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  • Identify themes and issues in the work The Scarecrow. Research work on the work of V. Zheleznikov “Scarecrow”. Do you agree with this statement

    Identify themes and issues in the work The Scarecrow.  Research work on the work of V. Zheleznikov

    Zheleznikov’s story “Scarecrow” evokes the most conflicting feelings among its readers. In the heroes of the story you can recognize yourself, your classmates or acquaintances. The author very accurately managed to describe the feelings and behavior of children, which are very often inherent in social groups.

    By creating the story, Zheleznikov wanted to show that children are often insensitive and cruel towards their more vulnerable peers. Teenagers tend to assert their identity through immoral methods, by insulting a person who does not have the opportunity to fight back such actions. The main character of the story, Lena Bessoltseva, turned out to be such a “whipping doll.”

    The plot of the story "Scarecrow"

    A new student, Lena Bessoltseva, comes to one of the provincial schools in Soviet Russia. She is the granddaughter of an artist who leads a secluded lifestyle, which caused the townspeople to alienate him. Classmates try to smile at Lena, but in fact they openly let the new girl know whose rules are here.

    Over time, Bessoltseva begins to be despised for her kindness and kindness; her classmates give the girl the nickname “Scarecrow,” thus emphasizing her stupidity and lack of her own opinion. Lena has a kind soul, and she tries in every possible way to establish contacts with her classmates, even without reacting to the offensive nickname.

    However, the cruelty of children led by class leaders has no limits. Only one person feels pity for the girl, and Dima Somov begins to be friends with her. One day the children decided to skip class and go to the cinema. Dima was forced to return to class to pick up the piggy bank, which he had forgotten there.

    The teacher met him, and after a long interrogation, the boy was forced to tell the truth that his classmates had escaped from class. After this, the children decide to punish Dima for his betrayal, but suddenly Lena, who has maintained neutrality all this time, stands up for her friend and begins to justify him.

    Classmates quickly forget Dima's sin and transfer their aggression to the girl. They declared a boycott on Lena to teach her a lesson. Cruel children, who understand absolutely nothing about life’s values, burn an effigy symbolizing Lena in the school yard.

    The girl, no longer able to withstand such social oppression, asks her grandfather to leave this city. After some time, the grandfather and his unfortunate granddaughter leave. After Bessoltseva left their lives, the children were overcome by terrible pangs of conscience; they realized that they had lost a really good, honest person, but it was too late to do anything.

    Social issue in the story

    The story “Scarecrow” has a very scandalous character. The author expresses his open contempt not specifically for children, whose psyches are just being formed, but for their parents and teachers who did not interfere with Lena’s oppression.

    Adults should have understood that Lena should not be held responsible for her grandfather’s asceticism, but they did not react in any way, and even in some cases supported, the cruel behavior of the girl’s classmates.

    A striking example is the teacher Margarita Ivanovna, who in her own indirect way also took an active part in the moral oppression of the child. The teacher supported bright and strong personalities, but she did not have enough life wisdom to consider such a personality in Bessoltseva.

    I read V. Zheleznikov’s work “Scarecrow”. I really liked it. The book tells about the complex relationships between teenage boys. In the work, the author contrasts courage with cowardice, mercy with rancor, generosity with stinginess.

    The book has both positive and negative characters. The positive heroes include Lena and her grandfather N.N. Bessoltsev. The main character is an awkward teenage girl with long legs and “equally long arms.” Her shoulder blades stuck out like wings on her back. The moving face was adorned with a large mouth, from which a friendly smile almost never left.” Lena is a kind and sympathetic girl who loves justice. She comes to a small town and settles with her grandfather Nikolai Nikolaevich Bessoltsev, a former military man. The townspeople consider him an eccentric because he talks to few people, leads a secluded life, spends money on paintings that he collects, and wears a mended coat. For this, the children tease him as the Patcher.

    Negative characters include Lena's classmates. They despise her even because she is the granddaughter of the Patcher. She is immediately given the nickname Scarecrow. Her classmates perceive her only from the outside, but Lena is a very sincere, open girl. That is why for her grandfather she is a “beauty” and a “wonderful person.”

    It’s not easy for Lena to fit into a new team. Many of her classmates seem like animals to her: foxes, bears and wolves. So Shmakova, like a fox, tries to control the class with cunning, Valka the Flayer looks like an embittered wolf. He considers money the most important thing in life. Bearish power can be seen in Shaggy. The leader of the class is Mironova, nicknamed the Iron Button. For her, the main thing is to get to the truth, regardless of the means of achieving the goal.

    Lena wants to have a friend in class. Dimka Somov, who stood up for her when everyone was laughing at her, seems like a kind and noble knight. But Lena is disappointed in him. Her friend turns out to be not only a coward, but also a traitor. Afraid of losing the respect of the Mironov company, he participates in the burning of the effigy.

    Lena Bessoltseva is a very strong and brave girl. “Lenka was determined to prove to everyone that she is not afraid of anything or anyone.” She cut her hair and played the role of a scarecrow. “She wanted to face everyone, test her courage on everyone.” She single-handedly decided to confront the cruelty of her classmates.

    Lena calls them “poor people,” that is, people who do not have high spiritual qualities. During the conflict, Lena herself became wiser, more merciful even to her offenders. Lena told the guys that under no circumstances would she ever chase or bully anyone.

    Lena could not stay in the city where she was treated so cruelly. She is surprised and delighted by the act of her grandfather, who gives his favorite painting to the class in the hope that it will make the teenagers think and repent of their actions.

    The book teaches you to protect your dignity, be responsible for your actions and not be cruel.

    Group work

    The research work was carried out by students as part of an educational project.



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    Municipal budgetary educational institution "Danilovskaya secondary school" Research topic of the group "Philologists" "Scarecrow" and "Children from a cage" "Conflicts with classmates" Work performed by: Samygina Alena Suvorova Victoria Kopyova Anastasia Consultant: Suvorova Elena Nikolaevna

    Conflicts between teenagers in modern schools are a fairly common phenomenon. Difficult interpersonal relationships have a negative impact not only on those in conflict, but also on the entire class. A simple insult or misunderstanding can lead to cruelty towards one’s opponents, and in some cases, to tragic consequences. Therefore, we need to learn how to behave correctly in conflict interactions and find possible constructive solutions to the current problem situation. Fiction can also provide significant help. The relevance of research

    Purpose and objectives of the study GOAL: to find out the causes and consequences of the conflict between Lena Bessoltseva and classmates, to formulate norms of human moral behavior. OBJECTIVES: Analyze the episodes of the story by V.K. Zheleznikov, revealing the relationship between Lena Bessoltseva and her classmates. Write down the characteristics of the main characters in the story. Determine the role of the image of Dimka Somov in the story. Understand the author’s position, determine your own position.

    Problematic situation Defend your principles ONE AGAINST ALL Be cowardly, betray BE LIKE EVERYONE else

    Research tools and methods Work with literary text and Internet resources. Analysis and selection of material. Comparative analysis. Discussion. Answers to teacher questions. Episode analysis. Drawing up characteristics of heroes. Registration of work results

    Progress of the study 1. We found out what was the basis of the conflict between Lena Bessoltseva and her classmates. Lena took the blame for the cowardly Dimka Somov, admitting to her classmates that she told the teacher about the erased note on the board. The guys, without understanding it, declared Lena a traitor. We believe that even if Somov had confessed everything, the conflict between Bessoltseva and her classmates was inevitable.

    2. Let’s try to prove that the conflict between Bessoltseva and her classmates is inevitable. THEY ARE TOO DIFFERENT PEOPLE: “SCARED” and “CHILDREN FROM THE CAGE”

    Characteristic plan Lena Bessoltseva Mironova's company Dimka Somov Portrait features... An awkward teenager with long legs, with equally long, awkward arms. Her shoulder blades stuck out on her back like wings. The moving face was adorned with a large mouth, from which a friendly smile almost never left. And her hair is braided into two tight cords Mironov (Iron Button): neatly combed and emphatically modestly dressed. Shmakova: she didn’t walk, she carried herself…. A new white dress, new white shoes, she shone in all her splendor, pleased with herself. Valka was dressed for the holidays: in a clean shirt and tie. He was twirling a dog leash with a collar in his hand... His eyes were blue and his hair was white. And the face is stern. And he’s somehow all mysterious... Life principles, attitude towards other people and towards oneself “I’m not offended by Red...” “I’m not the same now as before. I am determined." “I believed them, but they laughed at you” Mironova (Iron Button): “I?... I don’t like rags” “You need to respect yourself..” “So that she remembers our lesson for the rest of her life” “Everyone should get what they deserve ""Nothing, courage is a gain" "Because I'm vile!... The most vile coward!" COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF HEROES

    “People are not all the same. I should have been wary, but I didn’t pay any attention to it.” “And then I didn’t even know that there were people - foxes, bears, wolves.” “I realized that I love scared people. Well, they seem to be somehow different, they have fear for others” “It’s scary when one is against everyone, even if you are right” “Now I’m a scientist - you have to fight back, even if there are many of them and they beat you. But you can’t run.” “Now, I think, they are ashamed that they poisoned me. A living person is like a hare!” “I was at the stake. And they chased me down the street. And I will never chase anyone... And I will never poison anyone. At least kill me!” “I have a stupid smile - right up to my ears” “No one should go unpunished and no one will escape the answer!” “Everything must be fair. Our struggle is fair...” Shmakova: “It’s not good to go against the collective, it’s wrong” “I don’t mess with traitors” “The chicken pecks at the grain” Red-haired: “The main thing in a person is strength!” “Once you’re caught, you bastard, take it!” “I’m like everyone else..” Valka: “The main thing in a person is envy.” “Why should we be ashamed?”

    Nikolai Nikolaevich’s position “In all his long life, N.N. has never seen such a face. The mysterious power of time wafted from him... “...your eyes are inspired! And a pure heart." ..." “ beautiful she is, how she knows how to love deeply and how she can even notice a moment of greatness in a fallen person" “Lenka!... She gropingly chose the path in life, but how unmistakably! The heart is on fire, the head is on fire, it demands revenge, but the actions are most worthy” “You can only feel sorry for them and try to help them” “Poor people!... I’ll tell you honestly, Elena, I feel sorry for them. They will cry later.” “He looked at their faces, trying to look into their eyes, and saw that in many of them an inquisitive thought was beating, and in some there was indifference, and in others there was even anger and misunderstanding...” “...and he foresaw Dimkina, a pathetic insignificant life” “Yes, he needs an eye and an eye. I can feel it! Otherwise, just behold, he’ll cut his throat.”

    Analysis of the episode “First acquaintance with the class” Lena: grateful to Red for dragging her into the class, desire to make friends, sincerely laughs, to have fun with everyone... Class: openly laughs at her and her grandfather “Patcher” » Attached the nickname “SCARECROW”

    Episode “At the Factory” Lena: “...I was truly scared, as if I were surrounded not by people, but by real animals.” “...I fell to the floor because I was dizzy.” “And for a long time I imagined that Shmakova looked like a fox, Shaggy - like a bear, and Valka - like a wolf.” The guys dressed up in animal masks, the faces of wolves, bears, and crocodiles surrounded Lena in a tight ring. They jumped, growled, jumped on Lena and tore the piggy bank out of her hands... “Just think, you can’t even play,” said Valka. "Nonsense! – Mironova stated gloomily. “He’s just making faces...” “I was ashamed that I thought that way about the guys.” “And the whole company left quite satisfied with themselves.”

    Conclusions: . 1. Lena’s relationship with the class did not work out from the very beginning, because she is the “granddaughter of the Patcher” and is not like the others: kind, honest, open, trusting, “funny” in the eyes of other people, at first she sincerely believed that all people are noble , unable to betray another person. 2. The “Mironovskaya” company or “Children from the Cage”, as Red will say at the end of the story, are really “Poor people”: they have an empty pastime, a lack of interests, primitive entertainment. They are cruel and evil. In the story they practically have no names, but only nicknames and nicknames: Mironova - “Iron Button”, Red, Shaggy, Valka - the Flayer. Even in the author’s characteristics some “animal” features can be traced: “They left in a loud, motley flock,” “Shmakova’s muzzle, Popov’s face,” etc. 3. The most “dangerous” character in this company is Dimka Somov. At first, both Lena and his classmates consider him noble. Yes, he can do good deeds, but under the condition of his complete safety. But in reality, he is a coward, and it is cowardice that makes him a scoundrel. CONFLICT IS INEVITABLE

    We found out the meaning of the conflict. The conflict is a moral test for all its participants, making it possible to fully verify how much Lena Bessoltseva is spiritually richer and morally stronger than her classmates. Yes, she experienced disappointment in her loved one, in people, terrible mental pain, humiliation (the episode with the scarecrow at the stake), but nothing and no one will force her to commit meanness, betrayal and humiliate another person. “I was at the stake. And they chased me down the street. And I will never chase anyone... And I will never poison anyone. At least kill me!”

    She is leaving because the pain caused by human injustice and cruelty will not subside for a long time in the girl’s heart. But this does not mean that she lost. Having stood “alone against everyone,” she retained her personality.

    What about the rest? They failed the moral test. But some of the guys changed, they began to look at life differently. Let us remember the words of Red: “I have always been like everyone else... And now - full stop! At least shout from morning to night: “Red!” - I will do everything my own way...” And how many of them, having learned the truth about the innocence of “Scarecrow”, will be horrified by their injustice, will be ashamed. And the words written by Red on the board “Scarecrow, forgive us!” are the best proof of the moral victory of Lena Bessoltseva and the changes that have occurred with the guys.

    We understand and advise everyone that you should not insult or humiliate another person. Don't try to change someone else. Let him be himself. Put yourself in the other person's shoes and understand their point of view. Only the weak can rise above the weak. Act in such a way that your actions do not harm other people. You can't be a "crowd". Yesting is bad. We must be merciful. Every person is an individual, and everyone deserves to be treated well and have their interests respected.

    1. Zheleznikov V. Leaving childhood. Stories. M.: Young Guard, 1983 – p.257-409. 2. Kochetkova, S.I. One must be merciful: A literature lesson based on V. Zheleznikov’s story “Scarecrow”. 3. BB%D0%BE&stype=image&lr=10667&noreask=1 4. 5. images / attach /c/2/73/ 439/73439206_ssora_podrug.jpg List of sources

    Thank you for your attention!

    Why are people cruel to each other? There is no clear answer to this question. Hostility, envy, desire for revenge, unmotivated aggression. There are many reasons. Cruelty in peacetime and especially among children causes a feeling of catastrophe.

    Zheleznikov’s story “Scarecrow” caused a lot of noise in its time. The pedagogical community angrily argued that the situation described in the work was slander against Soviet children and teenagers. The story shows a monstrous situation when, in one of the provincial cities, sixth grade students brutally harassed their classmate Lena Bessoltseva. They accused her of treason and declared a boycott. In fact, the girl did not betray anyone, she simply took on someone else’s guilt.

    When you read the story, you are amazed at how cruel teenagers can be. They not only called her a scarecrow and chased her around the city, they staged a public burning of a scarecrow symbolizing Lena in front of her eyes. What are the reasons for such cruelty? There are probably several of them. Lena was not like the others. This is a kind, spontaneous, trusting girl. From the first minute of her appearance in class, she causes ridicule because she is the granddaughter of the “patcher,” which is the name of Lena’s grandfather in the city. People who stand out from the general environment, the so-called “white crows,” always cause fire on themselves. If you look at Lena’s classmates, among them you can single out several guys who were responsible for the bullying. Mironova, nicknamed “The Iron Button,” is a girl with a tough, fighting character who does not recognize any compromises. “No one should go unpunished. No one will escape the answer” - this heroine lives under these slogans. It is from her that the initiative comes to declare a boycott of Scarecrow. This is her way of asserting herself. She considers herself fair, but in reality she is ruthless and power-hungry. Shmakova and Popov knew perfectly well that Lena was innocent, but they were interested to see how the situation would unfold. These are indifferent and narcissistic people. The noble and brave Somov, whom Lena “covered”, turned out to be a coward. All classmates united in a pack pursuing their prey. This behavior of teenagers indicates that they could not feel someone else’s pain, could not put themselves in the place of unfortunate Lena. These are already the costs of the education received at home and at school.

    Several decades have passed since the book was published. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with examples of cruelty among children. Bullying, beatings, persecution - they don’t even try to hide it; they post videos for everyone to see on the Internet. In modern society, the reasons for the manifestation of cruelty have been added: instability, decline in morality, aggression emanating from the Internet and computer games. But there is one reason for all times - the inability to feel the pain of another person.

    In 1981, a story was published that shocked Soviet readers, because the events described in it looked like real nonsense: young Leninist pioneers spread rot on a new student. The author of the work is Vladimir Zheleznikov. “Scarecrow” (a brief summary is given below) - that’s what he called his story, the idea of ​​which he took from life: similar events happened to his granddaughter. The work shocked the actor and director so much that already in 1983, a feature film he shot with the same name was released on the screens of Soviet cinemas.

    So, a brief summary of “Scarecrow”. The action takes place in a small provincial town. His 12-year-old granddaughter Lena comes to visit the local eccentric old man Nikolai Nikolaevich Bessoltsev, who collects paintings. She enters a local school, absolutely sincerely hoping to make new friends here. But her classmates almost immediately begin to mock her. They are amused by her spontaneity and naivety combined with her awkward appearance: long, thin arms and legs, a large mouth with an eternal smile and two pigtails. Not having had time to spend even five minutes in the new class, she receives the nickname “Scarecrow”. The summary of this story is not able to convey the negative emotions that their new classmate caused among the schoolchildren.

    Only one boy did not laugh at her. This was Dima Somov, who enjoyed the authority of the entire class, since he was considered handsome and smart, and was also the son of wealthy parents. But Lena Bessoltseva is alien to any selfish thoughts. She just wants to be friends. Dima accepts her friendship and tries to protect her as much as possible from the attacks of her classmates. And when he saved a dog that Valka’s classmate wanted to sell to a slaughterhouse, he became a real hero for the girl. But soon the friendship cracked due to Somov’s act. He told the teacher that the whole class had gone to the cinema. Lena heard this conversation, but was firmly convinced that Dima would admit to his classmates that it was because of him that now they would all not go on vacation to Moscow. But he did not confess, and the girl took his blame upon herself. Two other classmates heard Somov’s conversation with the teacher, but preferred to remain silent to see how he would get out. Lena, as a traitor, was boycotted.

    One day, Valka the Flayer ran into the courtyard of the house where Scarecrow lived (a brief summary is not able to convey all the details), and stole her dress from the clothesline. In addition, he saw Somov there. He chased after Valka to take the dress. Lena ran after them and ended up at a dilapidated church, near which the whole class had gathered. The boys and girls built a scarecrow out of straw (a brief summary does not allow us to describe the enormity of the further action), put the stolen dress on it and burned it. Bessoltseva rushes to the burning branch with the dress and, untying it from the pole, uses it to disperse the blasphemous classmates. She understands that everyone hates her for a betrayal that she did not commit, but continues to remain silent.

    Somov is betrayed by one of his classmates who heard his confession to the teacher, but

    Lena doesn't care anymore. She wants to leave this town and persuades her grandfather to let her go or go with her. Grandfather hesitates. Lena comes to Somov’s birthday, shaved bald, and in the same burnt dress that was put on the scarecrow. A summary will never convey all the emotions, so it would be better to read a book or watch a movie. The girl demonstratively plays the fool and with a fake smile proclaims herself a scarecrow, a freak and a nonentity. Classmates are shocked, but everyone suddenly understands deep down that each of them is a freak and a nonentity. They leave Somov’s house, and the next day they are finally convinced that he is the traitor. They are ready to ask Lena for forgiveness, but it is too late: she is leaving. Her grandfather goes with her, but before leaving, he donates his house, along with a priceless collection of paintings, to the city. He donated a portrait of his grandmother to the school. When the children saw the picture, they were stunned: from an old portrait, more like an icon, a young woman, exactly like Bessoltseva, was looking at them.