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  • Essay Gerasim and Tatyana in Turgenev's story mumu
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  • Description of the relationship between Gerasim and Tatyana. Essay Gerasim and Tatyana in Turgenev's story mumu. Write down the house on the board. exercise

    Description of the relationship between Gerasim and Tatyana.  Essay Gerasim and Tatyana in Turgenev's story mumu.  Write down the house on the board.  exercise

    (Drawing by I.I. Pchelko)

    The serf peasant woman Tatyana appears before the readers at the beginning of the work.

    First, in passing, between descriptions of other characters.

    Then her image comes to life, is complemented and it becomes clear that this is one of the key characters not only in the book, but also in the fate of the main character, Gerasim.

    Tatyana's character and appearance

    In her youth she was quite pretty, she was even considered a beauty. She has blond hair, is slender, and short in stature. But not only did she not blossom, but by the age of 28 she had turned into a plain-looking woman who became a laundress on a lady’s farm.

    She was a diligent worker. It seemed that the whole meaning of her life lay precisely in the flawless fulfillment of the duties assigned to her.

    No matter how strange it may seem at the moment, the fate of the pretty girl was influenced by a mole on her left cheek. In Rus', this mark was considered a bad sign. They believed that such women and those around them would certainly face an unhappy life.

    Apparently that’s why Tatyana was not particularly welcomed. She did not know affection. She had to work very hard, but she was paid extremely poorly. Even relatives, if there were any, did not communicate with the unfortunate woman.

    Tatyana never contradicted not only the lady, but also the rest of the inhabitants of the estate. She was quiet, meek and unrequited. No matter how painful and sad she was, she never showed it in public. If she cried, it was only when no one saw.

    She was insanely afraid of the lady, although she practically did not see her. She resignedly accepted both instructions in her work and dissatisfaction and decisions concerning her personal life.

    Tatiana and Gerasim

    (Nina Grebeshkova and Afanasy Kochetkov, film "Mumu", 1959)

    It was probably this humility to fate and circumstances that Gerasim so loved in Tatyana. Or maybe he felt a kindred spirit in her. In fact, she was also an outcast in society, just like him. Only Gerasim was not taken seriously because of his illness - he was deaf and dumb, and Tatyana - because of her unfortunate mole on her left cheek.

    Be that as it may, he loved her selflessly and unrequitedly. His girlfriend was afraid. She was so afraid that she succumbed to Gavrila’s persuasion to feign intoxication in front of Gerasim. Everyone knew that he really disliked drunks. Only by pretending to be drunk did she finally get rid of the man’s advances. That day, Gerasim was disappointed in his chosen one, and never gave up the red scarf that he had saved for her as a gift. Since then he has become even more gloomy and unsociable.

    Tatyana was married to the drunkard Kapiton. The lady hoped that marriage would force him to settle down. But the plan failed. The shoemaker completely drank himself to death. A year after the wedding, the married couple was expelled from Moscow.

    On the day of departure, Gerasim went out to see Tatyana off. He gave her a red scarf that he had saved a year ago. Tatyana burst into tears and kissed him.

    What was Tatyana crying about?

    (Elena Korikova as Tatyana, film "Mumu", 1998)

    Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is that she regretted that she was so afraid of Gerasim that she chose the hopeless Kapiton as her husband. Or maybe she realized that it was impossible to so blindly accept any decision of the hostess. After all, the butler Gavrila tried to get an answer from her about who was dearer to her, the janitor or the shoemaker. But, seeing in her only resignation to the lady’s decision, he began to think about how to get Gerasim away from Tatyana, and not to dissuade the lady from changing her decision. Who knows, if the girl had liked the janitor and said so, everything could have turned out differently.

    Tatiana's influence on Gerasim

    Be that as it may, the story of Tatyana’s drunkenness prank made an indelible impression on the hero of I. S. Turgenev’s work. After leaving the estate, he never communicated with any other woman. Who knows whether he became disillusioned with women, believing the girl’s alleged intoxication, or realized that it was a joke. Perhaps he decided that since Tatyana was so frightened by his gigantic height and heroic strength, or his illness, that she decided to present herself in a light that was obviously unacceptable to him, there was no point in trying to build relationships with others. And it is possible that he continued to love this quiet, unrequited, but just as hardworking as himself, Tatyana...

    II. The history of the relationship between Gerasim and Tatiana
    Commented reading
    We read an excerpt dedicated to this topic (from the words: “So a year passed...”(p. 211)- to the words: “...and swayed from foot to foot under his iron fists”(p. 222).
    As the story progresses, we explain (if necessary, write down) unfamiliar words.
    “Klimov considered himself... an educated and metropolitan man who should not live in Moscow...”— the capital of Russia at that time was St. Petersburg.
    Let us convey the irony in Gavrila’s description:“Then one day the lady was talking about him with her chief butler, Gavrila, a man who, judging by his yellow eyes and duck nose, fate itself seemed to have destined to be the person in charge.”
    “Get married, sir,” “is it possible, sir,” “okay,”—this is how subordinates often answered their superiors, showing them their devotion.

    — What does the fact that the butler Gavrila’s room “was almost entirely cluttered with forged chests” tell us?

    — Why does the author write about Tatyana that “her beauty slipped away very quickly”?
    “At lunch, the wardrobemaid...”- all the servants dined together.
    Let us convey the irony as we read:
    “True, the wardrobemaid, as soon as she ran into the maid’s room, immediately fainted and generally acted so skillfully that on the same day she brought Gerasim’s rude act to the attention of the lady...”
    Let's write down Gavrila's opinion about Gerasim:
    “... still he is a dumb creature...”
    Having read to the paragraph: “The appearance of Kapiton interrupted the thread of Gavrilin’s thoughts,” let’s pause and summarize what we have learned. Let's write down the names of the main characters in this story on the board:

    We read Gavrila’s conversation with Kapito.It is very important to accurately convey the intonations of the characters, the characters of the butler and the shoemaker.

    Conversation between Gavrila and Tatiana
    — Why did Tatyana agree to play drunk?
    - Do you think Gerasim believed that Tatyana was drunk? Why did he push her towards Capito? What did he mean by this?

    “He grabbed her hand, rushed across the entire courtyard and, entering with her into the room where the council was meeting, pushed her straight to Capito.”In this scene we see that all the servants have united against Gerasim, against the possible manifestation of his own will, defending the sudden desire of the lady.

    — How do we find out about Gerasim’s experiences?
    - Why does the lady decide to marry Kapiton to Tatiana? What is this: tyranny or whim?

    Caprice - This is a minor whim, a whim.
    Tyranny - this is the behavior of a person who acts on his own whim or arbitrariness, while humiliating the dignity of other people.

    Write out from the text epithets, comparisons, sentences related to the description of one of the characters:
    1) Gavrila;
    2) Kapiton;
    3) Tatiana.
    Based on these recordings, you need to compose stories about these heroes.
    Re-read the story with the words: “All this happened in the spring”(p. 222)- to the words: “...Gerasim lay, all pale, on his bed and tightly squeezed Mumu’s mouth.”(p. 233).

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    A laundress lived in the lady's house. Her name was Tatyana. She was about twenty-eight years old, small, thin, blond, with moles on her left cheek. Moles on the left cheek are considered a bad omen in Rus' - a harbinger of misfortune in life... Tatyana could not boast about her fate. From early youth she was kept in a black body; She worked for two people, but she never, never saw affection; they dressed her poorly, she received the smallest salary; It was as if she had no relatives: one old housekeeper, left behind in the village due to unworthiness, was her uncle, and her other uncles were peasants - that’s all. She was once known as a beauty, but her beauty quickly faded away. Tatyana was very afraid of the lady and thought only about how to please the lady, how to get the job done as quickly as possible.

    When she saw Gerasim for the first time, she was so afraid of him that then she tried for a long time not to meet with him. At first Gerasim did not pay attention to her, then he began to chuckle when she walked past him in fear, and then he began to look at her, treated her to gingerbread, gave her a ribbon, cleared the dust in front of her with his broom, smiled at her and hummed affectionately. The poor girl simply didn’t know what to do and what to do. Gerasim began to stand up for Tatyana and made sure that no one offended her. Everyone in the house knew that Gerasim fell in love with Tatiana and was going to ask the lady for permission to marry Tatiana, but he was waiting for a new caftan, which they promised to sew for him for the summer.

    One day the lady started talking about the shoemaker Capiton - a bitter drunkard - with Gavrila Andreevich, her butler, a man who, judging by his yellow eyes and duck nose, fate itself seemed to have destined to be the person in charge. The lady regretted the corrupted morality of Kapiton, whom she had just found somewhere on the street the day before. They talked about how to wean Kapiton from drinking. And in the end, the lady decided to marry Tatiana and Kapiton.

    Tatyana was a humble soul, an unrequited soul, and agreed with every word of the lady. And when she found out that they wanted to marry her to Capiton, she didn’t say a word. All the serfs wanted Gerasim not to find out about this wedding. Gavrila decided to persuade Tatyana to pretend to be drunk, so that Gerasim would stop loving Tatyana, since he hated drunkards. The washerwoman did not agree for a long time, but then she agreed. One evening Gerasim, as always, stood guard at the door and saw Tatyana. At first he smiled and, as always, hummed affectionately, but when he looked closer he saw that Tatyana was staggering and guessed that she was drunk. Gerasim pushed her towards Kapiton and left. Tatyana almost froze with fear. The evil plan worked. Soon Tatyana and Kapiton got married.

    In Tatiana, a contradiction is noted between her nature and fate: “She was once known as a beauty, but her beauty very soon slipped away.” Tatiana's fate justifies the “foreshadowing” of an “unhappy life.” Humility, intimidation, and submission lead her to indifference. Almost “unrequitedly” Tatyana accepts both Gerasim’s patronage and the decision to marry. At first she is afraid of the mute’s advances, just as she is afraid of everything else. And her hidden feelings are only slightly noticeable (“she leaned lightly on the ceiling” after the conversation with Gavrila, “she cried”). But when, before her departure, Gerasim gave her a scarf as a souvenir, “Tatyana, who had endured all the vicissitudes of her life with great indifference until that moment, here, however, could not stand it, shed tears and, getting into the cart, kissed Gerasim three times in a Christian manner.” . This last surge of feeling does not change Tatyana’s fate, just as Gerasim’s affection cannot change her fate. Gerasim's love for Tatyana reveals in the hero his spiritual purity, the need of a strong person to protect a weak being.

    Development of a literature lesson for grade 5 based on a story by I.S. Turgenev "Mumu". Topic: "Gerasim and Tatyana." Educational goals: enriching students’ ideas about the moral qualities of Gerasim; revealing spiritual generosity, high humanity, and sensitivity of the hero; the moral ugliness of the other inhabitants of the lady’s house.



    Development of a lesson based on I.S. Turgenev’s story “Mumu” ​​(Second lesson). Gerasim and Tatiana.


    Educational : enriching students’ ideas about the moral qualities of Gerasim; revealing spiritual generosity, high humanity, and sensitivity of the hero; the moral ugliness of the other inhabitants of the lady’s house.

    Developmental : developing the skill of composing an oral story about a hero, lexical work, working with illustrations.

    During the classes

    1) Organizational moment.

    2) Repetition of what has been learned.

    Characteristics of Gerasim.

    1. The extraordinary strength of Gerasim.
    2. Attitude to peasant labor.
    3. Gerasim's new responsibilities in the city.
    4. Relationships with other servants.
    5. An incident in the neighborhood.
    6. Gerasim's character.

    3) Studying a new topic. The relationship between Gerasim and the laundress Tatiana. Conversation with students based on the text.

    Who is a saddler? (A saddlemaker is someone who makes saddlery, harness, and horse harnesses. The life of courtyard people in a lady’s house is worth nothing: a person who understands nothing about medicine is considered both a veterinarian and a doctor. I.S. Turgenev, characterizing the relationship of the lady to the courtyard people and servants among themselves, uses the words to mock, to spy. Choose synonyms for these words. What do these words tell about the order in the house?)

    Why did the lady decide to marry Capiton? (In this way the lady wanted to set Kapiton on the right path, to save him from the terrible vice of drunkenness.)

    Did the lady think about what could make the heroes unhappy?

    Why did the lady’s “unexpected order” “puzzle” the butler Gavrila?

    Expressive reading based on the roles of the episode “The Butler’s Conversation with Kapiton and Tatyana.”

    What does the reader know about Tatyana?

    What qualities of Tatyana’s character are revealed in her conversation with the butler? Lexical work

    Explain the meaning of the words: humility, resignation, downtroddenness, dumbness.

    Why, when talking about Capito, does the writer constantly resort to diminutive suffixes? (Kapiton “...placed his right leg crosswise in front of his left...”; “Kapiton just shrugged his shoulders”; “Kapiton just narrowed his tin eyes a little”).

    Why is it said in the story about Tatyana that she is “blond”, and about Kapiton that he has “whitish hair”? (In the author's remarks, there is an ironic-satirical intonation when characterizing Kapiton, and a sympathetic one when characterizing Tatyana.)

    What qualities of Gerasim’s character are manifested in his attitude towards Tatyana?

    How does Gerasim deal with Tatiana’s offenders?

    Why was Tatyana not pleased, but frightened by signs of attention from Gerasim?

    What qualities of Kapiton’s character are manifested in his attitude towards Tatyana?

    Why did Tatyana agree to pretend to be drunk?

    What epithet accompanies the author’s statements about Tatyana?

    An expressive reading of the episode “Tatiana’s Intoxication.”

    What actions indicate Gerasim’s deep feelings?

    What details of the portrait complement the picture of Gerasim’s mental suffering? (The hero’s gaze, his bitter smile, heavy gait speak more eloquently than many words about deep disappointment and resentment.)

    How does Gerasim behave after this incident? What character traits are manifested in his behavior? Name the key words that convey the hero’s state of mind. (He “didn’t leave his closet for the whole day”; “putting his hand to his cheek, quietly, steadily and only occasionally humming, he sang, that is, swayed, closed his eyes and shook his head”; “with arrived without water: he once broke a barrel on the road”; “he was diligently cleaning and rubbing his horse,” trying to distract himself from heavy thoughts. Gerasim is a strong and strong-willed person who knows how to control his feelings. only by external signs.)

    Through whose eyes do we see Gerasim’s despair? (The postilion Antipka watches Gerasim, not sympathizing with him, but frightened by his despair)

    Determine what is the similarity between the characters of Gerasim and Tatyana?

    Gerasim and Tatyana are united by hard work, responsibility, patience, and sincerity.

    An expressive reading of the episode of Gerasim’s farewell to Tatiana.

    How does the scene of parting with Tatyana characterize Gerasim? (Gerasim is generous. Even a year later, he did not lose his good disposition towards Tatyana. He, the only one of all, took pity on her and managed to ease the moments of parting with home. He was not afraid of ridicule, “came out of his closet, approached Tatyana and gave her a souvenir red paper handkerchief...")

    4) Lesson summary. Reflection.

    In a difficult moment for him, he found the strength to help another, to warm his soul. The trials did not bend, but strengthened Gerasim, bringing to life dormant forces, internal protest, and the desire for independence.

    5. Homework.

    Compose an artistic retelling of the fragment from the words “It was towards evening” to the words “So another year passed...”. Prepare a retelling of the episode “The Missing of Mumu”, and include in the retellings a description of the hero’s gestures, poses, and facial expressions.

    Tatyana is a character in I. S. Turgenev’s story “Mumu”, a laundress in the Moscow courtyard of a tyrant lady, a friend of Gerasim. She was a woman of twenty-eight years old, thin, blond and with a mole on her left cheek, which in Rus' was considered a bad sign or a harbinger of an unhappy life. In reality, Tatyana was an unhappy person. Since childhood, she was forced to do backbreaking work, kept in a black body, poorly fed, poorly dressed and paid a meager salary. Being a skilled laundress, she was supposed to do only “delicate” work, but in fact she did hard work. She used to be beautiful, but hard work had erased her beauty and now she looked rather exhausted.

    In the lady’s yard, she tried not to talk to anyone, avoided everyone and was afraid. Tatyana's character was meek. All she cared about was delivering the work on time. She trembled with fear at the mere mention of the old lady’s name, which is why she was intimidated. Gerasim liked Tatyana for her modest and meek disposition. He showed her signs of attention and even patronized her. But the lady decided to marry her to the hopeless drunkard Kapiton so that he would settle down. Being a humble person, Tatyana did not dare to object. When Kapiton finally drank himself to death, she was sent to the village with him. Before leaving, Gerasim gave her a red scarf, and she shed tears and kissed him three times like a Christian.