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  • Why are they sent to the disbat
  • Disbat in the Soviet Army: this is what it was
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  • How life is in disbat is the whole truth. Disbat: is it true that they talk about him

    How life is in disbat is the whole truth.  Disbat: is it true that they talk about him

    Hello dear readers.

    I would like to talk about a terrible place for soldiers, where, fortunately, only a few go now - about the disbat.

    I myself have not been there. My colleagues and the boy in the hospital told me about the disbat, who left there in full.

    Disbat is a disciplinary battalion, aka "diesel". This is a special military unit to which servicemen are sent who have committed gross disciplinary offenses in relation to service.

    This part is surrounded by high barbed wire fences. Shooting towers are located along the perimeter. There is an armed guard, a canine and equestrian department in case of escape. But, in fact, it is impossible to escape from the disbat.

    Why do they get into the disbat.

    The main reasons for flying into the battalion are beating with the infliction of grievous bodily harm, a gross violation of the charter (for example, while standing orderly, he played with a bayonet with a knife, and then suddenly the company commander comes in and a bayonet knife, as luck would have it, jumps out of his hands and sticks into his leg) , SOCH - unauthorized abandonment of the unit (to give SOCH - an army expression meaning escape from the unit), disclosure of military secrets (we had one shot - I called my girlfriend and said: “I'm sitting here in a warehouse, but there will be enough cartridges and TNT to smash the city ! ”... in the end, the uncles from the FSB arrived and the guy left for demobilization a year later). Thus, you can get into a diesel engine, both for running to scare the birds with a machine gun, and for failing to comply with an order. described about the nutrition of infants.

    How to send to the disbat.

    An act is drawn up on the guilty soldier, the commanders fill in a bunch of papers for him. On the appointed day, a car arrives and takes the soldier away to a remote wilderness, that is, very far from settlements. Once in the dispatcher battalion, the soldier surrenders his things. He is given a special uniform. Mobile phones are prohibited in disbat.

    Service in the disbat.

    In general, seriously speaking, this is not a service, but just hell. Cool dembal peppers break in a week, or even earlier. The soldier must know the date of the beginning of the service, the date of enrollment in the disciplinary battalion and the date of the end of the service in the disciplinary battalion, the number of the article according to which he was assigned to the disciplinary battalion and the decoding of the article are also memorized. In disbat everything is done according to the charter, all movements are only running and only in formation. The only place to relax is the dining room. There are corrective and forced labor in the disbat. For example, manually making concrete blocks or working on a sawmill. Every day there is a complete jerkiness of the drill, physical exercise, and an unreal jerk off in the repetition of the charter in chorus. In winter, of course, the nerd is that the soldiers are forced to make unrealistically flat edging of snow (edging is a square of snow). If you screwed up somewhere or refused to obey, then you find yourself in the guardhouse. The guardhouse (aka "lip" or "kicha") is a closed room, where it is cold as hard and you need to turn gray on an iron chair, at an iron table. When opening the door, it is necessary to go to the door opener in a marching step and name everything that I described above regarding the article and date, as well as the title and surname. There is only one rank in the disbat for convicts - private. Whether you are an officer or a sergeant, you are a private in a diesel engine. Ranks in the unit are held only by the so-called free conscripts who serve here on conscription, as well as the officers of this unit. It is impossible to agree with either one or the other, since this is a direct road for them to diesel in the form of convicts. For this reason, the conscripts serving there are not talkative, because the first article of the charter says: "The guard is forbidden: To enter into any contact with the convict ...". I know of a case when a convict asked the guard for a cigarette and he gave it to him, and this case was seen by the chief of the guard. The result is deplorable: the guard received a term even longer than the convict to whom he gave a cigarette. There are cases when guys were shoved into the dispatch battalion for quite complete garbage. Most of these cases, of course, were associated with the officer's personal enmity towards the soldier. On rare occasions, it was demonstrated in such a barbaric way that there was discipline in the unit.

    It is especially easy to get into a disbat if the part is statutory. On the Internet, I read the correspondence between Dagestanis about one such statutory part, in which even the most harmful Dagestanis stand on the bedside table, because they are afraid of getting into a disbat. One said to another that they put in a diesel engine for any garbage.

    But the hardest thing, undoubtedly, is for those conscripts who are conscripted in the military dispatcher: any jamb is clearly not in their favor.

    Of course, now they are less likely to be imprisoned in the disciplinary battalion, since the officers are reluctant to run around with paperwork, and they are also deprived of bonuses for violations revealed in part, etc. In addition, there are now only two disbats left. However, if the officers want to, they will be put in the dispatcher battalion.

    So you should not relax, or, even more so, commit serious violations, so that the service does not turn out to be longer than a year, and for the most part does not take place in absolute hell.

    The article was written by Alexander Terentyev, good service to those who serve and go to serve, and health to parents.

    Disbat in the Soviet Army: this is what it was

    5 (100%) 1 vote
    After taking the oath, the Soviet soldier assumed the duty of loyalty to serve his homeland and criminal responsibility for misconduct. But they did not write about this in the Soviet press, and only a few high-profile cases began to penetrate into the press in the 80s of the XX century.

    The spleen is the cause of dysbat

    The second most common reason for serving a sentence is hazing. Often there were fights among the recruits - for this they could be condemned and sent to the Disbat. One day, two paratroopers argued with each other, a fight ensued, as a result of which one of the former comrades was seriously injured - a ruptured spleen. A criminal case was opened, a trial took place - the guilty paratrooper was sent to serve his sentence. Sometimes the infliction of grievous bodily harm occurred through negligence: two comrades were serving in one unit, and soon they had to take a leave of absence.

    Disbat is not an army for you!

    But the servicemen had a habit of making symbolic strikes, meaning a transfer from one caste to another. Such a blow was struck in the stomach of his colleague by his friend - there was a ruptured spleen, an urgent operation was required. And the military investigators opened a case against the former friend, in which he was serving time.

    Dry rations dragged demobilization

    There were frequent cases of theft in the Soviet army. Several dry rations became the prey of a group of soldiers, but only one of them paid with freedom: by the time the theft was revealed, the perpetrators had retired to the reserve, and it was not possible to convict them under a military article.

    Military secrets are not for girls

    The disclosure of military secrets is the reason why it was possible to rattle behind barbed wire in three rows, this was usually how the punishment zone specially guarded by Caucasian shepherds was fenced off. Employees of one of the dissidents recalled how a soldier got to them, who decided to brag to his girlfriend and called her from the warehouse on the office phone: he was tapped.

    In conversation, the soldier, who was pissed off by the girl's voice, said that he was guarding a warehouse with TNT of such power that it could destroy an entire city. Possession of drugs, causing death by negligence while on guard - for these and other crimes, soldiers were sent to the Disbat for up to two years, and from the end of the 80s - up to three years. Often, servicemen committed the same crimes as in their usual life, they were often brought to the police, and when the time came to serve in the Soviet army, criminal habits were introduced into army life.

    Mulino - the famous disbat

    Usually the location of the disbats was chosen in remote villages. In the summer of 1986, near the village of Mulino in the Volodarsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, around which there were dozens of military units, one of the 16 largest Soviet disbats was formed. Soviet military builders, marines, sailors and infantrymen were serving their sentences here, shaved bald and dressed in the same uniform. Many of them hoped to be released on parole for their exemplary behavior. The daily routine in the Soviet disbat was the same as in the regular army: wake-up at half past six, ten minutes to get dressed and - a control check. It was performed four times.

    Disbat is not a prison

    The Soviet disciplinary battalion was somewhat reminiscent of a prison, but it was not a prison, since at the end of the term of punishment for some servicemen, this term was counted and almost immediately demobilized. But not everyone was so lucky. According to the law of the Soviet era, after serving a sentence, the soldier was obliged to return to duty and pay back his debt in full to his homeland. Information about the incurred criminal punishment did not appear anywhere in the soldiers' documents, with the exception of the personal file.

    The investigation was led by the KGB

    As a rule, in the Soviet army, they tried to hide illegal cases, which fell a shadow of shame on exemplary units, but if this did not succeed, then military investigators and KGB officers took over, depending on the severity of the crime committed. The case was resolved within a few days, no one in the unit tried to leave the criminal for a long time, everyone tried to get rid of him.

    It must be admitted that the Soviet military courts worked professionally and quickly: the investigators immediately demanded all the characteristics of the soldier from the commanders, the documents were drawn up in a criminal case, which was redirected to the military prosecutor's office, and from there - directly to the leadership of the disciplinary battalion. The soldier was put in a car and taken into the wilderness, where such battalions were located: to the Chita or Rostov regions or to Novosibirsk. However, sometimes it came to anecdotal cases when the soldiers themselves got to the place of serving their sentence. But that rarely happened.

    Disbat education lessons

    It was especially hard in the 90s, when the Soviet army became a mirror of many interethnic conflicts: the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh backfired with the fact that a massacre took place in one of the units, as a result, several people went to the hospital for treatment, and a few to the disbat ... Clashes on interethnic grounds took place in military units in the 1980s, but they did not receive wide publicity. According to military investigators, the perpetrators were sent to serve their sentences. Education by disbat became for some a lesson for life - people became extremely obedient and obedient, while this punishment embittered other soldiers - they became the main instigators of conflicts.

    The Soviet army had sixteen disciplinary battalions. Now there are four of them: in Mulino, Novosibirsk, Chita and Rostov. In Ussuriisk there is a separate disciplinary company. The issue of dissolution and liquidation of two disbats is being considered.
    The battalion in Mulino is considered the largest.
    1999 year
    under article 335 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hazing and abuse of office) - 32 percent of the total number of convicts
    according to article 337 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (unauthorized abandonment of a part) - of the total number of convicts 16 percent
    year 2001
    under article 335 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - of the total number of convicts 26.5 percent
    according to article 337 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - of the total number of convicts 28 percent
    under article 338 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (desertion) - of the total number of convicts 1.7 percent (9 people)
    Currently, eight people are in disbat again: for unauthorized abandonment of a unit and hazing.
    Those who have served do the crimes:
    from 1.5 to 2 years - 33 percent;
    from 1 to 1.5 years - 23 percent;
    1 year - 15 percent;
    from 5 months to 1 year - 17 percent;
    up to 6 months - 5 percent.

    This military "zone" in the village of Mulino, Nizhny Novgorod Region, is no different from other parts that are literally stuffed with the local forests. The same gray reinforced concrete fence with guard towers around the perimeter. True, the territory is also separated from the outside world by a plowed control-track strip, which is simply a “ban”. Almost every day this strip is renewed by soldiers in the uniform of the 1943 model: a garrison cap, a tunic with green shoulder straps "on a button" and breeches. As the commander of the disbat explained to me: "These are the unconvoyed convicts, who are not more than two months away from being demobilized and released."

    A distinctive feature of the "zone" is also an armed horse patrol, periodically circling it from the outside of the gray wall.

    You can get to the territory only through the main checkpoint. Behind it there is a small parade ground and a building with a sign: "Military unit headquarters ...". This is where the similarity with a conventional military unit ends. A few meters away - a small gray building, behind a quite ordinary door of which "lokalka" - a door made of metal rods. She is always under lock and key. The daytime officer unlocks it only by letting in the newly arrived convicts and releasing the next "unwound" sentences. Therefore, this contingent is here called "variable composition." Security - servicemen from the so-called permanent composition, conscripts. Of these, not only a guard is appointed, but also "controllers" who check the convicts before being sent to work and after returning. Permanent sergeants are assigned to assist the commanders of the five disciplinary companies.

    Over six hundred pairs of soldiers' boots trample the parade ground from morning till night. Movement on this asphalt square is allowed only with a marching step or running. The green mass of convicts sways. The haircut and war uniforms equated Marines and military builders, missilemen and sailors for a period determined by the verdict of a military court. And they all have one dream: parole. Each of them has different crimes and terms behind them. Someone is serving for theft, someone for hazing. According to the law, the maximum term in the disbat is two years. And so, depending on the severity of the crime, - from six months to one and a half years. New arrivals - and every month up to a hundred convicts are admitted to the disbat - undergo a quarantine department. After a month of intensive combat training, they were transferred to companies.

    In addition to everyday drills and life "according to the charter", there are many restrictions and prohibitions. So, short-term visits with relatives are allowed: twice a month - up to four hours. For three days you can stay with your parents only once every three months. For this, there is a small hotel in the disbat. Although there are cozy rooms in it, they are guarded by the same soldiers - "controllers". It is forbidden to bring tea, coffee, not to mention alcoholic drinks from a date to the "zone". The restrictions even apply to writing instruments. According to the established rules, the convicted person has the right to bring into the “zone” one fountain pen and two pens for it, no more than two notebooks and ten envelopes. There are frequent cases when, after such visits, a convict with a diagnosis of "severe overeating" ends up in the medical unit. Although the guys themselves admit that here they are "better fed than in their native part." Sometimes parents try to catch up on their son's upbringing while dating. One of the officers lamented: “Well, if the mother still whips the careless child with a towel. Last year, one father, the chairman of a large breeding farm, held such an "educational conversation" with his son that he was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. "

    Disbat, although not in the literal sense of the "zone", but with all the attributes of bondage. Some try to run. According to the deputy battalion commander, as a rule, such escapes end in failure. Some fugitives do not even get to the ban. Those who managed to cross the forbidden lane are found and added a term.

    True, one such escape did take place. Last August. Ironically, not without parental help. During the meeting, the mother gave her son the tools, with the help of which he sawed through the grate and went down from the second floor over the tied sheets. For the commander of the dispatcher battalion, this is an emergency. That is why he ordered to put the parent on the boiler allowance of the unit and not to let go until the end of the search for his son ... “Well, where will he run away? At one time, this soldier deserted from the unit. He was hiding with relatives in Kazakhstan. It doesn’t run all my life, ”he summed up. "What about mother?" - “I was outraged by the illegality of the detention, I had to let go. But we have strong evidence that it was she who planned the escape of her son, for which she even hired a taxi in advance. "

    The stay in the disbat is not recorded as a criminal record and, in theory, should not be counted in the term of the army service. Therefore, many, after being released, return to their units and continue serving. There are also exceptions to the rule: for exemplary behavior, the term of imprisonment is counted. Privates of variable composition are transferred to the reserve from the disbat. These are called “bell ringer” here.

    Earlier, at the end of the term, soldiers were given money, travel documents, and they independently traveled to their units. However, there were cases when they committed new crimes along the way. Since 1997, the soldiers released from the disbat have been sent to the unit only accompanied by an officer or warrant officer who has arrived. And they sometimes have to wait a long time. This is primarily due to the lack of money for business trips. In addition, the garrison may be located, for example, in the Far North. The unworked release mechanism leads to the fact that the soldiers are forced to sit out their sentences. In my presence they released a marine who had come here from the guard company of the Peter the Great ship. His term ended in April, and they came for him only at the beginning of June. The arriving warrant officer explained his delay by the fact that all this time the ship was on a military campaign.

    Therefore, some, having waved their hand to release, voluntarily enroll in the "bell ringers" and remain to serve in the disbat. They are transferred to the administrative building - "on the chip". There is no longer the disbat drills, they live according to the usual routine.

    And in the "zone" the routine is tough: eight hours of sleep, eight hours of drill and eight hours of work. After dinner, one hour of rest. Saturday and Sunday are days off. Movies are shown in the club these days. Artists also come, mostly local amateur groups.

    This year, four weddings have been played here and two children have been adopted. And no wonder. Every day at the checkpoint there is a flock of young girls who have not waited for their guys from the army. Love is not love, but the commanding fathers suspect that in this way some of their charges intend to free themselves and quit earlier. In accordance with the law, the birth of a child gives the right to dismissal from the military.

    Convicts who have served a third of the term are allowed to work in the industrial zone. In the carpentry shop, arbors and stools are made, baskets are weaved. Mittens and army bedside rugs are sewn on the sewing machine. Small reinforced concrete structures are also made: rings for wells, foundation blocks. The disbat also has its own subsidiary farm: a dozen cows, several dozen pigs, chickens.

    Soldiers' money, a little more than thirty rubles, is not handed out, but transferred to the current account. After release, a financial settlement is made, and the soldier receives about a hundred rubles and travel documents in his hands.

    The barracks in the disbat are not much different from the usual. The same sleeping quarters. There are bars only on the windows. Yes, in addition to the usual entrance doors to the company premises, an additional "lokalka" has been installed, the keys to which are held by a permanent sergeant. The convict can leave the premises only with his permission, having previously registered in a special journal.

    Not only movement is limited, but also communication. For example, it is forbidden to communicate with convicts of another company. Guided by this, the "accomplices" are deliberately assigned to different companies. While serving their sentence, they have no right to even exchange a few words. This may be followed by the imposition of a disciplinary sanction, up to the guardhouse, which is located on the territory of the disbat. The soldiers call her in the prison style - "kichey".

    Before getting into the disbat, seventy percent of the convicts went through pre-trial detention centers. For several months of communication with the “local inmates”, they adopt not only their jargon, but also acquire criminal experience.

    Convicts who have served a third of the term are allowed to work in the industrial zone

    Private Shahai, before being sent to the 4th disciplinary company, spent four months in a pre-trial detention center. His cellmates, experienced burglars, taught him the basics of thieves' science. After arriving at the battalion, Shahai first of all showed that he had not wasted time: he opened several locks in the medical unit.

    The battalion commanders are concerned that the soldiers are dragging prison manners out of the isolation wards. “As soon as they cross the threshold of the disbat, they are trying to“ breed according to concepts, ”one of the officers told me. From there, the understanding that in captivity it is easier to survive in small groups. Gather in "families" of four to five people. Each such group has its own leader who represents and defends its interests. The task of educator commanders is to identify such a leader and make him manageable.

    Ordinary rank and file of variable composition call themselves cocky "crooks". The soldier-guards, whom they did not like initially, were dubbed disparagingly - "cops". The commanders of the companies are treated with a touch of condescension and are called "daddies."

    It happens that soldiers who have been “lowered” in a pre-trial detention center also “enter” the disciplinary battalion. As a rule, this happens with "kosyachnye", that is, with those who violate the unwritten laws of the camera. The officers go to great lengths to help the soldier hide this fact from the rest of the convicts. But here, too, the "wireless prison telegraph" works. Yet, unlike the usual "zone" in the army, there are no differences between convicts in terms of criminal articles or terms. Everyone is equal here. Even Chechens and those who fought in Chechnya ...

    “Do we have Chechens? Of course have. The platoon leader of the fifth company was silent for a moment. - We have a problem with them. You punish in a disciplinary manner - they start complaining about post-traumatic stress disorder, talking about how they were bombed from helicopters. They are trying to quit through a neuropsychiatric dispensary. " "And those who fought in Chechnya?" - “And these are. Only these are immediately visible - they have matured, they are some kind, serious. They don’t complain about their troubles and are more silent ”.

    The fate of Private Ivan was no different from the fate of his comrades who ended up serving in the North Caucasian Military District. At first he was a radio operator. Their unit accompanied the convoys on the territory of Chechnya. One day an armored personnel carrier, on which Ivan was also, was blown up by a land mine. The guy came to his senses only in Rostov, in the hospital. After the concussion, he remained to serve and returned to his unit. Transferred to the position of the gunner of the armored personnel carrier.

    Six months were left before the transfer to the reserve, when the command granted Ivan and his colleague a leave of absence. They got thirteen thousand "combat" in their hands. “In Prokhladnoye, the cops robbed us - they took away ten thousand.” The remaining money was enough only to get to the house of a friend in Veliky Novgorod. We decided to get money and have time to visit Ivan's parents, in the Nizhny Novgorod region. They did not find money, they did not get to their relatives. We decided to return to the unit. We turned to the local military registration and enlistment office, and there the officer advised us not to return to the unit: “What are you going to do there? What difference does it make where to serve? " In the same military registration and enlistment office, they also assisted in sending them to the nearest assembly point for deserters. Having become voluntary deserters, they whiled away their days and waited for distribution to another part. “At the gathering point of the“ skiers ”(as the runaways are called. - AK), the melancholy is mortal. Fortunately, the entrance and exit from the territory is free. "

    During this time, the comrades managed to get acquainted with the girls from the neighboring village. One soon invited them to a birthday party. For some reason, the friend was late for the party. We all drank a lot. According to Ivan, two glasses were enough for him to "go down" after the concussion. “A friend started shouting at a late companion. Knocked out a chair under him. Then she threw a bottle at me. I don’t remember what happened next. ”

    And then ... The drunken girlfriend of his colleague was taken away by an ambulance to put stitches on her head. Ivan was taken away by the police. A day later, they came from the prosecutor's office and opened a criminal case. For two months he was awaiting trial in the detention center of Veliky Novgorod, which sentenced him to two years of a disciplinary battalion. “They hung up to the pile and article 337 for the unauthorized abandonment of a unit,” he smiled bitterly, apparently remembering the “good” advice of an officer from the military registration and enlistment office.

    Ivan's current commander explained: “He came to us with a broken psyche - the result of a shell shock. At first there were conflict situations, I did not want to obey. For this he even served ten days in the guardhouse. He stubbornly insisted that he had come here "for nothing." Currently he is a model of behavior and a candidate for parole. "

    From a personal file: "Roman Sh. And Alexander F. from December 6, 2000 to March 25, 2001 participated in hostilities in the Chechen Republic ..." that they were sentenced to one year and one and a half years in prison, respectively, with serving a sentence in a disciplinary battalion. The motive of the crime is curious.

    Comrades recollect: “Before their arrival in the ninety-ninth regiment, three old-timers conscripted from one North Caucasian republic mocked the young soldiers. They "kept" the whole part - they took away things and money. Roman and Alexander were outraged by this state of affairs in the regiment and even tried to raise young soldiers against the unbelted trinity. But all their efforts were in vain. These three in the regiment were terrified. Then the guys decided to act independently. On July 21, 2001, senior soldiers were beaten and taken away from them what, in their opinion, had previously belonged to young soldiers. " It is worth noting that by this time Roman was married and had a child.

    Shortly before my arrival at the disciplinary battalion, both soldiers were released on parole.

    From another personal file: “Adam M., born in 1981. Drafted in November 2001 by the Grozny RVC ... Convicted under Art. 213 h. 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to one year and six months in prison with serving a sentence in a disciplinary battalion ... ”In December 2001, drunk, broke into an officer's apartment and started a fight. The neighbors in the stairwell helped to expel him from the apartment. But he returned with a knife, threatening the officer and his wife.

    At the trial, the soldier explained his trick by the fact that he saw the officer's wife with a cigarette, and women in Chechnya do not behave like that.

    This plot was shown on Nizhny Novgorod television. Many were then surprised by the lenient sentence ...

    Summer June evening. A group of soldiers is at the checkpoint. Some in naval uniform, some in ordinary camouflage - paratroopers, servicemen of internal troops and border guards. Tomorrow they will wear the same green tunics, and they will join the companies of variable composition. They will begin to "wind" the term of the army "diesel".


    A disbat is a disciplinary battalion, that is, a special-purpose military unit, which includes servicemen who have committed serious disciplinary violations regarding military service.

    A separate disciplinary battalion is a special-purpose formation in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. This is a separate military unit where servicemen who have been sentenced for committing criminal offenses during their military service are serving their sentences. Also, cadets of military schools and higher educational institutions are included in the disciplinary battalions until they are awarded the first officer rank.

    For what actions are sent to the disbat

    Disbats are formed for the purpose of serving sentences by military personnel in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The period of service by a perpetrator in a disciplinary unit is not included in the cumulative period of military service, with the exception of only individual cases (by order of the commander of the military forces of a district or region). That is, the guilty soldier who has served the entire period of punishment for the committed act in the disciplinary battalion is then sent to end the term of service for the period that remained until the moment of his sentencing.

    Soldiers and sergeants are sent to some disbats today to serve a criminal sentence:

    • committed criminal offenses during military service;
    • sentenced by a military court to such punishment.

    Note that after serving the full term in the disbat, servicemen who have fully served their due term of service under the law do not have a documentary record.

    The perpetrators are sent to such a battalion exclusively by decision of a military court. Persons liable for military service are sent to these institutions of a correctional nature who have committed criminal acts that are not classified as serious, but which, in accordance with the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, are punishable by imprisonment for up to 2 years. In most cases, the military ends up in a disciplinary battalion for such misconduct as going AWOL and the use of bullying against newly arrived colleagues.

    In disciplinary battalions, the norms of the general military charter are applied, and not the Criminal Procedure Code. In addition to serving a sentence in a disbat, a released soldier is obliged to serve the prescribed term in a regular army unit. Only after that he gets his documents in his hands without a mark on the presence of a criminal record. The key differences between the corrective-type unit and the standard military unit are:

    • undeniable adherence to the rules of the charter;
    • rigid and clearly established daily routine;
    • complete absence of leave.

    The awarded compulsory work in the disbat, as a rule, is an economic activity.

    Features of the organization

    In most cases, the total number of disbat is approximately 300 convicts. The procedure and conditions for the stay of convicted servicemen in a special battalion are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 4, 1997 No. 669 and Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 302 of July 29, 1997.

    In accordance with these regulations, the time of serving a sentence in the disbat is not included in the general term of military service. However, in order to achieve its inclusion, it is necessary to send a petition to the command of the military unit to the name of the commander-in-chief of the military forces of a certain region or district, in whose sphere of control the disciplinary battalion remains. In this document, it is necessary to indicate the reason and the request for the inclusion of the period of stay in the disbat in the general period of service.

    At the same time, while serving a sentence in a special battalion, convicts retain the status of military personnel and wear the shoulder straps of privates. After the convicted person has served 1/3 of the sentence, in the event of his excellent behavior, he can be transferred to a detachment of correctives, he can also be allowed to serve in a detachment or to perform work outside the military unit (under the supervision of a convoy or without such ).

    They are sent to the disbats for various criminal acts against the service: for theft, hazing, and so on. In accordance with the norms of the current legislation, the maximum term for serving a sentence in a disbat is 2 years. In most cases, depending on the severity of the crime, the military court will award a term of 6 to 18 months.

    New convicts who have arrived at the disbat must go through quarantine upon arrival. Then they go through a month of intensive drill, and only after passing these stages, the convicts are distributed among the companies.

    The regime of serving the sentence in the disbat

    In addition to daily rigorous drill training, strict adherence to the charter, there are also many restrictions and prohibitions in special battalions. For example, meetings with relatives and loved ones are carried out according to the established schedule, while such visits are designed for only a few hours. All meetings with relatives take place under the supervision of a convoy or controllers.

    Transfers from family members are generally not allowed. It is strictly forbidden to bring tea or coffee, as well as alcoholic drinks to the zone. Prohibitions also apply to office supplies. So, in most disbats, convicts are allowed to have one ballpoint pen and two pens, two notebooks and no more than ten envelopes.

    From the group of reforming convicts who are distinguished by good behavior, they can be sent on parole.

    The disciplinary battalion is not a zone or prison in the direct sense, but it is characterized by the presence of most of the attributes of bondage and imprisonment. Some convicts make attempts to escape, but such attempts in most cases fail. In the event of crossing the border of the zone or the restricted area, such fugitives are caught, after which the term of serving the sentence is added for such misconduct.

    Serving a term in a disbat is not recorded in a personal file as a criminal record, therefore it is not taken into account during the period of military service. Therefore, most of the convicts return to their units for the end of the period of service in the army. In some cases, for excellent behavior, the period of imprisonment in the disbat is counted in the service life. Ordinary convicts from a variable composition go on dismissal to the reserve from the disbat, they receive the nickname "bell ringers".

    The end of the term of punishment in the disbat

    Earlier, after the end of the term of serving the sentence, the soldiers received money and, on their own, traveled to their units to end their army service. However, often during the move, they carried out new criminal acts due to various circumstances. Therefore, in recent years, the released convicts from the special battalion are sent to the unit exclusively under the supervision of a supervising officer or warrant officer. Often, such a wait is delayed due to the lack of responsible employees for supervision or money for business trips. Also, military units can be located in the Far North, from where it takes too long to get, as a result of which convicts often sit out their sentences.

    In the special battalion, the movement of convicts and communication between them is limited. For example, it is strictly forbidden to communicate with convicts from other units. Based on this principle, convicts who have received a punishment for committing one crime and accomplices are assigned to different divisions. For the entire period of serving their sentence, they have no right to exchange even a few words. For violation of this rule, they face disciplinary action; punishment in the form of a guardhouse located on the territory of the special battalion is also often applied.

    In the video about the disciplinary battalion

    In most cases, before entering the disbat, convicts serve a certain time in a pre-trial detention center. Therefore, they often adopt not only the manner of speaking, but also the criminal experience from the inmates in the isolation ward. After serving their sentence in the disbat, the convicts are sent to serve their term in the army.