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  • Where can I help people. Composition on the topic "how can I help nature." Composition on the topic "How do I help nature?"

    Where can I help people.  An essay about

    IStock/Mixmike I wanted to write about this six years ago when my husband had a stroke. But at first it was not up to that, and then it was not up to that, and only then it began to seem that there was no need. In addition, I know that my words will offend someone, and when in doubt, I always remember Tsvetaev’s words: “You can’t change people, but you don’t need to offend.”

    But last night, when I was standing at the hospital elevator, almost sliding down the wall and trying to remember if I had eaten anything during the day, my phone rang. Our old friend called. “Well,” I heard demanding. “Tell me what happened to Seryozha.” I told. “Well, keep us posted,” they told me in response. “Call us at least once a day.” I replied that it was impossible. I can't call dozens of people a day. The friend was offended. “Well, will it be better if I call you every day?” - she said.

    And at that moment I realized that I would still write this difficult text. Not for such people - you definitely can’t change them - but for yourself. Our life is so arranged that misfortunes happen in it. People we know end up in the hospital with terrible diagnoses, get into car accidents, become victims of bandits, and generally disappear. We react to this very emotionally, we are worried, we want to know the details, to do something. And sometimes, in the wake of our experiences, we do things that only worsen an already difficult situation. I understand that I do the same. Therefore, I decided to write down everything that I see from the inside, and promised myself to reread this entry the next time I encounter someone's grief "outside." So what to do, or rather what not to do.

    1. Don't call relatives

    Of course, if you are a best friend and you are sure that one sound of your voice will support people on the other end of the line, it is a different matter. But if you are a colleague, classmate, classmate, drinking buddy, dancing or fishing partner, if you rested together at the camp site or played in the sand (the list is surprisingly diverse and endless) - do not call. Close people are not up to you. Yes, you are very worried and want to know all the details, but try to remember that your loved ones are much, much worse than you. They are morally and physically exhausted, they have experienced terrible scenes, soul-stirring conversations, they are exhausted by communication with doctors or the police, they are scared, they cry and tremble with fatigue. They cannot relax and constantly have to make important decisions.

    And at the same time, no one cancels all the necessities of ordinary life. From the outside, it may seem that grief is all that is happening to people now, but in fact, even in the midst of grief, children have to go to school and kindergarten, someone has to cook dinner and walk the dog, and work remains work. And it also happens that the work of the "retired" family member becomes an additional work of the remaining ones.

    In addition, close people need a phone for important things. I remember how six years ago I held the phone in my hands and waited for a call about transfer to another hospital. I barely got a transfer and could not miss this call - there was even nowhere to call back - and at that time my husband's colleague called me. I answered her call - she called again. And so six times in a row.

    Phone calls drain much faster. And there is nowhere to charge it.

    2. if the person is in the hospital, do not call the hospital department

    Last time we had a disaster with this item. Everyone was sitting at home and was very worried, and therefore cut off the phone in intensive care, where the staff already has something to do. And I rushed to the hospital, trying to see the doctor at least with one eye, and be sure, already on the second day I flew in because of these calls on the first day. You can be the best medical specialist in the world, able to give the staff a lot of valuable advice. But the health of the patient will not depend on you, but on the nurse. Don't annoy the nurses.

    3. If you certainly want to contact relatives - write.

    Text messages, letters, remarks in the chat. You can read them when it's convenient.

    4. Do not ask, either verbally or in writing

    Think honestly: why do you need details? If they are reported to you, will it somehow help the sick (injured, missing ...)? To be honest, this is just a manifestation of ordinary human curiosity, which is attracted to misfortunes like a magnet. It is very painful to retell again and again disappointing forecasts, heartbreaking details and sad statistics. And even when the forecasts are comforting, and the statistics are encouraging, it is very painful all the same.

    Today they are comforting, but tomorrow they are not again, everything changes, and no one will give guarantees. If you really itching, find those who know more - we are in the digital age, after all. And leave your family alone.

    Special greetings to those who demand to be updated daily on the state of affairs, "because they are very worried." Count how many close relatives a person has - children, parents, sisters, brothers. We have, for example, ten of them. Naturally, they want to know what is going on, and, oddly enough, they have a priority right to this. Only it takes a lot of time to retell the events of the day to close relatives.

    9. About money

    It is very difficult to receive money. (Yes, of course, sometimes money is collected for surgery, treatment, and so on, but I'm not talking about this case) Ask: "Do you need money?" - and you are guaranteed to answer "no". It's like with "any help", consider that you did not offer. If you really want to help someone with money, don't ask if they need it. Say: “We raised money. How to transfer them? Or just bring and give.

    A city revitalizes when the people who live in it love it enough to help improve it. Helping the public improves the lives of your friends, family members, and other people who live where you live. If you look around and see that there are a lot of problems in your neighborhood, the best time to start fixing them is now. The more love you put into it, the better your environment will become. Read our article for ideas on how you can help your city become stronger and more vibrant.


    Be a good citizen

      Stop by to help where you are needed. It's a pretty simple way to make your environment better, and it helps create an environment where people feel safe and happy. If you see a person who needs help, come to the rescue instead of looking away. Do for others what you would like them to do for you if you were in that situation.

      • If you see a young mother trying to push a stroller down the stairs, offer to help her with it.
      • If you see a person who seems to be lost, show him the way and help him get where he wants to go.
      • Understand how you can help people who are asking for money on the street instead of walking by without even making eye contact.
      • Be the person who will help in an emergency, not the one who assumes that someone else will do it.
    1. Support the local economy. Healthy regions have healthy local economies. People work together to help each other earn a living and succeed. You can help improve the vitality of your local economy in several different ways, from changing your shopping habits to starting your own business. Consider these various ways to help:

      • Buy products from local suppliers. Try to get most of your produce at farmers' markets, where people in your area sell food that they have grown very carefully.
      • Shop at local business stores whenever possible. For example, if you have the choice of buying new jeans from one of the global chain stores or from a small local business owned by a resident of your area, then choose the latter. Change your mindset - don't buy the cheapest product available, but use shopping as a way to help your community. Knowing that your money will go towards boosting the local economy and creating a strong and prosperous society is well worth the extra effort and expense. Help others to see the light and join your philosophy to improve the financial health of the local community.
      • Consider starting your own business. You can contribute to the development of your area by offering a quality product to consumers and perhaps even hiring workers.
    2. Recycle and compost. In many communities, there is a problem with landfills that are starting to overflow. Too much garbage pollutes the environment, and this is very harmful to the health of your area in the long run. You can do your part and make things better by recycling and composting as much of your waste as possible.

      • If you want to do even more, you can spread the word about how to dispose of waste, or start a recycling program at your school or office.
      • Composting is beneficial in many ways. It allows you to get rid of food waste without throwing it in the trash, and as a result, you get rich soil that you can use in your garden. Once you know how it's done, show others how easy it is.
    3. Save energy and water. The use of excessive amounts of electricity and water depletes the resources of the area. Saving energy and water is good for both the planet as a whole and the local environment. Do your best to conserve energy and water, and this will contribute to the long-term health of your area.

      • Turn off the lights when you don't need them, use energy-saving devices, turn on your air conditioner less often, turn down the temperature on your water heater, unplug your computer when you turn it off - all of these actions will help you reduce energy consumption.
      • Shower faster, make sure your pipes don't leak, limit watering your lawn, use water saver when washing dishes or doing laundry - all of these actions will help you reduce your water consumption.
    4. Rely less on your car. An area heavily dependent on road transport often suffers from elevated levels of air pollution. Air pollution not only harms plants and animals, it also causes serious health problems in humans. Use your car less often, this will reduce your carbon footprint, which will be very beneficial for your area. Here are some alternatives you can use:

      • Go on foot or bike to where you need to go. Yes, it will take longer, but you will see much more along the way to your destination.
      • Use public transport. Even if there is no subway or elevated transport in your area, there is definitely a bus route nearby.
      • Arrange with colleagues or classmates who live nearby to share the same car instead of driving alone.

      Get to know your area

      1. Get to know people. This is a great way to start learning what you can do to help. To get to know the city even better, start networking by going out and meeting people. Go to local events, frequent local coffee shops, and get to know your neighbors. The more people in your community you know, the better.

        • To start building relationships with your neighbors, bake cupcakes or cookies and wrap them up. Then go door to door, hand out treats to your neighbors, and introduce yourself. This will make it easier for you to strike up a conversation with your neighbors and invite them over for dinner.
      2. Do some research to determine the needs of your society. Before you can help your locality and society, you need to take some time to do a little research and find out what your society needs. This step is especially important if you are new to the area or if you have not been very interested in the life of your society in the past. Perhaps there is a river in your city that has become so polluted that no one can swim in it. Maybe schools in your area need more money to buy books or computers. Perhaps the homeless in your area need help. Whatever it is, figure out what needs to be worked on where you live.

        Learn more about organizations. Find out as much as you can about local nonprofits and charities. Visit their web pages and find out what they do, who they serve, why they do it, how they are funded, and what volunteer opportunities they offer. Follow the organizations you would like to join someday.

        • Websites such as Idealist, Volunteer Match, and will also help you find organizations that are looking for volunteers.
      3. Decide how you would like to help. After you have taken the time to explore your area, begin to identify ways in which you can help. Recall all that you have learned about your locality, the needs of its organizations and from talking to people. Be sure to ask yourself a few questions before you begin.

        • What social issue touches you the most?
        • What can you do to help make the best use of your talents?
        • How much time are you able and willing to devote to it?
        • What do you need to do to start helping?

      turn on

      1. Choose your way to help. Once you've identified the problem you want to solve, figure out how you can personally start working to solve it. Even if you don't believe that one person can change the world, you must understand that even one person can make a difference - step by step. How are you going to make changes for the better?

        • Find a place where your passions and skills intersect. For example, let's say your city has too few green spaces and you want to help. You can use social media to spread this information by sharing what you know with as many people as possible and encouraging them to plant more trees.
      2. Set some achievable goals. The problem you have identified will not be easily solved, it will probably take a lot of work, perhaps even years of work. It may even be that after several years of work the problem will not be completely solved. However, if you set achievable goals and start working towards them step by step, you will eventually be able to look back and see the progress you have made.

        • Set short term goals. Set short-term goals in a plan that makes sense to you and motivates you. What do you want to achieve in a week, a month or a year?
        • Set long term goals. How do you want your area and society to look like in five years? How about ten? What do you think is feasible during this period of time?
      3. Make a plan of action. To achieve your goals, you will need a plan of action. And to complete the action plan, you will likely need help and funding. Make a plan that details everything you need to achieve this goal, including the following:

        • People. Include a list of the skills it will require, the hours of work you will need to dedicate to it, and the minimum number of volunteers or representatives you need to achieve your goals.
        • Resources. These might include things like: buses that will take people downtown to clean up the river; garbage bags, shovels, protective gloves and masks for volunteers; pizza, soda and salad to feed them at lunchtime. Consider everything down to the smallest detail.
        • Money. Create a budget and detail how much it will cost to complete your plan.
      4. Connect other people. Ask around to see who else is as passionate about changing the situation as you are. Try to create a core group of activists committed to implementing a plan to improve your area. Everyone will be able to contribute, and together you can begin to achieve results. Even if you just tell people about your goal and your actions to achieve it, it will help you achieve it.

        • To find active volunteers and spread the word about what you do, share information through social media. Publicize your plan to improve the situation and tell people how they can get involved. Hold meetings to discuss how to put your plan into action.
        • Some people prefer to help by donating money rather than time. Don't be afraid to ask for donations or run a fundraiser run a fundraiser to get money to use for your cause.
      5. Be committed to seeing things through to the end. Now that you have your goals and a plan of action to achieve them, it's time to get organized and put in the real time and real effort needed to create change. If you back off now, your society may never see the solution to your dream. Making things better may not be easy, but every little effort you put into your project will have a huge impact.

      Share skills and time

      1. Volunteer with a group that does something you admire. Every non-profit or community organization in your area is likely to need volunteers. Donating your time to it is a great way to make a positive impact in your community and strengthen your relationships with other members of its community. Find a group doing a job you're interested in and give them a call. Most likely, they will have a list of actions that you can start helping right now. Just know that volunteering is a serious commitment. The organization spends a lot of time and money training volunteers, so rest assured that you will be able and willing to help on a long-term basis. Here are some examples of possible volunteer work in most localities:

        • Help with cleanup days for parks, rivers or beaches
        • Taking Calls in the Fundraising Phone Marathon
        • Playing with cats and dogs in animal shelters
        • Distribution of food in kitchens or a homeless shelter
        • Work on the helpline
        • Children's camp counseling
      2. Attend social events. It is likely that other people and organizations in your city are also taking steps to improve it. They probably have festivals, Saturdays, and get-togethers in an effort to make your neighborhood a better place. How often do you appear at social events? Start visiting as many of them as possible. Even if you just come, it will also be a way to help the society, as you will let people know that you care about their problems. When you feel comfortable enough, you can volunteer at these events.

        • For example, if someone you know wants to set up Monday afternoon “Biking to work or school” and you have a bike, why not give it a try? Take a friend with you too. Show people in your city that cycling is not only useful, but also fun.
        • Participate in races and races to raise funds. Many non-profit organizations host public walks or races to raise funds. The entry fee directly benefits the non-profit organization, and participation in the event helps spread awareness about the event among the community.
        • Go to concerts, festivals, and other events hosted by local businesses and organizations. If no one comes to such events, they may cease to be held altogether.
      3. Become an active citizen. A great way to help your city is to participate in decisions that affect its life. Be aware of the activities that affect your community and form your own reasonable opinion on important issues. For example, if your city is deciding whether to cut down a few hectares of forest to make room for a supermarket, read the information on this topic and decide what you think about it. Would it be better to leave the forest where it was, or does your city really need a new supermarket? An informed perspective and the expression of your opinion can influence the direction in which the city nevertheless moves. Encourage others to participate in such decisions, because civic engagement is essential to a healthy democracy.

        • Voting is also the most important way to influence the life of the city. Learn more about the candidates and their programs and vote in all local elections.
        • Reach out to your delegate about issues that are important to you. If you don't want that piece of forest cut down, or if you think a new supermarket would be really, really good for your city, call your delegate or write him a letter outlining the outcome you want and the reasons for your desire.
        • Come to social meetings where decisions are made. Take the opportunity to speak out on an issue that is important to you. Would it be helpful for your city to put more crosswalks on busy streets? Are there too many potholes in your area? Do you have an opinion on how the city can cope with the rising crime rate? Have your say.

    As a professional psychologist, I can present you with specific solutions, specific behaviors and methods of handling the situation, give clear instructions and support in your aspirations. I can help you explore and change any aspect of your life where you feel you need to improve.
    In my work, I use a combination of therapeutic counseling and coaching. I can use methods such as: reality therapy, cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, gestalt therapy, rational-emotional therapy, traditional psychotherapy and several other approaches. Working with you ultimately depends on your personality, your level of education, your style, the nature of your problem, and your level of motivation to change.
    I understand how difficult it is to admit the existence of a psychological problem and seek professional help, pour out one's soul to a person who is essentially unfamiliar - this is very difficult and requires strength and courage. I recognize that a potential client who finds an advertisement for my services does not know me, does not know the level of my professional training, and therefore he has many questions about working with me and he is not obliged to trust me. On the site, I tried to solve many of these issues.

    What makes me different from other psychologists and psychotherapists?

    I have a lifetime of experience providing professional assistance to people from all walks of life, with all types of problems and from all over the world. I understand that there are situations in your life when you need help now, not later; in a place where you will feel comfortable that you do not have to wait in lines or waste your time filling out stupid questionnaires and questionnaires; in a place where there is no time limit for conducting a therapeutic conversation. I offer services to meet the needs of your lifestyle and situation.

    Help should be available when needed.

    Sometimes you need help now and don't want to wait a week or two to get an appointment. Just pick up the phone and call me. Because I try to carefully limit the number of clients, I am usually available to personally take your call right away or call you back within an hour, and if necessary, see you on the same day.

    Will you have to queue?

    Many people experience stress while sitting in a room with strangers, waiting for their turn. Our meetings are planned in such a way that visitors do not overlap.

    Help should be provided where you feel most comfortable.

    I find it very helpful for a therapeutic conversation to choose a place where you are most comfortable. If you feel uncomfortable sitting in my office, I can meet you at your home, place of work, park, or wherever you like.

    It is not always useful to set a time limit.

    I understand that when you talk about your emotional upheavals, about important events in your life, and they tell you that time is up, it sounds terrible. You and I are able to build our communication in any form and time. Your session can be as short or as long as you need.

    Communication by phone.

    There may be times when you can't or don't want to come to my office and you also don't want me to come to your home or work, but you need my advice. We can talk to you on the phone.

    Availability after business hours.

    During work, it is much easier to suppress our emotions than when we are faced with a problem one on one. This is the time when people need help the most. This is also the time when various forms of assistance are least available. With this in mind, I try to be available to my clients anytime they need my help.

    I provide assistance to individuals, groups and families.

    I work with individuals, couples and even entire families. I can come to you or you can come to me.

    My main purpose is to help you.

    If you have a problem that prevents you from coming to me, I can come to your home, work place, hospital - wherever I am needed.

    All contacts with my clients are strictly confidential.

    Rest assured that all contacts are strictly confidential. If you need to provide additional anonymity for our meetings, we can discuss with you any form of protecting your privacy.


    I began to consult people as a psychologist since 2001. During this time, I have experienced many problems with my clients and it is very difficult to surprise me with anything. As a psychologist, I have a lot of not only professional, but also life experience in solving various problems, and I can safely say that your problem is unlikely to be on the list of those that I have not encountered or had no experience of helping in a similar situation. I do have a lot of experience working with a very wide range of clients and in all types of situations.
    I am able to understand and appreciate the different nuances of the same problems in different people based on their needs and their unique lifestyles. I am able to truly understand who you are, how you tend to act in a given situation, how you adapt to changes in your environment. Each person has unique parameters - there are no two people or situations in which, with external similarity, everything coincided 100%. As a psychologist who understands these nuances, I try to personalize and individualize all my services and programs. A close relationship with the client as a person allows me to help in obtaining new skills and methods to change his life for the better and increase the level of satisfaction from communicating with me.
    Accordingly, my work with clients is structured in such a way that I can maintain the accessibility and flexibility necessary to meet their requirements. I am available to my clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I am always in touch and can quickly meet with you to solve the problems that have arisen, at the time and place that is most convenient for you. Of course, I do not do all this for free, my time spent working with you must be paid, and the more flexible our work schedule, the more expensive my services.
    This does not mean that my services are available only to the elite, who can easily pay a six-figure sum. I am open to absolutely all people with different income levels. We will always find the most comfortable work schedule for your convenience and financial well-being. It is also possible to pay for my services in stages and on credit.
    My personal opinion is that the client has the right to dictate terms. This is the service I expect from others, this is the service I try to provide myself. The main thing for the client is to enjoy his right to go through life, improving himself both personally and professionally, and I am able to provide this.

    If you would like me to help you achieve these goals, please call. I welcome the opportunity to use my knowledge and experience to improve your life.

    Do not hesitate to contact me. Once you become my client, you will be provided with a phone number where you can contact me whenever you need.

    Helping people is a very important part of our life. You can help with a good deed, word, deed. Thanks to the manifestation of kindness on the part of even one person, another can cope with illness, bad mood, unpleasant life events. It is a pity that in today's cruel world, not everyone knows how to help. Often people are just busy with something all the time and hardly think about anything other than achieving their own goals. Today it is not at all easy to meet a person who is ready to help another person completely free of charge. But such people exist, believe me!

    Helping someone in need is not really difficult. Helping others is both the care that we show for the sick or the elderly, and kind words, words of understanding and sympathy for those for whom they are now of particular value. Sometimes we even unconsciously do a good deed. Called my best friend, and he was upset. We talked to him, reassured him, helped solve the problem, or at least gave some advice. So a friend begins to understand that he is not alone, this encourages him. He feels that there is a person next to him who will always give him a helping hand.

    There is no need to wait for a certain moment in order to help a person. Our mothers and fathers, grandparents deserve special respect, so we must always help them, listen to advice, and not make them worry about us. Elementary care for the health of relatives, doing household chores, good behavior is also help.

    Sometimes a complete stranger needs help on the street, on the subway, on the train, in the store, in the park, or anywhere else. If you have such an opportunity, then you definitely need to help. After all, someday you may need help, it’s good if a kind person is nearby. Our actions always come back to us, the so-called "boomerang effect" is triggered. So good will surely return good.

    People! Help each other! Together we can make the world a little better!

    Together with the article “Essay on the topic “How can I help others?” read: