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  • Japan from 1945 to the present day presentation. Japan's Economic Development Paths

    Japan from 1945 to the present day presentation.  Japan's Economic Development Paths

    Presentation on Japan in the post-war period. Presentation - credit for a student of grade 12, evening school.

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    "Presentation (test) on Japan in the post-war period"

    History of Japan from 1945-2010

    Work completed

    12th grade student from the village of Topolevo

    Chetvina Tatiana

    Head: Ruzankina I.S.

    Work Plan

    • 1. State structure of Japan, population
    • 2. Japanese economic miracle 1950-1970
    • 3. Political development
    • 4. Domestic policy
    • 5. Foreign policy

    State structure

    • Constitutional monarchy, led by Emperor Akihito
    • Unitary state, capital of Tokyo
    • Population in 2010 128,057,352 people (at the moment, the number of Japanese is decreasing)
    • Monetary unit - 1 yen = 10 senam

    Economic miracle

    • Japanese economic miracle- the historical phenomenon of record growth of the Japanese economy, which began in the mid-1950s and lasted until the 1973 oil crisis. The growth of the economy during the period of the economic miracle was almost 10% annually, it was the highest growth rate among the developed countries of that time. Among the reasons for the "miracle" are low taxes and the intensive development of new technologies by Japanese science, information about which was almost never received in Japan before the Second World War due to the isolation policy of the authorities.
    • The rapid growth rates in the shortest possible time allowed Japan not only to fully recover after the defeat in the war, but also to take second place in terms of economic power (nominal value), successively surpassing France, Italy, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, USSR and yielding only USA. Japan was listed as the second economy in the world for more than 40 years: since 1968, China only in 2010.

    Economic miracle (1950-1970)

    • September 1945 - signing of the peace treaty between the United States and Japan in San Francisco
    • 1952 - end of the American occupation
    • Low starting level
    • Protectionist policy
    • State support for industries
    • Cheap, skilled labor
    • Limitation of spending on the military-industrial complex
    • Modernization of production
    • An effective labor incentive system
    • Product quality control
    • Features of the mentality

    • The USA played the most important role in the industrialization of Japan.
    • Democratic reforms were carried out
    • Dissolved Japanese family concerns that monopolized the economy
    • A reform was carried out in agriculture, large landholdings were liquidated
    • The country saved enormous funds on the development of its own science through the acquisition of patent licenses
    • Developed a workforce management system
    • A high degree of state regulation has always been characteristic: a forecast was made every five years

    Factors of the "economic miracle"

    Post-war reforms

    • Japan was dominated by non-corrupt officials;
    • Political parties revived
    • Secret police disbanded;
    • The activities of the media and trade unions became free;
    • In the economic sphere, control over prices and the distribution of main resources was preserved, which prevented inequality in the distribution of income;
    • To combat inflation, the government carried out a monetary reform, accompanied by severe cuts in budget expenditures and a freeze on the savings of the population;
    • Low-interest loans were directed primarily to the revival of key industries;
    • The pre-war heads of enterprises were purged;
    • It is competition that has become the most important driving force behind the development of the Japanese economy.

    Political development

    Japan's political system after World War II is based on a multi-party parliamentary democracy with the emperor retained as head of state. In January 1989, the 55-year-old Akihito, the eldest son of the deceased Emperor Showa, became the 125th Emperor of Japan. According to the traditional Japanese chronology, a new era began, officially called Heisei.

    Japan's domestic policy at the end of XX-beginning. Xx| century.

    • In the 1979s, electronically controlled devices began to be widely used in industry and in the service sector.
    • In the political sphere, the situation in the country is stable.
    • The ruling Liberal Democratic Party, like the country as a whole, skillfully adapts to new conditions.

    Foreign policy (stages)



    Stage 1 (1950-1960s)

    Full subordination to the US foreign policy circle

    Stage 2 (1970-1980s)

    Priority development of relations with countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines.

    Stage 3 (199-2000s)

    Transition to "global cooperation" with the United States and other countries to protect the interests of Japan.

    Japanese foreign policy in the late 20th and early 21st centuries

    • Electronic firms in Japan, producing microprocessors, control 60-90% of the world market for certain types.
    • In the mid-1980s, Japan replaced the United States as the leading manufacturer of the most advanced integrated circuits and various types of lasers. Optical fibers, etc.
    • Japan has become a world leader in the development of industries related to the latest production technologies, the use of advanced scientific achievements.
    • In the foreign policy arena, Japan seeks to establish equal and mutually beneficial relations with all countries of the world.
    • Its main strategic partner throughout the post-war years has been the United States.

    Post-war economic development. At the end of the war in 1945, a quarter of the national
    the wealth of the country was destroyed, production fell to the level
    1935. The occupying forces, which were under
    by the American command, along with the demilitarization
    forced Japan to carry out land reform, dissolution
    financial and industrial oligarchic groups "zaibatsu",
    liberalization of the labor movement and other democratic
    transformations. Thus, in Japanese society
    reforms were carried out based on the principles of democracy
    "American style". Compulsory education was also
    increased from 6 to 9 years. All this then had a great impact.
    to the development of the country. It was a kind of revolution and
    served as the basis on which rapid growth became possible
    Japanese economy after the war. With extensive help
    United States, their transfer of technology to Japan, as well as opening up for
    Japanese of their colossal market, in the 50s and 60s, Japan was able to
    achieve accelerated economic growth. Besides,
    the escalation of the Cold War made it almost inevitable
    the rebirth of Japan as a stronghold of a free economy.

    Oil crisis 1973

    The oil crisis of 1973 was hard
    responded in Japan. Due to a sharp jump
    oil prices in 1974 in Japan
    economy was for the first time after the war
    registered negative growth minus zero point two percent.
    However, due to the strict policy
    energy saving and revolutionary
    technologies, as well as a comprehensive
    economic structure reform,
    Japan's economy has come out of the oil
    crisis, possessing an even more powerful

    Political life in the early 70s

    In political life in the early 70s
    years, the ruling LDP encouraged
    militaristic tendencies, grew
    military spending. Prestige
    governments undermined the facts
    direct intervention of a major
    campaign capital
    (Lockheed case)

    Foreign policy in the 60s

    was characterized by strengthening
    relations with the USA. However, under
    the influence of the needs of the economy
    showed interest in developing relationships
    with different countries.

    In the 1990s, Japan paid attention
    ensuring security in the Asia-Pacific region,
    vigorously explores Asian markets
    (working out options for organizing
    "Asian Free Trade Area,
    pays great attention to China and the Asia-Pacific region),
    looking for a "new path" and a new role in the world,
    became a member of the UN Security Council
    settlement of the issue of more than 20 US military bases on its territory.
    In relations with the USSR and Russia
    there were periods of rise and fall,
    distinct from political, diplomatic and
    military, economic relations
    develop under great pressure.

    Made by a student of the group E-121 Titova Elizaveta 2012

    Slide 2: The country was occupied by American troops

    and paid reparations

    Slide 3: After the war:

    Loss of 44%: of their former possessions Stopped imports of raw materials, fuel and food The level of industrial production fell to 28.5% The last place in the world in terms of the rate of recovery of industrial production Military losses (2 million 800 thousand) Inflation 5000%

    Slide 4: Anti-crisis measures program:

    1. Increasing production with the maximum use of internal resources. 2. Improving the distribution of controlled goods. 3. Improving the distribution of food and the growth of its volumes. 4. Firm observance of state prices, punishment of violators. 5. Flexible policy of maintaining salary stability. 6. Implementation of a plan to increase tax revenues, criminal prosecution for evasion. 7. Increasing income, improving the tax system, introducing new tax levers. 8. Organized reduction of the state budget deficit. 9. Improving the management of foreign trade.

    Slide 5: In 1948, industrial output was 52% compared to 1938

    the real wages of workers were 13% of the pre-war level of the unemployed 10 million people

    Slide 6: inflation: the amount of paper money has quadrupled

    Slide 7

    1946 - 1947 new labor legislation was introduced: 8-hour working day increased wages for overtime paid holidays and social insurance introduced workers had the right to strike provided for the protection of women and adolescents

    Slide 8

    The goal of the reforms is to build a model of democratic capitalism in Japan and disarm the former aggressor. The peculiarity of the Japanese reforms was that the occupation authorities ensured political stability in society.

    Slide 9

    land reform 80% of all land was taken from former landowners who were not engaged in the productive use of their agricultural resources and sold to peasants at low prices. RESULT: the food crisis was overcome. The new owners of the land managed to solve the problem of hunger.


    Slide 10: Agrarian reform was carried out in 1947-1950

    By 1950, 80% of the leased land was owned by peasants


    Slide 11: Dodge's shock therapy

    Program: budget reform new credit policy price reform currency reform


    Slide 12: Japan becomes a constitutional parliamentary monarchy

    In 1946-1947, general elections were held for the parliament. On May 3, 1947, a new Japanese constitution was adopted.


    Slide 13: The evolution of Japan's industrial structure in the post-war period


    Slide 14: By 1953, the level of industrial production of 1938 has been reached. Japan has again become a medium-developed industrial-agrarian country

    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

    1 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Japan after World War II. Plan: First Occupation Period (1945 - 1947) Second Occupation Period (1948 - 1951) Japanese “Economic Miracle” Russo-Japanese Relations

    2 slide

    Description of the slide:

    The first period of occupation On September 2, 1945, Japan capitulated. Unlike Germany, Japan was not occupied in the course of hostilities, but only two weeks after the acceptance of the terms of surrender. During this time, the ruling circles managed to keep the main officer cadres of the army and navy, turning them into "civilian" persons and dispersing them in separate areas, private firms and enterprises. As a result of the occupation, the state apparatus was not destroyed, as in Germany

    3 slide

    Description of the slide:

    During the first period of occupation, Japan was occupied only by American troops. During the first period of the occupation, American monopoly capital sought to use the military victory to weaken Japan. The economic situation of the country after the surrender was difficult. The volume of industrial production in 1946 was only about 30% of the 1936 level.

    4 slide

    Description of the slide:

    The first period of occupation During this period, under the control of the American occupation authorities, political and land reforms were carried out, and a labor law was adopted. As a result, landownership was liquidated for redemption and the land was redistributed in favor of the prosperous peasantry. A land maximum of 3 hectares was set, payment in kind was replaced by cash. The land became the property of the peasants. There was a strengthening of the layer of wealthy peasants and middle peasants

    5 slide

    Description of the slide:

    The first period of occupation On May 3, 1947, a constitution was adopted that limited the power of the emperor. He was declared "a symbol of the unity of the nation", but the deification of his person was canceled. Akihito. Years of government: 1989-present Akihito (jap.; December 23, 1933, Tokyo) the ruling emperor of Japan, the 125th in the dynasty. His posthumous name will be Heisei. Akihito is currently the world's only reigning emperor.

    6 slide

    Description of the slide:

    The first period of occupation of the Privy Council, increased the role of the Cabinet of Ministers as an executive body, expanded the rights of the bicameral parliament. The legislature is a bicameral parliament; consists of the House of Councilors and the House of Representatives

    7 slide

    Description of the slide:

    The first period of occupation Universal suffrage was introduced not only for men, but also for women, democratic rights and freedoms of citizens were proclaimed, religion was separated from politics.

    8 slide

    Description of the slide:

    The first period of occupation In 1947 anti-monopoly legislation was adopted, which in 1948 was actually repealed. Japan's military monopolies and associations fell under the American demonopolization, which were often disbanded because they were competitors of American companies. The “liquidation” of pre-war monopolistic associations (zaibatsu) led to the replacement of family groups by industrial and financial concerns headed by banks, which began to control the Japanese economy

    9 slide

    Description of the slide:

    The Second Period of Occupation In 1948, there was a reorientation of the American occupation course towards Japan. This was due to the events that took place in China, in particular in Northern China. Since the main goal of the United States in the Far East is to turn Japan into the main base of its policy, relying on which they could strengthen their positions in the region, the Americans are betting on the development of heavy industry in Japan, the reconstruction of the army and navy.

    10 slide

    Description of the slide:

    The second period of occupation On September 8, 1951, a peace treaty was signed by a number of countries that fought in World War II with Japan (San Francisco Peace Treaty), which entered into force on April 28, 1952. O. Taiwan, Peskadorsky, Kuril Islands and the southern part of Sakhalin Island

    11 slide

    Description of the slide:

    The Second Period of Occupation Under the treaty, Japan agreed to the establishment of US custody (administration) over the Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa) and a number of other islands. Japan assumed the obligation to renounce the threat of the use of force in its relations with other states. In 1952, the American-Japanese “security pact” was signed, which allowed the United States to deploy its ground, air and sea forces in Japan, in 1960 this pact was extended.

    12 slide

    Description of the slide:

    The second period of occupation In 1956, the state of war between the USSR and Japan was eliminated, but there is still no peace treaty between these countries. (pictured: the signing of the declaration by the USSR and Japan to end the war in 1956)

    13 slide

    Description of the slide:

    The capital of Japan is Tokyo. Administrative division of the state - 9 districts, 47 prefectures Hokkaido Tohoku Kanto Chyubu Kinki Chugoku Shikoku Okinawa Kyushu Urbanization in 2000

    14 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Japan's “economic miracle” Japan does not have an official coat of arms, but the coat of arms of the imperial house of Japan is often used instead - a stylized image of a chrysanthemum with sixteen petals. The same image is also on the foreign passports of the Japanese (they do not have internal ones). Before the beginning of the Heisei period (1989), Japan was emerging from the crisis, restoring its economy and industry, which during the Heisei period led to a qualitative leap in the development of the country's economy and to the "Japanese economic miracle

    15 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Japanese “economic miracle” “Economic miracle” - the rapid growth of the economy, which in the shortest possible time allowed Japan not only to fully recover from the defeat in the war, but also to take second place in terms of economic power, successively beating France, Italy, Canada, Great Britain, Germany , the USSR and second only to the USA. Japan has been the second largest economy in the world since 1968, losing to China in 2010.

    16 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Japanese "economic miracle" Restoration of Japan's economic position in the world in 50 - 60 years, and the exit of this country to the second place in the world in terms of economic potential in the beginning. 90s - one of the most important events in world post-war history, of interest not only from a political, but also from a scientific point of view.

    17 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Japan's “Economic Miracle” In the early post-war years, the rate of recovery of the Japanese economy was lower than in Western Europe. The turning point came in 1948-49, with the beginning of “shock therapy”, the characteristic features of which were:

    18 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Japan's “economic miracle” Insignificant military spending. Purchase of patents, licenses, their rapid introduction into production. Use of high technologies. State regulation of the economy. High qualification of workers. Features of the Japanese mentality - diligence and enthusiasm. Export orientation of the economy. Unique control system.

    19 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Japan's “Economic Miracle” Out of the need to maintain social peace, the Government strongly encouraged the system of lifetime employment in industrial enterprises. What characterizes Japan is not the competition of the unemployed for jobs, which often requires them to be costly retrained for new professions or maintained at the expense of social funds, but the competition of workers within firms, which helps to increase their productivity. In addition, such a system softens the difference in wages for employees of firms in which labor and capital relations are built on a paternalistic basis (if in the USA the difference in the income of the President of an average company and an unskilled worker reaches 20:1, then in Japan it is only 8: 1).

    20 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Japanese “Economic Miracle “The End of the Miracle” Dr. Econ. Sciences Belousov Andrey Removich relates the end of the "miracle" to 1985, when Japan signed the famous Plaza Agreements (named after the hotel in which they were signed), as a result of which the yen revalued (increased) 1.5 times, and the economic growth rate Japan fell from 8% to 2% in the 1990s. became a "lost decade" for Japan, as the bursting "bubble" of the Japanese economy caused serious damage to all industries, as well as banking and financial sectors. The country managed to get out only in 2000

    21 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Russian-Japanese Relations after World War II The absence of a Soviet representative's signature on the San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan left an unfavorable imprint on the further development of relations between Moscow and Tokyo. Nevertheless, the economic needs of Japan and its desire to increase its independence in the international arena and weaken the excessive one-sided orientation towards Washington led to the establishment of Soviet-Japanese relations with the Ser. 50 years

    22 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Russian-Japanese Relations after the Second World War The 1956 Declaration increased Japan's independence in world politics and turned it into an equal member of the world community, which displeased Washington. Under his pressure, the next Kishi Government sabotaged the preparation and signing of the Soviet-Japanese Peace Treaty, and at the same time forced the modernization of the Japanese-American Security Pact in the new version of 1960, which provided for the maintenance of the American military presence on Japanese territory for at least another 10 years.

    24 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Russian-Japanese relations after the Second World War In this regard, in the Statement of the Soviet Government made in 1960, the transfer of the Habomai and Shikotan Islands to Japan was conditioned by the preliminary fulfillment by Tokyo of two conditions: the signing of the Peace Treaty and the withdrawal of foreign (i.e., American) troops from its territory. Since then, political relations between Moscow and Tokyo have been poisoned not only by the absence of a peace treaty and the US military presence in Japan, but also by the problem of the "northern territories", which the Japanese side insists on "returning".

    25 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Russian-Japanese Relations after World War II Unsettled political relations between the two countries did not always affect economic ties between them (largely due to the parallel “unofficial” policy of Japanese business circles, which ignored Washington's dissatisfaction on this issue).

    26 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Russian-Japanese relations after the Second World War With the collapse of the USSR, the Russian government placed certain hopes on Japan's economic support for the course of reforms. Sympathizing in principle with market reforms in Russia, Tokyo, in turn, expected territorial and political concessions from Moscow (the return of the “northern territories”) and a favorable investment climate for business. Since none of these wishes of the Japanese side is fulfilled, the political relations of the two countries remain restrained.

    27 slide

    Description of the slide:

    Russian-Japanese relations after the Second World War 08/10/13 Russian President Vladimir Putin considers it possible to conclude a peace treaty with Japan - on a practical level, this work has already been resumed. “All this (economic cooperation) creates the conditions for us not only to dream, but also in practical terms to work on the conclusion of a peace treaty. In order for us to approach this, we need to create not the image of an enemy, but the image of a friend. It seems to me that with Japan it is quite possible,” Putin told reporters. Leaders of Russia and Japan Vladimir Putin and Shinzo Abe discussed the subject of a peace treaty

    To view a presentation with pictures, design, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
    Text content of presentation slides:
    Japan after World War II. Plan: First Occupation Period (1945 - 1947) Second Occupation Period (1948 - 1951) Japanese "Economic Miracle" Russian-Japanese Relations First Occupation Period On September 2, 1945, Japan capitulated. Unlike Germany, Japan was not occupied in the course of hostilities, but only two weeks after the acceptance of the terms of surrender. During this time, the ruling circles managed to keep the main officer cadres of the army and navy, turning them into "civilian" persons and dispersing them in separate areas, private firms and enterprises. As a result of the occupation, the state apparatus was not destroyed, as in Germany. The first period of occupation, Japan was occupied only by American troops. During the first period of the occupation, American monopoly capital sought to use the military victory to weaken Japan. The economic situation of the country after the surrender was difficult. The volume of industrial production in 1946 was only about 30% of the level of 1936. The first period of occupation During this period, under the control of the American occupation authorities, political and land reforms were carried out, and a labor law was adopted. As a result, landownership was liquidated for redemption and the land was redistributed in favor of the prosperous peasantry. A land maximum of 3 hectares was set, payment in kind was replaced by cash. The land became the property of the peasants. There was a strengthening of the layer of wealthy peasants and middle peasants. The first period of occupation On May 3, 1947, a constitution was adopted that limited the power of the emperor. He was declared "a symbol of the unity of the nation", but the deification of his person was canceled. Akihito. Years of government: 1989-present Akihito (jap.; December 23, 1933, Tokyo) the ruling emperor of Japan, the 125th in the dynasty. His posthumous name will be Heisei. At present, Akihito is the world's only reigning emperor. The first period of occupationPrivy Council, enhanced the role of the cabinet as an executive body, expanded the rights of the bicameral parliament. The legislature is a bicameral parliament; consists of the House of Councilors and the House of Representatives. The first period of occupation. Universal suffrage was introduced not only for men, but also for women, democratic rights and freedoms of citizens were proclaimed, religion was separated from politics. The first period of occupation In 1947, anti-monopoly legislation was adopted, which in 1948 was actually abolished. Japan's military monopolies and associations fell under the American demonopolization, which were often disbanded because they were competitors of American companies. The “liquidation” of the pre-war monopolistic associations (zaibatsu) led to the replacement of family groups by industrial and financial concerns headed by banks, which began to control the Japanese economy. The second period of occupation In 1948, the American occupation course was reoriented towards Japan. This was due to the events that took place in China, in particular in Northern China. Since the main goal of the United States in the Far East is to turn Japan into the main base of its policy, relying on which they could strengthen their positions in the region, the Americans are betting on the development of heavy industry in Japan, the reconstruction of the army and navy. The second period of occupation On September 8, 1951, a peace treaty was signed by a number of countries that fought in World War II with Japan (San Francisco Peace Treaty), which entered into force on April 28, 1952. O. Taiwan, Peskadorskie, Kuril Islands and the southern part of Sakhalin Island The second period of occupation Under the treaty, Japan agreed with the establishment of US guardianship (administration) over the Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa) and a number of other islands. Japan assumed the obligation to renounce the threat of the use of force in its relations with other states. In 1952, the American-Japanese “security pact” was signed, which allowed the United States to deploy its ground, air and sea forces in Japan, in 1960 this pact was extended. The second period of occupation In 1956, the state of war between the USSR and Japan was eliminated, but there is still no peace treaty between these countries. (pictured: signing of the declaration by the USSR and Japan on ending the war in 1956) The capital of Japan is Tokyo. The administrative division of the state is 9 districts, 47 prefectures Hokkaido Tohoku Kanto Chyubu Kinki Chugoku Shikoku Okinawa Kyushu Urbanization in 2000 miracle Japan does not have an official coat of arms, but the coat of arms of the imperial house of Japan is often used instead - a stylized image of a chrysanthemum with sixteen petals. The same image is also on the foreign passports of the Japanese (they do not have internal ones). before the beginning of the Heisei period (1989), Japan was recovering from the crisis, restoring its economy and industry, which during the Heisei period led to a qualitative leap in the development of the country's economy and to the "Japanese economic miracle" Japanese "economic miracle" Economic miracle "-rapid economic growth, which in the shortest possible time allowed Japan not only to fully recover from the defeat in the war, but also to take second place in terms of economic power, consistently surpassing France, Italy, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, the USSR and second only to the United States. Japan has been listed as the second economy in the world since 1968, yielding to China in 2010 Japanese “economic miracle” Restoration of Japan’s economic position in the world in 50–60 years, and the country’s entry into second place in the world in terms of economic potential in the beginning. 90s - one of the most important events in world post-war history, of interest not only from a political, but also from a scientific point of view. Japan's “economic miracle” In the early post-war years, the rate of recovery of the Japanese economy was lower than in Western Europe. The turning point came in 1948-49, with the beginning of “shock therapy”, the characteristic features of which were:
    style.rotation Japanese “economic miracle” Insignificant costs for armaments. Purchase of patents, licenses, their rapid introduction into production. Use of high technology. Government regulation of the economy. Japan's “Economic Miracle” Based on the need to maintain peace in society, the Government strongly encouraged the system of lifetime employment in industrial enterprises. What characterizes Japan is not the competition of the unemployed for jobs, which often requires them to be costly retrained for new professions or maintained at the expense of social funds, but the competition of workers within firms, which helps to increase their productivity. In addition, such a system softens the difference in wages for employees of firms in which labor and capital relations are built on a paternalistic basis (if in the USA the difference in the income of the President of an average company and an unskilled worker reaches 20:1, then in Japan it is only 8: 1). Japanese “Economic Miracle“ The End of the Miracle ” Dr. Econ. Sciences Belousov Andrey Removich relates the end of the "miracle" to 1985, when Japan signed the famous Plaza Agreements (named after the hotel in which they were signed), as a result of which the yen revalued (increased) 1.5 times, and the economic growth rate Japan fell from 8% to 2% in the 1990s. became a "lost decade" for Japan, as the bursting "bubble" of the Japanese economy caused serious damage to all industries, as well as banking and financial sectors. The country managed to get out only in 2000 Russian-Japanese relations after World War II The absence of a Soviet representative signing the San Francisco Peace Treaty with Japan left an unfavorable imprint on the further development of relations between Moscow and Tokyo. Nevertheless, the economic needs of Japan and its desire to increase its independence in the international arena and weaken the excessive one-sided orientation towards Washington led to the establishment of Soviet-Japanese relations with the Ser. 50 years Russian-Japanese relations after the Second World WarIn 1956, as a result of the visit of Prime Minister Hatoyama to Moscow, the Soviet-Japanese Declaration was signed. It provided for the restoration of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the settlement of the issue of fishing conditions, which is so important for Japan, Moscow's consent to Japan's admission to the UN, the "transfer" of Japan, after the signing of the Peace Treaty between Moscow and Tokyo, of the islands of the Lesser Kuril ridge of Habomai and Shikotan. Russian-Japanese Relations after the Second World WarThe 1956 declaration increased Japan's independence in world politics and turned it into an equal member of the world community, which displeased Washington. Under his pressure, the next Kishi Government sabotaged the preparation and signing of the Soviet-Japanese Peace Treaty, and at the same time forced the modernization of the Japanese-American Security Pact in the new version of 1960, which provided for the maintenance of the American military presence on Japanese territory for at least another 10 years. Russo-Japanese Relations after World War II In this regard, in the Statement of the Soviet Government made in 1960, the transfer of the islands of Habomai and Shikotan to Japan was conditioned by the preliminary fulfillment by Tokyo of two conditions: the signing of the Peace Treaty and the withdrawal of foreign (i.e., American) troops from her territory. Since then, political relations between Moscow and Tokyo have been poisoned not only by the absence of a peace treaty and the US military presence in Japan, but also by the problem of the "northern territories", which the Japanese side insists on "returning". Russian-Japanese relations after World War II The unsettled political relations between the two countries did not always affect economic ties between them (largely due to the parallel “unofficial” policy of Japanese business circles, which ignored Washington's displeasure on this issue). Russian-Japanese relations after the Second World WarWith the collapse of the USSR, the Russian government placed certain hopes on Japan's economic support for the course of reforms. Sympathizing in principle with market reforms in Russia, Tokyo, in turn, expected territorial and political concessions from Moscow (the return of the “northern territories”) and a favorable investment climate for business. Since none of these wishes of the Japanese side has been fulfilled, political relations between the two countries remain restrained Russian-Japanese relations after the Second World War08/10/13 Russian President Vladimir Putin considers it possible to conclude a peace treaty with Japan - on a practical level, this work has already been resumed.« All this (economic cooperation) creates the conditions for us not only to dream, but also in practical terms to work towards the conclusion of a peace treaty. In order for us to approach this, we need to create not the image of an enemy, but the image of a friend. It seems to me that with Japan it is quite possible,” Putin told reporters. Leaders of Russia and Japan Vladimir Putin and Shinzo Abe discussed the subject of a peace treaty