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    Bodybuilding trainers. Fitness coaches training program

    The personal fitness trainer is a highly qualified specialist in the field of sports, fitness and a healthy lifestyle. Our school of fitness offers everyone to take a course designed based on the requirements of employers to candidates for the position of personal fitness trainer.

    So, what should a personal fitness trainer be able to do?

    • independently conduct consultations and personal trainings on fitness and bodybuilding for various categories of people taking into account gender, age, health condition and body type;
    • to make a diet for various categories involved in depending on the objectives of the training process (weight gain, weight loss, maintenance and increase efficiency);
    • to build long-term relationships with customers, to understand the various psychological characteristics of customers.
    • also, a personal trainer should have a great store of knowledge in various disciplines, ranging from anatomy and physiology to fitness management and sports nutrition.
    • exactly taking into account the requirements for this specialty, our fitness training was built according to the Personal Fitness and Bodybuilding Trainer program.

    Theoretical classes (13 lessons for 3 hours):

    • The structure of the skeleton, the connection of bones, the muscular system of the skeleton.
    • The work of the heart. Circulatory system. Breathe-helping machine. Propulsion apparatus. Age features of the body.
    • Biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system.
    • Features of metabolism in the human body.
    • Personal trainer for fitness and bodybuilding. The required set of skills that a trainer should have. Responsibilities of a personal trainer when working in a fitness club. Methods of attracting customers and their orientation on the purchase of services of a fitness club.
    • Means training in bodybuilding. Equipment. Varieties of simulators and principles of work in them.
        Varieties of fitness equipment and bb how to choose and apply in practice. Classification of exercises.
    • Types of training. Strength and volume training modes of the muscles. The principles of training in bodybuilding for the acquisition of strength, volume and relief. The effects achieved by these types of workouts.
    • Injury. Types of chronic and pathological diseases and injuries. Loads that cause injury.
    • Periodization Vader principles.
    • Split program. Drawing up a training schedule. Drawing up training programs. Cycling loads.
    • Basics of proper nutrition. Calorie calculation, preparation of a nutrition program. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, their properties, types and features.
    • Sports supplements and dietary supplements - part 1. Varieties and review of supplements. The need for the use of certain additives, depending on the sport or level of stress.
    • Sports supplements and dietary supplements - part 2. Varieties and review supplements. The need for the use of certain additives, depending on the sport or level of stress.

    Practical classes (7 lessons of 3 hours):

    • Practical lesson №1 "Training of the back."
    • Practical lesson №2 "Leg Training"
    • Practical lesson №3 "Breast training"
    • Practical lesson №4 "Training shoulders"
    • Practical lesson №5 "Biceps and Triceps"
    • Practical lesson №6 "Muscles of the bark"
    • "Training circular and super sets." The study of the principles of building a circular workout. Learning exercises and techniques suitable for working with supersets.

    You can complete this course:

    • Internally (80 academic hours. On average, the course is designed for 4-5 weeks. It can be flexible, taking into account the capabilities of the student). Tuition - 16 000 rubles.
    • Remotely (material is provided in electronic form. If desired, if possible, by appointment, a student can attend all or some practical exercises with full-time students). Tuition - 14 000 rubles.
    • External (material is provided in electronic form). The cost is 12,000 rubles.

    Hello dear site visitors!

    You are on the site of the Kiev athlete, personal trainer and bodybuilding world champion  - Yuri Spasokukotsky. Here you can get acquainted with the original method of training "Biceps".

    On September 22, 2008, the fitness club “Biceps” opened in Kiev, in which professional bodybuilding and body fitness trainers conduct trainings according to the method of Yury Spasokukotsky. This is the first gym in Ukraine, offering a unique and effective training system, which was developed by a trainer with years of experience. Fitness club specializes in fast and guaranteed results. Visitors of the hall will be able to achieve more significant results in 3-6 months (than at independent trainings during a 2–3-year period).

    A little bit about Yuri Spasokokutsky:

    Three-time Champion of Ukraine in classic bodybuilding (IFBB version of bodybuilding). Master of Sports of Ukraine on bodybuilding IFBB. World Champion WABBA - bodybuilding in pairs. WABBA Vice World Champion and WFF European Champion - classic bodybuilding (below).

    Vice World Champion (silver medalist) in bodybuilding in the category “classical bodybuilding” (2nd place, bodybuilding federation according to WABBA, 2012, Italy).

    World bodybuilding champion in the bodybuilding - couples category (1st place, WABBA bodybuilding federation, 2011, Budapest).

    European champion in bodybuilding in the category of "bodybuilding classic" (1st place, bodybuilding federation according to WFF, 2012, Bobruisk).

    Personal trainer with ten years of experience (since 1998). The author of his own training and nutrition techniques, partially described on this site in the section “Method of Yuri”. Yury Spasokukotsky is a personal trainer and nutritionist, a personal online trainer who will help solve any problems in shaping your ideal figure.

    If you want to quickly and noticeably transform your body, burn fat, change muscle size or find out why the techniques you used to work before do not work - you have come to the right place. The purpose of the fitness club "Biceps" and this site, in particular, is to teach competent training in combination with an adequate nutrition system. Otherwise, you just do not get any benefit from training.

    The site is designed for both "dummies" and competitive level athletes. Every visitor can get an answer for free.

    Guests of the site who will want to consult with the trainer on the rights of clients will be able to get answers to an unlimited number of questions, but first you should familiarize yourself with the section on the Method of Yuri. Also here you can read the articles of Yuriy Spasokukotsky, which were previously published in various Ukrainian and international publications.

    Merit and achievements:

    • The author of the training and nutrition systems presented on the website
    • Creator of the website and fitness club " Biceps"In the city of Kiev
    • Development and completion of power simulators for a fitness club " Biceps«
    • Work experience as a personal bodybuilding coach since 1998
    • Bodybuilding experience since 1994
    • Bodybuilding at a competitive level since 2004
    • Publication of articles on bodybuilding since 1998
    • Three-time Champion of Ukraine in classical bodybuilding
    • Master of Sports of Ukraine on bodybuilding since 2008
    • Conducts training and a set of personal trainers
    • Development of bodybuilding programs to improve the muscles of the chest, abs, back, biceps, and other muscle groups.

    Best sporting achievements:
    Note: Note that success is more than modest for an athlete with powerful natural data, and much more significant for a person with weak genetic data (naturally thin arms, a thick layer of fat, narrow shoulders, disability category at 16 years old (bronchial asthma 2, disabled since childhood). At the beginning of bodybuilding, the biceps circumference was 34 centimeters and the weight of the barbell in the bench press was 30 kilograms! All results were achieved as a result of training according to our own methods for men.
    Bodybuilding Federation NAC:
      World Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship 2012 in Russia, Kazan. 3rd place in the bodybuilding couples category
      World Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship 2012 in Russia, Kazan. 6th place in the category “Mr. Atletic
    WFF / WBBF Bodybuilding Federation:
      European Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship 2012 in Belarus 1st place in the bodybuilding - classic category
      European Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship 2012 in Belarus 2nd place in the bodybuilding couples category
    IFBB Bodybuilding Federation:
      Kyiv Cup 2005 3rd place "Bodybuilding for men over 90 kg" category
      Podolia Cup 2005 3 place category "Bodybuilding men over 90 kg"
      Cup of Ukraine 2005 year 1st place category "Classic bodybuilding - absolute" (then still men's body fitness).
      Kiev Championship 2005 2nd place category "Classic bodybuilding - absolute" (then still men's body fitness).
      Championship of Ukraine. Sevastopol. 2005 1st place Category “Classic Bodybuilding - Absolute” (then still men's body fitness).
      Eastern European Championship. Moscow. 15 place category "Classical bodybuilding - absolute"
      Championship of Kiev 2007 - 2 place category "classic bodybuilding - over 175 cm."
    Championship of Ukraine. Sevastopol. 2007 - 1st place category "classic bodybuilding - over 175 cm."
      More than 10 participants in the category, officially received the title of "Masters of Sports of Ukraine on bodybuilding."
      European Championship Baku. 2007 12th place in the category “classic bodybuilding - more than 175 cm” (more than 20 participants in the category).
      Ukrainian Cup 2008 - 3rd place. Category “Classic bodybuilding - over 175 cm.”
      Championship of Kiev 2008 - 2 place category "Classic bodybuilding - absolute"
      Kiev Championship 2009 5th place "Classic bodybuilding - absolute" category.
      Championship of Ukraine 2009 - Sumy 4th place. Category “classic bodybuilding - over 175 cm.”
      Kiev Championship 2010 5th place. Category “Classic bodybuilding - over 175 cm.”
      Championship of Ukraine 2010 Vinnitsa. The final. 6th place (more than 15 people in the category over 175 cm.).
    Ukrainian Bodybuilding Federation UBPF (WBPF):
      Ukrainian Cup. Kiev. 2011. 3 place category "Bodybuilding men over 90 kg"
      Ukrainian Cup. Kiev. 2011. 3rd place category "Classic bodybuilding men over 175 cm."
      Europe championship. Budapest. 2011. 6 place category "Classic bodybuilding - men over 175 cm."
    Ukraine Bodybuilding Federation NABBA:
      Ukrainian Cup. Chernivtsi. 2011. 2 place category "Bodybuilding men over 179 kg" (10 participants in the category).
      Ukrainian Cup. Chernivtsi. 2011. 2 place category "Bodybuilding - a pair." (5 pairs participated).
    Ukrainian Bodybuilding Federation WABBA:
      Ukrainian Cup. Lviv. 2011. 3rd place category "bodybuilding men over 180 cm" (10 participants in the category).
      Ukrainian Cup. Lviv. 2011. 3rd place category "classic bodybuilding men over 175 cm."
      World Championship. Budapest. 2011. Finalist. 4th place in the category “classic bodybuilding - men over 175 cm” (10 participants in the category).
      World Championship. Budapest. 2011. 1st place category "Bodybuilding - a pair."
      World Championship. Italy. the city of Padua. 2012, Vice World Champion (silver medalist) in bodybuilding in the category of "classic bodybuilding."

    “I’m acquainted with Yury Spasokokutsky for 15 years, and I witnessed that this trainer has always done analytical research, experimented with various training principles, and spent a lot of time on determining what really works effectively for muscle growth and fat burning. and what's debatable. As the methodology of Yuri improved, it was interesting to see how his body was changing and the results of his clients were growing faster and faster. ”
    Yuri Bombela, ex-editor of Zhelezniy Mir magazine, author of the best-seller on the use of sports supplements in bodybuilding: "Anabolic Review".

    “The idea of ​​Yury Spasokukotsky is absolutely true. Being engaged in bodybuilding and training muscles according to this force method, a person “accelerates” his metabolism, burns excess fat, the body becomes beautiful and healthy, and the result is visible after a few months of training! ”
    Vladimir Ivanenko, six-time World Powerlifting Champion.
    “Yuri has a lot of sensible thoughts, I advise you to treat him carefully.
      I wish you success!"

    Leonid Ostapenko, member of the International Association of Sports Sciences, head of the research department of the company EAM Sport-Service (www ).

    My name is Yury Spasokokutsky and I suggest you improve your figure, become beautiful and healthy, get rid of injuries for good. To do this, it is enough to engage in a technique that is the result of the efforts of my whole life!

    I have been developing and improving this training and nutrition program all the time, for more than fifteen years now! This means that I conducted a scientific and statistical study, a complex coaching methodological and analytical work. I watched trainings for thousands of people, conducted polls and interviewed champions. When the Biceps Club opened, several more trainers began working with clients according to my methodology, and data collection accelerated several times. All this proves that a person who begins to train will have to spend years of time to figure out exactly how to eat and train in order to get a result as soon as possible. Just by regularly visiting the gym and eating haphazardly, you will not get a wonderful result, unless your genetics is unique and you are not “a genetic nugget created by nature for bodybuilding.”

    In the first photo (located above) you see my form after seven years (!) Of regular bodybuilding exercises in the gym. I did bodybuilding 3-4 times a week and never missed a workout. I started with Joe Weider's technique and then tried all the other common training programs. Unfortunately, the results were mediocre - I could not pump up my muscles.
      In the photo below you can see that after 3 years of continuous training in 3 training sessions per week, I looked like a person who does not train at all.

    In addition, I earned pain in the knee and shoulder joints, the left elbow joint, as I did the traditional exercises with full amplitude of movement (bench press, bench press behind the head, squats, leg press, French bench press). At the same time, I could not lose weight and burn fat on my stomach, which irritated and upset me terribly. After all, pumping up the press is a serious work that requires proper and systematic training.
      Being engaged in bodybuilding since 1994, I saw many bodybuilders who took various drugs, trained for years, but still achieved completely pitiful results in pumping muscles, because they could not find a competent trainer.
      Another photo already after 5 years of training shows that the most persistent workouts are still, but without the use of an effective system and well-designed programs, they gave very poor feedback.

    However, my nutrition plan was still not optimized as part of the methodology, in contrast to the exercise system, which allowed, without using any drugs, to increase the weight from 80 to 112 kg.

    In the next photo you see my form after just three months of training with the use of the correct system of classes, and, very importantly, the correct system of nutrition.

    So for the first time I applied my technique in full force and made sure that the main thing is not how many years you have been training, but the effectiveness of the method by which you train and eat!
      During these three months, I was not just able to "lose weight", but I burned more than 20 kilograms of subcutaneous fat and reduced the waist circumference by more than 20 centimeters. At the same time, dry muscle mass increased by 3 kilograms, and power indicators increased, and this is proof that losing weight solely due to fat, in parallel, we managed to pump up muscle mass
    At the same time my joints stopped hurting! To do this, I removed all the traumatic exercises and replaced them with more useful and physiologically acceptable (lying dumbbell press, stretching the arms on the block, standing arms), determined the correct (partial) amplitude of movements.
      During this time, I developed and began to apply more than thirty of my own variants of exercises that are not described in the bodybuilding literature.
      I have no clients who do not have progress in their appearance for 2-3 months of training, provided that they strictly adhere to the methods of training and nutrition. Measurements and control photos show contrasting results “before” and “after”. If there is no progress, then you are not following your diet and skipping workouts. 100% of my students have a result, and I provide them with psychological support, helping to withstand a regime that allows you to lose weight and (or) pump up the spectacular muscles.
      Regardless of whether you will train with me at the club, or take up bodybuilding at home, using my workouts on the Internet, you will get more results than doing yourself or with an incompetent trainer.
      The secret is in the technique!
      To see the reviews of many clients who have achieved success thanks to the methodology, to see their results “before” and “after”, visit the section “Customer reviews”.

    The content of the article:

    Today the profession of personal trainer has become very popular in sports. Famous athletes and previously trained under the supervision of a personal mentor, but today they are often hired and amateurs. If for our state it is still very rare, in the United States, this practice is very common.

    According to statistics, people involved with a personal trainer save the state a very decent amount for health care. After all, bodybuilding will not only make your figure more attractive, but also strengthen your health. Today we will tell you about the top 5 best bodybuilding trainers.

    Trainer # 1: David Sandler

    This person is a holder of several scientific degrees in the field of sports and not by chance in our list was in the first place. Sandler organized an innovative company that deals with personal training for athletes of any level of training, including amateurs.

    David is convinced that having a personal mentor for an athlete does not mean that an athlete can not learn special methodological literature to improve sports literacy. Moreover, your return from classes will increase in direct proportion to your knowledge.

    We give a few recommendations to all athletes from Sandler. To provide the necessary energy level for effective bodybuilding, it is necessary first of all to observe the daily routine. The body needs enough time for rest, sleep and proper nutrition. Only this way it is possible to achieve the goals.

    David also notes that amateurs can progress only due to the periodization of the training. Professional schemes and training methods are not suitable for them. Perform basic exercises in low repetition mode, increasing power performance. Then start using pumping in highly repetitive training mode, and then grab strength again. Each of these two cycles should last from two to three weeks.

    Trainer # 2: Gunnar Peterson

    Gunnar has been engaged in coaching for over two decades. This person preaches functional training and for this reason Hollywood stars often invite him.

    According to Gunnar, despite the fact that most visitors go to the halls to gain weight, this should not be their only goal. That is why he believes that functional training is more appropriate for most people. It is important that bodybuilding helps you live, and not interfere with this.

    Coach number 3: Mack Chilstone

    He is one of the most authoritative power trainers in the United States. For all the time of his activity, he worked with a large number of tennis players, hockey players and NBA stars. Today he works in one of the leading football clubs (American football) New York Yankees.

    Mack offers all athletes who decide to become professionals to undergo a test for the genome. Today, this service is not as expensive as it was a few years ago. This will allow you to accurately determine the sport where you can achieve maximum results. It is also important to undergo regular medical examinations in order not to harm their health.

    If you are engaged in bodybuilding at the amateur level and do not plan to participate in tournaments, then knowledge of your genome will also be very useful for you. It is possible that the classical training methods for you will be ineffective and you have to find your own individual method.

    Trainer number 4: Juan Carlos Santana

    Santana founded a research institute in the state of Florida and produced quite a lot of books and video films about strength training. One of the most effective tools for bodybuilding training Santana considers chains and shock absorbers. With their help, you can progress much faster.

    In order to gain a large amount of muscle mass, according to Santana, athletes should forget about the existence of simulators. The focus should be on working with dumbbells. Juan Carlos likes to repeat that bodybuilding is an excellent means to increase muscle, but huge muscles do not mean longevity and health. In addition to bodybuilding, you should do yoga, dance, etc.

    Trainer # 5: Chris Lockwood

    Chris defended his doctorate in physical education and organized a large amount of research. Chris does not welcome the use of AAS in sports and, especially at the amateur level. In his opinion, even amateurs should take part in tournaments. This can significantly increase motivation and accelerate progress. At first, only close people will applaud you, but the purpose of the speeches is to accelerate your progress.

    Chris Lockwood's talk about protein is in this story:

    Not chosen MSU. Lomonosov Institute of Physics and Technology, RAS, IGiP RAS Financial University (formerly GUMF) AGPS EMERCOM of Russia AGP EMERCOM of Russia AMI RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation (ANH under the Government of the RF, RAGS under the President of the RF) MIGUP (formerly APU) APiSO AU RFA RF AFPS AFSB RF . V.S. Popova AEI AEiU ARBI VA RVSN them. Peter the Great (ex. VA them. Dzerzhinsky) VIU MO RF VUNC VVS VVA them. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (formerly VVIA) of the Higher Educational Institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (formerly of the GPA named after Lenin). WURCHSA WIS (formerly of Higher Educational Establishment) of the Higher Higher School of Economics Financial University (formerly of the VGNA) VGIK VSSH MERT VTSH S. Melkonyan Higher School of Higher Education Schepkina TI them. Shchukin (formerly VTU them. Shchukin) VIU GASIS GASK GKA them. Maimonides State. Irya them. Pushkin GMPI them. Ippolitova-Ivanova RGSAI (formerly GSII) HSE (SU-HSE) GAUGN (formerly GUGN) GUZ GUU SEI GEITI Humanitarian Institute GITI MGPI (now MSPU) DA MFA RF MOIUP YURINPHP (2013) AI) for the Institute of Hydrometeorologic Research Institute IBPIT) IBPU RGIS (VSK) IGU MGIMO MFA RF IGA IGIMU GUU IGUMO IDK INESNEK IZHLT IITEM IIR IC IC & P IKSI AFSB RF IMBO IMPE them. Griboedov IMPI IMES IMPPI IME IMEI (world economy and informatization) IPV IPO IPP IESEPiP ISB IIS ISBTiSU ISN ICSO INEKBI IEIK IEP INEP IEPP RAMA IEPF IEPiUR IYaK them. L. Tolstoy Lee them. Gorky MATI MVSH MIGMT MIM Link MIEP MNEPU MIEPP at MNEPU MSI them. Derzhavina MUM MUI NOU MTI MAP (International) MGIIT them. Yu.A. Senkevich (formerly MATGR) MAEP MGAVMiB them. K.I. Scriabin (formerly MBA) MGAHT MGUPI MITHT MGAFK (Mossportakademiya) MGAH MGK them. Tchaikovsky MGUTU them. K.G. Razumovsky (formerly MGTA, VZIPP) University named after O. E. Kutafin (MSLA) First MGMU them. THEM. Sechenov (formerly. MMA them. Sechenov) Mirbis RGAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy. Timiryazeva MFUA MAI MARHI MBI MVVKU (formerly MVI, Moscow Observatory named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR) MVIREKV MGIU MGPU MGPPU MADI MSAU them. Goryachkina MGAHI them. Surikov Moscow State Institute of Humanities RGGRU (MGRI) them. Ordzhonikidze MGGU MGIU MGADA (MGIDA, MFA) MGIMO (U) MFA Russia MGIMO them. Schnittke MSTU MIREA NITU MISiS MIEM NIU HSE MIET MGLU (formerly MGPI them. Maurice Torez) MGMSU them. A.I. Evdokimova MGGU (formerly MGOPU) them. M.A. Sholokhov MGOU them. Chernomyrdin MGSU NRU (MGSU-MISI) TI MGUDT (formerly MGTU im. Kosygin) MGTUA MGTU im. N.E. Bauman University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI) MGTU Stankin MIIGAK MGUDT MGUIE (formerly MIHM) MGUKI MGUL MGUP them. I. Fedorov (formerly MPI) MGUPP MGUPB MGUP (environmental engineering) MGUPE (MIIT) RSUTiS (former MGUS) MESI MGHPA them. Stroganov MGEI MGI them. Dashkova NRNU MEPHI MIBD MIBUA MIIK MGAKHiS (VZISI) MIMSR MIMB at the Higher Air Transport Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation MIP MIPP MIGKU MIU (Management) MU them. S.Y. Witte (formerly MIEMP) MIEPP MKVI branch SPBGUKT MNYUI MOSA (formerly MOSE) MPGU (formerly MGPI them. Lenin) MF) SPbIWESEP in Moscow MPEI MGTA (formerly MELI) MEFI NOU MEI NIU MEI (MEI TU) MAFU in memory of 1905 Leningrad State University Pushkin in Moscow NIB IPPI Continent<Евро-Азия> PMUI ITT (Moscow Branch) RAA them. Plevako RAZHVZ RAMI RAMS them. Gnesin RAP (Justice) RAP (Entrepreneurship) GITIS RGATiZ RGUFKSMiT (GTSOLIFK) RMAPO RMAT (MF) RPA Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation РТА РЭУ им. G.V. Plekhanov RGAZU RGGU RGAIS (formerly RGIIS) RNIU (formerly RSMU) them. N.I. Pirogov ROAT MIIT (formerly RGOTUPS, VZIIT) RGTEU RGUITP RSUHG them. Gubkina ITLP MGUTU (formerly RosZITLP) RosNOU FIR St. John the Theologian RUDN RHTU them. Mendeleev RIU UGMU (formerly RUI) SDI SGA SFGA (NOU SGI) UNIC MAO (UNN - Natalia Nesterova) URAO Financial University (FA) under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow Art Theater School (formerly MFPA, MMRIEP) MEPI MGGEI (formerly MGSGI) MIU MVSHM USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (until 1992) IMDT RAHI MHPI ITiG RUK (formerly MUPE) MSUU Moscow Government MGIM IEAU IESI INES NI VEU MIMEIEI (IESEII) MoOSPI at MPGU PSTGU MTI "VTU" (formerly VTU UNESCO) NIEV AEB Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (formerly ANP FSNP RF) RIPTIB (IMC) Institute of Business sa and design (formerly InOBO) Collège Universitaire Français de Moscou BBSHD IMSGS NES NID MGTI EI MINRO UML at the IGC of the CPSU NIM BBI OITIR IGTM (formerly IAYT) MIRTSHB MosAP under the Government of Moscow VIA them. Kuybysheva IPK IIM PWI UIS IOSO RAO MI 21 MAMARMEN Imli im. Gorky MAOK IMEMO RAS VA BTV GPI PIU AUMP MPI FSB RF (former IRI RAS) IOM Synergy MIAPP (IAPP) MIHRES IMS AAAI MUI NMU MIH (psychoanalysis) IRA MIASP (MIAP) MIMO IFTI of sv. The forms of ИРТ IPIU ISOM SFI VASHGD IGUPIT ITEF EEI SGSEI ISPE MAGMU Frunze) INiSB MARTIT IUP IUEPI VGSH them. Dubnova (formerly EUM) NISD VEGI IE RAS IZISP under the Government of the Russian Federation IO RAS MIAN IGiP RAS MIU (Islamic) SIIION (formerly ANO) IE RAS NII SP RF MIOO (formerly MIPKRO) MUI MIA RF IAS RAS GASiJKK MOYU with PCPI The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (formerly IEFP) of the VSSR IPU RAS MTI (theological) ITIRSHB ISPT APK and PPRO GNI RNS FTS RF MIPK MGTU them. Bauman IRI RAS IUV NMHC them. Pirogov, Higher School of Internal Affairs, IBS, IBP, Russia, TsEPL, RAS, GII RAS, IS RAS, Institute of Emergency Studies, RISK (RISC), IMET, RAS, EAOI, ISPI, RAS, ZNUI, IEPP, IDNT RAS VNIIVSGE IHO RAO ITTI IOF RAS VSTISP IIP IPD MFPA VVI (formerly WWF with MBA them. Scriabin) FIAN them. Lebedev RZTI MIPK REU them. G. V. Plekhanov EPI THEM them. Vishnevsky RAMS SIUS VKIA MERT IP MUSU IOC RAS ​​MIPK RRiHP INP RAS CEMI RAS IEA RAS them. N. N. Miklukho-Maklaya Moscow Research Institute for them. P. A. Herzen IIO RAO IPM them. MV Keldysh RAN IAf RAN AGPRP IMBP RAN IREI UKU IG RAN Institute of Natural Sciences RAS ICE RAS IIST RAS P. M. Ershova IV RAS GETI (formerly ASED, Academy "Continent") MUITI SRI RAH IHF RAS MIGIP IAM PGI "Co-Action" INTUIT MGI IPI IBC RAS ​​MVU (Vienna) EC RAS ​​VNIIFC AIBEC ICIN VNShT NIIOSP them. M.N. Gersevanova ISLR RAS IPE EBS IPI RAS GOSNITI NOU ART INFO - Ruthenia GIA (GIA) IFES RAS RAS IBG RAS IPEB MABT "Forex Club" INEUM them. I. S. Brook AIS IPE RAS NISK ISV RAW (formerly SRI OPV APN USSR) IAS San Marino IMASH RAS them. A. A. Blagonravovov Institute of Physics and Technology IPIPKI ICR SRI SP & CI İHT AII VGKPI RSI IchA IKI APHRT IKI RAS IKI IPKR IKPI NIKHI IKI APKRT IKMO RAS IA RAS RAS IKON RAS RISI INION RAS ASMS RRC KI UMT ZHDT Church Church Postgraduate School Cyril and Methodius Moscow School of Law, Skolkovo MTS MEIEPP IOGen RAS INBI RAS VIAPI them. A. A. Nikonov GU IMEI RTI them. A. L. Mintsa SOPS RAS MITP RAS VNIIgeosystems MASI IPTiK VINITI RAS RAS (formerly IPC MPS Russia) IVF RAO IRE them. V.A. Kotelnikov RAS RAS Research Institute of Physical Chemistry Roszdrav Research Institute OPP RAMS TsNIIS IPKgosserzhby IFBT VIGIS PAPA ITUKiT VNIIDAD IPK DSZN ICP RAO GKNPTs them. MV Khrunichev Academy of ITE IUPFAN Centro Gregorio Fernández ARMO JISU MGAAI S. Andriyaka IFHE RAS MISB MAA VNIINTPI ISO RAO IMAD Strelka IPG IIPPR IPDA RW University named after Ulyanova VNIIZhT ABISP MKTA IEUSP BON IPK FMBA Russia SAMB ISA RAS VNIIMS ShAD TSNIIPSK them. Melnikov, Institute of Virology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, OTI EYuI, Scientific Research Institute TSS, GosNIIgenetika IMB RAS IEGO IREA IGISP IDM IESB A.N. Bakuleva RAMS MIGTiK VNIIPVTI VDA IU (Moscow University) RACO APK LI (Moscow University) MOSGI MGIMT PU September 1 I.P. Bardina IPSU GEOKHI RAS 25 State Research Institute of Himmotology, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation VIEV MONIKI them. M.F.Vladimirskogo ITIP RAO ENTS Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation NAMI Academy GRU Scientific Research Institute of JV them. Sklifosovsky IABiA MARSH INASAN GINFO IMEI (Management, Economics and Innovation) MIKTIR MINEKBIK EASY IEPI RAS MBS Central Research Institute of Urban Planning RAACS ESMOD MOSCOU IMG RAS VFEU AVR (formerly KI KGB) JIHT RAS MSEKh Research Institute of Urology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation MNIIP CBS RPU VNIIGiM them. A. N. Kostyakova INSTEP IHP CITO them. N. N. Priorov VNIIneft them. A. P. Krylov VShSI Konstantin Raikin MMI "Reaviz" GNITCPM IGE RAS V.P. Serbian NIIOR them. V.A. Negovskiy RAMS IFA RAS, VNII MFA RF School-Studio SHARE VNIIA of the Agricultural Academy IVND RAS MIGp UTCPRDPO RSLB RNCH them. Acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS ISEPN RAS MBA School MEGI RNSRD

    Greetings to all who play sports.

    Dear friends, I want to ask you serious questions on a serious topic. Please do not condemn and not to breed flood. Thanks for attention.

    Briefly about yourself:  17 years. Grade 11 Novice in the gym. Of course, the results are not very good for a beginner. Bench press - 70. squat 70. Further I will not paint = and so everything is clear that a little.
      I live in Ussuriysk - Primorsky Krai - the Far East

    A little story of my life. All my life they told me to go in for sports. Given to the karate section. I left for 5 years. I really did not achieve anything, I handed over everything to my belts. Engaged neponyat for what. Apparently the parents attached to the sport. Yes, I understand that sport is better than drinking in doorways, but I recently abandoned karate. I realized that this is not my year after karate. The remaining 4 years simply suffered. Parents did not say so as not to upset. Just doing it. Often they inspired me to become strong and big, but in my understanding, strong and big is to weigh 100kg and have good muscles. But alas, I did not have this. As they did not say. Parents live in the USSR so to speak. With technology on "you", they reject everything modern and do not accept new ideas. They say nonsense and so on. Smoke, drink, but not often but still. After graduating to 11th grade, they said that there is a police school in Khabarovsk, where you should go in the footsteps of your father. Legal education. I always did not know who I want to be. As they said to me, that there you can make good money after the training, so I believed. Well, learning and learning. I live just like that.
    Half a year agoi started practicing in the gym. I read a huge amount of literature on how to build muscle, which are various sports supplements. He studied the structure of the body and how it functions. Began to study protein fats carbohydrates. GI in products. Etc. There was a case even the trainer in the gym argued. It was so!!!
    AND ABOUT GOD ME ASISLED  - I found the meaning of all life that I want to do in life. It is bodybuilding or fitness in another sense. Have a good body and train at the same time to train other people and thereby transfer your experience. Over the past six months, the result is quite powerful. Scored 7kg for a couple of months. Of course he ate 6 times a day + took sports supplements such as - gainer, creatine, bsaa and casein for the night. I started plans for a long time ahead. What should look like the body and so on. But how to get the maximum benefit?   I get it - you can be a coach

    So. My questions.
      1. How can I connect my life with bodybuilding and markups with the gym. I want to go to Khabarovsk after 11th grade. \\
      2. Am I small for coaching? 17 years old will be 18 in December 26
      3. Are there any bodybuilding schools? What can they give and offer?
      4. If there are any, are there any in Khabarovsk ?. In the native Ussuriysk there is nothing to catch.
      5. After 11 what exams to take?
      6. Is training expensive?
      7. Is it too late for me?
    8. On admission do you need to have a good physical shape? Or some knowledge?

    The region in which I want to study is the Far East - Khabarovsk, but we can consider the option Vladivostok!