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  • Material on sound automation l. Methodological recommendations for staging and automating solid sound. Games to strengthen pronunciation

    Material on sound automation l.  Methodological recommendations for staging and automating solid sound.  Games to strengthen pronunciation

    I offer readers of the Speech Therapy Runet website a selection for sound automation [L]!

    The article is divided into parts taking into account the stages of sound automation [L].

    Words, sentences and phrasing for automating the sound [L] in reverse syllables and the end of a word are very important at the stage of sound automation, since in the position of a reverse syllable the sound [L] often requires lengthy work to be introduced into speech.

    This selection will be useful to practicing speech therapists, as well as parents who want to help their child quickly and efficiently introduce the sound [L] into speech.

    speech therapist-defectologist
    Natalya Igorevna Kulakova
    project leader

    Sound [L] in reverse syllables:



    Sound [L] in words with a reverse syllable:

    Small, ball, shaft, fell, sting, hall, gave, read, slept, fell, glass, station, pencil case, became, tired, channel, dug, collapse, knocked, metal, drove, searched, smeared, fell, fell, sprinkled, drove, drove, drove, left, searched, oval, dump truck.

    Crumpled, took off, took, dived, stood, drove, withered, changed, picked up, took.

    Was, howled, washed, ardent, whined, forgot, howled, rear, cooled, washed away.

    Beat, pitched, loved, drank, carried, carried, hammered, visited, taught, watered, drove, mowed, bought, planted, dragged, drank, Mikhail, gave drink, jumped out.

    Mule, blew, aul, hum, chair, blew, yawned, pulled, fell asleep, whispered, shook, pinched, threw, arched, blew, knocked.

    Ate, chalk, sang, sat down, ate, sang, dared, managed, was able to, dressed, buzzed, hung, sat, hissed, made noise, whistled, Pavel, woodpecker, offended, ash.

    Ox, floor, angry, goal, stake, table, prick, case, goldfinch, football, basketball, buffalo, falcon, trunk, corner.

    Led, chalk, donkey, goat, walked, cauldron, new settler.

    Repeat phrases and sentences:

    Graduation party, cast iron cauldron, tall glass, cheerful newcomer, narrow canal, heavy metal, mountain village, broken chair, little Pavel, clean floor, last injection, furniture cover, stubborn donkey, horned goat.

    Vova has a pencil case. The ox was angry. Kolya washed the floor. Pavel sat down at the table. Petya drank the juice. Pavel broke his glass. Father went to the station. My brother went to football. A hare jumped out from behind a bush. The chair fell to the floor. A woodpecker was hammering a birch tree and looking for beetles. Mikhail played football and scored a goal.

    Repeat pure sayings. Pronounce the sound [L] clearly:

    Al - al - al - the pencil case fell to the floor.

    Ol - ol - ol - the pencil case fell to the floor.

    St – st – st – the pencil case fell onto the chair.

    Il - Il - Il - Pavel forgot his pencil case.

    Al - al - al - our baby fell.

    Al - al - al - who is small and brave?

    Ol - ol - ol - look who came?

    Ol - ol - ol - we'll go to football.

    St – st – st – our baby has already fallen asleep.



    Speech therapist BUROVTSEVA E.A.

    Sing the “steamboat song”: pronounce the sound l for a long time on one exhalation: l-l-l...


    “Make sounds.” Show me the way to the boat. Swipe your finger from left to right.

    What syllables did you get?

    Name and color the pictures whose names begin with L:


    Name and color the pictures in which the L is in the middle of the word:

    Repeat words in which the L sound is at the beginning of the word.

    A game Echo (mom says “song”, ..... adds “affectionate song”, etc.)

    Mom is an affectionate mother

    Kitty -

    Game What does Lada have?

    Game "One or several"

    We speak, we memorize

    Laika barks boldly,

    scares kids.

    Lada was looking for a pin,

    And the pin fell under the bench.

    Repeat words in which the L sound is in the middle of the word.

    Game "Additions"

    Add -la to the end of the word and repeat the entire word

    Add -lock at the end of a word and repeat the whole word

    Repeat words in which the L sound is in the middle of the word

    Game "Count it"

    One swallow, two swallows, three……….., six swallows. Etc.

    Think of a word that rhymes and pronounce the phrases correctly:

    La-la-la, there's a high (cliff)

    Lo-lo-lo, the boat is broken (oar)

    Lu-lu-lu, I'm running to the (table)

    Ly-ly-ly, there are new (floors) in the house

    Add -l at the end of words. Repeat the whole word.

    We speak, we memorize

    Repeat the words where the L sound is at the end of the word.

    Game "Turn it"

    Replace the first sound in the word with the sound L. What new word did you get?

    We speak, we memorize

    Game “Continue the sentence” (“Say the opposite”)

    The hare is gray in summer, and in winter...

    The strongman is strong, and the baby...

    The tablet is bitter, but the chocolate...

    The peach is sweet and the lemon...

    The puddle is shallow, but the river...

    The asphalt is rough, and the stone...

    The boiling water is hot, and the ice...

    The wolf is well-fed in summer, but in winter...

    The ball is light, and the stone...

    The sorceress is kind, and the witch...

    Pierrot is sad, and Pinocchio...

    It's cold in winter, and in summer...

    The hare is cowardly, and the lion...

    It's good to tell the truth, but to lie...

    Pronounce the phrases correctly:

    Repeat words with straight consonants

    Game “Which one? Which? Which?" (formation of adjectives from nouns)

    Straw hat (what kind?) – straw

    Spruce branch (which one?)

    Flowers in the meadow (which ones?)

    Tin soldier (which one?)

    Light from the moon (what kind?)

    Striped skirt (which one?)

    Hedgehog made of plasticine (which one?)

    Ski poles (what kind?)

    We pronounce, memorize couplets

    Game "Change Sentences"

    We speak, we memorize

    White snow, white chalk,

    The white hare is also white,

    But the squirrel is not white,

    It was not a white squirrel.

    Repeat words with reverse consonants

    A game " Difficult words"

    Puppy with a white head (which one?) - (white-headed)

    Girl with blond hair - (blonde)

    Young man with blue eyes - (blue-eyed)

    Cat with thick paws - (thick-footed)

    Night with a full moon - (full moon)

    Color the picture, find as many objects as possible that have the sound L in their names.

    Repeat words with two L sounds

    Game “Mom’s Mistakes” (correct the mistakes that mom made)

    Katya ate (noodles)

    Mila sat down on (bench)

    The boat was rocking on (water)

    Volodya brought (white dove)

    Mila saw (white moon)

    We pronounce and memorize couplets:

    Repeat the phrases.

    blue cloud white phlox thin stocking

    warm sheepskin coat hungry wolf warm closet

    white chalk ripe apple scarlet flag

    silk scarf fun ball milk noodles

    sweet bun deep well thick stick

    heavy hammer brave soldier cold basement

    light curl thick notepad silk blouse

    AND game "Correct the sentence"

      The horse galloped on its rider.

      The pancakes ate Mila.

      The owner barked at Polkan.

      The sunflower watered Klava.

      The elephant was drawn by the artist.

      The tree grew under the lily of the valley.

    Repeat short tongue twisters

      The Christmas tree has pins and needles.

      There are bells near the stake.

      Wolves walk near the Christmas tree.

      Delicious halva, praise halva.

      Our Polkan fell into a trap.

    Repeat proverbs and sayings.

    Where it's cold, there's hunger.

    The wolf catches, and the wolf is caught.

    There is light from the lamp, warmth from the stove.

    If you give me honey, give me a spoon.

    Do every task skillfully.

    Without knowing the case, do not judge boldly.

    Done hastily - done for fun.

    A needle and thread interfere with the sewing of an inept seamstress.

    Make suggestions based on the pictures. Color the pictures.

    We pronounce rhymes

      I managed to do the main thing.

      Chalk was white and knew how to serve us.

      Alla washed the floors, Lusha helped.

    Repeat the difficult words.

    Clever tricks of the lazy Vovka.

    Glory stands on a haystack, and a haystack on his head.

    The falcon sat on the trunk, but the trunk was naked.

    The husky is sad - there is no balalaika.

    The resin from the pine tree itself is glass.

    Make up a story using words.

    Mila, for a walk, in, the forest.

    She, see, lilies of the valley.

    Lilies of the valley, grow, under, Christmas tree.

    Mila, bend over to smell the lilies of the valley.

    Mila, leave, lilies of the valley, about, Christmas tree.

    We speak, we memorize.

    Alla ate the bun for a long time,

    She had no appetite.

    The bug quietly approached:

    A loaf of bread - and that's it!

    Game "Rhymes". (Come up with a word to rhyme and repeat the resulting poem)

    Alyosha sat down in the corner, Alyosha has a lot... (to do).

    The robe became too small for Mila and it was full of... (patches).

    The moth sat in the corner, went back to the lamp... (flyed).

    Julia was lively and spun like... (a spinning top).

    Mila was lifting the bench, and under it she found... (a pin).

    The house has become quiet, she is sleeping in the corner... (the elephant).

    Answer the questions in complete sentences.

    What did Lada pick from the apple tree?

    What did Mila make from strawberries?

    What did the moonlight illuminate?

    What did Slava stain with tar?

    What was the clown doing under the dome?

    What did Volodya see outside the village?

    Where did Slava listen to the nightingale sing?

    We speak, we memorize.

    The spikelet stood, stood,

    He lowered his head.

    The mouse quietly picked up,

    She took it to the storage room.

    Make up a story based on the picture, using as many words as possible with the sound L.

    – the sound of late ontogenesis. Its normal appearance is possible by 6-6.5 years.

    But according to our observations, the timely appearance of the sound L is significantly delayed, and is not always fully formed without special help.

    Violation of the sound L comes in a variety of forms:

    • Like the complete absence of the “L” sound,
    • So is its distortion (interdental, nasal, bilabial) - lambdacism,
    • There are also replacements of the sound L with other sounds - P “cancer” - “varnish”, L (soft) “varnish” - “lyak”, V “boat” - “vodka” such replacements characterize a violation paralambdacism.

    The main causes of sound disorder L are:

    • short hypoglossal ligament;
    • weakness of the tongue muscles;
    • violation of phonemic perception of sound in the stream of speech.

    Methodology for setting the sound L

    In the method of producing the sound L, it is necessary to adhere to the following work scheme:

    The logopath is explained characteristic features of articulation of the sound L, and reinforce visually:

    “When we say the sound L correctly: the tip of the tongue rises to the upper front teeth, presses against the front teeth, pushes the teeth, the lips smile and all the teeth are visible.”

    We fix it in the “Strongman” exercise: we raise the tip of the tongue to the upper teeth, rest against the upper teeth and push with force with the sound [L-L-L].

    We consolidate in the exercise “The sound L travels along paths”: the speech therapist writes 3 letters L and paths from them.

    Together with the child, we figure out where the sound L will come along each path. The child places his finger on the track, and his tongue in place of the correct articulation of the sound L. We give instructions: “As long as the finger runs along the track, we sing “L-L-L.”

    Paste 3 pictures with the sound L into the child’s notebook:

    Note: if the sound comes easily, the child immediately took the correct position (this is typical for dyslalia), then automation can be done in straight syllables and words right away.

    la al ala
    lo ol olo
    lu ul ulu
    ly y y ly

    We explain, first the mouth opens wide to “A”, then the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth:

    al - al - al

    We explain, first we open our mouth to “O”, then the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth:

    We explain, first we stretch our lips into a tube at “U”, then the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth:

    We explain, first we stretch our lips to “Y”, then the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth:

    Ball, shaft, gave, sting, hall, small, became, slept, fell, tired, glass, knocked, dug, wrote, pencil case, collapse, station, metal, ox, goal, stake, floor, table, injection, case, goldfinch, football, hum, blew, chair, aul, yawned, pulled, fell asleep, whispered, rocked, pinched, whined. Was, howled, washed, forgot, howled, crumpled, took off, took, soldered, calmed down, stood, drove, withered, occupied, changed, understood, lifted, led, walked, ate, chalked, sang, sat down, dressed, knew how, buzzed, hung, managed, wanted, sat, hissed, made noise, whistled, beat, sweet, Neil, watered, Mikhail, scored, drove, mowed, bought, carried, taught, gardened, visited, dragged, etc.

    Note: at least 80 words, which are practiced in class and recorded for repetition at home. Parents are shown that at the end of each word the child lifts the tip of his tongue by his upper teeth.

    Stage of automation L in words with a reverse syllable in the middle of the word:

    Jackdaw, stick, rolling pin, violet, hill, bun, loudly, put on shoes, stretched, washed, etc.

    The next stage of automation– phrases that contain words with the sound “L” at the end of the words:

    Museum Hall
    Rope knot
    Wash the floor
    Worth a donkey
    Jackdaw bird
    New shelf
    Red squirrel, etc.

    Requirements for phrases: the sound L occurs only in one word, appears only in a reverse syllable, the word order does not matter.

    When the material with phrases in the reverse syllable has been mastered, the next step is automation of a straight syllable with the sound “L”:

    La la la

    And also according to the syllabic table in a certain sequence:

    La al ala
    Lo ol olo
    Lu st ulu

    Words with the sound L at the beginning of the word:

    Paw, llama, manhole, shovel, varnish, swallow, lily of the valley, forehead, crowbar, elk, boat, elbow, horse, etc.

    The effectiveness of sound automation L directly depends not only on well-chosen words, but also on the amount of basic material. We recommend using at least 80 words for each automated group.

    Words in intervocalic position:

    Yula, ash, led, affairs, lived, drank, fist, kalach, salad, etc.

    We repeat the same, quantitatively observing the norms.

    Automation in words with consonant clusters:

    Klah Klah Klah Klah
    pla plo plu ply
    tla tlo tla tly
    went went went went went

    Automation in phrases(40-45 phrases):

    Horse forehead
    Pilot in a boat
    Laura's curls
    Slice in a spoon
    The clever boatman

    Automation in proposals: 20-25 sentences.

    Mila spent a long time washing the floors.
    Put a saddle on the horse
    The chair fell.

    Automation in rhymes, proverbs and sayings(at least 10-15 for repetition and memorization):

    Pavel is small - he fell off the bench.
    There is only one full moon in the sky.
    Danila is afraid of soap.
    Where there are many words, there is little action.
    He who is not stupid is stingy with his words.

    Automation in poems(3-4 for memorization and pronunciation):

    Everything is white, white, white,
    There was a lot of snow.
    These are fun days
    All on skis and skates.

    Automation in short stories and fairy tales(3-4 works):

    For example:

    “The Lion and the Mouse” by L. Tolstoy
    "The Fox and the Goat" fairy tale
    “Bone” by L. Tolstoy

    Automation as a work is considered completed, and we recommend that parents correct the child in words with the resulting sound in everyday speech for another 3-6 months, since this is the period in which the sound “takes root” completely. And also learn rhymes and simple sayings.

    On average, a course of sound correction with an uncomplicated diagnosis is 5 lessons, in complicated cases 10-12 lessons - 30 minutes each.

    Little tricks:

    • If the child has “v” instead of “l” at the “syllables-words” stage, sometimes the first word combinations - grab the lower lip with a sterile gauze napkin and pronounce all the material, focusing on lifting the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth. Use your fingers to pull your lower lip down. Thus, “breaking” the “labial” reflex, replacing it with the upper elevation of the tongue. The child quickly switches and gets used to it.
    • If the child has little motivation to lift the tip of the tongue by the upper teeth: we place the child on the couch, grab both the upper and lower lips with a gauze napkin - “expose the teeth”, repeat the speech material with the child, watch for a clear lifting of the tip of the tongue by the upper teeth.
    • If "L" is always soft:

    A) We ask the child to repeat speech material with his tongue sticking out strongly, his teeth touching almost the back of his tongue. At the same time, phonemic work is being carried out. Next, the tip of the tongue gradually moves behind the upper teeth.

    B) Second method: bite the sharp tip of your tongue on the sound “L” in the automated material.

    Approximate structure of a speech therapy lesson:

    1. Articulation gymnastics – 5-7 minutes.
    2. Step-by-step staged and automated work – 15 minutes from class. At the automation stage, it includes 5 minutes of repetition of tasks from the previous lesson, 10 minutes of new material.
    3. Phonemic work – 10 minutes.

    Ekaterina Evgenievna Ryzhkova
    Speech material for sound automation [L]

    Sound automation [L]

    2. Sound Automation[l] in straight syllables

    3. LA – LA – LA – LA – LA

    LY - LY - LY - LY - LY

    LO – LO – LO – LO – LO

    LU - LU - LU - LU - LU

    3. Sound Automation[l] in reverse syllables

    4. AL – AL – AL – AL – AL

    OL - OL - OL - OL - OL

    IL – IL – IL – IL – IL

    EL - EL - EL - EL - EL

    UL - UL - UL - UL - UL

    4. Sound Automation[l] in intervocalic syllables





    5. Sound Automation[l] in intervocalic syllables

    ALA - ALO - ALY - ALU

    ULA – ULO – ULY – ULU

    OLA – OLO – OLY – OLU

    YLA – YLO – YLY – YLU

    6. Sound Automation[l] in straight syllables with consonant clusters

    GLA - GLO - GLU - GLY

    KLA - KLO - KLU - KLY

    SLA – SLO – SLU – SLY

    XLA - XLO - XLU - XLY

    PLA – PLO – PLU – PLY

    BLA - BLA - BLA - BLA

    FLA – FLO – FLU – FLY

    VLA – VLO – VLU – VLY



    7. , sound at the beginning of a word

    LA: lak, doe, la-ma, La-da, la-pa, lo-to, lo-pooh, la-don, lamp-pa, lap-sha, lav-ka, lan-dysh, la-com-ka ;

    LO: forehead, catch, lodge, lo-con, elbow, horse, boat, spoon;

    LY: ski-ski, ski-nya, ski-nick;

    LU: bow, beam, lu-pa, lu-zha, Lu-sha, lu-zhok, lun-ka, lu-no-hod, lu-kosh-ko.

    8. Automation of sound [l] in words, sound in the middle of a word

    LA: yu-la, de-la, pi-la, ku-lak, ha-lat, pe-la, Mi-la, e-la, be-ga-la, ho-di-la, o-de-la , o-be-da-la, a-ku-la, zo-la, ka-lach, sa-lat, vo-zi-la, no-si-la, pi-sa-la, chi-ta-la , pas-ti-la, pa-lat-ka, ob-la-ko;

    AL: al-maz, al-fa-vit, fi-al-ka, mo-chal-ka, gal-ka, pal-ka, ball-con, hal-va, shal-fey, skal-ka, tack-tuk .

    LO: we-lo, de-lo, glass-lo, ku-lon, chu-lok, pi-lot, u-lov, ga-lo-shi, ko-lo-dets, ka-lo-shi, mo-lo -ko, zo-lo-to, bo-lo-to, mo-lo-tok, o-de-ya-lo, po-to-lok, ko-lon-ka, bo-lon-ka, cold -But;

    OL: wolf, Vol-ga, waves, full, long, light-no-ya, half-day, and-goal.

    LU: tu-loop, go-lub, cab-luk, go-lu-boy, club, club-bok, flower-ba, club-ni-ka, plow, deep-bo-ky, Zo-lush-ka, zhe -lud, sha-lun, servants, chance, rogue, blue-for, serve, chance, for the service.

    UL: buns, stockings.

    LY: po-ly, ox-ly, goals, dolls, corners, boilers, tables, donkeys, ambassadors, bees, baby, white, and -ly, brave, ripe, light, ly-ly, swim-swimming, u-small, baby-ly-shi, a-ly-cha, u-smile, bu-ski -nick, bo-ka-ly, pe-na-ly, ka-na-ly, ka-ni-ku-ly;

    YL: washed-sya, boo-tyl-ka, po-syl-ka.

    IL: ko-dil-ka, drank-ka, po-il-ka, ko-sil-ka;

    EL: white, small, green;

    YOL: fir-ka, he-ka, me-tel-ka, silk, man-ka, bee-ka, click-click;

    YAL: I was afraid, I was laughing.

    9. Automation of sound [l] in words, sound at the end of a word

    AL: ball, small, gave, u-fall, channel, bo-cal, pen-nal, metal, dropped, pa-dal, hall, sting, pissal, knocked, slept, sy -fell, sa-mos-val.

    OL: goal, floor, u-kol, football, trunk, che-khol, sche-gol.

    UL: mule, blown, a-ul, pulled, threw, chair, fell asleep, yawned, whispered, rocked.

    IL: mil, drank, bought-drank, Mi-ha-il, ko-sil, no-sil, u-chil, ta-schil, gos-til, sa-dil, let-til.

    EL: chalk, sang, u-mel, ho-tel, dy-tel, Pa-vel, sat-del, si-sang.

    YOL: ko-tel, walked, walked, ko-zel.

    YAL: crumpled, kicked, changed, lifted, thawed, si-jalled, took off, stood-yawl, sowed.

    10. Automation of sound [l] in words, sound with a consonant cluster

    KLA: treasure, class.

    KLO: clone, clo-un.

    KLU: club, club-bok, club-ni, flower-ba, club-ni-ka.

    KLY: fang, fang-kach.

    GLA: eyes, eye, stroke, eyes, smooth, smooth, vowel, consonant,

    GLO: gulp, gulp, gulp.

    GLU: depth, wilderness, deep-har, deep-pysh, deep-bi-na, deep-bo-ko, deep-bo-ky;

    GLY: gly-ba, u-gly.

    PLA: plan, cloak, pla-tok, pla-fon, pla-kat, pay-tit, dress-tie, pla-not-ta, plan-ka, pla-tin-ki, pla-ti-lin;

    PLO: raft, fruit, seal-ba, plot-ti-na, carpenter, flat;

    PLU: plow, rogue, plow-gi, rogue;

    PLY: swim.

    UAV: form, blah-da-ryu, blah-da-rit;

    BLO: block, block-note, blond-din, blond-din-ka;

    BLU: blue-za, blue-zone, blue-zoch-ka, cab-bow.

    FLA: flag, flag-gi, fla-con, fla-nel, fla-min-go;

    FLO: fleet, flora, flok-sy, flo-mas-ter;

    VLA: moisture, power, moist, vla-de-ni-e, Vlad, Vla-dik, Vla-dis-lav, Vla-di-mir.

    CHLO: clap, clap, clap, clap, clap;

    EVIL: evil, evil-haired, evil-glad;

    EVIL: evil, evil, evil, evil, anger, spiteful;

    EVIL: evil-e.

    SLA: Slav-va, weak, not-sla, pa-sla, sweet, glorious, fold;

    SLO: word, syllable, elephant;

    SLU: servants, servant, serve;

    SHLA: went, hose, slag-ba-um.

    11. Sound Automation[l] in words with these two sounds

    Lo-la, lo-mal, dol-beat, stroked, swam, silently, de-lal, po-lol, ko-lol, ko-lo-ko-la, gla-di-o- lus, u-smiled-nul-sya, Vla-dis-lav.

    12. Sound Automation[l] in phrases

    Blue sky, warm sheepskin coat, white chalk, silk scarf, sweet bun, heavy hammer, blond curl, white phlox, hungry wolf, ripe apple, cheerful ball, deep well, brave soldier, thick notebook, thick stockings, warm closet, scarlet flag , milk porridge, thick stick, cold basement, silk blouse.

    13. Sound Automation[l] in 3-word sentences

    Alla was eating an apple. Lusha was washing the floor. Slava drank milk.

    Lusha was peeling the onions. Volodya became a pilot.

    14. Sound Automation[l] in 4-word sentences

    The husky has white paws. The squirrel has a warm hollow. Mila's is blue

    dress. Vladik went to the collective farm. A raft floats on the waves.

    Klava clapped her hands. The chair fell to the floor. Pavel went to football.

    The elk ran away from the wolf. Vlad bought perfume "Violet".

    There are ripe apples on the apple tree. Alla wrote words with chalk.

    Lusha washed the doll with soap.

    Klava was skiing. Lusha has white doves.

    A woodpecker was pecking at the trunk of a pine tree. The elephant has white tusks.

    Cinderella has a silk dress. Spoon made of tin – tin.

    Silk dress – silk. Alley of fir trees - spruce.

    15. Sound Automation[l] in 5-word sentences

    Mila put the lamp on the table. Klava bought milk and beets.

    Lola was watering the phlox in the flowerbed. Slava sailed on a raft along the Volga.

    Volodya has an oriole made of plasticine.

    Mila was washing the floor in the classroom. Mikhail gave the sick Pavel an injection.

    Cinderella swept and washed the floors. Phlox, lilies of the valley and violets are flowers.

    Klava found a pin on the floor.

    16. Sound Automation[l] in 6-word sentences

    White clouds float in the blue sky. Alla gave Volodya a saw and a hammer. The ball fell from the chair to the floor. Vlad sailed on a boat on the waves. Lusha put a white scarf on her head. Mila and Volodya are sailing in a boat.

    The sorceress helped Cinderella go to the ball. At the ball, Cinderella laughed and danced. There was a glass on a shelf in the closet. Alla bought cherry plum, and Volodya bought strawberries. Swallow, oriole, nightingale and jackdaw are birds.

    17. Sound Automation[l] in 7-word sentences

    A dress, tights, blouse and coat are clothes.

    Bella rinsed her white robe in cold water.

    18. Sound Automation[l] in sentences of 8 – 9 words

    Lusha ate ripe strawberries, and Pavel ate marshmallows.

    There are blue and white violets on Slava’s balcony.

    Alla bought violets, Lusha bought cyclamen, and Lola bought phlox.

    Squirrel, elk, wolf, elephant and fallow deer are wild animals.

    19. Automation of sound [l] in pure tongues

    LA - LA - LA shovel and saw

    LA - LA - LA new spinning top

    LA - LA - LA high rock

    LA - LA - LA new broom

    LA - LA - LA there is no glass in the window

    LA – LA – LA Mila chalk floor

    LA - LA - LA the cat was sleeping on the window

    LA - LA - LA the boat sailed

    LA - LA - LA Volodya has a saw

    ALA - ALA - ALA I helped my mother

    ULA - ULA - ULA I inflated the balloons

    OLA - OLA - OLA is our school

    ULA - ULA - ULA a shark swam in the sea

    LAT - LAT - LAT salad in a salad bowl

    LOK - LOK - LOK we bought a bowler hat

    CROWBAR - CROWBAR - CROWBAR we were sitting at the table

    LAT - LAT - LAT blue robe

    LAS - LAS - LAS bed palace

    LO – LO – LO it’s warm outside

    LO - LO - LO we arrived in the village

    LO - LO - LO mom washed the window

    LO – LO – LO there’s a new oar in the boat

    LO - LO - LO hollow in the tree

    LU - LU - LU we sat on the floor

    LU - LU - LU the sofa is in the corner

    LU - LU - LU I took the needle

    LU - LU - LU I'm looking for a saw

    LY - LY - LY - the children washed the floors

    LU - LU - LU - I'll start the spinning top

    LU - LU - LU - everyone please come to the table

    LO – LO – LO – it’s snowy outside

    LO - LO - LO - the dress is not enough for me

    SLA - SLA - SLA - I was herding geese

    SLA - SLA - SLA - Mila carried apples

    SHLA - SHLA - SHLA - mother entered the room

    KLA - KLA - KLA - mom baked pies

    LY - LY - LY swept the floors

    LY - LY - LY new tables

    LY - LY - LY here come the donkeys

    LY - LY - LY dad doesn't have a saw

    LY - LY - LY in the room corners

    LY - LY - LY mom doesn't have a broom

    LY - LY - LY we stood by the rock

    LY - LY - LY Mila has two needles

    LY - LY - LY we will score goals

    LY - LY - LY tie the knots

    LY - LY - LY there is no ash in the stove

    LY - LY - LY here come the goats

    ALY - ALY - ALY new pencil cases

    ALY - ALY - ALY sleepers on the road

    ILY - ILY - ILY dad has a lot of strength

    OLY - OLY - OLY I give injections

    OLY - OLY - OLY I'm standing near the school

    ILY - ILY - ILY we bought saws

    AL - AL - AL dad hammered nails

    AL - AL - AL a pencil case fell from the table

    UL - UL - UL I put a chair

    UL - UL - UL our baby fell asleep

    UL - UL - UL Pavel sat down on a chair

    OL - OL - OL we scored a goal

    OL - OL - OL Alla washed the floor

    YL - YL - YL the soup has already cooled down

    IL - IL - IL dad whitewashed the ceiling

    IL - IL - IL I rolled the car

    IL – IL – IL a woodpecker was hollowing out a tree

    IL - IL - IL gave the drawing to dad

    OL - OL - OL I put the chair on the table

    OL - OL - OL dad made the table

    OL - OL - OL Mikhail chopped wood

    YL - YL - YL I washed the car

    AL - AL - AL I bought a pencil case

    AL - AL - AL our baby fell

    20. Sound Automation[l] in proverbs and sayings

    Where it's cold, there's hunger.

    The wolf catches, and the wolf is caught!

    From the lamp it’s light, and from the stove it’s warm.

    Give me honey - give me a spoon!

    Do every task skillfully.

    If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove!

    Promised - do it, gave your word - fulfill it!

    Done hastily - done as a mockery.

    A needle and thread are getting in the way of an inept seamstress's sewing!

    Automation of sound [l] in texts

    Meowing Ball

    Lola bought blue and white threads. She wound the threads into balls and laid them on the table. The blue ball fell to the floor.

    The kitten ran up to the ball and began to roll it with its paws. He rolled the ball, rolled it, got confused and meowed pitifully.

    Lola entered the room. She exclaimed: “The blue ball meowed!”

    A woodpecker was sitting on a tall tree, hammering away at the trunk. The woodpecker's cap is scarlet and its beak is long.

    Pavel saw that the woodpecker was sitting low and wanted to catch it and take it home. But the woodpecker got scared and flew away. Mom said Pavel: “The woodpecker is a forest bird. He should live in the forest"

    Alla had a doll. Alla called the doll Lada. The doll has blue eyes and long hair. Alla was riding a doll on a bicycle. The doll fell into a puddle and got dirty. Alla washed Lada with soap for a long time, dressed her in a blue dress and tied her with white bows.

    The jackdaw wanted to drink

    The jackdaw wanted to drink. I saw a jug of water standing there. And the water in it was at the very bottom. The jackdaw jumped and jumped - all to no avail. The jackdaw couldn't get water. And the jackdaw began throwing pebbles into the jug.

    She threw and threw and threw so much that the water rose and the jackdaw was able to drink. What a smart jackdaw she was!

    Who gets revenge?

    Vlad and Lada were silent. Because whoever says a word before lunch will receive half the revenge.

    Here they sit in the corner and are silent. Vlad is silent, and Lada is silent. Calling Vlad dad T: “Vladislav, where are you? Let me ride a bike!” And Vladik sits in the corner and is silent. Then mom called Lada: “Lada, take an apple, it’s sweet, sweet!” And Lada sits in the corner and is silent. They were silent until Vladik wanted to sneeze. He turned his nose, as if all over room: "Apchi!"

    Yeah, Vladik, you "apchhi" said, you have half a revenge!

    Well, yes,” said Vlad, “ "apchhi"- this is not a word!

    Lada thought for half a minute and took a broom.

    “Okay,” she said to Vladik, “At least "apchhi"- this is not a word, but mom is tired. We need to help her."

    And Lada began to take revenge. And Vladislav felt ashamed, and he ran for the scoop.

    Organize sound automation in the form of gaming activities. Classes should last 15-20 minutes for children under 4.5 years old, and older - 30 minutes. The baby should not be allowed to become tired.

    The sound l is pronounced for a long time and only with a motionless tongue. When the tongue leaves the alveoli, a vowel sound is produced.

    Before proceeding with automation, the child must learn to correctly pronounce an isolated sound.


    ly - lu - lo - la
    la - ly - lu - lo
    ly - la - lo - lu

    al - ol - st - yl
    yal - yol - yul - il - ate
    al - yal - ol - yol

    La: laz, varnish, paw, spinning top, ash, led, affairs, lived, small, saw, bench, lamp, fist, roll, salad, robe, rock, diver, tent, pin, swallow, lily of the valley, Mila, lived, sang, washed, blew, ran, saw, offended, dressed, school, noodles, ate, avalanche, wrote, read, threw, carried, drove, carried.

    Lo: forehead, crowbar, elk, boat, spoon, elbow, horse, stocking, swamp, galoshes, well, Volodya, hungry, cold, breakdown.

    Lu, ly: bow, beam, puddle, Lusha, hole, spinning top, ash, saw, sheepskin coat, beluga, naughty, onion, bast, skis, oxen, tables, baby, wormwood, smile, skier, cobblestone, Luka, moon, meadow, lawn, basket, dove, acorn, deck, cabbage rolls, receive, pitchfork, scarlet, white, sluggish, cute, whole, bold, ripe, dull, bees, glasses, channels, pencil cases, landslides, stations, vacations, kids, blazing.

    Al: ball, shaft, gave, sting, hall, small, jackdaw, stick, rolling pin, violet, slept, fell, tired, glass, channel, dug, wrote, pencil case, collapse, station, knocked, metal, tie, diamond, alphabet, halva, marshal, sage, balcony, issued, fell, fell, dripped, poured, stomped, groped, kicked out.

    Ol: ox, goal, stake, floor, table, duty, wolf, hill, long, shelf, full, lightning, noon, prick, case, goldfinch, football.

    Street: hum, blew, chair, aul, bun, loudly, blew, put on shoes, yawned, pulled, fell asleep, whispered, shook, pinched, took out, threw, stuck, arched, blew, knocked, muscle, stockings, volcano.

    Yl: whined, was, howled, washed, washed, forgot, howled, passionate, bottle.

    Yal: crumpled, took off, took, soldered, calmed down, stood, drove, withered, occupied, changed, understood, raised, was afraid, laughed, winnowed, sowed, melted, winnower, seeder.

    Yol: led, walked, silk, fir-tree, heifer, bangs, bee, donkey, goat, cauldron, new settler, click, panicle.

    Ate: ate, chalk, sang, sat down, dressed, could, buzzed, hung, managed, wanted, sat, hissed, made noise, whistled, squirrel, finely, knot, saw, brought out, went out, offended, hated, Pavel, woodpecker, ashes.

    Il: beat, dear, Neil, watered, Mikhail, hammered, drove, carried, mowed, bought, carried, taught, planted, visited, dragged, fork, vein, saw, drinking bowl, mower, stretcher, learned, knocked out, drank, dropped off, pulled out, released, jumped out.

    "Difficult" words with two sounds l :
    barked, swam, pricked, weeded, sent, grinded, did, lapped, climbed, caressed, stroked, swam, adjusted, weakened, caught, broke, swallowed, pampered, bell, pounded, threshed, reported, put, kissed, burst, listened, served, heard, received, smiled.

    Words with consonant clusters:
    thank, eyes, smooth, burned, cereal, Klava, class, pantry, flame, swim, plate, plastic, patch, scarf, Slava, sweet, weak, peel off, send, flag, bottle, went, came out, block, globe, clump, raft, seal, square, elephant, oar, word, complex, fleet, clap, cotton, blouse, heel, stupid, club, flowerbed, tangle, strawberry, plough, rumor, listen, case, serve, merit, lumps, angry, fangs, swim, hear, boilers, whip.

    Mila was eating a salad.
    Lusha took the spatula.
    The swallow made a nest.
    Mom made milk noodles.
    Mila washed her palms.
    There are burdocks and wormwood near the tents.
    Winter came.
    Get your skis and sled ready. Lusha chopped onions and beets.
    Mila saw an elephant.
    Slava goes to the storeroom to get the oars.
    The water in a deep well is cold.
    There are ripe and sweet apples in the store.
    Volodya is a brave swimmer and is not afraid of depth.
    Klava put a white scarf on her head.

    Select pictures: shovel, boat, soap, doll. Start a sentence, and the child will finish according to the picture, then repeat the entire sentence.

    Uncle Luka is digging a flowerbed (with a shovel).
    Volodya and Slava are sailing on (a boat).
    Klava washed her palms (with soap).
    The dog took the doll into the closet.
    Volodya rode (a bicycle).
    Mikhail looked at (the globe).
    Paul was catching (a pigeon).
    Pavel sat down at (the table).

    Uncle Mikhail watered the horse.
    Grandpa Neil caught a swarm of bees.
    Pavel caught a jackdaw.
    My brother went to football.
    Vova put the bottle on the shelf.
    Dad bought a Christmas tree.
    The chair fell to the floor and I got scared.
    Pavel saw a squirrel on the Christmas tree.
    Mikhail played football and scored a goal.
    Uncle Neil tied his tie and left.
    Father went to the station.

    A dog was barking in the yard.
    A raft was floating along the river.
    The kitten lapped milk.
    Pavel smoothed his hair.
    Neil received a letter from Mikhail.
    Neil ironed the towel and handkerchiefs himself.
    I found and put a lot of worms in the jar.
    My father served in the navy and sailed on a submarine.
    The soldier reported that he had completed the task.
    Petya broke and then repaired the bike.
    Volodya forgot where he put his pencil case.
    A dog barked and fell silent in the yard.
    The cat caught the mouse, but did not catch it - the mouse ran away.
    The stake is near the table, the table is near the stake.
    Here the cheerful bun rolled like a ball.

    A white blanket covered the ground.
    The sun became hot, the blanket began to flow.

    Whipped on the ears, whipped on the cheeks,
    He tore the hat off his head and... ran away.

    Mila doll.

    Lusha's mother bought a doll. Lusha liked the doll. Blue eyes, blonde hair, white dress, white shoes. Lusha named the doll Mila. The doll is very cute. Lusha was with Mila all day. She dressed her and put her shoes on. I washed her hair and combed her hair. She put the doll to sleep and rocked it to sleep. Lusha took care of the doll. One day Lusha put the doll to sleep. Mom called Lusha to dinner, and the dog took the doll away. She carried the doll and ruined it. Lusha cried, but did not leave the doll. Then my mother bought the same doll. She secretly exchanged it, and Lusha didn’t realize it.

    Our cat loves to sleep. So he entered and went under the bench. He stretched out, covered himself with his paw and fell asleep. I slept to my heart's content. The cat stood up, yawned and stretched. And then he began to wash himself.

    Volodya wanted to fish. He knew the places where roach are caught. Volodya took the boat and sailed. It was sunny and warm. Volodya did not swim for long. I stopped near the pool. He took out a fishing rod and began to fish. There were all sorts of fish: both small and large. Having caught a lot of roach, Volodya reeled in his fishing rod. He pushed the boat and sailed home.

    Learn the poems by heart.

    Everything is white, white, white. There was a lot of snow.
    These are fun days! Everyone - on skis and skates!

    The tin soldier lived. He sang, joked and did not bother.
    He fought and never got tired. And he fell, and he got up himself.
    And he always remembered his soldier’s family in battle.
    Where he was for everyone, and every single one stood for him! (V. Aushev)

    Christmas tree.
    The tree cried at first from the warmth of home.
    In the morning she stopped crying, started breathing, and came to life. (S. Marshak)

    White color.
    White snow, white chalk, a white hare is also white.
    But the squirrel is not white, it wasn’t even white. (I. Tokmakova)

    The hare is white.
    White hare, white hare, where did you run after the bast?
    The white hare answered: “I didn’t run, I galloped.”