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  • Corridor between eclipses. The influence of the corridor of lunar-solar eclipses on the signs of the zodiac. What to do before the eclipse corridor

    Corridor between eclipses.  The influence of the corridor of lunar-solar eclipses on the signs of the zodiac.  What to do before the eclipse corridor

    How will Eclipses affect our lives and what to do during the Eclipse Corridor? How to properly survive the period of the Eclipse Corridor?

    Impact of the 2018 Eclipse Corridor

    Solar Eclipse July 2018

    The Solar Eclipse on July 13, 2018 will occur at 06:02 Moscow time in the sign of Cancer. This Eclipse is designed to begin to destroy the old patterns of our lives so that new ones can appear in their place. The eclipse will bring changes to the following areas of our lives:

    • comfort zone and normal
    • values ​​and principles on which our thinking is based
    • foundation of life
    • our goals and long-term life projects
    • family relationships, issues at home, place of residence.

    Lunar Eclipse July 2018

    The Lunar Eclipse on July 27, 2018 will occur at 23:21 Moscow time during the great opposition of Mars. This will be a very powerful and influential Eclipse in the sign of Leo. It will summarize and bring to a conclusion the following questions:

    • moving beyond past barriers
    • principles of freedom and self-expression
    • opportunity to realize your talents
    • ability to remain part of society
    • opportunity to use your potential at work

    Solar Eclipse August 2018

    The Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018 will occur at 12:47 Moscow time in the sign of Leo. It will be more positive and lighter than the previous Eclipse. During this Eclipse, we will have greater faith in ourselves and our capabilities, a desire to realize our talents and ideas. The eclipse will bring changes in areas of life:

    • self-realization and self-expression
    • freedom to be yourself in a loving relationship
    • creativity, hobbies
    • freedom from restrictions, the right to be yourself

    Eclipse Corridor 2018 what to do:

    The Eclipse Corridor is the period between Eclipses, during which the biggest events and changes occur in our lives. The Eclipse Corridor will last from July 13 to August 11, 2018. During this period, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

    • do not agree on anything, do not make deals, do not sign agreements
    • do not get involved in conflicts, do not sort things out, do not disagree
    • don’t quit work, don’t rush to make decisions, don’t do anything rashly
    • be flexible, accept the internal and external changes that Eclipses bring with them
    • engage in self-realization and go in the chosen direction
    • apply new non-standard creative approaches in everything
    • do not take risks, do not engage in adventures
    • reflect on your life, realize the reasons for past failures
    • be careful on the roads, in crowds, in dangerous places throughout the Eclipse Corridor
    • avoid overexertion, take care of your nerves, think about the good
    • support loved ones and be more tolerant of others
    • engage in spiritual practices, meditation, prayer, spend more time in nature

    On July 2, 2019, we will again enter the eclipse corridor. The eclipse corridor is the time between a solar and lunar eclipse. This is a special energetic period in the life of our planet and every person.

    Since the eclipse begins to take effect 7 days before its start, then from June 25, 2019 it is better not to plan any important things, not to make important decisions. It is best to be quiet with yourself, engage in spiritual practice, charity, and clear away tails and rubble.

    • do not look at the eclipse;
    • do not leave the premises (and especially not travel or travel) and stay indoors;
    • do not eat 3 hours before and after the eclipse;
    • do not drive a car or at least do it very carefully;
    • avoid financial transactions;
    • do not contact the crowd;
    • It is recommended to meditate and engage in spiritual practices, yoga (or just relax).
    • avoid everything that requires serious, thoughtful decisions and clear actions;
    • refrain from making transactions, any undertakings, large expenses in stores and even travel;
    • exclude rough and heavy foods (meat, flour, cheese). You should absolutely not drink alcohol, drugs, or tobacco (a great reason to finally quit smoking!);
    • exclude various medical manipulations with the body (surgical interventions, injections);
    • on the day of the eclipse, avoid eating outside the home;
    • avoid sexual activity during an eclipse;
    • you should not cut your hair, nails (or generally come into contact with piercing/cutting objects) on the day of the eclipse;
    • try to do as many good, necessary and pleasant things as possible: do a general cleaning of the house, take a walk in the park, relax, go for a massage, do something for the benefit of the Universe (plant a tree, organize a cleanup in the park with the neighbor’s children, go to a shelter for animals and walk the dogs there, etc.);
    • on the day of the eclipse itself, it’s a good idea to “be in contact” with the yellow or orange color - wear clothes of the appropriate color (or have at least one wardrobe item), eat orange and yellow fruits and vegetables;
    • this day is a good time to communicate with your mentor, you can give him a gift or show him some kind of sign of attention and respect, thank him in any way (for example, write him a message of gratitude or something like that);
    • during an eclipse, you can turn to Rod and make tarpana (offering water to our ancestors);
    • take a vow for the duration of the eclipse corridor and keep it;
    • pray (read mantras and prayers), it is very favorable to read on the day of the eclipse

    2018 is rich in eclipses. On Friday, July 13, there will be a new moon and a second partial eclipse of the Sun. It will open the corridor of eclipses. These phenomena are considered by many to be mystical and dangerous. A total solar eclipse occurs very rarely, and in 2018 you will not be able to observe this fascinating action. There are three partial solar eclipses in 2018: February 15, 2018, July 13, 2018, August 11, 2018.

    Eclipse corridor is the period between eclipses whose dates are close to each other. On July 13 there will be a solar eclipse in Cancer, on July 27 there will be the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century, and on August 11 there will be a solar eclipse in Leo. Therefore, the corridor itself is from July 13 to August 12.

    It should be noted that solar eclipses occur in almost the same number as lunar eclipses (if we take a long period of time), and are an astronomical phenomenon in which the Moon completely or partially covers the solar disk. This happens when the Sun, Moon and Earth line up in one line, which creates the impression that our planet’s natural satellite is eclipsing the Sun. It is noteworthy that the eclipse is not observed in all parts of the planet at the same time and in the same way. It all depends on the viewing angle, because in reality the Moon is much smaller than the Sun and covers it only because the observer is on Earth, a more distant point at that time. Despite the fact that the ancient times of primitive fears have long passed, some people still continue to believe in the depressing influence of solar and lunar eclipses. The effect on the human body has been proven by science.

    The main feature of eclipses is that they are visible from certain points on the planet. In Russia, only the solar eclipse will be visible on August 11, 2018. In addition to residents of the Russian Federation, people in Scandinavia, Iceland and Canada will be able to observe the natural phenomenon.

    Don't miss the opportunity to watch the solar eclipse in 2018; the next time this phenomenon will be seen only in 2026. All eclipses occur with a certain cyclicity; scientists have long established all their exact dates for many years in advance.

    A solar eclipse affects a person regardless of whether you saw it or not.

    Some phases of the eclipse can be seen in South Australia, including Adelaide and Melbourne, as well as North Antarctica.

    Events that occur during this period can have a fateful impact on the next 18.5 years of life. It is advisable during this period to get rid of everything that bothers you.

    During this period, there is an increase in conflicts and legal disputes become more frequent. It is not recommended to make life-changing decisions: getting married, moving to another country or changing jobs (except in emergency cases)!

    Crime is increasing, the number of deaths is growing, and the risk of cataclysms, car and plane crashes is increasing.

    Also, many people experience exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    The partial solar eclipse on July 13, 2018 will be in the sign of Cancer, so all cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Capricorn and Libra - will feel its influence; serious changes await them during this period. An eclipse in Cancer accentuates the traits of this zodiac sign - emotionality, empathy, caring for others, focusing on family and relatives, as well as the desire for security, including financial.

    On July 13, the Moon will cover the third part of the luminary. The eclipse will begin at 04:48 (Moscow time) at sunrise in the southwestern Indian Ocean and end at 07:14 between New Zealand and Antarctica. The Sun and Moon will be in Cancer. The unusual phenomenon can be seen from Australia (in the vicinity of Melbourne and on the island of Tasmania), as well as Antarctica (near the coast of Adélie Land). But it will not be available to residents of the Northern Hemisphere.

    • Beginning of the eclipse: July 13 at 01:48 UTC (Greenwich time) or at 04:48 Moscow time (Moscow time);
    • Maximum phase: July 13 at 03:01 UTC or 06:01 Moscow time;
    • Ends: July 13 at 04:13 UTC or 07:13 Moscow time.

    A solar eclipse is essentially a new moon as the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. However, its impact is much stronger, because the Moon eclipses the Sun, symbolizing the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one, opening up opportunities for the implementation of new plans.

    The impact of the eclipse will affect all signs of the Zodiac, but most of all will be felt by representatives of the cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, as well as those who have the Sun, Moon, Ascendant or personal planets located at 1-25 degrees of these signs in their natal chart.

    This is a good time to start over, so write down your goals on a piece of paper. The best time for new beginnings is the period from the solar eclipse on July 13 to the lunar eclipse on July 27, 2018. However, there are two solar eclipses in this series of eclipses, the next one will be on August 11, 2018, which also needs to be taken into account.

    • The Sun and Moon in Cancer form an opposition with Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, indicating a crisis in a relationship or an event with far-reaching consequences. Deeply buried subconscious fears can rise to the surface, causing anxiety and uncertainty about the future. You may find yourself being manipulated. If there are people around you who manipulate you, then now is the time to let them go. If you are too controlling of others or situations, try releasing your control.

    A solar eclipse opposite Pluto stimulates transformation to develop yourself, live a better life and experience more satisfaction. Recurring themes will show you what habits, beliefs, and attachments you need to give up to increase your spiritual power.

    Pluto encourages a direct and proactive approach to problem solving. Unleash your inner warrior and confidently stand up for your rights if you feel disadvantaged in some way. Determination, willpower and fighting spirit will help you overcome adversity, and then a personal crisis will turn into a success story.

    • The eclipse chart has favorable astrological indicators - a grand trine in Water signs links the Sun and Moon in Cancer, Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. Another trine in Earth signs unites Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Virgo and Saturn in Capricorn. These planetary aspects represent a balanced and harmonious combination of planetary energies containing great potential for positive change. This is a good time for change to transform anything in your life that is holding you back from happiness and success. Changes can affect love, finances, creative work, but not only.
    • The positive aspect of Venus and Saturn provides support for those interested in creating and strengthening long-term relationships. A reasonable approach will help form sustainable connections. A new love that begins during this period may be with someone older in age, and there is a high chance that it will be a long-term union of soul mates. If the relationship was tense, there will be chances to change it for the better.
    • Venus trine Uranus invites you to try something new, which can be applied to all areas of your life - from hobbies to romance. Love at first sight is quite possible. If you already have a lover, you will discover new facets of relationships.
    • The Saturn trine to Uranus supports the transformative role of Pluto. Be calm and patient, plan each step methodically. This aspect is favorable for experimentation and creative self-expression. You can find new ways to do old things without having to turn your life upside down.

    The July eclipse in Cancer activates powerful forces and contains enormous potential, but it takes dedicated effort to make dreams come true.

    An eclipse in Cancer accentuates the traits of this zodiac sign - emotionality, empathy, caring for others, focusing on family and relatives, as well as the desire for security, including financial.

    Total lunar eclipse July 27, 2018 will last 103 minutes, making it the longest in the 21st century. It is visible in most of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, and Antarctica. It can also be observed in Russia, including in Moscow. This celestial phenomenon is interesting because Mars is very close to the Moon and can be easily seen with the naked eye.

    Lunar eclipses always occur during a full moon, when the Sun and Moon are opposite each other, and the Earth, passing between them, casts a shadow on the Moon, i.e. eclipses it. A total lunar eclipse is also called a “blood moon” because of the reddish color our night star takes on.

    • Beginning of the eclipse: July 27 at 19:30 UTC (Greenwich time) or at 22:30 Moscow time (Moscow time);
    • Maximum phase: July 27 at 20:21 UTC or 23:21 Moscow time;
    • Ends: July 27 at 21:13 UTC or July 28 at 00:13 Moscow time.

    The lunar eclipse on July 27, 2018 will affect all signs of the Zodiac, but most of all on representatives of the fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. If your natal chart has personal planets and important points (Acs, MC, IC) at 0-9 degrees of fixed signs, the following months can be critical.

    • The lunar eclipse of July 27, 2018 occurs at 4 degrees Aquarius, when the full Moon opposes the Sun in Leo. Its main themes are personal relationships, creativity, as well as home and family.
    • Negative aspects of the Moon and Mars with Uranus in Taurus highlight the instability of the current moment. Many of us have a strong desire to free ourselves from restrictions and rebel against the established order of things. There is a tendency to act rashly, without paying attention to the consequences, which can create big problems.
    • The influence of the Moon conjunct Mars gives rise to complex emotions and they are not easy to control. As a result, tension in relationships cannot be ruled out, as well as anxiety caused by fears hidden in the subconscious. Mars is retrograde, so you need to think twice before doing anything. It is better to postpone radical changes to another time, since the July lunar eclipse does not support drastic changes, especially in relationships with loved ones. Overall, the eclipse is not easy, but it also contains a positive impulse. As a counterbalance to the excesses of Mars and Uranus, there is a semi-sextile with Saturn in Capricorn, softening negative tendencies. Strict and cold Saturn gives patience and wisdom, helps to sensibly assess situations.

    Uranian influences excite consciousness, giving a feeling of something new that is ready to come into our lives. Awareness of this dynamic energy will lead to creative breakthroughs and revitalization in your personal life. Fateful events and recurring themes will show which of your desires are ready to come true.

    The Full Moon and Mars may encourage reckless action due to the intense aspect with Uranus, which is also the dispositor of the eclipse. Staying calm is especially important. If you feel irritable, this is a signal that you need to step back and try to relax. Otherwise, you will lose your temper and behave irrationally. If you can't calm down, try to implement yourself in some active activity, for example, cleaning the house or going for a walk.

    It is not recommended to plan anything important (negotiations, important events, trips, etc.); it is better to do ordinary things. It is good to devote time to meditation to comprehend the events of the past and determine plans for the future.

    A partial solar eclipse will occur on August 11, 2018 at 09:46 UTC or 12:46 Moscow time at 18° Leo. It will be seen in Northern Europe, Northeast Asia, northern North America and Antarctica. It can also be seen in Russia, including Moscow. However, the solar eclipse is partial, and the Moon's shadow will only cover a small part of the Sun.

    The Sun and Moon are in conjunction with retrograde Mercury - this suggests that some past circumstances will remind you of themselves. The charge of creative energy that fiery Leo carries will help you overcome uncertainty and step forward. However, you should act carefully, as the Leo Sun and Moon square with Jupiter in Scorpio can result in over-optimism and imprudence. It is recommended to be careful as there may be problems with travel or transportation.

    The 2018 eclipses are part of a long cycle that began in 2016. They will bring important changes that will determine how our lives unfold in the months and years to come.

    People with weather dependence will feel a deterioration in their health. Retrograde Mars in Aquarius contributes to exacerbations of mental illness. A solar eclipse aggravates chronic diseases. The functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems deteriorates. The period is extremely traumatic. Be careful while driving. The week before the eclipse corridor, the number of accidents increased.

    Doctors recommend taking a contrast shower at this time and dousing yourself for 20-30 seconds. Cool or cold water, hot - 2-4 minutes. A solar eclipse is the perfect time to get rid of bad habits.

    During the week after the solar eclipse, the impact of this phenomenon on health will continue. To normalize your well-being, you should not overload your body with heavy food, give preference to water rather than alcoholic beverages, regularly spend time in the fresh air, and for hypertensive patients, do not give up your usual medications.

    On the day of a solar eclipse, it is better to do routine work and not take on new projects. Try to be as concentrated as possible while driving a car and doing any work.

    The week after the eclipse, like after the new moon, is a time of activity and creativity.

    Avoid daytime naps, banking, and adrenaline-fueled, stress-inducing experiences. Do not start new things, especially spontaneous ones, i.e. unless they were planned in advance. It is not advisable to carry out serious medical procedures: there is a high probability of error. Refrain from participating in mass events.

    Put off for a few days important decisions on which your future depends: changing jobs, marriage proposals, moving, major financial transactions. Track your emotions.

    The effect of a lunar eclipse on health begins three days before and continues for another three days after the eclipse itself. These days there is an increase in moodiness (especially in children), irritability, vulnerability, a desire to argue, and dissatisfaction with oneself and others. There is also a high risk of relapses of mental illness and manifestations of emotional instability. An eclipse can negatively affect the well-being of even a practically healthy person; mentally unstable and meteorologically dependent people will especially suffer.

    During solar and lunar eclipses (three hours before and after the moment of the eclipse itself), be careful when traveling, avoid business and commercial activities, large purchases, and large crowds of people.

    On the day of the lunar eclipse, you should get rid of bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, gambling, psychological addictions. This is the ideal time in 2018 when you can effectively reboot your negative programs and change scenarios.

    If you are busy looking for someone or something, then maybe you will find it during a lunar eclipse. There should be few desires - the most relevant for you, transform it into intention. Give yourself permission to have what you want in your life. Move towards what you want, enjoy the process, calmly.

    Move in the same rhythm with cosmic energies, and not contrary to them.

    Let go of everything that “goes away”. This is a time of great change.

    Often in the corridor of eclipses events occur that upset a person. He thinks that he is losing something valuable that he is not ready to part with. Or something is given during this period that he is not ready to accept in his life. But this is only at first glance. In reality, in the corridor of eclipses everything happens exactly as is necessary for the person himself for his development and a better and higher quality life. You just need to be able to see it. During the eclipse corridor, it will be appropriate to take care of your body and emotional state. Try not to overload yourself.

    In the eclipse corridor, everything intensifies, both positive and negative. Watch your thoughts, behave with restraint and be considerate of others. Do not get into arguments and heated discussions, do not make global decisions and do not perform any important tasks. All your thoughts and actions during this period will influence your future destiny and have consequences. To exit the eclipse corridor into a new space in a new quality, conduct an audit and put all areas of your life in order.

    The influence of the eclipse corridor on all zodiac signs

    Aries During the eclipse corridor, you should be more patient and act constructively. You shouldn’t start something new without looking at the situation from different angles. This sign is also highly likely to sell/buy real estate, move to another place or even country in the next 2 years.

    Taurus the native planet Venus is well aspected in the sign of the Earth, so Taurus will feel solid ground under their feet, and will learn to build material gain from their own suffering. Many of you will receive interesting offers in terms of earning money. There will be an opportunity to save or invest money profitably. You will feel more confident. The period of the eclipse will pass under the sign of learning for you. If you have long been planning to gain new knowledge or skills, now is the best time for this. Your circle of acquaintances may change due to frequent travel.

    In Gemini from July 13, their financial situation will change, many of them will become financially independent, and a new source of income will appear. An increase in income can be associated either with a new job or with payments or an inheritance. It is better not to spend money in the next 3 months, but to invest it in your development or put it aside for a large purchase (when is the best time to do this - see the calendar of retrograde planets).

    Many Cancers they will think about moving, starting a business, changing their marital status, or having a child.

    Lviv A reassessment of values ​​and internal changes awaits. For you, this will be a cycle of completing the past. There is also a high probability of changing your place of residence in the next 1.5 years.

    For Virgos The time has come to make your long-time dream come true; it’s time to actively act in this direction. Pay attention to communications. It is worth learning to restrain your impulses and strengthen self-control in order to avoid troubles and improve your financial situation. You will also experience changes in your relationships with friends. Give up outdated communication. Listen to yourself.

    Scales. The eclipse opens up new prospects for you in your career and business. You can be promoted and your salary raised. During the eclipse corridor, if you have debts, try to start the process of paying them off, this way you will speed up the process of payments for the next 12 months, and opportunities for additional earnings will appear. Many temptations and difficulties await you in love affairs. Let go of old patterns of behavior in relationships. Track your mistakes. Couples who fail the test will separate during the eclipse period.

    Scorpion. In the period after the eclipse, you can start a new profitable business, gain new knowledge, or find work abroad. A court case for which you have been waiting for a long time may also move forward. You will be traveling more in the next two years.

    Sagittarius. The eclipse will primarily affect finances. There is a high probability of receiving an inheritance or successfully investing money. There is also a high probability of having a child in the next two years. New things and projects can be successful and change your life.

    In Capricorns At work, it’s time to take off, perhaps the emergence of new financial partners. 2018 brings a lot of changes in the life of Capricorns. During the eclipse corridor, new creative ideas will come to you. Relationships with family, friends, and colleagues will come to the fore. There is a high probability of conflict situations. You will make an important decision - about marriage or divorce, changing a business partner, etc. Make decisions with a cool mind. You should be careful in everything, because you will have to make important life choices. Capricorns will be able to greatly succeed if they introduce something new into their work, create new ideas, and go beyond their comfort.

    Aquarius It is recommended to pay attention to your organization and learn to plan your time correctly, since they will have a financial period from the end of September. Prepare for it. During the eclipse period, you will want more freedom. New knowledge will be revealed to you. You will reconsider your social circle, be prepared to meet old acquaintances. Many of you are deciding to change jobs or areas of activity. This is a good period to get rid of bad habits, play sports and start leading a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, in the summer there will be an exacerbation of diseases.

    Fish. You will finally be able to devote yourself to a hobby, which can subsequently become the main source of income. However, there is a risk of being deceived by new partners. Be careful! Pay attention to home and family. Replenish your strength by relaxing in nature near the water.

    During the period of eclipses, what we think about happens throughout the year, so think only about the good, help each other.

    According to her, our whole life is accompanied by cosmic signs. Currently, you and I are also living through an important and significant stage, which it is advisable for every person to pay attention to. Today, July 13, Friday, a very significant cosmic event occurred - a solar eclipse occurred, which gave rise to a corridor of eclipses, the astropsychologist noted.

    “I want to reassure you - eclipses are always at the service of a person. The Universe gave them to us to help. I would really like you to know that at the moments of eclipses it is very important to tell the Cosmos what you want, and the Universe will meet you halfway. What you think about during the period of eclipses is what happens in our lives in subsequent years,” said E. Osipenko.

    She explained that during this period it is necessary to complete previously started cases, it is strictly forbidden to start anything new, you cannot file lawsuits, the plaintiff will absolutely lose the case, it is better to be the defendant

    The astropsychologist explained that a solar eclipse is a special case of a new moon, and on a new moon a person feels quite difficult, our immunity is practically zero. Therefore, by producing good thoughts, doing good deeds, we create an excellent program for our future progress, for our health, for our joy and happiness. We ourselves can create our own lives.

    “The moment of eclipses always unites all people living on Earth. We must think about the good, plan our good deeds, thank the Universe for what we have, thank for what we have lived, for the experience that is present in our lives, thank each other, love each other, do good deeds . Thus, we are all together creating a good, beneficial program for the Earth for the whole year ahead,” emphasized E. Osipenko

    The astropsychologist explained that from now until August 27, the period of Mars retrograde continues, which can significantly slow down many external social processes in society and draw people’s attention to the restructuring of internal evaluative factors, to the reconstruction and reorganization of their activities. Against the backdrop of Martian retrospectives, we have approached the corridor of a triple eclipse: July 13 - solar, July 27 - lunar and August 11 - solar again.

    The eclipse corridor, which lasts from July 13 to August 11, is a rather difficult period for the psychological state of people, especially sensitive to lunar rhythms. If you know about this, do not provoke quarrels and conflicts and become a good helper for your family and people close to you.

    The triple eclipse corridor is rare and lasts about a month. This period can quite significantly transform and adjust the direction of our lives towards progress.

    The solar eclipse on July 13 took place at 21° Cancer. According to the system of Isidore Kosminsky, the symbolism of this degree: a person, having barely jumped over the fence, ends up in a ditch. The degree indicates the unpleasant consequences of possible adventures. It is necessary to exercise extreme caution and use willpower to restrain your impulsiveness. Self-control and the ability to subordinate your actions to the power of spirit should become the rule of this period.

    The degree at which the eclipse occurred may fall into a certain house of your individual horoscope - then changes are possible in this area of ​​​​life and you will have to restore order there. And also these degrees can fall on any of your planets in the horoscope and will also start the process of activating your potential and the tasks that you need to solve in life. Thus, the cosmic mechanism helps all of us, at the right moment, to turn on the process necessary for our evolution.

    People born from July 10 to July 16 can expect special changes throughout the year. It is in your horoscope that the degrees of eclipses activate your solar potential. Make these changes good for yourself and your family.

    Each new solar eclipse is like a reprogramming for the Earth and its inhabitants.

    As a result of scientific research, scientists have come to the conclusion that at the moment of an eclipse the Earth experiences strong excitement, the planet seems to splash out accumulated energy into Space and its potential approaches zero. Then the Earth gradually gains energy, but with different parameters, that is, our planet is reborn in a different quality.

    The same thing happens to us. Before the eclipse, we take stock of our experiences, realize our experience and cleanse ourselves, transforming our negative thought forms into gratitude and love. And then we are reborn and pour new energy into our future, having the opportunity to start a new life. Each of us can, starting with ourselves, bring a piece of love and gratitude into this wonderful world and leave this gift to our descendants.

    A solar eclipse occurs on a new moon, which begins the monthly cycle. The combination of solar and lunar energy during this period becomes extremely intense and leads to compression and compaction of the Earth and everything that is on it, including our mental images. Our thoughts are material and have a greater chance of coming true during this period.

    “The most important rule during eclipses is to be a source of only positive thoughts and desires. By showing aggression, anger and irritation, you harm yourself, programming self-destruction. Thank you for everything that Fate sends you, wish everyone good and peace, and then you will see that your thoughts create your life, and you yourself create a program for your success,” summed up E. Osipenko.

    Let us remind you that for all inhabitants of the Earth, from now until August 27, an unfavorable astrological period continues, associated with eclipses and the retrograde of several planets.

    Today, July 13, our planet entered the so-called “eclipse corridor,” which will last from July 13 to August 11. Usually the corridor is the time between two eclipses, but this year we will have a triad of eclipses.

    On July 13 there was a solar eclipse, on July 27 we will have a total lunar eclipse - the longest in the 21st century, and on August 11 there will be a partial lunar eclipse.

    Eclipses. As a rule, they have a negative effect on people, they become more hot-tempered, aggressive and irritable. At this time, you cannot start new things, circumstances will be against you, and what is happening will resemble a battle with windmills. You should not go on long trips at this time, they will be unsuccessful. At the moments of eclipses, you can get rid of diseases and bad habits, astrologers assure.

    From now until August 27th there will be, which includes three unfavorable astrological factors, from the point of view of the retrograde of Mars and Mercury and the triad of eclipses (July 13 - solar eclipse, July 27 - lunar eclipse and August 11 - another solar eclipse). That is, during this period there are 3 unfavorable factors for undertakings.

    Useful tips

    From July 13 to August 11 we will live in the so-called “eclipse corridor” - the period between two eclipses. This lunar month is special, since the new moons on July 13 and August 11 are accompanied by solar eclipses, and in the middle of the corridor - on July 27 - a lunar eclipse takes place.

    The eclipse corridor gives us opportunities, using which we can change our life and make it just like this. which one do you want.

    This is very good time in order to get rid of unnecessary things and acquire what will really help you live a happy life in the future.

    If you don't know what goals to set yet, take a look at our cheat sheet! It is likely that you will definitely take note of some of these goals and begin to implement them in the eclipse corridor or already from August 11, 2018!

    August 11, 2018- a magical day. You can bring the fulfillment of your desires closer if you formulate and present them very clearly and clearly. The best thing is to work with goals and visualization of the future August 11 after 13:00 when the 1st lunar day begins. During this period, the energy will be much greater and the chances that you will not deviate from your goals and achieve them are much higher!

    How to change your life in 4 weeks?

    Almost every successful person believes in two things: firstly, that the future is better than the present, and secondly, that he has enough strength to have such a future! Set goals and go towards them, how happy you will be in the future depends only on you.

    Here is a list of goals that may be useful to you:

    2. Sign up for courses or seminars to learn something new.

    3. Learn to knit and knit at least three things (or: embroider, paint with watercolors, etc. - whatever you like best).

    4. Keep a journal and write down what you will be grateful for every day.

    5. Set aside at least 1 hour a week to study a foreign language.

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    6. Adhere to morning rituals aimed at health and well-being for at least 1 month without a break.

    7. Eat 3 servings of vegetables and fruits daily for at least 1 month.

    8. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily for at least 1 month.

    9. Do physical exercise for 20 minutes a day for at least a month.

    10. Walk at least 2 kilometers every day.

    12. Reduce the amount of coffee to 1 cup per day.

    13. Eat only healthy breakfasts every day for 1 month.

    14. Stop eating carbohydrate foods after 18:00 for a month.

    How to start a new life?


    15. Get rid of 10 unnecessary items a day for at least a month.

    16. Spend 15 minutes a day on mini-cleaning every day.

    17. Place advertisements for the sale of unnecessary items at least once a week for a month.

    18. Set aside 1 day a week to properly clean the entire apartment (at least a month).

    19. Rearrange the furniture in the rooms.

    20. Make a meal plan and lists with which you can go grocery shopping, in order to save money and not buy anything unnecessary.

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    21. Plan a romantic night with your partner at least once a week for a month.

    22. Have dinner with the whole family at least 4 times a week.

    23. Go on a date once a month with your spouse.

    25. Write encouraging notes to each child once a week for a month.

    I want to change my life


    26. Set aside at least 10% of your earnings every month throughout the year for vacation.

    27. Make a special plan to pay off your debts faster.

    28. Create a rainy day nest egg - set aside 5% of your salary every month for a year for emergencies.

    29. Save to buy something you really want by a certain date (!) without debt.

    30. Make a plan for maximum spending per day for a month and stick to it.

    31. Reduce food spending by 10% per month.

    32. Save some money throughout the year to update furniture or renovate your apartment.

    33. Distribute your shopping budget for the month, taking into account your wishes. Track your spending daily for a month.

    34. Choose 1 month of super savings per year.

    35. Find an additional source of income or at least start looking for it on the Internet.

    Goals you can put any, your own, personal. Everyone may have their own, but as an example you can use some of the goals listed above.

    A few more tips:

    1) Set realistic goals that you can achieve, even if not immediately, but they are quite realistic. If your goal seems too far away, break it down into steps, each step in it will be more real and achievable than the entire goal.

    2) Always be honest with yourself, think seriously about why you need to achieve this or that goal? Does it have meaning for you?

    3) Remember the future: your entire future life depends on what did you do now. This is also true for the present moment: everything you have now is the result of what you did in the past!