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  • Twelve gates to the fourth dimension. What measurements exist besides three-dimensional Point, point, comma

    Twelve gates to the fourth dimension.  What measurements exist besides three-dimensional Point, point, comma

    In the very middle of any tornado or hurricane, as well as any event that happens in us or around us, there is a magical energy where everything is balanced.
    This energy is known as Zero Point Energy, and Albert Einstein first brought it to our attention. Zero Point is the natural resting state of all things.
    This is the energy in which we will live every day. This is the energy of the New Energy.
    Welcome to Zero Point. We are already in it.
    You see, in the New Energy, all phenomena arise already in the 12th dimension.
    It seems to many people that they are now stuck in place, but this is just a property of looking at the world from many points at the same time.
    And if I often tell you about the signs of incomprehensible sensations that many complain about and which doctors cannot describe, then I will also say that there are already people who are beginning to feel comfortable in new bodies. They began to learn new frequencies
    There is no Formula-1. no race! It seems to you that time has accelerated its movement and that you do not have time?
    But time is fine at any given moment
    Rebooting is one area that has reacted as computers fail everywhere. In particular, the storage devices you call hard drives are the most sensitive and the least adaptable to higher energy.
    You have seen and will continue to experience unexplained failures in this area, especially in large systems. The crystals are rewiring to accommodate the higher energy just like the physical body.
    So, the energy that comes to us and is assimilated now is Sexual energy, kundalini, spiral energy, the one that wraps the tornado and the events around us
    It is a higher spirit moving in a new vehicle. This will excite the physical being as the aging process that slowly dries out the physical body slows down and stops, it finds a wave of energy. Because this will be experienced by most people as an increase in sexual energy, life force energy.
    This causes a lot of stress for us. We have no words or concepts to explain it.
    But this is NEW energy.
    I watch its course according to the indicators of the solar wind, which is most powerful just in the mesits, commanded as the salvation of mankind. This is a zone of increased activity of the solar wind, gravity. This is a zone from 4 to 4 hours of astronomical time
    , that is, from 60 to 90 degrees east and west longitude.
    In the Western Hemisphere, you yourself can see the coordinates on the map
    This will surprise you
    In the meantime, look at the picture of the growth of the proton flux. It happens when
    none of the indicators of magnetometers indicates any features. I used to tell you about them often. But now there are parameters that have not yet been taken into account by science. One of them is Proton flux and gamma radiation.
    My whole body feels it. To a greater extent or to a lesser extent is another question. But when it fights in the suboccipital center, which is the center of distribution of all energies in the body, then I can say for sure even without devices - THE PROTON FLOW IS ROLLING UP.
    You can regularly look at the table yourself and compare with your well-being

    When someone talks about "different dimensions", for some reason we immediately start thinking about parallel universes - alternative realities that exist parallel to ours, in which everything is arranged differently. However, the reality of measurements and the role they play in the organization of our Universe makes us move away from this approach and think about measurements within one Universe, and not a set of parallel ones.

    In fact, dimensions are different facets of what we understand by reality and how we perceive it. From childhood, we are familiar with the three dimensions that surround us - this is what we call length, width and depth. In school, we called these the X, Y, and Z axes. Scientists suggest that there are others besides these three visible dimensions. So, according to the theory of superstrings, the Universe exists in ten different dimensions, which determine the Universe itself, the fundamental forces of nature and all the elementary particles in it.

    Three visible dimensions

    So, the three dimensions that we can perceive are those same axes X, Y and Z. First dimension is the x-axis, length. An object that exists in only one dimension is a straight line. If we add to this second dimension - Y-axis, width - then you get a two-dimensional image, for example, a square or rectangle. And finally third dimension - Z-axis, depth - makes the object three-dimensional. So, the square becomes a cube, and the rectangle becomes a parallelepiped. They exist in three dimensions, they have width, length and depth, which makes them voluminous.

    In addition to these three dimensions, seven more are distinguished, which are not so easy to immediately name and which we do not perceive as easily as the first three. But they all have a direct impact on the Universe and make reality as we know it.

    Time as one of the dimensions

    fourth dimension scientists count time. This is another dimension that we can perceive, it's just that not everyone thinks of considering time as a dimension. Together with the other three dimensions, knowing the position of an object in time makes it possible to determine its position in the universe.

    The remaining six dimensions are much more difficult to perceive, and even far from all scientists are subject to them. However, let's try to figure it out.

    Six extra dimensions

    According to superstring theory, the fifth and sixth dimensions appear in the same place as possible other worlds. If we could perceive fifth Dimension , we would see a world that is slightly different from ours, and be able to appreciate the similarities and differences between them.

    IN sixth dimension we would already see a whole set of possible worlds, and we would be able to place on the opened plane all the Universes that originated in the same way as ours, from the Big Bang. Theoretically, having mastered the fifth and sixth dimensions, a person could travel through time, including choosing a different future.

    IN seventh dimension we access possible worlds that started with different initial conditions. If at the previous two levels the Universes began with the Big Bang, and then developed differently, then in the new dimension the initial conditions also differ. IN eighth dimension there is another plane of all possible histories of the development of the Universe, each of which begins with different initial conditions and branches out in an infinite number of possible ways.

    Finally, in ninth measurement it becomes possible to compare all these scenarios of the Universe, with different initial conditions and different ways of further development. tenth measurement is the point at which we can cover everything possible and imaginable. Beyond this final dimension, we cannot imagine anything, this is the limit of what we can comprehend in various dimensions.

    These six additional dimensions (from the fifth to the tenth), which we feel and do not comprehend in ordinary life, according to string theory, explain the fundamental interactions of nature. The fact that we can perceive only three dimensions (the same X, Y, Z axes and time) suggests that either all other dimensions are very compact and are represented on the smallest scale, or the world exists in a three-dimensional submanifold corresponding to a brane, where all known particles will be limited. A brane in string theory is a fundamental multidimensional physical object of such a dimension less than the dimension of the space where it is located. If the extra dimensions are compact, then they are most likely in the form of a Calabi-Yau manifold (see image).

    String theory, like other pretenders to explain how the world works, proposes to reconcile particle physics with the existence of gravity. This is an attempt to explain how the forces in our universe interact and how other existing or possible universes can be arranged. And for this you need to assume the existence of ten dimensions.

    Our senses do not notice these dimensions, but they could determine the formation of the universe from the very beginning of its occurrence. Scientists believe that if they could look back in time and with telescopes, they would see the light of the early universe emitted billions of years ago and learn how these extra dimensions could have affected the evolution of the cosmos.

    Original taken from lana_artifex in String Theory - 11 Dimensions of Reality

    « ... in theoretical physics we manage to explain what we can no longer imagine» — Lev Davidovich Landau

    As mentioned above, the biggest problem for theoretical physicists is how to combine all 4 fundamental interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak (radioactive) and strong (nuclear)) into a single "Theory of Everything" (Theory of Quantum Gravity). String theory (TS) may well claim the role of this theory, since it is able to describe all these interactions. However, one has to pay for such universality with the complexity and some clumsiness of the theory - it is necessary to work in a 10-dimensional space-time, in which there are 9 spatial and 1 temporal dimensions. If there are more or less dimensions (and physicists and mathematicians tried in different ways, starting from 4x)), mathematicians will no longer be able to help in the justification - mathematical equations will give irrational results that go to infinity.

    The next stage in the development of TS (M-theory) has already counted 11 measurements. But the mathematical apparatus that mathematicians tried to fit to this number was again unconvincing. And then the F-theory arose, it already describes 12 dimensions with simpler equations .. To be continued). So far, it has been decided to stop at 10 dimensions +1 temporary, and mathematicians and physicists still do not sleep well at night.

    To understand the basic idea of ​​the TC, you first need to understand a little about its closest competitor - the standard model. The SM assumes that matter and interactions are described by a certain set of particles, which can be divided into the following groups: quarks, leptons, bosons. The difference between TS is that its basis is not particles, but ultramicroscopic quantum strings that oscillate. Moreover, different oscillation modes (and therefore, different oscillation frequencies) correspond to different particles of the standard model (since all particles in the SM have different energies). It is important to understand here that the string does not represent any matter, but is essentially energy, and therefore the TS, as it were, hints that everything that exists consists of energy.

    The simplest, although perhaps not very successful analogy that I can come up with for clarity is fire: when you look at it, it seems that it is material, it seems like an object that you can touch, but in reality it is just energy that cannot be touched. Only, unlike fire, one cannot pass a hand through a string or strings, since a vibrating string is, as it were, an excited state of space that becomes tangible.

    And here is another fantastic property of the TC

    One of the reasons why we cannot observe the remaining dimensions - localization - is that the extra dimensions are not so small, however, for a number of reasons, all particles of our world are localized on a four-dimensional sheet in a multidimensional universe (multiverse) and cannot leave it. This four-dimensional sheet (brane) is the observable part of the multiverse. Since we, like all our technology, consist of ordinary particles, we are basically unable to look inside.

    Brane (Calabi-Yau space) in string theory is a hypothetical fundamental multidimensional physical object of a dimension less than the dimension of the space in which it is located.Z

    The only way to detect the presence of extra dimensions is gravity. Gravity, being the result of the curvature of space-time, is not localized on the brane, and therefore gravitons and microscopic black holes can escape. In the observable world, such a process will look like a sudden disappearance of the energy and momentum carried away by these objects.

    And here, as often happens in physics, a standard problem arises: the TS needs experimental verification, but none of the versions of the theory gives unambiguous predictions that could be verified in a critical experiment. Thus, TS is still in its "rudimentary stage": it has many attractive mathematical features and can become extremely important in understanding the workings of the Universe, but further development is required in order to accept it or reject it. Since TC is likely to be untestable for the foreseeable future due to technological limitations, some scientists question whether this theory deserves the status of a scientific one, because, in their opinion, it does not meet the Popper criterion (non-falsifiable).

    Of course, this in itself is not a reason to consider the TS incorrect. Often, new theoretical constructions go through a stage of uncertainty before being recognized or rejected on the basis of comparison with experimental results (for example, Maxwell's equations). Therefore, in the case of TS, either the development of the theory itself, that is, the methods of calculation and obtaining conclusions, or the development of experimental science to study previously inaccessible quantities, is required.

    By the way, TS also makes it possible to detect microscopic "black holes", many consequences of TS were predicted by Stephen Hawking.

    My opinion is that this theory has great potential, and I am close to the idea that everything in the world "sounds", incl. and ourselves. In the following posts I will tell you how you can develop this theory, coming to shocking conclusions. So far, it all looks like a mixture of fantasy and esotericism, but everything can change at any moment!

    The master tunes to channels 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 measurements. Initiations into dimensions must be received sequentially, from the lowest to the highest. Supervises and opens the channels of the Supreme Creator.

    It is important for you to be aware of the multiple frequencies of reality if you begin to consciously communicate and travel into higher dimensional realities.

    Each dimension is a world in itself, complete and having its own set of laws and principles. Each dimension contains sub-dimensions or separate worlds and levels of existence. For example, the astral worlds and the mental plane are part of the fourth dimension.

    The earthly (physical) level is the first, second and third dimensions. The etheric levels begin at the top of the fourth dimension, the Human Realm. People are able to access the ethereal levels and rise to a four- and then a five-dimensional state, while remaining in a three-dimensional earthly, physical reality.

    The higher dimensions are called dimensions from the fifth to the twelfth. The fifth dimension functions at the level of incarnated beings. The sixth dimension functions at the level of possible realities. The Oversoul of the seventh dimension functions at the level of Souls.

    Dimensions eight through ten operate at the level of solar systems.

    And the eleventh and twelfth, as well as their combinations, function at the level of galaxies.

    Descriptions from the first to the fourth dimensions are given for reference to form a complete picture of the world.

    Brief description of measurements

    First dimension

    The first dimension is the habitat of the mineral kingdom. All life here begins with the stage of the embryo and gradually takes shape. Any inhabitant of this dimension has consciousness, is connected with the Divine Source and is a part of it. He has a close relationship with the Divine Mother as he has just emerged from the Divine Womb.

    Second dimension

    The second dimension is home to the plant kingdom. The inhabitants of the second dimension rise to the next level of development. They begin to take the first steps towards testing themselves by participating in the cycle of life: birth, death and rebirth. They realize that their presence has an impact on the world when they are perceived and felt by other forms of creation. They enter into the community of other forms of creation and can experience themselves in their connection with them.

    third dimension

    The third dimension can easily be thought of as the animal kingdom. In the third dimension, consciousness is developed to the level of self-consciousness. The inhabitants of this world acquire an attachment to their lives and, thereby, the will to survive. Attachment generates awareness of everything that can harm or interrupt life, and thus fear arises.

    The inhabitants of this dimension learn to experience the duality of security and fear in an effort to survive and are able to instinctively feel and feel. To do this, they devote part of their consciousness to the formation of a mind based on survival. The main role of this department of the mind is to develop information storage systems so that it can be accessed in an attempt to maintain security. This information contains the being's personal experience or the experience he has seen of other creatures. The creature builds this memory bank early in its life, based on its experiences as well as lessons learned from elders or other members of the community. Such intelligence develops in order to survive.

    Humans exist in the third or lower levels of the fourth dimension until their focus shifts from survival and the desire to survive to the more spiritual aspirations of the higher levels of the fourth dimension.

    Fourth dimension

    The fourth dimension is known as the Human Realm, because the abilities and receptivity acquired by a person in the fourth dimension are more in line with the true nature of humanity than the habits and beliefs adopted by a person as a result of living in the third dimension.

    In the fourth dimension, consciousness evolves and abandons the Will to Survive in favor of the more subtle aspects of being. It is in this dimension that beings awaken and reach levels of awareness where they ask questions: “Who am I?”, “Where did I come from, in a spiritual sense?”, “Who, what and where is my Creator?” and "What is my goal?".

    Fifth Dimension: Love

    If the fourth dimension contains the Human Realm and is the place where the incarnated person solves his problems and establishes a connection with his spiritual, then the fifth dimension is the Spiritual Realm. Entering the fifth dimension, the initiate leaves the worlds of duality and enters a qualitatively different world - the world of love and unity. By the time the initiate reaches this realm, he is already well aware of the purpose of his incarnation and, to a certain extent, the meaning of his life.

    As the gateway to the Christ Consciousness, the fifth dimension represents the abode of love. In this dimension there is no duality of love and fear, as in the fourth. It is based on love and light, which is why many initiates in the higher levels of the fourth dimension strive to achieve fifth dimensional consciousness.

    The Sixth Dimension: The Plan of the Soul

    In the sixth dimension, the initiate is freed from the remnants of his divisive beliefs and prepares to immerse himself in the experience of the Oneness of God. He recognizes the truth of God and understands God as the Force of Light, Source of Light, Unity, All That Is. He gets rid of the limited perception of himself and enters the world of limitless possibilities. Here he no longer considers himself as a physical Embodied "I" and begins to consider himself All That Is. Here he completely subordinates his "I" to All That Is. He becomes everything from rocks to birds to stars and planets. He attains God Consciousness.

    Seventh Dimension: Low Starry Heaven

    Also called "the seventh heaven," the seventh dimension is the home of many Angelic and Celestial Beings, as well as the universal levels of the Hierarchy.

    Once a Master has merged with All That Is in the sixth dimension, he may choose to re-assume the form of his choice and join the Community of Light in the seventh dimension. When he reaches the seventh dimension, he has many alternatives. He may choose to serve the Earth and humanity, or work with other planetary worlds and spheres other than Earth. He has the opportunity to incarnate in many different forms of his Hierarchy and change his appearance in order to look as he wishes. He can at any time choose to incarnate as wind, rain, plant, bird, beast or fish. This change of form always takes place with the permission of all concerned. He can also become a Ray Being, one of the possible incarnations of his Universal Self.

    8th Dimension: Angelic Worlds

    The dimension contains the highest starry heavens, the realm of the angels. This is where densities and levels of awareness begin to merge with dimensions. The higher and higher we rise in the spiritual universe, the less and less words mean. In the celestial spheres, the concept of levels and dimensions also loses its meaning. The concept of spiritual Hierarchies may be useful on Earth, but here everything just IS. However, there is great variety and depth in the IS. Colors incomprehensible to the mind pulsate, merge and play in the ocean of Divine Love, Power and Wisdom. Angels soar across starry oceans, creating rainbows and dazzling columns of light.

    The old-fashioned image of Heaven, where angels play harps and sit on clouds, is only a tiny fragment of the overall picture, a boring dream of one person. The reality of Heaven quickly dispels any sense of boredom. Everything shines and sparkles with newness, and much can be done. Abundance is limitless and immediately available in every form imaginable.

    Above the eighth dimension are the palace worlds, the habitats of the Eternal Ones - beings of light who have merged with Divinity.

    Ninth Dimension: Divine Worlds

    Enlightened masters live in the ninth dimension. The energy of this sphere is directly connected with Christ. It is here that powerful archangels live - huge beings of light, intelligently and wisely overseeing the lower worlds.

    Tenth Dimension: Paradise Worlds

    The tenth dimension is the sphere of the Creator Gods and the heavenly worlds, which are spoken of in ancient scriptures. The energy of this sphere is connected with the Heavenly Father and the Divine Mother. It is the realm of universal birth and creation, the womb of Divinity in which all things begin in eternal newness.

    Eleventh Dimension: Divinity

    The eleventh dimension includes Divinity. This is the realm of the Great Central Sun of the Universe and exists in a state of timelessness. You can get here only with the help of a calm mind, in a state of absence of thought and time. When everything becomes One, there is no one to perceive it, for we become everything that has ever felt. We have become the universe. The universe is us. We are God.

    The Twelfth Dimension: The Great Sacrament

    Above the eleventh dimension lies the Great Sacrament. The twelfth dimension is Tao, the unknown, the great void, the unknowable, the Source. It's everything and nothing. This is the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega. In the twelfth dimension, everything is updated every moment. This world exists without the limitation of time and thought. It conveys understanding, freedom that cannot be bought, and love that cannot be comprehended and understood. Completely outside of time and space, the twelfth dimension is destined to forever remain unknown.

    The twelfth dimension is a passage to other universes, universes that will never be known by our Universe, universes with absolutely different laws and principles, and absolutely different gods. The worlds cannot go above this position. So this is the end of our exploration of the infinite universe.

    Levels of higher dimensions

    When talking about moving up into another dimension, the thought of moving up does not mean going up vertically. Nor does it mean upward changes in awareness.

    All levels of dimensions merge with each other and represent a kind of quantum soup. There are higher dimensions above, below, around, inside and generally everywhere around. But most people are only attuned to the 3D/4D worlds so far.

    Since there are no clear boundaries between the dimensions and they are all immediately here and now, the question arises how is it possible to see or feel the higher dimensions? The answer is simple, you need to tune in to them. It's like a radio. If you are listening to a certain station and want to listen to another, you need to change the frequency.

    The channels of this block help you tune in to your chosen dimension, experience expansions of consciousness or get a certain spiritual experience in the best way for you.

    What gives the use of channels

    There is a filling with the power of unconditional love, which opens access to the highest levels of dimensions from the fifth to the twelfth.

    You can get Home, to that world that your soul missed so much and in which you lived before your incarnation on Earth. You can also meet with your loved ones and friends, feel the joy of reunion. Communicate and receive healing at the level that you need.

    Fireworks of unusually bright colors, which do not exist on earth, unusual images of other creatures or their homes, vegetation and cities. You may also see sounds or hear scents. Your feelings will expand many times, as well as the perception of higher dimensions. However, upon your return, you can barely find the words to describe your experience. This is fine.

    The heavenly sounds, the most delicate aromas, and the vibrant color shows that you can perceive while working with energies are often a gift from the Beings of Light (angelic guides) of the seventh dimension.

    You can see yourself outside of your body, much larger and even in a different shape. As a result, the binding to the earthly form will disappear.

    Feeling incredibly light, as if you are lighter than air. Or as if you went into outer space, where there is no gravity. You can fly freely, move in any direction in a split second.

    The use of channels makes it easier to realize the existence of realities that are very different from our physical world.

    It is only in the third, fourth, and threshold of the fifth dimension that you perceive yourself as having a form that appears to be separate from others. From the middle of the fifth dimension and above, you remember that everything in life is interconnected, like separate drops in the Cosmic Sea, and you can easily see the molecules of life that connect you.

    As you progress through the universe level to the Soul level, all vestiges of separateness dissipate until, on the Soul level, everything merges into Oneness, All That Is, a universal life force that has no particular form.

    You will have a deep inner sense of peace, love and wisdom, and although this sense of serenity is changeable, it will become an immutable reality for you.

    Channels carry out:

    • Filling with energies of higher dimensions
    • Raising vibrations
    • Expansion of bodies of light
    • Ascension Process Activation
    • Communication with the forces of light and civilizations of higher dimensions
    • Higher dimensional chakra activation
    • Activation of energy structures and matrices of higher dimensions
    • Expansion of consciousness and mind to higher dimensions
    • Expanding the Perception of Higher Dimensional Energies
    • Establishing Multidimensional Consciousness
    • And much more!...

    The biggest problem for theoretical physicists is how to combine all fundamental interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong) into a single theory. Superstring theory just claims to be the Theory of Everything.

    Counting from three to ten

    But it turned out that the most convenient number of dimensions needed for this theory to work is as many as ten (nine of which are spatial, and one is temporal)! If there are more or less dimensions, mathematical equations give irrational results that go to infinity - a singularity.

    The next stage in the development of superstring theory - M-theory - has already counted eleven dimensions. And another version of it - F-theory - all twelve. And it's not a complication at all. F-theory describes 12-dimensional space with simpler equations than M-theory describes 11-dimensional space.

    Of course, theoretical physics is called theoretical for a reason. All her achievements so far exist only on paper. So, to explain why we can only move in three-dimensional space, scientists started talking about how the unfortunate other dimensions had to shrink into compact spheres at the quantum level. To be precise, not into spheres, but into Calabi-Yau spaces. These are such three-dimensional figures, inside of which there is its own world with its own dimension. A two-dimensional projection of similar manifolds looks something like this:

    More than 470 million such figurines are known. Which of them corresponds to our reality is currently being calculated. It is not easy to be a theoretical physicist.

    Yes, it does seem a bit far-fetched. But perhaps this explains why the quantum world is so different from what we perceive.

    Period, period, comma

    Start over. Zero dimension is a point. She has no size. There is nowhere to move, no coordinates are needed to indicate the location in such a dimension.

    Let's put a second point next to the first one and draw a line through them. Here is the first dimension. A one-dimensional object has a size - length, but no width or depth. Movement within the framework of one-dimensional space is very limited, because the obstacle that has arisen on the way cannot be bypassed. To determine the location on this segment, you need only one coordinate.

    Let's put a point next to the segment. To fit both of these objects, we need already a two-dimensional space that has length and width, that is, area, but without depth, that is, volume. The location of any point on this field is determined by two coordinates.

    The third dimension arises when we add a third coordinate axis to this system. It is very easy for us, the inhabitants of the three-dimensional universe, to imagine this.

    Let's try to imagine how the inhabitants of two-dimensional space see the world. For example, here are these two people:

    Each of them will see his friend like this:

    And with this layout:

    Our heroes will see each other like this:

    It is the change in point of view that allows our heroes to judge each other as two-dimensional objects, rather than one-dimensional segments.

    And now let's imagine that a certain three-dimensional object moves in the third dimension, which crosses this two-dimensional world. For an outside observer, this movement will be expressed in a change in two-dimensional projections of the object on a plane, like broccoli in an MRI machine:

    But for the inhabitant of our Flatland, such a picture is incomprehensible! He can't even imagine her. For him, each of the two-dimensional projections will be seen as a one-dimensional segment with a mysteriously variable length, appearing in an unpredictable place and also unpredictably disappearing. Attempts to calculate the length and place of occurrence of such objects using the laws of physics of two-dimensional space are doomed to failure.

    We, the inhabitants of the three-dimensional world, see everything in two dimensions. Only the movement of an object in space allows us to feel its volume. We will also see any multidimensional object as two-dimensional, but it will change in an amazing way depending on our relative position or time with it.

    From this point of view, it is interesting to think, for example, about gravity. Everyone has probably seen pictures like this:

    It is customary to depict how gravity bends space-time. Curves... where? Exactly not in any of the dimensions familiar to us. And what about quantum tunneling, that is, the ability of a particle to disappear in one place and appear in a completely different one, moreover, behind an obstacle through which, in our realities, it could not penetrate without making a hole in it? What about black holes? But what if all these and other mysteries of modern science are explained by the fact that the geometry of space is not at all the same as we are accustomed to perceive it?

    The clock is ticking

    Time adds one more coordinate to our Universe. In order for the party to take place, you need to know not only in which bar it will take place, but also the exact time of this event.

    Based on our perception, time is not so much a straight line as a ray. That is, it has a starting point, and the movement is carried out only in one direction - from the past to the future. And only the present is real. Neither the past nor the future exist, just as breakfasts and dinners do not exist from the point of view of an office clerk at lunchtime.

    But the theory of relativity does not agree with this. From her point of view, time is a valuable dimension. All the events that have existed, exist and will continue to exist are equally real, as real as the sea beach is, no matter where exactly the dreams of the sound of the surf took us by surprise. Our perception is just something like a searchlight that illuminates a certain segment on the time line. Humanity in its fourth dimension looks something like this:

    But we see only a projection, a slice of this dimension at each individual moment of time. Yes, yes, like broccoli in an MRI machine.

    Until now, all theories have worked with a large number of spatial dimensions, and time has always been the only one. But why does space allow multiple dimensions for space, but only one time? Until scientists can answer this question, the hypothesis of two or more time spaces will seem very attractive to all philosophers and science fiction writers. Yes, and physicists, what is already there. For example, the American astrophysicist Itzhak Bars sees the root of all troubles with the Theory of Everything as the second time dimension, which has been overlooked. As a mental exercise, let's try to imagine a world with two times.

    Each dimension exists separately. This is expressed in the fact that if we change the coordinates of an object in one dimension, the coordinates in others can remain unchanged. So, if you move along one time axis that intersects another at a right angle, then at the point of intersection, time around will stop. In practice, it will look something like this:

    All Neo had to do was place his one-dimensional time axis perpendicular to the bullets' time axis. A real trifle, agree. In fact, everything is much more complicated.

    The exact time in a universe with two time dimensions will be determined by two values. Is it hard to imagine a two-dimensional event? That is, one that is extended simultaneously along two time axes? It is likely that such a world would require time-mapping specialists, just as cartographers map the two-dimensional surface of the globe.

    What else distinguishes a two-dimensional space from a one-dimensional one? The ability to bypass an obstacle, for example. This is completely beyond the boundaries of our mind. An inhabitant of a one-dimensional world cannot imagine how it is to turn a corner. And what is this - an angle in time? In addition, in two-dimensional space, you can travel forward, backward, or even diagonally. I have no idea how it is to go diagonally through time. I'm not talking about the fact that time underlies many physical laws, and it is impossible to imagine how the physics of the Universe will change with the advent of another time dimension. But it's so exciting to think about it!

    Very large encyclopedia

    Other dimensions have not yet been discovered, and exist only in mathematical models. But you can try to imagine them like this.

    As we found out earlier, we see a three-dimensional projection of the fourth (temporal) dimension of the Universe. In other words, every moment of the existence of our world is a point (similar to the zero dimension) in the time interval from the Big Bang to the End of the World.

    Those of you who have read about time travel know how important the curvature of the space-time continuum is. This is the fifth dimension - it is in it that the four-dimensional space-time “bends” in order to bring two points on this straight line closer together. Without this, the journey between these points would be too long, or even impossible. Roughly speaking, the fifth dimension is similar to the second - it moves the "one-dimensional" line of space-time to the "two-dimensional" plane with all the consequences in the form of the ability to turn the corner.

    A little earlier, our especially philosophically minded readers probably thought about the possibility of free will in conditions where the future already exists, but is not yet known. Science answers this question like this: probabilities. The future is not a stick, but a whole broom of possible scenarios. Which of them will come true - we'll find out when we get there.

    Each of the probabilities exists as a "one-dimensional" segment on the "plane" of the fifth dimension. What is the fastest way to jump from one segment to another? That's right - bend this plane like a sheet of paper. Where to bend? And again, correctly - in the sixth dimension, which gives the whole complex structure "volume". And, thus, makes it, like three-dimensional space, "finished", a new point.

    The seventh dimension is a new straight line, which consists of six-dimensional "points". What is any other point on this line? The whole infinite set of options for the development of events in another universe, formed not as a result of the Big Bang, but in other conditions, and acting according to other laws. That is, the seventh dimension is beads from parallel worlds. The eighth dimension collects these "straight lines" into one "plane". And the ninth can be compared to a book that contains all the "sheets" of the eighth dimension. It is the totality of all histories of all universes with all laws of physics and all initial conditions. Point again.

    Here we hit the limit. To imagine the tenth dimension, we need a straight line. And what could be another point on this straight line, if the ninth dimension already covers everything that can be imagined, and even what cannot be imagined? It turns out that the ninth dimension is not another starting point, but the final one - for our imagination, in any case.

    String theory claims that it is in the tenth dimension that strings, the basic particles that make up everything, make their vibrations. If the tenth dimension contains all universes and all possibilities, then strings exist everywhere and all the time. I mean, every string exists in our universe, and every other. At any point in time. Straightaway. Cool, yeah? published