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  • Presentation - the organizational structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation - types of armed forces and types of troops. Types and types of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Presentation of the types of troops of the Russian army

    Presentation - the organizational structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation - types of armed forces and types of troops.  Types and types of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.  Presentation of the types of troops of the Russian army

    At present, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of three branches of the Armed Forces, three branches of service, Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Quartering and Arrangement Service of the Ministry of Defense, railway troops and other troops not included in the branches of the Armed Forces.

    Ground forces - a type of armed forces designed to conduct combat operations mainly on land. Most countries form the basis of their military power. The ground forces of the Russian Federation, in cooperation with other types of forces, are capable of conducting an offensive in order to defeat the enemy grouping and seize its territory, deliver fire strikes to a great depth, repel the invasion of the enemy, his large airborne assault forces, and hold the occupied territories, areas and lines. The ground forces of the Russian Federation include the types of troops: motorized rifle, tank, rocket troops and artillery, military air defense, army aviation; special troops, military units and logistics institutions. Ground troops.

    The most numerous branch of the military, which forms the basis of the Ground Forces, the core of their battle formations. They are equipped with powerful weapons to destroy ground and air targets, missile systems, tanks, artillery and mortars, anti-tank guided missiles, anti-aircraft missile systems and installations, and effective means of reconnaissance and control. Motorized rifle troops

    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN) - a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Designed for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction of strategic facilities that form the basis of the military and military-economic potential of the enemy. Created in They are armed with intercontinental combat missile systems of various types, equipped with nuclear weapons. The Strategic Missile Forces include stationary and mobile-based missile troops, as well as special troops (units and subunits of missile-technical, nuclear-technical, engineering, radiation, chemical and biological protection, communications, electronic warfare, geodetic, meteorological, security and intelligence), units and transport aviation and logistics units. The Strategic Missile Forces consist of missile armies and special forces. Strategic Rocket Forces.

    Engineering Troops. Engineer Troops carry out the tasks of installing mine-explosive barriers, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle and anti-tank mines, creating non-explosive barriers, making passages in enemy mine-explosive barriers, neutralizing and destroying mines and land mines, participating in the construction of bridges, crossings, fortified positions, pillboxes, bunkers, construction of rock roads, laying paths for equipment and personnel in hard-to-reach places. In reconnaissance and sabotage groups, sappers may be assigned the tasks of mining or blowing up bridges, crossings, railway lines, missile launchers, communications facilities, as well as laying mines and land mines on the approach routes of enemy reserves and other tasks.

    Air Force (VVS) - a type of armed forces designed to conduct reconnaissance of enemy groupings; ensuring the gain of dominance (in the air; protection from air strikes of important military-economic regions (objects) and groupings of troops; warning of an air attack; destruction of objects that form the basis of the enemy’s military potential; air support for ground forces and fleet forces; airborne landings transportation of troops and materiel by air. The main strike force of the Air Force of the Russian Federation is combat aircraft bombers, fighters and attack aircraft, capable of delivering missile and bomb attacks on ground targets and effectively conducting air battles. After joining with the troops. In peacetime, the Air Force carries out security the state border of the Russian Federation in the air space.

    Space Forces - a branch of the armed forces designed to warn of a nuclear missile attack, communicate, and monitor the state of the space group. Created in 2001 by decision of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on the basis of associations and units for launching and controlling spacecraft of the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as the Rocket and Space Defense Forces. The tasks of the space forces include visual and electronic reconnaissance (in particular, the early receipt of data on the preparation of the armed forces of foreign states for an attack), the provision of space information to all branches of the armed forces and the leadership of the country. Space troops.

    Airborne Troops (VDV) - a branch of ground forces designed to drop (land) from the air behind enemy lines and conduct combat operations. The Airborne Forces consist of parachute, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other units and subunits. The Airborne Forces are the real combat power of our Great Motherland. Landing operations are fast, accurate and deadly for the enemy. The Airborne Forces have repeatedly proved their strength and their heroism in military conflicts in all parts of the world, including in our homeland. Airborne Troops (VDV).

    Navy - the naval forces (Navy), a branch of the armed forces designed to conduct combat operations in various areas of the oceans. Includes types of forces: surface and submarine forces, naval aviation, coastal missile and artillery troops, marines, air defense forces (Air Defense), rear troops, etc. The Navy of the Russian Federation is designed to destroy enemy fleet groups at sea and at coastal bases, for delivering nuclear strikes against its ground targets, to fight on sea lanes, to assist ground forces in operations in continental theaters of operations, to land amphibious assaults, and also to repulse enemy landings. The Russian Navy is subdivided into strategic nuclear forces and general purpose forces. Organizationally, the Navy includes: the Northern, Baltic, Black Sea, Pacific Fleets, and the Caspian Flotilla. Navy

    Presentation on the topic of: "What types and types of troops are there today in the Armed Forces of Russia"

    Made by 3rd grade student

    MKOU secondary school p. Sozimsky

    Krasnikov Denis

    Types of Russian armed forces

    Types of troops of Russia

    Ground troops

    Strategic Rocket Forces

    Aerospace Force

    Airborne Troops


    Ground troops - a type of armed forces designed to conduct combat operations mainly on land. Most countries form the basis of their military power. The ground forces of the Russian Federation include the types of troops: motorized rifle, tank, rocket troops and artillery, army aviation; special troops, military units and logistics institutions.

    Tank forces constitute the main strike force of the Ground Forces and powerful means of armed struggle designed to solve the most important tasks in various types of military operations.

    Motorized rifle troops - the type of troops in the ground forces of the armed forces of the state, which is infantry, equipped with combat, transport vehicles and mechanical traction. They perform the bulk of combat missions in any major armed conflict.

    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN) - branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Designed for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction of strategic objects. The Strategic Missile Forces consist of missile armies and special troops.

    Air defense troops designed to cover groupings of troops and rear facilities from enemy air strikes. They are capable of destroying aircraft and unmanned aerial attack vehicles. Resist enemy landings. Conduct radar reconnaissance and notify troops of an air enemy.

    Airborne Forces (VDV) - a branch of ground forces intended for dropping (landing) from the air behind enemy lines and conducting combat operations. The Airborne Forces consist of parachute, tank, artillery, self-propelled artillery and other units and subunits. The Airborne Forces are the real combat power of our Great Motherland. Landing operations are fast, accurate and deadly for the enemy.

    Engineering Troops perform the tasks of installing mine-explosive barriers, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle and anti-tank mines, creating non-explosive barriers, making passages in enemy mine-explosive barriers, neutralizing and destroying mines and land mines, participating in the construction of bridges, crossings, fortified positions, pillboxes, bunkers, construction of rock roads, laying paths for equipment and personnel in hard-to-reach places.

    Air Force (Air Force) - type of armed forces designed to conduct reconnaissance of enemy groupings. The main strike force of the Air Force of the Russian Federation is combat aircraft bombers, fighters and attack aircraft capable of delivering missile and bomb strikes against ground targets and effectively conducting air battles. In peacetime, the Air Force guards the state border of the Russian Federation in the airspace.

    Troops of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

    Troops of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information (FAPSI)

    Railway troops.

    Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs

    Slides captions:

    Types and types of troops of the Russian Federation

    A type of the Armed Forces is their component, distinguished by special weapons and designed to perform the assigned tasks, as a rule, in any environment (on land, in the water, in the air, in space). These are: TYPES OF ARMED FORCES GROUND FORCES AIR AND SPACE FORCES NAVY

    Each branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consists of branches of service (forces), special forces and rear services. A branch of service is understood to be a part of a branch of the Armed Forces that is distinguished by its main armament, technical equipment, organizational structure, the nature of training, and the ability to perform specific combat missions. There are also independent types of troops - these are the Airborne Forces (VDV) and the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN)


    LAND FORCES is the most ancient branch of the Russian Armed Forces. They lead their history from the princely squads of Kievan Rus. The most striking pages of the combat path of the Ground Forces are: the defeat of the Livonian Order by the squads of Alexander Nevsky on the ice of Lake Peipsi; examples of military prowess of soldiers of the troops of the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy in the fight against the Mongol-Tatar conquerors; the brilliant victory of the Russian army over the Swedes at Poltava; fortitude, courage, initiative and determination of the Russian troops in the fight against the French in the Patriotic War of 1812. The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) became an exceptionally difficult test for the Ground Forces. The most important combat missions in the fight against the Nazi invaders - a cruel, experienced and strong enemy, were solved, first of all, by the Ground Forces. During the course of the war, the Ground Forces received significant development. The buildup of their fire and strike power, maneuverability and combat capability was based on the introduction of new, more efficient weapon systems and military equipment, the growth of combat experience of the troops, the acquisition of skills by command personnel and the improvement of means and methods of control. All this led to the fact that during the years of the war the Ground Forces became first-class in their weapons, unsurpassed in morale and the most advanced in the art of conducting operations and combat.

    High Command of the Ground Forces Motorized Rifle Troops Tank Troops Rocket Troops and Artillery Engineer Troops Communication Troops RKhBZ Troops


    The most numerous branch of the military, which forms the basis of the Ground Forces, the core of their battle formations. Motorized rifle brigades, which have high combat independence, versatility and firepower, form the basis of motorized rifle troops. They are capable of conducting combat operations under the conditions of using both conventional means of armed struggle and weapons of mass destruction in various physical, geographical and climatic conditions, day and night. An important direction in the development of motorized rifle troops is to increase their adaptability to airlift and expand their capabilities to conduct autonomous, highly maneuverable combat operations in isolated directions, to switch from one type of combat operations to another in a short time, to quickly change directions and areas of operations, to concentrate and dispersal. MOTOR RIFLE TROOPS



    constitute the main strike force of the Ground Forces and powerful means of armed struggle designed to solve the most important tasks in various types of military operations. Tank brigades and tank battalions of motorized rifle brigades, which are highly resistant to nuclear weapons, firepower, high mobility and maneuverability, form the basis of tank troops. They are capable of making fullest use of the results of fire (nuclear) engagement of the enemy and achieving the ultimate goals of combat and operations in a short time. The combat capabilities of tank formations and subunits allow them to conduct active combat operations day and night, at a considerable distance from other troops, to smash the enemy in head-on battles and battles, to overcome vast zones of radioactive contamination on the move, to force water barriers, and also to quickly create a solid defense and successfully resist the advance of superior enemy forces. TANK FORCES



    ROCKET TROOPS AND ARTILLERY Rocket Troops and Artillery (RV and A) is a branch of the Ground Forces, which is the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy in the course of conducting combined arms operations (combat actions). Organizationally, the RV and A consist of rocket, rocket, artillery brigades, including mixed artillery battalions of high power, rocket artillery regiments, separate reconnaissance divisions, as well as artillery of combined arms brigades and military bases.



    AIR DEFENSE TROOPS Air defense troops are a branch of the Ground Forces, designed to cover troops and facilities from the actions of enemy air attack weapons when combined arms formations and formations conduct operations (combat operations), regroup (march) and deploy on the spot. Organizationally, the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces consist of military command and control bodies, air defense command posts, anti-aircraft missile (rocket-artillery) and radio engineering formations, military units and subunits. Formations, military units and air defense subunits of the Ground Forces are equipped with anti-aircraft missile systems, anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft gun-missile systems (systems) and portable anti-aircraft missile systems of various reach, channels and methods of missile guidance. Depending on the range of destruction of air targets, they are divided into short-range systems - up to 10 km, short-range - up to 30 km, medium-range - up to 100 km and long-range - more than 100 km.



    Reconnaissance formations and military units belong to the special forces of the Ground Forces and are designed to perform a wide range of tasks in order to provide commanders (commanders) and headquarters with information about the enemy, the state of the terrain and the weather in order to make the most rational decisions for an operation (battle) and prevent the surprise of enemy actions . In the interests of the Ground Forces, reconnaissance is conducted by full-time reconnaissance units of combined arms formations (motorized rifle and tank brigades), special-purpose formations and units, radio and electronic intelligence of army and district sets, as well as reconnaissance units and subunits of military branches and special forces of the Ground Forces. INTELLIGENCE AND MILITARY UNITS



    ENGINEERING TROOPS are special troops designed to perform the most complex tasks of engineering support for combined arms operations (combat operations) that require special training of personnel and the use of engineering weapons, as well as to inflict losses on the enemy by using engineering ammunition. Organizationally, engineering troops consist of formations, units and subunits for various purposes: engineer-reconnaissance, engineering-sapper, obstacles, barriers, assault, engineering-road, pontoon-bridge (pontoon), crossing-landing, engineering-camouflage, engineering-technical, field water supply and others. they are involved in countering enemy reconnaissance and weapon guidance systems (camouflage), imitation of troops and facilities, providing disinformation and demonstrative actions to deceive the enemy, as well as in eliminating the consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy. In peacetime, engineering troops perform a number of important socially significant tasks: they clear the area of ​​explosive objects, participate in the aftermath of man-made accidents and disasters, natural disasters, prevent the destruction of bridges and hydraulic structures during ice drifts, etc.



    RCHBZ TROOPS The Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops (RCBZ) are special troops designed to carry out a complex of the most complex measures aimed at reducing the losses of formations and formations of the Ground Forces and ensuring the fulfillment of their combat missions when operating in conditions of radioactive, chemical and biological contamination , as well as to increase their survivability and protection against high-precision and other types of weapons. The basis of the RKhBZ troops is made up of multifunctional separate brigades of the RKhBZ, which include units capable of carrying out the entire range of measures of the RKhB protection. The RKhBZ troops are developing as dual-purpose troops capable of solving tasks both in wartime and in peacetime in the aftermath of accidents and disasters at radiation, chemically and biologically hazardous industrial enterprises. Further building up of their capabilities is carried out by creating a modern system for detecting and evaluating the scale and consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction, integrated with automated command and control systems for troops and weapons and functioning stably in the conditions of the use of WMD and strong electronic countermeasures.



    COMMUNICATION TROOPS Signal Troops are special troops designed to deploy a communications system and provide command and control of formations, formations and subunits of the Ground Forces in peacetime and wartime. They are also entrusted with the tasks of operating automation systems and means at control points. Signal troops include nodal and line formations and units, units and subunits of technical support for communications and automated control systems, communications security services, courier and postal communications, and others. Modern communications troops are equipped with mobile, high-reliability radio relay, tropospheric, space stations, high-frequency telephony equipment, voice-frequency telegraphy, television and photographic equipment, switching equipment and special equipment for classifying messages.



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    Types and types of troops of the Russian Federation

    Command of the Aerospace Forces MILITARY AIR FORCE SPACE TROOPS AIR-PROOF TROOPS Since August 1, 2015, the Air Force and the Aerospace Defense Troops have united into a new branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Aerospace Forces of Russia.


    AIR FORCES Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (RF) dated July 16, 1997 determined the formation of a new type of Armed Forces (AF) on the basis of the existing Air Defense Forces (Air Defense) and the Air Force (Air Force). This required from the General Staffs during the transitional period intensive work to carry out structural changes in the organization of the command and control system and in the groupings of troops being created. By March 1, 1998, on the basis of the control bodies of the Air Defense Forces and the Air Force, the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force and the Main Headquarters of the Air Force were formed, and the Air Defense Forces and the Air Force were merged into a new branch of the RF Armed Forces - the Air Force.



    SPACE TROOPS The Space Forces solve a wide range of tasks, the main of which are: - monitoring space objects and identifying threats to Russia in space and from space, and, if necessary, parrying such threats; - providing top management levels with reliable information on the detection of ballistic missile launches and a missile attack warning; - implementation of launches of spacecraft into orbits, control of satellite systems for military and dual (military and civilian) purposes in flight and the use of some of them in the interests of providing the troops (forces) of the Russian Federation with the necessary information; - maintaining in the established composition and readiness for the use of military and dual-use satellite systems, means of their launch and control, and a number of other tasks.



    Air Defense and Missile Defense Troops perform a wide range of tasks, the main of which are: ), administrative and political centers, industrial and economic regions, the most important objects of the economy and infrastructure of the country; - the defeat of the warheads of ballistic missiles of a potential enemy attacking important state facilities.



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    Types and types of troops of the Russian Federation

    Surface Forces Submarine Forces Coastal Forces Naval Aviation Coastal Rocket and Artillery Forces Marine Corps Main Command of the Navy


    SURFACE FORCES Surface forces are the main ones for ensuring the exit and deployment of submarines to combat areas and returning to bases, transporting and covering landing forces. They are assigned the main role in laying minefields, in combating the mine danger and protecting their communications.



    SUBMARINE FORCES Submarine forces - a branch of forces of the Navy, including strategic nuclear missile submarines, nuclear multi-purpose submarines and diesel-electric (non-nuclear) submarines. Unlike other branches of the Navy, submarine forces, as a strike force of the fleet, have a number of properties that determine their advantage in armed struggle at sea: secrecy of operations, the ability to conduct combat operations in any area of ​​the World Ocean, the ability to deliver powerful nuclear missile strikes against important military against enemy targets and most effectively conduct combat operations against enemy combat surface ships, submarines, transports and ships. They have the ability to operate under the ice of the Arctic Basin and little dependence on hydrometeorological conditions in the combat area.



    MARINE AVIATION Naval aviation is a branch of the Navy, designed to search for and destroy the combat forces of the enemy fleet, landing units, convoys and single ships (vessels) at sea and at bases; covering groupings of ships and fleet facilities from enemy air strikes; destruction of aircraft, helicopters and cruise missiles; air reconnaissance; aiming at the ship forces of the enemy of their strike forces and issuing target designation to them. Aircraft (helicopters) for various purposes form the basis of naval aviation. Functionally, naval aviation is divided into types of aviation: naval missile-carrying; anti-submarine; fighter; reconnaissance and auxiliary purposes (long-range radar detection and guidance, electronic warfare, mine action, control and communications, refueling aircraft in the air, search and rescue, transport, sanitary). Naval aviation is based on airfields and aircraft carriers. According to the place of basing, it is subdivided into carrier-based aviation and coastal-based aviation.



    Coastal troops (BV) - a branch of the Navy, designed to cover the forces of the fleets, troops, population and objects on the sea coast from the effects of enemy surface ships; defense of naval bases and other important objects of the fleets from land, including from sea and air assault forces; landings and actions in sea, air and sea landings; assistance to ground forces in antiamphibious defense of amphibious areas of the sea coast; destruction of surface ships, boats and landing vehicles in the range of weapons. Coastal troops include 2 types of troops: coastal rocket and artillery troops and marines. Each branch of the armed forces solves certain target tasks independently and in cooperation with other branches of the BV and Navy forces, as well as with formations and units of other branches of the Armed Forces and military branches. The main organizational units of the BV are brigades, battalions (divisions). COASTAL TROOPS

    Coastal Rocket and Artillery Troops

    Coastal Rocket and Artillery Troops Coastal Rocket and Artillery Troops (BRAV) are a branch of coastal troops of the Navy. They include missile units equipped with ground-based stationary and mobile missile systems, as well as coastal artillery units. Designed to destroy enemy surface ships, landing units and convoys, cover bases, coastal fleet facilities, coastal sea communications and groupings of troops operating in coastal areas. In addition, they can be used to destroy enemy bases and ports. BRAV trace its history back to the artillery of seaside fortresses and coastal batteries of the Russian Navy. Before the advent of missile weapons, coastal artillery, which was the main combat weapon of coastal defense, formed the basis for the defense of the sea coast and the areas where the fleet was based. In 1958, it was transformed into the BRAV, which became the branch of the Navy. In October 1989, the BRAV, along with the marines and coastal defense troops, entered the newly created branch of forces - the coastal troops of the Navy.


    Naval Infantry The Naval Infantry (MP) is a branch of the coastal troops of the Navy, designed and specially trained for combat operations in amphibious assaults, as well as for the defense of naval bases, important sections of the coast and coastal facilities. Armament MP: floating military equipment, portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems and automatic small arms. Formations and units of the Marine Corps land on the shore from landing ships and boats, and also land by ship-based and shore-based helicopters with fire support from ships and aircraft. In some cases, the marines can overcome water spaces on their own in floating vehicles (in most cases, on armored personnel carriers). In Russia, the marines appeared in 1705, when during the Northern War of 1700-1721. armed struggle unfolded in coastal and insular areas. Formations and units of the Marine Corps were repeatedly disbanded and recreated. Newly created in 1939 formations and units of the Marine Corps during the Great Patriotic War were widely used in landing operations and defense of fleet bases. In the postwar years, they were disbanded and appeared in the Navy in the early 1960s. When performing combat service on warships and support vessels of the Russian Navy, in particular in the Gulf of Aden, the marines showed high combat readiness and efficiency. The Marine Corps is part of the armed forces of many countries. Russian marines are rightfully considered one of the best specialists in this no doubt difficult kind of activity of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


    airborne troops

    Command of the Airborne Troops Airborne and Airborne Assault Divisions Airborne Assault Brigades Educational Institutions Military Support Units Special Forces Military Unit


    Command of the Strategic Missile Forces Missile armies Training centers and schools for technicians Higher military educational institutions Missile formations

    Thank you for your attention!

    a presentation dedicated to the "Defender of the Fatherland Day" was held in the senior group of the MADOU MO, Krasnodar "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 182 f" Emerald City "Project topic: "Types of the Armed Forces and branches of the armed forces of the Russian Federation." Project goal: 1 To form in children ideas about the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day" 2. To form patriotic feelings in children 3. To cultivate respect for people who served in the army Tasks: 1. Systematize, expand and generalize children's knowledge about the Russian army, military branches, military equipment 2. Consolidate children's knowledge of military professions 3. Develop children's interest in the history of their native Fatherland, in the history of the formation and development of the Russian army from Ancient Russia to the present 4. Cultivate a sense of pride in their homeland, respect for the soldiers who defended it Project participants: children of the senior group, educators Expected result: 1. Showing interest in the army, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland 2. Children distinguish and name representatives of different branches of the military; know about the benefits that people of military professions bring. 3. Children strive to be like the brave and brave warriors of their country.



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    The municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the municipality city of Krasnodar “The Center for the Development of the Child - Kindergarten No. 182 F“ Emerald City ”Legal address of DS No. 182: 350028, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, ul. Geroev Scouts, 2, tel. / fax 992-28-83 e-mail detsad1 82

    PRESENTS A PRESENTATION ON THE TOPIC: Types of the Armed Forces and types of troops of the Russian Federation

    Types of the RF Armed Forces Ground Forces Air Force Navy

    PUTIN VLADIMIR VLADIMIROVICH President of the Russian Federation - Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation SHOIGU SERGEY KUZHUGETOVICH Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army

    The Ground Forces are the main fighting force in the structure of the Armed Forces. They are capable of capturing and holding the indicated areas for a long time in order to consolidate the success achieved and the subsequent defeat of the enemy, to conduct both defensive and offensive combat operations in any conditions. Motorized Rifle Troops Tank Troops Rocket Troops and Artillery Air Defense Troops Army Aviation Ground Troops with Combat Arms Special Troops Signal Troops Electronic Warfare Troops Engineer Troops of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Automotive Troops Rear Guard Troops

    Motorized rifle troops

    Tank forces

    Rocket troops and artillery

    Air defense troops

    Army Aviation

    The Air Force is designed to protect Russia's infrastructure from attacks from aerospace, as well as to provide air support to the Ground Forces in all types of military operations. Long-Range Aviation Frontline Aviation Military Transport Aviation Anti-Aircraft Missile Troops Radiotechnical Troops Air Force with Arms Aviation Types Bomber Aviation Attack Aviation Fighter Aviation Reconnaissance Aviation Transport Aviation Special Aviation

    Long-range aviation

    Front-line aviation

    Military transport aviation

    Anti-aircraft missile troops

    Radio engineering troops

    The Navy is designed to maintain strategic stability, ensure Russia's national interests in the World Ocean and the country's reliable security in the maritime and ocean areas. Surface forces Submarine forces Naval aviation Ground and coastal forces Navy

    surface forces

    submarine force

    Naval aviation

    Ground and Coastal Forces

    Strategic Missile Troops Airborne Troops Military Space Troops of the RF Air Force

    The Strategic Missile Forces are the main component of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, troops of constant combat readiness. Designed for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction of strategic enemy targets.

    The airborne troops are a highly mobile branch of the military, designed to cover the enemy by air and conduct combat operations in his rear. The Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation are a means of the Supreme High Command and can form the basis of mobile forces.

    The military space troops are designed to warn the top military and political leadership of the country about a missile attack, anti-missile defense, deployment, maintenance and control of an orbital group of spacecraft.