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  • Basic information about the Unified State Exam Is it true that it is easier to pass the Unified State Exam early than at the main stage?
  • Speech therapy lesson in a preparatory group for children with stuttering on the topic “sounds p and p”
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  • Class hour dedicated to the creativity of R
  • Speech material for differentiating sounds “S” - “Ts.” Topic: differentiation of consonants s, ts Stories for differentiation with ts

    Speech material for differentiation of sounds

    The heron performed at the circus.

    I trained three chickens.

    Tsintsy-brintsy, balalaika,

    Tsyntsy-bryntsy, start playing!

    Tsyntsy-bryntsy, I don’t want to

    Guys, guys, I want to sleep!

    Drinking water from a trough

    Three sheep, a chick and a bird.

    Prepare a retelling by practicing the pronunciation of the sound [C].

    Father dug a well. There he waters the sheep. Little brother looked into the well. The father drove his brother away: “Go to mom! The well is deep."

    We went to the circus. There we saw wrestlers, tightrope walkers, and a trained bear. A famous singer sang in the circus and dancers performed. Mom bought us some candy. We liked the circus.

    (illustration 9)

    A heron walks importantly through the swamp. The heron has long legs and a short tail. The heron clicks with its long beak, looking into the water as if in a mirror. The heron wants to catch the lizard.


    Pronounce syllables, distinguishing between the sounds [S] - [C].

    Pronounce sentences, distinguishing the sounds [S], [C].

    Caterpillars feed on leaves. The sugar bowl is on the table. Alice has long eyelashes. The sun hid behind a lead cloud. The fox hid under a pine tree. On the ash tree, starlings peck caterpillars. Sheep have short tails. Acacia blossoms in the garden. Senya was tending sheep.

    [C] - [S]

    tsa – sa os – ots ots – os atsu – asu

    sa – tsa is – its its – isasu – atsu

    atsa – asa tso – so us – uts uts – us

    asa – atsa so – tso es – ets ec – es

    ats – as atso – aso tsu – su ys – yts

    yats – yas aso – atso su – tsu tsy – sy

    atsy – asy yts – ys as – yats sy – tsy

    asy – atsy yas – yats

    [C] - [S]

    Knitting needle, tit, fox, capital, sister, ladder, caterpillar, sugar bowl, little word, little letter, arctic fox, starlings, eyelashes, salty little word, sun, scene, month, arctic fox, lead, station, beauty, seven-colored, clutch, chintz, oil, ladder, proverb, column, letter, insomnia, writer, wanderer, sleeps, dreams, laughs, sits down, bites, descends, is ashamed, gives up.

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    [C] - [S]

    Sheep - oats, pollen - stripe, heron - saber, ring - wheel, clatter - falcon, to the face - fox, to the ring - to the wheel, chick-chick - rash-rash, sheep - braids, short - blond, tut - sprinkle , ends - noses, eyelashes - hair, craftsmen - rails, goal - jelly, whole - gray, valuable - autumn, prices - hay, strain - angry, virgin soil - gray hair, color - light, goals - sat down, flower - light, reign - litter, clink - juice, intact - sat down, bam - bass.

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

    [C] - [S]

    A whole glass. Broken tree. Motley chicken. Fresh water. Cowardly hare. Brave fighters. Strong blacksmiths. The fox has cubs. Sima's dress is made of chintz. Sonya dropped the sugar bowl. Father wrote a letter. Senya has brown hair and light eyelashes. Syoma drank a whole glass of juice. The sun will peep into our window.

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

    [C] - [S]

    A tit was sitting on an acacia tree. The starling brought the caterpillar. The spoke in the chariot is not big. Clean fellow: no goats, no sheep. The sun shone all day. September is an autumn month. The chicken laid an egg. The hare has a short tail. The moon was shining through the window. The lilacs bloomed in May. The children were in camp for a whole month. The brave man is not afraid of death, the brave man shuns death.

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

    [C] - [S]

    The sun will also peek into our window. He who loves to work cannot sit idle. The beauty of the birch tree has a silver dress, the beauty of the birch tree has green braids. A tit sits on a pine tree, a fox sits under a pine tree. If the fox had not arrived in time, the sheep would have eaten the wolf. He who is brave is safe. Flowers should not bloom in the snow.

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

    [C] - [S]

    Not every bird flies high. The sun sets - the lazy person is having fun. And the moon shines when there is no sun. Everything changes in the world, but the truth remains. Poor chickens can't sleep if they dream about a fox. I picked oats for the sheep; Eat your oats quickly, sheep. They beat the wolf not because he is grey, but because he ate the sheep. The bird is not big, but loud. It's fun to sing, it's fun to spin. Not a beast, not a bird, but a nose like a knitting needle

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 8. Learn the poem.

    Finger - boy, where have you been?

    I went into the forest with this brother.

    I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

    I ate porridge with this brother.

    I sang songs with this brother.

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 9. Learn riddles.

    I brought the sun

    At your window,

    I hung it from the ceiling -

    It immediately became fun.


    It's not a bird that's sitting on a branch,

    There is a red tail, but not a fox.

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 10. Learn riddles.

    Two twins, two brothers sit astride the nose.

    I carry some water inside me.

    You will need some water.

    Swim without hassle

    If there is...(plumbing)

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 11. Learn poems.

    Important, big-nosed heron

    Stands like a statue all day.
    By the fence on the street

    Two chickens met

    Hens are brood hens,

    Good neighbors.

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 12. Learn the poem.

    Bird exercise.

    The bird wants to wake up

    The bird sings a song,

    Because a bird with a song

    Waking up is more interesting.

    (V. Berestov)

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 13. Learn riddles.

    Two brothers look into the water, they will never meet.

    (Buckets in the rocker)

    In a dark dungeon

    Beautiful girls

    No thread, no knitting needle


    (Bees in the hive)

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 14. Learn the poem.


    The starlings are returning,

    Our old tenants.

    Sparrows near a puddle

    They circle in a noisy flock.

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 15. Learn nursery rhymes.

    I'm smart - smart

    And the whole street knows it -

    And a rooster and a hen.

    On the street two hens and a rooster are fighting.

    Two beautiful girls look and laugh.

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 16. Learn the poem.

    Let's get dressed...

    Me myself! Me myself!

    Let's go, let's wash...

    Me myself! Me myself!

    (I. Muraveiko)

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 17. Learn the poem.


    Thirty-two sisters,

    Written beauties,

    Live on one page

    And they are famous everywhere.

    (B. Zakhoder)

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 18. Learn the poem.

    There are animals and birds in the zoo:

    Lionesses, foxes, hares, martens,

    Herons, chicks, tits, starlings,

    And starlings have chicks.

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 19. Learn poems by O. Driz.

    Flower to flower - color pattern.

    Pine to pine - pine forest.
    The bird shook the branch -

    And the light streams through the leaves.

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 20. Learn the poem.

    The red maiden caught some water from the spring.

    The horse clicked his hoof from behind,

    Dust swirls under the hoof.

    The young man asked the young woman for some water to drink.

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 21. Learn the poem.

    The old hare is mowing hay,

    And the fox is raking.

    The fly carries hay to the cart,

    And the mosquito throws.

    (S. Marshak)

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 22. Learn the poem.

    Once upon a time at a concert

    The urchins sat

    With whistling and gusto

    They sucked on lollipops.

    (E. Firebloom)

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 23. Learn the poem.

    I won't wash the dishes

    So that the dishes are intact.

    I'm ready to water the flowers

    We just don't have flowers.

    (L. Dymova)

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 24. Learn the poem.

    There are two sheep in the flower garden

    They graze all day.

    At the porch without end

    Pussy eats from a saucer.

    From flowers at last

    Drive away the sheep!

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 25. Learn the poem.

    Maybe twenty thousand times

    Drop the iron basin.

    And a porcelain vase

    You can't drop it even once.

    After all, twenty thousand times

    We need twenty thousand vases.

    (A. Kondratyev)

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.
    [C] - [S]

    Exercise No. 26. Learn the poem.

    Wrong street.

    Wandered into our kindergarten

    Twelve little chickens.

    A motley hen brought them from the street.

    Sweet little chicken, you're on the wrong street.

    It's a kindergarten, but not for chickens!

    Pronounce the sounds [ts] and [s] exaggeratedly and firmly. Make sure that these sounds are not mixed in pronunciation.

    Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

    We wish you success!

    Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and name them. Highlight the initial sounds. Compare the sounds s and c by articulation

    How are these sounds similar?

    What is the difference between these sounds?

    Task 2. a) Select the initial sound from the syllables. The speech therapist names the syllables, highlighting the initial sounds with his voice. Children take turns naming the first sounds in syllables.

    Sample, ca (s)


    b) Select the last sound from the syllable.

    ATs -AS US -UC ITs -IS EC - ETs YTS -YS OS -OTs

    c) Select the sounds s or tz from sound combinations.


    Task 3. Select the initial sounds from words.

    Sad, heron, juice, clop, bough, candied fruit, heron, saber.

    Game "On the contrary".

    Methodical instructions: the speech therapist names a syllable with the sound s. Children pronounce a syllable with the sound ts, and vice versa. The speech therapist makes sure that the sounds s and c are pronounced briefly and abruptly.

    Sample, tsa - ts(sa)


    Task 4. Say the syllables after the speech therapist, the speech therapist pronounces two syllables at once.

    Sample. Speech therapist: SA - CA. Children: SA - CA





    CE -CE CE -CE


    OTs -OS EC - EC

    UTs -US YATS - YAS

    Task 5. Remember and reproduce syllable sequences.

    SA -CA -SA SU -TSU -SU

    SO -TSO -SO CA -SA -CA

    TsU -SU -TsU TsO -SO -TsO

    SA -CA -CA -SA CA-SA -CA -SA

    Task 6. Listen to the words, a) Highlight the initial syllables. The speech therapist emphasizes the initial syllable with his voice.

    Sample. Sanya (sa), heron (tsa).

    Sanya, cap, full, chains, lard, sleigh, whole, tiptoe, sprinkle.

    b) Highlight the last syllable.

    Egg, braid, sheep, sheep, scales, carry, noses, braids, face, rings, ends.

    Task 7. a) Complete the word by adding the syllable sa or tsa based on the pictures.

    The speech therapist names part of the word and shows an object picture. Children must add a syllable and say the whole word.

    Sample. Li-sa (fox).

    Li -..., ov -..., petit -..., fox -..., flask -..., kuni -....

    b) Complete the word by adding the syllable so or tso.

    Li... , kohl... , yay... , about... , kohl... „

    69c) Complete the word by adding the syllable sy or tsy.

    Be... , finger... , cucumber... , but... , scissors... , boo... .

    d) Complete the word without reference to the picture, use the same words.

    Task 8. Say the words reflectedly. The speech therapist says two words at once.

    Tsap - the chain itself - seven circus - cheese heron - sleigh chains - nets sheep - wasp

    Task 9. Say the words reflected: a) syllable by syllable; b) entirely.

    Fox, sister, craftswoman, nasturtium, tureen, station, sun, caterpillar, sugar bowl, letter carrier, armadillo.

    Task 10. Look at the pictures and name them. The pictures are selected by a speech therapist.

    Task 11. a) Raise your left hand if you hear the sound s in a word; b) raise your right hand if you hear the sound ts in a word; c) raise both hands if you hear the sounds s and c in a word.

    Garden, flower, sweet, seven-flowered, flower, traffic light, candied fruit, scratch, boot, sun, beet, chain, tank, sweet, starling.

    Words to explain: tank.

    Task 12. Look at the pictures. First, select those in whose names you hear the sound s, then those in which you hear the sound c.

    An approximate list of pictures: flower, whistle, sugar, heron, cucumber, bag, napkin, heron, chick, cracker, hen, chick, dragonfly.

    Sounds s and c in sentences and connected texts

    Task 13. Complete the sentences with and without pictures. Say the entire sentences.

    Winter is over, it's flying The chicken is calling.

    The tit ate . Sugar is stored in.

    The sheet in the book is called... (page).

    The fox can be called... (fox). You can call your sister... (sister).

    Task 14. Say the sentences in reflection.

    The hen calls the chicks. The bushes were attacked by caterpillars. The tit ate the caterpillar. The fox is chasing a hare. A fox basks in the sun. My brother has a sister. Sonya smiles cheerfully. Sugar is stored in a sugar bowl. Winter is over, the starling is flying. The beautiful maiden sits in the dungeon, and the braid is on the street.

    Task 15. Complete the sentences according to the example. Say the entire sentences.

    Sample. Mom washes Sonya. And Sanya washes himself.

    Mom washes Sonya. And Sanya himself... Mom dresses Sonya. And Sanya himself... Mom undresses Sonya. And Sanya himself...

    Sanya is great. Why is Sanya great? What can you do?

    Task 16, Look at the pictures. Come up with sentences for each picture about Sanya.

    Task 17. Repeat the whole story about Sanya. Come up with a title for the story.

    Task 18, Come up with a similar story about Sima.

    Task 19. Listen to the stories.

    Svetin's garden

    This is a garden. There are many flowers in the garden. There are asters and nasturtiums, cyclamens, marigolds and daisies. Light in the garden all day. She waters the flowers herself. Sveta’s garden is beautiful.

    What flowers does Sveta have in her garden? Retell the story as you remember.

    Seven-flowered flower

    Sveta drew a flower. The flower has seven petals. She colored each petal with different colored pencils. One petal is blue, the other.... Sveta called her flower “seven-flowered flower.”

    Name the other colors. What did Sveta name her flower? Why did she name her flower “seven-flowered flower”?

    Draw a flower like this too. Retell the story as you remember.


    In the garden, caterpillars attacked cabbage. Vitalik brought the chickens and let them into the garden beds. The chickens began to peck the caterpillars. Soon they pecked all the pests.

    Who attacked the cabbage? Who saved the garden? Who are called pests? Retell it as you remember.

    Town for birds

    This is a town. It's for the birds. Ducks, geese, chickens and chickens settled in it. Everyone has their own houses. As the sun rises, the workers come. They clean the houses, feed all the birds, and then collect eggs in the nests. The birds live well in their town.

    Who is the town for?

    Who settled in the town?

    Who takes care of the birds?

    When do the workers arrive?

    What are the working women doing in the town?

    How do birds live?

    Retell it as you remember.

    in winter

    In winter the sun shines little. There's snow everywhere. There are snow flakes on the trees instead of leaves. The birds are hungry. The tits huddle close to the houses.

    Retell it as you remember.

    in winter

    Winter came. There's snow everywhere. In the sun, the snow sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow. It's frosty. But the tits are not discouraged. They fly to houses and find food. The children took care of the tits.

    Retell it as you remember.

    Task 19, Remember both stories about winter. Retell the one you liked best. Why did you like this particular story?

    Task 20. Listen to the stories. Retell it as you remember.

    Hare and fox

    A hare sits near a pine tree. He sees a fox running. The hare is in the bushes, and the fox is right there. Tsap - and the fox carried away the hare.

    Fox and Hare

    The fox saw the hare. I crept up to him. The hare noticed the fox - and went into the bushes. The fox is behind him. The hare is behind the bush and the fox is behind the bush. Where the hare goes, the fox goes. The fox chased the hare all day. But I never caught it. Well done hare!

    Why is the hare doing well?

    Task 21. Remember the stories “The Hare and the Fox”, “The Fox and the Hare”. Which story did you like best? Why?

    Task 22. Listen to the stories. Answer the questions. Retell it as you remember.

    Well done, Sanya!

    Sanya always helps her mother. This morning he took a bucket and went to get water. He lowered the bucket into the well and collected some water. Sanya brought some water home. Mom was delighted and said: “Well done, Sanya!”

    How did Sanya help his mother? Why is Sanya a great guy?

    Simina's sister

    Sima has a little sister. Sima affectionately calls her sister. My sister doesn't know how to wash herself. Sima washes her. My sister doesn't know how to dress herself. Sima dresses her. My sister doesn't know how to put on her own shoes. Sima puts on her sister's shoes. And the sister rejoices and smiles at Sima. And when Sima plays with her, her sister laughs loudly.

    What does Sima call his sister?

    What can't your sister do?

    Does your sister love Sima?

    How did you guess that your sister loves Sima?


    Winter came. It's cold outside. The father came out onto the porch and saw the bird. The bird sat on the snow and did not fly away. It was a starling. The starling is completely frozen. The father brought the starling into the house and gave him grain and water. The father made a cage for the starling, and in the cage he made a ladder. Now the starling lives in a cage, jumps up the stairs and hums cheerfully.

    Who did the father see in the snow?

    Why did the starling stay for the winter?

    How did the father help the starling?

    Remember what birds fly to the middle zone for the winter (tits, bullfinches).

    Cucumber and cabbage (just kidding)

    One day, a head of cabbage and a cucumber went to the river to swim together. The cucumber immediately jumped into the water. And as soon as the head of cabbage began to undress on the shore, it remained undressed until the evening. The cucumber waited and waited for him and became covered in pimples from the cold.

    Why did a head of cabbage take so long to undress?

    Why is the cucumber covered with pimples?

    Heron and fox

    There was a swamp near the forest. There lived a heron in the swamp. The heron had little chicks. There was an aspen tree near the swamp. The fox dug a hole under the aspen tree. The fox had little cubs. The fox began to hunt the chicks while the heron was hunting for frogs. A heron flew in and began to beat the fox with its wings. The fox ran away. And the heron calmed her chicks.

    Who lived in the swamp? Who was at the heron? Who was with the fox? What was the heron doing? What was the fox doing? How did the story end?

    Tell us: a) only about the fox; b) only about the heron; c) retell the whole story.

    Task 23. Listen to proverbs and sayings. Remember (at the choice of the speech therapist).

    The speech therapist analyzes the meaning of proverbs and sayings. In the future, when retelling texts, it is necessary to remind children not to forget to use the appropriate proverbs and sayings.

    The hare is already gray and has suffered through troubles. The dog runs after the hare, and the hare runs after the will. The cowardly hare loves to hunt. You can't catch a hare without a dog. The native bush is dear to the hare. Perched like a cat. in the sun. (Proverb.)

    Looks askance like Wednesday on Friday. (Proverb.) Don’t be afraid to work, let work fear you. A bee lands on every flower, but does not take a bee from every flower.

    Words for explanation: perched, suffered, diarrhea.

    Task 24. Listen to the riddles. Memorize them. Know how to make wishes for your comrades. There is a palace on the pole, There is a singer in the palace. And his name is... (starling).

    The more rings, the older the tenant.

    The beauty is sitting in prison, and her braid is on the street.


    What kind of girl? Neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman, She doesn’t sew anything, But she’s stuck with needles all year long.

    (Christmas tree.) (A. Rozhdestvenskaya.)

    Two ends, two rings, and in the middle there are carnations.


    Task 25. Listen to the poems. Learn anything by heart.

    Two tits

    Two tits flew to a pine tree.

    Two tits whistled about spring.

    How much light! How much light!

    The height has turned blue!

    Summer is coming soon! Summer is coming soon!

    Beauty! Beauty!

    (V. Suslov.)

    In the meadow

    The sun sparkles in the blue,

    There are flowers underneath it.

    Why is it like this in the grass?

    Are grasshoppers worried?

    A loud cry rings out:

    Come on! Attention! Attention!

    Long jump today

    They have a competition. (I. Belyakov

    Seryozha and nails

    The whole house shakes: Seryozha hits with a hammer. Blushing with anger, he hammers nails. The nails bend. The nails wrinkle, the nails wriggle, they don’t drive into the wall... (V. Berestov.)

    Is everyone asleep?

    Chubby, young, he walks for a month over the water, over forests, over gardens, over bridges with trains. Looks through the windows at the guys, checks: Is everyone asleep? (L. Klyuev.)

    Say the words syllable by syllable: show off, worry, compete, competition, chubby.

    Scared of the hare

    We went mushroom hunting and lost all the mushrooms.

    They were scared of the hare. And then they laughed -

    They hid behind the oak trees, they were afraid of the Hare!

    (P. Voronko.)

    How do you understand the word buried?

    What other word can replace it?

    Oak of rain and wind All until late autumn

    Not afraid at all. It's green.

    Who said that the oak means that the oak is hardy,

    Scared of catching a cold? So, hardened.

    (I. Tokmakova.)

    The hare is hardening up!

    The hare is not afraid - Zorka smiles.

    He's frolicking near the lake. The hare is hardening up!

    (V. Suslov.)

    Game "Confusion"

    Target. Reinforcing the sounds s, z, ts. Guidelines for the game.

    First option. Three children can participate in the game. Everyone gets their own Assignment, for example: find a picture in the name of which you hear the sound s, and cover the picture with a blue circle; Find a picture in the name of which you hear the sound c, and cover it with a white circle.

    Each child, depending on the task, has a set of colored circles, which are prepared in advance by the speech therapist.

    The child who performs the fastest and correctly wins. Exercise.

    Second option. Maybe one child will receive two or three tasks, for example: find pictures in the names of which you hear the sound s, and cover them with blue circles; find pictures in the names of which you hear the sound z, cover them with green circles, those with the sound c - with white circles; tell me what the artist drew wrong.

    Sounds Ш and Ж.

    Articulation of the sounds sh and zh. The tongue is wide, located at the top of the oral cavity. The front part of the tongue bends slightly upward, in the form of a “bucket”, is in a free position, the tip of the tongue forms a gap with the hard palate. The edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. The lips are slightly pulled forward, the teeth are brought together, but not closed. The air stream is warm. The vocal cords do not work for the sound sh, but they work for the sound z.

    Exercises to prepare sounds sh or z for calling or production. 1. To develop the strength and direction of the air stream, the exercises are the same as for sounds s, z. 2. For the tongue.

    The tongue is wide, “shovel-shaped”, raised upward, towards the upper lip. The edges of the tongue cover almost the entire upper lip. If the child does not succeed, you can offer him additional exercises. (For example, “Delicious jam”: the tip of the wide tongue rises up to the upper lip, as if licking jam from the upper lip. At the speech therapist’s signal, the tongue stops in the “bucket” position.)

    The tongue in the “bucket” position is raised up, but does not touch the upper lip. Hold your tongue in the given position for the count of “three, four.”

    The tongue in the “bucket” position is inserted into the oral cavity. The tip of the tongue is free and does not touch the hard palate. The edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars. The mouth is open.

    The speech therapist alternately fixes the child’s attention either on the tip of the tongue or on the edges of the tongue.

    Hold your tongue in the given position for the count of “three, four.” Repeat the exercise several times.

    The same exercise, but give a strong short exhalation.

    Setting the sounds sh, zh. The tongue in the “bucket” position is raised up towards the molars. The edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars. The front of the tongue is free.

    The lips are slightly pushed forward. With a strong active exhalation, the child is asked to pronounce the sound s or z. (We hear the “song” w or f.) The air stream should be warm.

    80Fix the sound sh or z in onomatopoeias. Games "Uzh", "Beetle". Prolonged pronunciation of the sound shhhhhhh (zhzhzhzhzh). Short pronunciation of the sounds sh-sh-sh-sh (zh-zh-zh-zh).

    Topic: S-C differentiation in words, sentences, text

    Purpose: - Test the ability to distinguish sounds and letters S-C orally and in writing;
    - Enrich vocabulary;
    - Develop phonemic hearing and phonemic perception

    Progress of the lesson

    1. Organizational moment
    The children said hello and sat down.

    2. Development of phonemic hearing:
    - Clap your hands when you hear the sound T in the words:
    Egg, voices, marten, fingers, stripe, porch, well done

    3. The speech therapist pronounces the syllables, and the children take turns repeating:
    SA - SA - CA
    CA - SA - SA
    SU - CC - CC
    TSY - TSY - SY
    CO - CO - CO

    4. Compose words from syllables and name the resulting words:
    retz two
    nok one hundred
    tick bite
    Xia months
    not a page
    no flattery
    a qi ka i
    gu ni se tsa
    sa ni har tsa
    con tu sti qi
    We check: palace, machine tool, blacksmith, bush, months, page, ladder, acacia, caterpillar, sugar bowl, constitution
    Vocabulary work
    Guys, who knows what the word Acacia means? (children don't know)
    The speech therapist shows a picture and explains that acacia is a shrub
    How do you understand the word constitution?
    Children: These are our rights
    Speech therapist: Well done! This is a book where the rights of citizens are written down.
    (The speech therapist explains the meaning of the word constitution and shows the book The Constitution of the Russian Federation)

    5. Game: “Put your words in order”
    Connect the scattered syllables and name the resulting words
    (syllables may be repeated)
    Two tso
    Set tsa
    Sy current
    Dust ka
    Sal har
    Gu Xie
    Kol sheb
    We check: Flower, deuce, net, son, ring, pollen, napkin, caterpillar, sleigh, sugar, candy, ring.


    6. Game: “Attention”
    Read the phrases carefully.
    Find and fix errors.
    clear month
    The wheel shines
    Thick caterpillar
    Silver saddle
    Lilac lights
    Fresh water
    A whole glass of tea
    Sister Alyonushka
    German language
    The lilac is shining
    Brave fighters
    Pied Kurisa
    We check: ring, caterpillar, chain, flowers, water, glass, German, blooms, chicken

    7. Read the sentences, choosing words that match their meaning from brackets.
    Lilac flowers have a beautiful...
    Lunar... illuminated the surroundings (light, color)

    The girl was given... - seven flowers
    Sing,…. don't be ashamed (little flower, little flower)

    Sasha …. at the table and ate soup
    Don't boast, hare, run bye... (sat down, whole)

    8. Copy the sentences, inserting words with the letters S-C according to their meaning
    Words must be selected from the proposed cards, which lie on the table (Children take turns coming up and attaching a suitable word to the board) and explain the spelling of the words:
    Winter is over, the starling is flying
    The chicken calls his... chickens
    Sugar is stored in... sugar bowl
    The leaf in the book is called... page
    Moscow - …. of our state….. capital
    There are twelve in a year... months
    The train approaches ..... station
    A baby bird is called... chick
    Today the sun shines all day.....

    Phys. a minute (Movement with speech)
    Snow, snow, white snow
    He puts us all to sleep.
    The children are all up on skis
    And they ran through the snow.

    9. Compose and write sentences using these words
    (different options are possible, and children choose the best one and write it down)
    behind, forest, setting, sun;
    porch, sitting, on, grandfather, old, Semyon;
    Sonya put the table on the sugar bowl;
    Sima, on, goes, Wednesday, Friday, and, dances, in;
    salt, in, poured, salt shaker
    Let's check: The sun is setting behind the forest. Old grandfather Semyon was sitting on the porch. Sonya put the sugar bowl on the table. Sima goes dancing on Wednesday and Friday. Salt is poured into a salt shaker.

    10. Read the text carefully
    (Underline C with one line, and C with two)
    Answer the questions
    In the fall, dad brought an onion and said that joy was hidden in it. Mom planted the bulb in a flower pot and put it in a dark place. We waited a month. Finally, a small sprout appeared. He grew up in darkness. When the buds appeared, mom put the flower in the sun.
    And before the New Year it blossomed! He had many flowers - blue, fragrant - fragrant. And every flower was very beautiful. Dad said it was hyacinth. What joy there was in the onion!

    What did dad bring?
    Where did mom plant the bulb?
    When did the little sprout appear?
    When did mom put the flower in the sun?
    When did the flower bloom?
    What was the name of the flower?
    Speech therapist shows a picture with hyacinth
    Lesson summary
    Well done! There are sheets of paper in front of you. Text each other the word well done and exchange notes.
    The speech therapist pins the word Well done on the board! Children check the spelling of the word Well done.

    Subject: Differentiation S-C


    developing skills in differentiating sounds and letters S-C in oral and written speech.



    Teach children to differentiate these sounds: distinguish between words, isolate words with a given sound from phrasal speech, name words with the sounds s and c;

    Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds s-ts,


    Improve phonemic processes, sound-letter analysis and synthesis skills;

    Develop attention and memory.

    Clarify and activate your vocabulary.


    To develop the ability to hear the stressed word in a rhyme;

    practice pronouncing words at different volumes and at different tempos.

    Lesson plan:

    1. Organizational moment:

    Psychological attitude

    2.Message about the topic of the lesson.

    3.Articulation gymnastics.

    4.Working with sound profiles.

    5. Differentiation of s-c in syllables. Development of phonemic processes.

    6.Pure speech

    8. Oral dictation of words.


    13.Expansion of the dictionary.

    15. Summary.

    16. Reflection


    cards for individual work “Find the sound”, cards for individual work “Characteristics of sound”, individual typesetting canvas, demonstration typesetting canvas, table “Characteristics of sound”, cards for drawing letters, individual cards with the letters “C”, “C”, individual mirrors, notebooks, pens, pencils.

    During the classes:

    1. Organizational moment:

    Psychological attitude

    Invented by someone

    Simple and wise

    When you meet, say hello.

    Good morning!

    Good morning to the sun and birds.

    Good morning, smiling faces!

    I want to wish you all a good morning, good afternoon today, and especially for you, because you came to study, to learn a lot of new things.

    do you want to learn everything? (Yes!)

    So everyone can sit down

    Guess the riddle:

    There's a palace on a pole,

    There is a singer in the palace.

    And his name is... What? (Starling)

    Development of temporal representations:

    At what time of year does the starling arrive?

    What time of year is it now?

    Name the winter months in order?

    What is the shortest month of winter?

    What is the second month of winter?

    2. Message about the topic of the lesson:

    What sound does the word "starling" begin with? - WITH

    What sound does it end with? – C

    Today we will compare sounds[ With ] - [ ts ] and the letters that represent them.

    Write down today's date and topic of the lesson:

    Sounds and letters: S – C

    3. Articulation gymnastics.

    The starling sings beautiful spring songs and lifts people's spirits.

    Want to sing like a starling?

    Let's do articulation gymnastics.

    Working with mirrors:

    Smile - Tube.

    Naughty tongue

    Pancake - Needle

    Brushing our teeth

    4.Working with sound profiles.

    Work on profile illustrations

    Practicing the placement of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sounds s-ts with an individual mirror.

    Sound C

    the tip of the tongue rests behind the lower teeth, the teeth come closer together, take a deep breath and, exhaling the air, say: S-S-S-S….

    Now bring the back of your hand to your lips and pronounce the sound S for a long time.

    Do you feel what a thin cold stream of air is exhaling?

    Do you hear a whistle?

    That's why it's called "whistling."

    The sound is simple.

    Let’s also clarify the pronunciation of the sound Ts.

    The sound T is formed by merging the sounds T and S.

    Take a mirror (the speech therapist shows each movement of the tongue along the way) the tip of the tongue rests behind the lower front teeth and the sounds T and S are pronounced at the same time.

    Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, quickly say: TS.

    Bring the back of your hand to your lips and say: TS.

    How do you feel? Cold air is exhaled with a jolt and does not last long.

    The sound is explosive and complex.

    Thus, we have clarified how the sounds S and C are pronounced.

    5. Differentiation of s-c in syllables. Development of phonemic processes

    The starling is called a mockingbird. He can repeat the sounds he hears.

    He will hear a sound and can repeat it.

    Let's try to play this game

    I will name the syllables, and you try to repeat them.

    (Repeat syllables with different intonations while standing)

    tsa – sa

    tso – with

    tsu - su

    tsy - sy




    6.Pure speech

    Now let's repeat the song:

    su - su - su - I carry water from the well;

    tsy - tsy - tsy - the cucumbers are ripe;

    sa - sa - sa - the girl has a braid;

    tso - tso - tso - Sveta has a ring.

    7. Drawing the letters S-C with thread on paper.

    - draw the letters:

    The first option is a letter that has a long pronunciation, which letter? - WITH

    The second option is a letter that we pronounce quickly, which letter? – Ts.

    8. Oral dictation of words. Guys, pick up a card with the letter –S or C, if the word contains the corresponding sound. (Numbers, compass, station, steps, pump, acacia, stadium, smart girl, modest one.)

    9.Working with subject pictures:

    Look at the cards

    Name the objects

    Divide them according to the sounds in whose names you hear it.

    10. Finger gymnastics “Track”

    Let's imagine that our fingers - birds - ran along the path.

    11. Work in notebooks “Graphic dictation”.

    Starlings leave traces of their paws on the snow and ground, which consist of short and long lines,

    Let's sketch this pattern.

    I tell you the words, and you write down only the sounds that you hear in the words S or C, but instead of letters we will draw long and short lines.

    We mark the sound C with a long line, so it is pronounced long, drawn out

    The sound ts is a short line, so it is pronounced quickly and abruptly.

    For example:



    Words: bird, plane, egg, juice, saucer, wheel, ring.

    (student works at the board)

    Checking progress.

    What words did you write down?


    A flock of birds flies south

    The sky is blue all around

    To arrive sooner

    We must flap our wings.

    The birds began to descend

    Everyone sits down in the clearing

    They have a long way to go

    The birds need to rest.

    And it's time to hit the road again

    They have a lot to fly

    Here comes the south. Hooray! Hooray!

    It's time for us to land.

    12. Differentiation c-s in words.

    The starling is a migratory bird.

    What other migratory birds do you know?

    (stork, swallow, nightingale, heron)

    Look at these words. (ai.t, kuri.a, la.tochka, .tin, .aplya)

    Name the birds by filling in the missing letter.

    Tell me, which bird doesn’t fit with the others? Why? (chicken)

    Repeat the names of those birds that have the sound C

    Repeat the names of those birds that have sound C

    Write down the names of the birds by filling in the missing letters:

    Ai_t, la_dot, _tin, _apple.

    13.Expansion of the dictionary.

    What do you think the birds are doing?Children's answers

    Birds make nests.

    They lay eggs.

    They hatch them.

    The chicks are hatched.

    14. Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech

    Working with deformed sentences.

    I’ll say a sentence now, and you correct me.

    Bird flying birdhouse.

    -make a sentence from these words:

    Bird, birdhouse, flies, out. (The bird flies from the birdhouse.)

    Bird, in, flies, birdhouse. (The bird flies into the birdhouse.)

    -write down the sentences from memory.

    15. Summary.

    What sounds did we learn to distinguish today?

    Describe these sounds.

    16. Reflection

    - What task did you enjoy doing?

    What task do you remember?

    Which task did you find difficult?

    Raise your hand, who thinks they succeeded?

    Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

    GBOU Kaltasinskaya special (correctional) boarding schoolVIII kind

    Summary of an open speech therapy session

    Subject: Differentiation of sounds S-C

    Conducted by: speech therapist teacher

    Vostretsova T.G.


    December 2014