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  • Self-healing and DNA activation. DNA Activation Technique (Theta Healing) Working with DNA to Activate it

    Self-healing and DNA activation.  DNA Activation Technique (Theta Healing) Working with DNA to Activate it

    DNA Activation Technique

    DNA Activation Technique - a gift received by us from the Creator and a wonderful opportunity to discover intuitive abilities in ourselves. Man is now developing as a species and awakens in himself parts of his spiritual DNA that have been dormant until now. The DNA activation technique has become part of the collective consciousness of the Earth. So many people have already activated their DNA that it began to happen spontaneously, without the help of healing practitioners.

    And many, obeying their intuition, have already made such an activation on their own.


    The Creator told me that if enough people activate their DNA, the consciousness of the entire Earth will begin to vibrate at a new, higher level. When this happens, the process of activation of the DNA molecules will begin automatically, initiated by the collective consciousness that we all share.

    I have no doubt that such an activation will certainly occur within the next twelve years, or at the very least within the next twenty-four years. By practicing DNA activation and other techniques suggested in this book, we receive directly from the Creator the opportunity to use our intuitive abilities in the next round of evolution.
    And this evolution will take us to a new level of human consciousness.

    By practicing the activation technique, we engage all 46 chromosomes in the so-called "control cell" of the brain. DNA is also activated in the mitochondria of cells.

    pineal gland

    At the very center of the human brain is a small gland called the pineal gland. It is also called "the abode of the soul", and it has been called that for several millennia.
    At first, modern scientists were convinced that the pineal gland does not perform any important functions in the human body. It was believed that the pituitary gland controls all body functions.

    The opinion of scientists changed when it was discovered that the pineal gland secretes into the body many substances that control the activity of the pituitary gland. And only in the 60s of the last century, scientists discovered that the pineal gland is responsible for the production of melatonin, which regulates the daily biological rhythms of the body (our internal clock). Melatonin is a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan, which also plays an important role in the activity of the human central nervous system. The production of melatonin by the pineal gland occurs in the dark and ceases in the light.

    It doesn't take a scientist to perform the DNA activation technique, but it's worth knowing that the pineal gland is located right in the center of the brain, just below the higher chakra and behind the third eye.

    control cell

    Inside the pineal gland is the so-called control cell - it is she who is the operational center that controls the processes in all other cells of our body. This cell is the starting point for the normalization of many disturbed body functions. The control cell contains the DNA chromosome, which plays the most important role in the process of its activation.

    Inside the control cell is its own little universe - a kind of key to the functions of our body. It controls all processes in the human body; everything depends on it - from the color of our hair to our walk. All parts of the body are controlled by programs stored in her chromosomes and DNA. And inside the control cell are hidden chromosomes of youth and vitality.

    Chromosomes of youth and vitality

    A person has 46 chromosomes (23 pairs of two strands each), and each of these chromosomes has two strands of DNA. The first thing you will have to work with in the control cell is the chromosomes of youth and vitality. These chromosomes are always arranged in pairs, so when you activate one of them, you will need to work with its pair.

    I know that the chromosomes of youth and vitality are called chronos. Chronos count seconds, minutes and hours of the body's biological time. They contain memory tools called shadow threads.

    shadow threads

    When you are inside the control cell, you are witnessing how the Creator begins to put together the parts of the structure that allows you to embody the shadow threads in physical form. These are the invisible chromosomes of youth and vitality, waiting for their awakening and incarnation in order to return us to the Creator. In the course of human evolution, the accumulated negative memories partially changed our chromosomes and DNA. And the memory of these changes was preserved only in the shadow threads.

    In the process of DNA activation, you will witness how the shadow strands add new parts to the ladder of the chromosome. These new parts of the structure are formed from amino acids (sugars) that build new threads in the image stored in the memory of the old shadow threads. You can watch them line up one by one until they climb eight flights of the chromosome ladder.

    After the lifting and building is completed, you will see strands of rainbow light entering the chromosome, ending at the ends with beautiful, iridescent pearly white caps, similar to the tips on the ends of shoelaces. These caps, called telomeres, are responsible for our youth.


    Telomeres are the ends of chromosomes that protect their endings. As we age, telomeres become thinner and wear out. If they wear too much and become too short, their structure can be broken. It is believed that the cell recognizes such disturbances as DNA damage and then cellular aging kicks in, the so-called apoptosis begins - a kind of cell death process that is necessary so that new cells can develop unhindered and in order to remove cells whose DNA is severely damaged.

    Many age-related diseases are associated with wear and tear and shortening of telomeres. Human organs are destroyed as more and more of their cells die or go into aging mode. This is why it is so important to witness the formation of telomeres at the ends of chromosomes.

    Laws of time

    When you command to start the DNA activation process, the Creator shows you this process in a way that your mind can accept. And the moment you enter the control cell, you come into contact with the Laws of Time. All the work you do takes no more than a fraction of a second, so in order to see what is happening, you must slow down the process in your mind, which makes visualization possible. All you have to say is "Creator, show me!"


    Here is the process revealed to me by the Creator:


    1. Ground yourself and focus on your heart chakra. Imagine that your energy descends into the Earth - part of everything that exists.

    3. Leave the body through the higher chakra on the head, ascend and project your consciousness outward, beyond the limits of the Universe. Pass the Universe, the regions of white light, darker light, white light, the jelly-like substance representing the Laws, and connect with the iridescent pearly light of the Seventh Plane of Existence.

    4. Mentally state the decree: “Creator, I command: let the activation of My chromosome of youth and vitality take place right now. Thank you! It's done! It's done! It's done!"

    5. Witness the telomere-tipped DNA strands stacked in pairs, one on top of the other. Sometimes it happens so fast that you need to ask the Creator to repeat it for you a little later.

    6. Once the process is complete, direct the energy into the Earth, draw it back in, draw it through all the chakras to the highest chakra on the head.
    The DNA activation process is partially completed.

    As you make molecular changes in the body in this first part of the process while in the control cell, your body begins to detoxify. Some people may experience a healing cleanse - a period of detoxification and ridding the body of toxins. Others feel poisons leaving their body on all levels - spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.

    In most cases, there must be a certain amount of time between the two activation phases. However, some people are ready for both the first and second phases to happen at once.
    As you are conscious in the pineal gland, you can watch the hitherto unactivated chromosomes begin to come to life on their own.


    In the second activation phase, you also activate the mitochondria, which speeds up the whole process. Michondria are organelles, varieties of which are found in most eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria produce their own genetic material and the means to build their own RNA and proteins.

    Forty-six chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell is just a blueprint; all the energy is contained in the mitochondria that produce ATP. Mitochondria are sometimes referred to as "cellular powerhouses" because their main function is to convert organic matter into energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate.

    Usually, one cell contains hundreds or thousands of mitochondria, occupying up to 25% of the cell cytoplasm. Mitochondria have their own DNA and, according to the endosymbiotic theory, originated from an independent bacterium.


    Here is a description of the next step in the activation process:

    1. Focus on your heart chakra. Imagine that your energy descends into the Earth - part of everything that exists.

    2. Imagine how your energy returns back to the body through the soles of your feet and rises, opening all the chakras in its path, up to the highest chakra on the head.

    3. Leave the body through the higher chakra on the head, ascend and project your consciousness outward, beyond the limits of the Universe. Pass the universe of white light, darker light, white light, the jelly-like substance representing the Laws, and connect with the iridescent pearly light of the Seventh Plane of Existence.

    4. Mentally decree: “Creator, I command: let My remaining chromosomes become active. (This awakens the mitochondria.) Thank You! It's done! It's done! It's done!"

    5. Once you have witnessed the completion of the process, direct the energy into the Earth, draw it back in, draw it through all the chakras to the highest chakra on the head.


    Depending on the state of human health, after the activation of DNA, a period of ridding the body of toxins and toxins may begin. Most experience it as a slight cleansing accompanied by cold-like symptoms, but for some people the whole body begins to ache. I can suggest that such people take a small amount of chelated calcium as a remedy.
    Words turn into reality

    I have discovered an important phenomenon regarding the activation of DNA: the likelihood that after its implementation, spoken words and concentrated thoughts will become reality is greatly increased. Therefore, as soon as the first effects of DNA activation appear, it is very important to stay positive and repeat affirmations about the abundance coming into your life. Avoid negative affirmations that bring poverty and lack into your life, because after the activation of DNA, your words and thoughts will become ten times stronger.

    Your surroundings

    DNA activation raises the level of spiritual vibrations. Your family members or your friends may be at a different, lower vibrational level than you, and DNA activation will make you more susceptible to the negative influences of other people. So if your colleagues or friends aren't helping you improve your life, politely break up with them. If you are in an unfulfilling relationship, you must either end it or make an effort to make it more positive.

    Once you've done your own DNA activation, make sure your husband or wife goes through this process as your overall spiritual vibration needs to pick up or you may decide to separate.

    It is also possible that the activation of your partner's DNA is due to the fact that you simply sleep with him in the same bed. This happens because the cells of the spouses communicate with each other. But you have to be patient as it can take several months.

    From Vianna Stibal's book
    "Theta Healing: A Unique Method for Activating Life Energy"

    I will be glad to help you!

    In the unique human body, inside the nucleus of each cell, there is a complex storage device of information - a DNA helix, which carries not only information about the color of hair, eyes, skin, the level of intelligence, abilities of a person, but also stores the memory of his previous generations, their destinies, feelings and events. That is why in families relatives are similar not only externally to each other, but also by recurring life events and key moments of fate.

    How does this happen?

    To understand how genetic information affects an individual, one should understand the structure of DNA itself.

    To begin with, the nucleus of every cell in the body has 46 chromosomes, which are connected in 23 pairs. Each chromosome consists of two long strands of DNA twisted together. Parallel linear strands are held together by basic bases called nucleotides. Visually, it looks like steps-beams of a staircase twisted into a spiral. Each crossbar consists of two paired bases: adenine + thymine, cytosine + guanine.

    The genetic information in DNA is determined by the sequence of four nucleic acids.

    There are 4 different bases. Each combination of three consecutive nucleotide bases is called a codon.

    The number of combinations of sequences of three bases (triplets) is 4*4*4 or 64. Therefore, DNA has 64 codons. Codons are like computer chips that contain information.

    What is vividly displayed in the famous Chinese hexagrams.

    And now directly about what is the relationship between codons and gender. There is a belief that family curses last seven generations. Let's trace the chain of seven generations.

    A person consists of two people - dad and mom, who, in turn, are made up of grandparents, i.e. 4 more people. Grandparents from great-grandparents, which is already 8 people. This is followed by 16 great-great-grandparents and great-great-grandfathers, three times great-grandfathers and three times great-great-grandmothers, already 32, and their parents four times great-grandmothers and four times great-grandfathers are already 64.

    But scientists say that hereditary information is stored for 12 generations.

    Esoteric meaning of the number 12

    The number 12 was considered a superperfect number, a symbol of the "philosopher's stone", completeness and the divine circle that rotates the universe. The twelve-fold structure of the universe, the presence of the number 12 in many realities of life and religious and spiritual traditions have been noted by many researchers. Indeed, "12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 hours of the day and night, 12 main Olympic gods, 12 biblical tribes, 12 apostles, 12 days of Christmas", according to the researcher of the symbolism of numbers A. Holgin, speak of the all-pervading and omnipresent nature of the number twelve. H.E. Kerlot writes: "Twelve symbolizes cosmic order and salvation. It corresponds to the number of signs of the Zodiac and is the basis of all duodecimal groups. The concepts of space and time, as well as the wheel and circle, are associated with it."

    The circular nature of the number twelve testifies to the presence in it of a special order based on schemes capable of disintegrating either into a purely internal three-part division of an external quaternary scheme, or into an external four-part division of an already internal three-fold scheme. All this is evidence of the special symbolism of the Zodiac, built on the principle of the possibility of the manifestation of the four elements in three different ways (levels). Together this gives twelve divisions. The mystic Saint-Yves d "Alveider believed that in communities of people following the symbolic tradition "the circle standing above all and closest to the mysterious center, consists of twelve divisions, which represent the highest initiation (abilities, virtues and knowledge) and which, among other things, correspond to the Zodiac". Interesting thoughts about this number are expressed by Guenon, who claims that the duodecimal formula can be found in the "circular Council" of the Dalai Lama, in the person of the legendary knights of the Round Table and the historical twelve peers of France. Kerlot indicates that the Etruscan state was divided according to this principle, and Romulus established institute of twelve lictors.

    The symbolism of the number 12 was closely connected with the image of Heavenly Jerusalem. The revelation of John the Theologian contains the following description of the Mystical City:

    "He (the city) has a large and high wall, has twelve gates and twelve angels on them; on the gates are written the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel: from the east three gates, from the north three gates, from the south three gates, from the west three gates. Wall city ​​has twelve foundations and on them are the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb". Elsewhere in the Apocalypse it says: "And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and the Lamb. In the midst of its street, and on either side of the river, is the tree of life, bearing twelve fruits, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves tree for the healing of the nations".

    2048 relatives participate in 12 generations: five times great-grandmothers and five times great-grandfathers - already 128, six times great - 256, seven times great - 512, eight times great - 1024, nine times great - 2048. Accordingly, this number of grandparents leaves an informational imprint on the existence of man.

    It turns out that the ancestors living inside us in the form of genetic memory impose on a person the obligation to complete their unfinished business and justify their expectations, live out their destinies. And this is a very powerful prison! After all, it is not so easy to give up generic imprints that carry a set of feelings, subpersonalities and states and start living your own destiny! An odd number of pairs of chromosomes (23 pairs) in the cell nucleus show that 11 pairs are information from the mother and her family, 11 pairs from the father, and only one pair is free, its own history. Forces are initially unequal!

    But the roots can become a support, not a brake, if the information stored in the depths of the genetic memory is streamlined and transformed. There are several ways in which you can achieve the desired result. For example, system solutions according to Bert Hellinger. Here, penetration into each weave and insights is necessary. The work is not fast.

    And you can use the hidden resources of our DNA, its divine component, through the activation of DNA.

    Scientists claim that 97% of our DNA is junk DNA with an unknown purpose and function. There is a hypothesis, supported by many facts, that the DNA that scientists call junk is actually Divine DNA. If you put to work the hidden resources of human DNA, then you can discover limitless possibilities in yourself!

    There are two most popular theories about the origin of man: Evolutionism and Creationism.

    Evolutionism presents the theory that early primates evolved into humans.

    Creationists preach the theory of intelligent design, i.e. They say that God created man. Which means that God created the human genetic code.

    God is a being or energy not from our planet, or not from our dimension, so God is an alien.

    Many religious sources claim that God came from heaven and created man.

    The Egyptians, Sumerians, Abylonians, Aztecs, Ancient India and Tibet recorded the arrival of the gods from heaven in their ancient writings. But the whole question is how exactly they arrived and how they were captured by ancient people. Many ancient cultures without the possibility of communication with each other depicted the Gods in rock paintings in the form of astronauts with spaceships.

    Eric von Daniken and Zecharia Sichen presented the facts that the God who created people is astronauts who created people through genetic engineering.

    Where did astronauts come from?

    Most likely, the planet where the Gods came from is within the solar system. What made an advanced civilization move to another planet? Not to study, but to master it. Apparently, only mortal danger approaching the planet.

    Modern astronomy has data on a global catastrophe caused by the invasion of the solar system of a large cosmic body, which is conventionally called an asteroid. It is assumed that he touched gravitationally or mechanically Venus. The version of a cosmic catastrophe that happened to Venus is confirmed by numerous facts.

    Egyptologist, candidate of technical sciences Evgeny Menshov, who lives and works in Simbirsk, claims that the Giza pyramid complex reflects a heliocentric scheme. If we assume that the pyramids played the role of only tombs for the pharaohs, then the question arises, why with such amazing accuracy it was necessary to adjust multi-ton stones to each other? Why such a strict orientation of the pyramids relative to the cardinal points? The greatest deviation from the direction to the north does not exceed 0.1 degrees!

    In Giza, in addition to the three large pyramids - Cheops, Khafre and Mykerin - the complex includes seven more small pyramids - satellites, which, according to historians - Egyptologists, were intended for the wives of the pharaohs. But the exact number of wives has not been established, and it is truly known that Cheops-Khenutsen had only one wife, and there were three small pyramids near his tomb. One of the small satellite pyramids, located next to the pyramid of Menkaure, has no traces of burial at all. It turns out that the small pyramids were intended for some other purpose. Near the pyramid of Menkaure there are three companion pyramids on the south side, at the tomb of Khafre - one on the south side, near the tomb of Cheops - three on the east side. Small pyramids near the pyramid of Menkaure are different in style. One is classic and the other two are stepped. The pyramids of Cheops and Khafre are lined with white limestone, Mykerin - with red granite.

    According to E. Menshov, the complex in Giza reflects the heliocentric scheme, which shows the position of the three planets - Venus, Earth and Mars (red pyramid of Menkaure) - relative to the Sun. The following testifies in favor of this assumption. The pyramids of Cheops and Khafre, if you look at them from above, in the projection are two squares with diagonals drawn. Two of the diagonals of two squares lie on the same straight line. And visually an isosceles right-angled triangle is formed: one leg lies on the line connecting the diagonals, the other, perpendicular to it, lies on the line to which the second diagonal of the Cheops pyramid belongs, and the hypotenuse lies on the line to which the southern side of the Khafre pyramid belongs.

    The third vertex of this triangle is just a point on the ground, not marked in any way. It is located in front of the Sphinx, a few tens of meters away. This point was conventionally called the Center. Then a second right-angled triangle is spontaneously obtained, but one of its legs is twice as long as the other. The large leg passes through the southeastern corners of all three pyramids, and the small leg and hypotenuse converge at the Center.

    If we follow the version that the pyramids in Giza are a heliocentric model of a part of the solar system, then it would be natural to assume that the Center is the Sun. Indeed, the distance from the Center to each of the pyramids corresponds (in proportion) to the distances from the Sun to the corresponding planets. This was mathematically verified first.

    But many questions arise. Why is the Sun not marked on the ground? Why does Mars have an extra satellite, and Venus even has three of them, while everyone knows that in fact there is not one. Why are the satellites of Mars and the Earth plotted on the "map" from the south side, and Venus - from the east? Why does Venus correspond to the largest pyramid of the complex? When in fact Venus has a modest size and moderate mass. If we consider the pyramids as approximate models of the planets, then we get a discrepancy between the ratios of the masses of the planets.

    This riddle is solved if we turn to the help of the ancient history of Egypt. In ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, there was a rule: small signs located to the left of the main one indicate the present, and under the main one - the past. This is exactly the picture you get if you look at the pyramid complex in Giza from the Center: the satellite pyramids of the Mycerinus pyramid (symbolizing Mars) and the Khafre pyramid (symbolizing the Earth) are located to the south of the pyramids themselves, i.e. under the main signs or in the present, and the satellites of the pyramid of Cheops (representing Venus) are located on the east side, i.e. to the left of the main or in the past. Therefore, the heliocentric arrangement of Mars, Earth and Venus, captured in the form of pyramids, reflects the position of the planets in the past. From the above, it follows that Venus previously had three satellites, which could be lost only in the event of some kind of global cosmic catastrophe. This is probably what happened to this planet, which was reported in coded form to posterity.

    The version of a cosmic catastrophe that happened to Venus is confirmed by numerous facts. First of all, Venus rotates in the opposite direction, unlike other planets, and at an incredibly slow speed. A day on Venus is equal to 243 Earth days. Mercury is a dwarf planet in our solar system. The elements of its orbit are very different from the elements of the orbits of other planets, and in connection with this fact, astronomers suggest that it is a former satellite of Venus. This means that it is likely that some time ago Venus actually suffered a cosmic catastrophe, as a result of which a large piece broke off from it (which caused a change in the mass and shape of the planet), the satellite system disintegrated, and the planet itself slowly turned in the opposite direction.

    The surviving astronauts ended up on a neighboring planet in the Stone Age with the need to develop civilization and science.

    The Sumerians, whose culture dates back to 6000 BC, documented the coming of gods they called the Anunaki. What does come from heaven to earth mean. About 800 tablets have been found that indicate the arrival of the gods and the name of the god who created people. ENKI or Poseidon.

    Poseidon was the serpent god, his symbol is two intertwined snakes. Two intertwined snakes are the double helix of human DNA. The same symbol is still used in medicine today.

    According to the description of the ancients, the creatures that people called Gods traveled at incredible speeds, possessed destructive weapons, supernatural abilities, including the ability to change frequencies, disappear and appear.

    The development of civilization on a new planet required great efforts, so it was decided to create a race of slaves. The most advanced animals of the earth - monkeys - were chosen as the source material.

    Our gods experimented before they achieved the desired result.

    The first kind of experiment were Neanderthals. Their remains were found in Gibraltar. But since the experimental Neanderthals turned out to be an aggressive species, they were completely destroyed.

    Perhaps it is no coincidence that such a science as genesis was so named. The combination of two words is gene and isis, where Isis is Venus.

    Junk DNA

    Unable to explain the phenomenon of junk DNA, the scientific world is of the opinion that our genetic code was written by an ethereal programmer who created two versions of our genetic code - a large and a small basic code.

    The so-called junk DNA is a hidden and inactive add-on to our base code.

    It is a smart, self-organizing, evolving and corrective program with a built-in connection to the infinite energy and wisdom of the universe.

    Our genetic programmer deliberately turned off the divine big code and left us with only 3% active DNA capable of picking up a limited range of frequencies. People are frozen at one station, the reality of which lies in the five senses.

    Opinions of scientists

    According to Dr. Chang, in DNA we see a program consisting of two versions - a large code and a base code. Professor Chang's group worked in collaboration with other scientists - mathematicians, physicists, programmers. And they got the impression that this "garbage" and allegedly "silent" part of the genome was created precisely by "alien programmers." As Professor Chang says, "alien programmers" most likely worked on one "big code" consisting of several projects, and these projects were to be embodied in different life forms on different planets. "Programmers" probably tried different options for solving this problem. They wrote "big code", implemented it, didn't like some of the results, then they changed part of the program, implemented it again, and so on. The impression is that the "alien programmers" were in a hurry and significantly reduced the development of the "big code", focusing on the part that was intended specifically for the Earth. Perhaps it is precisely this haste that explains why they rewarded us, for example, with the mechanism of the illogical uncontrolled mass reproduction of cells, which we call cancer.

    The founder of wave genetics, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Technical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev, back in the mid-1990s, proved that after the physical death of DNA, its phantom remains for a long time, carrying genetic and other information. According to the scientist, it is possible that even after this period some kind of "wave frame" of ultralight particles still remains, but more sensitive instruments are required to register it.

    In 2006, Garyaev's group received and published even more surprising information about DNA phantoms. It turns out that DNA is able to read information not only from itself, but also from surrounding objects and reproduce it in the form of phantoms. Moreover, DNA is probably able to "see" the object and the organism in which it functions, in the past, present and future.

    In a series of other experiments, Garyaev's group proved that genetic information can be transmitted in waves from one living object to another for many kilometers. As Pyotr Petrovich proves, "The acoustics of DNA is really similar to speech... It is built according to the same laws. Therefore, we say: this is the speech of the Creator". The Creator, not the person, because the DNA of a grasshopper, or a tree, or a person will radiate different "words and phrases." It turns out that chromosomes are nothing but a dynamic set of light and sound holograms, a set of volumetric wave "pictures" and text records. They provide the wave blueprints and verbal guidance for building the adult from the embryo.

    Each of our thoughts, according to Garyaev, has its equivalent in the form of rapidly synthesizing combinations of different protein molecules in the neurons of the brain. And if we talk about "junk" DNA, then it forms not only holograms - plans for the construction of an organism, but also contains an innumerable number of texts - a grandiose memory of the past of mankind, including DNA texts and DNA holograms of old genetic plans used when then in the course of evolution.

    In 1993, the journal Advances published a report on research conducted in the US Army. The aim of these studies was to find out the influence of a person's feelings on his DNA samples placed at a distance. A tissue sample with DNA was taken from the subject from the mouth. The sample was placed in another room of the same building in a special chamber equipped with electrical sensors that recorded what changes occur in the observed material in response to the feelings of the test subject, located at a distance of several hundred meters. Then the subject was shown a special selection of video materials that evoke the strongest feelings in a person, from violent war documentaries to comedy and erotic stories. At the moments of emotional "peaks" of the subject, his DNA samples, which, we repeat, were at a distance of hundreds of meters, reacted with strong electromagnetic excitations. In other words, they behaved as if they were still part of the host organism.

    The experiment makes us think about the following: if the sample of the subject's DNA reacts to his feelings, then there must be something that serves as a conductor of such signals? All objects that were ever part of a whole remain connected forever, regardless of whether there is a physical connection between them.

    The actual number of genes in our genome

    A gene is a small part of the genome that helps our body tell our body how to code for proteins within a cell.

    A person has 20,000-25,000 genes. This is 2 times more than that of a roundworm.

    There is a species of amoeba that has 200 times more genes than humans (4 million genes).

    Consider some of the representatives that inhabit our planet:

    The hedgehog fish has 21 thousand. gene and no junk DNA at all, and in humans 97%.

    Humans have the same number of genes as corals.

    A grain of rice has 40-50 thousand genes, and a person has 20-25 thousand. A small grain of rice has 40-50 thousand genes, and a person has 20-25 thousand.

    Many plants have more genes and a more complex genome than humans.

    Similarities between our genes and those of other organisms

    • Our genes are 97-98% similar to those of chimpanzees.
    • The similarity with mice is 75%.
    • Shared genes with a dog - 80%.
    • Sea urchin - 25% (7 thousand genes are the same).

    Unique genes

    There are about 250 unique genes in the human genome that no other species on earth has. And scientists cannot give any evolutionary explanation for the origin of these genes.

    God Gene

    Scientists have discovered another unique element in our DNA - it's called the god gene. The scientific name for this gene is VMAT-2. This gene affects the functioning of the pineal gland and stimulates the production of the hormone dopamine and serotonin, which are called hormones of joy.

    What is the pineal gland?

    It is a gland the size of a raisin, located behind the glabellar region inside the brain. It is called the pineal because it looks like a small pine cone. In this gland is a portal that connects us to other worlds. Its structure is similar to the structure of the eye, it is often called the third eye or the eye of the mind. The pineal gland, hidden deep in the brain, is bioluminescent and sensitive to light.

    The pineal gland is an atrophied third eye. By the age of 12, it concentrates and hardens. And by adulthood, due to the fact that it is not used, it completely atrophies.

    It is the pineal gland that gives the impulse for DNA activation.

    By awakening our pineal gland, we can accelerate our ability to learn and remember, self-heal, increase intuition, wisdom, unleash creativity, and be in a state of contentment.

    The pineal gland is so revered by the Vatican that a monument and a special square "Pine Cone Yard" were created in its honor.

    This symbol is also present on the staff of the Pope and the Egyptian god Osiris.

    Tune in to the frequency of the planet

    The pineal gland has another important function. It affects the adjustment of brain impulses to the vibrations of the planet.

    There is the so-called "Schumann frequency" - this is a wave emanating from the planet ("heartbeat" - the rhythm of the planet), with a frequency of 7.8 Hz. It was so stable for a long time that the military tuned their instruments to it. Starting from 1994, this frequency began to increase: 1994 - 8.6 Hz, 1999 - 11.2 Hz, 2000 - 12.2 Hz, 2003 - 13 Hz. Currently 20.3 Hz.

    The human brain in a healthy state pulsates at a frequency of 7.83 Hz. The intensity of the Schumann resonance affects the psycho-emotional activity of a person, his intellectual abilities, vital activity. The discrepancy between the rhythms of the brain and the frequency of the pulsation of the electromagnetic field of the Earth leads to a mismatch of the functional systems of the body, a violation of synchrony in the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, to a feeling of time acceleration.

    Increasing the resonant frequencies of Schumann will lead to the awakening of earthlings, as in the movie "The Matrix". The end of the world has been officially canceled, but the vibrations of the planet show that it is preparing and making a quantum leap. The old worldview and perception of the world is dying. The rhythms of space cannot be stopped! People who are not prepared energetically will not withstand the increase in frequency. From here, we are already seeing a high level of strokes, heart attacks and oncology.

    If the frequency increases further, we will reach the little-studied gamma rhythm (30 Hz or more), which, according to some, is responsible for creativity and inspiration. This is the state about which they say "the muse has descended." And 50 Hz is already what Zen Buddhists call Enlightenment ...

    At present, we have fully completed the task for which we were created, and overpopulated the planet. And now, in order to survive, we need to hack our DNA and activate its unused part.

    DNA activation process

    During DNA Activation, sound vibration is used - special music. A specific text is spoken that enhances intention, imagination, and heart-driven emotion.

    Once carried out, it leaves a permanent imprint (imprint), and thanks to this, an automatic catalyst for change appears in us.

    The result is a constant and natural cleansing and renewal of our physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual bodies.

    The first DNA Activation allows the physical body to realign itself to a healthier state, and spontaneous healing can occur during the Activation.

    In the pineal gland there is a central or sign cell, sometimes referred to as the "cell of conception." Entering this cell during meditation and asking to see the archetypal DNA, you will see how the double-stranded DNA helix will begin to unwind and build on new threads.

    Both ends of the new DNA connections must be sealed by a protein telomere. Telomere is a structural protein located at the ends of DNA strands (these are like caps that seal the ends of chromosomes). During cell division, telomeres can be lost or damaged. This is one of the reasons for the aging of the body.

    DNA activation includes four stages, each of which affects certain functions of the human body, psycho-emotional state and worldview.

    Each stage of activation is accompanied by music, which contains the dominant range and spectrum of frequencies. Each subsequent musical stage is a superstructure on the previous one.

    • First DNA activation

    Awakening of the archetypal chromosome. Starts an automatic process of physical and emotional healing, rejuvenation. Helps you understand your purpose. The first DNA activation program helps to release from the influence of generic programs, which makes it possible to choose your own path.

    • Second DNA activation

    Awakens virtual strands of DNA. Under the influence of the second DNA activation program, double-stranded DNA evolves to twelve-stranded.

    • Third DNA activation

    Liberation from mental restrictions, reveals creativity and self-expression. Increases self-confidence and inner balance.

    Awakens the Inner Child, pure and open.

    • Fourth DNA activation

    Integration of male and female energies on the physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual plane.

    Our body, whether it is feminine or masculine, has a deep fusion of feminine and masculine. The famous symbol of the Tao. The current situation presents a picture where these opposites oppose each other, being in a struggle, instead of cooperation and complementarity. The fourth activation allows you to realize gender consciousness, realize your true nature and take a step towards the interaction of male and female both inside and in the outside world. The feeling of respect for the opposite sex increases.

    Subsequently, the Fourth activation promotes the transformation in the subconscious of mental and emotional barriers regarding sexuality, which leads to freedom from sexual addiction, balancing sexual energy, and an explosion of creativity.

    Looking with you for the path to happiness and inner freedom, with love for you, the author.

    Human Healing Program

    Activation of 12 layers of DNA

    Initially, man was created as a magnificent being, possessing TWELVE DNA helices, the material for which was provided by the most diverse civilizations of the universe. When the new owners came, they created in their laboratories a new version of a person who had a completely different DNA - consisting of only two helices. They took the original human DNA and dismantled it. The original structure of DNA remained in human cells, but it ceased to function, disassembled into separate parts or, one might say, "unplugged from the network."

    Inside human cells there are thin filamentous formations containing certain information, a light code. When these strands are connected into bundles at an energy level, they work like your fiber optics and form the matrix of your DNA. When you were restructured, you were left with only a double helix. Everything that was not necessary for simple survival and was intended for your awareness has been "turned off". The double helix was supposed to confine you to a controlled, manageable frequency band.

    A frequency electromagnetic curtain was created around the planet, allowing you to control the parameters of frequencies that a person can voluntarily modulate and change. This veil made it difficult for the frequencies of Light to penetrate the planet. If the frequency of Light still pierced the veil, then there was no one to perceive it. The human DNA was switched off, the light-coded threads were disorganized, so the creative cosmic rays that carried the Light had nothing to grab onto and nowhere to turn on.

    The original organizers developed their version of the plan, intending to execute it when the vibrational frequency of the planet Earth would have to undergo a change. At this time, the creator gods will be in danger of death if they want to keep their low frequencies of vibration. Emotions are food. There are those for whom love is food, and the Earth Masters intend to shift the vibration of the Earth to the frequencies of love. The source of food for the current owners is fear, anxiety, chaos, hunger, and they must be eliminated.

    You have a certain code embedded in you, and as your memory begins to rise from the subconscious into consciousness, you will direct your actions according to the plan with which you came here. You will begin to rise to a certain vibrational level, hold and maintain a certain frequency of vibration. You will begin to live in a certain frequency. Your individuality, your essence in terms of vibrations is the total sum of electromagnetic pulsations released into the environment, pulsations of your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies. By living in your frequency, you affect every person who is around. You are already doing it now. Many have already begun to understand their calling, others are just beginning to remember their task and the reason why they got to this planet. The plan, which includes changing the vibrational frequencies that affect the human race, is to repair your DNA and activate the light-coded strands. The plan is great! The earth in its own way contributes to the evolution of the entire universe. Earth is the place where the action takes place, the most interesting place! Here begins the implementation of the plan, and everything that happens on Earth will affect many worlds.

    As members of the Family of Light, you have agreed to visit Earth many times in many different guises, in many different time periods, in order to understand the laws, learn about personality structures, and learn to be human. You needed to experience life on Earth for yourself and prepare yourself for the time when you begin to change the vibrational frequency of consciousness. Right now, you are all massively reborn on Earth so that your plans come true.

    The members of the Family of Light everywhere are beginning to unite. You all need to focus on what you have in common, not on what separates you. As members of the Family of Light, you bring information to the planet while accelerating your own spiritual growth. You need to do this, as your own spiritual growth accelerates the spiritual growth of this planet.

    Your DNA will develop from two strands to twelve. These twelve spirals correspond to specific energy centers, or chakras, both inside and outside your body. There are millions of you on the planet right now who have agreed to participate in the task, and you voluntarily hold this frequency of vibrations so that the successful completion of the task becomes possible. Few of you have reached perfection, and these few groups influence the rest. Very soon you will have a very clear idea of ​​who you are and what your purpose is.

    Some have already recovered 12 strands of DNA. These helical strands of DNA interact with each other both within and outside the body.

    © Barbara Marciniac - Bringers of the Dawn


    DNA activation leads to a clearer orientation in life and a better awareness of one's mission. It enhances self-mastery and helps you realize who you really are. You are on this planet to feel, create and share with others what you have achieved. Looking inside yourself to find the obstacles that stand in your way is a bold challenge. Self-realization is the key to your freedom.

    DNA activation helps you get to the bottom of these truths about yourself. When DNA is healed, the destructive programs of aging, illness, and death are erased. The process of renewal, rejuvenation, healing of the physical and emotional body begins.

    Physical state:
    - body detoxification;
    - rapid growth of hair and nails;
    - feel younger and look younger;
    - increase in energy level;
    - lucid dreaming;
    - desire to eat better;
    - better communication with your body;
    - increase in water consumption;
    - Strengthening the body's ability to heal itself.

    Psychological and emotional state:
    - increased self-confidence;
    - improved perception;
    - improving the ability to recognize;
    - more clear speech;
    - less stress and anxiety;
    - sharper memory and faster manifestation;
    - increased sense of competence.

    Human Relations:
    - the emergence and acceptance of new feelings and sharing them with others;
    - liberation from all obsolete;
    - a clearer vision of relationships;
    - a deeper sense of love for others;
    - attraction of "kindred souls" and "members of your spiritual family".

    Opening yourself:
    - automatic ability to face the truth about oneself;
    - finding answers that bring meaning and clarity to your life;
    - transformation of uncertainty into accuracy and truth;
    - the ability to concentrate and be “here and now”.

    Pronounced long-term beneficial effects, supported by evidence:
    - liberation from deep emotional stresses;
    - liberation from hesitation, doubts and fears;
    - the need for physical and moral cleansing;
    - a more explicit search for one's sacred path;
    - better understanding of your life purpose;
    - a clearer vision of the uniqueness of each person;
    - realization of love and respect for oneself;
    - the realization that the Universe, as in a mirror, shows us our problems in order to identify and solve them.

    DNA activation serves as a catalyst to return the cells of our body to their original state of purity and health, which will bring joy and lightness to the whole body. The process of cleansing the cell begins with the release of stress. DNA activation creates a clearer orientation in life and personal destiny. It improves self-mastery and opens the door to greater opportunities to know who you really are, that is, to know your Higher Self. In this process, the need to find and better express oneself increases. Improving the state of all our relationships is the most important thing for most people.

    We are on this planet to experience emotions, create and share with others what we have. In relationships, sharing can be a challenge. DNA activation creates the best opportunities for resolving difficult situations in relationships.

    The following are some of the changes that can take place during a transformation:
    - A more sincere feeling of love in relationships with other people;
    - A clearer vision of relationships;
    - Allowing yourself to express new feelings and share them;
    - Attracting kindred spirits;
    - Letting go of the old;
    - New ideas and awareness of oneself and others Feeling the integrity of one's being (unity);
    - Feeling of happiness;
    - Involving members of your "spiritual family".

    Self-disclosure leads to complete self-mastery, and this is the key to our freedom. Searching within ourselves to identify the blocks in the road of our lives is a challenge that requires courage from each of us. Each of us has so-called "self-justifications" (fears, doubts, traumas, pains, memories and emotions) that are barriers that prevent our true "self-expression". DNA activation aims at the very core of these "self-justifications" of ours to eliminate them.

    The following are some of the transformation effects:
    - Automatic ability to resist self-justification;
    - Stay focused on the current moment;
    - Replacing "search" with "solution";
    - Increasing the ability to resist others;
    - The ability to express one's truth;
    - Finding weighty and clear answers;
    - The ability not to let uncertainty affect one's clarity and truth in different situations;
    - An increase in such feelings and events that allow us to be centered "here and now."

    Before any activation, we need to know the following: from a physical point of view: detoxification of the body is a normal process after activation. As with a cleansing diet, the cells shed their waste products and people may have a cold-like reaction. Sometimes a state of increased energy is felt, and then detoxification.

    Each person proceeds in their own way. In any situation, it is best to drink a lot of water during this period (from 4 to 7 liters per day), be prepared for these changes and, in which case, contact the person who activated you. From a psychological point of view, the emotional and mental bodies experience a similar process of purification. Due to activation, the ability to cope with emotional problems is enhanced. The person now demonstrates the confidence needed to face the external and internal problems associated with emotions. Finding a solution becomes paramount, and the ability to speak and express one's truth is greatly enhanced. Going through emotional release can be a difficult experience. Your DNA will change and your life will change accordingly. From the point of view of healing and renewal of the body, it is very important to assume that the principle of "mind over matter" begins to work when the DNA is instructed to do something. Our life depends on how these molecules think, act, influence and reproduce, but does our word play a role in this process? Yes! Activate yourself, recognize your Divine essence. Become all that you can be! It's time to change your DNA and change your life. You create the intention to receive this special gift of life. You then enter a state of brain activity, connect with your Divine source and affirm that the activation is done with the purest intent and love of your heart.

    After that, the Universal Energies of Love-Life enter you through the top of your head and descend into the pineal gland - the most sacred gland of our body. Once here, the life force energies will enter your Great Master Cell, the first cell, the conception cell, and call forth the Youth and Vitality Chromosomes, which are the archetypal chromosomes.

    When they appear, the command is given to see the DNA unfold. The call for DNA ACTIVATION is read with the command to activate the Chromosomes of Youth and Vitality. Ten new strands of DNA are then called upon to build on and integrate one by one on top of the existing DNA. Upon completion of this process, new Chromosomes of Youth and Vitality are formed inside the Great Master Cell, the ends of which are sealed with a protein telomere. Next, a command is given to reproduce new Chromosomes of Youth and Vitality in every cell of the body.

    The Living Matrix of Life - "DNA" - surrounds us in all the diversity of the Universe, in all its structures and essences. And it was studied by esotericists of all times and peoples on all continents in the form of a wide variety of concepts, such as the Flower of Life, the Tree of Life, the Philosopher's Stone, etc.
    Everything is in our DNA: a description of Humanity, the Cosmos and us personally. And there is no better or more reliable system that can give us the keys to everything and answer all our questions. That is why there is so much talk about DNA right now, because right now we can and must do something with it that will allow us to access the boundless ocean of possibilities and completely change our Life.
    The original DNA system in humans was based on the number 12. Twelve strands of genetic material are connected to other information sources that also have the number 12 as their basis. And these strands connect the person to the corresponding information centers inside and outside the person, and the brain is loaded like a super-powerful computer. The activation of the 12 strands of DNA coincides with the rotation, movement and opening of the 12 chakras.

    Preparing to Activate DNA Layers
    1. We begin all this important work, like many other things, with Intention (once for the entire period of work). Intention - it is desirable to make it yourself.
    2. You invite to take part in the work of all those Beings from the Subtle World - whoever you wish. But of course - Your Beloved Angel, who works with your DNA and is responsible for this work.
    3. Breathing exercises - 4 - 5 minutes.
    4. Speak slowly, clearly, all 12 layers, in turn. For example: "I Am Keter Etz Chaim" (to say exactly the word "Is"), etc.
    5. Say 9 times one layer out of 12, starting from the 1st. So, for example, today is the 1st, next time (the next day) is the 2nd (I Am Torah Eser Sefirot), etc.
    6. Repeat step 4.

    1. The diameter of the DNA double helix is ​​about 10 atoms wide, or, in other words, 2 nanometers (one nanometer L (nm) is one billionth of a meter).
    2. The distance between nucleotides is approximately 0.35 nm. h
    3. The length of one complete genome is approximately 6 feet (1.8 meters).
    4. If you have 75 trillion cells in your body and you decide to stretch all of your DNA into a single line, then it could encircle the Earth about 5 million times.

    In this section, you will learn about the work of the Divine Matrix that exists within you - about your DNA. First general provisions, and then some details.

    The complete genetic matrix that specifies the instructions for creating all possible variants of a particular organism, protection is called genome of this organism. The genome is the complete gene set of an organism, and it is contained in its entirety in the nucleus of every cell in that organism.

    The genome is subdivided into chromosomes, and chromosomes are built from DNA. Every cell in your body contains DNA, and all cells are controlled by DNA. There are more than 10 trillion cells in the human body, and through the most complex and large-scale processes, all of them are strictly organized and are in constant communication with each other. Each cell is endowed with consciousness, is aware of itself and other cells and performs its specific function in a single ensemble with other cells.

    Use this journey to begin the process of connecting and communicating with and activating your DNA. Read this information completely before you start listening to music. This journey is, for the most part, for those who do not consider their DNA to be activated. If you feel that you have not yet established a strong connection with your Higher Self, before starting the process, meditate on Connection with the Higher Self. If you don't feel a shield of safety being created around you, work with chakra balancing.

    Half an hour before the process begins, begin preparing yourself by clearing and focusing your mind on DNA activation. Make sure that no one disturbs you during and after the process. Turn off all phones and beepers. Sit quietly, sip the soothing tea, and begin to think through your session. Take your last meal at least two hours before the start of meditation.

    Before reading this section, begin by expressing gratitude to the universe for the great wonder of your existence and experience. Your words must contain deep harmonics and currents of the highest intent. Insert the first disk. It will help soften the fixation of intention. You will find that consciousness floats on waves of sound. Being in this flow will help visualize, open neural pathways and kinesthetic sensations to deeper levels of information.

    Much has been said about the activation of the 10 strands of DNA and the energy seals placed on them that are keeping humanity from reaching the full potential of 12 strand activation. Some sources speak of 22 or even thousands of spirals waiting to be activated. No matter how many of them, work should begin with the first two. The disks help to dissolve energy blocks/seals/frequency barriers, promote the integration of living information and its connection with the two visible spirals of three-dimensional reality. It doesn't matter how, where and by whom the seals were placed, what matters is how to remove them. What was hidden is now being revealed.

    Music, sound, modulation, frequencies and vibration are the fundamental elements that emanate "up" through the root subatomic level of reality. We are energetic beings made up of different frequencies that, when mixed together, form what we call the human body. Most of what we are exists in an invisible, ethereal realm of energy. What we know to exist in 3D reality also exists in higher octaves of Light. These interpenetrating layers, from the physical to the etheric and beyond, extend to the Universal One and connect us to All That Is.

    The DNA Activation Disks were created with the intention of linking these worlds into a single multidimensional experience, to create a smooth, seamless transition from one to the other, to build frequency maps within that vast multidimensional area we call consciousness.

    We suggest that you consider a new way of seeing your reality as a multidimensional consciousness within matter and redirect your intent so that DNA activation becomes a major focus of spiritual growth work. When you make a conscious connection to DNA, the root level of the organizational matrix of being, many dimensions, depths and meanings will open up in everything you experience.

    Offer #1 - START. Before listening, we recommend focusing the intention with a sense of relaxed anticipation. You are more likely to resonate with music in a state of calm and peace. Create a sacred place where no one will disturb you. Light incense, use aromatherapy or other personal sacred rituals to cleanse the room. With deep feeling and sincerity, call for Love, security, integrity and protection. In any way that works for you, contact any aspect of All That Is. The more you put into the process, the more will come back to you.