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  • Memorials dedicated to Project work “Monuments of the Great Patriotic War. Non-eternal "eternal" fire

    Memorials dedicated to  Project work “Monuments of the Great Patriotic War.  Non-eternal

    The connection of people with their past, with their history is memory. One of the best ways to perpetuate the memory of an outstanding person or an important historical event is. For the vast majority of Russians, one of these events is the Great Patriotic War. Now there are monuments of the Great Patriotic War in almost every city, especially in the European part of Russia.

    Despite the abundance of memorials and small memorials, new ones are still being erected, because after that war there were many “dark spots”, many heroic stories that deserve to be immortalized. If you are interested WWII monuments, production such facilities can be ordered from our company. We guarantee a professional approach, attention to every detail, favorable prices.

    How Fresh Look works

    These memorial structures are a separate category, not just or an architectural composition. This is an opportunity to show the respect of current generations for the heroic past of their people, their country, their ancestors. By ordering, dedicated to the dead of the Second World War, you can perpetuate the memory of an important historical era and its heroes for centuries.

    The manufacture and installation of new memorial structures is a common practice today. Not only government organizations order monuments to the victory of the Great Patriotic War, but also relatives of the dead, relatives of veterans, and simply caring people. Monuments are erected at the places of hostilities, on mass graves. Svezhy Vzglyad company is a high-class specialists who approach the execution of the order with full responsibility. Some principles of our work:

    • Designers, in which they strive to convey as accurately and vividly as possible the character traits of the heroes of the Second World War, the spirit of the events of that time. All artistic images are intertwined to create certain accents required by the customer.
    • Great practical experience allows us to successfully fulfill orders of any complexity, creating unique architectural and sculptural compositions. The company's staff includes real professionals in stone processing, historians, experts in symbolism.
    • Attention to all details - careful selection of materials, determination of the color design and dimensions of the structure, type and location of inscriptions. We are talking about complex work, which is carried out in strict accordance with the wishes of the customer.

    We create memorial complexes of the Great Patriotic War in constant interaction with the client. He can control the manufacturing process, make adjustments at the design stage. All solutions proposed by designers are included in the project only after agreement with the customer. You can choose one of the typical options, which you only need to adapt to certain people and events.

    Services for the restoration of monuments of the Great Patriotic War

    Unfortunately, over time, memorial structures begin to deteriorate, especially if there is no proper regular maintenance. But these are still objects of memory, and it is possible to return them to their original appearance - for this it is enough to carry out restoration work. Our specialists can carry out the restoration of any monuments of the Great Patriotic War, of any design and from any materials. We will restore the monument to its beauty!

    To place an order, contact the Fresh Look company!

    Memorial of Glory.
    The Memorial of Glory is located in the Leninsky district on Victory Square near Prospekt Mira.
    Opened May 9, 1965. In 1967, the Eternal Flame was lit. The memorial was erected on the mass grave of the soldiers of the Soviet army who died during the Great Patriotic War in Orsk hospitals (1941-1945). On April 27, 1965, the remains of 216 soldiers were reburied from the closed city cemetery at the site of the future memorial in 12 urns. Initially, a block of unpolished Orsk multi-colored jasper and a bronze plaque were installed, on which a monument to a Soviet soldier in Berlin's Treptow Park was depicted in relief. A bowl with Eternal Flame was placed in front of the stone. The entire structure was placed on a concrete pedestal. The authors of the monument are Orsk architects E.Ya. Markov, B.G. Zavodovsky, A.N. Silin. In 1975, the monument was reconstructed: the mass grave was faced with polished red Orsk jasper.
    In its center is the Eternal Flame, over which hangs a bronze wreath of Glory. Behind the grave there is a wall of black stone with an inscription "Motherland! The Russian land, irrigated with the blood of its soldiers, honors their memory forever". Behind the wall - ate. The authors are Orsk architects P.P. Priymak, G.I. Sokolov, V.N. Yakimov. During the reconstruction of the memorial in 1988, the lining of the military grave was replaced with a green-black serpentine, marble slabs with the names of soldiers who died in Orsk hospitals, Orchans who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, and those who died in Afghanistan were installed around the perimeter of the memorial.
    The black stone inscription was transferred to white marble slabs in the center of the memorial.
    In 1995, additional memorial pylons were installed with the names of the Orchans who died in 1941-1945, in the Afghan war of 1979-1989, in the hot spots of Russia (North Caucasus) in the 1990s.
    In April - August 2000, the Square of Glory was reconstructed, the second line of pylons was installed, where more than 8,000 names of Orchans who died in hostilities were added. The main part of the memorial complex is equipped with lawns, flower beds and plantings of deciduous and coniferous trees.
    On May 8, 2008, on the eve of Victory Day, the Alley of Heroes was opened on the territory of the Square of Glory. The memorial is changing its appearance for the fourth time, becoming better and more significant.
    The idea of ​​this project appeared in the eighties of the last century. Then, taking into account the wishes of war veterans, the chief artist of Orsk, P. Priymak, worked on a project for the reconstruction of the square and provided for the opening of the Alley of Heroes. But it was only now possible to install nine bronze busts of Heroes of the Soviet Union and two Heroes of Russia, thanks to the decision of the current head of the city.
    Preparations for the implementation of the alley project began in 2008, when the necessary photographic materials were sent to Chelyabinsk. The busts of the heroes of Orchan were sculpted by a creative group of Chelyabinsk sculptors led by the chairman of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Union of Artists of Russia E. Vargot. Professionals managed to convey not only the external similarity of the defenders of the Motherland, but also their character. As the sculptors themselves assure, the images were created based on the personal history of each hero. Bronze busts weighing about 2 tons each were installed on granite pedestals by specialists from MUP "Requiem".
    On the pylons erected on both sides of the alley, the names of the heroes of the Orsk land, who won the Victory and defended the freedom of not only Russians, but also other peoples, are placed.


    1. Memorial of Glory // Orsk City Encyclopedia. - Orenburg, 2007. - S. 219.
    2. Post number 1 // Orsk city encyclopedia. - Orenburg, 2007. - S. 234 - 235.
    3. Memorial of Glory: photo // Orsk: photo album. - M. 1995. - S. 87.
    4. Ivanov, A. The bust of the Hero added to the Walk of Fame / A. Ivanov // Orsk newspaper. - 2008. - September 5. - S. 2.
    5. Svetushkova, L. "Heritage" - to the city / L. Svetushkova // Orsk Chronicle. - 2008. - September 5. - S. 2.
    6. Goncharenko, V. Ten busts of War Heroes are mounted on columns / V. Goncharenko // Orsk Chronicle. - 2008. - April 22. - S. 1, 2.
    7. Rezepkina, N. It is necessary for the living / N. Rezepkina // New Vedomosti. - 2007. - May 9. - p. 3.
    8. Efimova, T. There is no future without the past / T. Efimova // Orsk Chronicle. - 2000. - August 31. - S. 2.
    9. Karandeev, A. Orchans laid flowers at the renovated memorial / A. Karandeev // Orsk Chronicle. - 2000. - May 13. - S. 2.

    Of course, the Great Patriotic War left a huge mark in the history of our Motherland. For the past 68 years, we have been honoring the memory of those who died on May 9 every year. We all know that huge numbers of monuments to the Great Patriotic War were built in the vastness of Russia. Below in the article we will consider the most famous of them, which are located in the hero cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Tula, Volgograd, Novorossiysk and Smolensk. It was these cities that became most famous for their brave defense during the hostilities of 1941-43.

    Let's start with Moscow. All Muscovites, of course, will say that the most significant for this city is Poklonnaya Hill, on which the Victory Park is located. The park was solemnly opened on May 9, 1995 during the celebration of Victory Day. The monuments of the Great Patriotic War located here include exhibitions of military equipment, museums of the Great Patriotic War and the Holocaust, a memorial mosque and synagogue, and a temple. In addition to these monuments, there are other minor structures that can be seen throughout Moscow.

    Next, let's move on to St. Petersburg. Like in the capital, in the "Venice of the North" there is also Victory Park, but here it is presented in duplicate: Primorsky, which is dedicated to naval victories, and Moscow, which is built as a holistic memory of the victory. The first one does not stand out in any way, but the latter has on its territory a large number of buildings that are monuments to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. Among them, the monuments-busts of twice Heroes of Socialist Labor, natives of the city, stand out in particular. Also of note is the Rotunda monument, commemorative crosses and plaques, various sculptures and the "Temporary" chapel. In addition to these parks, it is worth mentioning the museum-reserve "Breakthrough of the Siege of Leningrad", as well as the memorial museum "Defense and Siege of Leningrad", in which the entire severity of the battles and the "pulling out" of victory from the fascist invaders are highlighted.

    Tula is not particularly replete with monuments, however, it is worth noting the monument to the defenders of Tula in the Second World War, which is located on as well as the mound of Immortality in the city of Efremov, built at the residents' own expense.

    Undoubtedly, one of the greatest cities that showed a heroic defense and no less heroic counteroffensive is Volgograd. On the most famous hill, where bloody battles took place from September 1942 until the next January - Mamaev Kurgan, there is an architectural ensemble of monuments dedicated to the Second World War. It includes, perhaps, the most famous monument of the Great Patriotic War of Russia "The Motherland Calls!", Which, by the way, is one of 3 squares (Sorrow Square, Heroes Square, Square of Those who stood to death), Monumental relief, high relief "Memory of Generations" , Military cemetery, Ruined walls. Construction, during which many architects were involved, lasted almost 10 years, from 1959 to 1967.

    Next, we will briefly examine the monuments of the Great Patriotic War in Smolensk. The Mound of Immortality is located in Readovka Park, which was built by the Smolensk people in memory of the soldiers and ordinary people who died during the Second World War. It was solemnly opened on September 25, 1970. Not far from the Kurgan you can see the Eternal Flame, and in the park itself it was also built where thousands of soldiers are buried. Among other monuments of Smolensk, the monument of the Great Patriotic War "Bayonet", which was erected in memory of the soldiers of the legendary 16th Army, who defended the city in July 1941, is worthy of mention.

    The Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (1945), and the official name is exactly this, is the most important holiday for all the inhabitants of our country. The significance of this day for all of us and future generations cannot be overestimated. The little that we can do for those who gave their lives for our future is to carefully preserve the memory of those who died for the Motherland, not to forget ourselves and tell children about these sad pages in the history of the 20th century. This goal - to perpetuate the memory of the fallen - is served by museums and monuments, which are many in Russia and abroad.

    Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Alexander Garden

    The Eternal Flame burns here and a guard of honor is on duty every day. During official events, wreaths are laid at the memorial by heads of state, and the rest of the time, flowers are brought by newlyweds, who traditionally come here on their wedding day.

    The central element of the memorial ensemble near the walls of the Moscow Kremlin is a niche with the inscription “Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal”, in the center of which the Eternal Flame of Glory burns. Behind the niche is a tombstone with a bronze composition - a soldier's helmet and a laurel branch lying on a battle banner. To the left of the grave - a wall of crimson quartzite with the inscription: "1941 to those who fell for the Motherland 1945"; on the right - a granite alley with blocks of dark red porphyry. On each block there is the name of the hero city and a chased image of the Gold Star medal. The blocks contain capsules with the earth of hero cities. Next is a stele of red granite in honor of the cities of military glory, about 10 meters long.

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    Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

    In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory in the west of Moscow, a large memorial complex was opened on an area of ​​135 hectares. The park itself was founded in 1958, but the architectural ensemble was built only by 1995. From the entrance stretched a wide alley "Years of War", decorated with five water cascades with 1418 fountains, according to the number of days that the war went on. In front of the building of the Central Museum of the Second World War stands the Victory Monument - an obelisk 141.8 meters high, at the foot of which is a statue of St. George the Victorious, who thrusts a spear into the body of a snake symbolizing fascism. The open-air exhibition of military equipment and weapons is of constant interest to park visitors. The park with neat paths, alleys and flower beds has become a favorite place for Muscovites and guests of the capital to walk.


    Monuments to war heroes are perhaps the only case when monumentality is justified. One of the highest monuments in the world - the main element of the ensemble "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" on Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd - the sculpture "The Motherland Calls!". The figure of a woman who raised her sword and took a step forward symbolizes the Motherland, calling her sons to fight the enemy. The remains of 34,505 soldiers - the defenders of Stalingrad - were reburied on the hill. From the foot of the mound to its top there are 200 granite steps - that is how many days the Battle of Stalingrad lasted.

    Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd

    Kursk Bulge

    From July 5 to August 23, 1943, one of the most important battles of the Great Patriotic War lasted - the Battle of Kursk. The result of this bloody and tense battle was the transfer of the strategic initiative to the Red Army. A memorial complex near the villages of Yakovlevo and Pokrovka serves as a reminder of the 250,000 lives that sacrificed themselves. The 44-meter arched stele with reliefs symbolizes the front line; in front of it, a T-34 tank is mounted on a pink granite pedestal. The Arc de Triomphe topped with a statue of George the Victorious rises 24 meters above the ground. On both sides of the Eternal Flame lie the remains of unknown warriors.

    Outside Russia

    In the German capital, in memory of the Soviet soldiers who fell in the Berlin battle, memorials were erected in the Tiergarten, Schönholzer Haid and Treptow parks. There are sculptures of Soviet soldiers-liberators in Bulgaria, Slovenia, Ukraine. Granite stele to the participants of the Second World War from the countries of the former USSR is installed in Los Angeles. The Brest Fortress has been open to the public since 1971 and tells about the heroic defense of the fort - one of the first battles for the USSR. The tragic story of the mass destruction of civilians is told by the museum in Auschwitz. Among the millions of victims of this death camp were 100,000 Russian people.


    Commemorative events will be held on May 9 in all cities of Russia, and in the capital, Red Square, of course, will become the central place of celebration. A solemn review of troops and military equipment will take place on the main square of the country. Since 1996, the parade in honor of May 9 has been held here annually, and on June 24, 1945, columns of the first Victory Parade passed through Red Square and 200 banners and standards of the defeated Nazi divisions were dragged along the paving stones and thrown to the foot of the Mausoleum.

    To remember the feat of the Soviet people, who did not spare themselves in this bloody war, of course, it is not at all necessary to go somewhere. The main place of memory is our hearts. Eternal glory to the winners!

    Happy Victory Day!

    During the Great Patriotic War it became one of the most significant themes in Soviet art - literature, painting, cinema. Portal "Culture.RF" recalled the most important sculptural monuments dedicated to the tragedy of this time.

    "Motherland is calling!" In Volgograd


    One of the tallest statues in the world "Motherland is calling!" is included in the sculptural triptych along with the monuments "Rear to Front" in Magnitogorsk and "Warrior-Liberator" in Treptow Park in Berlin. The author of the monument was Yevgeny Vuchetich, who created the figure of a woman with a sword raised above her head. The most complex construction took place between 1959 and 1967. It took 5.5 thousand tons of concrete and 2.4 thousand tons of metal structures to make the monument. Inside the "Motherland" is absolutely hollow, it consists of separate chambers, in which metal cables are stretched, supporting the frame of the monument. The height of the grandiose monument is 85 meters, it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest sculpture-statue in the world at the time of the construction of the monument.

    "Let's beat swords into plowshares" in Moscow

    Photo: Oksana Aleshina / photo bank "Lori"

    The statues of Yevgeny Vuchetich "Let's Forge Swords into Plowshares", depicting a worker who forges weapons into a plow, are located in several cities around the world. The very first was installed in 1957 at the UN Headquarters in New York - it was a gift to the States from the Soviet Union as a sign of friendship. Other author's copies of the monument can be seen near the Central House of Artists in Moscow, in the Kazakh city of Ust-Kamenogorsk and in Volgograd. This work by Yevgeny Vuchetich was recognized not only in the USSR, but also abroad: for it he was awarded the silver medal of the Peace Council and received the Grand Prix at an exhibition in Brussels.

    "To the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad" in St. Petersburg

    Photo: Igor Litvyak / photobank "Lori"

    The project of the monument to the "Heroic Defenders of Leningrad" was developed by sculptors and architects who participated in the defense of the city - Valentin Kamensky, Sergey Speransky and Mikhail Anikushin. Deployed to one of the bloodiest places in the history of the battle for Leningrad - the Pulkovo Heights, the composition consists of 26 bronze sculptures of the city's defenders (soldiers, workers) and a 48-meter granite obelisk in the center. The Blockade memorial hall is also located here, separated by an open ring, symbolizing the breakthrough of the fascist defense of Leningrad. The memorial was built at the expense of voluntary donations from the townspeople.

    "Defenders of the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic War" ("Alyosha") in Murmansk

    Photo: Irina Borsuchenko / photo bank "Lori"

    One of the tallest Russian monuments, the 35-meter Murmansk "Alyosha", was erected in Murmansk in memory of unknown soldiers who gave their lives for the Soviet Arctic. The monument is located on a high hill - 173 meters above sea level, so the figure of a soldier in a raincoat with a machine gun over his shoulder can be seen from anywhere in the city. Near the "Alyosha" the Eternal Flame is burning and there are two anti-aircraft guns. The authors of the project are architects Igor Pokrovsky and Isaak Brodsky.

    "To Panfilov Heroes" in Dubosekovo


    The memorial complex in Dubosekovo, dedicated to the feat of 28 soldiers from the division of Major General Ivan Panfilov, consists of six 10-meter sculptures: a political officer, two fighters with grenades and three more soldiers. In front of the sculptural group there is a strip of concrete slabs - this is a symbol of the frontier that the Germans were never able to overcome. The authors of the monument project were Nikolai Lyubimov, Alexei Postol, Vladimir Fedorov, Vitaly Datyuk, Yuri Krivushchenko and Sergei Khadzhibaronov.

    Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow

    Photo: Dmitry Neumoin / photo bank "Lori"

    In 1966, a memorial dedicated to the Unknown Soldier was built in the Alexander Garden near the Kremlin wall. The ashes of one of the soldiers buried in a mass grave and a helmet from the times of the Great Patriotic War are buried here. The inscription "Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal" is carved on a granite tombstone. Since May 8, 1967, the Eternal Flame has been continuously burning on the monument, which was lit from the fire on the Field of Mars. Another part of the memorial is burgundy porphyry blocks depicting a golden star, in which capsules with earth from hero cities (Leningrad, Volgograd, Tula and others) are walled up.

    Monument to the soldiers of the Ural Volunteer Tank Corps in Yekaterinburg

    Photo: Elena Koromyslova / photobank "Lori"