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  • Poems about fruits for the little ones. Quatrains about fruits. Fruits and berries

    Poems about fruits for the little ones.  Quatrains about fruits.  Fruits and berries

    Great about verses:

    Poetry is like painting: one work will captivate you more if you look at it closely, and another if you move further away.

    Little cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of unoiled wheels.

    The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which has broken.

    Marina Tsvetaeva

    Of all the arts, poetry is most tempted to replace its own idiosyncratic beauty with stolen glitter.

    Humboldt W.

    Poems succeed if they are created with spiritual clarity.

    The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

    If only you knew from what rubbish Poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion near a fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

    A. A. Akhmatova

    Poetry is not in verses alone: ​​it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

    I. S. Turgenev

    For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

    G. Lichtenberg

    A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing inside us. Telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He is a wizard. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

    Where graceful verses flow, there is no place for vainglory.

    Murasaki Shikibu

    I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

    - ... Are your poems good, tell yourself?
    - Monstrous! Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
    - Do not write anymore! the visitor asked pleadingly.
    I promise and I swear! - solemnly said Ivan ...

    Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

    We all write poetry; poets differ from the rest only in that they write them with words.

    John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

    Every poem is a veil stretched out on the points of a few words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

    Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

    The poets of antiquity, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times, a whole Universe is certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for someone who inadvertently wakes dormant lines.

    Max Fry. "The Talking Dead"

    To one of my clumsy hippos-poems, I attached such a heavenly tail: ...

    Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
    - My poems are not a stove, not a sea and not a plague!

    Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

    Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore drive away critics. They are but miserable drinkers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let the verses seem to him an absurd lowing, a chaotic jumble of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from tedious reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

    Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

    Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing but pure poetry that has rejected the word.

    Hello, readers of the World of Childhood website!

    On this page, a selection for you - poems for children about vegetables different poets. The first vegetables are already beginning to appear, for example, radishes introduce children to vegetables, appearance, shape, color and, of course, taste. Draw your child's attention to what can be cooked from vegetables. Expand the knowledge of children, prepare simple vegetable salads with your child. Tell us about the benefits of this or that vegetable for the human body.

    Poems for children about vegetables

    Eat vegetables and fruits!

    Eat fruits and vegetables
    These are the best products.
    You will be saved from all diseases.
    There is nothing tastier and healthier.

    Make friends with vegetables
    And with salads and cabbage soup.
    There are countless vitamins in them.
    So you need to eat it!

    N. Dovzhenko
    With a white tail radish
    Reddened the barrel
    From the garden to us sister Raiska
    Picked up a big bunch.

    T. Yudina
    We radish watered,
    When it grows up, everyone was waiting ...
    With sour cream, very tasty,
    With the addition of cabbage!

    I. Darnina
    In Anfisa's garden
    Harvest a large radish.
    And all the neighbors
    Vomit radish for a salad.

    G. Rukosueva
    What are these ostriches
    In the summer they grew up in the garden.
    Only one above the earth
    Leaves - ponytails are visible.
    Red radishes dexterity,
    They buried their heads in the ground.

    A. Bach
    We water radish,
    She has a white side.
    Watering, watering
    And then we'll tear it to the table!
    Very tasty radish
    And beautiful at the same time.
    Cut black bread
    And we'll eat it later.
    Wait - here's the deal
    The radish came to the table!
    Vitamins in it can not be counted,
    Oh I want to eat it!

    O. Shalimova
    White and pink suit
    Thin long ponytail
    There is also a green forelock,
    Pungent, but not very.
    The earliest root vegetable
    Pioneer in the garden
    It is not suitable for compote
    Yes, and in the soup is unlikely!
    The vegetable is friends with sour cream,
    With mayonnaise, butter!
    Guessed? salad for dinner
    From radishes with kvass!

    E. Grudanov
    Everyone can try...
    And during the summer more than once
    He will receive a valuable prize -
    delicious pink radish.
    How fast it grows:
    Three weeks is enough!
    Just managed to plant
    And already, you look, and ate!
    Dig the bed again
    And start first...
    How does it look on a spoon?
    And in salad, and in okroshka ...
    Its taste and its appearance
    They have a terrible appetite!

    A. Mokkuli
    I will ask you all a question
    - For what radish tail?
    There is green tops -
    She reaches for the light.
    She has a head
    It barely sticks out of the ground.
    And blushes with shame
    Because of her ponytail.
    Who will answer the question?
    Well, why does a radish need a ponytail?
    I'll tell you between us
    He looks for water with his roots.
    You can't see him -
    It sits deep in the ground.

    A. Poletaeva
    The red girl sits
    There is a green braid.
    With white, sometimes sideways,
    Stomps with a sharp heel!
    That is the carrot sister,
    Round radish!
    I love her with a bow
    With sour cream in a bowl!

    E. Zhukovskaya
    Oh, this one is wicked onion!
    With him you will know so much torment!
    Burns eyes and burns tongue
    Makes you cry in an instant.

    T. Kazyrina

    Baba Tanya cleans onion
    Grandson ran away from the kitchen
    He is small, but he knows
    Onion bites behind the eyes

    L. Schmidt
    - What grief! - shouted Onion.
    - I bring so much torment!
    The hostess sheds tears for half a day,
    Just take off my coat.

    N. Krasnoperova
    The letter "L" is ripening here Onion,
    He is the best friend for health.
    Although Luke sometimes brings to tears,
    But it doesn't leave our table.
    We will cut the onion into the salad,
    Go ahead and grab a bundle.

    N. Anishina
    Luk became angry with resentment:
    - I'm full of phytoncides.
    Yes, sometimes I'm annoying, -
    he said, wiping his tears. -
    When people are struck by illness,
    everyone remembers: - Where is onion?
    I expel sickness and pain,
    Among the vegetables and I'm not zero.

    I. Efremov
    I have a friend,
    He is from seven ailments!
    It's delicious and healthy
    Yellow - golden onion!

    He Lena
    Onion growing in the garden
    He is a big cunning in nature,
    He is dressed in a hundred clothes,
    Kids for lunch
    They don't want to tear it down
    Why shed tears!?

    E. Popova
    There, in the kitchen, what a smell,
    What did dad run away from there?
    There in the kitchen, what's that sound?
    This mom cuts onion!
    Cuts onions and cries.
    What does all of this mean?
    Who hurt mommy?
    But when I saw the bow
    I also cry in two streams ...
    Why am I crying?
    I'm not hurt, I'm not offended,
    And there is no end to the tears!

    E. Grudanov
    There, in the garden by the gazebo,
    Increased onion- big and strong!
    We know for a long time
    What will we pay from him.
    But how we love with friends
    Onions fried with mushrooms!
    With pasta, in a cutlet
    Or fresh vinaigrette!
    In general, when we eat,
    We are often friends with him.
    Because this bow
    For health first friend!

    S. Agarkov
    Tears are pouring down -
    Senya cuts onion.
    Brother laughs next to him:
    - Onions are not your friend!
    - Nothing, bro.
    It's your turn soon!
    Too biting onion
    He will find you.
    The fun is over
    Seva rubs her eyes.
    It's no laughing matter here.
    A tear on the cheek.

    A. Teslenko
    Here in the garden green onion,
    illuminated by the bright sun,
    Arrows lined up
    Like a squad of soldiers.
    Everyone knows that onions are useful,
    Rich in vitamins
    But a little bitter.
    It's not the onion's fault.
    By nature, he is
    Very modest and simple.
    Eat all the green onions
    He is a true friend!

    Y. Dulepina
    A beetle was flying in the garden.
    Sat down in the garden, began to eat onion.
    Tears run in three streams,
    - Green onions!
    I'll wait until it's ripe
    Too bitter
    Let it blush
    There will be a sweet onion
    I'll fly to the garden.
    We say:
    - Stupid beetle,
    There is no red onion
    It's not sweet either.
    Every student knows this.
    Let him be bitter, evil,
    Onions are useful to us like this!

    O. Efimova
    I hate in soup onion,
    There is no worse picture.
    And the grandmother says: - my grandson
    There must be vitamins!
    Yes, I'm not against the vitamin,
    But in the soup they are not visible.
    Only one bow floats there,
    That's why it's embarrassing!

    G. Ilyina
    How about Luka?
    Do not shed tears
    If he is in the shower -
    Live in the garden
    Measuring with a glance
    Arrows will be released
    They don't fly
    Even if you crack
    And sigh:
    - Not so again.
    And cry:
    - What a life?

    A. Poletaeva
    I sow black grains,
    In a small garden.
    Now the green lights
    Grow here in order!
    Heals seven ailments
    They say green onion!
    Grow up, onion, be bold,
    Get green!

    L. Generalova
    Why from Luke crying?
    They say he is very evil.
    Who angers him in the country?
    Why is he like this?
    I asked my grandmother
    - Tell me why?
    And she explained to me
    Explained what was what.
    That an onion is a useful vegetable,
    And no one makes him angry.
    He is always ready to help
    Protects against microbes.
    Raw onion, of course, bitter,
    And the garlic is even hotter.
    But the assistant is persistent
    From a cold for people.

    L. Gromova
    Like a grandmother in the garden
    The vegetable has grown very sweet,
    We'll do a workout
    Who will gnaw faster carrot.

    M. Borina
    delicious rose carrot,
    Very long head
    orange color
    Sunny summer.
    The tail sticks out above the ground
    And the guys say:
    Show dexterity
    Get a carrot.
    Delicious and sweet
    But do not eat stealthily.
    Wash very thoroughly
    Everything will be great.

    I. Fink
    Slumbering underground carrot
    What is she dreaming about?
    We threaten, furrowing an eyebrow
    - Show yourself, girl!

    N. Dovzhenko
    At carrots red nose,
    Juicy, tasty, sweet fruit.
    A green lush ponytail
    Decorates the garden.

    E. Zhukovskaya
    I carrot, or carrots,
    Make a salad out of me
    Put in borscht and soup
    From peas and from cereals,
    Wherever you want to add
    And eat it raw.
    Sweet and juicy
    I am very loved by all.

    Y. Bogodist
    Two gray cats wandered around the market,
    Two gray cats carrot pulled off
    Cats didn't know what to do with carrots...
    “There are vitamins in it,” the hares told them.
    Two cats diligently ate a carrot,
    And gray cats turned red by spring

    N. Anishina
    Carrot said with dignity:
    - I have a lot of merit!
    I have a special vitamin
    - irreplaceable carotene.
    So that the skin is velvet,
    so that blindness does not fail,
    I will always remain in value
    Everyone needs me, trust me!

    L. Leshega
    To be quick and agile
    Need to eat a lot carrots.
    It's a vegetable, not a fruit
    A must have product for kids!
    My mother used to say: -
    “He gives beauty and strength.
    Saturating the body
    Extends people's lives.
    We decided with a friend Vovka
    There are a lot of carrots.
    It contains an important vitamin -
    This is beta carotene.
    There are not many benefits from it -
    Beats free radicals.
    I don't understand who they are
    But let them die if they are evil!

    E. Grudanov
    On the ridge sat deftly
    longtail carrot!
    Hidden - not to be found,
    Just see the ponytails!
    Take her by the tail
    Pull harder -
    From the ground will come...
    Dirty beauty!
    You wash the beauty
    boiled water,
    And open your mouth wide
    Vitamins in it - a mountain!

    I. Nezhinskaya
    Finally! Here's luck!
    Tomorrow we are going to the country!
    I've been waiting for this day since May.
    Tomorrow is Harvest Day!
    In my personal garden -
    Near the apple tree in the shade -
    Harvest carrots sweet.
    Just pull the tail!
    The whole summer worked.
    Tired of the hassle.
    And the carrot was born!
    Just a wonderful garden!

    T. Lavrova
    Mom and grandmother sowed in the country carrot,
    We helped them a lot with my friend - Vovka.
    We watered carrots every Saturday,
    They did a very difficult job together.
    All green sprouts loosened with a stick,
    Vitamins from a watering can were fed every other day.
    So we worked and tried with our neighbor Vovka,
    To crunch sweet carrots in the fall.
    We did not let anyone near the green garden,
    They answered the questions: “Everything is in order with us!”
    We forgot about books and about all the toys,
    Well, in the fall they harvested parsley!

    Z. Pisman
    In the garden, near the house,
    planted carrot Roma.
    A smooth carrot has grown,
    Red, juicy and sweet.
    All the children of your house,
    Treated Roma with carrots,
    But the bunny, the rogue walked in the garden,
    I saw a carrot, called the whole family.
    The bunnies sat on the bed,
    They ate all the carrots.
    And Roma is not sorry, he is glad,
    He treated both the children and the animals.

    V. Bezladnov
    Green cucumber
    Big-big trickster:
    He sits on his own bed,
    Plays hide and seek with people

    green leaf
    Covered like an umbrella
    Sits ... and does not squeak -
    Try to find!

    E. Zhukovskaya

    I am long and green
    Fresh, salty
    I grow in the garden
    Loved by all people
    That's how good I am
    called cucumber.

    M. Borina
    Cucumber grows in the garden
    So it will be all right
    Soon there will be a harvest
    Collect if you want.
    You ask him a question:
    -Why did you grow up, cucumber?
    And you will get the answer:
    -For salad and vinaigrette.

    N. Lebedeva
    Sitting on the garden cucumber
    In green goosebumps.
    - Are you cold, well done?
    Put on a shirt.
    - I'm good without a shirt,
    I'm not a cabbage
    And if you found me
    Eat it, I'm very tasty.

    E. Grudanov
    - I am green cucumber,
    Vitamin dasher!
    In the summer I ripen in the garden,
    And in the winter - in the greenhouse.
    Everyone wants to be friends with me
    After all, they eat me with everything:
    In a sandwich, and with potatoes,
    And in the salad - with a fork, spoon,
    For breakfast, dinner, and lunch…
    There is nothing better!
    Here are the green youths -
    Young cucumbers!
    One two three four five -
    You can't count them all at once!
    Strong slender fellow,
    thin-skinned cucumber,
    And salty, and in sour cream -
    Taste wondrous creator!

    N. Masley
    Cucumber grows in the garden
    He plays hide and seek with us
    How can we find it?
    In the middle of such a large foliage.
    And cucumber and foliage,
    And tall grass
    All green around
    How can we find him friend?
    We will spread the sheet with you
    And see what's inside
    There is a cucumber on the ground
    Hurry up and tear it down!

    S. Bakhrushina
    In the garden cucumber,
    Like a lazy man
    Sleeping in the garden all day
    And yawns and snores.
    Turn from side to side
    Who passes, he laughs:
    “I got fat like a hippopotamus!
    From the garden it asks right into your mouth!

    M. Silinskaya

    Sitting in the bank cucumbers.
    As one - well done!
    Who put them there
    Poor, deprived of air?
    They've been there for a month and two...
    - It's bad, brothers, business!
    We have to die here
    If the bank does not explode!
    They didn’t wait, they pushed
    The lid was ripped off the jar!
    And the hostess grieved:
    - It can be seen that it rolled up weakly!

    T. Krylova
    On the plate cucumber
    Mom gave me
    I don't want to eat it
    That's all there is to it!
    But I decided to try
    And took a bite
    And then one more time
    And then another piece.
    He was delicious
    And from all sides.
    I shout loudly to my mother -
    I still want cucumber!
    I only hear in response -
    No more cucumbers!

    B. Elshansky

    They tell me in the morning
    All friends in our greenhouse:
    - Not by the day, but by the hour,
    You are more and more
    You are getting better...
    Neighbor-grass rustles:
    - The best color in the world;
    He says: "You will ripen tomorrow,
    And you are not more tender ... ".
    The sun echoes: "Yes, you are right ...
    How grown up, well done!
    Worthy of glory for the whole world -
    Our green cucumber

    I. Snezhny
    Long-awaited firstborn
    Appeared cucumber.
    He has a flower on his nose
    The frog lay down in the dew.
    All in green pimples,
    Like me when I'm cold...
    I warmed it in my palms
    After taking it to my grandmother.

    A. Teslenko
    Here is a green cucumber
    Oh what is he Well done,
    He lies under the leaf
    Hidden, does not make noise.
    He plays hide and seek with us
    I like to lie on the bed
    And so prickly
    Evil, probably evil
    Although the cucumber is tasty -
    Not given! - Well done!

    I. Alexandrova
    Ros cucumber on a loose bed
    Among the same cucumbers,
    Played hide and seek with mosquitoes
    And not afraid of weeds.
    During the day the sun shone brightly
    And he loved to warm up,
    But the nights were cold
    And he trembled under the leaf.
    Cheerful rain, July downpour,
    Watered it often
    Insidious enemy, nasty slug
    Secretly gnawed a hole in it.
    The company of friends frolicked:
    Peas, tomato and eggplant.
    The girl walked with a basket
    And harvested.
    He also got into this basket,
    As I grew and matured
    Appetizer for fried meatballs
    He did not want to become!
    When on the store shelf
    You will meet him
    Then pass the long-long
    Hello villages of Somino.

    E. Nemenko
    Glitter on satin skin.
    Stop! In the garden - a traffic light!
    It's shining bright red
    juicy ripe tomato

    A. Alferova
    Why did I get ripped off
    and called a tomato?
    What kind of joke, what kind of nonsense?
    I'm funny tomato!

    E. Zhukovskaya
    Tomato I, il tomato,
    Rich in vitamins
    I don't look terrible.
    Round me and red
    put me in a salad
    Everyone will be very happy.

    V. Horak
    From the sky, just for order
    The rain went to the garden.
    Washed in it tomato,
    Red, juicy it since then!
    He hides in dense foliage ...
    Is he afraid of us?

    Tomato, tomato,
    don't go into the corridor.
    There is a kitten, he is not afraid,
    It will bite you in the side.

    N. Masley
    This red bright fruit
    So it asks for us in the mouth.
    Soft, juicy inside
    tomato name

    Z. Pisman
    Like our aunt Dora
    blushed tomatoes,
    Very sweet in taste
    And cut it like a watermelon
    Filled with fresh juice
    Just bite your teeth
    Appetite will come to you
    Sweet juice will pour into your mouth.
    Eat, my friend, tomatoes,
    What grow at Aunt Dora.

    A. Teslenko
    Tomato ripe in the garden
    He became red! Everything is in order!
    Get up, friends
    Everyone is waiting for work in the morning.
    collect tomatoes,
    For pickling and salad!

    M. Borina

    tomato, tomato,
    You are very important sir.
    You have a red coat
    You didn't grow up here in vain.
    You are plump and solid,
    Immediately clear, a prominent vegetable.
    Very juicy and ruddy
    Mom will cook for you.
    Delicious will make a salad
    And feed all the kids.

    O. Shalimova
    Count tomato is a cheerful brother
    Eggplant and potatoes!
    He's ready to lay down the salad
    With cucumber, a little onion!
    Also delicious borscht.
    Our mother will refuel with him,
    Sour cream will become pink,
    When you put it in borscht!
    Also tomato juice
    Will draw us "usishi",
    Come quickly to the garden,
    find a tomato bush!
    We will find a tomato there -
    Red-sided, glorious brother
    We call him - Tomatic
    Or simply - tomato!

    V. Doroshenko
    Senior Tomato,
    the most important, tomato,
    Grew up in the garden
    huge and sweet
    Not red but yellow
    terribly handsome,
    Well jump in the bucket
    my friend is silent!
    You are more than mine
    turned out to be palms!
    fry now
    Definitely potatoes!
    I'll add cucumber
    our onion -
    I'll cut lettuce
    I have a big bowl!
    And I will feed everyone
    who will be at home!
    Thanks friends
    from my own garden!

    B. Elshansky
    My teacher is the sun in the field,
    Every day I study...
    like at school;
    I study the subject:
    "Where to find warmth and light."
    It's so sad without them...
    I blush until
    Until they tell me:
    - Juicy...
    The most delicious tomato

    A. Poletaeva
    What is this signor here?!
    big red tomato!
    He played hide and seek with me
    I found him in the garden.
    Slowly came up behind
    I lightly parted the bush,
    He didn't have time to hide.
    I ate it in a salad!

    L. Simakova
    Tomato grows in the garden
    He grew big and smooth!
    At first he was a sprout,
    And then it blossomed.
    Gently smiled at the sun
    Tried to make friends with bees
    Gave nectar to the bees
    Here the flower became an adult.
    The sun warmed gently in summer,
    The tomato is ripe.
    She grew up for the season -
    Sarafan in style!
    August loves red
    But others are not banned.
    Fashion show in the garden
    Summer leads round dances!
    In vegetable land dispute,
    About whether a tomato is beautiful?
    He is definitely beautiful
    And very important in the kitchen.
    Glad for him salad and soup,
    He scares the disease
    Ketchup will come to the table
    In winter, treat with juice
    And improve your appetite.
    Yes, he is handsome and important
    Little tomato!

    L. Gromova
    I think from vegetables
    The best - potato,
    You can't cook cabbage soup without it,
    Don't eat okroshka.

    We cook, fry and bake -
    On the fire, in the oven,
    Even with barbecue
    We'll do it well!
    And with dill young -
    Just a meal!
    But ... to clean, I do not hide,
    For me it's a pain!

    F. Polak
    I am on any table - the most beloved,
    And in honor of me, it's time to fireworks!
    After all, from potatoes mom in the kitchen
    You will prepare hundreds of different dishes!

    V. Gvozdev
    From the bucket - jump! - to the garden
    Everything is on point, in order.
    You, potato potato,
    Sit in the ground for a while
    Just don't fall asleep there
    And grow faster!
    And grow for our joy
    Not by days, but by hours.
    We put you behind it
    To return with a harvest!

    E. Golubenko
    Dig up the bed a little
    Look, he lives there potato.
    One potato, two and three...
    Take it all in a bucket.

    P. Mezhins
    I won't leave a crumb
    from crumbly potatoes
    I am very happy with potatoes
    she has a good look.
    Also, look here
    she has a wide mouth.

    L. Skazkina
    - I need your advice, kids, I need:
    What are we going to eat for dinner?
    Son, do you dream of pancakes?
    - Svari potatoes, mom, "in the pants"!
    Daughter Julia was indignant,
    Two tears in the eyes
    - You better cook in a pan ...
    Don't boil it in your pants!

    G. Uncle Potato in uniform
    She was yesterday
    In the trench
    And now she -
    in dill,
    In a saucepan
    Like a headquarters
    She is a soldier
    Hero in uniform!
    Prepare an attack
    She won't give up!
    Can't grab with bare hands
    Fighter with hot sides!

    M. Mullin
    Didn't think of anything
    Before that, I myself would -
    potatoes sit not at the table
    They put her in holes.
    Without darkness and dampness
    She can't grow up!

    A. Mark
    Yesterday we two potatoes
    Attached to the legs
    The potatoes have run away
    Thank you didn't say
    If on track
    You will meet those potatoes
    Tell them to come back
    Here their skins are left

    E. Grudanov

    What goes in rows into the distance
    Over a hillock, over a forest, over a house?
    That is a potato field
    Spreads around.
    Oh, potato! Ah, potatoes!
    You are like a light in the window for us!
    Without you, we may be
    And do not live a week!

    N. Kapustyuk
    You heard -
    Our potato- in a uniform?
    - To the left! Right!
    At-two! Three four!" -
    Cleaned, zipped
    Jacket potatoes.
    In a cauldron on the table -
    Here she is the leader!
    Beneficial features
    "live" in the commander ...
    Invites us to dinner
    Potato in uniform!

    M. Blinnikova

    All summer the tops rustled,
    sat in the furrow and matured.
    Grew up to become crumbly.
    Sunbathe in a fire on the coals.
    In a slightly blackened uniform
    It smells like - "Take and eat."
    I'm a vegetable, not a fruit at all
    some overseas product.
    Potato me, late, early.
    And in cabbage soup and with mushrooms desired.

    - I potato round,
    Beautiful and swarthy!
    In order not to grow old
    I'm going to take a steam bath!
    - I'm a white potato
    Strong and brave!
    I will be tempered
    In the pool with sour cream!
    A. Mlynash
    Mother potatoes in the "uniform" cooked,
    And I, without thinking, grabbed it with my hand.
    Hot skin bit the palm
    And ... potatoes "ran" on the table.
    First I went to a saucer of butter
    Along the edge of the table, swayed - dangerous!
    To the right, I collided with a high plate,
    She swerved to the left - she stumbled on the fork.
    In thought, she twirled a little in place
    And, guilty, she rolled up to me.
    She touched her palm, as if asking:
    - I won't do it again. Look,
    I COOL.

    L. Razumova
    Mom was cleaning potatoes,
    Timoshka came up behind.
    He quietly took the potatoes
    And he put it in his dump truck.
    Mom, look! Where are the potatoes?
    There is only a dog and a cat in the house...
    Oh! There is also Timoshka.
    Something he quieted down like a mouse.
    Where are you hiding, baby?
    And Timoshka is not bored,
    He counts potatoes.
    Can we blame
    Those who are learning to count.

    V. Prazdnichnova
    This potatoes
    There are ears and horns
    She looks like a deer.
    And this potato
    a little
    Reminds me of an elephant.
    And this little potato -
    Funny little kitten
    And the one next to her
    baba yaga,
    Crochet nose and crooked leg.
    This one looks like a potato...
    - Do not indulge in the kitchen, Seryozha!

    E. Osipova

    This is the most important vegetable.
    I'll tell you a secret
    With this vegetable recipes,
    Like riddles and answers
    Probably more than a thousand
    And all are extraordinary!
    And dumplings stuffing,
    And a garnish for the fillet - brisket,
    Everyone loves to eat mashed potatoes
    Both boy and girl
    And, of course, all the bait
    A casserole will become with her.
    Feel free to put any in the soup!
    With her, beloved, there is no limit.
    With her there is a recipe for cutlets,
    This is such a vegetable!
    Thinking a little here
    You all know potatoes.

    R. Bikmetova
    Dissolved mustache peas,
    There was a stir in the pod:
    A whole bunch of peas
    Everyone is like each other

    Jumped out of the pod
    Scared the spider
    They began to swing on their mustaches,
    tumble, mess around
    In sprays of morning dew.
    It's good when dad
    There are long mustaches!

    N. Goryunova

    And we have risen peas,
    Lisa exclaimed: “Oh!
    It needs to be watered!
    Uproot the weed!
    take care of him,
    And then we'll eat it!!!"

    L. Burtan
    I will weed my garden
    And I'll pour from the watering can.
    I will grow in the garden
    Everyone polka dots sweet.
    There will be my little brother.
    Most of all, peas are happy.
    O. Shalimova
    We have sown peas,
    Thistle grows there
    Weeded the weeds
    And we saw the pods.

    Yes, pea pods -
    Everything is not so bad!
    They are only thin
    Haven't grown all these days
    Peas look sad
    So the thistle interfered,
    Didn't let me eat or drink
    To spawn peas.
    We will bring water
    And we will water our peas.
    You grow like peas
    And sorry lazy ones!

    The pea pod grew
    He inflated his barrel,
    He moved his mustache
    I told all the neighbors
    He is a father of many children,
    There are a lot of hearts in it
    And the peas will ripen
    We can't look back
    Who will run away,
    Never find them.
    And a pea pod
    He stroked his barrel.

    A. Ivoilova

    If you are found in cabbage,
    You have no reason to be sad
    Because then you
    Food provided.

    E. Golubenko
    We ran in a hurry
    Tear cabbage stalk.
    Only on top of the stalk
    There were too many leaves.
    Let's take the cabbage to mom -
    The leaves will turn blue.

    A. Poletaeva
    It was in the garden, too empty
    We planted cabbage.
    One two Three,
    Now look!
    Lady, what is it?
    Came here for the summer!
    As if she had returned from the ball,
    She wore so many dresses!
    And a cabbage stalk
    Both girls and boys
    They love to crunch -
    A sight to see!

    A. Nasheynaya
    Again in the garden and immediately in the beds
    I run - heels flash -
    Straight through the potatoes.
    I want to know, but where is Antoshka
    So much hiding in a head of cabbage,
    Why didn't they notice him?
    While I was flipping through the book,
    my parents are brother
    Found in a diaper around here somewhere.
    Looking for my sister...
    But alas, the beds are empty -
    Cabbage let me down.

    N. Rodivilina
    I don't intend to play hide and seek with you.
    I grow like a normal vegetable in the garden.
    I've been getting fat all summer. How else? -
    I need to be round like a ball by autumn!
    Clothes on me, if you undress, a pack,
    But to be honest, I'm not a slut.
    The more clothes, the more valuable I will be -
    So people said, and people know better.
    And in cabbage soup, and in borscht you will not find a replacement for me,
    Stuffing in the pie, cabbage rolls - delicious!
    And sour, and stew, raw - no worse,
    I'm good for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    It is impossible to chew without a wonderful crunch.
    It has long been clear to everyone, my name is cabbage!

    O. Skvortsova
    Every evening our Ignat
    On the cabbage patch
    Watering everything,
    Doesn't play hide and seek.
    Children are invited:
    - Hey, Ignat, it's time to play!
    Ignat answers them:
    - I would love to play with you.
    Only my friends
    There are more important things to do!
    I will carry water
    I will pour under the cabbage,
    Let it grow big
    Juicy, fresh and tight.
    Friends are surprised
    - Why do you need her?
    My mother promised me
    A month later, in September,
    Find a sister or brother.
    And the cabbage is too small!
    I water the cabbage
    There is only one thing I dream of:
    Let it grow faster
    She has a brother or sister with her.
    Mom will go to the garden -
    And find someone!

    D. Tolstoy
    Our garden is empty
    Almost harvested.
    But everything remained cabbage
    She has to grow up.
    Under a wide, dense sheet,
    As under a fur coat, heads of cabbage.
    They are foggy and hazy cold,
    and frosts are not terrible.
    White-sided, tight.
    I can hardly lift a head of cabbage!
    It is not known how others
    I'm looking forward to the day
    When their grandmother will
    Shred, put in salting.
    I'm a holiday among weekdays -
    Stumps of juicy sweetness.

    E. Grudanov
    What's growing on the side?
    A row lined up behind.
    As if on thin necks
    Big heads are up!
    Not heads, of course, it is,
    Yes, and not the neck ... Here since the spring
    Until autumn, all summer,
    Rosli cabbage heads of cabbage.
    They are about to mature.
    They need to be cut down in time.
    And - pickle, chop the salad,
    Keep it fresh.
    Cabbage is a very necessary vegetable:
    Each of us is always ready
    For breakfast, lunch, dinner
    Eat cabbage pies!

    S. Prokhorov
    Pro cabbage in the garden
    I want to tell you,
    As everyone knows,
    It's easy to collect.
    But it's harder to grow
    Need to water a lot
    Weeds need to be bolder
    Rip without mercy.
    This is our favorite product!
    It is boiled and salted.
    Component irreplaceable
    For girls and guys.
    Pies, I will say, with cabbage
    Very good!
    Thick soup from cabbage
    All are pleasing to the soul.
    There are vitamins in cabbage
    A, B, C and even E!
    They are smart pictures
    Awaken in the head.
    A. Osinkin
    We studied art
    sour fresh cabbage,
    It turned out in this case,
    We didn't know a lot.
    Having cleaned Kacheny together,
    What should be done with her next?
    Don't know how to cut
    We thought together for a long time.
    And the question is, to be honest,
    We decided unsuccessfully
    And a combine in the tank literally
    Chopped up instantly.
    Next cut the carrots
    The experience was, they coped deftly.
    That cabbage at the beginning
    We cut and crushed.
    And having finished preparing
    Carrots were added to the tank,
    We mixed everything in it,
    For a very long time they crushed, crushed,
    Salted and under the press,
    That's it, the process is over!

    A selection of poems for children of the younger group of kindergarten for the Harvest Festival or the Autumn Festival.
    Our great-grandmothers also had a tradition that autumn begins with the harvest festival. This holiday was celebrated in September with a magnificent feast with a loaf, met autumn.
    Below you will find poems about harvesting, poems about vegetables and fruits, poems about the garden and about the harvest season - autumn. You can choose a poem about your baby's favorite vegetable or fruit and learn it together. Poetry memorization is excellent.

    Cherry earrings

    T. Shorygina

    little bit of cherries
    Look like earrings.
    Dark scarlet, like rubies,
    With a bone in the middle.

    ripe apple

    ripe apple,
    crunchy apple,
    with skin
    I'll break the apple in half
    An apple with a friend
    I will share.


    Potato - the most delicious vegetable -
    Baked and fried, put in soup.
    Yes, out of it in the kitchen mom
    Cooks hundreds of different dishes!


    In the garden "sunshine"
    On the leg is:
    Lots of black grains
    Very proud look!


    A. Prokofiev

    She was a sprout, she drank all the water.
    Turned white, bloated
    Like sugar crunched.
    She lived through the summer, saved a lot of leaves,
    Dressed up, dressed up
    And I couldn't undress.

    Turnip in the garden

    T. Shorygina

    Turnip in the garden
    Sits firmly on the bed,
    The kids are beckoning:
    Who will pull the tail -
    Pull out the turnip
    yellow, smooth
    Delicious, sweet!

    vegetable marrow

    T. Shorygina

    Zucchini, zucchini
    To take a nap lay on the barrel.
    You look like a pig
    The tail is a thin curl.
    But where is the piglet?


    T. Shorygina

    Dill is added
    In brine, in marinade,
    Fragrant and pleasant
    His scent.

    Pickled cucumber
    Looks so strong
    He smells like dill
    And crispy delicious!


    K. Tangrykuliev

    Look at the cucumber
    Cucumber is so smart!
    smartly dressed,
    Hiding under the leaves.
    I will rake the foliage with my hand,
    Pick a cucumber from the garden.
    I'll break it in half
    I will salt thickly.
    I myself grow cucumbers,
    Come - I'll eat!


    S. Kaputikyan

    Here is a strip - one, two, three,
    The pulp is ripe inside.
    - This, mommy, is a watermelon,
    It tastes like sugar!

    I drew for an hour.
    And now we have watermelon!
    Just one thing, you know, mom,
    I won't give it to you.

    You eat the soup first
    And then cut the watermelon!

    Carrot and radish

    Girlfriends grow close
    carrot and radish,
    Outside - fluffy tail,
    And heads in the ground.
    Hidden "burrows"
    ruddy crowns,
    And friends will meet
    On the kitchen table.


    E. Trutneva

    golden, silent
    Groves and gardens,
    fields are fruitful,
    Ripe fruits.
    And you can't see the rainbow
    And you don't hear the thunder.
    The sun goes to sleep
    Earlier every day.


    A. Prokofiev

    There are many ridges in the garden:
    Here and turnips, and lettuce,
    There are beets and peas.
    Are potatoes bad?
    Our green garden
    We are fed all year round.

    In the garden

    S. Polyakova

    Olya wanders in the garden,
    Can't find carrots
    Only green grass...
    - This, Olechka, tops.
    You are for this tops,
    For green grass
    Pull harder
    Look at the roots!


    I. Vinokurov

    Autumn is walking in our park,
    Autumn gives gifts to everyone:
    Red beads - rowan,
    Pink apron - aspen,
    Yellow umbrella - poplars,
    Autumn gives us fruits.

    What will autumn bring us?

    L. Nekrasova

    What will autumn bring us?
    What will autumn bring us?
    — Ruddy apples, sweet honey,
    Ruddy apples, sweet honey!

    What will autumn bring us?
    What will autumn bring us?
    - A vegetable garden full of different vegetables,
    A vegetable garden full of vegetables!

    What will autumn bring us?
    What will autumn bring us?
    - Golden bread for the whole year,
    Golden bread for the whole year!

    A bowl of fruit

    T. Shorygina

    The tall vase is on the table.
    Beams play in blue crystal.

    We put a fragrant banana in a vase
    A gift from distant tropical countries.

    Add lemon, orange, tangerine.
    And after dinner we will eat fruit!

    Children's funny quatrains about fruits:

    O. Yakukhina

    Apples grow on a branch.
    Don't touch them yet, kids!
    Here comes the harvest
    Put the baskets here!

    Though lemon and very sour
    It's useful, by the way.
    Put a slice in your tea
    And drink candy!

    On the table lies watermelon
    Great tasting!
    Scarlet pulp inside!
    Cut it open and see!

    M. Petrov

    Ate a hungry toddler
    Ripe, sugary watermelon.
    And now the little one
    Belly, like a watermelon.

    G. Shmonov

    All the most important watermelon in the garden -
    Keeps order
    For the sun to shine on everyone
    And there was enough water for everyone!

    L. Kavaliaka

    Orange- great healer
    vitamin filler,
    A banana for monkeys -
    As if bread is given by nature.

    A. Deev

    Bright yellow orange
    cute yellow ball
    I twist you - I twist
    I want to eat you

    I. Fink

    Not a ruddy bun
    pink cheeks
    This peach barrel -
    My daughter's favorite fruit.

    What tree is in bloom?
    A fruit, not a fruit, but a miracle!
    I'll tell you kids
    matures plum.

    V. Sibirtsev

    They look happily from the branches
    purple plums.
    Stop sunbathing fruit
    Let's pick plums!

    Unusually shaped fruit
    So it asks for your mouth!
    This fruit is called pear
    Sweet, juicy, well, eat!

    It's hard to hide watermelon,
    Gives out a watermelon belly!
    Warms the striped side,
    Why, friends, not a bun!

    Fast apples ripe!
    How to collect them, really?
    Let's shake the trunk a little,
    Fruit, fall on the table!

    You will never find him
    You are in our gardens.
    This is a guest from the southern countries
    Exotic banana!

    Come on, count buddy
    How many seeds are in pomegranate?
    Like rubies, look
    The darkness of seeds, and the fruit - one!

    N. Matunova

    grapes, grapes,
    Balls hang in a pile.
    Love to eat these balls
    Everyone from adults to kids.

    A. Teslenko

    Ripens, matures grape,
    So glad for the sunshine.
    Will pour sugar
    Ripe will turn
    purple plum,
    Looks playfully from the tree.
    So he wants to be torn off,
    Named the best

    A. Alferova

    colorful apricot
    From orange stripes
    Became neat in the sun
    Appetizing, aromatic.

    P. Trecorno

    I shared with my brother a pineapple,
    We had enough for two.
    In vain, friends were offended by us:
    We didn't share Ananih!

    I. Fink

    The wonderful fruit a pineapple
    And big too.
    If you eat it at once,
    It doesn't need dinner.

    O. Dimina

    Citrus, not tangerine
    Not a grapefruit, not an orange,
    He is friends with sweet tea,
    Yellow, sour fruit lemon

    A. Mirderosevic

    I bit a pear, -
    Suddenly - a worm: "She is mine!"
    In a dispute, we decided with him -
    We'll eat a pear in half.

    I. Darnina

    Melon, sweet as honey!
    Grows only in the sun.
    Half melon mode...
    All wasps flocked to us!

    O. Karelin

    Captured by harsh Russian winters
    Reminds us of the hot summer
    And fill the house with fragrance
    Like the sun is bright orange.

    L. Zaikina

    Fragrant fruit and sweet,
    It is orange and smooth.
    He grew on a branch for a long time
    Juicy, tasty apricot.

    E. Zaryadova

    Rough, furry, green inside,
    Take it in your hand, what a look!
    Strawberry flavor and very pleasant,
    That KIWI overseas, delicious and noble!

    T. Turbina

    Tangerine sky in a tangerine land.
    Before, I remember tangerines rushed to january
    and on strings, on Christmas trees they hid in needles.
    These Christmas trees were decorated with tangerines and sweets.

    Summer is red - generous with delicious gifts! These are berries, mushrooms and vegetables and fruits! Mmmm, for every taste and color, Mother Nature has a healthy yummy full of vitamins in her bins! Meet a cute selection for children - poems about vegetables, fruits and berries!

    Invite your child for a walk and tell him about what grows on the beds and trees, what grows along the edges of the forest paths in poems and memorable lines.

    Poems about fruits and vegetables

    Poems about vegetables for children of all ages are a great stepping stone to knowledge and the joy of discovery! Children's poems about vegetables, short and long, sophisticated and simple, are an exciting game on the way to knowledge and discoveries.


    Somehow a zucchini argued
    And a bean pod:
    More beautiful who blooms
    And who will grow up first?
    So everything was arguing, deciding
    But they did not know the simple answer:
    Everyone, it always happens
    Ripens in due time.

    * * *

    The vegetables argued until they were hoarse:
    Who is the standard of beauty?
    "I am blush and cheerful,"
    Beetroot repeated with a sweet smile.
    Proudly curls shook carrots,
    She even furrowed her bright brow.
    She said loudly, pushing the beet aside:
    “You are cheerful, and I am a treasure trove of vitamins!”
    A cucumber ventured to intervene in their dispute:
    “Am I not handsome and not well done?
    I'm almost all water
    So all your labors are in vain.
    But suddenly the onion was indignant:
    “How many, however, handsome men around!
    Words of praise mean little
    Everyone around me is crying for joy.”
    Only the potatoes in the basket sighed.
    He heard conversations in the kitchen:
    Wash vegetables - lunch is coming soon
    And make a vinaigrette out of them.

    (Golovko N.)

    * * *

    What grows in our garden
    Cucumbers, sweet peas.
    Tomatoes and dill
    For seasoning and for testing.
    There are radishes and lettuce
    Our garden is just a treasure.
    But watermelons don't grow here.
    If you listened carefully
    Remembered for sure.
    Answer in order.
    What grows in our garden?

    (Korkin V.)

    In the garden

    Here's a carrot for you
    red head,
    tail green,
    Here's a turnip for you
    And a strong cucumber
    On the rows of cabbage
    The tussocks are tight
    In shaggy leaves.
    Here are sweet peas:
    The grains are ok
    They sleep in mustachioed pods.
    What a delicious people
    Inhabited our vegetable garden.

    (M. Pozharova)

    Eat vegetables and fruits!

    Eat fruits and vegetables
    These are the best products.
    You will be saved from all diseases.
    There is nothing tastier and healthier.

    Make friends with vegetables
    And with salads and cabbage soup.
    There are countless vitamins in them.
    So you need to eat it!

    (N. Dovzhenko)


    The hostess once came from the market,
    The hostess brought home from the market:
    Parsley and beets.

    Here vegetables dispute brought on the table -
    Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:
    Parsley or beets?

    The hostess, meanwhile, took a knife
    And with this knife she began to chop:
    Parsley and beets.

    Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot
    Boiled, boiled in boiling water:
    Parsley and beets.
    And the vegetable soup was not bad!

    (Yu. Tuwim)

    Many videos have been made based on this poem about vegetables. Take a look at one of them with the kids:

    * * *

    Together in the grandmother's field
    Beds in the garden.
    Well, in the evening I will pour
    All of them in order.
    To curl the mustache with peas,
    To come out big
    So as not to dry
    Cucumber is lush.
    And bad cabbage I
    I'll drive from the cabbage
    To crunch November
    Tasty stump.

    (Gurinovich F.)

    basket of vegetables

    I am a basket of vegetables
    I'll bring it from the garden.
    Drank onion and celery
    Light dew in the morning.

    Warm rain washed them away
    The sun warmed gently.
    Poured beet juice -
    Became dense, scarlet.

    And fed them day by day
    Wet loose black soil.

    playful wind,
    Flying near the ridges
    Stroked every stalk
    And gave them a scent.

    We are a basket of vegetables
    Brought from the garden.
    For salads and borscht
    They will suit us!
    (T. Shorygina)

    vegetable marrow

    Substituting the sun barrel.
    There is a zucchini in the garden.
    leaf to the side
    pushing back,
    He speaks to the sun!
    "Warm up, warm up. please back me.
    I want to grow up soon."
    In an instant the sun set to work
    And warmed the back of the zucchini.
    And then I wanted a zucchini
    Lie up belly up.
    He pouted; he puffed...
    But turn around

    (G. Belyakova)


    We planted potatoes
    Mom is in the field
    I am in the garden.
    Mom - a lot
    I a little bit.
    I am just one row.
    So that mine grows faster
    I am all day
    I'm working on her.
    I minutes
    I don't sit by potatoes.
    Farther, now closer
    I will transplant her.
    - There will be a miracle garden, -
    Neighbor Seryozhka says, -
    If potatoes grow
    Despite your departure.

    (E. Ostrovskaya)


    Artichokes, here is the blessed grub,
    At lunch and not lunch for everyone is priceless,
    Artichokes are tasty and satisfying and sweet,
    There is no filth in them, and only nasty
    Those people who think
    That artichokes are nasty and not eaten!

    (Nekrasov Nikolay)


    Took off a thin frock coat,
    red shirt,
    yellow shirt,
    Ah, pulling
    Another shirt
    Everyone started crying all of a sudden.
    That's how we are
    Yesterday in the kitchen
    Sweet bow.

    (J. Ciardi)


    Cucumbers grow in the garden.
    Water them guys
    There will be a good harvest -
    Just make sure you collect.

    Hiding under a bush...
    We'll find them anyway!

    (N. Merkushova)


    Tomatoes - like the dawn,
    We planted them not in vain.
    Everyone blushed in the sun.
    Eating them with pleasure
    We've been all summer long
    With bread and salt.

    (N. Merkushova)


    We know turnips from a fairy tale
    Guess without a hint
    Yellow beauty.
    Everyone will like turnip
    Unless you're lazy
    Make a good effort.
    That's when success will come:
    Turnip will grow on everyone -
    Big big big
    And so delicious!

    (N. Merkushova)


    I will be the sister of the potato
    And sister carrots too.
    Although different in taste,
    But we grow up the same way.
    Borscht is good to cook
    Wouldn't have been able to without me...
    Eat beets, guys, you need to,
    To make cheeks rosy.

    Jerusalem artichoke

    Jerusalem artichoke what kind of fruit?
    Everyone calls him a pear.
    I ate it, so what?
    He doesn't look like a pear.
    It's not a fruit, it's a vegetable
    Help for colds.

    (A. Rechushkin)

    And here are short poems about vegetables for kids. They are very funny and cute)))


    tied her head,
    Are you sick, cabbage?
    Are you cold in summer too?
    Wrapped up, cabbage?
    - From the sun I wear a turban.
    The heat doesn't work for me at all.

    (TO . Tangrykuliev)


    Sad rain is pouring from the sky,
    The snail eats a cabbage leaf.
    How she eats to satiety,
    The leaf will become like a sieve.

    vegetable marrow

    In the garden on a warm sunny day
    The zucchini lay and warmed up.
    And it was a pity for me to tear it off -
    But he can not spend the winter in the garden.


    A girl grew under the ground
    But fresh and round.
    The dog Artoshka barks loudly:
    - Woof-woof-woof - hello,



    It is difficult for you to communicate with me.
    It is impossible to cleanse without tears.
    But I'm very useful - like this thing:
    There is no remedy for colds better than onions.


    If you eat more carrots
    No training required
    Drink carrot juice every day
    You will be strong and healthy.


    Under the leaves in the garden
    cucumbers are playing catch.
    the rain will just start to drive
    He will notice everyone, he will find everyone.


    A piece
    morning dawn
    green branches -
    Like an asterisk
    On a bright dress

    (N. Goncharov)


    I am a fat red tomato
    I love kids for a long time.
    I am a chest of vitamins
    Come on, take a bite!


    I'll whisper in your ear
    I am not a clown, but I am a parsley.
    Juicy and long
    Vitamin greens.


    Every old lady knows
    There is parsley in the garden.
    It will become a hundred times tastier with her,
    Soup, okroshka and salad.


    Yes, I am a pepper, but not the one
    That the tongue burns so strongly.
    I'm meaty, vitamin
    Save me for the winter.


    What a strange zucchini -
    All in kayomochki barrel,
    Maybe I had a dream?
    This is a round patisson.

    (Nosova Tatiana)


    Here is a beautiful radish
    In a bright pink skirt -
    Dressed up like an artist
    And crunches loudly!

    (Oksana Vashchenkova)


    Give us spinach to chew
    Grace with spinach.
    After all, there are vitamins in spinach,
    Like in a sandbox of grains of sand.

    (A. Rechushkin)


    Both green and fragrant.
    And, like a Christmas tree, fluffy.
    I am dill, I share a secret:
    I need it in winter and summer.


    Fennel looks like a huge dill
    Fennel grows sultry in Italy.
    There they cook with him, and soar, and fry,
    And fresh branches are treated.

    (A. Rechushkin)


    The whole sandpiper got wet in the swamp:
    I got the flu, like...
    - Here, sandpiper, garlic for you -
    He helped a lot of people.

    (V. Luksha)


    garlic fragrant clove
    We'll put you in the soup.
    He will give the soup aroma,
    The soup will taste a hundred times better!

    Children's poems about berries and fruits

    And now let's talk about sweet, fragrant and very tasty!.. And healthy, of course, too... After all, fruits and berries are filled with the most useful and necessary vitamins and microelements!

    Fruit friendly family

    Fruit friendly family
    Placed on the bench:
    All the guys have been waiting for so long
    They didn't joke, they didn't play.

    Fruit invites you:
    - Read about us.
    Something new now
    You will learn about us.

    Be our friends
    Have fun with us.
    We are useful and tasty,
    You need it all year round.

    (Galina Verd)

    Summer garden

    How good is he, the summer garden,
    Fruit is always rich.
    A whole row of slender cherries -
    Ruby berries burn.
    Plum grows nearby,
    Beautiful juicy fruits.
    Pear and apple flavor
    Everyone would be happy to eat one!

    berry summer

    Berry summer is on the doorstep again
    Early sometimes roads lead to the forest,
    Where the oak forests rustle and the winds sing,
    Where even the summer heat is pleasant ...

    Warmed by the sun, fragrant berries,
    I'll pick it up in a basket, in elegant petals
    They turned to the sun, playfully with their backs,
    As if whispering each: "-Am I not beautiful ?!"

    Summer has in store for juicy, ripe berries,
    A lot has grown in the forest clearing,
    To charge us with their cheerfulness,
    Glittered brightly, thousands of lights...

    (Elena Samarina-Enders)


    In front of passers-by
    An apple hung in the garden.
    Well, who cares?
    The apple hung.

    Only the Horse said
    What is low.
    And the Mouse is high.
    Sparrow said
    What is close
    And the snail is far away.

    And the Calf is preoccupied
    The fact that the apple
    And the Chicken is the one
    What very
    Big and hard.

    And Kitten doesn't care.
    - Sour - why is it?
    - What do you! -
    The worm whispers, -
    He has a sweet barrel.

    (G. Sapgir)


    What an apple! It
    Full of ripe juice
    So fresh and so fragrant
    So ruddy, golden,
    Like poured with honey
    You can see through the seeds.

    (A. Pushkin)


    Apple over head
    Gold, bulk!
    You bathed in dew
    The sun was fading away!

    (A. Pysin)

    sly berry

    Strawberry bead
    Lurking in the garden
    At the little berry
    cunning habits,
    Cunning habits -
    Hide sweet fork.
    Covered with a brown leaf
    Pretending to be invisible
    Like, go find me...
    Well, minx, wait!

    (I. Melnichuk)


    me and grandpa
    The peach was planted in the garden.
    For three years he grew up
    We have in sight.

    When are the fruits?
    I can't wait...
    And finally -
    Each peach with a fist.

    I stroke the furry peel,
    I take a bowl.

    First, ripe
    Red, sweet
    I'll take it to my grandfather.

    (K. Tangrykuliev)


    This is what happens every year:
    It blooms in early spring
    And like the sun hello
    Its fragrant delicate color.
    It's fragrant, nice
    And it looks like the sun.
    Attracts bees and wasps
    My favorite is apricot.


    I collected in the forest
    I won't take it home
    Full basket.
    Berry by berry,
    Berry by berry -
    The case is moving forward
    Berries are decreasing ...
    The sun is hot,
    Far road.
    Wouldn't you like to taste more
    A few berries.

    (N. Sakonskaya)

    lazy watermelon

    Lie down in pajamas on the melon:
    "Recharging? Don't want!"
    Our watermelon was a little one,
    And now he is an uncle with a belly!

    (N. Kapustyuk)


    Grandma went to the market
    And I bought a big watermelon.
    Very round sides
    And he cracked a little
    Because he was ripe.
    Shared so well
    It tastes very sweet
    Miracle berry - watermelon.


    Round belly at the watermelon,
    striped pants,
    striped jacket,
    And on the dome - a hook.

    (A. Bogdarin)


    Like powdered sugar
    In the light snow
    Find you in the tundra
    I won't be able to right away.

    Do you like to indulge
    Wait your time...
    Jump, snowdrop,
    In my tub.

    (L. Tatyanicheva)


    All right, I guess I'll take the risk:
    I'll try strawberries.
    One more, one more
    Maybe for my sister.

    Two berries - such a trifle,
    Nobody will notice.
    But it didn't work out that way
    Now I'm on a diet.

    I did not wash the berries, and here:
    My stomach hurt from the dirt.
    Yes, it turned out like this - whatever one may say,
    From the truth, brothers, do not escape.

    (E. Stekvashova)

    Speaking of strawberries, read one of my favorites to your child and invite him to be creative - create your own paper strawberry:

    Karizna And he looks like a bracket,
    And the taste and color is good.
    Most love bananas
    As you know, monkeys.


    Lemon is like air
    For those who have a slight cold.
    Who doesn't like lemon
    He is doomed to a cold.
    And who will love him -
    There will be no more pain

    (N. Merkushova)


    A prickly gooseberry grows at a neighbor's.
    He collects it after lunch.
    Puts green berries in a saucer
    And distributes to all the kids in the yard.
    These fluffy berries
    Ah, how fragrant!

    (S. Suvorova)


    Juicy, large and stately,
    Among the berries the most noble,
    And a striped caftan
    Guys will know right away.

    He is green in color
    It's the color of spring and summer
    And sometimes the caftan is red -
    He looks great too.

    In berries - useful juice.
    He's a gooseberry, your friend.
    Bush it in prickly thorns
    Sharp, thin and stingy.

    Cherry In each - a spark radiates, At least bite off a piece.
    He's prickly - I don't want to.
    Stand back. I'll scream.

    It's only been an hour,
    And only a piece remained.
    I decided to try.
    Well guys, what happened.

    It made me feel very sad,
    On your birthday, by the way!
    What is so delicious
    Snatched up on the fly.

    I clearly understood then
    Mom needs to listen.
    And, at least sometimes,
    What they told you to eat.

    (Natalia Kotikova)

    In conclusion, I invite you to watch a wonderful video with short poems about vegetables and fruits for kids:

    Vitamin and bright knowledge to you!

    With love,