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  • The twelfth house of the horoscope (natal chart). Twelfth house in astrology

    The twelfth house of the horoscope (natal chart).  Twelfth house in astrology

    Twelfth house in the natal chart

    Read about all the houses of the horoscope and the position of the Rulers in the houses.

    Twelfth House

    Symbolic rulers Pisces, Neptune, Jupiter, culminating in Venus, Chiron, imprisoned Mercury.

    Each person is a microcosm, i.e. The Universe in miniature, and has a connection not only with egregors of various levels, but also directly with the Absolute, to which it has its responsibilities, as well as some rights, in particular, a certain freedom of will, which no one can take away from it; he has his own unique role in the evolutionary program of the Universe, which no one but him can fulfill, although the specific directions that the aspects of the 12th house will symbolically indicate will manifest themselves in the process of evolutionary development.

    Thus, the 12th house represents a person’s direct participation in the evolutionary development of the Universe, which at a certain level can be characterized as impersonal service: to God, higher powers, an abstract ideal, humanity as a whole, etc. depending on the way a person understands the world. Being a diurnal house, the 12th house creates situations of service in which external reality is emphasized more than “I”, but renunciation of personal interests and certain sacrifices are not obligatory at first: the Absolute, as it were, asks a person for a favor and direct necessity at the beginning (and for a long time afterwards) ) is absent, but with a systematic refusal to work on the 12th house, at some point (sometimes in the next incarnation) it is turned on imperatively, and then the person will face a serious long-term incurable illness, a hospital bed, imprisonment, complete loneliness, hard meaningless work or other forced victims.

    The 12th house symbolically represents a person’s connection with his past and future incarnations, but this is a separate topic for specific research, since, generally speaking, the entire horoscope is influenced by past lives, and its elaboration (or lack thereof) affects the future; however, the 12th house is traditionally believed to be the house of fulfillment of karmic debts and atonement for karmic crimes. In any case, the 12th house asserts the principle that no effort of a person will be wasted for evolution, and service performed impersonally can be useless only in appearance.

    The 12th house is the house of mystery: secret meaning, hidden meaning, action without the sign of a doer. Along the 12th house there are secret enemies who need to be recognized for the obvious intrigues they inflict on a person, in particular, these are camouflaged lower programs of the subconscious (for example, unconscious selfishness or aggression). It is impossible to fight with enemies in the 12th house in the same way as with open enemies (), they should rather be brought into the open, which is why they lose their power and disappear, dissolving in the rays of light. In the 12th house there are matters that remain completely unknown to humanity or become their property only a long time later, in particular, a person’s direct work with the egregor. At the same time, it may seem to everyone, including the person himself, that he is not realizing his hidden capabilities, although in fact this may not be the case at all, it’s just that the average person is not able to understand and see the true meaning, nature and dimensions of his work in the subtle world. With the correct inclusion of the 12th house, a person can do a lot, but this can only be understood by indirect signs, for example, his internal tension and concentration.

    The karmic meaning of the 12th house is that a person is taught to work blindfolded with bad tools, simultaneously cultivating in him selflessness, inner peace, the ability to understand his inner rhythm and listen in solitude to the quiet voice of the Absolute. When he learns all this, the bandage will be removed, he will be given perfect tools and a clear task, but he will be able to complete it only with the help of acquired experience, knowledge and skills. The 12th house educates a person in connection with the rest of the world, developing in him mercy, compassion (including towards enemies), the ability to unselfishly forgive and trust people, without having any reason for this.

    The 12th house is the house of mysticism, a direct connection with the Absolute. These are not only religious trances and ecstasies; for example, the final confidence in the correctness of one’s life comes precisely in calm inner solitude (no matter how a person’s life looks externally), when the feeling of truth comes in the form of reliable knowledge, leaving no room for doubt. Here a person develops humility, spiritual endurance, aspiration, higher will, dedication and self-denial. Under the 12th house, a person’s attitude to the suffering of his own, others and the world is being worked out, so it is often associated with suffering and liberation from it: the 12th house is the place of healing of wounds under the direct supervision of the Absolute.

    Through the 12th house there is a mystical knowledge of the world and the very cutting edge of scientific knowledge: here a person learns not what he has set himself the (mental) goal of knowing, wresting, so to speak, a secret from nature (a position typical of), but something completely new, what through it the Absolute wants to convey to people in connection with the increase in their evolutionary level. A person has a completely different reverent attitude towards such knowledge: he feels that he is participating in a sacrament and does not demand anything, but only listens intently and attentively, holding his breath and forgetting about mistrust (it can come later).

    At the first level of working out the 12th house a person tries to ignore it as much as he can and switch to others. The idea of ​​impersonal service is alien to him, since his service is always personal or indifferent (and selfish), and the addressee is necessarily specific. This person avoids imprisonment and loneliness in any form, not finding anything good or pleasant in them, and only those addressed to himself understand sacrifices, and this is the only type of the 12th house that he recognizes. If the 12th house is included in its imperative version, and a person, for example, ends up in a hospital bed or is forced to care for a seriously ill relative, then he tries to create for himself an illusory reality (dreams, fantasies, etc.) and go into it, forgetting as much as possible about his real circumstances, which seem terrible to him, especially in comparison with the rest of the world, free and happy. At this level, a person understands forgiveness, mercy, compassion and selfless help only when addressed to himself, and if circumstances still force him to do it, he will acutely feel the complete meaninglessness of not only this work, but also his existence in general in the world and it as a whole, as well as the illusory nature of any efforts to improve it. For this person, humility is identical to weakness, and he considers the concepts of fortitude and higher will to be speculative and demagogic. He suspects his hidden enemies exclusively in the outside world, mainly in the form of secret intriguers, ill-wishers and envious people, waiting for his slightest mistake in order to pounce and drown him.

    This person does not believe in hidden abilities and capabilities - his own and those of others - and treats the outcast and unfortunate with disgust (the lowest octave of compassion). His attitude to internal freedom as an alternative to the restriction of external freedom is well described by the exhortation of the executioner, leading a reluctant victim to the scaffold: “Freedom is a conscious necessity.”

    At the second level of working out the 12th house a person still does not understand what impersonal service is, but situations where he is forced to spend some (not too large) amount of his time and effort on clearly (or almost) meaningless activities do not cause him a strong protest: he classifies them as to the general imperfection of the world and is not inclined to pay too much emotional attention to them. In other words, a person makes minor forced sacrifices without tension, but does not attach any positive meaning to them. A person has a negative attitude towards long periods of confinement (illness, forced loneliness), but short confinement may be welcomed as an opportunity to disconnect from the world, lower the internal rhythm and relax; however, he quickly begins to get bored when alone. In the event of great misfortunes of close people, he is capable of compassion; sometimes mercy takes him by surprise, but usually not for long. He is not inclined towards mercy, especially towards enemies, and in general is skeptical about this concept, but sometimes, unexpectedly for himself and contrary to his views, he can show it.

    This person understands that in some life situations self-denial is necessary, sometimes someone must sacrifice themselves to others, but he himself would not really want to be in this place; however, he respects and admires the strength of their spirit for people capable of selfless behavior and actions. He still sees secret enemies only in the outside world and, assuming the actions of hidden enemies directed against him, considers counter-intrigue the most effective means of struggle; humility seems to him a last resort, which should be used when all means of struggle have been exhausted, but this person evaluates the ability to come to terms with obvious defeat positively. He has a negative attitude towards work and allows for opportunities (his own and others), but in the abstract and with a significant amount of skepticism. At this level, the feeling of a person’s mystical connection with the world is practically absent, but internal freedom as the freedom to relate to what is happening around him is already to some extent understandable.

    At the third level of working out the 12th house impersonal service, i.e. the state of a person when he does what needs to be done, without receiving reward and without leaving any imprint of his personality on the results of his activity, is of great importance in his life. At such moments, he feels his need not for specific people or groups, but for something incomparably higher; a person cannot more precisely understand and express these feelings. However, he has a largely positive attitude towards periods of forced confinement and loneliness, not only as opportunities to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of life, relax and rethink his picture of the world, but also perceiving these states as creative, when thoughts, feelings and sensations come to him clearly of foreign origin, sometimes from very high planes of the subtle world. Perhaps great mystical revelations do not come at this level very often; as soon as a person finds himself in captivity, he has a feeling of a subtle connection with the whole world, and some extraordinary and mysterious processes of interaction with his psyche and the subtle world begin to occur. At this level, a person is characterized by mercy and compassion, but he is quite attentive and insightful and knows how to distinguish the suffering of the soul from the suffering of the ego and is not sentimental. He understands the need for sacrifices and sacrificial labor and tries to make sacrifices to the extent that they are required of him, resignedly, humbly, and, if possible, joyfully, feeling at these moments a mystical unity with the world. At this level, life’s suffering is rethought, which a person ceases to deny, perceiving it as an important type of evolutionary work necessary at certain sites and stages of evolution. This person knows that he is endowed with very great hidden capabilities, the key to which can only be found in the confinement of the 12th house, and does not complain when the need arises to learn how to work with bad tools - he feels that this is only a preparatory stage necessary for the realization of his true capabilities. He sees his secret enemies mainly in his subconscious and tries to see them; External intrigues and the intrigues of his enemies concern him much less.

    At the fourth level of working out the 12th house a person sees or guesses the impersonal will of the Absolute in many things that happen around him. He sees karma well and considers direct service to the Absolute as a natural and most creative part of his (and others’) life. He sees sacrifices and sacrifices not only where they are visible to others, but also in many other moments of life, and understands how and when they should be made, and most importantly, what role they play in the fate of people. Any karmic knot is untied as a result of a sacrifice, but it is not possible under all conditions and sometimes it takes a long time to prepare for its sacrifice... This person is characterized by the absence of external tension in situations of the 12th house, his loneliness and self-sacrifice do not burden anyone, although they can often serve as an example . Under the 12th house, he cultivates humility before the will of the Absolute and spiritual endurance and forms a higher will, which then materializes under other houses; for him, loneliness is a natural and creative state, a condition for a direct mystical connection with the Absolute and the Universe, and here he comprehends very specific external problems and tasks that face the world, and voluntarily takes part in them. This level is characterized by work directly in the egregor, and a weak imprint (shadow) of a person’s individuality remains there.

    This person has great mystical abilities; he can meditatively lift a student into the high planes of the subtle world and show him past incarnations and some features of the future, and most importantly, help him see his hidden abilities and potential capabilities, which he may not even be aware of.

    Situation 12th house often associated with an internal feeling of sacrifice being made. At a low level, a person is not inclined to sacrifice anything voluntarily, so his 12th house, as a rule, turns on in extreme circumstances, i.e. together with the 6th, for example, during a serious, life-threatening illness (of one’s own or a close relative whom one has to care for), in prison, etc. Weaker but imperative options for impersonal service are caring for infants or children during their illness, all kinds of night shifts, work in surveillance services (from the secret police and firefighters to sociology and meteorology) and in all other places where a person's personality as such is of only indirect interest in relation to the work he performs. Therefore, any true creativity occurs to a large extent under the 12th house, the main sign of which is the independence of the work from the artist at the stage of implementation (usually the sequence of activation of houses is as follows: 1st - ordering the Absolute, 5th - thinking about the idea, 6th - the beginning of it incarnation, and again the 12th - the idea acquires an autonomous existence, finally being embodied, dictating its will to the artist). Only under the 12th house can the cosmic creative principle inherent in each person be realized: the 5th and 6th houses provide great personal guidance and, therefore, restrictions. Everyday situations of the 12th house of the lower octave are secrets, deceit. lies and omissions, all kinds of intrigues and false positions, games with the subconscious and oneself, self-deception, mixing illusory ideas with real life. At the average level, this is a manifestation of pity, mercy, condescension and selfless care for one’s neighbor when circumstances require it, but most often the 12th house is included along with the 1st, 5th or 7th, i.e. elements of personal self-affirmation, role development or direct hostility towards the object of care. At a high level, the 12th house means the rejection of any accentuated participation in worldly activities, which was previously carried out by going to a monastery or monastery: the monk retired, devoting himself to God, i.e. was engaged, in modern language, in work directly in the egregor. Now, with the opening of Chiron, culminating in the 12th house, the latter is partly materializing, and service can be carried out in the world, but it requires special training, in particular, the development of special ethics of behavior in polluted living conditions.

    Strong 12th house gives a person who gives the impression of being “not of this world.” So, in any case, it should be, but it is not at all necessary that a person immediately and painlessly takes for granted the transparent (and even more so, brick) wall separating him from the rest of the world.

    There will be a lot of mysticism, secrets and mysteries in his life. In youth, various throwings are likely, attempts to become “like everyone else” and experience the same feelings and delights, rejoice and be sad along with others, or at least for the same reasons. All this, however, turns out badly, although confinement of the 12th house works only in one direction, not allowing a person into the world; there is no reverse restriction, and the world willingly comes to a person, trusts him with its secrets, sorrows and disappointments, opens his soul, waits for understanding, sympathy and support, being confident, for some reason, that he will find all this. If this person has enough nobility and selflessness, he can become a great psychologist or an ordinary saint, no matter where he lives and no matter who he works, and then he will strictly adhere to the principle “I do for the world what it asks and expect nothing.” in return." Then, over time, he will feel the care and protection of the Absolute and understand that the kingdom of God is within him; if a person follows the path of trying to compensate for lost worldly joys, he will receive their surrogates, and around himself he will build a prison with transparent, but thick and clearly perceptible walls, into which he will try to imprison his loved ones. There will probably be a lot of seemingly meaningless work, loneliness and boredom in his life, and unless he learns to deal with them with humility, he will not find in them the grain of creativity that in time can make him an unusually creative person. At a low level, this may be a strong person with a penchant for asceticism, but with much greater demands on the asceticism of others; his motto: “If I don’t feel sorry for myself in my work, then everyone else should burn out on it” (weak energy gives rise to escapist tendencies). Elaboration gives true dedication, asceticism, great and very original creative abilities, mercy and selfless love for all things.

    Weak 12th house gives a person who finds it difficult to concentrate and withdraw into himself; as a rule, he does not even fully understand what this means. The ideas of fanatical work, total self-sacrifice are alien to him and the need for sacrifice, at least in principle, is incomprehensible. With a strong 6th house, this person will believe that every work must be paid in one way or another, and he needs to understand that this is not always the case. He will treat the ideas of mercy and humility calmly, leaving them to others, but if necessary, he can selflessly help the sufferer if the latter asks strongly. This person will rarely find himself alone and it will not be easy for him to find positive and creative sides in him; he will quickly get bored and try to find company or something distracting to do. Secret enemies and intrigues will occupy an insignificant place in his life, although if desired, with some effort, he can achieve a quite decent level in this activity. This person is, in general, indifferent to the outcasts, the orphaned and the wretched, as well as to the work of the special services, considering them an integral and attractive part of life; he is often indifferent to detectives. He has certain difficulties with true creativity that transcends personality, but this becomes clear only at a fairly high evolutionary level, when working on the 12th house becomes an internal necessity.

    Harmonious 12th house gives a person who feels great alone: ​​he will not be bored (in general, boredom is one of the key words for the lower octave of the 12th house) with himself and, perhaps, some interesting and unexpected ideas and thoughts will appear, and, in any case, , he will find rest and tranquility. This person instinctively has a very important ability in life to make the necessary sacrifices on time, in particular, if the situation requires it, he will, without hesitation, spend a certain amount of his energy and time on (outwardly) completely meaningless activities for himself, subconsciously feeling that if not do it now, it will be much worse later. In general, it should be said that the culture of sacrifice in modern civilization is extremely low: it is believed that this is an attribute of savage tribes. In fact, sacrifices (often unconscious) are a constant part of human life, and it is very important to make them correctly. In particular, with a harmonious 12th house, a person will be tempted to bring them in insufficient quantities (“On you, God, which is not good for me”), or with some kind of personal gain in mind. Particularly common are false sacrifices in the form of apparently selfless service to low egregors, depriving a person of external freedom, but leaving him completely passive and unoccupied within himself. A typical example of an undeveloped harmonious 12th house is a housewife with several children, completely absorbed in maintaining the life of the family (a slave of the family egregor), giving the impression of a saint (at first glance, every minute of her life is service, but in general a complete imprisonment), but in reality requiring constant sacrifices from those around his family egregor and elevating him to the rank of the Absolute, which is a gross profanation, in religious terms - sacrilege. The harmonious 12th house also gives the temptation of too easy and superficial repentance and repentance - the most important moments of a person’s spiritual life, when he sacrifices a fragment of the ego, i.e. one of the lower programs of the subconscious. Here, the harmonious aspects of the 12th house make it possible to either simply temporarily weaken the sacrificed program, or to isolate from it (as if for show) an insignificant and insignificant part for the ego; The motto of this type of self-deception is: “If you don’t sin, you won’t repent.” It must be said that a person’s spiritual growth is determined not by the number of repentances (in a given incarnation there may be none at all), but by the amount of effort aimed at working through one’s karmic program, which can take a wide variety of forms. Working through the harmonious 12th house gives a person the opportunity to bring grace to the world, awaken in people high duty, conscience and evolutionary consciousness, clarify and facilitate the sacrifices they make, in particular, accept repentance. In the world, this could be a repair worker or a doctor, but in any case, a bright spiritual light will spread from this person.

    Affected 12th house gives a person for whom the problem of boredom and loneliness will be very acute. If the chart as a whole is affected, especially if the planetary opposition of the 12th house to the 6th is emphasized, long-term serious illnesses are possible, sometimes with hospitalization. Great difficulties will arise for this person with problems of selfless service, self-denial and humility. These conditions will be required of him in significantly greater quantities and intensities than the average for his people, and he will have to face the problem of mercy much more closely than he would like. The karmic task here is quite difficult; you need to learn to treat your sacrifices correctly and make them when necessary, and to the right person. If the 12th house is stronger than the 6th, a person can be an ascetic fanatic, making his life, work and health a complete sacrifice (absorbing those around him), and here numerous mistakes are possible. The main signs of the correctness of a sacrifice are the following: firstly, it must be brought at the request of the Absolute, and not a crystallized egregor, and especially not be the product of a person’s initiative; secondly, the victim must be impersonal (specifically, selfless) in essence, although, of course, certain superficial ego influences will accompany; thirdly, the sacrifice must require a certain preliminary personal effort of the person, so that he will have a real sense of its value; fourthly, she must be sincere (even if she is forced); and fifthly, it must be accepted by the Absolute, and then the person will feel that he did everything right and that he has been given credit for the next part of his life. This person may have many secret enemies, but the main ones are internal, i.e. hidden lower programs of the subconscious that need to be discovered, realized and transformed, which sometimes helps (and sometimes does not) sincere repentance and heartfelt contrition. Here the problem of pity is very acute, whether it should be felt for others or demanded for oneself, and a person must make sure that the second path is futile. A very important problem that arises on his way is the attitude towards suffering and the development of non-attachment to it, at the first level, at least removing the blame for this circumstance from happier people.

    Elaboration gives a very creative person who understands not only ordinary people, but also many outcasts, and can ignite the Divine light in the souls of people of the most difficult fate, sacrificed by society or, conversely, indifferent executioners of their people. Such a person will never feel that he is working too hard: not good enough, yes. At a low level, on the contrary, there are continuous complaints about the world and others; alcoholism, drugs, smoking, escapism.

    A. Underwater

    Twelfth house. Rulers Neptune and Jupiter, Mercury in exile. Water in which all four elements are present is water that dissolves everything in itself. Empathy. Spiritual level of the horoscope.

    Here everyone - according to his faith. The house of retribution for crimes, punishments and grief, in which mistakes are atoned for. The path of purification through compassion and self-sacrifice is dictated by the rule of Neptune and the exaltation of Venus. This is a house of mercy, a house of heart troubles. The possibilities of the house can be favorably used for working in solitude.

    This is where a person’s contact with his God occurs, and if this contact is not realized, a misinterpretation of communication or its repression into the subconscious may occur.

    The 12th house shows the degree of asociality of a person, his level of compassion and sacrifice.

    This is a house of loneliness, self-absorption, a house of self-destruction. A home of isolation through exile, prison, illness, meditation. Dreams, non-trivial mental abilities. The 12th house shows the place from where a person looks into the astral plane.

    Neptune controls mental illness, a person’s attitude to music, poetry, and shows his healing abilities.

    Ruling secret activities together with social Jupiter, Neptune in the 12th house will indicate a person’s ability to engage in conspiracies, work in secret organizations, and secret mystical knowledge.

    The last house of the horoscope symbolizes the outcome of life, introspection, and self-disintegration of the individual.

    The exaltation of Venus ensures the selection process: what to take with you into the next incarnation, and what to dissolve, dematerialize.

    N. Markina

    12th house - Inimici.

    Trials, secrets, hidden hostility - Loneliness, physical, moral, imprisonment (hospital, prison) - Contradictions with the outside world, which cause voluntary or forced isolation.

    Astrologically, the cadent 12th house refers to the part of the ecliptic that has just begun to rise above the eastern horizon.

    Personally, it personifies a person approaching death or summing up the life he has lived. This is the moment when a person is left alone with his own conscience and feels the need to put an end to fate.

    The 12th house leads to the awareness of our mistakes, which put us before a choice: either make an effort to change ourselves or that part of our behavior that led us to defeat, or give up the fight and create an “illusion”, the appearance of reality.

    This house forces us to learn from interactions with other people and transform our deepest essence, which is the highest renunciation and self-sacrifice.

    The 12th house has a bad reputation because it forces a person to fight against his own inertia and the instinct of self-preservation. Our nature resists such radical changes and a reconsideration of our positions that requires solitude. Hence the association with serious illness, prison or exile - places where a person is left alone with his conscience. Since such transformation is extremely difficult, hypocrisy, lies, disguise and fear of failure are also found in this house.

    A well-placed 12th house helps you learn the right lesson from your own experience, realize your mistakes and shortcomings in order to avoid them in the future. It teaches insight and foresight.

    A poorly placed 12th house is the house of lies, cunning, secret enemies, crimes and deceit, conspiracies, betrayal and treachery.

    D. Rudhyar says: “The twelfth house completes the cycle of human experience. This is the last stage of a process that can be repeated throughout life or end in what we call death.

    In the twelfth house, a person either strengthens his achievements on the eve of a new cycle of development, or accumulates the results of his failures. In truth, there is no person who has not tasted at least one success and has not experienced at least one defeat - personal or social.

    In the last house of the cycle, a person is left alone with his memories on the threshold of a new one.

    ... In the twelfth house we discover the consequences of our passive conformism or spiritual resistance. Either we are only unconsciously faced with the Karma of society, or we find ourselves face to face with our Karma as individuals who have conquered this society, whether for the sake of our own selfish interests, or a new, better world. Either our spirit lies dormant in tacit acquiescence to the traditions of the past, or we bear the burden and results of our efforts to put our ideals into practice. These two possibilities exist together in many destinies in different proportions...

    In two houses (6 and 12) one has to suffer a lot, but the suffering emanating from the internal transformation experienced in the twelfth house takes on a particularly acute and unbearable character. There is no other remedy against the destructive forces of the Universe than to use them, defeat and be reborn. The 12th house contains the seed of this rebirth...

    Every birth is a new divine act, but the soil into which the grain is thrown, and the very substance of this grain, bear the imprint of the past. In this process, neither the soil nor the substance of the seed is new, but only the power to create new things, given by God to the newborn man, based on the conditions of the past. This power is embodied by the ascendant. This is the real holistic essence of a person, which he strives to achieve in the process of individuation. She determines the mystical name of the newborn.

    … One of the characteristics of Western civilization is its renunciation of thinking and feeling in accordance with the cycles of nature.

    This renunciation may be due to the decision of the Council of Constantinople in the 5th century AD, which prohibited the belief in reincarnation and all similar cyclical processes, but it may also be due to the characteristics of Western society and its main role in the historical development of mankind, expressed in a final break with all traditions. Our civilization has always strived, often with tragic consequences, to develop in man the ability to surpass his biopsychic nature, associated with the dominance of all instinctive and tribal forms of social order, especially agricultural and pastoral ones, through intellectual analysis and mental abstraction. Christianity, as the belief in one single life on the path to spiritual perfection, became his ally in this effort to transcend his vital functions, controlled by the rhythms of nature.

    Just one short life for such a great goal! This means that at every moment a person must strive to accomplish this difficult task, not a single minute should be lost, not a single effort should be in vain. To achieve success, you need to tirelessly control the energy of your inner nature as well as this nature itself as a whole. All this inevitably led to a view of death as the greatest tragedy from which there is no salvation. Death and life are two inseparable parts of a single natural cyclical process, but if the mind and will of a person are able to more or less control life, then they turn out to be powerless in the face of death. Death must be delayed at any cost, even at the cost of the death of other people. This is the ultimate goal of black magic and the wars that are being waged today not only against people and nations, but also against nature and its ecological balance.

    If you are not afraid of death and recognize the belief in many lives along the path of stepwise development of the “soul,” or monad, then you can consider life as a process of conscious preparation for death, which is the final stage of all life. Life and death are two opposite poles, similar to Yin and Yang; when the “life” pole weakens, the “death” pole takes over. This is a time of preparation for a meaningful, calm and noble death.

    This is precisely the most positive and deep meaning of the twelfth house. It personifies the experience associated with the task of bringing the process of activity to a meaningful, calm and fully conscious conclusion without artificial and useless prolongation, a task difficult not only in relation to death, but in any matter that needs to be brought to its logical conclusion.

    The soul is the granary where the harvest of our life cycles accumulates; this harvest is the substance of man's possible immortality in the spiritual body. When the barn is full, a person achieves personal immortality. He prolongs death, not by denying it, but by learning to die with meaning, like a plant that carries within itself the seeds of future fertility. Death is only a tragedy when it comes to a person in a state of fatigue and melancholy, that is, during a period of spiritual collapse.”

    This long quotation from D. Rudhyar's book on the twelfth house allows us to understand the alchemical function of the life cycle, that is, the cycle of houses.

    L. Winkler

    12th house Feminine, moral, subordinate to Neptune, enemies, adversaries, difficulties, complexes, neuroses, age, age-related diseases.

    The last house in the horoscope is related to enemies and adversaries (also to legal opponents - in litigation).

    Most of the old information given here is invalid; Thus, classical astrology associated the 12th house with restrictions on personal rights or one’s own freedom, with staying in prisons or closed institutions. For this reason, it was also called the "unlucky field". It really has more to do with the psychological aspects that hurt activism.

    We can establish relationships to personal difficulties, internal and external resistance, complexes and neuroses that make it difficult for the native to reach the outside world. These obstacles can also be due to age, since the 12th house, by its position as the last house of the horoscope, symbolizes completion and at the same time a return to origin, since it is in contact with the Ascendant and the first house.

    It is also associated with the end of life and corresponding phenomena: a decrease in vital energy, a tendency towards self-absorption and loneliness, mental difficulties and physical obstacles in the form of hereditary, chronic or long-term diseases, in addition, that maturity and naivety of old people that makes them look like children. In this sense, the motive of self-restraint, internal maturity, and detachment from the loud noise of everyday life is also given. The trend of “sacrifice”, social assistance and activities as nurses or in social welfare is also clearly visible.

    The twelfth house was formerly called "exilen" or "exile". Despite such harsh formulations, it was often defined as the motive of numerous obstacles, difficulties and resistance from the outside; so, “exams of fate” or “trials”.

    According to the latest observations, it symbolizes the large moral spheres of a person, while psychic abilities and talent are recognized, as well as the weakening of the material ability to realize. For this reason, vital energy is low when the planets are strongly positioned, and long hospital stays or repeated need for medical attention often occur.

    The exact designation for spiritually sociable and active people would be the designation “the way in,” while closed people here encounter “restrictions.”

    Esoterics. T. II

    12th house Malus demon, Malus genius (Evil demon, genius), Inimitsi (Enemies).

    Meaning. Falling house, relating to hostility, loss, restriction of freedom, chronic illness.

    Meaning in an individual horoscope

    1st third. Voluntary restriction of personal freedom. Mother-in-law, mother-in-law. Sadness, torment. Large animal in destiny. Profession in sensitive institutions, sanatoriums, monasteries. Trade of the first sibling, illness of the spouse, religiosity and long journeys of the father, death of the child, short trips of the mother, siblings of the mother.

    2nd third. Forced restriction of personal freedom, criminal trials, imprisonment, hospital, boarding school, secret enemies, theft, robbery, murder, envy, suicide, wife of an ally.

    3rd third. Adverse effects on personal energy.

    Meaning in the Mundane horoscope. Factories, asylum (secret emigration), humanity, secret intrigues, secret propaganda, reformist aspirations, places of detention, prisons, crime, enemies of the head of state.

    Meaning in the horary horoscope. The torment of the questioner, unfavorable influences on his fate. In other cases, as in an individual horoscope.

    12th house, Pisces, Jupiter, Neptune, Venus exalted.

    Denotes mental health in relation to other people, the health and growth of society as a whole, as opposed to the health and service of the individual in the 6th house. The 12th house and its associated horoscope factors speak of characteristic emotional reactions and a “pattern” of habits. The house is in charge of the subconscious - a pile of unconscious memories and emotional experiences. The pitfall of the 12th house is felt in the inhibition of feelings, the inability to unlearn unconscious habits and automatic reactions that are not suitable for the situation. This behavior is based on irrational unconscious reactions, regulated to obtain pleasure and avoid displeasure. Feedback from past mental experiences can lead to self-pity or withdrawal from everyday life. This tendency to retreat into the past is another pitfall of the 12th house that can lead to the illusion of life. Often the inner world of ideas and perceptions of reality does not correspond to physical reality, which is defined as madness and mental illness. The 12th house shows the area where a person makes mistakes most easily. On the other hand, the 12th house leads to wisdom and depth of understanding. The planets associated with Pisces relate to the emotional principle of love, and its highest expression is heartfelt sympathy (Venus exalted in Pisces). From this compassion arises generosity towards the disadvantaged (Jupiter).

    The 12th house can signify the path to mystical inspiration. The personality, with the help of the imaginary abilities of the soul (Neptune), is able to perceive the content of the higher planes of consciousness and is ready to perceive the wisdom descending from there. Opportunities to exhaust the riches of imagination develop creative abilities.

    In everyday life, the 12th house is associated with hospitals, an insane asylum, a prison, a closed space, a monastery, religious meditation centers, as well as all secluded places where karmic problems are worked out and communication with the inner layer of existence is possible.

    The 12th house governs unconscious memory and, therefore, is associated with karma. It stores memories of past deeds, good and evil, and connects us, consciously or unconsciously, with that which has a similar vibrational frequency. The 12th house also shows secret enemies, since through unconscious “patterns” of memories and unconscious telepathy we are connected with people who have been insulted in the past and who hurt us. An individual can break the bonds of the 12th house if he consciously accepts the limitations imposed on him by his karma. We can only reach the stage of consciousness and circumstances, the seed of which is already embedded in us. Thus, we are our own prisoners. Only by realizing these conditions and showing a willingness to correct them in ourselves can we step beyond the 12th house.

    F. Sakoyan, L. Ecker

    In the last house of the horoscope, a person comes face to face with the results of his activity or inactivity in previous houses or, better said, phases of the Cycle. Full-blooded successful completion of all lessons and experiences in the houses can mean enjoying relaxation, avoiding all difficult tasks, immersing yourself in memories, solitary writing of an autobiography, and finally, immersing yourself in dreams, meditation and nirvana.

    Dodging lessons and wasting time in previous homes can become an important reason for regret, melancholy, remorse, fears and mental stress on the last leg of the journey.

    At its worst, defiant behavior and nonconformity in 11 earlier homes lead to forced isolation and severe restrictions on personal freedom.

    However, in any case, the 12th house is the house of lack of freedom in the sense that active action in personal interests is impossible here. Throughout the entire Cycle of Houses, the individual principle, having appeared in the 1st house, plunges deeper and deeper into the social environment until it completely dissolves in the sea of ​​the collective, symbolized by the 12th house; to emerge from it again, but on a new turn. In the 12th house something happens through a person. It is not he who is active, but a transpersonal force with tasks inaccessible for the most part to the understanding of an ordinary person. A person simply feels the burden of a logically inexplicable obligation to humanity, society, the collective, etc. I sometimes call this the Mission.

    As you know, it is the latter that is remembered. The outcome of life and legacy, bequest to descendants is an important aspect of the 11th house. The plant dies and the seed falls into the soil.

    “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (John 12:24).

    Mysterious and intuitive, evil and karmic - the 12th house in astrology, Vayo bhava, which indicates losses, waste, losses, sorrows and disappointments. This is a strong bhava of Moksha, it directs a person to unlock the potential of the soul, spiritual liberation from ignorance and materialistic desires. Her lesson: only by developing spiritually, climbing up the steps, can the soul open up completely.

    12th house in astrology: losses and sorrows

    The 12th house in astrology is a strong dusthana (obstacle), where all planets deteriorate their qualities. It is believed that in this bhava the beneficial properties of the planets are “wasted.” In addition, the quality of the houses of those owners who are located in the 12th house deteriorates.

    Influence of planets in the 12th house on a person’s life

    To find out which planet is in your 12th house, you first need to draw up a natal chart. How to do this, read

    Sun- indicates weakness of character, indecision; it is difficult for such people to “keep their word” and follow the rules. They can often change activities, travel, live in secluded places, and “search for themselves.” Also indicates poor vision.

    Moon– often thoughtful, emotionally unbalanced people, can be overly sensitive and sad. This is especially true for women. But it also indicates a strong intuition that needs to be developed, and an interest in spiritual knowledge.

    Saturn– persistent people, but with a restless, nervous character, with frequent bouts of despondency and pessimism. Indicates an interest in yoga, qigong, spiritual practices, philosophy, and a desire for solitude. It can give problems with teeth, difficulties in relationships with people.

    Jupiter– overly generous people, which affects their financial affairs, “sometimes thick, sometimes empty,” spiritual, open. This position indicates that success and wealth await the person in his next life.

    Mars– a lot of energy and strength, sexual dissatisfaction, so they can often change partners, are unfaithful, suppress anger. For women – problems/difficulties with childbearing. For everyone - unreasonable financial investments and expenses.

    Mercury– gives a restless and fussy mind, large expenses, a tendency to accumulate debts. Also indicates problems with education (incomplete or only secondary), adultery. If Mercury is exalted, then the situation changes and these are educated, very intelligent and generous individuals.

    Venus– if she is strong and exalted, then this is very good. These are people who live in beauty and luxury; the partner may be a foreigner. In all other positions, it indicates mystery, a tendency to deception, sexual adventures, but also frequent pious actions.

    Rahu– gives interest in occult sciences (it is important not to overdo it!), mysterious knowledge, and a thirst for travel. Yoga, qigong, spiritual practices, and learning foreign languages ​​are recommended for such people. Indicates sexual dissatisfaction, long trips, and also leads to poor vision.

    Ketu– causes problems in the sexual sphere, insomnia, and large senseless expenses. Also indicates difficult communication with other people.

    Despite the karmic and evil nature of the twelfth house, it predetermines and shows our life in future incarnations. That is, it gives hope for spiritual growth, liberation and revival of our soul.

    You can learn how to correctly draw up your natal chart + basic interpretations at a free online master class. Register

    12th house in astrology: how to harmonize it

    • You can smooth out the negative influence of the twelfth house if you read or listen to mantras for the planets that are located there and for the owner of the 12th house.
    • The karaka of this house is Saturn, therefore the mantras of this planet are also favorable.
    • Spiritual yoga, qigong exercises, and understanding the basics of these practices are very useful.
    • It is important to develop inner satisfaction and humility, fight despondency, and develop spiritually.
    • Serving and helping the sick harmonize the qualities of this home.
    • Trips to monasteries, temples, “places of power”, pilgrimages.
    • Rest and fasting on Saturdays, solitude for prayer or meditation.

    If you are interested in this topic, as well as any other Vedic astrology, send us a private message on VKontakte

    The 12th house contains information about a person’s secrets, about what he wants to hide from prying eyes, which is dictated by fears, or rather the fear of an aggressive reaction or loss of social position. This could be his sexual interests, preferences, contacts, and maybe concealing his relationship (for political reasons).

    But in general, the 12th house of the birth horoscope represents the following information:

    1. The hidden side of life. What a person hides from prying eyes, from strangers. These are his hidden sexual contacts, hidden love, friendship (due to the fact that such relationships in one way or another contradict accepted cultural dogmas and orders). But in any case, it is characteristic that there is a factor of the need to hide something.
    2. Secrets and mysteries to be faced. Attempts and ways to resolve them, the search for truth. Encounter with mysticism. Resorts, beaches, places where you can relax, recuperate, and not work for a while.
    3. Vacations, rest periods. Sanatoriums, dispensaries, resorts, beaches, places where you can relax, recuperate, and not work for a while.
    4. Periods of unemployment and inactivity.
    5. Tendency or disinclination to voluntary isolation, solitude for the purpose of immersion in creativity or relaxation. Other methods of voluntary isolation or unwillingness to isolate and attempts to avoid solitude.
    6. Possible dropout from social processes. Including, for example, due to living in a small remote village.
    7. Forced isolation. Restriction or loss of freedom and independence. Places of isolation: hospital bed, disability, psychiatric hospital, prison, monastery, captivity. The positions of the elements of the 12th house answer the burning question: whether or not a person faces imprisonment or loss of independence.
    8. Any factors and situations that in one way or another impose restrictions on a person’s life and his actions.
    9. Secret enemies. Suffering and loss from enemies. The strength or weakness of enemies, their intransigence or the conclusion of peace. Victory over enemies or losing to them.
    10. Risk of being harmed by crime. Degree of protection from violence.

    In this case, everything depends on the nature of the planets determined in the 12th house and their configurations, as well as the configurations of the planets to its cusp.

    Planets in the 12th house

    Sun placed in 12th house or in square with its cusp, warns of dangerous and influential enemies who can cause a lot of harm. At the same time, the conjunction of the Sun with Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Pluto foreshadows numerous trials and a difficult fate. And the square, opposition, semi or sesquiquadrate of the Sun to Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Pluto directly means restriction or deprivation of freedom: imprisonment, a monastery, a psychiatric hospital, as well as violence and coercion. On the New Moon, the square or opposition of the Sun (from the 12th house or in square with its cusp) to Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto foreshadows captivity.

    Moon located in the 12th house or in configuration with its cusp, indicates a desire for voluntary isolation, impracticality, inability and ineptitude in everyday matters. In case of conjunction, square, opposition, semi or sesquiquadrate with Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, hospital isolation, long-term illnesses, and mental disorders are threatened.

    Mercury in the 12th house, warns of numerous enemies, threatening intrigue, betrayal. But in a configuration with Venus, Jupiter or Chiron, the enemies will turn out to be harmless and will not be able to cause harm; they will be able to be defeated and their honor restored. Success in defeating enemies.

    Venus in the 12th house or in configuration with its cusp, protects from troubles and misfortunes. It saves from enemies, and in the absence of quadratures and oppositions it directly indicates their absence. In this position in the Natal chart, Venus removes troubles and misfortunes from a person, allowing him to safely avoid dangers. However, by occupying this house, Venus directly and directly testifies to a hidden sexual life or the inability to be with a loved one.

    Mars in the 12th house of the horoscope or in square with its cusp, in itself means violence and coercion that will inevitably be encountered. Often indicates a physically weak body. And in conjunction, square, opposition, semi or sesquiquadratic with the Sun, Moon or Mercury - to ridicule and mockery. Conjunction, square, opposition, semi or sesquiquadrate of Mars to Saturn indicates physical handicap, disability, impending loneliness, lifelong isolation in a medical institution; and if the position of Mars or Saturn is in exile or decline, or additionally in square or opposition with the Sun or Moon - to commit a crime, imprisonment.

    Conjunction, square, opposition, semi or sesquiquadrate of Mars with Neptune means deception, betrayal, accidents, even serious injuries with loss of organs, disability; faces imprisonment, violence and bullying in the army or prisons; there is a tendency towards crime. Conjunction, square, opposition, semi- or sesquiquadrate with Uranus or Pluto indicate criminal tendencies, a life full of violence. A square or opposition with Jupiter leads to poverty, a difficult financial situation, and loss from social processes due to moving to a remote village.

    Jupiter located in the 12th house or in configuration with its cusp, protects against anything bad that can happen. A person with such Jupiter in the Birth Horoscope unexpectedly successfully extricates himself from difficult situations, he manages to avoid dangers. Fate protects him. Life will be calm, without shocks. With conjunction, sextile, trine with the Sun, Mercury, Venus or Chiron, secret help from friends, from connections with secret groups. Square or opposition with Mars or Saturn - long-term illness or disability, lack of luck, gray life.

    Saturn in the 12th house or in square with its cusp, in itself foreshadows a difficult and unhappy fate. With this position of Saturn, a talent is manifested to make enemies and ill-wishers, moreover, evil and stubborn enemies, capable of causing a lot of harm. Even with the harmonious position of Saturn, loneliness threatens. And any square or opposition for such a Saturn foreshadows the loss of freedom and independence, violence and coercion, prison, hospital or psychiatric hospital, or life as a hermit. Conjunction, square, opposition, semi or sesquiquadrate with the Sun indicates long-term imprisonment, other forced isolation, pain, long suffering. The conjunction, square, opposition, semi or sesquiquadrate of Saturn with the Moon or Neptune leads to a madhouse. Conjunction, square, opposition, semi or sesquiquadrate of Saturn with Uranus indicates impending shame, loss of honor, humiliation, the fate of an outcast. A square, opposition, semi or sesquiquadrate of Saturn with Mars or Pluto brings into a person’s life violence and coercion, enemies among criminal elements. The square or opposition of Saturn with Mercury is an eternal victim of thefts and robberies.

    Uranus in the 12th house or in square with its cusp, in itself brings enemies closer, full of activity and desire to harm. Dangers from gossip and intrigue. Unexpected fatalities, blows of fate in the form of loss of freedom and independence, injuries, disability, imprisonment. A square, opposition, semi or sesquiquadrate with the Sun threatens with powerful enemies who will mock a person, portends a lot of anxiety and unrest, sudden changes for the worse. A square, opposition, semi or sesquiquadrate of Uranus with Mars indicates enemies in criminal structures, portends violence and coercion, reprisals from enemies, public humiliation. Conjunction, square, opposition, semi or sesquiquadrate Uranus with Saturn is the worst sign: it predetermines long-term or lifelong isolation, complete lack of rights, violence from enemies and complete dependence on them.

    Neptune or Pluto in the 12th house, foreshadow a collision with paranormal phenomena, secrets, riddles. This position in the Natal chart refines the nervous system, activates “dormant” areas of the brain, and opens up the hidden capabilities of the brain and psyche: extrasensory abilities, premonitions, hypnosis, telepathy.

    Chiron in the 12th house, directs the search for the secrets of existence, philosophizing, research, analysis and knowledge of the laws of Nature. Brings victory over enemies. In the absence of squares and oppositions, with the exception of his constellation in Gemini or Scorpio, he generally guarantees that enemies and ill-wishers will lose their strength and even want friendship. Chiron in the 12th house is an indicator of a double life (for example, when a public figure hides his personal life from everyone; acting, espionage activities; life in two families).

    The house of location of the ruler of the 12th house indicates a sphere, a side of life in which enemies are present.

    The 12th house has an associative correspondence with the sign of Pisces. And again a stupor arises: is it possible for Jupiter, with his beneficent essential nature, as the ruler of Pisces, to be the dispositor of the fatal XII field? After all, in fact, the 12th house is a kind of window for the most destructive, fatal and unlucky cosmic flows. What's the logic?

    Jupiter is definitely the dispositor over the 12th house. The deep law of the Universe is the law of balance and the law of dependence of everything on everything. According to this law, in the Universe such concepts as Good and Evil are not absolute, but relative definitions. Relative to each other: Good exists only because there is Evil, the antipode of Good, the other pole, the possibility of comparison arises. And this tandem of Evil - Good must be in eternal balance, otherwise the concepts themselves will cease to exist as such. Therefore, when one thing becomes abundant, its antipode inevitably begins to arise in it. Yin-Yang emblem. According to the law of balance, benefic Jupiter balances the negativity of the 12th house.

    On the other hand, in fact, not all events that come into life through the 12th house are destructive and negative! The fact that it is necessary to hide friendships or love relationships from the public or just strangers (due to the fact that they contradict accepted cultural dogmas) is strong evidence of the seriousness of the relationship and strong feelings. Which is certainly a very positive factor in life. And this happens in most of these cases. Which is understandable: otherwise, what’s the point of expending effort? And secret help in various life situations, such as conflicts, is always significant and always useful.

    In general, it should be noted that hidden friends become in situations where people really like each other, there is a strong spiritual attraction between them and a desire to participate, but due to social reasons (job responsibilities, other activities) they cannot afford direct regular communication, but they also value their relationships with each other - and this results in mutual assistance in difficult situations. Secret connections also include connections and contacts with influential people who can also help in difficult life situations.

    Thus, in the 12th house, Jupiter’s task of protecting is fully realized. That is, the more developed nobility, devotion, reliability, and willingness to help (favorable qualities laid down by Jupiter) are in a person’s character, the greater his chances of receiving protection and support. Jupiter, harmonious and strong, without squares or oppositions, in configuration with the Ascendant or Meridian, indicates a noble person, highly respected by friends, and having hidden well-wishers, previously conquered by the nobility and friendliness of his nature.

    And the flawed Jupiter, when it is in decline or expulsion, in square, opposition, half and sesquiquadrate to Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Pluto indicates an arrogant, boastful, self-centered, self-willed and frankly narrow-minded nature - as a result of which it is capable of killing with its selfish behavior any warm feelings and sympathy for one’s person, foreshadowing in the end the complete absence of loved ones and the fact that there will be nowhere to wait for help.

    And more about support. The 12th house is accentuated among people who receive social benefits for a long time (unemployment, disability). This kind of help is also associated with the protective function of Jupiter.

    This evidence categorically demonstrates the correctness of the judgment about the disposition of Jupiter over the 12th house. As the dispositor of the 12th house, Jupiter allows a person to escape from everyday tasks, from the need to solve some everyday issues. Jupiter is able to free a person from solving everyday problems, giving him opportunities for philosophical search, creativity, spiritual growth, and scientific activity.

    Neptune, the second dispositor of the 12th house, is already directly related to its immediate situations - loss of freedom and independence, restrictions, loss from social processes (unemployment, alcoholism, drugs, mental disorders). Prosperous events that occur during the dynamic unfolding of the Birth Horoscope in time (using the method of directions and progressions), as well as those caused by transits of elements - related to the 12th house - are periods of rest, interesting and exciting trips to resorts, beaches, excursions to other countries.

    In Astrology 12, the natal house of the horoscope is the sphere of dissolution. A place that is almost unconnected with a person’s everyday life, which is probably why it is the most incomprehensible house, but it plays an important role.

    Astrologically corresponds to the sign of the Zodiac and is under the patronage. The meaning of this house is the dissolution of our personality, this is what is called complete adaptation with society, or rather not with society, but with the very essence of human society. Without this house the existence of collective energies would be impossible.

    Yes, this is a place of “average hospital temperatures”, but at the same time it is the connecting link of all humanity. So, a thermometer has divisions on its scale that cover no more than 10 degrees Celsius. Yes, this is very general information from a personal point of view, but it is absolutely general for all people.

    The twelfth house of the horoscope allows humanity to remain a single whole, although this process is always very painful for an individual. In this field of the natal chart, we learn to feel the society in which we live, to feel its energy, fears, inspiration, connection with higher powers, with the forces of nature itself and the Universe.

    In relation to the 12th natal house, an individual behaves like a capricious child; she really does not want to give away what she has cultivated in herself, what she considers truly hers, what has helped her grow in the eyes of society. It's like throwing the last piece of copper into a common cauldron.

    This horoscope field teaches a person gratuitous sacrifice, self-denial for the sake of the common good or for the sake of realizing one’s own connection with higher forces, which in essence are the very collective unconscious where each person throws his “copper patch”.

    People who consider themselves successful in life, have a powerful Ego, and value their own merits to society, as a rule, are very sensitive to manifestations of the 12th house, which requires them to part with everything connected with their own personality.

    People who are unlucky with personal growth in society, abandoned, deceived, disappointed, who have lost the meaning of life and the value of their own personality, look for support and reassurance in the 12th natal house, connecting with the common collective energies, such people draw strength for themselves, gain new ones meanings.

    In Astrology, it is customary to associate the twelfth field of the horoscope with monasteries, prisons, psychiatric clinics, hospitals, as well as with anomalous zones, popularly called “places of power.” The church, as a place of communication with God, is also the 12th house. However, one should not confuse the church as a place of performing rituals, this is the 8th house, or as a place of gaining ideology (this is the 9th house). The church of the twelfth house is a silent communication with higher powers that does not require outside intervention.

    The events of this place in the natal chart are mysterious and mystical, hidden from prying eyes. These events are incomprehensible to the person himself and, even more so, incomprehensible to the people around him, since each individual connects to the general field in a completely unique way. For some, this connection occurs through art, for others through professional activity, for some through altered states of consciousness, through spiritual practices, some need guides, others themselves are a guide to the unreal world of dreams.

    This house is very often associated with all sorts of restrictions, with fasting, abstinence, imprisonment, this is one of the favorite places for those who adore all kinds of boundaries. However, such restrictions are only a tool that helps the individual move beyond the boundaries of his own body, beyond the boundaries of conscious perception.

    People with a pronounced 12th natal house are surrounded throughout their lives by strange events that do not fit into the usual idea of ​​reality. Subconsciously, such people feel a connection with the entire Universe, with all of humanity; they can experience emotional experiences that have nothing to do with their own personality, but are connected with any major events in the world, country, or team.

    Quite typical is the manifestation of the twelfth field of the horoscope among people who work with the souls of people, these are psychologists and psychiatrists, narcologists and anesthesiologists, spiritual teachers, actors, magicians, as well as all kinds of secret organizations in the form of closed clubs and special services.

    Where the ruler of this house is located, strange and incomprehensible situations will always arise. Through these points on the map, complex situations will penetrate into our lives related to the need to understand and understand the reason for what is happening, but this will very rarely end in success, but rather will lead us further and further from understanding, plunging us into the abyss of the unconscious.

    Despite this, the ruler of the 12th house of the horoscope does not have the goal of casting fog on the house where he is located, but rather, on the contrary, it is through this place that he tries to establish a connection with the ghostly world, his task is to unravel the mysteries of our own personality, to identify ways of communication with our Higher Self.

    The 12th house of the natal chart is the most unconscious, i.e. a person, even fully living in this house, may not understand this at all, living as if on autopilot. Some oddities in his life may become commonplace. This is a place of inspiration, and a strange inspiration that comes on the edge of reality and disconnection from oneself. Many people in the arts have used and continue to use this house to “call the muse” by taking drugs, alcohol or other ways of disconnecting from their own personality. Plunging into the ocean of the collective unconsciously, a person can begin to feel something that is not typical for him, reacting to the general vibrations of individual egregors or all of humanity.

    Very often the twelfth house of the horoscope is associated with plagiarism, which is quite understandable; a person may simply not see the difference between his own and something else’s personal. “Twelve-Homers” can live not only from other people’s feelings, but also from other people’s thoughts and insights, so cases of all kinds of discoveries using these energies are not uncommon; one of the famous myths is the myth about the periodic system, seen by Mendeleev in a dream.

    The position of the ruler of the 12th natal field of the horoscope indicates the place where we have a connection with higher powers. This is where we connect to collective energies. And even, at first glance, the most realistic houses can be a door to the world of the unknown. For example, the house of finance and personal material property, the location of the ruler of the 12th house in the 2nd, can bring into a person’s life various material objects that inspire him to turn on the energy of Neptune, individual objects of a mystical nature that promote meditative states.

    Or such inclusions occur against the background of attempts to earn money, increase one’s material wealth; a person may encounter people or circumstances that bring secrets or situations into his life that require specific solutions, for example, in the form of undergoing spiritual practices.

    Symbolizes the Zodiac sign Pisces, natural ruler - Neptune

    The meaning of the twelfth house of the natal chart: the desire for the eternal, the feeling of one’s exclusivity and connection with the world.

    The twelfth house in astrology is associated with the desire to merge with the whole. Deep down we realize that our true essence is limitless and immortal, therefore connection with the absolute is the meaning of the twelfth house of the horoscope.

    The energy of this house is transformed into a mystical desire to merge with the divine. However, this desire gives rise to conflict, since one part of our personality wants to experience the bliss of nirvana, while the other is afraid of the unknown.

    Characteristics of the twelfth house

    The last house, it contains a little bit of the meaning of all the previous houses, so it is the most difficult to characterize. On the one hand, this is the end of the cycle, which symbolizes completion. On the other hand, it is located just above the horizon and is the first to greet the rays of dawn, marking the beginning of a new cycle.

    The twelfth house of the horoscope is associated with the sign of Pisces and the planet Neptune. In the symbol of the sign of Pisces, two fish swim in different directions, personifying the internal conflict of nature. On the one hand, we strive to get rid of loneliness, on the other, we do not want to lose our individuality. As we begin to recognize ourselves as part of humanity, we will learn to feel more deeply into the feelings of other people, although blurring the boundaries between ourselves and others can be confusing.

    Due to the special position of the twelfth house in the natal chart, its energy can be very sensitive to childhood experiences. If this energy seems threatening, the ego will push it into the subconscious. But these hidden fears will eventually be reborn in complexes or events that undermine our strength. Because of this, the house is associated with poor health and secret enemies. However, by renouncing the ego and sacrificing some of its most cherished prejudices, we can assimilate the energy of the twelfth house and set new goals for ourselves.

    People with a noticeable influence of the twelfth house in the natal chart can be healers, martyrs, saviors who are always trying to understand the motives of another and help him, and at the same time, themselves. A large number of planets in the twelfth house may indicate a lack of purpose in life. The favorable placement of planets in this house symbolizes the qualities that a person acquired during past lives and indicates merit in past incarnations.