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  • Golden Horde: what is important to know about it. Golden Horde (Ulus Jochi) Territory of the Horde

    Golden Horde: what is important to know about it.  Golden Horde (Ulus Jochi) Territory of the Horde

    As a result of aggressive campaigns, the Mongol empire founded by Genghis Khan formed three of its western uluses, which for some time depended on the great Khan of the Mongols in Karakorum, and then became independent states. The very separation of the three western uluses within the Mongol Empire created by Genghis Khan was already the beginning of its disintegration.
    The ulus of Chagatai, the second son of Genghis Khan, included Semirechye and Maverannahr in Central Asia. The ulus of Hulagu, the grandson of Genghis Khan, became the lands of modern Turkmenistan, Iran, Transcaucasia and the Middle Eastern lands up to the Euphrates. The separation of the Khulagu ulus into an independent state took place in 1265.
    The largest western ulus of the Mongols was the ulus of the descendants of Jochi (the eldest son of Genghis Khan), which included Western Siberia (from the Irtysh), Northern Khorezm in Central Asia, the Urals, the Middle and Lower Volga regions, the North Caucasus, Crimea, the lands of the Polovtsians and other Turkic nomadic peoples in the steppe spaces from the Irtysh to the mouth of the Danube. The eastern part of the Jochi ulus (Western Siberia) became the yurt (destiny) of the eldest son of Jochi - Horde-Ichen - and later received the name of the Blue Horde. The western part of the ulus became the yurt of his second son, Batu, known in Russian annals as the Golden Horde or simply the Horde.
    The main territory of these states was the countries conquered by the Mongols, where there were favorable natural conditions for nomadic pastoralism (lands in Central Asia, the Caspian Sea and the Northern Black Sea region), which led to their long-term economic and cultural stagnation, to the replacement of a developed agricultural economy by nomadic pastoralism, and together with and to a return to more archaic forms of the socio-political and state system.

    Socio-political system of the Golden Horde

    The Golden Horde was founded in 1243 upon the return of Batu Khan from his campaign in Europe. Its original capital was built in 1254, the city of Sarai-Batu on the Volga. The transformation of the Golden Horde into an independent state was expressed under the third khan Mengu-Timur (1266 - 1282) in the minting of a coin with the name of the khan. After his death, a feudal war broke out in the Golden Horde, during which one of the representatives of the nomadic aristocracy, Nogai, rose to the occasion. As a result of this feudal war, that part of the Golden Horde aristocracy that adhered to Islam and was connected with the urban trading layers won the upper hand. She nominated the grandson of Mengu-Timur Uzbek (1312 - 1342) to the khan's throne.
    Under Uzbek, the Golden Horde turned into one of the largest states of the Middle Ages. During the 30-year reign, Uzbek firmly held all power in his hands, cruelly suppressing any manifestation of the independence of his vassals. The princes of numerous uluses from the descendants of Jochi, including the rulers of the Blue Horde, implicitly fulfilled all the requirements of Uzbek. The military forces of Uzbek numbered up to 300 thousand soldiers. A number of raids of the Golden Horde on Lithuania in the 20s of the XIV century. temporarily stopped the advance of the Lithuanians to the east. Under Uzbek, the power of the Golden Horde over Russia was further strengthened.
    The state system of the Golden Horde at the time of its formation was of a primitive nature. It was divided into semi-independent uluses headed by the Batu brothers or representatives of local dynasties. These vassal uluses had little to do with the khan's administration. The unity of the Golden Horde rested on a system of cruel terror. The Mongols, who formed the core of the conquerors, soon found themselves surrounded by the vast majority of the Turkic-speaking population they conquered, primarily the Polovtsians (Kipchaks). Already by the end of the XIII century. the Mongolian nomadic aristocracy, and even more so the ordinary mass of the Mongols, became so Turkicized that the Mongolian language was almost ousted from the official documentation by the Kypchak language.
    The administration of the state was concentrated in the hands of the Divan, which consisted of four emirs. Local government was in the hands of the regional rulers, directly subordinate to the Divan.
    The Mongolian nomadic aristocracy, as a result of the harsh exploitation of serfs, nomads and slaves, turned into owners of huge land wealth, livestock and other valuables (their income of Ibn Battuta, an Arab writer of the 14th century, determined up to 200 thousand dinars, i.e. up to 100 thousand rubles), by the end of the reign of Uzbek, the feudal aristocracy again began to exert a huge influence on all aspects of government and after the death of Uzbek took an active part in the court struggle for power between his sons - Tinibek and Dzhanibek. Tinibek ruled for only about a year and a half and was killed, and the khan's throne passed to Janibek, who was more acceptable as a khan for the nomadic aristocracy. As a result of court conspiracies and turmoil at the end of the 50s, many princes from the Uzbek clan were killed.

    The decline of the Golden Horde and its collapse

    In the 70s of the XIV century. as a result of the process of feudal fragmentation, the Golden Horde was actually divided into two parts: in the regions west of the Volga, the temnik Mamai ruled, and in the eastern regions, Urus Khan. The temporary restoration of the unity of the Golden Horde took place under Khan Tokhtamysh in the 80s and 90s, but this unity was also illusory, since in fact Tokhtamysh became dependent on Timur and his plans for conquest. Timur's defeat of Tokhtamysh's troops in 1391 and 1395 and the sack of Saray finally put an end to the political unity of the Golden Horde.
    The complex processes of feudal fragmentation led in the second half of the 15th century. to the final disintegration of the Golden Horde into the Kazan Khanate. The Astrakhan Khanate, the Great Horde proper, and the Crimean Khanate, which since 1475 became a vassal of Sultan's Turkey.
    The collapse of the Golden Horde and the formation of the Russian centralized state created all the conditions for the complete elimination of the heavy Mongol-Tatar yoke and its consequences.

    B.A. Rybakov - "History of the USSR from ancient times to the end of the XVIII century." - M., "Higher School", 1975.

    Golden Horde (Ulus Jochi, Turk. Ulu Ulus- "Great State") - a medieval state in Eurasia.

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      ✪ Golden Horde. Video lesson on the history of Russia Grade 6

      ✪ Mongol invasion and the Golden Horde (a selection of broadcasts)

      ✪ Vadim Trepavlov: "The Golden Horde in the history of Russia: disputes and doubts"

      ✪ The Golden Horde baptized Muscovy!


    Title and borders

    Name "Golden Horde" It was first used in 1566 in the historical and publicistic work "Kazan History", when the single state itself no longer existed. Until that time, in all Russian sources, the word " Horde" used without adjective " Golden". Since the 19th century, the term has been firmly entrenched in historiography and is used to refer to the Jochi ulus as a whole, or (depending on the context) its western part with its capital in Saray.

    In the actual Golden Horde and eastern (Arab-Persian) sources, the state did not have a single name. It is usually referred to as " ulus”, with the addition of some epithet ( "Ulug ulus") or the ruler's name ( Ulus Berke), and not necessarily acting, but also reigning earlier (" Uzbek, ruler of the Berke countries», « ambassadors of Tokhtamyshkhan, sovereign of the Uzbek land"). Along with this, the old geographical term was often used in the Arab-Persian sources Desht-i-Kipchak. Word " horde” in the same sources denoted the headquarters (mobile camp) of the ruler (examples of its use in the meaning of “country” begin to be found only from the 15th century). The combination " Golden Horde" (Persian اردوی زرین ‎, Urdu-i Zarrin) meaning " golden parade tent” is found in the description of an Arab traveler in relation to the residence of Khan Uzbek. In Russian chronicles, the word "horde" usually meant an army. Its use as the name of the country becomes constant from the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries, until that time the term "Tatars" was used as the name. In Western European sources, the names " Komanov country», « Comania" or " power of the Tatars», « the land of the Tatars», « Tataria» . The Chinese called the Mongols " Tatars"(tar-tar).

    In modern languages ​​that are related to the Horde Old Tatar, the Golden Horde is called: Olug yort (senior home, homeland), Olug olys (senior district, district of the elder), Dashti kypchak, etc. At the same time, if the capital city is called Bash Kala (the main city), then the mobile headquarters is called Altyn Urda (Golden Center, Tent).

    The Arab historian Al-Omari, who lived in the first half of the 14th century, defined the boundaries of the Horde as follows:


    Formation of Ulus Jochi (Golden Horde)

    The division of the empire by Genghis Khan between his sons, carried out by 1224, can be considered the emergence of the Ulus of Jochi. After the Western campaign (1236-1242), led by the son of Jochi Batu (in the Russian chronicles Batu), the ulus expanded to the west and the Lower Volga region became its center. In 1251, a kurultai took place in the capital of the Mongol Empire, Karakorum, where Mongke, the son of Tolui, was proclaimed the great khan. Batu, "senior of the family" ( aka), supported Möngke, probably hoping to gain full autonomy for his ulus. Opponents of the Jochids and Toluids from the descendants of Chagatai and Ogedei were executed, and the possessions confiscated from them were divided among Mongke, Batu and other Chingizids, who recognized their power.

    Separation from the Mongol Empire

    After the death of Mengu-Timur, a political crisis began in the country associated with the name of Nogai. Nogai, one of the descendants of Genghis Khan, held the post of beklyarbek under Mengu-Timur, the second most important in the state. His personal ulus was located in the west of the Golden Horde (near the Danube). Nogai set as his goal the formation of his own state, and during the reign of Tuda-Mengu (1282-1287) and Tula-Buga (1287-1291), he managed to subjugate a vast territory along the Danube, Dniester, Uzeu (Dnieper) to his power.

    With the direct support of Nogai, Tokhta (1291-1312) was placed on the Sarai throne. At first, the new ruler obeyed his patron in everything, but soon, relying on the steppe aristocracy, he opposed him. The long struggle ended in 1299 with the defeat of Nogai, and the unity of the Golden Horde was again restored.

    Rise of the Golden Horde

    "Great Jam"

    From 1359 to 1380, more than 25 khans changed on the throne of the Golden Horde, and many uluses tried to become independent. This time in Russian sources was called the "Great Zamyatnya".

    Even during the life of Khan Dzhanibek (no later than 1357), his Khan Ming-Timur was proclaimed in the Ulus Shiban. And the murder in 1359 of Khan Berdibek (son of Dzhanibek) put an end to the Batuid dynasty, which caused the appearance of various pretenders to the Sarai throne from among the eastern branches of the Jochids. Taking advantage of the instability of the central government, a number of regions of the Horde for some time, following the Ulus of Shiban, acquired their own khans.

    The rights to the Horde throne of the impostor Kulpa were immediately questioned by the son-in-law and at the same time the beklarbek of the murdered khan, the temnik Mamai. As a result, Mamai, who was the grandson of Isatay, an influential emir from the time of Khan Uzbek, created an independent ulus in the western part of the Horde, up to the right bank of the Volga. Not being Genghisides, Mamai did not have the right to the title of khan, therefore he limited himself to the position of beklarbek under the puppet khans from the Batuid clan.

    Khans from Ulus Shiban, descendants of Ming-Timur, tried to gain a foothold in Saray. They did not really succeed, the rulers changed with kaleidoscopic speed. The fate of the khans largely depended on the favor of the merchant elite of the cities of the Volga region, which was not interested in a strong khan's power.

    Following the example of Mamai, other descendants of the emirs also showed a desire for independence. Tengiz-Buga, also the grandson of Isatai, tried to create an independent ulus in the Syr Darya. The Jochids, who rebelled against Tengiz-Buga in 1360 and killed him, continued his separatist policy, proclaiming a khan from among themselves.

    Salchen, the third grandson of the same Isatai and at the same time the grandson of Khan Dzhanibek, captured Hadji Tarkhan. Hussein-Sufi, son of Emir Nangudai and grandson of Khan Uzbek, created an independent ulus in Khorezm in 1361. In 1362, the Lithuanian prince Olgerd seized lands in the Dnieper basin.

    The turmoil in the Golden Horde ended after Genghisid Tokhtamysh, with the support of Emir Tamerlane from Maverannahr in 1377-1380, first captured the uluses on the Syrdarya, defeating the sons of Urus Khan, and then the throne in Saray, when Mamai came into direct conflict with the Moscow principality (defeat on Vozha (1378)). Tokhtamysh in 1380 defeated the remnants of the troops gathered by Mamai after the defeat in the Kulikovo battle on the Kalka River.

    Tokhtamysh's reign

    During the reign of Tokhtamysh (1380-1395), the unrest ceased and the central government again began to control the entire main territory of the Golden Horde. In 1382, the khan made a campaign against Moscow and achieved the restoration of tribute payments. After strengthening his position, Tokhtamysh opposed the Central Asian ruler Tamerlane, with whom he had previously maintained allied relations. As a result of a series of devastating campaigns in 1391-1396, Tamerlane defeated the troops of Tokhtamysh on the Terek, captured and destroyed the Volga cities, including Sarai-Berke, plundered the cities of Crimea, etc. The Golden Horde was dealt a blow from which it could no longer recover.

    The collapse of the Golden Horde

    Since the sixties of the XIV century, since the time of the Great Memory, there have been important political changes in the life of the Golden Horde. The gradual disintegration of the state began. The rulers of the remote parts of the ulus acquired de facto independence, in particular, in 1361 the Ulus Orda-Ejen gained independence. However, until the 1390s, the Golden Horde still remained more or less a single state, but with the defeat in the war with Tamerlane and the ruin of economic centers, the process of disintegration began, accelerating from the 1420s.

    In the early 1420s, the Siberian Khanate was formed, in 1428 the Uzbek Khanate, then the Kazan (1438), Crimean (1441) Khanates, the Nogai Horde (1440s) and the Kazakh Khanate (1465) arose. After the death of Khan Kichi-Mohammed, the Golden Horde ceased to exist as a single state.

    The main among the Jochid states formally continued to be considered the Great Horde. In 1480, Akhmat, Khan of the Great Horde, tried to achieve obedience from Ivan III, but this attempt ended unsuccessfully, and Rus' was finally freed from the Tatar-Mongolian yoke. At the beginning of 1481, Akhmat was killed during an attack on his headquarters by the Siberian and Nogai cavalry. Under his children, at the beginning of the 16th century, the Great Horde ceased to exist.

    State structure and administrative division

    According to the traditional structure of nomadic states, after 1242 Ulus Jochi was divided into two wings: right (western) and left (eastern). The eldest was considered the right wing, which was Ulus Batu. The west of the Mongols was designated in white, so the Batu Ulus was called the White Horde (Ak Orda). The right wing covered the territory of western Kazakhstan, the Volga region, the North Caucasus, the Don and Dnieper steppes, Crimea. Its center was Sarai-Batu.

    The wings, in turn, were divided into uluses owned by other sons of Jochi. Initially, there were about 14 such uluses. Plano Carpini, who made a trip to the east in 1246-1247, singles out the following leaders in the Horde, indicating the places of nomads: Kuremsu on the western bank of the Dnieper, Mautsi on the east, Kartan, married to Batu’s sister, in the Don steppes, Batu himself on the Volga and two thousand people along the two banks of the Dzhaik (Ural River). Berke held lands in the North Caucasus, but in 1254 Batu took these possessions for himself, ordering Berke to move east of the Volga.

    At first, the ulus division was unstable: possessions could be transferred to other persons and change their boundaries. At the beginning of the XIV century, Khan Uzbek carried out a major administrative-territorial reform, according to which the right wing of the Juchi Ulus was divided into 4 large uluses: Saray, Khorezm, Crimea and Desht-i-Kypchak, headed by ulus emirs (ulusbeks) appointed by the khan. The main ulusbek was beklyarbek. The next most important dignitary was the vizier. The other two positions were occupied by especially noble or distinguished dignitaries. These four regions were divided into 70 small possessions (tumens), headed by temniks.

    Uluses were divided into smaller possessions, also called uluses. The latter were administrative-territorial units of various sizes, which depended on the rank of the owner (temnik, thousand's manager, centurion, foreman).

    The city of Sarai-Batu (near modern Astrakhan) became the capital of the Golden Horde under Batu; in the first half of the 14th century, the capital was moved to Saray-Berke (founded by Khan Berke (1255-1266) near present-day Volgograd). Under Khan Uzbek, Sarai-Berke was renamed into Sarai Al-Dzhedid.


    The overwhelming majority of the Horde army was the cavalry, which used the traditional tactics of fighting with mobile cavalry masses of archers in battle. Its core was heavily armed detachments, consisting of the nobility, the basis of which was the guard of the Horde ruler. In addition to the Golden Horde warriors, the khans recruited soldiers from among the conquered peoples, as well as mercenaries from the Volga region, Crimea and the North Caucasus. The main weapon of the Horde warriors was the bow, which the Horde used with great skill. Spears were also widespread, used by the Horde during a massive spear strike that followed the first strike with arrows. Of the bladed weapons, broadswords and sabers were the most popular. Crushing weapons were also widespread: maces, shestopers, coinage, klevtsy, flails.

    Among the Horde warriors, lamellar and laminar metal shells were common, from the 14th century - chain mail and ring-plate armor. The most common armor was khatangu-degel, reinforced from the inside with metal plates (kuyak). Despite this, the Horde continued to use lamellar shells. The Mongols also used armor of the brigantine type. Mirrors, necklaces, bracers and greaves became widespread. Swords were almost universally replaced by sabers. From the end of the 14th century, guns appeared in service. Horde warriors also began to use field fortifications, in particular, large easel shields - chaparras. In field combat, they also used some military technical means, in particular, crossbows.


    The Golden Horde was inhabited by Turkic (Kipchaks, Volga Bulgars, Khorezmians, Bashkirs, etc.), Slavic, Finno-Ugric (Mordovians, Cheremis, Votyaks, etc.), North Caucasian (Yases, Alans, Cherkasy, etc.) peoples. The small Mongolian elite very quickly assimilated among the local Turkic population. By the end of the XIV - beginning of the XV century. the nomadic population of the Golden Horde was designated by the ethnonym "Tatars".

    The ethnogenesis of the Volga, Crimean, Siberian Tatars took place in the Golden Horde. The Turkic population of the eastern wing of the Golden Horde formed the basis of the modern Kazakhs, Karakalpaks and Nogays.

    Cities and trade

    On the lands from the Danube to the Irtysh, 110 urban centers with an oriental material culture have been archaeologically recorded, which flourished in the first half of the 14th century. The total number of the Golden Horde cities, apparently, approached 150. The major centers of mainly caravan trade were the cities of Sarai-Batu, Sarai-Berke, Uvek, Bulgar, Khadzhi-Tarkhan, Beljamen, Kazan, Dzhuketau, Madzhar, Mokhshi, Azak ( Azov), Urgench and others.

    The trading colonies of the Genoese in the Crimea (captainship Gothia) and at the mouth of the Don were used by the Horde to trade in cloth, fabrics and linen, weapons, women's jewelry, jewelry, precious stones, spices, incense, furs, leather, honey, wax, salt, grain , timber, fish, caviar, olive oil and slaves.

    From the Crimean trading cities, trade routes began, leading both to southern Europe and to Central Asia, India and China. Trade routes leading to Central Asia and Iran followed the Volga. Through the Volgodonsk perevoloka there was a connection with the Don and through it with the Sea of ​​Azov and the Black Sea.

    Foreign and domestic trade relations were provided by the issued money of the Golden Horde: silver dirhams, copper puls and sums.


    In the first period, the rulers of the Golden Horde recognized the supremacy of the great kaan of the Mongol Empire.


    1. Munke-Timur (1269-1282), the first Khan of the Golden Horde, independent of the Mongol Empire
    2. There Menggu (1282-1287)
    3. Tula Buga (1287-1291)
    4. Tokhta (1291-1312)
    5. Uzbek Khan (1313-1341)
    6. Tinibeck (1341-1342)
    7. Janibek (1342-1357)
    8. Berdibek (1357-1359), the last representative of the Batu clan
    9. Kulpa (August 1359-January 1360), impostor, posed as Janibek's son
    10. Nauruz Khan (January-June 1360), impostor, pretended to be Janibek's son
    11. Khizr Khan (June 1360-August 1361), the first representative of the Horde-Ejen family
    12. Timur-Khoja Khan (August-September 1361)
    13. Ordumelik (September-October 1361), the first representative of the Tuka-Timur clan
    14. Kildibek (October 1361-September 1362), impostor, pretended to be Janibek's son
    15. Murad Khan (September 1362-Autumn 1364)
    16. Mir Pulad (autumn 1364-September 1365), the first representative of the Shibana clan
    17. Aziz Sheikh (September 1365-1367)
    18. Abdullah Khan (1367-1368)
    19. Hassan Khan (1368-1369)
    20. Abdullah Khan (1369-1370)
    21. Muhammad Bulak Khan (1370-1372), under the regency of Tulunbek Khanum
    22. Urus Khan (1372-1374)
    23. Circassian Khan (1374-early 1375)
    24. Mohammed Bulak Khan (beginning 1375-June 1375)
    25. Urus Khan (June-July 1375)
    26. Mohammed Bulak Khan (July 1375-late 1375)
    27. Kaganbek (Aibek Khan) (late 1375-1377)
    28. Arabshah (Kary Khan) (1377-1380)
    29. Tokhtamysh (1380-1395)
    30. Timur Kutlug (1395-1399)
    31. Shadibek (1399-1407)
    32. Pulad Khan (1407-1411)
    33. Timur Khan (1411-1412)
    34. Jalal ad-Din Khan (1412-1413)
    35. Kerimberdy (1413-1414)
    36. Chocre (1414-1416)
    37. Jabbar-Berdi (1416-1417)
    38. Dervish Khan (1417-1419)
    39. Ulu Muhammed (1419-1423)
    40. Barak Khan (1423-1426)
    41. Ulu Muhammed (1426-1427)
    42. Barak Khan (1427-1428)
    43. Ulu Muhammed (1428-1432)
    44. Kichi-Mohammed (1432-1459)


    see also


    2. Grigoriev A.P. The official language of the Golden Horde of the XIII-XIV centuries.//Turkological collection 1977. M, 1981. S.81-89. "
    3. Tatar encyclopedic dictionary. - Kazan: Institute of the Tatar Encyclopedia of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, 1999. - 703 p., illus. ISBN 0-9530650-3-0
    4. Faseev F. S. Old Tatar business writing of the 18th century. / F. S. Faseev. - Kazan: Tat. book. ed., 1982. - 171 p.
    5. Khisamova F.M. Functioning of the Old Tatar business writing of the 16th-17th centuries. / F. M. Khisamova. - Kazan: Kazan Publishing House. un-ta, 1990. - 154 p.
    6. Written Languages ​​of the World, Books 1-2 G. D. McConnell, V. Yu. Mikhalchenko Academy, 2000 Pp. 452
    7. III International Baudouin Readings: I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay and Modern Problems of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics: (Kazan, May 23-25, 2006): works and materials, Volume 2 Pages. 88 and pp. 91
    8. Introduction to the study of Turkic languages ​​Nikolai Aleksandrovich Baskakov Higher. school, 1969
    9. Tatar Encyclopedia: K-L Mansur Khasanovich Khasanov, Mansur Khasanovich Khasanov Institute of Tatar Encyclopedia, 2006 Pp. 348
    10. History of the Tatar literary language: XIII-first quarter of XX at the Institute of Language, Literature and Art (YALI) named after Galimdzhan Ibragimov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, publishing house Fiker, 2003
    11. E. Tenishev The language of interethnic communication of the Golden Horde era
    12. Atlas of the history of Tatarstan and the Tatar people M .: DIK Publishing House, 1999. - 64 p.: illustrations, maps. ed. R. G. Fakhrutdinova
    13. Historical geography of the Golden Horde in the XIII-XIV centuries.
    14. Golden Horde
    15. Pochekaev R. Yu. Legal status Ulus Juchi in Mongol empire 1224-1269 . (indefinite) . - Library of the Central Asian Historical Server. Retrieved April 17, 2010. Archived from the original on August 23, 2011.
    16. Cm.: Egorov V.L. Historical geography of the Golden Horde in the XIII-XIV centuries. - M.: Nauka, 1985.
    17. Sultanov T. I. How the ulus Jochi became the Golden Horde.
    18. Meng-da bei-lu (full description of the Mongol-Tatars) Per. from Chinese, introduction, comments. and adj. N. Ts. Munkueva. M., 1975, p. 48, 123-124.
    19. W. Tizenhausen. Collection of materials relating to the history of the Horde (p. 215), Arabic text (p. 236), Russian translation (B. Grekov and A. Yakubovsky. Golden Horde, p. 44).

    The Golden Horde (Ulus Jochi) is the state of the Mongol-Tatars that existed in Eurasia from the 13th to the 16th century. During its dawn, the Golden Horde, nominally part of the Mongol Empire, ruled over the Russian princes and levied tribute from them (Mongol-Tatar yoke) for several centuries.

    In the Russian chronicles, the Golden Horde had different names, but most often Ulus Jochi (“Possession of Khan Jochi”), and only from 1556 did the state begin to be called the Golden Horde.

    Beginning of the era of the Golden Horde

    In 1224, the Mongol Khan Genghis Khan divided the Mongol Empire between his sons, one of the parts was received by his son Jochi, then the formation of an independent state began. After him, his son Batu Khan became the head of the Juchi ulus. Until 1266, the Golden Horde was part of the Mongol Empire, as one of the khanates, and then became an independent state, having only a nominal dependence on the empire.

    During his reign, Batu Khan made several military campaigns, as a result of which new territories were conquered, and the lower Volga region became the center of the Horde. The capital was the city of Sarai-Batu, located not far from modern Astrakhan.

    As a result of the campaigns of Batu and his troops, the Golden Horde conquered new territories and, during its heyday, occupied the following lands:

    • Most of modern Russia, except for the Far East, Siberia and the North;
    • Ukraine;
    • Kazakhstan;
    • Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

    Despite the existence of the Mongol-Tatar yoke and the power of the Mongols over Russia, the khans of the Golden Horde did not directly manage Rus', taking only tribute from the Russian princes and making periodic punitive campaigns to strengthen their authority.

    As a result of several centuries of the rule of the Golden Horde, Rus' lost its independence, the economy was in decline, the lands were devastated, and the culture forever lost some types of crafts and was also in the stage of degradation. It is thanks to the long-term power of the Horde in the future that Rus' has always lagged behind in development from the countries of Western Europe.

    State structure and control system of the Golden Horde

    The Horde was a fairly typical Mongol state, consisting of several khanates. In the 13th century, the territories of the Horde changed their borders all the time, and the number of uluses (parts) was constantly changing, however, at the beginning of the 14th century, a territorial reform was carried out and the Golden Horde received a constant number of uluses.

    Each ulus was headed by its own khan, who belonged to the ruling dynasty and was a descendant of Genghis Khan, while at the head of the state was a single khan, to whom all the rest were subordinate. Each ulus had its own manager, ulusbek, to whom smaller officials were subordinate.

    The Golden Horde was a semi-military state, so all administrative and military posts were the same.

    Economy and culture of the Golden Horde

    Since the Golden Horde was a multinational state, the culture absorbed a lot from different peoples. In general, the basis of culture was the life and traditions of the nomadic Mongols. In addition, since 1312, the Horde has become an Islamic state, which is also reflected in the traditions. Scientists believe that the culture of the Golden Horde was not independent and throughout the entire period of the existence of the state was in a state of stagnation, using only ready-made forms introduced by other cultures, but not inventing their own.

    The Horde was a military and trading state. It was trade, along with the collection of tribute and the seizure of territories, that was the basis of the economy. The Khans of the Golden Horde traded in furs, jewelry, leather, timber, grain, fish, and even olive oil. Trade routes to Europe, India and China ran through the territory of the state.

    End of the era of the Golden Horde

    In 1357, Khan Dzhanibek dies and unrest begins, caused by a struggle for power between the khans and high-ranking feudal lords. In a short period, 25 khans were replaced in the state, until Khan Mamai came to power.

    In the same period, the Horde began to lose its political influence. In 1360, Khorezm separated, then, in 1362, Astrakhan and the lands on the Dnieper separated, and in 1380 the Mongol-Tatars were defeated by the Russians and lost their influence in Rus'.

    In 1380 - 1395, the turmoil subsided, and the Golden Horde began to return the remnants of its power, but not for long. By the end of the 14th century, the state carried out a number of unsuccessful military campaigns, the power of the khan weakened, and the Horde broke up into several independent khanates, headed by the Great Horde.

    In 1480, the Horde lost Rus'. At the same time, the small khanates that were part of the Horde finally separated. The Great Horde lasted until the 16th century, and then also disintegrated.

    Kichi Muhammad was the last khan of the Golden Horde.

    The Horde is a phenomenon that has no analogues in history. At its core, the Horde is a union, an association, but not a country, not a locality, not a territory. The Horde has no roots, the Horde has no homeland, the Horde has no borders, the Horde has no titular nation.

    The Horde was created not by the people, not by the nation, the Horde was created by one person - Genghis Khan. He alone came up with a system of subordination, according to which you can either die or become part of the Horde, and along with it, rob, kill and rape! That is why the Horde is a vzbrod, an association of criminals, villains and scoundrels, which have no equal. The Horde is an army of people who, in the face of fear of death, are ready to sell their homeland, their family, their surname, their nation, and, together with the Horde like him, continue to carry fear, horror, pain, to other peoples

    All nations, peoples, tribes know what a homeland is, everyone has their own territory, all states were created as a council, veche, glad, as an association of a territorial community, but the Horde is not! The Horde has only a king - khan, who commands and the Horde fulfills his command. Who refuses to fulfill his command dies, who begs the Horde for life - receives it, but in return gives his soul, his dignity, his honor.

    First of all, the word "horde".

    The word "horde" denoted the headquarters (mobile camp) of the ruler (examples of its use in the meaning of "country" begin to be found only from the 15th century). In Russian chronicles, the word "horde" usually meant an army. Its use as the name of the country becomes constant from the turn of the 13th-14th centuries, until that time the term "Tatars" was used as the name. In Western European sources, the names “country of Komans”, “Komania” or “power of the Tatars”, “land of the Tatars”, “Tataria” were common. The Chinese called the Mongols "Tatars" (tar-tar).

    So, according to the traditional version, a new state was formed in the south of the Euro-Asian continent (the Mongol state from Eastern Europe to the Pacific Ocean - the Golden Horde, alien to the Russians and oppressing them. The capital is the city of Saray on the Volga.

    Golden Horde (Ulus Jochi, self-name in the Turkic Ulu Ulus - "Great State") - a medieval state in Eurasia. In the period from 1224 to 1266, it was part of the Mongol Empire. In 1266, under Khan Mengu-Timur, it gained complete independence, retaining only a formal dependence on the imperial center. Since 1312, Islam has become the state religion. By the middle of the 15th century, the Golden Horde had split into several independent khanates; its central part, which nominally continued to be considered supreme - the Great Horde, ceased to exist at the beginning of the 16th century.

    Golden Horde ca. 1389

    The name "Golden Horde" was first used in Rus' in 1566 in the historical and journalistic work "Kazan History", when the state itself no longer existed. Until that time, in all Russian sources, the word "Horde" was used without the adjective "golden". Since the 19th century, the term has been firmly entrenched in historiography and is used to refer to the Jochi ulus as a whole, or (depending on the context) its western part with its capital in Saray. Read more → Golden Horde - Wikipedia.

    In the actual Golden Horde and eastern (Arab-Persian) sources, the state did not have a single name. It was usually denoted by the term "ulus", with the addition of some kind of epithet ("Ulug ulus") or the name of the ruler ("Ulus Berke"), and not necessarily the current one, but also the one who reigned earlier.

    So, we see, the Golden Horde is the empire of Jochi, the Jochi Ulus. Once the empire, there must be court historians. Their writings should describe how the world trembled from the bloody Tatars! Not all the same Chinese, Armenians and Arabs describe the exploits of the descendants of Genghis Khan.

    Academician-Orientalist H. M. Fren (1782-1851) searched for twenty-five years - did not find, and today there is nothing to please the reader: “As for the Golden Horde narrative written sources proper, we have no more of them today than in the time of Kh. M. Fren, who was forced to state with chagrin: “In vain for 25 years I have been looking for such a special history of the Ulus of Jochi” ... ”(Usmanov, 1979, p. 5). Thus, there are no narratives about the affairs of the Mongol, written by "the filthy Golden Horde Tatars" yet in nature.

    Let's see what the Golden Horde is in the view of A. I. Lyzlov's contemporaries. Muscovites called this horde golden. Its other name is the Great Horde. It included the lands of Bulgaria and the Trans-Volga Horde, “and on both countries of the Volga River, from the city of Kazan, it was not there yet, and to the Yaika River, and to the Khvalissky Sea. And there they settled and created many cities, which were called: Bolgars, Bylymat, Kuman, Korsun, Tura, Kazan, Aresk, Gormir, Arnach, Great Shed, Chaldai, Astarakhan ”(Lyzlov, 1990. p. 28).

    The Zavolzhskaya, or "Factory" Horde, as foreigners called it, is the Nogai Horde. It was located between the Volga, Yaik and "White Voloshki", below Kazan (Lyzlov, 1990. p. 18). “And those Ordinians tell about their beginning. As if in those countries, by no means vanished, there was a certain widow, a breed famous between them. This woman once gave birth to a son from fornication, with the name of Tsyngis ... ”(Lyzlov, 1990. p. 19). Thus, the Mongols-Tatars-Moabites spread from the Caucasus to the northeast, beyond the Volga, from where they then moved to Kalka, and from the south from Little Tataria Christian wanderers approached Kalka, read, the main heroes of this battle.

    Empire of Genghis Khan (1227) according to the traditional version

    The state must have officials. They are, for example Baskaki. “The Baskaks, as if they were chieftains or elders,” A. I. Lyzlov explains to us (Lyzlov, 1990, p. 27). Officials have paper and pens, otherwise they are not bosses. It is written in textbooks that princes and priests (officials) were given labels to rule. But the Tatar officials, unlike modern Ukrainian or Estonian, learned the Russian language, that is, the language of the conquered people, in order to write documents issued to the poor fellows in “their” language. “Note… that… none of the Mongolian written monuments has survived; not a single letter, not a single label in the original has been preserved. Very little has come down to us in translations” (Polevoi, Vol. 2, p. 558).

    Well, let's say, when they freed themselves from the so-called Tatar-Mongolian yoke, they burned everything written in Tatar-Mongolian to celebrate. Apparently this is for joy, you can understand the Russian soul. But the memory of the princes, their confidants, is another matter - people who are rooted, literate, aristocrats, now and then went to the Horde, lived for years (Borisov, 1997, p. 112). They had to leave notes in Russian. Where are these historical documents? And although time does not spare documents, it ages, but it also creates them (see the end of lecture 1 and lecture 3, the end of the paragraph “Birch bark letters”). Still, for almost three hundred years ... they went to the Horde. But there are no documents!? Here are the words: “Russian people have always been distinguished by inquisitiveness and observation. They were interested in the life and customs of other nations. Unfortunately, not a single detailed Russian description of the Horde has come down to us” (Borisov, 1997. p. 112). It turns out that Russian curiosity has dried up on the Tatar Horde!

    The Tatar-Mongols made raids. They took people into captivity. Contemporaries of these events and descendants painted pictures of this sad phenomenon. Consider one of them - a miniature from the Hungarian chronicle "The Deportation of the Russian Full to the Horde" (1488):

    Look at the faces of the Tatars. Bearded men, nothing Mongolian. Dressed neutrally, suitable for any people. On their heads are either turbans or caps, exactly like those of Russian peasants, archers or Cossacks.

    Theft of the Russian crowd to the Horde (1488)

    There is an entertaining "memo" left by the Tatars about their campaign in Europe. On the tombstone of Henry II, who died in the Battle of Liegnitz, a “Tatar-Mongol” is depicted. In any case, this is how the drawing was explained to the European reader (see Fig. 1). Painfully, the "Tatar" looks like a Cossack or an archer.

    Fig.1. Image on the gravestone of Duke Henry II. The drawing is given in the book Hie travel of Marco Polo (Hie comlete Yule-Cordier edition. V 1,2. NY: Dover Publ., 1992) and is inscribed: “The figure of a Tatar under the feet of Henry II, Duke of Silesia, Krakow and Poland, placed on the grave in Breslau of this prince, who was killed in the battle of Liegnitz, on April 9, 1241 ”(see: Nosovsky, Fomenko. Empire, p. 391)

    Didn't they remember in Western Europe what the "bloodthirsty Tartars from the countless hordes of Batu" looked like!? Where are the Mongol-Tatar features of narrow-eyed, with a rare beard ... The artist confused the so-called "Russian" with the "Tatar"!?

    In addition to "normative" documents, other written sources remain from the past. For example, from the Golden Horde, there were acts (labels) granted, khan's letters of a diplomatic nature - messages (bitiki). Although the Mongols, as true polyglots, used the Russian language for Russians, there are documents in other languages ​​addressed to non-Russian rulers ... In the USSR there were 61 labels; but historians, busy writing textbooks, by 1979 "mastered" only eight, and partially six more. There was (as it were) not enough time for the rest (Usmanov, 1979, pp. 12-13).

    And in general, not only from Juchisva Ulus, but also from the entire "great empire" there were practically no documents left.

    So what is the reality of the history of the Russian Empire, declaring brotherhood, unity and kinship to about 140 peoples (

    The Golden Horde was formed in the Middle Ages, and it was a really powerful state. Many countries tried to maintain good relations with him. Cattle breeding became the main occupation of the Mongols, and they knew nothing about the development of agriculture. They were fascinated by the art of war, which is why they were excellent riders. It should be especially noted that the Mongols did not accept weak and cowardly people into their ranks.

    In 1206, Genghis Khan becomes a great khan, whose real name is Temujin. He managed to unite many tribes. Possessing a strong military potential, Genghis Khan with his army defeated the Tangut kingdom, Northern China, Korea and Central Asia. Thus began the formation of the Golden Horde.

    It lasted for about two hundred years. It was formed on the ruins and was a powerful political formation in Desht-i-Kypchak. The Golden Horde appeared after it died; it was the heir to the empires of nomadic tribes in the Middle Ages. The goal set by the formation of the Golden Horde was to take possession of one branch (northern) of the Great Silk Road.

    Eastern sources say that in 1230 a large detachment, consisting of 30 thousand Mongols, appeared in the Caspian steppes. It was a site of nomadic Polovtsy, they were called Kypchaks. Many thousands went to the West. Along the way, the troops conquered the Volga Bulgars and Bashkirs, and after that they captured the Polovtsian lands.

    Genghis Khan assigned Jochi to his eldest son as an ulus (region of the empire) in the Polovtsian lands, who, like his father, died in 1227. A complete victory over these lands was won by the eldest son of Genghis Khan, whose name was Batu. He and his army completely subjugated the Ulus of Jochi and stayed on the Lower Volga in 1242-1243.

    During these years it was divided into four destinies. The Golden Horde was the first of these, a state within a state. Each of the four had its own ulus: Kulagu (this included the territory of the Caucasus, the Persian Gulf and the territory of the Arabs); Jagatai (included the area of ​​present-day Kazakhstan and Central Asia); Ogedei (it consisted of Mongolia, Eastern Siberia, Northern China and Transbaikalia) and Jochi (this is the Black Sea and the Volga region). However, the ulus of Ogedei was the main one. In Mongolia, there was the capital of the common Mongol empire - Karakorum. All state events took place here, the leader of the kagan was the main man of the entire united empire.

    The Mongolian troops were distinguished by militancy, initially they attacked the Ryazan and Vladimir principalities. Russian cities again turned out to be a target for conquest and enslavement. Only Novgorod survived. In the next two years, the Mongol troops captured all of what was then Rus'. During the fierce hostilities, he lost half of his troops.

    The Russian princes were separated at the time of the formation of the Golden Horde and therefore suffered constant defeats. Batu conquered Russian lands and imposed tribute on the local population. Alexander Nevsky was the first who managed to negotiate with the Horde and temporarily suspend hostilities.

    In the 60s, there was a war between the uluses, which marked the collapse of the Golden Horde, which the Russian people took advantage of. In 1379, Dmitry Donskoy refused to pay tribute and killed the Mongol generals. In response, the Mongol Khan Mamai attacked Rus'. It began in which the Russian troops won. Their dependence on the Horde became insignificant and the Mongols troops left Rus'. The collapse of the Golden Horde was completely completed.

    The Tatar-Mongol yoke lasted for 240 years and ended with the victory of the Russian people, however, the formation of the Golden Horde can hardly be overestimated. Thanks to the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the Russian principalities began to unite against a common enemy, which strengthened and made the Russian state even more powerful. Historians estimate the formation of the Golden Horde as an important stage for the development of Rus'.