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  • An alien mummy discovered in Peru is being examined by Russian scientists. The Mystery of Three-Fingered Mummies Alien Mummies

    An alien mummy discovered in Peru is being examined by Russian scientists.  The Mystery of Three-Fingered Mummies Alien Mummies

    Domestic scientists returned to Russia from Peru, who participated in the examination of a mysterious mummy (presumably an alien) found in one of the caves of the famous Nazca Plateau. (website)

    Russian journalists met with Doctor of Technical Sciences Konstantin Korotkov and radiologist and computed tomography specialist Natalya Zalozna and asked them to talk about the “find of the century” without any speculation or fantasy.

    As N. Zaloznaya said, the body proportions of this mummy are, in general, purely human; the humanoid’s height is 168 centimeters. But the head and limbs, of course, are surprising. The skull is elongated, stretched back, the nose is tiny, there are practically no ears, instead of them there are small holes in the skull.

    And certainly not human hands and feet: they have only three fingers, as if to make it more convenient to climb trees, clinging to the trunk with their claws.

    The mummy is sprinkled with some kind of powder (Professor Korotkov determined that this is an embalming substance), so at first glance it appears to be a plaster sculpture, but x-rays, as well as computed tomography, showed that there is a normal skeleton inside, as well as the remains of internal organs. According to radiocarbon dating, the age of the mummy was determined to be 2300-2500 years.

    Unfortunately, Zaloznaya adds, the exact location where the mummy was found has not yet been revealed. The scientists of the international expedition were provided only with photographs of that mysterious cave, since there were drawings on its walls - and again with a three-fingered creature.

    Dr. Korotkov hopes that this discovery will yield sensational results that will allow scientists to take a fresh look at human history. This, he says, is certainly a living organism (in the past), and not a sculpture, most likely a woman. It is still difficult to say exactly what it is: a species of ancient people, a mutant or a representative of an alien race. This will become known after deciphering the genome. We took tissue samples, and they are now being analyzed at the largest medical center in St. Petersburg.

    At the end of this meeting, as they say, N. Zaloznaya added a fly in the ointment. She is embarrassed that this entire event was organized by the scandalous ufologist of Mexico, Jamie Maussan, who hosts the no less scandalous television program “The Third Millennium.” In 2015, he already passed off the mummy of a two-year-old child, discovered in a local museum, as an alien. But maybe now Mausan has actually “obtained” a real alien? They say that he bought this mummy (as well as information about the cave where) from some local resident, and for a lot of money. Let's hope that this time the sensation will be real and not made up...

    One of the most commonly used expressions in the paranormal field is “This will change everything.” Thanks to another published video from Peru, you can see with your own eyes a mummified humanoid with almond-shaped eyes, an elongated skull, and three fingers on both hands and feet.

    The video was released by Gaia, Inc., whose spokesperson said the mummy was submitted by renowned Mexican UFO and paranormal investigator and journalist Jaime Maussan. The video adds the opinion of Russian biophysicist, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, who invented Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV). With GDV, he claims, it is possible to see the energy fields emanating from people and their souls as they leave the body after death.

    According to the comments of those who were allowed to study the mummy, it has a gray-white color due to a specialized sorbent powder applied to the surface of the body to preserve it. The creature froze in the fetal position. With the exception of the head, arms and legs, the humanoid appears human. Calculations show that the creature was 168 centimeters (5’6″) tall.

    Eyewitnesses testified that despite the fact that the mummy seems fragile, the owners do not consider it as a precious relic or a possible alien body - the mummy is treated rather roughly: when pulled out of a cardboard box, it is grabbed forcefully and pulled by its limbs. Unlike other cases shrouded in secrecy, someone gave permission to remove a piece of skin for radiocarbon dating of age and allowed the mummy to be scanned using CAT (Computerized Axial Tomography).

    Radiocarbon dating showed the mummy to be dated between 245 and 410 AD. The CAT scan showed an elongated skull, bone structure and multi-joint structure in the fingers and toes.

    It is important to note that the mummy's fingers resemble a three-fingered hand also found in Peru in late 2016. The results of the study of that limb were a man hiding under the pseudonym Krawix, who, according to him, found a mass grave of aliens. It's also significant that the shape of the mummy's head, with its slit-like eyes and missing ears, looks like a miniature "alien" skull also allegedly found in Peru in 2016.

    There are “dark spots” in the history of the appearance of the mummy - there is no exact data on when and where it was found. There is only one connecting link - the fact that this and previous similar finds were made in Peru, in the Nazca Desert region. The mummy's elongated skull is similar to other elongated skulls found in the area, clearly adding to the debate on this topic. More interesting is the mummy's connection with three-fingered figures in ancient South American art and their petroglyphs.

    Melissa Tittl, director of original content at Gaia, who also appears in the video, says DNA testing on the mummy is ongoing. This important moment will apparently be the best evidence of the revelation of the nature of the creature.

    Dr. Korotkov is convinced that this is “another creature, another humanoid.” But in fact, he does not provide any concrete evidence that would negate the need for DNA testing. It looks like we'll have to wait for the results of this test and the next video before deciding whether this is an alien humanoid or just the result of a stupid human trick.

    Materials used by Paul Seaburn from
    Website translation website

    Other reports of finds in Peru:

    A strange mummy was found in Peru. What could it be? June 29th, 2017

    And so, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the National Research University in St. Petersburg, Konstantin Korotkov and Natalya Zaloznaya, radiologist, computed tomography specialist at the International Institute of Biological Systems, recently returned from Peru, where they became witnesses and participants in supernatural events.

    As part of an international expedition, they examined a mysterious mummy discovered in a cave near the famous Nazca Plateau. Video under the cut:

    The body proportions of the mummy are generally human. In a straightened state, her height would be 168 centimeters. A very strange head with an elongated, elongated back skull. The nose is tiny, there are no ears. Instead, there are barely noticeable holes in the skull.

    And the limbs look completely inhuman. The mummy has three very long fingers on his hands and feet.

    The mummy looks like a plaster sculpture, sprinkled with some kind of white powder. But, as X-rays and computed tomography showed, this is by no means a sculpture. Inside there is a skeleton and the remains of internal organs. Through radiocarbon dating, it was established that the mummy's tissues are 2300 - 2500 years old. The powder, according to scientists, has embalming properties. The mummy is sprinkled with it for preservation.

    “I have no doubt that this creature was once alive,” said Professor Korotkov. - We took tissue samples - they were preserved. Now the samples are being analyzed by geneticists at a large medical center in St. Petersburg.

    Preliminary results indicate that the creature's gender is female. Conclusions about who this is - an unknown species of people, a mutant or a representative of an extraterrestrial race - can be made after deciphering the genome.

    Experts do not name the place where the mummy was found, but they report that stones with drawings were found nearby. The drawings show a three-fingered creature.

    Research on the mummy continues. Professor Korotkov expects to receive sensational results that may force us to look at the history of mankind differently.

    There is only one thing that darkens the story: the acquaintance with the mummy was organized by the Mexican ufologist, host of the television program “The Third Millennium” Jamie Maussan, who in 2015 passed off the mummy of a two-year-old child kept in the museum as an alien.

    But who knows, maybe now he has finally “obtained” a real alien? More precisely - an alien. According to rumors, Mausan bought it for a lot of money from a local resident, who found the mummy.
