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  • How to make a wish so that it comes true. How to make a wish - useful tips. Just don't set deadlines.

    How to make a wish so that it comes true.  How to make a wish - useful tips.  Just don't set deadlines.

    Not everyone knows how to make a wish correctly. Therefore, many do not get what they want and are disappointed in magic, starting to believe that it does not exist. In fact, miracles happen, you just need to have an approach to them. In order for a dream to become a reality one day, you should correctly formulate your message to the Universe. Then he will certainly be heard.

    The probability that the desire will still be fulfilled depends on its correct formulation. This issue should be treated with all responsibility. Otherwise, the realization of a cherished dream can not be expected. It is worth analyzing in more detail the question of how to correctly make a wish so that it will certainly come true. Following simple recommendations and tips, you can achieve the desired result.


    The wording of the requests, in order for them to be fulfilled, must correspond to the correct time. The dream comes true in the present, therefore, in order to fulfill it as soon as possible, you should not use words that refer to the past or future in compiling the cherished phrase. Such dreams come true, but extremely rarely. Therefore, it is worth knowing in advance how to formulate a desire correctly and at what time.

    Incorrect wording: "I will earn 100 thousand rubles a month." Correct wording: "I earn 100 thousand rubles a month."

    It is necessary to immediately throw out from the sentence words that suggest the fulfillment of desire sometime later, in the distant future. The same applies to phrases indicating its achievement in the past. The last option is meaningless and illogical.

    Specify an approximate time

    When formulating a desire, you should not think of its fulfillment instantly

    Making a wish that will certainly come true may include an indication of an approximate date. That is, a person gives time for it to be fulfilled. Sometimes the time frame turns out to be so tough that the cherished dream simply does not have time to come true in time. Such a course of events greatly upsets a person, as a result of which he ceases to trust the Universe, to expect miracles from it.

    An approximate time frame may be given. But don't make it too short.

    Incorrect wording: "I will get a promotion tomorrow." Correct wording: "I'm getting a promotion this year" or "I'm getting a promotion soon."

    Such a desire does not have a strict binding to a specific moment. Therefore, the Universe has enough time to carefully analyze and implement it. In addition, usually dreams at the discretion of higher powers are realized at the very moment when a person needs it the most. So it is recommended to set more adequate time frames or forget about them altogether.


    If a person achieves guaranteed fulfillment of his most secret desires, then he must specifically ask the Universe for what he wants. General vague phrases are definitely not accepted by her. This must be remembered at the time of turning to higher powers.

    Incorrect wording: "I'm going on a trip." Correct wording: "I'm going on a trip to New York."

    At the time of making a wish, it is recommended to detail it to yourself as much as possible. If we are talking about a trip, then it is worth specifically understanding where exactly you want to go, where to stay, what sights to visit. You can not be limited to general phrases and words like "somewhere". As a result, you can not get the result that a person expects.

    If the dream concerns expensive equipment or clothes, then you also need to carefully describe the desired item in all details. It is worth taking time to this moment in order to avoid disappointment in the future.


    When making a wish, you need to clearly articulate your dreams

    Desire can certainly be fulfilled if it is supported by the described emotions and feelings of a person. They should be indicated in the phrases that characterize the dream.

    Wrong wording: "I have a stable income." Correct wording: "I am happy and glad that I have a stable income."

    The sentences given in the examples seem almost the same. But in the second case, the desire is backed up by those feelings that a person will experience at the moment the dream comes true. Without their indication, there is a chance that the desire will not bring any joy.

    The same goes for dreams of a soul mate. It is necessary to indicate in advance that the person will be happy next to her, and the relationship will be ideal. To achieve such a result, it is enough to use in the wish “happy”, “calm” and other similar words that symbolize a good relationship with a partner.

    Environmental friendliness

    Ecological is a desire that is in no way capable of harming other people. Sometimes a person himself does not understand that his dream can be dangerous. Deliberately, few people try to harm another with its help. To avoid such unpleasant moments, you should carefully review your request and change it if there are unacceptable words or phrases.

    Incorrect wording: “At work, the deputy director will be fired and I will be given his position.” Correct wording: "I'm getting a promotion at work."

    Sometimes people's dreams are directly related to the other person getting hurt. Usually this applies to the wishes of men and women who have a lover / mistress. They want the object of love to leave the family and be only with them. It is best to give up such dreams, since you should not expect good from them.

    Let's reformulate in our own words

    Correctly formulated phrases, when making wishes, are of great importance

    A cherished desire does not always correspond to the rules for its design. In this case, the probability of fulfilling the dream is minimal. To increase your chances of getting the desired result, you need to try to reformulate it in your own words.

    For example, formulate desires in a positive way, if there are notes of negativity in it. It is strictly forbidden to use the particle "not" in such phrases. It acts as a block that prevents the request from reaching the Universe.

    Incorrect wording: "I don't want to work for a pittance." Correct wording: "I'm getting a pay raise" or "I found a better job with a better salary."

    It is very important when formulating a wish to make it so that its fulfillment depends only on the person himself, and not on outsiders. You should not mention in a sentence a phrase about what the other must do to make the dream a reality.

    Charm Phrase

    A person's dreams will certainly come true if he does not forget to use phrases that act as a talisman. They are universal, so they can fit almost every request. Wishes will surely come true if they are supplemented with such proposals:

    “Let this harmoniously enter my life, bring joy and happiness to me, and to everyone whom this desire concerns.”

    This phrase will work correctly if the desire itself does not carry a danger to the other person. The fulfillment of a dream should bring joy and not cause negative emotions. This moment should be taken care of in advance in order to avoid trouble due to a misinterpretation of the request of the Universe.

    Recording a wish

    Very often people get confused in their own desires. It is difficult for them to formulate them in their heads. To simplify this task will help to enter a dream in a special notebook. Much easier to write down desires. You can make separate lists in Notepad. Some of them are dreams that have already come true. In others, there are those who have not yet been destined to come true.

    It is not necessary to start a whole notebook for this purpose. You can record desires on small blank sheets of paper. After they are recommended to be folded into a beautiful envelope, which must be kept in a secret place. From time to time, it is advised to reread the leaflets so as not to forget about your dreams.

    Wishes made on New Year's holidays come true faster than those made on ordinary days.

    Experts in the field of astrology and psychology explain how to correctly formulate your desire addressed to the Universe. They compiled a whole group of recommendations that contribute to the achievement of a cherished dream.

    To increase your chances of fulfilling your wish, you need to follow these tips from astrologers and psychologists:

    • You must always specify your own desire.
    • It is important to ensure that the dream does not in any way contradict other desires or goals that strangers have.
    • It is worth getting rid of the “not” particle in the process of formulating a desire.
    • It is advisable to think about your dream before going to bed to sleep. It is recommended in your fantasies to imagine it as if it had already come true. It is necessary to try to feel the emotions that will be received by a person at the most crucial moment.
    • You need to learn to visualize your every desire. The human subconscious helps to cope with this goal. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve the most cherished goals that may seem unattainable or unrealistic. The main thing is to sincerely believe in them and never doubt the help of the Universe.
    • Learn to think and dream big. You should not limit yourself to banal desires, for example, to eat your favorite ice cream or go to the movies. It is best to send more meaningful and important requests to the Universe that can greatly affect your future life. A person must set himself an elusive goal, for which he will have to work hard. Due to this, emotions after the fulfillment of a cherished desire will be so strong and vivid that they will become an impetus for new achievements.
    • It is recommended to turn to the Universe with requests for the fulfillment of dreams on special days. Most often, wishes are made at Christmas, on New Year's holidays, on the full moon or on a birthday. It is worth writing out significant dates in a notebook in advance so as not to accidentally miss them. It is believed that on such days all wishes made in accordance with the rules are necessarily fulfilled.
    • You can not overload the Universe with a huge number of requests that belong to one person. She just can't handle that kind of pressure. As a result, none of them will be executed. It is best to focus on one important dream. After it is implemented, you can once again ask the Universe for help. In addition, alternately making a wish allows you to concentrate internal energy on achieving a specific goal.
    • Any desire must be backed up by action. It is not enough to simply ask the Universe to fulfill a dream. It is also important to gradually move towards the cherished goal. For example, it is worth going through special training, starting to develop in a certain business, or not being afraid to get acquainted with representatives of the opposite sex. Such actions will one day lead to success. The main thing is to look for special signs that help to understand that a person is moving in the right direction.

    If there are too many wishes, they can be written down in advance

    The universe will not grant a wish that was not sincere. If a person intends to use it to get a certain benefit that is contrary to the laws of higher powers, then he can achieve the opposite result.

    Experts recommend abandoning the idea of ​​making a wish for another person. It will not be fulfilled. It's best if he does it himself. Only in rare cases does the Universe listen to such requests. In order for the dream of another person to come true, you need to be one hundred percent sure that it will bring him happiness and will not harm anyone.

    If a person has more than one dream, he should make a card that contains all the desires. It is divided into several identical sectors, each of which is responsible for a specific event in life. Such a tool enables its owner to never forget about the most important goals and gradually move towards their achievement. The Universe will help him cope with this difficult task. A person must feed the card with his internal energy, which should be positive.

    You should not be afraid to dream and refuse to make a wish in those moments when a person really needs their fulfillment. Miracles happen when they are truly believed in, despite the skepticism and difficulties that arise in life and destroy faith in magic. This should be remembered not only by children, but also by adults.

    Desires are human needs. Hundreds of thoughts run through my head every day. Seeing a cute puppy on the street, I wanted the same. And after a couple of minutes a beautiful car drove by, and you are already dreaming about it, forgetting about the puppy. Desires are fleeting, which after a while are forgotten. If everything that comes to mind were fulfilled, the world would go crazy.

    How to form desires

    There should be only one main desire, the fulfillment of which you are waiting for. If there are different goals in the desire itself, then this is wrong. It needs to be split into several. For example, wanting to earn a certain amount of money, a person mentally already imagines where he will spend it. It's already different. First you need to set yourself the goal of making money. The desire should be the simplest and not be a condition for the fulfillment of other wishes.

    It's like it's already been done. You can represent whatever you want. Let a picture emerge in your head with the result of the desired.

    Guessing for a certain time is not entirely correct. If you plan the execution on a specific date, then most likely nothing will come true. For the fulfillment of each desire, a certain period is allotted.

    In the wording, discard the “not” particle. It is necessary to compose the text in such a way as to avoid the use of this particle.

    Take the time to formulate your desire. At the same time, use the feelings that you will experience when you achieve the goal.

    When fulfilling a wish, other people should not suffer. If you want to intentionally harm someone, then you should remember that everything in life comes back like a boomerang.

    Desire should not affect specific people. If you still need to mention a person, then your goals should not contradict the intentions of this person.

    How to make a wish to make it come true

    To make your wish come true, you need to figure out what exactly you plan to get in the end. The goals you are aiming for must be true. Pursue what makes your life meaningful. Contemplate acquiring something, not getting rid of it. Such desires are rarely fulfilled. For example, to make a wish to acquire health, and not get rid of the disease.

    To determine those goals that are really necessary, try with the help of some exercises:

    • Take a pen and a piece of paper. It is desirable that there is silence around and no one interferes. Mentally formulate the question: “What do I really want?”. Sit for a couple of minutes, then write down everything that comes to mind. Try to do it automatically, without analysis. Within a few minutes, transfer all thoughts to paper. Then think a little, maybe add something else to what was written.
    • Imagine your best day ever. It's like pictures are flashing on the screen in front of you. Dreaming, you will see what kind of house you have, husband, children. What kind of work will bring satisfaction. Ask yourself mentally questions about what exactly should be around you. The answers will form in your head.
    • Turn on some nice relaxing music. Make yourself comfortable. You can even lie down. When you count to seven, close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and exhale slowly. This is the state of meditation. Relax gradually, starting from the legs and up to the neck. Then ask yourself what you want. Thoughts and pictures will run through my head. Don't get hung up on anything specific, but just contemplate. An inner voice will tell you your true dreams. Then count to three. Open your eyes and write down what you see. These are the desires that will bring.

    For fulfillment, a wish is made on certain days. These are the days of the unification of the beginning and the end. For example, the last minutes of the outgoing year or a minute before the birthday. Especially successful for planning is the first night with a growing moon. You can use Monday. This is the beginning of the week and the beginning of a new stage in life.

    If you constantly think about the most intimate, dream and make plans before going to bed, then the likelihood of bringing all this to life increases. Such desires have a certain power. And you can also see what was conceived in a dream, which in the end will turn out to be prophetic.

    How to make a wish for Christmas

    Mercantile desires rarely come true. But dreams of health, happiness, well-being have a chance of being fulfilled. Plan for the fulfillment of precisely such wishes.

    It is believed that at 3 am you need to go outside and look at the sky. Mentally ask for what you want most. If you see a shooting star at the same time, this is a good sign.

    When you raise your requests to heaven, discard all negativity. The desire to harm someone will only bring harm. Enemies must be forgiven.

    People believe that angels grant wishes on Christmas Eve. To do this, put a burning one on the window. Then your dreams will be heard.

    You can write a wish on paper. Take a suitable candle: red for love, green for health, blue for relaxation, or pink for romance. Then light it up. Drops of wax should fall on the note. After the candle is over, fold the paper into an envelope. Then tie with a thread of the same color with a candle. Carry with you for a whole year and your plan will come true.

    Despite the fact that we have been writing about the fulfillment of desires for several years, questions still constantly come up why desires do not come true. We have discussed overestimated importance, environmental friendliness, barriers in the head and so on many times, but it turned out that many people do not understand how to make wishes correctly. And I decided to talk in more detail about what desires it makes sense to make so that they come true in the foreseeable future.

    Now we will not talk about how to correctly formulate a desire or what techniques to use (and whether it should be done), but about the general adequacy of your dreams, your real possibilities.

    For a long time it seemed obvious to me, but recently there have been especially many questions and indignant letters with grievances, demands, bewilderment why wishes do not come true. And when I read the New Year's Wall of Desires and the description of the perfect day in a year, I realized what the problem is: many make absolutely incredible wishes and expect their fulfillment in the near future. And of course they are disappointed.

    I'll tell you more about the example of one of the letters. A woman asks why in the two years she spent on the site, she did not have a single wish come true, not a single one at all.

    I asked for an example of the wishes she made.

    The list looked something like this:
    - a five-room apartment on Frunzenskaya (this is a rather expensive area in Moscow, I don’t know the order of prices, but I assume that such an apartment will cost at least 20 million),
    - three-storey house of 200 m per floor and 50 acres of land
    - expensive car
    - to marry a faithful, generous, handsome, wealthy (the list is much longer) man
    - become the owner of a premium-class salon in the center of Moscow. Etc.

    I have corresponded with this woman before and I know that now she has a rather ordinary life with the usual problems: complete lack of work experience and lack of work as such, divorced, children are already adults, no capital or income, serious problems with money.

    What do we see in this story? A huge gap between the current state and the bar of claims.

    I asked her then what did she do to achieve her goals? She answers that she kept a “Notebook of 100 days” and carries a handkerchief with a knot for a wish.

    Friends, well, it is not enough to keep a notebook and do esoteric techniques with such a gap between the desired and the actual. If you don’t do anything in life, don’t develop, then even a generously wealthy man is not so easy to attract. And even meet...

    How to make a wish?

    1. If you want your wish to come true in the foreseeable future, say, within a year, that is, set an approximate date, then make an adequate wish that corresponds to your real capabilities.

    Now I constantly meet fantastic desires. For example, a woman of an age without the experience of a serious relationship, having read "50 Shades of Grey", thinks to marry a handsome rich man in six months. Or they write down “I get 500 thousand rubles. per month”, having currently 10-15t.

    Friends, lower the bar of claims.

    Just think of meeting a man with whom there will be a deep mutual feeling, maybe he will offer you to marry, but describe it within reasonable limits. Do not make too big money requests that exceed your current income by 20 times.

    Let's say you earn 50 thousand a month, but you want 100 thousand.

    Ask yourself, do you believe you can earn that much?

    Suppose your profession is in demand on the market, do you cost more, do you believe in yourself and your strengths? If yes, then guess 100 thousand.

    It is quite real, I had such an experience.

    But if you don’t believe, don’t think that you can get 100, think of 70 thousand. If you reach this amount, increase it.

    Otherwise, one disappointment turns out.

    2. What about cottages, expensive cars and all that? Isn't it necessary to dream about it?

    Why, no problem, you can and should, if you really want it.

    Just don't set deadlines.

    Well, the truth is, there is little chance of a five-room apartment in a year or even two, if now there is no housing and income at all. Theoretically, maybe you will meet a man with such an apartment, but still it will be his apartment.

    But if you do not set this goal for yourself as a short-term one, but put it in the future, and very, very actively go towards it, then in a few years it is quite possible to achieve.

    In general, in order for any complex desires to come true, you need to change. In order for changes to begin in the outside world, changes must first begin in your inner world, thinking, behavior, and actions. You need to learn to overcome fears, get out of your comfort zone, do something new.

    Maybe start helping out at the hospital as a volunteer. Maybe get carried away with yoga and start practicing for two hours a day, meditate. Maybe go study. Find a job in another area. Open your internet project.

    Why is it necessary?

    And then. First, through action, your thinking will change. It is impossible to do something actively, involved and stay in the same place.

    Secondly, you will begin to communicate with new people who will open up unexpected opportunities for you.

    And thirdly, most importantly. So you get energy, strength, and this will also help you get closer to your goals.

    Why then make a wish at all, you ask?

    You can only rely on your own strength and not hope for "some help from above." Set goals and go towards them. What is the desire here?

    Well, first of all, desire is a declaration of your intention.

    When you make a wish, and even use different techniques, you give a signal to your subconscious, your psyche that you really want it.

    You tune in, and you are given energy to realize your desire.

    And it is very important not to waste this energy in vain, into chatter, into doubts and fears, you need to immediately put it into action.

    In addition, by keeping the focus on what you want, if the importance is not overestimated, you open up to new opportunities, literally begin to see them. And here suddenly comes the very “help from above”, when circumstances mysteriously turn in your favor, the right people appear, and sometimes something incredible happens, and everything works out easily.

    We have never said that it is worth writing desires in the Book of Desires, as everything will come true by itself. Yes, sometimes it happens, but in complex desires, your efforts are also needed.

    Let's summarize.

    How to make wishes?

    1. Make real wishes that can be fulfilled in the foreseeable future.

    And start taking some action, esoteric or the most practical. In this case, something happens that helps your wish come true.

    Personally, I am generally against any deadlines, so the question “why the desire is not fulfilled” usually never arises for me. The time will come and it will be done.

    The only exception is desires that are more or less under your control. That is, you know that if you do this and that, you will get such and such a result. For example, look well-groomed, change your wardrobe, lose weight, etc.

    2. If at the moment the desire is difficult for you to realize, then you can’t set a deadline!

    You can and should wish. Apartments, your business, some complex love desires - all this can and should come true.

    But you need to understand that such desires take a lot of time. And not just a lot of time (usually one year is not enough), but also your willingness to have it. Until you change in something (thinking, behavior, working through fears, etc.), then nothing changes for the Universe, which means that your life remains the same.

    But what about a miracle? - you ask.

    After all, there are miracles, for example, when you suddenly get an apartment for free. Or pregnancy occurs after 15 years of infertility. It happens, I know real cases.

    Yes, sometimes miracles happen in our lives. But it is always something unexpected, spontaneous.

    There will be no miracles if you persistently wait for them, worry that you don’t have it, demand it. Or write angry letters to me that your wishes do not come true)

    The opposite will happen.

    While you are waiting and sad, you are broadcasting a need, that you do not have it. And desires are not fulfilled.

    If you don’t wait for a miracle, don’t demand, don’t be offended that it doesn’t exist, but simply keep in focus a desire, even a very complex and unrealizable one, and do everything possible to make it come true, change, but not cycle on one goal, but develop different areas of your life, then most likely a miracle will happen. Or maybe not, but you yourself will achieve what you want. Only a little later.

    And finally, a funny 5-minute cartoon about what would happen if all our desires were indiscriminately fulfilled immediately (as many want).

    Where do desires lead?

    Not everyone can make a wish to make the most secret come true, although there are a great many ways to do this. Small children make wishes for a shooting star, for the New Year, a lucky ticket, etc. According to signs, this can be done at the moment when a person is under a bridge, between people with the same name, when an airplane flies in the sky. Finally, there are more complex rituals designed to attract a dream. Unfortunately, if you do not follow some rules, none of these methods will work.

    How to make a wish so that it comes true

    Human thoughts are material, to a greater or lesser extent, this has long been a scientific fact. The power of self-hypnosis, the placebo effect - all this proves that a person is mentally able to influence his body. In the same way, everything he thinks about is able to interact with the surrounding reality. This is the basis of the various ways in which you can make a wish.

    Of course, nothing happens in a vacuum. A suitcase with money will not fall from the sky, however, if you constantly dream of getting rich, this thought will gradually begin to attract good luck and opportunities to a person. All that remains to be done in this case is not to miss the right moment, not to miss the chance. But even you need to dream correctly, otherwise the desire will not come true.

    When is the best time to make a wish to come true?

    It is not enough just to correctly make the wish of the Universe, it is also necessary to do it at the right time. It is believed that those desires that were made on certain days and even have the greatest power.

    The most favorable moments include:

    • significant folk holidays, which over the centuries have accumulated a huge boost of energy and are strongly associated by many people with something positive;
    • the period during which the moon "grows", thereby increasing the hidden possibilities of man;
    • 1st, 7th and 11th days according to the lunar calendar;
    • the "golden" minute of the day, which is calculated based on the number and date of the month;
    • the time when the hours and minutes are exactly the same: 12:12, 18:18;
    • the moment when all the numbers coincide on the clock is considered especially successful: 00:00, 11:11.

    In addition, it is worth highlighting periods of emotional upsurge - more often those wishes come true that are made in a good mood, when a person feels confident, happy and full of hope.

    How to formulate a wish so that it comes true

    In order for the cherished desire to come true, you must adhere to the following rules:

    1. A wish is made exclusively in the first person. You can not use "passive" pronouns: "me", "me". Only an active and active "I". For example, “I will be offered a good job” is a misnomer. You need to think "I find a good job."
    2. Very often make wishes concerning third parties. In order for it to come true, it must not be negative. Evil is not to be wished on anyone. In addition, the same principle applies here: guessing should be done using “active” pronouns. Rather, a wish will come true that sounds like this: “I see my child healthy,” but not “My child has recovered.”
    3. A very common mistake is to make a wish in the future tense. This is logically true, but it is also important to take into account the power of the impact of thought on the surrounding reality. The desired is formulated in the present tense, so a person can quickly attract to himself what he dreams of, because it seems to have already happened. You can’t use such words as “I want”, “I will”, “I will”, etc. when compiling the text. The dream is formulated as follows: “I earn a lot”, and not “I will earn a lot”.
    4. Doubt, uncertainty are not the best feelings in order to make a dream come true. A wish will come true only when a person believes in himself, his strength, luck, that he will receive everything that he thinks of, if the Universe helps him at least a little and shows him the right direction. When compiling the wording, words such as “I will try”, “I will try” should be avoided.
    5. There should not be a negative particle “not” in the wording. Such structures need to be replaced. For example, "I don't smoke anymore" is not correct. It would be better to say: "I am free / free from bad habits."
    6. Another common mistake is the abundance of details and exact deadlines. Thus, a person limits the Universe, sets his own conditions for it, and not always reasonable ones. Such desires, drawn up as an official document, have little power. They are unlikely to come true. You don’t need to think: “I will lose weight by summer”, “I will move to live in Japan this September”, “We will make up with a guy this month”, etc. The following formulations are much more effective: “I am losing weight, my body is becoming more graceful and attractive”, “I live in the country of my dreams”, “I am in love and harmony with my loved one, there are no disputes and disagreements between us.”
    7. It is better to replace the characteristics of the desired object with the feelings that the dream can evoke. For example, not the most successful formulation of a dream: "I am getting married to a handsome and wealthy man." It would be better to say: "I am happy and calm in marriage with my beloved man." The concepts of "happiness" and "peace" already imply that he will have everything he needs in marriage.

    Finally, we can single out a general rule that unites all these tips for formulating a dream, the more positive a person’s thinking is, the sooner what he dreams about will come true.

    Advice! Immediately after the desire is voiced or written, you can add: "Let this or something more come into my life." This opens up even more scope for higher forces that can bring even more into a person’s life than he thought of.

    Ways to make a wish to make it come true

    You can make a wish of the Universe so that it comes true in different ways, but it is desirable to back it up with something material. Properly chosen time and well-built wording is sometimes not enough.

    Here are some practical tips:

    1. The word is always stronger than the thought. Even more powerful is the written desire. Thus, it is better to dream out loud or using written speech formulas. For these purposes, you can even start a separate notebook and additionally decorate it with images related to your cherished dream. In addition to the desire itself, you can write down thoughts and feelings related to it.
    2. You should not get hung up on a dream, but it’s good to create or acquire some kind of reminder, some kind of symbol or talisman. Every time a person looks at it, he will have an image of a dream before his eyes, and thoughts, as you know, transform the world around on a subtle level.
    3. Visualization is very important for the fulfillment of the desired. If the formulation of a dream should be devoid of limiting details, it is possible and necessary to dream in details, because it is they that evoke a positive response in the dreamer's soul. Positive is a prerequisite for the fact that the dream will come true. You can visualize both in your mind and with the help of drawings, photographs, etc., which are collected in one place.
    4. It is not recommended to spray your attention on several desires at once - none will come true. It is necessary to concentrate on 1 desire, all forces and attention are given to it.

    As much as one would like it, dreams rarely come true the very next day. On average, any significant changes occur within a month, but no one can know exactly when. Sometimes the fulfillment of a dream can take up to six months. In any case, inaction does not bring the desired closer. Do not passively expect a miracle, the Universe responds to the call of those who are ready to act.

    How to make a wish in the "golden" minute of the day

    The “golden” minute is a special time of day, at this moment a special channel of communication opens between a person and the Universe. According to numerology, it is in the "golden" minute that the probability that the wish will come true is especially high.

    It is very simple to calculate it - the "Golden" minute of the day is made up of the number of the month and the day of the month. The day of the month is the hour, the number of the month is the same “golden” minute. For example, on September 21 (21. 03) the "golden" minute falls at 21:03.

    This moment is calculated a little differently from the 25th to the 31st of each month. During this period, the values ​​shift. For example, on December 30, the “golden” minute is 12:30

    Advice! There is only a minute to formulate a wish orally or in writing, so all preparations are made in advance, especially if the process involves some kind of accompanying ritual.

    How to make a wish before bed

    Before going to bed, it is best to use a self-hypnosis technique based on concise verbal formulas. Positive aspirations should be laid in them, all negativity and doubts are removed.

    The effectiveness of the self-hypnosis technique at this time of day is based on the fact that late in the evening the human mind gives way to more subtle feelings, intuition, and the subconscious. A closer connection with the Universe is established, and through this channel all thoughts, dreams and hopes pass much faster.

    The essence of the method is as follows:

    1. The first thing to do is to make a thought-form for self-hypnosis. It should be precise and short, for example: “I am healthy”, “I am happy in love”, “I am rich”, etc. All unnecessary details are removed from the wording. The formulated formula is spoken in the evening before going to bed, you can also repeat the text of desire in the morning.
    2. They pronounce the text of the thought form on their own behalf, always aloud. The intonation of the speaker is of great importance - it should be calm, as detached as possible, even monotonous. The voice should seem to hypnotize, lull. The volume is not so important, you can whisper, and not speak at full strength.
    3. Once is not enough - the formula is pronounced at least 20 times. In order not to get confused and not to lose count, it is recommended to use a rosary or make their likeness from a cord with knots. They are sorted out in the manner of a rosary, counting the number of repetitions.

    As soon as the thought form penetrates the subconscious level, it will begin to work. The second "I" of a person will perceive it as the truth, and this, in turn, will have a huge impact on the surrounding reality, triggering the processes of attracting good luck and new opportunities.

    How to make a wish so that it will come true, on the water

    Water is one of the main elements, the basis of life on our planet. It is unique because it is better than all substances able to absorb and give the received information. It is for this reason that it is so often used to make a wish or speak to someone - it is the purest conductor.

    To make a wish for water so that it comes true as soon as possible, you can do this:

    1. Filtered, boiled or mine water is collected in a glass.
    2. Write your desire on a small clean piece of paper and remove the note under the glass.
    3. They clasp the glass with both hands and make a wish out loud, imagining their dream in detail. Read the wording 10 times, this will be enough for the water to absorb the necessary information.
    4. Then for a while you should just sit and dream with your eyes closed, relax. It is necessary to imagine that everything that is written about has already come true.
    5. After taking a deep breath, open your eyes. Drink whole water in small sips.

    The ritual can be repeated several times for the best effect. You can also not drink all the water at a time, but drink a little bit every day until it runs out. This method is especially effective for the water signs of the zodiac, as it is based on the power of the elements of water.

    Other Methods

    It is hardly possible to make a wish so that it comes true right now, but it is not so difficult to bring the realization of a dream closer to the present time. Visualization-based techniques help a lot with this.

    For example, a fairly popular way to make a dream come true is to make a wish board. The manufacturing process is not limited to anything, but in its most general form it happens like this:

    1. On a board or plywood in a rectangular format, they place their photo, always of good quality and with positive energy. It should evoke fond memories.
    2. Along the borders, the board can be decorated with something. Any pleasing little things will do.
    3. Free space is filled with meaningful things and images. They should be directly or indirectly related to a cherished desire: a photograph of the sea, if you have long wanted to go there, a self-made drawing of a new house, cars, souvenirs from the country where you would like to move, etc.

    They place such a wish board in the kitchen or in the bedroom if there is no desire to share the innermost with someone else. The second method is preferable, because in this way the gaze will fall on the board when waking up and falling asleep, when the subconscious mind is much more sensitive to the vibrations of the Universe. In order for the wish to come true, it is also advisable to make it out loud every time before going to bed.

    Another way is based on the rational use of space under the bed. From time immemorial, this place has been associated with various superstitions and mystical phenomena, it is believed that it is endowed with special powers. In order for it to start working, it is first carefully cleaned. Then, approximately in the middle of the cleared area, you need to put an object or image associated with a cherished dream. If it consists in successful employment in a good position, a work book and a note enclosed in it are placed under the bed - they briefly write down the desire to make it come true. If a person thinks of acquiring wealth, a wallet with large bills is placed on the floor, and even drawn ones will do.

    Advice! In order to make a wish for wealth, you can use a variety of money talismans: a Chinese toad with a coin, a money tree, a cat figurine with a raised paw, etc. To make the wish come true, sometimes you should change the items under the bed.

    Another fairly effective way to make a wish is to use a symbol of faith, dreams and determination for this purpose. In different cultures, such symbols may differ, but the origin of a person does not matter here. Despite belonging to the Slavic culture, a Russian can successfully use oriental symbols to fulfill his desires and vice versa, the most important thing is self-confidence. Fueled by centuries-old beliefs and superstitions, folk symbols of success will surely respond to the vibrations of the soul of the person who addresses them.

    An example is the method in which a wish is made on a bay leaf. Since ancient times, it has been revered in many cultures as a symbol of triumph, determination and the fulfillment of a dream. In addition, this spice is available in almost every home, which greatly simplifies the process of making a wish.

    In order for the dream to come true, they do this with a bay leaf:

    1. You can write down your desire on a sheet plate with a simple pencil or black ink for drawing. In this case, it is better to use a soft pencil (B or HB), it fits better on the surface of the sheet. After the wish is written, it is burned in the flame of a fire, candle, or lighter. In order for the wish to come true exactly, it is necessary to perform such a ritual 3, 9 or 12 times.
    2. Also, the dream is lured to oneself in the following way - a bay leaf is clamped between the palms and rubbed into crumbs, aloud making one's wish. Then the rest of the sheet is placed in the center of a white scarf, tied into a bag and hidden under the bed.
    3. According to some superstitions, a dream is attracted to a person’s life by a charmed bay leaf, which is placed at the doorstep of the house. To make a wish come true, they make it in a whisper, putting a leaf to their lips, and then put the charmed talisman under the rug or in another inconspicuous place. It is important that no one sees it.

    Regardless of the method a person uses to make a wish, don't get hung up on it. In order for the cherished dream to come true, there is no need to rush it - tedious waiting and impatience give rise to irritation, sow doubts, and cause nervousness. All these are negative emotions, and negative, as you know, only moves a person away from achieving the goal.

    What wishes can not be made

    When a person makes a wish, he must follow a number of certain rules in order for the dream to come true. These rules concern prohibitions:

    1. It is impossible to wish harm to other people, even if it seems that they deserve it. Such a request can translate what you want to the one who thinks evil.
    2. Desire should not directly touch the lives of other people. The wording should not contain other people's names, you should not mention your relatives and friends. Often they try to make a wish associated with a loved one, but this is fundamentally wrong, since a love spell is a direct intervention in someone else's life. A dream should only concern the one who makes a wish, only in this way will it come true.
    3. It is foolish to make unrealistic desires. You can ask the Universe for a dream approach, an opportunity to fulfill it, a chance, some kind of sign, healing from a serious illness, but not absurd things like world domination or sudden marriage to an Arab sheikh.

    Important! If the desire is negative, this energy may subsequently come back to haunt the one who tried to make it. Only dreams with positive energy come true, the Universe does not respond to evil and evil in the way that a person wants.

    For more information on how to make a wish, you can learn from the video below:


    Knowing how to make a wish, you can get your hands on a unique opportunity to manage your life. The more clearly a person imagines what he wants, the sooner he will get what he wants. The main thing is to be able to see the result of dreams and maintain confidence in yourself and your words.

    Are all your desires fulfilled? Do you want to know why many of our desires remain at the level of words or thoughts and never turn into reality? From this article you will learn how to make a wish so that it comes true.

    There are 9 steps or components in the realization of every desire, and all of them are equally important for the fulfillment of the desire. Here are the steps:

    1. You can wish for something only for yourself, but not for others.

    If you desire something for another person, then such desires are not fulfilled.

    If you want another person to do something towards you, then the desire must be formulated not specifically about this person, but in general, in principle, what you want.

    For example, "I want to marry a tall blonde" will do better than "I want to marry Vasya Ivanov." The last option is a love spell, so you can get the opposite effect. So state your desire as wide as possible, based on what you end up wanting.

    All wishes must be for the benefit of otherwise you will get backlash.

    2. In what state to make a wish

    Your inner state, in which you are at the moment of formulating your desire, directly affects the result.

    There are two opposite states - ”state of poverty” and ”state of prosperity”. Depending on which one you are in, the results will be different.

    AT poverty a person lacks something and wants to “get” it from the outside. For example, a person lacks love in life and a person is looking for it from the outside. He is looking for a person who will make up for this “lack” of love.

    AT prosperity a person feels that inside him it is full of it and he wants to share it with someone else. In the same example about love, a person feels so much love from the inside that he is overwhelmed and ready to share with someone else.

    We attract what we have inside.

    As you probably already understood, in a state of poverty, we attract the absence of what we so much want - love, money, joy, happiness.

    And in a state of prosperity, we just attract to ourselves what we so desire - love, money, joy, happiness, and so on.

    Therefore, be careful in what state you make your wishes.

    Important learn to switch yourself into a state of prosperity and desire something precisely from this state.

    3. What is this desire, or desire desire strife

    Desires such as security, respect, love, recognition– impossible to find from the outside, they can be nurtured only within yourself. If you yourself do not experience these feelings for yourself, then from the outside you will not find it, but only aggravate the situation.

    It often happens that a person does not even suspect what is behind his “ordinary” desires like “I want more money!” "I want a new relationship!" “I want a new prestigious job!”

    For example, if a person wants more money (which is, of course, great in itself!) but at the same time, in fact, he needs money in order to feel more secure (or to prove something to someone or himself - that I can, what is worthy, etc.), then such a desire is unlikely to be fulfilled in the form in which you want.

    So when you make a wish, ask yourself, Is this what I really want? What do I really want? What does money, relationships, etc. mean to me? in fact?

    Only the answer must be honest. You are answering yourself.

    4. The power of desire, or "Climb one peak!"

    Need focus on one thing(maximum 2-3 wishes) and send there great flow of your energy. That is, to think about it, to take concrete steps to achieve it. Ask yourself, “What else can I do to make this happen?”

    The more energy you put into your desire, the faster it will come true. You invest energy when you perform actions, think, visualize your desire. Where you direct your energy is what manifests in your life.

    If you have chosen a lot of desires at once and are trying to realize them all at once, then there will be a conflict between the desires, there is clearly not enough energy for everything. That is why it is necessary focus on 1-3 desires, put enough energy into them and when you see that the desire has begun to be realized, then you can move on to other desires.

    5. Limiting beliefs and fears

    If your desire causes conflict within you, then it will NOT be realized easily and quickly.

    Internal conflict can cause restrictions that prevent your desire from being fulfilled.

    What are the restrictions:

    • Don't know what i really want
    • I want but I do not believe what can I do
    • I want, but still not ready to this (For example, create a long-term relationship with a man)
    • Hidden benefits: I want, but I don't want to lose something else that I have to part with if my wish comes true(For example, I want to move to another country, but I do not want to part with my parents and old friends)
    • Not your desires, but you want something that others have (For example, a career, a car, excellent students, a husband, etc.)
    • First I must do this, and only then I will have what I want. (For example, first I need to lose 5 kg, and only then can I meet a decent man)

    Need deal with each limitation separately, understand its causes and why it limits you, to understand why you do not believe or are not ready, and what you really want. You need to compare two realities - you today and you are in the reality where you already have all this, and draw a conclusion about what you still want, what is more important for you.

    If you have already had a bad experience related to what you want, then old programs are turned on, for example, “I won’t succeed”, “All men are ....”, here everyone has their own programs. They need to be identified and rewritten into positive ones that will positively set you up to get what you want.

    if you have desire to change something outside(husband, child, boss, girlfriend), then such desires not implemented. We cannot want something for another person. And if you are also struggling with something in another person, you don’t accept something in him, then you will encounter this more and more often, because by fighting you attract only fighting.

    6. Focus on what is, not what is not

    Many focus on what they don't have rather than what they have. ”No money” ”No work” ”No love” But if we We constantly say that we do not have this, then we will not have this. The universe hears our every word and executes exactly.

    So change your focus to what you already have and what you want even more.

    To do this, you need to learn give thanks for everything you have. Then there will be more of it.

    There is another extreme - many direct their attention to what is impossible to control. If you cannot influence something, then you do not need to invest energy there, think about it, worry, try to fix it. Therefore, you need to be able to switch off from this.

    So the focus should be on what you want, what you want to get to, not what you want to get away from.

    7. Emotions are the fuel for the energy of desire.

    Emotions are very important when making wishes, they launch energy to fulfill this desire. So emotions should be joyful.

    Therefore, always try to track your emotions about what you want - you are dissatisfied with something or annoyed if something does not work out. Or you are always positive when you think about what you want and your desire. This brings us back to the discussion of the state of poverty (I react) and the state of prosperity (I choose).

    8. Take action, or "God has no other hands but yours!"

    Take action! But action must be conscious, based on the vision of the final result. If I want this, then what specific actions should I take?

    If you ask yourself more often “Why am I doing this?” then it will become clearer whether you are approaching your dream or not. If you are doing something and want to get some reactions from others(to be praised, appreciated, supported, etc.), then most likely there will be the opposite effect.

    This also brings us back to the state of poverty (I do this to get what I do not have - support, attention, to prove something to someone) and the state of prosperity (I do this for myself, but share it with others because I can do it).

    Often we sabotage ourselves when we expect favorable circumstances, and thereby delay the fulfillment of our desires: “Here when I have so-and-so then I will do it!” (e.g. “That’s when I get married, or when I have a lot of money or something else, then I will be happy!”)

    9. Faith that things will happen exactly the way you want them to!

    faith when you know for sure that this is exactly what will happen. That is the way you want. At the same time, you have inner peace and you calmly expect this to happen. You don't know exactly when it will happen, but you know exactly what will happen this way or even better.

    You can relax and just wait for it to happen. But you are sure that this will happen for sure. And therefore, you do not need to double-check and control the Universe for the fulfillment of your desire.

    To get to this state need to believe in the fact that this is exactly how everything will be, to believe that you are worthy of it and not to feel inside any restrictions that were mentioned above.

    Pay special attention to sensations in the body that arise when thinking about the desired. If, for example, when you think about what you want and at the same time you feel cold, contraction, tension, internal bounce in your body, then your body tells you that there is a blockage, a clamp, some kind of restriction that does not let you in. into a new reality when your wish came true.

    How Reincarnation helps speed up the fulfillment of desires

    The method of working with memory and the subconscious can significantly help to speed up the realization of desires.

    This is because Reincarnation allows find your limitations that hinder the fulfillment of your desire. It could be limiting beliefs, fears, or hidden benefits of staying where you are and not changing anything. Or maybe it's not really your desire, but your mother's desire that you have it? Then your desire cannot be fulfilled or will be fulfilled, but with great effort on your part.

    For example, one of my clients said that she wants to get married, she is actively dating men, but does not understand why they do not stay in her life. Already in the conversation it becomes clear that “relationships with a man are difficult, because you need to constantly monitor yourself.” That is, she believes in it, and therefore everything in her life develops.

    That is, a relationship with a man for her does not allow her to be herself, she must force herself to be some other person in order to meet the expectations of a man. And she doesn't want that. So subconsciously she wants to stay single, because that way she can be herself.

    Practical exercise:

    Want to check if your subconscious wants the same thing as you?

    Do a short meditation and check it out.

    Practice needs to be done in a calm relaxed state:

    1. Sit comfortably, relax your body, close your eyes.
    2. Focus all your attention on your breathing, take a few deep breaths in and out.
    3. Imagine that your wish has come true. Imagine it in every detail. What will you be like when this happens in your life.
    4. Now listen to the sensations in your body. Track the reactions of your body - is it joy, happiness, delight or something else?
    5. Focus your attention on a particular reaction of the body and try to understand what do you react to? What caused your reaction?
    6. Is there any thought associated with this reaction? Perhaps there is some thought, belief in the background, try to clearly formulate it, verbatim.

    This practice can be used to test any of your desires. If at the moment when you think about your desire, imagine the end result, joy and happiness appear in your body, then the desire will be easily realized, the subconscious mind will arrange a favorable regime for you.

    If there is an unpleasant reaction in the body(clamps, rattling, palpitations, cold, pain, etc.), then this suggests that you don't really want it and therefore this desire will not be realized.

    see also An open video broadcast where meditation is given, which will help you immerse yourself in that reality when your desire has already come true and track the reactions in your body.

    How a consultation on the Reicarnationics method helps:

    • Find and remove your inner limitations, hindering the fulfillment of your desire. Our body and subconscious “signals” us about these limitations, they are very easy to identify during a consultation.
    • Understand is this your desire, or it was imposed on you by someone from the environment, or you took it as your own, but at the same time subconsciously do not want it
    • What specific steps for you to take to make your wish come true as soon as possible.
    • see and to feel that new reality when your desire has already been fulfilled. What are you like there? Are you comfortable there? How do you feel there, what do you think about, what is your inner state? This inner state will give you faith that your wish will come true, will give you faith that it is possible and that is how it will be.

    How Reincarnation works and what is the effectiveness of the method:

    • The client is in a trance state and is communicating directly with the subconscious
    • All you already have the answers inside and through the correct viewing of situations of the past, these answers can be found
    • Method works through viewing situations from your life, that are related to this desire
    • View past life, where the problem first arose, helps to eliminate your internal restrictions on the way to what you want.
    • Viewing past lives helps to feel (precisely feel, live, absorb with every cell!) that state, when what you want now you already had in a past life while you were happy. You will live this inner state, activate it and bring it into your current life. You will think and feel like a person who already has it and thereby attract it into your life. Like attracts like.

    So, in this article, I told you about 9 proven steps, the observance of which makes a wish come true quickly and easily. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to what internal state you are in when you think about what you want, and also to track the reactions of your body, which serve as clues whether you yourself want your desire to come true or whether it will be easier and easier for you to stay in what you have, nothing. without changing.

    The most important thing is that ALL our wishes come true. If your desire is not fulfilled, then YOU really do not want it. You do not want to, because there is no faith, there are fears, restrictions, hidden benefits. Having worked and removed all these restrictions, you give the green light to the fulfillment of your desire.

    Do you want to see your past life where your wish was realized?

    If yes, then I suggest you go through the meditation “Journey to the Past Life” and find out in which of your past lives you were able to do what you so want now!

    With this meditation, you will master the basic techniques of Reincarnation to activate memory and take a trip to a past life.

    Go ahead, enter your name and email address where you want to receive the meditation and click on the button “Get Meditation!”