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    Ml uu unified speech of the Russian Federation.  What is environmental monitoring?  Environmental monitoring functions.  State data fund

    United Russia has set up four groups to monitor the implementation of high-profile laws. The results of this work will be presented in the form of a report to President Vladimir Putin.

    Today at a press conference of the party, Secretary of the General Council of United Russia, Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Neverov explained that some of the laws in question are of a framework nature, including at the regional level. "These are important, resonant documents, the passage of which in parliament aroused resistance from various groups," the parliamentarian explained.

    To more closely monitor the implementation of laws, the ruling party created four monitoring working groups and invited experts and activists to take part in this work.

    "The result will be joint reports that we will present to our president," Neverov said. At the same time, the groups will work both at the federal and regional levels.

    The Secretary of the General Council also called on candidates from United Russia to take part in this monitoring. According to him, it is important for the ruling party to convey to the head of state what instructions should be given to the government and regional authorities so that all the necessary mechanisms work.

    The sphere of interests of the working groups will include amendments to the law on trade aimed at supporting domestic producers, laws in the field of ecology concerning the creation of forest park green belts around large cities and megalopolises, as well as issues of reforestation. In addition, United Russia members intend to monitor the implementation of the law on the involvement of unused agricultural land in the turnover. "If any adjustments are needed, they will be carried out," Neverov promised.

    As for the law on the fundamentals of state regulation of trade activities, its adoption was not easy for parliament, since it had to overcome considerable opposition.

    To monitor the implementation of laws, the party created four monitoring working groups

    "The amendments limit the growth of the retail chain's remuneration to five percent of the price of food products, whereas before it was 10. At meetings held in the regions, we are told that local producers are faced with the fact that chains are trying to bypass these restrictions and, in fact, , leave everything in its place, "Neverov explained.

    According to the head of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Irina Yarovaya, United Russia will conduct monitoring together with the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

    "Our allies in this process are producers who find it very difficult to find a public plane and declare that they are forced to cheat," the parliamentarian said. At the same time, there is no talk of revoking the license of retail chains, but if there are "malicious violations", the ruling party will return to this issue.

    The second block of laws concerns ecology and preservation of the forest fund. "The amendments to the Forest Code also met with rejection from a number of timber merchants. They spoke out primarily against the creation of a register of unscrupulous forest tenants, those who, contrary to their obligations, are not engaged in reforestation," Neverov noted. At the same time, he stressed that the norms of the law should not become an instrument of unfair competition. "In the same block, questions about the creation of forest park zones around our cities, the so-called" green shields ", - added the parliamentarian.

    Finally, another important document for many regions is the law on the inclusion of unused agricultural land in the turnover. "It is important to prevent abuse, to understand the readiness of each region to conduct an objective and understandable monitoring of how such lands are cultivated or not, how many such lands are there in the region," Neverov summed up.

    This large-scale task will be implemented within the framework of a new project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which is called: “Organization of measures to improve the qualifications of educators to update the implementation of software, methodological and didactic support for a single speech mode in educational institutions with Russian as a non-native language of instruction. ".

    The grant is included in the federal target program "Russian language" for 2011-2015. It is being implemented by an interuniversity group of lecturers led by lecturers from the Russian New University.

    One of the main goals of the project is to improve the level of Russian language proficiency among schoolchildren, which directly depends on the qualifications of the teaching staff and, first of all, Russian language teachers. And the fact that there really is a problem was confirmed recently by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets at a meeting of the Council on the Russian Language under the Government of the Russian Federation in Vladivostok. She noted: “We just have an unskilled program of education in the Russian language for our schools. We must make this program effective and of high quality ".

    The normative document on the creation of a unified speech regime in schools lost its force in 1987. And since then, there is no centralized normative document that would determine the procedure for establishing, maintaining, implementing a unified speech regime and assessing the achievements of students in this direction.

    A single speech regime does not mean that everyone in Russian schools must speak the same way. We are talking about uniform standards for the creation of texts in Russian, both written and oral, corresponding to the modern standards of the Russian literary language. And these norms should apply to both classes in the Russian language and lessons in other disciplines, where the Russian language is a means of realizing the subject content. And, of course, extracurricular activities, which can also be carried out on the basis of the Russian language.

    The project manager, Dean of the Faculty of Humanitarian Technologies, Candidate of Cultural Studies Olga Yuryevna Ivanova, at an online briefing for colleagues from the regions, emphasized: “All of us as citizens of Russia must know the state language, which is Russian. It is at the heart of our understanding. But today there is no mono-ethnic composition in our schools, the boundaries of the Russian, multicultural and national school are blurred. Therefore, the grant is all-Russian and is aimed at creating conditions for the creation of a single speech regime in all schools of Russia without exception ".

    The creative team included specialists who were engaged in the development of materials for the Unified State Exam at the Russian Academy of Education, as well as teachers specializing in the problems of the national school and metasubject connections, the problem of the Russian language as a means of developing cognitive skills within the framework of other subjects of the school cycle. The scientific supervisor of the project is I. P. Tsybulko, a leading researcher at the Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education.

    During the implementation of the grant, 200 school teachers and employees of regional advanced training institutes will be trained through distance learning, who will become tutors and will disseminate the information received further. The advanced training program will be variable and will be included as an independent module in professional retraining programs.

    The organizers are planning to hold two online meetings (seminars). The first meeting is for teachers of the north-western, south-western and central regions, the second will be addressed to those who are in the Urals and beyond the Urals. In addition, at the end of September, a face-to-face seminar will be held in the Moscow region.

    As a result of the project, a collection of teaching materials for all school levels and grades will be published, containing recommendations for creating a unified speech regime.

    05.04.2018 16:33

    The meeting of the Russian Language Council was held today in the Regional Government under the chairmanship of Deputy Governor Oleg Vasiliev. The event was attended by philologists, writers, journalists, language teachers, methodologists, as well as representatives of universities and institutions of culture and art of the region. The main topic of discussion was the question of the procedure for introducing a unified speech regime in educational institutions of the Vologda Oblast.

    “We are holding the first meeting of the Russian Language Council this year. Today we have several questions, they are quite serious. One of them will become an innovation in general. We must consider the proposal to hold the first congress of teachers-philologists in the region. Also today we will discuss the introduction of a unified speech regime in the general educational organizations of the region, since the topic is relevant. To be able to speak, write, communicate in Russian is the task of our entire society ", - Oleg Vasiliev addressed the meeting participants.

    A unified speech mode is a system of requirements that regulate the activities of participants in the educational process in order to provide conditions for optimal speech development. This system assumes the observance of speech norms by ALL participants in the educational process, the education of speech culture, the competent design of all materials, documents, visual agitation in the institution.

    "Currently, at the federal level, methodological recommendations on the introduction of a unified speech regime have not been developed, which requires certain work in this direction in the region."- said in the course of her speech the deputy head of the Department of Education Lyubov Vorobyova.

    In the professional standard of a teacher, adopted in 2017, new requirements are put forward for the professional competence of a teacher. One of them is the ability to organize the communication activities of students. This means that improving the level of Russian language proficiency among schoolchildren directly depends on the qualifications of the teaching staff. In this regard, specialists from the Vologda Institute for the Development of Education spoke at the Council with recommendations to develop an additional professional advanced training program for teachers of general education organizations "Uniform requirements for oral and written speech of students of general education organizations."

    The members of the Council decided to recommend to the heads of educational organizations to monitor the effectiveness of the introduction of a unified speech regime. Representatives of the Vologda Institute for the Development of Education will work to revitalize the methodological associations of educational organizations.

    The meeting also discussed the results of a trial final oral interview in the Russian language in the 9th grade of the region. To date, 650 students from 10 general education organizations of the region have taken part in it. The results showed that 96.3% of the students received the "Pass" in the oral interview. The passing of the final interview next year will become admission to the State Academy of Arts for 9th grade graduates. This year, the results of the final interview will not affect admission to the final certification.

    Professor of the Department of the Russian Language Guriy Sudakov spoke at the meeting of the Council with a report on the holding of the I Congress of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature of the Vologda Region. It will take place in October 2018 at the site of the Vologda State University. The participants of the congress will be greeted by 20 educational organizations of Vologda. The participation of teachers in the V All-Russian Belov readings “BELOV. VOLOGDA. RUSSIA". Materials of the teachers' congress will be prepared for publication.

    For reference:

    The Council for the Russian Language was formed in March 2015 and approved by the resolution of the Governor of the region. Its main goal is to unite the efforts of various public, scientific and state structures for the study, development and use of the Russian language.

    Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Sergei Neverov at a press conference at TASS.

    United Russia will create four groups to monitor the implementation of high-profile laws. The results of this work will be presented in the form of a report to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Sergei Neverov, Secretary of the United Russia General Council, said at a press conference in TASS.

    We are talking about a block of amendments to the law on trade aimed at supporting domestic producers, on amendments to laws in the field of ecology in terms of creating forest park green belts around large cities and megalopolises, as well as to the law on the involvement of unused agricultural land in the turnover.

    Some of the laws in question are of a framework nature, including at the regional level. These are important, high-profile laws, the passage of which in parliament met with resistance from various groups. We have created four monitoring working groups, we invite experts and activists to take part in this work. The result will be joint reports that we will present to our president, Neverov said.

    Conservation of the forest fund of Russia

    Sergei Neverov, speaking about the amendments to the Forestry Code of the country, noted that they were adopted with a creak. According to him, there was some rejection from the side of the timber industry.

    They opposed the creation of a register of unscrupulous forest tenants - those who, contrary to their obligations, are not engaged in reforestation, do not take proper measures to protect themselves from wildfires, and do not restore village roads destroyed by timber trucks. But at the same time it is important that the norms of the law do not become an instrument of unfair competition, says the Secretary of the General Council of United Russia.

    “In the same block - the issues of creating forest park green belts around large cities and megalopolises (the so-called Green Shield). Those who planned to build cottage settlements on tidbits of land, those who look at city parks exclusively from the point of view of the possibility of infill development, were also not delighted with the adoption of these amendments, "Neverov added.

    The head of the Center for Monitoring the Execution of Presidential Decrees "People's Expertise" of the ONF Nikolay Nikolaev will be engaged in monitoring the implementation of the law on the conservation of the forest fund. And Vladimir Gutenev, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Industry, will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the law on the "green shield".

    Every piece of land is used

    To involve unused land in circulation, it is necessary first of all to find out "the readiness of each region to conduct an objective, understandable monitoring of how the land is cultivated and whether it is cultivated at all," says Sergei Neverov.

    At the same time, Nikolai Pankov, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, who is responsible for the implementation of the relevant law, informed that “today 28 million hectares of land in Russia is privately owned. However, nothing has been produced on it for 5-8 years ”.

    According to the norms of the adopted law, it will be possible to buy land from careless owners for its further use in the production of goods. The law is already producing results. At meetings with farmers, agricultural producers confirm that they have an interest in expanding production. Our main goal is to convince the owner of the land to produce products, and if this does not happen, then transfer the land to those who can work on it. The addition of 28 million hectares of land will give us more opportunities for production. We also expect that the new law will create new jobs, lead to an increase in wages for agricultural producers, says Pankov.

    Support of a domestic manufacturer

    For several years United Russia has been striving to support local producers of products - to provide them with access to a wide sales market, stated Neverov.

    Therefore, the law "On the Basics of State Regulation of Trade Activities" (the Law "On Trade") is under constant control. In this spring session, we made amendments to it, the adoption of which was also quite difficult, with great opposition, - said the Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia. - They were accepted. For example, the amount of remuneration for chains is limited to five percent of the price of purchased food products (it was 10%). However, at meetings in the regions, it is said that the networks are trying to bypass these restrictions, in fact, leaving everything in its place.

    Irina Yarovaya, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Corruption, will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the law on trade. According to her, it is necessary to monitor the conclusion of supply contracts and other agreements between retail chains and food suppliers. Yarovaya promised to pay special attention to socially significant goods, as well as compliance with antitrust rules by retail chains and food suppliers.

    We are in constant cooperation with the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). We intend to ensure such interaction within the framework of our monitoring, and most importantly, our allies in this monitoring are manufacturers who find it very difficult to find a public plane and declare that they are forced to cheat, Yarovaya said.

    Earlier, at a meeting of Vladimir Putin with representatives of the leadership of parliamentary parties, the head of the United Russia faction, but with the participation of experts, activists and representatives of public organizations, who monitor the most significant laws.

    The past event with the participation of Vladimir Putin and the leaders of parliamentary factions is a kind of preventive measure before the Duma elections, said Georgy Fedorov, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. The expert believes that the President once again wanted to directly hear from the leaders of the factions their vision of the results of their parliamentary activities and talk about how they see their work further and how they analyze the country's political system.

    “The main thing is that the parties do not use the elections for destructive purposes. That is, Putin wants to gather everyone and agree on acceptable rules of the game. This step, in particular, is another signal to the society that there is a dialogue and it will continue in the future, ”Fedorov said.

    2005-2017, HOCHU.UA

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