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  • The results of diagnostics of the educational environment at school. Basic research. The concept of "educational environment"

    The results of diagnostics of the educational environment at school.  Basic research.  The concept of

    Monitoring the psychological safety of the educational environment based on express diagnostics allows you to control the quality of the psychological conditions in which education and upbringing are carried out.

    Research methodology:"Psychological diagnostics of the safety of the educational environment of the school." Author Baeva I.A. (Application)

    The results obtained after processing give feedback from all subjects of the educational process, allow you to identify positive and negative trends in the educational environment of the gymnasium.

    Questionnaire for students

    "Psychological diagnostics of the educational environment"

    We ask you to take part in the study of the educational environment of the gymnasium. Possible variants of your answers in most cases are given in the questionnaire. Choose and mark the one that suits your opinion.

    1. Do you think that studying at your school requires continuous improvement of your abilities?

    Perhaps yes

    Can not say

    I think no

    2. Pay attention to the scale below: the number "0" characterizes the stay at school, which is very disliked; "9" - which is very pleasant. In which of the cells would you indicate your stay?

    3. If you moved to another area of ​​the city, would you go to your school to study?

    4. Do you think that schooling helps to develop:

    a) intellectual ability?

    Perhaps yes

    Can not say

    I think no

    b) life skills?

    Perhaps yes

    Can not say

    I think no

    5. If you had to choose from all the schools in the area, would you choose yours?

    Can not say

    6. What is your mood most often at school?

    7. From the characteristics of the school environment listed below, select only the five most important, from your point of view, and rate them on a 5-point system.

    educational programs, qualification professional characteristics...
  • Educational program of primary general education for the period 2011-2015

    Educational program

    Primary schools need to create psychologically comfortable educational Wednesday for personal development, ... E.V. Buneeva, A.A. Vakhrushev, S.A. Kozlova, O.V. Chindilova " Diagnostics meta-subject and personal results of primary education...

  • Educational program of the state budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow

    Educational program

    October) Individual treatment diagnostics"The Exception of the Fourth" Diagnostics the level of formation of logical ... developing environments: creation of ecological and psychological comfort educational environments; creation of a game developing environments; ...

  • The educational program of the municipal budgetary educational institution

    Educational program

    To create such psychologically comfortable educational Wednesday, where the quality of education is combined with taking into account ... the forms of work are: psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, individual consultations for students, organization of...

  • Characteristics of the school environment

    The degree of satisfaction with the selected characteristic

    to a very large extent

    to a large extent

    to a small extent

    not at all

    1. Relationship with teachers

    2. Relationship with students

    3.Emotional comfort

    4. Opportunity to express your point of view

    5. Self-respect

    6. Preservation of personal dignity

    7. Ability to ask for help

    8. Ability to take initiative, activity

    9. Taking into account personal problems and difficulties

    10. Attention to requests and suggestions

    11.Help in choosing your own solution

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    Evenenko S.L. Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Organizational Psychology, IEiK In the modern educational process, considerable attention is paid not only to the subjects of education, but also to the educational environment. A generalization of the views available in psychology that reveal the essence of the concept of "educational environment" made it possible to identify the following approaches that characterize the modern understanding of its essence: and spatial-subject environment (V.A. Yasvin, 2001); - educational environment as a systematically organized set of information, technical, educational and methodological support, inextricably linked with a person - the subject of the educational process (O.A. Ilchenko, 2006); - the educational environment as a part of the information space, the nearest external information environment in relation to the individual, the set of conditions in which the activity of the individual directly takes place (A.V. Bulgakov, 2009; V.V. Loginova 2009); - educational environment as one of the aspects of activity, including organizational and methodological means, a set of technical and software tools for storing, processing, transmitting information, providing prompt access to information and carrying out educational scientific communications (O.I. Sokolova, 2006); - educational environment as a set of all opportunities for learning and personal development (S.D. Deryaba, 2007); - educational environment as a set of structural units of the educational process: a) physical environment, b) human factors, c) training program (G.A. Kovalev, 1991). However, it should be noted that the selected scientific approaches of the modern understanding of the educational environment do not fully take into account the role of the teaching staff as an object of educational process management, integration intra-group processes and the influence of cultural and traditional aspects on the educational environment. The theoretical and methodological analysis of the educational environment made it possible to substantiate it as a set of organizational and managerial, collective-group and cultural-traditional conditions that determine the quality of education and upbringing of students of Russian universities. In the course of the study, an analysis was made of the conditions of the educational environment that affect the quality of student learning. The potential range of such conditions was outlined in the course of a theoretical analysis of the problem. The studied environmental features of the educational space, correlated with the quality of student learning, can be determined as an external resource (A. V. Bulgakov, 2009) - the organization of educational work, the style features of the teacher's application of discipline measures, the moral and psychological climate in the group. The quality of the learning environment can amplify/weaken its impact, creating opportunities for quality learning for students. External conditions determine the specifics of students' behavior, facilitating or hindering adequate orientation in certain circumstances significant for self-development and activity, increasing or decreasing the certainty of choice situations, generally motivating or frustrating the satisfaction of learning needs. Among the conditions of the educational environment that determine the behavior of students were: a) cultural and traditional - the presence of traditions and customs aimed at the formation of a cult of learning, preventing the emergence of conflicts in student groups. The validity of the inclusion of these conditions is due to the presence of traditions in educational institutions aimed at the formation of friendly and comradely relationships, reducing conflicts, increasing activity in cognitive activity; b) qualities that affect the functionality of organizational and managerial conditions: regulation of relationships between students on the part of the teaching staff. These qualities contribute to ensuring conflict-free behavior, effective implementation of students' cognitive activity; search and finding the necessary course of action, consistency with the regulatory requirements of the educational system, approved algorithms for meeting needs; c) features of the collective-group conditions of the educational environment, characterizing the socio-psychological climate in the student group, relationships in the team, role regulation. These conditions contribute to streamlining the actions and deeds of the subjects of the educational process, as carriers of the action, maintaining its integrity, relieving tension and conflicts, ensuring the necessary level of socio-psychological comfort, the integrity of the student team, and high quality of life. The listed conditions form an objective basis, providing essential prerequisites for high-quality education of students of Russian universities. The study of the conditions of the educational environment that contribute to improving the quality of student learning was carried out using a developed questionnaire that takes into account the previously considered components. Further comparative analysis made it possible to identify and describe the factors of the educational environment of modern Russian universities. In this regard, the theoretically substantiated assumption about the three-component structural and functional composition of the educational environment was subject to verification. For this purpose, an individual measure of the severity of indicators of the conditions of the educational environment was initially studied. Determining the level of severity of each of the indicators was carried out using factor analysis (FA) by applying the method of principal components, it was found that with the number of three factors, the share of the accumulated variance is 67%, which is quite an acceptable option, i.e. more than 50% of the manifestations of various situations in the educational process are determined by the selected factors (see Table 1).

    Table 1.

    Characteristics of educational environment factors

    Factor number Total weight % variance % accumulated variance
    1 factor 2,5 23,6 23,6
    2nd factor 2,3 21,7 45,3
    3 factor 1,6 19,7 65,0
    On the basis of factor analysis data, it should be stated that the first factor - organizational and managerial (weight charge a = 2.5 and 23.6% of the data variance) has the highest intrinsic value and, therefore, should play a leading functional role in the overall structure of the educational environment of Russian higher education institutions, making a significant contribution to creating/preventing students from opportunities for quality learning. This factor characterizes the ability of the subjects of the educational process to apply disciplinary measures to students, broadcasting and maintaining approved patterns of relationships between students, and to intensify their cognitive activity. The second factor is collective-group (weight charge a = 2.3 and 21.7% of the data variance). The factor characterizes the process of removing moral and psychological tension, conflicts, providing the necessary level of comfort due to informal relationships between students based on mutual understanding, friendship, etc. The third factor is cultural and traditional (weight charge a = 1.6 and 19.3% of the data variance ), reflects the presence of established traditions in the university and the student group for the implementation of role-playing instructions. Assimilation, inclusion of student traditions in the internal structure of personality values, ensures adherence to educational standards of behavior - helping those who are lagging behind, pride in studying at a university, etc. Thus, despite the importance of each of the factors of the educational environment of Russian universities, it should be noted that each of them makes a different contribution to the phenomenon under study. Comparison of the weight loads of the obtained factors suggests that the most significant in the organization of an effective educational environment is "organizational and managerial", which is the organizational and managerial basis of the activity of the subject of the educational process to improve the effectiveness of training and education of students of Russian universities. References 1. Bulgakov A.V., Loginova V.V. Psychological characteristics and professional and personal development of foreign students in the educational environment of a Russian university. Monograph. [Text] / A.V. Bulgakov. - M.: Publishing house of MGOU, 2009. - 412 p. 2. Deryaba S.D. Formation of the value orientation of pupils of educational institutions / S.D. Deryaba // Higher education in Russia. - 2007. - No. 3. – p.39-43. 3. Evenenko S.L., Zhukov A.M. Diagnostics and prevention of deviant behavior in military personnel: Monograph / Ed. A.G. Karayani. – M.: VU, 2009. – 245 p. 4. Ilchenko O.A. Standardization of new educational technologies // Higher education in Russia / O.A. Ilchenko. - 2006. - No. 4. - pp. 42-47. 5. Sokolova, O.I. Management of the development of the information infrastructure of the university as a resource for scientific and pedagogical activities (Monograph). / O.I. Sokolova // - Volgograd: Change, 2006. - 382 p. 6. Yasvin V.A. Educational environment: from modeling to design. 2nd edition / V.A. Yasvin. – M.: Meaning. - 2001. - 368 p.



    Evstifeeva A.A.student of the Moscow State Regional University, Faculty of Psychology, 2nd year, full-time department. In a psychological study, the problem of the influence of self-determination on the value orientations of students was studied. The study of the changes taking place in the minds of today's youth is becoming especially acute today. Inevitable in the conditions of changes in the established foundations, the reassessment of values ​​is most evident in the minds of this social group. The object of psychological research was the value orientations of students, the subject is the influence of self-determination on the value orientations of students. The study was conducted to study the relationship between the value orientations of students and self-determination. The achievement of the set goal was carried out through the consistent solution of research problems: 1) to clarify the psychological essence of students' professional self-determination; 2) experimentally determine the level of professional self-determination in student groups; 3) determine the relationship between self-determination and value orientations of students; 4) identify the features of value orientations in groups with different levels of self-determination. The following hypotheses of psychological research were used as scientific assumptions: - self-determination has an impact on the value orientations of students; - for self-determined students, in contrast to those who have not determined, the predominant terminal values ​​are development, knowledge; - the characteristics of self-determined students are instrumental values ​​- education, intransigence to their shortcomings, self-control, courage in defending their opinions. The concept of "value orientations" was used as the main concept in the study. Value orientations - elements of the internal structure of the personality, formed and fixed by the life experience of the individual in the course of socialization and social adaptation, delimiting the significant (essential for a given person) from the insignificant (insignificant) through the acceptance / rejection by the individual of certain values, perceived as a framework of ultimate meanings and fundamental goals of life, as well as determining acceptable means for their implementation. Professional self-determination is the readiness of a person to consciously and independently plan and implement the prospects for his professional development. The survey was conducted in two student groups of the Moscow State Regional University N = 29 people. In the psychological study, psychodiagnostic methods were used - the diagnosis of value orientations by M. Rokeach, methodology of professional self-determination - 20 statements "Who am I?" M.Kun. AND
    A study of the level of professional self-determination showed that the average values ​​of the studied property in groups are different: in the first group the average value, and in the second group it is equal. A comparative analysis of the distribution of value orientations in both groups made it possible to identify features in the distribution of terminal values ​​(see Figure 1).
    1. active active life; 7. mat. provide life 13. entertainment; 2. life wisdom; 8. presence of choir friends 14. freedom; 3. health; 9. public recognition; 15. happy family life; 4. interesting work; 10. knowledge; 16. happiness of others; 5. beauty of nature; 11. productive life; 17. creativity; 6. love; 12. development; 18. self-confidence.
    Rice. 1. Distribution of terminal values ​​in student groups (in ranks). In the student group with a higher level of professional self-determination, in contrast to the group of students who have not professionally defined themselves, development and cognition are the predominant terminal values. The differences in the distribution of instrumental values ​​in both groups of students are more pronounced (see Fig. 2).
    1. accuracy; 7. not to their shortcomings; 13. strong will; 2. good manners; 8. education; 14. tolerance; 3. high demands; 9. responsibility; 15. breadth of views; 4. cheerfulness; 10. rationalism; 16. honesty; 5. diligence; 11. self-control; 17. efficiency in business; 6. independence; 12. defending one's opinion; 18. sensitivity.

    Rice. 2. Distribution of instrumental values ​​in student groups (in ranks). There are significant differences among the group of professionally self-determined students in instrumental values ​​- education, intransigence to their shortcomings, self-control, courage in defending one's own opinion prevail. Conclusions: 1. Trends in terminal values ​​in groups of students with different levels of professional self-determination do not differ significantly. 2. There are differences in the distribution of instrumental values: professionally determined students prefer to achieve their goals through training, high demands on themselves, self-control, courage in defending their opinions.


    Zhukova T. 2nd year student of the Faculty of Psychology of IEiK. The study of personnel is based on the procedure of psychodiagnostics of people in relation to the psychological characteristics of the standard of a professional, formed as an image of a successful employee of a particular organization. That is, in the process of evaluating a person who gets a job in an organization, the psychologist, first of all, pays attention to whether a potential employee is able to optimally perform professional functions and how stable his motivation is. Therefore, he is forced to identify and evaluate mainly the activity characteristics of a person in relation to service specialization. If an employee is able to work well, but his desires are determined by external, random sources, then this person is unlikely to suit both managers and the team.In educational psychology, there is a fairly common misconception that the main thing in mastering a profession is a stable motive. Alas! One desire is not enough.So V.N. Druzhinin, referring to the theory of the “threshold of intelligence” by D. Perkins and W. Schneider, emphasized that What For every profession there is a certain minimum required level of ability, below which it is impossible to optimally perform professional activities, and Further labor success determined by motivation, characterology, value system etc. 1 One of the main tasks of psychodiagnostics is assessment of a person's abilities. In psychology, abilities are not a system of optimal movements or actions of people. The productivity of movements and actions can only act as facts of the relative realization of abilities. A person's ability is interpreted as a formed, emerging image or a system of inclinations for forming an image of an upcoming or current activity.An image is a mental scheme of human activity. That is ability in psychology is an intellectual, mental property of a person. That's why the methods of its research are based on the concept of measuring the features of intelligence. It is important to remember this thesis, since further reasoning will be based on research of intellectual abilities as an image of activity success. The problem of abilities occupies an important place in psychological science. A huge amount of literature is devoted to it, 2 where the concept of "ability" is interpreted ambiguously from at least three theoretical positions. As part of the first approach the concept of "ability" is interpreted in the form general (integrative) and private, or specific abilities. General abilities underlie all kinds of individual abilities, where they approach the concept of “giftedness”. General abilities perform the function of a trigger mechanism for the development of private abilities. Their non-profile gives reason to believe that the presence of cognitive activity and adaptability, being the essence of these general abilities, determines the parameters of the development of human mental activity in general. Private abilities are interpreted as the realization of a person's capabilities in certain areas of life. This does not mean that they are part of the general abilities or their function. Their palette is wider. Their subject matter is larger. Their possibilities are deeper. Their essence is the effectiveness of certain human activities. A classic example of the study of special abilities is the G. Munsterberg test, which assessed the special function of the attention of car drivers - constantly orienting themselves in a rapidly changing situation on the street, foreseeing and adequately responding to all diverse changes in a matter of moments. 1 General abilities are specified in special abilities. But this concretization in the course of diagnostics is achieved not by copying the external specific conditions of a particular activity, but by modeling the internal conditions of professional activity. B.M. Teplov wrote that abilities “are not any individual features in general, but only those that are related to the success of performing any activity ...” 2 Second theoretical approach based on understanding abilities as degrees of transition potential individual's capabilities to their updating in real activity. This view, on the one hand, determines the understanding of abilities as the degree of a person's ability to achieve a certain level of success in activity. That is, according to some secondary signs, it is assumed that it is possible to see whether a person has the necessary potential or not, whether he reaches professional heights or is unsuitable for this work. In the same time under the abilities of A.N. Leontiev understands "an established body for the performance of activities." And if the conditions are created, then the abilities will be able to be fully realized. 3 Second, abilities mean the actual achievements of a person. That is, if he has achieved certain real results, it means that he has the ability to do so. M. Stirner pointed out that "what a person can be, so he becomes." 1 In this sense, the diagnosis of abilities is to identify the level of human achievement, for example, in training. In particular V.D. Shadrikov notes that abilities are “a property of functional systems that implement cognitive and psychomotor processes, which have an individual measure of severity, and are manifested in the success and qualitative originality of the performance of an activity.” 2 As part of third paradigm stand out"crystallized"And"fluid"capabilities. 3 TO first can be attributed factors of intellectual abilities, formed as a result of learning and fixed in the activity of the individual in the form of skills and abilities. Second swarm type abilities are sometimes referred to as "plastic" intelligence. This is the very process of assimilation of information, development of skills (see "zone of proximal development" according to L.S. Vygotsky). Of course, this division of views on the problem of abilities is conditional. And the above paradigms themselves bring the concept of ability to different planes of theoretical analysis. For example, general abilities can be directly correlated with crystallized abilities and abilities. In the same way private or special - to represent the experience. Some psychologists interpret capabilities like properties 4 or a set of properties and personality traits. 5 Such a position in the literature was called: "personal-activity approach". A.G. Kovalev and V.N. Myasishchev defines “abilities” within this tradition as an ensemble or synthesis of personality traits. K.K. Platonov, V.S. Merlin, B.M. Teplov and V.A. Krutetsky - as a structure. At T.I. Artemyev’s abilities act as a personal characteristic of a person as “the potential for new activity”. 1 If we consider the category of "ability" from the point of view of the activity approach, then its content is presented in the form of assimilation of external influences through internalization (P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina). From the standpoint of the concept of individual differences, these are internal formations (E.A. Golubeva, N.S. Leites, E.A. Klimov). Reconciling extreme views S.L. Rubinstein defines abilities as an alloy of natural and formed features and qualities of a person. The problem of abilities is a key one in the process of professional diagnostics of personnel. Psychology is rich in various theoretical and experimental concepts of abilities. It is enough to look at their list and description, set out in the works of V.N. Druzhinin. 2 We will try to construct a research model for assessing abilities based on the views of L.S. Vygotsky.


    The educational environment is considered by us as a system influences And conditions personality development, and opportunities for its development contained in the social and spatial-subject environment.

    In this definition, the concept of “opportunity” acquires special methodological significance, which implies the active role of the personality itself (i.e., its subjective position) in the development of the developing resources of the environment, since it is determined equally by both the specific properties of the environment and the properties of the personality (J. Gibson). Opportunity is the bridge between man and environment. At the same time, “influences” and “conditions” imply the impact of an “active” environment on a “passive” person, i.e. predetermine the object position of schoolchildren.

    The concept of "educational environment" acts as a generic concept for such concepts as "school environment", "family environment", teenage club environment, sports section environment, etc.

    The method of psychological and pedagogical examination of the school environment developed by us 4 allows us to analyze the educational environment at various levels:

    the educational environment of the individual child,

    local educational environment (school).

    The analysis of the educational environment is carried out using the following descriptors: modality, breadth, intensity, awareness, stability, generalization, emotionality, dominance, coherence, social activity, mobility.

    Latitude of the educational environment serves as its structural and content characteristic, showing which subjects, objects, processes and phenomena are included in it.

    Intensity educational environment - its structural and dynamic characteristics, showing the degree of saturation of the educational environment with conditions, influences and opportunities, as well as the concentration of their manifestation.

    Yasvin V.A. Examination of the school educational environment. M, 2000.

    Modality educational environment is its qualitative and content characteristic. While all other parameters give a quantitative characteristic of the educational environment, showing a high or low degree of manifestation of one or another indicator, modality characterizes the educational environment from a qualitative, typological point of view. As an effective tool for psychological and pedagogical examination of the educational environment, in particular, modality factor, which reflects the degree of use by pupils of developing opportunities (resources of the environment). The modality coefficient, firstly, the greater, the higher the activity and, secondly, with an equal degree of activity, it is greater in conditions of free activity and less in conditions of free passivity.

    Degree awareness educational environment is an indicator of the conscious involvement in it of all subjects of the educational process.

    Sustainability the educational environment characterizes its stability over time . If other parameters give a synchronic description of the educational environment, then the stability parameter allows its diachronic description.

    Generalization The educational environment characterizes the degree of coordination of the activities of all its subjects.

    Emotionality educational environment illustrates the ratio of the emotional and rational components in it.

    dominance educational environment characterizes the significance of this local environment in the system of values ​​of the subjects of the educational process. Dominance shows the hierarchical position of the school environment in relation to other sources of influence on the personality.

    Coherence (consistency) of the educational environment shows the degree of consistency of the influence on the personality of this local environment with the influences of other factors of the environment of this personality.

    Social activity educational environment is an indicator of its socially oriented creative potential and the expansion of this educational environment into the living environment.

    Mobility educational environment characterizes its ability to organic evolutionary changes, in the context of relationships with the environment.

    It should be especially noted that the methodical system "design-examination" developed by us largely excludes the situation of "doomed to success", which is very typical for many design and diagnostic systems. This situation arises when both the design of the educational process and its subsequent examination are based on the same parameters. If the educational project was aimed at achieving changes in certain indicators (from the development of thinking to changing the social organization of the study group), then subsequent diagnostics for the same indicators almost certainly states their positive dynamics. In our system, the design of the environment is based on an algorithm that includes the requirements for the effective organization of its organizational-technological, social and spatial-subject components, as well as a set of environmental opportunities to meet the personal needs of the subjects of the educational process, while the examination is based on the use of the above system environmental parameters (latitude, intensity, etc.). The connection between the design and expert complexes is, therefore, not a formal straightforward character, but reflects deep systemic correlations. Of course, this approach imposes more stringent requirements on designers, but it also provides a better design of the educational environment.

    By periodically conducting an examination of the educational environment (by the method of included examination), the administration and teachers-mentors can ensure a clear control of the dynamics of its development, purposefully correct this development by redistributing resources, if it seems necessary to increase the indicator of one or another parameter.

    Having received a certain picture of the state of the educational environment, the leader (teacher) determines the strategy for its further development. Of fundamental importance in the re-examination is the quantitative increase (“delta”) of the level of those parameters that were previously identified as strategic priorities, the increase in the indicators of which was planned.

    Rice. 3. Graphical representation of the results of the examination of the school educational environment.



    Examination of the educational environment at school

    In accordance with the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, all children, including those with disabilities, have the right to education. The main regulatory document defines the strategic goal of educating students with atypical development. The Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education and the tested standard for students with disabilities initiate teachers to create special conditions for education, upbringing and development for people with disabilities. In the Federal State Educational Standard for students with disabilities, close attention is paid to the requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs in the form of a set of "academic" and "life" competencies. In addition, requirements are established for personal, subject and meta-subject results of mastering individual sections of educational programs. The formation of universal educational activities that are significant for students, pupils with psychophysical disorders is carried out in the educational environment of a special (correctional) institution. We understand the environment as a continuous space-time set that combines purposefully designed and implemented conditions for the interaction of the subjective world of a developing personality and the objective world in order to realize the personal potential and achieve personal results of each subject of the educational process.

    The educational environment and its focus on the mental and mental development of children, its role in the personal well-being of the child and the significance in establishing interpersonal relationships were considered by researchers mainly for normotypical children (V.S. Bibler, G.A. Kovalev, Yu.S. Manuilov, V. I. Panov, V. I. Slobodchikov, V. A. Yasvin, etc.). The study of the possibilities of the environment of a special (correctional) institution to achieve an educational effect has so far, if carried out, then indirectly. These studies were aimed at describing the components of its structure for organizing educational work with students, pupils (L.S. Beilinson, B.V. Belyavsky, O.Yu. Butorina, V.V. Mamaev, M.V. Matveeva, T. A. Solovieva, T. N. Shcherbakova, V. V. Yunina, etc.).

    The purpose of the study there is a holistic assessment of the parameters of the psychological and pedagogical examination of the educational environment of a special (correctional) institution as a factor in innovative processes in the management of the educational resources of an educational institution.

    Material and research methods

    The object of the examination is a special (correctional) school for students with mental retardation.

    The subject of the examination is the psychological and pedagogical organization of the educational environment.

    The purpose of the examination is the correspondence of the psychological and pedagogical conditions in the educational organization and their hierarchy in order to achieve the main educational goal - "introduction into the culture of a child with special development for various reasons that falls out of it" .

    Expertise criteria - the priority of achieving personal results by each student, pupil; development of "academic" and "life" competencies, taking into account the capabilities and abilities of each; taking into account the psychological, pedagogical and typological characteristics of students for adequate modeling and design of the educational environment and the development of work programs for academic disciplines.

    The methodology for describing the educational environment as a complex system is based on psychodiagnostic parameters developed for the analysis of relationships. The content of the examination was a generalization of the own impressions of the authors of the article - consultants of an educational institution, the study of the object-spatial resources of the organization. In parallel, conversations were held with teachers, educators, narrow specialists, and parents. Taking into account that even normally developing schoolchildren tend to self-report, rather than generalizing objective data, the inclusion of students with mental disabilities as subjects of the examination was not carried out. During the examination of the educational environment, its breadth, intensity, degree of awareness and stability, as well as emotionality, generalization, dominance, coherence, activity and mobility were assessed.

    Research results and discussion

    As a result of a pilot study and a quantitative assessment of the parameters of the educational environment, we received the following results from three groups of respondents - administration, teachers and parents (45 participants in total).

    The dominance of the educational environment characterizes the significance of this local environment in the system of values ​​of the subjects of the educational process. Dominance shows the hierarchical position of the school environment in relation to other sources of influence on the personality. Indicators of the dominance of the environment in the administration, teachers and parents, respectively, 6.71; 7.31; 8.19. This means that the school, as a sphere of professional activity, a source of livelihood, as a social institution, occupies a fairly high position in the hierarchy of respondents' values. Indicators of dominance of the school environment for parents are expected. Society still demonstrates an intolerant attitude towards children with special development, especially with mental disabilities. And a special teacher accepts the child as an absolute value and knows how to teach and develop him based on "limitless" potentialities. The lifestyle of most families of students, one way or another, is determined by involvement in the life of the school; many change their place of residence so that the child has the opportunity to attend this educational institution.

    The generalization of the educational environment characterizes the degree of coordination of the activities of all its subjects. For teachers and parents, this indicator is in second place in terms of severity: 6.52 and 5.95, respectively. A conditionally high indicator for teachers means that the majority of school employees essentially constitute a single professional team, the school is a base platform for improving the skills of colleagues from other educational institutions, professional conferences and seminars are held in the system, representatives of university science work at the school. Parents have a rather high assessment of the generalization of the environment, in our opinion, due to the fact that parents feel the influence of coordinated adequate actions along the lines of “parents-administration-teachers-class teacher”, the parent committee is actively working in the institution. It is no less significant that some of the parents are school teachers or are part of the technical team. For the administration, the indicator of the generalization of the environment in the system is in fourth place: 4.03. We explain this by the lack of a serious concept for the development of an educational institution, the declaration of new approaches to the goals, content, principles and methods of teaching and educating children with developmental disabilities, the development of a regulatory framework and the lack of uniform methodological requirements for teachers on the part of the administration. It seems to us, and the administrative team agrees with this, that a number of school teachers do not understand and do not accept the specifics of the correctional and pedagogical process, they do not have defectological thinking.

    The second place in terms of importance for the administration (6.05) and the third place for teachers (6.22) and parents (4.65) is occupied by such an indicator as the intensity of the educational environment, showing the degree of saturation with correctional and developmental conditions, influences and opportunities, as well as the concentration of their manifestation. This indicator indicates that the educational environment quite actively declares the correctional and pedagogical context for the development of the personality of a student, a pupil in classroom and extracurricular activities. The environment also seeks to set the conditions for the professional growth of teachers. At the same time, in practice, there is a discrepancy between the modeled and implemented conditions.

    The mobility of the educational environment as the ability for organic evolutionary changes has been supplemented by us with new content, taking into account modern conditions of education (integration and inclusion). Mobility is the ability of the components of the environment to be hierarchically rebuilt taking into account new circumstances, conditions, technical capabilities, etc. The results obtained are interesting. The environment is not at all rated as mobile by parents. This indicator was noted by the administration (3.25) and teachers (5.44). The relatively high score obtained in the assessment by teachers is determined by the willingness of teachers to accept new educational goals, vary the content and methods of education of people with mental disabilities, and master new professional competencies. At the same time, for the school administration, it is not the potential, but the actualized readiness of the teaching staff, which is not sufficiently formed, that is of great importance.

    The results of the examination of the educational environment of a special (correctional) institution

    Examination of the educational environment of an out-of-school educational institution

    Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

    Crimean republican out-of-school educational institution




    (instructive and methodological material for diagnosing the educational environment of an educational institution according to the method of V.A. Yasvin)

    working with gifted

    children and students

    out-of-school educational institution

    creativity of student youth»

    ^ Educates not only or not so much the educator himself, but the environment, which is organized in the most beneficial way.



    Under educational environment(or the environment of education), we will understand the system of influences and conditions for the formation of a personality according to a given pattern, as well as the opportunities for its development contained in the social and spatial-subject environment.


    The dogmatic environment is characterized as follows: “Tradition, authority, rite, command as an absolute law, necessity as a vital imperative. Discipline, order and integrity. Seriousness, peace of mind and clarity, arising from firmness, a sense of strength and stability, self-confidence, in being right. Self-restraint, self-overcoming, work as a law, high morality as a habit. Prudence, reaching the point of passivity, one-sided oblivion of rights and truths that tradition did not convey, did not sanctify authority, did not mechanically fix the pattern of actions. Land, church, fatherland, virtue and sin can be a dogma; can be: science, social and political work, wealth, struggle, as well as God - God as a hero, a god or a puppet. Not in what, but how you believe.

    As an example of the organization of a dogmatic environment in the most pronounced form, one can cite, first of all, the monastery and the army. Of course, a family with strong religious traditions also forms an educational environment of a dogmatic type. It is this environment that is the basis of the psychological "processing" of adherents of various sectarian movements and groups.

    The personality of a child brought up in a dogmatic environment is characterized, first of all, by a high degree of passivity, when calmness is transformed into detachment and apathy. If an already established strong personality finds itself in such an environment, then, as a rule, it becomes hardened in its desire to resist someone else's evil will, in particular, directing its energy to some kind of labor activity.

    Ideological environment: “Its strength is not in the firmness of the spirit, but in flight, impulse, movement. Here you do not work, but joyfully manage. You create yourself, without waiting. There is no command - there is good will. There are no dogmas - there are problems. There is no prudence - there is a fever of the soul, enthusiasm. The restraining beginning here is an aversion to dirt, moral aestheticism. It happens that here at times they hate, but they never despise. Tolerance here is not half-heartedness of convictions, but respect for human thought, the joy that free thought soars at different levels and in different directions - colliding, lowering the flight and uplifting - fills the open spaces. Brave yourself, you greedily catch the echoes of other people's hammers and wait with curiosity for tomorrow, its new delights, perplexities, knowledge, delusions, struggle, doubts, affirmations and denials.

    The ideological environment is formed, for example, in various creative groups, especially at the stage of their initial formation and development. It can be a musical ensemble, a design bureau, or a KVN team. The most important condition for the formation of an ideological environment is the absence of an authoritarian leader in the creative group who imposes his point of view on others, ignoring or harshly criticizing the opinions of others. As soon as such a person appears or one of the members of the group begins to show intolerance towards the positions of his associates, the ideological environment ceases to exist, transforming into some other type of environment. The ideological environment is the most fragile and unstable, as evidenced, in particular, by the frequent breakups of various creative teams that started their activities so successfully.

    In the ideological environment, a personality is formed, which is characterized by the activity of mastering and transforming the surrounding world, high self-esteem, openness and freedom of one's judgments and actions.

    Peaceful Consumption Environment

    Environment of serene consumption: “Peace of mind, carelessness, sensitivity, friendliness, kindness, sobriety as much as necessary, self-awareness, which is obtained without difficulty. There is no perseverance either in the desire to preserve, hold out, or in the desire to achieve, find. The child lives in an atmosphere of inner well-being and lazy, conservative habit, indulgence to modern trends, amid attractive simplicity. Here he can be whatever he wants: he himself - from books, conversations, meetings and life experiences - weaves the basis of his worldview, he chooses the path himself. Korczak emphasizes that in an environment of serene consumption, work never serves any idea, is not seen as a place in life, is not an end in itself, but only a means to provide oneself with comforts, desirable conditions.

    As a typical example of an environment of serene consumption, the lifestyle of a significant part of the provincial Russian nobility of the 19th century, as described by the classics of Russian literature: “Oblomovism”, “Manilovism”, etc., can serve.

    According to Korczak, in such an upbringing environment a person is formed who, in principle, is always happy with what she has. The main feature of such a personality can be considered life passivity, inability to exert and struggle. Faced with difficulties and obstacles, such a person prefers to withdraw from their resolution, continuing to hide in his illusory world, like a snail hiding in its shell.

    Environment of external gloss and career

    Finally, the environment of outward gloss and career: “Once again, persistence appears, but it is brought to life by cold calculation, and not by spiritual needs. For there is no place here for the fullness of the content, there is one crafty form - the skillful exploitation of other people's values, embellishment of the gaping emptiness. Slogans on which you can earn. Etiquette to be obeyed. Not dignity, but clever self-promotion. Life is not like work and rest, but sniffing and courting. Insatiable vanity, rapacity, discontent, arrogance and servility, envy, malice, malevolence. Here children are not loved and not brought up, here they are only evaluated, lost on them or earned, bought and sold.

    The main traits of a personality that is formed in such an environment are falsehood and hypocrisy - “skillful play” and “exactly fitting mask”, striving for a career through cunning, bribery, high connections, etc.

    Thus, according to Korczak's typology, the dogmatic environment contributes to the formation of a dependent and passive child; ideological - free and active; serene consumption - free, however, passive, career environment - active, but dependent.


    The method of vector modeling of the educational environment involves the construction of a coordinate system consisting of two axes: the axis "freedom - dependence" and axis "activity - passivity". In order to construct a vector in this coordinate system corresponding to one or another type of educational environment, it is necessary to answer six diagnostic questions on the basis of a psychological and pedagogical analysis of this environment. Three questions are aimed at determining the presence in a given environment of opportunities for the free development of the child and three questions - opportunities for the development of his activity. The answer to each question allows you to mark one point on the corresponding scale (“activity”, “passivity”, “freedom” or “dependence”). Based on the empirical pedagogical characteristics of the child's personality, cited in the works of Korczak and Lesgaft, "activity" is understood in this case as the presence of such properties as initiative, striving for something, perseverance in this striving, the struggle of the individual for his interests, defending these interests and etc.; "passivity" - as the absence of these properties, in other words, the "passivity" pole on this scale can be considered as "zero activity"; “freedom” is associated here with independence of judgments and actions, freedom of choice, independence, internal locus of control, etc.; finally, “dependence” is understood as opportunism, reflex behavior, associated with an external locus of control, etc.

    Based on the results of all answers to diagnostic questions, an appropriate vector is constructed in the coordinate system, which makes it possible to typologize and characterize this educational environment.


    For the axis "freedom - dependence":

    1. Whose interests and values ​​are put first in this educational setting?

    a) personality; b) societies (groups).

    A statement of the priority of personal interests and values ​​over public ones is interpreted as an opportunity for the free development of the child, - accordingly, a score is assigned on the “freedom” scale; in case of ascertaining the priority of public interests, a score is assigned on the “dependence” scale.

    ^ 2. Who adapts to whom in the process of interaction?

    a) a caregiver to the child; b) the child to the teacher.

    If it is noted that in this educational environment situations dominate when the educator adapts to the child (or, at least, there is a desire of educators for such a position), then this is also interpreted as an opportunity for the child’s free development, respectively, a score is assigned on the scale “freedom »; if it is stated that the child is forced to adapt to his caregivers, then a point is assigned on the “dependence” scale.

    ^ 3. What form of education is predominantly carried out in this educational environment?

    a) individual; b) collective (group).

    The orientation of the educational environment towards an individual form of education is interpreted as the presence in the environment of an additional opportunity for the free development of an independent child, - a point is assigned on the “freedom” scale; in the case of priority in the educational environment of collective education, a score is assigned on the “dependence” scale.

    For the activity-passivity axis:

    4. Is punishment of the child practiced in this educational environment?

    The absence of punishment is considered as a condition conducive to the development of the child's activity - a score is assigned on the "activity" scale, if there is a punishment system in the given educational environment (used both directly and indirectly), a score is assigned on the "passivity" scale.

    ^ 5. Is any initiative stimulated in this educational environment by the child?

    If in the educational environment under consideration it is possible to ascertain the positive reinforcement of the child's initiative (both conscious and unconscious), then this is interpreted as an additional opportunity for the development of his activity, a score is assigned on the "activity" scale; if the initiative shown by the child, as a rule, can turn into various kinds of trouble for him, then a score is assigned on the “passivity” scale.

    ^ 6. Do certain creative manifestations of the child find any positive response in this educational environment?

    In the case when there are conditions in the educational environment under which the child's creativity is stimulated or can be evaluated, such an environment is considered as conducive to the development of activity - a score is assigned on the "activity" scale; if the creative manifestations of the child are ignored, as a rule, remain unnoticed and unappreciated, a score is assigned on the “passivity” scale.

    On the basis of such a diagnosis, the analyzed educational environment can be classified into one of four basic types (Fig. 1): “dogmatic educational environment”, which contributes to the development of passivity and dependence of the child (“dogmatic educational environment” according to J. Korchak); “career educational environment”, which contributes to the development of activity, but also dependence of the child (“environment of external gloss and career” according to J. Korchak); "serene educational environment" that promotes free development, but also causes the formation of the child's passivity ("environment of serene consumption" according to J. Korchak); and finally, a “creative educational environment” that promotes the free development of an active child (“an ideological educational environment” according to J. Korchak).


    Thus, by the simplest mathematical construction, one of twelve theoretically possible vectors can be obtained (three in each of the four sectors of the coordinate system) that model a certain type of educational environment.

    For example, when analyzing any educational environment, we get three points on the scale of "dependence" and the scale of "activity" and zero points on the scale of "freedom" and the scale of "passivity" (Fig. 3 A), - such an educational environment can be labeled as a "typical career learning environment".

    In another example, we get one on the freedom scale, two on the dependency scale, three on the active scale, and zero on the passivity scale. Since the scores obtained on the “freedom - dependence” axis were distributed on different scales, it is necessary to obtain their sum, taking into account the sign of each score (“+” or “-”): -1 + 2 = +1, that is, as a result, in the calculation there is one point on the “dependence” scale (Fig. 3 B). Such a vector models a "career" educational environment that stimulates high activity and implies a small degree of dependence. This learning environment can be referred to as a "career learning environment of dependent activity".

    It is also possible that we get zero points on the “freedom” scale, three points on the “dependence” scale, two points on the “activity” scale, and one point on the “passivity” scale. Since the scores obtained on the "activity - passivity" axis were distributed on different scales, it is necessary to obtain their sum, taking into account the sign of each score ("+" or "-"): +2 -1 = +1, that is, as a result, in the calculation there is one point on the “activity” scale (Fig. 3B). Now, the corresponding vector models a "career" educational environment that promotes the development of a high degree of addiction and a low degree of activity - "career educational environment of active addiction." A similar picture of the possible construction of modeling vectors can be obtained in each sector of the coordinate system.

    Finally, two points can be obtained on the “freedom” scale and one point on the “dependence” scale: +2 - 1 \u003d +1, as well as two points on the “activity” scale and one point on the “passivity” scale: + 2-1 = +1.

    ^ 1.6. "PUBLIC WIND"

    Obviously, with the exception of rare cases of complete isolation of the individual from broad social contacts (monastery, sect, rural wilderness, etc.), the nature of its development, in addition to the dominant educating environment of the family or educational institution, that is, the environment of the functioning of the structure, will be influenced by those or other interactions with other people, with society as a whole, that is, the habitat. In a real life situation, the development of a child’s personality is influenced, as a rule, not by one type of educational environment, but by several, in particular, the “influence of the street” inevitably affects. Let's try to simulate the effect of such influence.

    To determine the direction of the vector of broad public influence on the nature of personality development, we conducted a simple but large-scale survey of a variety of people (in Russia and Latvia). We asked: “The surrounding people, society as a whole, create conditions for increasing the level of your personal freedom or dependence; activity or passivity? Based on, alas, the pessimistic data of our survey, finding them, however, not without common sense, we introduced the vector of influence of the broad social environment into our modeling technique, calling it public wind. So, the social wind "blows" in the direction of dependence and passivity, coinciding in this with the vector that models the dogmatic environment, which also does not seem strange at all. People who have been formed in a dogmatic environment voluntarily or involuntarily continue to produce it.


    For the examination of the educational environment, an apparatus for its formal description should be developed based on a system of appropriate parameters. As a methodological basis for such a description of the educational environment, we ( the author of the methodology - approx.) uses a system of psychodiagnostic parameters developed for the analysis of relationships (Myasishchev, 1960; Lomov, 1984; Deryabo, Yasvin, 1994). This set of measurements is based on general metric categories and, accordingly, can be used to characterize various systems, including such a complex system as the educational environment.

    There are five "basic" parameters: breadth, intensity, modality, degree of awareness and sustainability; as well as six parameters of the "second order": emotionality, generalization, dominance, coherence, adherence to principles, activity. The parameter of adherence to principles from the point of view of methodological expediency, due to the specifics of the object of analysis, is meaningfully “attached” by us to the parameter of sustainability, and a new parameter has been additionally introduced - “mobility of the educational environment”.


    The modality of the educational environment is its qualitative and content characteristic. While all other parameters give a quantitative characteristic of the educational environment, showing a high or low degree of manifestation of one or another indicator, modality characterizes the educational environment from a qualitative, typological point of view. However, in the process of establishing the modality of a particular educational environment, its quantitative analysis is often used according to selected criteria.

    The modality of the educational environment can be represented using the vector modeling technique. As a criterion indicator, the presence or absence in a particular educational environment of conditions and opportunities for the development of activity (or passivity) of the child and his personal freedom (or dependence) is considered.

    Thus, the educational environment can be attributed to one of the four main types identified by J. Korchak:

    1. "dogmatic educational environment", which contributes to the development of passivity and dependence of the child ("dogmatic educational environment" according to J. Korchak);
    2. “career educational environment”, which contributes to the development of activity, but also dependence of the child (“environment of external gloss and career” according to J. Korchak);
    3. "serene educational environment" that promotes free development, but also causes the formation of the child's passivity ("environment of serene
      consumption "according to J. Korchak);

    4) "creative educational environment" that promotes the free development of an active child ("ideological educational environment" according to J. Korchak).

    As an effective tool for psychological and pedagogical examination of the educational environment, the modality coefficient can be used, which shows the degree to which students use developing opportunities (environment resources).

    So, in a dogmatic environment, not all possibilities are clearly used (that is, the modality coefficient must be less than 100% or less than one). You can cite a situation familiar to everyone when a student does not prepare homework, because he was “asked yesterday”. In other words, the implementation of educational opportunities in this environment requires total control on the part of educators; when it is weakened, students begin to "trash", because they lack activity, they are dependent and passive, they do not feel that they are subjects of their own development.

    The degree of use of educational opportunities in a serene environment is even less than in a dogmatic one. Here, students are not strictly controlled, left to their own devices, and at the same time they are free to choose a passive lifestyle.

    A completely different situation arises in a creative environment, when students are free and active. Here, not only the opportunities for personal development offered by the environment are used, but the students themselves organize new developmental opportunities for themselves (they ask questions, solve educational problems in the process of informal communication, look for additional literature, etc.). Thus, the modality factor in the creative environment is greater than 100% or greater than one.

    So, the modality coefficient, firstly, the greater, the higher the activity and, secondly, with an equal degree of activity, it is greater in conditions of free activity and less in conditions of free passivity.

    To determine the coefficient of modality, the "vector of personality" is used, which is formed in this type of educational environment. The average level of activity of the subject under external control (corresponds to the career environment of active addiction) is taken as a conventional unit.


    To conduct an approximate quantitative assessment of the parameters of the psychological and pedagogical examination of the educational environment, the following is required:

    1. In each block (for example, the “Local excursions” block), mark the line that, in your opinion, most accurately reflects the real state of affairs in the analyzed environment. The first (blank) column of the table is used to mark the corresponding rows. ATTENTION! In some blocks (for example, "Guests"), individual rows in the points column are marked with a "+" sign. This means that you can go beyond choosing one line in a block, and mark several "suitable" lines.
    2. Each block is provided with an additional blank line. You can write your own content in this line if it differs significantly from that proposed in other lines of this block. ATTENTION! This new content of the block should only be considered instead of those proposed in the table, but not be summed up with them.
    1. The points received for this block (if necessary, they are summed up) are recorded in the line with the name of this block.
    2. Next, the scores obtained in all blocks of this parameter are summed up (this sum cannot exceed 10 points), and recorded in the “final score” line under the name of the corresponding parameter (for example, “Breadth of the educational environment”).
    3. Using the diagram in Fig. 13, determine the modality coefficient for the analyzed educational environment and write it down in the corresponding line of the table.
    4. Multiply the value of the “final score” by the “modality coefficient” and write the result (which should be a number no more than 13) in a free cell of the table next to the name of the analyzed parameter.


    The breadth of the educational environment serves as a structural and content characteristic, showing which subjects, objects, processes and phenomena are included in this educational environment.

    For example, one can state an extremely low indicator of the breadth of the educational environment in a family that adheres to any sectarian beliefs, which limits the child's social contacts, up to a ban on attending school. On the other hand, the highest indicator of this parameter of the educational environment can be observed in a young person from a wealthy family who has the opportunity to receive education in educational institutions of various countries, travel a lot: for him, the educational environment is, in fact, the whole world.

    The pedagogical significance of the breadth of the educational environment was understood by Jan Amos Comenius, who considered the highest level of education as an "academy and a journey". John Locke also prepared the young gentleman for the opportunity to get as many impressions as possible during future travels, because circumnavigating the world for a young Englishman from high society in those days was traditional. Locke took care of the breadth of the educational environment, also instructing his aristocratic pupils to engage in handicraft work along with traditional sciences: wood carving, mineral cutting, painting, gardening, etc. Janusz Korczak expanded the educational environment through the participation of pupils in the children's court and the children's parliament, cooperation with the nationwide children's newspaper, etc. In the educational environment designed by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the breadth indicator is certainly low, since the pupil must live in the village until the age of 15, in isolation from the “corrupting” society, under the supervision of a single educator.

    We can assume a relatively high indicator of the latitude of the metropolitan educational environment and a relatively low one in the "lost" taiga village; relatively high - in a family of provincial actors, where local creative intelligentsia often gathers and relatively low - in a pedagogically neglected orphanage in the capital, where pupils are in conditions of social deprivation, etc.


    The intensity of the educational environment is a structural and dynamic characteristic that shows the degree of saturation of the educational environment with conditions, influences, opportunities, as well as the concentration of their manifestation.

    As an example of a highly intensive educational environment, well-organized courses can be cited, when their participants in a marathon mode, say ten hours a day, work with various teachers using all kinds of forms and methods of classes: lectures and round tables, watching videos and trainings, business games and protection of individual projects. In advertising texts they write: “intensive foreign language courses”.

    A high intensity of the educational environment can also be achieved in a summer camp for children due to the specific conditions of interaction between teachers and schoolchildren and unique environmental conditions. NV Dobretsova (1988) gives the following calculations. In the camp, children spend with teachers up to 15-16 hours a day. For a week, the time of such interaction is already 105-112 hours, and for a shift (26 days) - from 350 to 440 hours. Considering that, according to research, a class teacher communicates with children for 10-12 hours a week, and 350-420 hours for the entire academic year, it is obvious that, in terms of the intensity of pedagogical communication, a summer camp month is equal to a school academic year. In addition, creative, active educational forms can be organically used in the conditions of the camp: competitions, quizzes, sports, hiking, games, etc.

    Vivid examples of a low-intensity educational environment can sometimes be observed in preschool educational institutions, when the teacher simply “grazes” the children, monitoring only their safety and compliance with the regime. At the same time, there is practically no opportunity for effective physical, intellectual and personal development of pupils. The same picture can, of course, be observed in individual families, as well as in schools where a formal approach to the educational process dominates.


    The degree of awareness of the educational environment is an indicator of the conscious involvement in it of all subjects of the educational process.

    As L.S. Vygotsky noted: “. the influence of the environment on the development of the child will be measured, among other influences, also by the degree of understanding, awareness, comprehension of what is happening in the environment” (1934, p. 100).

    A high degree of awareness of the educational environment can be observed, for example, when preparing a school team for a regional subject Olympiad. In such an environment, all subjects of the educational process, both teachers and schoolchildren, are well motivated by the upcoming test, everyone is aware of the responsibility both for their own preparedness and for the level of preparation of their comrades.

    A high degree of awareness of one's environment can be found in friendly families, where each family member, including children, consciously cares about the general well-being and development, strives to introduce new constructive ideas into the family environment, organize common life and leisure, create conditions for the creative self-disclosure of their loved ones and etc.

    The presence of traditions and rituals, symbols and paraphernalia of an educational institution can serve to increase the awareness of the educational environment. When at the beginning of the school year the school flag is hoisted on the general line, students willingly wear the badge of their educational institution and proudly say to others: “I study at the Leo Tolstoy School”, we can definitely state a high level of awareness of this educational environment.

    The problem of increasing the awareness of the educational environment was given much attention in the pedagogical system of A.S. Makarenko. Here are just a few illustrations: “Nothing holds the team together like tradition. To educate traditions and preserve them is an extremely important task of educational work. A school that has no tradition, the Soviet school, of course, cannot be a good school, and the best schools that I observed, by the way, in Moscow, are schools that have accumulated traditions” (1988, p. 248).

    “Terminology is important. For example, I do not quite agree that a school can be called an incomplete secondary school. I think this needs to be thought about. What does it mean: a student goes to school, and his school is called an incomplete secondary school? Such a truncated name. The name itself should be attractive to him. I paid attention to this terminology” (ibid., pp. 250-251).

    “Despite the fact that each pupil stays in the Institution temporarily, sooner or later will leave it, the future of the institution, its richer and more cultural life should always stand before the team as a serious and lofty goal, illuminating many aspects of today's life. As experience has shown, the guys are not at all indifferent to the distant future of their institution, if they feel good in the institution and they love it.

    In particular, this perspective is of great importance if the institution does not break with graduates, maintains a constant correspondence with them, invites and receives them during their holidays” (ibid., pp. 262-263).

    The similar centuries-old traditions of Oxford and Cambridge are well known, and the high awareness of such an educational environment both by their professors and graduates is also well known.


    The generalization of the educational environment characterizes the degree of coordination of the activities of all subjects of this educational environment.

    A high degree of generalization of the educational environment of any educational institution is ensured by the presence of a clear concept of the activities of this institution. Moreover, this concept should not only be in the director's desk drawer, but should be constantly discussed with both teachers and students at a level accessible to them.

    An example of a relatively low indicator of the generalization of the educational environment can be, say, a newly created private university, in which most of the teachers work in other institutions and come only to “subtract their hours”. And vice versa, in the so-called copyright schools, where all educational work is carried out on the basis of a certain theoretical and methodological system, where the developers of this system themselves constantly monitor and correct the educational process, periodically conduct methodological classes with teachers, etc., one can definitely state a high level of generalization of the educational environment. This, in particular, fully applies to the educational environment of many "academic schools" - experimental sites of research pedagogical institutions.

    Let us illustrate the concept of the generalization of the educational environment with another radical quote from the pedagogical works of A.S. Makarenko.

    “No educator has the right to act alone, at his own risk and on his own responsibility. There must be a team of educators, and where the educators are not united in a team and the team has a single plan of work, a single tone, a single precise approach to the child, there can be no educational process. Therefore, it is better to have 5 weak educators, united in a team, inspired by one thought, one principle, one style and working as one, than 10 good educators who work all alone, as anyone wants” (1988, p. 174).


    The emotionality of the educational environment characterizes the ratio of the emotional and rational components in it.

    Obviously, a certain educational environment can be both emotionally rich, "bright", and emotionally poor, "dry". Each of us, recalling our school years, can name relevant examples. For example, the geometry teacher "Vasily Vasilyevich", who, having reservedly greeted the class, habitually leaned over the magazine, and, having found out "who has the least marks today", called this student to the blackboard to prove another theorem, asked the required questions, set the required mark and , going to the blackboard, he explained the required material - and so from lesson to lesson, from year to year. The educational environment at his lessons, of course, is characterized by a low indicator of emotionality. Classes with “Natalia Borisovna”, an English teacher, were quite different: witty remarks that caused a smile; friendly tone; "comics" of cartoonists as visual material; deep grief on the face if someone did not learn new words at home. Here we are already talking about a high indicator of the emotionality of the educational environment.

    The profile of the educational institution itself can leave an imprint on the indicator of the emotionality of the educational environment. If this is a Suvorov school or an old college for young gentlemen, then one can rather assume a greater degree of rationalism and restraint than, say, in the educational environment of a dancesport section or a youth summer camp.

    The emotionality of the educational environment also correlates to a certain extent with the type of its modality. Higher indicators of emotionality are generally inherent in active types of educational environment - creative and career, lower ones - in passive types - dogmatic and serene.


    The dominance of the educational environment characterizes the significance of this local environment in the system of values ​​of the subjects of the educational process.

    Dominance describes the educational environment according to the criterion "significant - insignificant". This is an indicator of the hierarchical position of a given educational environment in relation to other sources of influence on a person: the greater the role played by a certain educational environment in human development, the higher, “central” place it occupies in this sense, the more dominant it is.

    For example, a rural school, which is often the only “hotbed of culture” in a given locality, will have a higher dominance score than an urban school whose students actively attend various extracurricular institutions, clubs, are heavily influenced by the media, have extensive extracurricular social contacts. In principle, the greater the degree of breadth of the educational environment, the lower the dominance, as a rule, is characterized by its individual components.

    The high dominance of the family educational environment can be observed in religious families, where the child is more oriented towards the perception of religious rather than secular values. For a young athlete strongly motivated to achieve sports success, the most dominant educational environment may be the environment of his sports school or the "author's" educational environment of his favorite coach.

    In principle, almost every one of the outstanding classics of pedagogy considered a high degree of dominance of "their own" educational environment as a necessary condition for its successful functioning. Usually this was supposed to be achieved by means of "information blockade", as in Tyumen, physical isolation, as in Locke, or a combination of both, as in Rousseau. Makarenko also called for the absolute dominance of the school educational environment: “Now about the most important thing, about the family. Families are good and families are bad. It is impossible to vouch for the fact that the family brings up properly. We cannot say that the family can bring up as it wants. We must organize family education, and the organizing principle must be the school as a representative of state education. The school should lead the family” (1988, p. 182).


    The coherence (consistency) of the educational environment shows the degree of consistency of the influence on the personality of this local environment with the influences of other environmental factors.

    Coherence characterizes the educational environment according to the criterion "harmonious - inharmonious". This is an indicator of the degree of consistency of all local educational environments, the functional subject of which is this person. In other words, coherence shows whether the given educational environment is something isolated in the environment of the personality or it is closely connected with it, highly integrated into it.

    An increase in the coherence of the educational environment can be facilitated by educational concepts and programs jointly developed by all educational institutions of the district, city or region; close cooperation of educational institutions with cultural institutions, mass media, informal youth organizations, self-government bodies, etc.

    The high degree of coherence of the educational environment can, for example, be evidenced by the clear focus of its educational goals on the social order. For example, the Sunday school of a religious community will be highly coherent with respect to the corresponding church environment and, at the same time, may turn out to be low coherent with respect to the entire environment of a secular or, moreover, atheistic state.

    We can state a relatively low level of coherence of the modern school educational environment as a whole in relation to today's radically changed environment. While in the current environment, the most socially successful can be a “dependently active career personality”, that is, a personality of an “ambitious type” according to P.F. Lesgaft, or a free and active “creative personality” (“normal ideal type” according to Lesgaft ), most educational institutions still continue to "shape" (Makarenko's expression) a passive and dependent "dogmatic personality" - a "downtrodden soft" or "downtrodden malicious type" according to the Lesgaft system.


    The social activity of the educational environment serves as an indicator of its socially oriented creative potential and the expansion of this educational environment into the living environment.

    The educational environment in some cases can act exclusively as a social consumer, exploiting certain humanitarian or material values ​​in the course of its functioning, giving nothing back to society, including its new members educated at the modern level - then it is legitimate to speak of a low degree of her social activity; in other cases, it itself produces this or that socially significant product, actively distributes it, thus influencing the environment, that is, it demonstrates a high degree of social activity. Such a socially significant product can be not only educated people who owe their personal development to this educational environment, but also intellectual and material values ​​themselves: public initiatives, computer programs, methodological literature, radio and television programs, artistic and literary creative works, souvenirs, soft toys, finally, vegetables and fruits.

    However, the main "product" of the educational environment is socially active people who strive to creatively change the environment in accordance with the value orientations that they have learned in their educational environment. “Today, only education is the main and only social institution through which it is possible to transmit and embody the basic values ​​and development goals of Russian society. In the context of a radical change in ideological views, social ideas, ideals and, in general, the existence of huge masses of people, it is education that allows you to adapt to new living conditions, keep the process of reproducing social experience, consolidate new political realities and new guidelines for social development in public consciousness and practice. (From the Concept of the Moscow regional program "Metropolitan education").

    Practice shows that not every educational environment is capable of "producing" such a socially active "product".


    The mobility of the educational environment serves as an indicator of its ability to organic evolutionary changes, in the context of relationships with the environment.

    We can talk about a high degree of mobility of the educational environment when a teacher creatively uses new methodological developments in his lessons; conducts lessons in the context of certain events occurring in the environment; easily varies the lesson plan depending on the specific situation in the class; gets acquainted with the work of psychologists and accordingly restructures the nature of his pedagogical communication with students, etc.

    Naturally, no educational environment can function stably without correlating its educational strategy with changes in environmental conditions. We are talking about a well-thought-out and planned adaptation to inevitable social changes, such a restructuring of the educational environment, which, on the one hand, would take into account the new social order, and on the other hand, would not lead to destructive situations in the educational environment itself.

    In recent times, when a real threat of nuclear war hung over the world, the educational environment could not ignore this reality, and today's relative nuclear safety of humanity is largely due to the results achieved in the field of education. At present, there is an active orientation of the universal educational environment towards global environmental problems.

    As a rule, institutions of the non-state education system have a greater degree of mobility. In particular, the low mobility of the state educational environment is directly noted in the Concept for the Development of Non-State Education in Russia, which emphasizes the objective impossibility of a quick reaction of the state education system to the changing socio-economic and political situation in the country.

    The high mobility of the educational environment lies in the ability to “ensure the adequacy of education to the requirements of a world that is changing rapidly and profoundly and which needs education not to adapt to the present, but to anticipate the future”


    The stability of the educational environment reflects its stability over time. If other parameters characterize the educational environment at a specific moment, “here and now”, in other words, its synchronous description, then the stability parameter allows for a diachronic description of the educational environment.

    Thus, the aforementioned Oxford and Cambridge, as well as other European universities, leading their history from the Middle Ages, certainly proved the high stability of their educational environment. Also, for example, one can consider the highly stable educational environment of a children's summer camp, which actually functions only three weeks a year, but this has been happening for many years, based on a stable organizational and educational methodology, the teaching staff, the core of which remains constant, etc.

    A low degree of stability of the educational environment is stated, for example, in a school where there are constant changes in the teaching staff - “staff turnover” or directors change every year. We can also talk about the low stability of the educational environment when an educational institution with a long and strong tradition decisively changes the concept of its pedagogical work, adjusting to “new trends”. When parents divorce and remarry, of course, the index of stability of the family educational environment also falls catastrophically. The same applies to the situation when a teenager “in search of himself” changes different circles, sections and clubs one after another - in this case, against the background of a drop in the stability indicator, the indicator of the breadth of his educational environment grows, etc.

    There is a tendency for a certain dependence of the stability of the educational environment on its modality. The most stable type can be attributed to the dogmatic educational environment, which functionally differs little from its medieval incarnation (for example, in the version designed by Comenius) and remains dominant in educational institutions on the threshold of the 21st century. At the same time, the creative educational environment, without a doubt, belongs to the least stable type. For example, the Yasnaya Polyana school of Leo Tolstoy, created by him on the basis of a methodology for developing the activity and personal freedom of peasant children, lasted only a few years. Korczak turned out to have few practical followers, although his pedagogical system received worldwide recognition.

    One can also note a curious situation with Rousseau's pedagogical theory, which is studied by all students of pedagogical educational institutions, but, apparently, has never been practically implemented by anyone. Thus, the educational environment designed by Rousseau has a "zero indicator" of sustainability.

    The stability of the educational environment can manifest itself in extreme situations, show its ability to "survive" without losing its essence in the face of "external pressure". As experience shows, this depends not only on the subjective position of the administration, but largely on the systemic stability of this educational environment as a whole.

    To determine the sustainability of the educational environment, it is necessary to:

    1. Mark the corresponding lines in the left (“Stability strengthening”) and right (“Stability weakening”) columns. In the gaps between the bold lines of the table, you can choose at most one positive and one negative factor. If none of the statements in this interval is suitable for the analyzed educational institution, then, naturally, nothing should be noted.
    2. To obtain a quantitative indicator of stability, it is necessary to sum up with the number 10 all received positive (no more than 5) and negative (no more than 10) points.

    For example, +2.5 (positive) points and -4 (negative) points are received. Stability: 10 + 2.5 - 4 = 8.5 points. Attention! The result obtained should not be multiplied by the modality factor.


    The selected parameters of the educational environment, of course, turn out to be to a certain extent related to each other, and at the same time, each of them can have its own low or high indicator, regardless of the level of indicators of other parameters. So, for example, the educational environment of a children's ecological camp of a creative type of modality can be characterized by a relatively low latitude, and at the same time - high intensity; a high degree of awareness and low stability, high emotionality and low generalization; high dominance and low coherence, low activity and high mobility.

    This system of parameters for the examination of the educational environment allows for its systematic description, provides an opportunity to monitor the development of the educational environment of an educational institution. Psychological and pedagogical examination of the educational environment on the basis of the presented set of diagnostic parameters makes it possible to more clearly see the potential of its organizational development (Fig. 14).

    Let's start with the fact that the methodology presented here is a tool, the effectiveness of which depends on the user. Obviously, with such a tool as, for example, an ax, wood is usually chopped, but sometimes heads are also cut off. It seems that comparing the quality of work of different teachers (or entire educational institutions) using this technique, and especially with subsequent administrative conclusions, is precisely the analogue of using an ax to cut off heads. Moreover, such a comparison is incorrect because of the inevitably different “starting potential”: different children, different parents, different premises, different financial opportunities, different periods of joint activity of the teacher and students, etc.

    As already noted, it is most appropriate to use the methodology of expertise to monitor the development of the educational environment. As the ancient Chinese sages believed, it is pointless to constantly try to compare yourself with others. After all, there will always be those who will be ahead of us, and there will definitely be those whom we ourselves have managed to get ahead of. Is it worth looking into it? It is much more important to "compare yourself with yesterday's self"!

    Having received a certain "picture" of the educational environment, the head determines the strategy for its further development based on his ideas about the goals of education. It is possible, for example, to focus available resources on a radical increase in the level of quantitative parameters that have the lowest values ​​on the cyclogram. It is possible to evenly distribute efforts, achieving a small increase in the values ​​of all parameters. One can strive to bring to the maximum values ​​one or more parameters that seem to be the most important in given specific conditions, etc. At the same time, it is not always necessary to strive to reach the theoretically possible maximum: for example, a sharp increase in the level of intensity of the educational environment may turn out to be undesirable due to too large loads on students, which will negatively affect their physical and mental health.

    Thus, a quantitative increase (“delta”) of the level of those parameters that were previously identified as strategic priorities, the increase in the indicators of which was planned, is of fundamental importance already during the re-examination.


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    In recent years, schools have gained greater freedom and independence, the issue of diagnosing the quality of the educational environment is becoming extremely relevant now.

    Slide 2. The subject of diagnostics of the educational environment of the school is their graduates, or rather, their maturity, i.e. readiness for adult life, it includes:

    Intellectual maturity (developed cognitive interests, the ability to find a constructive solution to a cognitive problem, critical thinking, etc.);

    Social maturity (responsibility for what is happening, willingness to cooperate, tolerant attitude towards others);

    Personal maturity (understanding of oneself, independence, self-respect, desire to realize one's initiatives);

    Emotional maturity (empathy, intuition, empathy, etc.).

    Therefore, a school is effective to the extent that it:

    It brings up a person who is able to live in a situation of rapid social changes that require the adoption of adequate independent decisions;

    Prepares students for positive self-realization in the main areas of life;

    Satisfies the needs of parents and the socio-cultural sphere.

    Slide 3. 2 aspects of school activities:

    1. study of the interaction between the school and the social environment, elements: a set of family orientation in the field of education; participation of parents in school life; use of socio-cultural opportunities of the environment; preparation for a positive transformation of the environment.

    2. the study of the internal resources of the school, opportunities for self-development, includes the initiative and innovative activities of teachers, the valeological component of education, the nature of interaction between students and teachers, the nature of interaction in the teaching staff, creating conditions for the development of student maturity.

    slide 4. Environmental diagnostics makes it possible to judge the state of the environment and the individual and includes:

    1) determining the type of personality, lifestyle and environment for the functioning of the educational system;

    2) examination of the real environment and evaluation of its capabilities

    3) determination of the meanings of the environment common to children, the elements that dominate it and the dominant lifestyle variables;

    4) determination of the positive elements of the environment that serve as "food" for its inhabitants;

    5) determination of the child's personality type based on a comparison of diagnostic data with a personality type standard (if it is a normative diagnosis) or with previous results (relative diagnosis).

    Slide 5. As an integral resulting characteristic of the educational environment I. M. Ulanovskaya, N. I. Polivanova, I. V. Ermakova(1997) was chosen as the criterion of mental development in its intellectual, social and personal components. They developed a diagnostic package that includes 3 blocks of techniques:

    1 - aimed at qualitative and age-appropriate diagnostics of the results of the impact of the educational environment (intellectual abilities of children, their social and individual personality characteristics, motivational sphere).

    2 - specific features of the means by which a particular school achieves its developmental effect (analysis of the organization of the educational process and methods of interaction in the "teacher-student" system, the study of the socio-psychological structure of classes and the identification of significant criteria for the formation of interpersonal relations between students, a description of the essential characteristics of the psychological school climate).

    3 - procedures for identifying internal targets that determine the specifics and effectiveness of the impact of the educational environment of the school on all aspects of the mental development of students.

    slide 6. Educational environment diagnostics program developed by S. D. Deryabo(1997) is based on the idea that any educational environment should contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the health of students, the development of their cognitive and personal spheres. The general indicator of the development of the personality of the student and the class consists of 3 assessments: the state of somatic health, the development of the cognitive sphere, the development of the personal sphere.

    Slide 7. V. G. Zarubin, V. A. Makaridina, N. I. Almazova(1998) consider social comfort as one of the criteria for the effectiveness of the educational environment, which may include such indicators as self-assessment of participation in the life of the school community, assessment of the relationship between students and teachers, assessment of the nature of the relationship of students with each other.

    The main characteristics of the social component of the developing educational environment: mutual understanding and satisfaction of the subjects of the educational process with relationships; the prevailing positive mood of the subjects of the educational process; credibility of leaders - directors and teachers; the degree of participation of all subjects in the management of educational processes; cohesion and consciousness of the subjects of the educational process; productivity of interaction in the learning component of the educational process.

    slide 8. 2 approaches to assessing the educational environment:

    1) Diagnostic approach: a) analysis of structural components; b) studying the results of the impact of the environment on its participants (as a rule, on students and, to a much lesser extent, on teachers and other participants); c) a combination of the first two. Yasvin considers the psychological and pedagogical complex of possibilities of the educational environment based on the system of personal needs identified by A. Maslow and E. A. Klimov: the possibility of satisfying physiological needs; the ability to meet the security needs; the possibility of assimilation of group norms and ideals; the ability to meet social needs (love, respect, recognition); the ability to meet the need for meaningful activity; the ability to meet the need to maintain and improve self-esteem; the possibility of satisfying and developing cognitive needs in the area of ​​interest; the ability to meet and develop the need for transformative activities in the area of ​​interest; the ability to meet and develop the need for aesthetic design of the environment; the possibility of satisfying and developing the need for independent ordering of the individual picture of the world; the possibility of satisfying and developing the need to master an ever higher level of skill in one's business; the possibility of satisfying and developing the need for self-actualization.

    2) Expert approach- is aimed at a comprehensive assessment of its developmental capabilities. Experts argue that it is the developing function of expertise that is the backbone (S. L. Bratchenko, 159 G. A. Mkrtychan, A. N. Tubelsky). Expertise as a method involves focusing on the competence and experience of a specialist-expert, whose personality is the main "tool" of the study. This is the difference between examination and diagnostics, which is based on the appropriate technical and methodological equipment of the researcher. The method of examination organically includes the subjective opinion of the expert, due to his professional intuition.

    slide 9. Psychological and Pedagogical Expertise Program educational environment, proposed by V. A. Yasvin, who believes that the examination can be carried out both by independent specialists and “included experts” - administration, teachers, parents, and students. As a criterion indicator, the presence or absence in the environment of conditions and opportunities for the development of the child's activity and his personal freedom is considered.

    4 types of educational environment according to J. Korchak:

    Dogmatic - contributing to the development of passivity and dependence of the child;

    Career - contributing to the development of activity, but also the dependence of the child; - "serene educational environment", which promotes free development, but also causes the formation of the child's passivity;

    Creative - contributing to the free development of an active child.

    Yasvin singles out the parameters of the educational environment: the breadth of the educational environment is a structural and content characteristic that shows which subjects, objects, processes and phenomena are included in this educational environment; intensity of the educational environment - a structural and dynamic characteristic showing the degree of saturation of the educational environment with conditions, influences and opportunities, as well as the concentration of their manifestation; awareness of the educational environment - an indicator of the conscious involvement in it of all subjects of the educational process; the emotionality of the educational environment characterizes the ratio of emotional and rational components in it. Obviously, a certain educational environment can be both emotionally rich, bright, and emotionally poor, “dry”. The profile of the educational institution can leave an imprint on the indicator of the emotionality of the educational environment; dominance of the educational environment - characterizes the significance of this local environment in the system of values ​​of the subjects of the educational process; coherence (consistency) of the educational environment - shows whether this educational environment is something isolated in the environment of the individual, or is it closely connected with it, deeply integrated into it; the social activity of the educational environment is an indicator of its socially oriented creative potential; mobility of the educational environment - the ability to organic evolutionary changes; sustainability of the educational environment - characterizes its stability over time; generalization of the educational environment - characterizes the degree of coordination of all subjects of the educational environment. A high degree of generalization of the educational environment of any educational institution is ensured by the presence of a clear concept of the activities of this institution.

    slide 10. Humanitarian expertise(Bratchenko, Senko, Tubelsky) is a deep and personality-oriented examination, since the focus of its attention is a person as a person.

    S. L. Bratchenko introduces the concept of “ psychological and pedagogical expertise”, which is aimed at pedagogical reality, is determined by humanistic values, guidelines, principles, means and methods of study. Objects of humanitarian expertise in education (HEE): 1. Students. 2. Teachers. 3. Educational process. 4. Way of life of the school. 5. Environment and environment.

    Slide 11. The psychological safety of the educational environment distinguishes two main functions - protective (defending the rights and interests of the individual in accordance with key humanitarian criteria, the requirements of health psychology, etc.) and developing (this fixation is not just a statement, but the identification of the "starting point" of the development of psychological resources of the educational environment by the support service for all its participants).

    Similar information.

    For the examination of the educational environment, an apparatus for its formal description should be developed based on a system of appropriate parameters. There are five "basic" parameters: breadth, intensity, modality, degree of awareness and sustainability; as well as six parameters of the "second order": emotionality, generalization, dominance, coherence, adherence to principles, activity.

    The parameters are evaluated according to the scheme below. Then, for each block, the scores are summed up (the sum cannot exceed 10 points), and recorded in the "Final score" line. Then, using the values ​​of the modality coefficients, the corresponding coefficient for each parameter is determined.


    Breadth is a qualitatively meaningful characteristic showing which subjects, objects, processes and phenomena are included in a given educational environment.

    Final score

    modality factor

    1. Local excursions(on foot, by city and suburban transport)

    Almost never carried out

    Available but not for all students

    Each student has the opportunity to participate at least twice a year.

    Periodically conducted excursions as an integral part of the educational process (for example, classes in laboratories, in a museum, at enterprises, etc.)

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.25 points)

    2. Travel

    Almost never happens

    Not for all students

    Every student has the opportunity to participate once a year.

    Each student has the opportunity to participate at least twice a year.

    School trips to other cities as an integral part of the educational process

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.25 points)

    3. Exchange of teachers

    There is no exchange of teachers with other educational institutions

    The exchange of teachers with other educational institutions is one-time, episodic

    Teachers have the opportunity to teach (train) in other educational institutions for some time

    Teachers (specialists) from other institutions and organizations (schools, universities, scientific, cultural, sports centers, etc.) systematically work in the school (class)

    bilateral exchange of teachers with other domestic and / and foreign educational institutions

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.25 points)

    4. Student exchange

    There is no exchange of students with other educational institutions

    The exchange of students with other educational institutions is a one-time episodic

    Schoolchildren from other educational institutions are systematically admitted

    Students have the opportunity to study for some time in another educational institution (also all-Russian and international children's and youth camps, expeditions, etc.)

    A program of ongoing bilateralhim exchange of students with other domestic and / and foreign educational institutions

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.25 points)

    5. The breadth of the material base

    Students mainly study in unequipped classrooms, there are only a few specialized classrooms, many of them combined

    Classes are held mainly in specialized equipped premises (including a gym, workshop, library, etc.), but some of the necessary specialized premises are still lacking

    There is a full set of necessary methodologically and technically equipped specialized premises

    Along with the "standard set" of well-equipped premises, there are some additional educational structures (school museum, winter garden, music library, video library, school cafe, etc.).

    There are all the necessary equipped premises, as well as the possibility of students' access to computer information networks (Internet)

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.25 points)

    6. Visiting cultural institutions(theatres, concerts, exhibitions, etc.)

    Almost never happens

    Not for all students

    Each student has the opportunity to visit once every six months

    Each student has the opportunity to visit once a quarter

    Periodic visits to cultural institutions as an integral part of the educational process

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.25 points)

    7. Guests

    Students communicate almost exclusively with their teachers, guests are rarely invited

    Guests (specialists, veterans, deputies, etc.) periodically give lectures (stories) to students and teachers

    Parents are actively involved in the educational work of the school, participate in various activities with their children (hiking, fun starts, creative exhibitions)

    Communication between students and teachers with interesting people is periodically organized in the form of conversations, round tables, discussions, etc.

    Festivals, holidays, conferences or other forms of mass reception of guests are periodically organized

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.25 points)

    8. Possibilities for choosing educational microenvironments

    Students have little to no educational opportunities other than in-class activities.

    Some students have opportunities to study in various circles, sections, interest clubs

    Each student can engage in circles, sections, interest clubs

    Students have the opportunity to choose a class (profile, according to the level of preparedness of schoolchildren)

    Students have a choice of teachers

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.25 points)


    Intensity is a structural and dynamic characteristic that shows the degree of saturation of the educational environment with conditions, influences and opportunities, as well as the concentration of their manifestation.

    Final score

    modality factor

    1. Level of requirements for students

    Reduced requirements are imposed on the knowledge of students (due to the peculiarities of the contingent of students: poor health, pedagogical neglect, etc.)

    The requirements for the knowledge of students, as a rule, do not exceed the relevant requirements of the state standard

    Requirements to some students go beyond the state standard

    To all students are more demanding

    The educational process in a number of academic disciplines is conducted according to enhanced programs (for example, according to university programs)

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5 points)

    2. Interactive forms and methods

    The educational process is dominated by traditional methods based on the reproduction of learned material by students.

    Some teachers use interactive (“dialogue”) forms and methods (trainings, simulation games, etc.)

    Most educators tend to use interactive forms and methods of education

    The teaching staff declared the priority of the interactive educational process in this educational institution

    Interactive forms and methods of education are the main ones in the real practice of teachers, qualified specialists systematically conduct appropriate educational and methodological work with teachers

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5 points)

    Often during the lessons, students remain “underloaded” with learning tasks, they can do extraneous matters, get bored, chat, etc.

    Classes in the classroom are quite intensive, while teachers try to give a minimum of homework; as a rule, after classes, students leave school

    After school, students usually stay at school.

    for consultations with teachers, for electives and other additional classes; homework is minimal (or heavy homework, but students do not stay at school after class)

    After school, students stay at school for extra classes; and also receive voluminous homework assignments

    Almost all the time of students is somehow connected with the educational process (for example, in specialized boarding schools, etc.)

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5 points)

    4. Organization of active recreation

    Students, as a rule, spend weekends and vacations in families that are not related to the educational process of their educational institution.

    On weekends, recreational and educational activities are systematically held for students (weekend club, evenings, holidays, etc.)

    During the autumn, winter and spring holidays, most students are included in the recreational and educational process (subject seminars, trips, competitions, olympiads, festivals, etc.)

    During the summer holidays, the educational institution organizes camps, labor associations, hiking trips, etc. for students.

    The educational institution has developed and is implementing a special program for organizing active recreation for students (both on weekends and during the holidays)

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5 points)


    Awareness of the educational environment - the degree of involvement in it of the subjects of the educational process.

    Final score

    modality factor

    1. Level of awareness about the educational institution

    Virtually none of the students teachers and parents is not able to answer questions like: When and under what circumstances was this educational institution founded? Who was its first director and what is remarkable about this person? What famous people have studied or taught here? and so on.

    Individual teachers know the history and traditions of their educational institution

    The history and traditions of the educational institution are known to several teachers and a group of students who are specially engaged in their study.

    Most teachers and students are familiar with the history and traditions of their educational institution.

    Almost all teachers, students and their parents have an idea about the history of this educational institution.

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.4)

    2. Symbolism

    The educational institution does not have any elements of its own symbols

    There is a corresponding symbolism, but it is not at all popular among teachers, students and parents.

    The educational institution, along with the formal type name, has its own special name (school "Rainbow", school named after ..., etc.), and all students know about it

    The emblem of the educational institution is well known to students and parents (reproduced on stands, report cards, diplomas, commendations, etc.)

    The educational institution has its own banner, which is kept in a prominent place of honor; important events are held under this banner.

    Students and teachers know the words of the anthem of their educational institution well and proudly sing it on appropriate occasions

    Students and teachers willingly wear the badges of their educational institution

    The educational institution has a special form or uniform elements (t-shirts with the symbols of their educational institution, "branded" hats, etc.), which students and teachers willingly wear

    Other instead of the proposed(do not exceed 1.5 for this block)

    3. Formation of awareness

    Special work is not carried out or is episodic

    Periodic talks on the history of the educational institution are held

    There are separate stands telling about the history and traditions of the educational institution

    The chronicle of the educational institution is kept (photo, film, video and other materials are drawn up)

    Anniversaries of the educational institution are solemnly celebrated, long-term preparations are being made for these celebrations

    A museum (permanent exhibition) of the history of the educational institution was organized

    Other instead of the proposed(do not exceed 1.5 for this block)

    4. Communication with alumni

    Contacts of teachers and students with former graduates are random, episodic

    Contact with alumni is limited to holding an evening of meetings once a year

    Teachers and students are in constant correspondence with many alumni

    The teaching staff purposefully monitors the fate of graduates, if necessary, they are provided with appropriate support

    Many graduates continue to maintain contacts with the educational institution, willingly provide it with various assistance.

    There is a permanent public body such as the Alumni Council, which assists the development of the educational institution

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.4)

    5. Employee activity

    Almost all teachers and technical staff are extremely reluctant to take part in any necessary work (repair, decoration, duty, etc.) without appropriate payment

    A significant part of the teachers and technical staff willingly responds to the requests of the administration for gratuitous assistance to the educational institution

    Almost the entire team willingly responds to requests from the administration for gratuitous assistance.

    Many employees themselves show the appropriate initiative, spare no time and effort for the development of the educational institution

    Most employees are personally interested in the development of the educational institution, they perceive all its problems as their own, actively participate in their discussion and practical resolution

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.4)

    6. Student activity

    Almost all students are extremely reluctant to take part in any necessary work (repair, decoration, duty, etc.)

    A significant part of the students willingly responds to the requests of teachers for any assistance to the educational institution.

    Almost all students willingly respond to requests from the administration and teachers for any help.

    Many students themselves show the appropriate initiative, spare no time and effort for the development of the educational institution.

    Most students are personally interested in the development of the educational institution, they perceive all its problems as their own, actively participate in their discussion and practical resolution

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.4)

    7. Parent activity

    Almost all parents are extremely reluctant to take part in any necessary work (repair, decoration, duty, etc.)

    A significant part of parents willingly responds to the requests of teachers for any assistance to the educational institution.

    Almost all parents willingly respond to requests from the administration and teachers for any help.

    Many parents themselves take the appropriate initiative, spare no time and effort for the development of the educational institution.

    Most parents are personally interested in the development of the educational institution, they perceive all its problems as their own, actively participate in their discussion and practical resolution

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.4)


    Generalization characterizes the degree of coordination of the activities of all subjects of this educational environment.

    Final score

    modality factor

    1. Team of like-minded people

    The educational process is organized by each teacher on the basis of his own ideas about the goals, content, principles and methods of training and education, no uniform methodological requirements for teachers are imposed by the administration

    Deputy directors make up his “team”, they present a system of uniform methodological requirements to teachers

    Along with the administration, the team of like-minded people also includes some of the teachers

    Most teachers essentially form a single professional team

    As a result of purposeful work with the team, almost all teachers of this educational institution consciously implement a unified educational strategy

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.7)

    2. The concept of the development of an educational institution

    There is no serious concept for the development of an educational institution yet, the educational process is carried out “by inertia”

    The initiative to develop the concept of an educational institution comes from a group of teachers, while the administration remains incompetent and passive in this matter

    The concept of an educational institution is developed by the director and his deputies, and teachers do not yet have a clear idea about this

    An educational institution implements a certain educational concept, the essence of which is known and understood by teachers, but not everyone agrees with this particular approach.

    The concept of an educational institution, the main strategic guidelines for its development are well understood and supported by a team of teachers

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.7)

    3. Forms of work with the teaching staff

    Methodical work with the teaching staff to understand the educational goals of the educational institution, the content of the educational process, etc. not really done

    At the teachers' councils, the administration raises questions of coordinating the efforts of teachers in terms of developing a common understanding of the goals and methods of the educational process

    The problem of the coordination of the work of teachers is the main one in the work of their methodological associations.

    Pedagogical conferences are periodically held at which there is a free exchange of views, strategic provisions for the development of an educational institution are jointly developed

    A permanent pedagogical seminar was organized, aimed at increasing the level of understanding by employees of the goals of the educational process, the prospects for the development of an educational institution

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.6)

    4. Student involvement

    Students are practically only responsible for their own progress, they are not informed about the main provisions of the educational concept of their educational institution

    Students are told about the teachers' understanding of the goals of the educational process and the strategic guidelines for the development of the educational institution

    Separate proposals of students to change the organization of the educational process are seriously considered and can be implemented

    Students really participate in the management of the educational institution, active students are part of the “team” that develops the strategy for the development of the educational institution

    There is a specially developed system for including students in the process of strategic planning of the work of an educational institution, their understanding of educational goals and methods

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.7)

    5. Parent involvement

    Parents are only interested in the progress of their children, they are not informed about the main provisions of the educational concept of the educational institution

    At parent-teacher meetings, parents are told about the teachers' understanding of the goals of the educational process and the strategic guidelines for the development of the educational institution

    Separate proposals of the parent committee to change the organization of the educational process are considered by the administration and can be implemented

    There is a specially developed system of interaction between the administration and teachers with parents

    Parents really participate in the management of the educational institution, they are part of the “team” that develops the strategy for the development of the educational institution

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.7)

    The educational institution does not maintain close contacts with representatives of psychological and pedagogical science

    The educational institution builds the educational process on the basis of a certain methodological model, the administration received advice from scientists before the start of the project

    A permanent seminar for teachers was organized, which is conducted by scientists - the authors of the educational concept of this educational institution

    The educational institution is an experimental site of a scientific institution, scientists - the authors of the educational concept - work in constant close contact with the administration and teachers

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 1.6)


    Emotionality is the ratio of emotional and rational components in the educational environment.

    Final score

    modality factor

    1. Relationships in the teaching staff

    Teachers' councils, meetings, etc. are carried out in a strict business rhythm, various manifestations of emotions and "extraneous conversations" are not encouraged by the administration

    Teachers' councils, meetings, etc. take place in an informal setting, participants feel psychologically comfortable, easily and freely show their emotions

    Teachers often meet in an informal setting both "within the walls" of the educational institution and outside (celebrating birthdays, holidays, visiting each other, attending concerts, exhibitions, etc.)

    Each teacher feels empathy and support from colleagues about their professional successes and failures

    In the teaching staff, it is customary to share not only professional, but also personal problems.

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5)

    2. Relationship with students

    The relationship between teachers and students is predominantly role-based, formalized, limited to educational and disciplinary issues.

    The relationship between teachers and students, although carried out mainly in a formal framework (at lessons, meetings, etc.), is predominantly interpersonal in nature, distinguished by sincerity and empathy, concern"extracurricular" problems of students

    Teachers and students often communicate with each other in an informal setting (both in the educational institution and outside it)

    Each student feels empathy and support from teachers about their successes and failures associated with the educational process.

    Students often share with teachers their personal problems receiving compassion and support from them

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5)

    3. Relationship with parents

    The relationship between teachers and parents is predominantly role-based, formalized, limited to educational and disciplinary issues.

    The relationship between teachers and parents, although carried out mainly in a formal framework (at meetings, etc.), is predominantly interpersonal in nature, is distinguished by sincerity and empathy, and relates to “extracurricular” problems

    Teachers and parents often communicate with each other in an informal setting (both in the educational institution and outside it)

    Parents feel empathy and support from teachers about the successes and failures of their children associated with the educational process

    Parents often share various family problems with teachers, receiving empathy and support.

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5)

    4. Emotionality of the design of the spatial-objective environment

    The visual design of the educational institution (stands, posters, slogans, bulletin board, etc.) is strictly functional, focused primarily on the communication of serious information

    In the design of the interiors of the educational institution there are emotionally rich elements (fabulous, humorous, satirical plots of posters, pictures, slogans, wall newspapers, etc.)

    Exhibitions of drawings (essays) of students reflecting their attitude to their educational institution are periodically held

    Participants of such exhibitions are not only students, but also teachers.

    Students and teachers can free express your emotions (draw cartoons, write wishes or thanks, etc.) on special tablets, wall newspapers, etc.

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5)


    Dominance - characterizes the significance of this local environment in the system of values ​​of the subjects of the educational process.

    Final score

    modality factor

    1. Significance for educators

    Most teachers also work in other places, this educational institution is not considered by them as the most important area of ​​their professional implementation.

    Most teachers work only in this educational institution, but treat work formally

    The school has a group of teachers. for whom their work contains the main meaning of life

    Despite the forced part-time jobs in other places, this educational institution is considered by most teachers as the most important area of ​​their professional implementation.

    Perhaps the whole way of life of the majority teachers one way or another due to involvement in the life of the educational institution, which is their main life value

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 3.3)

    2. Relevance to students

    For most students, this educational institution has not become a particularly significant place in their lives, and teachers are not included in the circle of authoritative people

    It is more important for students to communicate with individual teachers than the educational environment of a given educational institution as a whole.

    Although an educational institution is not a center of social realization for most students, “school (student) life” still constitutes one of their most important values ​​for them.

    In everyday life, most students adhere to the principles and norms adopted in this educational institution, even if these principles and norms criticized from parents, neighbors, peers, etc.

    Perhaps the whole way of life of most students is somehow conditioned by involvement in the life of the educational institution, which is their main life value.

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 3.4)

    3. Significance for parents

    For most parents, this educational institution and its teachers do not enjoy special authority.

    Only communication with individual teachers is significant for parents.

    Parents highly value the opinion of teachers and try to follow their recommendations, even if they disagree with their own opinion on educational problems.

    Parents are proud that their children study in this educational institution, many have changed their place of residence for this or send children from other microdistricts here

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 3.3)


    Coherence (consistency) - the degree of consistency of the influence on the personality of a given local environment with the influences of other environmental factors.

    Final score

    modality factor

    1. Continuity with other educational institutions

    Students can be admitted to an educational institution without competition, payment or other special conditions

    Students of any level can transfer to other similar educational institutions without additional conditions

    Graduates of this educational institution consistently enter various educational institutions of a higher educational level (gymnasiums, colleges, universities, etc.)

    The educational institution has associated programs with universities in which graduates can be enrolled without entrance examinations

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 3.3)

    2. Regional integration

    Coordination of the content of the regional component of education (in history, geography, etc.) in an educational institution with local scientists and competent specialists

    The use of local scientific, industrial, cultural, sports and other social potential in the organization of the educational process

    The educational institution closely cooperates with various environmental, political, youth, religious and other organizations

    Permanent contacts of the educational institution with local governments

    Vocational training of students of this educational institution in accordance with the socio-economic needs of their region

    The inclusion of this educational institution with its special educational function in the Concept for the Development of the Regional Education System

    (if there is such a Concept)

    Other instead of the proposed one (from 0.1 to 3.3)

    3. Wide social integration

    Training of students is limited by the requirements of the state standard

    Students receive not only the level of scientific knowledge according to the state standard, but also practical training that meets modern requirements (computer, communication, valeological, environmental, economic, etc.)

    Special psychological and pedagogical work in an educational institution is aimed at developing in students the personal qualities necessary for success in modern society (purposefulness, determination, responsibility, efficiency, etc.)

    Students receive a level of education (including knowledge of foreign languages) and personal development that provides the opportunity to study or work abroad

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 3.4)


    Activity serves as an indicator of socially oriented creative potential and the expansion of the educational environment into the living environment.

    Final score

    modality factor

    1. Broadcast achievements

    Students of this educational institution systematically win subject Olympiads of various levels

    An educational institution is a methodological center that extends its work experience to other educational institutions (programs, methods, etc.)

    The educational institution is famous in the region for any creative (sports) team (ensemble, theater, orchestra, KVN team, sports team)

    In addition to educational services, an educational institution puts on the market any goods and services (computer products, agricultural products, souvenirs, toys, consultations, etc.)

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5)

    2. Working with the media

    (one of the three items in each sector of the table is evaluated)

    Sector 1

    On the air sounded individual radio broadcasts about this educational institution

    On air periodically radio broadcasts about this educational institution

    Information about the life of this educational institution systematically broadcast on local radio

    Sector 2

    There are separate publications about this educational institution in newspapers (magazines)

    In newspapers (magazines) periodically materials about this educational institution are published

    Materials about this educational institution sisthematically are published in the press (for example, the local newspaper has a special section, page, etc.)

    Sector 3

    Available individual TV broadcasts (plots, messages, programs) about the educational institution

    Various information about the activities of the educational institution are periodically broadcast on television

    The educational institution has permanent air time on television, information about it is reported systematically

    Published special booklets (brochures, books) telling about this educational institution

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5)

    3. Social initiatives

    (one of the two items in each sector of the table is evaluated)

    Sector 1

    The educational institution takes an active part in various regional exhibitions, reviews, competitions, festivals and other socially significant forms of realization of the creative activity of people

    The educational institution is the initiator of various regional exhibitions, reviews, competitions, festivals and other socially significant forms of realization of people's creative activity

    Sector 2

    The educational institution takes an active part in various socially significant actions and movements (environmental protection, assistance to veterans, the disabled, patronage, etc.)

    The educational institution is the initiator of various socially significant actions and movements (environment protection, assistance to veterans, the disabled, patronage, etc.)

    It is this educational institution that is essentially a recognized leader in the region (one of such leaders) in terms of organizing and conducting various social initiatives

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5)

    4. Social significance of graduates

    (one of the two points in the sector of the table is evaluated)

    Sector 1

    Individual graduates educational institution became well-known people in the region (in science, art, sports, politics, business and administration, etc.)

    Graduates of this educational institution make up a significant part of the local (regional) social elite (political, creative, business, administrative)

    Individual graduates of the educational institution have achieved a high position in their field of activity throughout the country, have become famous, popular people

    Individual graduates of the educational institution have achieved fame abroad, their activities strengthen the international prestige of Russia

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5)


    Mobility serves as an indicator of the environment's ability to undergo limited evolutionary changes, in the context of relationships with the environment.

    Final score

    modality factor

    1. Mobility of goals and content of education

    The educational process is aimed primarily at the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students within the framework of the requirements of the state standard

    The educational process also includes the preparation of students in a number of new disciplines, the most relevant in modern socio-economic conditions (basics of entrepreneurial activity, business communication, ecology, law, etc.)

    The educational process is purposefully focused not only on the academic and professional training of students, but also on the development of their functional literacy (linguistic, communicative, computer, valeological, etc.), as well as on their personal development and self-development

    educational institution even changed my profil, focusing on modern social needs (has become economic, environmental, linguistic, etc.)

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5)

    2. Mobility of educational methods

    Almost the entire educational process is based on the use of traditional reproducing teaching methods (the teacher provides new information, and students are evaluated by their ability to reproduce and apply them)

    Some educators use modern active (interactive) methods (imitation games, training forms, creative workshops, etc.)

    Most educators know modern methods and strive to use them in the educational process.

    The educational institution organized purposeful training of teachers in modern educational technologies, established methodological support for teachers using active methods of education

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5)

    3. Mobility of staffing education

    New training courses are provided due to the additional workload of teachers who independently master their content and methodology.

    New training courses are provided by teachers who independently prepared for them and now teach only these disciplines.

    New training courses are provided by teachers who previously taught other subjects and then changed their profile, passing appropriate additional training

    Graduated specialists of the relevant profile are invited to teach new disciplines

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5)

    4. Mobility of educational facilities

    The educational process uses only traditional textbooks, problem books, anthologies, visual aids, which have hardly been updated for many years

    Along with the old ones, new experimental textbooks, manuals, etc. are also used.

    The educational process is built mainly on the basis of new textbooks, modern visual aids and technical teaching aids.

    There is an opportunity to constantly follow the latest developments in the market of educational tools and purchase textbooks, manuals, programs, technical tools, visual aids, etc. that you like.

    Other instead of the proposed(from 0.1 to 2.5)


    Sustainability reflects the stability of the educational environment over time. To determine the sustainability of the educational environment, it is necessary to:

      Mark the corresponding lines in the left (“Stability strengthening”) and right (“Stability weakening”) columns. In sectors, you can choose no more than one positive and one negative factor. If none of the statements in this sector is suitable for the analyzed educational institution, then nothing should be marked.

      To obtain a quantitative indicator of stability, it is necessary to sum up with the number 10 all received positive (no more than 5) and negative (more than 10) points.

    For example: received +2.5 (positive) points and -4 (negative) points. Stability: 10 + 2.5 - 4 = 8.5

    The result obtained should not be multiplied by the modality factor.

    Resilience Boost (+)

    Weakening stability (-)

    Sector 1

    This director has been in charge of the educational institution for at least 2 years

    There has been a change in director over the last year.

    over 5 years

    Over the past two or three years, several directors have changed

    over 10 years

    Sector 2

    Administration remains stable for at least 2 years

    Over the past two or three years, more than two deputy directors have changed

    over 5 years

    The main "backbone" of teachers has remained stable over the past 5 years

    In recent years, several of the most respected teachers have left the educational institution.

    The entire team of teachers has remained stable over the past 5 years

    There is a frequent change (relocation) of subject teachers and class teachers

    Many teachers are graduates of this educational institution

    Many teachers came from other regions

    Most of the parents of current students graduated from this educational institution in due time.

    The specificity of the educational process involves a frequent change in the contingent of students

    (short courses, seminars, camp, etc.)

    The educational institution was created more than 50 years ago, all these years it has retained its profile and educational traditions

    The educational institution was created less than 5 years ago or has changed its profile or status (secondary school has become a lyceum, etc.)

    The educational institution is located in an old historical building

    The educational institution does not have its own building, the premises are rented

    The educational institution survived, having adequately survived a serious test (“harassment” of the director, a lawsuit over the rights to the building, a big fire, etc.)

    As a result of a number of “external” problems that have arisen, relationships in the team have worsened, the level of education has decreased

    Other instead of the proposed

    Other instead of the proposed

    Note: As the practical experience of using this technique shows, it is quite laborious, but extremely objective and really allows you to get an idea of ​​the dynamics of changes in the educational environment in an institution.