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  • Ergonomics in construction, architecture and design of building and premises equipment. Ergonomics in relation to buildings and structures for various purposes Proper architecture and ergonomics without

    Ergonomics in construction, architecture and design of building and premises equipment.  Ergonomics in relation to buildings and structures for various purposes Proper architecture and ergonomics without

    Cosmetology, design and style

    Symbols and signs: the semantic meaning of the sign legibility the ratio of the area of ​​the auxiliary symbol to the area of ​​the background within 1:1 or 1:3 visual perceptibility with min. scale strictly fixed position of the sign Text documentation: optimal ratio of direct and reverse contrast between text and background.

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    Subject environment, ergonomic foundations of organization

    Kolesnikova Anastasia Alexandrovna,

    post-graduate student of the department of arts and crafts and technical graphics, Oryol State University.

    Ergonomics is the basis in design, the foundation that lays the foundation for everything created. In his book, VF Runge says this about design: “One of the main goals of which is the formation of a harmonious subject environment that meets the material and spiritual needs of a person. It is compositional unity that allows us to consider ergonomics as the natural science basis of design. In industrial design, ergonomics is involved in the creation of household items, tools and mechanisms, and in graphic design in the development of packaging. In environmental design, the achievements of ergonomic research are taken into account in the design of the interior and exterior, the organization of landscape design.

    Ergonomics is a scientific discipline that studies human activity in domestic and labor processes, creating the most favorable conditions for life and the mental state of a person. The design of the room should be oriented from the very beginning to the creation of a system of ergonomic properties, since this is the most important goal. The goal of ergonomics is to improve the relationship of a person with his environment, maintain his health and create conditions for the development of personality. The connection between what surrounds a person, what he encounters in everyday life, in ergonomics is abbreviated as "man - machine - environment". This system harmonizes the components, the causes united by a specific goal. The requirements for the system "man-machine-environment" are inseparably linked with the achievement of the set goals.

    These examples indicate that ergonomic fundamentals are involved in shaping the entire design environment and their importance cannot be overestimated. "As a scientific discipline, ergonomics is based on the synthesis of the achievements of socio-economic, technical and natural sciences". As a result, it is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the interaction of a person with his environment to ensure the interests of the whole society and each user individually.

    The forms of the objects around us, their relationship to each other in terms of size, the material from which the object is made and its three-dimensional structure can act as an objective environment. "The unity of the subject environment is achieved using artistic means and is addressed to the spiritual world of man".

    Throughout life, a person is in a residential or industrial premises or in a public one. Such premises as kindergartens, general education schools, secondary specialized institutions, universities and schools of additional education are public. Public buildings in terms of social significance belong to the sphere of service activities. The service activities themselves can be divided into several groups - training, food, trade, exposition, spectacle and expectation. Each of these groups determines its role in the formation of the spatial environment. The education system is divided into preschool, general education and professional stages. The choice of equipment and the organization of the spatial structure is influenced by the chosen premises (kindergarten group, classroom, auditorium, workshops). Anthropometric data and psychophysiological characteristics of students of all ages become the basis for designing an interior or exterior, since the forms of education can be both individual and collective or group. Each of these forms reveals its own characteristics.

    The collective form of education, for example, involves the work of a teacher with a class, a group. The attention of students should be riveted towards the teacher or to the chalk board. This requires students to sit in rows behind study desks throughout the classroom, so that their visual orientation is directed to the front wall. It is important to note that the distribution of furniture and equipment is determined by the condition of normal visibility of the teacher or manuals.

    In the group form of education, students are divided into several groups, this is necessary for practical exercises, laboratory and creative work. Such activities can be carried out in kindergarten groups, in school classrooms, additional education rooms or sports halls. Important for group classes is the availability of free space and proper placement of equipment in zones.

    Mini hotels in Yekaterinburg. Mini hotel Ekaterinburg.

    With an individual form of education, the emphasis is on the contact of the teacher with the student, where the latter can be at the blackboard, at the device or at the teaching aid.

    Looking at preschool institutions, we can observe that a greater number of premises include group rooms, such as play and children's groups, assembly and sports halls. In turn, the groups for finding children are intended both for games and for eating, and sometimes for sleeping. To do this, as noted earlier, the premises require an appropriate competent distribution of equipment by zone. But music or sports halls can be used during inclement weather for holidays or as additional recreation.

    Great importance in preschool institutions is given to functional and mobile furniture. “The “constructor” method allows you to create furniture modules, on the basis of which various layout and equipment options are selected, for example, classes depending on the composition of students, the size and configuration of rooms, etc. Schools receive containers with "building material" from which they assemble the necessary items and systems for their specific conditions. Often, children's furniture looks like an adult, only in a reduced size. As for the tables, they are usually double or quadruple. Containers for storing toys and auxiliary materials are also needed, these storages can be made of different materials, but taking into account the anthropometric data of the child and ergonomic studies. In addition to the usual daily routine, groups can view visual graphic materials, educational films, TV shows, filmstrips.

    The basis of ergonomics is also the influence of color and light, on which a favorable stay in the room depends, as a result, an increase or decrease in the labor process. “The best natural lighting conditions are created in the following situations: with overhead lighting, with side left, combined with overhead lighting; with corner lighting (left and rear); when illuminated from two sides (left and right) ".

    Color in an artificial habitat is of great importance for the soul of a person, for his behavior and mood. The choice of the color of the training room should be conscious and balanced. These rooms are designed for both rest and mental work. In the last rooms, toning colors should be used: yellow, orange are also suitable, but the scope of this color is much less wide for aesthetic reasons. In recreation rooms, green-blue, blue and blue colors are suitable, they are also calming.

    Thus, the importance of the fundamentals of ergonomics is the basis that lays the foundation for everything created, because the scope of its application is quite wide and it is impossible to underestimate it. Modern environmental conditions, human needs and capabilities make it difficult or impossible to perform vital functions. Each item that a person creates should take into account human factors as much as possible. Only in accordance with this system "man - machine - environment" will be harmonious.


    1. Bartashevich A.A. Fundamentals of composition and furniture design. - Rostov-on-Don.: Phoenix, 2004. - 192 p.

    2. Bezdomin L.N. in the world of design. - Uzbek SSR.: Fan, 1990. - 295 p.

    3. Minervin G.B. Fundamentals of equipment design for residential and public buildings: Proc. Allowance for universities. - M.: Architecture-S, 2005 - 112 p.

    4. Rannev V.R. Interior. - M.: Higher school, 1987. - 132 p.

    5. Revyakin P.P. Color science. - Minsk.: Higher School, 1984. - 285 p.: ill.

    6. Runge V.F. Ergonomics in environmental design. - M.: Architecture-S, 2005. - 328 p.: ill.

    7. Runge V.F. Ergonomics and interior equipment. - M.: Architecture-S, 2006. - 160 p.: ill.

    8. Solovyov N.K. Interior history. Ancient world. Middle world. – M.: Shevchuk, 2007 – 384 p.

    9. Michael Foster. The principles of architecture, styles, structure and design. - Oxford.: Phaidon Press Limited, 1983. - 224pp.: il.

    rental block

    Recall the definition of ergonomics itself:

    Ergo (Greek work) + notnos (law) is a scientific discipline that comprehensively studies the functional capabilities of a person in labor and domestic processes, revealing the patterns of creating optimal conditions for highly efficient life and highly productive labor.

    Ergonomics arose in connection with the complication of technical means and operating conditions in modern production, a significant change in human labor activity, in which many labor functions were synthesized. Therefore, it was formed at the intersection of many sciences - from psychology, hygiene and anatomy to a number of technical disciplines.

    The subject of ergonomics as a science is the study of systemic* patterns of interaction between a person (a group of people) and technical means, an object of activity and the environment in the process of achieving the goal of an activity or during special preparation for its implementation in labor and leisure areas.

    The goal of ergonomics is to increase the efficiency and quality of human activity in the system

    | "man-machine-object of activity-environment" (abbreviated as "man-machine-environment") while simultaneously maintaining human health and creating prerequisites for the development of his personality.

    The object of research in ergonomics is the system "man - machine - environment", i.e. the relationship of a person with the objective world in the process of labor and other types of

    ° activities. But other systems can also be considered, for example, the system of interaction between people in a production or other team.

    The task of ergonomics as a field of practical activity is the design and improvement of processes (methods, algorithms, techniques) for performing activities and methods

    g special training (training, training, adaptation) to it, as well as those characteristics of the means and conditions that directly affect the effectiveness and quality of activity and the psychophysiological state of a person.

    Ergonomic requirements are the requirements that are imposed on the "man - machine - environment" system (Fig. 2) in order to optimize the activity of a human operator, taking into account his socio-psychological, psycho-physiological, psychological, anthropological, physiological and other objective characteristics and capabilities. Ergonomic requirements are the basis for the formation of the machine design, design development, i ] spatial and compositional solutions of the system as a whole and its individual elements.

    Human operator - any person operating the machine: an airport dispatcher, a machine operator, a housewife at the stove or with a vacuum cleaner, etc. — for the ergonomist they are all operators. Ergonomics and its methods have recently been increasingly used in the design of not only technical devices, but also architectural objects, interiors, and elements of their equipment. Therefore, it seems appropriate in this case, instead of the concept of "machine" **, to use more generalized concepts of "product", "object", and instead of

    * System - a combination of interacting factors, components, united by a certain common goal, consistency - a property of the system.

    ** A machine or an activity tool (product, object) in ergonomics is any technical device designed to purposefully change matter, energy, information, etc. The concept of “machine” can mean both the simplest tools (knife, hammer, etc.) , and complex ones - machine tools, computers or spaceships.

    the term "operator" to use designations suitable for this action - "consumer", "spectator", etc.

    Ergonomic properties are the properties of products (machines, objects or their combinations) that appear in the “man-machine (object)-environment” system as a result of the implementation of ergonomic requirements.

    The main structural elements of ergonomics (Fig. 3) are theory, methodology and scientific knowledge about the subject of study. Along with these elements that form the general scientific foundations of ergonomics as a science, an important link in its practical functioning and development is the block of operational tools and methods of ergonomic research, which determines the specifics of ergonomics as an applied scientific discipline.

    The block of operational tools and methods covers three major areas of ergonomic research of the object "man-object-environment": analysis, synthesis (modeling) and evaluation of the object.

    The results of an ergonomic study are scientifically and experimentally substantiated data necessary for the design development of a system.

    The system design process from the very beginning should be focused on the formation of its (system) ergonomic properties as one of the most important goals achieved in the process of ergonomic design support.



    Tactile impact

    The result of the work

    Means of displaying information

    Governing bodies

    (Environment ] I environment I

    Anthropometric data

    Physiological state

    Controls and instruments

    Man and environment

    Rice. 2. System "man-machine-environment"

    The whole process of ergonomic support (providing) for design can be represented as the following steps:

    analysis of human activity with the study of the factors of its course;

    development of ergonomic requirements and indicators, as well as recommendations for their accounting;

    formation of ergonomic properties of the designed equipment (product) and environment;

    the final stage is an assessment of the completeness and correctness of the implementation of ergonomic requirements (ergonomic assessment and certification).

    Ergonomics is organically connected with design, one of the main goals of which is the formation of a harmonious subject environment that meets the material and spiritual needs of a person. At the same time, not only the properties of the appearance of objects are worked out, but, mainly, their structural connections, which give the system a functional and compositional unity (from the point of view of both the manufacturer and the consumer). It is the latter circumstance that allows us to consider ergonomics as the natural science basis of design. In practical terms, human factors considerations are an integral part of the design process.

    In recent decades, both in our country and abroad, the concept of ergodesign has been increasingly used to denote a field of activity that arose at the intersection of ergonomics and design. Ergodesign combines scientific ergonomic studies of the "human factor" into a single whole with project design developments in such a way that it is sometimes simply impossible to draw a line between them.

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    The ultimate goal of design and ergonomics is something you instantly love that you feel cares about and is here for your good.

    R. Lee Fleming

    Our relationship with the objective world cannot be limited by admiring the aesthetic merits of the external form. The practical purpose of objects, their handling require their own reflection, especially in production, where the success of a business largely depends on how the machine is adapted to the capabilities of a person and his features. Ergonomics deals with the issues of designing convenient tools for labor, everyday life, and, in general, the creation of a comfortable object-spatial environment for a wide variety of human life processes.

    The concept of "Ergonomics"

    The term "ergonomics" (Greek "egdop" - work + "nomos" - law) was adopted in England in 1949, when a group of British scientists founded the Ergonomic Research Society. Members of this society set the task of solving the problem of rational organization of labor.

    Ergonomics has evolved as a complex discipline

    Tools of labor and hunting

    primitive man

    show that he

    measured them against


    parameters and



    create convenient for certain

    F functions of objects, reflects with its ergonomics such an invention as a bow and arrow, the form of which has existed for millennia.

    Tools of the Stone Age: axes, axes, drills

    Mount Tebsh (Gobi Altai).

    Rock drawing of a male figure with a bow,

    at the intersection of a number of technical sciences, psychology, physiology, hygiene, anatomy, biomechanics, anthropology, biophysics. Its tasks include a comprehensive study of the functional features and capabilities of a person in the process of his activity and interaction with surrounding objects.

    It is represented by three components - anthropometry, which studies the structure of the human body, taking into account gender, age, ethnic, professional and other characteristics, engineering psychology, which considers the relationship between man and technology to ensure the best working conditions and results, and perception psychology, which studies the features and patterns of visual and tactile perception of the surrounding objective world, etc.

    Metric systems

    Questions of the convenience of surrounding things have worried man for a long time. Primitive man picked up a stone to fit the shape of his hand, hewed it for greater convenience, attached a handle to it and used the resulting tool for his defense, food and hunting. Archaeological excavations present us sometimes surprising in terms of thoughtfulness and ease of use of tools carved from stone, made from animal bones, and later cast from bronze and iron. One of the first hunting tools were wooden sticks, hewn from a single piece of wood. At the same time, part of the stick played the role of a handle and was narrower, more convenient for gripping with the hand, while the "shock" part was more massive and thickened. Man measured the objective world he created with his physical parameters and the physiological capabilities of the organism.

    As you know, the basis of almost all ancient measures are the dimensions of parts of the human body. This is English

    Man has long sought to create a certain metric system for convenience in work. Many ancient measures are based on the sizes of parts.

    human body (span, foot, foot, sazhen) or arbitrary from it (step, double step, etc.)

    Scheme of dimensional ratios of the workplace, VNIITE.

    foot (English foot - foot), equal to the length of the average male foot (0.3048m), Russian: span (distance between the ends of the stretched thumb and forefinger), elbow - a measure of length, which corresponded to the length of the ulna and was equal to 455-475 mm. Using such universal units of measurement, which are always "at hand" or "foot", the masters of the past created architectural structures, objects of labor, and everyday life with extreme accuracy.

    Based on the physical parameters of the human figure, even entire metric systems were created. The oldest data on the laws of the proportions of the human body were found in a pyramid tomb near Memphis (about 3000 BC). From that time to the present day, scientists and artists have been working to unravel the mystery of the proportions of the human body. We know the Egyptian canon of the times of the pharaohs, the canon of the Ptolemaic era, the canons of Ancient Greece and Rome. We know the law of Polikleitos, studies of Alberti, Michelangelo, Dürer. . The work of Leonardo da Vinci in this direction ended with the creation of a graphical model of the law of proportions of the human body.

    In the craft practice of the Middle Ages, dimensional modules and rules for their use were developed, which served as a kind of matrix for creating things that were proportionate and convenient for humans. Noteworthy are the studies of the last century and, first of all, A. Zeising, who studied the proportions of a person on the basis of the most accurate measurements, comparisons and the application of the rules of the golden section. Among specialist architects, "Modulor" by Jle Corbusier is widely known - a harmonic system of measures based on the laws of the "geometry" of the human body and the principle of the "golden section". According to Le Corbusier himself, "Modulor is a measuring instrument of great value, which can

    On the basis of ergonometric data, special self-tographic models are compiled that visually display the process of performing certain work operations.

    A. Belov, V. Yanov. Somatographic analysis of the workplace.

    A.Grashin, M.Sugalko. The layout of the console and the functional diagram of the behavior of the operator

    use in relation to everything that is produced serially or otherwise, for example, to cars, furniture, books. ". Searches in the field of harmony of the objective environment surrounding a person continue today.

    Weapon ergonomics

    Special mention should be made of the achievements of ergonomics in the field of weapons creation. A person's life largely depended on the weapon, its durability and ease of use. Therefore, special attention has always been paid to weapons. With special care, as a rule, by individual order, with adjustment to a specific figure of a person, the weapon of a medieval knight was made. And his equipment often cost a fortune.

    The butts of guns, sword hilts, hilts of sabers, swords, and swords, made with a deep knowledge of the anatomy of the human hand, cause admiration. Having a barrel-shaped shape, the handle repeats the internal volume of a palm clenched into a fist, as a result of which there is an even distribution of the efforts of the muscles of the hand, it gets less tired and the weapon sits firmly in the hand. A mandatory attribute was a separating element between the hilt and the blade, which served as a stop, preventing the palm from slipping onto the blade. To this end, the handles of swords or sabers often had the shape of a kind of loop. The hilts were also equipped with a special round or oval shield - a guard that protected the hand from blows.

    Modern types of firearms (sporting rifles, hunting rifles) have special designs of butts, ending with devices for the convenience of resting the butt against the shooter's shoulder. The "docking" node of the end of the butt of a gun and the shoulder of a person is created on the principle of a hinged joint, based on

    American astronaut Bruce McCandles on a special apparatus with a jet engine.

    Orbital space station interior

    Penty Khitanyan.

    Equipment of 1st class wagons of the Finnish State Railways, 1989

    Salon minivan Renault "Grand Espace", France, 1998

    which is the anatomy of the human shoulder joint.

    Ergonomics in furniture

    In a number of areas, certain ergonomic requirements and standards have already developed today. Thus, we know from furniture design that the height of the working plane of a desk is 750 mm, the seat of a chair or stool is 450 mm, the lounge chair is 350 mm, and so on. And despite the changes in artistic styles and trends, which bring with them their own special forms and details, materials and structures, these parameters, based on the physical dimensions of a person, have remained practically unchanged for a long time.

    For example, American designer Walter Doruin Teague built a life-size model of the passenger cabin of a Boeing 707 to define the standards of physical and psychological comfort for passengers that have remained unchanged in the US aviation industry ever since.

    At the same time, developments in the field of ergonomics continue. They led to the creation of specialized furniture designed for certain functional processes. Such furniture includes a dental chair familiar to all of us from childhood and, often, not from the best side. Its design, on the one hand, is dictated by the conditions for organizing the process of dental treatment, on the other hand, by the convenience of the patient's participation in this process (the shape of the headrest, the angle of the backrest, the fixed footrest).

    A striking example is the "anatomical chair" developed by ergonomists, used in sports cars. Its design to the smallest detail takes into account the structural features of the human body. In such a chair, the body does not get tired for a long time. Except

    In guns



    first of all







    artistic theme


    Sports simulator company "David International Ltd". Finland, 1984.

    Scissors and a device for sharpening knives of the Finnish "irma" Fiskars ". 984, 1989.

    Brent Trimble. Bicycle "Kestrel-4000" USA, 1987.

    Moreover, depending on the situation, it can change its form. In the ejection seat of a military fighter, along with the convenience of controlling the aircraft, the problem of the pilot's safety in an emergency situation is solved.

    A sign of our time has become such additional amenities that have appeared in working furniture, such as the ability to change the height of the seat and back of the chair, rotate and move the chair around the office.

    However, in the practice of ergonomic design, there are also curious examples. So, the owner of one of the summer street cafes in Germany, in order to increase the number of visitors per day, decided to use ergonomics in a very original way. The backs of the chairs for visitors in this cafe had, although not clearly expressed, but a reverse bend, which did not allow them to lean back imposingly, sipping lemonade on a hot summer day! Visitors to the cafe really did not stay long, although the cafe was famous for its cuisine.

    There are many components that make up a design project. Its origins lie primarily in human ideas about the subject environment and the features of its perception. The external qualities of an individual object, no matter how perfect their aesthetic properties, are not sufficient to create a harmonious object environment. It should contain not only objects that combine with each other, but also an account of the laws of space, and an understanding of the life of objects in space. Modern design breaks the usual framework for the design of individual objects. Space becomes its object - the interior of a car, a bathyscaphe, a spaceship. It is organized according to special design principles. And the leading role here is played by ergonomics, which allows rationally and comfortably organize the human environment.

    Ergonomics is of vital importance in the design of medical instruments and equipment. A special area is subject-

    All ergonomic justifications and prerequisites in the process of designing design objects are drawn up in the form of anthropometric, psychophysiological and other tables and recommendations. They become the basis of ergonomic design, during which the designer forms an ergonomic model of the future object, which ensures optimal interaction of the "man - object - environment" system. Along with ergonomic design, there is also ergonomic analysis, which can be carried out both at the stage of pre-design studies and after design when testing a finished product sample.

    Accounting for human factors, however, does not exhaust the depth of the relationship between artistic design and ergonomics. The process of artistic design should absorb all the richness of the contents of the ergonomic approach to solving the problems of optimizing the systems "man - tool - environment", especially since such an approach in each case implements the fundamental principle of ergonomics - everything is somehow designed for a person and for human use.

    Along with the development of design, ergonomic design is undergoing a significant change. This is due to the evolution of the form under the influence of technological progress - the emergence of new technologies, materials, as well as changes in consumer ideas about a particular subject, the influence of fashion. This process is not finite and is aimed at improving the environment, creating comfortable and beautiful things, without which our life would be difficult and uninteresting.

    By creating interior design project or interior items, a good specialist should never forget about the beauty of creation and its functionality. Indeed, in addition to the external appearance, which must certainly please the eye, a person should be comfortable and nothing should harm health, no matter if we are talking about a computer mouse or an entire apartment.

    That's why, IKarchitects decided to turn to ergonomics. Such a necessary, today, science.

    We will try to define what ergonomics is and why it is needed.

    In the traditional sense ergonomics is a science that takes care of the adaptation of the space and objects surrounding a person for safe and effective use based on the mental and physical state of a person.

    In 2010 year International Association of Ergonomics a broader definition has been adopted:

    « The scientific discipline that studies the interaction between humans and other elements of a system, and the field of application of the theory, principles, data, and methods of that science to ensure human well-being and optimize the overall performance of a system.”

    The basis for ergonomics consists of many sciences, ranging from anatomy to psychology. And its main task is to find the optimal shapes and sizes and the correct arrangement of objects for the safest and most efficient life.

    Ergonomics essential to the design of any interior, starting from the working area and ending with the sleeping area.

    And every self-respecting designer and architect should know everything ergonomics laws and apply them to design projects.

    In this article, we will focus in more detail on ergonomics of the interior. As you already know, one of postulates of ergonomics is correct zoning. We'll start with recreation areas.

    Ergonomics of the recreation area

    AT recreation area furniture is designed to fit the size of a person in a relaxed position, but the angle of the chair or sofa should not make it difficult to get up. In addition, a person should reach for objects on the tea table without getting up from the sofa, only by moving the body. To do this, it is necessary that the shins of the seated person are under the table, it is necessary to provide the necessary space. Speaking of space, it is necessary to provide legroom for everyone sitting on the couch. This is especially true for corner sofas.

    The TV screen must be at an angle of at least 30 degrees to the side. The distance depends on the screen size. Based on the direction of relaxed gaze, the main line of sight, which is directed to the center of the image, should deviate downward by 7 degrees.

    Today, a fireplace, classic or modern, is becoming fashionable. It is usually placed in recreation area, and as it tells us ergonomics, the dimensions of the fireplace must be proportional to the volume of the room in order to prevent overheating. Also, you can not put furniture near the fireplace.

    After talking about the rest, let's find out the features and general norms ergonomics of the working area, an important part of any interior.

    Ergonomics of the work area

    In order to properly design working area it is necessary to know exactly in which industry a person works, since the field of activity directly affects ergonomics of the workspace, but there are general provisions that are inherent in each workplace. The height and shape of the chair and table are determined through the anatomical features of the person. The height of the chair depends on the height of the table, but it is desirable that a back support be provided.

    When working at a computer, you should be able to put your elbows on the table, as well as place the necessary accessories.

    Desk drawers should not be too low. The best option is the lower edge of the box at the level of the person's knee.

    A person needs to sit down and stand up freely. If you want to save space, then the swivel chair is just for you. In addition, thanks to it, drawers and shelves can be installed on the side or behind the chair.

    If it is necessary to equip several working areas in the room, then passages of at least 500 mm should be left.

    Lighting- very important ergonomic aspect in workplace design. It is impossible that the hands and body cast a shadow on the work surface, and the light source should not blind the eyes, so the table cover should not be enameled. Natural lighting will be ideal.

    Ergonomics of the sleeping area

    Target bedroom ergonomics- provide a comfortable bed. The size of the bed should be determined by the size of the owner. Perhaps the presence of a back for comfortable reading at night. The possibility of free access to the bed for its cleaning.

    And for comfort, you can put a small bedside table.

    Ergonomics of the eating area

    The length of the table, designed for eating one person is 600mm. The depth depends on the number of dishes.

    The height of the chair is determined by the height of the table, and the presence of back support is determined by the duration of the meal. It is important to ensure free access to all chairs.

    These are just general notes about ergonomics in the interior. You will learn more ergonomics standards in other articles IKarchitects.

    But remember good designer must know ergonomics, and in IKarchitects good specialists work who will design a beautiful, ergonomic interior.