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  • Consultation for parents “Caution, poisonous mushrooms!!!” consultation on the topic. Consultations for parents on the topic “mushrooms”.docx - conversation with parents on the topic “mushrooms Conversation with caution about poisonous mushrooms

    Consultation for parents “Caution, poisonous mushrooms!!!”  consultation on the topic.  Consultations for parents on the topic “mushrooms”.docx - conversation with parents on the topic “mushrooms Conversation with caution about poisonous mushrooms

    Another mushroom season has arrived. Baskets and
    hiking clothes.
    Mushroom picking is an activity that carries a certain risk. Alas, poisoning
    mushrooms are not so rare.

    Who has not heard about the extreme poisonousness of the pale grebe? And yet this
    a mushroom, masquerading either as a champignon or as a russula, no, no, and it will get to
    to an inexperienced mushroom picker.
    One summer day, a five-year-old girl went for a walk in the forest.
    with her twelve-year-old sister, found a mushroom and tried it. Through
    For several hours she began to feel nausea and vomiting. She was urgently hospitalized.
    The hospital did gastric and intestinal lavage. After that
    The girl's health became so good that her parents, despite
    On the advice of the doctor, they rushed to take her away from the clinic. And a few hours later
    The child's condition worsened, and soon the girl died. As it was
    The cause of death was determined to be poisoning by toadstool.
    This is exactly how children are poisoned in most cases when they are
    left without proper supervision.
    The pale grebe has long gained notoriety for its poisonousness.
    Every year hundreds of people around the world suffer because of it, many of them
    die. Such a high mortality rate is explained not only by strong
    the action of the poison that is part of these mushrooms, but also its unusual
    properties. The main role in the mechanism of poisoning by toadstool plays
    amanitotoxin. 2530 milligrams of this poison contained in one mushroom
    pale toadstool is quite enough to cause fatal poisoning.
    In addition, amanitotoxin is completely insoluble in water and retains
    its toxicity even after 20 minutes of boiling. And, once in the body, the poison
    makes itself known not immediately, but several hours later. When they appear
    signs of poisoning, then it is already difficult to save a person: a mushroom toxin,
    once it enters the bloodstream, it is difficult to remove from the body. Therefore, treatment is not always
    gives reliable results.
    What are the symptoms of poisoning? Most often they occur after 612 hours
    after eating mushrooms. This is profuse salivation, strong
    colicky abdominal pain, uncontrollable vomiting, intestinal upset.
    Due to the large loss of fluid, the victim develops painful
    thirst. Severe pain in the liver is accompanied by the rapid development of jaundice.
    Often there are convulsions, difficulty breathing, the face takes on
    bluish tint. With each passing hour the patient weakens and falls into oblivion. A
    in a day or two a tragic outcome may come.
    To avoid a dangerous encounter with poisonous mushrooms, you need to know
    distinctive features of mushrooms. Some people seriously think that
    poisonous mushrooms somehow signal their toxicity: unpleasant
    smell or taste, the fact that they are not touched by worms and snails. Whatever it is

    It’s sad, but such views are a dangerous delusion. Poisoned,
    for example, the pale grebe was often spoken of with great praise
    taste, and its smell is very reminiscent of the smell of champignons. What then
    Is this mushroom different from champignon? Pale grebe on the underside
    the legs always have a tuberous swelling covered with a membranous cover. IN
    the upper part of the leg - a membranous ring of white, greenish or pale
    yellow color. The plates on the lower surface of the cap are frequent, white, not
    changing their color. At the same time, the champignon has these plates - from
    pale pink to dark brown tones, rings, tuberous thickenings on
    the leg and films are missing. As for russula, the main difference is
    the same: this mushroom does not have a tuberous swelling with a membranous cover and a ring
    on a stalk, characteristic of the pale grebe.
    A thorough knowledge of the “portrait” of the pale grebe will help you avoid dangerous
    consequences. Of course, kids are not able to remember all this, so
    they need, as they say, an eye and an eye.
    At first glance, talking about fly agaric poisoning represents only
    theoretical interest: fly agaric, especially red, is difficult to confuse with what
    some edible mushroom. And yet, even red fly agarics are poisoned.
    But there are also gray pink and panther fly agarics, which
    more modest in appearance.
    And yet fly agaric poisoning is extremely rare. The toxicity of fly agarics
    greatly exaggerated. Fatal poisonings are very rare and only occur
    when eating a large number of fly agarics. This is explained simply. I
    fly agaric has only a functional effect on the nervous system
    the victim and does not cause damage to internal organs.
    The chemical composition of fly agaric venom and the mechanism of its action on the body
    humans are now well studied. The main poisonous principle of fly agarics is
    muscarine Despite the name ("muska" translated from Greek "fly"),
    muscarine is completely safe for insects, but very harmful to
    person. 35 milligrams of this poison can kill the poisoned person.
    It is generally accepted that this amount of muscarine is contained in 3 or 4
    fly agarics.
    The fly agaric owes its name to other substances that actually
    kill flies. They are called toxoalbumin.
    Symptoms of red fly agaric poisoning usually develop after 3040
    9 minutes, less often every 12 hours). The victim usually sweats and begins to
    drooling, intestinal upset with abdominal pain, constricted pupils,
    The heartbeat slows down, blood pressure drops, and suffocation occurs.

    If a person eats a panther fly agaric, a disorder of the central nervous
    systems are revealed more sharply.
    Fly agaric poisoning is most severe in children. Let's bring
    a fairly typical example under the circumstances.
    In one of the Siberian villages, two boys aged three and four years
    ate dried red fly agarics, which my parents saved for
    preparing poison for flies. Half an hour later, both boys developed
    vomiting and intestinal upset, then profuse sweating and
    salivation. In the evening, convulsions appeared, the pulse became poor
    palpable, both children lost consciousness.
    Luckily, medical help arrived in time and it was all over.
    safely. Already on the fifth day the children were discharged completely healthy.
    from the hospital.
    And this story happened in one of the dacha villages. Three years old girl
    walking along the edge of the forest near the house. I found a red fly agaric and decided
    try it. Fortunately, as it turned out later, she only ate part of it.
    mushroom. Therefore, not severe poisoning developed. However, the girl had to
    put in hospital.
    As you can see, in both cases the parents are to blame for leaving without
    supervision of small children. But such carelessness and carelessness with
    on the part of adults could cost the lives of the children! Adults are obliged in every possible way
    strive to protect children from unwanted encounters. To this end
    it is necessary to organize throughout the summer period a widespread
    morning viewing of lawns, places for children to walk and play in institutions and on
    dachas, in order to promptly remove noticed poisonous plants and
    mushrooms. During forest walks, parents, teachers and other adults
    must exercise the strictest supervision with all children and especially with
    those who collect flowers, mushrooms and herbs and taste them. It shouldn't be the same
    forget about careful control over the use of mushrooms collected for food
    older children.
    To carry out these events, both parents and childcare workers
    institutions themselves should be well aware of the essence of this issue. Not out of place
    also stock up on special literature, colorful tables, booklets
    and posters. As they say, every mushroom is picked up, but not every mushroom is taken into account.
    the box is placed. Every adult. Who is entrusted with the health of children,
    should know well which mushroom to take and which to throw away.

    So, in order to avoid poisoning from poisonous mushrooms, you need
    collect only those that you know well.
    The health, and even the life of a person poisoned by mushrooms, largely depends on
    how promptly he will receive medical assistance. It should be remembered
    that in case of any mushroom poisoning, even if it is not severe at first glance,
    you must consult a doctor immediately. But even before the doctor arrives, you need to
    act quickly and decisively. In case of poisoning with any of the poisonous mushrooms
    you should try to remove toxic substances from the body: take
    laxative, rinse the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate.
    The injured child must remain in bed; it is harmful for him to walk and
    Any mushroom poisoning is accompanied by vomiting and intestinal upset,
    causing dehydration and excruciating thirst. To
    to alleviate the condition of a sick child, you need to give him cold, slightly
    salted water, iced tea, coffee, milk.
    Mushroom poisoning is usually treated only in hospitals. To the doctor
    it was easier to understand the causes of poisoning, the remains of mushrooms should be
    save for laboratory research

    The natural world is beautiful, hospitable, and kind. But you should also remember about the danger that lurks in some plants. When going into nature, you need to know which ones you may encounter along the way. It is important to show and tell children about these plants. Rule- DO NOT TOUCH THESE PLANTS- should become tough.

    Signs of poisoning by poisonous plants and mushrooms are approximately the same: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, convulsions, loss of consciousness. If signs of poisoning appear, emergency medical attention is required. It is necessary to take measures to cleanse the stomach. The victim is given several glasses of warm water and vomited.

    The most common causes of poisoning are plants from the nightshade family - henbane, dope, and belladonna. All parts of these plants contain toxic substances.

    Black henbane grows like a weed. The leaves are large, the flowers are dirty yellow with dark purple veins, the fruit looks like a poppy. Poisoning occurs from “poppy seeds”, as well as white roots, similar to the roots of garden plants.

    Datura is an annual, unpleasant-smelling plant, up to 1 m high. The largest amount of toxic substances accumulates in flowers and leaves. Cases of poisoning with dope are more rare than with henbane, but they are more severe. The smell of the beautiful flowers of the plant also has an intoxicating effect if a bek of them is placed in the room.

    BELLADONNA (popular name "belladonna", "sleepy stupor") can be found along the banks of rivers, on the edges of forests, and clearings. This is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 2 m high. The fruit is a purple-black shiny juicy berry the size of a cherry, which becomes the cause of poisoning.

    Children are attracted

    also red-juicy

    lily of the valley berries


    similar to blueberries -


    And those and others

    very dangerous.

    On the branches of a low bush you can find bright red, pea-sized berries - WOLF BASH. Several of these berries can cause severe inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and gastrointestinal tract, and can be fatal for a child.

    Of the poisonous mushrooms, the most dangerous is the Pale Toadstool. The main features of this mushroom are a sheath on the lower part of the stem and a fringe ring on the upper part. The color of the cap is white, greenish or yellowish.

    Goal: to teach children to be attentive to plants in nature, to understand that some of them may be poisonous; consolidate the ability to distinguish mushrooms and berries from pictures and the signs given in riddles; teach caution and develop curiosity.

    Progress of the game:

    Old man - Lesovichok: Hello, kids! I came to you to invite you to my wonderful forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Do you like picking mushrooms and berries? Now let's check if you know mushrooms.

    Game “Say the Word” (accompanied by showing pictures)

    If they are found in the forest,

    They will immediately remember the fox.

    Red-haired sisters

    They are called... (chanterelles)

    Strong, dense, very stately,

    In a brown and smart hat.

    This is the pride of all forests!

    The real king of mushrooms! (Porcini)

    The brothers are sitting on a stump.

    All with freckles, like boys.

    These friendly guys

    They are called... (honey mushrooms)

    Their heads are like oil

    And they can hide cleverly.

    Very nice guys -

    Golden... (Butter).

    Guys, be careful with mushrooms in the forest, otherwise uninvited guests will get into your basket. Guess which ones?

    Look how good it is!

    Red polka dot hat

    Lace collar -

    He's not new to the forest! (Amanita)

    In a pale hat with a thin stem,

    You can’t put it in a basket.

    Dangerous mushroom, decoy mushroom,

    This is a pale...(toadstool).

    We will collect edible mushrooms and leave the poisonous ones in the forest. But remember, guys: leave mushrooms that you don’t know in the clearing, don’t trample them, don’t knock them down. All the mushrooms in my forest are needed. Who eats mushrooms in the forest? That's right, either a squirrel will eat the fungus, or a hedgehog, and moose are treated with fly agarics.

    Game “Collect mushrooms in a basket”

    Children collect mushrooms in two baskets: with a picture of a fly agaric - poisonous, and in a basket with a picture of a white mushroom - edible.

    Old man - Lesovichok. Guys, tell me, is it possible to eat mushrooms raw? How can you cook mushrooms so that you can eat them (children's answers). Mushroom picking is an exciting activity, but one that involves a lot of risk. Many people are hospitalized every year due to mushroom poisoning, sometimes there are even deaths. Therefore, guys, let's remember poisonous mushrooms well again. (look at the pictures).

    Guys, it also happens that mushrooms grow not only in the forest, but also in the garden, in the park, in the garden, in the kindergarten area. Remember: mushrooms in the garden, even if they are edible, are dangerous because they contain many harmful substances. Therefore, if you find mushrooms in the garden, trample it or show it to adults.

    Not only mushrooms grow in my forest, but also berries. What wild berries do you know? Berries contain many vitamins and other useful substances. Doctors are sure: the more berries a person eats, the less sick he gets. But be careful - there are also poisonous berries in the forest.

    Game "Four Wheel"

    Poisonous berries are named and shown.

    If it happens that you suddenly ate an unfamiliar berry, quickly tell an adult about it. If you are poisoned by mushrooms or berries, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

    Now sit down in the clearing and watch a performance called “Caution, Poisonous!” (on flannelgraph)

    Animals appear in the clearing.

    Bunny: Where are you in a hurry, little fox?

    Little Fox: To the clearing where the hare's ears grow!

    Bunny: What? Can my ears grow in the forest?

    Little Fox: So look, bunny ears!

    Bunny: Ha ha ha! Are these ears? This is a real forest lily of the valley!

    Little Fox: But they are also called bunny ears. Look, each plant has two long leaves, like your ears.

    Old Lesovichok: Time passed, and at the end of summer the animals came running to that same clearing again. But instead of flowers, the lily of the valley had orange berries hanging on its stems. The little hare picked several berries.

    Little Fox: Drop it! Lily of the valley berries are poisonous and can cause poisoning. Let them fall and new lilies of the valley will grow from them.

    Old man - Lesovichok: Guys, lily of the valley is listed in the Red Book, because this plant is disappearing. How can we protect the lily of the valley?

    Children: Don’t pick bouquets, admire them in the forest.

    Old man - Lesovichok: Guys, you learned that in the forest even the most beautiful plants and berries can be poisonous. We must remember this. Listen to what the animals in the clearing were talking about next.

    Little Fox: Bunny, have you seen how interesting the raven's eye grows?

    Crow: Ka-ar-r! Little fox, do you think my eyes are growing? I've had the same ones for several years now!

    Little Fox: No, your eyes don’t grow, Aunt Crow, but the plant is a crow’s eye. Let me show you. (The little fox points to the plant)

    Crow: Kar! This plant really looks like my black eyes!

    Bunny: The plant is beautiful, but very poisonous. Neither the stems, nor the leaves, nor the berries can be eaten.

    Old man - Lesovichok: Guys, do you remember which plants are edible and which are inedible? Now you can collect full baskets of mushrooms and berries.

    Thematic conversation

    “Prevention of poisoning by poisonous mushrooms”

    Edible mushrooms have a taste value in human nutrition and are used mainly as a seasoning for dishes.

    Mushrooms , that grow in our area,are divided into edible, conditionally edible and poisonous.

    TO edible mushrooms include: porcini mushroom, boletus, boletus, chanterelles, champignons, etc.

    It is recommended to cook fresh mushrooms immediately after picking them, as they quickly spoil. They can be stored for no more than 1 day. Salted and pickled mushrooms can be stored for no more than a year. Only young, non-wormy and immature mushrooms can be eaten.

    To the group conditionally edible mushrooms include: morels, strings, milk mushrooms, pig mushrooms, etc. These mushrooms, especially the skin of the caps, contain toxic substances that pass into the water during boiling. After boiling these mushrooms in salt water for 15 minutes, you need to remove the outer skin from the caps, rinse in cold water and boil and fry again.

    TO poisonous mushrooms include: pale grebe, false mushrooms, red and spotted fly agaric. The toxic substances contained in mushrooms of this group do not pass into the decoction and are not destroyed even with prolonged heat treatment.

    Eating poisonous mushrooms leads to single or group poisonings, which in most cases, especially in children, result in death.

    The reason for mushrooms getting into food is, on the one hand, externalsimilarity with some edible mushrooms, and on the other hand, the population’s frivolous attitude towards collecting and preparing mushrooms.

    Mushrooms are often collected by children or people who do not know the difference between edible mushrooms and poisonous ones.

    The first signs of poisoning after eating mushrooms appear after 2-6 hours, in some cases even later. All mushroom poisonings cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract with the following symptoms: abdominal pain, sometimes colic, nausea, salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and sometimes cramps. The temperature usually rises.

    In cases of mushroom poisoning, it is necessary to call a doctor or send the victim to the hospital. Before the doctor arrives, the patient should immediately rinse the stomach and intestines. For this purpose, give the victim 2-3 glasses of salted water to drink, and then, mechanically irritating the root of the tongue and pharynx with your fingers, induce vomiting. Repeat this procedure several times, after which the patient is put to bed (on his stomach) and a heating pad is placed at his feet. It is recommended to drink cold sweet tea, coffee, milk or curdled milk.

    The patient should not eat until the doctor arrives. It must be remembered that the toxic effect of mushrooms on the human body does not decrease when drinking alcohol; on the contrary, it promotes the absorption of toxic substances and enhances their effect.

    To avoid mushroom poisoning, you need to learn to distinguishedible mushrooms from poisonous ones, carefully learn the rules for collecting, storing andpreparing dishes from them.

    Remember that drying, salting, pickling, and heat treatment do not destroy the poison in mushrooms. Therefore, poisoning can occur at any time when consuming prepared inedible mushrooms for future use.

    Prevent mushroom poisoning!!!