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  • Master class "Teaching children to compose riddles

    Master class

    Olga Kostrubova

    Target master class: demonstrate technique making riddles, methods of working with pictures and mnemotables. On the example of a specific lesson, introduce the stages making riddles.


    Learn make up figurative characteristics of objects by riddles;

    To develop creative speech activity, the ability to think independently, analyze, compare; logical, visual-figurative thinking; attention;

    Develop the sensory sphere;

    Cultivate resourcefulness, ingenuity, speed of reaction; ability to listen to each other.

    Development environment: toys (cat, bunny, plates, subject pictures, mnemonic tables, chest, scarf.

    preliminary work: drafting descriptive stories, d \ and "Which?", "Selection of epithets", "Selection of actions".

    Course progress.

    The teacher reports that everyone was invited to visit her grandmother - Enigma. An adult offers to close your eyes and be transported to mysterious country where that grandmother lives.

    Guests are met by a sad grandmother - Riddle and informs about that she had a granddaughter Masha, who forgot to close the chest where they kept puzzles. All riddles are gone. Enigma turns to children for help.

    1. A direct description of the characteristic features of the subject without its name.

    Grandmother and children are examining a toy cat.

    What can you say about a cat? What is she? (grey, soft, fluffy)

    What does a cat like to eat the most? (milk)

    What song is he singing?

    Children with grandmother make up a riddle: “A gray, fluffy milk laps, sings a song - meow, meow! Who is this?"

    Grandma offers to repeat riddle next to the chest and closes it. In order for the new the mystery remained in the chest.

    Looking at the bunny make up a riddle: “A little white lump, long ears, loves carrots. Who is this?"

    2. Mystery, drawn up by the contradiction method.

    After examining a deep and shallow plate, a new one is obtained mystery: "I am different:

    Clean and dirty

    Full and empty

    Deep and shallow. And my name is…”

    3. Mystery, negated.

    Pictures of chicken, sun, fur, fluff and phrases are composed: yellow like the sun; fluffy like fur; as light as thistledown. Separating each pair by the expression "but not" get comparison phrases with the element puzzles: "Yellow but not the sun"

    "Fluffy but not fur"

    "Light but not fluffy"

    new riddle“Yellow, but not the sun.

    Fluffy, but not fur.

    Lightweight but not fluffy.

    Who is this?" also hide in a chest. According to this method, children together with an adult make a riddle about the ball.

    The turnip riddle is made up using a mnemonic table shown by an adult.

    “Round, not a ball. Yellow, not the sun. With a ponytail, not a mouse".

    Grandmother thanks for the help and says goodbye to the guys.

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