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  • Language of chemistry signs of chemical elements Rudzitis. Chemical elements. Symbols of chemical elements. Number of points scored

    Language of chemistry signs of chemical elements Rudzitis.  Chemical elements.  Symbols of chemical elements.  Number of points scored

    Part I

    1. Horizontally, D.I. Mendeleev’s table is divided into periods, which are divided into:
    a) small, these are periods – 1, 2, 3;
    b) large, these are periods - 4, 5, 6, 7.

    2. Vertically, D.I. Mendeleev’s table is divided into groups, each of which is divided into:
    a) main, or A group;
    b) side, or In group.
    Group IA is a group of alkali metals.
    Group IIA is a group of alkaline earth metals.
    Group VIIA is a group of halogens.
    Group VIIIA is a group of noble or inert gases.

    4. Analogies of the language of chemistry with the Russian language.

    5. Complete the table “Names and symbols of chemical elements.”

    6. Examples of names of chemical elements (indicate the chemical sign in brackets) in accordance with etymological sources.

    1) Properties of simple substances
    Hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), fluorine (F)
    2) Astronomy
    Selenium (Se), tellurium (Te), uranium (U)
    3) Geography
    Germanium (Ge), gallium (Ga), polonium (Po)
    4) Ancient Greek myths
    Tantalum (Ta), promethium (Pm), lutetium (Lu)
    5) Great scientists
    Mendelevium (Md), rutherfordium (Rt), einsteinium (Es)

    Part II

    1. Establish a correspondence between the position of a chemical element in D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Table and the chemical sign.

    A - 5; B - 1; AT 2; G – 4

    2. Select symbols or names of chemical elements from one large period. Using the letters corresponding to the correct answers, you will form the name of the metal that is used to make sparklers: magnesium.

    1) potassium M
    2) Br A
    5) manganese G
    6) Cu H
    8) Ca And

    3. Write the names of the following chemical elements in the appropriate columns:
    Cl, He, Br, Ne, Li, I, K, Ba, Ca, Na, Xe, Sr.

    4. Fill in the blanks in the logic diagram.
    Chemical element (H, O) → chemical reaction (H₂O) → chemical production (2 H₂O = 2 H₂ + O₂).

    5. Make a generalization:
    chemical elements - carbon, silicon, tin, lead - belong to group IVA.

    6. In the left column of the table, write down on what basis the chemical elements are divided into two groups.

    7. Establish a correspondence between the pronunciation and the chemical sign (symbol).

    A – 3; B – 6; AT 2; G – 7; D – 5; E – 1.

    8. Cross out the “extra”:

    Curium, mendelevium, bromine, einsteinium.

    9. General etymological source of names of chemical elements:

    U, Te, Se is a planetarium.

    10. Elements are named after various states or parts of the world:

    Germanium, gallium, francium, dubnium.

    Subject: The language of chemistry. Signs of chemical elements. Relative atomic mass of chemical elements.

    Lesson objectives:

    1) Introduce students to the symbols and names of some chemical elements.
    2) Form the concept of relative atomic mass.
    3) Show the difference between the concepts of “atomic mass” and “relative atomic mass”.
    4) Teach to find the value of relative atomic mass.

    Basic concepts: chemical symbol, atomic mass unit, relative atomic mass.

    Equipment:Presentation, student report about Y.Ya. Berzelius, individual cards.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment

    II. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson

    III. Repetition of previously studied material

    1) frontal survey of students on teacher questions;
    2) individual cards.

    IV. Learning new material

    Slide 1 .

    Slide 2 .

    Epigraph to the lesson by Stepan Shchipachev:

    There is nothing else in nature
    Neither here nor there, in the depths of space:
    Everything - from small grains of sand to planets
    It consists of uniform elements.

    Slide 3 .

    Who is the founder of Slavic writing?

    Analogy table view.

    Slide 4 .

    The ancient Greek sages were the first to say the word “element,” and this happened five centuries BC.

    The ancient Greeks considered the “elements” to be earth, water, air and fire.

    Slide 5 .

    The concept of a chemical element was introduced into science by the famous English scientist Robert Boyle, and the definition was given by John Dalton.

    Slide 6 .

    The father of chemical writing is the Swedish scientist J.Ya. Berzelius, he proposed using the initial letters of their Latin names as symbols (“letters”) of chemical elements, and if the first letters coincide, use the second letter.

    Slide 7 .

    For example:

    Hydrogen (in Latin “hydrogenium”, Hhydrogenium) – N;
    - oxygen (in Latin “oxygenium”, Oxygenium) - ABOUT;
    - carbon (in Latin “carboneum”, Carboneum) – C;
    - fluorine (in Latin “fluorum”, Fluorum) – F;
    - iron (in Latin “ferrum”, F e rrum)– Fe;
    - gold (in Latin “aurum”, Aurum) – Au.

    The student presents a report on Y.Ya. Berzelius

    Slide 8 .

    Currently, 110 chemical elements are known, and the existence of 89 elements has been established on earth, the rest of the elements are obtained artificially. These elements form all the diversity of the world around us, all substances known to mankind. The number of chemical elements is limited, and their combinations are practically limitless.

    Slide 9 .

    A chemical element is a specific type of atom. All known chemical elements are in the D.I. table of elements. Mendeleev.

    Slide 10 .

    Introduction to the Periodic Table

    The teacher draws attention to the fact that each element has its own symbol, understandable to scientists of any country. These symbols are the same all over the world. There is no need to memorize the chemical symbols of all existing elements; for this purpose, there is a periodic table of chemical elements in the chemistry laboratory.

    Slide 11 .

    Atoms of one element are the same, but atoms of different elements differ from each other, primarily in their mass. Atoms, like any particles of matter, have mass, but it is very small. The teacher gives examples: the mass of the lightest atom - the hydrogen atom is 1.67 × 10−23 g, the C atom is 1.995 × 10−23 g, the O atom is 2.66 × 10−23 g.

    We can give this example: the number of hydrogen atoms in 1 cm3 at a temperature of 0°C and a pressure of 1 atm is so large that if we count them at a rate of two atoms per second, then it will take about 900 billion years to count everything.

    The masses of atoms, expressed in grams, are so small that they are inconvenient to use, and therefore it became necessary to introduce a new unit of measurement for the mass of an atom - atomic mass unit (a.m.u.), which is equal to 1/12 of the mass of a carbon atom, i.e. 1.66 10–24 g.

    The teacher shows how to calculate the mass of several chemical elements in atomic mass units.

    Slide 12 .

    The teacher talks about the work of J. Dalton, who compiled the first table of relative atomic masses of elements on October 21, 1803 at the Manchester Philosophical Society.

    J. Dalton presented the first table of atomic masses of elements. It was called “The First Table of the Relative Weights of the Finite Particles of Bodies.”

    “All previously existing theories of corpuscles agree that they are small identical balls. I believe that atoms (the smallest indivisible particles) of one element are identical to each other, but different from the atoms of other elements. If at the moment nothing definite can be said about their sizes, then we can talk about their basic physical property: atoms have weight. In confirmation of this, allow me to read my second work: “The first table of the relative weights of finite particles of bodies.”

    The teacher shows a table of rounded atomic masses in class and reports that in practice they use the relative atomic mass of elements - a dimensionless value rounded to whole numbers (exception is chlorine; A r(Cl) = 35.5).

    Work on developing in students the ability to find the value of the relative atomic masses of elements in the periodic table of chemical elements.

    Slides 13-18 .

    Did you know?

    The heaviest of natural elements is UranusU .

    FluorineF - the most furious in the kingdom of non-metals, nothing can resist its “onslaught”.

    The name of the rarest element on Earth is astatineAt . In the thickness of the earth's crust it contains only 69 mg.

    It is believed that the most unfortunate element name has nitrogen N . In Greek " a-zoos" means "lifeless". But this gas, which is part of the air, is not poisonous at all, it is simply unsuitable for breathing.

    The following elements are named after countries:

    Mg (№ 12) - magnesium - Magnesia Peninsula;
    Sc (№ 21) – scandium – Scandinavia;
    Cu (№ 29) – copper - island of Cyprus;
    Ge (№ 3) – germanium – Germany;
    Ru (№ 44) – ruthenium – Russia;
    Fr (№ 87) – france – France.

    Elements named after scientists:

    MD (№ 101) – mendelevium – D.I. Mendeleev;
    No (№ 102) nobelium - A. Nobel;
    Cm (No. 96)– curium – Pierre and Marie Curie;
    Es (No. 99)– einsteinium – A. Einstein;
    Fm (No. 100)– fermium – E. Fermi;
    Lr (No. 103)– lawrensium – E. Lawrence;
    Rf (No. 104)– rutherfordium – E. Rutherford;
    Bh (No. 107)– bohrium – N. Boron;
    Mt (No. 109)– meitnerium – L. Meitner.

    There are names of elements due to the color of simple substances and compounds:

    sulfur S(from Indian " Syrah" - light yellow color);
    chlorine Cl(from Greek " chloros" - green);
    iodineI(from Greek " iodes" - violet);
    chromium Cr derived from the Greek " chromium"- colored, due to the varied colors of the compounds of this element.

    Titles bromine Br And osmium Os come from the Greek words " bromos" And " osme", meaning "stench", "smell"; It is clear what exactly was the strongest impression on the chemists who discovered these elements.

    Elements named after the gods and heroes of Ancient Greece:

    titanium Ti;
    niobium Nb;
    tantalum T;
    promethium Pm;
    vanadium V.

    Slides 19-23 .

    Let's play!

    Comic questions

    Which element is always happy? (Radon)
    - what gas claims that it is not it? (Neon)
    - what element can “give birth” to water? (Hydrogen)
    - which element consists of 2 animals? (Arsenic)
    - Which element “revolves” around the Sun? (Uranus)
    - Which element is a “giant”? (Titanium)

    LOGORIF is a game in which letters in a word are not replaced by others, but are discarded or new ones are added.

    From the name of which chemical element, dropping the first two letters, can you get the name of one of the common games? (Gold is lotto.)

    From the name of which chemical element, by dropping the last letter, can you get a word-cry with which soldiers go on the attack, and civilians go to the parade? (Uranus - hurray.)

    To the name of which chemical element can you add two letters at the end and get the name of a ship that sank after colliding with an iceberg? (Titan - Titanic.)

    To the name of which chemical element can you add three letters at the end to get the name of the hero of the ancient Greek myth who went to Colchis for the Golden Fleece? (Argon - Argonaut.)

    METOGRAM is a task in which, by replacing one of the letters of a word, a new one is obtained.

    From the name of which chemical element, replacing the first letter with another, you can get a word denoting the name:

    Strait between Europe and Asia; (Phosphorus – Bosphorus)
    - an area where there is a lot of water in the soil; (Gold is a swamp)
    - name of the instrument; (Gold is a chisel)
    - from the name of which chemical element, replacing the last letter with another, can you get a word denoting the name of the mountain system that is the border between Europe and Asia? (Uranus – Ural)

    ANAGRAM is a task in which from the same word, by rearranging syllables and letters, as well as by reverse reading, you can get completely new words.

    From the name of which chemical element, replacing the last letter and reading from the end, can you get a word denoting the name of an animal, which can be both domestic and wild? (Nitrogen – goat)

    From the name of which chemical element, by moving the first letter to the end, you can get the name:

    Mineral; (Fluorine – peat)
    - one of the types of quadrangle. (Bromine - rhombus)

    Slide 24 .

    5. Homework

    §7, ex. 16, 17 (p. 25), §8, exercises 18, 19 (p. 25).

    Learn the signs of chemical elements.

    Mercury corresponded to the planet Mercury, which moves the fastest across the sky. Yes, “protecting the environment” feeds a large number of people! Mercury is a chemical element, a transition metal. Of course, you guessed that we are talking about mercury. How much mercury is in fluorescent lamps? What to do? The dangers of mercury have been greatly exaggerated!

    “The chemical element aluminum” - What physical properties does aluminum have. Stranger. Aluminum. What properties of aluminum are its use based on? Chains of transformations. Application. Aluminum cookware. Compound. Chemical properties. Dark spots. Physical properties. Aluminum cookware.

    “Signs of the elements” - Myths of the ancient Greeks. Astronomical beginnings. Signs of chemical elements. The concept of the signs of chemical elements. Period. Names of great scientists. Metals. Element properties. Geographical origins. Coordinates. Fluorine. Lithium. Small periods. Hydrogen. Jons Jakob Berzelius. Chemical element. Subgroups. Sulfur.

    "Nickel" - Shiny silvery-white metal. Element of the earth's depths. Nickel alloys. Swedish mineralogist A. Kronstedt. German chemist Jeremiah Richter. It is used in many sectors of the national economy. Nickel only burns in powder form. It is the main component of meteorites. Silver-like metal. Stainless steels.

    “Copper, silver, gold” - Complex compounds. Features of copper chemistry. Simple substances. Obtaining copper. Silver. Receipt and destruction. Blackening of silver objects. Oxygen compounds. Simple substances. Elements of IB-group. Copper smelting. Redox properties. Minerals. Oxidation states. Chemistry of elements.

    “The chemical element hydrogen” - A word to the keepers of knowledge. Amateurs. The best athlete. Common people. Frontal conversation. Properties of hydrogen. Leading. Speedway. Hydrogen. Numbers of practically possible reactions. Project or lesson materials. The main use of hydrogen. Let's test your knowledge. Reaction equations. Characters.

    There are a total of 46 presentations in the topic

    As in any science, chemistry has its own system of symbols, its own language. The lesson is devoted to familiarization with the language of chemical science and the study of symbols of chemical elements. You will find out when and by whom modern symbols of chemical elements were invented.

    Topic: Initial chemical ideas

    Lesson: Chemical Element Symbols

    Back in the Middle Ages, during the time of alchemy, various signs were used to designate substances, mainly metals. After all, the main goal of alchemists was to obtain gold from various metals. Therefore, each of them used their own notation system.

    In the 19th century There was a need to use symbols that were understandable to all scientists. And John Dalton was one of the first to propose such symbolism. But his notation was inconvenient to use.

    Rice. 1. John Dalton and his system of naming chemical elements

    The modern system of chemical signs was proposed at the beginning of the 19th century. Swedish chemist Jons Jakob Berzelius. The scientist proposed to designate chemical elements the first letter of their Latin name. In those days, all scientific articles were published in Latin; it was generally accepted and understandable for all scientists.

    For example, the chemical element oxygen (in Latin Oxygenium) received the designation O.

    And the chemical element hydrogen (Hydrogenium) is H. If the names of several elements began with the same letter, then the second or one of the subsequent letters of the name was indicated in the symbol of the element. For example, mercury (Hydrargyrum) is designated Hg.

    Please note that the first letter of the symbol of a chemical element is always capitalized; if there is a second letter, then it is lowercase. It is necessary to remember not only the names of the elements and their symbols, but also the pronunciation, i.e. how these characters are read.

    There are no specific rules for pronunciating the signs of chemical elements. They must be learned by heart. The signs of some chemical elements are pronounced in the same way as the corresponding letter: oxygen - “o”, sulfur - “es”, phosphorus - “pe”, nitrogen - “en”, carbon - “ce”.

    The signs of other elements are pronounced in the same way as the names of the elements themselves: “sodium”, “potassium”, “chlorine”, “fluorine”.

    The pronunciation of some signs corresponds to their Latin name: silicon - “silicium”, mercury - “hydrargyrum”, copper - “cuprum”, iron - “ferrum”.

    Rice. 2. Symbols and names of some chemical elements

    The sign of a chemical element has several meanings. Firstly, it refers to all the atoms of a given element. Secondly, the sign of a chemical element can designate one or more atoms of a given element. For example, the entry O can mean "the chemical element oxygen" or "one atom of oxygen."

    To designate several atoms of a given chemical element, you need to put a number corresponding to the number of atoms in front of its sign. For example, the notation 3N means “three nitrogen atoms.”

    The number preceding the sign of a chemical element is called a coefficient.

    1. Collection of problems and exercises in chemistry: 8th grade: to the textbook by P.A. Orzhekovsky and others. “Chemistry, 8th grade” / P.A. Orzhekovsky, N.A. Titov, F.F. Hegel. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2006.

    2. Ushakova O.V. Chemistry workbook: 8th grade: to the textbook by P.A. Orzhekovsky and others. “Chemistry. 8th grade” / O.V. Ushakova, P.I. Bespalov, P.A. Orzhekovsky; under. ed. prof. P.A. Orzhekovsky - M.: AST: Astrel: Profizdat, 2006. (p. 19-21)

    3. Chemistry: 8th grade: textbook. for general education institutions / P.A. Orzhekovsky, L.M. Meshcheryakova, L.S. Pontak. M.: AST: Astrel, 2005.(§8)

    4. Chemistry: inorg. chemistry: textbook. for 8th grade. general education institutions / G.E. Rudzitis, Fyu Feldman. - M.: Education, OJSC “Moscow Textbooks”, 2009. (§6)

    5. Encyclopedia for children. Volume 17. Chemistry / Chapter. ed.V.A. Volodin, Ved. scientific ed. I. Leenson. - M.: Avanta+, 2003.

    Additional web resources

    1. Unified collection of digital educational resources ().

    2. Electronic version of the journal “Chemistry and Life” ().


    p.19-21 No. 1-5 from the Workbook in Chemistry: 8th grade: to the textbook by P.A. Orzhekovsky and others. “Chemistry. 8th grade” / O.V. Ushakova, P.I. Bespalov, P.A. Orzhekovsky; under. ed. prof. P.A. Orzhekovsky - M.: AST: Astrel: Profizdat, 2006.

    As in any science, chemistry has its own system of symbols, its own language. The lesson is devoted to familiarization with the language of chemical science and the study of symbols of chemical elements. You will find out when and by whom modern symbols of chemical elements were invented.

    Topic: Initial chemical ideas

    Lesson: Chemical Element Symbols

    1. History of the development of the language of chemistry

    Back in the Middle Ages, during the time of alchemy, various signs were used to designate substances, mainly metals. After all, the main goal of alchemists was to obtain gold from various metals. Therefore, each of them used their own notation system.

    In the 19th century There was a need to use symbols that were understandable to all scientists. And John Dalton was one of the first to propose such symbolism. But his notation was inconvenient to use.

    Rice. 1. John Dalton and his system of naming chemical elements

    2. System of designation of chemical elements by J. Ya. Berzelius

    The modern system of chemical signs was proposed at the beginning of the 19th century. Swedish chemist Jons Jakob Berzelius. The scientist proposed to designate chemical elements the first letter of their Latin name. In those days, all scientific articles were published in Latin; it was generally accepted and understandable for all scientists.

    For example, the chemical element oxygen (in Latin Oxygenium) received the designation O.

    And the chemical element hydrogen (Hydrogenium) is H. If the names of several elements began with the same letter, then the second or one of the subsequent letters of the name was indicated in the symbol of the element. For example, mercury (Hydrargyrum) is designated Hg.

    Please note that the first letter of the symbol of a chemical element is always capitalized; if there is a second letter, then it is lowercase. It is necessary to remember not only the names of the elements and their symbols, but also the pronunciation, i.e. how these symbols are read.

    There are no specific rules for pronunciating the signs of chemical elements. They must be learned by heart. The signs of some chemical elements are pronounced in the same way as the corresponding letter: oxygen - “o”, sulfur - “es”, phosphorus - “pe”, nitrogen - “en”, carbon - “ce”.

    The signs of other elements are pronounced in the same way as the names of the elements themselves: “sodium”, “potassium”, “chlorine”, “fluorine”.

    The pronunciation of some signs corresponds to their Latin name: silicon - “silicium”, mercury - “hydrargyrum”, copper - “cuprum”, iron - “ferrum”.

    Rice. 2. Symbols and names of some chemical elements

    3. The meaning of the signs of chemical elements

    The sign of a chemical element has several meanings. Firstly, it refers to all the atoms of a given element. Secondly, the sign of a chemical element can designate one or more atoms of a given element. For example, the entry O can mean "the chemical element oxygen" or "one atom of oxygen."

    To designate several atoms of a given chemical element, you need to put a number corresponding to the number of atoms in front of its sign. For example, the notation 3N means “three nitrogen atoms.”

    The number preceding the sign of a chemical element is called a coefficient.

    1. Collection of problems and exercises in chemistry: 8th grade: to the textbook by P. A. Orzhekovsky and others “Chemistry, 8th grade” / P. A. Orzhekovsky, N. A. Titov, F. F. Hegele. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2006.

    2. Ushakova O. V. Workbook on chemistry: 8th grade: to the textbook by P. A. Orzhekovsky and others “Chemistry. 8th grade” / O. V. Ushakova, P. I. Bespalov, P. A. Orzhekovsky; under. ed. prof. P. A. Orzhekovsky - M.: AST: Astrel: Profizdat, 2006. (p. 19-21)

    3. Chemistry: 8th grade: textbook. for general education institutions / P. A. Orzhekovsky, L. M. Meshcheryakova, L. S. Pontak. M.: AST: Astrel, 2005.(§8)

    4. Chemistry: inorg. chemistry: textbook. for 8th grade. general education institutions / G. E. Rudzitis, Fyu Feldman. - M.: Education, OJSC “Moscow Textbooks”, 2009. (§6)

    5. Encyclopedia for children. Volume 17. Chemistry / Chapter. ed. V.A. Volodin, Ved. scientific ed. I. Leenson. - M.: Avanta+, 2003.

    Additional web resources

    1. A unified collection of digital educational resources.

    2. Electronic version of the journal “Chemistry and Life”.

    3. Chemistry tests (online).


    p.19-21 No. 1-5 from the Workbook on Chemistry: 8th grade: to the textbook by P. A. Orzhekovsky and others “Chemistry. 8th grade” / O. V. Ushakova, P. I. Bespalov, P. A. Orzhekovsky; under. ed. prof. P. A. Orzhekovsky - M.: AST: Astrel: Profizdat, 2006.

    J. J. Berzelius Designation of chemical elements by D. Dalton Table of names and symbols of some chemical elements Alchemical signs of chemical elements and substances Mass fractions of chemical elements in the earth's crust