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  • Research project "water is life". Project "The Amazing Properties of Water" Research project on the properties of water in kindergarten

    Research project

    Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 10" of a combined type in Karabash


    Topic: “Water and its properties.”



    preparatory group "A"

    T.V. Selivanova


    Project type: creative-cognitive, research, long-term.

    Project duration: September – March.

    Project participants: teachers and children of preparatory group “A”.

    Relevance: The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education names cognitive development as one of the most important areas of development for a preschool child. It involves, in particular, the formation of cognitive actions, primary ideas about objects in the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, causes and consequences, etc.). The active introduction of children's experimentation allows preschoolers to be involved in meaningful activities in which they themselves can discover new properties of objects and notice their similarities and differences. It is children's experimentation that provides preschoolers with the opportunity to acquire knowledge on their own; children are given the opportunity for self-development, self-realization and the opportunity to be themselves. Exploratory behavior for a preschooler is the main source for obtaining ideas about the world around him.

    Objective of the project:

    1.Creating conditions for children’s research activities.

    2. Development in children of cognitive activity, curiosity, the need for mental impressions, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, which in turn will lead to intellectual and emotional development.


    1. Expand children’s understanding of the world around them.

    2. To develop children’s understanding of the chemical properties of substances.

    3. Develop in children elementary ideas about basic physical properties and phenomena.

    4.Develop elementary mathematical concepts.

    5. Develop in children the ability to use instruments - assistants when conducting games and experiments.

    6.Develop the mental (thinking) abilities of children - analysis, classification, comparison, generalization.

    7. Form ways of knowing through sensory analysis.

    Expected result:

    In a free atmosphere, children will develop their skills:

    Communication (ability to listen, discuss, visualize your idea);

    Manipulative (coordination of movements, ability to use tools and technologies);

    Social (shared thinking and discussion, ability to take on different roles, tolerance of others, self-discipline).

    Water Experiment: Appendix 1

    "Water is a solvent."

    The date of the:


    M.V. Bystrova.

    Target: Development of a child’s cognitive interest in the process of experimenting with liquids. Familiarize children with the properties of liquids using the example of water, to show that water has the property of dissolving some substances.


    2.Develop the ability to use equipment.

    3. Encourage children to express their actions, discuss, and draw conclusions.

    4. Foster independence, interest, curiosity.

    Equipment: sugar, salt, ascorbic acid, vegetable oil, flour, water containers, spoons, pipette.

    Progress of the experiment:

    1. The children carried out the experiment under the guidance of a teacher. It was suggested to Vika Cherkashina to stir sugar in water in the first glass, salt to Kolya Stepanov in the second glass, and ascorbic acid to Damir Khaibullin in the third glass and taste it.

    Question for children: What does the water taste like?

    Children's answers: sweet, salty, sour.

    Experiment result: The substances that the children put into the water dissolved and changed the taste of the water.

    2. The experiment was carried out by the teacher. In the first glass of water I stirred the flour, and in the second glass of water I added vegetable oil. The children observed that the flour did not completely dissolve in the water; the sediment sank to the bottom of the glass. The oil also did not dissolve; it floated on the surface of the water.

    Experiment result: Not all substances can dissolve in water.

    Photo report for the experiment “Water is a solvent”

    Water Experiment: Appendix 2

    “Where does the water go?”

    The date of the:


    T.V. Selivanova

    Target: Determination of the properties of water (absorbed, not absorbed, evaporates).

    Vocabulary work: absorbed, not absorbed, evaporates.

    Determination of materials that absorb water.


    1.Develop the ability to listen and understand the teacher’s task.

    2. Introduce children to the properties of objects.

    3.Develop the ability to use equipment carefully.

    4. Encourage children to express their thoughts, discuss, and draw conclusions.

    Equipment: sponge, fabric, plasticine, plate, wood, newspaper, polyethylene, container with water, spoons, marker.

    Progress of the experiment:

    1. The children carried out the experiment under the guidance of a teacher. The children were asked to carefully pour a little water onto objects with a spoon. We discussed which objects absorbed water and which did not.

    2. The teacher poured water into the plate. We discussed with the children that it did not absorb water because it was plastic. The teacher marked the boundary of the water in the plate with a marker and placed it on the windowsill for two days. One more day. A few days later we looked at what happened to the water. Where did the water go? We discussed it with the children and came to the conclusion that the water had disappeared and evaporated.

    Experiment result: Water can be absorbed and evaporate.

    Water Experiment: Appendix 3

    "Water Transparency"

    The date of the:


    T.V. Selivanova

    Target: Determination of the properties of water - “Clean water is transparent”, “dirty water is opaque”.


    1. Find out how the concept of “transparent” is learned.

    2.Develop the ability to listen carefully and understand the teacher’s tasks.

    3.Develop the ability to use equipment.

    4. Encourage children to express their thoughts, generalize, and draw conclusions.

    5. Cultivate neatness, independence, interest, and curiosity.

    Equipment: two glasses of water, buttons, pebbles, beads, a plate with soil, a spoon.

    1. During the experiment, the teacher asked the children to find transparent objects in the group (glass in a window, glass) in order to find out how the concept of “transparent” was learned.

    Result: Objects are visible. Therefore, the water in the glass transparent.

    Then, Yana V. poured the earth into the second glass of water and stirred.

    The water has become cloudy, opaque.

    The children put objects into the glass and made sure that they were not visible

    Experiment result: Clean water is transparent, objects can be seen through it; muddy water is opaque, objects cannot be seen through it.

    Photo report for the experiment “Water Transparency”

    Water experiment Appendix 4

    “Water has no form, no taste,

    smell and color"

    The date of the:


    T.V. Selivanova

    Target: Proof of the properties of water (water has no shape, smell, taste or color).


    1.Continue to develop the ability to listen and understand the teacher’s tasks.

    2.Continue to develop the ability to use equipment.

    3. Continue to introduce the properties of water.

    4. Encourage children to express their thoughts, compare, and draw conclusions.

    5. Foster independence, accuracy, and curiosity.

    Equipment: transparent vessels of various shapes, transparent cups, white, blue gouache, salt, sugar, lemon, a large tray, a kettle with boiled water, teaspoons.

    Progress of the experiment:

    1. The teacher pours water into vessels of different shapes. Water takes the form of vessels. Next, he pours water from the vessel onto a tray, it spreads into a shapeless puddle.

    Result: this all happens because water does not have its own form.

    2. The teacher invites the children to smell the water poured into a glass.

    Question: does it smell?

    Answer: no.

    We remember the smells of lemon, fried potatoes, flowers. All this really has a smell.

    Result: water does not smell of anything, it does not have its own smell.

    3. The teacher invites Andrei Bukin to taste the water. Question: what does it taste like?

    Dasha Daniltsova put sugar in a glass of water and stir,

    The teacher squeezes lemon juice into a third glass of water and stirs. Then the children test the waters.

    Question: what is the water like?

    Children's answers: salty, sweet, sour.

    We compare it with water in the first glass and draw a conclusion.

    Result: Pure water has no taste.

    4.Continuing to get acquainted with the properties of water, the teacher pours water into transparent glasses. Question: what color is the water? Children's answers: white, not colored, no color. After the children’s statements, Katya is invited to put blue gouache in a glass of clean water and stir, and Radda is asked to put white gouache.

    Result: Pure water has no color, it is colorless.

    Overall result: Water has no shape, smell, taste or color.

    Photo report for the experiment

    “Water has no shape, taste, smell or color”

    MCOU "SKSHI" VIII VIDA Research project on the topic: “The amazing properties of water”

    Completed the work:
    3rd grade students

    Head: Akhtyamova
    Emma Gumerovna


    Project passport

    Rationale for choosing a topic

    In our class, children drink a lot of water, and parents began to buy and carry water for us.

    We asked ourselves: if we drink clean water, we will be healthy

    Relevance of the project:

    Among all the benefits given to us by nature, water occupies a special place. Water is a unique wealth of living nature. There is no person who does not know what water looks like.

    Every day we wash our faces, brush our teeth, wash our hands, and take a shower. But often we don’t think about how water gets into our house and where does it come from? What kind of water is healthy?

    Target:study the properties of water, understand and understand , what water is good for person .

    The following tasks were identified: 1. Find out how much water there is on Earth, what kind of water it is in nature and what are its properties?

    2. Find out who needs water and why?

    Object of study : water

    Research methods : We searched for information on the Internet, read literature, made observations, conducted experiments, drew pictures on the topic: “Water around us.” We participate in the defense of the project.

    Project participants: class teacher, 3rd grade students.

    Location: MCOU "SKSHI"VIIIkind.

    Project duration: September 2017– April 2017

    All living things need water.

    That's why there is so much of it on our planet. (guys, what do you think is more on the planet? Land or water? Water is 75% and land is 25%, but not all water is suitable for drinking, 96% is salt water and only 4% is potable, but 3% of this is ice and only 1% are rivers, streams, lakes, springs

    We drink water to quench our thirst and use it to prepare food.

    Water allows us to taste food

    Thanks to water, we keep our body and home clean: we bathe, wash clothes, wash dishes, wash the floor

    We water the plants in the house and in the garden.

    We like to swim and play in water.

    We can travel on water by boat, yacht, or ship.


    The water is transparent and has no color. Although it seems to us that the water is in the sea,
    there is a shade in the ocean, river, pool, in fact it depends on the depth, the color of the bottom and particles dissolved in the water from the color of the sky, which is reflected in the water

    Water can dissolve and mix many substances.

    The water is tasteless and does not smell of anything. The taste and smell of water are given by substances that are dissolved in it.
    Water is fluid and can fill empty spaces.

    Water is the only substance on the planet that can exist in three states: liquid, solid and gaseous

    When water freezes, it expands, turning into snow, ice, frost, and when heated, it expands, turning into steam.

    So let's summarize

    If water did not have these properties, then we would not be able to use and apply it:

    if the water were not transparent, then we would not see anything when we swim underwater, and the fish would collide with each other

    if the water was not colorless, then the laundry would turn different colors during washing;
    if all the water had a smell, then we would not be able to use it for food;
    if the water was not flowing, then there would be no streams, rivers, oceans and seas;
    if water had a certain shape, then we would not be able to pour it into different vessels; if water were not a solvent, then our tea would not become sweet and our soup would not become salty.

    And we also learned from the Internet that water has a memory:

    Healers of all times and cultures knew about this amazing property of water, and scientists discovered it quite recently,
    looking at frozen water under a microscope

    Water in lakes, rivers, springs, and streams has a beautiful natural structure.

    The pattern near water from holy springs is especially harmonious.

    When we drink water, its memory is transferred to us and begins to influence our thoughts, feelings, and health. And if good information is imprinted in the water, then our mood and well-being improve.

    This is why it is so important to monitor your thoughts, feelings and words, especially while preparing and eating food.

    The hypothesis was confirmed

    In order to feel good, a person should drink only clean water with the correct structure.

    Let our water be good!

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    Project type: Informational and educational

    Part I Introduction

    Part II Practical experimental activities

    Part III: Relaxation break

    Part IV Conclusions

    Part V Conclusion

    Vi part. Bibliographic list

    I. Relevance of the topic:

    Water is the most mysterious liquid on Earth. The most extraordinary substance in nature.

    Fields and forests drink water. Neither animals nor birds can live without it. It exists in every corner of the universe.

    II. Target: acquaintance with the physical and chemical properties of water in experimental activities.

    III. Task: become familiar with the properties of water; establish a connection between air temperature and water condition

    IV. Project implementation methods:

    Defining a theme

    Collection of information, literature, additional material

    V. Ways to implement the project:

    Studying scientific literature

    Observations in nature

    Observation in the surrounding reality

    Conducting practical experiments

    Summary of results

    VI. The direction of development of activities is comprehensive: cognitive-speech,



    It so happened that on New Year’s Day I received several books from the “Big Children’s Encyclopedia” series as a gift from Santa Claus. In one of them I read about water. I was interested in this information and wanted to know more about its properties.

    - The entire surface of planet Earth consists of land and water.

      Land occupies a third of the Earth, and the rest is water space, that is, seas and oceans. I call the Earth the blue planet. Water is one of the most amazing and mysterious substances.

    Water is one of the most valuable natural resources. Water composition: 11% hydrogen and 89% oxygen.

    Without water there was no life on Earth. Every living organism is at least half (50%) water.

    For example:
    Medusa -98%
    Human brain – 77%
    Adult – 60%
    Bones and wood – 50%

    Chinese wisdom says:

      When I listen, I forget.

      When I see, I remember for a long time.

      When I do, I understand.

    Slide 10 (introduction to practical activities) 2-3 sentences

    Practical work:

    Experience 1. I took an empty glass and placed it under the water tap. Water filled the glass and began to pour out of it - water flows.

    Slide 12

    Experience 2. I took two glasses, poured milk into one of them, and water into the other. Then I put spoons in both glasses. In a glass of water the spoon is visible, but in a glass of milk it is not: the water is clear.

    Slide 13

    Experience 3. Add a little greenery to a glass of water; it dissolves in the water.

    Water dissolves liquid substances.

    Slide 14

    Water changes color depending on the substances that are added to it.

    Slide 15 and 16

    Experience 4. There are glasses of water on the table. Add salt to one, sugar to the other. Salt and sugar have dissolved.

    Water also dissolves solids.

    Slide 17

    Experience 5. Pour water into different vessels. Water takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured; in each vessel it takes a different shape.

    Water has no form.

    Slide 18

    Experience 6. We heat the water to boiling. The kettle is boiling. The water turns into steam and evaporates.

    Slide 19

    Experience 7. I poured water into a glass and put it in the freezer. The water turned to ice.

    When the temperature drops below 0 degrees, water turns into ice and increases its volume.

    Experience 8. There is a glass of water on the table. If we smell the water, we understand the water has no odor.

    Experience 9. There is a glass of water on the table. I tasted the water.

    If I add sugar, the water will be sweet.

    If you add salt, the water will become salty.

    When adding lemon? The water becomes acidic.

    20 slide

    Water has no taste.



    In my observations, I learned that water in nature exists in 3 states: liquid, solid, gaseous.

    1) - liquid

    2) - hard

    3) - gaseous

      Water is liquid and can flow.

      Water has no taste, smell or color.

      The water is clear.

      Water may change color.

      Water dissolves liquid and solid substances.

      Water has no form, and when heated it turns into steam.

      When the temperature drops below 0 degrees, water turns into ice and increases its volume.

    22 slide poem music

    Have you heard about water?

    They say it everywhere:

    In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

    And in the water tap,

    Like an icicle, it freezes,

    Fog creeps into the forest,

    It's called a glacier in the mountains,

    It curls like a silver ribbon.

      We are used to the fact that water

      Our companion always!

      We can't wash ourselves without it.

      Don't eat, don't get drunk

      I dare to report to you:

      We can't live without her!

    The spring has dried up, the stream has weakened.

    And we from the tap - drip, drip, drip...

    The rivers and seas are becoming shallow,

    Don't waste water, waste, waste...

    And then a few years will pass

    And there is no water - no, no, no...

    Information sources:

    1. “The secrets of nature are so interesting” - L.V. Kovinko, Moscow 2004.

    2. “Big Children's Illustrated Encyclopedia” - Family Leisure Club,

    Kharkov 2013

    3. Great encyclopedia “Whychek” - V.A. Zhukova, Moscow 2012

    4. “The Sorceress - Water” - N.A. Ryzhova - Moscow, Minka - press, 1988.



    The theoretical part of the educational project. Plan. What do we know about water? Physical properties of water. The role of water and solutions. Water professions. "Living" and "dead" water. The water cycle in nature. Water reserves on earth. Ecological state of water. Reservoirs of the Kalininsky district.

    What do we know about water? A drop. Qualitative composition - consists of hydrogen and oxygen, Type of substance - complex substance, Quantitative composition - the molecule contains 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom, Relative molecular weight - Mr (H 2 O) = 2 +16 = 18, Ratio of masses of elements in this substance: m (H): m (O) = 2:16 = 1:8 Mass fractions of elements – W (H) = 11.11% W (O) = 88.89% Qualitative composition – consists of hydrogen and oxygen , Type of substance - complex substance, Quantitative composition - the molecule contains 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom, Relative molecular weight - Mr (H 2 O) = 2 +16 = 18, Ratio of masses of elements in this substance: m (H): m(O) =2:16=1:8 Mass fractions of elements – W (H)=11.11% W (O)=88.89%

    Purified water is much healthier. To free natural water from particles suspended in it, it is filtered through a layer of porous substance, for example, coal, baked clay, etc. When filtering large quantities of water, sand and gravel filters are used. Filters also trap most bacteria. In addition, to disinfect drinking water, it is chlorinated; for complete sterilization of water, no more than 0.7 g of chlorine per 1 ton of water is required

    Hard and soft water. The amount of impurities in fresh waters usually ranges from 0.01 to 0.1% (wt.). Sea water contains 3.5% (mass) of dissolved substances, the main mass of which is sodium chloride (table salt). Water containing significant amounts of calcium and magnesium salts is called hard water, in contrast to soft water, such as rainwater. Hard water produces little foam with soap, and forms scale on the walls of boilers

    Water reserves on Earth. Water is a very common substance on Earth. Almost 3/4 of the surface of the globe is covered with water, forming oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. Much water exists as a gaseous vapor in the atmosphere; it lies in the form of huge masses of snow and ice all year round on the tops of high mountains and in polar countries. In the bowels of the earth there is also water that saturates the soil and rocks.

    Types of water nameVolume, million cubic meters km. Amount in relation to the total volume of the hydrosphere, % Marine watersea Underground (except soil) water groundwater61.44 Ice and snow (Arctic, Antarctic, Greenland, mountain glacial regions) ice24.02 Surface waters of land: lakes, reservoirs, rivers, swamps , soil water fresh 0.50.4 Atmospheric water Atmospheric 0.0150.01 Water contained in living organisms biological 0.000050.0003 Types of water in the hydrosphere.

    The boiling point of water is C, the melting point is 0 0 C. Scientists explain these abnormally high values ​​by the fact that water molecules are able to join into aggregates using hydrogen bonds. Breaking these bonds requires a large amount of thermal energy when heating. Structure of water

    Density of water Density of water The density of water during the transition from solid to liquid does not decrease, as with almost all substances, it increases. If this were not so, then when winter approached, the surface layers of natural waters would cool to 0 o C and sink to the bottom, making room for warmer layers. This would continue until the reservoir completely froze and life in water would be impossible.

    Density of water But water reaches its greatest density at 4 o C. At this temperature, the movement of layers caused by cooling ends. At a further moment, the cooled layer with a lower density remains on the surface, turns into ice and prevents the remaining layers from freezing.

    Heat capacity of water Water has an abnormally high heat capacity - 4.18 J/(gK). No substance requires such a large expenditure of heat to increase its temperature by 1 o C. Water heats up slowly, but also cools down slowly, so it is a carrier of heat throughout the planet

    Does water have memory? When ice melts, its structure is destroyed. But even in liquid water, hydrogen bonds between molecules are preserved: associates are formed, like fragments of the ice structure, consisting of a larger or smaller number of water molecules. However, unlike ice, each associate exists for a very short time: the destruction of some aggregates and the formation of other aggregates constantly occurs. The voids of such ice aggregates can accommodate single water molecules.

    The structure of water. The water molecule has an angular structure; the nuclei included in its composition form an isosceles triangle, at the base of which there are two protons, and at the apex the nucleus of an oxygen atom. The internuclear distances OH are close to 0.1 nm, the distance between the nuclei of hydrogen atoms is approximately 0.15 nm. Of the eight electrons that make up the outer electron layer of the oxygen atom in a water molecule, two electron pairs form covalent OH bonds, and the remaining four electrons represent two lone electron pairs.

    Structure of a water molecule Structure of a water molecule: a geometry of the H 2 O molecule (in the vapor state); b electron orbits in the H 2 O molecule; c electronic formula of the H 2 O molecule (unshared electron pairs are visible); d four poles of charges in the H 2 O molecule are located at the vertices of the tetrahedron.

    “Like dissolves in like” Substances with an ionic type of chemical bond dissolve better in polar solvents, non-polar substances - in non-polar solvents. The solubility of solids generally increases with increasing temperature, while that of gases decreases. The solubility of gases increases with increasing pressure.

    The role of water and solutions. sodium chloride oxygen calcium other Ocean water 55,030,65,61,26,5 Human blood 49,330,69,90,88,2 The origin of life is associated with the sea. water is a medium in which chemical processes take place. water takes part in biochemical reactions. Human blood is close in chemical composition to sea water. Relative content of elements in%

    Water in a living organism. Human brain - 81%; In 5 liters of blood - 4 liters of water; Bones-30%; Cartilage-60%; Liver-70%; Muscles-50-75%; Kidneys-83%; A dried human mummy weighs only 8kg. A person excretes 3 liters of water per day. Bread-40%; Eggs-65%; Meat - 75%; Fish-80%; Milk-87%; Vegetables-90%; Cucumbers-98%;

    Plasmolysis is a decrease in turgor, the absorption of water from the cell, which leads to the withering of the plant. If the soil is very saline, water will be sucked out of the plants and they will wilt! On chernozems, the osmotic pressure is 2.5 atm, on solonchaks - 12.5 atm, plant cell sap - 5-10 atm.

    Water professions. Water... is the cradle of life on Earth. -the basis of life on Earth. -transformer of nature, digger. -habitat of living beings. - main solvent. -healer. -meter. -firefighter. -politician. -water threatens. -water and magic. - source of energy. -vehicle. -climate regulator.

    Ecological state of water. The quality of water and the biological productivity of the World Ocean are affected by: Mismanagement activities of people An increase in the amount of wastewater containing substances dangerous to all living things; Synthetic detergents discharged into the seas accumulate near the surface, destroying juveniles and algae, blocking the process of natural self-purification; In sea foam, the content of radioactive isotopes is hundreds and thousands of times higher than at depth; Water transport; Timber rafting; RESERVOIRS of the Kalininsky district. The Kalininsky MR is located in the Middle Volga region, and all rivers flowing through its territory belong to the Don River basin below the Tsimlyanskaya hydroelectric station. There are 360 ​​ponds and lakes on the territory of the district, the total area of ​​which is 1257 hectares. And also three rivers: Balanda, Medveditsa, Tersa and about ten of their tributaries. The total area of ​​the rivers is 949 hectares. 1st river Balanda: total length 164 km (in our area - 158 km), originates in the village. Uporovka of the Ekaterinovsky district 2.r. Tersa is the second longest in the territory of our region (42 km). 3.r. Ursa (10 km). All rivers flow into the DON - Father. All reservoirs in the area are under control (five at the federal level). March 22 is World Water Day.

    The practical part of the project. EXPERIMENT 1. Determination of water transparency. Equipment and reagents: glass cylinder with a diameter of cm and a height of cm, printed text (newspaper, textbook); distilled water, river water sample, ruler.

    Contents and order of the experiment. 1. Study the instructions for conducting the experiment. Place a glass cylinder with a diameter of cm and a height of cm on a printed text (newspaper, textbook) and pour in the water to be tested, making sure that the text can be read through the water. Note at what height you will not see the font. Measure the height of the water column with a ruler. Conduct the experiment first with distilled water and then with water from a reservoir. Compare the research results. 2. Carry out the experiment described.

    Contents and order of the experiment. 1. Study the instructions for conducting the experiment. Pour the water to be tested into a conical flask (up to 2/3 of the volume). Take the stopper, cover the flask with it and shake it vigorously while closed. Then open the flask. Note the character and intensity of the odor. 2. Carry out the described experiment, observing safety regulations.

    Give an assessment of the intensity of the odor of water in points, using the table: Characteristics of odorIntensity of odor (point) No noticeable odor1 Very weak odor (not noticed by consumers, but detected by specialists) 2 Weak odor (detected by consumers if they pay attention to it) 3 Distinct odor (unpleasant and may cause refusal to drink) 4 Very strong odor (makes water undrinkable) 5

    Conclusion There is no limit to the human mind. There is no limit to its capabilities; and the fact that we now know so much about the nature and properties of truly the most amazing substance in the world - water, opens up even greater, unlimited possibilities for you, for those who read the book. And who can say what else you will learn, just know how to see and be surprised. Water, like everything in the world, is inexhaustible. Water is a mysterious substance. Until now, scientists cannot yet understand and explain many of its properties. If there is water, there will be peace! All future economic and political projects will be related to water,

    Natalya Yurievna Rogozina
    Project “Water and its properties”

    Project"Water and its properties"

    Relevance project

    Children are explorers by nature. Research activity is a child’s natural state; he is determined to explore the world. Children's experimentation has enormous developmental potential. Its main advantage is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied.

    The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions, development of imagination and creative activity; formation of primary ideas about objects of the surrounding world, about properties and relationships between objects in the surrounding world.

    Children's experimentation allows them to solve assigned problems in integration with various types of activities.

    Experimentation is closely related to all types of activities, and primarily to those such as observation and work. Observation is an indispensable component of any experiment, since with its help the perception of the progress of work and its results is carried out. Experimentation and speech development are very closely related. This can be clearly seen at all stages of the experiment - when formulating the goal, during a discussion of the progress of the experiment, when summing up the results and giving a verbal report of what was seen. The connection between children's experimentation and visual activity is also two-way. The more developed a child’s visual abilities are, the more accurately the result of a natural history experiment will be recorded.

    As a result of the use of experimental activities in working with children, memory is enriched, mental processes are activated, including an active search for solutions to problems, i.e. experimentation is a good means of intellectual development of preschoolers.

    Problem: The formation of ideas about water cannot begin without researching the level of children’s ideas on the topic. For this purpose, before implementation project"Enchantress water» a survey of 15 children was conducted in the group to determine knowledge about properties of water. As a result it was revealed: 10 children - know that ice is frozen water, 3 – children know that snow is also water. As a result of the diagnosis, it turned out that children do not want to think, but are waiting for a ready-made solution to the problem. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for independent experimentation and search activity of the children themselves, encouraging them to have a creative attitude towards the task being performed.

    activity, self-expression and improvisation in its process.

    Experimentation will provide the children with the opportunity to find answers to the questions “how?” and why?".

    Target project: Formation of ideas about properties of water

    Tasks project:

    expand and deepen children's understanding of water, its properties, states;

    to form in children ideas about the importance of water in human life and all life on Earth;

    activate children's creative thinking;

    activate children's vocabulary, teach them to correctly name observed phenomena;

    develop observation, intelligence, curiosity, perseverance;

    develop children’s ability to analyze, compare and draw conclusions;

    cultivate cognitive interest in natural phenomena.

    To enrich parents' knowledge about the role of experimentation in the development of thought processes, creative abilities, and the formation of work skills in preschoolers.

    Implementation deadlines: mid-term - December

    Participants project: children of the middle group, teacher, parents.

    Necessary materials:

    Literary series: small folklore, fairy tales, stories, riddles, small folklore (rhymes).

    Music series: audio recordings "Sounds of water in nature",

    Equipment material for conducting experiments with water (cups, paints, basin, balloons); toys, attributes, substitute items for didactic and story games, dramatization games.

    Intended Product project: presentation "Enchantress water» ; systematized literary and illustrated material on the topic; developed recommendations for parents.

    Implementation stages project

    Preparatory: setting goals and objectives, determining the directions of objects and research methods, preliminary work with children. selection of visual and didactic material; fiction, reproductions of paintings; organization of a developmental environment in the group.

    Main stage: introducing children to fiction; conducting conversations, experimental games; searching for answers to questions posed in different ways, studying natural objects.

    Final: generalization of work results, their analysis, consolidation of acquired knowledge; creating a card index "Experiments and Experiments with Water"; creating a presentation

    Publications on the topic:

    Research project “Water and its properties” for middle school children. MBDOU teacher Berezka Shcherbak S.V. “Water is a priceless gift of nature that must be carefully preserved.” Relevance: Children by nature.

    Summary of direct educational activities “Water and its properties” Objectives: - develop the child’s cognitive interest in the process of experimenting with liquids; - introduce children to the properties of liquids.

    Abstract of educational activities for environmental education in the senior group “Water and its properties” Goal: to improve children’s knowledge about the importance of water in human life, to teach children the skills of conducting simple laboratory experiments..

    Goals, objectives: identifying the properties of water; determine whether water has a shape, taste, consolidate knowledge about the fluidity of water, show the meaning of water in.

    Abstract “Water in our life: its properties and movement” 1. Topic: “Water in our life: its properties and movement.” 2. Goal: to introduce children to the basic properties of water, based on what has been done.