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  • How to make three wishes. How to correctly formulate a desire. When to make a wish to make it come true

    How to make three wishes.  How to correctly formulate a desire.  When to make a wish to make it come true

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    New Year is a magical holiday, and at least a little miracle on New Year's Eve
    await even the most gloomy skeptics. And in different countries, despite
    dissimilar, has one thing in common and unchanged - everything, from small to large,
    believe in miracles. And in the fact that the wish made on this magical night
    will surely come true.

    website shares with you the traditions of making cherished desires from different countries.

    13. In Spain, when making wishes on New Year's Eve, they eat 12 grapes.

    In Spain, on New Year's Eve, you can find in stores packaged in
    festive packaging of grapes, 12 pieces each. The fact is that on New Year's
    night, while the clock strikes 12 times, it is customary to eat one grape with each
    the blow of the clock. And then the wish will surely come true.

    In Russia, champagne is a must on the New Year's table. Under the chiming clock, you should raise a glass and congratulate those who are nearby. Drink and make a wish. And they also carry out such a ritual: they write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it over a glass and drink champagne with ashes. If you have time, while the clock strikes 12 times, then the wish will come true.

    In general, wines produced in the French province are called champagnes.
    Champagne. Sparkling wine under the brand name "Soviet champagne", which is so popular
    in Russia, appeared in 1937, and after that it appeared, liked it and took root
    tradition to drink this drink on New Year's Eve.

    11. Italy, seeing off the old year, gets rid of everything old. And enters the New Year in everything new

    Italy celebrates the New Year noisily and cheerfully. And in order for the year to be successful and desires to be fulfilled, it is necessary to get rid of the unnecessary and the old. And by all means put on everything new. And Italians also believe that the year will be successful if you meet him in red underwear.

    10. In Scotland, they make wishes while looking at the fire and let in the New Year as a long-awaited guest.

    There are 2 New Year holidays in South Korea. Borrowed New Year on January 1 and traditional, Seollal, whose date is calculated every year by
    lunar calendar.

    Koreans do not celebrate the New Year at midnight and do not walk all night, but they get up early in the morning to meet the first rays of the sun of the new year. At this moment, you can make a wish, and it will come true. Many try to meet the first dawn of the year in a picturesque place or in the mountains.

    8. In India, flying a kite is believed to bring wishes to heaven.

    India is a country with many cultures and customs, and the new year is celebrated here
    several times a year. Gudi Padva is the Hindu New Year which is usually
    falls at the end of March. It is believed that this period of 3 days is incredible
    favorable time for any undertakings. And wishes made at this time
    are being fulfilled. And the Indians believe that kites can carry hidden
    wishes directly to the gods.

    7. In Georgia, toasts made at the festive New Year's table are sure to come true.

    Residents and visitors of New York have the opportunity to fall under the multi-colored snowfall of desires. The wishes of people from all over the world on New Year's Eve will fall from the sky with tons of colored confetti in Times Square, and everyone can make their wish part of the magical snowfall. It is enough to leave it on the official website of the event or write it on Twitter or Instagram with the note #ConfettiWish, and on December 31, along with thousands of others, it will fall from the sky.

    4. In Bulgaria, they make the most cherished in complete darkness. And fix with a secret kiss

    In Bulgaria, there is a tradition - on New Year's Eve, when the clock strikes midnight, turn off the lights for 3 minutes. In complete darkness, you need to kiss the one who was nearby, any person, and the darkness of New Year's Eve will keep this secret.

    And the year will be especially successful and happy for those who kiss a person dear to their hearts. And kissing Santa Claus in the dark is generally a guaranteed fulfillment of all desires.

    Be careful what you wish for...

    Each person wants his desires to be fulfilled, and in order to achieve this, you need to wish correctly and wisely. If your desire is sincere, then it will come true. This is not about ghostly “I want a new Bugatti and my own island as a gift”, but about something that is actually important to you, even if you are afraid to admit it to yourself.

    In this article we will talk about how to make a wish so that it comes true.

    How to make a wish

    Thoughts are material - absolutely everyone has heard this phrase, but for some reason not everyone takes it seriously, thinking that this is nonsense. This is the first mistake, in order for a wish to come true, you need to believe!

    It is the materialization of the desired that is the very factor that becomes the starting point in the fulfillment of a dream. This will help to identify real dreams, because you need to separate the fleeting want from the real goal.

    The dream and desire should be yours, and not be influenced by the opinions of friends and colleagues. An attempt to please and please others makes it difficult to separate your desire from those that are imposed by rules and stereotypes.

    Do not strive for a false and invented ideal, your dream should make you happier.

    For example, you dreamed of playing on stage and collecting the best theaters, but mom and dad said that an artist is not a profession, and it’s a shame to be a famous clown that cheers up the audience, because what will neighbors and relatives think?

    The childhood of many fell on a difficult time, the last decade of the last century, when all creative undertakings were nipped in the bud, and people of simple professions were respected, for which you can get real and guaranteed payments.

    So, the child dreamed of ballet or music, and he was told that it was bad, not like being a miner or a lawyer. The subtle mental organization of the child accepts this, and the child from childhood lives on other people's dreams, forgetting about his own. In order not to disappoint his beloved mother, the child dreams of becoming a successful businessman, but this is his mother's dream, and what does he dream of?

    You can’t live by the desires of others, go on about your thoughts and emotions - this is much more important than public opinion.

    To understand what you want, you need to listen to yourself, and for this, love yourself. This is the only way to start respecting yourself and stop listening to the imposed opinion and step back from stereotypes. You are a person, unique and inimitable, so why do what others want?

    Correctly formulate desires

    To make the wish come true, reconsider its wording and essence. Let's look at this with an example.

    A dream should be fueled by pleasure, formulate desires correctly, instead of “I want not to starve and not need,” think “I want to live in abundance and make good money.” It may seem that there is no difference, but the universe is wary of denials, which can play a cruel joke.

    1. Do you want to be healthy and do you have thoughts about what you will lose by being in the hospital? This is fundamentally wrong, you can’t think like that!

    Tune in to the positive, how cool it is not to get sick, and how much you can do and afford if you feel good. Being healthy is necessary in order to enjoy life and achieve success!

    2. Another example to make it clearer:

    You cannot find a soul mate and you want to meet love in order not to be lonely and not be left alone in adulthood. Wrong, you can't think like that!

    It is better to love and be loved, to share joy and happiness with your soulmate, and to achieve success together. It even sounds better without being negative.

    Formulate the desire so that it has a positive context, so that it exudes happiness and peace.

    Set a time frame and be specific

    There are several techniques to help make a wish so that it comes true, the most effective are described below.

    But, first of all, specify the terms when you want to get what you want, incomprehensible ones like “I want to buy an apartment” do not work, it’s better “I want to live in my apartment in a year”. The meaning does not change, but the second is more specific, has a time frame and the chances that it will come true are much greater.

    1. Tune in to think through all the little things and details so that you make a wish correctly. Relax so that nothing distracts you.
    2. Let yourself dream. Close your eyes and imagine an easel in front of you on which you want to depict a perfect day. How will it pass? What will you do? What is your job, where will you sleep, with whom and at what time will you wake up? Count every step, right down to playing sports and having pets.
    3. Turn to yourself, quiet relaxing music will set you in the right mood and set the mood. Count to 10 and close your eyes, disconnecting from problems and difficulties. Breathe slowly and gradually sink into meditation. Let your body relax and pleasant warmth will spread over it.
    4. Now ask yourself, what do you want now, what do you dream about, what does your soul desire more than anything in the world?
    5. Let images and pictures form before your eyes, do not control the situation, just observe. The fulfillment of your desire depends only on you and the proposed efforts.
    6. Now is your chance to hear your inner voice, understand what your intuition and subconscious are saying, be open to it. Perhaps this is what will help to come to success.

    When you have learned all the necessary secrets of your Self, behave as if your dream has become a reality and nothing supernatural is happening here.

    Remember your feelings and state of mind, put your thoughts on paper - this is a true desire. Now it remains to choose the exact wording for it so that it reflects the essence of your dream.

    Trust your feelings

    Making wishes is a whole science, which only the chosen one owns, and an important place in this practice is given to emotions. Keep in mind the whole gamut of feelings, you can rely on them in the future when you go to the goal.

    Remember that it is almost impossible to correct the situation with desires alone, even if they are made correctly, if a fabulous inheritance does not fall on you.

    In addition to words, decisive actions are needed, you need to confidently go towards your goal, you need to work hard to achieve material well-being.

    Only the right thoughts combined with actions will become the key to success and there is no magic in this, everything is much more real!

    Do you know what is the most common answer to the question: when and how is it better to make a wish so that it comes true? That's right, many will answer about the time that this is the New Year, but they will most likely think about the method. That is why this article was written: to help those who believe that you need to work with your dreams, and not just randomly sort them out in your head.

    When to make a wish so that it comes true:

    • New Year's Eve is considered a sacred time, when everyone believes in renewal and, under the chimes, mentally pronounces what they dream about.
    • As for the lunar calendar, it is believed that the most favorable lunar days for formulating goals are the 1st, 7th and 11th days.
    • Birthday is a blessed day for everyone. It is believed that on the very day when a person was born, special energy channels open. And this should definitely be used. Especially favorable time is considered not only the day, but also the hour of a person’s birth.
    • If you are in a state of euphoria, happiness and incredible excitement, take this moment to close your eyes and imagine what you dream about. After all, the power of intention, created at the moment of happiness, has great power. And, as a result, like will surely attract like.
    • Have you heard about places of power? When traveling to places with special energy, you can not only cleanse yourself of negativity, but also be filled with strength. Requests, dreams and desires uttered in such places will certainly come true.
    • Powerful energy is also concentrated in monasteries and temples. Therefore, being in them, mentally pronounce your requests and believe in a miracle!

    Basic rules for how to formulate a desire:

    1. The first rule: you must sincerely believe that you will get what you want! You should not even allow the thought of failure and that something could interfere with the realization of your intention.
    2. Desires are easily and quickly fulfilled if they are made when a person is in a good mood. This state is also called being “in the flow”, when a person seems to draw opportunities from the Universal Ocean, and everything turns out easily and naturally for him.
    3. The goal must be real. For a dream to come true, it must be achievable. Agree, it makes no sense to dream about flying to Mars, about acquiring a magic wand, or about the fortune of a billionaire. Think about whether what you dream about is really possible.
    4. Don't forget about sustainability! The dreams of some people should not come true at the expense of the dreams of others. You can’t wish, for example, that a lover abandoned his family and went to you. Do you really really want this? And what about the fact that his wife and three children want to have a full-fledged family, a husband and dad? You can't build your happiness on someone else's misfortune... Remember this.
    5. In order for a wish to come true, it is necessary to correctly guess it so that the emphasis is on your feelings and condition. Instead of "I want the child to obey, but the mother-in-law does not get it," think "I have an excellent relationship and understanding with the child and the mother-in-law."
    6. Do not limit yourself and the Universe in possibilities. If you want an apartment, then you don’t need to think of a one-room apartment, if you want a car, it shouldn’t be “at least some old, but your own”. And, dreaming of a salary increase, do not limit yourself to a specific minimum amount, let it be the amount “from ... and above.”
    7. Do not “weave” specific people into your dreams. After all, you do not know what plans and aspirations others have. Maybe you are destined for a happy life with a person you meet at a party with friends. But you stubbornly refuse to even hear about going out for a walk, because from morning to evening you meditate and shed tears over a photograph of an ex who has long been happy with another. (Find out 10 steps to stop loving a married man .)
    8. If, nevertheless, there is a need to make a wish on a specific person, then it would be correct to add “if this does not contradict his inner intention” or “if it will be for the benefit of Sasha, Masha, friend, husband, me, etc.”. For example, "The health of my sister Katya is getting better and stronger every day, if this does not contradict her inner intention."
    9. Focus only on the positive. Accordingly, the words for pronouncing desire should be chosen exclusively with a positive meaning. If you wish to get rid of debts and "sores", then you will always think about debts and illnesses. What we think about is what we get. Therefore, instead of “I repay debts,” we think “I earn enough to satisfy all my needs.”
    10. Avoid words with vague meanings like "a lot", "more". If you want a lot of money, then how much exactly? 100,000 rubles or 100,000 dollars, per month or per year? Call a specific figure and it is desirable to add more "from ... and above."
    11. You can’t put the words “I want”, “I wish”, “I hope” in the wording, otherwise a day, a month, a year will pass, everything will come true: you will constantly want, hope and wish.
    12. You can't make a wish in the future tense. For example, if you built your magic phrase like this: “I will buy a smartphone,” then at any moment when you remember your desire, it will continue to move away in time to the future that has not yet come.
    13. Formulate your intention exclusively in the present tense!
    14. Think over every word so that it doesn’t turn out like this: you wished to win a tour to Europe, you won, but due to some circumstances you could not go there. Let your intention in this case sound like this: "I'm traveling in Europe."
    15. Clear image. Imagine in all colors what it looks like what you want, as if you have it in reality. Visualization should be bright and colorful, up to the point that you will feel the smell, taste, trembling in the body.
    16. Whether you can visualize vividly or not, write down your goals on paper. Firstly, it will help to express the intention in a more structured way, and, secondly, the recorded word forms will remind you of yourself if you suddenly forget about what you were thinking, for example, in the New Year. (Read a selection of articles about how, where and with whom to celebrate the New Year so that it passes happily .)
    17. You can add words to any wish you make: easy, joyful, with pleasure ...
    18. Keep your thoughts to yourself. There is no need to talk about the most secret even to close relatives and friends. It's yours! After all, it often happens like this: I told someone about plans, intentions, but they did not come true. And, willy-nilly, you begin to blame the person to whom you told, they say you envied, "jinxed." (Read about what to do if your girlfriend is jealous.) In fact, when talking about plans, you seem to be wasting energy on their implementation.
    19. A categorical taboo on the particle "not" in the wording. Do you think the phrase “I never get sick or suffer” will lead to health and happiness? No matter how! The Universe does not perceive negative particles, and as a result, your cherished desire sounds like “I am sick and suffering.”
    20. Don't get hung up on your intention. If you made a wish correctly, let it go, and the cherished wish will certainly come true. Do not worry and do not create a negative charge with your obsessive thoughts. Live as if you already have what you want.

    We replace the incorrect formulations of desire with the correct ones:

    I don't want to get sick. ⇒ I am healthy.

    My salary has increased by $100. ⇒ My income increases by more than $100.

    I do not need money. ⇒ I'm rich.

    I'm not fat. ⇒ I am slim.

    I want to lose weight. ⇒ I lose weight without harm to health.

    I want to marry my neighbor Vasya. ⇒ I'm getting married to the best man for me.

    I pay off debts. ⇒ I have enough money for all my needs.

    I want to go to the sea. ⇒ I'm going to rest on the sea in Antalya.

    I will make a career. ⇒ I am promoted from manager to assistant director.

    I quit smoking. ⇒ I lead a healthy lifestyle without nicotine.

    My husband and I don't fight. ⇒ My husband and I are happy and understand each other perfectly.

    I want a good job. ⇒ My work completely satisfies me financially and morally.

    And finally:

    Do not ignore the chances, use each successful set of circumstances as an opportunity to turn your plans into reality.

    Don't sit still. No need to think that a wish will come true just because you made it right. No, this is not enough. We need to act!

    Even if it seems that you have not come a step closer to your dream for some period of time, do not despair. No one can know the exact time of the fulfillment of desire. Just believe that it will definitely come true at the most favorable time for this!

    How to make a wish so that it comes true?

    So, a few basic rules for the fulfillment of your desire. They are so simple and effective that it is surprising that not all people got what they wanted. So, what needs to be done to make the wish come true?

    The wish should be written down. And this must be done correctly, it is inaccurate wording that is the main reason that we get something completely different from what we would like (it's a shame, right?). "I want a new fur coat" - a good wish? May be. But here it is expressed categorically incorrectly. “I get a new fur coat”, “I have a new fur coat” - just like that! Also, when do you want it? A new fur coat after 20 years is unlikely to suit you, right? Here is the time limit. Just get creative.

    Of course, everyone wants his cherished desire to come true in one day. And even better - in one night, so as not to wait at all, just go to bed and in the morning receive everything you wished for on a silver platter. But it would be better to leave the universe room for maneuver, for example, by ordering a “dream come true” in a month or even earlier.

    “From tomorrow, my boss does not find fault with me” - how do you like this wording? The deadlines are indicated, it is written, as if you are stating a fait accompli, what is wrong? This is the very particle "not"! The universe will ignore it, and you'll get what you certainly didn't want: more nitpicking. So we write everything in a positive way: there is no need to “not get sick”, you need to “be healthy”, well, and so on.

    emotions and details. Do not spare colors when describing your desire, if you want it to come true. It is not enough to state it, you also need to present it in detail, and the main detail is how you feel about getting what you want.

    Don't limit the universe. If you are thinking, for example, of an apartment, of course, you should indicate that it should be three-room. But! Who knows, maybe a three-story cottage is more suitable for you? So, when formulating your order to the Universe, leave room for creativity: this or something bigger and better harmoniously appears in my life.

    Your desire should not carry evil and negativity. And it shouldn't harm anyone, including you. For example, receiving a large amount of money: after all, it could be winning the lottery, or insurance for a broken leg or a wrecked car. And in order for the desire to be fulfilled in the best possible way, it must be completed with the so-called “guardian phrase”: “for the common good”, for example, or this: “may it bring happiness to me and others.”

    So, you have formulated and written down your desire. Fine! You are already halfway to your dream. The next step is illustration. Find a picture (or several) illustrating the fulfillment of desire. You can cut it out of a magazine or find it on the Internet and print it on a color printer. And then hang it where you will always see it.

    Well. You have done some serious work and now the Universe is aware of what you would like. What's next? And then do not go in cycles in your desire. Release your desire. And the best way to do this is to start taking action to achieve it. You will be surprised, but the opportunities for implementation will begin to turn up every now and then. Including those that you never even dreamed of. Now your task is to take full advantage of them so that your cherished desire comes true.

    "The Lord punishes us by the fulfillment of our desires"
    (Eastern wisdom)

    Dear friends, I propose to continue the conversation about desires. The article "Make a wish before bed" caused mixed reviews:

    “a few months ago I coded myself for rejuvenation ... She said the phrase:“ I am getting younger! ”... And, indeed, I became much ...”,

    “you need to be careful in your desires, the main thing here is not to harm”,

    “Your desires must still be commensurate with the possibilities and ethics”,

    “You still need to be able to make wishes, because their execution can sometimes have unexpected consequences.

    In this article: the rules for making wishes, how to dream correctly so that the fulfillment of a dream brings satisfaction, not disappointment; ethics and safety of desires for the world around.

    How to dream right

    Rule 1 Desire to be written down, recommend many rituals and techniques for the fulfillment of the plan. An idea put on paper takes on a concrete form, clarity and completeness. This means that it is easier for our subconscious and the Universe to understand what we really want.

    Rule 2 The desire must be formulated correctly and clearly. There are enough examples when the incorrect formulation of the hidden gave a result that was far from expected:

    one lady dreamed of going on a cruise. After a while, life turned out so that she really went on a liner around the world ... as a cleaner.

    The woman dreamed of inserting new teeth. An accident happens to her, her teeth are knocked out so successfully that the dentist admires: “How wonderful your teeth were knocked out! We will insert new ones without any problems.

    A married couple could not decide to start repairs in the apartment, there was constant talk about a new false ceiling. At one "beautiful" moment, the ceiling in the living room collapsed, and they unwillingly had to make urgent repairs and a new ceiling.

    Rule 3 The wish must have specific deadlines. If you are planning to buy a house, make repairs, buy a car, lay down the exact period or date. Example: "I buy a car in September 2013."

    Rule 4 Desire is written in the present tense."I'll buy a house" is the wrong wording. “I am buying a house in October 2013” ​​is correct.

    Rule 5 Denial and doubt are forbidden! Particles “not” and the word “I will try” are avoided.
    Few examples:

    “I don’t want to smoke anymore” is not true, it will be correct: “I become healthier every day, giving up bad habits.”

    “I will try to eat less tomorrow to become slimmer” - it’s not right, it will be true: “My weight is normalizing, I have a great figure.”

    “I don’t want to be alone” is changed to “I love and am loved.”

    Rule 6 The sincerity and importance of desire for you personally. The desire should be yours, and not for the sake of dad, mom, society.

    For example: The boy writes down the desire “I want to become a famous football player”, but he likes music more. But he loves his dad very much, an avid fan who, from childhood, gave his son to the football section in order to grow a champion out of him.

    This is a mistake, the Universe cannot be deceived by a “fake” desire.

    Rule 7 The desire should be about yourself and for yourself.

    “My son entered Moscow State University”, “My husband won the Jackpot”, “my daughter got a salary increase” - such desires are useless.

    Focus your dreams on yourself: “I help my son with all my strength to go to college.”

    Rule 8 Details and emotions are very important. When writing down your wish, include as many details as possible. If you are "buying a car," write its color, model, and so on. Imagine how you feel when you buy a car. And write them down too.

    Real life example: a young lady dreamed of a digital camera. In a magazine with photographs, she chose a model, wrote down all its characteristics in her desire and pasted a photograph of the device. After a short time, she rendered a serious service, and in gratitude she was presented with a camera of exactly THE model that she described in her desire.

    Just a coincidence? Unlikely.

    Rule 9. Visualization of what you want. Imagine your dream to the smallest detail so that the desire is fulfilled as accurately as possible.

    Rule 10. Usually at least 21 days. Be patient and help your subconscious and the Universe with concrete actions. If you aspire to start your own business, but you lack the knowledge, educate yourself in this area.

    Rule 11. Ethical desires."I wish I could rob a bank to become rich." “I want to become the head of the department, if only Yegorych was sent to retire.” Such desires can turn against those who make them. After all, evil always returns, even uttered in thoughts.

    Rule 12. Read more about the self-hypnosis technique.

    Rule 13 looking at which, you will remember what was hidden and once again present a visualization picture.

    Rule 14. Desire must be one. If you have many desires, then the strongest will be fulfilled or nothing will be fulfilled. So choose the most important. Learn more about how to make wishes one by one in the video at the end of the article.

    Rule 15. Security of desire for the surrounding world.

    End any wish you write with the phrase:

    “Let the conceived, or something more, enter my life harmoniously, bring happiness and joy to me and everyone whom the desire touches”.

    The words "something more" give the universe freedom for you. Perhaps the World will give you the opportunity to relax on the shores of not the Black, but the Red Sea.

    When your wish comes true, do not forget to express gratitude to all participants in the process, starting with yourself and ending with the Higher Power, which accepted and fulfilled your order.