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  • Evidence of paleocontact. Modern technologies on ancient images. The theory of paleocontacts was born in the USSR! UFO theory of human origins

    Evidence of paleocontact.  Modern technologies on ancient images.  The theory of paleocontacts was born in the USSR!  UFO theory of human origins

    In various legends and myths, cave paintings and information about the amazing technical achievements of ancient people, there is evidence that suggests that our ancestors had unique knowledge that was lost in the subsequent millennium.

    Various theories have been put forward as to who was the teacher and even the creator of ancient civilizations. Until now, among religiously minded people there is an opinion that the creator of humanity is God, who gave people knowledge and taught them all known crafts.

    There is also a version according to which the development of earthlings occurred thanks to the help of space aliens. Note that traces of the paleo-visit can be traced in biblical texts about the coming to Earth of unusual creatures, in the legends of the Incas and Aztecs and in many other religious sources.

    One of the founders of the “ancient astronaut theory”, according to which the creators of people living on Earth are aliens, and the gods present in mythological legends are none other than extraterrestrial astronauts who visited the planet in prehistoric times and captured the imagination of ancient people with their advanced technology, perceived as a manifestation of some kind of miracle, says the Swiss Erich von Däniken.

    According to his theory, all world religions are the creation of representatives of alien civilizations. Moses, Mohammed, Buddha, Christ - all of them were messengers of the Universe, called to awaken the spiritual development of earthlings. If this is really the case, their extraordinary abilities, information about which is found in all religious scriptures, become easily explainable, since extraterrestrial civilizations are much ahead of the earthly civilization in their development.

    Von Däniken claims that messengers from the Universe have arrived on our planet more than once. Their first visit was accompanied by the creation of Homo sapiens “in their own image and likeness.” This was done by introducing some changes into the genes of the hominids that separated from the ape herd.

    The story of Adam and Eve, as interpreted by Däniken, looks like this: the arriving astronauts (“elohim”, or gods in the biblical stories about the creation of the world) first began artificially growing a male individual. After this, having borrowed the cellular structure of the first earthly man, they began to create his second half - the earthly woman.

    The Bible talks about this as the creation of Eve from the rib of Adam. In an effort to completely isolate the first earthlings from the wild world around them, the “elohim” kept them in a kind of reservation, which Adam and Eve remembered as a beautiful paradise.

    Despite the fact that the people who were born in such an unusual way already knew how to speak and think, the aliens were dissatisfied with the results of their activities. Their second visit to Earth was accompanied by the mass destruction of imperfect people, hence the legend of the Flood. The surviving creatures underwent another artificial mutation.

    According to the researcher, it was from this time that we can talk about noticeable progress in earthly culture: writing appeared, exact sciences, medicine, art and ideas about morality were born. The development of mankind was also accompanied by the improvement of technical devices. The superstitious worship of earthlings to their creators and wise mentors contributed to the formation of religious teachings. Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations began to be revered as gods.

    In addition, Däniken confidently states that the entire development of mankind is proceeding according to the plan genetically implanted in people by astronauts - “elohim”. For example, inventors and developers of new ideas are in reality only heralds of information received from aliens. And even in the fact that the guess about representatives of alien civilizations simultaneously dawned on many people, an adherent of the “theory of ancient astronauts” sees the will of the cosmic “gods” programmed in the consciousness.

    The theory of external intervention of human origin gained popularity only in the 20th century. And although official science does not recognize this concept, adhering to the traditional point of view that man arose as a result of evolutionary changes, many people believe that this could not have happened without the intervention of inhabitants of other planets.

    Gift from aliens

    There are several so-called “cosmic” theories of human origins . The theory of the introduction of bacteria from space is called the concept of panspermia. According to this theory, the first bacteria came to Earth from space, which later began to adapt to new conditions and evolve.

    This theory was at one time supported by very famous scientists, and even today it is believed that it is quite viable - the only thing missing is the irrefutable evidence that scientists hope to obtain as a result of research on other planets, as well as samples of meteorites falling on Earth.

    There are other concepts as well. According to them, life on Earth arose spontaneously, but the planet owes the emergence of Homo Sapiens to guests from other planets. For some reason the aliens decided to grow the human population on Earth. The purpose of this experiment is, of course, unknown. Perhaps the aliens needed slaves, or perhaps the creation of humanity was the result of an experiment.

    There are other versions. For example, someone believes that people are direct descendants of aliens who once ended up on Earth and were unable to fly away from it. There is even a version that the Earth served as a kind of prison, where humanoids from other planets were sent into exile, and they already gave birth to offspring adapted to earthly life.

    UFO theory of human origins

    UFOlogical, or alien theory of human origins states that people on Earth appeared as a result of the activities of aliens. Opinions differ as to what exactly this activity was. There is a version that aliens controlled what was happening on Earth from the very beginning, and the first forms of life appeared with their help. Subsequently, guests from other planets periodically interfered with the processes of evolution. For example, they changed the genetic code of monkeys, turning them into people.

    According to another version, life on Earth arose spontaneously, and only later did aliens intervene in what was happening. The paleovisit theory of human origins suggests that in ancient times the Earth was visited by aliens who had a significant impact on the development of humanity and even on its appearance as such. That is, guests from other planets flew to a planet where there was no intelligent life, and through some of their advanced technologies made people intelligent.

    In general, the idea of ​​aliens visiting Earth cannot be considered completely unfounded - this theory explains a lot. For example, if we assume that at one time the inhabitants of another planet with advanced technologies were in close contact with earthlings, it becomes clear how various ancient buildings were created that people simply could not create without the appropriate tools. Egyptian and South American pyramids, statues from Easter Island and other gigantic structures could have been built with the participation of aliens, although ufologists cannot prove this.

    In addition, contacts with aliens Can also explain various mysterious images, including rock images dating back to the Paleolithic era, where clear outlines of people (humanoids) in spacesuits are visible. The idea, present in almost all religions, that gods live in heaven and only sometimes descend from them, also speaks in favor of the ufological theory and the theory of paleocontact.

    Alien goals

    Why did the inhabitants of other planets need to create intelligent people? There is no answer to this question. The most popular version is that the aliens were interested in some earthly resources, and obedient slaves were required to extract them. This theory is indirectly confirmed by some ancient religions, which say that the gods created slaves for themselves - people. At the same time, it remains unclear what particularly valuable resources the Earth could have to attract aliens in such a way. And it seems doubtful that at a level of civilization that made interstellar flights accessible, the aliens really needed unskilled labor.

    It is also unlikely that the aliens planned to use the Earth for life or as a base, for example, a military one. The creation of humanity is more like an experiment that could have been carried out for purposes unknown to people. It is impossible to say whether the experiment was a success or not, whether it helped the aliens draw any conclusions, and whether it finally ended or is still ongoing. The experimental theory, like the others, has no evidence.


    In modern science, the principle of “Occam’s razor” reigns - in the case of several explanations for the same phenomenon, preference is given to the simplest explanation. An alien visit is clearly not one of the simplest explanations, especially since this theory is based solely on assumptions and assumptions.

    The theory of the alien origin of man appeared in the 20th century, after the scientific and technological revolution and the beginning of space exploration. However, the knowledge of that time was not yet complete enough to understand and evaluate the supposed capabilities of a civilization whose representatives could travel to other planets and create new species for any purpose. Many conclusions of ufologists of the last century already seem naive today.

    It can also be assumed that aliens visited Earth for some purpose. But this cannot in any way mean that it is to them that humanity owes its existence. There is no evidence, even indirect evidence, that guests from other planets influenced the genes of primitive people. Thus, this hypothesis remains only a fantasy for now.

    Maria Bykova

    Internal paths to the Universe. Traveling to other worlds with the help of psychedelic drugs and perfumes. Strassman Rick



    Proponents of these ideas believe that highly advanced aliens played an important role in human history. The author of this idea is Matest Agrest, an ethnologist and mathematician of Russian origin, who first put forward the theory that intelligent beings from outer space visited the Earth and that some monuments of ancient cultures appeared on our planet as a result of contact with a race of aliens. In February 1960, the Russian Literary Gazette published an article by Agreste in which he suggested that aliens visited the Earth in prehistoric times. Very soon his concept was discussed in all the world's media, and was later popularized by Erich von Däniken. Agrest had experience studying ancient manuscripts and noted that the Hebrew word????? (Nephilim) is a very important concept, but it cannot be translated into English.

    In several translations the word ????? (Nephilim) stands for "giants" or "titans". Agreste's goal was to show that these translations of the word Nephilim in Genesis (6:4) are incorrect. From his point of view, the exact meaning of the word Nephilim- “creatures that fell” (from the sky). On this basis, Agrest concluded that this verse reports that during the time of Enoch, alien humanoid beings descended to Earth. Thus, Genesis (6:4) becomes the written record of paleocontact. Having discovered one of Ramban's commentaries on Genesis 6, Agreste introduced a misinterpretation that has become widespread in science fiction literature and the Internet: that "giants" (Nephilim) were fallen angels.

    Also in the Book of Genesis, Agreste discovered a sentence that he interpreted as an event opposite in meaning to the above: the ascent of man from Earth to heaven. This verse in Genesis (5:24) speaks of Enoch: “And Enoch walked with God; and he was no more, because God took him.” The Bible informs us in detail about the age at which all the forefathers died, but there is not a single record of the death of Enoch. According to Jewish legend, he was the creator not only of writing, but of mathematics and astronomy. In the Koran (Sura 19:56) Enoch is called Idris - the righteous one.

    The Kabbalistic treatise Zohar says that in ancient times the Book of Enoch existed, and the Apostle Jude mentioned it as apocryphal. Like many other apocrypha, the Book of Enoch was lost. It was found only in 1773 by Scottish explorer James Bruce. The structure of this book is similar to that of the Bible. The first seven chapters of the Book of Enoch are very similar to those in the Bible - and Agreste uses verses 1–7 of chapter 6 as a primary source for constructing his theory of paleocontact:

    1. And when the sons of men were multiplied, it came to pass that in those days (the days of Jared, the father of Enoch)...

    2. And the angels, the sons of heaven, saw them...

    5. And all of them were two hundred.

    6. And they went down to Ardis, the top of Mount Hermon...

    Here Agreste establishes a connection between the place of descent - Mount Hermon and the time of descent - the time of Jared. In addition, the very name Jared in Hebrew means “one who descended.” This descent of anthropomorphic creatures from the sky supposedly made a huge impression on the inhabitants of the Earth. In biblical times, children born during important events were named after such events. Therefore, Enoch's father received the name Jared. From this, Agrest argues that it is likely that the divine beings who fell from the sky were those who descended from Mount Hermon during the time of Jared and are mentioned in Genesis 6.

    Another argument in favor of the paleocontact theory is the assumption that an important part of human knowledge and religious beliefs was received in ancient times from space invaders. This possibility has been considered by some scientists, including Carl Sagan and Russian astronomer Joseph Shklovsky. Although Sagan, Shklovsky and other highly respected scientists took the possibility of aliens visiting Earth seriously, in general they were very cautious in their assumptions. Although Sagan is known to be skeptical of the existence of UFOs, in a book co-written with Shklovsky, he argues that highly technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilizations were widespread throughout the universe. He also believes that it is likely that representatives of these civilizations visited the Earth several times in the past.

    Popular authors such as Erich von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin are less critical in their approaches and are sincere defenders of the ancient astronaut hypothesis. In fact, their theory is an extended and perhaps less credible elaboration of the paleocontact theory. According to this hypothesis, human beings are the descendants or creations of aliens who landed on Earth thousands of years ago.

    Rice. 9.1. Manifestations of a nonlocal universe.

    Our goal here is to discover meaningful and relevant information in the theories of Daniken and Sitchin, which sometimes seem surprising, if not completely ridiculous, and to evaluate all the arguments for and against the hypothesis of ancient astronauts. In our argument, we will draw on the work of Rick Strassman and Michael Heizer, an expert on ancient religions, which expands our understanding of the UFO phenomenon (see Figure 9.1).

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    This material is interesting not so much for the proposed interpretation of meanings, but for its factual content and excellent disclosure anti-human, i.e. Satanic essence contained in the Old Testament.

    Priest Andrei Gorbunov.

    “Our struggle... is against the spirits of wickedness in high places”

    Eph. 6, 12

    “In the time of the Antichrist, people will wait for salvation from space. This will be the devil's biggest trick."

    Elder Gabriel (Urgebadze)

    One of the most difficult biblical passages to interpret is considered to be the story contained in the Book of Genesis about some unusual marriage relationships - between the “sons of God” and the “daughters of men.” Further, the Bible speaks about the appearance of certain giants on earth, about the extreme corruption of humanity and its subsequent destruction by the Flood, from which only the family of righteous Noah was saved in the ark.

    In the "Biblical Encyclopedia" Archim. Nikephoros (1891), in an article about giants, it is said that they “they oppressed and enslaved their brothers and by their way of life spread wickedness and corruption even among the descendants of Seth, so that God condemned the corrupt human race to destruction by a flood. As can be seen from St. Scriptures (Deut 3:11, Num 13:34, 1 Sam 13:4), such tall people existed even after the flood, which is even confirmed by human skeletons and bones of much larger sizes than ordinary ones found in the earth at present.”

    Here are just a few of these finds.

    In 1577, in one of the caves in Switzerland, a human skeleton of gigantic proportions was discovered, its length exceeding 5 meters. This skeleton was exhibited in the city museum and was kept there for almost a century.

    In South Africa, in the Transvaal province in 1912, a farmer discovered a footprint of a giant human foot on a rock. Its size is 1.3 meters in length and 76 centimeters in width. 40 years after this discovery, journalist David Barritt, who visited this plateau, described the trail as follows: “The footprint is pressed into the granite rock by as much as 12 cm. To carve such a fake in this very hard granite would require considerable work. In addition, the giant’s footprint bears absolutely no traces of processing. Apparently, it was left on a horizontal slab, which was placed vertically by seismic or other disasters. The natives of local tribes consider it sacred and believe in supernatural origin. However, one thing is absolutely irrefutable: carving such an imprint in a granite rock, even with modern means, is a daunting task. Meanwhile, the aborigines have been remembering him in their legends since time immemorial.”.

    Exactly the same print was discovered on the island of Ceylon. The famous Arab traveler of the 14th century, Ibn Battuta, who visited Ceylon, described this trail: “I had only one desire to visit the holy foot of Adam”. In Ceylon, Sri Lanka, there is the famous Adam's Peak, at the top of which stands a black rock. It is on this that the footprint is located. Ibn Battuta determined its dimensions: the length of the foot is 1.5 meters, the width is about 80 centimeters. Later, scientists established the approximate height of the giant - 10.2 meters.

    In 1930, in Australia near Basarst, prospectors mining jasper often found fossilized imprints of huge human feet. Anthropologists called the race of giant people, whose remains were found in Australia, Meganthropus. The height of these people ranged from 2.10 to 3.65 meters. An anthropological expedition that specifically explored this area in 1985 for the presence of remains of Megantropus carried out excavations at a depth of up to three meters from the surface of the earth. Australian researchers found, among other things, a fossilized molar 67 millimeters high and 42 millimeters wide. The owner of the tooth had to be at least 7.5 meters tall.

    Megantropus is similar to Gigantopithecus, the remains of which were discovered in China. Judging by the found fragments of jaws and many teeth, the height of the Chinese giants ranged from 3 to 3.5 meters.

    Giants, giants, giants, titans, Atlanteans... All these words are close in meaning. Myths of many nations speak of ancient giants who possessed amazing megalithic construction technology. It is believed that the name “Atlantis” comes from Atlas, the brother of Prometheus, one of the titans of Greek mythology. Titans (in later myths they are mixed with giants) are giant gods born by the earth goddess Gaia from drops of the blood of the sky god Uranus; they rebelled against the king of gods and people Zeus and other gods of the Olympic pantheon, were defeated by them and cast into the depths of the earth.


    In the Hebrew text of the Holy Scriptures, giants are called nephilim. Although in Scripture this term sometimes serves as a designation for giants or giants (Num. 13:33-34), the main meaning of this word is “destroyers, overthrowers,” as well as those who corrupt, cause to fall; according to another translation - “fallen people.” Therefore, the antediluvian Nephilim are not only giants, but also subverters, rebels who rebelled against God, participants in an atheistic, satanic project aimed at involving humanity in the cult of Satan worship and the destruction of human souls, spiritual murder.

    And the word “fallen” (as a possible translation of the word nephilim) brings to mind demons. Perhaps this is confirmed by the following quote from V. I. Shcherbakov’s book “Everything about Atlantis”: “According to the beliefs of the Papuans, the great disaster[Global flood ] happened back when not people lived on earth, but intelligent beings with magical properties, unusually powerful and wise. These creatures["sons of God"? Nephilim?] are called “dema” in myths - isn’t it, very close in sound to the European concept of “demon”?”.

    Before the story of the Flood in the Book of Genesis it is written (synodal translation, from the Hebrew text): “When people began to multiply on earth and daughters were born to them, then the sons of God[ben Elohim - Aram.] They saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and they took them as wives as they chose. And the Lord God said: My Spirit will not forever be despised by these men, because they are flesh; let their days be a hundred and twenty years. At that time there were giants on earth , especially since the time[according to another translation - “At that time, as later, there were giants on the earth, for...”] the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them: these are strong people, glorious people of old.”(Genesis 6:1-4).

    In the translation made according to the Septuagint (i.e. from the Greek text), the words of the Lord ( “My Spirit does not endure forever...” and further) have the following form: “My breath in a person is not forever. He is but flesh, and let his life span be one hundred and twenty years.". However, in the Hebrew text (which the translators admit is unclear at this point) the phrase literally begins: "Not rebel (fight, be indignant) My Spirit is in man forever...” Today, bearing in mind what is revealed to us about the antediluvian world, we can assume that these words of God indicate a certain rebellion, the indignation of the antediluvian people against God the Creator, which consisted in participation in certain atheistic, satanic projects and plans. Additional confirmation of this understanding of this passage of the Bible can be seen in the fact that it is immediately followed by a story about the Nephilim.

    And immediately after the words about the Nephilim comes God’s definition of the extermination of corrupt humanity: “And the Lord God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually; and the Lord repented that he had created man on earth, and was grieved in His heart. And the Lord said, “I will destroy from the face of the earth man whom I have created, from man to beast, and the creeping thing, and the birds of the air, I will destroy, for I have repented that I made them.”(Genesis 6:5-7).

    The words "Let their days be a hundred and twenty years" some interpreters explain it as follows: the spirit that the Lord put into a person will henceforth leave the body sooner than before, namely, after 120 years, and from then on this number means maximum longevity. According to other interpreters, “these words cannot be understood in the sense of reducing human life to within one hundred and twenty years (as Josephus understood, Antiquities 1,3,2), since it is reliably known that for a long time and after the flood, humanity lived more than 120 years, sometimes reaching up to 500, and one should see in them the period appointed by God for the repentance and correction of people, during which the righteous Noah prophesied about the flood and made appropriate preparations for it.”(“Explanatory Bible” edited by Prof. A.P. Lopukhin).

    For a very long time, Noah built the ark on land, most likely far from the sea, and all people could observe it; all these years Noah preached the truth (2 Pet. 2:5). "In the days of Noah, during the building of the ark" God's long-suffering awaited the disobedient, as the Apostle Peter said about it (1 Pet. 3:20), but they did not repent...

    There is the following explanation of words that are difficult to understand - that God repented for creating man: “...This text is one example of how God's behavior is fundamentally different from ours. Human repentance in Hebrew is expressed by the verb "shuv", which literally means "to turn 180 degrees." God's state is described by the verb "naham". This verb expresses not regret, not a desire to reverse something, but a deep sigh that a person can take when his heart hurts. In other words, when God sees all this corruption and evil in humanity, His heart hurts.”. In the Old Slavonic Bible: “...and God thought that He would create man on the earth, and think”.

    God created man according to His purpose (the Hebrew word translated “created” in Genesis 2:7 has this meaning), but man, instigated by the fallen angels, used the freedom given to him for evil purposes. The path that humanity took did not correspond to the Divine plan for man, the high purpose and dignity of man.

    “And the Lord God saw that the wickedness of man was great on earth, and that every thought and the imagination of their heart was evil continually... the earth was corrupt before the face of God, and the earth was filled with evildoings... for all flesh had perverted its way on earth"(Genesis 6, 5 and 11-12). There is hardly a stronger statement of the sinfulness of mankind in the Bible. What is said here, in the Book of Genesis, allows us to penetrate into the essence of seemingly ordinary (judging by the way it is said in the Gospel) affairs that took place "in the days before the flood" When people “They ate and drank, they married and were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark.”(Matt. 24:38).

    There are different versions regarding the origin of the Nephilim.

    A fairly common view is that the “sons of God” who were among the “daughters of men” were fallen angels, and the “nephilim” were the descendants of such marriages. Proponents of this understanding refer, in particular, to the Book of Job, where in several places the term “sons of God” clearly refers to angels (for example, Job 2:1: “There was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord; Satan also came among them to present himself before the Lord.”). In the Septuagint translation, instead of “sons of God,” it is written: “angels of God.”

    Opponents of this point of view completely exclude the possibility of angels cohabiting with women, referring to the statement of Jesus Christ that people after the resurrection from the dead “They will neither marry nor be given in marriage, but will be like angels in heaven”(Mark 12:25). However, the Lord is speaking here about the heavenly life of the holy angels, and not about the earthly activities of fallen angels.

    Some modern authors suggest that fallen angels on earth could use the bodily shell of vicious people in order to give birth to a vicious and corrupt generation (about which in chapter 6 of the Book of Genesis it is said: “And the Lord God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had perverted its way on the earth.”).

    There is also a newfangled “ufological” hypothesis, according to which the “nephilim” and/or “sons of God” from chapter 6 of the Book of Genesis are aliens who arrived on Earth many millennia ago and taught humanity to build pyramids, and also gave many other knowledge and skills . This hypothesis is based on the so-called theory of paleovisits or paleocontact (from the Greek palaios - ancient), according to which traces of visits by some space aliens remain in the monuments of the most ancient culture of mankind. Proponents of this theory claim that aliens encrypted some valuable information in the pyramids and their other creations.

    In general, fantasies on this topic are diverse. According to one version, highly developed aliens created people. According to other versions, aliens flew to Earth, built pyramids and other mysterious objects, and then either went home or were destroyed by earthlings. And there is such a variation: aliens destroyed the civilization of earthlings that built the pyramids, and all of today’s humanity allegedly descended from those aliens.

    “The Sumerians claim that all the diverse knowledge and technologies (“wisdom”) were transmitted to them by the Anunnaki who “descended from heaven.” As is clear from the Sumerian texts, the Anunaki/Anakim/Nephilim arrived on Earth 120 “years” (according to their calculation) before the Flood, that is, about 445 thousand years ago in our time...

    It seems that, eventually finding rich placer deposits, they began mining gold in southeast Africa. This work was more like lifelong hard labor, and about 300,000 years ago, the Anunaki working in African mines rebelled. And then the chief scientist Ea and the senior physician of the Anunaki, the goddess Ninti, using genetic manipulation, created “primitive workers” - homo sapiens... Mesopotamian, Old Testament and apocryphal texts claim that “those who descended from heaven” often “combined” with earthly women. As a result, hybrids—demigods—appeared in the respective regions.”

    Some modern authors, like the “famous classifier of the unknown” Zecharia Sitchin, “convincingly prove” that the basis of all ancient religions is the knowledge of the existence in our solar system of the planet Nibiru (aka Planet-X), whose inhabitants, from time to time, visit Earth, laid the foundations of the most ancient earthly civilization and left numerous traces in the cosmogonic mythologies of humanity.

    In the books of supporters of the paleocontact theory, the following version of the translation of the first verses of the 6th chapter of the Book of Genesis is given: “In those days there were Nephilim [Descended from Heaven] on Earth, and also after the sons of God [direct descendants of the Anunaki] began to unite with the daughters of Adam and they began to give birth to them. These were mighty people [who came] from Eternityshem» (Sitchin Z., " The Twelfth Planet " ). Under the word shem authors who adhere to the paleocontact version understand “heavenly fire ship” or “aircraft”.

    Church pastors and Orthodox authors of materials devoted to the “UFO phenomenon” warn and explain to overly gullible contemporaries that the messengers of “extraterrestrial civilizations” and “parallel worlds” appear to people to be none other than demons, evil spirits. This topic is well covered, for example, in the book of Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) “Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future.”

    “Contacts with UFOs,” wrote about. Seraphim, - nothing more than a modern form of occult phenomena that have existed for many centuries. People have retreated from Christianity and are waiting for “saviors” from space; that is why the phenomenon gives images of interplanetary ships and aliens. But what is this phenomenon? Who is “developing” these scenes and for what purpose?

    ...Some, or even many, of the messages are fakes or the results of hallucinations; but simply it is impossible to discard everything by classifying many thousands of UFO reports into this category. A great many modern mediums and their spiritualistic phenomena are also scams; but mediumistic spiritualism itself, in its genuine form, certainly produces real “paranormal” phenomena under the influence of demons. UFO phenomena having the same origin are no less realDemons also have “physical bodies” , however, their “matter” is so subtle that they cannot be visible to a person if his spiritual “doors of perception” are not open by God’s permission (as with saints) or against him (as with sorcerers and mediums).

    Orthodox literature provides many examples of demonic phenomena that fit neatly into the UFO pattern: visions of “bodily” beings and “tangible” objects (whether the demons themselves or their illusory creations), which instantly “materialize” and “dematerialize,” always with the goal of frightening people and bringing them closer to destruction. The lives of the 4th century saint, Anthony the Great, and the 3rd century saint, Cyprian, the former sorcerer, are full of similar cases...

    It is clear that the phenomena of today's "flying saucers" are entirely within the capabilities of demonic "technology"; and indeed, there is no better explanation for these phenomena... And the purpose of “unidentified” objects in such contacts is completely clear: to instill awe and a sense of “mystery” in the witnesses and "to provide proof" of the existence of "higher forms of intelligence"("angels" if the victim believes in them, or "guests from outer space" for modern man), and thus provide faith in the message they want to convey...

    Of course it is not possible for man to fully “explain” the invisible world of angels and demons; but we have been given enough Christian knowledge to understand how these beings operate in our world and how we should respond to their actions, especially how to avoid demonic snares.”


    The interpretation that the “sons of God” in Genesis 6 are angels was widely known in the first centuries of the Christian era. This understanding was accepted both by Jewish interpreters (Philo) and by the early fathers and teachers of the Church: Justin the Philosopher, Irenaeus, Athenagoras, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Ambrose.

    However, starting from the 4th century, a different understanding of this mysterious biblical place began to spread in church literature. It was put forward assumption, that the “sons of God” are the pious Sethites, descendants of the righteous Seth (the third son of Adam and Eve, the ancestor of Enoch and Noah), and the “daughters of men” are the Cainites, vicious representatives of the family of Cain (the first son of Adam and Eve, who killed his brother his Abel). This interpretation was characteristic of John Chrysostom, Ephraim the Syrian, blessed. Theodoret, Cyril of Jerusalem, Jerome, Augustine.

    The Book of Enoch, which is now considered apocryphal, had great authority among early Christians. It follows from it that the “sons of God” are "angels who came down from heaven to earth and revealed to the sons of men what was hidden, and tempted the sons of men to commit sins"(Enoch 10, 64).

    Angels (called “guardians of heaven” in the Book of Enoch) entered into a criminal alliance with the women who seduced them and taught people sorcery (magic), astrology, spells (witchcraft), various “angelic secrets” and “devilish powers” ​​(according to another translation - inventions ), as a result of which on earth "great wickedness appeared"(Enoch 2, 15).

    "And the angels, the sons of heaven, saw them[female] , and they desired them, and said to each other: “Let us choose wives for ourselves from among the sons of men and give birth to children!” Then they all swore together and pledged themselves to each other with spells: there were only two hundred of them. And they went down to Ardis, which is the top of Mount Hermon; and they called it Mount Hermon, because they swore on it and uttered spells to each other...

    And they took wives for themselves, and each chose one for himself; and they began to come in to them and mingle with them, and taught them magic and spells, and revealed to them the cutting of roots and trees. They conceived and gave birth to great giants, whose height was three thousand cubits. They ate all the people's food, so that the people could no longer feed them. Then the giants turned against the people themselves to devour them... And they began to sin against birds and animals, and things that move, and fish, and began to devour each other’s flesh and drink blood from it...”(Enoch 2).

    The “Biblical Dictionary” by V.P. Vikhlyantsev indicates that Enoch is “The seventh from Adam, a righteous man who denounced the world and prophesied about the coming judgment. Was taken by God to heaven without experiencing death . The ancients considered him the first scientist who invented writing, counting, and laid the foundation for astronomy. Between 2nd century BC and 2nd century. According to R.H., a book named after him was widely known, but it was not included in the canon. It was found in the 18th century. in Abyssinia (present-day Ethiopia), and it turned out that the prophecy of Enoch in Jude. 14-15 are taken almost verbatim from this book. This book, on behalf of Enoch and Noah, speaks of God's government of the world, the personality and actions of the Messiah, and the final judgment. The Fathers of the Church almost unanimously considered him and the prophet Elijah to be the two witnesses spoken of in Rev. 11, 3-12".

    The Book of Enoch was referenced by Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Tertullian, as well as the author of the non-canonical Epistle of Barnabas; the latter even spoke of it as part of Holy Scripture. However, after the canon of Scripture was formed, the authority of the Book of Enoch faded and its text was lost. It was discovered again only in 1773 in the Ethiopian (Amhara) language, in a double translation from Aramaic or Hebrew through Greek, but in its entirety, which is extremely rare. Subsequently, two large fragments of Greek text were found during excavations in Akhmim (Egypt), and a large number of short Aramaic fragments were found in Qumran (Palestine). Their comparison allows us to consider the full text (in Ethiopian) authentic. A Russian translation of the Book of Enoch was made from German and published along with commentaries in 1888 in Kazan by Archpriest Alexander Smirnov.

    In the New Testament, an indirect reference to the Book of Enoch is given by the Apostle Peter: “God did not spare the angels who sinned, but, having bound them in the bonds of hellish darkness, he handed them over to be judged for punishment.”(2 Pet. 2, 4). The fact that this refers to the fall of the angels described in the Book of Enoch, which occurred in the pre-flood period of human history, is obviously confirmed by the subsequent words of the apostle that God “he did not spare the first world, but in eight souls he preserved the family of Noah, the preacher of righteousness, when he brought the flood upon the world of the wicked.”(2 Pet. 2:5).

    And the Apostle Jude says that the Lord “And the angels who did not keep their dignity, but left their habitation, he keeps in eternal bonds, under darkness, for the judgment of the great day.”(Jude 5-6). It is in such expressions that this theme (the fall and punishment of angels) is presented in the Book of Enoch, which the Apostle Jude later quotes in his letter: “... Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied, saying: “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousand of His holy angels to execute judgment on all and to convict all the wicked among them of all the deeds that their wickedness has produced, and of all the cruel words that they have uttered.” ungodly sinners against Him"(Jude 14-15).

    Report by A. B. Petukhov, Deputy Coordinator of ONIOO "Cosmopoisk"

    The direct connection between the aspiration of Alexander Kazantsev’s personality to the future lies in his deep interest in the mysteries of ancient history. Essentially, Alexander Petrovich was one of the first who tried to raise the problem of paleocontact to a scientific level - the hypothesis about the possible arrival and contact with earthly inhabitants of representatives of highly developed civilizations in the distant past. In an interview with Russian paleovisitation researcher Vladimir Avinsky in 1984, when asked “Do you believe that stellar aliens have visited our planet?” Alexander Kazantsev replied: “I don’t understand this formulation of the question: to believe - not to believe! I just know: they were. I know because I have decisive evidence. Now it is necessary for science not to brush aside the “curiosities” of nature and history, but to engage in a thorough development of not only radio-astronomical, but also historical directions of searches.” The problem of possible contact with developed extraterrestrial cultures worried Alexander Petrovich very deeply. In his works such as “The Faetes”, a trilogy dedicated to Cyrano de Bergerac, in an extensive article “From Space to the Past” and in the book “Guests from Space”, Kazantsev, without waiting for the rise of academic science, tried to compare the ancient ones at his disposal legends, tales and material finds with modern scientific knowledge. I myself met with Kazantsev twice about the personality of Cyrano de Bergerac. I wrote an essay about him while studying at the evening department of the institute.

    We argued for several hours with Alexander Petrovich about certain aspects of the personality of an avid duelist and a major philosopher at the same time, who mastered language and sword no worse than the famous d’Artagnan. And if we had some differences in approaches, we were sure of one thing - Cyrano de Bergerac is a historical figure who crossed the interests of earthly and unearthly civilizations. A huge place in the development of the theory of paleovisit is occupied by Kazantsev’s novel “Phaetians”. In this work, Alexander Petrovich connected the seemingly incompatible. He managed to combine into a single concept the hypotheses about the multiplicity of inhabited worlds, about the contacts of intelligent beings in space and the possibility of providing missionary assistance from the EC to earthly cultures that were just beginning their ascent along the steep spiral of historical development. In “Faetians,” Kazantsev not only deeply explored the philosophical justification of the paleovisit, but also raised questions about the fact that excessive assistance to younger brothers-in-mind in development can also turn into a serious problem of dependency on a cosmic scale. The starting point in this novel was the existence of another planet in the solar system - Phaeton, from which the aliens arrived on Earth with the Mission of Peace. In “Faets” Kazantsev described many historical finds that have not yet found a convincing explanation within the framework of the existing scientific paradigm. Such finds include mysterious Japanese dogu figurines, reminiscent of a modern spacesuit. It later turned out that spacesuit-like images were found in several dozen places around the world. A series of strange finds include the so-called “noso-fronted”, whose features are imprinted in the cultures of Central America, Japan, Mexico, and Afghanistan. The difference between these faces and the features of a modern person is that their nose starts from the middle of the forehead, and not from the level of the eyebrows, like in humans. In his works “From Space to the Past” and “Guests from Space,” Kazantsev takes an even deeper look at historical finds that historians try to avoid. These include human and animal skulls with holes similar to bullet holes. Despite the fact that the age of these finds is measured from 10 to 40 thousand years, and supposedly proves that at that time a person could not have had such a weapon, Kazantsev boldly raises the question that such damage could have occurred left behind by alien weapons. Kazantsev, as a person with a technical and engineering education, boldly takes on the problem of researching alien space technology.

    He describes the famous airplane found in Colombia. This seemingly golden toy, long considered a bird, when tested in a wind tunnel behaved like a modern vertical take-off and landing aircraft. Now more than 30 such aircraft have been found all over the world, and in Africa (Gambia) there is even a Yundum airport, made by no one knows who and when. The main thing is that planes of any weight can land on its smooth stone slabs (which is what is being done now). It is possible that Indian vimanas, which, according to modern estimates, had jet engines with a thrust of 9.5 tons and a speed in the air of up to 800 km/h, also landed at the same airports in ancient times. Kazantsev paid a lot of attention to the incomprehensible and, most importantly, technologies of unknown civilizations that cannot be reproduced at the modern level. As examples, Alexander Petrovich cites giant stone balls in Costa Rico, it is unclear how and with what they were made. Now dozens of such balls have been found in Europe, America, and Asia. Kazantsev was convinced that the famous stones (trilithons), weighing 750 tons each, or the famous largest processed stone in the world - the “stone of the South”, weighing about 1500 tons, were made and moved using unearthly technologies. And this is all in Lebanon, i.e. in close proximity to the famous Egyptian pyramids. And Alexander Petrovich was right when he argued that modern technology is not capable of creating and moving such gigantic products. Nowadays, hundreds of finds and buildings made from giant stone blocks are known all over the world. Kazantsev pointed out, contrary to the opinion of orthodox historians, that the task of making and moving such gigantic objects is not quantitative, but qualitative. Therefore, it should be solved not by a mathematical increase in the number of slaves, but qualitatively differently, by using fundamentally different technologies that are currently unknown to earthlings. Above, I said that my personal meetings with Alexander Petrovich were related to the study of the historical heritage of the French philosopher Cyrano de Bergerac. This is truly a mysterious and unique personality. In his works, Cyrano describes eternally burning lamps that can burn for centuries on a journey to the moon. Cyrano de Bergerac talks about the corpuscular theory of light, which he learned during a visit to the moon. Long before the great Lomonosov, Cyrano already knew that light travels in a straight line and consists of particles (corpuscles, photons). De Bergerac formulates the principle of light pressure on a surface. But this effect was predicted only in the 19th century by the Russian scientist A. Stoletov, and only in the 40s of the 20th century did Academician Lebedev obtain the numerical value of this effect! In de Bergerac's manuscripts there is a description of a rocket for space flight. The details he mentions cannot be a figment of the imagination.

    Cyrano speaks of a rocket with three stages, and the terms “rocket stage” and “weightlessness” are used in the modern sense. The paradox is that in the times of d’Artagnan and Cardinal Mazarin, only horse-drawn transport existed, and from the experience of horse racing, Bergerac was unlikely to be able to gain an understanding of overloads and weightlessness. Kazantsev was especially interested in a drawing in an ancient Mayan tomb on a stone slab in the city of Palenque. In his opinion, the stone slab depicts a cross-sectional drawing of a spaceship with an astronaut on board. Characteristic were not only the pose of the astronaut, intensely peering at the instruments, but also the rocket principle of the aircraft itself. A flame torch is clearly visible at the very bottom of the rocket. There are now dozens of such images scattered around the world. Sumerian drawings even depict a silo launch of a rocket. The shaft depicts a rocket during engine purging, i.e. on the eve of launch. Unfortunately, almost no one except Kazantsev and the author of this report saw that it was in the images of rocket-like devices, space suits and other space paraphernalia that the main and fundamentally important limitation of the theory of paleocontact was hidden. Many cave paintings of ancient spaceships look quite convincing, but only at first glance. Actually, this similarity gave rise to the paleocontact hypothesis, the essence of which is that in ancient times aliens from other star systems visited the Earth. But if you look closely at their design of these spaceships of the past, then it is relatively easy to recognize in them slightly modified forms of MODERN spaceships. After all, the appearance of a rocket is determined by its engines and fuel. However, modern cosmonautics, based on the fission of chemical fuel, cannot boast of any particular successes. Our manned spacecraft and satellites are still completely at the mercy of gravitational forces. The resource for their free movement in outer space is very limited and is suitable only for small adjustments of orbits. An accidental strong deviation from the course threatens the ship's crew or satellite with inevitable death. It follows that modern space technology is not able to achieve the necessary speeds for interstellar flights within the time frame determined by the duration of human life.

    Consequently, the spaceships of ancient astronauts, similar to modern ones, are also fundamentally unsuitable for long and long-distance space travel! At best, we have reached descriptions and drawings of ancient space technology, suitable only for near-Earth, shuttle flights or, at best, to the nearest planets of the solar system. And Alexander Kazantsev understood this very well, being not only a writer, but also an engineer. That is why his heroes were the inhabitants of the planet of our solar system - Phaethon, and not Alpha Centauri, Sirius, or another galaxy. No matter how great and grandiose the mysteries associated with the problem of paleocontacts may be, it cannot be assumed that only this theory can and should explain all the mysteries of antiquity. It is quite possible that on our own planet, thousands of years ago, a proto-civilization flourished, its level of development not inferior to ours. However, most researchers are not yet psychologically ready to recognize such a proto-civilization, which had developed equipment, technologies, and knowledge, on the basis of which it was possible to build spaceships and fly into space. But the question of the existence of a pre-civilization on Earth is also not free from contradictions. The development of any technological civilization as we know it requires energy. Since ancient times, humanity has been drawing this energy from the bowels of the planet in the form of minerals. Consequently, by the time modern civilization emerges, the “storehouses” of our planet should already be pretty empty. Geologists also encountered the opposite fact and showed that before the start of mass mining in the 18th-19th centuries, reserves of ores, coal, gas, and oil were practically untouched. It is possible that this pre-civilization, if it existed, used other energy to satisfy its needs, about which we now have no idea. They usually say that we find no traces of a pre-civilization because it died. If so, why? In Faety, Kazantsev more than once addressed the topic of a complete ban on the use of atomic energy for military purposes. To do this, he had facts not only from modern, but also ancient history. There are large spaces on Earth with strange traces similar to traces of nuclear bombings. They did not receive an unambiguous historical explanation. These areas were discovered in Pakistan (Mohenjo-Daro), Egypt (Libyan Desert), Iraq (Euphrates River) and northern Syria (Aleppo, modern Aleppo), in Europe (Scotland). From the legends it follows that the ancient Hindus possessed a whole arsenal of destructive weapons superior to modern ones. They fought with weapons capable of melting stones, affecting the human genetic apparatus, and boiling river waters. The Hindus knew such small periods of time as micro-, nano- and picoseconds, that is, 10-9, 10-12 and 10-15 seconds. Such units of time are only used to measure the rate of nuclear reactions. There, in India, a few years ago, a male skeleton was found, more than 3,000 years old. Its radioactivity was 50 times higher than background. We can talk for a long time about Kazantsev’s greatest insights about the place and role of paleocontact. At the same time, it must be recognized that the theory and practice of the paleocontact problem are still far from truly scientific development. Currently, there are no clear methods for identifying historical artifacts and conducting their technical examination. The approach associated with the comparison “similar - dissimilar” is also far from objectivity. Therefore, the interpretation of any mysterious historical artifacts should be taken on faith as little as possible. Only an unbiased scientific analysis of the mysteries of history can bring the problem of paleocontact from a collection of curious stories to the level of a scientific discipline.

    Alexander Petukhov,

    deputy coordinator of ONIO "Kosmopoisk"