the results of the operation "Molotov" and Kharkov reflected 23 attacks (of which 12 from the air and 11 from the torpedo boats), they shot down three heinkel he 111 bombers and damaged two other aircraft and boat. The cruiser spent 2886 shells of all calibers. To ensure the waste of ships from Novorossiysk and Tuapse, the destroyer "Overhabit", the UKR "Shkwalt", merger of T-495, 13 torpedo boats, 8 guard boats and a rescue vessel "Jupiter". For the cover of ships, fighters made 63 departures, marine bombers - 4. The ships did not fulfill their task, because they failed to perform the suddenness of the attack.

    Repair repair

    The replacement repair of the cruiser was developed in parallel with the specialists of the CCB-17 and KB of Plant No. 201. The intermediate version was chosen, which brought to join the corpus of the damaged ship of the new stern of the unfinished cruiser of the project 68 "Frunze", distinguished in size in different places from 200 to 1500 MM, due to the disassembly of its outer sheaving and onboard set in the area of \u200b\u200b230-240-th splits, the subsequent intention of the set and assembly according to new formations that ensure a smooth transition from one theoretical drawing to another. Normal buildings of the housing at the "Molotov" have not yet succeeded, it was not possible to use the finished feed part to introduce the ship to operation very quickly. Baller and feather steering was supposed to take from the unfinished cruiser of the project 68 "Zheleznyakov", who was in Leningrad at the plant number 194, the steering car - Kaganovich Kaganovich Cruiser-built in Komsomolsk, and the steering sensor - from the unfinished submarine L-25 Standing in Poti. Permission to use the FRUNZE feed and the recovery method itself was issued by the Deputy Complex of the Navy for Shipbuilding and Army Admiral L. M. Galler. Repair performed Factory No. 201 in the Poti from October 1942 to July 1943, for which a sixpontone steel floating dock was used with a lifting force of 5000 tons, a strip-deck length of 113 m and a width of 22 m. An incomplete question was applied, and the cruiser's docking mass was 8,000 t. The Frunze Corps on December 3 was partially headed into the Doc, where the fodder end of the 230th vaccine was cut off from him. December 24 "Frunze" without a feed was derived from the dock.

    In the meantime, the Specialists of the Fleet Rescue Service conducted an underwater trimming of damage to the Molotov hull parts. The trimming of the empty feed was made from the upper deck of the 252,5-th splint to the first platform, then horizontally up to the 262nd patch and down to keep the brackets of the rowing shafts (they were attached in the region of 255-259 of the splits). On December 26, the cruiser was introduced into the dock for docking it with the feed block of the Frunze case, installed on the sled. The ship was supplied with a differential on the nose 3 °, the scene was 7.5 m, the nose hanging from the dock console had a length of 73.2 m. The gap between the FRUNSE feed block and the Molotov feed was 800 mm. The danger arose when moving the new feed to the housing of the affected ship, because there was the likelihood of the appearance of distortions, rolls and shocks. With the help of two-hundredthton hydraulic jacks, the operation was carried out successfully during the day and was completed on January 15, 1943, after which the work on docking decks, platforms, longitudinal bulkheads, ahtersteps, outdoor casing began. The regiments of the ships did not coincide, therefore, at a length of 2.5 m, transitional sheets were established. After the end of the docking works, feed compartments experienced water resistance, then immersed the steering machine and hung the steering wheel. At the same time, a complex operation was carried out in the workshop. The rowing shaft of 18 tons was carried out and a length of 22 m, which had a cone, and was repaired by a broken shaft deformed by an explosion.

    On April 25, "Molotov" with the new feed was brought out of the dock, and until June 20, they were fulfilled by feud. When conducting mooring tests, an accident occurred the steering machine: due to the poorly washed oil system of the scale and the dirt fell into the variable productivity pump, which led to the output of the piston of failure (there was a month for repair). On July 23, the cruiser came out to the sea for the transition to Batumi, in parallel experiencing cars and the case. On July 27, passing trials were held. According to the results, it turned out that the dysfast of the new feed was practically not affected at its speed. The receiving act of the recovered ship was signed on July 31, 1943.

    On August 18, 1944, the "Molotov" detachment was relocated to Novorossiysk, and on November 5, as part of the Escord of the ChF, the cruiser returned to Sevastopol, where he met the end of the war.

    From June 22, 1941 to January 1, 1944, Molotov passed 11,652 miles for 697 chassis. The parking lot with the drivers was a total of 316 hours, with the main boiler on duty - 10,638 hours. A total of 25,816 tons of fuel were spent.

    After the war

    In November 1945, the ship put in the Northern Dock of the plant No. 497, where docks and urgent works were performed on it. On October 5, an explosion almost happened on the cruiser: when shooting at the Tenndrovsky raid in the transshipment of the second tower of the main caliber, the charge was inflamed. Fasting the tower, the sailors prevented the explosion of the ship. In the elimination of the accident, the foreman and 22 sailors were killed, 20 people received burns and injury. F. S. Oktyabrsky fleet arrived on the ship: in 1948, the radar detection of the surface targets "RIF" and radar of anti-air defense "Gyus-2" was tested, and in 1949, the equipment of the combat information post "LEL" (prototype Modern on August 3, ARK ROYAL (XX 208.1938 - (XX.08.1939); (1946)

    • Cruiser "Molotov" on the website of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation