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  • Principles of learning in the lzankov system. Developing Zankov training. How lessons are conducted in classes with the Zankov method of education

    Principles of learning in the lzankov system.  Developing Zankov training.  How lessons are conducted in classes with the Zankov method of education

    Developing system of education L.V. Zankov is a unity of didactics, methodology and practice. The unity and integrity of the pedagogical system is achieved through the interconnection of educational tasks at all levels. These include:

    • The purpose of training– achieving optimal overall development of each child;
    • learning task- to provide students with a broad, holistic picture of the world by means of science, literature, art and direct knowledge;
    • didactic principles- training at a high level of difficulty in compliance with the measure of difficulty; the leading role of theoretical knowledge; awareness of the learning process; fast pace of learning material; purposeful and systematic work on the overall development of all students, including the weak ones;
    • methodological system– its typical properties: versatility, procedurality, collisions, variance;
    • subject methods in all educational areas;
    • forms of organization of training;
    • system for studying the success of education and development of schoolchildren.

    System L.V. Zankova is integral, during its implementation one should not miss any of its components described above: each of them has its own developing function. A systematic approach to the organization of the educational space contributes to the solution of the problem of the general development of schoolchildren.

    In 1995-1996 L.V. system Zankov was introduced into the Russian school as a parallel state system of primary education. It is highly consistent with the principles put forward by the Law of the Russian Federation on Education, which requires ensuring the humanistic nature of education, the development of the child's personality.


    The modern era is the era of active development of high and subtle technologies, including in the field of education, which are created through the integration of advanced achievements of many disciplines. A characteristic feature of such technologies is their "personal focus", i.e. focus on the individual as a person. These two leading concepts for modern technologies: their integrated nature and personal centering were basic for L.V. Zankov and his staff already in the middle of the 20th century, when they created a new didactic system aimed at the overall development of each student. For this didactics, A.G. Asmolov found a very precise definition - "psychodidactics" - and called Zankov the leader of this direction.
    The learning system of L.V. Zankova arose in the course of an interdisciplinary study of the relationship between learning and development. The interdisciplinary character was expressed, firstly, in the integration of the achievements of several sciences dealing with the study of the child: physiology, defectology, psychology and pedagogy, and secondly, in the integration of experiment, theory and practice. For the first time, the results of scientific research through a psychological and pedagogical experiment took the form of an integral pedagogical system and, thus, were brought to their practical implementation.
    Conclusion on the research problem: development occurs as a complex process of interaction between external and internal factors, that is, the individual, deep qualities of the child. This understanding of the relationship between learning and development corresponds to a special type of learning, in which, on the one hand, exceptional attention is paid to the construction of learning, its content, principles, methods, and so on. as reflecting social experience, social order, on the other hand, equally exceptional attention is paid to the inner world of the child: his individual and age characteristics, his needs and interests.
    L.V. Zankov understood the general development as an integral movement of the psyche, when each neoplasm arises as a result of the interaction of his mind, will, and feelings. At the same time, special importance is attached to moral, aesthetic development. We are talking about unity and equivalence in the development of the intellectual and emotional, volitional and moral.
    Currently, the ideals of developmental education are recognized as priorities in education: the ability to learn, subject and universal (general educational) methods of action, the individual progress of the child in the emotional, social, and cognitive spheres. To implement these priorities, a scientifically based, time-tested developing pedagogical system is needed. Such is the system of L.V. Zankov, which is characterized by the integrity and interdependence of its following parts.

    The purpose of training- optimal overall development of each child.

    Learning task- to present students with a holistic broad picture of the world by means of science, literature, art and direct knowledge.

    Didactic principles:

    Learning at a high level of difficulty with compliance with the measure of difficulty;
    the leading role of theoretical knowledge;
    awareness of the learning process;
    fast pace of learning material;
    work on the development of each child, including the weak.

    Typical properties of a methodological system- versatility, processuality, collisions, variance.

    The system of developmental education has proven its effectiveness in the conditions of a four-year and three-year elementary school when teaching from the age of 7, and also at present when teaching children in a four-year school from the age of 6. The massive use of the system in the practice of a modern school proves the universality and high efficiency of the didactic system of general development in any conditions of its implementation. This system gives the teacher a theory and methodology for the development of the child's personality, his cognitive and creative abilities.
    The upbringing of a person who meets the modern requirements of society is possible only if, according to the well-known statement of L.S. Vygotsky, learning will run ahead of the development of the child, that is, it will be carried out in the zone of proximal development, and not at the current, already achieved level. This basic psychological position for the modern school is comprehended by L.V. Zankov as a didactic principle "training at a high level of difficulty with compliance with the measure of difficulty" . A prerequisite for its correct implementation is knowledge of the characteristics of pupils, knowledge of the current level of their development. The constant study of the child, starting from his admission to school, makes it possible to accurately indicate the maximum level of difficulty for each student of the proposed content and methods of mastering it.
    New knowledge about the personality of the student and the rethinking of the already known ones were the scientific base on the basis of which the next generation of training courses for elementary grades was created, which are recommended for use at school by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
    Below we will dwell on some of the essential features of modern primary school students, which were taken into account when developing curricula. Through these features, we will reveal the meaning of the didactic system of L.V. Zankov.
    In the unity of the intellectual and emotional in a child of primary school age, the emphasis is on the emotional, which gives impetus to the intellectual, moral, and creative principles (a methodological property of versatility).
    Consider the ratio of connections and capabilities of the right and left hemispheres of the brain in primary school age. These features are that even in future left hemispheres, the right hemisphere organization of mental functions still prevails, since the right hemisphere (responsible for holistic, panoramic, emotional-figurative perception and thinking) is ahead of the left (rational, analytical, algorithmic) hemisphere in its development. A person of the right hemisphere type - a researcher - receives positive emotional reinforcement in the process of search activity, which gives impetus to its continuation. That is why, when teaching, it is so important to take into account the nature of emotions, the state of mind of children in the lesson, which is why the emphasis on search activity, on independent acquisition of knowledge is so important when teaching younger students.
    Collisions can be an impulse to search activity. They occur when a child:
    - encounters a lack (excess) of information or methods of activity to solve the problem;
    - finds himself in a situation of choosing an opinion, approach, solution, etc.;
    - encounters new conditions for the use of existing knowledge.
    In such situations, learning does not go from simple to complex, but rather from complex to simple: from some unfamiliar, unexpected situation through a collective search (under the guidance of a teacher) to its resolution.
    Implementation of the didactic principle "teaching at a high level of difficulty with compliance with the measure of difficulty" requires selecting and structuring content in such a way that when working with it, students experience maximum mental stress. The measure of difficulty varies depending on the capabilities of each student, up to direct assistance. But first, the student must face a cognitive difficulty, which causes emotions that stimulate the search activity of the student, the class.
    Younger schoolchildren are characterized by syncretism (unity, indivisibility) of thinking, a rather low level of development of analysis and synthesis. We proceed from a general idea of ​​development as a process of transition from low stages, which are characterized by merged, syncretic forms, to increasingly dissected and ordered forms, which are characteristic of high levels. Psychologists call this transition the law of differentiation. He is subject to mental development in general and mental development in particular. Therefore, at the initial stage of education, it is necessary to provide the child with a broad, holistic picture of the world that integrated courses create. The courses built in this way are most consistent with the age characteristics of younger students and the characteristics of the modern information flow, which is not divided into separate areas of knowledge.
    In accordance with these features, all training courses are built on an integrated basis. I know "The world" links are activated between knowledge about the Earth, its nature and the socio-cultural life of a person, which takes place at a certain historical time, in certain natural conditions. Technology course subtitles speak for themselves "Create, invent, try!" And "Manual creativity". "Literary Reading" organically combines work on the perception of works of literature, music and fine arts. Built on the basis of broad intra-subject integration Russian language course, in which the system of the language, speech activity and the history of the language are presented in relationships; built on the same integration mathematics course, which organically combines the content of arithmetic, geometry, the beginnings of algebra, the history of mathematics. In the know about music musical activity of students is organized as a unity of performance, listening and improvisation. In the course of this activity, knowledge about music, its history, about composers is integrated with knowledge about literature, fine arts, and folklore.

    A set of textbooks develops the most important skills of the information age: to find and analyze information, to communicate orally and in writing - to express and prove one's point of view, to discuss similar and opposite views, to listen and hear.
    It is the integrated course, which has the opportunity to present children with different aspects of reality, that creates conditions for the individualization of learning, including students with different types of thinking in active learning activities: visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-figurative and verbal-logical. The condition for this is the multi-level content, which allows to approach its analysis in many aspects.
    The basis for structuring the programs of integrated courses is didactic principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge . Its implementation in the content of educational subjects creates conditions for students to study the interdependence of phenomena, their internal essential connection. But along with this, from the very first days of study, work begins on the gradual differentiation in the cognition of children of different features of the objects and phenomena being studied, on a clear distinction between similar objects. L.V. Zankov wrote that if we characterize the construction of curricula in the most general form, then "it can be defined as differentiation, that is, the division of the whole into diverse forms and stages." At the same time, the distinction always goes within the framework of systemicity and integrity. This means that each element of knowledge must be assimilated only in connection with others and necessarily within a certain whole. With such a construction of courses, the student realizes not only the content of the subject, but also the process of obtaining knowledge ( the principle of awareness of the learning process ).
    L.V. Zankov resolutely abandoned the practice of treating each segment of the course as an independent and complete unit, when one can move on to a new segment only after the previous one has been "thoroughly" mastered. “True knowledge of each element,” writes L.V. Zankov - progresses all the time as he masters other, subsequent elements of the subject and realizes the corresponding whole up to the entire training course and its continuation in the next classes. This ensures efficiency didactic principle"Fast pace of learning material" . This principle requires constant movement forward. The continuous enrichment of the student's mind with versatile content creates favorable conditions for its ever deeper comprehension, since it is included in a widely developed system.
    Thus, the development of the main, basic content, indicated in the State Standards, is carried out systematically:

    1) propaedeutic study of the future program material, essentially related to the actual content for a given year of study;

    2) its study while updating objectively existing links with previously studied material;

    3) the inclusion of this material in new connections when studying a new topic.
    The novelty of the content or learning situation is a prerequisite for organizing the process of developmental learning. Therefore, in none of the textbooks, as in previous editions, there are no sections "Repetition of the past." What has been learned is organically included in the study of the new. This creates conditions for repeated operation of the same content for a long time, which ensures its study in various relationships and functions and, as a result, leads to the strength of assimilation of the material (a new level of implementation of the methodological properties of processivity and variance).
    The next feature of primary school students is directly related to the previous ones: the mental operations of younger students (analysis, synthesis, generalization) are most productively carried out at the visual-effective, visual-figurative and, to some extent, verbal-figurative levels.
    It is these levels of thinking that should become a stepping stone to verbal-logical thinking. We are not talking about sequential, but about parallel work at all four levels of the implementation of mental activity, taking into account the achievements of the child. The greatest opportunities for further improvement of the visual-effective level of thinking have manual creativity, physical education, direct knowledge of the world around. All school subjects can contribute to the development of visual-figurative, verbal-figurative and verbal-logical thinking. The authors of all textbooks combine in tasks questions that require their solution at different levels of mental operations. Such a multifaceted nature of the questions makes it possible to combine an accessible level of task performance with the opportunity for each child to work at a high level of difficulty, rising to verbal-logical thinking. Thus, the experience of considering the same object from different points of view, the experience of establishing all possible connections that create a given object or phenomenon, will gradually develop.
    We emphasize once again that success in shaping children's knowledge, skills and abilities directly depends on the level of their general development, including the level of development of the prerequisites for a particular educational activity. Knowing the characteristics of students allows you to implement in textbooks didactic principle "work on the development of everyone, including the weakest child."
    Developing education is possible only if the child is constantly studied. Our portfolio includes methods for diagnosing school maturity and a system for cross-studying the effectiveness of learning and development of schoolchildren. A system has been developed for developing the ability for self-control in children as a stepping stone to the development of such a fundamental requirement for a school graduate, which is the ability for self-development. For the first time, workbooks for all academic subjects include tasks that involve self-control, self-analysis of one's achievements. This is a significant advance on the way to an unmarked (qualitative) form of studying the effectiveness of training.
    For a system that has been introduced into wide practice, the property of variance is extremely important. The main functional significance of this methodological property is to find such ways and means of implementing the methodological system that would allow the individual characteristics of teachers and schoolchildren to manifest themselves, and would also take into account different options for learning conditions. “In the future, genuine creativity,” writes L.V. Zankov in the monograph "Training and Development" - will become increasingly important. Unification, which is characteristic of the traditional methodology of primary education, will undoubtedly be overcome. Then those potential spiritual forces that are inherent in every teacher and every schoolchild will come to light and turn out to be highly effective.
    Choice, freedom of creativity are the main features of humane pedagogy. At this stage in the development of the Zankov system, in most cases, the teacher is offered two versions of textbooks on the subject. This means that there is a choice of textbooks in accordance with the professional and individual characteristics of the teacher, which, in turn, cannot but help to increase the effectiveness of teaching.
    Let us name the important features of the educational and methodological set, which is based on modern knowledge about the age and individual characteristics of the younger student.

    The kit provides:
    understanding of the interrelations and interdependencies of the studied objects, phenomena due to the integrated nature of the content, which is expressed in the combination of material of different levels of generalization (above-subject, inter- and intra-subject), as well as in the combination of its theoretical and practical orientation, intellectual and emotional richness;
    possession of the concepts necessary for further education;
    relevance, practical significance of educational material for the student;
    conditions for solving educational problems, social-personal, intellectual, aesthetic development of the child, for the formation of educational and universal (general educational) skills;
    active forms of cognition in the course of solving problematic, creative tasks: observation, experiments, discussion, educational dialogue (discussion of different opinions, hypotheses), etc.;
    conducting research and design work, developing an information culture;
    individualization of learning, which is closely related to the formation of motives for activity, extending to children of different types according to the nature of cognitive activity, emotional and communicative characteristics, and gender. Individualization is realized, among other things, through three levels of content: basic, advanced and in-depth.

    In the learning process, a wide range of forms of education is used: classroom and extracurricular; frontal, group, individual in accordance with the characteristics of the subject, the characteristics of the class and individual preferences of students.
    In order to study the effectiveness of mastering curricula and the teaching materials developed on their basis, the teacher is offered materials on the qualitative accounting of the success of schoolchildren, including integrated test work, which corresponds to the position of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Marks evaluate only the results of written work from the second half of the 2nd grade. The lesson score is not set.
    The initial focus of curricula and teaching materials on the development of each student creates conditions for its implementation in all types of educational institutions (general education, gymnasiums, lyceums).

    From the end of the 50s. of the last century, a research team led by L. V. Zankov began a large-scale experimental study to study the objective laws of the learning process. It was undertaken in order to develop the ideas and provisions of the JI. S. Vygotsky on the relationship between education and the general development of schoolchildren.

    The efforts of the team of L. V. Zankov were aimed at developing a system of education for younger students, with the goal of their mental development - the development of the mind, will, feelings. The latter acts as the main criterion for the effectiveness of training.

    Development is not limited to the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, it is expressed in the appearance of mental formations that are not directly given by training. Such neoplasms, as it were, "run ahead", beyond what the child was taught. For example, students develop the rudiments of a scientific definition of concepts, they acquire the ability to observe, comprehend phenomena, and generalize the impressions received.

    Analyzing the traditional system of education, L. V. Zankov critically assessed the unlawful, from his point of view, facilitation of educational material, the unreasonably slow pace of its study and monotonous repetitions. At the same time, the educational material itself often suffers from the scarcity of theoretical knowledge, their superficial nature. Developing education is aimed, first of all, at overcoming these shortcomings of education.

    L. V. Zankov set the task of building such a system of developmental education in elementary school, in which a better development of children would be achieved than when teaching according to the canons of traditional methods. This system was supposed to be created on an experimental basis, changing the existing practice, demonstrating the effectiveness of the use of special programs and methods. The content of the experiment was not individual objects, methods and techniques, but "testing the legitimacy and effectiveness of the very principles of the didactic system." The results of experiential learning were constantly compared with the level of development of children in regular classes.

    The following principles are laid down in the system of developing education by L. V. Zankov:

    the principle of learning at a high level of difficulty. Its implementation involves compliance with the measure of difficulty, overcoming obstacles, understanding the relationship and systematization of the phenomena being studied (the content of this principle can be correlated with the problem in learning);

    the principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge, according to which the development of concepts, relationships, relationships within the subject and between subjects is no less important than the development of skills (the content of this principle can be correlated with the importance of understanding the general principle of action);

    the principle of students' awareness of their own teaching. It is aimed at developing reflection, at understanding oneself as a subject of learning (the content of this principle can be correlated with the development of personal reflection, self-regulation);

    the principle of working on the development of all students. According to him, individual characteristics should be taken into account, but training should develop everyone, because “development is a consequence of training” (the content of this principle can be correlated with the humanization of the educational process).

    Thus, the distinctive features of the system of L. V. Zankov are:

    - a high level of difficulty at which training is conducted;

    – fast pace of learning material;

    – a sharp increase in the proportion of theoretical knowledge;

    - students' awareness of the learning process;

    - focus on the high overall development of all schoolchildren (this is the core characteristic of the system).

    The system of L.V. Zankov is rich in content. There are no major or minor items here. The content of training should create a harmony of colors, sounds, human relationships.

    The didactic core of the lesson according to the system of L. V. Zankov is the activity of the students themselves. Students do not just decide, but observe, compare, classify, find out patterns, draw conclusions. “Development is in cooperation” is the most important idea that permeates the methods and forms of educational activity of schoolchildren. In a joint search, the child strains his mind, and even with minimal participation in joint activities, he feels like a co-author, which significantly restructures the motivational sphere.

    Flexibility, dynamism of the structure of L. V. Zankov’s lesson is due to the fact that the process of cognition is organized “from the student”. The lesson is built taking into account the logic of the collective thought of children and at the same time maintains integrity, logical and psychological completeness.

    Particular attention is paid to the selection and formulation of tasks and questions. They should awaken the independent thought of students, stimulate a collective search, and activate the mechanisms of creativity.

    Educational material is built and assimilated by schoolchildren in the logic of increasing differentiation of knowledge, from the whole to the part. Pupils get acquainted with the concept, which at first remains as an "unformed generalization". This concept is increasingly differentiated, clarified, concretized in the study of other, new sections of the topic. The material is arranged in such a way that each of the proposed tasks finds its natural continuation in subsequent sections. Returning to the past is not limited to the formal reproduction of the material in the form in which it was studied. In the system of L. V. Zankov, a return to the past is at the same time a significant step forward.

    Suggested by J.I. V. Zankov, the didactic system turned out to be effective, but despite this, so far it remains little in demand in school practice. Attempts to implement it did not give the expected results, as teachers were unable to provide new programs with appropriate teaching technologies.

    The orientation of the school in the late 80s - early 90s. on personality-developing education led to the revival of this didactic system. But, as practice shows, the didactic principles proposed by L.V. Zankov are not fully used.



    L.V. Zankov and employees of the laboratory "Training and Development" led by him in the 1950s - 60s. developed a learning technology called system of intensive comprehensive development for elementary school.

    Development of L.V. Zankov understands it as the appearance in the psyche of a student of neoplasms that are not directly set by training, but arise as a result of internal, deep integration processes.

    Such neoplasms of younger students are:

    1) analytical observation (the ability to purposefully and selectively perceive facts, phenomena);

    2) abstract thinking (the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare, generalize);

    3) practical action (the ability to create a material object, to perform coordinated manual operations).

    Each neoplasm is considered as the result of the interaction of the mind, will and feelings of the child, that is, as the result of the activity of a holistic personality, therefore their formation promotes the development of the personality as a whole.

    Didactic principles of developmental education according to L.V. Zankov:

    1) training at a high level of complexity (students learn the interdependence of the studied phenomena, their internal connections);

    2) the leading role of theoretical knowledge in primary education (younger students learn not only ideas, but also scientific concepts);

    3) the study of program material at a fast pace (the essence of this principle is not to increase the volume of educational material, but to fill the material with versatile content);

    4) the student's awareness of the learning process (children are brought to master mental operations at a conscious level).

    Features of the experimental methodology of teaching in primary classes according to L.V. Zankov:

    1. The curriculum includes new subjects: natural science, geography - from the 1st grade, history - from the 2nd grade.

    2. The division of subjects into main and secondary ones is being eliminated, since all subjects are equally important for the development of the personality.

    3. The main forms of organization of learning are the same as traditional ones (lesson, excursion, students' homework), but they are more flexible, dynamic, and are characterized by a variety of activities.

    4. The student is provided with ample opportunities for individual creative manifestations (for example, children are engaged in literary creativity).

    5. A special trusting atmosphere in the classroom, the use in the educational process of the personal experience of the children themselves, their own assessments, views on the phenomena being studied.

    6. Systematic work on the development of all students - strong, average, weak (which means identifying and taking into account the individual characteristics of students, their abilities, interests).

    As a result of experimental training according to the system of L.V. Zankov manages to achieve intensive mental work from students, performing which, the children experienced a sense of joy from overcoming educational difficulties.

    The system of developing education D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov.

    D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov in the 1960s - 70s. developmental generalization technology was developed, which was originally called method of meaningful generalizations. This technology focuses the attention of the teacher on the development of ways of mental activity.

    D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov came to the conclusion that education in elementary school can and should have a higher level of abstraction and generalization than those that younger students are traditionally focused on. In this regard, they proposed reorienting the primary education program from the formation of rational-empirical thinking in children to the formation of modern scientific-theoretical thinking in them.

    The developing nature of learning in D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov is connected, first of all, with the fact that its content is built on the basis of theoretical knowledge. As you know, empirical knowledge is based on observation, visual representations, external properties of objects; conceptual generalizations are obtained by highlighting common properties when comparing objects. Theoretical knowledge, on the other hand, goes beyond sensory representations, is based on meaningful transformations of abstractions, and reflects internal relationships and connections. They are formed by genetic analysis of the role and functions of certain general relationships within an integral system of elements.

    D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov proposed to restructure the content of educational subjects in such a way that knowledge of a general and abstract nature precedes acquaintance with more private and specific knowledge, which should be derived from the former as from its single basis.

    The basis of the system of theoretical knowledge is the so-called meaningful generalizations . This:

    a) the most general concepts of science, expressing deep causal relationships and patterns, fundamental genetically initial ideas, categories (number, word, energy, matter, etc.);

    b) concepts in which not external, subject-specific features are highlighted, but internal connections (for example, genetic);

    c) theoretical images obtained by mental operations with abstract objects.

    It is widely believed that the participation of the child in the educational process is a learning activity. This is what the child does while in class. But from the point of view of D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov is not.

    Purposeful educational activity differs from other types of educational activity, primarily in that it is aimed at obtaining not external, but internal results, at achieving a theoretical level of thinking.

    Purposeful educational activity is a special form of a child's activity aimed at changing himself as a subject of learning.

    Signs (features) of purposeful educational activity:

    1. Formation in the child of internal cognitive motives and cognitive needs. Performing the same activity, the student can be guided by completely different motives: to ensure their safety; please the teacher perform duties (role) or look for an answer to your own question. Only the presence of a motive of the latter type determines the child's activity as a purposeful learning activity.

    Motivation of the activity of the child-subject in the technologies of L.V. Zankov and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov is expressed in the formation of cognitive interests.

    2. Formation in the child of the goal of conscious self-change (“I will find out, understand, solve”), understanding and acceptance by the child of the learning task. In comparison with the traditional approach, where the child is taught to solve problems and he is in the state of a learning individual, with developmental learning, the child is taught to set goals for self-change, he is in the state of a learner as a subject.

    3. The position of the child as a full-fledged subject of his activity at all its stages (goal setting, planning, organization, implementation of goals, analysis of results). In the activity of goal-setting, the following are brought up: freedom, purposefulness, dignity, honor, pride, independence. When planning: independence, will, creativity, creation, initiative, organization. At the stage of achieving the goals: diligence, skill, diligence, discipline, activity. At the analysis stage, the following are formed: honesty, evaluation criteria, conscience, responsibility, duty.

    4. Increasing the theoretical level of the studied material. Purposeful educational activity is not identical to activity. Activity can also exist at the level of operations (as in programmed learning), in this case, the search for generalized methods of action, the search for patterns, general principles for solving problems of a certain class is activated.

    5. Problematization of knowledge and learning tasks. Purposeful educational activity is an analogue of research activity. Therefore, the method of problematization of knowledge is widely used in the technology of developing education. The teacher not only informs children of the conclusions of science, but, if possible, leads them along the path of discovery, makes them follow the dialectical movement of thought towards the truth, makes them partners in scientific search. This corresponds to the nature of thinking as a process aimed at discovering new patterns for the child, ways of solving cognitive and practical problems.

    Widely applied method of learning tasks. The educational task in the technology of developmental education is similar to a problematic situation, but the solution of the educational task does not consist in finding a specific way out, but in finding a general method of action, the principle of solving a whole class of similar tasks.

    The educational task is solved by schoolchildren by performing certain actions:

    1) acceptance from a teacher or independent setting of a learning task;

    2) transformation of the conditions of the problem in order to discover the general relation of the object under study;

    3) modeling of the selected relation in subject, graphic and letter forms;

    4) transformation of the relationship model to study its properties in a "pure form";

    5) building a system of particular problems that can be solved in a general way;

    6) control over the implementation of previous actions;

    7) assessment of the assimilation of the general method as a result of solving this educational problem.

    6. Collectively distributed mental activity. To organize the purposeful activity of students is the main and most difficult methodological task of the teacher in developmental education. It is solved using various methods and methodological techniques: problem presentation, the method of learning tasks, collective and group methods, new methods for evaluating results, etc.

    According to L.S. Vygotsky, the initial subject of mental development is not an individual, but a group of people. In their socio-cultural activity and under its decisive influence, an individual subject is formed, which at a certain stage of formation acquires autonomous sources of its consciousness and passes "to the rank" of developing subjects. Similarly, the sources of the emergence of purposeful educational activity lie not in the individual child, but in the controlling influence of the system of social relations in the class (teacher and student). Each student becomes either a subject - or a source of ideas, or an opponent, acting within the framework of a collective discussion of the problem.

    Problematic questions cause the student to make certain creative efforts, make him express his own opinion, formulate conclusions, build hypotheses and test them in a dialogue with opponents. Such a collectively distributed mental activity gives a double result: it helps to solve a learning problem and significantly develops students' skills to formulate questions and answers, to look for arguments and sources of solutions, to build hypotheses and test them with critical reason, to reflect on their actions, and also promotes business and interpersonal communication.

    Developmental training according to L.V. Zankov

    In the 1960s, the psychological and didactic concept of primary education, aimed at a higher overall development of students, was scientifically substantiated, the principles of education were identified, programs, teaching aids and teaching methods in elementary school were developed.

    Purpose: to ensure a high level of general development of primary school students in the process of knowledge formation; to identify patterns in the ratio of education and development of younger students and build on their basis a system of developmental education.

    It was assumed that the developmental education of junior schoolchildren according to the system of L.V. Zankov would allow achieving a high level of general development of students and, at the same time, successful results in the assimilation of knowledge and skills. The scientific substantiation of the system and didactic principles, as well as many teaching methods, can be extended to any level of education and all academic disciplines. As a matter of fact, they were already used in the 70s, mainly in the comprehensive secondary school.

    When substantiating a new approach to primary education, L.V. Zankov criticized the traditional methodology. Its essence is this. Programs, textbooks and teaching methods in the primary grades do not provide the maximum possible general education of students and at the same time provide insufficient didactic training (level of knowledge and skills). This is because the educational material is lightweight, sometimes primitive, with a low theoretical level; secondly, the teaching methodology relies on the memory of students to the detriment of thought; the limitation of experimental, direct knowledge leads to verbalism, the curiosity of children is not supported; a slow pace of learning is practiced, the individuality of students is ignored.

    In developing a new system of education, L.V. Zankov proceeded from the position of L.S. Vygotsky: education should lead to development. His merit is that he showed what education should be so that it can lead development.

    The general development of younger schoolchildren in the framework of the experimental work of L.V. Zankov was considered as the development of abilities, namely:

    The development of observation, the ability to perceive phenomena, facts, natural, speech, mathematical, aesthetic, etc .;

    The development of abstract thinking - the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare, generalize, etc.;

    The development of practical actions, the ability to create some material object, to perform manual operations, simultaneously developing perception and thinking.

    The system of education leading development is based on the didactic principles developed by scientists. Unlike traditional didactic principles, they are aimed at achieving the overall development of schoolchildren, which also ensures the formation of knowledge. The principles are:

    1. The principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge in primary education.

    2. The principle of learning at a high level of difficulty.

    3. The principle of learning at a fast pace.

    4. The principle of awareness of the learning process by schoolchildren.

    5. The principle of purposeful and systematic work on the overall development of all students, including the weakest ones.

    The decisive role belongs to the principle of learning at a high level of difficulty. According to him, the content and teaching methods are built in such a way as to cause active mental activity in mastering the educational material. Difficulty as an obstacle, the problem lies in the knowledge of the interdependence of phenomena, their internal connections, in rethinking the information and creating their complex structure in the mind of the student. This is directly related to the principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge. It means that the formation of actual, applied knowledge and skills takes place on the basis of a deep understanding of scientific concepts, relationships, dependencies, on the basis of deep theoretical equipment and general development. The high level of difficulty is also associated with the principle of learning at a fast pace. The point is not to increase the volume of exercises, but to constantly enrich the student's mind with versatile content, the inclusion of new and old information in the knowledge system.

    The principle of awareness of the learning process by schoolchildren, with all its closeness, does not coincide with the generally accepted principle of consciousness. It is required to teach the student to realize not only the object of activity - information, knowledge, skills, but also the process of mastering knowledge, their activities, cognitive methods and operations.

    Finally, the fifth principle requires the teacher to carry out purposeful and systematic work on the general development of all students, including the weakest ones. For the successful acquisition of knowledge, it is necessary to provide everyone, especially the weak, with shifts in overall development. This requires special attention to the formation of learning motives, not external, but internal: cognitive interest, intellectual growth.

    The whole system of principles of the didactic system is implemented in the content of primary education and in teaching methods in all subjects.

    In the 60s. L.V. Zankov's laboratory developed programs and methods of primary education. They have been tested in experimental work and have shown high efficiency. The experimental system had a positive impact on primary school education: the creation of new programs and methods. The influence of L.V. Zankov’s didactics also extended to secondary school education, which is explained by the fundamental nature of the scientist’s approach, his reliance on the cardinal position of L.S. Vygotsky about the leading role of education in personality development.

    See literature: Zankov L.V. Training and development (experimental and pedagogical research) // Selected pedagogical works. - M .: Pedagogy, 1990

    Fridman L.M., Volkov K.N. Psychological science - to the teacher. - M .: Education, 1985. - p.105-108

    The Zankov system was introduced in Russian schools in 1995-1996 as a parallel elementary education system. We can say that it corresponds to a fairly high degree to the principles set forth in the Law of the Russian Federation on Education. According to them, education should have a humanitarian character. In addition, it must ensure the development of the personality of each child.

    The essence of the Zankov system

    Today, the Zankov system is one of those that are allowed to be used, like other elementary school programs. Let's briefly talk about what its essence is. This system assumes that children must "get" knowledge. They should not simply be presented to students, as Zankov believed. Its system is aimed at the fact that the teacher sets a certain problem, and the children must solve it on their own, naturally, under the guidance of the teacher. During the lesson, there is a dispute, a discussion in which many opinions appear. Gradually, knowledge crystallizes out of them. Intellectual movement, therefore, goes in the reverse of the traditional order: not from simple to complex, but vice versa.

    Other features of the program proposed by Zankov (his portrait is presented above) include a high learning rate, a lot of tasks for working out the material. This process is not easy. It should be as varied and dynamic as possible. For example, schoolchildren often visit libraries, museums, exhibitions, and a lot of extracurricular work is carried out. All this contributes to successful learning.

    Now let's consider in more depth and detail the methodology proposed by Zankov. His system is very popular today. However, its principles are often misunderstood. First, we briefly characterize the ideas that Zankov proposed. Its system will be considered by us in general terms. Then we will talk about what mistakes modern educators make in implementing these principles in practice.

    Purpose of the Zankov system

    So, the popular method of primary education was developed by Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov. His system pursued the following goal - the high overall development of children. What did L. V. Zankov mean by this? Comprehensive development of the child's personality, which affects the "mind" (cognitive qualities that control all activities ("will"), as well as moral and ethical qualities ("feelings") that are manifested in various activities. General development is the formation and qualitative transformation personality traits.These properties are the foundation of successful education in school years.After graduation, they become the basis of creative work in various fields of activity.The development of the imagination contributes to the effective solution of problems in many areas.L. V. Zankov wrote that the learning process when using this system least of all resembles a cold and measured perception of the material.It is imbued with a feeling that appears when a person is delighted with the treasury of knowledge that has opened to him.

    In order to solve this problem, it was impossible to simply improve the existing primary school programs. Therefore, in the 60-70s of the 20th century, a new education was created. Its core and single foundation are the principles on which the entire educational process is built. Let's briefly talk about each of them.

    High level of difficulty

    It was necessary to proceed from the fact that the school programs that existed at that time were not saturated with educational material. In addition, teaching methods did not at all contribute to the manifestation of the creative activity of children. Therefore, the principle of teaching schoolchildren at a high level of complexity became the first principle. This is most important in the Zankov system, since only an educational process that provides abundant food for the mind can contribute to intensive and rapid development. Difficulty refers to the tension of both the intellectual and spiritual forces of the student. When solving problems, intensive work of thought and development of the imagination should take place.

    Consciousness of learning

    Equally important is the conscientiousness of learning. It meant understanding the content of the material. The system of L. V. Zankov expands this interpretation. The learning process itself must also be conscious. Another principle, proposed by Leonid Zankov, adjoins this. Let's talk about him.

    Links between parts of the material

    The objects of close attention should be the connections that exist between the parts of the material, the patterns of computational, grammatical and other operations, as well as the mechanism for the appearance of errors and their overcoming.

    This principle can be explained as follows. Primary schoolchildren have an important feature of studying the material, which consists in the fact that the activity of its analytical comprehension decreases rapidly if students are forced to analyze one or another unit of material for several lessons in a row, to carry out the same type (for example, by changing the form of a word, select test words). Zankov's mathematics is therefore very different from mathematics taught by other systems. After all, it is this subject that is most often studied on the same type of tasks, which Leonid Vladimirovich opposes. It is known that at this age, children very quickly get tired of doing the same thing. As a result, the efficiency of their work decreases, the development process slows down.

    The system of L.V. Zankov solves this problem in the following way. In order not to "stagnate", it is necessary to study the units of material in connection with others. Each section must be compared with the others. It is recommended to conduct a lesson according to the Zankov system in such a way that students can find similarities and differences between different parts of the educational material. They should be able to determine the degree of dependence of the didactic unit on the others. The material should be thought of as a logical interacting system.

    Another aspect of this principle is to increase the capacity of the time allocated for training, increasing the efficiency. This can be done, firstly, through the comprehensive mastering of the material, and secondly, through the absence in the program of separate periods intended for repeating what was previously studied, as in the traditional methodology.

    Thematic blocks

    Zankov's learning system assumes that the material is assembled by the teacher into thematic blocks. They include units that closely interact with each other and depend on each other. Studying them at the same time saves study time. In addition, it becomes possible to explore units over many lessons. For example, in traditional planning, 4 hours are allocated for the study of each of the two such units. When they are combined into a block, the teacher has the opportunity to touch each of them for 8 hours. In addition, due to finding links with similar units, the repetition of the material covered earlier is carried out.

    Creation of certain learning conditions

    We have already said that extra-curricular activities play an important role in this system. But not only she. The employees of Zankov's laboratory, like the scientist himself, proceeded from the fact that certain conditions of learning in the classroom favorably affect the development of all students, both weak and strong. The development takes place on an individual basis. Its pace may be different, depending on the abilities and inclinations of each individual student.

    The current state of the Zankov system

    More than 40 years have passed since the development of all these principles. Nowadays, there is a need to comprehend these ideas from the point of view of modern pedagogy. After examining the current state of the Zankov system, scientists came to the conclusion that the interpretation of some principles was distorted in pedagogical practice.

    Distortion of the meaning of "fast tempo"

    "Fast pace" began to be understood mainly as a reduction in the time allotted for mastering the material. However, the pedagogical means and conditions that Zankov used were not carried out to the proper extent. But it was they who made the training of schoolchildren more intense and easier.

    Zankov proposed to intensify the process of studying subjects due to the fact that didactic units were considered comprehensively. Each of them was presented in its different aspects and functions. Previously studied material was constantly included in the work. With the help of these means, it was possible to abandon the "chewing" already known to students, which was traditionally practiced. Zankov sought to avoid monotonous repeated repetitions, which lead to spiritual apathy and mental laziness, and therefore hinder the development of the child. The words "fast pace" were introduced by him in opposition to this. They mean a qualitatively new organization of education.

    Misunderstanding the meaning of theoretical knowledge

    Another principle, according to which the leading role should be given to theoretical knowledge, is also often misunderstood by educators. The emergence of the need for this was also due to the nature of the techniques used in the middle of the 20th century. At that time, elementary school was considered a special stage of school education. It had a so-called propaedeutic character. In other words, she only prepared the children for high school. The traditional system, proceeding from this, formed in the child - mainly by reproductive means - the necessary skills to work with the material, which can be applied in practice. Zankov, on the other hand, opposed such a purely practical way of mastering the first knowledge by schoolchildren. He noted his inherent cognitive passivity. Zankov pointed out the need for conscious mastery of skills, which is based on working with theoretical data about what is being studied.

    Increase in intellectual load

    In the modern implementation of this principle, as the analysis of the state of the system showed, there has been a bias towards too early assimilation of theoretical knowledge by schoolchildren. At the same time, their comprehension with the help of sensory experience is not developed at the proper level. This leads to the fact that the intellectual load increases significantly and unreasonably. In the classes where the Zankov system is taught, they began to select the most prepared for school. Thus, the conceptual foundations of the system were violated.

    Today, English is especially popular for schoolchildren using the Zankov method. This is understandable, because this language is in great demand today, and not everyone is satisfied with the traditional ways of teaching it. However, you need to understand that if you choose English for schoolchildren according to the Zankov system for your child, you may be disappointed. The fact is that this technique is not always used correctly. Modern teachers often distort the Zankov system. Russian language, mathematics, biology and other subjects are also taught by this method. The effectiveness of its use largely depends on the teacher.