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  • It is already planned that about one and a half thousand young, active and creative people will gather for a summer city gathering not far from Obninsk. The Obninsk youth rally left no one indifferent City KVN leagues

    It is already planned that about one and a half thousand young, active and creative people will gather for a summer city gathering not far from Obninsk.  The Obninsk youth rally left no one indifferent City KVN leagues

    On the weekend, from the ninth to the eleventh of June, the forty-seventh Obninsk city youth rally was held. Over the course of three days, its participants managed to become one big and friendly family, taking home many vivid memories of gatherings around the fire, sports competitions and weather disasters.


    The participants of the rally once again proved that neither the cold nor the pouring rain can stop them from having a great time in the company of like-minded people.

    The gathering place, as always, was a clearing near the village of Chernaya Gryaz. According to the stories of the “old-timers” of the meeting, it was found by IPPE employees during one of the hikes in the middle of the last century. By the way, the coat of arms of the Institute of Physics and Energy, together with the emblems of VNIGMI MCD and IMR, to this day adorn the Jamboree Cup, for which teams come to fight.

    According to tradition, before the start, the winner of the previous rally gives the challenge trophy to the chief judge for safekeeping, receiving a commemorative award in return. This year the honor fell to representatives of the “League” team.


    This time, the theme of the gathering echoed the main sporting event of this year - the World Football Championship; even its motto sounded like the slogan of the World Cup draw - “How the stars align.”

    A competent jury had to ensure that the heavenly bodies favored those who followed all the rules of the competition.

    “I will judge strictly, but fairly,” the chief judge of the rally, Sergei TKACHENKO, promised the teams.

    And the director of the rally, Tatyana BATALOVA, in her parting words, wished that the path of those gathered would always be illuminated by three stars - friendship, love and joy.

    Perhaps, these words of Tatyana Valentinovna can be considered the real motto of the rally for all times, because first of all, participants come here to meet old friends, and only then to compete in various disciplines.

    This year the rules of the competition were almost no different from last year. Minor changes affected only chess, which will now be held in the format of a “blitz tournament”.

    The most striking and memorable test can be called the raft swim. It’s not easy to control the craft, but the wind and rain that falls without interruption turn the task into a real test. It is not surprising that some participants ended up having to swim in the river and continue in their clothes that were soaking wet.


    According to the majority of meeting participants, the weather this year was the main test. Those who, based on the experience of last year, thoughtlessly took with them only a sleeping bag, had to ask neighbors with tents to spend the night.

    The friendly atmosphere reigning here captivates you literally from the first minutes. This happened with the NIFHI team. It was the first time the guys took part in such an event, but they firmly decided to return to compete for prizes with their competitors.

    At the end of the rally, the coveted trophy went to the “veterans” of the movement - the Obninsk Steel Project team, second place went to the Bolshemyasov team, and third place to the Hot Red Peppers.

    Another triumphant can be called Yulia ANTSIFEROVA, who guessed the weight of the rally cup and received ten thousand rubles for her intuition.

    But no matter who took home the Jamboree Cup, there were no winners or losers among the participants. The teams said goodbye to each other, barely holding back tears, and promised to meet at the same place exactly one year later.

    Obninsk has a long tradition of holding student rallies.

    These rallies are closely connected with the Obninsk KVN movement.

    In recent years, employees have been organizing the meetings.

    The popularity of KVN in the 90s is difficult to overestimate; then almost the entire city was interested in it.

    Interest was spurred by the fact that the senior city team “Obninsk Physicists”, whose members worked as editors in the League, successfully played in the big KVN, in Voronezh in the Start League, then in Minsk, in the Euroleague.

    This was an excellent example of success for the schoolchildren. Alexander Gokh organized the work in such a way that successful schoolchildren from the City League saw prospects for themselves and were invited to join the senior “Physicists” team.

    So, for example, the leader of the team “10th Corki” of the 10th school, Sergei Ivanov, and the leader of the 13th school, Dmitry Belousov, played at the core of the “Physicists”.

    Young teachers also played in KVN for their schools.

    Features of KVN:

    In order to play KVN professionally, you need to take a “rating”.

    Further growth - getting into one of four television leagues:

    International League (Minsk);
    - First League (Tolyatia);
    - Premier League (Moscow);
    - Major League (Moscow).

    KVN itself is not a way to make money. Even players in the major leagues have no income. Instead, teams pay for the opportunity to play.

    The Internet is a great temptation for those who like to find good jokes elsewhere. However, teams should not rely on this, since all jokes are necessarily checked for plagiarism.

    A team can come to Sochi and sign up for any regional league, and sometimes even the central one.

    Among the figures of the city KVN movement:

    City KVN leagues:

    Professional Lyceum League

    From 14 to 16 June 2013 The traditional City Youth Rally 2013 took place - the Rally of Young People. This year the summer gathering was dedicated to the Year of Ecology and Environmental Protection. More than 800 people gathered in the clearing near the village of Chernaya Gryad, Zhukovsky District - about 600 direct participants, employees of the rally headquarters, employees of services providing security and safety at the event, as well as team support groups and guests of the rally.

    14 teams took part in 23 types of competitions, both sports and creative. Based on the results of all competitions, the winner of the 2013 rally was the Bolshemyasov team. Places between participating teams were distributed as follows:

    1st place - Bolshemyasov;
    2nd place - League;
    3rd place - Drive Club;
    4th place - IPPE;
    5th place - Hot red peppers;
    6th place - Home Credit;
    7th place - Grand Line;
    8th place - Ferrum;
    9th place - Sberbank;
    10th place - Science City;
    11th place - Technology;
    12th place - SportElement;
    13th place - Samsung;
    14th place - Relaxed.

    All participating teams were awarded certificates, and the top three and competition winners were awarded commemorative cups. The winning teams also received plasma panels from Samsung as a gift.


    The fifth rally of Obninsk student youth took place in the Zhukovsky district of the Kaluga region, which brought together more than four hundred participants from Russian universities.

    Not far from the village of Black Mud from 6 to 8 May ten student teams competed in intellectual, creative and sports competitions for the right to be called the best team in the anniversary year of the Meeting.

    The organizers were the ANO “Center for Civil Initiative “Third Sector” and the MBU “” with the support, as well as the Administration of the Zhukovsky District.

    The fifth gathering of Obninsk student youth, entitled “The Tale of Wisdom and Strength,” was dedicated to the year of Russian history. Teams from Obninsk universities took part in the Meeting, as well as guests from other regions - the student team of Penza State University “Surskie Dawns”. The Headquarters also included representatives of Rostov-on-Don, who attended the meeting to study the experience of working with student activists.

    The main idea of ​​the Meeting was to study the history of the Russian State from the time of the baptism of Rus' to the era of Stalin. The tasks of the teams included reflecting one or another era of the formation of the Russian State, which was distributed through a preliminary draw. The team captains at the Meeting became rulers; the facades of the tent camps, the costumes of the participants were made in the style of their time, creative tasks were also carried out taking into account the historical framework.

    The organizers of the event offered a variety of intellectual and creative competitions: “Welcome speech from the Rulers”, a stylized presentation of the team regarding its history, a video business card competition “Return of Legends”, in which the team presented itself and its captain from the position of a historical figure and the features of his reign, a competition of facades and art objects, which took place over two days, a competition of photo reproductions, as well as homework “The Struggle for the Throne” - a team themed number, including the presence of scenery, musical accompaniment, video sequences, themed costumes, as well as the scale and originality of the teams’ performances. The team captains were offered the intellectual game “Higher Council” - a debate during which it was necessary to prove the correctness of the chosen concept of government. At the end of the public confrontation, students discussed the pros and cons of the Skolkovo innovation center.

    Over the course of three days, various sports competitions were held: cycling orienteering "Cavalry Races", women's and men's football, volleyball, lapta, extreme strength "Strongman Competition" and freerope. Based on the results of all competitions, teams received points, the sum of which determines the winners. According to the existing Laws of the Meeting, the organizers also formed a system of fines, which also influenced the distribution of prizes.

    Due to unfavorable weather conditions, the closure of the Meeting was postponed by the decision of the team captains.


    Representatives of eleven teams are expected to take part in the rally:

    1. Ruuki.
    2. Old Town (youth club).
    3. IPPE.
    4. Home Credit.
    5. Drive club.
    6. Science city.
    7. Ferrum.
    8. Well, wait a minute!
    9. League.
    10. Relaxed.
    11. The best fish.

    Before leaving for the camp, the teams will take part in the competition of museum exhibits and orienteering “Ivan Susanin”.

    The most active participants in the discussions (and original moderators of the discussion) were Tatyana Loginova.

    Although others were not silent. In the photo - Alexey Bolshakov, head of the Obninsk role-playing game club “Valhalla”. He talks about what equipment is best to use for holding a heroic tournament. All options were considered - from light uniforms to 15-kilogram chain mail.

    The “core” of the rally will, of course, be young people from Obninsk. And representatives of the Borovsky, Zhukovsky and Maloyaroslavets districts, as well as the Moscow region, are ready to fight in the summer battle. According to the Obninsk Youth Center, this time both experienced teams and newcomers will compete for the title of winner. So, this year for the first time NIFHI im. Karpova.

    The rally will be held under the title “How the Stars Align”, which partially corresponds to the official slogan of the final draw of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. A total of 15 teams have so far announced their participation. More than 900 people have already announced their participation in the gathering, and a total of about 1,500 people are expected, including the organizers and guests of the event.

    “Now preparations for the rally are in full swing,” comments a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region, director of the Obninsk Youth Center Tatiana Batalova. - The headquarters is working on organizational issues, the competition judges are being formed and instructed, issues regarding the preparation of sports grounds and provision of the necessary equipment are being resolved, and much more. But perhaps the most intensive preparation currently still falls on the shoulders of team captains and participants. Literally every day we discuss the nuances with the captains and make clarifications on all points of the rules for organizing and conducting each of the planned tests - 22 sports competitions, 4 creative competitions, and the construction, design and organization of the tent camp of each team throughout the rally will be assessed separately. And once we sum up the results, we will see how the stars align in the 2018 rally season.”

    Youth rallies have long “stepped over” the borders of Obninsk and have become very bright events throughout the entire Kaluga region. Once again, for the 47th year in a row, young people will be given an interesting opportunity to demonstrate their activity and endurance, strong-willed qualities and team skills, sports training and creativity in conditions of real drive, because All 26 types of competitions will be held within three calendar days according to a strict time schedule.

    At the call of the heart

    Today, the volunteer movement in the region is gaining momentum. Obninsk youth are involved in a lot of activities. The recent May celebrations for the Great Victory Day became a clear confirmation of this - young volunteers were visible everywhere, very actively and, most importantly, with soul and goodwill: they were involved in organizing thematic celebrations and concert programs for veterans and war participants, youth events “Thank you for life!”, “Letters of Victory”, “Waltz of Victory”, “Run to Victory”, “Help a Veteran” and many others, as well as accompanied by a procession through the streets of our city of thousands of columns of the civil initiative “Immortal Regiment” and mass holiday festivities. There were medical volunteers, scouts, student volunteer groups, a group of volunteers from the Russian Youth Union, and rally volunteers. It is very gratifying that these events became an attractive reason for the formation of a new volunteer detachment, which immediately united more than 120 high school students from all schools in the city of Obninsk.

    There are many interesting and useful events planned for volunteers in the near future. A solemn and festive presentation of volunteer books to “newcomers” of the volunteer movement will take place, a program for training and developing significant personal qualities and skills of volunteers is being prepared (including in the on-site “Active Summer Camp”), volunteer teams are being formed to participate in the preparation and conduct of upcoming citywide sports, festive and cultural youth events. There will be many other opportunities for everyone who wants to join the volunteer movement to demonstrate their activity. It is planned that representatives of our city from among young volunteers as part of the delegation of the Kaluga region will take part in a large forum of volunteers, which in early June in Moscow will bring together youth from all regions of Russia.
    “Volunteering is an important social phenomenon that unites a variety of people and is an example of their active citizenship,” continues Tatiana Batalova. - This movement is developing very dynamically. And the most valuable thing about volunteering is that people, of their own free will, are active in different areas. And they do it at the call of their hearts.”

    Youth are heard

    Just a few years ago, the volunteer movement did not shine such a bright star in the life of the city and region. Today, this issue is receiving great attention. And young people immediately give an active and positive response. “We can say that the youth “reached out” to the authorities, they were heard at all levels - from city to federal,” continues Batalova. “Her reaction is obvious: from the desire to actively participate in shaping the modern image of our city, region and country, young people have moved on to active volunteer activities. The regional Legislative Assembly attaches great importance to working with young people: patriotic education, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, creating conditions for the development of professional and creative abilities of young people. And it is especially important in this to unite as many young men and women as possible, who in the future will contribute to the development of our region. And we are confident in the youth of our region.”

    February is always rich in interesting events. But the most long-awaited event for many townspeople is, perhaps, the Winter Meeting. Obninsk literally empties for three days and two nights. According to a long-standing tradition, the epicenter of activities is the Galaktika recreation center. This year, city residents set off on another journey under the motto “There is a time for everything.” The participants and organizers told us what this rally was memorable about.

    At the rally since 2006

    Member of the “Very Juicy!” team

    What is Winter Meeting?

    3 days of February are selected for the event, including weekends. Friends or employees of enterprises gather in teams of 30-60 people. Each team pays an organizational fee. The price includes accommodation in multi-bed rooms at the recreation center, food in the dining room (2 breakfasts, 2 dinners and 2 lunches), expenses for organizational needs. Roles and responsibilities are assigned within teams to participate in creative competitions and sports competitions. And the fight for points begins. Every day is scheduled minute by minute, each team member is involved in something.

    Who's going to the rally?

    • The youth. The concept is subjective, so the age of the participants ranges from 0 years to infinity.
    • Creative. Even before the rally, you need to start preparing: draw scenery, write songs, sew costumes, dance, shoot videos, write scripts, perform in different roles, etc.
    • Sports. Girls, boys and children compete in single and team sports competitions.
    • Smart and resourceful. Participate in intellectual and gambling games.
    • Cheerful. Even if you don’t want to participate anywhere, just come and support your friends.

    Who did we meet at the rally?

    Elena Kulinich

    At the rally since 2007, member of the “Grand Line” team

    In everyday life - vocalist of the group "RedBearry"

    I go to the rally for emotions, for creative fulfillment, and perhaps even to stroke my vanity. It’s great to take high places and listen to nice words about your creativity!

    The last rally was much more organized. All types were on time. Perhaps there were some rough patches with the referees, but almost always the teams are dissatisfied with the refereeing. It's great that there was entertainment for the children. I don’t have children yet, but the children of our team gladly took part in children’s games.

    To the organizers - a solid four. It’s a pity that “Winter Fun” took place in parallel with such a spectacular show as “Rope”. We need to think about what is the best time to put it. We were never able to cheer for our guys. And I was also terrified of the bass at the disco, it was bad.

    Tatiana Polous

    At the rally since 2005, member of the Drive Club team

    In ordinary life, a mother is on maternity leave

    The rally is a small life that we begin to look forward to 2 months before it starts! Personally, I come here for emotions and communication with brilliant people.

    Every year the rally takes place differently: there are downturns, there are ups. We have been trying for several years to regain first place at the Winter Palace, but still nothing. Hang in there, Peppers, we'll get you!

    This year we are very pleased with the organization of the headquarters. They took into account all their past mistakes. A couple of years ago there were still some problems, but now everything is great!

    Evgeniy Mozhaev

    At the rally since 2004, the HQ team

    In ordinary life - chief engineer

    Since my second rally, I have been participating in the organization and conducting military-applied sports. Since 2011, my airsoft team “Steel Rats” has been helping me with this. I want to leave the post of chief judge of the rally. Completely or temporarily, it’s difficult to say. It’s not scary to leave the headquarters now - the scoring system is perfectly debugged and has been working for 4 years, all the regulations and rules have long been adopted and “established.” Maybe the composition of the organizers of the events will be updated. Fresh blood is always good.

    At the rally you meet very interesting people in various teams. And when you come to a rally later, it’s very pleasant to meet them again. As Alexey Vyunikov said: “The rally is what makes our children proud of us and look at their parents with completely different eyes”

    I see how our rally has turned into a serious urban cultural sports event. We developed the institution of judging, recorded the ideas of a healthy lifestyle, and introduced strict sanctions for excessive alcohol consumption. We are introducing new sports and creative activities and are seeing a steady influx of new people and teams. You must constantly find the point of application of force, feel the rhythm and breath of the rally.

    “I see how our rally has turned into a serious urban cultural sports event”

    Anna Veryovkina

    At the rally since 2013, captain of the team “On Relaxation”

    In everyday life - an art studio teacher

    The rally is a different world for me. I come here, first of all, to chat with friends and get new experiences. The format of the rally provides an opportunity not only to relax, but also to express yourself creatively and athletically. These endless preparations of homework, decorations, and props bring inner joy, especially if you also take a prize. This Winter Rally was special for me also because I became the captain of “On Relaxation”. Thanks to everyone who helped me!

    This year we were incredibly lucky with the weather! Nothing stopped me from giving it my all in biathlon, ski relay, hockey, mopping and snow figure - the snow and ice were suitable for this (unlike previous years). In addition, the organizers pleasantly surprised us with the award ceremony - the previous cups were replaced with new beautiful themed ones and the “Closing” was not delayed.

    But there were also disadvantages. The food in the cafeteria was not as “galactically” delicious as before. Maybe the chefs have changed... I would like new types in sports and creativity. And there would be more free time from events on the first day to have time to get to know each other better within the team.

    Roman Pervushin

    At the rally since 2014, member of the “Very Juicy!” team.

    In everyday life, he is a consultant in the field of technology transfer.

    The rally is a very eventful, varied and interesting day. First of all, I go there to see our team and spend time with the guys I miss, to take part in sports and creative competitions.

    Due to the cancellation of some events, this gathering was somehow more calm and measured than the previous ones. Thanks to this, there was less panic and scandals. Even we, with our small staff, managed to cover all views.

    The city youth rally “How the Stars Align” has been completed.

    Just an hour ago, the flags were lowered as the fifteen participating teams took the stage for the last time to remember the three-day adventure.

    The winners were also awarded today. For three days, the teams competed in speed and agility, stood in the plank, measured arm strength in arm wrestling competitions, and found out who could shoot more accurately.

    Creative competitions were not left out either. Guitar songs, musicals, the “Greeting” competition, in general, no one was bored.

    It was a wonderful rally, we had a great time, it’s a shame that it ended so quickly, I even want to cry,” Irina, a member of one of the teams, shares her impressions with a smile. - All the teams were well prepared, of course, there were grievances with the judges when some were given more points and others were judged. But this is normal for such events.

    By the way, this year the Obninsk Steel Project team hit the jackpot in almost all sports and creative competitions. In the end, she became the overall winner.

    In second place is the Bolshemyasov team. Based on the results of all competitions, the “Hot Red Peppers” team took an honorable third place.