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  • Biography of Mayakovsky. Highlights from the life of the poet. Mayakovsky V.V. The main dates of life and work Where and in what year Mayakovsky was born

    Biography of Mayakovsky.  Highlights from the life of the poet.  Mayakovsky V.V.  The main dates of life and work Where and in what year Mayakovsky was born

    Vladimir Vladimirovich

    He was born on July 7, 1893 in one of the Georgian villages - Baghdati. The Mayakovsky family was referred to as foresters, in addition to their son Vladimir, there were two more sisters in their family, and two brothers died at an early age.
    Vladimir Mayakovsky received his primary education at the Kutaisi Gymnasium, where he studied from 1902. In 1906, Mayakovsky and his family moved to Moscow, where his path to education continued at Gymnasium No. 5. But, due to the inability to pay for his studies at the gymnasium, Mayakovsky was expelled.
    The beginning of the revolution did not leave Vladimir Vladimirovich aside. After being expelled from the gymnasium, he joins the RSDLP (Russian Social Democratic Party).
    After being active in the party, in 1909 Mayakovsky was arrested, where he wrote his first poem. Already in 1911, Mayakovsky continued his education and entered the School of Painting in Moscow. There he is vehemently fond of the work of the futurists.
    1912 for Vladimir Mayakovsky became the year of the beginning of his creative life. It was at this time that his first poetic work, Night, was published. The following year, 1913, the poet and writer creates the tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky", which he himself staged and in which he played the main role.
    Vladimir Mayakovsky's famous poem "A Cloud in Pants" was completed in 1915. Mayakovsky's further work, in addition to anti-war themes, contains satirical motifs.
    A proper place in the creative path of Vladimir Vladimirovich is given to writing scripts for films. So, in 1918, he starred in 3 of his films.
    The following year, 1919, was marked for Mayakovsky by the popularization of the theme of revolution. This year, Mayakovsky took an active part in the creation of the ROSTA Windows of Satire posters.
    Vladimir Mayakovsky is the author of the Left Front of Arts creative association, in which, after a while, he began to work as an editor. This magazine published works by famous writers of that time: Osip Brik, Pasternak, Arvatov, Tretyakov and others.
    Since 1922, Vladimir Mayakovsky has been traveling the world, visiting Latvia, France, Germany, the USA, Havana and Mexico.
    It is while traveling that Mayakovsky has a daughter from an affair with a Russian emigrant.
    Mayakovsky's biggest and true love was Lilia Brik. Vladimir was close friends with her husband, and then, Mayakovsky moved to live with them in an apartment, where he began a stormy romance with Lilia. Lilia's husband, Osip, practically lost her to Mayakovsky.
    Officially, Mayakovsky did not register any of his relationships, although he was very popular among women. It is known that in addition to his daughter, Mayakovsky has a son.
    In the early 1930s, Mayakovsky's health was severely crippled, and then a series of failures awaited him: the exhibition dedicated to the 20th anniversary of his work was doomed to failure, and the premieres of Bedbug and Bathhouse did not take place. The state of mind of Vladimir Vladimirovich left much to be desired.
    So, the gradual oppression of the state and mental health, on April 14, 1930, the poet's soul could not stand it and Mayakovsky shot himself.
    Many objects are named after him: libraries, streets, metro stations, parks, cinemas and squares.

    The brilliant works of Vladimir Mayakovsky are truly admired by millions of his admirers. He deservedly ranks among the greatest Futurist poets of the 20th century. In addition, Mayakovsky proved to be an extraordinary playwright, satirist, film director, screenwriter, artist, and editor of several magazines. His life, multifaceted work, as well as personal relationships full of love and feelings, remain an unsolved mystery even today.

    The talented poet was born in the small Georgian village of Baghdati (Russian Empire). His mother Alexandra Alekseevna belonged to a Cossack family from the Kuban, and his father Vladimir Konstantinovich worked as a simple forester. Vladimir had two brothers - Kostya and Sasha, who died in childhood, as well as two sisters - Olya and Luda.

    Mayakovsky knew the Georgian language perfectly and since 1902 he studied at the gymnasium in Kutaisi. Already in his youth, he was captured by revolutionary ideas, and while studying at the gymnasium, he participated in a revolutionary demonstration.

    In 1906, his father died suddenly. The cause of death was blood poisoning, which occurred as a result of a finger prick with an ordinary needle. This event so shocked Mayakovsky that in the future he completely avoided hairpins and pins, fearing the fate of his father.

    In the same 1906, Alexandra Alekseevna moved to Moscow with her children. Vladimir continued his studies at the fifth classical gymnasium, where he attended classes with the poet's brother, Alexander. However, with the death of his father, the financial situation of the family deteriorated significantly. As a result, in 1908, Vladimir could not pay for his education, and he was expelled from the fifth grade of the gymnasium.


    In Moscow, a young guy began to communicate with students who were fond of revolutionary ideas. In 1908, Mayakovsky decided to become a member of the RSDLP and often propagandized among the population. During 1908-1909, Vladimir was arrested three times, but due to his minority and lack of evidence, they were forced to release him.

    During the investigations, Mayakovsky could not calmly be within four walls. Through constant scandals, he was often transferred to different places of detention. As a result, he ended up in Butyrskaya prison, where he spent eleven months and began to write poetry.

    In 1910, the young poet was released from prison and immediately left the party. The following year, the artist Evgenia Lang, with whom Vladimir was on friendly terms, recommended that he take up painting. While studying at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, he met the founders of the Gileya Futurist group and joined the Cubo-Futurists.

    The first work of Mayakovsky, which was printed, was the poem "Night" (1912). At the same time, the young poet made his first public appearance in the artistic basement, which was called "Stray Dog".

    Vladimir, together with members of the Cubo-Futurist group, took part in a tour of Russia, where he lectured and read his poems. Soon there were also positive reviews about Mayakovsky, but he was often considered outside the futurists. believed that among the futurists Mayakovsky was the only true poet.

    The first collection of the young poet "I" was published in 1913 and consisted of only four poems. This year also marks the writing of the rebellious poem "Nate!", In which the author challenges the entire bourgeois society. The following year, Vladimir created a touching poem "Listen", which struck readers with its colorfulness and sensitivity.

    Attracted a brilliant poet and dramaturgy. The year 1914 was marked by the creation of the tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky", presented to the public on the stage of the St. Petersburg theater "Luna-Park". At the same time, Vladimir acted as its director, as well as the leading actor. The main motive of the work was the rebellion of things, which connected the tragedy with the work of the futurists.

    In 1914, the young poet firmly decided to voluntarily enlist in the army, but his political unreliability frightened the authorities. He did not get to the front and, in response to neglect, wrote a poem "To you", in which he gave his assessment of the tsarist army. In addition, the brilliant works of Mayakovsky soon appeared - “A cloud in pants” and “War is declared”.

    The following year, the fateful meeting of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky with the Brik family took place. From now on, his life was a single whole with Lilya and Osip. From 1915 to 1917, thanks to the patronage of M. Gorky, the poet served in an automobile school. And although he, being a soldier, did not have the right to publish, Osip Brik came to his aid. He acquired two poems by Vladimir and soon published them.

    At the same time, Mayakovsky plunged into the world of satire and in 1915 published in the New Satyricon a cycle of works called Hymns. Soon two large collections of works appeared - “Simple as a lowing” (1916) and “Revolution. Poetochronika (1917).

    The great poet met the October Revolution at the headquarters of the uprising in Smolny. He immediately began to cooperate with the new government and participated in the first meetings of cultural figures. It should be noted that Mayakovsky led a detachment of soldiers who arrested General P. Secretev, who led the automobile school, although he had previously received the medal “For Diligence” from his hands.

    The years 1917-1918 were marked by the release of several works by Mayakovsky dedicated to revolutionary events (for example, “Ode to the Revolution”, “Our March”). On the first anniversary of the revolution, the play "Mystery Buff" was presented.

    Mayakovsky was also fond of filmmaking. In 1919, three films were released, in which Vladimir acted as an actor, screenwriter and director. At the same time, the poet began to cooperate with ROSTA and worked on propaganda and satirical posters. In parallel, Mayakovsky worked in the newspaper Art of the Commune.

    In addition, in 1918 the poet created the Komfut group, the direction of which can be described as communist futurism. But already in 1923, Vladimir organized another group - the Left Front of the Arts, as well as the corresponding magazine LEF.

    At this time, several bright and memorable works of the brilliant poet were created: “About this” (1923), “Sevastopol - Yalta” (1924), “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin” (1924). We emphasize that during the reading of the last poem at the Bolshoi Theater he himself was present. After Mayakovsky's speech, a standing ovation followed, which lasted 20 minutes. In general, it was the years of the civil war that turned out to be the best time for Vladimir, as he mentioned in the poem “Good!” (1927).

    No less important and intense was the period of frequent travel for Mayakovsky. During 1922-1924 he visited France, Latvia and Germany, to which he devoted several works. In 1925, Vladimir went to America, visiting Mexico City, Havana and many US cities.

    The beginning of the 20s was marked by a stormy controversy between Vladimir Mayakovsky and. The latter at that time joined the Imagists - implacable opponents of the futurists. In addition, Mayakovsky was a poet of the revolution and the city, and Yesenin in his work extolled the village.

    However, Vladimir could not but recognize the unconditional talent of his opponent, although he criticized him for his conservatism and addiction to alcohol. In a sense, they were kindred spirits - quick-tempered, vulnerable, in constant search and despair. They were united even by the theme of suicide, which was present in the work of both poets.

    During 1926-1927, Mayakovsky created 9 screenplays. In addition, in 1927 the poet resumed the activities of the LEF magazine. But a year later he left the magazine and the corresponding organization, finally disappointed in them. In 1929, Vladimir founded the REF group, but the following year he left it and became a member of the RAPP.

    At the end of the 1920s, Mayakovsky again turned to dramaturgy. He is preparing two plays: Bedbug (1928) and Bathhouse (1929), designed specifically for the Meyerhold theater stage. They thoughtfully combine the satirical presentation of the reality of the 1920s with a look into the future.

    Meyerhold compared Mayakovsky's talent with the genius of Molière, but critics greeted his new works with devastating comments. In "Bedbug" they found only artistic flaws, but even accusations of an ideological nature were made against "Banya". Many newspapers carried extremely offensive articles, some of which had headlines "Down with Mayakovism!"

    The fatal year of 1930 began for the greatest poet with numerous accusations from his colleagues. Mayakovsky was told that he was not a true "proletarian writer", but only a "fellow traveler". But, despite the criticism, in the spring of that year, Vladimir decided to take stock of his activities, for which he organized an exhibition called "20 years of work."

    The exhibition displayed all the multifaceted achievements of Mayakovsky, but brought continuous disappointment. Neither the former colleagues of the poet at the LEF, nor the top party leadership visited her. It was a cruel blow, after which a deep wound remained in the soul of the poet.


    In 1930, Vladimir was ill a lot and was even afraid of losing his voice, which would put an end to his performances on stage. The personal life of the poet turned into an unsuccessful struggle for happiness. He was very lonely, because the Briks, his constant support and consolation, went abroad.

    Attacks from all sides fell on Mayakovsky with a heavy moral burden, and the poet's vulnerable soul could not stand it. On April 14, Vladimir Mayakovsky shot himself in the chest, which caused his death.

    Grave of Vladimir Mayakovsky

    After the death of Mayakovsky, his works fell under an unspoken ban and were hardly published. In 1936, Lilya Brik wrote a letter to I. Stalin himself with a request to help preserve the memory of the great poet. In his resolution, Stalin praised the achievements of the deceased and gave permission for the publication of Mayakovsky's works and the creation of a museum.

    Personal life

    The love of Mayakovsky's life was Lilya Brik, whom he met in 1915. The young poet at that time met with her sister, Elsa Triolet, and one day the girl brought Vladimir to the Briks' apartment. There, Mayakovsky first read the poem "A Cloud in Pants", and then solemnly dedicated it to Lilya. Surprisingly, the prototype of the heroine of this poem was the sculptor Maria Denisova, with whom the poet fell in love in 1914.

    Soon, an affair broke out between Vladimir and Lilya, while Osip Brik turned a blind eye to his wife's passion. Lilya became Mayakovsky's muse, it was to her that he dedicated almost all of his love poems. He expressed the boundless depth of his feelings for Brik in the following works: “Flute-Spine”, “Man”, “To Everything”, “Lilichka!” and etc.

    The lovers together participated in the filming of the film Chained by Film (1918). Moreover, since 1918, Briki and the great poet began to live together, which fit perfectly into the marriage-love concept that existed at that time. They changed their place of residence several times, but each time they settled together. Often, Mayakovsky even supported the Brikov family, and from all trips abroad he always brought luxurious gifts to Lily (for example, a Renault car).

    Despite the poet's boundless affection for Lilichka, there were other lovers in his life, even those who bore him children. In 1920, Mayakovsky had a close relationship with the artist Lilya Lavinskaya, who gave him a son, Gleb-Nikita (1921-1986).

    1926 was marked by another fateful meeting. Vladimir met Ellie Jones, an emigrant from Russia, who bore him a daughter, Elena-Patricia (1926-2016). Also, a fleeting relationship connected the poet with Sofya Shamardina and Natalya Bryukhanenko.

    In addition, in Paris, an outstanding poet met with an emigrant Tatyana Yakovleva. The feelings that flared up between them gradually grew stronger and promised to turn into something serious and lasting. Mayakovsky wanted Yakovleva to come to Moscow, but she refused. Then in 1929, Vladimir decided to go to Tatiana, but problems with obtaining a visa became an insurmountable obstacle for him.

    The last love of Vladimir Mayakovsky was a young and married actress Veronika Polonskaya. The poet demanded that the 21-year-old girl leave her husband, but Veronica did not dare to make such serious changes in her life, because the 36-year-old Mayakovsky seemed to her contradictory, impulsive and unstable.

    Difficulties in relations with a young lover pushed Mayakovsky to a fatal step. She was the last one Vladimir saw before his death and tearfully asked her not to go to the scheduled rehearsal. No sooner had the door closed behind the girl than the fatal shot rang out. Polonskaya did not dare to come to the funeral, because the poet's relatives considered her to be the culprit in the death of a loved one.

    Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky began his autobiographical narrative in this way: I myself': 'I'm a poet. This is what is interesting. This is what I am writing about." His poetic word has always been focused on creative experiment, innovation, striving for the future world and future art. He always wanted to be heard, so he had to force his voice strongly, as if shouting at the top of his lungs; in this sense the title of the unfinished poem " In a loud voice"can characterize all of Mayakovsky's work.

    The aspiration for the future was expressed at the very beginning of the journey: in 1912, together with the poets D. Burliuk, V. Khlebnikov and A. Kruchenykh, he signed the manifesto “Slapping Public Opinion”. The futuristic attitude remained with him for the rest of his life: this is the deification of the future, its boundless idealization and the idea that it is much more valuable than the present and the past; this is also “a striving for the extreme, the ultimate”, as N. Berdyaev characterized such a worldview; this is a radical denial of modern life principles, which are thought of as bourgeois, shocking as the most important goal of the poetic word. The programmatic works of this period of Mayakovsky's work are the tragedy of the twenty-year-old poet " Vladimir Mayakovsky", staged in St. Petersburg and failed, the poem" Could you?"and a poem" A cloud in pants"(1915). Its leitmotif is the word "down", expressing an organic trait for the poet's personality: extreme revolutionaryism and the need for a radical reorganization of the world order as a whole - a trait that led Mayakovsky to futurism in poetry and to the Bolsheviks in politics. In the same year, the poem " flute spine". Her plot was the beginning of a dramatic and even tragic relationship with a woman who went through Mayakovsky's entire life and played a very ambiguous role in it - Lilia Brik.

    After the revolution, Mayakovsky feels like its poet, accepts it completely and uncompromisingly. The task of art is to serve it, to bring practical benefits. The practicality and even utilitarianism of the poetic word is one of the fundamental axioms of futurism, and then of the LEF, a literary group that adopted all the fundamental futuristic ideas for practical development. It was with a utilitarian attitude to poetry that Mayakovsky's propaganda work in ROSTA, which produced "Windows of Satire" - topical leaflets-posters with rhymed lines to them, is connected. The basic principles of futuristic aesthetics were reflected in the poet's post-revolutionary program poems: Our march"(1917)," Left march" And " Art Army Order» (1918). The theme of love, the poem " I love"(1922); " About it(1923), although here too gigantism and excessive hyperbolization, characteristic of the worldview of the lyrical hero, are manifested, the desire to present exceptional and impossible demands to himself and the object of his love.

    In the second half of the 1920s, Mayakovsky increasingly felt like an official poet, the plenipotentiary not only of Russian poetry, but also of the Soviet state, both at home and abroad. A peculiar lyrical plot of his poetry is the situation of going abroad and a collision with representatives of an alien, bourgeois world (“ Poems about the Soviet passport", 1929; cycle " Poems about America", 1925). A kind of motto of the "plenipotentiary of the verse" can be considered his lines: "The Soviet / have their own pride: / we look down on the bourgeoisie."

    At the same time, in the second half of the 1920s, a note of disappointment in revolutionary ideals, or rather, in what real embodiment they found in Soviet reality, began to sound in Mayakovsky's work. This somewhat changes the problematic of his lyrics. The volume of satire is increasing, its object is changing: this is no longer a counter-revolution, but its own, home-grown, party bureaucracy, the “muzzle of a petty bourgeois”, crawling out from behind the back of the RSFSR. The ranks of this bureaucracy are replenished by people who went through the civil war, experienced in battles, reliable party members who did not find the strength to resist the temptations of nomenklatura life, the delights of the NEP, who survived the so-called rebirth. Similar motifs are heard not only in lyrics, but also in dramaturgy (comedy " Bug", 1928, and" Bath", 1929). It is no longer a beautiful socialist future that is put forward as an ideal, but a revolutionary past, the goals and meaning of which are distorted by the present. It is this understanding of the past that characterizes the poem " Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" (1924) and the October poem " Fine”(1927), written for the tenth anniversary of the revolution and addressed to the ideals of October.

    So, we examined the work of Mayakovsky briefly. The poet died on April 14, 1930. The reason for his tragic death, suicide, was probably a whole complex of insoluble contradictions, both creative and deeply personal.

    To the question of which of the Futurist poets of the 20th century took his place in the hearts of millions of readers, many will answer: "Vladimir Mayakovsky." In addition to poetry, he brightly distinguished himself as a playwright, director, screenwriter, artist and editor of the LEF (Left Front) and New LEF magazines.
    His life and work are full of secrets and inexplicable mysteries. Who is he, a genius or a madman? Let's try to figure this out.

    Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was born in Georgia in the village of Bagdati on July 7 (19), 1893, in the family of a forester. His mother belonged to a Cossack family from the Kuban. Vladimir had two sisters - Olya and Lyuda, and two brothers - Konstantin and Alexander, who died in childhood.

    Mayakovsky said about himself: “I was born in 1894 in the Caucasus. Father was a Cossack, mother was Ukrainian. The first language is Georgian. So to speak, between three cultures.

    Youth and education

    Mayakovsky received his first education at the gymnasium in 1902. He was fluent in Georgian and participated in revolutionary demonstrations.

    In 1906, his father died suddenly from blood poisoning. The accident occurred from a finger prick with a needle while he was stapling papers. This event shocked Mayakovsky so much that bacteriophobia remained for life.
    In the same year, the boy moved with his family to Moscow, where he entered the gymnasium, where he attended classes with the poet B. Pasternak's brother, Alexander. But in 1908 he was expelled for non-payment, as the family lived in poverty.

    In Moscow, Mayakovsky met revolutionary students, and in 1908 he joined the RSDLP. He was arrested several times for promoting revolutionary ideas, but he managed to avoid imprisonment. But later he was nevertheless put in the Butyrka prison, since criticism of the royal power on his part did not stop. It is interesting that he wrote the first poems there.

    Less than a year later, he is released, and he immediately leaves the ranks of the party.

    creative path

    In 1911, Vladimir entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. This time turns out to be the most important period in the life of the poet: he gets acquainted with a new direction - futurism. Mayakovsky enters the poetic circle and publishes the first poem, which is called "Night". It was included in the futuristic collection Slap in the Face of Public Taste.

    Later he goes on tour around the cities of Russia, where he gives lectures and his works.

    In 1913, the first collection "I" was published. It was written by hand and consisted of four poems. Mayakovsky openly criticizes the bourgeoisie in them.

    As a playwright and actor, he tries himself in the tragic play Vladimir Mayakovsky.

    As soon as the First World War began, Mayakovsky volunteered for the army, but he was refused, fearing any unrest. The offended poet writes "To you", "A cloud in his pants" and "War has been declared."

    At the height of the war, Mayakovsky meets the Brik family. Osip helped the young poet realize some of his poems. 2 collections are published: “Simple as a lowing” and “Revolution. Poetic Chronicle".

    During the October Revolution, he writes poems about revolutionary events. At the same time, he draws propaganda posters, works in the publication Art of the Commune. Later he becomes the editor of the magazine "Left Front" ("LEF").
    Having gained some popularity, he visits several countries of the USSR and the USA.

    His work received reviews from both fans and critics. Such a blow was taken by his satirical plays Bedbug and Bathhouse. Some newspapers were full of headlines "Down with Mayakovism."

    But despite the stream of criticism addressed to him, Mayakovsky organizes the exhibition "20 Years of Work", in which he summed up his own creative biography.

    Personal life

    The love of the poet's life was Lilya Brik. Osip Brik, Lily's husband, turned a blind eye to the outbreak of romance between Vladimir and his wife. Mayakovsky dedicated to her almost all the poems about love ("Lilichka!", "Man", "To Everything" and others). They also participated in the filming of the film Chained by Film (1918). Moreover, Briki and Vladimir lived together. From each trip abroad, the poet in love brought Lily luxurious gifts (for example, a Renault car).

    But in the life of Mayakovsky there were other lovers from whom he had children. In 1921, his son Gleb-Nikita was born from the artist Lily Lavinskaya. In 1926, his daughter Elena-Patricia was presented to him by Emily Jones, an emigrant from Russia. Vladimir also had fleeting relationships with Sofia Shamardina and Natalya Bryukhanenko.

    Parisian love was Tatyana Yakovleva. Due to visa problems, their relationship was doomed to failure.

    Married actress Veronika Polonskaya became his last love. The poet demanded to leave her husband, but she was not ready for serious life changes. Veronica was the last person Vladimir saw before his death and tearfully asked to stay. The actress did not dare to come to the funeral, as many relatives blamed her for the death of the poet.

    1. He had a large build, weight - about 90 kg, and height - 190 cm.
    2. Loved the canes. The poet's personal collection included more than a dozen copies. The most beloved was a cane donated by the Mexican artist Diego Rivera. On it were carved images of animals and plants.
    3. He was left-handed, although he wrote with his right hand.
    4. Started smoking early. In one evening he could smoke a pack of cigarettes. Sometimes he had two cigarettes in the right corner of his mouth.
    5. Loved dogs. In different years, Puppy-Puppy - a cross between a mongrel and a setter, Bulka - a French bulldog and Scottish terrier Skotik, bought by Lilya Brik, lived in his house.

    Death of poet

    In 1930, the poet was ill a lot. He suffered a series of setbacks that brought him heartache: criticism of his exhibition, the failure of two plays. The poet's state of mind worsened, because everything fell on his shoulders in one life period.

    Interesting? Save it on your wall!

    Who was Vladimir Mayakovsky? A genius or a simple poet? A lot is known about this great, but at the same time, almost nothing can be said clearly about it. He was and will remain a mystery even to the most sincere admirers of his work. As for his biography, there are practically no empty spaces in it, but the spiritual warehouse, the personality of the poet are shrouded in mystery. In order to at least a little understand the views and feelings of this great artist of the word, it is necessary to learn some interesting facts from the life of Mayakovsky.

    short biography

    Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was born on July 7, 1893 in the Kutaisi province, the village of Baghdadi. Both parents were direct descendants of the Zaporozhye Cossacks. The father of the great poet - Vladimir Konstantinovich - was a hereditary nobleman, and worked as a forester. Mother, Pavlenko A.A., was engaged in raising children, in addition to Vladimir, there were two more children in the family.


    In the period from 1902 to 1906, the future poet studied at the Kutaisi gymnasium, where he probably managed to get acquainted with the liberal democratic intelligentsia. In 1905, he even took part in a major demonstration of Russian and Georgian youth.

    Interesting facts from the life of Mayakovsky confirm that his father actually died from a needle prick, which as a result led to blood poisoning. After the death of the head of the family, the Mayakovsky family moved to Moscow in 1906.

    The financial condition was rather difficult, so in 1908 Vladimir Mayakovsky was expelled from the Moscow gymnasium, because his mother did not have the means to pay for further education. However, thanks to his talent for fine arts, he was accepted to study in No, and here the future poet's studies did not go smoothly because of his political views.

    prison sentences

    In 1908, many facts from the life of Mayakovsky concerning his political convictions led to the fact that he was imprisoned. The arrest of the poet was caused by revolutionary agitation, which he carried out among the representatives of the working class. But this was not the last time, later Mayakovsky was imprisoned twice more. After the next conclusion, which took place at the end, Mayakovsky ceased to take an active part in the work of the party.

    Despite the complexity of the then position of Mayakovsky, it was during this period that he finally took shape and he learned the provisions of Marxism and the Bolsheviks on the class struggle. Most likely, the views of the young poet were partly romantic, and he was not fully aware of everything that was happening in the political arena at that time, but at that time he decided to try on the mask of the "leader". It was then that some interesting facts from the life of Mayakovsky took place, because it was here that he began to write his first poems, which were then selected by prison officers.

    Lilya Brik in the life of a poet

    Lilya Brik occupied a special place in the life of Mayakovsky. She was his muse, his lover, his icon. Like any creator, the poet and his inspirer had a very complicated relationship.

    The love triangle between Mayakovsky and Brikov was nonsense even in Moscow in the 1920s, which at that time could hardly boast of the purity of personal relationships. Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik did not hide their feelings at all, and most surprisingly, Osip Brik, Lily's legal husband, was also not against this state of affairs.

    The muse helped Mayakovsky in creating new works, because it was she who managed to understand what the poet needs in order to create, and he needed suffering and sadness. It cannot be said that Brik was absolutely sincere in her feelings for the poet, but the fact that she influenced his work cannot be ignored.

    Tatyana Yakovleva

    An important role in the life of Mayakovsky was played by another woman, she was a Russian emigrant who lived in Paris. Despite the fact that she rejected the great poet, he did an incredibly romantic act. Mayakovsky put an impressive amount on the account of the flower shop with one condition that several times a week Yakovleva was brought flowers "from Mayakovsky."

    Even after the death of the poet, his muse continued to receive flowers, which during the war years saved her from starvation. Although the fact that the poet and Yakovlev had a romantic relationship has not been proven, he still dedicated more than one poem to her.

    • Few people know, but the great poet was extremely generous and often handed out money to the elderly. He himself found the old people and supported them financially, wishing to remain anonymous.
    • Mayakovsky worked diligently to find the most suitable, ideal rhyme that would fit into the poems in all respects. He could walk 15-20 km until he found exactly what he needed.
    • The story that connected the poet with the famous artist Repin remains noteworthy. During their first meeting, the painter was very surprised by Mayakovsky's chestnut curls and offered to paint his portrait. When Mayakovsky was again with Repin, he was insanely surprised, because as soon as the poet took off his headdress, the painter saw that now the chestnut curls were shaved “under zero”.

    • Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik, whose relationship was complicated to the limit, in fact, were an excellent tandem of the creator and the muse. The Swedish family of Briks with Mayakovsky created favorable conditions not only for communication with Lilya. He took part in the life of the poet personally. He corrected the punctuation and spelling of the poems of the brilliant creator. Such a strange relationship connected these three people.
    • It was Mayakovsky who became the creator of the famous "ladder". On the part of the writer, this was a clear trick, since at that time poets were paid for the number of lines in the written poems, and the "ladder" led to the fact that he received 2-3 times more than his colleagues in the shop.

    So many years have passed since the death of the great poet, and they still remember him, he is still studied in schools, his poems are quoted by young men in love to their ladies, he still remains alive in the souls of his fans. Creativity that calls for vigorous activity, creativity in which one wants to dissolve - this is exactly the kind of poetry created by a brilliant poet who will be remembered for centuries.