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  • Koretsky rock and roll under the Kremlin. Rock and roll under the Kremlin. Nikulin N.N.

    Koretsky rock and roll under the Kremlin.  Rock and roll under the Kremlin.  Nikulin N.N.

    Danil Koretsky

    Rock and roll under the Kremlin

    The deeds of days gone by

    July 1972, Moscow

    A light breeze sways a giant red-headed poster on the facade of the Moskva hotel - comrade Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev stretched out his hand invitingly and encouragingly says: "You are going the right way, comrades!" True, not that he says - it is written at the bottom in large letters, but it is clear to a fool that if V.I.Lenin or someone else had said so, then these words would not have been written under Comrade Brezhnev! This means that everyone sees that the leader of the party and state himself approves the path chosen by the people scurrying below.

    Although the roads are different for everyone: numerous visitors with bags, sacks and packages rush between "Eliseevsky", "GUM", "TSUM" and "Children's World"; employees of numerous offices stroll leisurely at lunchtime; shifting from foot to foot, a dull line at the Cosmos cafe languishes, bypassing which representatives of the “golden youth” dive through the glass door without hindrance, except for the displeased murmur of the crowd as an obstacle, but the crowd here does not decide anything, for the muffled doorman uncle decides everything Vanya is a retired former serviceman ... Cute, festive-looking girls are merrily huddling on the patch between National and Intourist; If you believe the poster, and you cannot not believe it, - all this audience is also on the right path.

    The deaf end of the famous "Stalinist" house at 6 Gorky Street is decorated with another huge banner: "Decisions of the 24th Congress of the CPSU - to life!" Actually, Moscow, like any Soviet city, is full of kumach cloths, which do not differ in variety: portraits of V. I. Lenin and L. I. Brezhnev, calls to fulfill the decisions of the next congress, incantations like: "The people and the party are one" ... This is an ideological abstraction is as vague as it is obligatory, fetishes of the unshakable communist era.

    A light breeze lazily sweeps the not too littered sidewalks, disperses the gray smoke of the exhaust of a few cars over the road. Basically, these are Zhiguli, Muscovites and Volga, occasionally they rush into the Kremlin or the Old Square of the Celestials, foreign cars with ambassadorial flags and diplomatic numbers are just as rare - passers-by with curiosity look after them, gather at Intourist ", Examining a Mercedes with German numbers and a Mazda with French ones.

    Since ancient times, foreigners have enjoyed preferences in Russia, and nothing has changed in the Soviet Union: they freely settle in the best hotels, buy whiskey, smoked sausage, black caviar, high-heeled shoes and any other shortage at Berezki, they attend sensational performances and concerts for which a mere mortal is ordered. They feel freer and more at ease in Moscow than Muscovites themselves, not to mention Vyatichi, Saratov and other peripheral citizens of the USSR. But not everything is so simple in this world: ostentatious freedom and freedom is compensated by invisible, but tough supervision of every "monk" so as not to spy on, corrupt Soviet people, damage communist ideology, or otherwise defile the damned capitalist of the light socialist world.

    A huge "Intourist" bus with another excursion group turned heavily around the corner.

    - Back in the fourteenth century, the road leading north from the Kremlin was called Tverskaya. Of course, it was not expensive in our modern sense - an ordinary dirty country road, in some places covered with a flooring of logs or brushwood. But years and centuries passed, the city gradually grew, went beyond the fortress walls, the road was built up with residential buildings and turned into a street. In 1703, Tsar Peter founded the northern capital of the empire, the city of St. Petersburg. The point of attraction in the north changed, and the street was almost renamed Petersburgskaya, but in the end it was retained its former name. And by the beginning of the nineteenth century, Tverskaya became one of the main streets in Moscow ...

    The guide girl looks twenty-two at most. The graduation course in foreign language, the final practice and the cramping desire to break out into the big world, where irregular English verbs peacefully graze among Victorian mansions and conjugate on green lawns this and that without any apparent effort. Yes, for this ... Anything.

    Translations alone are not enough for this work, it is necessary to help those who ensure the security of the state. All translators do this. Because foreigners, especially from the capitalist countries, and very especially from the citadel of evil, aggression and racism - America, are predatory wolves that cannot be left unattended among the gullible and defenseless citizens of the USSR. All of them, wolves, under supervision and control, in invisible collars and on intangible leashes ...

    And now the situation is completely special - at the briefing they said: there is information that a real spy will arrive under the guise of a peaceful tourist! Most likely in one of the summer groups. For ordinary Muscovites, this is all unrealistic, like a fairy tale:

    Big Daddy had three kids. The elder is smart. Medium is cunning. The youngest is cute. Legs, ass, muzzle, blue eyes, everything is like an expensive doll. They called her that - Lyalechka. The middle name was Ivan. And the eldest was called Light-Head. To tell the truth, Big Daddy had much more children, who just didn’t try to count them, but it just didn’t work. But we don't care about the rest, and we will only talk about this trinity. Because a big gray Wolf appeared in those parts. Big Dad looks out the window and sees: gray sneaks up, teeth - in, claws - in, a fashionable bag over his shoulder with the inscription "New York Travel". He gazes with his eyes, grins, wants to spoil. Dad called his kids and said: catch the gray and ask what he wants. They caught the gray one. A fire was made, and a large cauldron was hung over the fire. Walking was brewed in different waters. Lialechka boiled it in sweet water, Ivan boiled it in sour water, and Light-Head - in bitter water. Nothing was cooked from Walking - no jelly, no beer, no broth. The kids were surprised: how is this possible? They began to scratch at the back of their heads, to raise literature, and in the meantime the gray man took it and ran away. They were looking for him, looking for him, and while they were looking, the gray Wolf bit Big Daddy by the thumb, so Daddy had to run to the clinic and give an injection against rabies. That would be the end of the fairy tale, but whoever listened - well done. But it was not there. Not the end. And only the very beginning.

    Yes, something like this would look like this story, adapted for the older groups of kindergarten. Or for people adults, but far from intelligence and counterintelligence activities. A pretty translator is Lyalechka, and she does not know the other sons of Big Daddy. Although he guesses that they exist.


    Rock and roll under the Kremlin (Daniil Koretsky)

    Format: mp3, 192 Kbps
    Danil Koretsky
    Year of issue: 2008
    Genre: Detective
    Publisher: Audiobook
    Artist: Oleg Isaev
    Duration: 11:38:35
    Description: Detective story. A KGB officer is investigating an espionage case.

    Add. Information: The book captivates with its narration. I listened in one breath. I drove 700 kilometers very easily, listening to this book. I recommend to all lovers of Koretsky


    Rock and roll under the Kremlin. Books number 1-5 (Danil Koretsky)

    Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
    Author: Danil Koretsky
    Year of issue: 2008
    Genre: Detective, action
    Publisher: Audiobook, DIY audiobook
    Artist: Oleg Isaev, Alexander Andrienko, Sergey Safronov, Sergey Didok
    Duration: 11:38:35 + 14: 24: 00+ 22:04:00 +14: 38: 22 + 16: 07: 00
    Description: During the demolition of the Moscow Intourist Hotel, workers find an audio cassette with a recording of a strange conversation under the floor and take it to the FSB. Analysis shows that this is a recording of a recruiting conversation that took place 30 years ago. This is how the exciting story of the capture of an American spy recruited to the far ...


    Rock and roll under the Kremlin 3 Daniil Koretsky (Daniil Koretsky)

    Year of issue: 2009
    Genre: Detective
    Artist: Alexander Andrienko
    Duration: 22 hours. 03 minutes 28 sec.
    Description: In his youth, Danil Koretsky dreamed of becoming a journalist, but entered the law faculty of the university and after graduation worked as an investigator in the prosecutor's office. Now he is the head of the department of criminal executive law at the Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ... Each book by Danil Koretsky becomes a bestseller, but this audience was waiting with special impatience, because this is the conclusion of the amazing detective trilogy Rock and Roll under the Kremlin. Save the spy. Take control of the secret ...


    Rock-n-Roll under the Kremlin 2 (Daniil Koretsky) 2008, detective, MP3, O. Isaev]

    Year of issue: 2008
    Genre: Detective
    Publisher: Audiobook
    Artist: Oleg Isaev
    Duration: 14:24:29
    Description: A new story by Danil Koretsky "Rock and Roll Under the Kremlin 2. Find a Spy" has become an equally exciting sequel to the sensational detective "Rock and Roll Under the Kremlin". The books unite the place of action - Moscow, the protagonist - Yuri Evseev and the secret operation "Rock and Roll". The rest are independent detective stories with a full-fledged completed plot. In the new book, Yuri Evseev leads the operational development of senior officers, one of whom was recruited 30 years ago by an American ...


    Rock and Roll Under the Kremlin: Spies and Everyone else (6 book out of 6) (Danil Koretsky)

    Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
    Author: Danil Koretsky
    Year of issue: 2015
    Genre: Detective
    Publisher: DIY audiobook
    Artist: Fedor
    Duration: 14:27:13
    Description: Spies and counterintelligence officers, diggers and billionaires, searches for underground treasures and the criminal sale of gold - in the center of the dizzying events digger Leshy, CIA officer Grant Lerner, FSB operative Evseev and dwarf Bruno Allegro, who for some time even becomes a major political figure. But life puts the heroes in their places, in accordance with the logic and laws of development - and spies, and that's all ...


    Danil Koretsky. Rock-n-roll under the Kremlin-1

    Format: audiobook, MP3, 32kbps
    Year of issue: 2008
    Author: Danil Koretsky
    Artist: Oleg Isaev
    Genre: Detective
    Publisher: Audiobook
    Duration: 14:30:00
    Description: During the demolition of the Moscow Intourist hotel, workers find an audio cassette with a recording of a strange conversation and take it to the FSB. Analysis shows that this is a recording of a recruiting conversation that took place 30 years ago. Young Lieutenant Yevseev is looking for a recruited spy, which is intertwined with the adventures of the diggers in the mysterious Moscow dungeons, the work of the CIA looking for approaches to the state secrets of Russia, everyday life ...


    Danil Koretsky. Rock and roll under the Kremlin-2. Find a spy

    Format: audiobook, MP3, 32kbps
    Year of issue: 2009
    Author: Danil Koretsky
    Artist: Oleg Isaev
    Genre: Detective
    Publisher: Audiobook
    Duration: 14:24:00
    Description: A new story by Danil Koretsky "Rock and Roll Under the Kremlin 2. Find a Spy" has become an equally exciting sequel to the sensational detective "Rock and Roll Under the Kremlin". The books unite the place of action - Moscow, the protagonist - Yuri Evseev and the secret operation "Rock and Roll". The rest are independent detective stories with a full-fledged completed plot. In the new book, Yuri Evseev leads the operational development of senior officers ...


    The Man from the Moon: Diaries, Articles, Letters of N.N. Miklukho-Maclay (Putilov Boris)

    Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps Writing and preparation of texts: Boris Putilov Commentary and afterword: Boris Putilov
    Year of issue: 2013
    Genre: Biographies. Memoirs
    Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
    Artist: Sushkov Vladimir
    Duration: 18:21:00
    Description: The book contains travel diaries, articles and letters of the great Russian traveler, humanist scientist Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay. The central place is occupied by his stories about his stay on the Maclay Coast, about relations with the Papuans, about the triumph of friendship, humanity, and mutual understanding. The book reveals the moral character of the Russian ...


    Author: Debets G.F.
    Year of issue: 1948
    Genre: monograph, anthropology
    Publisher: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences
    Russian language
    Number of pages: 392
    Description: The monograph by the outstanding Soviet anthropologist Georgy Frantsevich Debets, which has become a classic work on physical anthropology, is devoted to the problems of race and the results of studies of the anthropological composition of the population living on the territory of the USSR from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. Special attention in the book is paid to the issues of ep ...


    Format: PDF, Scanned pages + OCR layer
    Series: Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay
    Author: Tokarev S.A. (editor-in-chief)
    Year of issue: 1956
    Genre: Ethnography. Digest of articles
    Publisher: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
    Russian language
    Number of pages: 797
    Description: The collection includes three essays on the folk material culture of Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians in the 19th - early 20th centuries. The articles are illustrated with numerous black and white photographs and drawings, color inserts on separate sheets and maps. Examples of pages Contents E.E. Blomkvist. Peasant ...


    Format: PDF, Scanned pages
    Series: Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay
    Author: Maslova G.S.
    Year of issue: 1951
    Genre: art history, ethnography
    Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
    Russian language
    Number of pages: 158
    Description: Ornament of embroidery and weaving is the main type of folk art of the Upper Volga Karelians (Kalinin region). Bright, expressive and original, it attracted the attention of researchers more than once, but remained unexplored; there are no printed works devoted to the ornament of the Karelians. In this work, the author sets the following tasks ...


    Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
    Series: Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay
    Author: Smirnov S.R.
    Year of issue: 1950
    Genre: History
    Publisher: Academy of Sciences of the USSR
    Russian language
    Number of pages: 103
    Description: Colonial interests of England and France in Egypt collided for the first time at the turn of the 19th century. On June 1, 1798, Napoleon's 40,000-strong army landed in Alexandria. The Mamluk feudal lords * who ruled the country were unable to resist Napoleon. The French established themselves in Cairo, viewing Egypt as a springboard for penetration into the Middle East and a stronghold for the capture of India. ...


    Nikulin N.N. - Memories of the war

    ISBN: 978-5-9Z572-ZZO-9
    Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
    Author: Nikulin N.N.
    Year of issue: 2008
    Genre: Military prose, memoirs
    Publisher: Publishing House of the State. The Hermitage
    Russian language
    Number of pages: 244
    Description: The manuscript of this book lay in the desk of the author for more than 30 years, who did not intend to publish it. Having got straight from school to the bloodiest sections of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts and reaching Berlin, he miraculously survived. Memories of War is an attempt to free oneself from oppressive memories. The reader will not find here any cheerful cheers-patriotic descriptions of battles ...


    Format: PDF, Scanned pages
    Series: Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay
    Author: Kushner P.I. (editor-in-chief)
    Year of issue: 1958
    Genre: history, ethnography
    Publisher: Moscow. USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing House
    Russian language
    Number of pages: 283
    Description: The book "Village Viryatino in the past and present" is dedicated to the history of the Russian collective farm village, one of the oldest in the Tambov region. The study, based on extensive field and archival material, shows the forms of economic activity, way of life, dwellings, clothes and customs of peasants before the Great October Socialist Revolution and indigenous ...

    Russian language
    Number of pages: 170
    Description: The monograph tells about a number of nomadic tribes of southern Iran. Their economic activities, the way of life of the tradition are considered. Special attention is paid to the characterization of the social system as well as the role of nomadic tribes in the system of socio-political relations of traditional Iran. Sample pages Table of contents Introduction ………………………………………………………… .. ...


    Format: PDF
    Quality: Scanned pages + OCR layer
    Series: Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography. N.N. Miklouho-Maclay
    Author: Alexandrov V.A.
    Year of issue: 1964
    Genre: History
    Publisher: Science
    Russian language
    Number of pages: 310
    Description: The monograph is devoted to the problems of the colonization of the Yenisei Territory at a specified time and the adaptation of the Russian population in this region. Examples of pages Table of contents Preface The beginning of the economic development of the Yenisei Territory by Russian settlers and its annexation to Russia. The beginning of economic development and the annexation of the northern part of the Yen ...

    Danil Koretsky

    Rock and roll under the Kremlin

    The deeds of days gone by

    July 1972, Moscow

    A light breeze sways a giant red-headed poster on the facade of the Moskva hotel - comrade Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev stretched out his hand invitingly and encouragingly says: "You are going the right way, comrades!" True, not that he says - it is written at the bottom in large letters, but it is clear to a fool that if V.I.Lenin or someone else had said so, then these words would not have been written under Comrade Brezhnev! This means that everyone sees that the leader of the party and state himself approves the path chosen by the people scurrying below.

    Although the roads are different for everyone: numerous visitors with bags, sacks and packages rush between "Eliseevsky", "GUM", "TSUM" and "Children's World"; employees of numerous offices stroll leisurely at lunchtime; shifting from foot to foot, a dull line at the Cosmos cafe languishes, bypassing which representatives of the “golden youth” dive through the glass door without hindrance, except for the displeased murmur of the crowd as an obstacle, but the crowd here does not decide anything, for the muffled doorman uncle decides everything Vanya is a retired former serviceman ... Cute, festive-looking girls are merrily huddling on the patch between National and Intourist; If you believe the poster, and you cannot not believe it, - all this audience is also on the right path.

    The deaf end of the famous "Stalinist" house at 6 Gorky Street is decorated with another huge banner: "Decisions of the 24th Congress of the CPSU - to life!" Actually, Moscow, like any Soviet city, is full of kumach cloths, which do not differ in variety: portraits of V. I. Lenin and L. I. Brezhnev, calls to fulfill the decisions of the next congress, incantations like: "The people and the party are one" ... This is an ideological abstraction is as vague as it is obligatory, fetishes of the unshakable communist era.

    A light breeze lazily sweeps the not too littered sidewalks, disperses the gray smoke of the exhaust of a few cars over the road. Basically, these are Zhiguli, Muscovites and Volga, occasionally they rush into the Kremlin or the Old Square of the Celestials, foreign cars with ambassadorial flags and diplomatic numbers are just as rare - passers-by with curiosity look after them, gather at Intourist ", Examining a Mercedes with German numbers and a Mazda with French ones.

    Since ancient times, foreigners have enjoyed preferences in Russia, and nothing has changed in the Soviet Union: they freely settle in the best hotels, buy whiskey, smoked sausage, black caviar, high-heeled shoes and any other shortage at Berezki, they attend sensational performances and concerts for which a mere mortal is ordered. They feel freer and more at ease in Moscow than Muscovites themselves, not to mention Vyatichi, Saratov and other peripheral citizens of the USSR. But not everything is so simple in this world: ostentatious freedom and freedom is compensated by invisible, but tough supervision of every "monk" so as not to spy on, corrupt Soviet people, damage communist ideology, or otherwise defile the damned capitalist of the light socialist world.

    A huge "Intourist" bus with another excursion group turned heavily around the corner.

    - Back in the fourteenth century, the road leading north from the Kremlin was called Tverskaya. Of course, it was not expensive in our modern sense - an ordinary dirty country road, in some places covered with a flooring of logs or brushwood. But years and centuries passed, the city gradually grew, went beyond the fortress walls, the road was built up with residential buildings and turned into a street. In 1703, Tsar Peter founded the northern capital of the empire, the city of St. Petersburg. The point of attraction in the north changed, and the street was almost renamed Petersburgskaya, but in the end it was retained its former name. And by the beginning of the nineteenth century, Tverskaya became one of the main streets in Moscow ...

    The guide girl looks twenty-two at most. The graduation course in foreign language, the final practice and the cramping desire to break out into the big world, where irregular English verbs peacefully graze among Victorian mansions and conjugate on green lawns this and that without any apparent effort. Yes, for this ... Anything.

    Translations alone are not enough for this work, it is necessary to help those who ensure the security of the state. All translators do this. Because foreigners, especially from the capitalist countries, and very especially from the citadel of evil, aggression and racism - America, are predatory wolves that cannot be left unattended among the gullible and defenseless citizens of the USSR. All of them, wolves, under supervision and control, in invisible collars and on intangible leashes ...

    And now the situation is completely special - at the briefing they said: there is information that a real spy will arrive under the guise of a peaceful tourist! Most likely in one of the summer groups. For ordinary Muscovites, this is all unrealistic, like a fairy tale:

    Big Daddy had three kids. The elder is smart. Medium is cunning. The youngest is cute. Legs, ass, muzzle, blue eyes, everything is like an expensive doll. They called her that - Lyalechka. The middle name was Ivan. And the eldest was called Light-Head. To tell the truth, Big Daddy had much more children, who just didn’t try to count them, but it just didn’t work. But we don't care about the rest, and we will only talk about this trinity. Because a big gray Wolf appeared in those parts. Big Dad looks out the window and sees: gray sneaks up, teeth - in, claws - in, a fashionable bag over his shoulder with the inscription "New York Travel". He gazes with his eyes, grins, wants to spoil. Dad called his kids and said: catch the gray man and ask what he wants. They caught the gray one. A fire was made, and a large cauldron was hung over the fire. Walking was brewed in different waters. Lialechka boiled it in sweet water, Ivan boiled it in sour water, and Light-Head - in bitter water. Nothing was cooked from Walking - no jelly, no beer, no broth. The kids were surprised: how is this possible? They began to scratch at the back of their heads, to raise literature, and in the meantime the gray man took it and ran away. They were looking for him, looking for him, and while they were looking, the gray Wolf bit Big Daddy by the thumb, so Daddy had to run to the clinic and give an injection against rabies. That would be the end of the fairy tale, but whoever listened - well done. But it was not there. Not the end. And only the very beginning.

    Yes, something like this would look like this story, adapted for the older groups of kindergarten. Or for people adults, but far from intelligence and counterintelligence activities. A pretty translator is Lyalechka, and she does not know the other sons of Big Daddy. Although he guesses that they exist.

    The girl looks with all her eyes and listens with all her holes, the girl knows that besides her, these groups are illuminated by a whole pack of people like her, but she must get ahead of everyone! It should be the best - that's just how? .. Seventh group, but all to no avail.

    The girl is nothing at all. Even the fact that she is worried and sometimes painfully searches for words, even that suits her. But Curtis said that it was a dull number, he twice tried to roll up to her, and twice received a decisive rebuff. Actually, they only arrived yesterday morning, and the girl first saw forty minutes ago, and how Curtis managed to do so much was incomprehensible. Curtis has long shoulder-length hair, a wide chest and an ass the size of a ping-pong ball, but he didn’t succeed with this girl-guide, “got it to the fullest,” as the “golden youth” says here. And he honestly warned Spike about this. For which Spike thanked him politely.

    Spike, although American by birth and upbringing, no longer belongs to the group of Americans - neither this nor the other, nor the fifth, nor the tenth. Now he only looks like a wolf: a leather shoulder bag, an apache shirt, jeans, worn in moderation. He fought off his pack for a long time, fed with dog food, accustomed to a leash and commands, and his heart is a dog's.

    Spike is not Big Daddy's own child, but so ... A friend of man. With the same powers and instructions as everyone else in the kennel: look, listen, identify. And bark if that. Spike tries. Spiteful, militant maximalism and selective puppy-like enthusiasm of the soul interfere. Immediately, he hated the American Curtis Wolfe and fell in love with the girl guide. Spread it out on an unwashed plank floor with wide slots ...