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  • Slastenin social pedagogy. Slastenin V.A. Methodology of educational work - file n1.doc. Section i introduction to teaching

    Slastenin social pedagogy.  Slastenin V.A.  Methodology of educational work - file n1.doc.  Section i introduction to teaching

    Textbook aid for students higher ped. textbook institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; Ed. V. A. Slastenina. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 576 pp. The textbook reveals the anthropological, axiological foundations of pedagogy, the theory and practice of the holistic pedagogical process; organizational and activity bases for the formation of a schoolchild’s basic culture. Characteristics of pedagogical technologies are given, including the design and implementation of the pedagogical process, pedagogical communication, etc. Issues of management of educational systems are revealed. The authors are laureates of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education.
    May be useful for teachers and educational system managers. Introduction to teaching.
    General characteristics of the teaching profession.
    The emergence and development of the teaching profession.
    Features of the teaching profession.
    Prospects for the development of the teaching profession.
    Specifics of working conditions and activities of rural school teachers.
    Professional activity and personality of a teacher.
    The essence of pedagogical activity.
    Main types of teaching activities.
    Structure of pedagogical activity.
    The teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity.
    Professionally determined requirements for the personality of a teacher.
    Professional and pedagogical culture of the teacher.
    The essence and main components of professional pedagogical culture.
    Axiological component of professional pedagogical culture.
    Technological component of professional pedagogical culture.
    Personal and creative component of professional pedagogical culture.
    Professional formation and development of a teacher.
    Motives for choosing a teaching profession and motivation for teaching activities.
    Development of a teacher's personality in the system of teacher education.
    Professional self-education of a teacher.
    Fundamentals of self-education for pedagogical university students and teachers.
    General fundamentals of pedagogy.
    Pedagogy in the system of human sciences.
    General idea of ​​pedagogy as a science.
    Object, subject and functions of pedagogy.
    Education as a social phenomenon.
    Education as a pedagogical process. Categorical apparatus of pedagogy.
    The connection between pedagogy and other sciences and its structure.
    Methodology and methods of pedagogical research.
    The concept of the methodology of pedagogical science and the methodological culture of the teacher.
    General scientific level of pedagogy methodology.
    Specific methodological principles of pedagogical research.
    Organization of pedagogical research.
    System of methods and methodology of pedagogical research.
    Axiological foundations of pedagogy.
    Justification of the humanistic methodology of pedagogy.
    The concept of pedagogical values ​​and their classification.
    Education as a universal human value.
    Development, socialization and education of the individual.
    Personality development as a pedagogical problem.
    The essence of socialization and its stages.
    Education and personality formation.
    The role of education in personality development.
    Factors of socialization and personality formation.
    Self-education in the structure of the process of personality formation.
    Holistic pedagogical process.
    Historical background for understanding the pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon.
    Pedagogical system and its types.
    General characteristics of the education system.
    The essence of the pedagogical process.
    The pedagogical process as a holistic phenomenon.
    Logic and conditions for building a holistic pedagogical process.
    Learning theory.
    Learning in a holistic pedagogical process.
    Training as a way of organizing the pedagogical process.
    Training functions.
    Methodological foundations of training.
    Activities of teachers and students in the learning process.
    Logic of the educational process and structure of the learning process.
    Types of training and their characteristics.
    Patterns and principles of learning.
    Patterns of learning.
    Principles of learning.
    Modern didactic concepts.
    Characteristics of the basic concepts of developmental education.
    Modern approaches to the development of the theory of personal development training.
    The content of education as the basis of the basic culture of the individual.
    The essence of the content of education and its historical nature.
    Determinants of the content of education and principles of its structuring.
    Principles and criteria for selecting the content of general education.
    State educational standard and its functions.
    Regulatory documents regulating the content of general secondary education.
    Prospects for the development of the content of general education. Model for constructing a 12-year secondary school.
    Forms and methods of teaching.
    Organizational forms and training systems.
    Types of modern organizational forms of training.
    Teaching methods.
    Didactic tools.
    Control during the learning process.
    Theory and methods of education.
    Education in a holistic pedagogical process.
    Education as a specially organized activity to achieve educational goals.
    Goals and objectives of humanistic education.
    Personality in the concept of humanistic education.
    Regularities and principles of humanistic education.
    Nurturing the basic culture of the individual.
    Philosophical and worldview preparation of schoolchildren.
    Civic education in the system of forming the basic culture of the individual.
    Formation of the foundations of the moral culture of the individual.
    Labor education and vocational guidance of schoolchildren.
    Formation of aesthetic culture of students.
    Education of physical culture of the individual.
    General methods of education.
    The essence of education methods and their classification.
    Methods of forming the consciousness of the individual.
    Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior of an individual.
    Methods of stimulation and motivation of individual activity and behavior.
    Methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in education.
    Conditions for optimal selection and effective application of educational methods.
    The team as an object and subject of education.
    Dialectics of the collective and individual in the education of the individual.
    The formation of personality in a team is the leading idea in humanistic pedagogy.
    The essence and organizational basis of the functioning of a children's team.
    Stages and levels of development of the children's team.
    Basic conditions for the development of a children's team.
    Educational systems.
    Structure and stages of development of the educational system.
    Foreign and domestic educational systems.
    Class teacher in the educational system of the school.
    Children's public associations in the educational system of the school.
    Pedagogical technologies.
    Pedagogical technologies and teacher skills.
    The essence of pedagogical technology.
    The structure of pedagogical excellence.
    The essence and specificity of the pedagogical task.
    Types of pedagogical tasks and their characteristics.
    Stages of solving a pedagogical problem.
    Demonstration of the teacher’s professionalism and skill in solving pedagogical problems.
    Technology of designing the pedagogical process.
    The concept of technology for constructing the pedagogical process.
    Awareness of the pedagogical task, analysis of initial data and formulation of a pedagogical diagnosis.
    Planning as a result of the constructive activity of the teacher.
    Planning the work of the class teacher.
    Planning in the activities of a subject teacher.
    Technology of implementation of the pedagogical process.
    The concept of technology for implementing the pedagogical process.
    The structure of organizational activity and its features.
    Types of children's activities and general technological requirements for their organization.
    Educational and cognitive activity and technology of its organization.
    Value-oriented activity and its connection with other types of developmental activity.
    Technology of organizing developmental activities for schoolchildren.
    Technology of organizing collective creative activity.
    Technology of pedagogical communication and establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships.
    Pedagogical communication in the structure of teacher-educator activity.
    The concept of technology of pedagogical communication §.
    Stages of solving a communication problem.
    Stages of pedagogical communication and technology for their implementation.
    Styles of pedagogical communication and their technological characteristics.
    Technology for establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships.
    Management of educational systems.
    The essence and basic principles of managing educational systems.
    State-public education management system.
    General principles of management of educational systems.
    School as a pedagogical system and an object of scientific management.
    Basic functions of intra-school management.
    Management culture of the school leader.
    Pedagogical analysis in intra-school management.
    Goal setting and planning as a function of school management.
    The function of organization in school management.
    Intra-school control and regulation in management.
    Interaction of social institutions in the management of educational systems.
    The school as an organizing center for joint activities of the school, family and community.
    The teaching staff of the school.
    Family as a specific pedagogical system. Features of the development of a modern family.
    Psychological and pedagogical foundations for establishing contacts with a schoolchild’s family.
    Forms and methods of work of teachers, class teachers and parents of students.
    Innovative processes in education. Development of professional pedagogical culture of teachers.
    Innovative orientation of teaching activities.
    Forms of development of professional pedagogical culture of teachers and their certification.

  • Smirnov S.A., Kotova I.B., Shiyanov E.N. and others. Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, systems (Document)
  • Mishchenko V.V. State regulation and planning of the national economy (Document)
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  • Mishchenko O.V. Production of bent profiles with flanges in rollers using the intensive deformation method (Document)
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  • n1.doc

    BBC 74.00

    P 43 PEDAGOGY: Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutions / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, A.I. Mishchenko, E.N. Shiyanov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Shkola-Press, 2000 - 512 p.

    ISBN 5-88527-171-2

    The textbook was prepared in accordance with the state standard of basic pedagogical education for students studying in conditions of both single- and multi-level training of specialists in the field of education.

    WITH 4303000000-174 BBC 74.00

    ISBN 5-88527-171-2

     V.A.Slastenin, I.F.Isaev, A.I.Mishchenko, E.N.Shiyanov, 1997

     Shkola-Press Publishing House, 1997

    A word to the future teacher

    Every builder, every creator knows that special, wonderful moment in work, when one day, from a pile of boards, stone, iron - from everything working, everyday, familiar, a clear outline of a grown community suddenly appears - always a little unexpected and unlike the one that has been drawn many times imagination, but already real, close, existing...

    The “building material” that we educators work on are young, receptive, thirsty minds. Using the properties, and sometimes overcoming the resistance of this material, we give it the perfect shape. This is how the human spirit becomes more resilient than marble and metal. Maybe this is the man-made happiness of a teacher - to see how a person grows under your leadership, how your thought, energy, and will are embodied in him? Maybe this is why the work of a teacher, without any exaggeration, is a profession for all times? And is there a more important task on earth than what teachers have bravely chosen as their destiny? Because this fate is destined to be repeated a thousand times in other destinies.

    The teacher, figuratively speaking, makes the connection between times. It is as if he is passing the baton from the present to the future. So it was yesterday, so it will be tomorrow. And yet no - it will be different. Everything repeats itself - but at a different stage of history. The school and the teacher cannot help but reflect the changes that are taking place.

    Life in the teaching profession is a tireless work of the soul. The bread earned in the teaching field is not easy, but a teacher who has chosen his profession out of vocation and high civic duty is truly worthy of universal gratitude. His work, full of anxiety and excitement, joys and sorrows, daring and searching, is an eternal test of wisdom and patience, professional skill and human originality.

    A teacher is not only a profession, the essence of which is to give knowledge. This is a high mission, the purpose of which is the creation of personality, the affirmation of man in man. The great Czech teacher J. A. Komensky cited a number of brilliant analogies between a teacher and a gardener, who lovingly grows plants in the garden, a teacher and an architect, who carefully builds up buildings in all corners of human existence. He likened the teacher to a sculptor, carefully painting and polishing the minds and souls of people. Finally, he compared the teacher to a commander, energetically leading an offensive against barbarity and ignorance.

    The various types of knowledge that a teacher possesses and is professionally proficient in are not juxtaposed and do not exist on their own. The systematization of this knowledge into a holistic and mobile education in practical activity itself is determined by its focus, the content of those tasks, the solution of which requires this knowledge in their specific interrelation. That is why an indispensable sign of a teacher’s professional competence is the ability to correlate existing knowledge with the goals, conditions and methods of teaching activity.

    No matter how complex the field of pedagogical creativity is, no matter how infinitely diverse individual cases are, requiring their own solutions every time, there is and cannot be a doubt that all these phenomena and processes are based on their own special, completely definite laws, the disclosure of which is the task pedagogy as a science.

    We least of all strived to provide you with instructions, recipes, rules. On the contrary, you need to understand very well that “learning pedagogical rules does not bring any benefit to anyone and that these rules themselves have no boundaries: all of them can fit on one printed sheet, several volumes can be compiled from them. This alone already shows that the main thing is not at all in studying the rules, but in studying the scientific foundations from which these rules flow" (K.D. Ushinsky).

    True, our pedagogical science is still seriously behind the times, weakly responds to the changes taking place in society, and does not show social vigilance and courage in analyzing contradictions and developing ways to solve pressing problems. For this she is rightly criticized. However, the lag of pedagogy does not give any reason to neglect it and even deny it as a special, independent science. A teacher, if he wants to be a real teacher, understands that the complex pedagogical process is subject to objective laws and that only by strictly following them can one achieve success in his work. Such conviction forces the teacher to persistently look for these patterns, reflect on the facts, and try to find common internal reasons behind individual successes or failures. Thus, the process of accumulating experience acquires a creative character, awakens living pedagogical thought, leads from the particular to the general, from practice to theory, and vice versa.

    In pedagogy, as in any other science, there are many questions that have long been clearly resolved, but life brings forward new problems that require new approaches. “In pedagogy, elevated to the level of art, as in any other art, it is impossible to measure the actions of all figures by one standard, it is impossible to enslave them into one form; but, on the other hand, it is impossible to allow these actions to be completely arbitrary and incorrect and diametrically opposed" (N.I. Pirogov). And here pedagogical science should come to the aid of the teacher.

    This is the pathos of the book you have opened.


    A government position...consisting of all possible care and education of boys and girls... - this position is much more significant than the highest positions in the state.


    Chapter 1. General characteristics of the teaching profession

    The emergence and development of the teaching profession Features of the teaching profession Prospects for the development of the teaching profession Specifics of working conditions and activities of a rural school teacher

    § 1. The emergence and development of the teaching profession

    In ancient times, when there was no division of labor, all members of a community or tribe - adults and children - participated equally in obtaining food, which was the main meaning of existence in those distant times. The transfer of experience accumulated by previous generations to children in the prenatal community was “woven” into work activity. Children, being involved in it from an early age, acquired knowledge about methods of activity (hunting, gathering, etc.) and mastered various skills. And only as tools improved, which made it possible to obtain more food, did it become possible not to involve sick and old members of the community in this. They were charged with the duty of being fire keepers and supervising children. Later, as the processes of conscious production of labor tools became more complex, which entailed the need for special transfer of labor skills, the elders of the clan - the most respected and experienced - formed in the modern understanding the first social group of people - educators, whose direct and only responsibility was the transfer of experience , caring for the spiritual growth of the younger generation, their morality, preparation for life. This is how education became sphere of human activity and consciousness.

    The emergence of the teaching profession therefore has objective grounds. Society could not exist and develop if the younger generation, replacing the older generation, was forced to start all over again, without creatively mastering and using the experience that it inherited.

    The etymology of the Russian word “educator” is interesting. It comes from the root word “to nourish.” Not without reason, the words “educate” and “nurture” are now often considered synonymous. In modern dictionaries, an educator is defined as a person who is involved in raising someone, who takes responsibility for the living conditions and development of the personality of another person. The word “teacher” apparently appeared later, when humanity realized that knowledge is a value in itself and that a special organization of children’s activities is needed, aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills. This activity is called training.

    In Ancient Babylon, Egypt, Syria, teachers were most often priests, and in Ancient Greece - the most intelligent, talented civilian citizens: pedonomy, pedotrib, didascals, pedagogues. In Ancient Rome, government officials who knew the sciences well, but most importantly, who traveled a lot and, therefore, saw a lot, knew the languages, culture and customs of different peoples, were appointed teachers on behalf of the emperor. In ancient Chinese chronicles that have survived to this day, it is mentioned that back in the 20th century. BC e. There was a ministry in the country in charge of the education of the people, which appointed the wisest representatives of society to the position of teacher.

    In the Middle Ages, teachers, as a rule, were priests and monks, although in urban schools and universities they increasingly became people who had received special education.

    In Kievan Rus, the duties of a teacher coincided with the duties of a parent and ruler. Monomakh's "Teaching" reveals the basic set of rules of life that the sovereign himself followed and which he advised his children to follow: love your homeland, take care of the people, do good to your loved ones, do not sin, avoid evil deeds, be merciful. He wrote: “What you can do well, don’t forget, and what you can’t do, learn it... Laziness is the mother of everything: what someone can do, he will forget, and what he can’t do, he won’t learn. But when doing good, don’t be lazy.” what's good for..."*

    * See: Anthology of pedagogical thought of Ancient Rus' and the Russian state of the XIV - XVII centuries. / Comp. S.D. Babshin, B.N. Mityurov. - M., 1985. - P. 167.
    In Ancient Rus', teachers were called masters, thereby emphasizing respect for the personality of the mentor of the younger generation. But the master craftsmen who passed on their experience were and are now, as we know, called respectfully - Teacher.

    Since the emergence of the teaching profession, teachers have primarily been assigned an educational, single and indivisible function. A teacher is an educator, a mentor. This is his civic, human purpose. This is exactly what A.S. Pushkin meant when he dedicated the following lines to his beloved teacher, professor of moral sciences A.P. Kunitsin (Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum): “He created us, he raised our flame... He laid the cornerstone, he laid the pure lamp kindled."*

    * Pushkin A.S. Full collection cit.: In 10 volumes. T. 2. - L., 1977. - P. 351.
    Confucius(Kun Tzu) (c. 551 - 479 BC) - ancient Chinese thinker, founder of Confucianism. The main views are set out in the book "Lun Yu" ("Conversations and Judgments").

    The tasks facing the school changed significantly at different stages of the development of society. This explains the periodic shift of emphasis from teaching to upbringing and vice versa. However, state policy in the field of education almost always underestimated the dialectical unity of teaching and upbringing, the integrity of the developing personality. Just as it is impossible to teach without exerting an educational influence, it is also impossible to solve educational problems without equipping students with a rather complex system of knowledge, skills and abilities. Progressive thinkers of all times and peoples have never opposed teaching and upbringing. Moreover, they viewed the teacher primarily as an educator.

    All nations and at all times have had outstanding teachers. Thus, the Chinese called Confucius a great teacher. One of the legends about this thinker describes his conversation with a student:

    "This country is vast and densely populated. What does it lack, teacher?" - the student turns to him. “Enrich her,” the teacher replies. “But she’s already rich. How can we enrich her?” - asks the student. "Teach her!" - exclaims the teacher.

    Y.A. Komensky(1592 - 1670) - Czech humanist thinker, teacher, writer. His pedagogical system is based on the principles of materialistic sensationalism. Founder of didactics. For the first time he substantiated the idea of ​​universal education in the native language. Main works: “Great Didactics”, “Open Door to Languages”, “Mother’s School”, etc.

    A man of difficult and enviable fate is the Czech humanist teacher Jan Amos Komensky. He was the first to develop pedagogy as an independent branch of theoretical knowledge. Comenius dreamed of giving his people the collected wisdom of the world. He wrote dozens of school textbooks and over 260 pedagogical works. And today every teacher, using the words “lesson”, “class”, “vacation”, “training”, etc., does not always know that they all entered the school along with the name of the great Czech teacher.

    I.G. Pestalozzi(1746 - 1827) - Swiss democratic teacher, founder of the theory of primary education. In his theory of elementary education, he linked education with the upbringing and development of the child, pedagogy with psychology. Main works: “Lingard and Gertrude”, “How Gertrude teaches her children”, “Swan Song”.

    J.A. Komensky asserted a new, progressive view of the teacher. This profession was “excellent for him, like no other under the sun.” He compared the teacher with a gardener who lovingly grows plants in the garden, with an architect who carefully builds knowledge into every corner of a human being, with a sculptor who carefully hews and polishes the minds and souls of people, with a commander who energetically leads an offensive against barbarism and ignorance.*

    * Cm.: Kamensky Ya.A. Favorite ped. Op. - M., 1995. - P. 248 - 284.
    Swiss educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi spent all his savings on creating orphanages. He dedicated his life to orphans, trying to make childhood a school of joy and creative work. On his grave there is a monument with an inscription that ends with the words: “Everything is for others, nothing for yourself.”

    The great teacher of Russia was Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky - the father of Russian teachers. The textbooks he created have had a circulation unprecedented in history. For example, “Native Word” was reprinted 167 times. His legacy consists of 11 volumes, and his pedagogical works still have scientific value today. He characterized the social significance of the teaching profession as follows: “An educator who is on par with the modern course of education feels like a living, active member of a great organism fighting the ignorance and vices of mankind, a mediator between everything that was noble and lofty in the past history of people, and a new generation, the keeper of the holy covenants of people who fought for the truth and for good,” and his work, “modest in appearance, is one of the greatest works of history. States are based on this work and entire generations live by it.”*

    * Ushinsky K.D. Collection cit.: In 11 volumes. T. 2. - M., 1951. - P. 32.
    K.D.Ushinsky(1824 - 1870/71) - Russian democrat teacher, founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia. The basis of his pedagogical system is the requirement for the democratization of public education and the idea of ​​​​national education. In didactics he pursued the idea of ​​educational teaching. Main works: “Children’s World”, “Native Word”, “Man as a Subject of Education. Experience of Pedagogical Anthropology”.

    A.S. Makarenko(1888 - 1939) - Soviet teacher and writer. He developed the theory and methodology of education in a team, conducted an experiment in combining education with the productive work of students, and developed the theory of family education. Main works: “Pedagogical Poem”, “Flags on the Towers”, “Book for Parents”, articles.

    Searches for Russian theorists and practitioners of the 20s. XX century largely prepared the innovative pedagogy of Anton Semenovich Makarenko. Despite the establishment in education, as in everything else in the country, in the 30s. command-administrative methods of management, he contrasted them with pedagogy, humanistic in essence, optimistic in spirit, imbued with faith in the creative powers and capabilities of man. The theoretical heritage and experience of A.S. Makarenko have gained worldwide recognition. Of particular importance is the theory of the children's collective created by A.S. Makarenko, which organically includes a method of individualization of education that is subtle in its instrumentation and unique in its methods and methods of implementation. He believed that the work of a teacher is the most difficult, “perhaps the most responsible and requires from the individual not only the greatest effort, but also great strength and great abilities.”*

    * Makarenko A.S. Works: In 7 volumes. T. V. - M., 1958. - P. 178.
    § 2. Features of the teaching profession

    The uniqueness of the teaching profession

    A person’s belonging to a particular profession is manifested in his characteristics of activity and way of thinking. According to the classification proposed by E.A. Klimov, the teaching profession belongs to the group of professions whose subject is another person. But the teaching profession is distinguished from others primarily by the way of thinking of its representatives, a heightened sense of duty and responsibility. In this regard, the teaching profession stands apart, standing out as a separate group. Its main difference from other professions of the “person-to-person” type is that it belongs to both the class of transformative and the class of management professions at the same time. Having the formation and transformation of personality as the goal of his activity, the teacher is called upon to manage the process of her intellectual, emotional and physical development, the formation of her spiritual world.

    The main content of the teaching profession is relationships with people. The activities of other representatives of professions such as “human-human” also require interaction with people, but here it is connected with the best way to understand and satisfy human needs. In the profession of a teacher, the leading task is to understand social goals and direct the efforts of other people to achieve them.

    The peculiarity of training and education as an activity of social management is that it has, as it were, a double subject of labor. On the one hand, its main content is relationships with people: if a leader (and a teacher is one) does not have proper relationships with those people whom he leads or whom he convinces, then the most important thing in his activities is missing. On the other hand, professions of this type always require a person to have special knowledge, skills and abilities in some area (depending on who or what he supervises). A teacher, like any other leader, must know well and imagine the activities of the students whose development process he leads. Thus, the teaching profession requires dual training - human science and special.

    Thus, in the teaching profession, the ability to communicate becomes a professionally necessary quality. Studying the experience of beginning teachers allowed researchers, in particular B.A-Kan-Kalik, to identify and describe the most common “barriers” of communication that make it difficult to solve pedagogical problems: mismatch of attitudes, fear of the class, lack of contact, narrowing of the communication function, negative attitude towards the class, fear pedagogical error, imitation. However, if novice teachers experience psychological “barriers” due to inexperience, then experienced teachers experience them due to underestimation of the role of communicative support of pedagogical influences, which leads to an impoverishment of the emotional background of the educational process. As a result, personal contacts with children also become impoverished, without whose emotional wealth productive personal activity inspired by positive motives is impossible.

    The uniqueness of the teaching profession lies in the fact that by its nature it has a humanistic, collective and creative character.

    Humanistic function of the teaching profession

    The teaching profession has historically had two social functions - adaptive and humanistic (“human-forming”). Adaptive function is associated with the adaptation of the student, pupil to the specific requirements of the modern socio-cultural situation, and humanistic - with development of his personality, creative individuality.

    On the one hand, the teacher prepares his students for the needs of the moment, for a certain social situation, for the specific demands of society. But, on the other hand, he, while objectively remaining the guardian and conductor of culture, carries within himself a timeless factor. Having as a goal the development of personality as a synthesis of all the riches of human culture, the teacher works for the future.

    The work of a teacher always contains a humanistic, universal principle. Its conscious promotion to the first

    A plan and a desire to serve the future characterized progressive teachers of all times. Thus, a famous teacher and figure in the field of education of the mid-19th century. Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm Diesterweg, who was called the teacher of German teachers, put forward a universal goal of education: service to truth, goodness, beauty. “In every individual, in every nation, a way of thinking called humanity must be brought up: this is the desire for noble universal goals.”* In the realization of this goal, he believed, a special role belongs to the teacher, who is a living instructive example for the student. His personality earns him respect, spiritual strength and spiritual influence. The value of a school is equal to the value of a teacher.

    * Disterweg A. Favorite ped. Op. - M., 1956. - P. 237.
    A.Disterweg(1790 - 1866) - German democratic teacher, follower of Pestalozzi. He considered conformity to nature, cultural conformity, and self-activity to be the main principles of education. Author of twenty textbooks on mathematics, German, natural science, geography, and astronomy. The main work is "Guide to the Education of German Teachers."

    The great Russian writer and teacher Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy saw in the teaching profession, first of all, a humanistic principle, which finds its expression in love for children. “If a teacher has only love for his work,” wrote Tolstoy, “he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for his student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for anything.” , nor to the students. If a teacher combines love for both the work and the students, he is a perfect teacher."*

    * Tolstoy L.N. Ped. Op. - M., 1956. - P. 362.
    L.N. Tolstoy(1828 - 1910) - world-famous artist of words, who made a major contribution to the development of national pedagogical culture. Developed ideas for free education. Author of "ABC", "Books for Reading", methodological manuals.

    L.N. Tolstoy considered the freedom of the child to be the leading principle of teaching and upbringing. In his opinion, a school can be truly humane only when teachers do not regard it as “a disciplined company of soldiers, commanded today by one lieutenant, tomorrow by another.” He called for a new type of relationship between teachers and students, excluding coercion, and defended the idea of ​​personality development as central to humanistic pedagogy.

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky(1918 - 1970) - domestic teacher. Works on the theory and methods of raising children: “Education of the individual in the Soviet school”, “I give my heart to children”, “The birth of a citizen”, “On education”.

    In the 50s - 60s. XX century The most significant contribution to the theory and practice of humanistic education was made by Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky, the director of the Pavlysh secondary school in the Poltava region. His ideas of citizenship and humanity in pedagogy turned out to be consonant with our modernity. “The Age of Mathematics is a good catchphrase, but it does not reflect the whole essence of what is happening today. The world is entering the Age of Man. More than ever before, we are obliged to think now about what we put into the human soul.”*

    * Sukhomlinsky V.A. Favorite ped. cit.: In 3 vols. T. 3. - M., 1981. - P. 123 - 124.
    Education for the sake of the child’s happiness is the humanistic meaning of V.A. Sukhomlinsky’s pedagogical works, and his practical activities are convincing proof that without faith in the child, without trust in him, all pedagogical wisdom, all methods and techniques of teaching and upbringing are untenable.

    The basis for a teacher’s success, he believed, was the spiritual wealth and generosity of his soul, well-mannered feelings and a high level of general emotional culture, and the ability to delve deeply into the essence of a pedagogical phenomenon.

    The primary task of the school, noted V.A. Sukhomlinsky, is to discover the creator in every person, to put him on the path of original creative, intellectually fulfilling work. “To recognize, identify, reveal, nurture, and nurture in each student his unique individual talent means raising the individual to a high level of flourishing human dignity.”*

    * Sukhomlinsky V.A. Favorite Prod.: In 5 vols. T. 5. - Kyiv, 1980. - P. 102.
    The history of the teaching profession shows that the struggle of advanced teachers to liberate its humanistic, social mission from the pressure of class domination, formalism and bureaucracy, and the conservative professional structure adds drama to the fate of the teacher. This struggle becomes more intense as the social role of the teacher in society becomes more complex.

    K. Rogers(1902 - 1987) - American psychologist; a prominent representative of humanistic psychology, author of client-centered psychotherapy.

    Carl Rogers, one of the founders of the modern humanistic movement in Western pedagogy and psychology, argued that society today is interested in a huge number of conformists (adapters). This is due to the needs of industry, the army, the inability and, most importantly, the reluctance of many, from the ordinary teacher to senior managers, to part with their, albeit small, power. “It is not easy to become deeply human, to trust people, to combine freedom with responsibility. The path we have presented is a challenge. It does not involve simply accepting the circumstances of a democratic ideal.”*

    * Rogers S. Freedom to learn for the 80s. - Toronto; London; Sydney, 1983. - P. 307.
    This does not mean that a teacher should not prepare his students for the specific demands of life into which they will need to be involved in the near future. By raising a student who is not adapted to the current situation, the teacher creates difficulties in his life. By raising an overly adapted member of society, he does not develop in him the need for purposeful change in both himself and society.

    The purely adaptive orientation of a teacher’s activity has an extremely negative impact on himself, since he gradually loses his independence of thinking, subordinates his abilities to official and unofficial instructions, ultimately losing his individuality. The more a teacher subordinates his activities to the formation of the student’s personality, adapted to specific needs, the less he acts as a humanist and moral mentor. And vice versa, even in the conditions of an inhumane class society, the desire of advanced teachers to contrast the world of violence and lies with human care and kindness inevitably resonates in the hearts of students. That is why I.G. Pestalozzi, noting the special role of the teacher’s personality and his love for children, proclaimed it as the main means of education. “I knew neither order, nor method, nor the art of education” that would not have been a consequence of my deep love for children.”*

    * Pestalozzi I.G. Favorite ped. cit.: In 2 vols. T. 2. - M., 1981. - P. 68.
    The point is that a humanist teacher not only believes in democratic ideals and the high purpose of his profession. Through his activities he brings the humanistic future closer. And for this he must be active himself. This does not mean any of his activities. Thus, we often encounter teachers who are overactive in their desire to “educate”, to take upon themselves the right to teach, and who are deprived of the ability to evaluate their actions from the outside. Acting as a subject of the educational process, the teacher must recognize the right of students to be subjects. This means that he must be able to bring them to the level of self-government in conditions of trusting communication and cooperation.

    The collective nature of pedagogical activity

    If in other professions of the “person - person” group the result, as a rule, is the product of the activity of one person - a representative of the profession (for example, a salesman, doctor, librarian, etc.), then in the teaching profession it is very difficult to isolate the contribution of each teacher, family and other sources of influence in the qualitative transformation of the subject of activity - the student.

    With the awareness of the natural strengthening of collectivist principles in the teaching profession, the concept aggregate subject pedagogical activities. The collective subject in a broad sense is understood as the teaching staff of a school or other educational institution, and in a narrower sense - the circle of those teachers who are directly related to a group of students or an individual student.

    A.S. Makarenko attached great importance to the formation of the teaching staff. He wrote: “There must be a team of educators, and where educators are not united into a team and the team does not have a single work plan, a single tone, a single precise approach to the child, there can be no educational process.”*

    * Makarenko A.S. Works: In 7 volumes. T. V. - M., 1958. - P. 179.
    Certain traits of a team are manifested primarily in the mood of its members, their performance, mental and physical well-being. This phenomenon is called psychological climate team.

    A.S. Makarenko revealed a pattern according to which the pedagogical skill of a teacher is determined by the level of formation of the teaching staff. “The unity of the teaching staff,” he believed, “is an absolutely decisive thing, and the youngest, most inexperienced teacher in a single, united team, headed by a good master leader, will do more than any experienced and talented teacher who goes against the teaching staff There is nothing more dangerous than individualism and squabbles in the teaching staff, there is nothing more disgusting, there is nothing more harmful."* A.S. Makarenko argued that the question of education cannot be raised depending on the quality or talent of an individual teacher; one can become a good master only in teaching staff.

    * Ibid. P. 292.
    V.A. Sukhomlinsky made an invaluable contribution to the development of the theory and practice of forming a teaching staff. Having been the head of a school himself for many years, he came to the conclusion about the decisive role of pedagogical cooperation in achieving the goals that the school faces. Studying the influence of the teaching staff on the group of pupils, V.A. Sukhomlinsky established the following pattern: the richer the spiritual values ​​accumulated and carefully protected in the teaching staff, the more clearly the collective of pupils acts as an active, effective force, as a participant in the educational process, as an educator. V.A. Sukhomlinsky has an idea that, presumably, is not yet fully understood by the heads of schools and educational authorities: if there is no teaching staff, then there is no student staff. To the question of how and why a teaching staff is created, V.A. Sukhomlinsky answered unequivocally - it is created by collective thought, idea, creativity.

    The creative nature of a teacher's work

    Pedagogical activity, like any other, has not only a quantitative measure, but also qualitative characteristics. The content and organization of a teacher’s work can be correctly assessed only by determining the level of his creative attitude towards his activities. The level of creativity in a teacher’s activities reflects the degree to which he uses his capabilities to achieve his goals. The creative nature of pedagogical activity is therefore its most important feature. But unlike creativity in other areas (science, technology, art), the teacher’s creativity does not have as its goal the creation of a socially valuable new, original, since its product always remains the development of the individual. Of course, a creative teacher, and even more so an innovative teacher, creates his own pedagogical system, but it is only a means to obtain the best result under given conditions.

    Motives- what motivates human activity, for the sake of which it is performed.

    The creative potential of a teacher’s personality is formed on the basis of his accumulated social experience, psychological, pedagogical and subject knowledge, new ideas, abilities and skills that allow him to find and apply original solutions, innovative forms and methods and thereby improve the performance of his professional functions. Only an erudite and specially trained teacher, based on a deep analysis of emerging situations and awareness of the essence of the problem through creative imagination and thought experiment, is able to find new, original ways and means of solving it. But experience convinces us that creativity comes only then and only to those who work conscientiously and constantly strive to improve their professional qualifications, expand their knowledge and study the experience of the best schools and teachers.

    The area of ​​manifestation of pedagogical creativity is determined by the structure of the main components of pedagogical activity and covers almost all its aspects: planning, organization, implementation and analysis of results.

    In modern scientific literature Pedagogical creativity is understood as a process of solving pedagogical problems in changing circumstances. Addressing the solution of an innumerable set of standard and non-standard problems, the teacher, like any researcher, organizes his activities in accordance with the general rules of heuristic search: analysis of the pedagogical situation; designing the result in accordance with the initial data; analysis of the available means necessary to test the assumption and achieve the desired result; evaluation of the received data; formulation of new tasks.

    Communications- a concept used in social psychology in two meanings: 1. To characterize the structure of business and interpersonal connections between models. 2. To characterize the exchange of information in human communication in general.

    However, the creative nature of pedagogical activity cannot be reduced only to the solution of pedagogical problems, because in creative activity the cognitive, emotional-volitional and motivational-need components of the personality are manifested in unity. Nevertheless, solving specially selected tasks aimed at developing any structural components of creative thinking (goal setting, analysis that requires overcoming barriers, attitudes, stereotypes, enumerating options, classification and evaluation, etc.) is the main factor and most important condition development of the creative potential of the teacher’s personality.

    Heuristic- a system of logical techniques and methodological rules for theoretical research.

    The experience of creative activity does not introduce fundamentally new knowledge and skills into the content of teacher professional training. But this does not mean that creativity cannot be taught. It is possible by ensuring constant intellectual activity of future teachers and specific creative cognitive motivation, which acts as a regulating factor in the processes of solving pedagogical problems.

    Creativity- the ability that reflects the deep-seated ability of individuals to create original values ​​and make non-standard decisions.

    These can be tasks to transfer knowledge and skills to a new situation, to identify new problems in familiar (typical) situations, to identify new functions, methods and techniques, to combine new methods of activity from known ones, etc. Exercises in analysis also contribute to this. pedagogical facts and phenomena, identifying their components, identifying the rational basis of certain decisions and recommendations.

    Often, teachers involuntarily narrow the scope of their creativity, reducing it to a non-standard, original solution to pedagogical problems. Meanwhile, the teacher’s creativity is no less evident when solving communicative problems, which serve as a kind of background and basis for pedagogical activity. B.A-Kan-Kalik, highlighting, along with the logical and pedagogical aspect of the teacher’s creative activity, the subjective-emotional one, specifies in detail communication skills, especially manifested when solving situational problems. Among such skills, first of all, one should include the ability to manage one’s mental and emotional state, act in a public setting (assess a communication situation, attract the attention of an audience or individual students, using a variety of techniques, etc.), etc. A creative personality is distinguished by a special combination of personal and business qualities that characterize her creativity.

    E.S. Gromov and V.A. Molyako name seven signs of creativity: originality, heuristics, imagination, activity, concentration, clarity, sensitivity. A creative teacher is also characterized by such qualities as initiative, independence, the ability to overcome the inertia of thinking, a sense of what is truly new and the desire to understand it, a high need for achievement, determination, breadth of associations, observation, and developed professional memory.

    Each teacher continues the work of his predecessors, but the creative teacher sees wider and much further. Every teacher, in one way or another, transforms pedagogical reality, but only the creative teacher actively fights for radical changes and himself is a clear example in this matter.

    § 3. Prospects for the development of the teaching profession

    In the field of education, as in other areas of material and spiritual production, there is a tendency towards intra-professional differentiation. This is a natural process of division of labor, manifested not only and not so much in fragmentation, but in the development of increasingly more advanced and effective separate types of activities within the teaching profession. The process of separation of types of pedagogical activity is due, first of all, to a significant “complication” of the nature of education, which, in turn, is caused by changes in socio-economic living conditions and the consequences of scientific, technical and social progress.

    Another circumstance leading to the emergence of new pedagogical specialties is the increase in demand for qualified training and education. So, already in the 70s and 80s. a tendency towards specialization in the main areas of educational work began to clearly manifest itself, caused by the need for more qualified management of artistic, sports, tourism, local history and other types of activities of schoolchildren.

    So, a professional group of specialties is a set of specialties united according to the most stable type of socially useful activity, differing in the nature of their final product, specific objects and means of labor.

    Deviant behavior- behavior deviating from the norm.

    Pedagogical specialty - a type of activity within a given professional group, characterized by a set of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired as a result of education and ensuring the formulation and solution of a certain class of professional and pedagogical tasks in accordance with the assigned qualifications.

    Pedagogical specialization - a certain type of activity within the pedagogical specialty. It is associated with a specific subject of work and a specific function of a specialist.

    Pedagogical qualification - the level and type of professional and pedagogical preparedness, characterizing the capabilities of a specialist in solving a certain class of problems.

    Pedagogical specialties are united into the professional group “Education”. The basis for differentiation of pedagogical specialties is the specificity of the object and goals of the activities of specialists in this group. The generalized object of professional activity of teachers is a person, his personality. The relationship between the teacher and the object of his activity develops as subjective-subjective (“person - person”). Therefore, the basis for differentiation of specialties in this group are various subject areas of knowledge, science, culture, art, which act as a means of interaction (for example, mathematics, chemistry, economics, biology, etc.).

    The second basis for differentiating specialties is the age periods of personality development, which differ, among other things, in the pronounced specificity of interaction between the teacher and the developing personality (preschool, primary school, adolescence, youth, maturity and old age).

    The next basis for differentiation of pedagogical specialties is the characteristics of personality development associated with psychophysical and social factors (hearing impairment, visual impairment, mental disability, deviant behavior, etc.).

    Specialization within the teaching profession has led to the identification of types of pedagogical activity in the areas of educational work (labor, aesthetic, etc.). It is obvious that such an approach contradicts the fact of the integrity of the individual and the process of its development and causes a reverse process - the integration of the efforts of individual teachers, the expansion of their functions and spheres of activity.

    The study of pedagogical practice leads to the conclusion that, just as in the sphere of material production, in the field of education the effect of the law of the generalized nature of labor is increasingly manifested. In conditions of increasingly obvious intra-professional differentiation, the activities of teachers of different specialties are nevertheless characterized by common homogeneous elements. The commonality of organizational and purely pedagogical problems being solved is increasingly noted. In this regard, awareness of the general and special in different types of pedagogical activity, as well as the integrity of the pedagogical process, is the most important characteristic of the pedagogical thinking of a modern teacher.

    § 4. Specifics of working conditions and activities of a rural school teacher

    To the specifics of a teacher’s work for a rural school teacher, there are also some special conditions added, ignoring which can lead to serious miscalculations in the organization of the teaching and educational process. The characteristics of the work and activities of a rural school teacher are determined by the uniqueness of social relations in the countryside, the way of life and production activities of the rural population. They are largely due to the fact that the rural school, along with solving common functions for all types of educational institutions, also performs a number of specific ones, caused by the need to prepare schoolchildren for work in the agricultural complex.

    Many factors that determine the specifics of the work and activity of a rural school teacher can be combined into two groups: permanent and temporary, transient in nature. The first group of factors is due to the agricultural and natural environment, and the second is due to some lag in the socio-economic development of the village compared to the city.

    The agricultural environment of the school creates extremely favorable conditions for ensuring the connection between the education and upbringing of rural schoolchildren and life, conducting observations in nature, enriching lessons and extracurricular activities with specific material, introducing students to feasible socially useful work, and instilling respect for the agricultural professions of rural workers.

    The peculiarities of the work and activity of a rural school teacher are also determined by some of the uniqueness of the life and way of life of the rural population. In the village, where people know each other well in all their manifestations, the teacher’s activities take place under conditions of increased social control. His every step is visible: actions and deeds, words and emotional reactions, due to the open nature of social relations, as a rule, become known to everyone.

    The family of a rural worker also has its own characteristics. While maintaining features common to families in modern society, it is characterized by greater conservatism and strong customs and traditions. Children are sometimes affected by the insufficient cultural level of individual families and poor awareness of parents in matters of education.

    Factors that complicate the organization of the pedagogical process in rural schools include the understaffing of most rural schools. Teachers who are forced to combine teaching two or three subjects often do not have the appropriate education for this. Low class sizes also have an impact on the organization of the pedagogical process.

    Of course, special training is necessary for teachers to work in a small school - a universal teacher.


    1. What factors determined the emergence of the teaching profession?

    2. What is the relationship between the concepts of “teacher”, “teacher”, “educator”?

    3. Find and write down statements by public figures, scientists, writers, teachers about the teacher and the teaching profession.

    4. Select proverbs and sayings about the teacher and the teaching profession.

    5. Name outstanding teachers from different times. What are their services to humanity?

    6. What determines the increasing role of the teacher in modern society?

    7. What are the social and professional functions of a teacher?

    8. What is unique about the teaching profession?

    9. Reveal the essence of the humanistic function of a teacher.

    10. How is the collective nature of pedagogical activity manifested?

    11. Why is teaching activity classified as creative?

    12. Relate the concepts of “teaching profession”, “teaching specialty”, “teaching qualification”.

    13. List modern teaching specialties and qualifications.

    14. Write a micro-essay on the topic “The teaching profession in the 21st century.”

    15. What are the specifics of the working conditions and activities of a rural school teacher?

    16. Prepare an essay on the topic “Modern society and the teacher.”


    Borisova S.G. Young teacher: Work, life, creativity. - M., 1983.

    Vershlovsky S.G. Teacher about himself and his profession. - L., 1988.

    Zhiltsov P.A., Velichkina V.M. Village school teacher. - M., 1985.

    Zagvyazinsky V.I. Teacher's pedagogical creativity. - M., 1985.

    Kondratenkov A.V. The work and talent of a teacher: Meetings. Data. Thoughts. - M., 1989.

    Kuzmina N.V. Abilities, giftedness, talent of a teacher. - L., 1995.

    Mishchenko A.I. Introduction to the teaching profession. - Novosibirsk, 1991.

    Soloveichik S.L. Eternal joy. - M., 1986.

    Shiyanov E.N. Humanization of education and professional training of teachers. - M.; Stavropol, 1991.

    Full member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor G.N. Volkov; Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor A. V. Mudrik

    Educational edition

    Slastenin Vitaly Alexandrovich

    Isaev Ilya Fedorovich

    Shiyanov Evgeniy Nikolaevich

    The textbook reveals the anthropological, axiological foundations of pedagogy, the theory and practice of the holistic pedagogical process; organizational and activity bases for the formation of a schoolchild’s basic culture. Characteristics of pedagogical technologies are given, including the design and implementation of the pedagogical process, pedagogical communication, etc. Issues of management of educational systems are revealed. The authors are laureates of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education.

    May be useful for teachers and educational leaders.
    Chapter 1. General characteristics of the teaching profession

    Chapter 2. Professional activity and personality of a teacher

    § 1. The essence of pedagogical activity

    § 2. Main types of teaching activities

    § 3. Structure of pedagogical activity

    § 4. The teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity

    § 5. Professionally determined requirements for the personality of a teacher
    Chapter 3. Professional and pedagogical culture of a teacher

    § 1. The essence and main components of professional pedagogical culture

    § 2. Axiological component of professional pedagogical culture

    § 3. Technological component of professional pedagogical culture

    § 4. Personal and creative component of professional pedagogical culture
    Chapter 4. Professional formation and development of a teacher

    § 1. Motives for choosing a teaching profession and motivation for teaching activities

    § 2. Development of the teacher’s personality in the system of teacher education

    § 3. Professional self-education of a teacher

    § 4. Basics of self-education for pedagogical university students and teachers

    Chapter 5. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences

    § 1. General idea of ​​pedagogy as a science

    § 2. Object, subject and functions of pedagogy

    § 3. Education as a social phenomenon

    § 4. Education as a pedagogical process. Categorical apparatus of pedagogy

    § 5. The connection of pedagogy with other sciences and its structure
    Chapter 6. Methodology and methods of pedagogical research

    § 1. The concept of the methodology of pedagogical science and the methodological culture of the teacher

    § 2. General scientific level of pedagogy methodology

    § 3. Specific methodological principles of pedagogical research

    § 4. Organization of pedagogical research

    § 5. System of methods and methodology of pedagogical research
    Chapter 7. Axiological foundations of pedagogy

    § 1. Justification of the humanistic methodology of pedagogy

    § 2. The concept of pedagogical values ​​and their classification

    § 3. Education as a universal human value
    Chapter 8. Development, socialization and education of the individual

    § 1. Personal development as a pedagogical problem

    § 2. The essence of socialization and its stages

    § 3. Education and personality formation

    § 4. The role of training in personality development

    § 5. Factors of socialization and personality formation

    § 6. Self-education in the structure of the process of personality formation
    Chapter 9. Holistic pedagogical process

    § 1. Historical background for understanding the pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon

    § 2. Pedagogical system and its types

    § 3. General characteristics of the education system

    § 4. The essence of the pedagogical process

    § 6. Logic and conditions for constructing an integral pedagogical process

    Chapter 10. Training in a holistic pedagogical process

    § 1. Training as a way of organizing the pedagogical process

    § 2. Learning functions

    § 3. Methodological foundations of training

    § 4. Activities of the teacher and students in the learning process

    § 5. Logic of the educational process and structure of the assimilation process

    § 6. Types of training and their characteristics
    Chapter 11. Patterns and principles of learning

    § 1. Patterns of learning

    § 2. Principles of training
    Chapter 12. Modern didactic concepts

    § 1. Characteristics of the main concepts of developmental education

    § 2. Modern approaches to the development of the theory of personal development training
    Chapter 13. The content of education as the basis of the basic culture of the individual

    § 1. The essence of the content of education and its historical nature

    § 2. Determinants of the content of education and principles of its structuring

    § 3. Principles and criteria for selecting the content of general education

    § 4. State educational standard and its functions

    § 5. Regulatory documents regulating the content of general secondary education

    § 6. Prospects for the development of the content of general education. Model for constructing a 12-year secondary school
    Chapter 14. Forms and methods of teaching

    § 1. Organizational forms and training systems

    § 2. Types of modern organizational forms of training

    § 3. Teaching methods

    § 4. Didactic means

    § 5. Control during the learning process

    Chapter 15. Education in a holistic pedagogical process

    § 1. Education as a specially organized activity to achieve educational goals

    § 2. Goals and objectives of humanistic education

    § 3. Personality in the concept of humanistic education

    § 4. Regularities and principles of humanistic education
    Chapter 16. Nurturing the basic culture of the individual

    § 1. Philosophical and worldview preparation of schoolchildren

    § 2. Civic education in the system of forming the basic culture of the individual

    § 3. Formation of the foundations of a person’s moral culture

    § 4. Labor education and vocational guidance of schoolchildren

    § 5. Formation of aesthetic culture of students

    § 6. Education of the individual’s physical culture
    Chapter 17. General methods of education

    § 1. The essence of education methods and their classification

    § 2. Methods of forming personality consciousness

    § 3. Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior of an individual

    § 4. Methods of stimulation and motivation of individual activity and behavior

    § 5. Methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in education

    § 6. Conditions for the optimal choice and effective application of educational methods
    Chapter 18. The collective as an object and subject of education

    § 1. Dialectics of the collective and individual in the education of the individual

    § 2. Formation of personality in a team - the leading idea in humanistic pedagogy

    § 3. The essence and organizational basis of the functioning of the children's team

    § 4. Stages and levels of development of the children's team
    § 5. Basic conditions for the development of a children's team
    Chapter 19. Educational systems

    § 1. Structure and stages of development of the educational system

    § 2. Foreign and domestic educational systems

    § 3. Class teacher in the educational system of the school

    § 4. Children's public associations in the school educational system

    Chapter 20. Pedagogical technologies and teacher skills

    § 1. The essence of pedagogical technology

    § 2. The structure of pedagogical skills

    § 4. Types of pedagogical tasks and their characteristics

    § 5. Stages of solving a pedagogical problem

    § 6. Demonstration of the teacher’s professionalism and skill in solving pedagogical problems
    Chapter 21. Technology of designing the pedagogical process

    § 1. The concept of technology for constructing the pedagogical process

    § 2. Awareness of the pedagogical task, analysis of initial data and formulation of a pedagogical diagnosis

    § 3. Planning as a result of the teacher’s constructive activity

    § 4. Planning the work of the class teacher

    § 5. Planning in the activities of a subject teacher
    Chapter 22. Technology of the pedagogical process

    § 1. The concept of technology for implementing the pedagogical process

    § 2. The structure of organizational activities and its features

    § 3. Types of children's activities and general technological requirements for their organization

    § 4. Educational and cognitive activity and technology of its organization

    § 5. Value-oriented activity and its connection with other types of developmental activity

    § 6. Technology for organizing developmental activities for schoolchildren

    § 7. Technology for organizing collective creative activity
    Chapter 23. Technology of pedagogical communication and establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships

    § 1. Pedagogical communication in the structure of the activity of a teacher-educator

    § 2. The concept of technology of pedagogical communication § 3. Stages of solving a communicative problem

    § 4. Stages of pedagogical communication and technology for their implementation

    § 5. Styles of pedagogical communication and their technological characteristics

    § 6. Technology for establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships

    Chapter 24. The essence and basic principles of management of educational systems

    § 1. State-public education management system

    § 2. General principles of management of educational systems

    § 3. School as a pedagogical system and an object of scientific management
    Chapter 25. Basic functions of intra-school management

    § 1. Management culture of the school leader

    § 2. Pedagogical analysis in intra-school management

    § 3. Goal setting and planning as a function of school management

    § 4. The function of organization in school management

    § 5. Intra-school control and regulation in management
    Chapter 26. Interaction of social institutions in the management of educational systems

    § 1. School as an organizing center for joint activities of school, family and community

    § 2. Teaching staff of the school

    § 3. Family as a specific pedagogical system. Features of the development of a modern family

    § 4. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for establishing contacts with the student’s family

    § 5. Forms and methods of work of the teacher, class teacher with parents of students
    Chapter 27. Innovative processes in education. Development of professional and pedagogical culture of teachers

    § 1. Innovative orientation of teaching activities

    § 2. Forms of development of professional pedagogical culture of teachers and their certification



    § 1. The emergence and development of the teaching profession
    In ancient times, when there was no division of labor, all members of a community or tribe - adults and children - participated equally in obtaining food, which was the main meaning of existence in those distant times. The transfer of experience accumulated by previous generations to children in the prenatal community was “woven” into work activity. Children, being involved in it from an early age, acquired knowledge about methods of activity (hunting, gathering, etc.) and mastered various skills. And only as tools improved, which made it possible to obtain more food, did it become possible not to involve sick and old members of the community in this. They were charged with being the keepers of the fire and looking after the children. Later, as the processes of conscious production of labor tools became more complex, which entailed the need for special transfer of labor skills, the elders of the clan - the most respected and experienced - formed, in the modern understanding, the first social group of people - educators, whose direct and only responsibility became transfer of experience, care for the spiritual growth of the younger generation, their morality, preparation for life. Thus, education became the sphere of human activity and consciousness.
    The emergence of the teaching profession therefore has objective grounds. Society could not exist and develop if the younger generation, replacing the older one, was forced to start all over again, without creatively mastering and using the experience that it inherited.
    The etymology of the Russian word “educator” is interesting. It comes from the stem “to nourish.” Not without reason, today the words “educate” and “nurture” are often considered synonymous. In modern dictionaries, an educator is defined as a person who is involved in raising someone, who takes responsibility for the living conditions and development of the personality of another person. The word “teacher” apparently appeared later, when humanity realized that knowledge is a value in itself and that a special organization of children’s activities is needed, aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills. This activity is called training.
    In Ancient Babylon, Egypt, Syria, teachers were most often priests, and in Ancient Greece - the most intelligent, talented civilian citizens: pedonomy, pedotrib, didascals, pedagogues. In Ancient Rome, government officials who knew the sciences well, but most importantly, who traveled a lot and, therefore, saw a lot, knew the languages, culture and customs of different peoples, were appointed teachers on behalf of the emperor. In ancient Chinese chronicles that have survived to this day, it is mentioned that back in the 20th century. BC. There was a ministry in the country in charge of the education of the people, which appointed the wisest representatives of society to the position of teacher. In the Middle Ages, teachers, as a rule, were priests and monks, although in urban schools and universities they increasingly became people who had received special education. In Kievan Rus, the duties of a teacher coincided with the duties of a parent and ruler. Monomakh's "Teaching" reveals the basic set of rules of life that the sovereign himself followed and which he advised his children to follow: love your homeland, take care of the people, do good to your loved ones, do not sin, avoid evil deeds, be merciful. He wrote: “What you can do well, don’t forget, and what you can’t do, learn it... Laziness is the mother of everything: what someone can do, he will forget, and what he can’t do, he won’t learn. But when doing good, don’t be lazy.” what's good..." In Ancient Rus', teachers were called masters, thereby emphasizing respect for the personality of the mentor of the younger generation. But the master craftsmen who passed on their experience were and are now, as we know, called respectfully - Teacher.
    1 See: Anthology of pedagogical thought of Ancient Rus' and the Russian state of the XIV-XVII centuries. / Comp. S. D. Babishin, B. N. Mityurov. - M., 1985. - P. 167.

    Since the emergence of the teaching profession, teachers have been assigned primarily an educational, single and indivisible function. A teacher is an educator, a mentor. This is his civic, human purpose. This is exactly what A. S. Pushkin meant when he dedicated the following lines to his beloved teacher, professor of moral sciences A. P. Kunitsyn (Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum): “He created us, he raised our flame... He laid the cornerstone, he laid the pure lamp kindled."
    2 Pushkin A. S. Complete works: In 10 volumes - L., 1977. - T. 2. - P. 351.

    The tasks facing the school changed significantly at different stages of the development of society. This explains the periodic shift of emphasis from teaching to upbringing and vice versa. However, state policy in the field of education almost always underestimated the dialectical unity of teaching and upbringing, the integrity of the developing personality. Just as it is impossible to teach without exerting an educational influence, it is also impossible to solve educational problems without equipping students with a rather complex system of knowledge, skills and abilities. Progressive thinkers of all times and peoples have never opposed teaching and upbringing. Moreover, they viewed the teacher primarily as an educator.
    All nations and at all times have had outstanding teachers. Thus, the Chinese called Confucius the Great Teacher. One of the legends about this thinker describes his conversation with a student: “This country is vast and densely populated. What does it lack, teacher?” - the student turns to him. “Enrich her,” the teacher replies. “But she’s already rich. How can we enrich her?” - asks the student. "Teach her!" - exclaims the teacher.
    A man of difficult and enviable fate, the Czech humanist teacher Jan Amos Comenius was the first to develop pedagogy as an independent branch of theoretical knowledge. Comenius dreamed of giving his people the collected wisdom of the world. He wrote dozens of school textbooks and over 260 pedagogical works. And today every teacher, using the words “lesson”, “class”, “vacation”, “training”, etc., does not always know that they all entered the school along with the name of the great Czech teacher.
    Ya.A. Comenius asserted a new, progressive view of the teacher. This profession was “excellent for him, like no other under the sun.” He compared the teacher with a gardener who lovingly grows plants in the garden, with an architect who carefully builds knowledge into every corner of a human being, with a sculptor who carefully hews and polishes the minds and souls of people, with a commander who energetically leads an offensive against barbarism and ignorance.
    1 See: Komensky Y.A. Selected pedagogical works. - M., 1995. - P. 248-284.

    Swiss educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi spent all his savings on creating orphanages. He dedicated his life to orphans, trying to make childhood a school of joy and creative work. On his grave there is a monument with an inscription that ends with the words: “Everything is for others, nothing for yourself.”
    The great teacher of Russia was Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky - the father of Russian teachers. The textbooks he created have had a circulation unprecedented in history. For example, “Native Word” was reprinted 167 times. His legacy consists of 11 volumes, and his pedagogical works still have scientific value today. He described the social significance of the teaching profession as follows: “An educator who is on par with the modern course of education feels like a living, active member of a great organism fighting the ignorance and vices of humanity, a mediator between everything that was noble and lofty in the past history of people, and a new generation, the keeper of the holy covenants of people who fought for the truth and for good,” and his work, “modest in appearance, is one of the greatest works of history. States are based on this work and entire generations live by it.”
    1 Ushinsky K.D. Collected works: In 11 volumes - M., 1951. - T. 2. - P. 32.

    Searches for Russian theorists and practitioners of the 20s. XX century largely prepared the innovative pedagogy of Anton Semenovich Makarenko. Despite the establishment in education, as in everything else in the country, in the 30s. command-administrative methods of management, he contrasted them with pedagogy, humanistic in essence, optimistic in spirit, imbued with faith in the creative powers and capabilities of man. The theoretical heritage and experience of A. S. Makarenko have gained worldwide recognition. Of particular importance is the theory of the children's collective created by A. S. Makarenko, which organically includes a method of individualizing education that is subtle in its instrumentation and unique in its methods and techniques of implementation. He believed that the work of a teacher is the most difficult, “perhaps the most responsible and requires from the individual not only the greatest effort, but also great strength, great abilities.”
    2 Makarenko A. S. Works: In 7 volumes - M., 1958. - T. V. - P. 178.
    § 2. Features of the teaching profession
    The uniqueness of the teaching profession. A person’s belonging to a particular profession is manifested in the characteristics of his activities and way of thinking. According to the classification proposed by E. A. Klimov, the teaching profession belongs to the group of professions whose subject is another person. But the teaching profession is distinguished from many others primarily by the way of thinking of its representatives, a heightened sense of duty and responsibility. In this regard, the teaching profession stands apart, standing out as a separate group. Its main difference from other professions of the “person-to-person” type is that it belongs to both the class of transformative and the class of management professions at the same time. Having the formation and transformation of personality as the goal of his activity, the teacher is called upon to manage the process of her intellectual, emotional and physical development, the formation of her spiritual world.
    The main content of the teaching profession is relationships with people. The activities of other representatives of human-to-human professions also require interaction with people, but here it is connected with the best way to understand and satisfy human needs. In the profession of a teacher, the leading task is to understand social goals and direct the efforts of other people to achieve them.
    The peculiarity of training and education as an activity of social management is that it has, as it were, a double subject of labor. On the one hand, its main content is relationships with people: if a leader (and a teacher is one) does not have proper relationships with those people whom he leads or whom he convinces, then the most important thing in his activities is missing. On the other hand, professions of this type always require a person to have special knowledge, skills and abilities in some area (depending on who or what he supervises). A teacher, like any other leader, must know well and imagine the activities of the students whose development process he leads. Thus, the teaching profession requires dual training - human science and special.
    Thus, in the teaching profession, the ability to communicate becomes a professionally necessary quality. Studying the experience of beginning teachers allowed researchers, in particular V. A. Kan-Kalik, to identify and describe the most common “barriers” of communication that make it difficult to solve pedagogical problems: mismatch of attitudes, fear of the class, lack of contact, narrowing of the communication function, negative attitude towards the class , fear of pedagogical error, imitation. However, if novice teachers experience psychological “barriers” due to inexperience, then experienced teachers experience them due to underestimation of the role of communicative support of pedagogical influences, which leads to an impoverishment of the emotional background of the educational process. As a result, personal contacts with children also become impoverished, without whose emotional wealth productive personal activity inspired by positive motives is impossible.
    The uniqueness of the teaching profession lies in the fact that by its nature it has a humanistic, collective and creative character.

    Humanistic function of the teaching profession. The teaching profession has historically had two social functions - adaptive and humanistic (“human-forming”). The adaptive function is associated with the adaptation of the student to the specific requirements of the modern sociocultural situation, and the humanistic function is associated with the development of his personality and creative individuality.
    On the one hand, the teacher prepares his students for the needs of the moment, for a certain social situation, for the specific demands of society. But on the other hand, he, while objectively remaining the guardian and conductor of culture, carries within himself a timeless factor. Having as a goal the development of personality as a synthesis of all the riches of human culture, the teacher works for the future.
    The work of a teacher always contains a humanistic, universal principle. Conscious bringing it to the fore, the desire to serve the future characterized progressive teachers of all times. Thus, a famous teacher and figure in the field of education of the mid-19th century. Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm Diesterweg, who was called the teacher of German teachers, put forward a universal goal of education: service to truth, goodness, beauty. “In every individual, in every nation, a way of thinking called humanity must be instilled: this is the desire for noble universal goals.” In realizing this goal, he believed, a special role belongs to the teacher, who is a living instructive example for the student. His personality earns him respect, spiritual strength and spiritual influence. The value of a school is equal to the value of a teacher.
    1 Disterweg A. Selected pedagogical works. - M., 1956. - P. 237.

    The great Russian writer and teacher Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy saw in the teaching profession, first of all, a humanistic principle, which finds its expression in love for children. “If a teacher has only love for the work,” Tolstoy wrote, “he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father or mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books but has no love for the work.” , nor to the students. If a teacher combines love for both the work and the students, he is a perfect teacher."
    2 Tolstoy L.N. Pedagogical essays. - M., 1956. - P. 362.

    L.N. Tolstoy considered the freedom of the child to be the leading principle of teaching and upbringing. In his opinion, a school can be truly humane only when teachers do not regard it as “a disciplined company of soldiers, commanded today by one lieutenant, tomorrow by another.” He called for a new type of relationship between teachers and students, excluding coercion, and defended the idea of ​​personality development as central to humanistic pedagogy.
    In the 50-60s. XX century The most significant contribution to the theory and practice of humanistic education was made by Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky, the director of the Pavlysh secondary school in the Poltava region. His ideas of citizenship and humanity in pedagogy turned out to be consonant with our modernity. “The Age of Mathematics is a good catchphrase, but it does not reflect the whole essence of what is happening these days. The world is entering the Age of Man. More than ever before, we are obliged to think now about what we put into the human soul.”
    1 Sukhomlinsky V.A. Selected pedagogical works: In 3 volumes - M., 1981. - T. 3. - P. 123-124.

    Education for the sake of the child’s happiness is the humanistic meaning of V. A. Sukhomlinsky’s pedagogical works, and his practical activities are convincing proof that without faith in the child’s capabilities, without trust in him, all pedagogical wisdom, all methods and techniques of teaching and upbringing are untenable.
    The basis for a teacher’s success, he believed, was the spiritual wealth and generosity of his soul, well-mannered feelings and a high level of general emotional culture, and the ability to delve deeply into the essence of a pedagogical phenomenon.
    The primary task of the school, noted V. A. Sukhomlinsky, is to discover the creator in every person, to put him on the path of original creative, intellectually fulfilling work. “To recognize, identify, reveal, nurture, and nurture in each student his unique individual talent means raising the individual to a high level of flourishing human dignity.”
    2 Sukhomlinsky V.A. Selected works: In 5 volumes - Kyiv, 1980. - T. 5. - P. 102.

    The history of the teaching profession shows that the struggle of advanced teachers to liberate its humanistic, social mission from the pressure of class domination, formalism and bureaucracy, and the conservative professional structure adds drama to the fate of the teacher. This struggle becomes more intense as the social role of the teacher in society becomes more complex.
    Carl Rogers, one of the founders of the modern humanistic movement in Western pedagogy and psychology, argued that society today is interested in a huge number of conformists (adapters). This is due to the needs of industry, the army, the inability and, most importantly, the reluctance of many, from the ordinary teacher to senior managers, to part with their, albeit small, power. “It’s not easy to become deeply humane, to trust people, to combine freedom with responsibility.
    The path we present is a challenge. It does not imply a simple assumption of the circumstances of the democratic ideal."
    1 Rogers S. Freedom to learn for the 80s. - Toronto; London; Sydney, 1983. - P. 307.

    This does not mean that a teacher should not prepare his students for the specific demands of life into which they will need to be involved in the near future. By raising a student who is not adapted to the current situation, the teacher creates difficulties in his life. By raising an overly adapted member of society, he does not develop in him the need for purposeful change in both himself and society.
    The purely adaptive orientation of a teacher’s activity has an extremely negative impact on himself, since he gradually loses his independence of thinking, subordinates his abilities to official and unofficial instructions, ultimately losing his individuality. The more a teacher subordinates his activities to the formation of the student’s personality, adapted to specific needs, the less he acts as a humanist and moral mentor. And vice versa, even in the conditions of an inhumane class society, the desire of advanced teachers to contrast the world of violence and lies with human care and kindness inevitably resonates in the hearts of students. That is why I. G. Pestalozzi, noting the special role of the teacher’s personality and his love for children, proclaimed it as the main means of education. “I knew neither order, nor method, nor the art of education, which would not have been a consequence of my deep love for children.”
    2 Pestalozzi I.G. Selected pedagogical works: In 2 vols. - M., 1981. - T. 2. - P. 68.

    The point, in fact, is that a humanist teacher not only believes in democratic ideals and the high purpose of his profession. Through his activities he brings the humanistic future closer. And for this he must be active himself. This does not mean any of his activities. Thus, we often encounter teachers who are overactive in their desire to “educate.” Acting as a subject of the educational process, the teacher must recognize the right of students to be subjects. This means that he must be able to bring them to the level of self-government in conditions of trusting communication and cooperation.
    The collective nature of pedagogical activity. If in other professions of the “person-to-person” group the result, as a rule, is the product of the activity of one person - a representative of the profession (for example, a salesman, doctor, librarian, etc.), then in the teaching profession it is very difficult to isolate the contribution of each teacher, family and other sources of impact

    into a qualitative transformation of the subject of activity - the student.
    With the awareness of the natural strengthening of collectivist principles in the teaching profession, the concept of a collective subject of pedagogical activity is increasingly coming into use. The aggregate subject in a broad sense is understood as the teaching staff of a school or other educational institution, and in a narrower sense - the circle of those teachers who are directly related to a group of students or an individual student.
    A. S. Makarenko attached great importance to the formation of the teaching staff. He wrote: “There must be a team of educators, and where educators are not united in a team and the team does not have a single work plan, a single tone, a single precise approach to the child, there can be no educational process.”
    1 Makarenko A. S. Works: In 7 volumes - M., 1958. - T. 5. - P. 179.

    Certain traits of a team are manifested primarily in the mood of its members, their performance, mental and physical well-being. This phenomenon is called the psychological climate of the team.
    A. S. Makarenko revealed a pattern according to which the pedagogical skill of a teacher is determined by the level of formation of the teaching staff. “The unity of the teaching staff,” he believed, “is an absolutely decisive thing, and the youngest, most inexperienced teacher in a single, united team, headed by a good master leader, will do more than any experienced and talented teacher who goes against the teaching staff "There is nothing more dangerous than individualism and squabbles in the teaching staff, there is nothing more disgusting, there is nothing more harmful." A. S. Makarenko argued that the question of education cannot be raised depending on the quality or talent of an individual teacher; one can only become a good master in a teaching team.
    2 Ibid. - P. 292.

    An invaluable contribution to the development of the theory and practice of forming a teaching staff was made by V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Having been the head of a school himself for many years, he came to the conclusion about the decisive role of pedagogical cooperation in achieving the goals that the school faces. Investigating the influence of the teaching staff on the group of students, V.A. Sukhomlinsky established the following pattern: the richer the spiritual values ​​accumulated and carefully protected in the teaching team, the more clearly the group of students acts as an active, effective force, as a participant in the educational process, as an educator. V. A. Sukhomlinsky has an idea that, presumably, is not yet fully understood by the heads of schools and educational authorities: if there is no teaching staff, then there is no student staff. To the question of how and why a teaching team is created, V. A. Sukhomlinsky answered unequivocally - it is created by collective thought, idea, creativity.
    The creative nature of a teacher's work. Pedagogical activity, like any other, has not only a quantitative measure, but also qualitative characteristics. The content and organization of a teacher’s work can be correctly assessed only by determining the level of his creative attitude towards his activities. The level of creativity in a teacher’s activities reflects the degree to which he uses his capabilities to achieve his goals. The creative nature of pedagogical activity is therefore its most important feature. But unlike creativity in other areas (science, technology, art), the teacher’s creativity does not have as its goal the creation of a socially valuable new, original, since its product always remains the development of the individual. Of course, a creative teacher, and even more so an innovative teacher, creates his own pedagogical system, but it is only a means to obtain the best result under given conditions.
    The creative potential of a teacher’s personality is formed on the basis of his accumulated social experience, psychological, pedagogical and subject knowledge, new ideas, abilities and skills that allow him to find and apply original solutions, innovative forms and methods and thereby improve the performance of his professional functions. Only an erudite and specially trained teacher, based on a deep analysis of emerging situations and awareness of the essence of the problem through creative imagination and thought experiment, is able to find new, original ways and means of solving it. But experience convinces us that creativity comes only then and only to those who work conscientiously and constantly strive to improve their professional qualifications, expand their knowledge and study the experience of the best schools and teachers.
    The area of ​​manifestation of pedagogical creativity is determined by the structure of the main components of pedagogical activity and covers almost all its aspects: planning, organization, implementation and analysis of results.
    In modern scientific literature, pedagogical creativity is understood as a process of solving pedagogical problems in changing circumstances. Addressing the solution of an innumerable set of standard and non-standard problems, the teacher, like any researcher, organizes his activities in accordance with the general rules of heuristic search: analysis of the pedagogical situation; designing the result in accordance with the initial data; analysis of the available means necessary to test the assumption and achieve the desired result; evaluation of the received data; formulation of new tasks.
    However, the creative nature of pedagogical activity cannot be reduced only to the solution of pedagogical problems, because in creative activity the cognitive, emotional-volitional and motivational-need components of the personality are manifested in unity. Nevertheless, solving specially selected tasks aimed at developing any structural components of creative thinking (goal setting, analysis that requires overcoming barriers, attitudes, stereotypes, enumerating options, classification and evaluation, etc.) is the main factor and most important condition development of the creative potential of the teacher’s personality.
    The experience of creative activity does not introduce fundamentally new knowledge and skills into the content of teacher professional training. But this does not mean that creativity cannot be taught. It is possible - by ensuring constant intellectual activity of future teachers and specific creative cognitive motivation, which acts as a regulating factor in the processes of solving pedagogical problems. These can be tasks to transfer knowledge and skills to a new situation, to identify new problems in familiar (typical) situations, to identify new functions, methods and techniques, to combine new methods of activity from known ones, etc. Exercises in analysis also contribute to this. pedagogical facts and phenomena, identifying their components, identifying the rational basis of certain decisions and recommendations.
    Often, teachers involuntarily narrow the scope of their creativity, reducing it to a non-standard, original solution to pedagogical problems. Meanwhile, the teacher’s creativity is no less evident when solving communicative problems, which serve as a kind of background and basis for pedagogical activity. V. A. Kan-Kalik, highlighting, along with the logical and pedagogical aspect of the teacher’s creative activity, the subjective-emotional one, specifies in detail communication skills, especially manifested when solving situational problems. Among such skills, first of all, one should include the ability to manage one’s mental and emotional state, act in a public setting (assess a communication situation, attract the attention of an audience or individual students, using a variety of techniques, etc.), etc. A creative personality is distinguished by a special combination of personal and business qualities that characterize her creativity.
    E. S. Gromov and V. A. Molyako name seven signs of creativity: originality, heuristics, imagination, activity, concentration, clarity, sensitivity. A creative teacher is also characterized by such qualities as initiative, independence, the ability to overcome the inertia of thinking, a sense of what is truly new and the desire to understand it, purposefulness, breadth of associations, observation, and developed professional memory.
    Each teacher continues the work of his predecessors, but the creative teacher sees wider and much further. Every teacher, in one way or another, transforms pedagogical reality, but only the creative teacher actively fights for radical changes and himself is a clear example in this matter.

    § 3. Prospects for the development of the teaching profession
    In the field of education, as in other areas of material and spiritual production, there is a tendency towards intra-professional differentiation. This is a natural process of division of labor, manifested not only and not so much in fragmentation, but in the development of increasingly more advanced and effective separate types of activities within the teaching profession. The process of separation of types of pedagogical activity is due, first of all, to a significant “complication” of the nature of education, which, in turn, is caused by changes in socio-economic living conditions and the consequences of scientific, technical and social progress.
    Another circumstance leading to the emergence of new pedagogical specialties is the increase in demand for qualified training and education. So, already in the 70-80s. a tendency towards specialization in the main areas of educational work began to clearly manifest itself, caused by the need for more qualified management of artistic, sports, tourism, local history and other types of activities of schoolchildren.
    So, a professional group of specialties is a set of specialties united by the most stable type of socially useful activity, differing in the nature of their final product, specific objects and means of labor.
    A pedagogical specialty is a type of activity within a given professional group, characterized by a set of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired as a result of education and ensuring the formulation and solution of a certain class of professional and pedagogical tasks in accordance with the assigned qualifications.
    Pedagogical specialization is a certain type of activity within the framework of a pedagogical specialty. It is associated with a specific subject of work and a specific function of a specialist.
    Pedagogical qualification is the level and type of professional and pedagogical preparedness that characterizes the capabilities of a specialist in solving a certain class of problems.
    Pedagogical specialties are united into the professional group “Education”. The basis for differentiation of pedagogical specialties is the specificity of the object and goals of the activities of specialists in this group. The generalized object of professional activity of teachers is a person, his personality. The relationship between the teacher and the object of his activity develops as subject-subject (“person-person”). Therefore, the basis for differentiation of specialties in this group are various subject areas of knowledge, science, culture, art, which act as a means of interaction (for example, mathematics, chemistry, economics, biology, etc.).
    Another basis for differentiating specialties is the age periods of personality development, which differ, among other things, in the pronounced specificity of interaction between the teacher and the developing personality (preschool, primary school, adolescence, youth, maturity and old age).
    The next basis for differentiation of pedagogical specialties is the characteristics of personality development associated with psychophysical and social factors (hearing impairment, visual impairment, mental disability, deviant behavior, etc.).
    Specialization within the teaching profession has led to the identification of types of pedagogical activity in the areas of educational work (labor, aesthetic, etc.). It is obvious that such an approach contradicts the fact of the integrity of the individual and the process of its development and causes a reverse process - the integration of the efforts of individual teachers, the expansion of their functions and spheres of activity.
    The study of pedagogical practice leads to the conclusion that, just as in the sphere of material production, in the field of education the effect of the law of the generalized nature of labor is increasingly manifested. In conditions of increasingly obvious intra-professional differentiation, the activities of teachers of different specialties are nevertheless characterized by common homogeneous elements. The commonality of organizational and purely pedagogical problems being solved is increasingly noted. In this regard, awareness of the general and special in different types of pedagogical activity, as well as the integrity of the pedagogical process, is the most important characteristic of the pedagogical thinking of a modern teacher.

    § 4. Specifics of working conditions and activities of a rural school teacher
    To the specifics of a teacher’s work for a rural school teacher, there are also some special conditions added, ignoring which can lead to serious miscalculations in the organization of the teaching and educational process. The characteristics of the work and activities of a rural school teacher are determined by the uniqueness of social relations in the countryside, the way of life and production activities of the rural population. They are largely due to the fact that the rural school, along with solving common functions for all types of educational institutions, also performs a number of specific ones, caused by the need to prepare schoolchildren for work in the agricultural complex.
    Many factors that determine the specifics of the work and activity of a rural school teacher can be combined into two groups: permanent and temporary, transient in nature. The first group of factors is due to the agricultural and natural environment, and the second is due to some lag in the socio-economic development of the village compared to the city.
    The agricultural environment of the school creates extremely favorable conditions for ensuring the connection between the education and upbringing of rural schoolchildren and life, conducting observations in nature, enriching lessons and extracurricular activities with specific material, introducing students to feasible socially useful work, and instilling respect for the agricultural professions of rural workers.
    The peculiarities of the work and activity of a rural school teacher are also determined by some of the uniqueness of the life and way of life of the rural population. In the village, where people know each other well in all their manifestations, the teacher’s activities take place under conditions of increased social control. His every step is visible: actions and deeds, words and emotional reactions, due to the open nature of social relations, as a rule, become known to everyone.
    The family of a rural worker also has its own characteristics. While maintaining features common to families in modern society, it is characterized by greater conservatism and strong customs and traditions. Children are sometimes affected by the insufficient cultural level of individual families and poor awareness of parents in matters of education.
    Factors that complicate the organization of the pedagogical process in rural schools include the understaffing of most rural schools. Teachers who are forced to combine teaching two or three subjects often do not have the appropriate education for this. Low class sizes also have an impact on the organization of the pedagogical process.
    Of course, special training is necessary for teachers to work in a small school - a universal teacher.

    Questions and tasks
    1. What factors determined the emergence of the teaching profession?

    2. What is the relationship between the concepts of “teacher”, “teacher”, “educator”?

    3. Find and write down statements by public figures, scientists, writers, teachers about the teacher and the teaching profession.

    4. Select proverbs and sayings about the teacher and the teaching profession.

    5. Name outstanding teachers from different times. What are their services to humanity?

    6. What determines the increasing role of the teacher in modern society?

    7. What are the social and professional functions of a teacher?

    8. What is unique about the teaching profession?

    9. Reveal the essence of the humanistic function of a teacher.

    10. How is the collective nature of pedagogical activity manifested?

    11. Why is teaching activity classified as creative?

    12. Relate the concepts of “teaching profession”, “teaching specialty”, “teaching qualification”.

    13. List modern teaching specialties and qualifications.

    14. Write a micro-essay on the topic “The teaching profession in the 21st century.”

    15. What are the specifics of the working conditions and activities of a rural school teacher?

    16. Prepare an essay on the topic “Modern society and the teacher.”

    Literature for independent work

    Borisova S.G. Young teacher: Work, life, creativity. - M., 1983.

    Vershlovsky S.G. Teacher about himself and his profession. - L., 1988.

    Zhiltsov P.A., Velichkina V.M. Village school teacher. - M., 1985.

    Zagvyazinsky V.I. Pedagogical creativity of the teacher. - M., 1985.

    Kondratenkov A.V. Work and talent of a teacher: Meetings. Facts Thoughts - M., 1989.

    Kuzmina N.V. Abilities, giftedness, talent of a teacher. - L., 1995.

    Kotova I. B., Shiyanov E. N. Teacher: profession and personality. - Rostov-on-Don, 1997.

    Mishchenko A.I. Introduction to the teaching profession. - Novosibirsk, 1991.

    Soloveichik S.L. Eternal joy. - M., 1986.

    Shiyanov E.N. Humanization of education and professional training of teachers. - M.; Stavropol, 1991.

    2. Biography of the founder of the scientific school, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.A. Slastenina

    Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin – Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Higher School Pedagogy, Founder and Dean (1982–2002) of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Moscow Pedagogical State University, Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education, Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council on General and Social Pedagogy and Psychology of the Educational and Methodological Association for Teacher Education, member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation, President of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education.

    Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin was born on September 5, 1930 in the city of Gorno-Altaisk, Altai Territory, into a family of collective farmers. He became involved in peasant labor early, and at the age of 15 he was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

    Life path of V.A. Slastenin was largely determined by his meeting with the remarkable innovative teacher and organizer of Shkida Viktor Nikolaevich Soroka-Rosinsky, which occurred during his studies at the Gorno-Altai Pedagogical School in 1945-48.

    In 1948 V.A. Slastenin entered the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.I. Lenin, where after successfully completing the course of study he was accepted into graduate school.

    At that time, brilliant teachers and famous scientists worked at the Faculty of Education: Professor M.M. taught developmental psychology. Rubinstein, educational psychology - prof. N.D. Levitov, learning theory - Professor N.M. Schumann, theory of education - Professor S.M. Reeves. His first research work on ethnopsychology V.A. Slastenin prepared under the guidance of the outstanding domestic psychologist, vice-president of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, Konstantin Nikolaevich Kornilov. V.A. Slastenin calls his main teacher, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education Ivan Fomich Svadkovsky, who fascinated him with the problems of pedagogy. Scientific work “Pedagogical foundations of local history”, carried out by V.A. Slastenin in her third year, was awarded a gold medal from the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR.

    Simultaneously with his studies, Vitaly Alexandrovich was one of the creators of the large-circulation newspaper of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin "Leninist". Journalism and literary creativity remained an important part of V.A.’s future activities. Slastenina.

    In 1956, Vitaly Aleksandrovich successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis and in the same year began working at the Tyumen State Pedagogical Institute, to which he devoted 13 years of his life: assistant, senior teacher, and from 1957, at the age of 27, he became vice-rector for academic and scientific work. It was during this period that his talent as an organizer was fully revealed.

    In 1969 V.A. Slastenin was appointed head of the Educational and Methodological Department, deputy head of the Main Directorate of Higher and Secondary Pedagogical Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. Almost eight years V.A. Slastenin worked in the central office of the Ministry. All these years he carried out a broad socio-pedagogical experiment on the problem of forming a teacher’s personality.

    It was during this period of work that V.A. Slastenin organizes a professional research study, unique in many respects, across all teaching specialties, which covered almost all pedagogical educational institutions; the experiment and data processing were carried out on a 20-thousand-person array unprecedented for pedagogical research.

    The logical conclusion of the theoretical and experimental research of V.A. Slastenin’s monograph “The Formation of the Personality of a Soviet School Teacher in the Process of His Professional Training” (1976), thanks to which he emerged as a leading scientist in the field of theory and practice of teacher education. In 1977 V.A. Slastenin defended his doctoral dissertation.

    In 1977, V.A. Slastenin returned to the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V.I. Lenin, and in 1978 he was elected head of the department of pedagogy of primary education. In 1979 he was awarded the academic title of professor. In 1982, V.A. Slastenin was elected dean of the Faculty of Education.

    In 1980, Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin created and headed the department of pedagogy and psychology of higher education. This year also saw official recognition of his merits in the field of pedagogical science. He was awarded one of the most honorable awards for a teacher - the K.D. Ushinsky medal. In 1981, he created and headed the laboratory of higher pedagogical education within the structure of the Research Institute at Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V.I. Lenin. This laboratory became the parent organization of the target research program “Teacher”, the scientific director of which was V.A. He became a sweetheart since 1981. Researchers from pedagogical institutes in various regions of the country are involved in the development of the program. V.A. Slastenin acts as the author and methodologist of the concept of the targeted research program “Formation of a socially active personality of a teacher.”

    V.A. Slastenin constantly took an active part in international seminars and conferences, and gave lectures at foreign universities.

    In 1989 V.A. Slastenin was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, and in 1992 a full member of the Russian Academy of Education. In 1997 V.A. Slastenin became a member of the bureau of the Higher Education Department of the Russian Academy of Education, and in 1998 he was appointed editor-in-chief of Izvestia of the Russian Academy of Education, a position in which he served until 2001. In 1998 V.A. Slastenin created the journal “Pedagogical Education and Science”, of which he was always the editor-in-chief.

    In 1996 V.A. Slastenin was awarded the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation”; in 1999 he became a laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education. In 1999 V.A. Slastenin was elected President of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education.

    The influence of the scientific school of V.A. Slastenin’s influence on the system of pedagogical education became decisive. Coordination of the efforts of almost 50 universities in the country within the framework of the targeted research program “Teacher”, in 1981-1989. carried out according to the plan-order of the USSR State Committee for Public Education and the decision of the Presidium of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, allowed the team headed by him to develop the concept of teacher education, which received approval at the All-Union Congress of Public Education Workers (1989), which was sent to all pedagogical educational institutions of the USSR . In 1999, Vitaly Aleksandrovich took an active part in developing the concept of the content and structure of general secondary education in 12-year schools.

    The ideas of the concept were fleshed out by V.A. Slastenin in developing the content and organization of the educational process in pedagogical educational institutions in the future. He has done a lot of work to create state educational standards for teaching specialties and prepare a new generation of educational and methodological documentation for educational institutions that train teachers. A fundamentally new curriculum model has been developed and is being actively implemented, ensuring a dynamic balance of basic (federal) and national-regional (university) components of educational content. The variable nature of curricula and programs is combined with the development of flexible technologies for the professional training of future teachers.

    Vitaly Aleksandrovich took an active part in the development of state educational standards in the specialties “Pedagogy”, “Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Social Pedagogy”, and their scientific and methodological support, being the Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council for General and Social Pedagogy and Psychology of the Educational and Methodological Council associations for teacher education.

    The subject of a scientist’s legitimate pride is his students. Under the leadership of V.A. Slastenin prepared and defended more than 170 candidate's dissertations, 55 of his students became doctors of science.

    Today there is practically not a single pedagogical university in Russia in which Vitaly Alexandrovich’s students and followers do not work. Among his students are rectors and vice-rectors of universities, directors of research institutes and centers, deans of faculties and heads of departments. Many of them have their own scientific schools and develop promising research projects.

    Outstanding Russian scientist and teacher
    born September 5, 1930
    in the city of Gorno-Altaisk, Altai Territory, in a peasant family.

    After graduating from the pedagogical school, he was sent to study at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. V.I. Lenin. As a student, he showed deep interest in scientific research and published several serious scientific papers.

    Since March, having defended his Ph.D. thesis, V. A. Slastenin has been working at the Tyumen Pedagogical Institute as a teacher in the department of pedagogy and psychology. In October 1957, the 27-year-old scientist became vice-rector of the Tyumen Pedagogical Institute for educational and then scientific work. In this position, he proved himself to be a talented organizer of teacher education.

    V. A. Slastenin was transferred to Moscow, deputy head of the Main Directorate of Higher and Secondary Pedagogical Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR.
    Slastenin is defending his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Formation of a teacher’s personality in the process of his professional training,” in which he was the first Russian researcher to propose a unique predictive model of the personality and professional activity of an ideal teacher of the 21st century.

    Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin comes to work at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.I. Lenin (since 1991 - Moscow State Pedagogical University) head of the department of pedagogy of primary education. He organizes here the department of pedagogy and psychology of higher education, which he currently heads.

    V. A. Slastenin is the permanent dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, which is unique in the Russian education system. The scientist creates and implements an original concept of multi-level pedagogical education, develops state educational standards for higher education of a new generation in the specialties of pedagogy, social pedagogy, pedagogy and psychology.

    As a scientist, B. A. Slastenin occupies a leading position in the field of methodology, theory and practice of teacher education. He is one of the developers of the general concept of teacher education, the author of more than 300 scientific works, including 16 monographs and 6 textbooks on pedagogy."
    The works of V. L. Slastenin have been translated into 15 languages ​​and published in the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, China and other countries of the world.
    Professor V.L. Slastenin created a powerful scientific school, which is represented in almost all regions of the Russian Federation, He has trained 200 doctors and candidates of pedagogical and psychological sciences"
    V. L. Slastenin - member of the Council for Teacher Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Main Council "Problems of Pedagogy" and the Educational and Methodological Council on General and Social Pedagogy and Psychology of Educational Institutions of Pedagogical Universities, Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission on Pedagogy and Psychology, Chairman of the Council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, editor-in-chief of the journals "Izvestia of the Russian Academy of Education" and "Pedagogical Education and Science".
    Awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, medals named after K. D. Ushinsky, N. K. Krupskaya, S. I. Vavilov, A. S. Makarenko, I. Altynsarin, K" N. Kary-Niyazov. Excellent worker in education of the USSR and a number of former republics Union.
    Since January 1989 - corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, since June 1992 - full member of the Russian Academy of Education, since July 1999 - president of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education. Academician of a number of public academies,
    In March 1996, Professor V. A. Slastenin was awarded the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation”,
    In 1999, Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin was awarded the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education.