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  • What is courage presentation. What is "courage"? explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakova courage, calm courage, presence of mind in trouble, danger. mental toughness and Prepared by an elementary school teacher

    What is courage presentation.  What is
    • What was he like?
    • Why did Germany attack the Soviet Union? (enslave, destroy, break, subjugate).
    • When did the Great Patriotic War start? (June 22, 1941).


    Do not be a slave to the Fatherland,
    And we should not be slaves
    For the happiness of a free life
    It's not a pity to lay down your heads!
    Hence our fearlessness
    It takes its start.
    Holy is our hatred,
    Payback is near!
    There is no more beautiful native country,
    Happiness is to serve you.
    Let's go, we despise death,
    Don't die, but live!
    Evgeny Bereznitsky.

    This is one of the pages in the calendar, painted black. And the other sheet is red with a victorious salute. And on this sheet, what is the date? May 9, 1945)

    That's what they're called. Day of Remembrance and Sorrow (the attack of Nazi Germany and the Victory Day of the Soviet people).

    Two calendar days. And between them lay Long miles of Victory.


    Before our country
    We'll take glory
    All who by their own blood
    Parented with her.
    There was a great war
    There was a bloody war
    One thousand four hundred and eighteen days.

    We have done
    All in the name of the motherland,
    And we will serve
    To his homeland.
    Everything is within our power now
    If we have passed 1418 days.(

    During the war it was carried out ( 6 giant battles about 40 offensive operations.)

    Heroes of the Soviet Union.

    • Why do you think they became heroes? (performed a feat) what? But not only people became heroes, cities also became heroes.

    hero cities

    • What cities - heroes do you know? Why?

    Student 1.
    - The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941 and ended with the victory of our people on May 9, 1945. Our people won at a high price. Almost four years, 1418 days, there was a war. These were years of deprivation, grief, hard work. Cities and villages were devastated, fields were burned, the dreams and hopes of the Soviet people were torn off. Boys and girls went to the Front as soon as they finished school. It is generally accepted that only men fought courageously at the front. This is far from true! During the Second World War, many Russian girls and women fought courageously at the front.

    More than 7 million people died in Russia. At the same time, these were years of courage, selfless love for the Motherland.

    The Motherland highly appreciated the exploits of Soviet soldiers, awarding them with orders and medals, honoring them with the title

    Student 2.:
    - After the Second World War, Afghanistan, which had the status of a neutral state, was actually in the sphere of Soviet influence. The decision to send troops to Afghanistan was made on December 12, 1979. February 15, 1989 was the day when the count of the losses of our soldiers, officers and employees ended. And the result is sad. More than 13 thousand mothers and fathers did not wait for their sons, they did not hear: “Mom, I have come ...” In the vast majority of them, the “limited contingent” in Afghanistan was young people who got into the war almost from school. People who had almost no life experience suddenly found themselves in a foreign country, in an unusual hostile environment, in extreme circumstances.

    Student 3: Kuimov
    - The war in Afghanistan ended for our soldiers, but already in December 1994 a new, no less bloody war began in Chechnya. We know a lot about this war, but there are episodes that we will never know about. Our soldiers died in this war - 18-20-year-old boys who recently studied in our schools, which, perhaps, some of us knew "

    - the heroes of these wars and their loved ones are among us, our population. Let's remember them.
    (passing a lit candle, students show a photo and tell pre-prepared information about soldiers of different wars).

    - It is impossible to tell about all at once, but the memory of them is alive. What did a mother feel when she lost her son? Woe, grief, grief and loss! One cannot forget his eyes, smile, tears, his joyful laughter and waving of his hand. Attention to the screen.

    IV. Teacher:

    Throughout the centuries-old history of our Motherland, the people above all valued loyalty to the Fatherland, the courage and bravery of heroes fighting for the triumph of goodness and justice. The ideas about the ideal of a HUMAN were reflected in oral folk art. What are they? Remember Russian epics, heroic tales ...

    Performances by prepared students.

    They tell how, in the fight against evil in Russian folk tales, a simple peasant son, not even the best among his brothers, becomes a hand-written handsome man, as he showed courage, courage, resourcefulness and courage, dexterity and cunning. The beauty of a hero lies in his modesty, kindness, in selfless service to the people, in his readiness to sacrifice his life at any moment for the sake of people's happiness.

    -What helped to survive? (support of comrades, advice)

    Why do you think the hero of the ballad survived? What helped him?

    What character traits did people show during the war?


    The highest manifestation of a person's beauty is expressed in concern for the prosperity of their homeland, in readiness to defend it at any moment. To love the Motherland means to be proud of its achievements, to be useful to our people, to fight everything that prevents us from living. From what interests a citizen lives, how he participates in solving even small, but socially valuable tasks, the readiness for a feat depends.

    3. Continuation of the conversation.

    Work in pairs : Think and answer the following questions:

    Discussion of questions by students.

    Guys, is it possible to show courage not only in war? How to do it? Can you give examples?
    (student response, including examples of children who are heroes of saving peers who are told in the news)
    - Now I suggest that you divide into groups and develop a plan that will allow you to provide real practical assistance to veterans and all those who need it. Thus, we can become closer to these people and be useful:
    1. Preparing gifts.
    2. Carrying out the action "Clean house", "Clean yard" (help with cleaning).
    3. The action "Joy in the house" (visiting veterans, congratulations).
    4. Organization of meetings of veterans.
    5. Creation of a school Internet museum "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!". (including information and photos about veterans of all wars, drawings and essays by students on patriotic education and about heroes, photos and reports of events held as part of the action).
    V. Summing up.
    Tell me guys, what do you remember most from today's lesson? What conclusions have you drawn for yourself?
    (student response)
    - There was a war, there was a victory. And for the fact that our boys know about the war only by hearsay, we can also say thanks to our veterans who experienced all the hardships of the war and survived, having won the victory.

    Monuments of Novoaltaysk

    The young city of Novoaltaisk has its own memorable places. This is the Memorial Complex "Sorrow and Glory". This is a monument to our soldiers who died during the terrible WWII. Square dedicated to the memory of Hero of the USSR I.I. Grigoriev. Memorial stele of Novoaltaysk containing a message to descendants. Bust of the founder of the local history museum - an honorary citizen of Novoaltaysk - Marusin Vasily Yakovlevich - holder of the Order of Lenin. Vasily Marusin often organized search trips, from where he brought exhibits for the museum. All the materials collected by Marusin became the fundamental basis of the Novoaltaisk museum collection. There are also sculptural compositions carved from wood in Novoaltaisk. They decorate the squares and parks of the city, reflecting the culture and beliefs of the peoples who lived in these parts at different times.

    The memorial complex to the soldiers-Novoaltaians who died during the Second World War is located on the central square of the city. Opened November 3, 1967. The authors are Novoaltai artists V.F. Trunks and I.F. Affectionate. A pyramidal obelisk in the form of a 12-meter stele soaring upwards. On the obelisk there are bas-reliefs testifying to the life of the country during the war years: with the image of soldiers taking an oath, fighters going into battle - on the one hand, home front workers - on the other. In the center - the inscription: "To the Novoaltaian warriors who gave their lives for their Motherland in the harsh days of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." On November 6, 1973, the Eternal Flame was lit at the obelisk of Sorrow and Glory and pylons with memorial plaques were installed. The right to light the Eternal Flame was granted to the Hero of the Soviet Union, Honorary Citizen of the city Andrey Zemlyanov. Initially, 756 names were entered on memorial plaques. Since then, the mournful list has been repeatedly supplemented.

    Square dedicated to the memory of Hero of the USSR I.I. Grigorieva

    Grigoriev, Ivan I.

    Grigoriev, Ivan I.

    (1922 - 05/08/1945) - attack pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (1945), senior lieutenant of the guard. Member of the Great Patriotic War since June 1943. Fought in the 93rd Guards. Shap, was a squadron commander. He made 155 sorties for attack, shot down 5 enemy planes in 31 air battles. Killed in battle. The bust was installed in the city of Novoaltaisk.

    Reader 6:

    On an old stone of the color of overcoat cloth -

    Flowers on the eve of summer, as if the order.

    Posthumous awards to those who died in the war.

    Victory parades thunder across the country.

    Live flowers look, naive and tender.

    They do not need world wars and bombs.

    Silently sing words not about war.

    About the day before yesterday, untouched by the war.

    About the hearth at home, insomnia in the spring.

    And the world lives at the risk of becoming dead ash.

    And copper mourns, rejoicing, over the age, over the earth.

    And over the stones of the color of overcoat cloth,

    Where on the eve of summer the flowers are like orders.

    Throughout our long-suffering land, in cities and villages, along the roadsides, we see mass graves, majestic monuments and just small slabs.

    Wherever you go, wherever you go,
    But stop here
    Tomb this road
    Bow down with all your heart
    For you and for me
    He did everything he could...
    He did not spare himself in battle,
    And saved the Motherland.
    - Loyalty and courage
    And grief at the conflagration
    You fell for your country
    You are with us, comrades.
    We will be the same
    In any test
    We swear!
    We swear a moment of silence.

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    "Presentation for the lesson of courage "On civic duty, courage and heroism""

    Courage Lesson "On civic duty, courage and heroism"

    Prepared by an elementary school teacher

    MBOU secondary school №15


    Noskova Natalya Mikhailovna

    Courage is not fashion fast, fast, Courage is the essence of a man Strong, durable, eternal. If a grain of courage Make friends with the soil. Will ripen at the time of ripeness A grain of ear of courage. .

    Our Great Victory is 69!




    Long miles of Victory

    • 6 giant battles
    • about 40 offensive operations.

    • How can you prepare yourself for a feat?
    • In what situations have you had to show courage, courage?
    • How do you develop your will, determination, courage?
    • What is your love for the motherland?


    Presentation for students in grades 1-2. Children - heroes of the Great Patriotic War

    Contains a brief biography of the pioneer heroes: Vali Kotik, Marat Kazei, Zina Portnova. Can be used in the classroom, for extracurricular activities.
    Target: expanding the knowledge of schoolchildren about the Second World War through stories about pioneer heroes, children of war;
    - to cultivate respect for the feat of the native people; love to motherland;
    - to form an idea of ​​courage, responsibility;
    - develop cognitive activity; awaken patriotic feelings.
    Equipment: laptop, projector, books about children-heroes.

    Lesson progress:

    1 slide
    2 slide

    3 slide

    We are the children of peace
    We don't know the word "war".
    But we remember grandfather's victories
    And we inherit their courage.
    Thank you grandfathers for the sun beam,
    Thank you for the nightingale's trill in the spring,
    That bullets don't whistle overhead
    That we don't lose in the battles of our fathers...

    4 slide

    - What is courage?
    Courage is courage, the presence of mind in danger. Courage is a moral quality of a person, expressed in the ability to act decisively in a dangerous situation. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers defended the Motherland without sparing themselves, their lives, not for the sake of awards. All their thoughts were focused on victory. In the difficult situation of the war, hungry, tired, wounded - they did not think about themselves.
    5 slide

    There are wars on earth. Even now, when we live under a peaceful sky, somewhere there is a war and people are dying. And in our native land more than once there were battles.
    6 slide

    The terrible war against the fascist invaders, the victory in which we celebrate from year to year on May 9, lasted almost 48 months (4 years). Children also participated in the war along with adults. We call them child heroes, pioneer heroes. They accomplished a feat, showed courage and courage in the struggle for the liberation of the Motherland. Before the war, they were ordinary guys who bred pigeons, flew a kite, played pranks, and helped adults. But then the war started...

    7 slide

    When the war began, Vale was 10 years old. Together with friends, he decided to fight the enemy. The guys collected weapons at the site of the fighting, which were then transported to the partisan detachment on a wagon of hay.
    When arrests began in the city, Valya, along with his mother and brother Viktor, went to the partisans. The boy, who at that time was only fourteen years old, fought shoulder to shoulder with adults, liberating his native land. On his account - six enemy echelons blown up on the way to the front. Valya Kotik was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class, and the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War," 2nd class.
    Valya Kotik died as a hero, and the Motherland posthumously honored him with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A monument was erected in front of the school where he studied.

    8 slide

    In the fall of 1941, Marat was supposed to go to the fifth grade, but the Nazis broke into the village where he lived, and turned the school building into their barracks. Marat's mother was hanged for helping the partisans. Together with his sister Ada, the boy went to the partisans in the forest and became a scout. Penetrated into enemy garrisons and delivered valuable information to the command. Participated in battles, mined the railway.
    For courage and bravery he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, medals "For Courage" and "For Military Merit".
    Marat died in battle. He fought to the last bullet, and when only one grenade remained, he let the enemies get closer and blew himself up along with them. For courage and courage, Marat Kazei was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A monument to the young hero was erected in the city of Minsk.

    9 slide

    The war found her in the village, where Zina came for the holidays (near the Obol station). In Obol, an underground organization "Young Avengers" was created, and the girl was accepted as a member of the committee. On the instructions of the partisans, she posted leaflets, learned to shoot accurately, went to reconnaissance, got a job in a canteen and poisoned a group of Nazis.
    Zina was betrayed by a traitor. She was tortured for a long time, but she remained silent. During one of the interrogations, Zina grabbed a pistol from the table and shot at the Gestapo point-blank, killed another fascist who had come running to the shots. She tried to run, but was unsuccessful. The brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but until the last minute she remained steadfast and courageous.
    For her feat, Zina Portnova was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    10 slide

    Not for war, mothers give birth to children:
    For a peaceful life, for great achievements,
    For happiness, for love, for adventure,
    For peace in the world, mothers give birth to children.
    We will keep the memory of great victories.
    Let's not forget about the courage of great-grandfathers,
    We will protect peace and happiness
    Native land where our mothers raised us.
    Through life we ​​will carry the loud slogan:
    “We need peace on the whole big planet!”
    Let all children live under a peaceful sky,
    Let their mothers rejoice in their successes.

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    Slides captions:

    A lesson in courage Compiled by a primary school teacher Barabanova Marina Nikolaevna MBOU secondary school No. Railway

    Purpose: To instill in students a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland. Tasks: 1. To introduce students to the historical facts of the Great Patriotic War. 2. Show the heroism of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. 3.Remember and memorize the main dates and events of the Great Patriotic War.

    On June 22, 1941, at 4 o'clock in the morning, the troops of the German army, violating the peace treaty, attacked our country. Adolf Hitler Beginning of the war

    Operation Typhoon: 77 German divisions over a million soldiers 1700 tanks 950 aircraft

    Get up, huge country, Get up for a mortal battle ...

    Thousands of the destitute, tens of thousands of orphans, hundreds of thousands of killed and tortured...

    From young to old, they stood up to defend their homeland ...

    Soviet soldiers fought heroically against an enemy superior in strength and numbers. Many soldiers and officers were awarded the highest military awards for heroism and courage. Many cities where fierce battles took place were awarded the title of Hero City.

    CITIES - HEROES Moscow St. Petersburg Volgograd Novorossiysk Kerch Tula Brest. Fortress - hero Odessa Minsk Kyiv Sevastopol Murmansk Smolensk

    Obelisk to the Hero City of Leningrad

    During the Great Patriotic War, Leningrad withstood a 900-day blockade. In January 1943, the blockade was broken in a narrow section along the shore of Lake Ladoga.

    Leningrad in the blockade ring. According to Hitler's plan, the city was to be wiped off the face of the earth, and the troops defending it were to be destroyed. Having failed in their attempts to break through the defenses of the Soviet troops inside the blockade ring, the Germans decided to starve the city out. On September 13, shelling of the city began, which continued throughout the war.

    The Road of Life During the blockade, the supply of the city was managed along the “Road of Life” through Lake Ladoga. The Germans bombed and shelled the road, but they failed to stop the movement. In winter, the population was evacuated and food was delivered. In total, about a million people were evacuated.

    On January 18, 1943, the blockade was broken and the enemy was driven back from the city. The blockade of Leningrad became the bloodiest blockade in the history of mankind. According to various sources, from 400 thousand to 1.5 million people died in the city over the years. Lifting the blockade of Leningrad.

    The "Green Belt of Glory" was created on the battle lines of the defense of Leningrad, which includes about 60 monuments.

    Memorial to the Defenders of Leningrad

    The ratio of armored vehicles at the beginning of the war at the end of the war

    Conclusions: 1. We got acquainted with the historical facts of the Great Patriotic War. 2. Learned about the heroic past of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. 3. They remembered and repeated the main dates and events of the Great Patriotic War.

    Materials used:…

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Presentation for the lesson of Courage "Parade on November 7, 1941 in Kuibyshev"

    This presentation contains unique photographs of the parade in Kuibyshev, the main purpose of which was to show the whole world that the army is in good combat shape....

    presentation for the lesson of courage "Blockade in Leningrad"

    Objectives: 1. Acquaintance with one of the heroic pages of the history of our country - the events of the besieged Leningrad.2 ....

    • FEBRUARY 2 - Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops in the Battle of Stalingrad. On this day, after long battles, the hero city of Volgograd (Stalingrad) was liberated from the Nazi invaders.
    • FEBRUARY 8 - Day of the young anti-fascist hero. Dedicated to the memory of young boys and girls of all countries, those who fought and died for the freedom and happiness of people.
    • FEBRUARY 15 - Day of Remembrance of soldiers-internationalists. This is both a holiday and a day of remembrance and mourning for all the soldiers who died in Afghanistan.
    • FEBRUARY 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. The national holiday of all the defenders of our republic who are serving so that we can live in peace.
    • IN MY SOUL
    • No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.
    • But in order not to forget, we must remember.
    • And to remember, you need to know.
    • Without you, son, left
    • Hair turned gray.
    • My white stork has flown away
    • Picked up and left...
    • The soul escaped like a bird -
    • Not easy to catch.
    • Without you, dear, I can not sleep.
    • Don't be angry with your mother...
    • Does not take, son, fatigue,
    • The darkness has thinned.
    • My white stork has flown away
    • Picked up and left...
    • From February 17 to February 20, an exhibition of drawings was held in Dosh No. 140 dedicated to the WITHDRAWAL of Soviet troops from Afghanistan
    • Do you think the fallen are silent!
    • Of course, yes, you say.
    • Not true!
    • They scream.
    • While they are still knocking
    • Hearts of the Living
    • And touch the nerves.
    • They scream somewhere
    • And in us
    • They are screaming for us...
    • And wake us alive
    • Invisible sensitive hands.
    • They want a monument to them
    • Was the land
    • with five continents.
    • 1979-1989
    • They fulfilled their soldier's duty
    • And remained faithful to the Motherland to the end
    • And we look back into history
    • To measure today's day as a day of war.
    • On February 19, in Dosh No. 140, an evening in memory of the soldiers-internationalists was held, prepared by students of the 9th grade.
    • Eternal glory and eternal memory are in these candles, which the children of our school lit at the corner of memory of the soldiers-internationalists.
    • The entire school honored the memory of the Afghan soldiers with a moment of silence.
    • On the next, 26th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, we pay tribute to the courage and memory of the soldiers-internationalists, the soldiers-Afghans. Our duty to these heroic people is to remember their feat and pass on their memory to new generations.
    • Choir of 5-6 grades of Dosh No. 140 performs a song dedicated to a soldier who did not return from the war.
    • Everything can be crushed, swept away, forgotten,
    • Asphalted and encased in concrete.
    • Blow up the cathedral as an extra building,
    • On the site of the cemetery to build a stadium.
    • Everything can be lost, what has been collected for centuries,
    • Everything can be silenced, threatening reprisals ...
    • And only human memory
    • It is impossible to concrete and exterminate!
    • At the end of the memory evening, the schoolchildren sang a song about the world.
    • After all, all the children of Donbass now want only one thing -
    • WORLD!!!
    • 1941-1945
    • 1979-1989
    • 2014-…
    • Our era is often called cruel. And so it has become for our history. Wars, one way or another, touched every generation: someone fought with weapons in their hands, someone saw off loved ones to the war, someone mourned the dead.
    • Battles end, but history is eternal. The Great Patriotic War, the Afghan war also went down in history. But the native land again groans from explosions. And now it is protected by those who recently lived in the neighborhood or sat at the same desk with us.
    • Grasses are raging above the ground,
    • Clouds float like peahens.
    • And one thing - that's what's on the right -
    • It's me, it's me, it's me
    • And I don't need fame...
    • Nothing is needed anymore
    • Me and those floating nearby.
    • We would live, and all the reward;
    • We should live, we should live
    • we should live...
    • And we are sailing somewhere.
    • This pain doesn't subside.
    • Where are you, living water?
    • Ah, why is there a war?
    • Oh why
    • Why are they killing us?
    • The youth who died in the war are like spring taken out of the year.
    • In early February, a graduate of our school died at a combat post
    • Vainilenko Philip Olegovych(06.02.1997-14.02.2015).
    • He just turned 18...
    • Blessed memory to all those who did not return from the war, who became a piece of silence, who lay down in the mountains and did not wake up from an undeclared war.
    • On February 23, Donbass celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this solemn day, we honor everyone who is involved in this high rank: from the front-line soldiers covered with gray hair and crowned with awards to young people who have only recently donned military uniforms. And nothing will break this. We are witnessing radical changes that are taking place here in Donetsk. But for us the memory of the Victory is sacred.
    • We congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, wish you good health, happiness, creative inspiration and success in the hard work of defending the Motherland.

    A lesson in courage dedicated to the feat of young patriots of Russia during the Great Patriotic War.


      Raising patriotism, pride in their homeland and its heroes.

      Raising respect and deep gratitude to past generations who defended the independence of our Motherland at the cost of their lives.

    Equipment: A computer presentation is used as an accompaniment.


    Teacher: Dear children, we dedicate our first class hour this academic year to the most important event of our country, the 65th anniversary of our country's victory over Nazi Germany. We often meet in books, hear from cinema and television screens such words as “Fatherland”, “Motherland”, “Motherland”. And each time we experience subconscious awe and respect for these words. And what is the meaning of these words? Why do we call the place where we were born so? Let's look for an answer to the words of the Russian writer, researcher of the Russian language Konstantin Ushinsky:

    Our Fatherland, our Motherland, Motherland. We call our country Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call our homeland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us. We call her mother because she fed us with her bread, watered us with her waters, and, like a mother, she protects and protects us from all kinds of enemies.

    There is a lot in the world, and besides our country, all sorts of good states and lands, but a person has one own mother - he has one and his homeland.


    Teacher: Every person who loves his homeland tries to make it even more beautiful, stronger, richer, and if danger comes, then protect it with his chest, at the cost of his own life.

    The wind of time opens the most terrible page in the history of our country - the Great Patriotic War.

    64 years ago, the last volleys of the war died down. Fascist Germany, which unleashed a war against the peoples of Europe, collapsed. Who are the fascists and where did the fascist organizations come from?


    The first fascist organizations appeared in several European countries - Italy, Germany, Hungary. Fascism was a danger to the working class, to all conquests.

    In Germany, fascist power was led by Hitler. He said: “It is necessary by any means to ensure that the world is conquered by the Germans, and we must, first of all, exterminate the Russians, Czechs, Bulgarians, and other Slavic peoples.” This is the threat that arose in the forties of the 20th century over our and other Slavic peoples, over their rich culture.

    Teacher: Our people faced a difficult test, they accepted it! Today we will remember the Days of Military Glory of Russia from the calendar of the Great Patriotic War. The witnesses and creators of this glory are still alive and remember well how hard our greatest victory was for us. Talk to them more often about the days of their youth, because veterans are not eternal, they will leave, and the living memory of the Great Patriotic War will go with them. Examples of their genuine courage must forever remain in our hearts, because thanks to him our Russia also lives.

    In the evening they brought her to the Gestapo.
    At first they were beaten with rifle butts.
    She stood blacker than the earth,
    Like a stone, silent.
    When her hands began to break
    At the end of a sleepless night
    The partisan mother spat
    German in shameless eyes.
    Said (were sharp as a knife,
    Her deaf words);
    Your work is in vain.
    You will kill me
    Russia will be alive.
    Russia lived for a thousand years
    She multiplied her tribe.
    Your strength, killer, is small,
    To kill her!

    Our Motherland had many heroes during the Great Patriotic War, but today I want to talk with you about your peers during those terrible years. When the war began, not only adult men and women stood up in combat formation. Thousands of boys and girls, your peers, have risen to defend Russia. They sometimes did things that strong men could not do.

    What guided them in that terrible time? Craving for adventure? Responsibility for the fate of their country? Hatred for invaders? Probably all together. They made a real feat. And we cannot but remember the names of the young patriots.

    (Texts to photos are read by students)

    Valentin Kotik

    At the age of 12, Valya, then a fifth grader at the Shepetovskaya school, became a scout in a partisan detachment. He fearlessly made his way to the location of enemy troops, obtained valuable information for the partisans about the guard posts of railway stations, military depots, and the deployment of enemy units. He did not hide his joy when adults took him with them to a military operation. Vali Kotik accounted for six blown up echelons of the enemy, many successful ambushes. He died at the age of 14 in an unequal battle with the Nazis. By that time, Valya Kotik was already wearingOrder of Lenin and the Patriotic War, 1st class , medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" II degree. Such awards would do honor even to the commander of a partisan formation. And then a boy, a teenager.

    Valentin Kotik was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    Vasily Korobko

    H The partisan fate of Vasya Korobko, a sixth grader from the village of Pogoreltsy, was unusual. He received his baptism of fire in the summer of 1941, covering the retreat of our units with fire. Consciously remained in the occupied territory. Once, at his own peril and risk, he sawed the piles of the bridge. The very first fascist armored personnel carrier that drove onto this bridge collapsed from it and went out of order. Then Vasya became a partisan. In the detachment he was blessed to work in the Nazi headquarters. There, no one could have thought that the silent stoker and cleaner perfectly remembers all the icons on enemy maps and catches German words familiar from school. Everything that Vasya learned became known to the partisans. Somehow, the punishers demanded from Korobko that he lead them to the forest, from where the partisans made sorties. And Vasily led the Nazis to a police ambush. In the dark, the punishers mistook the policemen for partisans and opened fire on them, destroying many traitors to the Motherland.

    Subsequently, Vasily Korobko became an excellent demolition man, took part in the destruction of nine echelons with manpower and equipment of the enemy. He died while performing the next task of the partisans. The exploits of Vasily Korobko are notedOrders of Lenin, Red Banner, Patriotic War I degree, medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" I degree.

    Vitya Khomenko

    TO like Vasily Korobko, seventh grader Vitya Khomenko pretended to serve the occupiers, working in the officers' canteen. Washed dishes, heated the stove, wiped the tables. And he memorized everything that the Wehrmacht officers, relaxed by the Bavarian beer, are talking about. The information obtained by Viktor was highly valued in the underground organization "Nikolaev Center". The Nazis noticed a smart, efficient boy and made him a messenger at the headquarters. Naturally, the partisans became aware of everything that was contained in the documents that fell into the hands of Khomenko.

    Vasya died in December 1942, tortured to death by enemies who became aware of the boy's connections with the partisans. Despite the most terrible torture, Vasya did not give the enemies the location of the partisan base, his connections and passwords. Vitya Khomenko was posthumously awarded the Order

    Galya Komleva

    IN Luzhsky district of the Leningrad region honors the memory of the brave young partisan Gali Komleva. She, like many of her peers during the war years, was a scout, supplied the partisans with important information. The Nazis tracked down Komleva, grabbed her, and threw her into a cell. Two months of continuous interrogations, beatings, bullying. Gali was required to give the names of partisan liaisons. But the torture did not break the girl, she did not utter a word. Galya Komleva was mercilessly shot. ShePosthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class.

    Yuta Bondarovskaya

    IN Oina found Yuta on vacation with her grandmother. Yesterday she was playing carelessly with her friends, and today circumstances have demanded that she take up arms. Yuta was a liaison, and then a scout in a partisan detachment that operated in the Pskov region. Disguised as a beggar boy, the fragile girl wandered around the enemy rear, memorizing the location of military equipment, guard posts, headquarters, communication centers. Adults would never be able to deceive the enemy's vigilance so cleverly. In 1944, in a battle near the Estonian farm, Yuta Bondarovskaya died a heroic death along with her older comrades. Utahposthumously She was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" of the 1st degree.

    Sasha Kovalev

    ABOUT He was a graduate of the Solovetsky Jung School. Your first order -Order of the Red Star Sasha Kovalev received it for the fact that the engines of his torpedo boat No. 209 of the Northern Fleet never failed during 20 combat sorties at sea. The second award, posthumous, - the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree - was awarded to the young sailor for a feat that an adult has the right to be proud of. This was in May 1944. Attacking a fascist transport ship, Kovalev's boat received a collector hole from a shell fragment. Boiling water was pouring out of the torn casing, the engine could stall at any moment. Then Kovalev closed the hole with his body. Other sailors arrived to help him, the boat kept moving. But Sasha died. He was 15 years old.

    Nina Kukoverova

    WITH she began her war with the Nazis by distributing leaflets in a village occupied by the enemy. Her leaflets contained truthful reports from the fronts, which inspired people to believe in victory. The partisans entrusted Nina with intelligence work. She excelled in all tasks. The Nazis decided to put an end to the partisans. A punitive detachment entered one of the villages. But its exact number and weapons were not known to the partisans. Nina volunteered to scout the enemy forces. She remembered everything: where and how many sentries, where ammunition is stored, how many machine guns the punishers have. This information helped the partisans to defeat the enemy.

    During the execution of the next task, Nina was betrayed by a traitor. She was tortured. Having achieved nothing from Nina, the Nazis shot the girl. Nina Kukoverova was posthumously awarded the OrderPatriotic War I degree.

    Lara Mikheenko

    AND x destinies are similar, like drops of water. Studies interrupted by the war, an oath to take revenge on the invaders to the last breath, partisan everyday life, reconnaissance raids on enemy rear lines, ambushes, explosions of echelons ... Except that death was different. Someone had a public execution, someone was shot in the back of the head in a deaf basement.

    Lara Mikheenko became a reconnaissance partisan. She found out the location of enemy batteries, counted the cars moving along the highway towards the front, remembered which trains, with what cargo, come to Pustoshka station. Lara was betrayed by a traitor. The Gestapo did not make allowances for age - after a fruitless interrogation, the girl was shot. It happened on November 4, 1943. Lara Mikheenko was posthumously awarded the OrderPatriotic War I degree .

    Sasha Borodulin

    At in the winter of 1941, he wore on his tunicOrder of the Red Banner . It was for what. Sasha, together with the partisans, fought the Nazis in open battle, participated in ambushes, and went on reconnaissance more than once.

    The partisans were not lucky: the punishers tracked down the detachment and encircled it. For three days, the partisans evaded pursuit, broke through the encirclement. But the punishers again and again blocked their path. Then the detachment commander called five volunteers who were supposed to cover the withdrawal of the main partisan forces with fire. At the call of the commander, Sasha Borodulin stepped out of action first. The brave five managed to detain the punishers for some time. But the partisans were doomed. Sasha was the last to die, stepping towards the enemies with a grenade in his hands.

    Vitya Korobkov

    D 12-year-old Vitya was next to his father, army intelligence officer Mikhail Ivanovich Korobkov, who operated in Feodosia. Vitya helped his father as much as he could, carried out his combat missions. Sometimes, he himself took the initiative: he put up leaflets, obtained information about the location of enemy units. He was arrested along with his father on February 18, 1944. Before the arrival of our troops remained quite a bit. The Korobkovs were thrown into the Starokrymsk prison, and for two weeks they knocked out testimonies from the scouts. But all the efforts of the Gestapo were in vain ...

    How many were there?

    We told only about a few of those who, before reaching their majority, gave their lives in the fight against the enemy. Thousands, tens of thousands of boys and girls sacrificed themselves for the sake of victory.

    Tanya Savicheva. She lived in besieged Leningrad. Dying of hunger, Tanya gave the last crumbs of bread to other people, with her last strength she carried sand and water to the city attics so that there was something to put out incendiary bombs. Tanya kept a diary in which she talked about how her family was dying of hunger, cold, and disease. The last page of the diary remained unfinished: Tanya herself died.

    Maria Shcherbak. She went to the front at the age of 15 under the name of her brother Vladimir, who died at the front. She became a machine gunner in the 148th Infantry Division. Maria ended the war as a senior lieutenant, holder of four orders.

    Arkady Kamanin. He was a graduate of the air regiment, at the age of 14 he first boarded a combat aircraft. He flew as a gunner-radio operator. Liberated Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna. Received three awards. Three years after the war, Arkady, when he was only 18 years old, died of his wounds.

    How many were there? How many young patriots fought the enemy on a par with adults? Nobody knows for sure. Many commanders, in order not to cause trouble, did not enter the names of young soldiers in company and battalion lists. But from this the heroic trace left by them in our military history did not become paler.

    Our victories have no statute of limitations; new generations of Russian fighters have been brought up and will be brought up on them, who will have the opportunity to write their pages in the military history of the Fatherland.


    People! As long as hearts are beating
    What is the price for happiness?
    Please remember!

    A moment of silence is announced.

    Sending your song in flight
    About those who will never sing,

    R. Rozhdestvensky