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  • Test how to check if I'm worried. Mental health test. Irritability "Personality tests. Take an online test for the state of the nervous system

    Test how to check if I'm worried.  Mental health test.  Irritability

    The human nervous system is a rather complex structure that permeates the body and makes it possible to ensure its normal vital activity, since with its help we react to any external and internal influences. At the moment, there is already evidence that nerve endings are present even in various organs of the immune system, and the main function of this system is to receive, as well as store and process any information received.

    It is likely that you yourself have noticed that sometimes you become too irritable, quick-tempered, and also get tired quickly. All this ultimately has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of your nervous system, and also affects your health. Everyone knows the expression "any disease occurs because of the nerves." That is why it is important to understand the current state of the nerves, the degree of your balance and be able not to worry unnecessarily, as often this feeling is simply greatly exaggerated. If you want to spend as little on your nerves as possible, just try to do more of what brings you positive emotions. Take the test and find out how well your nervous system is.

    Take an online test for the state of the nervous system

      1. Can you be called a calm and self-possessed person?

      • a) No
      • b) I don't know
      • c) Sometimes you can
      • d) You can
    1. 2. Would you go to study for a certain period in order to successfully continue your professional? Does it give you great pleasure to work carefully, but slowly?

      • a) No
      • b) I don't know
      • c) Sometimes
      • d) Yes
    2. 3. Do you often have reasons for irritation and resentment?

      • a) Yes
      • b) Sometimes
      • c) I don't know
      • d) No
    3. 4. Do you tend to be impatient in the face of forced waiting?

      • a) Yes
      • b) Sometimes
      • c) I don't know
      • d) No
    4. 5. Do you enjoy hard physical work?

      • a) No
      • b) Sometimes
      • c) I don't know
      • d) No
    5. 6. Do people around you often bother you?

      • a) Often
      • b) Sometimes
      • c) Very rarely
      • d) Never
    6. 7. Did you imagine that you would be engaged in such a business? How often have your comrades been with you unjust and rude?

      • a) Very often
      • b) Often
      • c) Rarely
      • d) Very rarely
    7. 8. Are you easily distracted from work, reading literature?

      • a) Easy
      • b) In different ways
      • c) I try not to be distracted
      • d) I am not distracted
    8. 9. Do you easily part with old comrades in order to make new friends?

      • a) Easy
      • b) In different ways
      • c) With difficulty
      • d) With great difficulty
    9. 10. Can you be called an assiduous and patient person?

      • a) No, you can't
      • b) I don't know
      • c) Sometimes you can
      • d) Yes, you can
    • Your nervous system is unbalanced. It seems like you should seriously consider treating your nerves and also minimize the presence of factors that piss you off, whether it's your job or a bad relationship. Do not postpone solving your problem, because nerves are very important.

      The test showed that you have a nervous imbalance. You should devote more time to rest and relaxation, as well as reduce the number of irritants in your life. Remember that you are the most important thing in life. Don't let people and negative factors spoil your precious nerves.

      Unfortunately, the state of your nervous system is uncertain. We advise you to re-take the test. You have too many conflicting and mutually exclusive answers. You might want to consider some of them better.

      There is a balance. Despite minor troubles and worries, your nerves are in order. You know how to relax in time and control yourself. Your nerves are strong enough to keep you in a good mood and be productive.

      Blimey! You have, as they say, “nerves of steel”. Problems and troubles are very difficult to piss you off. People around you can feel calmer and more confident with you. A good mood and sound sleep, for sure, are your companions in life. You are very lucky!

    A psychological test for determining the level of your nervousness will help you determine which of the three groups of people you belong to: hot-tempered, moderate or calm people. Our test will help you cope with constant overload and stress, which, unfortunately, become an integral part of our daily life. Remember that everyone is unique, and in order to reach your full potential, you need to get to know yourself better. Answer all questions honestly and without much thought. At the end of the test, you will be given an estimate of your nervousness level with some comments. Our test online: [Test for nervousness] is completely free without SMS and registrations! The result will be shown immediately after answering the last question!

    The test contains 15 questions!

    Start test online:

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    1. Oleg

      09.06.2009 00:52

    2. MARTIN

      You are a very calm person, you really look at life. Or is this test not exhaustive enough that your most vulnerable sides did not show up in it? Judge for yourself. At least, we can say with complete certainty about you: you are not the kind of person who can easily be thrown off balance.

      09.06.2009 08:05

    3. Aleksandra

      22.06.2009 23:07

    4. Eliyana

      Funny test)

      24.06.2009 08:29

    5. Liudmila

      very interesting

      24.06.2009 16:35

    6. love

      11.07.2009 01:17

    7. Bird

      The test is complete bullshit.
      The result is not satisfactory.

      16.11.2009 20:51

    8. MARTIN

      What is the result, so is the answer.

      16.11.2009 23:28

    9. Sophia

      You can be classified as one of the most common group of people. Only the most unpleasant things annoy you, but you do not make drama out of ordinary adversity. You know how to turn your back to troubles, you forget about them quite easily.

      Hurray !!! And then I was afraid that I was mentally abnormal 😉

      20.02.2010 21:06

    10. Luda

      Yes, garbage, I put all the answers very annoying, I got the answer: you can be attributed to the most common group of people…. etc. here is one answer to any points

      18.03.2010 14:55

    11. MARTIN

      Apparently this condition is the most common among people.

      18.03.2010 18:32

    12. Administration

      Dear Luda, thank you for noticing the joint in the test.

      Already fixed 🙂

      21.03.2010 21:45

    13. Polino

      You cannot be classified as a patient and calm person. Everything annoys you, even insignificant things. You are quick-tempered, easily lose your temper. And this weakens the nervous system too much, from which the surrounding people also suffer.

      09.06.2010 16:29

    14. Paul

      very calm person, really look at life. Or is this test not exhaustive enough that your most vulnerable sides did not show up in it? Judge for yourself. At least, we can say with complete certainty about you: you are not the kind of person who can easily be thrown off balance. The test is cool I liked it all true

      11.11.2014 23:40

    15. Max

      I can be classified as one of the most common group of people. Only the most unpleasant things annoy me, but I don't make drama out of everyday adversity. I know how to turn my back to troubles, I forget about them quite easily.

      08.01.2015 07:12

    16. Irina

      Please tell me who is the author of the test, where is it taken from? Is it possible to think about the reliability of the results without knowing the original form of the test and its original source, or is it a new untested test? The test is broadcast on many sites, without any links to the source and the author, apparently just copied from each other.

      27.01.2015 22:37

    17. Admin