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  • Ergonomics in construction, architecture and design of building and premises equipment. Accounting for ergonomic factors in solving compositional problems in interior and graphic design. The influence of ergonomics on the principles of shaping in design and architecture

    Ergonomics in construction, architecture and design of building and premises equipment.  Accounting for ergonomic factors in solving compositional problems in interior and graphic design.  The influence of ergonomics on the principles of shaping in design and architecture

    Ergonomics is responsible for creating a comfortable interior that will correspond to the characteristics of a particular person. This science combines knowledge of psychology, anatomy and other disciplines, which allows you to create a truly harmonious and safe home with carefully thought out details. Ergonomics in interior design is responsible for the arrangement of competent lighting, the selection of suitable furniture, and adequate space zoning. When designing an apartment, it is necessary to take into account the lifestyle, habits, character, as well as the physiological characteristics of its inhabitants - it is this principle that is considered the main one for this science.

    Freedom of movement The basic ergonomic laws simply need to be used when creating the interior of a bedroom, because the quality of a person's rest depends on how the furniture is arranged and the lighting of this room is created. So, for comfortable movement and being indoors, it is important to consider the following rules:

    1. The width of the main aisles of the room should be at least 70 centimeters, while for the elderly this figure increases to 1 meter.
    2. The passage from the door to the bed or to the window should be as straight as possible.
    3. Furniture should not have dangerous corners or too protruding parts, which is especially important for an apartment with small tenants.
    4. The cabinet should be placed in the far corner, you do not need to put it on public display in the center of the room. At the same time, it is better to leave too bulky furniture for the hallway.

    How to put a bed so as not to complain about sleep?

    The bed can be safely called the main piece of furniture in the bedroom, so special attention should be paid to its location. It is believed that the most suitable place for such furniture is the space near the window. It is important that the bed is isolated from other interior items, and also located away from the battery. In addition, designers who are well acquainted with the principles of ergonomics give the following advice:

    1. The bed should be at least half a meter from the outer wall. Placing it parallel to the window, you should increase this distance to 80 centimeters.
    2. If you have chosen a double model, then you must leave passages on both sides.
    3. The bed should fit the size of its owners.
    4. If you like to read before going to bed, then for convenience you should take care of the presence of a special back on your furniture.
    5. For safety reasons, do not install shelves at the head of the bed.

    Ergonomics in the design of the work area - how comfortable is it to work at the table?

    Proper design of the office is necessary for successful activity, therefore, to create comfort in this room, it is worth considering the principles of ergonomics. So, the height of the table and chair should be determined by the height and structural features of a particular person. Drawers should not be placed too low, it is best to place them at knee level. To work comfortably at a computer, you need to buy a table that leaves the opportunity to put your elbows on its surface.

    Let there be light!

    Lighting plays a huge role in the issue of comfort, and therefore in ergonomics this aspect is given special attention. In the office, lamps should be placed in such a way that the body does not cast a shadow on the workplace. At the same time, the light should be comfortable enough and not blind, so you should not choose a table with an enameled surface. Most designers agree that the most suitable for the work area is the most natural light.

    Ergonomics when creating a kitchen interior

    The place where cooking and eating takes place should be not only aesthetically attractive, but also as comfortable and practical as possible. The correct arrangement of household appliances and furniture is a prerequisite for creating an ideal kitchen, where not only the hostess, but also her guests will be happy to spend time. For this, the following ergonomic principles must be taken into account:

    • for a convenient location at the table, a person needs about 60 centimeters of space;
    • hanging elements should be positioned so that their lower edge is at a level of about one and a half meters from the floor;
    • the width of the passages in this room should be at least 60 centimeters.

    Proper kitchen layout

    Arrangement of furniture is carried out taking into account the characteristics of a particular room. For a long and narrow kitchen, a linear layout is suitable, in which all interior items are placed along one wall. In addition, this layout is often used for the design of a studio or a room connected to the living room. As for a large kitchen, in this case, you can use a parallel or T-shaped arrangement of furniture, and for a small space, a corner or U-shaped layout is suitable.

    rental block

    Recall the definition of ergonomics itself:

    Ergo (Greek work) + notnos (law) is a scientific discipline that comprehensively studies the functional capabilities of a person in labor and domestic processes, revealing the patterns of creating optimal conditions for highly efficient life and highly productive labor.

    Ergonomics arose in connection with the complication of technical means and operating conditions in modern production, a significant change in human labor activity, in which many labor functions were synthesized. Therefore, it was formed at the intersection of many sciences - from psychology, hygiene and anatomy to a number of technical disciplines.

    The subject of ergonomics as a science is the study of systemic* patterns of interaction between a person (a group of people) and technical means, an object of activity and the environment in the process of achieving the goal of an activity or during special preparation for its implementation in labor and leisure areas.

    The goal of ergonomics is to increase the efficiency and quality of human activity in the system

    | "man-machine-object of activity-environment" (abbreviated as "man-machine-environment") while simultaneously maintaining human health and creating prerequisites for the development of his personality.

    The object of research in ergonomics is the system "man - machine - environment", i.e. the relationship of a person with the objective world in the process of labor and other types of

    ° activities. But other systems can also be considered, for example, the system of interaction between people in a production or other team.

    The task of ergonomics as a field of practical activity is the design and improvement of processes (methods, algorithms, techniques) for performing activities and methods

    g special training (training, training, adaptation) to it, as well as those characteristics of the means and conditions that directly affect the effectiveness and quality of activity and the psychophysiological state of a person.

    Ergonomic requirements are the requirements that are imposed on the "man - machine - environment" system (Fig. 2) in order to optimize the activity of a human operator, taking into account his socio-psychological, psycho-physiological, psychological, anthropological, physiological and other objective characteristics and capabilities. Ergonomic requirements are the basis for the formation of the machine design, design development, i ] spatial and compositional solutions of the system as a whole and its individual elements.

    Human operator - any person operating the machine: an airport dispatcher, a machine operator, a housewife at the stove or with a vacuum cleaner, etc. — for the ergonomist they are all operators. Ergonomics and its methods have recently been increasingly used in the design of not only technical devices, but also architectural objects, interiors, and elements of their equipment. Therefore, it seems appropriate in this case, instead of the concept of "machine" **, to use more generalized concepts of "product", "object", and instead of

    * System - a combination of interacting factors, components, united by a certain common goal, consistency - a property of the system.

    ** A machine or an activity tool (product, object) in ergonomics is any technical device designed to purposefully change matter, energy, information, etc. The concept of “machine” can mean both the simplest tools (knife, hammer, etc.) , and complex ones - machine tools, computers or spaceships.

    the term "operator" to use designations suitable for this action - "consumer", "spectator", etc.

    Ergonomic properties are the properties of products (machines, objects or their combinations) that appear in the “man-machine (object)-environment” system as a result of the implementation of ergonomic requirements.

    The main structural elements of ergonomics (Fig. 3) are theory, methodology and scientific knowledge about the subject of study. Along with these elements that form the general scientific foundations of ergonomics as a science, an important link in its practical functioning and development is the block of operational tools and methods of ergonomic research, which determines the specifics of ergonomics as an applied scientific discipline.

    The block of operational tools and methods covers three major areas of ergonomic research of the object "man-object-environment": analysis, synthesis (modeling) and evaluation of the object.

    The results of an ergonomic study are scientifically and experimentally substantiated data necessary for the design development of a system.

    The system design process from the very beginning should be focused on the formation of its (system) ergonomic properties as one of the most important goals achieved in the process of ergonomic design support.



    Tactile impact

    The result of the work

    Means of displaying information

    Governing bodies

    (Environment ] I environment I

    Anthropometric data

    Physiological state

    Controls and instruments

    Man and environment

    Rice. 2. System "man-machine-environment"

    The whole process of ergonomic support (providing) for design can be represented as the following steps:

    analysis of human activity with the study of the factors of its course;

    development of ergonomic requirements and indicators, as well as recommendations for their accounting;

    formation of ergonomic properties of the designed equipment (product) and environment;

    the final stage is an assessment of the completeness and correctness of the implementation of ergonomic requirements (ergonomic assessment and certification).

    Ergonomics is organically connected with design, one of the main goals of which is the formation of a harmonious object environment that meets the material and spiritual needs of a person. At the same time, not only the properties of the appearance of objects are worked out, but, mainly, their structural connections, which give the system a functional and compositional unity (from the point of view of both the manufacturer and the consumer). It is the latter circumstance that allows us to consider ergonomics as the natural science basis of design. In practical terms, human factors considerations are an integral part of the design process.

    In recent decades, both in our country and abroad, the concept of ergodesign has been increasingly used to denote a field of activity that arose at the intersection of ergonomics and design. Ergodesign combines scientific ergonomic studies of the "human factor" into a single whole with project design developments in such a way that it is sometimes simply impossible to draw a line between them.

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    The complex of production processes, technical means and equipment, including construction, installation, auxiliary, transport work, as well as work related to the restoration, reconstruction and repair of buildings and structures, their disassembly and movement, needs ergonomic research and development. However, they have not yet received proper development. It is no coincidence that the construction industry in the vast majority of countries has the highest rate of injuries and occupational diseases compared to all other industries.

    There are still few institutes or centers in the world that specialize in ergonomic research and development in construction. Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, and the USA are among the countries where work in this area is quite intensive. Most of the research is related from the study of harmful and dangerous factors in construction, where the physical load of workers is still extremely high in comparison with other branches of production. Lifting and carrying loads in many cases are carried out manually. Exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of dust in the air, high noise levels, vibrations, poor lighting, especially in the winter season, work in adverse climatic conditions are the main harmful and dangerous factors in construction.

    Laboratory for Ergonomic Problems in Construction Sweden performed three large projects.

    Target first- "Ergonomics and rationalization of work in trenches for laying pipelines" - to determine the necessary working space for laying pipes in open trenches, as well as to develop ergonomically perfect tools for this type of work. The project was carried out mainly in the laboratory. A life-size model of a trench with movable walls was placed in a box of gravel. The experiment involved skilled workers.

    Second project- "Installation of corrugated iron structure during roofing works". The laboratory staff suggested several simple and practical installation methods, as well as safety measures. In addition, mounting hardware has been designed with ergonomics in mind.

    Third project- "Transportation and laying of concrete pipes" - was developed jointly with a building contractor and two machine-building enterprises. The project covered the stages from the delivery of pipes from the plant to their final laying. As a result, not only ergonomic and technical proposals for the pipe-laying system have been developed, but new types of cooperation between research and industrial organizations have been mastered.

    Ergonomic problems in construction are associated with the mechanization of work (rice. 6-8). Canadian experts analyzed the convenience access for drivers to the cabins of road construction machines and identified a number of shortcomings: the lack of handrails, steps too high, narrow doorways, etc., which cause workplace injuries and create inconvenience at work. Guide prepared and published "Ergonomic fundamentals of designing tower crane cabins", in the creation of which the employees of the Institute of Health and the Office of Occupational Safety in Construction of the Netherlands took part.

    Architectural and interior design face ergonomic challenges in the following areas:

    1) determining the relationship between architectural structures and models of space organization;

    2) dimensions, shape and other general properties of space;

    3) organization of travel routes that meet the requirements for the performance of activities and their efficiency, labor protection and safety;

    4) compatibility of human activities and the environment;

    5) the main types of furniture, accessories, equipment and their design characteristics that affect the performance of the activity, its results and the satisfaction derived from it;

    6) location of furniture, fixtures and equipment;

    7) groups of people and activities that require special furniture, supplies and their placement, as well as those aspects of health and safety that, although unlikely, should be considered as essential to the project;

    8) surface finishing, if it can influence the perception and activity of a person;

    9) the influence of temperature, air movement, humidity, sound, noise, lighting and climatic conditions on human performance and the creation of comfortable working conditions;

    10) the impact of new products and evolving technology on the characteristics of a traditional building type.

    A typical ergonomic program that provides for the solution of the above tasks includes 26 points. Ergonomic programs distinguish-

    Although they have much in common, depending on the type of buildings and the characteristics of people's behavior and activities in them.

    The ergonomic programs for designing a residential complex and an airport, a theater and a post office, an industrial building and a hospital differ in content. Analysis and study of specific types of labor activity are decisive in the design of workshops for industrial buildings. The design of industrial interiors by methods and means of architecture, design and ergonomics is aimed at creating the best working conditions and short-term rest, promoting the formation of a sense of job satisfaction and, on this basis, increasing the efficiency and quality of work.

    Ergonomic research in theater design is a rarity. The Swedish Theater Federation has taken an initiative to study working conditions in theaters. This research resulted in an ergonomics research project, the main purpose of which is to study the theater production, especially the impact of the results of creative activity on the production process and theater technicians and vice versa.

    Theater by nature is a creative organization, but many of them today work in a highly industrial environment.

    strialized production system, which includes almost all aspects of production. Theatrical production can be viewed as an interconnection of three parallel processes: creative, technical, and administrative. The specialists involved in them use different production methods, different technologies, have different levels of education, etc. But all those involved in these three production processes create one and only one joint product - the performance. On the one hand, the creative process that develops the scenic interpretation of the text, on the other hand, the process of creating scenery, furniture, costumes, makeup, lighting, sound, etc. On the one hand, uncertainty, belated decisions and even a certain degree of chaos, on the other hand, the need for order (a schedule that allows rational production planning and organization of the activities of masters who know their business and use their experience).

    As happened earlier in the industry, the theaters are now in the process of mastering new technologies. However, there is no transfer of knowledge from production. Theaters follow the same path of trial and error that the industry has already taken. For example, too many functions are now transferred from man to machine. A typical result of this process is the computerized creation of scenery without the knowledge of experienced stagehands, sometimes resulting in accidents, repetitive work and other negative consequences.

    The fact that the modern theater operates in a highly industrialized production system that includes many aspects of production has not yet been adequately reflected in architectural and design design. Therefore, ergonomists, with rare exceptions, are not involved in the design of theaters. The theater buildings create beautifully equipped stages, magnificent foyers and auditoriums. But they have practically no space for rehearsals, workshops, storerooms and transport. We are no longer talking about creating normal conditions for the effective and creative work of the numerous production staff of the theater, which negatively affects the most fragile, most ephemeral and most receptive of all the arts of the era - the theater, according to the connoisseur of this art, the Frenchman P. Pavy.

    The complexity of the technical equipment of modern hospitals and the design of premises depending on their purpose - for patients, visitors, medical and service personnel - makes these objects of architectural and design design ergonomic in nature. No less significant is the fact that the doctor is the main consumer of medical technology- when evaluating it, as a rule, uses the same criteria as the ergonomist. And, finally, ergonomics is of particular importance for hospitals, since they are not only medical, but also social institutions in which a person must be provided with conditions for a normal life.

    The Swedish firm "Ergonomic Design" together with the Institute of Psychotechnics (Gothenburg) conducted ergonomic analysis of working conditions and equipment in the operating rooms of five hospitals in Stockholm. The research methodology included an analysis of the psychophysiological aspects of the activities of medical personnel (including through a survey), obtaining information about situations in which mistakes can be made, studying the impact of workplace organization on the comfort of working postures during surgery, determining the route of movement of personnel during surgeries, the impact of improper placement of equipment in operating rooms on the work of doctors. The purpose of the research was to develop ergonomic requirements for equipment and for the organization of the object-spatial environment in operating rooms and their subsequent design.

    In Germany in the 80s designers and ergonomists of the company "Martin" designed a universal operating table, allowing to give the patient any desired position and perform operations of any specialization. The hospital bed has been the subject of ergonomic research and development for a relatively long time. Specialists from the Finnish company Merivaaro have created a bed for transporting patients in hospitals that meets the requirements of ergonomics. It is easy to adapt to various patients and situations, it is convenient for medical personnel to handle regulatory mechanisms, and is equipped with many additional devices that facilitate the work of a doctor or nurse. The necessary amenities are provided for the patient when moving to the bed, various positions are provided on it and the return return to the inpatient bed, as well as during transportation around the hospital (rice. 6-9).

    Developed in the late 80s and early 90s by German scientists and specialists, the Ka Vo Systematika 1060 TK dental units provide comfort and safety for dentists. When the Ka Vo engineers, together with designers, practitioners and scientists, were thinking about a new treatment facility for the 1990s, everyone was thinking about the dentist and his activities: hard work, endangered health, all kinds of medical procedures, every single manipulation. As a result, created comfortable, safe and beautiful dental unit "Ka Vo Sistematika 1060 TK", thoroughly supporting the dentist in his work: all treatment procedures are thought out in detail in accordance with ergonomic requirements; all important functions are taken over by the reliable and intelligent Ka Vo control system. The installation is so comfortable that the patient tolerates the treatment more easily. Thus, the created dental unit frees all participants in the treatment process from unnecessary work, unnecessary stress, unnecessary fear (Fig. 34 on the color tab).

    Increasingly, ergonomists are being recruited to design and improve existing supermarkets.

    goods and shops. Studied activity And working conditions of 88 female cashiers at one of the supermarkets in France. The results revealed the factors causing the occurrence of stress among cashiers. These include: working postures, working conditions (cold, drafts, poor lighting) and the forced speed of work. Measures were proposed to improve working conditions: better organization of shifts and breaks for rest, standardization of workplaces, layouts and equipment (general recommendations, seats, footrests, cash register keyboard).

    Since the second half of the 1960s, a lot of ergonomic research on the activities and workload of cashiers and other supermarket workers has been carried out in Japan. Recommendations are being developed to improve the organization of their jobs and working conditions.

    The close relationship between architecture, design and lighting technology led to the connection to this triumvirate also ergonomics . The cardinal ergonomic solution for lighting stores and showcases, offices and apartments, museums and exhibition stands and other objects were offered by the German company "ERKO". Until 1968, the main task of the company was the production of lamps. However, after self-critical analysis and thorough research, the company came to the conclusion that it was necessary to sell not "beautiful" lamps that give purely random, without any visible purpose, lighting, but light of a specific quality emitted by appropriate devices. In other words, visual comfort is more important than the sparkling effect of the lamp. The company has moved into the production of products that can be described by the somewhat unusual term "light machines", i.e. products designed for a specific, well-defined purpose..

    When creating modern schools, much attention is paid to the formation subject-spatial environment of the educational process. Today hardly who doubts the close relationship between the learning process and the age-related characteristics of children's behavior, the space-planning decision of the school building, the formation of the physical environment (microclimate, lighting, color, noise, sounds, etc.) and the design of school furniture, equipment and technical facilities. The student's workplace (the design of a table and chair or, less often, desks, their dimensions and layout of elements) is a traditional object of ergonomic research and development, the purpose of which is to create the best conditions for seated learning. This refers to the creation of prerequisites for the correct posture of schoolchildren, less bending of the spine, prevention of increased sweating of the abdominal part of the body and pressure on the lower abdomen, better blood circulation in the lower extremities, as well as ensuring a normal eye distance from the working surface of the table.

    Conducted in many countries by ergonomists, doctors and anthropologists, together with teachers, studies of the posture of schoolchildren in a sitting position make it possible to identify and eliminate design flaws in modern school furniture. A Danish city has introduced a program of 90 shortened five-year lessons in which schoolchildren are taught to sit correctly at school tables and desks. To evaluate the results of such directed teaching of correct posture to schoolchildren, they were photographed with an interval of 24 minutes by an automatic camera during a four-hour exam. It turned out that, despite the careful practice of the posture, all the students sat for the entire exam, bending as much as possible.

    hovering over the tables, the height of which was clearly insufficient for them, especially for high school students. At the end of the 70s in Western Europe, it was found that over the previous 20-30 years, the average height of schoolchildren increased by 4-5 cm, but for unknown reasons, the height of school furniture even decreased over the same period.

    The teacher's workplace, which in a modern school is increasingly turning into a kind of control panel for technical teaching aids, allows using ergonomic approaches similar to the development of the operator's workplace when designing it. However, the traditional workplaces of teachers today require serious ergonomic and design study. As a result of the unification of parts in a number of countries, tables for teachers are assembled from the same elements as student tables, but with the use of additional drawers, cabinets, and end shields.

    The traditional principle of teaching on the same schedule with the passage of the same material by the same type of groups of students is currently combined with other forms of education, including those with different sizes of groups and flexible schedules. The "constructor" method allows designers and ergonomists to create simple and inexpensive furniture modules, on the basis of which various options for planning and equipping classes are selected depending on the composition of students, the size and configuration of rooms, curricula, etc. Schools do not receive furniture, but containers with "building material", from which they assemble the necessary items that meet the requirements of ergonomics and design. A new set of psychological, pedagogical, ergonomic, hygienic and design problems arose with the computerization of higher and secondary schools, as well as preschool institutions.

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