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  • Your path to wealth by date of birth. How do I know if I will become rich? How to know if a person will be rich

    Your path to wealth by date of birth.  How do I know if I will become rich?  How to know if a person will be rich

    This wealth test will help you objectively evaluate your prospects and understand if wealth awaits you in the near future!

    Wealth test!

    Answer yourself honestly a few questions of the test without looking back.

    1. Are you paid more than other employees?

    2. Do you plan a family budget? Tracking income and expenses?

    3. Do you double-check item weight and change in store?

    4. Are you planning to buy an expensive item that you can't afford right now?

    5. Could you live on both a small and a large salary?

    6. Do you feel tension at the sight of money?

    7. Do you have a habit of haggling in the market?

    8. Does your image match your income (or do you strive to look more presentable)?

    9. Do you think your life could be better?

    10. Do you know how you would spend money if you got a million?

    Wealth Test Results!

    A positive answer to questions 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 corresponds to one point, and one point should be added for a negative answer to questions 1, 2, 6, and 10.

    If you typed from 8 to 10 points - you love money immensely, and this is mutual. It is safe to say that your prosperity will continue to improve as you look after your future. Do not forget about the principle of tithing, give part of the funds to charity and help loved ones.

    If your result test for wealth does not exceed 4-7 points, then we can say that you have not yet figured out yourself and have not determined how much money you need, and whether you need it at all. You are not satisfied with your standard of living, but you are not yet ready to achieve more.

    The course will help you change your money consciousness and tune in to wealth and prosperity.

    If on a wealth test you did not score more than 3 points, this allows you to conclude that money is not the main thing for you.

    The amount of money in your wallet only reflects your true attitude towards wealth and money.

    Your inner beliefs, embedded in the subconscious, either miss the monetary energy or not.

    Monetary Research Continued

    Write down on paper the answers to the following questions:

    • What is money for you?
    • What place do they occupy in your life?
    • Are you satisfied with your standard of living?
    • Do you think about money during the day (how many minutes)?
    • What do you think about money - how to make money, or that there is none?
    • How do you feel about money?
    • Are you comfortable with big money?
    • What do you think when you don't have a penny in your pocket?
    • What income are you ready for?
    • What will you spend big money on?
    • How do you feel when you have to part with money?
    • What do you think about when you have to borrow?
    • When do you lend?
    • What does it feel like to be deceived?
    • And when do you cheat for your own benefit?
    • Are you good at managing money?

    If you sincerely answer all of these questions, you may be able to bring out some of your beliefs about money that you may not have thought about before.

    Why do some people live in luxury, while others have to go to work and still lack money?

    Because most are hindered by negative money beliefs (money blocks).

    • internally do not believe that you can easily get a lot of money,
    • Do you think money is hard to come by?
    • inside there are thoughts that you are not given to become rich ...

    It is worth working out your worldview¹. This is essential if you really want to live richly.

    Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

    ¹ Worldview - a system of views, assessments and figurative ideas about the world and a person’s place in it, the general attitude of a person to the surrounding reality and to himself, as well as the main vital positions of people, their beliefs, ideals, principles of knowledge and activity, determined by these views, value orientations (

    Each of us has certain talents. Numerology will help you determine how strong your connection with the world of finance is, whether you have the gift of making money.

    The predisposition to success in money can be determined by three main methods: two methods by date of birth and the third - by your favorite number. Remember that if you have a predisposition to wealth, then this does not mean that you will absolutely be rich. This means that it will be much easier for you to achieve this than for other people.

    Method one: favorite number

    It would be more accurate to say favorite number, because it is important that the number lies between 1 and 9. The most successful people are those whose favorite numbers are One, Four and Eight.

    Why exactly these numbers indicate your predisposition to wealth will be written later - in the second method, based on calculating the number of luck by date of birth.

    Numerologists believe that your favorite number is related to your past lives, because you don’t actually choose it - you already chose it for yourself many lifetimes ago. It has been your talisman for a very long time.

    Method two: calculating the number of luck

    Take your date of birth and add up all the numbers. Add them up until you get a prime number from 1 to 9. For example, your date of birth is 07/19/1975. Your personal number will be 1+9+7+1+9+7+5=39. Let's add 3+9=12 again. And again 1+2=3. Your number is Three. Then read the value of the resulting number.

    1: one of the best money auras. You have great flair, you can be leaders, so you are lucky in business.

    2: the deuce with money is not always going smoothly, because you are prone to altruism and excessive generosity.

    3: the triple is a spiritual, not a material number, so the predisposition to wealth is weak.

    4: numbers love you, so you are very lucky in money.

    5: you are versatile, so your chances of getting rich are about 50/50.

    6: the six likes to spend more than to save, which is not always good.

    7: another spiritual number with a low propensity for wealth.

    8: if you get this number, then you should definitely be lucky in money.

    9: the nine loves to share, study, work, but not get rich.

    Method Three: Birth Date Estimation

    Assess your date of birth - if you have three or more repeating numbers, if the date is symmetrical or mirrored, then you have a high predisposition to wealth. Great examples are dates of birth like: 30.03, 09.09.1999, 20.02. etc.

    It's not the most accurate way to gauge your financial luck, but it can be used in conjunction with the other two. Based on all three methods, you can see the big picture of how prone you are to high wealth.

    Remember that predisposition does not give you one hundred percent guarantee of success. Luck in money is largely your merit, so work with your thoughts, tune in to the fact that you will become rich, even if the numbers say otherwise. The power of thought is above all. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    17.03.2017 04:03

    Undoubtedly, each of us at least sometimes wanted to know when in life it is worth waiting for luck, ...

    There are no mediocre people - nature has endowed each of us with certain abilities, the implementation of which and ...

    We are surrounded by numbers everywhere. Even where they seem to be absent, they are still present. According to numerologists, this is no coincidence. Each number radiates its vibrations, which affect a person. For example, what awaits you in the future depends on your date of birth. With the help of numerological calculation, you can find answers to any questions of interest. For example, how to become rich, and what needs to be done for this. Let's find out what will make you a successful and financially secure person?

    How to calculate the numerology of the numbers of your wealth code

    In order to determine the reasons for your financial failures and learn how to become rich, you will need to make a simple mathematical calculation of your date of birth. Write your date of birth on paper and add up all the numbers that make it up. If the resulting number is two-digit, then bring it to a single digit by adding its components.

    For example: 03/21/1975 = 2+1+0+3+1+9+7+5 = 28 = 2+8 = 10 = 1+0 = 1. In this example, the number 1 will be the numerological code of monetary success. When you calculate your code, you will only have to find out the value of the resulting number in numerology.

    The meaning of money numbers in numerology

    1 You can only get rich if you start your own business. You definitely need to be a leader in the business that interests you. Hired work will not bring you financial success.

    2 - you will get rich only with the help of like-minded people or friends. One in the field is not a warrior - this is about you. You probably have a flexible mind and constantly generate ideas, but you are in no hurry to translate your ideas into reality. You need someone who can help you bring your plans to fruition.

    3 - you can become rich only if you make a lot of acquaintances, both in the circle of successful people and quite ordinary ones. You have a talent for quickly assimilating knowledge and other people's experience, and this is important for achieving financial Olympus.

    4 You can only achieve wealth through hard work. Luck is not always on your side, however, the pursuit of stability will eventually lead you to the desired income.

    5 You can attract money with your positive outlook on life. You practically don't have to do anything. Just do good to people and give them smiles, and then Fate will reward you according to your deserts. Chance and simple luck play a big role in your life.

    6 - you can only get rich with the help of a good location to you an influential person. You yourself, alas, will be banging your head against the wall for a long time in the hope of getting into the circle of successful people.

    7 - you can achieve material well-being with the help of your intellect. Physical work, art and commerce are not for you. Go to science!

    8 - you can become rich only after you achieve peace of mind. When you are fully aware of your purpose and are confident in yourself, the money will be drawn to you.

    9 You will get rich with your intuition. Listen to your inner voice more often and don't be afraid to take risks. Drop all prejudices and stereotypes and listen less to the opinions of other people.

    According to numerology by date of birth, each person can achieve financial success, one has only to find out what will lead him to success. If you listen to the advice of numerologists, you can significantly increase your profits in a short time. We wish you a lot of money, and you do not forget to press the buttons and

    01.04.2014 13:25

    There are no mediocre people - nature has endowed each of us with certain abilities, the implementation of which and ...

    when i get rich and got the best answer

    Answer from Dmitry Karavaev[guru]
    1. Start replenishing your wallet by saving 10%
    from ALL income.
    2. Control your expenses.
    3. Increase your wealth.
    4. Protect your wealth from loss.
    5. Turn your home into a profitable business.
    6. Secure income for the future.
    7. Improve your ability to earn.
    Money and people.
    As soon as there is money and people, they somehow cooperate with each other in order to create wealth. This cooperation seems to me as follows: - from the attitude of people to ways to replenish their wallet, so:
    1. BEGGAR. These will never work, they will live at the expense of others, or they will go to beg, or they will live by deceit, theft. (Gypsies, Jews, for which they were kept beyond the Pale of Settlement and limited in their rights, and the Gypsies steal in a nomadic way, and the Jews are sedentary. Yes, and now there are corrupt officials, what kind of new nationality has accumulated in our country?).
    2. POOR. These try to live by their own labor, but are not at odds with their heads and hands. Either they can’t earn money (they don’t have enough qualifications), or they will earn money and drink away, skip. Money comes to them slowly and little, but leaves quickly and all at once. The poor can live decently in the presence of the rich (unemployed in the US, pre-revolutionary Russia). In our time, in our country, the poor skiff!
    3. SECURED. These people live by their work. With a head in order, hands are not hooks, they know how to work and earn money for themselves and their children. The wealthy are confused with the so-called "middle class", but the term "middle class" is empty and does not express anything, like the term "working class", "peasant class" or another "proletarian" - where it flies, why.
    The position of the wealthy is precarious; circumstances are often possible that overthrow them into the poor. There are hands, but there is nowhere to put them, the company has burst and so on.
    4. WEALTH. These live, provide for their needs at the expense of their labor and interest from previously saved funds. (like - take care of honor from a young age, clothes
    State is a beautiful Russian word, this word contains the foundations of a calm, long, happy life. The state implements the slogan - WE WORK, OUR MONEY WORK!
    What is a state:
    Let's say you need 10,000 rubles to meet your needs. per month. Then for the year you will need 120,000 rubles. If you deposit an amount of 1,200,000 at 10% per annum, you live in peace until the BANK BREAKS! !This is an example when you entrust your money to strangers, but if you manage your own fortune .... then all the most interesting happens, well, more on that later, now we are talking about something else.
    5. RICH. (the root word is God, our ancestors knew that if God doesn’t give something, then it can be found, begged from the rich, before the poor, (the root word is trouble), no matter how much you crawl on your knees, no matter how much you pray, he will not give anything (because he drank it away, he didn’t save it, he simply has nothing.)
    Rich. These live from interest on interest, and provide income to the poor, wealthy and wealthy. The beggars rob the rich without asking, (terror, fraud, theft, deceit, corruption. The first victim of the poor in any revolution is the rich, then they kill the rest).
    So 10,000 per month, 120,000 per year, you need 1,200,000 in your account per year,
    If you have 12,000,000 on your account, you can safely spend 10,000 a month and at the same time you will grow rich first by 60,000 a year and then more.
    Good luck with your finances!

    Answer from ~Spartak~[guru]
    when you become a crime!

    Answer from Nastya[guru]
    when you get down to business, well, then how fortune will show)

    How do you know if a person is destined to be rich and successful? The science of palmistry will help answer this interesting question, the line of wealth and success of the explanation and the photo of which you can find in this article will help explain a lot. Any novice palmist will find a lot of useful information here, but let's look at this issue in more detail.

    Will your life be filled with success and prosperity? You will find all the answers on your own hand on the line of success and wealth.

    A child is born with life patterns on his little hands. These lines are responsible for his fate, the length of his life path and his mind. According to them, you can determine the state of health of the owner of the hand, his personal qualities and the emotional color of the character.

    Science is studying the lines on the hand, which was known in ancient times. Then, soothsayers tried to understand human nature with the help of "palm patterns". It turned out that the lines, dashes, triangles on the palms are not simple geometric shapes, but fateful ones.

    It turns out that from an early time we are carriers of certain information unknown to us, which everyone wants to understand. And if you learn to read it correctly, draw the right conclusions, then you can open the curtain on the secret possibilities of the individual.

    How to guess the hand for money, wealth and success?

    Success and wealth can be predicted from the lines in the palm of your hand:

    Many palm lines speak of the success and wealth of a person. But, wealth is not only money and social status, but also good health, easy fate, a clear mind and a happy life. In addition to the "palm lines", the size and shape of the palm itself speaks of a person's wealth.

    The sequence of the ritual

    Therefore, fortune-telling by hand should begin in the following sequence:

    • We look and analyze the shape of the palm;
    • Look at the shape of the fingers;
    • We look at the lines of the palm;
    • Palm shape analysis;

    If a person has a large and powerful brush, then he is distinguished from other people by fearlessness and fortitude. If the palm of the hand is graceful and thin in appearance, then the owner, on the contrary, is very vulnerable, aristocratic and infantile.

    Features of the left and right hand

    The left and right hand are different from each other. The difference can be both significant and insignificant. On the left hand, the lines remain from birth until death. Only a fatal event can change them.

    Attention! When divining by hand, you should pay attention to the wallpaper of the palm. Otherwise, you can misinterpret the events of life and cause frustration to the owner of the hand.

    On the right hand, the lines reflect the experience that appeared years later; the choice that is given to a person by fate and the changes that occur throughout the life path. It should be noted that for left-handed people, the opposite is true, fate is reflected by the right hand, and choice and experience - by the left.

    The real lucky ones are people who have a beautiful palm with clear outlines, fingers slightly extended, and nails that have the correct oval shape.

    Online interpretation of hand shape and finger length

    The shape of the hand and the length of the fingers are also important. In order to find out their meaning, select the appropriate options and click the "Guess" button.

    1st Stage of the interpretation of the lines of Wealth: Analysis of the shape of the fingers

    In palmistry, every detail matters, even the shape of the fingers.

    First of all, you need to look at the lower phalanges. People who feel well all the material aspects of life have wide and strong-looking phalanges. There is no gap between finger and palm.

    • If the phalanges of the little finger and index finger are well expressed, then this means that a person by nature knows how to earn a lot. If the phalanges of the middle finger are expressed, he knows how to hold money in his hands.
    • If a long little finger flaunts on the hand, then the owner will certainly achieve success in commerce.
    • Next, you need to draw on the very tips of your fingers. If they resemble a trapezoid in shape, then a person will definitely attract banknotes to himself. If the fingers resemble a square in shape, the person loves money very much, but does not know how to earn it.
    • If pronounced curls can be seen on fingerprints (in the amount of three to six per 10 fingers), then the owner will definitely, like a curl, attract banknotes to himself. This sign is not very common.

    2nd Stage of interpretation of the lines of Wealth: Analysis of the lines of the palm

    The wealth of a person can be determined by several lines of the hand:

    • Along the line of life;
    • Along the line of fate;
    • Along the line of the mind;
    • Along the line of the heart.

    life line

    The key moments of life are defined in the palm of your hand from birth.

    Let's study the line of life first. If it is deep, then the person has already reached a certain height in life and he has or will definitely have wealth. The presence of branches from the lines of life towards the fingers (up) clearly promises success. If the branch departs from the line of life at the very beginning, then the person has great self-confidence.

    If the line of life passes at a distance of 2-3 millimeters from the line of the head (and does not merge with it), its owner can always make deliberate and balanced decisions.

    The signs listed above are always present in successful people who have been able to earn a huge fortune in life.

    fate line

    The next most important line is the line of fate. It differs from other lines in its "treachery". There are times when the named line is completely absent on the hand or appears periodically.

    If you notice the absence of the named line in the palm of your hand, then in the near future you will definitely lose your life goal or a prestigious money job or just money.

    Important: The directness and depth of the line means the purposefulness of the owner. It is this quality that often helps a person achieve financial stability.

    • If the line of fate originates from the lunar hillock, stretches at a short distance from the line of life, intersects with the line of the heart and rests on the hill of Jupiter with its end, then a person who has such a correct line will be “doomed” to success.
    • When a person has abilities and talent in different aspects of life, then his line of fate has duality or triplicity. If the line of life and fate start from one point, then a person will achieve success in life thanks only to personal aspirations and perseverance.
    • Thin lines (branches) from the line of fate, which are directed to the hillock of Jupiter and the hillock of Mercury, indicate that a person draws monetary contentment from an inexhaustible bowl (in other words, these signs are called a scoop of wealth).
    • If the branch stretches to the hillock of Saturn, then the money will not come by itself, you will have to work hard and long on good earnings.
    • If a branch from the line of fate reaches the tubercle under the ring finger, then the person will have a lot of money thanks to the talent and abilities bestowed from above.

    Lines on the hand forming a triangle of wealth

    mind line

    If a branch from the "fateful line" rests on a hillock called Mercury, it can be concluded that a person will make big profits in science or commercial affairs.

    No wonder they say: "a smart man is a rich man". The mind line in the palm of your hand also has several signs of wealth. If a small dash departs from the named line to the index finger (a hillock called Jupiter), then this means that a person understands and believes in his own strength with his head, always achieves his goal, and, accordingly, receives stability in monetary matters.

    If a small branch from the line of the mind goes to the little finger, then the owner is definitely a risky person. He always wins in any financial matters. Such a line is often possessed by successful entrepreneurs.

    heart line

    The line of the heart is also responsible for wealth in life. If a fork goes up from the named line, this means that a person will never be poor by fate. The owners of such a line are almost always at the top of the social ladder and have large sums of money in their wallets.

    Advice! Only the human head draws magic lines on your hand. Therefore, do not completely rely on the lines of the palm.

    Step 3: Consider the Wealth Triangle

    The presence of wealth triangles symbolize success in lotteries, winnings and other financial luck.

    In addition to the lines of fate, a person's wealth reflects the so-called "money triangle". It is located in the very center of the palm.

    The line of wealth (photo below) is obtained from two lines: the head and fate. The resulting figure symbolizes money only when it is closed, has a clear outline and is not blurry. The larger the size of the triangle, the greater the financial condition of the owner.

    The triangle of wealth on the hand, the photo of which you can see on the right

    • If the money triangle is present on both hands, then the owner will definitely have a large financial fortune.
    • A bad sign is the openness of the lines of the triangle, or in another way, when the two main lines (of fate or the head) are not closed by an additional one. This state of the lines indicates that the money is flowing past its owner. At first they simply do not stay with him, and then they disappear altogether.
    • Several crossed lines on the Mount of Jupiter, forming a star, are a very good sign. People with such symbols are happy in love, they are given signs of honor, they are ambitious. In addition, great deeds are surely accomplished in their fate, which always end happily.
    • On the palm of the hand, there may also be signs of easy money. These are triangles (one or more). Their base is connected to the life line, and the tops are facing the thumb. Often such a sign indicates a successful (in material terms) marriage.
    • A clear and small line between the little finger and the ring finger means the unexpected arrival of money or an inheritance. This kind of palmistry line of success and wealth can be very rare.

    Attitudes towards wealth and money

    I would like to note that the thoughts in the head significantly affect the financial wealth. Therefore, in order to have material well-being and increase the wealth bestowed by fate, it is necessary to adhere to the following guidelines:

    Never, in any situation, blame the people around you for your troubles. Even if your opinion is 100% correct. You will ask why? The science of palmistry itself answers the question.

    Palmists say that all the negative actions of a person are necessarily reflected in his palms. All the troubles that have happened are the end of the program you have laid down (which means that you once offended someone). Always remember this setting. Because resentment sucks out a large amount of energy from a person.

    Keep only positive information in your head and in your heart. Draw it from good movies, funny shows and books with a good ending. Do not watch scary movies and programs, do not read dramatic books. A person with negative thoughts in his head cannot be rich.

    Do not scold life and do not be offended by fate. If you talk badly about life in the morning, then set yourself the same program for the whole day.

    Your main phrases in life: "I will do", "I can", " I decided". They will surely lead you to success. Do not say phrases: "if", "why is that", "wherever". Your consciousness should not be clogged with rubbish in the form of uncertainty about the future.

    Attention: If you constantly say positive phrases throughout the day, money will come to you soon. The line of wealth, good luck and success will be reflected not only in your palm, but in life events.

    Video review: "Line of wealth and good luck"

    Website visitor comments

      I carefully examined my hand - I found a lot of "money" signs and signs of wealth .. But something until this wealth falls on me. I wonder how you can determine at what age this sign will work?

      Oh, I found a triangle of wealth on my right hand, my husband doesn’t .. I’m not greedy, I’ll share) I would like to realize it faster, although in fact everything is in our hands, we need to think and earn with our mind, and not rely only on the line. But as a kind of motivation, it is quite suitable.

      That's interesting, it is written about a triangle, if clear and closed. And if a little bit one side is not closed, it means something, or that’s all, if it’s not closed, it means poor fellow) I still don’t need to be upset if the lines didn’t go somewhere or didn’t close, everything is in our hands, everything can be changed and fix it while we're alive!

      By the way, my brother has a very clear approach to wealth - and he is rich, yes! He and I wanted to look at his hands, he himself does not believe, but I persuaded him. And you should have seen how surprised he was and what a pleasant shock he experienced when he found out that this was destined for him! I myself am working on myself in order to change my attitudes - my brother says that this is important. But he still does not believe in magic, psychology is a thing, however, inextricably linked with it - this is his, yes.

      What a lot of good stuff!
      I'm not one of those who believe in all these things. I stumbled upon this article quite by accident, out of idleness I decided to read it and now those times! So many things came together. And banknotes and a triangle. At first I decided that this was a coincidence, I asked my sister to look and everything coincided with her. I'm probably going to seriously study palmistry now!

      Yes, very interesting. Everything matches. I have several money triangles. I don't live in poverty. Recently opened a new business. Now let's see what happens next. Very useful information, correctly say thoughts should be kept positive.

      Cool article! I got so much for myself! Finally learned to find the triangle of wealth! I was very pleased with it, the lines are clear and not open! So, I’ll be rich) And if I still think positively and follow karma, then I’ll become a Rockefeller in general!)

      Bomb article! I found this triangle on myself, and it seems like everything in this regard will be fine with me, not Bill Gates, of course, but still) I completely agree about positive thinking and karma, it is important not only to have triangles, but also to use your convolutions correctly , and then everything will be on the tower) thanks to the site for discovering something new for yourself

      Great article! I didn’t see any special banknotes on my hand, but my husband has a clear triangle of wealth! This pleased him, especially since he is about to start his own business, which means that everything will work out. And the fact that thoughts are material and the right thoughts can help you get rich - I have always been sure of this!

      I have a money triangle on my right hand. But it, along the lower edge, is crossed by a straight line running from the line of the head to the hill of the moon, who knows what this means? Tryndets my wealth or vice versa? R.s. The triangle formed about a year ago, but the wealth is not yet visible, although I hope.

      I've always wanted to learn how to guess by hand. Even studied in books. But somehow it always seemed complicated. Maybe they just didn't make it very clear in the books. I read it on your website and got interested again. Moreover, such an interesting topic is described in the article - financial well-being leaves few people indifferent! Now I sit and try to read the lines on my hands. I'll practice on my wife in the morning)).

      The article is a godsend! I showed my granny, so she says that she doesn’t even know everything from here! We are sitting now with a girl, looking at hands, looking for banknotes. It seems that something is working out)) Now I will check on all my friends and relatives, I think they will all want to know about their possible wealth!

      As a child, when I watched cartoons, my favorite was the Hunchback of Notre Dame because of the amazing gypsy Esmeralda. And the moment where she became Quasimodo's hand was deposited in my memory! And when I came across your site, I immediately began to look for articles about palmistry. And now I imagine myself all like this in colored clothes and guessing in some salon. You have fulfilled my dream. Thanks!

      Very interesting article! I always dreamed of doing palmistry, it's so interesting to read someone's fate along the lines in the palm of your hand. I remember how, as a child, I found a book about palmistry with my mother, and even tried to figure it out together with a friend. but it was too difficult for me. It's good that I stumbled upon this article, everything is very detailed and, surprisingly, simple. Thanks a lot!

      Thanks! A lot of interesting, useful and friendly information for all of us!

      I believe in palmistry more than in other types of fortune telling. Here are the hands like a card! Even before I learned about palmistry, I had such an idea. And it's great that we can get this knowledge. After all, it’s not just that we come into the world. Everyone has a destiny. Interesting article. Thanks a lot.

      I believe. I was in Abkhazia, I went to Ritsa, to Stalin's dacha. We got acquainted with the locals, got up for the night, in the morning we went far into the mountains along the shepherd's paths. Toward evening, they stomped into an old mountainous village, ate, drank by the fire, and the old man was alone there, probably a hundred years old, wrinkled, like a mummy. He looked at his hand and told me everything (!) up to today from birth.

      Interesting! I also dabbled in school. But it is very difficult to read by hand ....
      I remember about the flexibility of the palm, the more flexible, the more open and flexible a person is in terms of character. You need to stretch your palm into the “beggar” position and try to pull your fingers down. My palm is generally wooden, but my husband bends anywhere!

      One palmist girl told me that the worst thing is if a person has dots on the lines ... I asked why, but I did not receive an answer, because the girl said that if she told me, I would immediately start looking for the presence of dots on my lines palms and therefore she never tells anyone the meaning of the presence of points on the lines) Who knows anything more about this, write about them)

      The lines on the hands tend to change. Everything that happens in your life is reflected in your hands, health, personal life, character, predisposition. It is much easier to tell what has already happened in life, but it is also possible to tell and warn something bad that can happen. Even if the life line is short, this does not mean that the person will die soon. In general, palmistry is a very fascinating science ...

      Very interesting article, but I myself find it difficult to interpret. I've tried it for myself and my husband. Probably it is necessary to compare the line with someone. How do you know if it's short or long? how to hold your hand while doing this? I envy people who understand palmistry. I'll try to learn more about this topic.

      Everything in the article is correct. I work as a realtor and do not complain about my income. The lines of fate, mind and heart are pronounced and long. The triangle is also clearly visible. At the spouse (except for the life line), they are not so deep and the triangle is almost invisible. He constantly has problems with work - he stays in one place for a maximum of six months. Naturally, his income is low.

      Good article, everything is detailed. A familiar amateur palmist looked at my hand, and everything he said was true. I decided to find out how he reads the information and came to this article. I will study in my free time and surprise my friends in the same way) It's so interesting, no magical abilities are needed)

      My girlfriends and I used to play around in school. I remember there was also a series such as Palmist, probably after it they became interested. We found some books, sat to each other at breaks, told and examined the palms, secretly from the teachers, otherwise they would have given it to the fullest) Many people think that this is some kind of evil spirit, but there is nothing like that, just look what it means this or that arrangement of some line on your palm. Thanks for the interesting article)

      Hello. Your article seemed interesting, but the question arose: what does it mean when a triangle is in a triangle? did not find an interpretation, but maybe it is not worth a separate value. But in general, I have a good predisposition to finances, and I can’t complain about my current life, but it’s still interesting.

      A wonderful article, I was especially pleased with what my lines on my hands mean) I compared it with my husband, it turns out that I am financially happier and more prosperous than he is, although we have one budget) Maybe I’ll be lucky somewhere, in lottery, for example?) took note, I will follow the palms, because I heard that the lines can change a little during life.

      Everything that was in our life, everything that will ever happen to us in the future, is reflected in our hands. When a person is born, he immediately falls into the hands of an obstetrician, and then into the hands of his mother. I believe that there is more in the hands than just “wrinkled” lines, and I really want to explain everything correctly for myself and understand what my lines mean.

      I copied and printed out all the values ​​​​from this article, we will gather with friends in the evening at my house and we will definitely figure it out, because we have wanted to for a long time. One of her friends said that her sister went to a palmist when she had health problems. At first I was distrustful of this fact, but after a while she had such changes in terms of health that now I myself want to. but here everything is simpler - he himself looked at the palm, he himself read what it means.)

      I copied and printed out all the values ​​​​from this article, we will gather with friends in the evening at my house and we will definitely figure it out, because we have wanted to for a long time. One of her friends said that her sister went to a palmist when she had problems with work. At first I was distrustful of this fact, but after a while she had such changes in financial terms that now I myself want to. but here everything is simpler - he himself looked at the palm, he himself read what it means.)

      I checked my hand, there is a triangle, it looks like it was burned out with a red-hot iron. Here is something not enough money ... There is not enough money for a yacht. This I mean that everyone has different requests, someone who earns 10,000 a month considers himself rich, and someone even 100,000 a month is not enough. It has already been proven - higher income, higher costs. And what about the triangles?

      I read a lot about palmistry, but I was pleasantly surprised that it is possible to determine by the shape of the palm and fingers whether a person will be rich in his life. Here is my husband in the form of fingers is rich. But probably sincerely, or postpones somewhere. He constantly says that there is no money, and he is broke. I ask for boots, I know what there is, but he says it's for business and that's it, that's the end of the conversation.

      I myself am a very self-confident person, and I always set myself a small goal in life. I gradually move along it in small steps, as children learn to walk. Always set up so I can do it, but if I fail. I just lower the bar a little and everything works out for me. I never blame anyone for my failures.

      Once with a friend from the family home, we made the arms and legs of children. Well, how are they doing 3 D. within the framework and their hands are also nearby. Then I gave birth to the second, and repeated the procedure. My wealth line has changed a lot, probably due to the fact that I married a husband, a businessman. He is very wealthy, not like I used to count a penny.

      Very often I feel a breakdown in myself, I don’t want to do anything, I don’t give a damn about eating or sleeping. It only happens when I'm around my aunt. She constantly swears at me, and after that I feel very bad. During such scandals, I can very clearly see all the lines on the palms, as drawn with a red marker. She must be taking the energy out of me.

      I guessed online and they wrote to me that I am very active, and family, ready to take risks, and decide on rash acts. It also says that I can earn more, and that's all true. When I worked in a factory, I got more than others. People have been working there for years and have never received more than me, but I came in the first month and immediately began to receive a lot, everyone was shocked. I am very lucky.

      I tried the proposed version of online fortune-telling, the result really matched. Indeed, a very family man and have a direct relationship to art. Nevertheless, our hands and fingers say a lot, it is not for nothing that so many centuries have paid special attention to hands.

      I consider myself an intelligent and balanced person, not without a share of luck, but still the strongest are lucky, it’s not in vain that they say so. And my hands, along with the arrangement of the lines, speak of the same. I remember how long ago my wife paid attention to my hands and said that I would marry a man with such hands.

      A lot of business trainings are built on a change in consciousness regarding the perception of money. Absolutely correct settings are given here. You need to develop confidence in yourself and your abilities, remove doubts in any issues, and most importantly, do not put money blocks in your head, believe that there is money for everything