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  • However, the comma is at the beginning of the sentence. Let's talk about the phrase "nevertheless." Commas in the phrase “nevertheless”

    However, the comma is at the beginning of the sentence.  Let's talk about the phrase

    Many people graduate from school illiterate. And it’s not about a bad teacher, but about your own laziness. But not all children are C grade students; in every class they were good students. But, unfortunately, even they, if they do not use writing skills, will soon become illiterate. In order not to lose knowledge, it is worth refreshing it periodically. Today we’ll talk about the phrase “nevertheless.” What is this expression and is it separated by commas? A detailed answer to this question will be given below.

    However - what is it?

    Many people think that this is an introductory word, but it is not. “Nevertheless” can be either an adverbial expression or a conjunction. And accordingly, the placement of a comma will depend on the location of the structure in the text, as well as on the meaning it carries. If “nevertheless” can be eliminated from a sentence without losing its meaning, then it will be a conjunctive word. But if this cannot be done, then the construction should be considered an adverb.

    When is a comma used?

    A person who asks such a question should not be considered illiterate. If you strive for knowledge at any age, this fact is already worthy of respect. Many people hope that the computer or phone will place the commas on its own. But punctuation marks are often placed depending on the meaning. And not all programs can recognize it.

    When is “nevertheless” separated by commas? If this expression is followed by a subordinate clause. Let's look at it with an example. “However, he still complied with the doctor’s orders.” In this case, the expression is a conjunction. It can be replaced with the words “but, however, in spite of everything.” Using the same principle, a punctuation mark is placed if the phrase begins like this: “He accepted all the advice of his friends, however, he acted in his own way.”

    It should be looked at in context. If the construction is a connecting part, that is, a preposition, and it can be replaced, then it will be separated by commas.

    When is a comma not used?

    The phrase “nevertheless” is not marked with punctuation if the construction acts as an adverb. In this situation, it can be replaced with the phrases “despite this, despite that, after all.” Let's give an example. A sentence that begins with the phrase “and yet” will not use a comma. Just as in this case: “The man watched how slowly, but nevertheless steadily, the sun set behind the mountain.” In this sentence, the phrase cannot be extracted from the text so that it does not lose its meaning. Let's give another example: "He was quite young, but nevertheless he could make informed decisions." In this case, the expression can be replaced by the phrase “despite this.”

    Examples from literature

    To better understand the rules of the Russian language, you need to read more. And not modern, but classical literature. In this case, you will be able to understand how the language changed and how recognized geniuses wrote in it.

    In the first case, “nevertheless” is separated by commas. An example will be from the story “The Goltz Family,” written by A. Fet: “Although written reporting on those entering the infirmary... was my responsibility, and the baron demanded great order in this regard, nevertheless, looking after the infirmary was not part of my circle essential responsibilities."

    Now let's consider a situation in which the expression we are analyzing is an adverb. As you already understood, in this case there is no need to put punctuation marks. An example will be from a French novel: “Instead of geography lessons, she goes to visit a familiar cocotte, which, nevertheless, does not harm her education at all.”

    How to quickly remember?

    Knowledge is best learned through practice. Moreover, you must first understand how to write “nevertheless” in the case when it is a conjunction and when it is an adverb. The difference is basically obvious. To summarize the above, we can say that a construction is separated by commas if it can be extracted from the sentence and the meaning will not be lost. But if you remove the phrase, and it becomes unclear what is being said, then “nevertheless” is an adverb and is not distinguished by punctuation marks. This is easy to understand, but more difficult to put into practice. To avoid making mistakes in your writing, you should practice daily. How can this be done? You should focus on oral speech. Every time you come across the design in question, you need to pay attention to it. And then, in writing or in your head, scroll through the entire sentence and think about whether to put a comma or not. If a problem arises, take another look at the rule. After two weeks of such training, the correctness of written speech and the placement of commas will no longer be a problem. This method is great for an adult, but getting a child to concentrate his attention on one phrase is unlikely to work. Therefore, children should be taught grammar through daily dictations. Remember that the saying: “repetition is the mother of learning” was not invented without reason. It is in this way, by developing automatism, that literacy should be instilled in children. After all, the future of our country and our native language depends on them.

    Good evening! Tell me, in what cases can it nevertheless act as an introductory word?

    The words “nevertheless” are not used as introductory words.

    NEVERTHELESS, particle And union

    those Not less Yu. Semenov, Expansion-I. thoseno less D. Grigorovich, Careerist.

    nevertheless Yu. Bondarev, Hot snow.

    Question No. 295258

    Can you please tell me if “Nevertheless” is always separated by commas? Thank you!

    Russian help desk response

    NEVERTHELESS, particle And union

    1. Particle (often in combination with adversative conjunctions “a”, “but”, as well as in sentences with conjunctions “although”, “despite the fact that”, “let”, etc.). Does not require punctuation.

    Muller watched for a long time how slowly, barely noticeable, but those Not less the rays moved steadily across the room. Yu. Semenov, Expansion-I. Despite the fact that Yagozin was the brainchild of St. Petersburg... he is all thoseno less consisted of nothing but speed and agility. D. Grigorovich, Careerist.

    2. Union (between parts of a complex sentence). Same as “but, however.”

    ...They were still cards, somewhat grabbed, rubbed with fingers along the edges, nevertheless it was impossible to imagine that they were played at the table... Yu. Bondarev, Hot snow.

    Question No. 295225

    Is there a need for a comma after the phrase “Nevertheless”? However, we would like to assure you that at the moment our specialists are doing everything possible to realize this opportunity.

    Russian help desk response

    Words nevertheless no need to separate with commas.

    Question No. 286765

    Hello! Question in the interview: “You are no stranger to extreme sports. However, what do you remember about your last trip?” Do you need some kind of sign after "nevertheless" and why? It seems like it’s not needed at the beginning of the sentence, but for some reason it’s asked for here. Thank you!

    Russian help desk response

    After the words nevertheless You can put a dash (as an intonation mark).

    Question No. 252235
    Please tell me whether it is necessary to separate the phrases: “nevertheless”, “at least”, “at least” with commas?

    Russian help desk response

    These words are usually not introductory and are not isolated. In some cases (with intonational isolation), the words “nevertheless” can be highlighted in writing.

    Question No. 248995
    However, traditional sales have taken root here too.
    (Is a comma necessary? Thanks!)

    Russian help desk response

    There is no need to put a comma after the words “nevertheless.”

    Question No. 244327
    Would the phrase “however” be incorrect?

    Russian help desk response

    In most cases, this combination will be redundant, since the meanings of the words “however” and “nevertheless” are synonymous.

    Question No. 235549
    Please tell me, is “nevertheless” an introductory word? and therefore - is it isolated?

    Russian help desk response

    Question No. 235193
    Hello. Should the reverse be separated by commas? Here are examples - “Nevertheless, it is immediately noticeable that someone was here; Friends nevertheless remained at home.” Thank you.

    Russian help desk response

    There is no need for a comma after “nevertheless.” If the words “nevertheless” begin a subordinate clause of a complex sentence, then a comma is placed before them.
    Question No. 234316
    Is "nevertheless" introductory?

    Russian help desk response

    Words _nevertheless_ are usually not isolated, but sometimes they are singled out as an introductory word with appropriate intonation.
    Question No. 231438
    Please tell me whether a comma is placed, is it optional, or is it not placed at all after “nevertheless” at the beginning of a sentence? “Nevertheless, the head of the family decided...” Thank you. Joseph

    Russian help desk response

    If the words _nevertheless_ appear at the beginning of a sentence, they are usually not separated by commas: _Nevertheless, the head of the family decided..._
    Hello, Please tell me whether 1/ “apparently” is separated by commas in the following context: “To adopt this reform, Congress... will (,) apparently (,) have to meet in the fall...” 2/ “then no less" in the following context: "He(,) nevertheless(,) tried..." 3/what is the correct spelling of the French body - the National Assembly or the National Assembly? thanks in advance, Yulia

    Russian help desk response

    1. The specified commas are needed. 2. Words _nevertheless_ are usually not isolated, but sometimes they are singled out as an introductory word with appropriate intonation. Separation in this case is acceptable. 3. Correct: _National Assembly_.
    Question No. 225725
    Hello. I have two questions: are the phrases “meanwhile” and “nevertheless” separated in the middle of the sentence, and is the expression “at least” introductory? Thank you.

    Russian help desk response

    See answer no. See answer no. Words _at least_ can stand out as introductory words, but they may not stand out.
    Question No. 225461
    Hello! The basis for this very clear commandment is nevertheless commonplace and simple. - Tell me, are there enough reasons to isolate “nevertheless”?

    Russian help desk response

    Words _nevertheless_ are usually not isolated, but sometimes they are singled out as an introductory word with appropriate intonation. Separation in this case is acceptable.

    nevertheless or less

    Together or separately?

    It is necessary to remember that the word “nevertheless” is written in three words - nevertheless .

    Two-word spelling " nevertheless"and, moreover, the variant of continuous writing " nevertheless"have no right to exist.


    The phrase " nevertheless” is close in meaning to an adverb. If we assume that this is an adverb, then it will be compound, and it will include such parts of speech as the pronoun “ those", particle " Not" and numeral " less».

    The spelling of the Russian language does not provide grounds for writing these parts of speech together. To dispel any remaining doubts regarding how this phrase is spelled correctly, make sure that you correctly understand the context of the statement. Perhaps a futurist poet was working on the text, dreaming of creating a new verbal image? Then a phrase consisting of two nouns will be acceptable - “them numbness,” that is, the numbness (“dumbness”) of certain implied themes. If the text was not written by Mayakovsky, and we are talking about the traditional meaning of the expression, stick to the accepted spelling - nevertheless.


    • Katya is an excellent girl, nevertheless , she's not right for you!
    • Summer has waned and the weather nevertheless , remained cool and damp.
    • Before the walk, Polikutin had a hearty lunch, nevertheless , walking along Myasnitskaya, I couldn’t resist and looked into my favorite restaurant.
    • Nevertheless , the political slavery of the ancient Russian principalities became a natural incentive for their unification and an end to fragmentation.
    • Getting to the Serbian village of Darvengrad is by no means easy. nevertheless , admirers of Emir Kusturica’s talent, his colleagues and students come here from all over the world.

    Good evening! Tell me, in what cases can it nevertheless act as an introductory word?

    The words “nevertheless” are not used as introductory words.

    NEVERTHELESS, particle And union

    those Not less Yu. Semenov, Expansion-I. thoseno less D. Grigorovich, Careerist.

    nevertheless Yu. Bondarev, Hot snow.

    Question No. 295258

    Can you please tell me if “Nevertheless” is always separated by commas? Thank you!

    Russian help desk response

    NEVERTHELESS, particle And union

    1. Particle (often in combination with adversative conjunctions “a”, “but”, as well as in sentences with conjunctions “although”, “despite the fact that”, “let”, etc.). Does not require punctuation.

    Muller watched for a long time how slowly, barely noticeable, but those Not less the rays moved steadily across the room. Yu. Semenov, Expansion-I. Despite the fact that Yagozin was the brainchild of St. Petersburg... he is all thoseno less consisted of nothing but speed and agility. D. Grigorovich, Careerist.

    2. Union (between parts of a complex sentence). Same as “but, however.”

    ...They were still cards, somewhat grabbed, rubbed with fingers along the edges, nevertheless it was impossible to imagine that they were played at the table... Yu. Bondarev, Hot snow.

    Question No. 295225

    Is there a need for a comma after “Nevertheless”? However, we would like to assure you that at the moment our specialists are doing everything possible to realize this opportunity.

    Russian help desk response

    Words nevertheless no need to separate with commas.

    Question No. 286765

    Hello! Question in the interview: “You are no stranger to extreme sports. However, what do you remember about your last trip?” Do you need some kind of sign after "nevertheless" and why? It seems like it’s not needed at the beginning of the sentence, but for some reason it’s asked for here. Thank you!

    Russian help desk response

    After the words nevertheless You can put a dash (as an intonation mark).

    Question No. 252235
    Please tell me whether it is necessary to separate the phrases: “nevertheless”, “at least”, “at least” with commas?

    Russian help desk response

    These words are usually not introductory and are not isolated. In some cases (with intonational isolation), the words “nevertheless” can be highlighted in writing.

    Question No. 248995
    However, traditional sales have taken root here too.
    (Is a comma necessary? Thanks!)

    Russian help desk response

    There is no need to put a comma after the words “nevertheless.”

    Question No. 244327
    Would the phrase “however” be incorrect?

    Russian help desk response

    In most cases, this combination will be redundant, since the meanings of the words “however” and “nevertheless” are synonymous.

    Question No. 235549
    Please tell me, is “nevertheless” an introductory word? and therefore - is it isolated?

    Russian help desk response

    Question No. 235193
    Hello. Should the reverse be separated by commas? Here are examples - “Nevertheless, it is immediately noticeable that someone was here; Friends nevertheless remained at home.” Thank you.

    Russian help desk response

    There is no need for a comma after “nevertheless.” If the words “nevertheless” begin a subordinate clause of a complex sentence, then a comma is placed before them.
    Question No. 234316
    Is "nevertheless" introductory?

    Russian help desk response

    Words _nevertheless_ are usually not isolated, but sometimes they are singled out as an introductory word with appropriate intonation.
    Question No. 231438
    Please tell me whether a comma is placed, is it optional, or is it not placed at all after “nevertheless” at the beginning of a sentence? “Nevertheless, the head of the family decided...” Thank you. Joseph

    Russian help desk response

    If the words _nevertheless_ appear at the beginning of a sentence, they are usually not separated by commas: _Nevertheless, the head of the family decided..._
    Hello, Please tell me whether 1/ “apparently” is separated by commas in the following context: “To adopt this reform, Congress... will (,) apparently (,) have to meet in the fall...” 2/ “then no less" in the following context: "He(,) nevertheless(,) tried..." 3/what is the correct spelling of the French body - the National Assembly or the National Assembly? thanks in advance, Yulia

    Russian help desk response

    1. The specified commas are needed. 2. Words _nevertheless_ are usually not isolated, but sometimes they are singled out as an introductory word with appropriate intonation. Separation in this case is acceptable. 3. Correct: _National Assembly_.
    Question No. 225725
    Hello. I have two questions: are the phrases “meanwhile” and “nevertheless” separated in the middle of the sentence, and is the expression “at least” introductory? Thank you.

    Russian help desk response

    See answer no. See answer no. Words _at least_ can stand out as introductory words, but they may not stand out.
    Question No. 225461
    Hello! The basis for this very clear commandment is nevertheless commonplace and simple. - Tell me, are there enough reasons to isolate “nevertheless”?

    Russian help desk response

    Words _nevertheless_ are usually not isolated, but sometimes they are singled out as an introductory word with appropriate intonation. Separation in this case is acceptable.


    conjunction and adverb expression

    1. Union. Same as “but, however.” Syntactic constructions with the conjunction “nevertheless” are distinguished by punctuation marks, usually commas.

    Although written reporting on horses arriving at the infirmary and returning to the squadrons was my responsibility, and the baron demanded great order in this regard, the less looking after the infirmary was not part of my regular duties. A. Fet, The Goltz Family.

    2. Adverbial expression. The same as “still, despite this.” Does not require punctuation.

    Muller watched for a long time how slowly, barely noticeable, but the less the rays moved steadily across the room. Yu. Semenov, Expansion-I. Instead of geography lessons, he goes to visit a familiar cocotte, which the less does not harm her education at all. N. Teffi, French novel. Despite the fact that Yagozin was the child of St. Petersburg, breathed the air of Nevsky Prospekt from the day he was born and sucked the milk of the Okhten nurse, he was all nevertheless consisted of nothing but speed and agility. D. Grigorovich, Careerist.

    Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .
