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  • Learning letters for children 4 5. Learning letters in the game: effective and accessible. Video: Educational Cartoon. Copybooks for children: writing letters

    Learning letters for children 4 5. Learning letters in the game: effective and accessible.  Video: Educational Cartoon.  Copybooks for children: writing letters

    When a preschool child lives in a family, he wants to quickly show the world, tell him what the alphabet is, and teach them the alphabet and numbers. But too early such activities will not bring any results, because no one has canceled the physiological characteristics of children and they must be taken into account.

    For example, from the age of 2, a child consciously learns about the world through touch, taste and vision, but at this time it is almost impossible to interest him in studying, since the child’s mind does not yet understand the meaning of numbers and letters.

    Children most often begin to learn letters from the age of 4, because he already begins to analyze his actions and little by little understand why he needs to learn. Moreover, this will take little time - 10-15 minutes a day.

    At 6–7, children’s memory, thinking and perception improve, so they are probably ready to play school. So if your baby has not shown any interest in learning before, now is the time to teach him new activities.

    Maria Monsessori is a famous Spanish teacher who founded her own school for children and proposed one of the most famous methods that will help your child learn the alphabet through games. It consists of 4 parts and is designed for children of any age from 3 to 6 or even 7 years.

    Drawing in the sand - developing speech

    Before a child can write letters correctly and quickly, he needs to develop his hand muscles and strengthen his fingers, which will soon have to hold a pen quite often. So the first Montessori game is finger drawing in the sand. If you don’t have the opportunity to go to the beach, then just pour a little semolina onto a baking sheet on which the lesson will take place. Start drawing something simple, for example, a smiling emoticon, a sun or a Christmas tree, and let your baby repeat everything after you. When you move on to more complex drawings, work with your child together: he drew the head, you drew the body, and so on.

    "Rough letters"

    The next exercise that will help you learn the alphabet by playing is called “Rough Letters,” which involves the presence of special letters. You can buy them in an online store or watch an instructional video that tells you how to make them for children yourself.

    Next, we show the child one letter and tell him how to pronounce it, then let the child repeat the sound he heard after you. At the end, we definitely give the opportunity to touch the card with the letter, while pronouncing its sound and show an object that begins with the learned letter.

    You need to work through three letters at a time and repeat what you have already learned at the beginning of each lesson. If the child has forgotten something from the previous material, then feel free to add the forgotten “comrade” to the new three from the alphabet.

    All other educational ways to teach letters for kids can be read in Marie-Hélène Place’s book “Learning Letters Using the Montessori Method.”

    Methods and exercises for children from 4 to 6 years old

    Mosaic letters

    As mentioned above, 4 years is the best period for learning and memorizing. At this time, you can already use a mosaic, from which the child will have to put together the letter named by the parent. In mosaic, it is easier to teach how to write letters with horizontal lines, but to complicate the task, ask to make a letter of a certain color, small or large.

    "ABC from plasticine"

    The next version of the game with a child already 5 and 6 years old is “ABC from plasticine”. Draw the outline of the letters on the modeling board with a pencil and ask your child to sculpt a specific letter from plasticine. When you learn them well, you can complicate the task by completing the task quickly. “ABC” is good for playing with a child because it helps to quickly memorize the alphabet and develop finger motor skills.

    There are many more techniques that are suitable for small children. For some of them, you need to make “inventory” with your own hands, which videos from the Internet will undoubtedly help you with.

    Educational computer games for learning numbers

    Children are very attracted to technology, including computers. And there is nothing wrong with girls and boys, starting from the age of 4, learning and memorizing numbers by playing on a laptop. After all, there are videos, techniques, educational toys online that can correctly teach you to remember numbers. For example, an online program where a child must color a certain number in the color he likes, and the more often he colors it, the faster he will remember it.

    If your child is already 5-6 years old, then more complex simulators are chosen, such as “Find a pair - addition”, “Find a pair - subtraction” and with their help they study calculation and addition. These toys are made in the form of closed squares, which the player opens, remembers what is written there (for example, 7+3=) and looks for the correct answer to it.

    If you don’t touch the computer, simple exercises will help you remember the numbers. For example, while walking down the street, ask your child to remember the license plate of a car parked in the yard or find a specific number in it. Funny poems, songs and counting rhymes that are easy to remember and tell about something interesting are good for memorization from a very young age.

    As you can see, there are a lot of ways to teach a child to pronounce letters and memorize numbers: methods of popular teachers and psychologists (in addition to the work of Montessori, the methods of Zaitsev and Polyakov are common), educational videos, educational toys and exercises.

    The methods cope with their task provided that the educational process is carried out correctly - they do not force the child to study in a bad mood, do not raise their voice, do not demand too much and are proud of even minimal achievements. And most importantly, the chosen method must correspond to the age and abilities of the baby.

    If you see that a preschooler is interested in learning, wants to constantly learn something new and quickly figure out what is written on store signs, then the ABC will be an ideal first book that the child will be interested in studying.

    ***The most correct ABC!***
    Educational game "ABC and Alphabet for children" - learn the letters and sounds of the Russian alphabet!
    After completing this game, the child will learn to read much easier, since ABC uses the experience of the best teachers in teaching children to read.
    ***What will the child learn?***
    Read under the spoiler!
    Idea: Tatyana Anatolyevna Dubovkina, director of the Umnichka preschool development center, author of methods for the development and training of preschool children, mother of two children.

    With the help of "ABC and Alphabet for Children" your child will be able to:
    * Learn the Russian alphabet easily and with interest
    * Learn to write letters
    * Develop phonemic awareness
    * Separate letters into vowels and consonants
    * Distinguish between vowels and consonants
    * Learn sounds, not just letters. This will help you learn to read quickly and easily in the future.
    * Enrich your vocabulary
    * And also develop thinking, memory, perception, imagination and attention!

    WHAT'S NEW-Version 1.2.3:
    - Correction of the voice acting of the task in Checker

    Additional Information:
    ***How ​​to play?***
    The child, together with the main characters Zaika-Poznayka and his cheerful friends Bukvarik, Hedgehog and Belka, will learn the letters of the Russian alphabet by completing exciting tasks. During the exercises, the Checking Toad will make sure that the Bunny has learned all the letters correctly and only after that will let the heroes into the magical city, where they will learn to read.
    Training and assignments are divided into:
    * Vowels. An important section in learning letters. We study vowels separately
    * Consonants. The letters are arranged in the correct order, which is necessary for children to more easily learn speech sounds. We study and complete tasks
    * Checker. Exercises in the form of games to consolidate what has been learned - “Show the letter”, “Find the right letter”, “What letter does the word begin with?”
    * We write letters. Interactive copybook - learning to write letters correctly
    * Sing letters. Alphabet - karaoke. A song specially adapted for the youngest children. The letters are sung separately, at intervals, without omissions or repetitions - correctly and in order. Sing along with your kids to learn the alphabet easily!

    ***It is important to know***
    * Unlike other applications, letters and sounds in the game are divided into vowels and consonants
    * In the settings there is switching between letters and sounds
    * By default, the letters in the alphabet sound like SOUNDS - THIS IS IMPORTANT if you want your child to easily learn to read. During the game you can easily change the setting from sounds to letters and back.
    * Section "For Parents". A memo from the author of the teaching method on how to learn the alphabet correctly in order to easily learn the alphabet, and then simply and quickly learn to read.
    * Simple and child-friendly controls. The application interface is simplified so that the child can play the game independently.
    * For better retention of material and new games with letters - install our game Alphabet
    You will be fully equipped: with an educational application, thoughtful tasks, a song adapted for children, interactive copybooks, and our care and support.
    Attention, the application contains an in-game purchase - the full version of the game for 99 rubles ($2.99 ​​for other countries).

    Installation description:
    1. First, download the program (Apk file).
    2. To install the application, allow "Unknown sources"...(check the box) :embarrassment:
    3. Next, install the program like an ordinary application.

    Despite the development of new technologies, video and online learning, without the ability to read well, it is impossible for a modern person to achieve success in any business. That’s why caring parents are so eager to teach their kids to read and write, and this needs to start with learning the Russian alphabet. But what if the child doesn't want to learn letters? Then we learn letters for children 5-6 years old by playing with the alphabet.

    There are completely different opinions regarding the age at which children should start learning the alphabet, each of which is accompanied by convincing arguments. Proponents of early development call for starting as early as possible - at least from a year. Other experts convincingly prove that such an early introduction to the alphabet is pointless: the baby’s brain has not yet matured and he is unlikely to read at 2 or 3 years old.

    Even knowing the letters, correlating them with sounds, children are not yet ready to put them into syllables at 2-3 years old. Therefore, without going to extremes, teachers advise starting to introduce children to the alphabet at the age of 3. Do this at first simply by paying attention to them and naming the sounds that correspond to them. Teach through play, without requiring the child to memorize.

    You can start learning the alphabet and numbers from the age of 4, so that you can slowly, calmly master it and learn to read and write a little by school.

    How to easily and quickly learn letters with your child?

    No matter what age you decide to teach your preschooler the alphabet, the main thing is not only to teach, but also not to instill in him an aversion to the learning process itself. Therefore, classes should be short and take the form of a game. Today, to help parents teaching children 3-5 years old the Russian alphabet, there are songs, educational games, cartoons, and videos that can be watched online. All this helps to teach your child the alphabet and numbers in a fun and easy way. This needs to be done correctly.

    • Do not try to learn the entire Russian alphabet with your child at once. It is advised to start with vowels and learn two letters throughout the week. When the children have learned them, move on to the next ones.
    • When introducing children to consonants, you need to pronounce the sounds correctly, not as the letters are called, but as we pronounce them: B, not BE, V, not VE. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for a 4-5 year old child to put them into syllables.
    • When teaching the alphabet with children 4-5 years old, be sure to associate letters with words so that the child hears them in the word and understands what they mean. For example, we introduce U and clearly say “U-litka”, “U-ho”, etc.
    • Learning and remembering best occurs through the child's own actions, so let him sculpt, color, cut out the alphabet and numbers.
    • When learning, use the association method, when each letter is associated with some image - a sound or a picture.
    • When the child learns even a few letters from which they can form a word, start doing this.
    • Don't forget to praise your baby.

    Educational cartoons for children. Learning letters ABC in verses Alphabet from A to Z

    Coloring pages

    One of the easiest ways to associate a letter in your child’s memory with a personal action is to print out coloring pages with the alphabet and give them to him. You can do this for free by finding coloring pages on the appropriate sites and downloading them.

    Artists select pictures that will strengthen the association with this letter and thereby help to visually remember it better. When the child traces and colors the letter, he is simultaneously preparing to write it. These educational coloring pages can be printed, or you can find coloring books online.

    Flash games

    Training is best done in real life, but today many educational games, cartoons, and videos can be found and used online. This should not be the main way of learning, although children really like educational cartoons, videos, and flash games. They can be a good addition to your regular learning activities - modeling, playing with blocks, coloring, reading poetry and learning songs.

    There are several types of flash games that teach children the alphabet.

    1. Search for objects starting with the required letter.
    2. Place it in the right place.
    3. Find the letter.
    4. Find a pair of letters, etc.

    When a preschooler plays online, parents should be nearby and help him. And also make sure that the baby does not play for too long.

    Very tasty letters

    It’s good if the alphabet is associated with something pleasant and fun, and not boring and difficult. One way to achieve this is to make the letters edible. There are many ways to do this:

    • Bake “alphabet” cookies;
    • Cut out pieces from apples and bananas (sticks, circles, halves of a circle) and put them together in the alphabet with your child;
    • Use jam and condensed milk to draw the alphabet on pancakes or pancakes.

    Board games with letters

    Today you can buy different board games with the alphabet, starting with cubes and ending with lotto, puzzles or dominoes. When purchasing such games, choose ones with simple, clear pictures and clear lettering. The simpler it is, the easier it is for the child to remember them.

    How to quickly and correctly learn the alphabet with your child. Tips and rules for learning the alphabet. Interesting techniques for learning letters at different ages (from 3 to 6 years). Methods for memorizing letters.

    All parents sooner or later face the following problems: how to teach their child the alphabet, how to do it correctly so as not to discourage the child, and what methods are best to use.

    Some children begin recognizing letters between ages 2 and 3 and can identify most letters by age 4. This means that you can start teaching your child the alphabet when he is about 3 years old. Of course, you shouldn’t expect your child to immediately remember many letters; this will take time.

    Doctors and teachers believe that it is best to master letters after 3 years. From this age, children have increased curiosity and ability to learn.

    But since each baby develops individually, parents must seize this moment. If you have problems with stuttering or pronouncing sounds, then it is better to wait.

    There are several rules that will help you prepare for learning the alphabet:

    1. let the child choose the book you will read and turn the pages himself;
    2. carefully look at and discuss the pictures;
    3. Discuss what you read, let the child retell the story.

    It is recommended to use methods that can attract the child's attention, since interest makes it easier to learn and remember. It is important to praise your baby and never scold him. Classes should be carried out at the same time, regularly, to develop a habit.

    There are general instructions for learning letters in the alphabet:

    Firstly, it is better to start learning letters from simple ones and those that are most often used, gradually moving on to rare and complex ones.

    Secondly, one letter every couple of days will be enough for the baby. You can consolidate the result using cards with objects, letters cut out of paper or fabric, molded from plasticine. In order for a child to forget a previously learned letter, it is worth starting each lesson with repetition.

    Thirdly, parents can tell the child what the letter looks like, read short poems about it, or sing a song.

    Learning the alphabet at 3 years old

    The first step in teaching the alphabet to a three-year-old is to get him interested. More often he begins to show interest in letters while reading. The task of mom and dad is to support this interest. By this age, the baby begins to have his favorite fairy tales and poems (if his parents read him a lot of books). Motivation appears to master the alphabet in order to read it yourself in the future. Children at the age of three remember best the first letter of their name, the letters A, B and C.

    So, how to teach your child letters:

    Firstly, you can use cubes with letters drawn on them, cards, magnetic alphabet, various posters and stickers.

    Secondly, parents and their child must draw the letters on paper, on a board, or on the asphalt. This will help you remember the letters faster.

    Thirdly, you can fold letters from various improvised materials, for example, buttons, sticks, and so on. This activity will be useful not only in terms of learning the alphabet, but will also help develop fine motor skills.

    The main rule is that the alphabet is learned one letter at a time.

    It is important to remember that a child of 3 years old should not be forced and forced to learn letters - this can discourage all interest and desire, and in the future it will be more difficult to teach the child letters.

    Learning the alphabet at 4 years old

    Classes for a four-year-old child are conducted in the same way as for a three-year-old child. Games are again used to teach letters. You can continue to form letters from objects.

    Parents should definitely include new games. These could be: “Magic bag”, “Find pictures”. First game: letters cut out of cardboard are put into a bag. The kid puts his hand there and, without looking, determines the chosen letter. Then he takes it out and checks whether he named it correctly.

    In the second game they use a set of pictures with objects depicted on them and starting with different letters. 3-4 pictures and a certain letter of the alphabet are laid out, and the child looks for the depicted objects starting with it.

    Learning the alphabet at 5 years old

    At the age of 5 years, a child already consciously shows an interest in reading. He understands that words can be made from letters, and sentences can be made from words. A five-year-old child can independently, without parental prompting, use improvised objects to form letters and sculpt them from plasticine.

    An electronic primer will be very useful at this age - it will interest and captivate the child. In this case, it is very important to choose the right ABC book. Letters should be pronounced as the sounds that designate them (not “er”, but “r”, or not “en”, but “n”).

    For four- and five-year-old children there is a special workbook “Learning Letters”, which they can use together with their parents or independently.

    At this age, the main thing is that the child speaks correctly and coherently. To do this, parents should ask the child to tell something, for example, what he did today, let him retell his favorite fairy tale, and so on.

    Learning the alphabet at 6 years old

    6 years is the best period to remember the alphabet and start reading. Therefore, parents should not worry too much if their baby has not previously shown any desire to learn letters. At 6 years old the alphabet is much faster than at 3 years old.

    In this case, for classes you can use primers, magnetic alphabet, and copybooks will be useful. You can watch special cartoons with your child that teach letters. Now there are many useful applications for smartphones, sites with educational games on the Internet that help a child learn the alphabet.

    The whole family can create a custom ABC book. To do this, you need to draw or cut out of paper a letter and a picture depicting an object corresponding to this letter. Then we glue them onto a page in the sketchbook. The child will really like this work.

    Consistent lessons using a primer help ensure that, in parallel with learning the alphabet, a six-year-old child learns to read.

    So, the main rules for teaching a child letters:
    • In order for a child to learn the alphabet, parents should not force them to study.
    • The most favorable form of learning for learning letters is a game form of learning.
    • It is worth starting classes when the child develops an interest in letters.
    • The best way to learn the alphabet is for parents to arouse the child's curiosity.
    • It is worth choosing interesting games that the child will sincerely want to play.
    • If the child is not interested, he does not want to play with letters, then in this case the parents should postpone the lessons, because the child is not yet ready for this.
    • It is very important to consolidate the learned material. Parents should ask the child to name the letters that are in surrounding objects. Let him draw them himself.

    Now you have learned how to help your child learn the alphabet. Remember, you shouldn’t demand more from him than he can remember. And even if something doesn’t work out for him, don’t scold him. Pay attention to the child’s mood, whether he is tired. Your baby will be able to easily remember all the letters if you take into account the tips given in the article.

    It’s not so easy to get little brats to learn something, and the alphabet is no exception. But still, you need to start learning letters as early as possible, and free online games “Letters for Children” were created specifically to facilitate this process. Bright and exciting applications will help little ones master their first reading skills in an easy and interesting way for them. Colored pictures stimulate visual perception and thus improve memory. Not to mention the fact that in many games, training will take place in the company of your favorite cartoon characters. It’s one thing when parents explain the letters, and quite another – for example, SpongeBob. In the second case, the child will clearly be more enthusiastic about the idea of ​​learning!
    In addition, in addition to the Russian alphabet, your baby will have the opportunity to start learning a foreign language from an early age. Some flash games “Letters for Children” on our website are dedicated to the English language, which will definitely be useful to your child in the future. In general, the sooner you start instilling the basics of literacy in your child, the better! Together with the “Letters for Children” games it is much easier. Therefore, you should not limit the time your child spends on the computer; it is better to make sure that he spends it playing the right games!