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  • Dictations - Vowels o-e after sibilants and c In participles and verbs under stress it is written e
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  • The letters o, e, e are in place of stressed vowels. Dictations - Vowels o-e after sibilants and c In participles and verbs under stress it is written e

    The letters o, e, e are in place of stressed vowels.  Dictations - Vowels o-e after sibilants and c In participles and verbs under stress it is written e

    Parachute [shý], life [zhý], fat [zhý], fur coat [shý], joke [shý], jury [zhu], despair [ch'á], miracle [ch'ý], mercy [sh'á] , sensitive [ch'ý], pike [sh'ý], joke [shý], squint [sh'ý], bowl [ch'á], charm [ch'a], brochure [shý], feel [sh' á], snowflake [zhý], stitch [shu], tire [shý], awl [shý], cast iron [ch'u], hour [ch'á], Jules [zhá], Verne, cartoon [shá], ball [ shá], shilling [shy], width [shy], cipher [shy], squint [sh'ý], feeling [ch'ý], monster [ch'u], grimy [ch'u], scarecrow [ch' ý], nonsense [ch'ý], platform [sch'á], a little bit [ch'ý].

    Exercise 16

    Grushovka[sho] (suffix -s under stress) - cheap[sho] (root cheap- e: desh e ow), no princesses[zhó] (suffix -He princess) - no wives[zhó] (root wife-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: and e on), little books[zhó] (suffix -He to under stress) - overarm[zhó] (root fathom-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: soot e no), piece of paper[zhó] (suffix -He to under stress) - millet[sho] (root millet-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: psh e But), stew[sho] (small carcass; suffix -He to under stress) - (beef) stew[sho] (suffix in a verbal noun: stewstewedstew), with a rook[ch’ó] (noun ending -ohm under stress) - nothing to do with it[ch’ó] (the adverb is formed from the prepositional case form of the pronoun What), little soul[sho] (suffix -He to under stress) - burner[zhó] (verbal noun formed from burn: burnburntburner), hedgehog[zhó] (suffix -s under stress) - cheap[sho] (root cheap-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: desh e ow), girl[ch’ó] (suffix -He to under stress) - liver[ch'ó] (root liver-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: oven e no), blinders[sho] (root shor-; under stress, no alternation with e) - conductors[zhó] (suffix -yor), under the garage[zhó] (noun ending -ohm under stress) - (we) we cut our hair[zhó] (verb ending -eat), ridiculous[sho] (suffix -He with a fluent vowel under stress: funny) - harnessed[zhó] (participle suffix; short form), ratchet[sh'ó] (suffix -otk under stress) - brush[sh'ó] (root brush-; under stress, there is an alternation with e: sch e Tina).

    Exercise 17

    Artichoke, lamb, seamless, richer, in what, camel, veche, wolf cub, armed, generally speaking, sinful, horse-drawn, girl, money, junk, joule, soul, ruff, more, chewed, gutter, yellow, acorn, perch, millstone, burn, jockey, juggler, bug, completed, shade, surplus, cossack, shred, nag, ladle, peg, traveling salesman, smoked sausage, smoked meats, root, uproot, purse, red-skinned, gooseberry, cruchon, kumachovy, lily of the valley, climb on the rampage, meadow, radial, peeling (from peeling), boy, little boy, bear cub, bag, little mouse, naked, inexperience, no guts, clumsily, no matter, twisted thread, knife, hacksaw, little legs, nozzle, overnight stay, doom, clothes, burnt a hand, burnt a hand, distracted, hearth, wig, brocade, spider, interleaving, shoulder, plush, under the reins, arson of a house, slap in the face, burned a jacket, gluttonous, bee, wheat, piglet, five cats, delimited, uprooting, comb, retoucher, river, river, lattice, neighs, with a dacha, with a tower, with a left-hander, with a reckless driver, with a baby, with a mirage, with a burden, with sale, with a tractor, seedlings, locust, fresh on the street, condensed milk, condensed milk, embarrassment, abbreviated, trainee, old woman, poem, watchman, hundred-candle lamp, sealing wax, knot, flowing, Torzhok, ratchet, ratchet, slum, slum, stew, pork stew, thousand, dejected, accounting, hour, thicket, bangs , shuttle, black, callous, devil, dash, tap dance, clinking, prim, silk, whisper, chauvinism, shock, chocolate, ramrod, shuffle, saddlery, rustle, blinkers, highway, Scottish, driver, dandy, skirt.

    1. Yo in the root under stress (there is an alternation with e): more, chewed, gutter, yellow, acorn, perch, millstone, purse, slap, bee, millet, comb, lattice, seedlings, accounting, bangs, shuttle, black, stale, devil, dash, tap dance, silk, whisper, dandy.
    2. ABOUT in the root under stress and without stress (no alternation with e; foreign word, there is vowel fluency): artichoke, seamless, junk, joule, jockey, juggler, gooseberry, cruchon, no guts, gluttonous, slum, slum, clinking, prim, chauvinism, shock, chocolate, ramrod, shuffle, saddlery, rustle, blinkers, highway, Scottish, driver .
    3. Yo at the roots of verbs and ABOUT at the root of nouns formed from burn: burned my hand, burned my hand, set fire to the house, burned my jacket.
    4. ABOUT under stress in suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives, in suffixes of adverbs (except for the suffix of verbal adjectives -yonn, suffix of verbal nouns -yovk, suffix -yor): little camel, little wolf, generally speaking, girl, money, soul, ruff, bug, little Cossack, scrap, nag, ladle, root, kumachovy, get into trouble, meadow, little boy, bear cub, little mouse, naked, hacksaw, nozhonka, clothes, hearth ok , wig, brocade, spider, under the reins, patch, river, with a tower, with a left-hander, a slikhach, with a baby, with a mirage, with a tractor, locust, fresh on the street, an old woman, a poem, a hundred-candle lamp, sealing wax, a knot, Torzhok, ratchet, ratchet, thousand, tractor, thicket, skirt.
    5. E in unstressed position in suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives, in suffixes of adverbs: lamb, richer, veche, sinful, horse-drawn, surplus, peg, red-skinned, lily of the valley, radial, boy, bag, clumsily, knife, legs, shoulder, plush, five cats, river, with a dacha, with a burden, with sale, guard, an hour.
    6. noun suffix -yor: traveling salesman, retoucher, intern.
    7. Stressed verb endings: you burn, neigh, flow.
    8. Verb suffix combinations -yovyva-, verbal nouns -yovk-, verbal adjectives and participles -yonn- (-yon-) under stress: armed, completed, shade, smoked sausage, smoked meats, uprooting, shelling (from peeling), inexperience, twisted thread, overnight, doom, abstract, interleaving, demarcated, uprooting, condensed milk, condensed milk, embarrassment, abbreviated, stewed meat, pork stew, dejected.
    9. Yo in the form of the prepositional case of the pronoun What, as well as derivatives from it: no matter what.

    Exercise 18

    1. To the right, quietly whispering and occasionally shuddering from the rushing wind, the alder grove darkened. 2. The main street is highwayd and maintained in order. 3. Windfall and thicket are difficult places. 4. A red flag flutters over the roof of the outermost hut. 5. She went out into the street wearing only a skirt. 6. Everything here is also very general. 7. I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon. 8. A chewed tussock jacket hung from his shoulders. 9. The owner doesn’t give a penny in advance, he’s stubborn: no! Such an asshole. 10. Tired as hell. 11. To prevent the musicians from freezing in the cold, they were given a keg of vodka. 12. It is difficult for the shepherd Petya to live in the world. 13. The girls could always be distracted by some trifle. 14. I was embarrassed and scared. 15. American pork stew was called (in our troops) canned food “second front”. 16. The traveler looked after him in astonishment. 17. The frantic tap dancing gave way to a whirlwind of squatting. 18. She just broke the pie and bit a piece. 19. Two perches are placed across the stream. 20. I was very funny in the Mephistopheles costume. 21. They reminded her of those young days when she, as a beautiful and naive girl, danced at parties. 22. At this time an old man entered. 23. The glasses of large horn-rimmed glasses could not hide the tense and restless gaze that followed Polyakov’s pencil. 24. I feel sorry for his cold, callous heart. 25. If my conversation makes your soul sparkle, you will become a sailor. 26. On the window, in the corner, stood modestly a penny inkwell with a yellowed goose feather. 27. I went out to the edge of the forest and wandered across the field. 28. The old men, wandering through the fields with their wallets, smiled. 29. A terrible fear rushed them through the darkness and impassable slum. 30. He was an exceptional and versatile artist: he juggled equally well, worked on the trapeze and on the horizontal bar.

    Exercise 19

    Pale face, with a pale face, a full-faced child, about full-faced children, turn[l’itsy e vat’], facial nerve, reface, reface, with a scar, heal, red scars, slate[slate], glossy, glossy, with hoarsely[hr'ipΛttsój], with a calculation, with a cunning one, caruncle[m'i e stso], jog, potassium permanganate, with manganese, intermezzo, duchess, wise Indians, loop[tsykl’i e vat’] floors, citrus[citrus] plants, narcissus, patient, pliers, bacillus, stand on tiptoe[tsypch'k'i], near the border, stubby tail, delicious candies [l'ld'i e ntsy], cigarette[cigar], wisteria[gl’itsin’ij’], operation[Λp’i e ratsyjь], lead, under the window, quote, deficiency, twin brothers, dancing, dancer, fixation, gypsy child[gypsy'onk], duchess, click your teeth, ringed, palazzo, pimples on your hands.

    Exercise 20

    1. He was wearing his father’s old jacket, which reached to his knees. 2. The watchman Kuritsyn entered the cabin. 3. The dusk thickens, and the reapers leave the fields. 4. I lowered the mat, wrapped myself in a fur coat and dozed off. 5. To the usual “chicks!” chicks!” a dozen chickens came out. 6. The favorite writer in the Korolev house was Mikhail Kotsyubinsky. 7. Following Matvey, he entered barber. 8. For mica, V lead frame, the window was turning green morning. 9. I climbed the tiptoe and looked into the hall. 10. There’s a cigarette in your teeth, you’ve got your cap on. 11. “To hell!” - the general tsked at him. 12. For him, only circulars. 13. Today the Tsokotuha Fly is the birthday girl. 14. My father, entering college, was preparing to be dancer. 15. In factory schools, digital wisdom is taught, and digital science is a divine science. 16. On the platform near the porch there were singers in crimson Russian shirts. 17. Everything in Pshenitsyna’s house breathed like this abundance and completeness of the economy, which has never happened before. 18. The two of us conceived so loudly clatter like two magpies. 19. The grandmother came out to feed the chickens. 20. Horseshoes clicked, horses snored. 21. Like me dance I love... Oh, until I drop! And we don’t even have dancers. 22. Soon the smart and affectionate Kutsyi became common favorite. And he decided to take all measures to prevent the “lanky devil” from meeting Kutsego. 23. There was a good feuilleton on Tuesday. And this one... didn't work out for you. 24. The same dry chicory grew on the sides of the paths. 25. He left the table and walked into dance the hall is empty. 26. His eyes looked cunning. 27. Fronts rumbled from the Barents to the Black Sea. 28. An Uzbek in oily overalls came to the rescue.

    Barber[tsyr’ýl’n’ik]; mica[sl’ud’i e nym]; lead[sv’intsovj]; little window[Λkoshch'km]; turned green[z'l'i e n'el]; tiptoe[chick'k'i]; circulars[circul'áry]; dancer[tΛntsórm]; abundance[Λb’il’ijm]; clatter[tzkΛtat’]; dance[tantsy e vat’]; favorite[l'ub'imts'm]; dance[tantsy e vál’nuj].

    Exercise 21

    1. Chauffeur laughed, climbed into his booth, banged door. 2. They are going... To the right slum wooded. Since ancient times its name has been Devil's Ravine. 3. Little dog Same watched me sideways behind the prancing girl, and whenever the rope clicked on the ground, it blinked. 4. Among herbs and resins big shots Here and there, crimson scatterings of berries appeared. 5. Two reed mats were lying on the ground inside the home. 6. Yellow carnations and bushes of the golden ball rose above the silken grass, crushed by the heavy dew. 7. These pictures - popular prints- cheap. 8. One day at lunchtime we turned off the road to a small river that had flooded in this place. small creek with remains of piles water mills and fallen reeds. 9. We served a prayer service and drove off coolly and with overnight stays at stations. 10. Behind my father's shoulder he saw the back horses. 11. A chewed tussock jacket hung from his shoulders. 12. The old man was sleeping peacefully under a tree at the edge of the forest, putting his cap under his head. 13. Everyone began to clink glasses with Katerina Andreevna and Lyakhov. 14. At first I suffered the burns painfully. 15. The man in the railway cap clicked his tongue. 16. He wears a rosary around his neck instead of a scarf. imposed. 17. There was a special one standing here silence, there is no such thing in the forest: not a rustle, not a breeze. 18. The next morning I had a headache, suffered from heartburn, my face was pale and dull. 19. Marina brought a bottle of rum, lemon, sugar, and the burner began to glow. 20. Behind him shuddered canvas bag.

    Laughed[zasm’i e j’áls’]; door[dv'ertsj]; slum[slum]; little dog[sabΛch’onk]; askance[isk]; I was watching[sl'i e d'il]; clicked[sh'ólkal]; among[sr’i e d’i]; big shots[shyshk]; were lying[l’i e zhal’i]; yellow[yellow]; popular prints[luboch'nyj]; small[n'bΛl'shýju]; water[v'd'i e noj]; shoulder[pl’i e ch’om]; horses[horses]; chewed[zhovnyj]; imposed[nav’i e zal]; silence[t’ishina]; canvas[khΛlsh’ovyj].

    Exercise 22

    Suddenly [suddenly], bread [hl'ep], train [pójst], expenses [iz'd'ershk'i], pancake [bl'in'ch'ik], registry office [zaks], baked goods [zdob'], speaker [dΛklach'ik], counter [sh'óch'ik], connection [s'v'ás'], illness [bΛl'ez'n'], sew [sh:yt'], compress [zh:at'] , embroider [рΛш:ыт'], unclench [рΛж:ат'], heartburn [Иж:огъ], incident [рьш:йт'], disappear [ish'ez-nut'], cab driver [isvosch'ik], spoon [ loshk], do [z'd'el't'], escape [zb'iezhát'] and [z'b'iezhát'], obey [pch'in'its'], gazebo [b'ies'etk'], seamless [ b'iesh:ov-nyj], split [r'z'd'iel'its'], saw down [ptp'il'it'], light [l'ókhk'ij], soft [m'ákhk'ij], firmament [ t'v'ert'] and [tv'ert'], door [d'v'er'] and [dv'er'], take off [s'n'ats], star [z'v'oznyj] and [zv'oznyj], hello [hello], feeling [h'ýstv], sad [sad], Icelandic [islansk'ij], bench [skΛm'já], announce [Λbjievit'], eat [sjēs't'] , broth [bul'jón'ch'ik], his [svjievó], twenty [dvát'], boring [skýshnyj], cool [krutov], rain [dósh']i [dósht'], rain [dΛzh:'ink ] and [rain'ink].

    Exercise 23

    You With shy [sh] - neither h shy [sh], detour [st] - nail [s’t’] - gr stь [s’t’], cro Vь [f’] - cro V yu [v’], With give [z] - With thief [s] - With even [š’]; drum nы [n] - drummer [n’] - drummer [n’].

    The sounds in place of the highlighted letters are pronounced the same way in the following cases: you With shy [sh] - neither h shy [sh], gvo buildingь [s’t’] - gru stь [s’t’], drum n shchik [n’] - drum n chik [n’].

    Exercise 24

    Zhelou dь [zholut’] - acorns, peace and[m’irash] - mirages, ko G ti [kókt’i] - claw, tears Tь [sl’es’t’] - get off, you With shy [vysh:ыj] - height, nor h shy [n’ish:ыj] - low, and d ti [it’i] - I’m going, but P ka [button] - button, ve h ti [v’i e es’t’] - carrying, cargo dь [grýs’t’] - milk mushrooms, re h tsy [r’i e stsy] - cut, norwe and ka [nΛrv’eshk] - Norway, tele and ka [t’i e l’eshk] - cart, sva d ba [svad’b] - exception (to woo), turmoil w ny [fussyj] - turmoil, bread h ka [khl'bΛr'esk] - cut, zama h ka [zΛmásk] - to cover up, pobla and ka [plablashk] - to bless, golu b chik [gΛlýpch’ik] - pigeons, under bond d tsy [p'd uztsy] - bridle, weighty [v'esk'ij] - weigh, crazy d ka [sumΛzbrotk] - wander, Asia T chin [Λz’iách’in] - Asians, Ara b Russian [Λrápsk’ij] - Arabs, upol h ti [upΛls’t’í] - crawls away, dumb T chin [n'i e m'ech'in] - German, bombo and ka [bΛmb’oshk] - bomb, wither d shy [uv’átshyj] - fade, bru With chatka [brusch’átk] - beam, lody and ka [ankle] - ankle, in sch ina [vΛsh’in] - wax, stru and ki [strýshk’i] - plan, vya h cue [v’ask’ij] - knit, she f to act [shefstvov’t’] - chefs, ski f skiy [sk'ifsk'ij] - Scythians, region and ka [Λbloshk] - to cover, know b cue [znopk’ij] - shiver, cut T nitsa [nΛtkosn’its] - bones, svers T nickname [sv'ersn'ik] - mile.

    Exercise 25

    1. Mother was mending a ruble w ki ([ruba w k'i] - shirt) and knitted and ki ([var’y w k'i] - mitten). 2. Re d cues ([r’e T k’ijь] - sparse) the hair was caked on the head. 3. In the dashing ([zal’ikhva ts km] - grab) in the steppe acceleration the bell laughs out loud h([sl’ó With] and [sl’ó With] - tears). 4. Ilya always brought with him something tasty ([fkýsnav] - tastes): bagels, mint gingerbread, honey gingerbread ([kΛvr’í w k'i] - carpet, cake). 5. Liu d sky ([l’u ts kájь] - people) rumor - like a sea wave. 6. I ran so hard to pay my respects that I can’t catch my breath With ti ([p’yr’v’i e With' t'i] - will translate; - d before T alternates with the letter With ). 7. We stood in silence, at the top of our lungs and ku ([new w ku] - pull out). 8. His head was covered with a white cloth h which ([pΛv’á Withкъj] - knit) with a strap ([р’м’и e w kom] - a strap) around the forehead, and the hands are tied behind the back. 9. Brought in with anxious curiosity ([l’ubΛpý ts tv'm] - torture) looked at the procurator. 10. Marching ([shestvuj] - walked), spring showers flowers. 11. His face was lean ([posnjь] - to fast), and his lips were strictly chosen. 12. Our dilapidated shack ([lΛch’ý wкъ] - shack - G alternates with and ) and sad and dark. 13. Damask steel sounded; buckshot vi h stings ([v’i and:'ál] and [v’i and:ál] - squeal). 14. I pull out of the colo d tsa ([kΛlóts] - well) bucket of water. 15. Sprinkled until and d ([dosh’] and [dosht’]) alternately and ku ([fp'yr'i e m'e w ku] - boundary) with snow. 16. He loved books passionately T but ([strásn] - passion). 17. Autumn roses are lovely T nye ([pr’i e l’esnyj] - delights), sadness T new ([sad] - to be sad) roses. 18. They were met by volume zdch ik ([Λbjesh’ik] - ride) - freckled ([v’i e sný sh'ch'ьтыj] and [в’ие сны w'ьтиj] - no freckles), with a light brown square beard ([bΛроткъj] - beard). 19. Now she d you and yes d ti ([and T'í] - goes) following and not thinking about where the narrow road leads and ka ([s’t’ó wкъ] - stitch, stitch). 20. I will come, I will come ([pr’idý] - coming), don’t be afraid! Still not at th you ([prit’i] - coming), of course, I’ll come. 21. Eh, yay h Nitsa (- no testicles)! Zaku With ki ([zΛkýsk’i] - to have a bite) is nothing more useful and durable. 22. Dry and re d ko ([r'e Tкъ] - rare) rustled grain tch aty ([grain'ich'tyj] - grain, before the suffix -chat- ts alternates with T ) sand on the cut of the coast. 23. Perebe zhch ik ([p'yr'i e b'esh'ik] - run) was wrapped in a protective shroud. 24. There they sat him down at the table and treated him to all kinds of food (- remember). 25. Several red koros V([kΛro f] - cow) came out of the rope T Nika ([trasn’ika] - reed), and one, raising her muzzle, roared. 26. Pos T The burka ([posl:ъjь] - to lay) on the ground did not allow moisture to pass through. 27. The sent ([posl:ыj] - send, send) messenger returned pos. d but ([pozn] - be late) in the evening. 28. On the ships of the squadron, the bells struck six bells ([skl’ánk] - remember). 29. Then they became st to honor ([ch’estvv’t’] - honor, honor) the best drummers. 30. Slightly bluish light bre h lived ([br'ezh:yl] - remember; in the past comes from the noun disdain"dawn") through the window, squaw h b ([skvó With'] - through) snow. 31. Everyone came out onto the porch T ny ([izv’esnyj] - news, news) kaba T chick-kisser ([kΛbách’ik] - taverns, before the suffix -chick To alternates with T ). 32. Kneading thick mud with boots and hooves hь ([gr’á With'] - in the mud), the procession ([shestv’ij] - walked), finally came to rest on the shore. 33. The commandant is at the porch T The Cossacks held the Cossacks’ houses in bondage d tsy ([p'dZuztsy] - bridle) beautiful ([pr’i krasnuj] - beautiful) horse d b ([lósht’] - horses). 34. A curious person can make many wonderful ([pr’i krasnykh] - beautiful) discoveries in nature. 35. Everything I am V The crunching of dry branches could be heard more clearly and clearly ( - obvious) in the darkness. 36. A dim lightning flashed ([bl’i e snýl] - remember) above the lake. 37. A fine flour of dust surrounded the travelers like a stuffy cloud ([put’i e shest’n’ikf] - walked). 38. Between the tree ([d'i e v'esnym'i] - trees) trunks there is eternal twilight. The branches of spruce and fir trees seem like giant ([g’igan-sk’im’i] - giants) hands. 39. The azure of heaven ([n'i e b'esnjь] - heaven) laughs, washed by a night thunderstorm. 40. The morning was beautiful ([pr’i krasnjь] - beautiful), the sun ([снъ] - sun) illuminated the tops of the linden trees. 41. Our cockpit was simple until sch atoy ([дΛ ш’атъj] - board, final consonants of the root sk alternates with sch ) hole. 42. Pes were visible in the blue transparent water sch anoe ([p’i e sh’anj’] - sand, sandy loam; root dog-, final consonant of the root With is preserved before the suffix, and -OK in a word sand is a suffix) bottom, pilings and keels of boats. 43. They walked around the theater for an hour T nicky-hawkers ([h’ásn’ik’i] - part; [lΛto w n’ik’i] - tray, to before the suffix -Nick alternates with h ). 44. Proe h zhayut ([prъji и еж:аьт] - riding) without a ring With([kΛl’ó With] - wheel) for an eye w com ([Λkoshkm] - window) of the building.

    7. In those roots of Russian words where the shock sound O corresponds in other words or forms of the same root to the vowel (stressed or unstressed) conveyed by the letter e. The following is a list of basic words with such roots (in parentheses, words with the same root or forms with the letter e after f, h, w, sch ).

    Roots with combination same :

    chewed (chew),

    gutter (gutters, groove, grooved),

    yellow (yellow, yellowish, turn yellow, yolk),

    acorn (acorns, stomach'little acorn', acorn),

    bile, gall(cf. options bile, gall; biliary, biliary),

    wives, wifey, little wife, newlyweds (wife, woman, woman, feminine, getting married, getting married),

    perch (pole, pole, pole),

    millstone (millstone, millstone),

    hard, rigidity (tough, harsh),

    overarm (fathom And fathom),

    heavy (heavier, grow heavier, outdated heavier).

    Roots with combination what :

    twine (twine, twine),

    evening (evening, evening),

    liver, hepatic (liver),

    honor, honorable (honor),

    bees, bee (bee, beekeeper),

    counting, counting, crediting, report, accounting, counter, counting, crediting, accounting, crosswise, even, odd, even, rosary (count, recount, count, set off, take into account, deduction, accounts, accountant, odd),

    shit (chebotar),

    bangs, bangs, bangs(plural) ( brow, petition, beard),

    canoe (shuttles, shuttle),

    cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, underline(compare option scribble; cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, underline),

    black (black, blacken, rabble, blackness, blackish),

    callous, callousness (callous, become callous),

    damn, damn, little devil (devils, devils, devils, devils, damn, devilry),

    dash (devil, damn, devil, draw, drawing),

    comb, comb, comb, comb, comb, comb, comb, hairstyle, comb, comb, comb (scratch, scratch, comb, comb),

    clear, clear, distinct (rosary),

    tap dance (taps).

    Roots with combination she :

    cheap, cheap (cheap, cheap, cheaper, cheaper),

    Koshevka (kosheva),

    wallet (wallet, purse),

    millet, millet (millet),

    lattice, sieve(plural) lattice(option: lattice; sieve, sieve),

    silk, silk (silk, silky),

    whisper, whisper (whisper, whisper, whispers),

    fur, long-haired, short-haired (wool, woolen, woolen).

    Roots with combination more :

    dandy (foppish, foppish, flaunt, flaunt),

    cheeks, cheek, slap, cheek (cheek, cheeky),

    tickles (tickle, tickle),

    lye, lye (crack, cracks),

    click, click (clicker, click),

    lye, lye (alkalis, alkaline),

    puppy (whelp, puppy),

    brush (bristle).

    Note. However, in proper names with the roots of the words listed in paragraph 7, the letter can be written O . In accordance with tradition and registration, the letter is written in official documents O in such proper names as, for example, Choboty(name of locality), Chorny, Pshonnaya, Zholobov, Zholtikov(last names).

    8. In the sentence n. pronouns what: about what, on what, as well as in words how much, no matter, and; in a word more.

    9. In some borrowed words, where the letter e conveyed under special stress, different from Russian O, vowel sound of the source language, e.g. Prime Minister's wife, Schönbrunn, Schönberg.

    Letters oh, oh in place of unstressed vowels

    § 20. In an unstressed position after f, h, w, sch letter is written e uh(in writing e ), and with the drum O(in writing O or e ). This applies to roots, suffixes, and endings. Examples: a) tin(cf. tin), cap (cap), leg (schenkel), ironing (angling), cloudy (candle); b) turn yellow(cf. yellow), whisper (whisper), peas (cockerel), punch, raincoat (penny, borscht), watchman (siskin), more(cf. big), red-haired (to someone else's), more powerful (hot). Some spellings with e after hissing ones they are not checked by the striking position, for example: wish, stomach, gelatin, attic, move, lisp, rough, latch.

    § 21. In a number of words of foreign origin after f, h, w a letter is written in an unstressed position O . List of basic words: Jonathan, jockey, juggler, majordomo, majoritarian, banjo, harmonic; chonguri, lecho, poncho, ranch, capriccio(compare option capriccio); chauvinism, chocolate, highway, driver; proper names, for example: Scotland, Jaurès, Chopin, Shostakovich, Boccaccio. Derivatives from words of foreign origin with stress are also written O after hissing words (see) and forms of such words where the vowel after the hissing word is unstressed, for example: shock(from shock), torsion(from torchon), choker(from choker), cleaning rod(plural from ramrod).

    Note 1. Letter O written after sibilants not under stress in words with a prefix inter- and in compound words, if it begins the second part of the word, for example: interregional, intercommunity, intersectoral, leather and footwear.

    Note 2. Letter O after sibilants not under stress it is also written in individual formations not legalized by the literary norm, for example: nutty(from asshole), prim(from prim), rustling(‘barely audible rustling’), freshly(from fresh, according to the model rough, clean).

    Letters O And e after ts

    § 22. After ts to convey a stressed vowel O letter is written O , to transmit percussion uh- letter e, eg: cluck, cap, dancer, dancer, dance, facing, crimson, face, face, cucumber, cucumbers, sheep; valuable, whole, whole(letter name), tsetse(fly), sheep, about father.

    § 23. In an unstressed position after ts letter is written e - in accordance with the drum uh, and with shock O, for example: a) price(cf. prices), strain (squeals), censorship (censor), bird (pollen); b) dance(cf. dancer), turn crimson (crimson), calico (pepper), swamp (porch), like a bird (pollen), fingers (wise men), little(cf. big), kutse(cf. Fine). Some spellings with e are not checked by striking position, e.g.: kiss, cellophane.

    § 24. In some words of foreign origin in an unstressed position after ts letter is written O: duke, intermezzo, mezzo, palazzo, scherzo, canzonetta, zoisite(mineral), pozzolanas(rocks). The word is spelled the same way clatter and its derivatives clatter, clatter(cf. clatter).

    house, establishment serving any public needs; 5. dynasty, clan.

    Dwelling is a room in which one lives, one can live. As you can see, the concept of “house” is much broader than the concept of “dwelling”. They coincide in only one meaning: a place where people live. The other meanings of the word “house” have nothing in common with the single meaning of the word “dwelling.”



    mainly come down to

    to three processes:


    falling out of

    change in values ​​for a number of

    new dictionary

    yes words and expressions.

    in words and expressions

    old words and you-



    Lobbying, impeachment

    Virgin land, district committee, mountains



    cop, Dudayevites, de-

    com, perestroika, pya-

    throw (rob), address

    Folt, Winchester, ABS


    (e-mail), can-

    line, etc.

    mobile phone (telephone), etc.


    77. God alone could have said what Manilov’s character was. There is a genus of people known by the name: people so-so, neither this nor that, neither in the city of Bogdan nor in the village of Selifan. “A brick for no reason at all,” impressively re-

    hit by an unknown person, it will never fall on anyone’s head.” Shine everything - StudyPort wherever, shine everywhere, until the last days of the end, shine - and nothing. and xru nails!

    This is my slogan - and the sun! The fighter lost his pouch, fawned over it no and no... looked around with longing: - Without a pouch, it’s like without hands. “This is the third year now,” he concluded, “how I’ve been living without Dunya and how I haven’t heard anything about her. Whether she’s alive or not, God knows.” “I am a historian,” the scientist confirmed and added to both the village and the city: “Tonight there will be an interesting story at the patriarch’s ponds.” Kashtanka rushed forward, then back, ran across the road again, but the carpenter as if he fell through the ground. The next day, Lisa, before dawn, had already woken up. The whole house was still asleep. The devil decided to steal a month, in the hope that old Chub was lazy and easy-going. You can't see face to face. Big things can be seen from a distance. The Russian people express themselves strongly! And if he rewards someone with a word, then it will go to his family and posterity, he will drag it with him into service, and into retirement, and to St. Petersburg, and to the ends of the world. The assistant chief lived on a large street: there was a lantern on the stairs, the apartment was on the second floor. But I, Samson Silych, am no stranger, as you can see for yourself, I have capital. Why am I not human? The old man got scared and prayed: “Why, woman, are you whitewashed?”

    ? You can neither step nor speak.” “Why did you disappear so early tonight?” - was Olenka’s first question. All Lensky’s feelings became clouded, and he hung his nose in silence.

    In a sentence, phraseological units are one member of the sentence.

    Originally Russian

    Old Slavonic


    phraseological units

    phraseological units

    phraseological units

    The game is not worth the candle;

    Got caught like chickens

    first creak

    talk teeth; and lar-

    cabbage soup; without a year a week

    ku; of sound mind and

    the chick simply opened; By-

    la; fiend of hell; By

    fall into trouble; barely breathing

    image and likeness;

    allowed to Jupiter, then

    sha in the body; you are heavy, shap-

    blessed is he who can-

    not allowed

    ka Monomakh; at least a count

    Lodu was young;

    to be or not to be; wavi-

    head scratches;


    during it.


    pieces of silver; A

    nie; the Moor did his thing

    listens and eats; up to a hundred years old

    matter, the Moor can succeed

    we can grow without growing old; sa-

    pour; Alpha and Omega;

    Ma flogged herself; without a steering wheel and

    and Gomorrah;

    without sails.

    Achilles' heel.

    79. Phraseologisms with the general meaning of “to be angry”: beside oneself; lose temper; bring to white heat; throw thunder and lightning; under a hot hand; tear and throw; make a scene.

    Phraseologisms with the general meaning of “not paying attention”: did not lift an eyebrow; and it doesn’t blow; like water off a duck's back; wave your hand; my hut is on the edge; zero attention; stand aside; at least something; at least the grass won't grow.

    80. Beat your thumbs; fool around; not to move a finger; sit with your hands on StudyPort; count Take the bull by the horns; rolling up your sleeves; burns in hands; move a mountain.

    Long tongue; pour from empty to empty; sharpen laces; scratch your tongue

    81. All day - from dawn to dawn; cure - raise to your feet; main assistant - right hand; plenty, without restrictions - as much as your heart desires; sincerely - face to face; very quickly - in no time; immediately, in one go, immediately - in one breath; to deceive - to catch a bait; despair, despondency - lose heart; to attract attention, to be especially noticeable - to catch the eye (of someone); very close, nearby - a few steps away; to ridicule, to make a subject of ridicule - to ridicule; very soundly (to fall asleep) - dead sleep; in the most serious way - in earnest; appear instantly - right there; inopportunely, out of place - neither to the village nor to the city.

    82. He tried to pull out a rusty nail with pliers. - Confessions from it do not pull it out even with pliers(colloquial, thin). The cat had dirty fluff hanging on his tail. -

    He has been hanging on our tail for the second day now (colloquial, published, artistic). We went in for a few minutes to wash our hands. - That's it, gentlemen, I wash my hands of it (art., pub., colloquial). He closed his eyes and a moment later fell asleep. - Don't close your eyes for such serious offenses (colloquial, publ., artistic). I looked at the empty field, where all the harvest had already been harvested. - I want to go out into an open field and scream at the top of my lungs (colloquial, thin). She lives on a small green street, and her house is hidden behind the trees. - To all the endeavors of youth - green streets near (publ.) He dropped his hands and looked somewhere into the distance for a while. - Main - don't give up(colloquial, publ., artistic), and you will succeed. You can't make porridge from such a small amount of oatmeal. - I see you can’t cook porridge with you (colloquial, thin). On the way to the village we tried to hold on in the shade to avoid sunstroke. - Keep a low profile- this is my advice to you (colloquial, published, artistic). We couldn't find a seat in the packed hall. - For the second hour now, Anya has been walking around the room, not finding a place for herself (colloquial, thin). The ice has broken, and numerous barges and fishing boats rushed upstream. - Well, comrades, the ice has broken, continue in the same spirit (colloquial, published, artistic). The cat could not sleep: he was haunted by the fuss of the mice in the corner behind the stove. -The mouse fuss around this enterprise seems to have attracted the attention of the country's highest officials (colloquial, publ., fiction). We wandered around in the dark for almost two hours and only then were we able to reach the path that led us out of the forest. - You wandering in the dark, so you can’t see the most important thing (colloquial, publ., artistic).


    StudyPort seventh heaven; was born in a shirt. gates; doesn't fit. in the head; just think about it! spread your hands;

    I can't imagine; good job! pray tell; that's the number!

    My friend was born in a shirt. I can’t even wrap my head around this act of his. When I entered university, I felt seventeen

    I'm in the sky with happiness.

    84. It's a stone's throw - very close; at first sight - immediately, with grief in half - somehow; rolling up your sleeves - with enthusiasm, zeal; holding your breath - carefully; at every step - constantly; to be left with nothing - to be left with nothing; give up - despair; so-so - average; in black and white - clear, detailed; seriously - seriously; the scapegoat is the culprit of all troubles; two pair of boots - very similar; frost on the skin - to feel horror, fear.

    85. Conversational phraseological units: to the fullest extent; get out of your mind; no urine; pout lips; crazy; sit in a galosh; this way and that.

    Literary and book phraseological units: embrace; promised land; golden calf, servant of two masters; whatever you want.

    Literary and poetic phraseological units: castle in the air, ocean of air; far away lands; red maiden; a swan song; crown of thorns

    Official business phraseological units: armed forces, come into force; to inform; female; occupational Safety and Health; pass a resolution; short time; secret ballot; cold war.

    Interstyle phraseological units: in any case; occasionally; from the heart; open air; keep a promise; wipe out; Q.E.D.

    86. These phraseological units are not translated.

    Alma mater (lat.) - university (usually in the speech of students and university graduates). And NTV is my journalistic alma mater, I have always considered this channel the best.

    A priori (lat.) - regardless of experience, without relying on knowledge of facts, in advance, preliminary. It is clear that before the law, in which “everything is prohibited,” everyone is a priori guilty.

    Carte blanche (French) - a blank form signed by a person granting another person the right to fill out such a form with text. That is why, finding himself in a diplomatic impasse, the Prime Minister, who had long restrained his anger, gave carte blanche to members of the government

    Post factum (lat.) - after something has already happened. Porsche headquarters was informed about the post factum discount program, and is currently extremely unhappy with the pricing policy of its American branch.

    Post scriptum (lat.) - a postscript to a completed and signed letter. In the postscript, he asked me to be more attentive to my sister and mother.

    StudyPort alto mortale(Italian .) - a type of acrobatic. jump ru in the air with a turn over the head forward or backward; (trans.) a sharp change in

    actions, deeds. The yacht performed a real somersault,

    turning around its axis 360 degrees...

    tatus quo (lat.) - an actual or legal situation that exists or existed in a certain situation. certain point (in international law). However, maintaining the NATO status quo 15 years after the end of the Cold War is not a conservative, but a reactionary measure.

    Volens nolens (lat.) - willy-nilly. My client is an elderly man, suffering from rheumatism, damp... He doesn’t have the strength to go to brides and bother, so volens nolens he has to act through a third party. (A. Chekhov)

    10 At a snail's pace. 11. Crocodile tears. 12. From cover to cover. 13. Search during the day with fire. 14. Sip jelly seven miles away. 15. Wait by the sea

    weather. 16. Take it at face value. 17. The game is not worth the candle. 18. Not a candle for God, not a poker for the devil. 19. Easier than steamed turnips. 20. Circle your finger. 21. Dance from the stove. 22. Like an eyesore. 23. Carry water with a sieve. 24. Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. 25. Promise mountains of gold. 26. Not seeing beyond your own nose. 27. Hear out of the corner of your ear. 28. Caliph for an hour. 29. Cry into your vest. 30. Kisin young lady. 31. Barely a soul in a body. 32. A fresh legend is hard to believe (Griboedov, “Woe from Wit”). 33. Cornucopia. 34. Those born to crawl cannot fly. 35. Deeds of bygone days, deep legends (Pushkin, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”).

    36. Coming to bed. 37. Hunger is not your aunt. 38. He who has ears, let him hear.

    39. Is it possible to choose a nook for walks further away (Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”).

    A candle is a stick made of a fatty substance with a wick inside, used for lighting.

    Kiseynaya - transparent thin light, similar to muslin.

    Tradition is a story about the past, passed down from generation to generation orally.

    Two boots in a pair - the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Two peas in a pod are alike - two chicks from the same nest. Searching during the day with fire is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

    88. A garden head, a troubled head, a violent head, a windy head, a boiling head, a dizzy head, a burning head, a spruce head, a full head, a spinning head, a head on the shoulders, a swollen head, a head full of straw, an oak head, a foolish head, a holey head , hammered head, chaff head, flying head, voices to oneself; right hand, from hand to hand, out of hand, light hand, hand into hand, hand does not rise, out of hand, one’s own hand; don’t believe your eyes, roll before your eyes, in front of your eyes, close your eyes, calluses your eyes, your eyes glaze over your forehead; alone in the field is not a warrior, alone

    forest, a book with seven seals, seven locks.

    89. With all your might = with all your might; like the back of your hand = by heart; out of the blue = out of the blue; a drop in the ocean = a needle in a haystack; neither fish nor meat = neither this nor that; shoulder to shoulder = hand in hand; out of nowhere = right there; remember your name = in one breath; barely light = neither light nor dawn.

    I know this area like the back of my hand. The session fell out of the blue. He jumped up at the crack of dawn and rushed off to the river to fish.

    90. Two steps away - distant lands; pull yourself together - give up; rolling up the sleeves - lowering the sleeves; at worst - for better times; to lose heart - to perk up; even a dime a dozen - a drop in the ocean.

    91. “We shared an orange...” “The hall is under video surveillance,” reads the sign at the entrance to

    many Moscow supermarkets and shops. The author of these lines never

    paid attention to these proactive words until... he himself became a victim of the excessive vigilance of sellers.

    Here is how it was. One evening I decided to take a walk to my favorite school. I got on the trolleybus, sat down by the window and rode calmly. Everything went like clockwork. And as luck would have it, all this “idyll” was disrupted by suddenly dead batteries - my headphones became quiet. Without hesitation, I decided to get off near the supermarket and correct this misunderstanding. Having entered the store, I immediately went to the cash registers, where, as usual, various small items lay on trays. Oddly enough, there were no batteries there. Having not bought anything, I walked through the turnstiles and headed towards the exit. When suddenly a guard called out to me:

    - Young man, stay a minute...

    - What's the matter? - I was surprised.

    As it turned out later, the problem was in my pockets, which were sagging under the weight of various “essential” items. In addition to cigarettes, a lighter, keys, a telephone and chewing gum, there was an ORANGE, which I quite accidentally grabbed when leaving the apartment. It was he who, obviously, attracted the attention of the vigilant guard. And as you may have guessed, dear readers, when the entire contents of my pockets appeared before the eyes of the sellers, they made “appropriate” conclusions... In other words, I was required to pay for MY OWN!!!

    orange. I bit my tongue. To be honest, I was so confused, and the guards showed a grimace completely intolerant of objections, that I was simply unable to justify myself. Silently proceeding to the “Fruits and Vegetables” department, I put the unfortunate citrus on the scales. The saleswoman punched me with a check, with which I returned to the cash register. And there a “surprise” was already waiting for me in the person of two more security guards and a huge number of unoccupied saleswomen. I can't say that they greeted me with open arms

    tiami... This whole friendly company announced to me that they were forced to take StudyPort measures and therefore I would have to go with them. For some reason I. I decided that it was not worth getting into trouble. Imagine my state when I am accused of

    such absurdity, and in front of the entire store. All my arguments that this store doesn’t even have this type of orange, that I brought it from home and that I myself am honest and innocent, remained only an empty phrase for my “judges”. As a result, a protocol was drawn up, and my name was added to the list of unwanted clients. Finally, I was warned that next time I wouldn’t just get away with it.

    When I left, all the guards were smiling and pleased with themselves. Apparently, this incident dispelled their boring and idle everyday life. And what bothered me most was that I was simply sure: they all knew perfectly well about my innocence - the guys simply had nothing to do. Leaving this “a la Western supermarket” with Soviet service and staff, I admit, I could not restrain myself and said “a couple of kind words” to my offenders.

    I advise you not to repeat my mistake: hand over your things to the storage room and smile - you are being filmed by a hidden camera!!!

    Rozhon is a sharp stake fixed in an inclined position.

    92. There was nothing to do. - Having nothing else to do, I began to re-read old letters. This book struck me to the core. - In the depths of his soul he harbored a grudge against me. He arrived in a minute. - The train was supposed to leave any minute. Just in case, I decided to take a flashlight. - In any case, we warned Anya about the possible disruption of the trip. I needed to pull myself together. - I will personally take control of the execution of this matter into my own hands.

    93. To kick the bucket - to spend time idly, to mess around. Synonyms: play the fool, chase a quitter. Initially: split, break an aspen log into loaves (chocks) to make small chipped products from them (spoons, ladle, etc.), that is, do a very simple task.

    In all Ivanovo- 1) very loudly (shouting, snoring, etc.), 2) very quickly, with all your strength, etc. (do something). From the expressions: “to ring throughout Ivanovskaya” - to all the bells of the bell tower of Ivan the Great in the Moscow Kremlin and “to shout throughout Ivanovskaya” - from the name of Ivanovskaya Square in the Kremlin, where in the old days royal decrees were read out.

    Promised land- 1) a place where someone passionately dreams, strives to get; 2) an object of passionate desires, aspirations, hopes, etc.;

    3) a place where contentment, abundance and happiness reign. An expression from the Bible that meant “the promised land” (Palestine), that is, the land that God promised the Jews when leading them out of Egyptian captivity, a land “good and spacious, flowing with milk and honey.”

    94. 1. Words used in a figurative meaning: game, turn, shine, humidity, etc.

    A game is an activity used for entertainment, recreation, or sports competition; trans. - interweaving of rhymes and stanzas in a poem.

    Glitter - bright, sparkling light; trans. - a magnificent, vivid manifestation of the author’s talent in a poem.

    Archaisms: bogatyr - hero of Russian epics; the man is very big

    StudyPortforce. .ru

    Borrowed words: play - a dramatic work for theatrical performance; crystal - a solid body with an ordered symmetrical structure.

    Professionalisms: rhyme - the consonance of the ends of poetic stanzas. Stylistically colored words: unprecedented, unprecedented, charming, wealth, amazing, sweet, bright, crystal, fragrant,

    seductive, grace, rapture.

    2. Original = peculiar - similar. Antique = Ancient Greek = Ancient Roman.

    Romantic = sublime, spiritual - realistic. Wealth = abundance - poverty.

    Charm = beauty - ugliness.

    Harmony = consistency - disharmony. Rapture = delight, pleasure.

    3. Original - original, following its own path, independent in its development.

    Antique - relating to the history and culture of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

    Plastic art - a set of arts that create three-dimensional forms. Romantic - related to romanticism and romance. Rhyme - the consonance of the ends of poetic lines.

    Wealth - abundance, multitude; manifold; abundance of material values, money.

    Charm - charm, charisma, attractiveness. Harmony - consistency, harmony in the combination of something. Rapture is a state of delight, pleasure.

    Polysemantic words: expression, wealth, gap, language, etc. Gap is a place where something is torn; the gap created

    something (wire break); inconsistency, disruption of communication, consistency between something (break in the line of defense).

    Expression is an action according to the meaning of the verb “to express” (an expression of will and character); facial appearance, reflecting the internal state (expression of submission); one or another figure of speech (stable expression); a formula expressing any mathematical relationship (algebraic expression).


    1) with mobilities (sa m),

    2) himself about everyday things (connected vowel), as if (memorized).


    1) violator (remember),

    2) violated (formed from the verb II sp. violate; we always

    written with and). Tradition (=retelling).

    Unsimilar: StudyPort 1)unsimilar (=different),.ru

    2) dissimilar (remember),

    3) dissimilar (what?).

    Previous (which?) Representative:

    1) representative (memorized);

    2) a representative (represented);

    3) present elem (memorized),

    4) representative (tv. pad.).


    1) transparent (memorized),

    2) transparent (transparent).


    1) were imprinted (remembered),

    2) imprinted (remembered).

    3) baked and smoldered (baked tano).


    1) prejudice;

    2) prejudice;

    3) provision of loans.

    [Pushkin's verse in his original plays, |suddenly, as if making a great that turn or sharp break in the history of Russian poetry|, |who broke the tradition |, |who showed himself to be something unprecedented, unlike like nothing before |, - this verse was representative of the new, hitherto unprecedented poetry and] . (Narrative, non-declarative, simple, two-part, distributive, additional connecting constructions and homogeneous widespread isolated definitions, expressed by participial phrases, complete.)

    [ Antique plastic And strict simplicity combined with a charming play of romantic rhyme];[all the acoustic richness, all the power of the Russian the tongue appeared in him in amazing fullness];[it is tender, sweet, soft, like the murmur of a wave, viscous and thick, like resin, bright, like lightning, transparent and pure, like crystal, fragrant and fragrant, like spring, strong and powerful, like a blow of a sword in the hand of a hero I]. (Narrative, non-vocal, complex non-union. 1) two-part, distributive, donkey. one-way subject, complete; 2) two-stage, dist., neosl., full; 3) two-state, distribution, osl. one-way tale and compare. rpm, full)

    [It has a seductive, inexpressible charm, playfulness], [it has a dazzling shine and mild humidity],[ it contains all the richness of melody and harmony of language and rhythm],[ it contains all the bliss, all the rapture of a creative dream, poetic expression]. (Narrative, non-vocal, complex non-union. 1) one-part, nominal, donkey. one-way subject and defined, incomplete; 2) one-part, nominal, donkey. one-way subject, incomplete; 3) one-part, nominal, donkey. one-way additional, incomplete;

    4) single-part, nominal, donkey one-way subject and additional, incomplete)

    95. Without knowing grief, you will not know joy. The sun will come to our windows. Everyone is the smith of his own happiness. Don't believe in happiness, and don't be afraid of troubles -

    StudyPort. There is no fish without bones. There is no bee without a stinger, no rose. without ru thorns. Without an owner, the goods cry. There is in the barn, there will be in the pocket Bread

    ra, and the money is counting. The house is a full cup. Where the owner walks, there bread will be born. Better stingy than wasteful. From tiny things - a heap, from drops - a sea. Thrift is better than wealth. He who does not save a penny is not worth a ruble. Every house is famous for its owner. Extra money won't hurt your pocket. The thrifty one is better than the rich one.



    96. It will fly by - it will fly by; opens - closes; sleepy - a dream, distant - distant.

    1. [ , ,-,,,].

    97. Road - road, shore - coastal, snow - snowy, frost

    Ice cream, boredom - boring, boot and - shoemaker, splash - splash, endure - endure, renew - renew, laugh - laughter, laughs - laughter, rewrite - write, search - looking for, love, love -

    love, decree - decree, approve - affirmation, enrich


    98. Shine - shine - shine; light - candle - to illuminate; persons o - face - face ico; bake - baker - cave; droop - prone; tension - strain - strain; lead - news and - leading; judge - judgment - judicial; wake up - awakening - awakening; strengthen - fastening; grew - growth - grow; friend - friend ok - friendship; shine - shine - shine.

    99. Earth - earthen - earth e mer - countrywoman - countrywoman - countryman - countryman - countrywoman - countrywoman - countryman - earthly

    - landless; road - road - roadside -

    path - off-road; leaf - leaf pad - leaf - leaf - leaf - foliage - leaflet; cold - cold - cold snap - refrigerator, forest - forest - forest - forester, city - urban - city dweller, sea - sea - overseas - Pomeranian, house - home - homebody - homeless.

    100. When one of the angels rebelled against God, and with him many other angels, God drove them out of heaven. Constricted at the edge of heaven, the rebel angels flew down. Some of them, terribly mutilated, with their boss Satan fell into the underworld, into hell, others fell to

    StudyPort land and settled, some in the water, some in houses, some in the This is how the Olanchanin explains to himself the origin of the foresters, watermen

    and brownies, in whom he believes wholeheartedly. 1. Angels - foresters - watermen. From the sky - at the edge of the sky.

    On the edge - on the ground.

    2. Words with the same grammatical meaning: angels; many - others - oppressed - rebelled - mutilated; angels; God; from the sky - (at the edge) of the sky; on the edge; flew - fell - fell - settled; with the boss - Satan; underground; to the kingdom; in hell; to the ground; in water.

    101. Happy, happy; joy, joyful; spring, spring; big bigger; circular, round; trusting, trusting; literacy, literate; person, person; breath,

    breathe; burn, burned; turn yellow, yellow; silky, silkier;

    water, drive.

    102. Architect (noun 2nd class, m.r., i.p., singular) - blue (adj. i.p., singular, m.r.); seas (noun 2nd class, plural, plural) - brothers (noun 2nd class, plural, plural); home (noun 2nd class, singular, tv.p.) - on foot (adv.); we sing (verb I sp., inflected, present tense, 1 l. plural) - carry (verb I spr., inflected, present tense, 1 l. plural) .); currant (noun 1st class, f.r., i.p., singular) - beautiful (cr. adj., f.r., singular); expedition (noun 2nd class, w.r., singular, i.p.) - states (noun 2nd class, middle r., singular, r.p.); white (adj. plural, r.p.) - second (ord. plural, r.p.); big (adj. plural, r.p.) - ours (local plural, r.p.); better (cf. degree adj.) - field (noun 2nd cl., singular, c.r. i.p.); braid (noun 1 cl., singular, f.r. i.p.) - birch (noun 1 cl., singular, f.r. i.p.); seas (noun 2nd class, plural, r.p.) - sparrow (noun 2nd class, singular, m.r. i.p.); roads (noun 1st cl., plural, sp.) - meetings (noun 1st cl., plural, sp.); great (cr. adj., f.r., singular) - village (noun 2nd cl., singular, middle r., r.p.); grew (verb inflected, past tense, singular, female form) - grew stronger (verb inflected, past tense, singular, female form); led (verb inflected, past tense, plural) - nightingales (noun 2nd letter, plural, singular).

    103. I. Bitter, bitter, mustard; mountainous, hillock; grief, wretched, grieve, be sad, handful, hunched over, urban, sunbathe, proud.

    II. Water, submariner, high water, diver, dehydrated, backwater; lead, driver, supply, wires, leash, conductor, transfer, counselor, harass; factory, clockwork; install.

    104. Princess Helen smiled; she rose with the same unchanging smile of a completely beautiful woman, (1) with which she entered the living room. Slightly rustling with her white ball gown, decorated with ivy and moss, and shining with the whiteness of her shoulders, the gloss of her hair and diamonds, she walked between the parting men and straight, (2) without looking at anyone, but smiling at everyone and, as if kindly granting everyone the right to admire the beauty of his figure, full shoulders, very open, according to the fashion of that time, chest

    And back, and as if bringing with her the glitter of the ball, she approached Anna Pavlovna.

    Helen was so pretty that not only was there not even a shadow of coquetry visible in her,

    va, (3) but on the contrary, she seemed ashamed of her undoubted and StudyPort too strong and victorious beauty. She. as if it were-

    lala and could not diminish the effect of her beauty.

    1. Smile (noun, 1st cl., singular, tv. pad.) - beautiful (adj., gender, singular, gender pad.); ballroom (adj., singular, f.r., hard. pad.) - beauty (noun, 1st cl., singular, hard. pad.); bala (noun, 2nd class, m.r., gender. fall.) - approached (v., indent. inc., past tense, singular, female form).

    2. Beauty (noun, 1st cl., singular, hard. fall.), beauty (noun, 1st cl., singular, vin. fall.).

    3. Ballroom - related to the ball. Robe - work clothes made of coarse fabric. Dressed - trimmed, decorated.

    Ivy is a vine plant that climbs along supports.

    Moss is a creeping or erect spore plant.

    4. (1) a comma between the main and subordinate clauses in a complex clause,

    (2) comma separating the adverbial phrase,

    (3) a comma between simple sentences in complex sentences.

    5. Vosh la - vkh odit, past la - prokh odit.

    She smiled, parted, and approached, no doubt.


    1) conscientiously - unprov.,

    2) conscience but - conscience,

    3) conscientiously - adverb suffix.

    105. Adjective, application, assumption, grew up, grew up, nurtured, germinate, shoot, sprout (exception), touch, touch, dip (meaning “immerse in liquid, make wet"), flare up, expound, germinate, behind, touch, addition, sun, tangent, dip (meaning “immerse in liquid, make wet"), sunbathe, untouchable, attach, grown, grow and, fold, branch (excl.), get wet (meaning “to let liquid through”).

    106. Grow, gallop, grind, ignite, lock, slip through, unlock, freeze, die, you choose , wiping off “the old one, wiping” the mouthed one, rubbing ´- tion, skak cho ´k.

    107. Rise, wipe, rub, freeze, unlock, lock, clamp, accept, burn, rest (roots with alternating vowels); follow - le ´zet, mix - me ´sivo, accept - reconcile, freeze -

    rip apart, try to measure - measure.

    108. Zag a ´r - to sunbathe, grown up - grow and, industry - growing, freeze - froze, shake mother - shake, begin na´t - beginning, heated ´- elk - burning, crackling - crackling, growing and - shoots, harvest -

    to be born, to strengthen - strengthening, embodiment - to embody, militiaStudyPort - regiment, invitation - to invite, application - to apply. ; agree - agree, tremble - tremble, bend - bow,

    touching - touching.

    109. Student - car, birch - aspen, float, heroism, barrel, Georgian, singer, cleaner, musician - antidepressant, eccentric, correspondence student, carpenter, spruce - juniper, inspector, thermometer, bear cub, Siberian, water, sister, kindness, strongman, builder - teacher, little girl - river, old woman, gander, calf, crimson, European - Korean, artist, head, needle, chicken, rain, hedgehog - elephant, subbotnik, raspberry garden, key garden, flower garden, whiteness - yellowness, spring - autumn, northerner - southerner.

    110. Evening party, mischievous, beauty, vocabulary, mustard plaster, spruce forest, readiness, spirituality, snowflake, bead, pea, imp, hermit, antiquity, gazebo.

    111. Pin - a needle with a head. Bun - bread made from wheat flour.

    A fork is a piece of cutlery with sharp teeth on a long handle.

    Pebbles are small, smooth, round stones.

    Cinnamon is the dried bark of the branches of some tropical trees. Porch - external decking in front of the front door of a house.

    A larva is an animal from the genus of worms, insects, amphibians, and fish in one of the first stages of development.

    A tent is a temporary room made of dense fabric stretched over a frame.

    A pillow is a cover sewn on all sides, stuffed with down, for placing under the head or for sitting.

    A stove is the same as an oven.

    A match is a thin stick with a head made of a flammable substance to produce fire.

    The stamen is the male organ of a flower that contains pollen.

    112. Envelope - envelope - envelope, cross - cross - cross, tail - tail - tail, roll - roll - roll, peas - peas - peas, leaf - leaf - leaf, nut - nut - nut, box - box - box, grandson - granddaughter - granddaughter, bag - bag - bag, gift - gift - gift, knife - knife - knife, crystal - crystal - crystal, bell - bell - bell,

    hut - hut - hut, friend - friend - little friend, StudyPort color - flower - flower, bridge - bridge - bridge, mouth -. mouthru-ro-

    tika, handkerchief - handkerchief - handkerchief.

    If the suffix -ik - is written in a noun, then it is retained in indirect cases, and if the suffix - ek - is written, then it drops out in indirect cases.

    113. Bee - bee, perch - perch, whisper - whisper, turn yellow

    - yellow, blacken - black, comb - scratch, heavy - heaviness, silky - silk, acorn - acorn, cheap - cheap, stale, dash - dash, gooseberry, seam, hood, driver - chauffeur, highway - highway, chocolate - chocolate, juggler - juggle, prim - primness, chauvinism - chauvinistic, shorts, shock - shock, rustle, rough, ramrod, Scotland - Scottish.

    114. Starlings, well done, fathers, chubby, knitting needles, demonstrations, wells, chickens, compasses, swimmers, gypsies, digital, rehearsals, nationalities, stairs, tanks.

    115. Unbearable heat (heat), sewed (sew) from silk (silky), sentry on the border, walk through the thicket on skis, clear (clean) paths (path), delicious pies (pie), cat on the iron roof, came to our dacha , came in the evening (evening), bask in the sun, visit the capital, attach a (tenacious) brooch, new rings, young daredevils, near station, tax police, Ancient Greece, pale-faced youth, patterned lattice, impenetrable thicket, life-giving moisture, pale-faced girls, new power plant, according to ancient tradition, state of Turkey,

    at a pale-faced youth, near a yellow (turn yellow) chicken, in a forward position, up a steep staircase, golden knitting needles, with cheerful faces, near a young tit, a bird feeder, on the tit’s wing.

    116. Beam (under attack), hut (under attack), between (under attack), noodles (under attack), cloud (without impact), grove (without impact), puddle ( without impact), a cloak (under attack), burdens (without impact), a sheep (under attack), a bird (without impact), a tree (without impact), a chick (under attack .), overalls (with impact), reddish (without impact), penny (with impact), hedgehog (with impact), pear (without impact), lead. vyy (under attack), baked (adv.), dried (adv.), burn (verb), bake (verb), crush (verb), little hand (under attack), soul ( under attack), returned (adv.), stewed, stewed (adv.).

    1. In participles and verbs it is written under stress e.

    2. Spelling of vowels after sibilants and ts in suffixes and endings. 1) In endings and suffixes of nouns, adjectives and suffixes of adverbs, under stress after sibilants and c is written o, without emphasis -e (knife, big, book, end, ring; BUT equip

    page, food, red, merchants, ring). 2) After hissing words, under stress, е is written:

    – at the endings of verbs (neighing, lying),

    – in the verb suffix - yovyva - (uproot), StudyPort – in the noun suffix - er - (trainee),.ru

    – in the suffix of verbal nouns - yovk - (uprooting),

    – with the suffix of passive participles - yon (n) - (struck, harnessed),

    – in the suffix of verbal adjectives (zhzheny) and in words derived from these adjectives (zhzhenka),

    - in the pronoun about what,

    – nothing to do with words.

    117. Suburban - overseas - suburban, interethnic - intercontinental - international, cheerful - talkative - cheerful, read - write - read out, come - wait - come, wonderful - cheerful - cheerful, roadside

    - suburban, squeeze - burn - clamp, sunrise - restoration, fasten - add, call - acknowledge.

    118. Voiceless, re-sing, turn black, turn yellow, black, uninteresting, blind, reach, weigh, suburb, remake, underwater, compress, urgent, useless, understate, wind up, premium, mow down.

    119. blow off, inflate, twist, develop, spill, merge, compress, decompress, demolish, spread, ask, cut, cut, pour, scatter, shake, shake, form, disband, couple, uncouple, clean, clear, sew, embroider, stir, cm e shatter, saw, cut down.

    120. I. Tinless, peopleless, wingless, helpless, tailless, roadless, dishonorable, cloudless, tasteless, tasteless, uninterrupted, familyless, limitless.

    II. Razdaly, spray, painting, painted, disbelieve, unlearn, spread beautiful, overthrow, fall, dissolve, spread, tell, scatter, spread, jump up, roar, roar, get up worried.

    121. Scatter, carefree, heartless, appeal, explore, do, object, remember, smash, knock down, rake, deflate, air, explode, tear off, defeat, too much, change frost, crevice, lifeless, countless, compress, sunrise, east org, divulge, profuse, arise, irritate.

    There is no prefix z.

    122. Fasten, wisdom,

    school, hillock, stop, at

    create, block, beautiful, sit down,

    stop, cover, suspend

    sl. word

    sl. word

    sl. word

    sl. word

    put up,

    ponder, stay, determine, contempt, teach,

    sl. word

    sl. word

    sl. word

    sl. word


    pursue, joke, turn, surf,


    sl. word

    sl. word

    sl. word

    cast, underworld, device, welding, fastidious, cooking,

    invitation, habit, conscript, hanger-on, adventure, charity.

    123. Preparation, provide, conciliation, provocateur,

    oppression, swear, adaptation, principled, primitive, privilege, ghost, fastidious, stumbling block, pre-

    tend, notorious, bicker , bickering, contradict, StudyPort representative, chairman, entrepreneur,, pre-

    gatekeeper, gatekeeper.

    124. Family, move out, save, pour, hug, shrink, salt water in a glass, drive up, rise, blizzard, leaves, nightingales, iron, pre-anniversary, fox, wolf, monkey, sparrow nose, wrist.

    s – [s’] - agree, soft, v. e – [e] - vowel, unstressed. m – [m’] - agree, soft, sound.

    b – [-]

    [th’] - agree., soft., sound.

    I [a´] - vowel, shock.

    5 letters, 5 sounds, 2 syllables.

    125. Walking; moonstroke; sofa bed; left; water; misfortune; autumn;

    overseas. 44

    126. I. 1. Addition of whole words: pay phone, test pilot, boarding school.

    2. Addition of basics using connecting vowels: new building, reinforced concrete, freshly frozen.

    3. Adding the initial part of a word with the whole word: Novgorod, sports ground, trade union.

    4. Adding the initial letters of words or their initial sounds: RSUH, LSU, MEPhI.

    5. Formation of a word from a combination of words: evergreen, long-lasting, highly revered.

    II. Humane novel, misanthropy, amphibian man, human science, human science, anthropoid, anthropoid, homicide; heartbreaker, cardiovascular system, compassionate, heartbeat; cruel murderer, executor, soul-saving; incense, good manners, monastic piety.

    127. Spring (spring, spring-like, spring-summer, spring-sowing)

    Suffixal, homemaker (house, little house, house-house, housewife, home-

    efficient) - prefix-suffixal, boletus - prefix-suffixal, colleague - prefix-suffixal, friendly - suffixal, snowiness - suffixal, duvet cover - prefix-suffixal, heroic - suffixal, spend the night -

    prefix, ubiquitous - addition, ingratiatingly - suffixal, purgatory (clean, neat potato peeler, water purifier) ​​- suffixal, dearest - suffixal, flood - suffixal, professional - suffixal, shipbuilder - suffixal,

    StudyPort clothes - suffixal, observational -, fellow tribesman (tribe, tribal, tribal) - prefix-

    suffixal, literate - suffixal, uninterrupted (lights out, beat, tamper, armor-piercing) - suffixal, off-road - prefixed, embarrassed - prefixed.

    128. Letter eater (composition of words using a connecting vowel), breakwater (composition of words using a connecting vowel), chronicler (suffixal method), literary critic (formation of a word from a combination of words), art critic (composition of words using a connecting vowel), legislation (suffixal method) ), law-abiding (adding words using a connecting vowel), Moscow Art Theater (abbreviation), Youth Theater (abbreviation), press secretary (adding the initial part of a word with a whole word), Prime Minister (adding the initial part of a word with a whole word), department store ( formation of a word from a combination of words), woodcutter (composition of words using a connecting vowel), Eurasian (formation of a word from a combination of words), northeastern (formation of a word from a combination of words), Chu-

    gunsmithing (formation of a word from a combination of words), utensils (formation of a word from a combination of words), starpom (formation of a word from a combination of words), banknotes (formation of a word from a combination of words), eloquence (formation of a word from a combination of words), black and white (education words from a combination of words), sound-letter (formation of a word from a combination of words), Old Moscow (formation of a word from a combination of words), black-brown (formation of a word from a combination of words), meat and milk (formation of a word from a combination of words), half the country (addition of the initial parts of a word with a whole word), KamAZ (adding the initial letters of words), AO (adding the initial letters of words), AOOT (adding the initial letters of words).

    129. VAZ - Volga Automobile Plant. UAZ - Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant. New building - new home.

    Cipher lock - a lock with a code.

    An intercom is a device in front of the front door of a house that serves instead of a lock and communicates between residents and their guests.

    Buying and selling is an economic transaction. Speed ​​reading - fast reading. Supermemory is a phenomenal memory. Intercollege is an international college.

    Typewriting is typing on a typewriter.

    Radioelectronics is the general name for certain branches of science and technology that developed from electronics and radio engineering.

    Temperature is a quantity characterizing the thermal state of something.

    130. General, community, common, commoner, community, communal, communal, communal-clan, pre-communal, society, public, public, antisocial, socio-historical.

    StudyPort 131. Table spoon (adj.) → table spoon (n.) opens. vru 8 hours; fit (participle) reserves → fit (adj.) appearance; lying down (depri-

    132. Wedding (prefix-suffix method); father; Poorly literate (addition using a connecting vowel); from

    poorly literate;

    Free rider (prefix-suffix method); beat off;

    Rivers (suffixal method); from the river;

    Breadbox (suffixal method); from bread;

    Serenkikh (suffixal method); from gray ;

    Will turn green (prefix method); turns green.

    Powder - original, suf. reduce.-caress. gunpowder.

    Bylina - general glorified, suf. the derivative was “stem, plant.”

    Bag - original, suf. a derivative of fur “bag” (a container made of animal skin), still known in the 19th century.

    Shame - common glorified, derived from pozьr ě ti, original meaning - “spectacle, review”; let's modernize meaning - from the custom of putting criminals to shame.

    Ring - original, diminutive - caress. break off, ring literally - “circle”.

    To be simple-minded - original, suf.-pref. a derivative of simple hair is “uncovered (scarf, hat) hair.”

    Pir - common glorified, formed with the help of the suffix -ръ otpiti “to drink”.

    134. Anyone who has never seen how a cranberry grows can walk through a swamp for a very long time and not notice that he is walking through a cranberry. Take a blueberry - it grows and you can see it; a thin stalk stretches up along the stalk, like wings, small green leaves in different directions, and

    at leaves with small blueberry peas, black berries with blue fluff. Also lingonberries, blood red ( forming a word from a combination of words) berry, the leaves are dark green, dense, do not turn yellow even under the snow, and there are so many berries that the place seems to be watered with blood. The blueberry bush also grows in the swamp, the berry is blue, larger, you can’t pass by without noticing. In remote places where the huge capercaillie bird lives, there is a stoneweed, a red-ruby berry with a tassel, and every ruby ​​( suffix method) in a green frame. Only in our country there is only one cranberry, especially in early spring, hiding in the swamp.

    (suffixal method ) hummock and almost invisible(prefix-suffix method) from above (prefix-suffix method).

    1. Blood-red (formation of a word from a combination of words), ruby ​​(suffixal method), invisible (prefixal method), swamp (suffixal method), from above (prefix-suffixal method).

    2. Blueberry - blueberry - black - turn black; blood red - blood

    StudyPort view - bleeding; blueberry - blue - turn blue; deaf. - wood grouseru - wilderness; ruby - ruby ​​- ruby.

    Seeing is universal glory. Indo-European x-ra; suf. derived from the same stem as the Latin videre "to see".

    Yagoda - general glorified, suf. derivative of lost yaga; berry literally - “what grew in the place of the flower, fruit.”

    Blueberries - original, suf. a derivative of black, the plant got its name from the color of its berries.

    Black is universally famous.

    Grow - generally known, modern form - izrosti; same root as herod.

    The stem is a suf. prod. stem, stem - common glorified, suf. derived from the same word as istvol.

    Lingonberry is a common name, the berry is named after its color (from the lost brusn “red”.

    Blueberry - original, suf. a derivative of blueberry, the plant got its name from the color of its berries.

    Kostyanika - primordial.

    111. A pin is a needle with a head.
    Bun - bread made from wheat flour.
    Fork - a cutlery accessory with sharp teeth
    long handle.
    Pebbles are small, smooth, round stones.
    Cinnamon is the dried bark of the branches of some tropical trees.
    Porch - external decking in front of the front door of a house.
    Larva - an animal from the genus of worms, insects, amphibians, fish
    one of the first stages of development.
    A tent is a temporary room made of fabric stretched over a frame, tightly
    th material.
    Pillow - a cover sewn on all sides, stuffed with down, for under-
    putting under the head, for sitting.
    A stove is the same as an oven.
    Match - a thin stick with a head made of a flammable substance
    to get fire.
    The stamen is the male organ of a flower that contains pollen.
    112. Envelope - envelope - envelope, cross - cross - cross,
    tail - tail - tail, roll - roll - roll, peas - peas
    shek - pea, leaf - leaf - leaf, nut - nut - nut,
    box - box - box, grandson - granddaughter - granddaughter, bag - bag -
    bag, gift - gift - gift, knife - knife - knife,
    crystal - crystal - crystal, bell - bell - bell,
    hut - hut - hut, friend - friend - friend,
    color - flower - flower, bridge - bridge - bridge, mouth - mouth - ro-
    tika, handkerchief - handkerchief - handkerchief.
    If the suffix is ​​written in a noun - IR-, That And is also preserved in
    indirect cases, and if a suffix is ​​written - ek-, then in indirect cases e
    falls out.
    113. Bee - bee, perch - perch, whisper - whisper, turn yellow
    - yellow, blacken - black, comb - scratch, heavy - heaviness,
    silky - silk, acorn - acorn, cheap - cheap,
    callous, dash - dash, gooseberry, seam, hood, driver - driver -
    skiy, highway - highway, chocolate - chocolate, juggler - juggling
    wat, prim - primness, chauvinism - chauvinistic, shorts, shock-
    wat - shock, rustle, rough, ramrod, Scotland - Scottish.
    114. Starlings, well done, fathers, chubby, knitting needles, demonstrations, co-
    boats, chickens, compasses, swimmers, gypsies, digital, rehearsals, national
    walls, stairs, tanks.
    115. Unbearable heat (heat), sewn (sew) from silk (silky),
    sentry on the border, walk through the thicket on skis, clear a (clean) road
    horns (path), delicious pies (pie), cat on the iron roof,
    approached our dacha, came in the evening (evening), to bask in the sun, state
    hang out in the capital, attach a (tenacious) brooch, new rings, young daredevils,
    near station, tax police, Ancient Greece, pale-faced youth,
    patterned lattice, impenetrable thicket, life-giving moisture, pale-faced
    girls, new power plant, according to ancient tradition, state of Türkiye,
    at the pale-faced youth, at the yellow (turn yellow) chicken, at the forefront
    tion, up a steep staircase, golden knitting needles, with cheerful faces, a young si-
    prostrate, bird feeder, on the wing of a tit.
    116. Beam (under attack), hut (under attack), between (under attack), paw-
    shoy (under impact), clouds (without impact), grove (without impact), puddle (without impact),
    cloak (under attack), burdens (without impact), sheep (under attack), bird (without
    blow.), tree (without blow.), chick (under blow.), overalls (under blow.), dig-
    chewy (without impact), penny (with impact), hedgehog (with impact), pear
    (without impact), lead (with impact), baked (adv.), dried (adv.), burnt
    chew (verb), bake (verb), crush (verb), little hand (under attack),
    soul (under attack), returned (adv.), stewed, stewed (adv.).
    1. In participles and verbs under stress it is written e.
    2. Spelling of vowels after sibilants and c in suffixes and endings.
    1) In endings and suffixes of nouns, adjectives and
    in suffixes of adverbs under stress after sibilants and c is written O, without success
    renia - e(knife, big, book, end, ring; BUT equip
    page, food, red, merchants, ring).
    2) After sibilants, under stress it is written e:
    – at the endings of verbs (neighing, lying),
    – in the suffix of a verb - yovyva- (uproot)
    – in the suffix of nouns - er- (trainee),

    in the suffix of verbal nouns - yovk- (uprooting),
    – with the suffix of passive participles - yeon(n)- (struck, harnessed),
    – in the suffix of verbal adjectives (burnt) and in words,
    derivatives from these adjectives (zhzhenka),
    - in a pronoun about what,
    – words Moreover, it doesn’t matter.
    117. Suburban - overseas - suburban, international -
    intercontinental - international, cheerful - talkative
    vyy - cheerful, read - write - read out, come up - pod-
    wait - come, wonderful - cheerful - cheerful, roadside
    - suburban, squeeze - burn - clamp, sunrise - restored -
    nie, fasten - add, call - admit.
    118. Voiceless, re-sing, turn black, turn yellow, very black, unintelligent
    resny, blind, reach, weigh, suburb, remake, underwater, compress,
    extremely urgent, useless, understated, winding up, premium, mowed down.