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  • Teaching ocean 1970 in good resolution. Past the moon. What the American M. Wade writes

    Teaching ocean 1970 in good resolution.  Past the moon.  What the American M. Wade writes

    The American fleet, having slurped no salt, returns to the Bay of Biscay, where a thorough search for the capsule from Apollo 13 does not bring any results.

    Obviously, over the next five days, an analogue had to be urgently made, firing it from all sides.

    But these are already their problems, but for now, an indisputable fact turned out to be in the hands of the leadership of the USSR, from which they still had to squeeze out the maximum of useful information before starting negotiations with the American side.

    The fact is that even in those days real-time telemetry information came from a flying rocket or spacecraft, but it was very scarce. After all, the possibilities of digital encoding and data compression did not yet exist. Therefore, all the data of interest to designers, engineers and flight managers were recorded directly on board such devices in a kind of “black boxes” of aircraft, and then, after arriving at the MCC, these data were copied from magnetic media for decoding and analysis.

    Based on this, the USSR received indisputable evidence that the weight-and-weight model of the descent vehicle was launched exactly at that very time and flew on the same Saturn-5 rocket, which, according to the official legend, threw the Apollo-13 crew into space. (The same crew whose oxygen tank exploded during the flight to the Moon! - Comment by A.B.).

    When all the necessary data and evidence had been collected, the high parties began negotiations. To be more precise, to bidding, which led in the short term to very serious economic benefits for the USSR, and in the medium term to its collapse. This topic is very extensive, evidence-based and interesting, therefore it should at least fragmentarily be included in the presentation of this work.

    It should be noted the most obvious gifts that the "decaying" capitalist West was forced to make to "developed" Soviet socialism.

    Firstly, the wild experiments on the enlargement of collective farms and the development of virgin lands in the USSR ended in a sharp drop in the production of the main agricultural product - wheat grain. Since the beginning of the 1970s, grain has been sold to the Soviet Union from Canada and other capitalist countries at prices significantly lower than market prices, which even provokes a food crisis in the West.

    Secondly, the Soviet Union, like air, needed constant sources of hard currency, for which it would be possible to purchase essential goods on the world markets, with which the socialist economy, in the absence of private initiative, did not go well. The parties very quickly agreed on such a source. Huge reserves of energy carriers in Siberia had to be delivered to Europe as soon as possible. Towards this stream there always had to be a stream of dollars. To solve this problem, the United States even supplied technologies for the production of large diameter pipes and tunneling equipment, which the USSR did not have for the banal reason of lack of need. In addition, in a miraculous way, in 1973, the first world oil crisis began, expressed in a huge rise in prices for hydrocarbon raw materials at that time. And now we know how such “crises” arise, or rather, how such “crises” are organized ...

    Thirdly, unlike AvtoVAZ, bought in the mid-60s from the Italians for money, and AvtoGAZ, LAZ, ZiL, exported from Germany after the war, now the “damned capitalists” simply gave the “bloodthirsty communists” a whole factory for the production of trucks with all the auxiliary productions and technologies attached to it - the famous KAMAZ.

    The construction of the KAMAZ automobile plant began in 1969 in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. "In 1974, the first engine was assembled in the experimental workshop. A year later, power units were assembled using temporary technology ... And in June 1979, the 100,000th truck rolled off the main assembly line. The growth in production at KamAZ beats world records and is unprecedented for the USSR ". .

    And the problem of the lack of quality trucks for the Soviet economy has ceased to be so acute. Of course, there were other gifts that are not so striking. One such additional gift is worth mentioning separately. The fact is that the Soviet party nomenklatura, in contrast to ordinary athletes, artists and all ordinary workers who were taken to the “west” practically under KGB escort, received more or less free exit behind the “Iron Curtain” during the Brezhnev-Podgorny-Kosygin era, mostly for shopping.

    Triumvirate: Podgorny, Brezhnev, Kosygin.

    This generation of Soviet leaders could already be quite easily bought or recruited, as, for example, the Spanish conquistadors did with the first natives of North America they met, exchanging piles of gold or loyalty for outlandish but worthless toys. There is no need to look far for examples in our history either. Brezhnev’s craving for good American cars, the history of the creation of the first domestic mafias under the auspices of the Minister of Internal Affairs Shchelokov, the history of the participation of Brezhnev’s daughter Galina in incredibly huge diamond operations even by the standards of the then USSR are well known, and so on and so forth. But that was just the tip of the iceberg...

    The people, despite the dominant worldview platforms and ideological layers, are always very aptly able to describe the situation with the help of anecdotes. So, in the early 70s, such an anecdote was popular.

    His mother came to visit Leonid Ilyich. She walks around his apartment, marveling at the riches, and finally asks: - Lenya, what will you do when the communists come to power again? ...

    It is possible that back in the first half of the 1970s, during the “détente of international tension” and with the active promotion of a new ideologeme of “peaceful coexistence of countries with different socio-political systems”, the top rulers of the USSR opened unlimited personal accounts in the West.

    At this time, such a fraternization between "irreconcilable" ideological opponents is taking place in the world behind the scenes that even a triple kiss in a hickey between Leonid Ilyich and Erich Honecker could envy him!

    The Soviet Union took such steps in this cover-up operation that people raised on Soviet anti-American propaganda make their hair stand on end. I will remind you of some aspects of the joint operation of hiding the truth about the American "manned space program" in the following sections of this work. And now a few examples that are directly related to the history of "Apollo 13" in particular and the American "manned space program" before 1981 in general.

    The USSR, in company with other US satellite countries, took all possible part in the circus called "rescuing the crew of Apollo 13", declaring radio silence during the "return" to Earth.

    Soviet sources also kept deathly silence during the period of amusing "exploitation" of the first and only Americanorbital station "Skylab", which, in fact, is alsoTurned out to be a total scam and scam..

    Moreover, in order to somehow convince world public opinion of the reality of American manned space programs, the USSR took part in a space propaganda show called"Soyuz spacecraft docking in near-Earth orbit"and Apollo. The Soviet media trumpeted this historical “connection” so frantically, out of place and out of place, that in 1975 it seemed that there was nothing more important than this event in the world. Before him faded even the constant record milking milkmaids, melting steelworkers, grimy faces of Stakhanov's virtual followers, and even the "socialist" revolution in Angola ...

    Pay attention to the composition of the crews that took part in that historic "docking". In order not to spread our thoughts along the tree, we will dwell only on the commanders of the crews. From the American sideThomas Stafford. He participated in the simulation of the Apollo 10 flight "around the moon", and that is where his "space" experience ends. Wikipedia is also laconic in another juicy detail of his biography:"Mason, Western Star Lodge No. 138, Oklahoma" . Some sources also attribute to him participation in two flights on Gemini-6A and -9A, and we already know what interesting flights they were - from that space where you can not see the stars, through an atmosphere where even the paint does not burn. In short, an experienced, proven, reliable comrade ...

    On the Soviet side - the world famous Alexey Leonov. The man who first went into outer space. After the tragic death of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the leadership of the USSR secretly banned other pioneers from flying into space. And now, Aleksey Leonov, who has not flown into space for 10 years after his first and only historical flight (but literally did not get off the high stands, from where he tirelessly sang about “the native communist party and personally dear Leonid Ilyich”), is suddenly appointed commander of the ship Soyuz-19! And this fact now does not look so strange against the background of the fact that Alexei Leonov, in his old age, has turned into the most ardent supporter, propagandist, I would even say - a fanatic - of the American version of flights to the moon.

    Perhaps he is also a Freemason? Only a local box, some kind of Kemerovo, No. 137 ...

    Alexei Leonov is second from the right. The lady in the center is some alleged heiress of the Romanov dynasty.

    What was to be the focal point of this strange mission?

    Docking of Soyuz-19 and Apollo (no number) spacecraft in near-Earth orbit.

    First question: for what?

    If in the future both superpowers planned joint exploration of near-Earth space, for example, the construction of an orbital station or at least regular docking in space in order to develop some kind of technology for something specific, then such a mission would be justified. But in the future, nothing joint was built in space, right up to the creation of the ISS in the 21st century.

    Second question: as?

    In order to dock two such large different ships in space, unthinkably complicated improvements were needed in the orientation systems of both devices, the creation and testing of compatible docking nodes, and finally, the exchange of technologies! Why did the Americans need to modify their Apollo with a different docking system and node, if, according to the legend of the multiple conquest of the moon, docking and undocking occurred in space almost more often than a beer lover runs to the toilet while watching football ...

    It was possible to simply transfer your technology to the "soviets", but they did not. For it is known for certain that for the construction of the ISS, more than 30 years later, only Soviet docking nodes and technologies were used, worked out on Soyuz, Salyut, Progress and Mir. And then, why modify the Apollo with a Soviet docking port, if after this historic flight with docking it no longer flew into space at all ?!

    In addition, it would be appropriate to raise the question of the theoretical possibility of docking between the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft in principle. As we remember, NASA official data says that the walls of the Apollo spacecraft were so thin that during installation they could be pierced by an accidentally dropped screwdriver. And only in space, when there is a vacuum around, and inside a pressure of 0.3 atmospheres of pure oxygen, these walls received some rigidity according to the principle of the rigidity of the surface of an inflatable ball, only from aluminum foil.

    Now let's remember what happens on the railway at the time of the coupling of wagons. The wagons receive a shock, slightly dampened by damper mechanisms, which, however, is transmitted along neighboring wagons, since all wagons have sufficient longitudinal rigidity.

    What rigidity can we talk about in relation to the Apollo spacecraft?

    Personally, I believe that Apollo - as a manned spacecraft - existed only on paper, as well as on fake photographs and film footage. And the “docking flight” itself in 1975 was simply intended to show the whole world that the Apollo, which flew to the moon like a picnic, really exists. After all, the most “irreconcilable” rival of America, which has ever been on Earth, will not participate in such a mega-fake…

    How was this "joint flight" carried out?

    I recommend a very interesting study by Ph.D. Popova"The Soyuz-Apollo flight - the last link in the lunar epic?"

    Before reading this work, I had my own version of the falsification mechanism, according to which American astronauts were taken into space as space tourists, and somehow it was not appropriate for lunar “pioneers” to brag about such “achievements”.

    For the future, Soviet cosmonautics used that experience, moreover, for propaganda purposes. Whoever was transported to near-Earth orbit as "cosmonaut-researchers" within the framework of the Interkosmos program! When all sorts of representatives of the socialist camp were already flying, including Vietnam, Cuba and Mongolia, it even came to "ideological opponents" - the Indians and the French. By the way, the name of the French cosmonaut-researcher was Jean-Loup Chretien: apparently his surname seemed to the leadership of the USSR the most suitable, as for a space tourist from the “decaying West” ...

    However, it turned out that the USSR and the USA took a different, much easier path, sending into space an unmanned version of the Soyuz-19 with equipment mounted on board, with the help of which a pre-prepared video recording of the “historical handshake” and other stories were broadcast from near-Earth orbit. , taken aboard special aircraft falling along a parabola, in short-term weightlessness. It can be said that in order to falsify this expedition, the USSR borrowed from the United States all the experience gained at that time during “lunar” flights, as well as during the virtual operation of the Skylab space station.

    In order to finally close the vast topic of the Apollo 13 adventures and their consequences for the entire world history, it is appropriate to recall the story of the transfer in Murmansk on September 8, 1970 of “a weight-and-weight model of the American descent vehicle caught in the Bay of Biscay in April of the same year.”

    Then, for the only time in the history of the USSR, an American icebreaker entered the port of Murmansk, the crew of which until the last moment did not know about the purpose of such a strange visit. In a solemn but secret atmosphere, in the presence of Hungarian (!) photojournalists in a closed military port, the famous apparatus was handed over to the American side.

    This incident remained unknown for 35 years, despite the fact that there are detailed encyclopedias on all kinds of space launches and programs, starting from the beginning of the space age. Apparently, not in vain ...

    Maybe the reader, who is not very well versed in the topic, has a thought about whether to believe or not to believe?

    After all, now there is Google, so any fact from this article can be checked in a minute."

    Part 2.

    Three scams of the United States in the field of space exploration: "landing a man on the moon", "lunomobile" and "Skylab"

    Three US scams.

    The main foothold that allowed me to start this series of publications was an interview published in 2012 in the media, taken from the creator of the world's best liquid rocket engines - Russian Academician Boris Katorgin, who said that the Americans still cannot repeat our achievements in the field of rocket engine building, and as a result - today they buy Russian-made engines for their rockets.

    The entire lunar program of the Americans, the implementation of which began in 1969 and ended in 1975 with the creation of the Skylab virtual space orbital complex, issued by the media for a real-life space station, was calculated in theory and in practice for the use of Saturn-5 rockets with a record high launch weight - 2290-2965 tons.

    Only record-breaking powerful engines could lift a rocket into space with such a huge launch mass.

    This is a real photo of real rocket engines"F-1", which were used in the first stage of the American rocket"Saturn-5".

    Various encyclopedias claim that these five F-1 engines in 2.5 minutes of operation lifted the Saturn-5 super-heavy launch vehicle to a height of 68 km, giving it a speed of 9,920 km / h (~ 2.7 km / s). Well, then she flew towards the moon.

    However, Operation Ocean, during which on April 11, 1970, the Soviet Union intercepted the descent reentry vehicle of the Apollo 13 launch vehicle from the Americans, and this happened just a few minutes after its launch from Cape Canaveral (from the Kennedy Cosmodrome), showed that that the Saturn-5 rocket carriers were not sent to any moon! And they didn’t fly to the Moon just because there were, as it were, “sham engines” on this rocket. They had huge dimensions, as if promising colossal power with their dimensions, but in fact they developed not at all the traction force that the American media proudly told the whole world about!

    It is known that the "lunar scam" began with the proposal that US President John F. Kennedy made to the leader of the USSR Nikita Khrushchev after Yuri Gagarin's space flight.

    Kennedy then invited Khrushchev to participate in a joint program to land a man on the moon. Khrushchev refused such an unexpected offer, considering it an attempt to find out the secrets of Soviet rocket and space technology. And on August 3, 1964, the lunar manned program was nevertheless approved by the Decree of the Government of the USSR, and real large-scale work was launched on two parallel manned programs: flying around the moon by 1967 and landing on it by 1968 with the start of flight design tests in 1966.

    So, in order to then understand the design contradictions between the designers of Soviet rockets Korolev, Chelomey and Yangel, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Dmitry Ustinov instructed NII-88 to make an objective comparative assessment of the possibilities of exploring the Moon with variants of Soviet launch vehicles "N-1"(11A52), "UR-500"(8K82) and "R-56"(8K68).

    According to the calculations of Yuri Mozzhorin, the head of work in the field of Soviet rocket and space science, and according to the calculations of his employees, in order to unconditionally ensure the priority of the USSR over the United States, it was possible to assemble a rocket complex weighing 200 tons in Earth orbit using three N-1 rockets. To launch such a cargo into near-Earth orbit, exactly three N-1 rockets or twenty UR-500 rockets were needed!

    In this case, the landing on the Moon of a ship weighing 21 tons and the return to Earth of a ship weighing 5 tons could be ensured. .

    Soviet rocket N-1.

    All economic calculations were in favor of the N-1 rocket. Thus, the N-1 launch vehicle became the main promising launch vehicle for the implementation of the Soviet lunar program.

    And suddenly, when our scientists began to think about how they could launch individual components of a future space station into Earth orbit with as many as three N-1 rockets, capable of flying with astronauts on board to the Moon and then returning back, and how they could assemble these three blocks delivered by three rockets into a single missile system, the Americans suddenly announced that they already have both super-powerful rocket engines ("F-1") and the super-powerful Saturn-5 launch vehicle, which is capable of launching a space station into near-Earth orbit at once weighing 140 tons to travel to the moon!

    This supposedly super-powerful American rocket and these engines!

    Regarding the rocket engines "F-1" it is necessary to make a special reservation.

    Wikipedia: "Developed by Rocketdyne, the F-1 engine is the most powerful single-chamber liquid rocket engine ever flown ... Operating time: 1967-1973. Thrust: in vacuum 790 tf (7.77 MN), ur. sea ​​690 tf (6.77 MN) Specific impulse: sea level: 265 sec, operating time: 165 sec.". .

    The USSR, which honestly competed with the United States on the principle "who is ahead of whom in various applied areas of astronautics", an engine with such characteristics (and one and a half times smaller!) Could appear only after 18 years !!! In 1987-1988!

    The most striking thing in this story is that Russia still has this RD-170 engine, which in terms of performance exceeds the declared characteristics of the American single-chamber jet engine "F-1" by 2-5%, while the United States itself does not have such an engine today !! !

    Reading: "RD-170- Soviet liquid-propellant rocket engine, developed by KB Energomash (beginning of work in 1976). The four-chamber closed-cycle engine runs on oxygen-kerosene steam. Designed for the Energia launch vehicle. The power of the RD-170 is about 20 million liters. with., it is the most powerful rocket engine on liquid propellant components ever created. Designed for multiple use (certified for 10 times use). The basic version was used on the first stage of the Energia and Zenit launch vehicles; based on it, the RD-180 engines were developed (currently used on the American Atlas launch vehicles).) and RD-191 (for the Angara launch vehicle)"..

    This riddle, which was asked to the whole world by the American space agency NASA, "why the Americans are not returning from the construction of their famous rocket engines, but are buying Soviet RD-180 rocket engines today", there is only one reasonable explanation:

    Despite the gigantic size of single-chamber American rocket engines of the "F-1" series, their operating parameters did not at all correspond to their declared power! To return today to their manufacture means to reveal this secret!

    And the mystery of the grandiose "lunar scam" is connected with this secret ...

    By the way, due to the fact that my articles are read not only by students and housewives, but also by people with a variety of "higher educations", I can apply Arkady Velyurov's rigorous mathematical calculations to my words (thanks to Leshem77, who sent them to me). The calculations of the American F-1 engine, which were published on the Internet by Arkady Velyurov, are accompanied by the following conclusion: “Instead of a nominal thrust of 690 tf at the start, the F-1 rocket engine provides 35% less - only about 450 tf. Hence the real starting mass” Saturn-5 "is 1000 tons less than the official one! Only one thing can be unequivocally stated: this is clearly not enough for a manned mission to the Moon. At best, for a flyby mission around the Moon, with a simulated landing for central television. As a result of the calculations, "Saturn- 5 "appears before us in a completely different light than in the official interpretations of NASA and the US government. "Saturn-5" turned out to be not at all the rocket for which we were given this flying weight model. " You can study the "F-1" calculations here: , , .

    So, in 1969, neither the USSR nor the United States had such launch vehicles that could launch a manned space station into space to travel to the moon and descend a person to it. It's just that the US leadership really wanted the whole world to consider the US the No. 1 superpower.

    In addition, after the USSR "wiped its nose" of the United States with the flight of the first man into space, the American nation turned to its American president with questions: "How could this happen? Is that why the Soviets got ahead of us?" Then, for the American people and for the American government, Yuri Gagarin's flight around the Earth, made on April 12, 1961, was like a bolt from the blue!

    And when some in the West were shocked and realized that socialism as a form of existence and development of society is rapidly gaining sympathy throughout the world and even in the minds of Americans, and capitalism, on the contrary, is losing its appeal everywhere, President John F. Kennedy had to 1961 to publicly formulate for the American media and American inhabitants the government task - "to catch up and overtake the USSR"!

    And since the American government and the leaders of the US space industry understood that the Russians could not be outstripped in those areas where selfless work and the desire for self-sacrifice take place, it was decided to achieve superiority over the USSR in space exploration exclusively by fraudulent means!

    How this happened, the reader has already understood from the first part of the story, as well as from my other publications on this topic:

    When the first space records were planned in the Soviet Union, in particular, the launch of the first artificial satellites, the first living organisms into near-Earth orbit, the launch of the first research vehicles to the Moon and other technical victories that were unique at that time, the USSR leadership needed to have reliable independent witnesses in order to to record these achievements for history.

    Therefore, before each such launch, information was sent to the leading foreign observatories and research organizations with the parameters of the planned flight, so that they could, by adjusting their tracking equipment and telescopes, catch the telemetry signal at the desired bearing, see with their own eyes the moving satellite star across the night sky, the explosion from the hit of the last stage rockets to the surface of the moon, listen to the heartbeat of dogs in Earth orbit on live radio, etc.

    Thus, neither then nor now it was impossible to challenge the superiority of the USSR in space exploration. Moreover, these achievements themselves at that time looked so unusual, one might even say - fantastic, that without independent confirmation they, as they say, about or" would.

    Accordingly, when intensive work began in the United States on the preparation of manned expeditions to the Moon, the USSR quite rightly believed that at the right time NASA would provide the necessary information to be able to track these flights with its own means. What was the surprise of Soviet mid-level specialists when not only were they not given such information, but, moreover, unambiguous instructions were issued “from above” - not to pay attention to the Americans and go about their business ...

    Whether there were secret negotiations at the highest level between the leadership of the USSR and the USA about the conditions for hiding the lunar scam by the time of the first "flights to the moon", we will probably not know soon, if we ever know at all.

    It is only known for certain that by the time of the announced launch of Apollo 11 for the first "landing on the moon" in the Atlantic Ocean, a whole flotilla of Soviet electronic intelligence ships was drawn to the vicinity of the NASA cosmodrome (Cape Kennedy).

    And if we can now calculate some parameters of the Saturn-5 flight with acceptable accuracy only on the basis of the available low-quality video recordings, then one can imagine what data could then be obtained about the initial stage of the rocket’s flight using this flotilla, intercepting and analyzing the entire radio exchange between the MCC and the spacecraft, accurately calculating the increment in speed and direction of the rocket with the help of advanced and high-quality means of military-applied radar! ...

    The Americans understood this very well, therefore, on July 16, 1969, at 8 o’clock in the morning local time, the large-scale operation “Crossroad” (“Crossroads”) began, which all official information resources without exception do not like to remember.

    American Orion planes equipped with electronic countermeasures circled over Soviet ships; the warships approached as close as possible and defiantly unsheathed their guns; ground-based radar stations began to transmit noise on all previously recorded frequency bands that were used by the Soviet Navy. The whole operation suddenly ended when the Saturn-5 rocket went beyond the horizon.

    The official pretext for Operation Crossroads was the fear that Soviet electronic tracking ships could interfere with the successful flight of American astronauts. In fact, the main task was to prevent recording the flight parameters of a rocket that was clearly not flying into space.

    The next time, at the launch of Apollo 12, the situation repeated itself.

    Obviously, by that time, the Soviet leadership had already drawn the appropriate conclusions based on the data obtained, because by the next launch - Apollo 13 - probably the largest and most brilliantly conducted operation of the Cold War of the 20th century called "Ocean" was developed. I promise to return to a free presentation of this operation a little later, and now we will listen to another story of the American Baron Munchausen and make a small lyrical digression.

    The special charm of this story is given by the coincidence of the successfully carried out Operation Ocean with the planned “problems” in the flight of Apollo 13, during which all of America was wildly worried and, with bated breath, earnestly prayed for the salvation of the lives of its heroes.

    Rudolf Erich Raspe would not have been a brilliant writer if, during a series of unprecedented feats, Baron Munchausen had not had problems from time to time, which he naturally overcame with his extraordinary courage and dexterity. Rather than reinvent the wheel, NASA also decided to rip off the Apollo 13 flight scenario from Raspe's ideas. Yes, and the ship’s number was suitable, therefore, in the spirit of primitive Hollywood clichés, on April 13, 1970, during a flight along the Earth-Moon route, an oxygen tank exploded.

    To imagine the whole comedy of the situation, let me remind you that the walls of this “ship”, according to NASA official data, were very thin in order to only withstand in a vacuum an internal pressure of 0.3 atmospheres of pure oxygen, in which the crew was supposedly located. Now imagine the explosion of an oxygen tank in the immediate vicinity of such a wall...

    For greater clarity, I will tell you one story from my childhood.

    Once, back in the days of the Union, not far from our school, we burned a fire from old wooden boxes and had fun by throwing into the fire pieces of metal pipes taken out of a small flower bed, into which saltpeter was poured and then with the help of a heavy stone the pipe was riveted on both sides like a tube of toothpaste. After several minutes of heating on a fire, such a pipe exploded with quite a lot of force, scattering burning pieces of wood far away. At the same time, it was necessary to hide behind a small hillock, located 15 meters from a burning fire.

    After several such explosions, which for some reason none of the adults paid much attention to, we wanted more. Someone had an offer to “warm up” a large blue oxygen cylinder on a fire in order to see “what will happen”. No sooner said than done. We rolled this cylinder from the back room from a nearby store, which had been standing there for far from the first month, and carefully dropped it into the fire. Since the cylinder was slightly larger than the fire, more fuel had to be thrown in. When a big fire flared up, we sat down behind a hillock to wait for the explosion.

    Fortunately, it was already dark and we went home.

    And at night the balloon exploded ... There were no victims, but it is worth telling about the destruction in more detail.

    When the Internet appeared in the late 90s and I was finally able to get acquainted in detail with the official history of the “conquest” of the Moon, the episode with the explosion of the oxygen tank first of all interested me. Therefore, a couple of years later, I specially visited that place and measured the distances from the place of the fire to the objects that were destroyed then.

    So, approximately 22 meters from the fire there was a solid fence made of standard reinforced concrete blocks, the side wall of which consisted of convex squares (many residents of post-Soviet countries certainly vividly imagine such a fence). Each section must have weighed at least a ton. So, two sections were then demolished by an explosion and they fell.

    On the other side of the fence and the fire was a kindergarten, enclosed by a mesh fence. The distance from the fire to the grid was 90 meters, and another 20 meters from the grid to the nearest wall of the garden. Almost all the windows on this wall were blown out by the explosion.

    Please note that this explosion occurred due to the heating of the relatively small amount of oxygen remaining in the cylinder. Surely, if that balloon had been full, he would have been “attached to legs” very quickly, as was often the case in those days.

    Measuring the distance from the fence to the fire, I involuntarily remembered a sadistic nursery rhyme, once very popular among schoolchildren:

    A little boy found a grenade

    A kind uncle approached him.

    - Pull the ring, - uncle said ...

    For a long time the sandal flew over the field.

    If an oxygen cylinder or tank exploded on board a spacecraft that went to the Moon, the astronauts' sandals would fly in interplanetary space for a long time, turning into small artificial satellites of the Sun ...

    Now back to Operation Ocean.

    As mentioned above, based on the data collected at Cape Kennedy, as well as on the simple basis that further along the route in the declared Earth orbit, a huge object with a total mass of at least 140 tons was simply not observed anywhere, it was concluded that that the remnants of the rocket fly along a ballistic trajectory over the Atlantic Ocean and splash down somewhere in the Bay of Biscay. In addition, intelligence provided data that an impressive flotilla of US Navy ships is always located in the waters of the Bay of Biscay during Saturn-5 launches.

    It was logical to assume that they were looking for a "gift" from the sky and its prompt delivery to the area of ​​the planned return of the next "expedition" from the Moon. It is also possible that US Navy ships are picking up large pieces of plating that may not sink in water to cover their tracks. Already twice this trick apparently went well. It is possible that the enemy has slightly weakened his vigilance ... It remains to figure out how to intercept this dummy descent module from under the noses of the Americans. And then, I'm not afraid to repeat myself, the ingenious operation "Ocean" was developed.

    Playing dumb is a great way to lower your opponent's guard. Since in the days of the USSR there was always enough of various ideological insanity from party helmsmen in abundance, no one in the USA was surprised that the Russians would celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of "the leader of the world proletariat, the classic of Marxism-Leninism" and the founder of the Soviet state on a large scale and pomp V.I. Lenin, which came on April 22, 1970. The army could not be aloof from the incredible industrial, scientific and creative successes of the Soviet people, therefore, “towards” a significant date, it was decided to hold the most grandiose exercises of the USSR Navy, code-named “Ocean”.

    Absolutely all the main and auxiliary watercraft that could only stay afloat were brought into the seas and oceans. Amusing battles were played out in the northern and Pacific theaters of operations with missile launches and torpedo attacks of a mock enemy.

    In general, under the condescending views of NATO, Soviet sailors diligently worked out scenarios of military operations, using all available means to once again show a potential enemy a kind of “kuzkin mother”, but this time at sea. At the official level, it was believed that the USSR decided to show the ability to wage a naval war in the global theater of operations. Surely in the headquarters of NATO, the generals twirled their fingers to their temples or what they do there in such cases ...

    When all the military and fishing ships of the USSR at that time, which were in the waters of the seas adjacent to the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, a few days before the planned launch of Apollo 13, received an order to urgently relocate to the Bay of Biscay (submarines - secretly), in NATO reacted rather sluggishly to this next insanity. More precisely, they did not react in any way, considering it to be one of those crazy operations in the process of the Soviet global exercises, which they had already seen enough of during the previous days. But in vain ... Very in vain.

    For that chess player is bad who, at a decisive moment, does not know how to sacrifice a piece in order to checkmate and checkmate a gaping opponent.

    In early April 1970, the Soviet nuclear submarine K-8, which is on combat duty in the Mediterranean, receives an urgent command to relocate to the North Atlantic. Moreover, along the way, she receives a command to take on board a large number of oxygen regeneration kits.

    It was probably the only case in history when a submarine could be used to transport oxygen regeneration units. I don’t even know what such absurdity can be compared to. Maybe with sending a fuel truck to put out a fire or handing out grenades to all the monkeys in the zoo...

    In any case, such an operation should have caused at least bewilderment of the submarine commander. But, in the army, orders are not discussed, but carried out. Therefore, even if the command comes from the main headquarters to immediately flood the submarine, and the commander himself to shoot himself, it will be carried out. It was the same this time: since there was very little space on the submarine, additional oxygen regeneration units were placed throughout the volume where possible. And with such an incredibly dangerous cargo, the K-8 submarine continued on its way to the Bay of Biscay.

    On the evening of April 8, in a given square (north of the Azores), the K-8 submarine was supposed to surface to periscope depth to conduct a radio communication session with Moscow. The result of this radio communication session was two explosions that occurred simultaneously in different places of the submarine, and one in the immediate vicinity of the regeneration kits loaded the day before, and maybe even inside one of them. From that moment on, the submarine was doomed.

    As you know, putting out a fire means first of all blocking the access of oxygen to the fire. In this case, the oxygen regeneration kits served as ideal fuel for the fire, and since they were located in different places on the submarine, it was impossible to close any compartment to extinguish the fire. Nevertheless, the crew, showing miracles of heroism, fought for four days at the cost of their own lives to save their ship.

    Then the entire crew - dead and alive - were presented to the highest military and government awards. On my own behalf, I want to add that for sure all the surviving sailors did not need anything until the end of their days. The country then knew how to thank its heroes ...

    And now, in the immediate vicinity of the Bay of Biscay, a fire suddenly breaks out on a Soviet nuclear submarine. What did this mean for the US Navy?

    To explain the state of the American sailors and their command at that moment, it must be recalled that nuclear submarines formed the basis of the USSR's strategic nuclear deterrence forces. The other two components - silo-based ballistic nuclear missiles and strategic bombers - were more or less vulnerable to a prompt retaliatory or preemptive strike. But such a number did not work with submarines.

    They secretly passed into the squares of combat duty and, observing absolute radio and acoustic silence, were in close proximity to the shores of a potential enemy. The launch of missiles that reach targets after a few minutes, or nuclear torpedoes from such a submarine, was neither predictable nor preventable.

    Therefore, all possible technical achievements appeared primarily on submarines with nuclear power plants. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this technique was then at the very forefront of scientific and technological progress, having on board something for which any country, without bargaining, would give anything.

    After all, having at your disposal the military secrets of one of the superpowers, it was possible not to spend billions of dollars on your scientific and technical research, but simply copy and at one moment catch up with an opponent who had pulled ahead. Secondly, the possession of these secrets posed new problems and tasks for the opponent, for example, the creation of weapons of an even more advanced generation or, at least, the change of all communication systems in the submarine fleet ...

    With such fantastic luck, which came into their own hands, the US Navy ships in the Bay of Biscay were immediately ordered to drop everything and trot to the Azores to monitor the development of the situation. Ideally, one could count on the capture of a Soviet submarine with the entire crew, declaring it missing in the abyss of the Atlantic.

    Well, indeed, the tin-dummy of the Apollo 13 descent module is not going anywhere, the command of the US Navy thought. It will be possible to return for it even a few days later, since it was equipped with a radio beacon and was of no interest to random ships - you never know what kind of garbage hangs in the seas and oceans.

    But the organizers of this event, too, were not a bastard. First of all, the accident site was specially chosen in a place where it would be almost impossible to get a sunken submarine in the next 50 years. The depth at this point is approximately 4680 meters.

    Secondly, the K-8 submarine by that time was already rather obsolete. Project 627A "Kit" submarines were produced in the late 50s, and the K-8 itself was put into service in 1958. To understand how profound changes were permeated the capabilities of the Soviet strategic submarine fleet over 12 years - from 1958 to 1970 - one must remember the level of development of the entire Soviet military machine over these years. Unfortunately, the details of these fantastic achievements are beyond the scope of this article.

    Nevertheless, with a sufficient degree of probability it can be assumed that the K-8 would soon end its glorious days somewhere in the dock in Severomorsk, being cut into scrap metal. So isn't it more useful to sacrifice such a submarine in this most important operation?

    On the third day after the start of the deadly fire on the K-8 submarine, when the ships of the US Navy circling around like jackals are hoping to get their hands on at least part of the Soviet crew, on April 11, 1970, at 13:13, Apollo 13 starts . Why not April 13 is not clear; Apparently they thought it would be overkill. Or maybe just because an “accident in space” was scheduled for April 13th.

    By that time, in the Bay of Biscay, there was already nowhere to fall: there are at least several dozen Soviet ships of various types, but they are dispersed and out of sight of each other; submarines are placed between them. No one leaves their squares and goes to the aid of their own nuclear submarine that is literally sinking (by sea standards) ...

    Half an hour after the launch of Apollo 13, Soviet ships using radar (and maybe even visually, because it’s daylight, even though it’s stormy and snowing) detect the falling capsule of the descent vehicle, quickly pick it up and wind up to the home port. The rest of the boats remain to break the comedy called "Ocean" until April 22, 1970 ...

    On April 12, when the main thing has already been done, another Soviet ship finally rushes to the rescue of the K-8 submarine, which manages to pick up the surviving part of the crew almost a few minutes before the submarine disappears forever in the abyss of the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

    The American fleet, having slurped no salt, returns to the Bay of Biscay, where a thorough search for the capsule from Apollo 13 does not bring any results. Obviously, over the next five days, an analogue had to be urgently made, firing it from all sides. But these are already their problems, but for now, an indisputable fact turned out to be in the hands of the leadership of the USSR, from which they still had to squeeze out the maximum of useful information before starting negotiations.

    The fact is that even in those days real-time telemetry information came from a flying rocket or spacecraft, but it was very scarce. After all, the possibilities of digital encoding and data compression did not yet exist. Therefore, all the data of interest to designers, engineers and flight managers were recorded directly on board such devices in a kind of “black boxes” of aircraft, and then, after arriving at the MCC, these data were copied from magnetic media for decoding and analysis.

    Based on this, the USSR received indisputable evidence that the weight-and-weight model of the descent vehicle was launched exactly at that very time and flew on the same Saturn-5 rocket, which, according to the official legend, threw the Apollo-13 crew into space. When all the necessary data and evidence had been collected, the high parties began negotiations. To be more precise, to bidding, which led in the short term to very serious economic benefits for the USSR, and in the medium term to its collapse.

    This topic is very extensive, evidence-based and interesting, therefore it should at least fragmentarily be included in the presentation of this work. It should be noted the most obvious gifts that the "decaying" capitalist West was forced to make to "developed" Soviet socialism.

    First of all, wild experiments on the enlargement of collective farms and the development of virgin lands in the USSR ended in a sharp drop in the production of the main agricultural product - wheat grain. Since the beginning of the 1970s, grain has been sold to the Soviet Union from Canada and other capitalist countries at prices significantly lower than market prices, which even provokes a food crisis in the West.

    Secondly, The Soviet Union, like air, needed constant sources of hard currency, for which it would be possible to purchase essential goods on the world markets, with which the socialist economy, in the absence of private initiative, did not go well. The parties very quickly agreed on such a source. Huge reserves of energy carriers in Siberia had to be delivered to Europe as soon as possible.

    Towards this stream there always had to be a stream of dollars. To solve this problem, the United States even supplied technologies for the production of large diameter pipes and tunneling equipment, which the USSR did not have for the banal reason of lack of need. In addition, in a miraculous way, in 1973, the first world oil crisis began, expressed in a huge rising prices for hydrocarbons. And now we know how such “crises” arise, or rather, how such “crises” are organized ...

    Thirdly, unlike AvtoVAZ, bought in the mid-60s from the Italians for money, and AvtoGAZ, LAZ, ZiL, taken out of Germany after the war, now the “damned capitalists” simply gave the “bloodthirsty communists” a whole truck production plant with everything attached to it auxiliary productions and technologies - the famous KAMAZ. And the problem of the lack of quality trucks for the Soviet economy has ceased to be so acute.

    Of course, there were other gifts that are not so striking. One such additional gift is worth mentioning separately. The fact is that the Soviet party nomenklatura, in contrast to ordinary athletes, artists and all ordinary workers who were taken to the “west” practically under KGB escort, received more or less free exit behind the “Iron Curtain” during the Brezhnev-Podgorny-Kosygin era, mostly for shopping.

    This generation of Soviet leaders could already be quite easily bought or recruited, as, for example, the Spanish conquistadors did with the first natives of North America they met, exchanging piles of gold or loyalty for outlandish but worthless toys.

    There is no need to look far for examples in our history either. Brezhnev’s craving for good American cars, the history of the creation of the first domestic mafias under the auspices of the Minister of Internal Affairs Shchelokov, the history of the participation of Brezhnev’s daughter Galina in incredibly huge diamond operations even by the standards of the then USSR are well known, and so on and so forth. But that was just the tip of the iceberg...

    The people, despite the dominant worldview platforms and ideological layers, are always very aptly able to describe the situation with the help of anecdotes. So, in the early 70s, such an anecdote was popular. His mother came to visit Leonid Ilyich. He walks around his apartment, marveling at the riches, and finally asks:

    - Lyonya, what will you do when the communists come to power again? ...

    It is possible that back in the first half of the 1970s, during the “détente of international tension” and with the active promotion of a new ideologeme of “peaceful coexistence of countries with different socio-political systems”, the top rulers of the USSR opened unlimited personal accounts in the West. At this time, such a fraternization between "irreconcilable" ideological opponents is taking place in the world behind the scenes that even a triple kiss in a hickey between Leonid Ilyich and Erich Honecker could envy him!

    For those who are more interested in this most interesting period in the history of the 20th century, I highly recommend reading the book Mafia by the Ukrainian emigrant of the second wave, Pavel Shtepa. After reading this book, at least the questions of those who doubt the joint concealment of the US and the USSR of global economic and political frauds disappear. Moreover, all the ideological and political tinsel, which always hides the real reality of governing our world, disappears.

    The Soviet Union took such steps in this cover-up operation that people raised on Soviet anti-American propaganda make their hair stand on end. I will remind you of some aspects of the joint operation of hiding the truth about the American "manned space program" in the following sections of this work. And now a few examples that are directly related to the history of "Apollo 13" in particular and the American "manned space program" before 1981 in general.

    The USSR, in company with other US satellite countries, took all possible part in the circus called "rescuing the crew of Apollo 13", declaring radio silence during the "return" to Earth. Soviet sources also kept deathly silence during the period of amusing "operation" of the first and only American orbital station "Skylab", which, in fact, also turned out to be a complete crap and swindle.

    Moreover, in order to somehow convince world public opinion of the reality of the American manned space programs, the USSR took part in a space propaganda show called “docking of the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft in near-Earth orbit.” The Soviet media trumpeted this historical “connection” so frantically, out of place and out of place, that in 1975 it seemed that there was nothing more important than this event in the world. Before him faded even the constant record milking milkmaids, melting steelworkers, grimy faces of Stakhanov's virtual followers, and even the "socialist" revolution in Angola ...

    Pay attention to the composition of the crews that took part in that historic "docking". In order not to spread our thoughts along the tree, we will dwell only on the commanders of the crews. From the American side - Thomas Stafford. He participated in the simulation of the Apollo 10 flight "around the moon", and that is where his "space" experience ends. Wikipedia is also laconic in another juicy detail of his biography: " Mason, Western Star Lodge No. 138, Oklahoma". Some sources also attribute to him participation in two flights on Gemini-6A and -9A, and we already know what interesting flights they were - from that space where you can not see the stars, through an atmosphere where even the paint does not burn. In short, an experienced, proven, reliable comrade ...

    From the Soviet side - the world-famous Alexei Leonov. The man who first went into outer space. After the tragic death of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the leadership of the USSR secretly banned other pioneers from flying into space.

    And now, Aleksey Leonov, who has not flown into space for 10 years after his first and only historical flight (but literally did not get off the high stands, from where he tirelessly sang about “the native communist party and personally dear Leonid Ilyich”), is suddenly appointed commander of the ship Soyuz-19. And this fact now does not look so strange against the background of the fact that Alexei Leonov, in his old age, has turned into the most ardent supporter, propagandist, I would even say - a fanatic - of the American version of flights to the moon. Perhaps he is also a Freemason? Only a local box, some kind of Kemerovo, No. 137 ...

    What was to be the focal point of this strange mission? - Docking of Soyuz-19 and Apollo (no number) spacecraft in near-Earth orbit.

    First question: for what?

    If in the future both superpowers planned joint exploration of near-Earth space, for example, the construction of an orbital station or at least regular docking in space in order to develop some kind of technology for something specific, then such a mission would be justified. But in the future, nothing joint was built in space, right up to the creation of the ISS in the 21st century.

    Second question: how?

    In order to dock in space two such large different ship, unthinkably complex improvements were needed to the orientation systems of both vehicles, the creation and testing of compatible docking nodes, and finally, the exchange of technologies! Why did the Americans need to modify their Apollo with a different docking system and node, if, according to the legend of the multiple conquest of the moon, docking and undocking occurred in space almost more often than a beer lover runs to the toilet while watching football ...

    It was possible to simply transfer your technology to the "soviets", but they did not. For it is known for certain that for the construction of the ISS, more than 30 years later, only Soviet docking nodes and technologies were used, worked out on Soyuz, Salyut, Progress and Mir. And then, why modify the Apollo with a Soviet docking port, if after this historic flight with docking it no longer flew into space at all !?

    In addition, it would be appropriate to raise the question of the theoretical possibility of docking between the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft in principle. As we remember, NASA official data says that the walls of the Apollo spacecraft were so thin that during installation they could be pierced by an accidentally dropped screwdriver. And only in space, when there is a vacuum around, and inside a pressure of 0.3 atmospheres of pure oxygen, these walls received some rigidity according to the principle of the rigidity of the surface of an inflatable ball, only from aluminum foil.

    Now let's remember what happens on the railway at the time of the coupling of wagons. The wagons receive a shock, slightly dampened by damper mechanisms, which, however, is transmitted along neighboring wagons, since all wagons have sufficient longitudinal rigidity. What rigidity can we talk about in relation to the Apollo spacecraft?

    Personally, I believe that Apollo - as a manned spacecraft - existed only on paper, as well as on fake photographs and film footage. And the “docking flight” itself in 1975 was simply intended to show the whole world that the Apollo, which flew to the moon like a picnic, really exists. After all, the most “irreconcilable” rival of America, which has only been on Earth, will not participate in such a mega-fake…

    Before reading this work, I had my own version of the falsification mechanism, according to which American astronauts were taken into space as space tourists, and somehow it was not appropriate for lunar “pioneers” to brag about such “achievements”. For the future, Soviet cosmonautics used that experience, moreover, for propaganda purposes. Whoever was not transported to near-Earth orbit as "cosmonaut-researchers" within the framework of the Interkosmos program!

    When all sorts of representatives of the socialist camp were already flying, including Vietnam, Cuba and Mongolia, it even came to "ideological opponents" - the Indians and the French. By the way, the name of the French cosmonaut-researcher was Jean-Loup Chretien: apparently his surname seemed to the leadership of the USSR the most suitable, as for a space tourist from the “decaying West” ...

    However, it turned out that the USSR and the USA took a different, much easier path, sending into space an unmanned version of the Soyuz-19 with equipment mounted on board, with the help of which a pre-prepared video recording of the “historical handshake” and other stories were broadcast from near-Earth orbit. , taken aboard special aircraft falling along a parabola, in short-term weightlessness. It can be said that in order to falsify this expedition, the USSR borrowed from the United States all the experience gained at that time during “lunar” flights, as well as during the virtual operation of the Skylab space station.

    In order to finally close the vast topic of the Apollo 13 adventures and their consequences for the entire world history, it is appropriate to recall the story of the transfer in Murmansk on September 8, 1970 of “a weight-and-weight model of the American descent vehicle caught in the Bay of Biscay in April of the same year.” Then, for the only time in the history of the USSR, an American icebreaker entered the port of Murmansk, the crew of which until the last moment did not know about the purpose of such a strange visit. In a solemn but secret atmosphere, in the presence of Hungarian (!) photojournalists in a closed military port, the famous apparatus was handed over to the American side.

    This incident remained unknown for 35 years, despite the fact that there are detailed encyclopedias on all kinds of space launches and programs, starting from the beginning of the space age. Apparently, not in vain ...

    Maybe the reader, who is not very well versed in the topic, has a thought about whether to believe or not to believe? After all, now there is Google, so any fact from this article can be checked in a minute. In addition, you are welcome to read the following sections, after which you will simply know . And it will no longer be necessary to believe in anything ...

    29.04.2017 12:40

    The exercises were held from April 14 to May 5, 1970 and were officially dedicated to the centenary of the birth of V. I. Lenin. However, over time, there were people who opened a completely different view of what is happening. Now we can say that it was probably the largest and most brilliantly carried out operation of the Cold War of the twentieth century under the name "Ocean".

    The launch of Apollo-13 was made on April 11, 1970, and it turned out to be the only one on which a serious accident occurred in flight (an explosion of an oxygen cylinder), and the astronauts, having shown miracles, were able to escape.

    What could be the connection between the exercises of the Soviet Navy and the launch of Apollo 13? As time and the study of this issue by some researchers have shown, these events are interconnected, like the accident on the Soviet nuclear submarine K-8, which for some reason was urgently transferred from the Mediterranean Sea to the Azores in early April.

    Along the way, she receives a command to take on board a large number of oxygen regeneration kits. It was probably the only case in history when a submarine could be used to transport oxygen regeneration units. With what such absurdity can be compared? Maybe with sending a fuel truck to put out a fire or handing out grenades to all the monkeys in the zoo...

    The special charm of this story is given by the coincidence of the successfully carried out Operation Ocean with the planned “problems” in the flight of Apollo 13, during which all of America was wildly worried and, with bated breath, fervently prayed for the salvation of the lives of its heroes, and the American fleet was pulled back from the Bay of Biscay (probable Apollo flight path) to the distressed nuclear submarine K-8...

    What happened, and how did it all start?

    When the first space records were planned in the Soviet Union, in particular, the launch of the first artificial satellites, the first living organisms into near-Earth orbit, the launch of the first research vehicles to the Moon and other technical victories that were unique at that time, the leadership of the USSR needed to have reliable, independent witnesses in order to to record these achievements for history.

    Therefore, before each such launch, information was sent to the leading foreign observatories and research organizations with the parameters of the planned flight, so that they could, by adjusting their tracking equipment and telescopes, catch the telemetry signal at the desired bearing, see with their own eyes the moving satellite star across the night sky, the explosion from the hit of the last stage rockets to the surface of the moon, listen to the heartbeat of dogs in Earth orbit on live radio, etc.
    Thus, neither then nor now it was impossible to challenge the superiority of the USSR in space exploration.

    When work began in the United States on the preparation of manned expeditions to the Moon, the USSR quite rightly believed that at the right time NASA would provide the necessary information to be able to track these flights with its own means. What was the surprise of Soviet mid-level specialists when they were not only not given such information, but also unambiguous instructions were issued “from above” - not to pay attention to the Americans and go about their business ...

    Whether there were secret negotiations at the highest level between the leadership of the USSR and the USA about the conditions for hiding the lunar scam by the time of the first "flights to the moon", we will probably not know soon, if we ever know at all. It is only known for certain that by the time of the announced launch of Apollo 11 for the first "landing on the moon", an entire flotilla of Soviet electronic intelligence ships (7 units - approx. MP) was pulled into the Atlantic Ocean to the vicinity of the NASA cosmodrome (Cape Kennedy) .

    On July 16, 1969, at 8 am local time, the large-scale operation "Crossroad" ("Crossroads") began, which all official information resources without exception do not like to remember. American Orion planes equipped with electronic countermeasures circled over Soviet ships; the warships approached as close as possible and defiantly unsheathed their guns; ground-based radar stations began to transmit noise on all previously recorded frequency bands that were used by the Soviet Navy. The whole operation suddenly ended when the Saturn-5 rocket went beyond the horizon (the launch of Apollo 11).

    The official pretext for Operation Crossroads was the fear that Soviet electronic tracking ships could interfere with the successful flight of American astronauts. In fact, the main task was to prevent recording the flight parameters of a rocket that was clearly not flying into space. The next time, at the launch of Apollo 12, the situation repeated itself. By the time of the launch of Apollo 13, the USSR had already understood everything and planned the most elegant operation, Ocean-70.

    Based on the data collected at Cape Kennedy, and also on the simple basis that further along the route in NASA's declared low-Earth orbit, a huge object with a total mass of at least 140 tons was simply not observed anywhere, it was concluded that the remnants of the rocket fly over ballistic trajectory over the Atlantic Ocean and splash down somewhere in the Bay of Biscay. In addition, intelligence provided data that an impressive flotilla of US Navy ships is always located in the waters of the Bay of Biscay during Saturn-5 launches.

    Playing dumb is a great way to lower your opponent's guard. Since in the days of the USSR there was always enough ideological insanity from party helmsmen in abundance, no one in the USA was surprised that the Russians would celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin, which came on April 22, 1970.

    It was decided to hold the most grandiose exercises of the USSR Navy under the code name "Ocean". Absolutely all the main and auxiliary watercraft that could only stay afloat were brought into the seas and oceans. Amusing battles were played out in the northern and Pacific theaters of operations with missile launches and torpedo attacks of a mock enemy.

    Under the condescending gaze of NATO, Soviet navies diligently worked out scenarios of military operations, using all available means. At the official level, it was believed that the USSR decided to show the ability to wage a naval war in the global theater of operations. Surely in the headquarters of NATO, the generals twirled their fingers to their temples or what they do there in such cases ...

    When all the military and fishing ships of the USSR at that time, which were in the waters of the seas adjacent to the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, a few days before the planned launch of Apollo 13, received an order to urgently relocate to the Bay of Biscay (submarines - secretly), in NATO did not react to this next insanity in any way, considering it to be one of those crazy operations in the process of the Soviet global exercises, which they had already seen enough of during the previous days. But in vain ... Very in vain.

    On the evening of April 8 (north of the Azores), the K-8 submarine was supposed to surface for a radio session with Moscow. The result of this radio communication session was two explosions that occurred simultaneously in different places of the submarine, and one in the immediate vicinity of the regeneration kits loaded the day before, and maybe even inside one of them. From that moment on, the submarine was doomed.

    The crew, showing miracles of heroism, fought for four days at the cost of their own lives to save their ship. Then the entire crew - dead and alive - were presented to the highest military and government awards.

    And now, in the immediate vicinity of the Bay of Biscay, a fire suddenly breaks out on a Soviet nuclear submarine. What did this mean for the US Navy? This technique was then at the very forefront of scientific and technological progress, having on board something for which any country, without bargaining, would give anything.

    With such fantastic luck, which came into their own hands, the US Navy ships in the Bay of Biscay were immediately ordered to drop everything and trot to the Azores to monitor the development of the situation. Ideally, one could count on the capture of a Soviet submarine with the entire crew, declaring it missing in the abyss of the Atlantic.
    Well, indeed, the tin-dummy of the Apollo 13 descent module is not going anywhere, thought the command of the US Navy. It will be possible to return for it even a few days later, since it was equipped with a radio beacon and was of no interest to random ships - you never know what kind of garbage hangs in the seas and oceans.

    But the organizers of this event, too, were not a bastard. Firstly, the accident site was specially chosen in a place where it would be almost impossible to get a sunken submarine in the next 50 years. The depth at this point is approximately 4680 meters. Secondly, the K-8 submarine by that time was already rather outdated, built in the 50s.

    On the third day after the start of the deadly fire on the K-8 submarine, when the ships of the US Navy circling around like jackals are hoping to get their hands on at least part of the Soviet crew, on April 11, 1970, at 13:13, Apollo 13 starts .

    By that time, in the Bay of Biscay, there was already nowhere to fall: there are at least several dozen Soviet ships of various types, but they are dispersed and out of sight of each other; submarines are placed between them. No one leaves their squares and goes to the aid of their own nuclear submarine that is literally sinking (by sea standards) ...

    Half an hour after the launch of Apollo 13, Soviet ships using radar (and maybe even visually, because it’s daylight, even though it’s stormy and snowing) detect the falling capsule of the descent vehicle, quickly pick it up and wind up to the home port. The rest of the boats remain to break the comedy called "Ocean" until April 22, 1970 ...

    On April 12, when the main thing has already been done, the K-8 submarine is finally rushed to the rescue by another Soviet ship, which manages to pick up the surviving part of the crew almost a few minutes before the submarine disappears forever in the abyss of the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

    The American fleet, having slurped no salt, returns to the Bay of Biscay, where a thorough search for the capsule from Apollo 13 does not bring any results. Obviously, over the next five days, an analogue had to be urgently made, firing it from all sides. But these are already their problems, but for now, an indisputable fact turned out to be in the hands of the leadership of the USSR, from which they still had to squeeze out the maximum of useful information before starting negotiations.

    After NASA ruled on April 23, 1968 that after the failure of unmanned rocket tests, the next flight would be manned, the Americans in their lunar epic began to be accompanied by almost continuous luck.

    October 1968 NASA is carrying out the first manned flight of the Apollo (A-7) spacecraft in low Earth orbit. Prior to this, astronauts had not tested their spacecraft in real space conditions. And that single test was enough to send Apollo 8 heading straight for the Moon two months later.

    Two months later, in December 1968, Apollo 8 is allegedly already circling the Moon. Not a single automatic American spacecraft (unlike the Soviets) has ever flown to the Moon and returned to Earth at second cosmic velocity. But "Apollo 8" "tolerates" complete success and flies to the Moon without preliminary unmanned flights. The Americans allegedly circled the moon, but the lunar module with a man on board has never been tested in outer space. No problems.

    You need to be an adherent of the sect of believers in "Flight-to-the-Moon" in order not to pay attention to a lot of inconsistencies and find an explanation for what was not even given an explanation in a timely manner. Well, as a rule, "witnesses to the flight to the moon" do not have a technical education, and sometimes it seems that they did not finish school either.

    What "Apollo" was in captivity from the USSR? A conspiracy of silence?

    Operation Crossroad took place, as we know, during the launch of Apollo 11. About the next launch of Apollo No. 12 (November 1969), the author has no information that this time Soviet radio intelligence and American counter-jamming clashed. It is possible that both sides during this period were thinking about the results of the special operations performed and future plans. On April 13, 1970, the next Apollo (No. 13) launched with pomp. And everything seemed to go smoothly. And 5 months after the launch of the A-13, the following curious event occurred in the polar Soviet port of Murmansk.

    "September 8, 1970 in the Soviet harbor Murmansk to the surprised crew US icebreaker "Southwind" in a solemn ceremony, the Apollo command module, "caught by a Soviet fishing trawler in the Bay of Biscay" was handed over! At the same time, Hungarian journalists with cameras ended up in the secret port of Murmansk. The capsule was loaded and Southwind was gone" .

    Information about this event with relevant photographs (Fig. 1) has been published Hungarians in a book in 1981. However, this book did not receive wide popularity, and an amazing event remained practically unknown for almost 40 years.

    Fig.1. September 8, 1970: Handover of the Apollo capsule to American sailors in the Sovetskaya Harbor of Murmansk. Photo: Hungarian News Agency. From: Nandor Schuminszky .

    None of the Soviet media ever mentioned this fact. At present, memoirs of many prominent participants in the lunar race have been published. Among them are academicians Mishin V.P. and Chertok B.E., director of the head NII-88 professor Yu.A. Mozzhorin, Head of the Cosmonaut Training Center General Kamanin N.P., Chief Designer of the Soyuz spacecraft K.P. Feoktistov and others. And, although their memoirs are very detailed (including descriptions of personal experiences and well-being), not one of them mentions the event in Murmansk. Consequently, the political secrecy of the Murmansk history was so high that even such leaders of the space industry of science and technology were not aware of it.

    Witnesses were also asked to remain silent. Most likely, it was the USSR that did it. Firstly, because, of course, the Soviet side invited the Hungarians to the Soviet city of Murmansk. Secondly, Hungary at that time belonged to the socialist camp and was both a military and political ally of the USSR. In 1985, the leadership of the CPSU began the destruction of the Soviet system and the consistent surrender of the positions of the USSR in Eastern Europe. Just as the wind picks up before a storm, so in politics nothing happens all of a sudden. The winds of coming change are blowing in Hungary as well. And then in 1981, witnesses - Hungarians published their pictures.

    However, even after that, for about 20 years, the fact of such a publication was surrounded by deathly silence on the part of the main participants. Of course, Hungary is far from being the main space power, but it is hard to imagine that these photos have passed the attention of all American and Soviet space specialists without exception. But the Hungarians, with their perseverance, forced the American Encyclopedia of Astronautics to speak. Until then" none of the Western sources ever mentioned this fact » . Thus, there is a fact of agreed mutual silence about the Murmansk episode by both parties involved.

    Curtain parted to show nothing

    What the American M. Wade writes

    The Americans started talking in 2001, when, figuratively speaking, the Hungarians "got" with their perseverance the editor of the large American Internet encyclopedia "Cosmonautics" M. Wade. What did the encyclopedia tell readers? In his twenty-page article, the editor of the encyclopedia, Wade, writes that yes, it was. An icebreaker sailed (ill. 2). Wade also talks about the fact that there are polar bears in the Arctic (2 photos). Shows views of the Arctic with and without an icebreaker (5 photos). He talks about the activities and entertainment of the crew of an American icebreaker (3 photos), gives views of Murmansk as it seemed to American sailors, and adds to this the appearance of a receipt for receiving rubles in exchange for dollars (4 photos), to this he adds pictures of visits by Soviet sailors to American ship (3 photos). A total of 17 photos "about and in connection."

    Fig.2. The American icebreaker "Southwind", which took on board the Apollo capsule, caught by Soviet sailors.

    It must be said that none of the researchers of this history, including the American Wade , did not take seriously the mention of the lucky one - the fishing trawler. Fishing trawlers do not hunt for this kind of "fish". By chance, fishermen can catch, for example, a giant squid (Fig. 3). It will be rare, but quite possible luck. Because although giant squids are very rare among other squids, there are a lot of them all over the ocean. But accidentally catching the only Apollo capsule in the ocean in a fishing trawl is already from the realm of non-science fiction.

    And the Bay of Biscay is mentioned in the Soviet message, rather, as a mockery of the Americans, more precisely, of the American military sailors. They, according to the author, on their way to the area where the capsule fell, were diverted precisely to the Bay of Biscay to another "bait" - the Soviet nuclear submarine K-8. This nuclear submarine on April 10, 1970, just on the eve of the launch of the A-13 (neither earlier nor later), fell victim to a severe accident on another occasion. Trying to capture a Soviet nuclear submarine - isn't it tempting? And, the capsule can wait a day or two. No one knows the area of ​​​​her splashdown, the American commanders believed. It has a beautiful light beacon of "original design". And she floats like a barrel.

    As a result, the Americans did not capture the submarine, nor did they find the capsule upon arrival in the area. You can sympathize with the American military. If there had been an accident with the K-8 a couple of days earlier, they would have had time to hunt for the boat and be in time for their main destination. Happen even a day later - again no problem: having a capsule on board, you can safely hunt for nuclear submarines. But the case ordered that the events overlapped in time. And it turned out, as in that proverb about the simultaneous pursuit of two hares.

    But for some reason chances helped the Soviet sailors. It is clear that the Americans would not hesitate to use force to take the find from the “weakling”. Remember Operation Crossroad, the American ships with uncovered guns and submarines that surrounded our radio surveillance vessels. So in April 1970, this “trick” among the Americans would not have passed. Because the Soviet sailors who found the capsule were helped by another accident. Just a couple of days after the launch of Apollo 13, the global exercises of the Soviet Navy "Ocean" began, and dozens of Soviet warships entered the Atlantic ahead of time. This means that by the time of the launch of Apollo 13 (April 11), large areas of the Atlantic were already under the control of Soviet warships. So it was and to whom to find a find, and to whom to deliver and to whom to protect until arrival in Murmansk.

    Haven't there been too many accidents in the history of capturing the capsule (bad ones for the Americans, and good ones for the Soviet military)? Or is the plan of a cleverly conceived and well-executed special operation behind all these accidents? Let the reader decide.

    Destination - Atlantic

    5 months after the launch of the A-13 in the port of Murmansk, the found capsule was returned to the Americans. Found it obviously not the day before. While they were brought to the Union, while they were getting acquainted with the find, while they were pondering what was what - time passed. And the witnesses of the transfer had to be selected. After all, having received the lost capsule without witnesses, the Americans could well deny the very fact of the transfer the very next day. They chose the Hungarians - representatives of the then allied socialist country. All this takes time (contacts, diplomatic negotiations, agreements, bargaining, after all).

    Fortune smiles on the brave and skillful, and Soviet sailors were not lacking in these qualities. Some, despite the jamming, were able to identify the area where the "lunar" rockets and "ships" fell. Others managed to fish out the Apollo 13 lunar mock-up capsule. According to one of the skeptics, the A13 capsule could contain recording equipment . Perhaps for this reason, the Americans provided for her salvation. And for the same reason, such a layout was of particular value to Soviet intelligence.

    It is clear that the Americans were vitally interested in classifying this story. And for the Soviet political leadership, it served as a weighty argument for putting pressure on the Americans. But it, as we shall see later, used this argument not to expose the American lunar saga, but for political bargaining. For us, the fact of catching an empty model of the Apollo spacecraft in the Atlantic will serve as the last stage in our research on the "lunar" rocket. It's time for us to draw conclusions on everything that has become known about the American "lunar" rocket.

    1. Ya. Golovanov, "The truth about the APOLLO program", M.: Yauza - EKSMO-Press, 2000, chapter 7, p.210.

    This book is available online: chapter 7

    The story about the fake "lunar epic" of the Americans, which I plunged into the other day, so hooked and impressed me that I could not resist reprinting this someone else's article. She is from the series: "EVERY RUSSIAN SHOULD KNOW THIS!". The author of this article is still unknown to me, maybe I will find out later, but there is a source, I indicate it at the end.

    So, "go!!!" It seems that this is how our Yura Gagarin shouted when the Vostok rocket began to lift him into the sky, on the first space flight in the history of mankind ...

    "When the first space records were planned in the Soviet Union, in particular, the launch of the first artificial satellites, the first living organisms into near-Earth orbit, the launch of the first research vehicles to the Moon and other technical victories that were unique at that time, the leadership of the USSR needed to have reliable independent witnesses in order to to record these achievements for history.

    Therefore, before each such launch, information was sent to the leading foreign observatories and research organizations with the parameters of the planned flight, so that they could, by adjusting their tracking equipment and telescopes, catch the telemetry signal at the desired bearing, see with their own eyes the moving satellite star across the night sky, the explosion from the hit of the last stage rockets to the surface of the moon, listen to the heartbeat of dogs in Earth orbit on live radio, etc.

    Thus, neither then nor now it was impossible to challenge the superiority of the USSR in space exploration. Moreover, these achievements themselves at that time looked so unusual, one might even say fantastic, that without independent confirmation they, as they say, would not be worth a damn. Accordingly, when intensive work began in the United States on the preparation of manned expeditions to the Moon, the USSR quite rightly believed that at the right time NASA would provide the necessary information to be able to track these flights with its own means. What was the surprise of Soviet mid-level specialists when not only were they not given such information, but, moreover, unambiguous instructions were issued “from above” - not to pay attention to the Americans and go about their business ...

    Did secret negotiations at the highest level between the leadership of the USSR and the USA take place by the time of the first "flights to the moon"about the conditions of hiding the lunar scamwe probably won't find out soon, if we ever know at all...

    It is only known for certain that by the time of the announced launch of Apollo 11 for the first "landing on the moon" in the Atlantic Ocean to the vicinity of the NASA cosmodrome (Cape Kennedy) was pulled a whole flotilla of Soviet ships electronic intelligence.

    And if we can now calculate some parameters of the Saturn-5 flight with acceptable accuracy only on the basis of the available low-quality video recordings, then one can imagine what data could then be obtained about the initial stage of the rocket’s flight using this flotilla, intercepting and analyzing the entire radio exchange between the MCC and the spacecraft, accurately calculating the increment in speed and direction of movement of the rocket with the help of advanced and high-quality means of military-applied radar!

    The Americans understood this very well, therefore, on July 16, 1969, at 8 o’clock in the morning local time, the large-scale operation “Crossroad” (“Crossroads”) began, which all official information resources without exception do not like to remember.

    American Orion planes equipped with electronic countermeasures circled over Soviet ships; the warships approached as close as possible and defiantly unsheathed their guns; ground-based radar stations began to transmit noise on all previously recorded frequency bands that were used by the Soviet Navy.

    The whole operation suddenly ended when the Saturn-5 rocket went beyond the horizon. The official pretext for Operation Crossroads was the fear that Soviet electronic tracking ships could interfere with the successful flight of American astronauts.

    In fact, the main task was to prevent recording the flight parameters of a rocket that was clearly not flying into space.

    The next time, at the launch of Apollo 12, the situation repeated itself. Obviously, by that time, the Soviet leadership had already drawn the appropriate conclusions based on the data obtained, because by the next launch - Apollo 13 - probably the largest and most brilliantly conducted operation of the Cold War of the 20th century called "Ocean" was developed.

    I promise to return to a free presentation of this operation a little later, and now we will listen to another story of the American Baron Munchausen and make a small lyrical digression.

    The special charm of this story is given by the coincidence of the successfully carried out Operation Ocean with the planned “problems” in the flight of Apollo 13, during which all of America was wildly worried and, with bated breath, earnestly prayed for the salvation of the lives of its heroes. Rudolf Erich Raspe would not have been a brilliant writer if, during a series of unprecedented feats, Baron Munchausen had not had problems from time to time, which he naturally overcame with his extraordinary courage and dexterity.

    Rather than reinvent the wheel, NASA also decided to rip off the Apollo 13 flight scenario from Raspe's ideas. Yes, and the number of the ship was suitable, the thirteenth, therefore, in the spirit of primitive Hollywood clichés, on April 13, 1970, during the supposedly third day of the Apollo 13 flight along the Earth-Moon route, an oxygen tank allegedly exploded on board!

    To imagine the whole comedy of the situation, let me remind you that the walls of this “ship”, according to NASA official data, were very thin in order to only withstand in a vacuum an internal pressure of 0.3 atmospheres of pure oxygen, in which the crew was supposedly located.

    Here is how this story is described in the world's Wikipedia: "in the evening (at 20:24 Houston time) on April 13, 1970, when the ship flew 330,000 kilometers, the crew was reporting for television viewers, introducing them to the ship and their way of life. Operators in Houston have been observing fluctuations in the readings of liquefied oxygen level sensors for some time and hydrogen in the tanks of the service module, and decided to mix them at the end of the report. Lowell initially thought that Hayes had opened a valve to equalize the air pressure between the command and lunar modules, as he had done repeatedly, each time frightening the astronauts, but he denied his assumption. on the control panel showed a loss of voltage on the power bus B - one of the two supplying more command and service module mouth equipment, and the operators at MCC noted a pressure drop to zero in oxygen tank No. 2 (Eng. oxygen tank 2) and in two of the three fuel cells available.
    James Lovell reported to Houston what had happened. Seeing no obvious damage to the command module, the crew assumed that a meteorite had hit the lunar module, violating its tightness, and proceeded to emergency batten down the transition tunnel between the modules, which was open for the duration of the telecast. However, there was no way to close the hatch, and after a while, not feeling any air leakage, the astronauts stopped these attempts and returned to the analysis of the current situation...".

    Now imagine the explosion of an oxygen tank in the immediate vicinity of such a wall...

    For greater clarity, I will tell you one story from my childhood. Once, back in the days of the Union, not far from our school, we burned a fire from old wooden boxes and had fun by throwing into the fire pieces of metal pipes taken out of a small flower bed, into which saltpeter was poured and then with the help of a heavy stone the pipe was riveted on both sides like a tube of toothpaste. After several minutes of heating on a fire, such a pipe exploded with quite a lot of force, scattering burning pieces of wood far away. At the same time, it was necessary to hide behind a small hillock, located 15 meters from a burning fire.

    After several such explosions, which for some reason none of the adults paid much attention to, we wanted more. Someone had an offer to “warm up” a large blue oxygen cylinder on a fire in order to see “what will happen”. No sooner said than done. We rolled this cylinder from the back room from a nearby store, which had been standing there for far from the first month, and carefully dropped it into the fire. Since the cylinder was slightly larger than the fire, more fuel had to be thrown in. When a big fire flared up, we sat down behind a hillock to wait for the explosion. Fortunately, it was already dark and we went home. And at night the balloon exploded ...

    There were no casualties, but the destruction is worth telling in more detail. When the Internet appeared in the late 90s and I was finally able to get acquainted in detail with the official history of the “conquest” of the Moon, the episode with the explosion of the oxygen tank first of all interested me. Therefore, a couple of years later, I specially visited that place and measured the distances from the place of the fire to the objects that were destroyed then. So, approximately 22 meters from the fire there was a solid fence made of standard reinforced concrete blocks, the side wall of which consisted of convex squares (many residents of post-Soviet countries certainly vividly imagine such a fence).

    Each section must have weighed at least a ton. So, two sections were then demolished by an explosion and they fell!

    On the other side of the fence and the fire was a kindergarten, enclosed by a mesh fence. The distance from the fire to the grid was 90 meters, and another 20 meters from the grid to the nearest wall of the garden. Almost all the windows on this wall were blown out by the explosion. Please note that this explosion occurred due to the heating of the relatively small amount of oxygen remaining in the cylinder. Surely, if that balloon had been full, he would have been “attached to legs” very quickly, as was often the case in those days. Measuring the distance from the fence to the fire, I involuntarily remembered a sadistic nursery rhyme, once very popular among schoolchildren:

    A little boy found a grenade

    A kind uncle approached him.

    - Pull the ring, - uncle said ...

    For a long time the sandal flew over the field.

    If an oxygen cylinder or tank exploded on board a spacecraft that went to the Moon, the astronauts' sandals would fly in interplanetary space for a long time, turning into small artificial satellites of the Sun ...

    (However, why talk about it at all if this explosion of an oxygen tank was a fabrication of the cabalists! The oxygen tank allegedly exploded on April 13, and Apollo 13 launched from Kennedy on April 11, 1970 and fell into the Bay of Biscay also on April 11, 1970 Comment - A.B.).

    Now back to Operation Ocean.

    As mentioned above, based on the data collected at Cape Kennedy, as well as on the simple basis that further along the route in the declared Earth orbit, a huge object with a total mass of at least 140 tons was simply not observed anywhere, it was concluded that that the remnants of the rocket fly along a ballistic trajectory over the Atlantic Ocean and splash down somewhere in the Bay of Biscay.

    In addition, intelligence provided data that an impressive flotilla of US Navy ships is always located in the waters of the Bay of Biscay during Saturn-5 launches. It was logical to assume that they were looking for a "gift" from the sky and its prompt delivery to the area of ​​the planned return of the next "expedition" from the Moon. It is also possible that US Navy ships are picking up large pieces of plating that may not sink in water to cover their tracks.

    Already twice this trick apparently went well. It is possible that the enemy has slightly weakened his vigilance ... It remains to figure out how to intercept this dummy descent module from under the noses of the Americans. And then, I'm not afraid to repeat myself, the ingenious operation "Ocean" was developed.

    Playing dumb is a great way to lower your opponent's guard. Since in the days of the USSR there was always enough of various ideological insanity from party helmsmen in abundance, no one in the USA was surprised that the Russians would celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of "the leader of the world proletariat, the classic of Marxism-Leninism" and the founder of the Soviet state on a large scale and pomp V.I. Lenin, which came on April 22, 1970.

    The army could not be aloof from the incredible industrial, scientific and creative successes of the Soviet people, therefore, “towards” a significant date, it was decided to hold the most grandiose exercises of the USSR Navy, code-named “Ocean”. Absolutely all the main and auxiliary watercraft that could only stay afloat were brought into the seas and oceans. Amusing battles were played out in the northern and Pacific theaters of operations with missile launches and torpedo attacks of a mock enemy.

    In general, under the condescending views of NATO, Soviet sailors diligently worked out scenarios of military operations, using all available means to once again show a potential enemy a kind of “kuzkin mother”, but this time at sea.

    At the official level, it was believed that the USSR decided to show the ability to wage a naval war in the global theater of operations. Surely in the headquarters of NATO, the generals twirled their fingers to their temples or what they do there in such cases ...

    When all the military and fishing ships of the USSR at that time, which were in the waters of the seas adjacent to the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, a few days before the planned launch of Apollo 13, received an order to urgently relocate to the Bay of Biscay (submarines - secretly), in NATO reacted rather sluggishly to this next insanity. More precisely, they did not react in any way, considering it to be one of those crazy operations in the process of the Soviet global exercises, which they had already seen enough of during the previous days.

    But in vain ... Very in vain. For that chess player is bad who, at a decisive moment, does not know how to sacrifice a piece in order to checkmate and checkmate a gaping opponent.

    In early April 1970, the Soviet nuclear submarine K-8, which is on combat duty in the Mediterranean, receives an urgent command to relocate to the North Atlantic. Moreover, along the way, she receives a command to take on board a large number of oxygen regeneration kits.

    It was probably the only case in history when a submarine could be used to transport oxygen regeneration units. I don’t even know what such absurdity can be compared to. Maybe with sending a fuel truck to put out a fire, or with handing out grenades to all the monkeys in the zoo... In any case, such an operation should have caused at least bewilderment of the submarine commander. But, in the army, orders are not discussed, but carried out. Therefore, even if the command comes from the main headquarters to immediately flood the submarine, and the commander himself to shoot himself, it will be carried out.

    It was the same this time: since there was very little space on the submarine, additional oxygen regeneration units were placed throughout the volume where possible. And with such an incredibly dangerous cargo, the K-8 submarine continued on its way to the Bay of Biscay. On the evening of April 8, in a given square (north of the Azores), the K-8 submarine was supposed to surface to periscope depth to conduct a radio communication session with Moscow.

    The result of this radio communication session was two explosions that occurred simultaneously in different places of the submarine, and one in the immediate vicinity of the regeneration kits loaded the day before, and maybe even inside one of them. From that moment on, the submarine was doomed.

    As you know, putting out a fire means first of all blocking the access of oxygen to the fire. In this case, the oxygen regeneration kits served as ideal fuel for the fire, and since they were located in different places on the submarine, it was impossible to close any compartment to extinguish the fire. Nevertheless, the crew, showing miracles of heroism, fought for four days at the cost of their own lives to save their ship. Then the entire crew - dead and alive - were presented to the highest military and government awards.