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  • How to write a story about yourself in English. Telling about yourself in an English interview. Be sure to learn how to praise yourself in English. After all, it's very simple

    How to write a story about yourself in English.  Telling about yourself in an English interview.  Be sure to learn how to praise yourself in English.  After all, it's very simple

    Hello my dear readers.

    Let's start with the easy version. This text, as I already mentioned, can become basic for elementary school children (up to 4, 5 grades).

    Essay No. 1

    My name is Natasha and I am ten years old. I am in the 3rd grade at the local school in Saint-Petersburg. I have a big family. It has 4 members: my mother, my father, me and my elder sister. My mother is a doctor and my father is an engineer. My sister studies at school. She is 13 years old.

    I like studying at school. My favorite subjects are Russian Literature and English Language. I have a lot of friends at school. My best friends are Masha and Alina. We live near each other so we go to school together.

    I like to play outdoors. Every evening we play hide-and-seek with my friends. I also love animals. We have two cats and a dog. I like playing with them. I also want to have a parrot but my parents forbid. In the evenings we have a dinner with the whole family and tell each other about the day. So that is all I can say about myself.

    My name is Natasha and I am ten years old. I am in the 3rd grade at a school in St. Petersburg. I have a big family. There are 4 people in it: my mom, my dad, me and my older sister. My mother is a doctor and my father is an engineer. My sister is in school. She is 13 years old.

    I like to go to school. My favorite subjects are Russian literature and English. I have a lot of friends in school. My best friends are Masha and Alina. We live next to each other, so we go to school together.

    I like to play outdoors. Every evening my friends and I play hide-and-seek. Also I love animals. We have two cats and a dog. I like to play with them. I also want a parrot, but my parents forbid it. In the evening we have dinner with the whole family and tell each other about the past day. That's all I can say about myself.

    Well, if you have already crossed the threshold of the school and entered the university, then you still have to write another essay on this topic.

    Essay No. 2

    Let me introduce myself. My name is Sofia. I am 19 years old and I am currently studying at the Linguistic University. I will become a professional interpreter soon.

    I have a family of four. It consists of both my parents, me and my sister. I was born in Ivanovo and my parents still live there while I moved to Moscow. I adore visiting them during my holidays as it is a real chance for me to relax and enjoy some time with my family.

    We have lots of animals at home: a dog, a cat, some fish and a parrot. My little sister takes care of them. When we meet we usually share some stories and enjoy the time.

    I am a very social girl. That is why I decided to become an interpreter. I like getting acquainted with new people and travelling. I dream of visiting all the countries one day. Though foreign languages ​​are both my hobby and my future career, I also consider dancing as another hobby of mine. I visit dance classes three times per week. So that is the smallest part that I can say about myself.

    Let me introduce myself. My name is Sofia. I am 19 years old and now I study at the Linguistic University. Soon I will become a professional translator.

    My family consists of four people: my parents, me and my sister. I was born in Ivanovo, but my parents still live there, and I moved to Moscow. I love visiting them during the holidays because it's a chance for me to relax and enjoy some quality time with my family.

    We have many animals at home: a dog, a cat, fish and a parrot. My little sister takes care of them. When we meet, we tend to share stories and have a good time.

    I am very sociable. That's why I decided to become a translator. I like meeting new people and traveling. One day I dream to visit all countries. Although foreign languages ​​are both my hobby and my future career, I also consider dancing to be another hobby. I attend classes three times a week. So this is the smallest part of what I can say about myself.

    Well, now you have about yourself for school and university. Use on health. And do not forget that I regularly share new useful materials on my blog. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date with every new event.

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    will help you! Good luck!

    See you again, my dears.

    If you have already passed interviews, then most likely you have noticed that they are all built on the same principle. An interview in English is no exception. You can't predict exactly how it will go, but you can prepare yourself for the standard questions that you will definitely be asked. You can do it yourself or trust professionals. For example, in the Lingua Airlines online English school, you can both with a Russian-speaking teacher and with a native speaker.

    Among the standard questions at the interview is a request to tell about yourself in a free form in English.

    Therefore, it will not be superfluous to think in advance what and how you will say, and remember the appropriate vocabulary for talking about yourself. In this case, you will not get lost in the interview with this question and will feel confident. The interviewer may ask you to start talking about yourself using the following phrases in English:

      What can you tell me about yourself? — What can you tell about yourself?

      What should we know about you? What should we know about you?

      tell me about yourself. - Tell us about yourself.

      You can start telling about yourself . You can start your story about yourself.

    At the interview, you should not ask counter questions "what would you like to know about me?" or "Where do I start my story?". What the employer expects to hear in response to his request to tell about himself, you will learn further.

    It is better to build a story about yourself at an interview in English as follows:

    That is, give your name, surname, age, place of birth and residence, indicate marital status. However, at the interview you should not state in detail your entire biography, it is enough to say a few general phrases about yourself in English:

      My name (first name) is Pavel. I am Pavel Petrov. - My name is Pavel. I am Pavel Petrov.

      My surname (last name) is Petrov. My surname is Petrov.

      I am 33 years old.- I am 33 years old.

      I was born in Moscow and I have lived all my life here. I was born in Moscow and have lived here all my life.

      I live in St. Petersburg. - I live in St. Petersburg.

      I'm married (not married). I am married (not married).

      I'm widowed.- I am a widower (widow).

      I'm single. - I am not married (not married).

      I'm divorced.- I'm divorced.

      I have two (no) children. I have two (no) children.

    2. Continue your story in English by sharing information about education.

    You can also report in your story about plans for further professional development, if any. Don't forget to include information about any additional certifications you've purchased and specialty courses you've taken. When constructing sentences in English in your story, pay attention to grammar: use the past tense if you are talking about an education that you have already received. If you want to indicate that you are still learning, then you must use the present continuous tense.

      I graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 2003. — I graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 2003.

      I graduated from the university with a specialty in computer science. — I graduated from the university with a degree in computer science.

      I received my master's degree in Economics in 2001. — I got my master's degree in economics in 2001.

      I am currently studying at the Southern Federal University. — I am currently studying at the Southern Federal University.

      I received an international certificate in teaching in 2005. — I received an international teaching certificate in 2005.

      I studied at college in the USA. — I went to college in the USA.

    You need to report previous jobs, positions you have held, and list the duties you have performed. Try to report useful information about your experience - only that which relates to the position for which you are applying. Don't forget to report your professional achievements:

      I worked as a manager for 5 years. — I worked as a manager for 5 years.

      My position was a credit control manager. — My position was credit control manager.

      I worked in the main office. — I worked in the main office.

      While I studied at university, I worked as an intern. After I graduated, I worked in the same place full-time. When I was at university, I worked as an intern. After graduating, I worked full-time for the same company.

      I am currently employed in the bank as a back office manager. — At the moment I work as a back office manager in a bank.

      I was responsible for market analysis. — I am responsible for market analysis.

      I was dealing with internal and external trade. — I was engaged in domestic and foreign trade.

      The key aspect of my job was providing technical data. — The main aspect of my work was the provision of technical data.

    4. Also, in a story about yourself in English, you must include a description of your personal qualities.

    At the interview, the emphasis should be on phrases that characterize you as a good professional. In your story, focus on characteristics that are unique to your work. At the interview, you should not tell the interviewer that you are a caring husband or a good host. Think about what qualities a potential employer would like to see in you, and how these qualities could help you in your new position. In a story about yourself in English, you can also emphasize the strengths of your character:

      I am hard working and responsible person. — I am a hardworking and responsible person.

      I have excellent communication skills. — I have excellent communication skills.

      I'm very punctual. I am always on time for work. — I am very punctual. I always arrive at work on time.

      I'm very active and organized. — I am very active and organized

      I always do my best to achieve professional goals. — I always do my best to achieve my professional goals.

      I can deal with difficult situations. — I can deal with difficult situations.

      I am an experienced specialist with extensive knowledge. — I am an experienced specialist with extensive knowledge.

      My major strength is the ability to work under pressure. — My main strength is the ability to work under pressure.

      I specialize in fuels. — I specialize in fuel.

    5. You can also tell about your hobby in your story about yourself.

    But you should not talk about your hobbies for a long time and in detail at the interview. One or two sentences in English will be enough:

      My hobby is playing chess. — My hobby is playing chess.

      I am fond of doing sports. — I really like playing sports.

      I am interested in music. - I'm interested in music.

    In terms of time, your story should last no more than 1-1.5 minutes.

    Also, be prepared that your story about yourself will not be limited to one monologue. Perhaps the interviewer will try to engage you in a conversation in English and ask additional questions.

    The list of topics that the employer can touch on during the interview is very long, but still here you can prepare yourself and think over the answers to the most likely questions in English. Try to give short, clear and comprehensive answers so that during the interview the employer does not have the desire to ask a question ” why?" (Why?)

    1. The interviewer can start the interview with introductory phrases and questions in English:

      Could you please introduce yourself! “Could you please introduce yourself!”

      Nice to meet you!- Nice to meet you!

      How are you?- How are you doing?

      Are you ready to start the interview? Are you ready to start the interview?

      Let's go on with our interview. Let's continue our interview.

    2. Also at the interview, the employer can discuss with you the work schedule (your employment, willingness to work overtime).

      Would you like to get a full-time or part-time job? Would you like to get a full or part time job?

      Do you mind working overtime? Do you mind working overtime?

    3. At an interview in English, you may be asked about the level of expected salary.

      What is your salary expectation? What are your salary expectations?

    4. A very common interview question: why do you think you are the right candidate for this position?

    Most likely, the employer wants to hear in the answer to this question a story about what contribution you can make to the company, what new things you can offer, how your previous experience will help you in your work, do you have enough knowledge and skills for a new position .

      Why do you think we should hire you? Why do you think we should give you a job?

      What can you do for our company? What can you do for our company?

      Why do you want to work for us? Why do you want to work for us?

      What can you contribute to our company? What contribution can you make to our company?

    5. You may also be asked about your strengths and weaknesses.

    Start your story by listing your strengths.

      What are your strong and weak points? - What are your strengths and weaknesses?

      What is your great strength (weakness)? What is your main strength/weakness?

    6. At the end of the interview, you have the right to ask your questions in English:

      What will be my responsibilities? What will my responsibilities be?

      When can I start?– When can I start?

      What salary should I expect? - What salary can I expect?

      Will I have to work overtime? Will I have to work overtime?

      What are your conditions for maternity leave? What are your conditions for maternity leave?

    You can read more about what questions you can ask an employer at an interview in our article.

    So, careful preparation of a story about yourself for an interview in English, as well as answers to possible questions, will give you additional chances to pass the interview successfully.

    In any case, your main task in the interview is to be confident and not get lost, even if you do not understand the question or do not know how to answer it. You can always ask the interviewer again using the following phrases in English:

      Could you please repeat? - Would you please repeat that?

      Could you please say it once again? — Could you say it again?

      Sorry, I didn't quite catch your question. Sorry, I didn't quite understand your question.

    Before an interview in English, take a few lessons with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker. On the Lingua Airlines website you will be able to. It will be a great experience and will help you to be confident in a real interview. Also, the teacher will help to compose or correct your story about yourself. Tune in for a positive result! Good luck!

    Here is an example of a story about yourself for an interview in English:

    Let me introduce myself. My name is Sergey Morozov. I'm 34 years old. I'm an experienced safety manager.

    I graduated from Moscow State University of Civil Engineering in 2003. I worked as a safety manager assistant for “Kearns International”. My specific responsibilities included providing the work environment safety. Currently I’m working as a safety manager for “Sea Transportation group”. I'm responsible for providing and managing operational support in safety. I have extensive knowledge of laws concerning safety.

    I can describe myself as a hard-working, responsible and highly organized person. I often have to deal with difficult situations and take quick decisions. One of my main strength is the ability to work under pressure. The job you are offering me would allow me to broaden my knowledge and experience with safety, which is my professional goal.

    I believe I am the right candidate for this position because I have a solid background for it. My knowledge, experience and my desire to learn new methods would allow me to contribute to your company. In my free time I enjoy playing chess and doing active sports.


    Let me introduce myself. My name is Sergey Morozov. I am 34 years old. I am an experienced safety manager.

    I graduated from Moscow State Construction University in 2003. I worked as an assistant safety manager at Cairns International. My specific responsibilities included ensuring a safe working environment. I am currently working as a safety manager at Sea Transportation Group. I am responsible for the provision and operational management of safety engineering. I have extensive knowledge of safety laws.

    I can describe myself as a hardworking, responsible and very organized person. I often have to deal with difficult situations and make quick decisions. One of my main strengths is the ability to work under pressure. The job you are offering me would allow me to expand my knowledge and experience in safety engineering, which is my professional goal.

    I consider myself a suitable candidate for this position, because I have a solid experience. My knowledge, experience and desire to learn new techniques would allow me to contribute to the development of your company. In my free time, I like to play chess and do active sports.

    Glossary | Glossary

    Apply for a job - apply for a job

    Look for a job – Looking for a job

    CV - summary

    Interview - interview

    Full -time (part -time ) job – full-time (part-time) work

    salary expectation - expected salary

    Hard-working - hardworking

    Well-organized - organized

    Creative - creative, imaginative

    Patient - patient

    Initiative - enterprising

    focused - concentrated

    Responsible - responsible

    Flexible - flexible, flexible

    dynamic - active, energetic

    Full of new ideas – full of new ideas

    Experienced – experienced

    Work well under pressure – work well under pressure

    Adapt to new requirements – adapt to new requirements

    Work in a team (group) - work in a team (group)

    Solve a problem - to solve the problem

    Have organizational skills - have organizational skills

    offer - offer, suggestion

    Accept an offer - accept an offer

    work experience - experience

    Higher education - higher education

    extensive knowledge – wide knowledges

    new challenge – new challenge (challenge)

    Exceeded expectations – exceed expectations

    Qualification – qualification

    Contribution to a company – contribution to the company

    Achieve a goal – achive the goal

    Broaden experience – expand experience

    Meet deadlines - meet deadlines

    preference - preference

    A story or essay about yourself in English. The English text is duplicated by the Russian text.

    My name is Sergey. I am 16 years old. I study in the tenth class. I live together with my family. I have father, mother and sister Nastya who is 3 years younger than me. I have curly brown hair and green eyes. My constitution and height are average. I think I am quite nice guy.

    I am not the best student in the school, but not the worst. My favorite subjects are mathematics, biology and geography. I have a hobby - I adore board games of different kinds: with figures, plugs, cards. I like to play chess. With my younger sister we take care of puppy named Alma and we go to walk with it. I purposefully do not engage in sports, but I enjoy to do sport with my friends sometimes. We use fitness equipment in our yard.

    I am a social person. I like to meet new people, to communicate in a large company, to participate in disputes. There are both boys and girls among my friends. I would name myself easygoing person. I always help my friends.

    I am calm. I would describe myself as thoughtful and dreamy person. But it does not mean that I cannot sympathize strongly. I would prefer to be more hardworking. Sometimes I am lazybones.

    Occasionally I happen to be quick-tempered, if I teased very much. Then I can give vent my anger to offender. Then I am capable of reconcile, because I am not vindictive.

    Tell me about yourself in English. Text translation

    My name is Sergey. I am 16 years old. I'm in the 10th grade. I live with my family. I have a father, mother and sister Nastya, who is three years younger than me. I have brown hair and green eyes. The physique is average, and the height too. I think I'm a good guy.

    I'm not the best at school, but I'm not the worst student either. My favorite subjects at school are mathematics, biology and geography. I have a hobby: I really like board games of various types: with figures, counters, cards and everything else. I can also play classical checkers and chess. We have a puppy named Alma, we take care of him with my sister and go for walks. I don’t go in for sports in an organized way, but sometimes I like to go to the gym with my friends in our yard.

    I am sociable. I like to meet new people, communicate in a company, participate in disputes. My friends include both boys and girls. I consider myself easy going. I try to help my friends.

    I am calm by nature. I like to think and mark. But that doesn't mean I can't sympathize. I would like to be more industrious. Sometimes I am very lazy.

    The hardest thing for me is to tell something objective about myself but I will try. So let me introduce myself! My name is Peter. Peter Golubev. I come from Novosibirsk, the city in the east of Russia. Nineteen years ago my parents decided to call me Petya. I like my name, it means "stone" or "rock" in Greek. Next winter I will be 20.

    I know that telling a lot of nice words about yourself is not modest but I am a kind and easy-going young man. My friends say that I am quite handsome and cheerful. They also consider me to be a reliable and sincere friend. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a slender man, neither tall nor short. My hair is brown and wavy. My eyes are green.

    Now let me tell you a little about my family. It takes an important part in my life. I have a lot of relatives and we are close to each other. I live at home with my parents. My mother is a dressmaker and my father is a chief cook in a restaurant. My elder brother is 25 and he is married. He and his wife went to work in Germany last year.

    As for my interests I spend my free time studying English, swimming, riding a bike, hiking in the countryside and surfing the Internet. I also devote 2 or 3 evenings a week to the gym. Sport is my passion! I am not interested in watching TV, I remember about this device only once a year – on New Year’s Eve.

    I am not married but I am in a relationship with a nice girl whose name is Dasha. We've been dating for 2 years already. We love cooking food, watching movies and playing tennis together. We are also fond of listening to English rock or chillout music.

    I am a third year student of Moscow Aviation Institute at the faculty of aircraft engineering. I am enjoying the course a lot. My weekdays are usually busy with studies and I must work hard to become a good aviation engineer after I graduate. I want to be a well-educated person, to develop myself and become the best son for my parents.


    The most difficult thing for me is to tell something objective about myself, but I will try. So let me introduce myself! My name is Petr. Peter Golubev. I am from Novosibirsk, a city in the east of Russia. Nineteen years ago my parents decided to name me Petya. I like my name, it means "stone" or "rock" in Greek. Next winter I will be 20 years old.

    I know it's immodest to say a lot of good things about myself, nevertheless, I am a kind and sociable guy. Friends say that I'm quite nice and cheerful. They also consider me a reliable and sincere friend. When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a slender person, neither tall nor short. My hair is brown and wavy. The eyes are green.

    Now let me tell you a little about my family. She is an important part of my life. I have many relatives and we are close to each other. I live at home with my parents. My mother is a tailor and my father is a chef in a restaurant. My elder brother is 25 years old, he is married. Together with his wife, they left to work in Germany last year.

    As for my hobbies, in my spare time I study English, swim, ride a bike, go hiking and surf the internet. I also dedicate two or three evenings to working out in the gym. Sport is my passion! I am not interested in TV, I remember this device only once a year - on New Year's Eve.

    I am single, but I am in a relationship with a beautiful girl named Dasha. We've been dating for two years now. We love cooking together, watching movies and playing tennis together. We are also into English rock and chill out music.

    I am a third-year student at the Moscow Aviation Institute, at the faculty of aircraft engineering. I really like my course. On weekdays I am usually busy with my studies and I have to study a lot in order to become a good aircraft engineer after graduation. I want to become an educated person, constantly develop and be the best son for my parents.

    Each of us has ever faced the task of writing or speaking about ourselves. It could be when applying for a job, when meeting new people, when filling out a questionnaire, taking an exam, or simply it was the topic of your school essay.

    It is important to immediately determine how deep and extensive your story about yourself should be. Of course, it all depends on the situation. If you are preparing for an interview, then the story should be clear, concise, business-like. You should focus on your education, work experience, your business qualities, and in general, your strengths and prospects as an employee. If your story is focused on new acquaintances, then most likely you will mainly talk about your hobbies, habits, character, etc. In a school essay, you will definitely have to talk about your family and friends and plans for the future . Situations in which you need to talk about yourself can be very different.

    We draw up a plan for a story about myself “About myself”

    If you are faced with the task of telling about yourself in English, then ready-made phrase templates will come to your aid, adding to which you will receive a full-fledged essay. First you need to determine for yourself what exactly you want to talk about and draw up a clear plan for the story. I suggest you explore a “universal” self-narration plan that works for almost any situation. You yourself will be able to decide which points in your essay will be covered in more detail and which not. For each item, you will be offered template phrases with a translation, which you will need to supplement with information about yourself.

    Our story plan is as follows:

    1. Introduction and general information about myself (Introduction and general information about myself)
    2. Place of residence (The place where I live)
    3. Information about family
    4. Education
    5. Place of work (My job)
    6. My hobbies, talents, interests (My hobby, talents and interests)
    7. Traits of character (Сharacter)
    8. Plans for the future Template phrases are the main assistants in writing a story about yourself

    Writing a story "About myself"

    As an introduction, if the situation allows, you can say the following phrase:

    • It’s hard to speak about myself as only people surrounding me can see me objectively - It’s very difficult to talk about yourself, because they can objectively perceive me only from the outside
    • Let me introduce myself - Let me introduce myself
    • Let me tell you a few words about myself - Let me tell you a little about myself

    First, state your name:

    • My name is Valentin - My name is Valentin

    If your loved ones call you differently, you can add the following words:

    • But my friends call me Vel - But friends usually call me Val
    • But people usually call me Valea - But they usually call me Valya
    • But you can call me Vel - But you can call me Val

    You can specify the origin of your name or something interesting about it:

    • It is a Latin name - This is a Latin name
    • I was named after my grandmother - I was named after my grandmother
    • My name is quite unusual and I like it - My name is quite unusual and I like it

    After that, you can specify the age:

    • I am 25 years old
    • I was born in 1988 - I was born in 1988
    • I will be 30 in three months - I will be 30 in three months
    • I will be 20 next Octomber - I will turn 20 next October
    • I am from Saint Petersburg
    • I come from France, I live in Paris - I am from France, I live in Paris
    • I used to live in Saint Petersburg, but now I live in Moscow - I used to live in St. Petersburg, and now I live in Moscow.
    • I was born in London and I have lived there all my life - I was born in London and have lived there all my life
    • I was born in Balta. It is a small town near Odessa. When I was 16 I moved to Saint Petersburg with my family - I was born in Balta. This is a small town near Odessa. When I was 16, I moved to St. Petersburg with my family

    If your interlocutor is interested, you can dedicate a couple of sentences to your city, its location and attractions. In America, when meeting a new person, this item is simply mandatory. For some reason, this is very important for Americans. A person can be born, for example, in the state of Illinois and move to another state in early childhood, but when they meet, he will certainly mention that he is from Illinois.

    • My home town is very big, one million people live there - My hometown is very big, a million people live there
    • It is located in the south of the country - It is located in the south of the country
    • My home city is the center of light industry - My home city is the center of light industry
    • My home town is famous for its theater - My hometown is famous for its theater

    If you are writing an essay about yourself in English, then you must definitely mention your family:

    • I come from a large / small family - I'm from a large / small family
    • All members of my family are helpful and friendly - All members of my family are friendly
    • There are five of us in the family - There are five of us in the family
    • We get on well with each other - We get along well with each other
    • I have a father a mother and two younger brother / sister - I have a father, mother and two younger brothers / sisters

    If applicable, provide general facts about each family member. Tell us how old they are, what they do, who is educated, where they live, etc. But don't get too carried away. The whole story is still about you, not about your family members.

    The next item on our agenda is education. It will most likely be mandatory in any scenario. If you are still in school, but you can use the following phrases:

    • I go to school. I am in the ninth form - I go to school. I'm in ninth grade
    • I am good at German and Math - I do well in German and mathematics
    • My favorite subjects are Spanish and Literature - My favorite subjects are Spanish language and literature

    If you have already graduated from high school and are a student, then the following phrases are for you:

    • I finished school in 2010 - I graduated from school in 2010
    • I am a student of London University of the Arts
    • I am a first-year / second-year student - I am in my first / second year
    • I am in my first/second/third year - I am in my first/second/third year
    • My major is Psychology / I major in Psychology - My specialty is psychology

    If you have already graduated:

    • I graduated from University in 2014 - I graduated from the university in 2014
    • I graduated with honors - I graduated with honors
    • I majored in Philology
    • I was trained as a lawyer - I was educated as a lawyer
    • At University I studied many subjects - At the university I studied many subjects

    If you work, then be sure to give a couple of suggestions to your profession:

    • I am / I work as a teacher - I work as a teacher
    • In future I want to be a lawyer - In the future I want to become a lawyer
    • I work for (the name of the company) - I work for (company name)
    • I am looking for a job at the moment - At the moment I am looking for a job
    • I am unemployed at the moment - At the moment I am unemployed

    Dedicate a few sentences to your hobbies, interests, talents. To do this, use the following phrases:

    • As for my interests, I am fond of music - as for my interests, I am fond of music
    • I am keen on sport - I am fond of sports
    • I can play tennis very well - I am good at playing tennis
    • I am interested in history - I am interested in history
    • When I have some free time I go to the gym - When I have free time, I go to the gym
    • In my free time I usually read books - In my free time I usually read books
    • I devote much time to learning foreign languages ​​- I devote a lot of time to learning foreign languages

    In a story about yourself in English, you must describe your character. You can name your advantages and disadvantages. You can also name the qualities that you value in people, or vice versa - you do not accept.

    • People who know me well, say that I am a reliable person - People who know me well say that I am a reliable person
    • My best qualities are patience and creativity - My best qualities are patience and creativity
    • I am a communicative person and I have a lot of friends - I am a sociable person and I have many friends
    • Sometimes I can be lazy - Sometimes I can be lazy
    • I like to associate with polite and intelligent people - I like to communicate with well-mannered and intelligent people
    • I appreciate sincerity and trust - I appreciate sincerity and honesty
    • I hate when people lie and betray - I hate when people lie or betray
    • Those who are unreliable irritate me - Unreliable people annoy me

    To describe your character, you may need the following adjectives:

    active - active
    communicative - sociable
    creative - creative
    reliable - reliable
    self-confident - self-confident
    friendly - friendly
    sociable - sociable
    absent-minded - scattered
    calm - calm
    lazy - lazy

    You can complete your story about yourself with a couple of sentences about your plans for the future or just about your dreams:

    • In future I want to be a doctor - In the future I want to become a doctor
    • I want to become a famous person - In the future, I want to become famous
    • My dream is to travel around the world - My dream is to travel around the world
    • I dream of having a big house - I dream of a big house

    In a story about myself in English (about myself), it is very important to smoothly move from one point to another. You should end up with a beautiful coherent essay, not some list of phrases. Use linking suggestions.