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  • Then there was the war. What do modern children know about the Great Patriotic War? To modern children about the children of war

    Then there was the war.  What do modern children know about the Great Patriotic War?  To modern children about the children of war

    The Germans wanted to win a quick victory, but nothing came of it.

    Initially, we were interested to know whether schoolchildren know the dates of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War. As it turned out, many schoolchildren are confused about the dates of the beginning of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War.

    - Isn't it the same thing? - was surprised at our question 6th grade student of school 22 Anya Andreeva.

    According to her classmate Alsu Shigabutdinova, June 22, 1941 - the date of the beginning of World War II. Other schoolchildren sincerely admitted: “I don’t know” and “I don’t remember”. And only a few remembered September 1, 1939. But it turned out that almost everyone knew the years of the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War: from 1941 to 1945. And they add that the Germans wanted to win a quick victory, but nothing came of it.

    In World War II, the Russians defeated the French, who were Germany's allies

    Watching Hollywood action movies about the Second World War, sometimes one gets the impression that the Americans won the war with the British, so we asked the students a question: who won the Great Patriotic War. Anya Ivanova, a sixth-grader from school 39, suggested that the Russians had won over the French, which, thank God, caused her classmates to laugh.

    - What are you laughing at! - even one of our respondents was indignant - seventh grader from school 54 Grisha Martynov... - Of course, ours! Most of the schoolchildren also answered: "ours", USSR, Russia.

    Among the allies of the USSR, the guys remembered America, Britain, and on the side of Germany - Austria (confused with Australia), Italy and Spain. A pupil of gymnasium No. 1 Vlad Antonov assigned France to the allies of the Germans. The rest, except for the USSR and Germany, did not remember any of the participants.

    Hitler is an enemy spy, and Stalin with a mustache helped win the war

    Next question , which we asked the students sounded like this: who are Stalin and Hitler?

    - Hitler is the main of the Germans, the enemy spy, - shared her opinion 6th grade student from school 22 Natasha Vasilieva.

    - Stalin - he has a mustache, he helped win the war, - she supported her classmate Alsu Shigabutdinova.

    - Hitler was our enemy, a wonderful commander, strategist, and our Stalin was a tough man, - the seventh grader Grisha Martynov spoke out.

    - Adolf Hitler was on the side of the Germans. When he came to power, he decided to conquer the whole world, shared his knowledge sixth grader Sergei Pavlov.

    - Adolf Hitler, the most important among the Germans is a man with his own principles, he had his own policy of fascism. He also had a dog Blondie and his mistress Eva Braun, - deepened the topic 9th grader of gymnasium number 1 Artem Bykov... - And Stalin was our leader, the first secretary. - Stalin is the ruler of the Soviet Union, Hitler is the direct enemy of Stalin, who attacked the Soviet Union without warning, - almost correctly, but in a somewhat simplified form, the seventh-grader of the 59th school Nikita Landyshev expressed his opinion.

    The majority of the surveyed schoolchildren confined themselves to the phrase: "Stalin was for Russia, and Hitler was for the Germans."

    I know about Stalingrad, but I hear about Pavlov's house for the first time

    To our next question most of the surveyed schoolchildren named the Battle of Stalingrad about which battles and which commanders do you remember. To the question: do they know, for example, about Pavlov's house, none of the schoolchildren could answer in the affirmative. Only a few know about the battle at Prokhorovka, Kursk Bulge and the battle for Berlin, as well as the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad. Of the generals, only Zhukov was heard. Most did not remember a single military leader during the Great Patriotic War. True, among the respondents there were those who could name such names as Rokossovsky, Konev and Malinovsky, among them was a ninth-grader from school 39, Roman Indeikin.

    Partisans are people who are silent and do not "surrender" the Russians

    We asked schoolchildren about partisans ... Only a few remembered the heroic partisan Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, who died at the hands of the Nazis. Although the guys are familiar with the word "partisans".

    - These are spies - scouts, they walked and looked, - so answered a question by Alsu Shigabutdinova.

    According to the sixth grader from school 39 of Karina Pikusova, partisans are people who killed our soldiers in order to win.

    “The partisans are people who are silent, they didn’t“ surrender ”the Russians,” the seventh-grader Grisha Martynov expressed his opinion.

    According to fifth grader Zhenya Dolganov partisan detachments were created specially and helped the soldiers to fight against the Germans. And the eighth grader Vlad Antonov added that the partisans were hiding in the forests, undermining German tanks and trains.

    The blockade of Leningrad lasted 3 months, and they ate bread with lime there

    About the tragic fate of Leningraders during the years of the Great Patriotic War, as it turned out, almost all the children interviewed knew.

    - The Germans burned all food supplies and blocked the city, - told us sixth grader Anya Andreeva... - People suffered from hunger and many died.

    Its almost exactly repeated the sixth grader Sergei Pavlov.

    According to Ani Ivanova , a sixth-grader from school 39, "Leningrad was in an ambush for 3 months, and they ate bread and lime there."

    Many schoolchildren have heard about the “road of life” along Lake Ladoga.

    - This road transported supplies to besieged Leningrad, - I remembered 8th grade Vlad Antonov... - She was in winter.
    And the seventh grader Nikita Landyshev added that people left Leningrad on horseback to go to another city to protect themselves.

    The younger our respondents were, the more difficulties our questions caused them. However, if you think about it, perhaps you should not judge them too harshly for their poor knowledge of the Great Patriotic War. For 68 years we have been living under a peaceful sky, we don’t know about hunger and fear of night bombings, we don’t think about the hardships of war. Our children do not know what partisans should do, and what it means to live in a city surrounded by an enemy, not even 3 months, but 900 days. But maybe it's for the best. Wasn't this what our fathers and grandfathers fought for?

    A thunderstorm rustled over the earth,
    The boys took courage in battle ...
    Knows the people: pioneer heroes
    Remained in the ranks forever!

    There are events over which time has no power. And the further back the years go, the clearer their greatness becomes. Such events include the Great Patriotic War. It is important for us to preserve the memory of the war. She lives in books, stories of elders, documents, photographs, letters, hearts.

    In those days, boys and girls grew up early: they did not play war, they lived according to its harsh laws. The greatest love for their people and the greatest hatred for the enemy called the pioneers of the fiery forties to defend the Motherland. Little heroes of the big war. They fought alongside their elders - fathers, brothers, alongside communists and Komsomol members.

    Fought everywhere. At sea, like Borya Kuleshin. In the sky, like Arkasha Kamanin. In a partisan detachment, like Lenya Golikov. In the Brest Fortress, like Valya Zenkina. And their young hearts did not flinch! Their childhood was filled with such trials that, even a very talented writer would invent them, it would be hard to believe. But that was the case. It was in the history of our big country, it was in the fates of its little guys - ordinary boys and girls.

    Are children born to die
    Did you want our death
    The flame hit the sky - do you remember
    Quietly said: "Get up to the rescue ..."

    The Azanov rural library took an active part in the action "The war went through childhood", announced by the Republican Children's Library. The exhibition "Boys in the 41st", dedicated to the young participants in the war, was arranged.

    Three works about young heroes were read at the events. In the third grade, G. Nabatov's story "Zina Portnova" was read. After reading, the guys shared their impressions of the story. Many talked about their grandparents who fought in the war or worked in the rear.

    On May 5, the library invited the 5th grade to read G. Nadzhafov's story "Valya Kotik". A presentation on Pioneer Heroes was shown. Then the guys were offered to take books from the "Boys in 41" exhibition and write a review about them.

    On May 8, the 6th grade came to visit the library. They also made a presentation about the pioneer heroes and read the story of Yu. Korolkov "Lenya Golikov". The guys took books about young partisans in order to read and plunge into those difficult years for our country themselves, to feel and survive all the hardships that befell the young defenders of the Motherland. They were also asked to write reviews of the books they read.

    Here is a review of the book by A. Grebinin "Vera Ivanova", a student of the 5th grade of the Azanov secondary school, Tsintserova Anastasia.

    “I read a book about a girl who took part in the war. The book is called "Vera Ivanova". It was written by A. Grebenina in 1970. I really liked the story, because such a little girl was not afraid of the war, she helped the wounded soldiers.

    There was a girl named Vera. When the war began, she was 3 years old. Her father went to the front. Soon the news came that Verin's father had died. Then Vera's mother went to war, and Vera with her. Vera was loved at the headquarters and she was presented with a doll. Soon my mother died. The girl became an orphan. And then one day Vera was carrying a letter to the soldiers and met her uncle on the way. He asked her where and where she was going from. Vera got scared and fled to the headquarters. She said that a stranger asked her. The soldiers ran with Vera to the place where she met her uncle. It was the officer here. He praised the girl for not revealing the secret.

    In his work, the author wants to show readers that even children fought. No one was spared by the war. Most of the heroes I liked Vera, because she is brave, she is not afraid of anything. Was able to help two wounded. Vera is a fearless girl.

    I liked the episode when the main character crawled for water. Not even scared of an enemy tank. I got to the forest and brought water to the soldier. This is a real feat.

    The book teaches that you need to help people in difficult times. Be strong, fearless. I would recommend reading this book to girls and boys who do not know anything about war. After all, everything should know about her. This is our story. "

    Among all the holidays that have remained from the Soviet past, Victory Day is the most majestic, the most sacred. And this year the mournful date - the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War - makes us once again turn to the comprehension of this tragic event - the people's war of 1941-1945.
    Today it is no longer an anecdote, but a bitter reality, when a young girl of 25 asks the question: "What is celebrated on May 9? .. Victory in the war? .. And who won? .." the creation of the school "Book of Memory" class teachers were faced with amazing facts: some modern children 11-13 years old could not name the names of their great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers who fought in the war. When teachers persistently tried to find out information from parents (35-40 years old), then in response they heard irritated: "Well, we don't remember!"
    Unfortunately, Ch Aitmatov's prophecy is coming true: there are already mankurt among us! The "new generation" famously welcomes Euro-Atlantic unity, imbued with a new mentality, where there is no place for the memory of their ancestors. A new generation is being brought up on textbooks, where the deeply symbolic name "Great Patriotic War" is replaced by dry terms "World War II" or "German-Soviet war" (F.G. Turchenko Modern history of Ukraine, - Kiev, "Genesa", 2001, 11kl ., Part 2). It is difficult to preserve historical memory after reading such textbooks.
    It is gratifying that there are organizations in the city that help the young generation to correctly assess the events of the war years. The youth organization "Heirs of Victory" is headed by a war veteran, a pensioner, a teacher with a long work experience Kuznetsova Raisa Yakovlevna. Her selfless work in the patriotic education of the younger generation was marked with a large award - the Order of Princess Olga.
    For several years now, RNO Rusich has been holding not only the Military Song Festival, but also competitions for essays, essays, interviews dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. This year the search work was held under the title "The First Minutes of the War". About 70 students sent their work. I would especially like to highlight the interviews that were prepared by the students of the Kherson secondary school number 45. A conversation with a loved one is always touching, especially if it is a story about a war. In these conversations - pride for their homeland, admiration for the feat of their ancestors, and, of course, endless gratitude for the peaceful sky overhead. The victory in the Great Patriotic War, which began 70 years ago, became possible thanks to the great strength of the spirit, the moral superiority of our people over the enemy. It was a moral victory of good over evil. Through the centuries, our ancestors gave us an example of perseverance and courage, readiness for a heroic deed. Can we always do this? The mournful date of this year makes us think about it.

    Kuzmich T.A.,
    Chairman of the RNO "Rusich"

    We, residents of the 21st century, do not understand how difficult life was for our grandparents. I first learned about the war when I was 8 years old, when I found the book “The Fourth Height” and on it I saw the inscription: “Rajusa, beloved, dear in memory of difficult days. Mama". Then I found out that when the war began, my grandmother was only three years old. Like any small child, I loved going to my grandma, going to bed and listening to stories with a happy ending. But after I read this book, I realized that our world is not as beautiful as it seemed to me. This time I asked my grandma to tell how she lived in the first years of the war:
    “As you know Nastya, there were five children in my family, and I am the youngest. Four brothers is, of course, not easy ... But I had fun with them. I vaguely remember those times, but 1941 will forever leave a mark on my heart. On June 22, 1941, my mother and I were walking in the park. Sitting on a bench, we saw a large crowd of people. I was so interested, but then I still did not understand what was happening. I came closer and learned that Germany had declared war on the Soviet Union. My older brother was then 18 years old, he was immediately taken into the army, and then he was taken directly from the army to the front, but then I did not know that ... My mother cried every day, prayed that everything would be fine with my brother. .. But a few weeks later, as the war began, we were informed about the death of Nicholas. And then I learned for the first time that people can die ... After his death, the people most dear to me went to the front: my dad and grandfather. "
    Oddly enough, it was difficult to clearly imagine those experiences of my grandmother. Yes, not everyone can be transferred to those difficult days. They will forever remain in the hearts of those who survived this brutal war.
    “... I remember how I was sent to the village to see my grandmother, and a few days later the Germans came to the village. Many villagers fled through the forest, and some remained in their homes. My grandmother's neighbor brought wounded partisans to his home every evening. The Germans kept repeating: "If we find out who is hiding the partisans, we will shoot the whole family." I remember that once I heard a strong roar and thought that something had happened ... maybe a house collapsed or a tree fell, but then I did not know that it was the sound of bombs ... Sometimes I still hear this sound ... After the war, we moved to Mongolia ... There I grew up, studied. And when I was 15, we returned back to our homeland. "
    -Granny, what do you remember from the stories of your relatives and acquaintances?
    “I remember how my uncle said that his comrade was captured by the Germans. He said that everyone who is captured almost never returned. Those who were captured were starved and tortured by the Germans. I know that my aunt helped the partisans, washed things, fed them. " The war took away many people, many tears and worries of those relatives, albeit strangers, for us people. We need to be grateful and appreciate the work of the people who conquered our home. And the most important thing is to remember all those actions committed by our ancestors. Eternal memory to them!

    Vanyushkina Anastasia,
    Student of grade 10a

    I remember and I am proud!

    “I am not in vain worried,
    So that that war is not forgotten:
    After all, this memory is our conscience.
    We need it as a force ”.
    Yuri Voronov

    “The darkness of the night was thinning. The day came, which was destined to remain forever in the memory of the people - Sunday, June 22, 1941.
    The hands of the clock were approaching half past three. In those seconds, the population of the village noticed the clouds rapidly approaching from the west. Suddenly the predawn silence was broken by a sharp whistling sound and the roar of engines. Hundreds of planes crossed the border. Black crosses and a swastika were visible. At the same time, artillery rumbled on the other side.
    A moment later, the earth shook from the explosions of enemy shells and bombs. Thunder rolled over the village and continued throughout the day. The border areas were clouded with smoke and dust, and fires broke out in many places.

    The screams of people awakened by the roar of explosions, the groans of the wounded. Killed asleep, at a combat post, friends and comrades. This is how the first minutes of the war were engraved in the memory of the border guards and sappers who were building fortification areas near the village.
    A sudden flurry of fire and metal, like a hurricane on a clear sunny day, caught by surprise many soldiers who were several kilometers from the village, but had not yet been raised on alert. They jumped out of bed, dressing hastily.
    Soon the troops received orders to start hostilities. The combat order of the Military Council of the Western Front read: "In view of the massive hostilities that have emerged from the Germans, I order: raise troops and act in a military fashion." Similar orders were issued on other fronts. Inhabitants of cities and villages located deep in the rear were still sleeping peacefully during these early hours of the weekend. Only those who lived near objects that were attacked by enemy aircraft woke up. Woke up and wondered ... "
    All these are the memories of my great-grandmother about the first day of the war. The Great Patriotic War left its mark on the history of every family in our country. All the men went to the front, old and young remained at home. Nobody knew what to do. People had hope - this is a mistake, a few days will pass and everything will be over, but the grief dragged on for years. On the difficult roads of war, women, old people and children walked along with men, enduring all the hardships and troubles that befell our people. The common grief has united all the people of our country.
    More than one generation has grown up, a lot has changed in our life. It's a shame and wrong that we remember those days and veterans only twice a year - on February 23 and May 9, and their number is getting smaller and smaller every year ...
    Unfortunately, my great-grandfathers are not alive. The brutal war took their lives. But I keep the memory of them and I will always talk about them: to my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren ...
    I don't know much about them, but my search work was not in vain.
    The name of my first great-grandfather is Domrachev Andrey Romanovich, born in 1903. When the war began, he was 38 years old. There are three little sons left at home. Homeland called on to defend it on January 18, 1942. Military rank - Red Army, position and specialty during the war - mortar.
    In the archives of the Russian Federation, 65 years later, I found a photograph and a personal list No. 16 about irrecoverable losses in battles in the Oryol region. My great-grandfather is 40th on this grieving list. The list indicates that he died at the front on March 1, 1943. Buried in the Oryol region, the village of Zaprudnaya.

    The last interview in the anniversary year of Victory with my great-grandfather Garkusha Vladimir Trofimovich.

    My great-grandfather is from the generation of the 1920s. He had the most difficult time - famine, war and post-war devastation ...
    I had to endure as much as it would be enough for several lives.
    “June 22, 1941 was a warm summer day. Behind our house (in the village of Dovzhik, Chernihiv region), there was a beautiful lake, where the guys and I used to catch carp after school. And this day was no exception. We graduated from school, in the evening there should be a graduation party, meeting the dawn, a fire by the lake! But at 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the radio we heard about the beginning of the war. With this terrible, cruel word from the loudspeaker, she burst into peaceful life. The decision was born immediately - to be in the ranks of the defenders of the Motherland. "
    Kurolya Mikhail,
    Pupil of grade 5a.

    Memories of War

    War ... How much this word means to every person. The war deprived many mothers of their sons and daughters, but it also happened that the little one himself remained an orphan. There is no exception in my family history. Like many seniors, some grandparents want to forget about those scary days. They want to, but they cannot. They remembered this, remember and will remember it until the end of their days. For most, this is a huge mental trauma, the memories of which make them experience old pain, suffering and experiences ... Maybe that is why my grandparents told very little.
    Before the Germans attacked the borders of the Soviet Union without warning, my great-grandfather worked as a security chief at a factory. On that Sunday, like all the villagers, he worked in the garden, did some personal affairs and errands from his wife ... Or maybe he just took a break from hard everyday life. As soon as the start of the war was announced on the radio, during the first days he went to the military registration and enlistment office to become one of the defenders of the Fatherland. After all, he was not indifferent to the fate of his homeland.

    Once my great-grandmother Ulyana received a letter stating that her husband was missing. However, everything was much worse, since some time later a man who had fought in the same regiment with his great-grandfather came to her. Before his eyes, a mine tore apart Alexander Iosifovich. For Ulyana, this is the second blow. During the occupation of Donbass, she and her three other sons fled for cover. Shelling and bombing all around ... The little son is holding his mother's hand, the tiniest Valentin, now my grandfather, is pressed with his other hand to his heart, but the eldest, Vasily, was running somewhere in front. The middle son, Gennady, died, carried away either by a nearby bomb or bullets ...
    My grandmother told me about her mother. Paul's great-grandmother then lived with her whole family in the Caucasus. To be more precise, in Tselinograd, now Astana. The military life of Grandma Paulie was not so bloody, but no less difficult. Pelageya Vasilievna worked as a switchman on the railway. There were not enough workers, so they had to work from morning to night, and sometimes around the clock. Everything had to be strictly according to the plan and schedule. Uncertainty frightened the great-grandmother, especially when she saw what or who was being transported on the trains. So she realized the scale of this bloody war. Grandma Polya was awarded a medal for valiant labor during the war.
    This is just a small part of the story that happened in my family. The war took away many innocent lives, preventing us, grandchildren, from looking at our grandparents, and vice versa, brave children in the future to look at their children and grandchildren.

    Fedosova Victoria,
    Student of grade 10a

    In schools, the theme of the Great Patriotic War is constantly raised: class hours, competitions, concerts are held, films are shown. Some of the children react sharply, some are not affected by this. Should a teacher set himself the goal of reaching every child's heart with this topic? Is it even possible for all children to take these conversations to heart?

    We have selected the most interesting and indicative of the many comments left on the message.

    “You know, I recently caught myself thinking: I myself, with tears in my eyes, listen to the Second World War, etc., but absolutely calmly listen to the war of 1812, the Battle of the Ice ... maybe it's all about the lengths of time?”

    “Most of my second graders are still listening, and some people even cry. But they can put a postcard on their head for a veteran and laugh too ... But you need to teach, you need to educate. Although the poems are unlikely to have any effect on them. I tell them about children in war, this is closer to them, they can put themselves in their place. "

    “The first class is just kids!
    My first tears of sympathy came only after the birth of my children. ”

    “The author wrote that she herself was crying in the 1st grade. It's not about age, now children really do not perceive these tragic events that way. I had to send two interested persons to a small commemorative event dedicated to the Blockade. They all refused. Then the two boys agreed to go, I even shed a tear because of this. "

    “They don't feel anything in both 5th and 7th grade, or they are not interested in anything at all, except for gadgets. This is very sad. "

    “I think they are still small in the first grade. I cooked for the fifth this year and the eleventh. The material was different. For five-graders, the film "Unlearned Lesson" served as the basis, for the eleventh she drew a parallel between the life of the children of the Second World War and their lives. Found a very good social media roller. The sentimentality of the older children was greater. They already understand more, respect more deeply, know the value of life. "

    “Didn't you interrupt? Didn't they interfere? You can already rejoice at this. If they wanted feedback from such little ones, it was necessary to set aside 5 minutes for reflection and put an end to it with some beautiful phrase. "

    “Their generations do not know living veterans, did not sort out their orders, did not listen to stories from the battlefields, unlike us. There is nothing to be surprised at. Although my eldest in kindergarten cried at the Victory Day matinee .. But he grew up with his great-grandfather, a living veteran, saw his scars .. "

    "The same story. We were preparing for the Day of lifting the blockade. The children said that they were already tired of it ..... both in the classroom and in the extended program .... no words. "

    “Maybe just poetry and a selection didn’t touch your soul?
    Some verses touch me, some do not. "
    “Today at the concert I didn’t just cry, but really cried heartily.
    Although I saw some of the verses that were read before and they left me indifferent. "

    “And today with the 6th grade we watched the film of the studio“ Parachute ”, which was sent to all of us for a class hour. "Children of War" is called. The class is very difficult, impenetrable, as they say. But they watched with bated breath. True, they did not have time to discuss it later. A film about the children of the Second World War and a little about the war in Lugansk. It can be found on YouTube if anyone is interested. "

    “And today in 5 classes I talked about the pioneer heroes, showed the film ... The silence was deathly. Then we read "The Story of a Tankman", there was no end to those who wanted to. She asked me to learn any poem about the war at home, for some reason many were happy)))) Then we read "The Son of the Regiment". "

    “I’m reading the comments and thinking ...“ They don’t understand this anymore. Not that generation. ” But was it not we who brought up this generation, is it not our "puncture" and praise for the generation that raised us. "Their generation does not know living veterans ..." Is it not our task to maintain memory. There are few living veterans, but there are chronicles and interviews. If you give up and sign your impotence, nothing good will come of it. In the first grade, I would not have caused them to sympathize at all, not that age. It is better to present the soldiers as super-heroes, to tell about exploits, about the sons of the regiment, to cause pride. We need to continue telling, showing, choosing the right material ”.

    “Everything is correct, you need to educate ... My son has been asking for films about the war (the Great Patriotic War) for 5 years, and he already distinguishes ninja turtles - fictional" heroes "from our great-grandfathers - real ones, and a man in uniform is an example for him to follow. Especially in a vest and a blue beret. And the school pays great attention to the theme of the Second World War, well, the truth is, the school is in a military neighborhood and most of the parents serve. So the military theme is close to our children. It all depends on upbringing. "

    “And I was expecting just such a reaction from mine: well, can we go already? And they froze, as if there was no one in the class. 6th grade. We watched the video with the song "Salaspils" ”.

    “Today in the 8th grade we read poems about the war, listened to the songs of the war. The disciples listened, read expressively, some did not hide their tears. "

    “Now my 11, 10 and 6 are gazing with gusto 4 tankers and a dog. And the elders will go to the Immortal regiment. Everything from families goes. "

    “Sadly, each generation has its own war. And it would be good that there were no wars in our memory, neither past nor present. "

    “If we talk too often about patriotism, victory and war, then the true meaning of these words is erased. Hence the indifference. Five-graders said to me: "We are tired of talking about the war," and I understand them. They hear a lot about it now, they hold events every quarter, but they don't understand the true meaning - I don't think this is their fault. A logical consequence of the situation when Victory Day is a ribbon on mayonnaise and tanks in the square, and not a story about the horrors of war. "

    “I beg you, the girls in your class will cry over this after they give birth!
    And the boys, as they go to the army, will get to "hot spots" and survive. "

    “Even in the first grade, I could burst into tears from everything related to the Great Patriotic War, because my grandfather, a front-line soldier, was alive until April last year, thanks to whom I could not take such a topic indifferently. And now in the family there is no one else to ask about that time, what and how it really was. And I agree with the author of one of the comments: now we are solely responsible for how our children will relate to the theme of the Second World War. And from the realization of this fact it becomes, in fact, very scary for me (((
    But let's hold on, colleagues !!! In the name of the memory of those who found a terrible time from 1941 to 1945. and who is no longer with us !! And, of course, for the sake of those who are still alive and see how their great-grandchildren are growing!) "

    “I am very grateful to the teacher of literature, my children in the 8th grade studied Fadeev's Young Guard, I don’t know what happened there in the classroom, but they were imbued with this work. They themselves found the song "Krasnodontsy" for the Festival of Soldiers' Songs, found the video, put their whole soul into the performance. Maybe they have grown up already, before the topic of war did not affect children so much, did not force them to pass all this information through themselves. "

    “Several days ago I attached a St. George's ribbon to my clothes. So some of the younger schoolchildren almost sarcastically asked, "Well, you can already wear these things? Are you already celebrating a victory?" Others asked perplexedly: "Daria Vladimirovna, what is this with you?" Representatives of the middle management grinned sarcastically: "Oh, Daria Vladimirovna ... a patriot!"

    “I just can't understand one thing: do you track the degree of success of such events by the number of crying? Your task is to tell, not bring to tears. Your manipulation has failed, and great. "

    “Sobbing is not an end in itself, of course. Sometimes laughter is protection. But more and more often indifference ...

    I disagree about age. A child in the first grade can understand a lot, it's just that the perception of war is not right. At the age of 7, I stood a post at the eternal flame and the monument to the fallen together with my classmates. I remember that I was very worried, I tried my best, because such a responsibility, I tried for the dead soldiers. "

    “I don’t understand anything anymore. Are you aware that for many high school students 1945 and 1812 are almost the same dates? And why is the effectiveness of a lesson estimated by the number of children who shed tears? Sentimentality will remain sentimentality, and children’s ignorance of the history of their state is fraught. Porridge is in their head. And not only with them. "

    “Do not demand emotions from children that, due to their age, they cannot show you! Do your job: talk about the war, order films, play songs of the war years ... They will grow up! I remember myself at school, the theme of the war was far away and incomprehensible, meeting with veterans, congratulations to them I perceived as social work, a burden. Realization came later, when I became an adult. "

    May 9, 68th anniversary of the Victory. Parade and flags, cars with St. George ribbons and stickers with phrases like "Thank you grandfather for the Victory!" But do our children know what this holiday is dedicated to? We decided to find out about this from the children themselves. We asked all the survey participants one question: "What do you know about the war?"

    Shot from the film "The Fate of a Man", directed by Sergei Bondarchuk, 1959

    Galya (10 years old), studies at an Orthodox gymnasium in Moscow: “The war ended on May 9, we won. A lot of people died. The Germans could not break through to Moscow. On this day we have joy and sorrow, and the Germans only have sorrow, they do not like Hitler now. I read a book about the decisive battles near Moscow, not the banks of the Volga, on the Kursk Bulge, about the defense of Sevastopol and Leningrad, about the storming of Berlin. "

    Leonid (13 years old), studies at a public school in Moscow: “On May 9, 1945, we signed an agreement stating that we are no longer at war. It was the war between the Soviet Union and the Third Reich. It is part of the Second World War that began in 1939. Russia fought from 1941-1945. My grandfather fought in this war. "
    Tikhon (9 years old), studies at a public school in Kargopol: “The war began unfairly, since Germany concluded a peace treaty with Russia. The war broke out without warning, and usually the beginning of the war is announced. It began on June 22, 1941. First, they attacked the Brest Fortress. They wanted to take it in 2 hours, but they took it for more than five months. The war ended on May 9, 1945.

    Raisa (12 years old), studies at an Orthodox gymnasium in Moscow: “Since 1941 we have fought with the Germans, the war lasted 4 years, which means it ended in 1945. I know about the feat of 28 Panfilov's men, they defended us on the Volokolamsk highway. The war ended on May 6.

    In May, all comers are given St. George's ribbons - this is a symbol of soldier's valor, courage, it was back in tsarist Russia. On May 9, no one studies or works, all roads are closed, because the parade, planes are flying, tanks are going and everyone is singing the song "This Victory Day." Now there are very few veterans who fought in the war. At school on this day we usually run cross-country and release balloons into the sky. "

    Fedya (11 years old), studies in a Moscow gymnasium: “We won this war, although it was fierce. It lasted in Russia from 1941 to 1945. before that the Germans had conquered everyone except us. The Germans were commanded by Hitler, and our troops were commanded by Stalin. The Russians did not expect there to be a war. Everyone went to defend our country - both the old and the young. My great-grandmother threw off the mines from the roofs of houses in Moscow. The Germans did not enter Moscow, it was defended by all the inhabitants. At the end of the war, when we won, Hitler shot himself. "

    Anya (10 years old), studies in a Moscow Orthodox gymnasium: "The war began in 1941 and ended in 1945, we fought with the Nazis and with some other countries."

    Fedor (8 years old), studies at a state school in Moscow: “It was a war with the Nazis. She was a long time ago, but not very long. We won. They walked through the cities, and reached almost to Moscow, but we drove them out and sent them back along the same path. that's how it happened. This war was called ... I don't remember ... Ah, I remember! The Great Patriotic War!"
    - Do you know any generals?
    - The Russian army was headed by Zhukov.
    - Do you know anyone else?
    - The Germans had Paul. At the end of the war there was the Nuremberg court. 18 fascists were hanged, and the rest were imprisoned. "

    Andrey (16 years old), studies in a Moscow gymnasium: “The Second World War began in 1939, initially Hitler said that he would not attack Russia, so we did not expect an attack. The first Russian city attacked by the Nazis was Brest. Almost all cities from the west of Moscow were captured. Leningrad was occupied, now it is the city of St. Petersburg, the blockade lasted almost 900 days. The battles were fought in Odessa, Kiev, Minsk, Sevastopol, Vilnius - all these cities were then part of the USSR. German doctors studied medicine on people taken prisoner, they put experiments on them and experimented. This explains the breakthrough that occurred at that time in German medicine. Victory Day is celebrated on May 9, but the war lasted even longer. Almost all the inhabitants of our country took part in this war - someone was at the front, someone was producing weapons in the rear. During the war, the weapons of our country were improved. In the future, this served as an impetus for the development of the Cold War with America. And during the war, both America and England were our allies.

    Vanya (7 years old), does not go to school yet, lives in Kargopol: “During the Great Patriotic War the Germans fought with Russia. The French also fought, Napoleon was in charge.
    - They fought with Hitler?
    - No, he started a war from his country.
    - And Victory Day, May 9, what are we celebrating - who fought with whom?
    - The French with the Russians.
    “You don’t know anything else about the war?”
    - No. And, the Germans were very angry, they released dingo dogs to Russia. "

    Herman (13 years old), studies at a Moscow Orthodox gymnasium: “The war began in the summer of 1941 and ended in 1945. The Russian army was not ready for war and therefore at first retreated, the enemies almost reached Moscow, and then the Germans began to retreat. There were major battles at Stalingrad and on the Kursk Bulge (a major tank battle). The Germans had panther and tiger tanks, very heavy terrible tanks, there was still a mouse, but there were few of them, and we had a light and maneuverable T-34, and there was also an IS (Joseph Stalin). We had Katyusha missiles, the Germans also had missiles, and we also had a Shpagin submachine gun (PPSh). The Germans had Messerschmitt and Fockewulf planes, while we had IL, LA and PO-2. The Germans still had the huge battleships Bismarck and Tirpitz, but they were sunk. The Germans had faust cartridges, even an elderly person could use such a cartridge, they were both disposable and reusable. Ours mined Moscow and Leningrad, in case these cities were surrendered. There was also a long blockade of Leningrad. First, the battles began with artillery preparation, and then tanks and infantry marched. "